#lab Tests for anemia
asto-labs · 7 months
Anemia Tests: Importance, Types, and Interpretation
Anemia, characterized by a deficiency of red blood cells or hemoglobin in the blood, is a widespread condition that can affect individuals of all ages and backgrounds. Anemia tests play a crucial role in diagnosing and managing this condition effectively. Understanding the importance, types, and interpretation of anemia tests is essential for healthcare professionals and individuals alike.
Importance of Anemia Tests:
Anemia tests are instrumental in identifying the underlying cause of anemia and determining the appropriate course of treatment. They help healthcare providers assess the severity of anemia, monitor response to treatment, and identify any complications that may arise. Early detection and management of anemia can prevent complications such as fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath, and impaired cognitive function, improving overall health and quality of life.
Types of Anemia Tests:
Complete Blood Count (CBC): A CBC is the primary test used to diagnose anemia. It measures various components of the blood, including red blood cells, hemoglobin, hematocrit, and mean corpuscular volume (MCV). Abnormal values in these parameters can indicate the presence of anemia and provide clues about its underlying cause.
Peripheral Blood Smear: In this test, a sample of blood is examined under a microscope to evaluate the size, shape, and number of red blood cells. Abnormalities such as microcytosis (small red blood cells) or macrocytosis (large red blood cells) can suggest specific types of anemia, such as iron deficiency anemia or megaloblastic anemia.
Iron Studies: Iron studies measure various markers of iron metabolism, including serum iron, ferritin, transferrin saturation, and total iron-binding capacity (TIBC). These tests help differentiate between different types of anemia and assess the body’s iron status.
Vitamin B12 and Folate Levels: Deficiencies in vitamin B12 and folate can cause megaloblastic anemia. Measuring serum levels of vitamin B12 and folate can help diagnose and monitor these deficiencies.
Bone Marrow Biopsy: In certain cases, a bone marrow biopsy may be necessary to evaluate the production and maturation of blood cells within the bone marrow. This invasive procedure is usually reserved for cases where other tests have not provided a definitive diagnosis.
AstoLabs for Anemia Testing:
For comprehensive and accurate anemia testing, AstoLabs offers state-of-the-art facilities and expertise in Chennai. With a commitment to excellence and innovation, AstoLabs provides a wide range of anemia tests, including CBC, iron studies, vitamin B12 and folate levels, and peripheral blood smears. Utilizing advanced technology and experienced professionals, AstoLabs ensures reliable results and personalized care for individuals seeking anemia testing services.
Interpretation of Anemia Tests:
Interpreting anemia test results requires a comprehensive understanding of the individual’s medical history, symptoms, and physical examination findings. Abnormalities in specific parameters, such as low hemoglobin or MCV levels, can indicate different types of anemia and guide further diagnostic evaluation. Additionally, the presence of other abnormalities, such as abnormal white blood cell or platelet counts, may suggest underlying conditions contributing to anemia.
Anemia tests play a crucial role in diagnosing and managing anemia, a common yet potentially serious health condition. By accurately identifying the underlying cause of anemia, these tests enable healthcare providers to implement appropriate treatment strategies and monitor the patient’s response to therapy effectively. Regular screening and prompt management of anemia are essential for maintaining overall health and well-being, and AstoLabs in Chennai provides comprehensive anemia testing services to support these efforts.
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fmldubai · 5 months
Explaining the differences between thalassemia and anemia, two common blood problems. Thalassemia is a gene issue, while anemia is when you don't have enough healthy red blood cells. We'll talk about the different ways doctors test for these problems, like genetic testing for thalassemia and blood tests for anemia. Knowing these differences helps doctors treat you better. Whether you're a patient or just curious, this video will teach you important things about these blood issues. For more information visit our website now. https://www.fml-dubai.com/thalassemia/
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mccnstruck · 11 months
going to the anemic hashtag because my body feels like amplifying the symptoms today
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Megaloblastic MACROCYTIC anemia (meaning the red blood cells are large)
So, this example in the pictures is NOT iron-deficiency (microcytic, meaning SMALL red blood cells, anemia)
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masmedi · 2 years
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If you have symptoms like weariness, poor energy, an elevated heart rate, chest pain, or vertigo, your doctor may have advised you to undergo an anaemia profile test. This blood test evaluates the levels of folate, serum vitamin B12, and iron as well as vital blood markers that can detect anaemia and reveal details about its possible causes. You can schedule an appointment online at Masmedi and find local laboratories near you where you can perform the test.
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wonderhecko · 9 months
since we are coming around to the idea that mental illnesses and bodily illnesses are not meaningfully different, let's think for just a second about what it means to psychoanalyze a stranger on their post where they can read it. you're popping in to someone joking about their anemia and going 'you know this is actually common to lyme disease, perhaps you should go get tested'. sorry did you want a vial of blood too? you gonna run the labs? this is such an obvious boundary what the fuck
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sp-by-april · 1 month
This has been in the back of my mind so Im just gonna send this, Kyle from breeding kink being a good dad and boyfriend/husband
Ps.I love your writing!💜
Aww, I love BK!Kyle!! (& thank you so much!! one day I learn how to take a compliment inside of just blushing shyly and moving on)
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Kyle x F!Reader (Needs Ch5)
[Submit a prompt!] [Chapter 4] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 1] [Kyle Master List]
Kyle and I had great sex.
I started seeing him about once a week. It always ended the same way.
Pretty soon, it was time for my first sonogram and I couldn’t believe it had been six weeks already. Kyle wanted to come and I couldn’t think up a reason to object, so he tagged along.
I sat on the examination bed watching Kyle’s leg bounce as he sat in the chair next to me.
“Are you okay?” I asked cautiously.
“I’m fine,” He insisted.
It couldn’t be more obvious that he was lying through his teeth.
“Wanna talk about it?” I asked again.
Kyle rolled his eyes, “I’m fine,”
“You don’t look fine,” I insisted.
“You’re the last person–“
A knock a the door cut him off.
It opened and a young woman in a white coat walked in, heading straight for the hand sanitizer mounted on the wall.
“Hey there!” She said in a warm voice as she hit the pump, “I’m Doctor Takeuchi, and I hear that you're pregnant!”
I nodded, “...Yeah,”
Eventually, we got the awkward introductions out of the way. I laid back as she squirted a pile of cold lubricant onto my pelvis and waited as she fussed with the ultrasound machine.
She pushed the wand into me and there was a digitized noise right away. It sounded kind of like something constantly thumping.
Dr. Takeuchi smiled wide, “That’s the heartbeat,”
I looked over at Kyle. He’d been so quiet the last few minutes, I almost forgot he was there. The beating noise from the machine seemed to calm him. I reached out to him and he quickly took my hand.
I waited quietly. The doctor kept pushing buttons and making faces. Now I was the anxious one, “Everything okay?”
Dr. Takeuchi turned to me, “I’m just an intern, and reading these things can be a little confusing! I'm just going to grab an Attending, I’ll be right back,”
I squeezed Kyle’s hand as she rushed out of the room. He was white as a sheet.
I didn’t push him this time.
When the Attending came in I was on red alert. She was a very old woman who didn’t bother with introductions. She went straight to the machine. It just freaked me out more. Her lab coat said her name was Dr. Freeman.
She pressed hard onto my stomach with the ultrasound wand and clicked at the keyboard, “Just as I thought. Your baby’s fine. Just a little small… Are you anemic by any chance?”
I nodded, “...I am, yeah,”
“You and your husband will have to keep an eye on that,”
Doctor Freeman gave us the rundown. Anemia can affect development if it gets too bad and left untreated. I just needed an iron supplement with the prenatal vitamins. Fine. We also agreed to do some Amnio tests just to make sure everything else was on the up and up. We were being thrown so much information that it made my head spin.
When we got back to my apartment, I was only a little relieved. Kyle didn’t say much the entire drive home. I sat in the car, holding this little sonogram and just staring at it wondering if this was what I really wanted. I didn’t want to sign up for 18 years of silent drives.
After I unlocked the door, Kyle pulled me into a tight hug.
I hugged him back, but I was surprised at the sudden bout of affection.
“Do you wanna come in?” I pulled back a little and looked up at him, “I still have a lot of wine I can’t drink,”
Kyle’s face slid into a slight smile, “That would be nice. Yeah,”
He dropped down onto the couch as I poured him a glass of my favorite tawny port.
I placed the glass on the coffee table and sat down next to him, “Do you want to tell me what’s going on?”
“Not really,” He leaned over and put his arm around me.
He kissed my neck and I wanted to melt into him. God, Kyle made me so fucking weak.
“She said I was your husband and you didn’t correct her,” He smirked.
I pouted, “My husband would talk to me and tell me what’s going on in his head,”
His other hand slid over my cheek and he pulled me into his gaze, “It’s not – It’s probably nothing,”
“If it’s nothing then –“
“My parents had a hard time. They lost a few – Before and after me. They could never keep another one after me. One time it was so bad, that my mother almost died..." He sucked in a quick breath, "That’s why my brother’s adopted,”
As I stared at him, I realized how scared he was. Not just for our potential kid. For me. I could hear it in his voice and see it in his eyes.
I kissed him as deeply as I could. His tongue slid into my mouth and I was finally content.
When our kiss broke I smiled, “You’re not gonna be one of those guys that reads five-hundred books on pregnancy and parenting are you?”
“No,” A rose color began to bloom over his cheeks, “I have ordered a couple, but…”
“How many?”
“...Seven,” He sputtered.
I snorted and suppressed a loud laugh as he frowned.
I cupped his warm cheeks in my hands, “Everything is going to be okay, I promise,”
“Wait, does that mean – You want to keep it?”
I drew in a deep breath, “Yeah,”
He pulled me into another kiss. Afterwards we tore off each other’s clothes and melted into each other for real.
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cbk1000 · 4 months
So, I have another crazy story about the clinic where I used to work; this time as a patient instead of an employee. Under a cut because it's very long.
So back when I first got really sick, I was in the hospital a few times primarily for really high heart rate. I work out a lot and my normal resting heart rate is in the 60s; back in February I suddenly started getting palpitations, and my heart rate was going up to like 140 bpm just standing at my bathroom sink washing my face. I wore a seven day monitor at one point and my highest recorded heart rate on that was 157 bpm--just shuffling like a zombie around the house. I was also super weak and just felt overall like death.
Hospital runs a bunch of labs and imaging tests and can't find anything that would explain it. The last doc I saw said there was a bright spot on my echocardiogram monitor that could just be flashback from the monitor, but taken with some of my symptoms, he felt OK with a presumptive diagnosis of pericarditis (inflammation of the sac around your heart), especially as the treatment is just high dose ibuprofen for a week, nothing invasive or drastic. I need to follow up with a cardiologist, but I don't have a primary care physician who can refer me to the heart clinic. I had just turned in new patient paperwork at a local clinic so I contacted them to see if I could get in, but they said it would likely be a month before I could be scheduled with anyone.
In the meantime, the ibuprofen isn't working and my condition is getting worse. I have my next period, and after a couple of heavy days, I get even weaker, my heart rate goes even higher, and I get really dizzy all the time. I also am now short of breath just rolling over in bed. I legit feel like I'm dying. Because my symptoms get worse after blood loss, it suddenly pops into my head that about 17 years ago after a blood donation I got really sick, and all my symptoms that I can remember having at the time are the same, especially the cardiac issues. I took iron back then and that resolved it. I started wondering if my iron was low, did a bunch of research into iron deficiency without anemia, and realized every single symptom, including ones I had been having for a while prior to the heart issues (terrible fatigue, brain fog, headaches, sleep disruptions, restless legs at night) could be from low iron.
So I need to get labs done, and also I do still need a referral to make sure my heart is ok. I can't get in with anyone, so out of desperation, I go back to my old clinic because I know they'll get me in quickly. They schedule me an appointment for the next day with a doc who is going to turn out to be batshit crazy.
I go to my appointment with my presumptive diagnosis of pericarditis, and the doctor asks if I had the Covid shot. I tell him yes, but my last booster was in 2021, so not relevant here.
Well boy howdy was I wrong. He launches into a whole-ass rant about how bad the shots are, how many people have been injured by them, tells me I, a formerly very healthy, athletic woman, now have heart issues due to the shot, etc. etc. I say, 'Ok, but would the shot really randomly cause me issues three years later when I was perfectly fine after I got it?' (The answer is no.) Doc stays the course in blaming the shot. I have paperwork I need filled out for medical leave from my job, and he PUTS ON MY PAPERWORK THAT I HAVE TO TURN IN that my cardiac issues came on and progressed after the shot (three YEARS after, you DUMBASS) and that his impression is post vaccine injury. I feel too badly to do much more than sway on the exam table and occasionally interject that I had the shot three years ago and I don't think that's the problem. The majority of my appointment is him ranting about the shots. Whatever, I'm desperate, give me my fucking referral to the cardiologist and order my iron panel.
I get labs done and sure enough, my iron is low. I start supplementing and shortly afterwards get a call from the cardiac clinic; I lucked out and got in just a few days after my referral was sent to them because someone canceled their appointment last minute. I see an ARNP at my first visit and she says the echo I had done at the hospital looks fine to her, but they'll do a seven day monitor, a repeat echocardiogram, and have me follow up with the cardiologist just to make sure they don't miss anything.
So they do this, and in the meantime, after a couple of weeks on iron supplements, I start slowly but steadily feeling a bit better. My fatigue and brain fog that I was having every day improve significantly after only a week on supplements. My dizziness goes away. I feel a tiny bit stronger every day and now can sit up longer and start holding conversations with people. It's slow but steady progress for about three weeks: and then I get my period again. It doesn't knock me back to square one, but I definitely take a couple of steps back in my recovery. It's a little lighter this time, though, which is a good sign.
I follow up with the cardiologist. He says actually my heart is in really good shape; no signs of pericarditis or anything wrong with it; my high heart rate isn't due to a cardiac issue. Cool. I didn't think so at this point, but good to hear I don't have heart issues.
So I go back to follow up with my doc and plan to ask to really focus on the iron issue since the cardiologist confirmed my heart is fine. I have come a long ways but am still mostly bedridden; it is very slow to get your levels up on iron supplementation, and every time I get my period, it sets me back a little. Maybe some low dose iron infusions would help boost my levels so my recovery doesn't go backwards on account of me bleeding for a week every few weeks.
Doc comes in the room. He is clearly Not Happy cardiology did not confirm his conspiracy theories about the shot injuring me. I tell him about the symptoms I have seen improve and even resolve after about six weeks on iron supplements, and how I think most if not all of my problems are from low iron. He pretty much completely ignores this. He asks me if my fatigue and brain fog have improved. I say, yes, they were some of the first symptoms to improve after I started taking iron. He does not even acknowledge I have spoken. He tells me he thinks I have a combination of chronic fatigue syndrome and POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) caused by the shot. I remind him I just told him my fatigue had improved a lot since starting iron. And my heart rate is coming down too and not spiking as much, my issue is that every period after I've been improving, I suddenly get a little worse again. He ignores this. He tells me he is going to refer me to the neurologist to check for chronic fatigue and POTS. Ok, whatever, I'm pretty sure I don't have those things, but fine, have another specialist tell you you're wrong.
After about eight weeks on supplements, I really feel like I'm starting to turn a corner. I don't feel normal, but my heart rate has come down quite a bit, I can stand and walk around a lot longer without feeling like I'm going to pass out, and I feel the closest to normal that I have been in months.
And then I get my period again and my heart rate goes back up. I'm super frustrated at this point because I was So Close to being a functioning human again, so I decide to push for a low dose iron infusion. I just want to boost my levels high enough to get me over this hump so every period doesn't set me back right as I feel like I'm coming back to life. I've read lots of papers on iron deficiency without anemia (meaning your hemoglobin is normal) and decide to make an appointment armed with one paper in particular which was written by a doctor who has been treating iron deficiency for decades, and which lays out really comprehensively the numbers at which patients should be considered deficient based on their labs and symptoms, what numbers you should shoot for when treating the iron deficiency (I am higher now but still quite a ways away from the goal), and also lists a bunch of symptoms women in particular have reported that have resolved with iron treatment. I highlight all the symptoms on the list that I have had, as well as other sections particularly relevant to my specific case. (Spoiler alert: I did not even give him the paper.)
So I go to my appointment and he asks if I've heard from the neurologist yet. I say no, I'm sure it will be a while (there's only one in town, and I'm sure it takes a long time to get in). In the meantime, I really want to focus on getting my iron levels up. I lay everything out: all the improvements I've seen, how my period keeps setting me back, and how I want to try just a low 100mg infusion to boost me up so I don't take two steps back every time I get my period. He tells me I have chronic fatigue and POTS as a result of the Evil Shot. I tell him, once again, that my fatigue has greatly improved on iron supplements. He does not even acknowledge I have spoken. He tells me a local doctor is being PERSECUTED and PROSECUTED for prescribing Ivermectin for Covid. Ok, that doesn't relate to my personal medical issues that we are here to discuss, and also, Ivermectin is not approved for the treatment of Covid. I ask him again if I can get a low dose infusion. I understand insurance probably won't cover it, that's fine, I can pay out of pocket, I just need him to order it. He tells me he personally takes Ivermectin. Good for you. Again, not related to my medical issues that I am here to dicuss.
I mention that I have had restless legs at night for a long time, because I know this at least is commonly associated with low iron, maybe that will get his attention; nope. He totally ignores me again. I even try blaming the shot for low iron (sorry, Covid vaccine, sometimes you have to take one for the team). I say I have read Covid and maybe even the shot can deplete your iron; maybe the shot did this to my iron. No dice. (Mr. Jenn did applaud me for trying when I told him about it, though.)
He starts in about my POTS again. I say, ok, but POTS is a postural issue, right? He says, yes! I say, ok, then if I have an issue where my nervous system doesn't regulate my blood flow properly when I change from sitting to standing, why is my resting heart rate way higher than normal when I'm just lying in bed doing nothing, and why has my heart rate been coming down and is not spiking like it was after several weeks on iron supplements until I get my period? I'm not sure that fits with POTS.
He again does not even acknowledge I've spoken.
I ask again for an infusion to help boost me up so I'm not set back every period. He says as long as I'm menstruating it will set me back. Yes, I am aware I will lose more iron on my period, what I am asking is that while I am in ACTIVE CLINICAL IRON DEFICIENCY can we please do something to speed up getting my levels high enough so every time I bleed it doesn't knock me down again. He asks if I have considered a hysterectomy or uterine ablation for the bleeding (you know, invasive surgeries, instead of talking about birth control pills, which he didn't even mention). I said that was kind of extreme and I didn't want to consider that right now. I ask him about the infusion again. He says it's not a concern. I say, yeah, it is, I am having debilitating symptoms that have left me bedridden for three months. I need to get back to my life and my job. He tells me Congress is investigating the shots and it will come out how bad they are, but a lot of people won't believe it. I say, well, that's Congress' business, can I please have an infusion. He tells me insurance won't cover it. I say I know, I already mentioned that earlier (while you were ignoring me in favor of ranting about a vaccine I had three years ago), I have a health savings account, I can pay out of pocket. He tells me he's pretty sure I have chronic fatigue and POTS but we'll see what the neurologist says. I need to call and see if I can get in more quickly with the neurologist. I say, ok, in the meantime, since realistically it could take months for me to get in with the neurologist, can I PLEASE HAVE A FUCKING INFUSION. He tells me if I want one I will have to badger another doctor into it. (I can't remember the exact word he used, but the way he worded it made it sound like I was trying to bully him. No, you jackass, I am asking for an extremely common, low risk medical treatment for issues that have left me unable to work or leave my house for anything other than doctor's appointments for THREE MONTHS.)
So I left incredibly frustrated, needless to say.
Next day Mr. Jenn goes to his appointment at the clinic I initially tried to get into to follow up on labs he had done for an annual physical, and his doctor tells him his cholesterol is slightly high, but not enough to be concerned, he just needs to watch his saturated fats and red meat intake. Mr. Jenn tells him we've actually temporarily increased our red meat intake because of my health issues. He then mentions all of the issues I've been having, my lab results, and how I've improved a lot on supplements, but keep getting set back by my period. His doctors goes, 'Have you guys looked into infusions for her? You should try that.'
Mr. Jenn explains that I had asked for an infusion and my doctor refused. His doctor gives him a weird look and wants to know why. Mr. Jenn explains it's because he's super set on it being chronic fatigue and POTS and won't consider anything else even though my 'chronic fatigue' and 'POTS' symptoms have both improved on iron supplements. The doctor again gives him a weird look and asks why he's stuck on those diagnoses and won't consider iron deficiency.
Because he's crazy, good sir.
Mr. Jenn's doctor then suggests we see if I can self-refer for an infusion and just pay out of pocket, but you need a doctor's order even if you're not going through insurance, so the next day when the clinic opens, I call, explain I tried to establish care there earlier so they have my new patient paperwork, but that I needed an urgent referral, and had to go somewhere else because they were a month out, but I really (REALLY) want to change doctors, is <Mr. Jenn's doc> taking new patients? He is not, but they'll put in a note with one of the ARNPs accepting new patients to see if they're willing to schedule me.
However, I know the new manager of the clinic (actually an old coworker from the crazy clinic that I'm friendly with), so the other day I texted her, briefly explained the situation, and she asked which doctor I wanted to see and said she'll talk to him when he's back from the long holiday weekend and see if he would be willing to see me. She will let me know later this week (he's not back in till Wednesday). So fingers crossed I can get in with a non-lunatic soon.
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midnight-in-town · 1 year
Orphanage of livestock
Alrighty, buckle up guys, time for another very cringy theory. :D Big thanks to my friend @dorkshadows for all our discussions about the current arc; this arc is really making us wrack our brain for ideas. xD
To start, here's a reminder as to where we stand vis à vis bizarre dolls:
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UT first used to edit those corpses' cinematic records with fake memories he made during the Campania arc, but it quickly changed during the Weston arc to "longing for the future"...
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...which are "incomplete fragments that the dead crave about the future they were to have had". Since UT didn't explain anything new ever since, it's likely that the records are still being edited with this method in the current arc.
Then, with the blue sect arc, we were introduced to the use of blood transfusions as "fuel" for the bizarre dolls' longevity...
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...and our!Ciel's side set out to crash these collect operations in order to weaken the Undertaker and real!Ciel's side.
Mey Rin's investigation confirmed the existence of one blood collect site...
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and so did Bard's:
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However, in Finny and Snake's investigation, while the orphanage did sort the children into 4 groups too, the elder siblings pointed out that...
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...not only have they never any blood drawn from them, but the orphanage is rather forcing them to attend classes, in order to develop their "aptitude" based on the tests they took when they arrived. Most importantly, when Ginny fledged, the chief of staff said...
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...that "the aptitude honed there will make contributions to the world" (as a child with Corgi aptitudes, Ginny's classes were about physical activities "like gymnastics or horse riding").
Investigating Ginny having fledged, that's when Finny, Snake and the elder siblings discovered yet another lab (very similar to the one in Sphere music hall) with evidence of blood collection, but also of organ collection.
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So, since this arc with Finny and Snake heavily parallels the circus arc, I was wondering if the purpose of dissecting these poor kids was similar to what Kelvin and the doc did with the kids they abducted:
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In other words, whoever is behind this operation (UT is involved, but he might not be the only Shinigami deserter behind this) are maybe killing the kids to collect blood but also many different organs, so that they can probably upgrade their latest bizarre dolls (both in body and record).
Under read more for additional explanations/speculations:
1) the orphanage collects the children's organs to physically upgrade BDs ?
Most likely by grafting new organs or body parts (taken from the orphanage kids who fledged) on bizarre dolls who need them.
For example, considering the Polaris = Joker theory: back in the circus arc, Joker said:
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and then Seb cut his second hand. Yet, when Polaris attacked Agni (who was quite strong), Agni noticed that...
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...his opponent was very quick and strong. So if Polaris is indeed Joker, then it's likely BD!Joker has new strong arms.
Additionally, crack thought, but we witnessed both Doll and real!Ciel suddenly collapsing, which we automatically linked to needing more blood to keep on functioning, but if they really got new organs from those kids, then maybe...
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...the issue we witnessed isn't anemia, but some sort of graft versus host disease? Or both lmao. (I'm totally reaching here)
2) the orphanage also collects the children's organs to gain more sponsors ?
Additionally to the Bizarre Dolls, these organs could be used to gain more sponsors, similarly to Bravat who used to provide blood transfusions to parliamentarians who suffered from kidney failure:
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Only rich folks would have enough money to buy organs if they needed it, so they'd make good sponsors for this super expensive BD project.
Of course, the risk of graft v. host disease would be very high as well but, since Othello said "they learnt more than they ought to have" upon visiting the Sphere music hall's lab (ch125), maybe they figured out about how to make a successful graft, on top of blood types ? (Or, most likely, the ones running this clown show just don't care about their sponsors dying once they've gotten the money ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ exactly like Bravat who killed the parliamentarians)
3) the orphanage collects the children's organs for experimentation
This would explain why Finny finds a lot of similarities between this orphanage and the German lab by which he was experimented on for enhanced strength.
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Additionally, this would explain Snake's weird comment on "orphanages being terrible places", if he too was also experimented on as a child (which is how and why he understands snakes) :
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Lastly, back to the Polaris = Joker idea, Agni mentioned that Polaris had "unimaginable strength". As we know, Agni was one of the strongest characters, so for him to qualify his opponent as "unimaginably strong", it is likely that Polaris has some kind of enhanced strength.
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So do they research about enhancing human (or bizarre doll) strength or longevity? Or is it research on cinematic records? Your guess is as good as mine but, as already proved with the circus arc, no one will miss these orphans...
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...making this "the best recycling scheme" one can think of. T_T
4) the orphanage assigning orphans to classes based on aptitude tests is used to upgrade BD's records or lack of soul:
The kids are sorted into 4 groups based on the aptitude test they took. Literally quoting the manga:
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Mastiff kids learn reading, writing and skills needed to be senior servants managing large manors
Corgi kids specialize in physical activities
Collie kids learn all the skills to make a living as a domestic servant and martial arts
Pomeranian kids (kids who scored the highest on the tests) study latin, maths and games
These orphans are told they are saved and then to envision their future based on their aptitude and what they're forced to learn in their respective classes. This is probably done so that they will develop very specific "longing for the future" which, again, are "incomplete fragments that the dead crave about the future they were to have had".
So, once they fledged and are killed, their "longing for the future" are probably extracted and used one way or another. Since the records are already edited, the goal behind this might be to create some sort of a soul substitute, as hinted by Jane in the Heathfield investigation arc:
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and it sure would explain why the chief of staff said the aptitudes can contribute to the world:
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That's why something like a change in the afternoon tea menu of the pomeranian kids (from lemon drizzle cake to lemon tart) would actually matter, because taste is probably one of the parameters that can influence the "shape of a soul" or something.
There are 4 groups in the orphanage; in the previous investigations that mostly meant 4 blood types, but this time it might mostly mean 4 star lords:
Mastiff kids for used for Polaris, who defines himself as a butler (he's not real!Ciel's butler tho++) (Joker?)
obviously Pomeranian kids are used for Sirius (real!Ciel)
For Canopus and Vega, it's a bit trickier, but I propose Corgi kids for Vega/Layla, despite her probably being high born, because she worked as a nurse helping veterans with rehabilitation, which looked like this :
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This leaves Collie kids for Canopus...
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even if Canopus' true identity is really the least obvious one right now. FYI, some Japanese speaking fans have discussed that Canopus is the maid Jane and she indeed worked as a maid and knew how to fight, so it fits (I personally have another theory in mind for Jane, but Canopus!Jane definitely has some basis). If not Jane (or Doll, like some fans keep saying), Canopus can still appear during Seb & Ciel's investigation, so we'll just keep these details about Collie kids in mind.
I'm sure the truth behind Snake & Finny's investigation, as well as the next one with Ciel and Seb, will provide us with more hints about how the bizarre dolls and, more specifically, the star lords are becoming more and more perfect. So far this post is what I can guess with what we were given.
TL;DR in many possible ways, the ones behind this arc (besides UT, I mean) are preying on these poor kids and making use of every parts of them (blood, organs and maybe even their longing for the future).
That's why giving them mistletoe when they reach fledging day is so ironic...
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...because they really suck every "nutrient" possible from these kids until they die.
Not gonna lie, it doesn't look good at all for Theo. He's headed straight for real!Ciel... ://
Kudos if you read all that, I hope it was as clear as possible! As always, thoughts in comments or reblogs are welcome! :D
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liquidstar · 11 months
Speaking of my family and blood stuff... We all have thalassemia beta, and if you're unfamiliar with thalassemia it's essentially similar to sickle cell. The main difference is that the deficiency is in the hemoglobin rather than the betaglobin. And, like sickle cell, it's not severe when you have only one phenotype (that's what the beta means, none of us ended up with both despite our parents each carrying one, and if you remember punnett squares the probability is 50% one, 25% both, 25% none).
Anyway with thalassemia beta you basically just have an advanced form of iron deficiency anemia, due to your body's inability to process it. For me this means a lot of headaches, a lack of stamina+overall weaker constitution than most, somewhat stunted growth (this was compounded with me being underweight), and worst of all chronic fatigue leaving me oh so tired all the time. Overall nothing all too major, but it still left me unable to do certain things in life, like play a sport or really give my "all" at any draining task. But hey, at least I can't die from malaria, so it's not all bad lol
But like what's actually important to understand here is that you CANNOT FIX THIS by just taking iron supplements. It would be awesome if that worked but unfortunately, like I said, the deficiency is in your body's ability to process the iron to begin with, not your iron intake. You just don't have enough hemoglobin to carry those nutrients regularly. So, like, not only will taking iron supplements not help, IT WILL HURT! Your body is already struggling to process iron, so adding more and more can actually lead to iron poisoning! It's dangerous! It could, in theory, be lethal, though in most cases you'll probably just get sick over time. My fear is that people may assume this means they actually need more iron so it could get worse...
The reason I'm sharing all this though is that, like, thalassemia is fairly common where I'm from so there's more awareness of this risk factor. But it's considered rare here in the states, so it can be overlooked as a possibility. I've had doctors tell me to take iron supplements for anemia, kinda just assuming it's the "regular" kind, and I'd take it at face value because I was like 15. To be clear, they didn't do that bloodwork in that office, they do CBC tests whose results could point to thalassemia beta, but can also be taken as typical iron deficiency (from what I understand). You have to be referred to a blood lab for an official diagnosis with a hemoglobin electrophoresis test. Also, for some reason, the general practitioner here never shares these blood work results with you??? At most they just kinda go "ah you need more iron, so take iron supplements."
So... I wonder how many people with thalassemia (and other types of anemia but I can't really speak on those) around the world are taking the wrong supplements, and might be hurting themselves because of assumptions that they don't have the "rare" blood dysfunctions, or just an oversight on the doctor's end or something?
I can't say what will work for everyone, I don't have the jurisdiction to prescribe anything, but I can say folic acid is what I eventually started taking once I could get some more bloodwork done 👍 still tired and get headaches sometimes tho, but at least I'm not poisoning myself 😭
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asto-labs · 7 months
The Power of Genetic Testing: A Comprehensive Guide
In recent years, the field of genetic testing has seen remarkable advancements, revolutionizing the way we understand and manage health conditions. Genetic testing, also known as DNA testing, is a powerful tool that analyzes an individual’s genetic makeup to identify potential genetic disorders, predict susceptibility to certain diseases, and inform personalized treatment plans. From genetic blood tests to screening tests conducted in specialized genetic labs, the applications of genetic testing are vast and diverse.
Understanding Genetic Testing:
Genetic testing involves the analysis of DNA, the genetic material present in every cell of our bodies. This analysis provides valuable insights into an individual’s genetic predispositions, helping healthcare professionals tailor prevention strategies and treatments accordingly. Genetic testing can be conducted for various purposes, including:
Genetic Testing for Diagnosis: Genetic tests, including genetic blood tests and screenings, play a pivotal role in diagnosing inherited genetic disorders such as cystic fibrosis, Huntington’s disease, and sickle cell anemia. These tests can help individuals and their families understand the genetic basis of their condition and make informed decisions about managing their health.
Predicting Disease Risk: Genetic screening tests are particularly valuable for identifying individuals at increased risk of developing specific diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular disorders, or Alzheimer’s disease. By analyzing genetic variations, healthcare providers can offer personalized risk assessments and recommend appropriate preventive measures.
Pharmacogenomics: Genetic lab tests are essential in the field of pharmacogenomics, which examines how an individual’s genetic makeup influences their response to medications. By analyzing genetic variations, healthcare providers can prescribe medications that are most effective and safe for each patient, minimizing adverse reactions and optimizing treatment outcomes.
Types of Genetic Tests:
Genetic tests come in various forms, each serving a specific purpose and requiring different sample types for analysis. Some common types of genetic tests include:
Genetic Blood Tests: These tests analyze a blood sample to identify genetic mutations or variations associated with specific diseases or conditions. Whether it’s diagnosing rare genetic disorders or assessing disease risk, genetic blood tests provide valuable insights into an individual’s genetic health.
Genetic Screening Tests: Screening tests aim to identify individuals who may have an increased risk of developing certain genetic conditions. These tests, which may include genetic testing for newborns or population-wide screening programs, help identify at-risk individuals early, enabling timely intervention and management.
Genetic Lab Tests: Genetic lab tests encompass a wide range of genetic analyses conducted in specialized laboratories. These tests may involve analyzing DNA from various sample types, including blood, saliva, or tissue, and can provide insights into a diverse array of genetic factors, from ancestry analysis to disease susceptibility.
Genetic Testing in Chennai:
Chennai, known for its world-class healthcare infrastructure, is home to several renowned genetic testing facilities. These facilities offer a comprehensive range of genetic tests, including genetic screening tests and advanced genetic lab tests, catering to the diverse healthcare needs of the population. Whether it’s for diagnostic purposes, disease prevention, or personalized treatment planning, Chennai’s genetic testing centers leverage cutting-edge technology and expertise to deliver accurate and reliable results.
Genetic testing holds immense promise in revolutionizing healthcare by enabling personalized and targeted approaches to disease prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. From genetic blood tests to screening tests and advanced lab analyses, the applications of genetic testing are vast and continue to expand with ongoing research and technological advancements. Embracing genetic testing empowers individuals and healthcare providers to make informed decisions that can positively impact health outcomes and improve quality of life.
In Chennai, Asto Labs stands out as a beacon of excellence in genetic testing. With its state-of-the-art facilities and commitment to innovation, Asto Labs offers a comprehensive range of genetic tests, ensuring accurate and reliable results. Whether it’s for diagnosing rare genetic disorders, predicting disease risk, or guiding personalized treatment plans, Asto Labs’ expertise and cutting-edge technology ensure the highest standards of genetic testing. By partnering with Asto Labs, individuals and healthcare providers in Chennai can access advanced genetic testing solutions that pave the way for better health outcomes and a brighter future.
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Over my head (Miguel ‘o’ Hara x Reader)
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Chapter 6
Credits:chos_1129 on Instagram for the headline art.
Pairing: Miguel x reader
Summary: y/n is a kind hearted nurse who’s life gets turned upside down as she get fired from one the most prestigious hospitals in NYC , desperate , she start filing job applications wherever. Coincidentally a stressed Miguel is looking for a nurse due to a big amount of spider people getting injured due to the surprisingly large amount of anomalies happening in the spider verse. What could go wrong is these two meet?
Themes: ✎slow burn ( I think), child care (fluff) and a little bit of angst
Mutual pining
✎office romance (¿)
Hidden romance
✎Smut available as story progresses.
Dom Miguel x sub/bratty reader
✎Stubborn, Ill tempered Miguel.
✎ Angelic reader .
It girl reader.
✎I try to be as accurate as possible.
English is not my first language so bare with me.
✎badass stoic x sweet empath.
Og spanish speaker so be prepared for steamy dialogue :3
Pairing: Miguel x reader
For previous or future chapters check out masterlist.
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After devouring last night's overtime fee, you started to prepare some supplies so you could keep them at hand after that you started to check out the new microhematocrit centrifuge you purchased with the company’s card so you could run some anemia tests, you suspected many spider people suffered this condition due to poor nutrition and lack of sleep.
You pulled up some blood tests you had in the fridge and look at the machine in front of you.
After some seconds of thought, you concluded that you didn’t know how to operate this machine, and you didn’t remember your lab testing classes since your specialty didn’t require it much. To your bad luck, your bots that usually took care of this job were busy digitalizing some handwritten patient charts.
You were too occupied trying to figure out how the machine worked that you failed to notice a large figure creeping into the room, you only noticed its presence when you felt its aura tower behind you.
-“Need a hand?”-Questioned a well-known husky voice while he looked down at you.
As you turned around your nose almost met with Miguel’s chest, due to this you quickly inhaled his scent; your nose picked up the same odor from his car mixed with a mint soap. You took a step back to create some personal space but that made your back bump against the lab table, soon your gaze captured Miguel dressed in a black t-shirt that hung tight on his biceps paired with cargo pants the same color. This amazing view made you a little flustered, how were you supposed to act cool when such a handsome man was seducing each one of your senses?
You quickly regained your stance and smirked at him and replied to him in a mocking tone.
-“What do you know about this?”
“-A lot, actually.”- He replied while opening up a hidden lid in the centrifuge before organizing the four blood samples diagonal to each other, as he finished doing this he put the lid back on so he could then move the knobs skillfully which lead to the machine started to work like magic to your eyes.-“what would your patients say if they knew their dear nurse doesn’t know how to operate a simple centrifuge. To save you the embarrassment I’ll keep quiet, it’ll be our little secret.”
You looked back at Miguel who was grinning like that was the best comeback of the century, unbeknownst to you his smile was partially because he could help you out to compensate for last night's care.
You decided to continue playing along with his game.
-“Didn’t know they taught how to operate lab machines at spider camp.”
He let out an unamused chuckle and replied.
-“I might have to report you to HR for belittling me, lll let you know that I used to work as a Geneticist; so give me some credit .”
-“Wait we have Hr?”-You questioned.
-“I am HR.”
Your eyes glared at him unimpressed.
-“Somebody got up on the right side of the bed today. Anyway, I know you keeping my darkest secret isn’t gonna come out for free so what can I help you with ”- You joked while returning to your duties.
Soon Miguel’s face returned to the serious Expression you were used to.
-“I need you to remove my splint, there’s probably going to be some anomalies that need my attention today and the foil from the splint is messing up some features from My suit.”
Your heart sank a little when you noticed he didn’t come to visit you, he came only to be able to exercise his duty without any impediments even if it meant tossing your advice to the side.
-“I am not gonna do that Miguel, you may ask another healthcare provider to do it for you but I don’t want anything that could happen to you to be on my conscience.”-You calmly said in a monotone voice.
Miguel took a step back and crossed his arms while tilting his head to the side, “No” was a word that he was not used to hearing; he hoped you ignored his blank stare while he figure out how to erase that god-awful word from your vocabulary.
-“Why not, it’s not like it’s your business anyway.”- He coldly argued.
You turned your neck in a snap in reaction to the return of his rude attitude, you glared at him in disbelief. You thought you were starting to get close but you quickly realized that Miguel was not a man of friends.
-“I’m not even gonna waste my breath answering that. Please leave my infirmary If that’s all you’re gonna request.”
-“You really think it’s that easy to get rid of me?”
Before you almost opened your mouth to start a quarrel Peter Parker walked in a hurry with mayday climbing on his head.
-“Hey Buddy! Why aren’t you answering your watch, Jessica needs some help on Earth 9214. Some sort of jumbo octopus.”
Miguel proceeded to scrunch his nose in confusion.
-“That's strange it didn’t beep at all, I guess you’ll have to lend me your mask cause someone’s being a brat and won’t let me do my job.”
Peter looked at him with a microscopic smile.
One tap.
Two taps.
6 Taps.
Miguel’s watch didn’t respond , it acted like it had been frozen, Miguel called Lyla through Peter’s watch to get to the bottom of this accident, the strawberry blonder eccentrically explained that watches with too much use have a chance of malfunctioning when not properly being able to download a new upgrade, hence the reason of this shut down of communications of other feature.
-“Oh no, what should we do now?”- cried out Peter in fake agony.
-“Are you a witch or something? I bet you have something to do with this.”-Murmured Miguel while he glared at you; trying to work his gadget you resigned to giving him the ugliest stare possible.
Lyla gave him a side eye, artificially nervous that he may catch onto them and make her dress in a hideous uniform, so she decided to meddle in the argument a bit before he realizes she froze his watches because Peter convinced her that if he got a break he would stop being such a pain in the ass.
-“Well I guess it can’t be helped! Guess I gotta go, keep an eye on Mayday will ya.”- Peter threw the baby at Miguel with full certainty that he would catch her then Peter disappeared with Lyla in a blink of a portal.
You looked over at the pink-cheeked baby with hair as fiery as her personality, the little girl traced Miguel's cheekbones while poking his nostril and some other random parts of his face which made your heart soften.
-“If you want you can leave her with me, you don’t look like a kid's kinda guy.”-you murmured this out not forgetting how rude he was to you earlier.
-“That kinda guy or not, you shouldn’t betray a parent's trust if they leave you in care of their most prized being, so you best believe I’m not letting her out of my sight until he gets back.”-He responded while fixing the collar on maydays shirt.
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After three hours of heavy-duty child care you and Miguel left your differences behind, it was time for Mayday’s mid-day nap but she wouldn’t sleep even tho she wouldn’t stop yawning and rubbing her eyes.
-“If we don’t get her to bed in half an hour, she’s gonna be an inconsolable cranky mess by the looks of it.”- You warned.
—“Let's turn the lights off, maybe that’ll make her sleepy.”
As soon as the lights came off Miguel positioned Mayday's head on her should while he slowly patted her back, his mouth let out a song made out of soft sh shhhh.
You felt bad for misjudging him earlier, you finally accepted that he was a man of responsibility but he didn’t acknowledge that stampeding over anyone to fulfill his duty was truly not the best option. Your heart melted at such cute sight; I mean it’s a small baby and a big man, how were you supposed to resist???
He walked around the room hoping the bounce of his steps would help rock the baby better, Mayday was on the brink of slumber she just needed a final step to fall asleep.
You brainstormed what could finally push her to sleep, and suddenly an idea came to you. You ran out of the infirmary looking for peters bag in the lockers, finally, you found a dark red tote baby bag which contained what you were looking for, some formula and a bottle.
After a few minutes you managed to get back to the infirmary in silence, you signaled to Miguel to lay her down on the bed, and after he did you gave her the bottle which she held down on her own, when she was halfway through bottle her sucking slowed down to end up stopping, with this you realized she finally fell asleep.
You and Miguel’s back physically relaxed, he gave you a thumbs up before being two stools from the desk near Mayday’s bed so you could both keep an eye on her while she slept.
-“You did pretty well today.”- You let out a warm smile.
-“Only doing my job.”- He joked.
-“I didn’t know you were good with kids sorry I miss judged you.”
-“For better or for worse; I’m a box of surprises, I don’t blame you I wasn’t as cordial as I could be today, I’m just not used to people looking out for me. That’s all.”
-“Guess we will be getting to know each other a lot from now on.”
-“You want to learn about me?”- He questioned with a small grin.
-“Why not? Here let’s do a dynamic, I ask you a question then you’ll ask me a question.”
-“Sure, but only because I’m burning time.”
You laid your head on the bed after asking Miguel the dumbest question known to humankind which he shortly responded with a lengthy reply.
In the middle of his storytelling, he noticed you fell asleep, he went to the storage room and brought down a blanket so he could lay on your back while you dozed off, he wanted to stay up and keep guard but after seeing you sleep so peacefully while taking a long deep breath, so Miguel decided to give himself a break and lay his head right next to yours so he could use his arm as a pillow.
Before he knew it he rested his eyes and fell asleep, for the next hour you two laid face to face; enjoying the silence and the contrast of each other’s warmth with the cool breeze of the air conditioner
That hour Miguel slept with all the tranquility and peace of the world.
A/n: another day another slay.literally 2 weeks felt
like a week sorry , love y’all kiss kiss 💋
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peaches2217 · 11 months
I FINALLY got to see a proper doctor today! It’s the first new doctor I’ve seen since having to get my own insurance; our family doctor, who I’d seen most of my life, was a strong proponent of “You wouldn’t have so many issues if only you weren’t so fat,” and that’s what I got to hear every visit for the better part of fifteen years (at my lowest I was 150, which DID earn her approval… and I was only able to drop that low because I was too depressed and lethargic to eat for several weeks, but hey, at least I was finally skinny enough! /s).
So I was beyond pleasantly surprised when I told my new doctor about my issues, both recent and established, and she didn’t make a single comment about my weight. She got me a referral to a psychiatrist to see about getting me on medications that work better for me, and in the meantime she had blood drawn so they could run labs and test for anemia, thyroid issues, general deficiencies, etc. It took literal years just to convince my last doctor to raise the dosage of the meds I was already on, and it was less because I finally convinced her and more because I got my ass thrown in the psych ward again and THEY told her to.
I got off to a rough start this morning; one of the first things I came across was some badly triggering content. But that appointment filled me with enough hope that I’ve been able to combat the usual destructive tendencies that come with a triggering episode, and my day has gone on almost normally. Aaaaah I’m so happy!!
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drdemonprince · 1 year
how risky would it be for someone to do testosterone with a needle-aversion which prevents them from doing labs?
I hate blood draws too, I really really get it. I have medical trauma related to having severe anemia and having the blood drained out of me for numerous medical tests when my red blood cell count was so low I was freezing cold and could barely stand. I hate needles. But you should get your blood checked at least once a year, because if your red blood cell count gets too high it's a risk of blood clots.
The great news is that any negative health effects are completely preventable -- but you prevent it by donating blood.
Since starting T, my anemia has completely reversed. Now I have so much blood that sometimes it's too much! Donating blood and enduring blood tests is nowhere near as scary for me as it once was, both because of practice and because I am healthier and more robust thanks to T.
If you're on high dose T for more than a year or have a family history of blood clots, strokes, or heart attacks, I strongly recommend it.
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clatterbane · 16 days
I am feeling greatly vindicated about now, in a way that I am very aware is probably verging on bitchiness on this end too. But, some people just affect me that way.
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What do we have here, through the portal? Starting cortisol levels toward the lower end of normal for that time of day. And also well within the normal range? The cortisol-stimulating hormone which is what goes screwy and gets overproduced to make your adrenal glands pump out too much cortisol, if the problem is on the pituitary end.
The point of this overzealous testing?
The dexamethasone suppression test is used to diagnose endogenous Cushing syndrome by assessing the lack of suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in response to exogenous corticosteroids.[1] The first use of dexamethasone for diagnosing Cushing syndrome was in 1960 by Liddle; he developed a test based on the non-suppressibility of endogenous cortisol production in Cushing syndrome versus the physiological suppression in nonaffected individuals achieved by dexamethasone.[2]
So yeah, if you give someone even a single dose of dexamethasone (never mind the sledgehammer 8-dose multiday protocol they hit my endocrine system with!), their body should cut way back on its own cortisol production to compensate. If the regulating mechanism is borked, it will just keep pumping out the ACTH and then a bunch of cortisol anyway.
What happened in this case?
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Straight down within the expected time frame, from totally fine levels starting out. The usual low single-dose test would have more than done it, without fucking my blood sugar up or giving me its own version of the Prednisone Crazies to anywhere near the same extent. They are apparently looking for at least a 50% reduction in levels, and we have more than met that goal!
(Yeah, they are close enough drugs to have similar effects. I've unfortunately had to take courses of prednisone multiple times, mostly for particularly nasty allergic skin reactions. But dexamethasone is stronger stuff and the effects apparently last longer. ���� I am very relieved to be done taking the shit as of like 6:30 this morning. Probably a few more days of lingering fun to look forward to.)
It was a dramatic enough drop during that first day, that the nurse actually went ahead and reassured us this morning that things were obviously perfectly fine there when I went in for the second steroided-up blood draw.
Gotta say the lab was quick! They drew the samples just before 8:30 again today, and the results were up on the portal when I logged in somewhere around noon. That clinic is right in the university medical center complex, but still.
They took so much blood the first time because the endo also decided to throw in All The Tests while she was at it. Including a bunch of the diabetes-standard ones that she already ordered before the recent routine check-in appointment where she sprung this xenophobic concern-trolling bullshit on me in the first place. Also got expanded kidney and liver panels, what seemed like every other major hormone in my body checked, and a whole new battery of tests prompted by the chronic anemia. A lot of those repeats of what primary care just recently ordered (and she could see the results of) after she kicked that over to their side. At least it was just two tubes for the cortisol and ACTH today.
But yeah, at least nothing out of that huge battery of tests came back looking weird in unexpected ways! I am still slightly anemic, my sodium and potassium levels are still running just barely under range, and a couple of kidney indicators are still looking borderline wonky in a very diabetic way.
(Which seems to be staying pretty stable for years now, not even far off enough that anyone has seemed to feel like it's needed treatment--and it's frankly a miracle that my renal function isn't way more thrashed than that, after the number of years of earlier negligence and uncontrolled blood sugar. Ruined kidneys was honestly one of my big nagging worries while all of that was still going on.)
Anyway, one thing I WAS actually glad and somewhat relieved to see while scrolling through that huge mess of reports:
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Because it was primarily a pituitary prolactinoma that I got removed back in high school. And especially with the healthcare mess back in the US? I am not aware of that ever having been checked again within the past 30 years. My family ended up uninsured within a year or two of the surgery, and the last follow-up probably happened in 1992-93. The symptoms thankfully did go away over time--along with the freaking cortisol side bonus staying distant history!
(None of which was the endo aware of when she decided I looked weird enough to constitute a medical problem, I just can't restrain myself from emphasizing again.)
The little fuckers do have a distressing tendency to come back sometimes. But yeah, BTDT and I am pretty confident that I would have noticed if that were causing problems. But, I am still glad for the confirmation that my prolactin levels are fine now.
This whole thing was, indeed, uncalled for. And I am still perversely gratified to be proven right about this, when it's been taking up so much rent-free space in my head. (Thanks, PTSD!) And also to see that I am honestly looking healthier across a whole slew of bloodwork measures than I was half-afraid I might.
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oh-yes-i-did-not · 1 year
I’m just gonna come out and say that “your labs look okay!” doesn’t mean shit unless you know what labs the doctor ordered and more importantly why. What are they thinking and what do they want to check?
Yeah my labs looked fine because they included white cell count, hemoglobin, inflammation tests, and some vitamins, with some other standard tests.
What wasn’t fine was the red blood cell size, ferritin, and saturation. None of those were fine. But you didn’t order those tests because apparently you didn’t believe me when I said I was prone to iron anemia so ofc my labs looked fine.
And oh yeah, just a useful tip for the future, you can be iron deficient and anemic even if your hemoglobin is within the normal range. Mine is like barely, within a few points, and I was happy since I’ve mostly been under that for my entire life. I didn’t know that. I thought a doctor would. But I guess not. Had to pay for the additional labs myself =)
So yeah, I’m still suffering through the most miserable course of iron supplements that I’ve ever had the displeasure of going through, because I can’t take them daily. Fuck, I can barely take two a week, even the “mild and stomach friendly” ones so I’m going on full blown course of strong ones, since it’s all the same, and I’ve been pooping black two or three times a day for a months.
But like, I wouldn’t know I need to try this unless I had checked it myself. I don’t know yet if it has worked. With my supplements pace, I’m thinking of going to tests around late August, to see what, if anything, has improved. But at least my head isn’t spinning all the time anymore and I don’t get so painfully winded so I do know it is working on something.
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