#alienslovetea fic
alienslovetea · 7 years
🚬 lance pls? Also I love ur writing so much ur a blessing to this hellsite :""-)
ahh ty so much!! :’’) you’re making me blush my dude 
Lance took a long drag of the cigarette (if you could even call it that) in between his finger tips, the smoke slowly filtering out as he exhaled. These were the moments he lived for nowadays, the times where everything was quiet for once and all that seemed to exist was him and his cigarette. It was a nice escape from the hell his life slowly morphed into, a time when he could just breathe. 
Lance took another drag of the cigarette that tasted almost fruity, leaning back against Blue and shutting his eyes. His tense shoulders slowly relaxed and the ache he always seemed to feel deep in his bones disappeared into the murky depths of the smoke around him. 
The cigarettes were something he found a few months ago at a space bazaar, coming in all shapes and colors and being sold by a shifty dealer. Smoking was something Lance had always found fascinating back on Earth, the almost mysterious way the smoke would linger around someone was captivating to him. He knew the team and especially Shiro would disapprove (after all they couldn’t exactly go into battle or form Voltron with someone who was high), but he ended up buying a pack anyways and had stashed it in his lion. 
It was almost a treat to be able to sit down after a long battle and breathe in the intoxicating smoke, a moment shared between only Lance and his lion. Perhaps that’s why their bond had strengthened tremendously over the past few months, these quiet moments joining them together in mind and spirit. 
For these few minutes Lance forgot about Earth, the War, his fears, and just breathed.
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notchaoticiswear · 7 years
20, 23, 30, and 43?
20: any ships you surprised yourself by liking?
No, not really. Besides maybe some... certain ships i’ll dm you abt.
23: name a fic you’ve written that you’re especially fond of & explain why you like it
Born from Stars! Because I’m proud of myself for coming up with the lore in part V, and with the idea in general! I’m also writing one right now I really like, it’s called ‘From the Ashes, I am Born Anew’ (or From the Ashes? Or From the Ashes, I am Anew... idk yet) 
30: what inspires you to write?
If you want an honest answer: sadness. I want to distract myself and so I write until I’m not sad. Also just seeing some feedback for my writing!
43: Is there anyone in your fandom that really inspires you?
Hmm.... @why-not-langst-haha-kill-me @sonshinbrow @iamtheyaoiqueen @alienslovetea @allywithdrawings @lovelylangst and so many more that i’m not listing bc it’d take too long! 
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dulceringo · 7 years
How did the MafiaAU: Lance Salazar gained a lot of attention?! Oh, and yes, there will be a part 3. Let me just write something about the TwinAU (langst mini fic #7: who am I?) I’m sorry @alienslovetea! I promise I will finish writing my part so you can start yours already o(TヘTo)
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alienslovetea · 7 years
It’s Not Me It’s You (a langst minific)
Somedays he didn’t understand. 
He didn’t get why the cards never seemed to be in his favor, why the world kept piling more stones upon his back. He just, couldn’t comprehend, what he had done to deserve this. Was it his jokes, the ones no one seemed to get? Or maybe his smile, that was either too bright or too flirty for anyone to handle. Or even his walk, was his shoulders too slouched or was he too tall? Was it that superficial?
Or maybe, it was just him. 
Back home, he had a place and instead of the cards going against him, they built with him; his family and friends building this stack of cards that gave him a purpose. He was somebody to them, either a brother, a son, a friend, a teammate, someone. To them, he was important and valued for all that he was worth. They knew him, they understood him, they cared for him to the fullest extent. 
But this wasn’t home. No, this was space; dark, empty, infinite space that did not care who he was or what he had done back on Earth. It only cared about what he could do, and out here, his talents weren’t as helpful as they once were. Even if they were, he was never given the chance to use them and despite what others would tell you, he wouldn’t try to outshine them. He didn’t deserve it. 
That didn’t mean he didn’t give it his all, he did every single day of being out in this hell he used to dream of exploring. He  put his heart and soul into every battle he fought, letting his desperation to protect the ones he loves to motivate him. It was never enough though. Not for them, not for Voltron. 
And he didn’t know how much longer he would last out here alone. Just Lance, not only fighting evil, but also the disappointment of those around him. His hands would begin to shake just thinking about it, about the weight of his actions if he failed again. These battles weren’t the neighborhood soccer matches he would dominate back on Earth, these meant life or death. 
Perhaps that’s why he finally did it. Finally broke free of the chains that began to loop around his throat and choke him. 
He finally understood, that if Voltron didn’t need him. 
Then Lance Sanchez sure as hell didn’t need Voltron. 
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alienslovetea · 7 years
Overdramatic (a langst sickfic)
here 1/2 is the prompt for this, enjoy! (sorry if its crappy, this is my first sick fic!)
read some of of my other minifics here
To say Lance was dramatic would be an understatement. He enjoyed attention and would bask in it whenever he could, even if he got by making some things sound a little worse than they actually were. 
But that papercut he got on Tuesday? It was obviously life threatening, didn’t those strike the nerve the hardest or something? And if they did, wasn’t it imperative that he got medical attention immediately since it could mess up his whole nervous system? His actions were totally justified, no matter what Pidge might think.
Plus, that migraine (yes it was a migraine, not some small headache) he had two days ago obviously impaired him significantly, which was why he couldn’t go to training that day. Despite his pain, he was forced to go to training and on top of that, the entire team ignored his painful sorrows he grumbled as they trained. In fact, Pidge had even told him to shut up! Yeah, to say that day was a good day would also be an understatement, especially with the lecture he received from Shiro afterwards.  
All in all, Lance knew he could be a tad overdramatic at times (barely a smidge), so when he woke up today with aching limbs and a pounding headache, he knew he was actually sick. Yet he also knew the team wouldn’t believe him and after that talk with Shiro about being a team player? Lance didn’t want to start anymore trouble with the team.
He slowly pulled himself out of bed, glaring at the alarm that blared in his room before moving to get ready as fast as he could. Every movement hurt his sore body and his head would begin to spin dangerously if he moved too quickly. He could barely concentrate on putting on his socks without becoming overwhelmed with a wave of vertigo, sending his already churning stomach into a whirlpool. Before he even realized what was happening, he was retching on the floor, black spots dancing in his vision as he dazedly wiped his chin. Lance prided himself on being the cleanest of the paladins, but in that moment he was completely disgusted. Trying not to throw up again, Lance hurriedly put on the rest of his armor before making his way out of his room. By the time he reached the control room, everyone else was already there and boy were they not happy. 
“Lance, you were expected to be here over 200 ticks ago, you missed the debriefing on the mission,” Allura addressed him coldly, “You know I do not tolerate this type of behavior from anyone, even more so from a paladin!” She sniffed, eyeing him for a moment,”And you reek, please go ... clean yourself in the kitchen before joining us again.” Lance could only nod silently before making his way over to the kitchen to rinse his face and mouth, catching Hunk’s small smile on the way out. He was suddenly overcome by a sudden dizziness, causing him to grip the countertop tightly as he fought the urge to throw up. He just had to make it through this mission and then he could rest up. 
Making it through the mission was easier said than done. He could barely stay up right during the debriefing and everything sounded muffled as he tried to concentrate on what Allura was saying. 
“And then.. Lance are you even paying attention?” “Yes Princess! You were just um.. talking about the strategy we were going to use?” Allura only sighed at his response before continuing. Lance didn’t miss the glare Keith shot his way despite the black dots that were increasingly getting larger. Was that ringing always there? Lance couldn’t make out what Allura was saying over it, the ringing noise getting louder by the second. The lights seemed a whole lot brighter too suddenly, and he had to grip the table to stop himself from swaying. Despite his efforts, the room itself was already swaying and he couldn’t even make out Allura at this point or anyone to be honest. The ringing turned into a roar and then it was silent. 
“...Lance? Lance! What is wrong with him?!” Hunk yelled, immediately leaping towards his friend who was currently face down on the table. 
“He’s just acting dramatic again, he’ll wake up any minute now,” Keith retorted, eyeing Lance, “You know how he gets.” Yet even he was getting antsy as Lance sat hunched over, unmoving. Shiro placed a hesitant hand on Lance and was instantly bombarded with heat, Lance’s skin extremely hot. 
“Coran ready a healing pod, Lance is not well right now,” Shiro ordered, the table falling silent. Shiro tried to shake Lance awake and was relieved when he received a groan in response. “Lance? You need to tell use what’s wrong.” The entire team was around Lance at this point, everyone hovering around him unsure of what to do. 
“Im.. fine. ....sorry.” Lance grumbled, sitting up blearily before lurching to the side. Hunk luckily grabbed him in time, worry painted on his face. 
“Lance, you don’t need to be sorry okay? Just tell us what’s wrong,” Hunk tried, glancing down at the boy in his arms. 
“Imf... being a..nnoying..”Lance said tiredly, his eyes already slipping close,”I’m just...a little un-under the weather,” He tried to grin, but it only came out as a grimace. He missed the sad smiles when he passed out. 
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alienslovetea · 7 years
Part 3 of Lachesism! Lance
that’s right guys, there’s a part 3. I can’t believe how much support this has been getting, thank you guys! You’re all so nice ❤❤
You can read Part One here and Part Two here
check out some of my other minifics here
 “Why can’t you just let me feel useful for once?”
Lance fled the room, angrily wiping his face as he ran, searching for the comfort of his lion. He ignored the calls of his teammates, ignored the feelings of fear, regret and pity that radiated off of them. 
He ignored everything but the purrs of his lion.
Lance understood why Blue had let them in, she hadn’t wanted him to keep his powers a secret in the first place. Blue was just worried (understandably, he was learning how to make emotions into solid objects) and he could never angry at her for long. Once he reached his hangar, he locked it for good measure and changed the password for good measure, before finally taking a deep breath of air and staring at his lion.  
“Well that was certainly a shit show, right Blue?” Lance laughed breathlessly, a slight tremor in his voice. He began walking over to her, placing a hand on her paw once he reached her. “It didn’t exactly go how I thought it would.” Blue hummed her agreement in his mind, comforting his anxious thoughts. A slight smile graced his face before changing into a grimace.
“But...to be honest Blue, I never thought they’d be angry at me. I knew they’d be upset but that pissed,” Lance let out a sigh,”It was a little much.” Sensing her paladins discomfort, Blue opened her mouth and let Lance inside. He made his way through his lion slowly, gliding a hand across the wall as he walked. “It hurt, Blue. It hurt a lot. They looked so, so afraid of me.” He paused for a moment, his fingers slowly curling into a fist. He could still feel the emotions rolling off his teammates like waves, each beckoning him to take a dive into the abyss that was feelings.  “A-Am I scary Blue? ...Am I monster?”
No, my paladin, you are no monster.
“Then what am I Blue? I’m not a hero, I’m not a Paladin of Voltron, and I’m not even sure I’m completely human at this point!” Lance cried out, sliding down against the wall. “T-These powers Blue, what do they mean?” He began to curl into himself, tears on the brink of falling out. He shoved the palms of his hands against his eyes, trying to stop the tears from overflowing. The negative emotions he usually kept on lockdown were drowning him, they were clawing up his throat and bubbling out as harsh sobs. “What am I?”
You are my paladin, the Blue lion spoke, her words wrapping around Lance’s mind like a blanket, protecting him from the negative emotions in him. You are precious, you are unique and you are wonderful. Blue tried to focus all the love she had for her paladin into her words, sending him as much warmth as she could.
Lance refused to believe her and Blue fought to keep that blanket around him, tightening its bounds around his mind. You are my paladin. 
“You deserve better than me Blue.” The coils grew tighter, dark matter beginning to form around Lance. You are my paladin. 
She could hear the shouts of her paladin’s teammates from within her hangar, each shouting for Lance. But her paladin needed rest, he needed these negative emotions gone from his mind so he could be happy. She would heal him. She would protect him. She would be there for her paladin like he was there for her. Sending a quick sorry to Black, Blue protected her paladin the best way she could. You are my cub. 
All Lance could see was black.
“Are you an idiot?! Who says that to the obviously emotionally unstable guy?” Pidge shouted, “Who gave you the right to speak to him that way? Tell me Keith, who?”
“That’s enough Pidge,” Shiro chided.
“Um excuse me? Keith just made a magical Lance who could do some crazy things have a mental breakdown and run off!” She yelled. 
“And I’m sorry about that! But what Lance did was wrong and he needed to know that!” Keith argued through clenched teeth. 
“And what you did was wrong as well! We could have that discussion when he wasn’t a fidgety, anxious mess! But nooo, Keith has to open his big fat mouth and ruin-”
“I said that’s enough Pidge,” Shiro interrupted, “Pidge is correct Keith, you shouldn’t have said that. But Lance also shouldn’t have done what he did, however that did not need to be discussed yet.” Keith looked away angrily, a frown set on his face.  
Shiro sighed, deciding to let him be for now,”Hunk, do you and Pidge want to go check on Lance? I need to talk to Allura about what just happened.” All he got was a nod in response before the two walked out of the room in silence, Pidge sending a glare on their way out. 
Once the room was empty Shiro sent one last glance at Keith,”You’re going to have to apologize for what happened.”
“I know.”
“Because it wasn’t right.”
“I know.”
“And you need to learn-”
“I know Shiro, god,” Keith growled.
“Fine, be that way, but I expect an apology for Lance when I return. You disappointed me today Keith, you’re better than this.” He left it at that before exiting the room, hearing Keith sigh on his way out. 
His entire head was going to be white by the end of today.
ahh sorry it’s a bit short guys! if i wrote anymore it would end up being 3k words :) , hope you liked it though!
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alienslovetea · 7 years
Frost (a langst mini fic )
I don’t really know how to describe this AU besides the fact that lance has ice powers and its a bit short ( @moppingleshitoutofyou ) hope you guys like it!
check out some of my other mini fics here
At first, Lance had thought they were beautiful. He wasn’t exactly sure when they got there or even how they got there, all he knew was that they were lovely.
 The first time he noticed them was when he was changing out of his pajamas and saw a sprinkle of blue gracing his stomach in the mirror. Amazed, he had glanced down and stare at the light blue freckles that dusted his stomach, like a sky full of stars. He remembered how they seemed to glint under the soft lighting in his room like jewels. 
He also remembered the pain that came soon afterwards. 
As soon as his fingertips touched the marks, they began to glow harshly and that was when the stinging began. It felt as if someone was stabbing him with a million thumbtacks, which was not a fun feeling. Yelping, Lance immediately stopped touching his stomach, dulling the sting of the marks. For a second Lance thought he was still asleep because when did freckles stab you? He was pretty sure that was not normal. 
“Paladins! You are needed in the control room, immediately! I repeat, you are needed in the control room immediately!” 
Sparing one last look at the blue marks on his skin, Lance quickly pushed away thoughts on the freckles and focused on the task at hand, getting his paladin gear on in two seconds. After all, it was just a little pain right? And it wasn’t like his hand was going to be on his stomach anyway, so what’s the problem?
It only took a week for the freckles to span across his entire abdomen. Which presented a problem as they team didn’t exactly have time to deal with the marks, especially with the big diplomatic mission they were embarking on soon. Not like the marks cared, they just seemed to cause more trouble. 
Ever since he first noticed them, there’s always been this dull sting in the back of his mind, just barely noticeable but always there. Not only that, Lance seemed to be… freezing things now? Of course he wasn’t turning anything to solid ice but if his hand lingered to long in a certain area, tendrils of frost would begin to dance across the surface (The first time that happened freaked him out just a tad). The freckles also began to glow more often, mostly at random times. He would just be chilling on the couch and BAM, his chest was now a light up display (yet another thing that freaked him out). 
The logical decision would be to tell the team, but how could he? Sure the diplomatic mission was a huge deal, but that wasn’t the only reason Lance wasn’t coming clean about the strange things that were happening. This was his chance to prove his worth to his team, that he was more than just Lance-the-jokester or Lance-the-screwup. That he was worthy of being the Blue Paladin and of Blue herself. 
He could live with a little pain and some weird ice magic if it meant he finally had a thing.  
It took a matter of days before the freckles spread to his arms, stopping a few inches short of his wrists. They were currently on the planet Eyena, a relatively peaceful planet that were known for their mines and the valuable ores within them. Lance couldn’t mess up this meeting, this alliance with a species that could help the team immensely. He wasn’t that selfish. 
It wasn’t like the marks would listen to him though. The pain only worsened and suddenly everything he touched with his hands froze. He was forced to wear gloves constantly to hide the power he now had, the delicate loops of blue that now covered them. The pain was constant and even Blue began to worry at this point. However, Lance put up his brave face and pushed through it all, the pain, the ache, the emptiness…
It felt like only hours before Lance could feel the chill of ice spreading across his body, practically crawling up his throat. There was a ringing in his ears now and he somehow managed to freeze the gloves he wore as well. The only good thing was that the meetings were almost over and soon Lance could be back on the castle, away from prying eyes to finally fix whatever was happening. 
Until then, he nodded along with whatever one of the Eyenians were saying, playing his part as the Blue Paladin and knowing he was slowly, finally becoming worthy of actually being the Blue Paladin. 
How minutes had flown by? Lance couldn’t recall what had happened in the past few moments, as he was now in his room back at the castle. It had only been a few minutes right? Lance could feel his breath quickening as he glanced wildly around, how did he get here in just a few minutes? The room seemed to grow colder with each sharp intake he took, the bed beginning to freeze beneath him. Had it been more than just a few minutes? The ringing was now a roaring storm in his ears. It couldn’t have been than just a few? Lance could feel his hands shaking, the marks glowing a bright blue as the ice spread farther, faster around the room. It had been just a few minutes. Maybe two or three? Lance felt like tearing his hair out, he felt so confused at the moment, so out of place, out of time. 
Was it only seconds now? How many seconds had flown by? He knew his room wasn’t always this cold and shiny, and it certainly hadn’t been a second ago. The marks burned harshly, and was that someone calling his name? It couldn’t have been. Because only a second ago he had been fine, he is fine, is he fine?
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alienslovetea · 7 years
Space, my good friend (a langst minific)
Its currently one am and i have to be up at 6 tomorrow but ive given up on life and sleep at this point so :)) enjoy some langst! (The prompts should be out tomorrow :) ) Sometimes Lance forgot he was in space. It usually happened when he was waking up and was still blinking out the sleep in his eyes. It was in those few moments when he thought he was back home and it was a lazy Saturday morning, that his mother was just downstairs and his siblings were only down the hall. Those few moments were bliss. However, the moment always ended one way or another. Some days it would be the lack of sunlight streaming on his face that jolted him awake, or the absence of fading stars on his ceiling reminding him was in fact in space. There were days when the minutes afterwards hit him hard, his sadness crawling up his throat begging to be released through tears. Others, Lance simplg felt numb and it would often last all day. It was baffling to him how much those few moments effected him. How he tricked himself to believe he smelled his mothers pancakes only to be disappointed. How he would sit up, sure that he was finally home only to be greeted with the emptiness of space. Huh, space. The concept of space used to baffle him as well, he could never comprehend how something as full of life was just as empty. He understood it now though. Hell, he even related to it at times. When he was alone in his room with just his thoughts, he would often gaze out the window and feel the emptiness of space in his own chest. It was a strange feeling, but not one he wasn't acquainted with. No, like he said before, Lance related to space and specifically its emptiness. It wasnt a feeling he felt all the time, but enough that he knew when it was beginning to naw at his edges. Even now, sitting in Blue while the rest of the team talked, Lancd could feel it slowly creeping in, reminding him of the endless void that stood right outside the castle walls. Today, Lance was silent.
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alienslovetea · 7 years
If you want to, could you write the one starting with «I wish you would talk to me...» with your fav ship in voltron and maybe it could be a little pining ? Honestly, just do what you prefer and have a nice day !
Sorry for answering so late! Here ya go and I hope you like it! Have a nice day :) 
I wish you would talk to me, was all Keith could think, staring at Lance from his seat. There was always this wall between the two of them and nothing he ever did could tear it down. 
Keith didn’t ask for much in life, couldn’t it give him this? He never asked for presents, or toys, or even help, he did everything himself and never asked for more. Why couldn’t life just give him this? He knew the chance of Lance liking him were slim though, if there even was a chance. He would take anything at this point, anything that Lance was willing to give, even if it wasn’t what he truly wanted. 
Sure he might want to run his fingers through Lance’s hair, and feel how soft his skin is, and look him in the eyes and kiss him. 
But Keith wasn’t selfish and he wouldn’t try to take something he didn’t have the right to take. All he wanted was to be his friend, to finally have those warm smiles and laughter directed towards him.
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alienslovetea · 7 years
Since we're all gluttons for punishment, would you mind a langst fic where injured Lance has to carry a hurt and unconscious Pidge to Matt on the other side of a geyser mine field basically, and in the end throws her to saftey sacrifice himself in the process
sorry for such a late reply! and ooooh the amount of langst in this one is TOO MUCH, enjoy!
The moment Lance saw Pidge fall to the ground he knew that his own pain no longer mattered.
 It was like the world stopped moving for a moment and the only thing Lance could hear in those seconds was his own heartbeat thumping, thumping, thumping in his ears and the deafening scrape of gravel as Pidge fell. He would swear in those moments he made eye contact with Pidge and could see the tears in her eyes. His feet were moving before he even realized, blindly running towards Pidge’s crumpled body. 
And time seemed to slow once again, as he dodged mines and pushed past soldiers, the only thought on his mind was that Pidge was in trouble and he needed to save them. Protect them no matter the cost.
Yet even as he gathered them in his arms time didn’t seem to speed up, in fact it seemed to grow even slower, giving him a moment to fully take in Pidge’s state and damn was it bad. Cuts littered their body and their glasses had cracks across the lens. And he knew they needed urgent care, hell they needed help right now. So maybe that’s why he threw them as hard as he could when he heard the ticking began. Maybe that’s why he yelled for the team to grab them. Maybe that’s why the last thing he remembered seeing was Keith grabbing Pidge and shouting his name before everything went black. 
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alienslovetea · 7 years
Keep on Smiling (a langst mini fic)
back at it again with some good old langst :,) . This is just a little drabble where Lance gets a little insecure at a party. Enjoy!
check out some of my other mini fics here
“I love Voltron!” The khilians giggled, “They’re so strong and powerful, and amazing!” 
Of course, it would be rude to let such a comment go unreplied, right? It would certainly be an injustice and as a member of Team Voltron, was it not Lance’s duty to insure injustices didn’t happen?
“Welcome to the club,” He smirked, throwing them a wink. This only further caused the girls to giggle. 
“Hello Blue Paladin! We’ve heard tales of your bravery,” One of the khilians flirted, their blue cheeks gaining a red tinge before staring at something over his shoulder. “And Red Paladin! Your valor and strength are known across our planet! It is an honor to be in your presence!” 
And just like that Lance was left alone, the two khilians gone. “Well you were one of the first to even think that,” He grumbled, kicking aside a stray rock. The celebration the paladins were at was in honor of them liberating their planet, and the planet had certainly gone all out. There were dancers, lights, food, practically anything and everything someone could want at a party. 
Yet Lance wasn’t enjoying it at all. It wasn’t just because of the khilians who had brushed him off (they certainly hurt his pride a bit though), but also the fact he’s been alone this entire time. Sure a few leaders had come up to him to talk and a couple khilians had even been interested in him, otherwise he was left awkwardly standing alone. 
His team was no where to be seen for most of the party, Hunk and Pidge were chatting with the engineers, Shiro was with Allura and Coran speaking to some of the higher officials, and who knows where Keith was.
Lance just felt so out of his element, despite currently being at one of the things he loves. 
He wasn’t unlikeable, right?
He knew his team loved him, they formed Voltron everyday after all! Lance edged himself further away from the party, away from the bright lights and loud music. Maybe he just needed a breath of fresh air, those always helped out. 
Yet the pit in his stomach seemed to grow deeper, despite Lance barely being at the party. He was likeable, he was the Blue Paladin after all and that’s what Blue was known for. 
But, staring at the stars above and the distant party, Lance felt nothing but loneliness. He almost couldn’t understand why.
He knew though, deep down, that he was unlikeable most of the time. That he was annoying and a burden, but that he was secret. As long as he kept smiling everything would be alright, that’s what a paladin of Voltron would do. Clenching his fist, Lance took a deep breath before squaring his shoulders and plastering a smile on his face. 
He was a Paladin of Voltron, and he was going to push through this by himself. 
That’s the brave thing to do right? He just had to keep smiling.
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alienslovetea · 7 years
Hey guys here is some info regarding sending prompts and  such
- Don’t worry if I don’t answer you’re prompt right away, I work on prompts whenever I have free time (which isn’t a lot sadly) so it might take me a bit to answer!
- My inbox is ALWAYS open for prompts (i love receiving them)
- I do write for other fandoms than Voltron as well, and would feel comfortable writing PJO, YOI, MB, HOO, TH, etc. 
- I am not a huge fan of shalladin ships and most likely will not write prompts that include these ships. My main ship to write for is Klance, but I will also write Shallura as well
- I am comfortable with writing most topics, however I am not that comfortable with writing nsfw and will most likely just allude to it rather than actually writing it.
I hope this clears up everything regarding prompts! :) love you guys
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