#lady mechanika dame sans merci
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towritecomicsonherarms · 1 year ago
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Lady Mechanika: La Belle Dame sans Merci #1
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lobocomicsandtoys · 6 years ago
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Written by Joe Benitez and M. M. Chen Art by Joe Benitez and Martin Montiel Cover art by Joe Benitez
Lady Mechanika and Winifred try to rescue Mr. Lewis from the clutches of the Belle Dame but discover he has no desire to leave. Will forcing him away cause more harm than leaving him under her otherworldly influence?  The shocking conclusion to La Belle Dame sans Merci! 
Available at Lobo Comics & Toys this coming Wednesday, 10/31/2018
visit us on facebook, google+, blogspot, our eBay store, and our website
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thirdeyecomics · 7 years ago
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THIRD EYE PICKS OF THE WEEK: LADY MECHANIKA DAME SANS MERCI #2 - Lady Mechanika’s investigation of her forgotten past leads her into a deadly ambush, and her usually reliable associate Mr. Lewis is nowhere to be found. What could have happened to Mr. Lewis that he should abandon his best friend in her time of need? And how will Lady Mechanika manage to escape the trap all on her own? Wanna get on board with one of our favorite comics? This newest incarnation of LADY MECHANIKA is a great place to start, and we’ve got issue #1 in stock to get you caught up!
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comixology · 7 years ago
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Lady Mechanika's investigation of her forgotten past leads her into a deadly ambush, and her usually reliable associate Mr. Lewis is nowhere to be found!
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st-just · 2 years ago
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Lady Mechanika, La Belle Dame Sans Merci by Miguel Mercado
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signourneybooks · 6 years ago
Lady Mechanika Volume 5: La Belle Dame Sans Merci // Book Review
Lady Mechanika volume 5 deals with grief and friendship.
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Thank you to Netgalley and Diamond Book Distributors for the review copy in exchange for an honest review. This does not change my opinion in any way.
 Book: La Belle Dame Sans Merci (Lady Mechanika Volume 5) by M.M. Chen and Joe Benitez Release Date: May 14th 2019 Tags: Graphic Novel / Steampunk / Sci-fi / Fantasy / Faires / Diversity / Mental Health / Grief Trigger Warnings: Alcoholism Other…
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neverwasmag · 4 years ago
Lady Mechanika, Volume 5: La Belle Dame Sans Merci
Lady Mechanika returns for another magnificent adventure in Volume 5: La Belle Dame Sans Merci
Lady Mechanika returns for a search into her mysterious past. This time, she finally has a few resounding clues thanks to the help of her close friends and allies, Archibald Lewis and Inspector Singh. As was to be expected, the search is difficult at best and perilous at worst. To top it all off, Mr Lewis finds himself in a spot of mortal trouble. The chronological sixth volume in the series…
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steampunktendencies · 7 years ago
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Lady Mechanika, La Belle Dame Sans Merci by Miguel Mercado 
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zan77 · 6 years ago
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Lady Mechanika: La Belle Dame Sans Merci #1 variant cover by Miguel Mercado
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lobocomicsandtoys · 7 years ago
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Lady Mechanika's investigation of her forgotten past leads her into a deadly ambush, and her usually reliable associate Mr. Lewis is nowhere to be found.  What could have happened to Mr. Lewis that he should abandon his best friend in her time of need?  And how will Lady Mechanika manage to escape the trap all on her own?  Ships with two covers in a 50/50 distribution. 
Available at Lobo Comics & Toys this coming Wednesday, 08/29/2018
visit us on facebook, google+, blogspot, our eBay store, and our website
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manfrommars2049 · 7 years ago
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Lady Mechanika, La Belle Dame Sans Merci by Miguel Mercado via ImaginarySteampunk
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sabinerich · 7 years ago
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Lady Mechanika: la belle dame sans merci 1. Collectors Exclusive for Original Comics. Got to do the colours on this piece of @eljoebenitez and Montiel. You can get it from here https://www.originalcomics.fr/2433-benitez-production #ladymechanika #comics #originalcomics #steampunk #sabinerich #paris
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mk1comics · 6 years ago
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New Comics Day should be Thursday 2nd of May this week..  Arrival announcements will be made on the Counter Blog as usual http://blog.mk1.co.nz/tagged/counter-status . The full shipment cover gallery can be found here http://blog.mk1.co.nz/COVERGALLERY   Highlights have been chosen below..     
Just a headsup for re the MK1 ecommerce website  - we will be disabling the ecommerce site on Saturday May 4th between 9am and 5pm - Free Comic Book Day is a very busy day at the shop and we can't guarantee  grabbing web purchases from the shelf whilst so many shoppers are in store.  Keep an eye out for details of our traditional Online Free Comic Book Day - usually held one month after the in store one - details to be confirmed.
AGE OF X-MAN PRISONER X #3 (OF 5) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAR190940
AMAZING SPIDER-MAN BY NICK SPENCER TP VOL 03 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/FEB190997
BATMAN #70 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAR190487
BATMAN TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES III #1 (OF 6) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAR190456
BLACK PANTHER KILLMONGER TP BY ANY MEANS https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/FEB190990
BLOODBORNE TP VOL 02 HEALING THIRST (MR) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/NOV181988
CHAMPIONS #5 WR https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAR190823
COSMIC GHOST RIDER DESTROYS MARVEL HISTORY #3 (OF 6) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAR190886
DCEASED #1 (OF 6) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAR190464
DCS YEAR OF THE VILLAIN #1 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAR190460
DOCTOR STRANGE BY MARK WAID TP VOL 02 REMITTANCE https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/FEB190996
FROM HELL MASTER EDITION #5 (MR) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAR190741
GOGOR #1 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAR190024
GREEN LANTERN #7 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAR190517
JUSTICE LEAGUE #23 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAR190525
LADY MECHANIKA TP VOL 05 LA BELLE DAME SANS MERCI https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAR191527
MAD ABOUT THE TRUMP ERA TP https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/FEB190596
MAN WITHOUT FEAR TP DEATH OF DAREDEVIL https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/FEB190991
MARVEL ACTION SPIDER-MAN #3 OSSIO https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/NOV180603
MARVEL TALES AVENGERS #1 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAR190842
MARVEL TEAM-UP #2 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAR190919
MEET THE SKRULLS #4 (OF 5) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAR190883
OLIVIA TWIST HC HONOR AMONG THIEVES  https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/DEC180405
SAVAGE AVENGERS #1 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAR190757
SONIC THE HEDGEHOG ANNUAL 2019  https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/JAN190811
STAR WARS AOR HAN SOLO #1 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAR190967
STAR WARS ORIGINAL MARVEL YEARS #50 FACSIMILE EDITION https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/JAN199433
STRANGER THINGS TP VOL 01 OTHER SIDE  https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/JAN190427
TRANSFORMERS #4  https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/FEB190708
TRUE BELIEVERS AVENGERS ORIGIN OF MANTIS #1 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAR190849
TRUE BELIEVERS HULK WEDDING OF RICK JONES #1 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAR190850
TRUE BELIEVERS STAR WARS DARTH MAUL #1 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAR190956
TRUE BELIEVERS STAR WARS EWOKS #1 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAR190954
TRUE BELIEVERS STAR WARS REBEL JAIL #1 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAR190957
TRUE BELIEVERS STAR WARS THRAWN #1 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAR190955
UMBRELLA ACADEMY PLAYING CARDS  https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/DEC180427
UNDER THE MOON A CATWOMAN TALE TP DC INK https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/JAN190554
WALKING DEAD #191 (MR) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAR190255
WAR OF REALMS #3 (OF 6) WR https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAR190765
WAR OF REALMS STRIKEFORCE DARK ELF REALM #1 WR https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAR190780
WONDER WOMAN & JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK WITCHING HOUR HC https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/FEB190620
YOUNG JUSTICE #5 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAR190562
Next Week's Schedule  has been announced here  https://www.previewsworld.com/Article/228783-PREVIEWSworlds-New-Releases-For-582019
Highlights: BATMAN AND THE OUTSIDERS #1 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAR190467 , EXCELLENCE #1  https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAR190016 , STAR WARS AOR BOBA FETT #1 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAR190963 and WAR OF REALMS NEW AGENTS OF ATLAS #1 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAR190793
  How To Set Up a Standing Order with MK1: 1.Let us know the title(s) you want.. 2. Choose Hold In Store or Delivery. 3. If Delivery choose when you want them sent. That’s it! We’ll handle the rest and fine tune the order once we are under way. Contact us by reply or  here to set a standing order up http://blog.mk1.co.nz/contact .   
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ael59 · 5 years ago
Lady Mechanika T.6 : La belle dame sans merci
Lady Mechanika T.6 : La belle dame sans merci
Lady Mechanika progresse dans la recherche de son passé perdu. Mais pour le moment, ses pensées sont tournées vers M. Lewis, dont le comportement est devenu subitement irrationnel, voire potentiellement dangereux, depuis sa rencontre avec une jeune veuve. Lady Mechanika enquête sur l’identité et les intentions de cette femme aussi belle qu’énigmatique.
Dans ce…
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oosteven-universe · 6 years ago
Lady Mechanika La Belle Dame Sans Merci #3
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Lady Mechanika La Belle Dame Sans Merci #3 Joe Benitez Productions 2018 Written by M.M. Chen & Joe Benitez Pencilled by Joe Benitez & Martin Montiel Inked by Studio J-13 Coloured by Beth Sotelo Lettered by Michael Heisler     Lady Mechanika and Winifred try to rescue Mr. Lewis from the clutches of the Belle Dame but discover he has no desire to leave. Will forcing him away cause more harm than leaving him under her otherworldly influence? The shocking conclusion to La Belle Dame sans Merci!     This is one of the few series that never ceases to amaze and thrill me on such a consistent basis. The characters, the city and the stories are so rich and ripe with potential. The mystery surrounding Mechanika and her creation is something that drives her forward and usually on her own as this lone wolf persona is predictable but the fact that Marcia and Joe keep having these folks in her life whom she keeps getting closer to negate that loner aspect. The characterisation here is so utterly marvellous and the fact that we see so much of their personalities on display just keeps making them more and more accessible.     The way that this has been structured is amazing and while it all comes out in the wash as they say getting there however is most of the fun. Lady Mechanika has been so wrapped up in her own thing this arc while Lewis has been seduced by a Fairy and only Fred seems to have grasped the severity of the situation. Of course Lewis is her uncle and is supposed to be taking care of her so naturally his continued absence would be cause for alarm. Also Fred’s mechanical teddy bear yeah he reminds me of Muffy the Daggit only much easier to understand gets some great characterisation.      This issue felt completely different to me than what I am used to, perhaps it was due to the fact that everyone seemed so separate during the first two issues and now it’s all coming together. Or it’s that Fred is just unstoppable and her knowledge and ability in deduction and investigation. There’s a passion here in what Fred is doing and a determination that we’re seeing in her for the first time and that ignites this fire within you as a reader and that feels great.     I am going to rave about the interiors here and I am just in awe of what we see. The attention to detail is mind blowing as everywhere you look there’s something to stare at and admire. I would have been happy with just a strong use of backgrounds but they do take that a step further and even use the panel borders in this creative way which goes with the contrast of the page around so that there really isn’t any white to be found. The manipulation of the linework through it’s varying weights shows that there isn’t anyone close to matching this level of talent. The utilisation of the page layouts and how we see the angles and perspective in the panels shows off one hell of an eye for storytelling.     The way that this series is layered with so many different avenues to be played out with some here and others long running throughout all the arcs is spectacularly well done. Also the fact that long-time readers will love that it has that serial feel to it it’s also new reader friendly. Each arc however will almost certainly create a desire in the reader to find the rest to read as well. Then of course there is the steampunk aspect which permeates the book and it’s done in this way that you almost miss it. With the way the city looks and how everything is laid out it just feels like a part of the city, which is a character unto itself. ​     The is superbly written with wonderful layers upon layers of story wrapped up in some of the most intricate, delicate looking and stunning interior artwork. This really is award winning worthy work.
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sswarehouse-blog1 · 7 years ago
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(DVD Box Art by Bill Sienkiewicz.) I've been on a Venture Bros. deep dive. The only thing I can trace it back to is thinking about heading up to New York Comic Con in October, where five years ago I saw the best panel I've ever attended, Let's All Smoking, hosted by show creator Jackson Publick and his main man Doc Hammer. Whatever it was, I've been rewatching the whole series from the beginning (if you don't like that episode, you don't like one of my all-time Top 5 moments of TV), reading all of the behind the scenes junk on every episode in the Go Team Venture art book from Dark Horse, and completing my 8" Biff Bang Pow figure collection.
The two things that have struck me the most are 1) how many comic people were involved (Power of Shazam's Mike Manley, The Tick's Ben Edlund, Black Canary's Annie Wu, the legendary Bill Sienkiewicz), yet no comics were ever created for it even though Jackson Publick originally planned to do the series as a comic and 2) I wish we had done more of an Astrobase Go aesthetic with the store's decor and our personalities.
Also, I'll be at Geeksboro Battle Pub's Totally Free Craft Fair on Saturday, August 25th from 11 AM - 3:30 PM testing out our wares for Greensboro Comicon, so come by if you'd like first crack at a deal on comics or toys and grab a plate of the best tater tots in town!
The following titles are scheduled for release on Wednesday, August 29th excluding some re-orders and providing nothing changes by the time the final invoice arrives on Monday:
Amazing Spider-man Venom Epic Collection TP
Baby Sitters Club TP vol. 6
Batgirl #26 - variant cover by Joshua Middleton, in a completely different style than we've seen from him lately!
Batgirl Annual #2
Batman A Lot of Li'l Gotham TP - collecting the entire 12-issue all-ages series from inker Derek Fridolfs and acclaimed artist Dustin Nguyen!
Beyonders #1
Blackwood #4 - final issue!
Bone Parish #2
Brothers Dracul #5
Captain America Promised Land TP
Catwoman Tweety & Sylvester Special #1
Cyberforce #5
Daredevil Annual #1
Deadpool Assassin #6 - final issue!
Edge of Spider-Geddon #2 - revisiting Gerard Way's Sp//dr from the original Spider-Verse!
Euthanauts #2
Exiles #7
Extermination #2
Fantastic Four #1 - reprinting the landmark first issue of the World's Greatest Comic Magazine exactly as it originally appeared, including the ads!
G.I. Joe A Real American Hero #255 - celebrating 100 issues in it's modern, revived run at IDW!
Harbinger Wars 2 #4 - final issue!
Harley & Ivy Meet Betty & Veronica HC
Harley Quinn & Gossamer Special #1
Hillbilly Red-Eyed Witchery From Beyond #1
House Amok #1
Hunt for Wolverine Dead Ends #1
I Hate Fairyland TP vol. 4
Isola #5
Jim Henson Fraggle Rock #4
Joker & Daffy Duck Special #1
Judas TP
Judge Dredd Under Siege #4 - final issue!
La Muerta Retribution #1
Lady Mechanika Dame Sans Merci #2
Lex Luthor & Porky Pig Special #1
Marvel Two-in-One #9
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Shattered Grid #1 - featuring a holofoil cover appropriate for the conclusion of the biggest MMPR event of all time!
Modern Fantasy #3
Moon Knight #198
Ms. Marvel #33
My Little Pony Ponyville Mysteries #4
New Gods by Jack Kirby TP
New Mutants Dead Souls #6 - final issue!
New World #2
Nightwing Annual #1
Penny Dreadful #11
Previews #360
Red Hood & the Outlaws Annual #2
Red Sonja #20
Rick & Morty #41
Rick & Morty & Dungeons & Dragons #1
Runaways #12
Scarlet #1
Silencer Annual #1
Star Wars Adventures #13
Star Wars Lando Double or Nothing #4
Star Wars Last Jedi Adaptation TP
Star Wars Poe Dameron Annual #2
Starcraft Scavangers #2
Superior Spider-man Complete TP vol. 2
Swashbucklers Saga Continues #5
Tank Girl All Stars #3
TMNT Bebop & Rocksteady Hit the Road #5 - final issue!
Transformers Bumblebee Movie Prequel #3
Venom First Host #1
Walk Through Hell #4
Wayward #28
Wed of Ve-Nam #1
X-23 #3
X-Files Case Files Hoot Goes There #2 - final issue!
X-Men Blue #34
X-Men Grand Design Second Genesis #2 - final issue!
X-O Manowar #18
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