#lady liligant
theangrycomet · 2 years
Where were the other nobles during Akari’s battle with Volo.
@pokedokiecentral made this point with Lady Sneasler- but the other Nobles LOVE Akari. Half of them decided on SIGHT that she was worthy of not only their aid but the Arceus plates they were assigned to protect. The other half she freed from an incredibly painful frenzied state so they at the very least appreciate her actions enough to check in on the kid every once in a while.
We know their wardens couldn’t/wouldn’t help Akari during the whole “world is ending and the sky is being torn asunder” thing but that didn’t stop them from helping her (seeing as she could still call on them for help.
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(for the request thing) sometimes i wonder how Volo would feel/react if someone (like arceus’s chosen 👀) took a blow for him from a wild Pokemon or another person. From his perspective, Volo doesn’t have anyone in Hisui that cares about his wellbeing, and the game alludes to him having a troubled and lonely past, and with him having planned on erasing all life in Hisui in pursuit of his desires, would he feel guilt if someone showed him a level of care that would make them sacrifice their safety for his, when he was ready to potentially sacrifice them for his own sake when it came to Arceus?
(also wanna say ive loved your fics on Ao3, so talented <3)
(also on ao3)
You really prefer not to die in front of other people.
The edges of your vision darken as you shove Volo aside, taking the full force of the Alpha Vespiqueen’s attack. You manage the subdue your attacker with a well-aimed sticky glob and ultra ball, but not before suffering an undoubtedly fatal blow.
The consummate merchant comes to you at once, leaning over your fallen body with an oddly indecipherable expression. Usually Volo is abundantly obvious with his feelings, whether he’s passionately rambling about ruins or earnestly praising your efforts as the hero of Hisui. But the man you see now, as your vision begins to blur, simply stares.
“Caught it,” you brag.
His grey eyes widen slightly. You haven’t shared this with him, but you’ve always found them rather beautiful.
“You shouldn’t have…”
“Saved you?” you ask with a dry chuckle. “That’s why I’m here, remember?”
Volo furrows his brow. Reaches out to touch you, then pulls his hand back.
“I sincerely apologize,” he tells you, bowing his head. “If you are to perish in these circumstances, you deserve to know—”
You die and can’t hear the rest.
And then you open your eyes.
You stand on your feet now, in the last place you felt safe before the Pokémon’s attack. Volo still kneels in the distance, seemingly unaware that your body has been replaced by a fallen satchel containing your entire supply of ultraballs, a fire stone, and exactly four medicinal leeks.
You frown. This is going to be awkward.
“Hey, buddy,” you say, coming up carefully behind him. Volo’s back goes rigid at the sound of your voice, his head turning around at once.
You rub the back of your neck, sheepish. “Surprise?”
“You died!” Volo exclaims with an accusatory finger-point. “I just saw—” His head swivels to the satchel on the ground, then he turns back to you. “How?”
You sigh and sit down beside him. “Chosen One perk. I die, Arceus says my work isn’t finished yet, I get another shot. It happened for the first time when I fought Lord Kleavor. I had no idea what I was doing, and it took like a dozen tries before I got good.”
Volo looks horrified. “You’ve died a dozen times?”
“Of course not!”
“Then why—”
“My death count’s definitely in the triple digits now. Lord Arcanine was ten times worse than Kleavor, because of all the fire and bullshit arena. At least Lady Liligant was a total pushover.”
“Did it not hurt?” demands Volo, his face growing noticeably pale.
“Oh, it totally hurt,” you admit. “But somebody’s got to deal with it, and I’m the only one around here who’s been made invulnerable by God.”
Volo looks as if he’s been slapped. You suppose that’s fair, considering the shock of witnessing your death and resurrection. But to you, this really is just another Tuesday.
“I know it’s disturbing,” you sigh, putting a hand on his shoulder. His muscles are tense. “That’s why I try my best to make sure people aren’t around to see it. Just easier that way, you know?”
Volo wears another unreadable expression.
“Sucks to lose a satchel, though,” you say, lightly. “Thanks for keeping an eye on it. Without witnesses, I usually lose some of my stuff. Never the plates, though, don’t worry.”
He still looks lost in his thoughts, which is no good. You don’t know how to explain that this happens all the time, for much less important reasons than protecting your favorite person on Hisui. The pain is a small price to pay for his safety, and you’d readily pay it again.
“I thought you died,” Volo eventually says. “Saving my life.”
You elbow him playfully. “I guess Arceus is looking out for you too.”
His expression darkens. “No.”
He looks you dead in the eyes, with a different sort of intensity than you’ve come to expect from the eccentric wanderer. “Under an unjust god, endless life is endless pain. Do you truly wish that for yourself? For the world?”
Distantly, you wonder what exactly Volo had thought you deserved to know before your presumed demise. You have a feeling he’s not going to tell you now.
You offer him a hand. “Well, unless you’ve got a better god laying around somewhere, I think we’re stuck with what we’ve got.” And I like what I’ve got, you absolutely do not tell the merchant. I like that I’m here with you.
Volo still seems distracted, but he takes your hand anyway. “Right,” he mutters, and then smiles. “We live to fight another day.”
You rub your thumb against the side of his hand. “And maybe someday, we won’t have to fight. We’ll have everything we need.”
You can picture it, with him. You wonder, maybe foolishly, if he might feel the same way.
Supporting you is actually an investment in my own fortunes, Volo had told you once.
You would protect him regardless of your personal relationship, of course. Just as you protect the rest of this world. You want things to be better, for everyone, and intend to use your god-given powers to ensure that your dream becomes reality.
Volo nods, his sharp gaze fixed on your joined hands. A chill runs down your spine as he squeezes.
“Yes,” he agrees. “Someday.”
You smile softly.
“I think I can live with that.”
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antivanwine14 · 7 months
I love a Pokemon AU so here are the teams for Xander and Laslow (plus a few others): Long and under the cut.
Xander- Xander's team leans towards 'darker' pokemon, Nohr has more dark/ghost/poison than any other type and so Xander has them too. His squad also has some of the most challenging pokemon to train, those who take a lot of time and effort but he puts in the work. He also has a friendship evolution because even though it isn't obvious at first glance, he adores his team and they love him back.
Aegislash- all heirs to the throne get a honedge as a child, Xander's Aegislash is named Siegfried and is a Nohrian variant of Aegislash,
Spectrier-Xander's mount, is an ass.
Hydreigon- He received Hydreigon as an egg and slowly raised up. It was A LOT of hard work but Xander is proud of Hydreigon.
Purrloin- not actually used in combat, is mostly just a little cat that hangs around him and gets cuddles,
Gyarados- the first pokemon he caught, people were pretty judgmental of him and his little karp but he believed in Magikarp. Eventually with a lot of hard work he became a Gyarados. He looks terrifying, knows how to act terrifying, but is actually a big baby who wants the cuddles too (and is particularly fond of Laslow because Laslow spoils him).
Crobat- Xander had a starter who fell with his retainers. He was not going to replace the starter but eventually a little Zubat started to hang around him and grew very fond of him. He eventually realized the same Zubat was following him around and became fond of her too.
Laslow- So I never realized this but a lot of the dancing pokemon fall within grass types and so Lalsow ended up with a lot of grass types (which makes him stick out as not Nohrian since grass types are uncommon in Nohr). Almost all of Laslow's pokemon are actually pretty good dancers, even the Gallade and Lopunny. Only Absol doesn't really dance.
Liligant (Hisuan)- elegant lady, Keeps the others in check from flirting too much, there are no Hisuan pokemon in Fates World so people are very baffled by her, especially Hoshidans who swear she is not a liligant.
Ludicolo- He vibing, with nothing going on in that brain, has the ability own tempo.
Gallade- As big a flirt as Laslow, just as bad as it, is actually really shy and that is part of how he met Laslow. Olivia gave him the same bad advice she gave Laslow. Laslow doesn't have a traditional starter because he decided ralts would be his started.
Lopunny (female)- Also a big flirt, actually successful at flirting but gets dragged away by Lilligant a lot. Was never shy, just a flirt.
Bellossom- She is a good nature pokemon, loves dancing and singing, is mostly vibing too .
Absol- Laslow caught him just before everything went wrong in Awakening, most of the children have an Absol. Absol is pretty chilled and quiet but enjoys watching the others dance. He is fond of Xander
Ryoma- Hoshido has more grass, fire, and fairy types and so his team is full of them. He has a more traditional relationship with his squad and keeps a little more distance between him and his pokemon. He has not friendship evolution.
Aegislash (Hoshido variant), Moltres, Kom-mo, Kingambit, Samurott (starter), plus he has a Growleth that he doesn't actually use in battle
Odin's team includes a Husian Samurott and Selena's include a Husian Decidueye both of these also cause a lot of confusion since people swear they aren't Samurott or a Decidueye.
Takumi's includes a regular Decidueye.
Leo's includes a Gengar and a Leavanny who is constantly trying to fix his clothes.
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reinekes-fox · 3 months
love seeing pokemon anon giving the most generic explanations for why a pokemon is on the team and then you do 10 mins of research and its 37 hidden reasons that add up really well. of course chase has 2 starters, he had to start over. of course fuchsias lycanroc is a midnight one, those are the ones that go all in. of course droznik has golduck, it has the cloud 9 ability (negates wheater effects) and is a flightless bird, the 2 punishments mc can take cuz of droz are to lose their wings and to face the wheater. of course astoria has a liligant in spite of it representing the donation roses, our ladys tears are dangerously toxic to humans but also represent divinity.
Ngl I am obsessed with the scope this took by now!
Do I sound sappy if I say this makes me really happy? That people actually put that much effort in my silly games!
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darkmatter-nebula · 10 months
"Ghostboy in Hisui" AU drabble ahead, my dear fellas. Basically, Adaman and Irida decide to put aside their conflict about The Almighty Sinnoh when Allister is around. Both of them care about him deeply, after all. By the way, this takes place shortly after the fight against Lady Liligant. That's why Zoey is still a Zorua in this. Here I go! 😄
Drabble: Putting Aside Our Conflict
It was a sunny day in Hisui. Allister had a solo mission in the Crimson Mirelands. Adaman smiled softly as he spotted the shy and kindhearted little boy. The leader of the Diamond Clan cared deeply about Allister. Not unlike Irida.
Speaking of Irida, she was in the Crimson Mirelands as well. It was due to the fact that she had a very important meeting with Adaman. "Irida, we should put aside our conflict about The Almighty Sinnoh. For Allister's sake." Adaman spoke up.
"I was about to say exactly the same thing!" Irida chimed in with a soft chuckle. "We both care about him and it would be a good idea to support him without thinking about our conflict." The young woman continued.
Adaman was glad to hear that. "Hello." Allister was suddenly behind him. The eight years old Ghost Type Gym Leader removed his mask for a moment to smile sweetly at Adaman and Irida. "Awwwww!" Irida was quietly cooing.
"Hey there, Allister!" Adaman wrapped his arms around Allister for a soft hug. Zoey jumped onto the young man's shoulder and nuzzled softly his cheek. She was glad that her beloved Trainer had so many people in his life who cared about him.
Irida joined the embrace and placed a soft kiss on Allister's forehead. Adaman and Irida were Allister's dear friends. The small boy felt incredible warm and cozy in their arms. His beautiful purple eyes were full of love and warmth.
The End
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leviathiane · 2 years
I just devoured both PLA Wingfics of yours and now I cannot stop thinking about Calaba and Irida watching Ingo fall full force into Birb Instincts because Akari decided to do something dangerous-
So here I am, asking that question-
How do you think Calaba and/or Irida would react to that?
and thank you VERY MUCH SO FOR ASKING THIS, bc i do absolutely plan to (eventually) write 1 or more fics under this EXACT premise--
Calaba as a medicine woman would have asked to examine Ingo immediately. She likely already has EXTENSIVE records of him, complete with both notes, drawings, and a few feathers taken from different parts of the wing. I bet you she learned how to fix injured wings solely because of Ingo, before Akari came, and was the actual expert for handling feather-type wings. Laventon has approached her over this more than once, in my head. I bet she would have seen Ingo acting funky and assumed it was a spiritual thing, and he is being "taken over" by his "animal side"–– although its not explicitly mentioned (yet) in the series, winged-folk (aka ingo) were considered an anomaly transformed by passage through the wormhole over the highlands. That wings are not a natural progression of future human evolution, but instead some sort of godly gift or curse–– which is not helped when kari comes, arguably even MORE cursed than ingo, with wings of her own. Calaba probably see him begin to fall into brooding instincts and is like "Hm, hm! Time to get the incense. Sit down." She's very practical. It is an unnatural ailment, but an ailment nonetheless, so there must be a cure! Surely this will help.
Irida is a bit more... hm. She would probably be wary, above even concern. This is a member of her clan, yes, but despite Ingo's acceptance into the Pearl clan he is still unerringly an outsider. He's literally built different... and now he's acting different, too. She would think, above all, about the safety of her people. If this new emerging behavior a threat to her clan? and then, should that be settled, is this a threat to Ingo? I don't think she would actively do much, honestly, but he would be VERY alert about it. Ingo isn't some stranger to her. He is a warden and a clanmate and a friend. She would not kick him out or something over it... she would just be aware. And maybe set out an order clan-wide not to approach either Akari OR Ingo, for a while, until this is all solved. He might get low-key asked to remain in the Highlands and not come visit, too, though she would feel immensely guilty about it immediately-- and send him to Calaba for good measure, to check him over thoroughly.
One thing they would Both consider, definitely, would be whether... Ingo is going to be Frenzied. While neither of them will say it, Ingo and Akari aren't very human. Not to them. Humans don't have wings. But Pokemon do. Several of them do. Nobles have become frenzied. Wardens hold close contact to their nobles. The frenzy spread from Liligant to Ursaluna, before. If Lady Sneasler was to become Frrenzied... could it be passed to Ingo, who theoretically might be part pokemon? Could be be frenzied alone?
(They stockpile little stores of Ingo's favorite foods, just in case.)
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pandorias-box · 5 months
Danse Macabre
Pandoria did not expect to come to this place due to the smell of potato mochi. Initially, she had heard that someone was injured outside of the Noble’s domain and was chased out of the area, but no signs of them were found aside from faint scent-trails only a Pokémon could be able to track down. Luckily, she had gained a new ally in the form of Lord Ursaluna whose heart was opened to the sound of the sacred Celestica Flute. Originally, she thought that Ursaluna was the one on the rampage, but she was proven wrong upon first glancing upon it. It lacked the distinct golden, radiant aura gleaming from its body. Its sudden frenzy was in fact caused by the Noble that in turn needed to be stopped.
And if that wasnt resolved, then there would have been further conflict between the two Clans of the region considering the Noble was responsible for Ursaluna’s plight. Yet somehow, they overcame their differences only this once, because it was a matter that concerned both Diamond and Pearl Clans.
The “arena” where Pandoria was to face the Lady of the Ridge was outside of the Diamond Clan settlement. Two members of the clan that resided there, its leader and Arezu, were stationed alongside mistress Calaba in order to supervise Pandoria’s battle against the Noble.
“Be careful. Though she may not look like it, Lady Lilligant can be a fearsome opponent. She is always on the move, swift on her feet like a dancer.” The hairstylist had warned her before stepping foot into the Lady’s domain. Pandoria slowly walked towards the marshy clearing away from the others, taking a deep breath and bracing herself for what was to come.
What she didn’t expect was a sudden whirlwind coalescing in front of her, whipping up everything around it into the air before fading away into an all too familiar glow. What stood before her was a Noble. One more dignified and elegant compared to the rugged and ruthless Lord of the Wood. The humanoid Pokémon performed a small pirouette in front of Pandoria before landing in front of her, her eyes gazing directly into her own with a serene fury.
It was time for her to fight.
She began to throw the specifically made balms at the graceful creature, but it seemed to allude her as every step it took, it dodged her attempts at trying to stop it in her tracks. It was using a strategy that was quite the opposite of the brutish Lord of the Woods that took every opportunity it could to strike. Not every one if her throws landed, and this would prove to be a problem. The Lady of the Ridge then began to stand on her pointed foot and spun around, causing yet another whirlwind to jet up around her.
She was using her speed to her advantage. Pandoria was knocked back slightly by the sudden gale, but swiftly recovered. She continued to throw balms with intent and concentration, hoping not to repeat the same mistakes that had almost gotten her killed on her first mission.
Lady Lilligant reared up for another attack before she was struck with a well-timed balm to the face and was caught off guard. Now was the time to strike.
“Themis! Use Aerial Ace!” Pandoria ordered as she called out her Staravia, who in turn let out a quiet screech before dive-bombing the Noble with its full body; it used its beak like a harpoon before flying back to Pandoria’s side.
The Noble faltered once again and fell to the ground dazed. This seemingly risky gambit was in her favor due to her being weak to flying types. But little did Pandoria know that it was even more so due to this newfound form of Lilligant’s affinity for combat.
She would not let this opportunity pass her, and so she continued to fling the balms at the Noble before it had the chance to strike back at her. The Liligant gazed intently at Pandoria before standing up once more and trying to lunge right at her much like the other Noble had done in her previous bout. Instinctively, she stepped to the side and dodged it before the Liligant began to jump into the air with yet another pirouette and came crashing down with a strong kick aimed for her chest. Pandoria once again fumbled, but still continued to throw balms at the Liligant, refusing to back down.
The dance of death between them both came to a sudden an abrupt end when day turned to night and the sunset that loomed over them both faded. With the finak satchel of offerings thrown, the same brilliant light that burst from upon Lord Kleavor’s defeat blinded her temporarily as she became a beacon in the newfound darkness.
The radiance, once again, swiftly faded, and the Pokémon that stood before her was more befuddled than anything. The Lady of the Ridge gazed at Pandoria softly before curtsying and handing her an ancient slab of green stone: another Plate of the Creator.
She had quelled her second frenzied Noble, and somehow, miraculously, it was easier than the first.
Pandoria had to remember that her trial would only continue to get more difficult the more she forged ahead on this journey.
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hallowsden · 2 years
Is it okay to ask what Akari's team is? We know she has a Zorua (Best Ghost Type), but what about the Starter Laventon allowed her to pick? Sorry to ask but I just wanted to know. Also, what happens during the Exile Arc? Again, sorry to ask but I'm just curious.
You're fine, Crystal! (Hope it's alright I refer to you as that-) If anything, ask away!
Okay, so, Akari's starter is Cyndaquil. (If I ever make any other AUs involving Akari, she will always have one as her starter... Then again, it depends... Especially now cause I'm doing a revamping of the AU) She didn't nickname him till he evolved to a Hisuian Typhlosion, naming him Hades. He's rather calm and chill. (Modest nature boy here, that's all I can say and will leave it at that). Likes to curl up around Akari, especially when she's not doing mentally/emotionally well. Usually out of his pokeball and walk besides Akari. Besides Eris, Hades definitely influenced Akari with more feral behaviors. Mainly the roars (his roar are terrifying with his fire collar flaring to life) besides Maelstrom when feels like it. He has a weird tendency to chew on ice, something Akari discovered when they entered the Alabaster Icelands. Hades has the most terrifying glare in the team and is the strongest.
The other members of the main team in Hisui are:
Hisuian Goodra who she named Goopster (it was either that or Pudding). Akari was starving at the time when she caught him as a Sligoo, hence why Pudding was an optional name. He's an alpha. Goopster adores naps and hugs/cuddles. Used to be very shy but has gotten a bit braver since being caught. He and Sonar are the only ones who can deal with Sakura for long periods of time, what with her personality being exhausting to most. Will gladly glomp you in a hug if prompted and asked. Can sleep anywhere at anytime too. Somehow can prove to be the creepiest cause there are times he opens his eyes wide open and just stares down at you... Especially when you did something wrong/bad. Also glomps on Sakura to make her calm down and relax if she gets too out of hand.
Alpha Crobat she caught when he was still a Zubat. One of her earliest catches, Akari managed to evolve him into one not long after she finally beaten Lord Kleavor but way before Lady Lilligant. Didn't have a nickname for a while either. Akari was tempted to name him after Ingo but went against it (he would've wore that name in honor, though). She named named him Sonar in the end, after suggesting multiple nicknames to him. Very happy boy and is generally nice to almost everyone. (Won't hesitate in decimating you if you mess with Akari and the rest of the cauldron, though. He and Eris will gladly break people's eardrums) Fastest on team but regularly do races with everyone, especially with Sakura. Acts as Akari's ride pokemon instead of Lord Braviary. (He doesn't trust anyone enough besides the cauldron to provided proper transportation for Akari... That was until Ingo arrived. He maybe nice but that doesn't mean he trust everyone quickly...) Hates Volo the most and allows Sakura to go after him.
We already know about Eris the Zoroark, but to those who don't know her or remember, Eris was Akari's very first catch instead of the usual Bidoof, Starly, and Shinx (and the starters) (I don't think I actually talked about Eris much on here...) Very loyal and protective of Akari and is an Alpha. Caught with the rest of her Zorua pack, to say the least, Eris is verrry protective. Blames herself for Akari's hair turning white, thinking that she cursed Akari when she was caught. Can be a mischievous little shit, though. She never forgets and can hold long lasting grudges... On rare occasions, she and Sakura team up to do pranks. Those are the most terrifying moments you'd ever witness if you're the victim of them.
Hisuian Liligant nicknamed Sakura. Speedy little shit and the most competitive out all Akari's pokemon. Doesn't help she's flamboyant and dramatic. Overall, extra as fuck, not to mention stubborn and petty. Likes attention, especially in battles. Is also very brutal in battles, too. No mercy from her. Yet, out of all the pokemon, she knows the move Heal Pulse and uses it when needed during emergencies. Akari is still confused as to what happened to the little adorable Petilil she caught before she faced Lady Liligant, but is still fond of her. (Sakura is considered the baby of the team- something she hates... Doesn't help she's the smallest of the group too). Did I forget she's an attention seeker? She's a menace.
Gyarados named Maelstrom. The only shiny in the main team, as well as the largest. Prefers to swim then to fly. Isn't fond of interacting with others, especially flying types (with exception of Sonar and Ingo's Gliscor). Akari caught him early on as a Magikarp who was heavily injured and washed up at the river near a camp. Took a while for Akari to gain his trust after she caught and healed him. Took even longer for the main team to gain his trust. Likes to stay in his pokeball. Still very protective of the family. Has no patience in dealing with Sakura. Oddly enough, got along with Ingo and his pokemon the quickest. Slow to anger, which is surprising for a Gyarados, but OOOOOOO boy, he can live up to the name Maelstrom and more when angered enough. Knows the most modern day moveset compared to the rest of the team as well. Acts as Akari's ride pokemon instead of Basculegion.
Let it be known, Akari definitely taught her team modern/TM moves somehow during training sessions... They're also overleveled in general. (Have to so they can protect Akari from being injured too much). Oh, and I like to think Akari learnt how to carve and add details on the pokeballs. Or let her pokemon do something to it themselves.
Akari has more pokemon that she uses frequently too but they're part of back up and usually stay with Lavender and or the ranch. Still family, though.
As for the Exile Arc... I believe that answer deserves it's own posts. I just need to think on it and develop the idea more before I post anything, though. You or someone else might need to remind me via asks since I'm forgetful.
If you or anybody else have any questions, feel free to ask! I might not respond immediately, though.
(Sorry if it took too long to answer, too. I wanted to add more thought and detail to this)
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badfanfix · 1 year
There’s no title, have a Diamond Clan fic.
Lord Electrode’s wardens did not always last long.
There was a risk to being a warden, to caring for a semi-feral Pokemon—divinely blessed or not—that could easily decide it disliked something and poison, maul, trample, or drown you for the slight. But Lord Electrode was always considered on a level of his own. The electrical surges when it was happy, the literal explosions when it was annoyed, even the fact that it could lose its balance and go careening down the mountainside near Moonview Arena—most of the clans rarely even saw the Lord of the Hollow, and most were perfectly fine with that. Plenty of young brash wardens had died in the Lord’s service, and even ones who lived to see their hair turn gray met painful ends due to a simple careless error leading to a blast.
When Melli was augured as the new warden, most did not expect him to last the season. He was too quiet, said the elders, too shy and always hiding behind Adaman or Mei. He was too timid, said the old women. Lord Electrode would lose patience with him and blow him away. The procession that delivered him up the mountain was more akin to a funeral than a celebration like it might have been for Lady Liligant or Lord Wyrdeer. Melli cried half the way there. But when they finally reached the Arena, he dried his face and stubbornly refused to let anyone walk in with him. “If Adaman is gonna be the new clan leader, I’m going to make sure Lord Electrode will bless him.”
For weeks no one heard anything from the mountain. A few tried to contact Lady Sneasler’s warden, but the old woman had not been up to the cold summit where Lord Electrode resided. Adaman begged Mai to take him to the peak on Wyrdeer, but his sister refused. “A Noble and their warden sometimes take time to bond.” She ruffled his hair, making Adaman grumble. “We cannot interrupt that.”
The snows came, burying Hisui in deep cold. The mountain paths became treacherous, and news of the death of Lady Sneasler’s warden came from Lord Braviary. But no word on Lord Electrode, nor Melli. Adaman spent all winter pacing the edge of the camp, his newly evolved Leafeon dogging his steps in spite of the sleet. The mountain loomed in the distance, a mere shadow amid the foul weather. Sometimes Adaman wondered if the mountain knew he was waiting impatiently, and deliberately refused to thaw. He couldn’t stand waiting.
But spring did come at last, the marshes turning into a lake full of run-off from Coronet’s peak. Adaman spent every moment he wasn’t in lessons running as far up the slopes as he could before the sun began to set, forcing him to turn back. Leafeon would race alongside him, bouncing to keep up with his lengthening stride. But no one came to greet them. No one came from the Moonview Arena to join the ceremony to find a replacement for Lady Sneasler’s warden. She rejected all of the prospective candidates, something the elders and old women muttered about under their breath when they thought Adaman wasn’t listening. Mai spent more time assisting in caring for the wardenless noble—as the oldest of the Diamond wardens she was often kept busy representing the clan. Adaman wondered what he would find when he could finally reach the peak where Lord Electrode resided. He didn’t like to think about it too hard.
The summer solstice arrived, and the elders agreed it was time for Adaman to attempt to contact Almighty Sinnoh, to confirm himself as the clan’s leader. Adaman agreed—not that he had much choice—but relishing the idea that Mai would have to return to take him up the mountain. It had been a lonely spring. He wasn’t allowed to bring Leafeon, but as Mei guided Lord Wyrdeer closer and closer to the peak, it was all he could do to sit still.
“D’ya think Melli will come?”
“You should be focusing on listening for Almighty Sinnoh.” Mai looked grim. “Adaman, it’s been… a while. Melli might not be… he might not be able to come with Lord Electrode.” Adaman shrunk. The adults had said that a lot lately. Mai saw his frown and tried to smile. “Besides, this is your big day. You’ll hear Almighty Sinnoh and be confirmed as the leader of the Diamond Clan, and then have a huge feast, isn’t that right?”
“That’s what they tell me. They’ve been cooking all day for it!” Adaman bounced in the saddle, making Wyrdeer huff. “Are we nearly there? I can’t wait much longer! We don’t want to waste Almighty Sinnoh’s time!”
Mai laughed. “The temple should come into view soon. Look.” She gestured skyward. Lord Braviary was circling overhead, his long feathers gleaming in the sunlight. Like Lady Sneasler, he had rejected the last attempt to find a warden. Still, the noble Lord of the Skies had been keeping a close eye on the Diamond clan of late. Some said he sensed his future warden. Others said he was merely blessing the clan for its fidelity to Almighty Sinnoh. His presence was surely a good sign.
“Warden Mai!” Adaman nearly bounced out of his seat to greet the other two waiting figures. Iscan, who was only a year older than Adaman, was making sure his noble was settled into the ceremonial pond at the edge of the temple. Lady Lilligant, accompanied by Arezu, stood at the top of the steps, twirling idly as they awaited Wyrdeer’s arrival. Melli was nowhere in sight. Adaman had to hide his disappointment.
“Lord Basculegion seems to be in good health.” Mai pulled Wyrdeer to a stop as Iscan helped Adaman down. The large fish splashed the cold water at them all, seeming to indicate it was not comfortable and would prefer they skip the pleasantries. “I trust the trip was not too strenuous?”
“There were, uh… a lot of times I think we swam straight up.” Iscan rubbed his head. “Of course, Lord Basculegion did all the work. I just had to not fall off.” Basculegion splashed again, indicating Iscan had definitely fallen more than once.
“Did you see Lord Electrode on your way up?” Adaman has been in a rush to arrive, but now that they were there, the cold stone pillars made him anxious.
“N-no. We didn’t come that way.”
“I didn’t see him either.” Arezu joined the group. “But Lady Lilligant was in a hurry, so I hardly had time to stop at Moonview Arena.”
“Surely Lord Electrode would come, even if—“ Iscan trailed off. Adaman felt a rush of annoyance.
“Almighty Sinnoh doesn’t like people who waste time. If Mel—if Lord Electrode is late, we will just have to start without him.” He stomped up the temple steps, stopping only to bow hastily to Lady Lilligant.
“Do you think that’s the best idea? All the Nobles traditionally have to bless you before—“
“It’ll be fine, Mai.” Adaman clenched his fist. If M—if Lord Electrode didn’t want to come, if they couldn’t come… it would be fine.
Adaman reached the top of the stairs, looking at the long line of statues leading to the altar. The Nobles, the Pokémon that had followed Almighty Sinnoh… of course, half of their descendants watched over the Pearl Clan now. Adaman wondered if they fell away from the truth about Sinnoh, or perhaps they watched the Pearl Clan in hopes they would one day see the light and give up their false god. Either way, as the descendants of each Noble took their place beside the likeness of their ancestor, it was hard to not feel a sense of awe.
First Lady Lilligant approached, twirling around him with dancer-like grace before laying her leaves on his head. The blessing didn’t feel all that magical. Nothing changed. But she curtsied deeply before stepping back, a show of respect uncommon from a Noble like herself. He saw Arezu behind her give a thumbs-up. Next was Lord Braviary. He leaned down, plucking a feather from his chest and holding it out to Adaman. Adaman wasn’t sure what to do with the feather, so he tucked it into his hair. Braviary chirred in an approving manner, preening a few of his bangs before fluttering back.
Lord Basculegion watched him approach warily, smoky fins swirling a deep crimson. Iscan bit his lip, looking between the two of them. Adaman bowed, waiting for the Noble fish to decide. After a moment, Basculegion bellowed, launching himself upward in a graceful arc, then lurching and twisting backwards at the height of his leap, crashing into the pond with a splash that soaked Adaman and Iscan both. Adaman blinked a few times, but Basculegion nudged him onwards, toward the empty space where Lord Electrode should have been. Adaman wiped at his face, hurrying past the empty plinth to Lord Wyrdeer. The deer leaned forward, staring into Adaman’s eyes.
For a moment he felt very small, like a Wumple beneath the eyes of a hungry Staraptor. Wyrdeer’s gaze was deep, knowing. Adaman had known Wyrdeer most of his life, but he had never been so deeply scrutinized by the Pokémon. He braced his shoulders, not wanting to back down, but Wyrdeer’s eyes did not waver. He leaned closer, so close Adaman could feel his hot breath on his face.
Then he licked him.
Adaman yelped in surprise as the wardens and other Nobles stifled a laugh. He could hear Basculegion splashing about as it chuckled, making him go beet red. He quickly bowed to thank Lord Wyrdeer for his blessing, such as it was, then turned to face the dais. As he did his eyes passed over the empty space by the statue of the first Electrode, but he ignored it and pressed forward. If Almighty Sinnoh would accept him, he would know soon enough. He stepped onto the altar, stomach in a knot. Would the moment of truth be as understated as the Noble’s blessings? Would anything even ha—
There was a burst of light, and the altar was soaked in a golden glow.
Adaman could feel the power, making the hairs on his arms stand up. It was bright, almost too bright to look at. He stood, staring upward, watching the light dance through the air. “Almighty Sinnoh..?”
Faintly, he heard someone call his name.
“I hear him! I hear Almighty Sinnoh!” Adaman whooped with excitement, his nerves falling away. It had worked! The voice called him his name, so right and so familiar it felt like he had heard it his whole life. He was the leader the Diamond Clan needed, he would help deal with the Pearl Clan, the nobles, protect Hisui, protect his people—
“Wait, no, come back!”
Adaman looked down just in time to see Lord Electrode roll smack into him, knocking him down and delivering a faint electric shock. The feather in his hair sizzled and turned to ash as the water on his skin buzzed. For a second his muscles spasmed, but the current dissipated, the light fading away as a purple haired figure peeked over the top of Lord Electrode.
“Melli?!” He heard Mai’s feet as she raced to help him up. “You’re ok!”
“Of course I am!” Melli stuck out his lip. “The Great Melli merely wished to demonstrate how a proper blessing should be given!”
They all stared at him.
“We thought you were de—not coming.” Iscan tugged at his collar.
“And how was that a proper blessing?” Arezu put her hands on her hips. “Lord Electrode nearly steamrolled Adaman!”
“Lord Electrode was greeting the new leader of the Diamond Clan!” Melli scowled. “And his blessing was far better than getting splashed or licked! We worked on it for weeks!”
“Why didn’t you come out sooner?” Mai seemed satisfied Adaman wasn’t dead.
“The Great Melli wanted to make an entrance! To make this ceremony exciting!”
Adaman stared. “Why are you calling yourself that..?”
“Because Lord Electrode deserves the best warden, and I have accepted that is what I must be!” He laid a hand on his chest. Adaman noticed he had embroidered a line of Voltorb along the edge of his tunic. “I am no longer sad little Melli, now I am the Great Melli! Warden of the Lord of the Hollow and first to greet the new Diamond Clan leader! And if Lord Electrode had not slipped and rolled away, our blessing would have made the rest of you cry!”
The others began to argue, insisting their Noble’s blessing had been fine. The ceremony was clearly concluded. Adaman could hear Arezu saying that Melli was being annoying, Mai chiding that he should have warned them—
None of them noticed Adaman as he sadly scooped up the remains of Braviary’s feather. He was glad Melli wasn’t dead. He was. But the voice that had called him, the voice he thought had been Almighty Sinnoh… he realized now why he had thought it had sounded so familiar.
It had been Melli.
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hartxstarr · 10 months
ophelias full name is lady ophelia because i name my musharnas lady. but the problem is, i used to name my liligants and audinos lady too. my one chansey was lady. tsareena. lady is a very common name for my pokemon.
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arcphone352945 · 1 year
while i love buneary and especially find them fascinating now that i can meet em in the flesh and study em for laventons dex i do not have the strength to ever have one on my team. 0 base friendship beasts. i imagine that a bond formed would be unshakeable though… i salute those with buneary partners.
i already have a 0 base friendship type guy to worry about after all
he is so wary but my efforts are succeeding i think 💪 i suppose it doesnt matter if he stays wary of pokemon or me, i don’t haveta interact with him much anyway- he doesn’t need to LIKE me or approve of me as a PERSON, just has to trust me as a worker drone! im very good at that
actually now that i think of it- esp here cause he provides usually pretty clear directions and Boss is even MORE clearcut in the details. old bosses weren’t but hey, parents never are ;P
tonight i rest and tomorrow i quell lady liligant’s frenzy!
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crystalelemental · 1 year
I have acquired 102/120 beasts.  A lot of the missing stuff is like.  Rare encounters and offshoot evolutions, as well as the other evolution line of Bansheep, and the Candevil quintet.  That said, I beat all the rangers, and am down to only two more Archangels, and I know where they both are.  So updates.
The missing beasts so far are:
Miss Mimic
The good news is, I’m not just following information to find them because a few are unique or rare backup encounters.  Which I hate, by the way.  You have overworld sprites, stop hiding stuff behind 5% encounters on backup.  It’s annoying.
The ranger quest being done, I’m going to say that the worst of them was the evasion lady.  Don’t remember anyone’s name, sorry.  Her whole gimmick is just boost evasion, lower your accuracy, and be a shitheel.  I barely won, even with legitimate beasts on my side.  Pretty much everyone else went down either no deaths, or one death.  Well, okay, the survival guy beat me because he was the first one I found and I was lower level than him and also just put away my fire beast and had Eugene instead of my girl Kayleigh so I couldn’t fuse.  A lot worked against me.  Nothing too bad otherwise.  I feel like I’m starting to get a bit better at the system.
That said, can’t beat Ianthe.  I’ll probably have to level grind a bit, and that will undoubtedly involve remastering some of the beasts to get the bestiary completed.  Probably while searching for Khepri.  5% backup in the mountains is gonna be a fucking adventure.
I still haven’t had much time with any specific beast, so I can’t say I have functional favorites.  There are some I like designs for, but none I feel attached to.  It’s odd.
The Archangels are...strange.  All the story ones seem reasoanble to fairly easy, but Alice was wretched as a fight.  She’s immune to like...literally everything.  And I despise boss concepts where the main application of challenge is “All the mechanics in the game don’t work.”  Like okay, great, what’s the actual strategy aside from “Be higher level?”  Debuffs and status are the strategy.  If you just turn them all off, then there is no thinking, it’s just a level/DPS check, and that’s stupid and shitty.  Very few fights have operated this way, but as I approach endgame, I’m expecting it to happen more often.
The story bit with Aleph is...bizarre.  I don’t know how to feel about it.  It’s interesting, but also I have no idea what it’s purpose is or where this is going.  I want there to be more, but so far radio silence.  Hope that picks up soon.
I dunno.  I’ll probably have stronger opinions by the end of the game.
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jade-nargacuga · 2 years
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I posted 4,103 times in 2022
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#emmet - 16 posts
#pokerus au - 13 posts
Longest Tag: 94 characters
#technically this means i can destroy unova and it won't matter since it's giratina's own world
My Top Posts in 2022:
Noble Pokemon Rites and Trials HC(UPDATED!)
So I decided go ahead and post my ideas for the Rites and Trials I think every Noble heir has to complete in order to evolve and take on the mantle of Noble after their predecessor dies(in most cases). The only one mentioned and seen in game is Growlithe’s, and if you’ve read chapter 3 of my Ghosts fic it mentions Basculegion’s. I just wanted to get my ideas on paper, both for me and @kettouryuujin who is writing a Pokerus Noblity AU based off of my idea.
EDIT: I finally figured something out for Lord Electrode! There are 5 Trials and 5 Rites, and the name of each one has been given. Also added some changes made by @kettouryuujin that I liked.XD
Lord Wyrdeer- Known as the Trial of the Hills, with their Warden’s help the young Stantler must traverse all corners of Hisui, starting in the Obsidian Fieldlands and eventually returning to ascend to the peak of Deertrack Heights. The Stantler must then use Psyshield bash to destroy a tower of stone erected at the peak in order to evolve, and afterwards the Lord and his Warden must erect a new stone tower for the next Lord. This Trial is meant to prepare them for their duty as Lord of carrying the people of Hisui wherever they need to go.
Lord Kleavor- Known as the Trial of the Woods, Scyther’s Warden makes an amulet from the stone of the axe of the previous Lord Kleavor and places it around the heir’s neck. The Scyther must then ascend the Grandtree and slice off the topmost portion of the tree. (I thought of this because I heard somewhere the the tops of old trees are sometimes blown off, making them shorter)
Lord Ursaluna- Known as the Rite of the Moon, the Warden takes the Lord’s heir, who MUST have evolved into an Ursaring by then, to the Sludge Mound on the night of a full moon. Placed at the center of the Mound, the Ursaring is then painted with mud that came from the mud on the back of the previous Lord Ursaluna. Any design can be painted on the heir, but there MUST be a solid circle representing the full moon painted on the Ursaring’s forehead.
Lady Liligant- Known as the Rite or Dance of the Sun, and MUST be performed while the sun is visible. Upon the Brava Arena, the Warden must lead the young Petilil in a dance akin to a Liligant’s Victory Dance. 
Lord Basculegion- Known as the Rite of the Waves, this ceremony cannot easily be attended by the Warden of the Lord of the Waves. Instead, the current Lord Basculegion takes his heir down to the Sunken Arena once night has fallen, and calls upon a school of Basculin spirits, as well as the spirit of the first Lady of the Waves. The school of Basculin then combine with the heir, then The Lady(who is not absorbed), and finally, the current Lord Basculegion must be absorbed in his entirety by his heir. As Basculegion can live for a very long time, this Rite is only done when the current Lord is ready to pass on.
Lord Arcanine- Known as the Trial of the Isles. As seen and mentioned in the game, the Growlithe heir must make their way across the water to reach Firespit Island and the Molten Arena. It is their Warden’s duty to train the young pup to brave the waves and make the swim, despite their disadvantage and weakness to water.
Lord Sneasler- Known as the Trial of the Cliffs, once their Warden has trained the Sneasel heir to the best of their ability, they are given an amulet made from the claw of the previous Lord Sneasler. They must start at the base of Mt Coronet and climb to the highest point in Hisui(either the top of the Temple of Sinnoh, or the peak above the Stone Portal if that is too sacred) and meet the rising sun.
Lord Electrode- Known as the Rite of the Hallow, the Warden takes inert seeds collected from the previous Lord Electrode during it’s life and scatters them in a ring in Moonview Arena. The Voltorb heir is then placed in the center of the ring and lets out an electrical attack to spark and recharge the electrical seeds, causing the electrical current to run through the ring and get amplified before surging back to supercharge the Voltorb. This surge of Amplified energy then causes the Lord to evolve.
Lord Braviary- Known as the Trial of the Skies, the young Rufflet must fly a course shown to them by their Warden, taking them from Avalugg’s Legacy to the southern peaks of the Alabaster Icelands, and finally up to the flat square Arena at the top of Snowpoint Temple.(Yes, this is basically the course Sabi makes the player run, but on the ground. Also, I thought the very very top of the Temple was perfectly arena shaped)
Lord Avalugg- Known as the Rite of the Tundra. Rarely happens since Avalugg can be INCREDIBLY long lived, some lasting centuries if nothing kills them. A Lord Avalugg death has only happened once since the Pearl Clan’s arrival(which I HC as being around 1000 years ago). When the previous Lord feels his life comming to an end, he travels to a spot in the Icelands to pass away, leaving behind a mountain of ice and rock, the body of the last Lord coming to be known as Avalugg’s Legacy. Ice and rock is then collected from it by the Warden and taken with the Lord’s heir to Icepeak Arena. The young Bergmite must then consume the ice and rock of the previous Lord in order to evolve.
And yeah, that’s about it. I like that most of these involve some carryover from the previous Lord or Lady, as a sort of passing on the torch to the next generation. Also, feel free to use or change any of these ideas as you see fit. 
32 notes - Posted August 4, 2022
Pokerus: Ghosts Chapter 2
Hello hello everyone! The second Chapter of Pokerus: Ghosts, Malice and Blood is finally finished. Series is also now available on AO3 as well as Fanfiction.net
Pokerus AU belongs to @monsoon-of-art
47 notes - Posted June 5, 2022
Pokerus: Ghosts Chapter 3
Chapter 3 of my Pokerus: Ghosts series, Rites and Waves, is now available. This chapter focuses on Warden Iscan, who I somehow forgot about when I first planned out this series. As a result the planned chapter count has gone up to 5 instead of the initial 4. Hopefully I didn’t forget any other major characters in the Pokerus AU canon that turn into ghost pokemon, but if I did, you can expect a chapter about them as well.
Anyway, as usual chapters are posted on both AO3 and Fanfiction.net. https://archiveofourown.org/works/39463458/chapters/102145389
Pokerus AU belongs to @monsoon-of-art
50 notes - Posted August 3, 2022
To go with the last idea, the last thing Emmet saw of his brother was the video Ingo was recording for him as he explored the Icelands of Hisui. He was watching it live and saw the Zoroark attack as it happened. He frantically texted Ingo after the recording stopped and even tried to call, but the call function for the Arc Phone was disabled and Ingo was long gone by then anyway. He then tried and failed to contact Arceus, but to no avail. 
He was absolutely inconsolable for MONTHS afterward, believing he had just witnessed his brother being murdered. What brought him out of it was when he finally revealed what happened to Elesa, who insisted he tell her why he was so sure Ingo was dead. He told her about their meeting with Arceus and showed her the phone and video. She is horrified at first but then catches the sound of Ingo’s fleeing footsteps at the end of the video, proving that Ingo managed to get away. And while the strange Zoroark was covered in red splotches, none of them seemed to be fresh blood, meaning that Ingo probably got away relatively uninjured as well. There is still a very good chance Ingo is alright, and simply hasn’t been able recover his Arc Phone due to it being lost in the territory of a dangerous pokemon.
They contact Drayden, the professors, EVERYONE they can think of to review the footage and find a way to find Ingo again, but even after 5 long years little headway is made since Time Travel is something only the most powerful legendary pokemon can achieve, and the legendary pokemon are as elusive as ever. Not that time travel alone would help them, since unbeknownst to them Ingo is also in a whole parallel world to them, not in the past of their own world.
I also have such a nasty evil plan involving a Zoroark later in the story. I mentioned before that I had the idea of an enraged Drayden attacking the MC because he thinks they are a Zoroark, and when it gets ‘proven’ he damn near kills her. Seeing that last video of Ingo has given his family serious PTSD as far as Zoroark are concerned, and Drayden will not tolerate a Zoroark impersonating his nephew and literally toying with their emotions.
52 notes - Posted May 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Be me: Wants to have a fresh spin on Ingo disappearing to Hisui where both he and Emmet talked with Arceus and agreed that Ingo would go and Emmet would stay behind until Ingo’s mission in Hisui was finished
Be also me: Circle back around to angsty Emmet because he lost contact with Ingo in the past in less than a day because Ingo got attacked by a Zoroark before he even found civilization and lost his Arc phone
53 notes - Posted May 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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vorthosthewillis · 2 years
Welcome back to my nuzlocke! Last time we cleared the Fieldlands and Kleavor. Next up: the Marshlands... and Liligant.
Part 2: The Last Dance of Mom Shipton
Before I could go to the Marshlands, I had to fight my rival Rei again. He starts with a Mime Jr, and wanting to use Cordyceps a bit given he didn't get to do much in the Fieldlands, I send him out. Cordyceps takes out the Mime Jr., and Rei sends out his Pikachu, who double quick attacks, doing 34 damage each time. Cordyceps had 68 health. Farewell Cordyceps, I had hopes for you, but Rei said no. I grumbled, walked into the Marshlands, and rolled a Budew. So… I guess I have an opening, welcome to the team Lily.
With Lily on the team, I head to the ruins, where an old lady is cranky and doesn't want my help, which is fine by me cause I'm also cranky. Volo shows up and wants a battle, but I'm sick and tired of losing pokemon so I send out Gari to crush his togepi and gible. Then I chase down some thieves, and Gari destroys them. Really vibing with the rage that is Gyarados at the moment. The next objective is on the far side of the map now however, so I have a while to go, so I use the time to train the others. Adapt evolves into Umbreon, Lilith to Crobat, and suddenly my team is starting to look better. I get to training Lily and Mom, and soon enough I make it down to where I have to go. 
I get the request to make a base camp in the south, and I decide to do that before Ursaluna. Now, I've been really careful to avoid multi-pokemon battles, but this was an unavoidable risk, I want this base camp. Adapt starts, calm-minding and snarling to tank against the 3 skunks. She tanks for a while, taking one out and severely wounding the second before needing to switch. I mean to switch to Lilith, but it's 11:30 at night, I'm exhausted, and I misclick into Mom. I have flashbacks of Nutmeg, but Mom tanks the poison like a boss and finishes the skunks off. The base camp secured, I turn to the Ursaluna fight. The team:
Azure (Dewott), lvl 27
Adapt (Umbreon), lvl 26
Mom Shipton (Dustox), lvl 26
Lilith (Crobat), lvl 27
Gari (Gyarados), lvl 29
Lily (Budew), lvl 25
I start the fight with Azure, and Ursaluna gets a crit and brings Azure from 140 to 13 hp. I'm in trouble. I swap to Adapt and tank while healing up Azure, then switch back in Azure, only for him to get crit AGAIN. Screw this, Gari goes in and rage-stomps this Ursaluna. I gotta grind more, but for the first time, I didn't lose anyone. 
Shouldn't have said that.
A rift pops up while I train, and I decide to go for it. I would have to be quick, in and out. I dash in, and a Porygon pops up first. Sweet! I dash around to despawn the pokemon around it, then come back and throw out Lily to weaken it (my other pokemon were strong and I was worried they would kill it). The battle starts… and I realize a Drifblim is in the fight too, and it cooks Lily with a Mystical Fire. I'm livid, but I'm NOT leaving without this Porygon. Adapt kills the ghost, and I snag the Porygon, now named TimeLord.
After I find a Peat Block (crazy luck there), I start training Kodiak, a Teddiursa, as well as TimeLord. I'm thinking about the future here, and I recognize that Mom Shipton is already beginning to drop off. If I keep her on the team, she will die at some point. I've kind of considered her to be a literal mom to my team, helping the others grow. It's time for her to retire, but she deserves one last good fight. So Lilith and Mom will take on the Lady of the Ridge, and win or die, this is the end of Mom's tenure on the team. 
TimeLord stays behind as we travel back north to the battle arena. Azure, Adapt, Gari, and a fully evolved Kodiak hold the line as we travel. It nearly costs Adapt her life, but we make it. The fight begins, and I began dodging and throwing balms. Lilith comes out, and owns the Liligant, and I keep the advantage and keep attacking. Then, it's Mom's turn. Mom isn't as fast as Lilith, so the Liligant attacks first, dropping Mom not quite to half. Mom uses her Aerial Ace, dropping Liligant to the red, but not dead. Liligent attacks again, and Mom is in the red. She has to land this next attack, or she dies. Mom dives in…
…and hits Liligant, dropping it. Lilith and I race forward, protecting Mom as I lob balm and balm, and both Liligant and I are freed from our rageful states. We did it. Mom did it. Way to go, you were vital in the Fieldlands, and you were vital here, you deserve this.
Marshlands completed.
Current Team:
Azure, Adapt, Lilith, Gari, Timelord, Kodiak
Teammates lost: 2
Cordyceps, Lily
Total Teammates lost: 4
Diorite, Nutmeg, Cordyceps, Lily
Teammates retired: 1
Mom Shipton
Next time: Defining the Crew, and Defeating the Thieves
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megamawilite · 2 years
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(frenzied) nobles
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starryoak · 2 years
You know, originally, because I was introduced to the Nobles out of order, I actually at first assumed that the Nobles had one Lady for each Lord. It’s because I learned about Lady Sneasler and Lord Electrode first, and then Lady Liligant and Lord Ursaluna, so I just extrapolated that there must be a Lord for each Lady and vice versa.
I was actually pretty disappointed that Lady Sneasler and Liligant are the only girls. If it were up to me, the system would be that the Nobles are intrinsically linked, so that the heirs of each Noble are paired, and there would be a Lady for each Lord. Every new generation would be swapped genders, except for the current generation of the Isles, with the little Growlithe that Palina’s raising being a rare exception, confounded by his small stature as a runt.
Lord Wyrdeer would be the Lady of the Woods, Lord Basculegion would be Lady of the Isles, and Lord Braviary would be Lady of the Tundra.
It would balance things out and make everything equal, and I think it’s cool in a way, a Lord and Lady for each land in Hisui.
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