#lads gold
Currencies & Finances
Warning: we're about to get real nerdy in here lol. Y'all about to see firsthand why earned a math degree, because "Ooooo numbers!!!". So, no yawning in my class 🧐🧐🧐 But also, I promise it's not boring! Pls stay 🙏😭🥹
Linkon City has quite a few types of currencies, so let's go over them all real quick. For this post, I'm only covering traditional currencies. No chocolates or MeowCo tokens today. But there's a bonus outlier I'll cover at the end~
Standard Currencies:
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Gold: (pictured left)
Linkon City's standard currency
Diamonds: (pictured center)
Linkon City's rare currency. Used to buy more treasured items
Crystals: (pictured right)
Linkon City's very rare currency. To quote their description, "used to fuel Linkon City shopping sprees"
Currency Symbol:
The only unique currency symbol I've seen is the one used on Lumiere's "Wanted" poster (top). But elsewhere in Linkon City, they use the "$" symbol (bottom). So, I'll be using "$" unless I learn otherwise.
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Exchange Rates:
From this point on, I'll use LNK as my stand-in currency code. Based on the Top Up options, we can get a general idea of how LNK correlates with USD:
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And thankfully, the game provides this handy conversion for us:
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So we know that 1 LNK Diamond = 1 LNK Crystal.
Now, (rubs hands together) let's get needlessly nerdy about it.
Exchange Rate Calculation:
So, the formula to calculate an indirect quote is: (base currency amount) × (exchange rate) = (foreign currency amount)
Our first step is to calculate the exchange rate. So we'll reorganize our formula for that result:
(base currency amount) ÷ (foreign currency amount) = (exchange rate)
Since the Top Up menu uses a bundled system, it means we have to calculate the individual exchange rates for each bundle. Then, we calculate the average of those exchange rates for the overall exchange rate we want. I include the additional LNK Diamonds you receive for your first Top Up for simplicity, written as "X LNK × 2":
$0.99 USD ÷ (60 LNK × 2) = 0.00825
$4.99 USD ÷ (300 LNK × 2) = 0.0083166667
$6.99 USD ÷ (450 LNK x 2) = 0.0077666667
$14.99 USD ÷ (980 LNK × 2) = 0.0076479592
$29.99 USD ÷ (1980 LNK × 2) = 0.0075732323
$49.99 USD ÷ (3280 LNK × 2) = 0.0076204268
$99.99 USD ÷ (6480 LNK × 2) = 0.0077152778
Adding up all of the individual exchange rates gives us 0.0548902295. And, after dividing that total by 7 to find the average, we get the overall exchange rate for USD to LNK: 0.0078414614
Exchange Rate Table:
$1.00 USD = $0.01 LNK
$10.00 USD = $0.08 LNK
$100.00 USD = $0.78 LNK
$1000.00 USD = $7.84 LNK
Bonus Currency - Debit/Credit Card?
The only other payment option I've seen in-game is when the protaganist goes to the Protocore auction with Sylus at Solon Hotel. He gives her his card:
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Idk if "The ACME" is a bank or something. But we can glean the following details:
Card number: 6174 71026
Expiration Date: June 2051
Unless he wants my next shopping spree to be on his dime, Sylus needs to protect his details a little better 🤣
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dawnbreakerluna · 2 months
single father sylus who falls in love with his sons' kindergarten teacher
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ganondoodle · 6 months
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(wip- OC)
felt like i needed to do one of my typical character (re)design things tm so i chose this lad who doesnt even have a name still, he will get his cool coat back dw uwu
idk if im making him more or less unique/interesting bc of how my OCs usually look these days ... he fits well to the other updated designs .. but maybe too well :/
(also not a demon but one of the ... animal/sea people like ki'ita, this lad isnt directly based on a specific one, just kinda ..tentacly)
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dawnbreakersgaze · 27 days
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"Death is not bone and blood alone. He is gold and caramel and the rending of soul and form. Let him in, and you will know he tastes of honey and loss."
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causalityparadoxes · 1 year
I totally understand why some don't enjoy the news Murray Gold is returning to Doctor Who. I'm ecstatic, but i get why some people aren't.
But lads, RTD has had Murray Gold composing for literally every show he's made in the past 2+ decades. They did Queer as Folk, Second coming, Casanova, Doctor Who, Years and Years, It's a Sin, and now Doctor who again, together.
Theres no conspiracy. yes I'd like a new take on the music too but Murray Gold and Russell T Davies clearly just like working together
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 7 months
i really like listening to audio posts on tumblr dot com.
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I enjoy uploading audio posts on tumblr dot com
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paperandhis-paper · 6 months
Vincent Vollachia is truly one of the characters of all time. Introduced as the mighty emperor of the mighty empire, where the strong rule and blah blah blah. Tappei won't waste a second about how he's the "Apex of the Empire", the very cream of the crop of Vollachia.
And yet at every moment he fails to live up to it. For starters, he doesn't kill Priscilla, simply... because he likes her. But then he's simply completely weaksauce in a fight, even getting his ass handed to him by Smolbaru. And of course, all the bullshit of being cold and calculating shatters the moment his not-boyfriend kills himself in his place, becoming a weeping mess.
Speaking of which, imagine learning that not only are you doomed by the narrative, but that your death will lead to a disaster that threatens to destroy your empire. So you accept it and carefully scheme ahead, preparing by bringing back the Divine Generals (granted, not sure if putting a bunch of psychos in charge is good overall, but hey, better them than an army of zombies, I suppose) and intending to put your most trusted man in charge. Only to turn out that the one thing you did not count on was for him to be too gay, so gay in fact he not only starts a Civil War on you, but goes on to deliver a middle-finger to fate by dying in your place.
I better see a million fics when the anime gets here, is what I'm saying.
He does live up to his reputation as being incredibly smart, to the point of figuring out Subaru has special powers. Unfortunately, he comes to the reasonable but incorrect assertion that he's a Stargazer, which means he's confident following Subaru into whatever batshit crazy plan he devices, most notably sneaking into enemy territory by the power of crossdressing. An idea that could've ended with everybody dying horribly, but he just had faith on the weird boy who's totally not just using the seige as an excuse to resolve his gender problems.
Also, he knows the name of everyone in his empire, but not how to peel an apple. To be fair, I'm also terrible at it, so I'm not judging, but still, lmao. What a silly dude.
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ruderubicante · 1 year
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Hock, for my friend Glitch.
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nameuserlee · 2 months
"Life in the N109 Zone was dull until you showed up."
Here it is, the latest line compilation from interacting with Sylus at the café. Part 6 (links back to part 5, and so forth.)
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“Have you been waking up early just to say good night to me?”
“What does 'Why do you sleep during the day' mean? I do that all the time, sweetie.”
“Do you really think I’ll go bald because I stay up late? By the way, I’m not staying up late. This is how my sleep schedule works.” (??? I busted out laughing at the first part because WHAT.)
“Waking up means I’m still alive.”
“The light outside is getting too bright. I’m going to take a nap. Wake me up in four hours."
“I sense a bit of reluctance in your voice. After I wake up, I’ll spend the rest of the night with you.” (Choose "Okay.") “... Fine, I'll stay here with you. But don't think I'll let you escape to your bed when you get sleepy later.” (Choose "No.")
“The fact that you came to find me while I was sleeping — was it intentional? Since you’ve delivered yourself to me, don’t think about leaving yet. Stay here for a bit.”
“Does good food make you smile for a couple of hours? Tell me your favourites. I’m looking forward to your reaction when you see a table filled with them.”
“Waist size isn’t important. Strength is what matters at the end of the day.”
“The last person who touched my hair like this was my barber.” (You let your barber tenderly stroke your hair like this? Who do I have to fight-)
“My hair can’t be tamed with the products you recommended. It’s stubborn like it always has been. You might as well get used to it yourself.”
“You think a collar would suit my neck? That’s a dangerous thought.” (Sylus, you literally wear the hunting zone outfit willingly. Admit it. You like it.)
“If looks could kill, my neck would already be full of bullet holes.”
“Strange. I actually don’t mind your touch.”
“Your reckless touches might raise some eyebrows.”
“You really do like flirting with danger.”
“No matter how rough you are, our clothes are in the way. Do you have the guts to go further?”
“You’ve been touching it for a while. Do you want to take me home so you can continue?”
“Does it feel the way you imagined?”
“You can stop now. Restrain your curiosity until we’re back home.”
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His morning lines are so fun to me. I almost feel bad waking him up when I log in and see him asleep on the chair. Almost. Fun fact: he really goes and takes a nap when he asks you to wake him up in four hours. Just immediately leaves and starts sleeping on the sofa. I busted out laughing when he did idk why I thought he was joking.
Oh also foodie Sylus means a lot to me. He has a lot of lines about enjoying food, good drinks (lord knows he lovesssss Gin Fizz). I can appreciate a man who knows how good it is to enjoy a good meal.
... I'm not even gonna address the lines near the end. Whew.
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csealia · 1 year
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Finished this just in time to wish LoveJoy good luck as they start their tour! Good luck y’all!! :D
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nostalgic-muffins · 9 months
trans LEVI💥 trans SATAN💥 trans BELPHIE💥 trans LUCIFER💥
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Currencies & Finances: Part 2
(This post was a bit rushed. On a road trip frantically typing in the passenger seat 🤣 So I'll have to double check my calculations later on. They feel accurate, but I won't feel at peace til I check it twice lol. If I made a mistake, pls forgive me and enjoy this cookie 🍪)
Whoops! Got so excited that I forgot to calculate the standard Gold currency lol. But, using our previous work, easy peasy!
LNK Gold Exchange Rate Calculation:
We know Wishes are 150 Diamonds:
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And in the Heartsand Shop
An Empyrean Wish is 6 "Memory Heartsand: SSR"
$50,000 LNK Gold is 2 "Memory Heartsand: SSR"
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So we can conclude that:
6 "Memory Heartsand: SSR" = 150 Diamonds
1 "Memory Heartsand: SSR" = 25 Diamonds (because 150 ÷ 6 is 25)
So, 2 "Memory Heartsand: SSR" = 50 Diamonds
Using our table from the previous post:
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we can make this conclusion:
50,000 LNK Gold = 50 Diamonds = $0.40 USD
$1 USD = (50,000 LNK Gold ÷ 0.4)
LNK Gold Exchange Rate:
So, our result gives us this:
$1 USD = $125,000.00 Gold LNK
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tbcanary · 1 year
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the graffiti. lads.
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freshbeeth · 4 months
killed a triumvirate the second time we got one 🫡
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zeroarmsgrani · 2 years
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digimon huecember no. 04 — rapidmon (armor) & magnamon
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b4kuch1n · 2 years
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there hasn’t been real gold in this land for upward of a century now, but then. you must’ve seen all that before?
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