#lachesism! lance
alienslovetea · 7 years
Part 3 of Lachesism! Lance
that’s right guys, there’s a part 3. I can’t believe how much support this has been getting, thank you guys! You’re all so nice ❤❤
You can read Part One here and Part Two here
check out some of my other minifics here
 “Why can’t you just let me feel useful for once?”
Lance fled the room, angrily wiping his face as he ran, searching for the comfort of his lion. He ignored the calls of his teammates, ignored the feelings of fear, regret and pity that radiated off of them. 
He ignored everything but the purrs of his lion.
Lance understood why Blue had let them in, she hadn’t wanted him to keep his powers a secret in the first place. Blue was just worried (understandably, he was learning how to make emotions into solid objects) and he could never angry at her for long. Once he reached his hangar, he locked it for good measure and changed the password for good measure, before finally taking a deep breath of air and staring at his lion.  
“Well that was certainly a shit show, right Blue?” Lance laughed breathlessly, a slight tremor in his voice. He began walking over to her, placing a hand on her paw once he reached her. “It didn’t exactly go how I thought it would.” Blue hummed her agreement in his mind, comforting his anxious thoughts. A slight smile graced his face before changing into a grimace.
“But...to be honest Blue, I never thought they’d be angry at me. I knew they’d be upset but that pissed,” Lance let out a sigh,”It was a little much.” Sensing her paladins discomfort, Blue opened her mouth and let Lance inside. He made his way through his lion slowly, gliding a hand across the wall as he walked. “It hurt, Blue. It hurt a lot. They looked so, so afraid of me.” He paused for a moment, his fingers slowly curling into a fist. He could still feel the emotions rolling off his teammates like waves, each beckoning him to take a dive into the abyss that was feelings.  “A-Am I scary Blue? ...Am I monster?”
No, my paladin, you are no monster.
“Then what am I Blue? I’m not a hero, I’m not a Paladin of Voltron, and I’m not even sure I’m completely human at this point!” Lance cried out, sliding down against the wall. “T-These powers Blue, what do they mean?” He began to curl into himself, tears on the brink of falling out. He shoved the palms of his hands against his eyes, trying to stop the tears from overflowing. The negative emotions he usually kept on lockdown were drowning him, they were clawing up his throat and bubbling out as harsh sobs. “What am I?”
You are my paladin, the Blue lion spoke, her words wrapping around Lance’s mind like a blanket, protecting him from the negative emotions in him. You are precious, you are unique and you are wonderful. Blue tried to focus all the love she had for her paladin into her words, sending him as much warmth as she could.
Lance refused to believe her and Blue fought to keep that blanket around him, tightening its bounds around his mind. You are my paladin. 
“You deserve better than me Blue.” The coils grew tighter, dark matter beginning to form around Lance. You are my paladin. 
She could hear the shouts of her paladin’s teammates from within her hangar, each shouting for Lance. But her paladin needed rest, he needed these negative emotions gone from his mind so he could be happy. She would heal him. She would protect him. She would be there for her paladin like he was there for her. Sending a quick sorry to Black, Blue protected her paladin the best way she could. You are my cub. 
All Lance could see was black.
“Are you an idiot?! Who says that to the obviously emotionally unstable guy?” Pidge shouted, “Who gave you the right to speak to him that way? Tell me Keith, who?”
“That’s enough Pidge,” Shiro chided.
“Um excuse me? Keith just made a magical Lance who could do some crazy things have a mental breakdown and run off!” She yelled. 
“And I’m sorry about that! But what Lance did was wrong and he needed to know that!” Keith argued through clenched teeth. 
“And what you did was wrong as well! We could have that discussion when he wasn’t a fidgety, anxious mess! But nooo, Keith has to open his big fat mouth and ruin-”
“I said that’s enough Pidge,” Shiro interrupted, “Pidge is correct Keith, you shouldn’t have said that. But Lance also shouldn’t have done what he did, however that did not need to be discussed yet.” Keith looked away angrily, a frown set on his face.  
Shiro sighed, deciding to let him be for now,”Hunk, do you and Pidge want to go check on Lance? I need to talk to Allura about what just happened.” All he got was a nod in response before the two walked out of the room in silence, Pidge sending a glare on their way out. 
Once the room was empty Shiro sent one last glance at Keith,”You’re going to have to apologize for what happened.”
“I know.”
“Because it wasn’t right.”
“I know.”
“And you need to learn-”
“I know Shiro, god,” Keith growled.
“Fine, be that way, but I expect an apology for Lance when I return. You disappointed me today Keith, you’re better than this.” He left it at that before exiting the room, hearing Keith sigh on his way out. 
His entire head was going to be white by the end of today.
ahh sorry it’s a bit short guys! if i wrote anymore it would end up being 3k words :) , hope you liked it though!
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jedimordsith · 5 years
Whumptober: Day 7
Today’s prompt was: Isolation
Today’s excerpt is from: Lachesism
“I have to go.” She darted toward her clothes, grabbed for her still-damp boots. “I can -.”
Go? She couldn’t go. “Mara.”
“I can’t stay,” she shoved one foot in a boot, her face set in determination. “’ll figure something out.”
“You’re not going anywhere.”
That… might have come out significantly more like a growl than he’d intended. Irritation lanced at him and he clamped down harder on his unruly Alpha side. He was a Jedi Master, for Force sake - he did not growl at people – least of all his friends. He could control this. He would.
“I won’t do this to you.” Mara stuffed her other foot in its boot and straightened, her shoulders squaring fiercely. “You don’t know what it’s like – I won’t.”
“Mara.” There, that was better. Calm. Reasonable. Almost. “You’re going into heat. It isn’t safe for you to be out there.” He gestured to the alien world beyond their shelter. “Least of all alone.”
“Have you ever seen an Omega in heat?” she demanded, furiously. “Do you have any idea -?”
“Tell me. Tell me what you need.” That… sounded good, but Luke had the distinct impression it hadn’t come from his rational brain. It was not a comforting idea.
“Isolation,” she answered, immediately.
Luke frowned. “That doesn’t sound right.”
“A stasis field,” she continued, wrapping her arms around herself again, the tunic’s hem hitching higher on her toned thighs as she started to pace. “For the panic. And after.”
“Panic?” he repeated, bewildered.
“I’m not safe. For you. You can hold me down with the Force, but if you slip -.” She dove for the pack, a manic edge to her energy. “I can rig -.”
“No.” Nothing born of that disordered thinking could be good. Ducking forward, Luke snatched the pack from her hands, tossed it away.
She jumped up, starting to scramble after it, but Luke cut her off, planting his body in the way and catching her with a strong grip on her upper arms. “Stop.”
To his surprise, she did, a vicious shudder running through her. Something deep in his chest went tender. “I know you don’t want this,” he said, every word slow and deliberate. “But it’s happening, and it will be better for both of us if you let me help.”
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alienslovetea · 7 years
Part 2 of Lachesism! Lance
Hey guys! Since everyone has been asking for a part 2 for my lachesism I decided to continue it (also you guys are too sweet seriously)! I hope you enjoy it :)
You can find that post here : Part One
You can check out some of my other mini fics here
There in the middle of the hangar, sat Lance surrounded by a hurricane of black that swirled faster with each passing second. His eyes were squeezed shut, not seeing the paladins, yet they all felt like he just knew. It was when he opened his eyes that all hell broke loose.
Lance’s eyes glowed a pale blue amidst the chaos of the black storm surrounding him. He almost seemed to stare at the team unseeingly, his eyes shining unnaturally. 
“Lance?” Shiro asked,”...What’s going on?” He didn’t reply, the only movement he made was the slow blink of his eyes. “Buddy, I need you to work with me ok? What is happening?” Shiro tried again, only to be greeted by silence. The team was beyond freaked out at this point, because where the Lance they knew? What was this, this thing in front of them?
“Lance you better knock it off! This isn’t funny man!” Hunk yelled, taking a step forward, “Let us help you!” 
Lance cocked his head to the side, his brows furrowing. “Blue is someone here?”
If the team thought they were freaked out before, then damn, they were terrified right now. Lance’s voice was creepy, it was as if someone layered his voice a thousand times, each one seeming farther away than the one before it. 
“Can he not hear us?” Pidge whispered, her voice sounding smaller than usual. 
“Blue can you please tell Lance that we’re here to help?” Shiro asked, but the Blue Lion was not listening. Her eyes were fixed on Lance and Lance alone, who was now slowly standing up, the storm around him condensing to two black orbs that sat in each of his hands. 
“Whoever it is, can you please tell them to leave? I’ve almost got this part down! See,” Lance said, dispersing the two orbs into multiple orbs that circled his head,”I’m finally getting the hang of this thing!” The team stared at the menacing blackness that loomed over Lance, who seemed unaffected by the eerie energy it was giving off. 
“That’s it, the show is over,” Keith growled, stomping over to Lance determinedly.
“Keith no! We don’t know what’s going on!” Shiro shouted, reaching out for Keith, only to just miss him. He could only watch as Keith made his way to Lance and grabbed his arm. 
The movement above Lance’s head stopped as he turned to face Keith, his eyes still glowing that pale blue. 
“Snap out of it Lance! You need to tell us what’s going on!” Keith shouted, gripping Lance’s arm tighter. 
“Keith? W-what are you doing here?” Lance stuttered, his eyes going wide and his breath beginning to stiffen. “Blue? Why is he here?” He began to shake, the black orbs above him started to reform into a storm. “Y-you need to let go of me Keith. Y-you n-n-need to let go of me r-right now.”
“Like hell I am!” Keith yelled, “You need to let us help you Lance!”
He didn’t seem to be listening, his eyes gaining that unnatural glow to them once again. The hand touching Lance’s arm began to burn, causing Keith to let go briefly. The effect was already beginning, however, despite Keith letting go. Big fat tears welled up in his eyes and hole seemed to form in his chest, this aching feeling setting root within him. 
“Oh god, oh god, oh god, I’m sorry Keith, I-I didn’t mean to give that to you, let me help ok? Let me just-” And just like that, the feeling was gone, contentment taking its place. Keith could only stare at Lance with his mouth open in shock. The glow began to dim from his eyes, returning them back to normal and the darkness practically vanished in moments. 
“How the hell did you just do that?!”
“Umm... what do you mean?” Lance asked, playing with his fingers. 
“What do I mean? How about the whole, my-emotions-just-went-from-fucking-depressed-to-sunshine-and-rainbows in two seconds??” Keith shouted, causing Lance to shrink into himself even more. 
“Um.. well you see-”
“Hold up, wait just a moment. What just happened. Like right now, in this moment, what is going on?? Because there was a huge storm above your head like a minute ago and now its gone??? You had glowing blue eyes and did something to Keith?? What is happenning?????” Hunk interrupted, stepping in between Lance and Keith. 
“Uhhh, well-”
“What the fucK?? Don’t give me that look Shiro, because I just watched some freaky shit happen. How did you even do that? When did you even start doing that? Could you always do that? What even is that? What-” Pidge rambled, gesturing around her as Lance refused to meet any of their eyes. 
“All right, how about we all give Lance some space ok? Let’s all go to the lounge and talk about this peacefully, alright?” Shiro intervened, going to place a hand on Lance’s shoulder before hesitating. “We’re going to need you to tell us what’s going on, ok Lance?”
Lance continued to stare at the floor, simply nodding before leaving the hangar. 
Lance was in a state a shock at the moment. He couldn’t believe how stupid he was, what idiot lets their biggest secret get discovered that easily? He barely even put up a fight and now here he was, sitting in the lounge, about to explain to the team how much of a screw up he was. He let out a sigh and stared at the empty couches in front of him. Maybe he could just take their anger away so they wouldn’t kick him off the team?
No, that would just prove he’s more pathetic than he already was. For once, Lance wished he couldn’t feel, that all these dark emotions would disappear like he had done for others in the past. 
“Lance can you explain to all of us what happened in the hangar?”
“Well umm... I was practicing,” Lance said, twiddling his fingers nervously.
“Practicing?” Allura questioned.
“Yeah I was practicing my...powers. Trying to make them stronger I guess.” He refused to meet anyones’ eyes, choosing to stare at his fingers instead.
“And what are these powers?” Shiro probed, leaning forward a bit,”What are you able to do?”
“I can, I can... control emotions. Not like that! Like I can take away emotions and kinda harvest them I guess? And replace the emotions I took away with different ones,” Lance clenched his fist, forcing himself to explain further to avoid having to look at his teamates, his friends. “I was trying to put them into a physical state, so I could use them in combat and just to get them out of me. I’ve never tested one of the orbs on someone, but I know if you were to touch one you’d feel all the emotion pent up in there.” He created a small one, reaching inside of himself for that energy that was always there, ignoring the slight gasp that came from Allura. Lance shrugged half-heartedly, “It’s something I’ve been able to do since I was fifteen.”
“Have you ever...took some of our emotions?” Hunk asked quietly, placing a gentle hand on Lance’s shoulder. 
“I uh...yes. I just, I couldn’t stand knowing you guys were upset and that I could do something about it. Everyday I could feel your emotions and I just felt so, so guilty that I wasn’t doing what I could to help!” Lance spit out bitterly, rubbing a hand through this hair. 
“Lance... you shouldn’t have done that. Those were our emotions and you shouldn’t just take them from us without even telling us!” Keith yelled, standing up, “You had no right to make that decision!”
Lance looked up at them all, his eyes beginning to glow once again. “What did you want me to do? J-just sit there and let you feel that pain, watch as it festered and boiled inside of you? How could I do that to a person, to my friends?” Lance clenched his fists, his eyes slowly turning to that pale blue color. “Why can’t you just let me feel useful for once?”
Part Three
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alienslovetea · 7 years
1 and 16 😂
oooooooh okay: 
too many lmao i have like ten probably?? and more just as like bullet points of what i want to do ya know
Uhhh my current one with the highest word count is prob my Lachesism! Lance story, but since you already know about that one my second highest is this story i’ve been cooking up where Lance has ice powers! but it has to be kept a secret due to the lion’s insistence. so its a lot of lance doing pretty cool shit with ice 
Fanfic Ask Game!
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alienslovetea · 7 years
the magic of gardens (a langst minific)
since im currently working on my rebel!lance au and torn apart (and maybe some more of lachesism!lance ;) ), i thought I’d give you guys some langst and fluff since I haven’t written anything in a while!
If there was one thing that was obvious to Lance during his time in space, it was how lifeless it was. Of course it wasn’t always that way, the paladins were often wormhole-ing from one galaxy to another and seeing a multitude of different planets every day. Yet there were also those moments where it was just the castle and the vastness of space, leaving them without any planet to anchor to. 
It was in those moments that Lance truly missed his home, not only for his family, but for the life that always bloomed on Earth. Back home, Lance had had a garden, both outside and in his bedroom. The plants ranged from succulents to flowers to even vegetables, filling Lance’s room to the brim with life. 
That’s when it started, Lance would have to say, a day like any other filled with boring missions. The team had been visiting a planet by the name of Gaji, specifically its markets for supplies for the castle. Lance being Lance, had wandered off, hoisting his bag over his shoulder in search of something cool and discovered a little shop at the end of the row, where a small alien sat surrounded by plants. The alien itself was a soft lavender with three eyes, each peering at Lance with curiosity. “Are you interested in buying some plants?” The merchant asked, gesturing around the shop, “Anything specific?” Lance shook his head and peered around the small shop, looking at all the odd plants that were scattered around. Some glowed, while others moved, each unique in their own way. 
“May I ask where you got all these plants? I haven’t seen any of these on Gaji?” Lance said instead, interested. 
The merchant laughed, sounding almost like a bird chirp, at his words,”Oh no, these are plants I’ve discovered while traveling. I have my own garden and I like to sell any plants I already have or do not need anymore.”
“You have a garden? Is it here on Gaji? How do you manage it? I used to have one too back on my home planet, sorry if I’m asking too much!” Lance replied excitedly, he never had thought to start his own garden out in space. 
“Oh no you’re fine, I enjoy talking about my garden, ask as many questions as you’d like! You remind me of an old friend, they too loved nature. And yes, it is here on Gaji towards the mountains so it can receive direct light from our sun. My family mostly manages it for me while I’m away, however I also have some droids who help out as well!” He explained, pointing to a small robot on a nearby shelf. 
“That’s so cool! How do you collect the plants? Especially these larger ones?” Lance asked.
“Oh that’s simple, have you ever heard of Bev? No? Well, he’s an inventor who created these small boxes that expand and then shrink to carry whatever you need. I’m not exactly sure of the science behind it, but it helps me with the business! Oh and please take a seat! You must be getting tired simply standing there, would you like a cup of lepaz as well? It’s a de-stresser tea, the plants can tell you’re a bit stressed.” He ushered Lance into a soft cushion before disappearing behind a door and emerging with two mugs and some cookies, or rather space cookies. 
“Oh, you didn’t have to do all this! I haven’t even learned your name yet!” Lance exclaimed, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. 
“Oh no, it is custom with my people to provide support, especially to those who appreciate nature! My name is Zad, and I’ve heard tales of you, Blue Paladin. Now may I ask some questions as well? Is it true you battled a sea monster with only your wits and saved a whole planet?” Zad handed him his mug and the two talked for hours about the universe and plants in the cozy little shop. For the first time in months, Lance felt completely relaxed.
Before he knew it, he was getting a call over the comms to return back to the castle, ruining his good mood. 
“Sorry Zad, I have to get going back to the castle now,” Lance sighed, placing his mug on the floor. 
Zad smiled and stood up, gesturing for Lance to as well. “It was nice to meet you Blue Paladin, please accept this communicator as a away for us to keep in touch! And back to my first question before you go, are you interested in any of these plants? I’m sure you’d be a great caretaker!” 
Lance happily accepted the small communicator, ignoring the second beep alerting him to head back to the castle before responding,”I sadly don’t have any money on me, our team leader was carrying it before I wandered off. I really have to go now though, I’ll make sure to keep in touch!” 
Lance was all but running out of the shop as his helmet beeped a third time, but was interrupted by a loud, “Wait!”
Zad ran up to him, holding a small cube in his hand, “Take this then, it has all you need to start up your own garden.” Lance was about to retort that he couldn’t possibly accept such a gift when his helmet beeped once again, this time with a short and angry message from Allura, leaving him with no option but to accept and sprint back to the castle.
The lecture he received once he returned hadn’t been a fun one, that’s for sure. 
“You can’t keep wandering off like that Lance! You could have gotten seriously hurt, I expected better from you,” Shiro reprimanded as soon as he was onboard, practically fuming. He had to pinch the bridge of his nose and take a deep breath before continuing, “Just… just act as a Paladin all right? I know you’re tired and the market was cool, but we have to be the responsible ones and that means not jeopardizing a mission to go sight-seeing okay?” Lance could only nod, keeping his eyes trained on the floor as he trudged back to his room quietly. He’d face the rest of the team tomorrow. 
Once he reached his room he immediately went and changed, going through his nightly routine as well. It wasn’t until he was putting on his face mask when he remembered the small cube Zad had given him. He went and pulled it out the bag he had brought with him, admiring the intricate designs that covered the cube. There was a small button on the cube and without thinking Lance immediately pushed, which was a mistake. 
Items began pouring out of the box; boxes of soil, fertilizer, tea boxes, and plants began to cover his floor. Zad had said he gave him enough to start a garden but he hadn’t thought it was this much! It was going to be a long night. 
Lance barely got any sleep after having to organize all the supplies he had been given, which now covered half his room even after being put into stacks. He almost face planted into his food goo during breakfast, which didn’t go unnoticed. 
Coran had pulled him aside before training asking him if he felt alright, twisting his moustache in worry. 
Lance ran his fingers through his hair,”Well um, I’m feeling fine I just stayed up a bit a late due to an…accident.”
“An accident?! Are you alright? Should I go start a healing pod, you know how-”
“Its fine! I was given a gift the other day at the market and it kinda exploded all over my room? So it kinda resembles a garden shop at the moment with all the supplies that’s in there,” Lance mumbled, “You wouldn’t happen to know where I could put all of that right? I can’t use half of my room currently, which is a small problem.” Coran was speechless for a moment before a huge grin overtook his face. 
“A garden you say? I have just the thing. But first, let’s get you out of training, yeah? You look a bit rugged and I think this will do you some good!” Coran winked at him, heading back into the dining room to alert the team that Lance would be helping him with some castle repairs for the rest of the day, which Shiro begrudgingly agreed to. 
The pair then quickly went to Lance’s room where they locked the door to keep their job away from prying eyes. 
“Now, I haven’t properly been able to alert you all of the functions of your rooms, which is quite a shame! You see, if you press this panel here, it opens up a small chamber! And if you press this one, it opens a wardrobe, and this one opens a-” Coran rambled, opening up a small room that had both an upper level and a lower level. It was lined with shelves and great lighting, exactly what Lance needed. “-and then the panel closed on his foot! Hah! On Altea…Lance, are you alright my boy?”
Lance hadn’t even realized he was crying, lifting a hand to touch the tears rolling down his face. He reached over and hugged Coran,”This is perfect Coran, thank you so much.” He wiped the tears away before grinning excitedly, “Now lets fill this baby up! This is going to be the coolest thing ever!”
By the end of the day, most of the bottom section had been filled with plants and Lance’s room was empty once again. Zad had given him a total of fifteen plants, each differing in size and type. His favorite had to be one that resembled a succulent, that glowed a soft blue and had shiny blue leaves. 
At dinner that night, Lance was about to tell the team about his cool new garden when he remembered that they were all angry at him still. That certainly put a damper on his happy mood. He couldn’t tell them about the garden now, not when they were angry, it would make them think he didn’t take this seriously. So he kept it a secret, promising himself to tell them when the time was right.
As the days turned to weeks, Lance found that instead of telling the team about his garden, he simply continued to add to it. He carried the cube with him on scouting missions to fill with any cool plants he might find along the way. This resulted in him filling up the entire bottom layer, the shelves full to the brim with plants. In a way, it was therapeutic, having something so simple to take care of and keep his mind off of the war he was fighting every day. He would often call up Zad on the communicator while he was in the room, talking to him about his garden and asking for any tips on certain plants. Zad had even went as far as to teach him a bit about plant magic, showing him the basics of the web of life that made up the world. It was relaxing, and even the team began to see a shift in him as well. In Pidge’s words, he was more “chill”.
It even helped him with his bond with Blue, as Zad had suggested he tried out meditation (which Lance had originally thought was lame) and he saw huge improvements in the way he could communicate with his lion. Her words came out sharper and he could speak to her over greater distances.
All thanks to these little plants. 
Of course, this was Lance however, and nothing ever went his way. 
He was just placing a new flower he found on the planet they previously visited, when a voice startled him and ended with the plant hitting the floor. 
“What. The. Hell.” Lance turned around to see Keith standing in the doorway, awe clearly displayed on his face. 
“Keith! What are you doing here? Why didn’t you knock?!” Lance yelled, “Goddamit, I broke its pot. Are you good little guy?” 
Keith only stared at the room in front of him, that was honestly one of the prettiest things he had ever seen. From the soft lanterns that floated around to all the glowing plants, it looked like something straight out of a disney movie. 
“How did you even…when did this happen?” Keith asked, staying in the doorway in fear of ruining the almost magical atmosphere of the room. 
Lance sighed, making his way down to the bottom level where Keith was,”Um, a while ago when we went to that market on Gaji? There was a plant shop there with this cool dude named Zad, who is a gardening god by the way, gave me a bunch of plants after we had this like huge discussion. Then Coran helped me set this up.” Lance smiled proudly at his garden, peeling off his gardening gloves. “Um, why did you come into my room anyway?”
“Oh um, I wanted to see if you wanted to spar but you seem busy so I’ll just go..” Keith said, slowly making his way back into Lance’s room. 
“Well now that you know about this, feel free to stay! I’ve got this awesome tea, or at least resembles a tea, that you should try! And-” Lance was interrupted by a song ringing, filling up the room, “One sec!”
Keith awkwardly stood there while Lance spoke to ‘Rad Zad’, not knowing whether he should stay or leave. Finally when Lance was done he turned to Keith. “Sorry about that, I just wanted to tell you I’ve got this cool fire plant thing that you would like!” 
The two ended up spending the rest of the afternoon exploring Lance’s garden, sipping on lepaz and enjoying a moment of magic in the midst of the madness. 
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alienslovetea · 7 years
I recently found your Lachesism Lance fic and I just wanna say I loved what you had done with it so far. I never knew I wanted this brand of langst until I had it!
ahhhh thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it :)
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alienslovetea · 7 years
Are you going to be doing a part 4 for Lachesism! Lance? Because that would be really cool!! I personally would totally love to see a part 2 of the Frost fic, if you'd be up for it. I'm a total sucker for powers, and both of those were just so. Awesome!
ahhh thank you! ♡ I think I’m going to try and make a part 4 for lachesism and a part 2 for frost too! i just haven’t had the time lately to write for either of them :(
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alienslovetea · 7 years
Part three of Lachesism! Lance would be the best thing ever. Also, is he like, an empath, like Raven? The end chick from the Teen Titans?
it should be out in the next few days ;) and yes! that’s exactly what he is except he takes just a step further! 
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alienslovetea · 7 years
Holy Heck I read Lachesism! Lance and it was amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Ahhh thank you so much!!
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alienslovetea · 7 years
what power does lance have??? i searched up Lachesism and all i found was a definition "the desire to be struck by disaster"
Ok so basically his power is related to his lachesism, but lachesism isn’t his power? He has the ability to feel others emotions and remove different feelings and absorb them basically, and is learning how to put these emotions into a physical form. The lachesism part is that Lance has this desire to be struck by destruction to prove his worth, which triggered these powers to exist. I hope that answers your question! :)
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alienslovetea · 7 years
Ahhhhh thank you! Part 2 should be done soon :)
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alienslovetea · 7 years
are you gonna continue that thnig with lachesism lance? because hoo boy let me tell u that was amazing and i want more
yes i am and thank you!! part 2 should be out soon, most likely after I’m done with my mountain of homework :)
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alienslovetea · 7 years
I just read your lachesism lance fic and it was super amazing. I wanted to know if you had a part two for it and if you don't, you definitely should.
awww than you! i’m currently working on a part two so don’t worry ;)
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alienslovetea · 7 years
Part of Lachesism Lance please oh my god
its coming dont worry!
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