#la reina bar
describethefauna · 18 days
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mariachi behind the bar @ the local watering hole. they came thru to play a few birthday songs and then took off into the night
0 notes
helen-with-an-a · 4 months
I Am An Adult pt 7
Hiiiii. I hope you enjoyed part 6. As I mentioned, this was originally one long-ass story, so please imagine you're reading it as a continuation if that makes sense. Once again, a massive shout out to @lyak12 for helping me out so much and hyping me up - forehead smooches for you. I think technically the final part of the official series, but I do have an epilogue idea that I want to write too, so it's not quite the end of the story (again inspired by @lyak12). This was tough to write emotionally, so just a little heads up.
I just want to say thank you so much for the love and support you guys have given me. It means a lot. Please let me know what you thought of it <3
Part 1 : Part 2 : Part 3 : Part 3.5 : Part 4 : Part 5 : Part 6 : Part 7 : Epilogue
Barça Femeni x Reader / Lena Oberdorf x Reader
Description: R faces the consequences of her actions
TW: This was emotional to write, so it might be a little emotional to read.
Word Count: 6k
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The next few days were … interesting. It was clear to everyone that you and Alexia had spoken in some capacity. You were still avoiding conversation with most people, but the hostility between you and the captain had eased somewhat. You still partnered with the trainers and remained silent during breaks, but the ice was clearly thawing. It made people approach you more. Not outright, but you weren’t blocked from conversations. The side eyes and cold shoulders were no longer a signature part of training. The olive branches were slowly being offered out; a small praising smile or a water bottle passed your way. No one was brave enough to be your partner just yet, but that was fine. The only ones that weren’t fine were Lucy … and, by extension, Ona. You longed to talk to your best friend … if you were still allowed to call her that. But she remained solidly by Lucy’s side. You couldn’t blame her, though. You had made your bed, and now you had to lie in it.
It all came to a head during the final training session before you travelled to Zaragoza for the Cope de la Reina final. Jona had instructed everyone to work hard but to be aware of their own limits. Everyone had nodded solemnly; the last thing anyone wanted was an injury before a big match like that. Well … everyone, bar Lucy. It didn’t help that you played opposite positions; she was a right back and you a left winger. But so far, Jona had recognised the animosity between you, too, so you had been on the same team to avoid any confrontation … until now, anyway. To his defence, you seemed to both be over it. But, oh, how he was wrong.
Lucy’s anger had shifted from surface-level, emotional, visible rage to that deep, raw, pure wrath. She was aghast at how easily everyone was seemingly forgiving you. To her, you had disappeared on them, leaving chaos and devastation in your wake, returned and with a bat of your eyelids, everyone had forgotten the torment you had caused. Not her, though. Hell would freeze over before she could forget Ona’s heartbreak. Ona’s sobs were frequent in the reoccurring nightmare she had been having the past few days. She was getting little to no sleep, and with that, her ire towards you increased. You were the source of all her issues.
You had become accustomed to Lucy’s hard tackles and unnecessary shoves during training. It was inevitable, even with Jona and the other staff's interference, that you had faced Lucy a little. During rondos, she always managed to step on your feet a little or kick the back of your heel. If you were on the ground at some point during a training session, Lucy’s back was likely the first thing you saw when you looked up. It was starting to get to you a little. But what could you do? You had brought this upon yourself. Your heart sank when Jona called out the names. You were preparing to do a 15-minute 11 vs 11. Jona had pressed the notion that this was a chance to practice the skills and technical formations you had been practising all week. As you stood in your designated place, you inadvertently caught Lucy’s eye. She glowered at you, cracking her knuckles and rolling her shoulders. You were about to die. You knew it. The whistle went, and your team began your press forward. You could see your team's reluctance to pass you the ball; Lucy’s behaviour had not gone unnoticed. But eventually, you had to be included. It happened just outside the makeshift box. You had received a ball from Patri to make a cross for Mariona … or at least that was the plan.
Two sets of sharp studs crashed into your ankle, wiping your feet out from under you. The team watched in horror as you dropped. You landed heavily on your hip before your head hit the floor. You wanted to scream, but you wouldn’t give Lucy that satisfaction. You whacked the grass, biting back the pain. It wasn’t broken. You had snapped your collarbone once when you were still in youth age groups, and this wasn’t like that. But you had a feeling you wouldn’t play in the final. Everyone around you was frozen. Cata and Pina seemed locked in place, half wanting to help but the other, louder half telling them to stay exactly where they were. Marta and Caro looked shocked. Shocked that Lucy would do such a dangerous thing so close to two major finals. Alexia looked a mix of anger and sadness. Anger at Lucy for her behaviour; anger at you for not talking to her about it; sadness that once such good friends seemed to be enemies.
“Lucy. Ya terminaste por hoy. Vete a casa.” Jona’s voice was curt – sounding like the true manager he was. “Todos los demás, tomen un descanso para tomar agua.” No one moved. It was Ona who eventually stepped up.
“Amor, ir a ducharse,” she said softly, like you would to an angry child or wild animal.
“Why? So you can go check on her?” She said it with such contempt and disgust you reeled back, as much as you could, still on the ground anyway.
“I-” Ona began.
“No, I don’t want to hear it.” Lucy stuck her hand up, stopping Ona from talking. “I don’t understand how you can forgive her so easily. What she did was vile. And you’re letting her off the hook like that.” She was shouting now. You couldn’t let Lucy’s anger be misplaced. You couldn’t be the cause of a rift … or potential end … of their relationship. You clambered to your feet, hopping slightly on your uninjured ankle.
“Stop it, Lucy.” Your voice was surprisingly firm. She turned on you. “Don’t shout at Ona when you want to scream at me.”
“You want me to scream at you?” she asked rhetorically. You lifted your gaze to meet hers. “Fine, I’ll scream at you,” she took a deep breath. “What you did was inexcusable. Sure, you got some shitty news. But you don’t get to disappear like that. You are childish and immature. You hurt the people around you, people you are supposed to be your best friends. You can't just run away every time things get tough. Do you think you're the only one with problems? We all have our issues, but we talk to our friends. We don’t leave them behind like they are dirt. What if something had happened to you? Did you even consider how we would feel? No, you didn’t. You were too wrapped up in your own self-pity to think about anyone else. That’s not what friends do. I didn’t sit up every night watching Ona cry herself to sleep because you were missing for everyone to forgive you in an instant. I didn’t watch Cata and Bruna and Jana go crazy driving around Barcelona trying to find you to let everyone forget about what you did. I didn’t watch Alexia phone around hospitals in the area with a description of you to excuse your behaviours as soon as you return. You were selfish and reckless, and you showed us exactly how little we mean to you. We worried ourselves sick, we tore ourselves apart trying to find you, and you didn’t give a damn. Don’t think for a second that you can waltz back into my life and everything will be fine. Actions have consequences, and you need to face yours.” You could tell she had more to say.
You blinked. You felt like you wanted to cry, but no tears were forthcoming. Each accusation struck like a hammer blow, chipping away at your defences. Your heart pounded in your chest, and your stomach churned with a sickening blend of regret and fear. You tried to hold her gaze, but the intensity of her anger made it feel like your very soul was being seared. Her words echoed in your mind, each one a painful reminder of the hurt you had caused. The mention of Ona crying herself to sleep, the frantic search efforts by Cata, Bruna, and Jana, and Alexia's desperate calls to hospitals—all painted a vivid picture of the chaos and suffering you had unleashed. If you hadn’t felt horrific before, you certainly did now. Your throat tightened, and your eyes stung with the threat of tears. You wanted to speak, apologise, and somehow make things right, but you just ... couldn’t. You felt small and insignificant, dwarfed by the level of your mistakes. The raw pain and disappointment in her voice cut through you, leaving you feeling exposed and vulnerable.
“Got nothing to say?” She asked, chuckling slightly. “You know what … I’m glad Barça isn’t offering you a renewal. You don’t deserve it.” The words cut like a knife, burnt like fire and stung like a thousand wasp stings.
“Enough, Lucia.” Alexia’s loud voice cut across.
“Whatever” Lucy scoffed turning on her heels and walking back towards the building.
No one moved, no one blinked, no one dared breathe.
“Did anyone else see that vein in her forehead? It was massive!” Vicky asked jovially, the tension breaking in an instant.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen Lucy that angry,” Mariona commented during the enforced water break. She had watched as you hobbled off to the medical room. You had refused help from anyone, and it was painful to watch you slowly trudge inside.
“I remember when we were at City and the doctors were telling her how truly fucked her knee was …” Keira reminisced sadly. “I had thought that was the angriest I would ever see her. She punched a wall in the gym; she was lucky she didn’t break her hand.” She shook her head at the memory. “But this … when Lucy sees the people she loves in pain … she’d burn the world down for them.”
“This is her burning the world down?” Patri asked.
“She’s definitely got the lighter ready, that’s for sure.”
“What happened after Lucy punched the wall?” Salma asked carefully. Keira chuckled, laughing at the memory.
“Gee put a frame around it and added a little label like they do in art galleries.” The whole group let out a tense laugh. Of course, Georgia would do that. “Alex says it’s still there too.”
Your initial assessment was right; you were ruled out from playing in the Copa final. You sighed but accepted the physio’s words with little fuss. You winced a little as they strapped it, grimacing at the movements. Lucy’s words echoed around your head, bouncing across your awareness as they played like a video in your mind’s eye. She had looked so angry … her eyes were filled with so much hurt. Hurt that you had caused. Of course, she thought you didn’t deserve a renewal. You didn’t deserve one. That was a fact of which you were sure.
“Tómatelo con calma durante unos días. Lo reevaluaremos después del partido.," the physio advised, giving your shoulder a final pat before standing up. You nodded absentmindedly, your thoughts far from the clinical room. You weren’t too upset about missing out on the final, to be honest. With all the extra … drama, issues, problems … everything, you didn’t think you should be playing anyway. You rolled your shoulders, hoping to ease some of the tension. Everything ached … not physically, although you were sure the extra time you had spent being sent to the floor was helping, but in a soul-weary, deep, painful way. A way that you weren’t quite sure how to fix. A way that you didn’t know if it could be fixed. You are childish and immature. You were childish. You were immature. God, you had spent so long wishing, wanting, demanding the team look at you like an adult, and this is what you do in return. This is how you repay them? Maybe they are better off without you next season. Your mind drifted back to that conversation with Lucy. Her voice, usually so warm and encouraging, had been cold and harsh. You felt a knot tightening in your chest, the weight of the past weeks pressing down hard. You knew she had every right to feel betrayed, to doubt you. The anger in Lucy’s green eyes haunted you. It was a mirror reflecting your own failures, not just as a player but as a person. You replayed every moment in your head, wishing you could go back and change things and make different choices. But you couldn’t. All you could do now was face the consequences.
And Ona, what about her? Your best friend. You tried not to imagine her face. Her warm brown eyes and wide smile were replaced by devastated, tear-filled expressions and anxious looks. God, what had you done? The guilt gnawed at you, a relentless ache that seemed to have no end. You could almost hear Ona’s voice; her playful teasing turned into something sharper, something pained. You had let her down. She had always been there for you, through the highs and lows, and now… now you had pushed her away too. The one time you truly, desperately, urgently needed her to help navigate this … you had disappeared. Like a ghost.
You weren’t sure how long you sat on the edge of the physio bed. Long enough for the team to have cleared out of the changing rooms, you think. You really should go shower. But you couldn’t move. Everything felt heavy. You were too tired to push yourself off the padded table, too weary to make the short walk back to the changing room, too fatigued to get into the car and drive home. A knock on the door pulled you from your spiral.
“Can I come in?” Ona. You looked up, reminding Ona of a meerkat on patrol. You smiled weakly, nodding and gesturing to the bed opposite. She didn’t take it, just shifting to stand on the other side of the door, ready to run if she needed to.
“Lo siento,” she murmured eventually. Why was she apologising? You were the one that needed to fix everything.
“You’re not the one who should be apologising,” you muttered dejectedly.
“I know, but Lucia is –”
“No, no, no, no,” you rushed out, cutting her off. “It’s me. I’m the one who should be apologising,” you corrected yourself. “I’m a horrible person. I am a truly awful person. I mean, who does that to their friends? Who disappears for days without telling them what was wrong?” You swallowed, taking a deep breath before surging on. “I need to apologise to you, Oni, uh, Ona … um,” you chuckled awkwardly. You cleared your throat. “I am so, truly, deeply, honestly sorry for what I did to you. I hate myself for it. God, now I’m crying again.” you said humorously, the joke falling flat as you wiped tears away. “I’m just so sorry. I don’t know how I can ever make it up to you, to Lucy, to Alexia, to the team. I don’t even know if you want me to make it up to you or if I should just let you live your life without me. You’d probably be better off,” you rambled. “I hurt everyone around me, and I have no explanation for it. Nothing beyond that; I genuinely didn’t mean to. I wasn’t thinking; I was just so overwhelmed with it all, and being here in Barcelona made it so much worse, so I just left, and I didn’t look at my phone because it was easier not to. It wasn’t happening if I wasn’t looking at my phone. It’s no excuse, and I’m not trying to make one up, I promise. It was wrong, and I know that. I know I fucked up so badly, and I’ve probably ruined the best things to ever happen to me, and now you all hate me, and I’m so, so sorry,” you sobbed. You hadn’t even noticed Ona had moved closer to you, her own tears streaming down her face, until her arms wrapped around you. “No, no,” you pushed her off or attempted to at least. “I don’t deserve your comfort. I am a horrible person, I don’t deserve…” you couldn’t finish as another wave of sobs broke through.
“Shhhh,” she whispered softly, her arms tightening around you despite your weak protests. You tried to move away, but the softness of her shirt, the warmth of her body, and the kindness in her voice were too inviting. “What you did … disappearing like that,” she began, her words spoken into your sweaty hair. “Realmente dolió,” her voice cracked slightly; you tightened your arms around her waist in response. “Your actions were bad, yes. But you are not bad,” she said emphatically.
You took a shuddering breath, the truth in her words piercing through the haze of your self-loathing. “I’ve made such a mess of everything,” you murmured, your voice muffled against her shoulder. “I don’t know how to fix it.” Ona pulled back slightly, just enough to look into your eyes.
“You start by forgiving yourself,” she said gently. “Because …” she paused momentarily, “I forgive you. Te perdono. Et perdono.” This set a new wave of tears bubbling up. It was painful and raw but cathartic, too.
You didn’t want to, but you couldn’t help it as you felt a glimmer of hope. It was fragile and tentative, but it was there, a tiny spark in the darkness. You clung to it, feeling Ona’s warmth and forgiveness surround you. The heaviness in your chest lightened just a fraction, enough to allow a breath of relief. Ona’s embrace tightened, and you let yourself sink into it, missing how her hugs had felt, the comfort she brought you just by being close. She pressed a gentle kiss to the back of your head. “I’m sorry,” you whispered into the fabric covering her stomach.
“I know you are,” she replied just as quietly.
Every moment of the next few days seemed to blend into the next with dizzying speed, and you found yourself caught between triumph and confusion. Winning the Copa de la Reina, preparing for the Champions League, and waiting for the international announcements - it was a lot of everyone to process. Yet amidst the frenzy, you were quietly trying to mend the fractures in your relationships. Conversations, laden with heartfelt apologies, unfolded with each member of the team. More tears were shed, but you slowly began the painstaking process of stitching what was broken. Even as you sat beside Mapí during the Copa final, her silence spoke volumes, a tangible reminder of the distance still to be bridged. The sparse conversation, a mere trickle compared to her usual torrent of words, served as a reminder of the work yet to be done but also of the hope that lingered in the spaces between.
Then came the chaos of the Champions League final, a rollercoaster of emotions that whisked you from uncertainty to jubilation in the span of ninety minutes. Initially resigned to the sidelines, your ankle injury deemed worthy of rest by Jona, fate intervened as Ona fell. In an instant, the plans shifted, and you found yourself thrust onto the pitch, the weight of the final moments heavy on your shoulders. Yet as the final whistle blew and the roar of triumph echoed around the stadium, any lingering doubts were drowned out by the sheer joy of victory. Despite the bittersweet knowledge that this might mark the end of your journey with the team, at that moment, you refused to let anything dim the radiance of your victory.
The only issue that remained was Lucy. Ona had been careful to keep you two apart, but with the Olympics fast approaching, you knew a conversation was in desperate need. You had booked it ages ago, just after the Nation League finals, when you found out Germany and Spain would be heading off to fill the European spots in the Olympics. At the time, you hadn’t questioned it when you booked a singular hotel room with two beds for the entire two weeks of the competition. At the time, the logistics seemed simple enough – a singular hotel room with two beds, a pragmatic arrangement for two good friends united at WAGs in supporting their respective partners. But now … now everything was different.
And then you were waiting for Lucy in the middle of the Barcelona airport. What should you say? What would she say? Was she still angry at you? Judging by Ona’s actions, she probably was, but you didn’t quite know how bad these two weeks would be. You had decided that if worse came to worse, you would fork out for a new hotel room. It would probably be eye-wateringly expensive and damn near impossible to do, but you would do it. You knew a few of the partners of the German national team fairly; maybe you could crash on their floor? No. You needed to fix this. If not for your sake, then for Ona’s. You could see how hard this was for her, keeping her girlfriend and her best friend away from each other whilst balancing the international commitments.
You needed a plan. Ask her how she is when she first arrives. Let her start the conversation. Buy her a coffee. Let her choose the window seat if she wants it. Pay for the taxi from the airport to the hotel. Ask her if you could talk properly. If she says yes, apologise again. Answer all her questions honestly and truthfully. Try not to cry. If she says no … find another hotel.
You had been so wrapped up in her thinking that you had missed her arrival. She looked tired, but not angry. At least you don’t think she looked angry.
“Oh,” you said, surprised. “Hi.” You smiled at her. She nodded once, silently gesturing to the check-in desk behind you.
It was the most painfully awkward 3 hours of your life. Every attempt at conversation felt stilted and forced. You were often met with nods and grunts instead of actual answers. She granted you a small half-smile as you presented her with a coffee from the nicer-but-more-expensive stand near the gates. All you could do was keep reminding yourself that you were doing this for Ona. You were here to support Ona, your best friend. And Lena. Sweet, kind, perfect Lena … Ona and Lena, Ona and Lena, Ona and Lena
The room was rather large, you were grateful to realise. The beds positioned far enough apart to provide some privacy for you both, as well as a small seating area. The small balcony outside offered a great view, the hum of the bustling city audible, even from high up in the hotel. You waited for her to choose a bed, hoovering anxiously by the door, your grip tight on your suitcase. Ok … show time.
“Um … Lucy?" you began, the butterflies in your chest increasing when she didn’t look up. “Can we talk? I need … I want to apologise to you properly and talk a little.” Nothing. No reaction. Not even a flicker. This was not a part of the plan. She was supposed to say yes or no. Not nothing.  “Right, um …” you wracked your brains, trying to think of what to do now. “Ok, um, if you don’t want to talk, that’s ok too. I’ll… um … I’ll just … I’ll just get out of your hair, then. Uhh, yeh.” Maybe you had come on too strong. Perhaps she needed to settle in for a bit first. You turned to go, your hand struggling to find the doorknob in your haste.
“Wait.” You froze. Every muscle locked as you waited for her to continue. “You’re right; we need to talk.” Turning back to face her, you looked at her properly for the first time in weeks. She looked so tired. The weight of everything was clearly etched into the lines of her face. Her green eyes were darker than normal, the set of her shoulders hunched slightly.
“Here? Or we could go get a coffee? My treat.” You managed a small, tentative smile, hoping it would ease some of the tension between you.
“A coffee sounds nice,” she gave a slow nod, picking up her purse and moving across the room.
The café was very typically French, no doubt redecorated somewhat for the influx of tourists, but the smell of freshly brewed coffees and warm croissants was too inviting to pass on.
“Bonjour,” Lucy smiled at the barista, her order flowing with ease in a torrent of French.
She stepped to the side, allowing you to add in your abysmal French, “un petit chocolat chaud, s'il vous plait,” handing over your card to pay for the drinks.
The seats were wide and comfortable, offering a quiet space for you to talk openly.
“I forgot you spoke French,” you fiddled with the napkin on the side of your saucer.
“Yeh, I didn’t want to lose it when I left Lyon. And it’s been helpful for learning Catalan too.” Lucy smiled weakly.
“How’s that going, by the way? Learning Catalan, I mean,” you started, attempting to break the ice a little
“Don’t. Don’t do that, Y/N. You wanted to talk, so talk.” She cut you off bluntly. Ok, she was still a little angry. That was fine, you could manage that, you think.
“Ok, um, well. I wanted to apologise.” You spoke slowly, thinking of exactly what to say before you said it. “Properly.” You took a steading breath. “I have no excuse, no explanation really, of why I did what I did. Why I disappeared. But … I am truly sorry. I know I hurt you, and Ona, and Alexia, the whole team, really. I can’t imagine how hard that must have been for you to watch Ona in that state.” You took a sip of your drink to help steady yourself. “I was selfish, and I didn’t think about the consequences of my actions. I was childish and immature; you were right.” You looked up to see Lucy’s eyes fixed on you, her expression unreadable but attentive. You took it as a sign to continue. “What I did was inexcusable, but I didn’t do it consciously. Lena said either I go to her, or she would come to me, and with the Pokal final coming, I couldn’t let her leave Germany, so I went to her. It all happened so fast, and when I got to Germany, everything was clearer, easier a little, I’m not really sure. But Barça and everything to do with Barcelona was just too much. I know that it might not make a difference, but I didn’t purposefully think about shutting everyone out and disappearing.” You took another sip. “I really am sorry for how I behaved. I completely understand if you don’t want to spend the next 2 weeks in a hotel room with me. I can find somewhere else if-”
“Stop it.” Her voice was quiet but commanding. Your mouth snapped shut, your nervous eyes drifting up to meet her gaze. “I appreciate your apology.” It wasn’t forgiveness, but she had at least acknowledged it.
“I really am sorry,” you cut in.
“Stop saying sorry.” You could tell it was an attempt at humour.
“Sorry,” you smiled sheepishly. She raised an eyebrow in response, trying to come off unamused but failing. Your heart lightened a little at the small sliver of the normal Lucy returning.
“I’m not angry at you,” she began. “No, wait, that’s not quite true. I was incredibly angry at you,” she corrected herself. “When I see people I love and care about upset, I get angry, and you really hurt Ona. But … I was also annoyed at the team, including Ona ...” You looked up, confused. “They all forgave you so easily, so quickly. It was like they had forgotten how hard it was for all of us when we didn’t know where you were, if you were safe … if you were still alive. And then I got angry at myself for being angry with everyone and ...” She stopped, looking around at the café you were sitting in.
“Um … they didn’t.” you breathed. It was her turn to look confused. “They didn’t forgive me. I spoke to Alexia after the first training session … I was back for. She explicitly said she hadn’t forgiven me. I still don’t think she fully has,” you licked your lips. “Not that she has to,” you added quickly. “No one has to forgive me if they don’t want to. Um, I guess the others picked up on her changes in behaviour and were following her lead.” It sounded like a question. Truthfully, you weren’t sure why everyone had eased off on you so fast, but you weren’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth.
“I … I didn’t know that.” Lucy muttered, either to you or to herself you weren’t sure.
“And Ona didn’t speak to me until after … that training session. God, I was a total mess. I am an ugly crier, and, bloody hell, was I sobbing,” you tried to lighten the mood.
“I didn’t know that either …” she trailed off. The silence wasn’t awkward, not anymore. But there were definitely things still unsaid that lingered in the space between you. “That makes me look like a total arse,”
“No, it doesn’t,” you said gently. “You were hurt and angry. You had every right to react in that way. I was a total bitch.”
“So was I,” she said wryly. Lucy sighed deeply, rubbing her temples. “It’s just … I didn’t realise how much I was holding onto. I'm sorry if I ... we ... made you feel like you couldn't come to us.”
“Thank you,” you said softly. “But disappearing was wrong. And I don’t expect immediate forgiveness. I want to make that clear. I just want a chance to make things right, to show you that I’m here to stay. Well, not literally, anyway, but … I’m working on it. I’ve started making enquiries for a therapist. I’m really trying to get better at communication and stuff.” You nodded, pushing some hair behind your ear.
“Where are you going anyway? I haven’t seen an announcement or anything.” She took another sip of her coffee, a clear attempt at normalcy.
“Um … Bayern,” you bit your lip. “I think if Barça were to offer me an extension I would have taken it, but I’m excited to move. It’s a new challenge and stuff,”
“Hey, hey, I don’t need the media spiel. I get it. It also helps that a certain someone is also moving to Bayern?” she guessed.
“Well, that’s definitely a perk that other teams didn’t have.” You both let out a soft laugh.
“I really am sorry, Luce,” you said when the laughter died down.
"I know you are. And I am too. None of us were acting very grown up." She smiled at you. You grinned back at her. “Now then, have you got the schedule for Lena’s matches?” She asked, taking another sip and shuffling her chair closer to you, a clear change of subject, yet also a tentative step towards what your relationship used to be like.
Over the next 2 weeks. You truly rediscovered how much you loved football. With good food and good friends, it was easy to fall in love with the sport. The Olympics was special. The energy was electric, and it showed on the pitch. You watched as Lena dominated the field. You were fairly sure you had dribbled a little when she made her appearance with the Captain’s armband on. You were very grateful that the Spain match was later in the day, so you had attended this particular game alone.
“Schatz,” Lena shouted when friends and family were finally allowed over to see the players. “Come here,” she waved you over, holding a hand out for you and helping you over the barrier.
“You played so well, Liebe.” You congratulated her, a hand resting on her bicep as you kissed the corner of her mouth.
“Danke, Schatz. I have some people I want you to meet,” she said as she tucked you into her side, an arm thrown across your shoulders. “This is my mama,” she said proudly, presenting you to the woman in front of you.
“Um …” you blinked and swallowed. “Hallo?” you settled on, a shocked smile on your face.
And then the summer was over. The long, sun-drenched days had given way to cooler evenings, the warmth slowly seeping out of the air as autumn crept in. The vibrant hues of green began to fade, replaced by the rich, earthy tones of autumn. The laughter and chatter of tourists that had filled the streets grew quieter, the city settling back into its regular rhythm. Slowly, forgiveness was shown on all sides. After long talks well into the cool summer nights, an understanding was reached. The scars would probably always be there, but they were not just a faint white line, not raw and open.
“Look after her,” Ona whispered in Lena’s ear as they hugged. The pair stepped back to look at you in a tight embrace with Alexia.
“I will.” Lena promised.
As you held Alexia, you could feel the strength of her emotions mirrored in the tightness of her grip. “Mantenerte fuerte, cariño,” she murmured into your shoulder, her voice muffled. “We’ll see each other soon.”
You pulled back slightly to look into her eyes. “I’ll miss you,” you said, your voice cracking a little. “But I’ll be back before you know it.”
Alexia nodded, blinking back tears. “Just promise me you’ll take care of yourself.
“Prometo,” you assured her, giving her one last squeeze before letting go.
“Bye, kid.” Lucy said, stepping forward for her own hug.
“Bye, Luce,” you replied. “Look after Ona,” you whispered to her.
“Of course.” Her arms tightened fractionally before you let go. "Look after yourself too, yeh?" You nodded into her neck, laughing as she tried to ruffle your hair.
All three of them separated themselves slightly as you and Ona came face to face.
“I’m not going to cry,” you said defiantly, your voice already wavering.
“Me neither,” Ona echoed the sadness in your own. You pulled her forward, arms wrapping around her shoulders as you pressed a kiss to her hair. The embrace was long and tight, both of you reluctant to let go. You could feel the slight tremble in her body. You were sure you were shaking, too.
“I’m going to miss you so much,” you whispered, your voice breaking despite your best efforts to stay composed. Ona pulled back just enough to look into your eyes.
“I’ll miss you too,” she said, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. “But we’ll stay in touch ... every day.”
“Every day,” you promised her, pulling her into another tight hug. You held on for a few more precious moments before finally, reluctantly, letting go.
Lena approached you then, her expression soft but determined. “Ready?” she asked, holding a hand out for you to take.
You nodded, taking a deep breath. “Yeah, I’m ready.” You placed your hand in hers, cementing the notion that you were doing this together.
“I’ll be back before you know it,” you said, trying to inject some lightness into your voice. “And when I am, it’ll be for the Champions League, and we’re going to crush you,” you jested.
Ona smiled, a tear finally escaping down her cheek. “Oh, please. We’re Barcelona,” she said.
“Yeh, we’ll we’re Bayern. Feel our wrath.” You stuck your tongue out, a similar tear rolling down your face. You paused, reluctant to turn away.
“Look at you.” Alexia smiled proudly. “Getting a new job. Moving to a new city. Moving in with your girlfriend. A proper adult now.”
“Not too adult, though. I still need you.”
I hope you enjoyed the story and the series as a whole. Please let me know what you though <3<3<3<3
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woso-dreamzzz · 3 months
Award II
Alexia Putellas x Hardersson!Reader
Aitana Bonmatí x Hardersson!Reader
Natalia Guijarro (OC) x Hardersson!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: You are finally rewarded for being the best
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You don't play football for the fame.
You've never played football for fame or money or awards.
You play football because you love it.
It's been apart of your life for as long as you can remember. Your parents still have your first Wolfsburg kit, back when you were a baby and couldn't do anything but cry.
The fame, the money, the trophies all just came along with the sport you love.
The responsibility of carrying your country and your club doesn't weigh on you much, not when you have such passion for the game and your teams.
The first time you felt such responsibility was on your youth team, captaining them to a successful Under-17 Euros. Then, the responsibility was back at Barcelona. You were made the third captain after half a season back from your loan to Lyon.
When you left, the responsibility stayed, being made the sole captain for your country. You've spent a year at Wolfsburg now, the club of your childhood, and the band for your club wraps around your arm in preparation for next season.
Denmark Youth Captain.
Barcelona Third Captain.
Sweden Senior Captain.
Wolfsburg First Captain.
You didn't play football to become a leader but somehow you've become one, moving from yelling orders from your defence to yelling orders at the whole team.
You are an expert keeper. You always have been.
People around you say you've made your mark on the game and you haven't even retired yet. People look at you for what a keeper should be, for how a leader should act.
(People whisper that all keepers coming up the ranks now try to mimic your style, your natural instinct and abilities).
It's only inevitable that you have the trophy cabinet to back up your skill.
Two World Cups sit in your cabinet. Two Golden Gloves as well.
Multiple Keeper of the Year trophies.
An Olympic medal.
A Euros medal.
And then awards for at club level too.
Liga F, Copa de la Reina and Supercopa sit in the apartment you used to share with Natalia with a Première Ligue and Coupe de France medal too.
Your Champion's League medals sit with Natalia's on the wall.
Everything you won at Linköping and Arsenal are at home in Sweden whilst your most recent Bundesliga and DFB-Pokal medals are at your apartment in Germany.
You are the greatest goalkeeper playing in the women's leagues at the moment and, while you cannot see it, everyone else knows it.
You've come to the ceremony to eat some of the bar food and maybe see some of your old Lyon teammates.
Talia has come to the ceremony to see you make history.
Alexia and Aitana are the ones presenting the award and just from the way they're smiling, Talia knows the result.
You've been ranked highly ever since your first nomination. That time, you'd ranked eleventh. Every time after that, you've finished in the top ten.
Your name is called and the world stops.
You suck in a breath, frozen in your seat like you're in the Champion's League final with only a one goal lead and the other team advancing on your goal with lethal efficiency.
You don't know what to do. You don't know what to say.
Your wife allows your tuck your head into her neck, not flinching as your tears drip down onto her suit blazer.
"It's okay, baby," Talia says to you," You deserve this so much."
She helps you to your feet, hiding your face as you wipe your tears where cameras can't see.
You force yourself to walk up the stairs to the stage without stumbling. You suck in a breath.
There it is.
The most prestigious award in football.
It was a few years ago now that Talia won hers. She'd had a standout season during her first as Barcelona's captain. She was lethal on goal for club and country.
There was never any doubt it would be here.
That's the way it always is.
Everyone always expects a striker or a midfielder. Sometimes, it's a defender. It's never been a keeper though, at least for the women's.
Second goalkeeper in history.
First female goalkeeper in history.
Aitana is the one nearest to you.
You're taller than her by a lot, towering over her but she still hugs you like you were little, like you were still the little girl she met when hunting down Pernille's shirt.
One of her hands comes up to cup your cheek.
"You've grown up," She says and you force yourself not to cry," You're so big now."
Alexia is next. You last saw her a few weeks ago when you came back to Spain for the weekend and attended one of Talia's games. Alexia made you come down from the stands and asked about Wolfsburg and how your season was going.
She was all business then and you'd been as vague as possible, in case she remembered something that could be used against you during the next rounds of the Champion's League.
But now, there's no hint of professionalism in her eyes as she pulls you into a hug.
"I told you," She whispers," I told you that you'd get this one day. Remember this feeling, okay? There's nothing better in the world. There's no one better in the world."
She pulls away and hands you the award.
You turn to the cameras, to the audience all on their feet clapping you.
You lift up your Ballon D'or for all to see.
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bellawoso · 9 months
How You Get The Girl
Alexia putellas x fem!reader
(Featuring Alexia in denial and Mapi’s devil antics)
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This was not how Alexia was expecting her weekend to go.
She was supposed to be having a weekend trip to Mallorca with her closest long-time friend, Jenni. As much as it pained Alexia to leave her 4 legged companion behind, she knew she would also have an even harder time leaving her at a hotel when her and Jenni went to some bars, as Jenni said ‘to find someone to spice up her life a bit’.
Mapi was definitely not her first choice on who to leave Nala with, however with most of the team using their break to travel back to their families, it left only Mapi and Ingrid to look after her Pomeranian.
However, after receiving a frantic phone call from Mapi, with the few words she managed to make out due to the defender’s worry laced voice being: Nala, Cake, Vets.
Alexia rushed onto the next flight and was at the vets in around 2 hours, to find Mapi still in the waiting room clutching her beloved dog, and Alexia was quick to snatch Nala from her.
It took everything in Alexia’s power to not start cursing Mapi out for her carelessness, but as she gave in and threw a snide remark at the defender, it was interupted by the receptionist.
“Nala is ready to be seen”
Alexia rushed to the door with Nala in her arms, and Mapi trailing behind. They were shown into the room, and Alexia walked straight into someone quite a bit shorter than her, this combined with the fact she is a professional footballer who keeps on top of her strength training resulted in her basically knocking this person over.
“¡Lo siento, lo siento!”, She said whilst keeping her eyes on Nala to check she wasnt hurt even more by her collision.
As Alexia looked up at the person she had crashed into, she was met with arguably the most beautiful women she had ever seen. Only to be met with a shove from her best friend, was when Alexia realised she had been staring.
“Alexia stop ogling the poor woman and apologise”
“I did!” countered the midfielder.
“Maybe in English would be smarter? So that she actually understands you!”
At the realisation that you had absolutely no idea what ‘lo siento’ meant, Alexia’s cheeks flushed crimson red, which recieved one of Mapi’s infamous snorts of laughter behind her.
Alexia honestly had no idea what was happening to her. She knows that your pretty, but she had seen other pretty girls before, why did you make her feel like this?
“Hello, I will be Nala’s vet for today, i will just go grab her records from reception, wont be a minute!” you said with a soft smile.
As soon as the door clicked shut behind you, Mapi burst iut laughing.
“Ale, as much as i love you, you were embarrassing there! If this is how you act around girls, no wonder you have never had a serious relationship”
“Shut up! I am not attracted to her, she makes me feel like i want to throw up!”
“Honey, thats called butterflies in your stomach! pretty cliché if you ask me, but I didnt realise you were such a romantic!” Mapi retorted, still laughing.
“I’m not a romantic. I’m not into her. I just want her to treat my dog, and then i can go play football after”
“Wait until i tell the team about this! The scary la reina, reduced to a blushing mess by a cute vet who she body slammed and then spent a minute ogling her, all because she has a little crush”
Before Alexia could respond with a threat of using her captain title to punish Mapi with tunning laps, the door clicked open to reveal you rushing back in.
Nala, who usually was very timid and barked at anyone who got near her, immediately jumped off of Alexia’s lap and ran straight up to you and jumped at your legs, to which you responded by picking her up and gushing over the cute little ball of fluff.
Alexia knew that if she wasnt already sat down her knees would have buckled at the sight of her dog basically confirming the fact that you were perfect for her. As Alexia contined to daydream about you, she was interupted by a hand clicking in her face, to which she turned to glare at Mapi’s toothy grin.
“Te distrajiste, el lindo vert estaba tratando de preguntarte sobre Nala. (You zoned out, the cute vet was trying to ask you about Nala)” Mapi said with a knowing smirk.
“¡Callarse la boca! y deja de llamarla linda. (Shut up! and stop calling her cute”
“¿Celosa? (jealous?)”
“Nunca. (never)”
However, when the two spaniards turned to face you, they were met by your dumbfounded face trying to decipher a word of what they just said. Although you had been taking Spanish classes since you moved to Spain, both Alexia and Mapi spoke the languge with too heavy of an accent and too fast for you to understand.
“So you filled out your form saying Nala ate a full chocolate cake?” You asked.
“¡Si! Yes! Will she be okay?” Alexia responded worriedly.
“Honestly this happens a lot, and there is no point her having ang unnecessary procedures, so we usually reccomend her take these tablets twice a day for a week and if you notice any unusual behaviour, bring her back here. I will write you a prescription for it now!”
“Ah okay thankyou, do I scedule an appointment for after she finishes the pills for a checkup?”
“No, the pills are enough, no checkup” You say with a smile.
As Alexia now realised that she would probably not see you again for a while, she slumped back in her seat and a new frown sat predominantly on her face.
Upon Mapi seeing this, she immediately felt an impulsive urge to assist one of her closest friends in her crush dilemma situation.
So Mapi did what she did best.
“My friend thinks your hot and wants your number now”
At hearing this you blushed bright red and Alexia smacked Mapi round the head.
“Excuse my friend! She can be very blunt… and stupid” Alexia said as Mapi emits an offended gasp, “As I would have politely asked you at the end, could I please have your number, as I think your very beautiful”
You are still sat there in absolute shock, you knew who these two people were, Alexia Putellas and Mapi Leon. Two world famous Spanish and Barcelona football players, you couldn’t help but wonder what the two time balon d’or winner wanted with your number.
Unfortunately, Alexia mistook your shock for rejection.
“I’m sorry, I have made it awkward, it’s okay that you dont feel comfortable giving me your number” Alexia suddenly stood up to leave, and pulled Mapi up with her “Thankyou for your help, goodbye”
The spaniard quickly took the prescription from your desk and rushed out with Nala in her arms, and urging Mapi to follow her, who felt slightly bad for embarrassing her friend like that.
Alexia quicky rushed back down the corridor to the receptionist desk, wanting to get Nala’s prescription, and get out of the stupid vets as soon as possible, probably as she knew to return to her house and cry at the embarrassment she had suffered today.
The midfielder was about to hand over the prescription to the receptionist, but Mapi’s eyes caught a glimpse of something on the back of the paper.
“Alexia stop!”
Alexia turned to glare at the defender, “What now?” She said followed by an exasperated sigh.
“The paper!”
At this, Alexia turned over the paper, and couldn’t stop the smile tugging at her lips, as there was your number hastily scribbled down with a note: -call me
As she noted down the number into her contacts, she realised, she hadn’t even asked for your name.
Alexia turned to the receptionist, and asked, “Who was the vet that just saw us?”
“Y/n, she’s sweet, just moved here from London recently!”
“Thankyou” Alexia replied, as the receptionist grabbed the pills, Alexia put down your name into her contacts and sent you a quick message.
- Hey! It’s Alexia, from the clinic, I wasn’t lying when i told you i thought you were beautiful and I would love to take you on a date sometime?
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samkerrworshipper · 1 year
My Masterlist
Leah Williamson -
seeing her tonight, it's a bad idea right?
just some friends with benefits smut that’s ends with confessions of love
r stops taking their anxiety medications during the euros finals to get rid of three side effects… but what happens when it seriously effects them on the pitch
let me love you
r struggles after her and leah break up after some drunken kisses with other people… can they mend it all before r’s health is seriously affected?
the call up
when r gets the news notification from the Spanish federation regarding the forced call up the espwnt
safe and sound
r having suicidal thoughts and leah just being there to support them and be there for them
friends to lovers smut w cocky as fuck playgirl leah who secretly only has eyes on r
what happens when r loses for the first time?
asthma attacks
what happens when r has a asthma attack whilst Leah’s out for the night?
i will wait for you.
r gets injured in the champions league final and finds herself pushing out everyone, is it to late to make up with the people that matter most?
lost cause
r doesn’t want to do life anymore… leah’s there to make it all better and let her know how loved she is
r struggles with self harm and Leah helps her with it in theee different examples
pain, sweet, pain.
leah’s return from her acl injury is nothing like what she wanted nor expected, but her team are there to help her up when she’s down.
scars and all
leah finds out about her girlfriends past mental health issues
beautiful girl series (leah + jordan as coparents)
part 1 -> close you’re eyes: leah and jordan’s daughter is struggling after their breakup
part 2 -> have no fear: jordan and r have a heart to heart and somethings are revealed
part 3 -> the monsters gone: leah confronts her daughter
part 4 -> she’s on the run: r runs away
part 5 -> and your moms are here: reconciliation
part 6 -> beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful girl: final part
Lucy Bronze -
jersey smut with lucy after winning
daddy?…. sorry
just a little drabble about dom daddy lucy
a shoulder to cry on
lucy is there for r after she has a career shattering injury
euro champs and abs
lucy’s prize for winning the euros
leg shakes and body aches pt.2^
after care for the fic above
random grief drabble - more r focused then lucy tbh but if u want a good cry then readdd
Alexia Putellas -
movie night
cheek voyeurism smut with r and alexia at team movie night
lap dance
stripper smut with Alexia after the world cup
on the sidelines
wag Alexia on the sidelines for wnba girlfriend
i remember everything
r struggles with eating disorder… alexis is to absorbed in her own life to notice.. what are th consequences?
the party
songfic based off the song the party & the after party by the weeknd… pure filthy smut
songfic based off the song exile by taylor swift
the last time (pt.2^)
Alexia tries to apologise to r after what happened at the club… another songfic based off the song the last time by taylor swift
between thighs
just a little quickie fic
back between villages
alexia tears her acl.
sugar, baby
u have a little arrangement with la reina
babyfic with newborn alexia and r as parents
rockin’ around the christmas tree
fluffy kidfic with christmas with the putellas’ family
underneath the surface
alexia finds out about your endometriosis
Sam Kerr -
cock blocked
team night with the arsenal girls who r keeping you from being thoroughly fucked by your girlfriend
smut headcanons
just smutty dom headcanons with sammy k
a whore’s punishment
literal smutty porn without plot… that’s it.
little drabble about sam concealing a strap during a photo shoot
the phone call
based off the scene in the uswnt doc with the different call ups except sam x reader coded
based off sam’s acl injury :(
Katie Mccabe -
katie comes home from ireland camp with a new set of nails and she shows you just how much she can do even without using her hands or
Mapi Leon -
massage therapy
mapi gets injured… reader tries to resolve some of the tension in her body
cockwarming… that’s about it
las 15
based off of the spanish players boycott pre world cup
Alexia Putellas x Reader x Lucy Bronze -
twos a company, threes a crowd
| pt.1 | pt.2 | pt.3 | pt.4 |
pure filth between my three girlies
Leah Williamson x reader x Lia Wälti -
all yours
just a little friends to lovers angsty fic about lia and leah getting together when the three have always been best friends and r struggling with it
Mapi Leon x Reader x Ingrid Engen -
long distance
touch starved and anxious reader who’s been away from mapi and ingrid for a while and needs a reminder just how much the love her
Vivianne Miedema x Beth Mead -
bad days
Viv has a bad anxiety day… Beth’s there for her no matter what
Kristie Mewis x Sam Kerr -
pinky promise?
little anxiety fic about kristie stressing about meeting Sam’s parents for the first time
wet dream
kristie can’t sleep.. sam has a wet dream..
Lia Wälti x Alexia Putellas -
captains connection
sometiems the captains are the ones who need the most help after games..
auswnt -
pt.1 | pt.2 | pt.3
just some tillies angst and fluff
arsenal women -
found family
r goes out in the snow and gets really sick, but is scared to bother their arsenal teammates, two captains show up at their door after them not showing up to training for a few days and help them out and show them just how much the team loves them
homework help
when r moves to england she struggles with the adjustment of new school… arsenal team are there for her though
sticker chart
r and kyra r the pranksters of the team… but what happens when they take it too far and the arsenal parents seperate them as a result
arsenal reader has been struggling more than she’d ever admit.. when it becomes to much she attempts to take her life but her teammates refuse to let her kill herself when she has so much more to live for.
hard times
arsenal reader struggles with PTSD and new year’s eve is a particular struggle… but the arsenal girlies are there for her even if she doesn’t know she needs them
reader has a drug problem.. her arsenal teammates help her to realise and overcome it
how did it end?
suicidal ex-arsenal reader who retired after leaving the club
barca women -
suffer in silence
r struggles with self harm after the problems with the spanish federation.. mapi, ingrid, lucy and alexia are there to pick up the broken pieces
insomnia reader with concerned alexia
initiation orgy universe
pt.1 -> pt.2 -> pt.3
pt.1 -> pt.2 -> pt.3
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pelova4president · 7 months
Shadows are to protect I
Alessia Russo x Putellas!Reader
shadows are to protect II, III, IV
summary~ You just moved to Arsenal and everything was unknown to you but now you had Alessia. Your situationship with Alessia was everything but perfect but at least she was there, sometimes.
this is pure angst
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Alessia is your whole heart. You could tell her that a thousand times and she still wouldn’t leave her boyfriend.
He doesn’t even get her, not like you do. He doesn’t appreciate her like you do. It should be you holding her hand on the streets. It should be you kissing her in the bars of London.
You didn’t really know when you started to feel that way. You’d just moved to England, a very scary move from your comfortable and warm Spain. Spain and Barcelona was all you’ve even known. Expending your world was just as terrifying as you’d ever believed.
The welcome was cold, very cold. It was the completely opposite of what you were used to, it was quite literally what you were petrified of. You left the warm sun kissing the dark little freckles on your face and exchanged the English rain dropping down on your hair. You weren’t even sure what to call it, not in English and not in Spanish either.
But even now you weren’t sure if you’d go back and stay in Barcelona. The sun might shine there most hours of the working days but you’d always be in the shadows. In the shadows of La Reina, Alexia Putellas, your sister.
The two coloured club had offered you a contract extension where you’d get paid twice the amount you did last year. You’d driven to the club like you did most days but this time you had one thing in mind, or so you thought. Signing for another three years and being the average defender in the team for whenever one of the original starters couldn’t participate.
A red and blue pen rested between your thumb and point fingers as you listened to your manager talk about the future. But most of it fell to deaf ears. “Alexia and you would be the head of the Champions League campaign. Imagine this, the Putellas hermanas on top of Europe.” he said full excitement. It wasn’t the whole campaign that set you off but how he began his sentence, ‘Alexia and you’.
You were sitting here, ready to sign your contract, for your future. They wanted you to sign and still their first thought was Alexia.
Without saying a word you stormed off. You were not doing this again for three more years.
You had spiked interest from multiple clubs, not only Europe but America too. But when Arsenal let your agency know that they wanted you, you knew that that was it. From now on you’ll be a gunner, through and through.
You got picked up from the Airport. With a sign reading ‘Putellas’. It felt good. They didn’t have to clarify which Putellas sister they were picking up, there was only one in London now, you. The bigger man, he might’ve even be twice the height of you introduced himself. And with the little English you had in store you thanked him and told him your name.
The man you now knew as Keith was a simple man. He opened the door for you and didn’t say much. You liked it that way, the silence was fine by you. You liked that the intimidating car you were sat in had tinted windows. Not so you couldn’t be seen but because it gave you some sort of comfort. When you were younger and Alexia was a rising star she had you sit in the backseat, where nobody could see you and where you’d be safe she’d say.
The little droplets of rain were doing races and you had lost for about the twentieth time when the car came to a stop. Keith grumbled something about being there and got out. You didn’t really know what to do and what they expected of you so you opened the car door. Picking your bags up you placed your right foot outside and your left followed.
It all went too fast, Jonas showed almost all the rooms in the building and the wet pitches that were not in any state to be used. You had to film a few shots for your signing announcement, get through a few medical test and finally got to go home.
Keith drove you to your temporary apartment just a few minutes away from the training ground. You had a streak of almost one hundred days of English on Duolingo so you thanked the tall man in the few words you had learned to say and got out of the black Range Rover.
You were home. You were home, you kept repeating those words but you didn’t believe it. You were home.
This is it now. North London is your new home.
The appartement was empty except for the blank furniture, it had no personality and it was hard to think there ever would be. Four white walls, a grey couch, a black kitchen and an all white bed in the middle of your bedroom. They didn’t even tell you that the kitchen would be just as empty as the apartment.
The sound of a notification alarmed you out of your emotionless state. You forgot to put your phone on do not disturb. ‘Where are you?’ it read. Alexia knew you didn’t sign for Barca the day before but she didn’t know you’d be gone by the morning. Tapping on the do not disturb mode you traveled to your all white bed.
And that is how it went, do not disturb mode on. You we there, at the training ground and the games but not really there. You weren’t in the right mindset to talk to anyone yet and that’s why it was so goddamn frustrating when McCabe or Mead tried to get you to talk.
You sat alone at lunch, didn’t go out with your teammates and barely stayed in contact with your sister. That was until Alessia Russo came into your life.
You didn’t mean to let her in. You decided early on that you were at Arsenal for your career and career only. But she changed that, so quick. And before you knew it you were falling for her.
She came into Arsenal and everyone was a fan of her. It seemed like she was friends with everyone instantly and it made you curious.
Alessia had been a gunner for almost a week when you realised she lived across from your apartment. She came knocking on your door one evening, offering you some of het pasta since she had made too much. You knew that she’d been searching for an opportunity to get you to talk to her but you didn’t expect her to come knocking at your door like that.
You let her in and she started to talk to you. You couldn’t exactly call it a conversation since she did all the talking and you muttered out some broken English once in a while. But even though you hated to admit it, she was nice company. It made you feel less lonely, she made you feel less empty.
You’d told Alexia about your move to Arsenal before it officially came out and she wasn’t pleased, at all. She was mad, mad that you didn’t tell her earlier. You told her what had happened and what was racing through your mind when you made the decision but she just couldn’t fathom out the thought of you feeling that way. And that made you feel even less understood, it felt like your life was slipping away from you and you only made it worse with every next move you made.
But Alessia made you feel like you were okay for a moment. After the first day of eating together she offered you food almost everyday and after a month it became a tradition, you would diner together every single day and she even learned you English. You didn’t really progress in your Duolingo streak and didn’t talk much either so the help was very much needed.
It wasn’t until the first half of the season had been played that you realised you had other feelings for her. You saw her as more than just a friend. It was all going very fast and the feelings intensified by the day, that may be because she was the only one you really could talk to. It hurt you to even think about living without her and that might’ve the first warning you should’ve seen but you didn’t.
It was Alessia who kissed you first. You both had been drinking and the two empty bottles of red wine next to your grey couch were the evidence of that. Alessia was a touchy person, just like everyone in Spain so you didn’t mind. She was giggly and teasing you relentlessly.
“I bet you think about me hmm?” she hummed and started to climb on top of you. Taken aback by the movement you didn’t really react to anything she had just said. “I want to kiss you.” she whispered into your ear that was tinted red by now. You didn’t answer. “I’m gonna kiss you now, okay.” she leaned in, placing her pink lips on your red ones. It was sweet but turned desperate very quickly.
The blonde slept sweetly beside you that evening. The thoughts raced through your mind and none of them were making any sense. It was hard to think straight with Alessia next to you, that was what made things so complicated. But now that she was laying in your bed you couldn’t not have her there, you needed her.
Alessia started to stay over more and more, it became your new normal. Half of her closet was laying in yours and she even brought her favourite mug with her. You bought all her favourite foods so she would feel comfortable and she appreciated it, just not enough to stay with you.
You came home on a Thursday evening one day but Alessia was nowhere to be found. Normally she would be laying on your couch, watching some sappy Netflix show you refused to watch with her. A bowl of nuts in her hands she didn’t really like but it was a healthy snack so it would do. But the only thing you found on your couch was her blue hoodie. Well it was yours originally but she basically claimed it as hers now.
Putting your cold groceries away you walked towards Alessia’s front door. She had given you her spare key after leaving hers in her home, locking herself out for the second time. She had bought a keychain with it, a little Barca jersey with your name and number on it. You smiled down at the colourful jersey and opened the door.
Walking in you heard some laughter coming from the living room that you could describe in detail. It was a light living room with two big windows that were open at all times, she liked it that way. She bought a brown couch after you broke her beige one. You had gifted her a few plants to make the room a real living space but knew she didn’t really care for them so you’d come in and give them water.
The photo’s in her hallway were those of her mom, dad and brothers, who she adored so much. And even though she didn’t like to have pictures of herself in her home she had one of her and her best friend Ella after winning the Euros.
When you stepped into the living area you were a bit taken aback by the man sitting next to your Alessia. His left hand was draped over her shoulder, like it was the most normal thing. His right was resting on her thigh. Who was he?
You stood still, watching the pair until Alessia noticed you. Her eyes had gone wide. “Hey, what’re you doing here?” she asked carefully. You didn’t answer. “Luke, this is my teammate, and well, this is my boyfriend Luke.” she introduced you and stalked towards your frozen form.
Boyfriend? You thought..
Alessia gave her boyfriend some weak excuse and walked you back to your apartment. You were in your own home again, a safe place. When Alessia started to talk again you cut her off. “I- you have a boyfriend? I thought we had.. something?” you looked almost lost to her. “Well, you thought wrong. Whatever you thought we had, we didn’t.” she said without any emotion behind her eyes, like she hadn’t spent the whole of last week in your house, in your bed, wearing your hoodie.
She left your house like nothing had happened.
Were you really that stupid, did you really think she’d like you. You had created this whole other reality, one where she’d actually like you and wanted to be with you.
You kept to yourself even more now. Alessia had gotten you out of your shell to some extent but now you had crawled back in again. Every moment you weren’t training or playing football you were at home but it didn’t feel like home anymore. It wasn’t as empty as it was when it arrived but it felt like it. The life had gone away and that’s not something you can fix with a few overpriced paintings and some weird cactus.
You couldn’t eat dinner without Alessia, you couldn’t watch horrible movies without Alessia and you just couldn’t sleep in a bed without Alessia.
It was the one time you decided to go out and drink that she came over to talk to you again. She acted like nothing had ever happend, like it was back to normal again, like she had slept in your bed the day before. But you liked it, craved it even. You had longed for Alessia to come back again and save you from yourself.
So she ended up in your bed and stayed long enough for you to fall asleep. But not long enough for you to wake up to her scent or her sleepy blue eyes and messy blonde hair.
It went on like that, she came home with you for the night and you forgot about all the things she had done to you and you woke up to an empty bed. You did feel bad for the Luke guy, well you did in the beginning but somewhere along the way you started to lose that sympathy.
You were mad. Angry. He could drive her to training and hold her hand out in public. He could kiss her on the streets and wake up to her snuggled next to him. He could have all those domestic little moments and gestures you longed for. It wasn’t fair.
Alessia had prepared dinner for the both of you and you were watching a movie when you felt the need to talk to her about this whole situation. “Lessi, i really like you. I want you and i to be together because i love you.” there, you said it. Alessia didn’t look at you, she stared blankly at the movie infront of her. You reached for the distraction playing on the television and paused it but she still wouldn’t look you in the eyes.
“I love you.” you repeated again, hoping for a response. She sighed, “Look, i don’t know what you think we are but we aren’t that. I don’t know how many times i have to tell you this but i have a boyfriend and you’re just there for a quick fuck. That’s all. You’re not special just because your sister has won a few trophies. I can’t do anything about the fact that you’re fucking lonely but leave me out of it.” she hissed.
You just said you loved her, for the first time. You handed her your fucking heart and she stomped on it like it was nothing. Alesia knew your relationship with your sister was complicated and being in her shadows was something that hurt you the most in this world, but yet she brought it up. You’d told her everything you never dared to say out loud and she used it to damage you even more. She is your whole world but to her you’re a ‘quick fuck’.
You were hers but she’d never be yours
“Please go away.” you asked her, tears threatening to escape your tired glossy eyes.
You were left alone in your apartment and the loneliness was more torturous than ever. The fucking lasagna Alessia had made you had turned cold and you looked at the wooden table infront of you. There was a picture of you and Alexia framed, Alessia had printed it out to make you feel more like home but it only made you miss it more, especially now.
Looking at your phone you opened your chat with your sister. You hadn’t texted her in about a month, the last text being about your mothers birthday that you couldn’t attend.
You needed her, you needed you sister to protect you. You needed her to protect you from the sun and to place you in her shadows again. For once it was all you desired.
A/N let me know what you think of the fic!! Also, i don’t know if i should write a second part and if or how i should end up Alessia and R together. I could make R fall in love with someone else too??
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wileys-russo · 1 year
off limits (1) II a.putellas x león!reader
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off limits II a.putellas x leon!reader
"hermana!" you quickly stretched your arm away from your body as your sister jumped on top of you, sending her a glare as you wiped the rum off your arm and placed your now empty glass down on the table in front of you.
"you owe me a drink." you shook your head at her erratic nature, the girl grinning and pressing a kiss to your cheek as you elbowed at her as she only doing it again to annoy you further.
"ay mapi!" you whined and pushed her off, ingrid arriving as your savior and briefly distracting the tattooed girl beside you who peppered her lips with kisses. you gagged at the sight sticking your finger down your throat, earning yourself a laugh from a few of your team mates across the booth.
"oh dont be jealous. there's lots for you too hermana!" mapi grabbed at your face, repeatedly kissing all over it as you struggled to pull away. "hey! leave her be." ingrid chuckled, tugging your sister off of you as you wiped your face with a scowl.
you met your girlfriends eyes across the table, the older girl hiding her amused smile behind the one drink she'd been babysitting the entire time you'd been at the club. you stuck your tongue out at her as her eyes rolled playfully, shaking her head and taking a tiny sip, though you were certain it would only be water in her glass anyway.
after a big win over real madrid the team had gone for a celebratory dinner, which had of course wound up being followed by going out to a club, your sister the main ringleader in dragging three quarters of the team out for a night of drinking and dancing.
your girlfriend took the most convinving of everyone, even just to come to dinner. it was hardly unknown knowledge that la reina didn't drink during the season, and you knew alexia well enough to know she'd much rather be tucked up in bed studying the match for any singular little faults she could find and correct, football was her life after all.
though with a pout and a very discreet kiss to the corner of her mouth she'd given into you and agreed to come for a little while. out with the team you couldn't be all over one another like you wanted to, alexia wishing the two of you were curled up together behind the safety and privacy of her apartment celebrating in other ways.
but alas it certainly didn't help that no one knew you were together, well most people didn't.
you'd almost beaten poor claudia into submission not to run and tell half the team when she'd caught the two of you mid makeout in the showers after you thought everyone had left. but you knew she'd told patri, simply just from the cheeky knowing smile sent your way by the girl when you were paired up with your captain for a drill at training that next morning.
ona and lucy had accidentally overheard a lovesick confession from you to your girlfriend about how your mornings weren't the same without waking up to cuddles and alexia cooking for you.
they had taken less convincing not to spill your secret, though you copped relentless teasing from your english teammate for the soft admission.
frido and ingrid had spotted the two of you out to dinner one night, tucked away and looking loved up in the back corner of a lesser known restaurant on the outskirts of barcelona.
you knew you were likely to cause poor ingrid stress from needing to keep this from her girlfriend, and you promised her that you would speak with alexia about coming forward with it all to mapi. though the norwegian girl knew your sister almost as well as you did and empathized with the fact that she was incredibly over protective, and would likely not react well.
but as the list of names who knew started to grow, so did yours and alexia's worries that it would get back to one person in particular.
alexia's best friend, who just also happened to be your older sister.
"now for a real kiss for you hermanita. what about that one by the bar? or that one? or her? or that one looks promising?" your sisters arm settled over your shoulder, drawing you into her side as she hummed and her eyes scanned the room, pointing out various women one by one.
"i told you already, i am not interested! stop trying to sell me off like a prized cow." you shook your head, biting back a smile and rolling your eyes.
"a prized cow? someone thinks highly of themselves." your sister tutted with a cheeky grin, again pointing out more women as you denied each one, sending ingrid a pleading look as she hurried mapi off to the bar for another round.
"some of those girls were not ugly." a familiar raspy voice sounded in your ear, alexia using your sisters absence to shuffle around closer to you, hand subtly squeezing your thigh under the table.
"oh really? maybe you should go get their numbers then, la reina." you challenged, your own hand resting on top of hers, inching it higher up your leg as your girlfriend raised an eyebrow with a surprised smile.
biting down on your bottom lip alexia's hand moved under your dress, a singular finger tracing circles on your upper thigh, dangerously close to your underwear.
"come for a dance?" you nodded behind you to where most of your team mates were, alexia only chuckling in response. "you know i don't dance amor." your girlfriend answered quietly, tilting her head, hazel eyes darkening, hand still inching slowly upwards on your inner thigh.
"lets get out of here bebita." the older girl purred quietly with a suggestive smile. "already? but where's your team spirit captain?" you teased with a grin.
"hermana!" alexia's touch disappeared like magic as if it was never there, immediately shuffling further away from you and turning to speak with lucy and ona as mapi returned and sat right back down next to you.
"your drink." your sister handed you a fresh glass as you smiled appreciatively, though really you wished you could slap her for the interruption.
"mi amiga! dance with us?" aitana appeared, holding out her hand with a grin, flanked by claudia and patri who cheered as you stood, the three of them dragging you away to the dancefloor.
you could feel alexia's eyes trained to you the entire time. it was probably a good thing your sister was so drunk because your girlfriend was hardly bashful in the way that her eyes roamed your body, narrowing as you were pulled in by a girl on the dance floor.
you kept your gaze locked with hers as you pushed yourself into the stranger, though careful not to allow her hands to roam your body as you held them, watching alexia's jaw clench, jealousy burning in her hazel orbs.
"want to get out of here?" you heard the girl ask as you pulled yourself away and shook your head. "not with you, sorry." you replied with a smile before being tugged back to the table by pina.
a few of your team mates had already headed home, and those who were left were far from sober. you were grateful on everyone's behalf tomorrow was a recovery day off because there was sure to be some sore heads among the team tomorrow.
"im going to head home too chicas." alexia announced standing to her feet, her eyes meeting yours for a moment with a familiar look, ignoring the boo's and jeers sent her way for the statement.
"i think i will too, can you give me a ride home ale?" you gently yanked your arm out of claudias grip, alexia nodding. "oh boo! loser, loser, loser." your sister chanted at you making you roll your eyes.
"some of us are tired from scoring goals, hermana." you teased, ruffling her hair as alexia moved beside you, the two of you making the rounds saying your goodbyes before heading for the exit.
things were silent between the two of you as you walked together toward her car, the summer night air warm against your skin, head buzzing lightly from the few drinks you'd had.
but that comfortable silence all changed the moment you slid into alexia's cupra, her hands were on you in an instant, lips exploring your own before moving to your neck, causing you to throw your head back with a moan of pleasure.
"so your place or mine bonita?"
feeling the light of a promisingly sunny day shine through the open window your eyes fluttered awake, wincing slightly and rolling over, grasping out for your girlfriend.
"good morning mi amor." her hand tangled in your hair, short nails scratching at your scalp as you hugged her bare leg, mumbling a greeting back into the tanned skin.
"why are you awake already?" you sighed, pushing your head to rest in her lap, looking up at her through squinted eyes. "studying." she answered with a smile, nodding to the tablet on the bedside table beside her, yesterdays match paused on the screen.
"you're crazy." you exhaled with a shake of your head, lips curling into a smile as alexia playfully flicked your forehead. "maybe about you." alexia flirted with a smile, causing your cheeks to flush rosy pink at the tender admission from the often stern girl.
"what would everyone say if they knew their queen was such a softy?" you teased, your girlfriend dipping her head, her lips ghosting yours, pulling away as you tried to kiss her.
"kiss me." you whined, pulling at her shirt needily. "mmm no." alexia shook her head with a cocky smile as you raised an eyebrow, within a few seconds you'd straddled her lap, pulling your shirt over your head and watching as her eyes dropped down to your bare chest.
"my eyes are up here." you tutted, the cocky smile now on your face as you pulled your head back when alexia leaned in to kiss you. "kiss me." the girl ordered, her hand coming to cup the back of your neck.
"mmm no?" you teased, pretending to think about it, grinning as alexia rolled her eyes impatiently and pulled your lips to meet hers, her hand on the back of your neck meaning she was in control of when you pulled away.
you moaned into her mouth as her other hand traced your abs, slowly making its way downwards to where you really needed her as you rolled your hips into hers.
but everything halted as a series of sharp knocks on your door rang out and you pulled away, glancing out of your open bedroom door as alexia grabbed the back of your neck again, smashing her lips back to yours in a bruising kiss.
"ignore it, they will go away." the older girl mumbled impatiently into the kiss, the knocking continuing and growing louder the longer you left it.
"hermana surely you are not still sleeping?" an all too familiar voice rang out as you shoved alexia's hands off you, the two of you looking at each other with the same amount of fear and shock.
"mapi." you whispered in sync as you rolled off of her, hastily pulling your shirt back over your head and hunting around on the floor for your underwear. "bebita?" you heard a whistle and glanced up to see the blonde twirling them around on her finger with a slightly smug smile.
"mierda ale, now is not the time!" you hissed, snatching them off of her and smacking her shoulder with a glare. "sorry! just trying to lighten the mood." the blonde rolled her eyes, but you could see she was equally as nervous as you were.
"oh my god woman hurry up and answer this damn door! i know you're home." your sister shouted with a groan, fist now pounding against the door as you instructed alexia to stay in your bedroom and pulled the door closed, hurrying over.
"now is not a good time mapi." you half opened the door with a forced smile, your sister scoffing with a roll of her eyes, shouldering her way past you and inside your apartment as you cursed under your breath.
"i bring you breakfast and this is the thanks i get?" she whistled and shook her head, pulling herself to sit up on the counter and gesturing to the two brown packages by her side.
"im not well today, you should go." you coughed, pointing to the door. "you have always been a bad liar." mapi grinned, unwrapping one of the breakfast sandwiches and nodding for you to do the same.
"mapi." you withheld a groan, dragging your hands down your face in frustration, the older girl always having been stubborn. "why are you so eager for me to leave?" the tattooed spaniards eyes narrowed, scanning you suspiciously as you rolled your eyes.
"oh my god." mapi gasped excitedly, jumping off the counter as you raised a curious eyebrow at her behavior. "you are not here alone!" your sister realised, grinning like a cheshire cat and clapping her hands happily.
"what? of course i am." you scoffed, trying with every fibre of your being not to show how nervous you were at her words. "no. you are not." mapi sung out teasingly, suddenly grabbing at you and poking your neck making you hiss in pain, and then came the realisation.
"hickeys!" your sister laughed as you smacked her hands off and shoved her away. "so who is it? someone from the club? someone you're seeing? a girlfriend? i thought you left with ale, sneaky!" the defender fired question after question at you.
"it's nobody, now get out." you huffed, trying to push her back towards the front door. "no. now tell your little friend to come out and say hi." mapi called out over your shoulder, easily shoving you away from her as she made a beeline for your bedroom door.
"mapi no!" you huffed in annoyance running at her and jumping on her back, your sister only laughing and easily shrugging you off, pushing you so you fell backwards onto the lounge.
"they either come out and say hi, or i go in and say hi. time is ticking!" your sister directed her comment toward the bedroom door, crossing her arms over her chest as you saw the handle begin to move and buried your face in your hands.
with an agonizing creak the door swung slowly open, revealing a very shameful looking blonde standing there with her arms folded over her chest, hair pulled up into a messy bun and your kit shorts on beneath her oversized shirt.
part two
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repulsiveliquidation · 6 months
Two is Better than One || The Orgy
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Part 4 of The Orgy
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.
warnings : Mommy/Daddy kink, oral sex, anal sex, pillow riding, plug usage, strap-ons, swearing, dirty talk (degrading)
The cameras flashed with every move she made. Her hair was perfect. Her makeup was flawless. Her suit was impeccably made. It fits every curve, toned muscle, and pound of flesh she had, not a single stitch out of place. She was La Reina of course, perfect in every shape and form.
The beige complimented her skin beautifully, her confidence allowed for nothing underneath to look so elegant and poise. She smiled like she owned the place, the cries for her to look a certain direction normally bubbled her anxiety but tonight she was feeling herself.
Down at the other end of the red carpet stood another blonde who knew she was gorgeous. Her tie sat on her chest in a perfect knot, her shirt was pressed and her pants had the perfect crease down the front. The black and white brought out the color of her hair and her mesmerizing eyes. She sauntered in with full confidence, shoulders back and chin up for all the photos she knew would have her best side. She looked over and saw the Spaniard at the end, talking to the most beautiful girl she had ever seen.
The girl had on the most beautiful emerald dress that showed off her curves, the thin straps and satin material brought out the beautiful blues and greens in her eyes. The gold necklace and accessories around her wrists rang through the sound of flashes going off. Leah made a beeline towards you, tapping the Spaniard on the shoulder and greeting her politely. You smiled and handed her a mic as well, slipping into the perfect segway of the World Cup final.
Nothing beats a story about the final straight from the captains themselves. This was a promising story and you had the privilege to be the one to write it. The two captains enjoyed the rivalry that had been quite light over the years but there was evidence of a lot of maturity between them and the admiration they both had for each other was very apparent.
Leah explains how the game only motivated the girls to play harder and work harder. Seeing it from the stands and knowing what Alexia had gone through was something that Alexia echoed when asked what it was like playing the Lionesses and not having Leah on the pitch battling it out.
The two made their way into the auditorium, parting ways a little more starstruck than when they set foot on the carpet, the image of you was one that both captains had running around in their minds that night.
Leah approached the bar and asked for a whiskey sour, standing at a cocktail table drumming her fingers on the table while her head bobbed to the music. She sips the last bits of her drink when the smell of your perfume enters her orbit. You had walked behind her towards the bar, a big smile on your face as you sipped the margarita that appeared in front of you a little too quickly.
Leah took a deep breath and walked up to you, handing her an empty whiskey crystal glass and asking for another. You smiled at her and minded your business, not wanting to talk to her more than you needed to, being a journalist and all. Leah surprised you though, leaning on her arm as she stirred her drink.
“I loved doing that interview with you, by the way, Y/N.”
“Oh, I appreciated your time, I’ll make sure to use all the best parts in the final cut!” you thanked her, sipping on your drink nervously. The English woman carried herself well and towered over you a little, smirking a little too smugly at you.
“Are you here with anyone?” Leah asked forwardly, the two double shots of whiskey drinks on an empty stomach already gave her a little buzz.  
A little taken aback and flattered by her line of questioning, Leah was happy to see you shake your head. You were about to ask her the same when the slightly more intimidating captain appeared behind you and asked for a rum and coke in the sexiest accent you had grown to love.
“Hola, Y/N. Leah,” Alexia acknowledged, taking her drink from the bartender with a quiet “gracias,” at the end before she sauntered off back to her friends.
“She knows your name,” Leah said, pointing out that her tone suggested that she knew you before the red carpet interview. Leah was a little disappointed that she had never seen you till tonight, let alone know your name.
“I work for Barça, I’m their sports writer,” you explained, finishing your drinking and asking for water.
Just as Leah’s about to ask you more about your job, your producer texts you that the star guest, Aitana Bonmati just arrived and you need to interview her. The latest Ballon d’Or winner was your last interview before you could clock out and enjoy the party so you make sure to tell Leah that you wanted to talk to her and take up her time.
“She’s my last interview, have an extra strong marg waiting for me?” you tell her and run off, smiling when you hear her stutter her agreement. Leah smirks and turns to the bartender, “You heard the woman, have a marg ready when she’s headed over here again, yeah?”
Over at the Spain delegate table, Alexia had been chewing on the little stirrer in her glass, eyes dark and staring so hard, Marta was sure there would be lasers coming out of her hazel eyes if she put her mind to it.
“Are you trying to kill her, Reina?”
Alexia snapped out of her angered trance and brushed off her co-captain, annoyed that her attempt at wishing for Leah’s downfall was interrupted.
“I wasn’t staring.”
“Ale, if looks could kill about half the room would be dead. You’ve death-stared everyone she’s talked to.”
“How do you–”
“You’re not as subtle as you think, capi. Go get yourself another drink and wait for her at the bar.”
Alexia huffed and stood, readjusting her jacket before walking to the bar. She stares at Leah sitting there, immediately deciding to occupy the seat you were in before you left. Just as she’s about to lift herself into the barstool, Leah pipes up and what she says tips her anger past its boiling point.
“Someone’s in that seat,” Leah provides, looking at the Spain captain with a smile.
“And who might that be?” Alexia asks, albeit a little roughly.
“Your new sports writer, Y/N. She’s asked me to save her the seat.”
“Well, I’ll wait for her too then.”
“Do you need to have everything I have a chance at, Putellas?”
“Please, the better team won that day. And it wasn’t England.”
“You fucking–”
“Hola capi!”
Both their heads whip around and look at you, your big smile making both of their anger dissipate. The bartender listened and had a fresh margarita waiting for you like you requested and Leah smiled as she pushed it towards you. Alexia helped you into your seat and Leah glared at her. You were starting to get a hint of what was going on, feeling a little proud of yourself.
“What were you girls arguing about hm?” you ask innocently, raising your strong drink to your lips. Leah and Alexia nursed their drinks and didn’t answer you before the Spaniard mumbled something in Catalan. You understood the language and giggled, replying to her snarky remark. Alexia laughed and added to it, making you laugh a little harder. The English woman on your right had her eyebrows crossed, a look of pure annoyance on her face.
“I-I made sure he made your drink strong, did he make it right?” she interjected, reaching for your chair to swivel you to face her. You take a long, flirty sip and smile, nodding your head.
“It’s perfect Leah, gracias,” you compliment, rubbing her arm. You feel the ripple of her muscles under her jacket and realize that she’s flexing on purpose, making a conscious effort to feel around a little more.
“Did you make sure no one stole my seat while I was gone?” you ask cheekily, knowing that Ale probably came up here and tried to take your seat.
“She did but I made sure it was kept safe for you, princess,” 
A dark blush creeps up her neck and Leah decides then and there that she wants to keep your neck that shade of red with all her bites when the annoyed Spaniard interjected and spun you back around towards her.
“¿Qué trato tienes con ella?”
"¿Por qué Ale, estás celoso capitán?"
“¿Te estás olvidando de quién perteneces, princesa?”
"Mm, papi, ¿no podemos agregarla a la lista de cosas bonitas que colecciono?"
“¿Es eso lo que quieres, niña bonita?”
"Sí, papi, la quiero tanto" you beg, pulling your best puppy eyes that are guaranteed to make Alexia fold. It does the trick and she nods, swigging down the last of her drink and standing. She steps towards Leah and adjusts her jacket, smirking a little.
“Williamson. Come with me a second.” 
Leah scoffs and stands, following the Spaniard to a quieter side of the room.
“What, Putellas?”
“She has requested for you to join us in our room tonight.”
Leah can’t believe her ears. She blinks a few times and asks the two-time Ballon d’Or winner to repeat herself.
“She wants to fuck you, Williamson. You want her, don’t you?”
“You two a thing?”
“A thing of convenience, yes. Is that a problem?”
“No, quite the opposite.”
“Good. We’re in room 116, meet us there in fifteen minutes.”
Alexia leaves with you on her arm, a little drunken smirk on your face. Leah walks back over to the bar and asks for a cold glass of water. She chugs it all and waits ten minutes before she walks over to the elevators. Her hands sweat a little, and she’s nervous. She stands in front of room 116, hesitant to knock. Just as her right hand gets the courage the door opens and it startles her but your welcoming face calms her racing heart.
 “Come in, you’re right on time!”
You walk in behind her and Leah gawks at the bed and all the stuff on it. There were more toys there than she had at home, harnesses that looked custom-made, and dildos that looked hard to take. Alexia sat in the meeting chair near the window, leg crossed and arms on the rests. Leah stands a little intimidated before you sit in Ale’s lap and look mesmerizing under the tinted orange lights.
“Welcome Williamson, I’m surprised you didn’t chicken out,” Alexia teases and you smack her arm, leaving Leah to cover her chuckles with a few unconvincing coughs.
“Wouldn’t dream of it, Putellas.”
“Play nice the two of you or you’re not fucking me.”  
Alexia sighs and regroups, taking a deep breath.
“Leah, welcome. I’ve got a few rules that we use to make this enjoyable. Would you like to say your safeword, amor?”
“Strawberry,” you answer obediently, snuggling back into Alexia’s arms.
“Mine is Apple,” Alexia tells Leah before Leah decides to sit on the edge of the king-sized bed.
“Watermelon,” Leah supplies, leaning forward on her elbows. She smiles, watching your eyes sparkle as she winks at you.
Alexia gets a little annoyed but keeps talking. Her hand around your waist tightens and you lean into her more, green dress a little creased where her hands feel you.
“You will do as I say when I say it, no arguments understand.”
Leah was about to answer her but you piped up with a voice so soft and subtle that it sent shivers down Leah’s spine.
“Yes Daddy,” you whispered to Alexia, standing up and sauntering over to the side of the bed. Leah smiles and watches you, and you smile, seeing both the captain’s eyes on you.
“Mind if you help me take this stunning dress off Mommy?” you ask Leah, watching as her eyes go dark when you use that name on her. Leah nods, walking over to you and helping you unzip your dress. You smile at Alexia and watch her fiddle with her jacket, knowing she’s already feeling hot inside.
“May I?” Leah asks you, pushing the emerald material off your shoulders. You smile and nod, feeling the English skipper’s hand take in all your curves and edges. Leah leans in and kisses along your shoulders and back, whispering how beautiful you looked in that dress and how she longed to see it on the floor in a pile next to her clothes.
Alexia stands in front of you and tilts your head up, eyes boring deep into yours. She smiled kindly, leaning in and pecking your lips. You kiss her back and Leah takes the opportunity to mark your neck up how she wanted to earlier. You moan into Alexia’s mouth and smile against her lips, reaching your arm behind to cradle her head.
Alexia pulls away from you and you step to the side as Leah crashes her lips on Alexia’s. Alexia grabs her face and kisses her back hard, moaning into Leah’s mouth. You stand and watch, biting your lip and rubbing your thighs together. You’ve slipped your underwear off and unclasped your bra, climbing onto the bed how Alexia liked. Leah pushes the Spaniard’s jacket off as hers comes off too, hands in pants struggling to get each other naked fast enough. Hands roam and explore, muscles taut and on display for you to feast your eyes on.
When the two of them finally pull away, you’re on your knees and smirking, holding Alexia’s strap in your hands. She smiles and takes it from you, Leah helping her put it on. There’s a dramatic shift in power in the room, with you and Leah taking a more submissive role as Alexia takes control.
Leah gets on her knees beside you just as Alexia gives her her first command of the night.
“Lay on your back Leah, wanna use your mouth.”
The tingle that sentence sends down Leah’s legs was one that she hoped happened every time Alexia shoved her cock down her throat. Leah did as she said, laying on the bed with her head at the edge. Alexia caressed her cheek and smiled, kissing her lips briefly. Leah sat between your legs, a little buttplug in her hands that you didn’t know was coming.
Alexia’s cock sat on Leah’s face as she caressed her chest. Leah’s nipples perked at her touch, the cold room keeping them rock hard. Leah moaned and smiled, licking up the silicone as the blood in her body slowly rushed to her head.
Alexia stood tall and pressed her cock to Leah’s lips, watching her face get more and more red. Alexia’s hips fuck into her mouth slowly, hands holding her head steady. You, on the other hand, pushed Leah’s legs wide open to play with her wet folds. Leah’s dripping, feeling your fingers play with her clit and ass.  
Alexia gently wrapped a hand around Leah’s neck, feeling the cock bulge in her throat. Your fingers slipped into Leah’s pussy and she moans, the vibrations sent around Alexia’s cock and she felt it in her palm. Alexia smiles and chuckles, slapping her breast a few times before speeding up her hips. You sucked on the buttplug and Alexia watched, eyes hooded and lips already red and bitten from concentration. She pulls out and spits into her open mouth messily just as you slip the plug into Leah, hearing her moan and pant in pleasure. 
Leah scoots up and feels the blood from her head distribute properly, the plug inside her settles just right and she looks up at you with a smirk. She licks Alexia’s spit from all over her mouth and makes sure to keep her eyes on Alexia.
“I wasn’t expecting that but I am so fucking thankful I said yes.”
“Ready for more, Mami?”
“Fuck yes,” Leah pants, turning over and waiting for Alexia to give her further instructions. Alexia smirks, hand reaching for your face and kissing you hard. Leah watches, eyes bouncing between you and Alexia. She takes your breast in her mouth, sucking noisily as you lay down for Alexia.
“Open those pretty legs for me, mi amor,” Alexia asks, and Leah latches off your breast with a loud pop. Your legs open wide and you’re soaked, pussy glistening for Alexia to enjoy. She swipes her fingers through your folds and licks her fingers clean, both you and Leah watching her in awe.
Alexia looks at Leah and she feels immediate obedience fall over her, ready to do her every wish.
“I want you to ride her face while I fuck her pretty pussy. And when I say ride her face, I mean use her like the fucking whore deserves to be used. Got it?”
“Yes Daddy,” Leah replies easily, the title sending pleasure through all your veins. Leah settles on top of you and lowers herself onto your mouth, hands gripping your hair as she grinds down on your tongue. Alexia pushes your legs back as wide as they can and thrusts her hips forward for her cock to effortlessly slide into your pussy. Leah moans when you start sucking on her clit, your hands massaging the plug in her ass gently as you sucked.
Alexia watched you and Leah closely, hips pounding into your hole hard. She almost bent you in half, legs wide open which only helped her cock into your pussy deeper. Leah slipped off your face and turned around to face Alexia, leaning forward with her hands gripping Alexia’s big ones as she ground a little harder on your tongue. Alexia held her steady and kissed her roughly, moaning into Leah’s mouth. You spanked Leah’s ass and fucked it with the plug inside her, feeling her hole clenching on your tongue that you just slipped in. Alexia leaned back and you cried out for her to fuck into you faster, eyes rolling into your head as you struggled to focus on eating Leah out while Alexia fucked your brains out.
Leah was close too, thighs shaking as your skillful tongue suckled and flicked over her sensitive clit. Alexia fondled your clit with her rough hands, angling her hips up into your sweet spot to push you towards the edge. You pulled the plug inside Leah out and that was more than enough stimulation for her to come, orgasm ripping through her hard. She shuddered and moaned your name alongside Alexia’s, collapsing off of you and panting hard. Alexia grinned and simply pulled out, turned you onto your knees, and pushed her big cock back into you. You moaned and cried out for her, feeling your arms get pulled behind your back.
Alexia held you down and pounded into you, lips muttering dirty things into your ear to spur you on.
“You take it so well, amor. Can’t wait to see Leah on the end of my cock when I’m done with you hm? You wanna come all over it and make her taste how much of a good girl you are for me?”
“Yes Daddy!” you scream, coming hard and all over her cock. Alexia ruts into you despite your cries of sensitivity, pulling out only when she knew she’d leave you shuddering for a good thirty seconds afterward. Alexia kisses you and holds you as you settle, kissing your damp hair gently.
“You’re so fucking hot,” Leah compliments, the stars in her eyes tell Alexia that she’s more than ready to take her cock.
"Ven aquí, cariño,” Alexia beckoned, Leah crawled over and kissed Alexia’s neck slowly going lower and lower. Soon she was face to face with her wet cock and Leah immediately took it in her mouth, tasting you all over it. Leah moaned, eyes locked with Alexia’s who looked almost feral.
She studied her expressions and smirked a little menacingly, eyes dark and lust-driven. You sat obediently by her side, watching Leah suck Alexia’s cock and taste you on it.
“Doesn’t she taste like magic, cariño?”
“Yes Daddy, she does,” Leah answers, kissing the tip before kissing Alexia passionately. Alexia tastes you on her lips and you can see their tongues fight for dominance, the exchange of your taste turns you on immensely.
Alexia settles in behind Leah and smiles at you. She caresses down Leah's toned defender thighs, knowing exactly where Leah could feel Alexia’s cock on her. Alexia kissed her shoulder and neck, whispering in her ear only for Leah to hear.
“Want me to fuck your ass, cariño? Did she get you nice and loose for me?”
“Yes Daddy, please fuck my ass,” Leah begged, feeling a shiver run down her spine. Leah bends forward onto her elbows, pushing her ass out for Alexia. Alexia leans in and spanks her hard, kneading the defender’s meaty ass. She looks over at you and chuckles, seeing your thighs rub harder together as you refrain from touching yourself without her permission.
“Need something, amor?”
“Wanna feel good Daddy, please…”
“Hmm, but I’m fucking our guest amor, I can’t do you both,” Alexia points out matter-of-factly as if Leah wasn’t even there. And boy did that turn her on.
“Please Daddy, it hurts…” you say, hips grinding down on the bed when Alexia gets an idea.
“You wanna show your latest collection how good you are at riding, amor? Want to grind that gorgeous pussy on a pillow and show her how you make yourself come?”
“Yes, yes please Daddy, I’ll show her how good I am for you,” you tell her and grab a soft duck feather pillow and straddle it, grinding your hips gently for Leah and Alexia.
Leah watches you through hooded eyes and a melting mind, feeling Alexia’s tongue slip into her ass as her fingers rub soft circles over your swollen clit. You put on a little show, grinding seductively on purpose to show Leah all the tricks up your sleeve.
Leah moans when Alexia’s cock slips into her, feeling the cold lube and thick appendage stretch her wide. Leah grips the sheets but keeps her eye on you, watching your hips ride that pillow expertly. Your face is full of erotic expressions when Alexia chuckles.
“Faster amor, I think our guest loves your little show, don’t you Leah?”
“Y-Yes!” Leah exclaims, feeling Alexia’s hips fuck into her ass harder. Leah’s head droops as she moans in pleasure when a large hand grabs her hair and forces her to look at you riding the pillow.
“Eyes on her, cariño. This is what you wanted, wasn’t it? Isn’t she just perfect?”
“S-She’s so beautiful, Daddy,” Leah croaks out, feeling Alexia pull her back against her chest and her hand moves from her blonde hair to around her neck. Alexia’s hips smack her ass with a loud clap, echoing through the hotel room.
You can barely hold back anymore, holding the pillow taut and grinding your clit down in a particular way that shoves you head-first into your second orgasm of the night. The sight of the two captains fucking and Alexia’s dominant side on full display was more than enough for you to get so turned on and come so hard your ears were ringing. You almost missed the part where Leah begged and begged Alexia to let her come and make a mess on her cock.
“Daddy, Daddy please!”
“Please what, Mommy? You want to come?”
“P-Please, please! I’ve been so good!”
“You have been the perfect guest cariño, so perfect for us Mami,”     
“Close Daddy, so fucking close!”
“Come cariño, come on Daddy’s cock,” Alexia allowed, pounding into Leah’s ass a couple more times before Leah almost passed out from her orgasm. You caught her and kissed her everywhere, Alexia caressing her cramping legs as Leah slowly came back.
“Fuck, that was-”
Alexia threw her harness off and laid back, pulling the two of you into her sides. You gave Leah a look that she understood immediately. Leah’s hands roamed naughtily down between Alexia’s legs as you took Alexia’s breast into your mouth. Alexia physically relaxed into the mattress and chuckled, opening her legs a little to let Leah in a little more. Leah’s fingers slipped into her pussy and pressed up immediately, finding her sweet spot and rubbing it hard.
Alexia moaned Leah’s name and yours, cradling your head that sucked her breasts one after the other. Her breath shallowed and her chest heaved, hand on your head as you leaned over her and licked her clit as Leah fingered her.
“Amor! Ca-Cariño!” she cried out as she came, feeling her ears ring and legs shudder hard. She panted and you slipped back beside her. Leah gently pulled her fingers out of Alexia and she sucked on them, moaning at the taste of the Spanish captain.
“Delicious,” Leah stated, settling back into Alexia’s side.
“When you come to England in two weeks, stop by?” Leah asked you and Alexia, pecking both your lips.
“Sí, we have to play both sides out no? Like Champions League,” Alexia states seriously, you and Leah laugh and she starts chewing you two out in Catalan again which somehow lulls Leah to sleep.
Two weeks later, when you and Alexia make your way to England for the second leg of the Champions League semi-final against Chelsea, they crash at Leah’s house for the night. Alexia sat in the living room grumbling about the lack of good football on TV while you and Leah tried to reheat the takeout Leah had picked up from a local Chinese place down the street.
After dinner, Alexia suddenly got a little antsy, snuggling into Leah’s chest while you sat between her legs. Her hands were less subtle, finding their way under Leah’s hoodie, caressing the warm skin gently. You were the same, already settled on Alexia’s lap kissing her neck. Leah smirked and turned the TV on a little lower before caressing down Alexia’s arms.
“Does Daddy need something from us?” Leah asks, kissing Alexia’s ear softly as she whispers into it.
“Want you two, couldn’t stop thinking about that night at the hotel,” Alexia admits easily, melting into Leah’s embrace. Leah watches as you grind down on Alexia’s crotch when she shakes her head and looks back at Leah.
“Want you to fuck me Leah, want amor to watch you use me, cariño please,” Alexia pleads so beautifully, eyes filling with tears that only make Leah’s cunt throb.
“I can do that darling, you promise to be good for me angel?”
“The best, I am the best.”
“That you are, baby. I want you two in the room naked and on your knees at the foot of the bed.”
They scramble and Leah grins, turning the TV off and taking her time before she goes into the bedroom. She stood at the door and heard hushed whispers, before silence. She walks in and smiles, seeing the two of them exactly where she wanted them.
Alexia sits a little taller than you do, rocking a little on her knees in anticipation, clearly not accustomed to giving up control in the bedroom but seeing Leah’s eyes change and go dark with pure lust and sexual motivation only made her core ache in eagerness of what was to come.
“You,” Leah points rudely at you, “on the bed at the head. Not a fucking sound,” you nod and scramble onto the bed where she asks, hands folded neatly in your lap.
“And you,” Leah steps in front of Alexia, “lay down in the middle and be a good girl.”
“Yes Mommy,” Alexia answers, lying in the middle of the bed obediently. You settle at her head and caress her brunette and blonde hair, while Leah sits comfortably between her legs. Leah wastes no time and dives into her dessert, slurping and sucking on Alexia’s folds, fingers drumming up her muscular thighs that threatened to crush her head between them.
Alexia’s hands don’t know where to put themselves and Leah pulls them into her hair, eyes fixated on the thick Spaniard in her four-poster bed. Leah slips two fingers into Alexia like she had the last time they fucked and it sends Alexia’s brain spiraling, having tried to desperately recreate that feeling since Leah left the next morning.
You too can’t decide what to do with your hands, having been trained by Alexia to wait for instructions before moving a muscle. Leah can tell that Alexia has given up all her power today and that she held the reigns. It was a power that made her chest swell with pride.
“Ride her face, darling. That’s all her slut mouth is good for, isn’t it?” Leah taunted but Alexia only got wetter, the slick practically pouring out from the Catalan.
“Yes Mommy, she eats pussy so good,” you supply, straddling Alexia’s face before she can say anything. Leah smirks and presses her fingers up into Alexia’s sweet spot that she remembered from the last time. Alexia moans right onto your cunt, lapping up your juices that made your thighs sticky.
Leah pulls her fingers out and climbs off the bed, pulling her favorite strap out and securing it to her hips. Alexia can’t see what she’s got on but she can hear it and it sounds heavy. You ogle at the appendage between Leah’s legs and your eyes go wide, the ribbed dildo was long and thick, surely as big as Alexia had ever used on you.
Leah thrusts three fingers into the Spanish woman and fingers her hard and fast merely to open her up, Alexia’s legs struggling to keep themselves open as you leaned forward to ride Alexia’s tongue that had slipped into your heat.
“She feels so good Mommy,” you tell Leah, watching her fingers push into Alexia’s gaping pussy till the webbing. Her slick made a wet patch on the blanket under you three, your slick making a mess on Alexia’s beautiful face. She was in heaven, she thought, the two weeks of dreaming about this day made it worth the wait and it was more than she was expecting.
“She does feel good, sweetheart. Can you hear how wet she is?” Leah teases, reaching out for you for a kiss. You kiss her hard and moan, feeling Alexia’s big hands grab your ass for some stability.
“Want something a little special, darling?” Leah asks as she pulls away from you. She pulls her fingers out and watches you nod, tongue out like a panting like a dog. You think that Leah’s gonna let you have a little fun with Alexia but you were in for a little surprise like Leah said.
Leah presses her Alexia-covered fingers into your mouth deep into the cavern, pressing down on your tongue to pull a gag out of you.
“That is my favorite sound in the world, cariño,” Alexia pipes in, grinning wide with her slick-painted chin and lips.
“It is music to my ears,” Leah chimes in, pressing her fingers deep into your throat again to hear you gag. Tears fill your eyes and you stumble a little, falling forward onto Alexia’s torso.
Leah pulls out a strap from under her pillow and gives it to Alexia. You slip off her and stare, connecting the dots in your head.
“Daddy’s gonna fuck you while Mommy has her way with me, got it?”
Leah smiles, helping Alexia pull the harness on. It settles right above her cunt which leaves it all for Leah while you could comfortably ride Alexia at the same time. Alexia sees the dildo Leah’s got on for the first time and smiles, stroking it gently.
“Will it fit Mommy?” she asks innocently, grabbing the lube Leah handed her to coat the toy with. She made a show of spreading the lube all over it, using the leftovers for her cock.
“We’ll get it to fit, darling.”
Leah manhandles you onto Alexia with her clean hands, spanking your ass hard as you look close to tears. She guides the toy into your pussy and you whine, the stretch was more than Alexia’s tongue could prepare you for.
“So full Mommy, feels so good,” you sigh, bottoming out on Alexia’s cock. She smiles and caresses your thighs before you add something that sends lightning through both Leah’s and Alexia’s veins.
“Your turn Daddy,” you grin and bite your lip, kneading Alexia’s breasts. Her hands on your hips suddenly go tight and Leah’s hands on your waist press you forward to expose Alexia’s heat. Leah swipes a little more lube on the tip and slides herself home, kissing your back as whines and whimpers leave Alexia’s mouth.
“Fuck, Mommy,” Alexia starts but takes a sharp breath when Leah bottoms out, “your cock is so big.”
“Too much, darling?”
“It’s perfect Mommy,” Alexia moans, moving her hips on her own. You began to ride her cock, feeling Leah’s thrusts which felt like she was fucking you too. You hover over Alexia and take her cock, feeling her thrust up into you as you try your best to ride her.
Leah ruts into Alexia like a dog in heat, the sticky lube creaming at the base of Leah’s cock as she enjoyed the view of your tight grip on Alexia’s cock to spur her on.
Alexia moaned loudly, feeling the ribbed cock inside her graze over her sweet spot. It jerks her hips which sends her cock so deep inside you that you’re sure you can feel it in your stomach. Your hand caresses your belly and lo and behold, there’s a cock shaped bulge just above your belly button.
“Oh Daddy, you’re so deep!” you moan, canting your hips on her cock faster to chase your high. Leah grips your waist but feels the skin tug under her hold and moves them just over your palm resting on the bulge that came and went.
“Daddy, you really are deep darling,” Leah tells Alexia whose hand, which is the biggest of the three, rests on top. She smirks when she feels the rhythmic pulse of her cock inside you.
“¿Cerca?” Alexia asks you and you nod when she feels Leah fuck into her pussy harder. It sends shivers down her spine and pleasure right through her body. Her eyes roll into her head and she smiles in pleasure, pulling you down for a searing kiss. Leah leans back and fucks up into Alexia’s swollen sweet spot, making sure the whole ribbed cock grazed it over and over again.
You aren’t sure who came harder.
You aren’t sure who screamed louder.
You aren’t sure how you ended up in a suspiciously Leah-scented hoodie.
Alexia asks herself the same question.
“Hello, darlings,” Leah’s voice sounded distant but comforting until there were kisses pressed to your head and several more on Alexia.
“What happened?” Alexia asked, tucking herself into Leah’s side and looking up at her.
“You two fell asleep the moment you came at the same time. I cleaned you up and put fresh sheets on. Now I need you two to finish this bottle of water before the pizza I ordered gets here.”
“We haven’t got any more games over here do we?” you ask Alexia as she sips on the water while Leah gets the pizza from the delivery man at the front door.
“No, but I think I can convince Jona to have international training to use the facilities at Arsenal or something because I need her dick again.”
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skipper1331 · 6 months
fan girl // Alexia Putellas
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a/n: based off this request!
It was movie night at Alexia‘s, the girls seated around her living room as snacks and soft drinks were on the coffee table for everyone.
The girls had to decided to watch your new movie, all of them a big fan of your acting. Alongside you, big names like Margot Robbie and Ryan Reynolds - the movie was made to be a hit.
And Alexia had to admit that she watched every single one of your movies, most of the time more enjoying the view rather than the plot. It didn’t matter if she was the queen of football, she was madly crushing on you.
For once, Alexia wasn‘t getting Fan-girled but was Fan-girling herself. Something about you made her heart flutter, cheeks blushy and starstruck.
So, every time you appeared on screen, Alexia zoned out, comments from her friends falling to deaf ears, snacks long forgotten. She was completely in awe.
"That movie was mind blowing!" Claudia stated shocked after the movie had finished.
"That ending was very unexpected" Patri joined before the whole group talked about the movie. They discussed the ending, the plot, what they liked and didn‘t like, and the acting skills of each individual - simply everything.
A few weeks later, the call came that Alexia had to attend to an event, nothing knew for the Ballon D‘or winner you might think, but this event was different. Not necessarily from what would happen there but from the guests. Normally, some important people from the sports industry would be there, many media people or other important people in general - people Alexia knew or (dis)liked.
This time though, you would be there too. Alexia only knew this because she saw your instagram story - a window picture out of a plane, Barcelona marked as the destination - big headlines in the news.
In the following days, Alexia acted nervous and excited, sights you didn‘t see often. Mapi made fun of her because of that, even though she could understand Ale‘s excitement - who wouldn’t be excited to meet you?
"How do I look?" Alexia asked Mapi and Ingrid.
Both of them had agreed to help the Barcelona captain get ready as everything had to be perfect - perfect to meet you. She wanted to talk to you - that might be her only chance to ever talk to you, she didn‘t want to ruin that. She had to be subtle about approaching you yet attentive, respectful and kind. She couldn’t be some weird obsessed fan, she had to be herself - Alexia.
"Just be yourself" Mapi stated when Ale couldn’t stop rambling about you. What would you be wearing? How should she start a conversation? Would there even be an opportunity to talk to you? Are you nice? You probably are, no bad words about you in the world - everybody always talking highly of you.
"How am I supposed to be myself?! She‘s literally a Hollywood star!" Alexia defended herself. As if it was so easy to be herself.
"María is right, though" Ingrid added, "Ale, you‘re not just anyone, who knows maybe she‘s a football fan herself. Just start the conversation casually, be nice, ask her about her interests and everything should be fine" the Norse explained, trying to ease the Catalonians mind.
Alexia wasn‘t just anyone, she was a Barcelona player, World Cup winner, 2x Ballon D‘or winner and many other trophies winner, but most importantly, she was human. Her trophies didn‘t defy her as a person - she wasn’t arrogant or bragging about her achievements, instead she was a friendly, caring and supportive friend.
"Thank you"
Alexia attended the event, more nervous than usually.
She talked to the people she had to, conversations about football or other business stuff or talked to some people who she actually enjoyed talking to.
Yet all evening, she kept looking for you, not seeing you anywhere which disappointed her. She was looking forward to see you, for once not on tv.
When she went to the bar, ordering a drink, she had already lost hope, until she tensed up.
"Hola la reina" a voice beside her greeted, accent thick.
Tilting her head, she saw the gorgeous smile of you, "hi" she greeted, smiling shyly.
You had referred to her as la Reina.
"I have to admit, I’m a bit disappointed that I was only able to talk to you now" you said, taking a sip of your drink. Everything seemed so effortless when you did it.
"I‘m Y/N Y/L/N, big fan"
Shaking your hand, she replied "Alexia Putellas"
After that the conversation came floating by with an ease, all nervousness from the both of you washed away.
Alexia wasn‘t the only fan girl here, you fan-girled about her just as much, raised as an Barcelona fan since you were a little girl.
All night, you continued flirting with each other, discovering same interests and discussing topics from a-z, also not talking to anyone else but each other. It felt easy to talk to Alexia, no judgement at all as she listened to everything you had to say. She couldn’t care less if it was a random fact, even though you had seemingly very much of them (which she secretly absolutely adored) or if it was your opinion on whatever. She enjoyed hearing you talk, your opinions and points of view well explained.
At some point during the night, she asked "So, you‘re an football fan?"
"Oh yes, absolutely"
"Favorite club?"
"Real Madrid, obviously" you joked, her reaction hilarious - wide eyes, open mouth, look of disgust on her features.
"I‘m joking!" you laughed, "I’m a culer through and through"
"You almost gave me an heart attack!" she hit your arm playfully, continuing to talk about football. This time is was you who listened. The sound of Alexias voice angelic.
You loved how passionate she talked about her profession and how serious she got when she analyzed something, she was the perfect mixture of professionalism and passion - something you admired.
When the night came to an end, you walked her outside, waiting for her taxi to arrive.
"It was nice meeting you, la reina" you beamed, squeezing her hand as you had held it on the way out, so she wouldn’t get lost.
Girls thing.
Looking at one another with googly eyes, no one realized that the taxi had arrived until the driver honked, bringing you back to earth.
"I would like to see you again, sometime?" you shifted nervously on your feet, eyes darting across her features. She was breathtaking.
"Maybe at the match next weekend?" Alexia didn’t expect you to say yes with your busy schedule and new upcoming projects but she tried it anyways. She really wanted to see you again.
"I will be there"
The midfielder‘s face lit up, the widest smile on her face, eyes sparkling as her heart jumped around happily.
"Good night, la reina and stay safe" you pressed your lips on the barcelona players cheek before you walked back inside with shaking hands. You had just kissed the famous Alexia Putellas’ cheek and it felt good!
Alexia on the other hand had crimson red cheeks, was breathing heavily as she touched completely dazed the spot were your lips had been seconds ago.
It seemed like you would stay for another few days in Barcelona. This wasn‘t the end. Maybe, for once, you wouldn't be playing a role in a romance film, but would be living your very own romance.
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barcaatthemoon · 4 months
“all my friends told me you’d break my heart.” alexia angst?
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la reina de los corazones rotos || alexia putellas x reader ||
"ale, where are you going?" you called out as you chased after your captain. alexia ignored you every step of the way, just like she had before you got in bed with her. there were certain things about alexia that you had let be pushed to the back of your head, and now it was all coming to bite you.
"to my apartment, where you are not. i told you last night that i'm done with you. what is so hard to understand?" alexia asked you. the two of you were fairly alone. none of your teammates had followed you out, and everybody around was waiting to get into the club.
"why are you being so mean to me?" you asked her. "i thought you'd be different."
"you don't know me or anything about me. we used to fuck sometimes. just because you're a good stress reliever does not mean that you're a good girlfriend," alexia told you. it was obvious that she wasn't just pulling this out of thin air. you vaguely remembered her telling you that it would be just one night when you first hooked up. you definitely remembered getting in fights with your friends because they said you were an idiot to go back to alexia after the first night.
"do you know what everybody told me? all my friends said you'd break my heart. i stood up for you, and this is how you treat me?" your eyes were glossy with tears, causing alexia to just roll her eyes at you. "did you ever care about me?"
"i cared that you were a clean place to stick my strap. did you think that i was going to want you forever because you bent over for me so easily? if i wanted a girlfriend, i wouldn't pick her up at that bar," alexia said. she started to turn away from you when you finally managed to speak up.
"do you care about anything other than football? could you love another woman if you had the chance? if this is how you act, it's no wonder that you've been single for so fucking long. one day you'll have to answer for all this, and with the hearts you've broken, nobody will be left to come to your rescue."
"whatever." alexia seemingly blew you off. you stormed off with a huff, so caught up in yourself that you didn't notice that alexia hadn't moved a muscle.
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greynatomy · 10 months
christmas miracle
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alexia putellas x reader
little christmas fic
The Barcelona team and staff are at the annua Christmas party before everyone leaves to their own families to celebrate. Mapi is with Ingrid, observing her best friend from across the room.
“What are you thinking?” Ingrid asks skeptically, seeing a look on her girlfriend’s face.
“Nothing?” Mapi shrugs, playing off innocently.
“Don’t meddle.”
“I haven’t even done anything.” She raises both of her hands, backing away from her girlfriend.
Ingrid observes her girlfriend, seeing her going up to all of their teammates. Mapi eventually finds herself with you, where you were conversing with Lucy and Aitana.
“Hey, Y/N!”
“Mapi! How are you?”
“Good, good.” She wraps an arm around your shoulder, leading you somewhere - not that you have a clue - silently telling Lucy and Tana to follow. She stops bear the corner, close to the bar.
Moments later, the team gradually starts coming up to where you stood, each of them giving you a kiss on the cheek. You happily accept, even giving them one in return. You were, however, very confused. You knew Spanish people were very affectionate, but didn’t know what made them all come up to you now.
Mapi, eventually, did leave your side, going to where her best friend sat. She didn’t miss the look on her face and the way she was gripping the glass.
“If you squeeze any harder that glass is going to break.”
“What’s got you worked up.”
Mapi places her face right next to Alexia’s, seeing what she was looking at.
“Ooh. You’re jealous.”
“No, I’m not.” Mapi stays silent. “I mean, why is everyone kissing her. Everyone is kissing her.”
“Not everyone.” Alexia looks at her quizzically. “You haven’t kissed her.”
“Wh-why would I kiss her.”
“Oh, come on! You’ve had this massive crush on her since she was hired a year ago.”
“What? Psh, no I don’t.”
“Everyone knows! And we’re just waiting for La Reina to finally make her move.”
“Shut up.”
An hour passed, Alexia hadn’t moved from her chair, getting even more worked up the more people went up to kiss you - not on the lips. The night was ending, Mapi thought all hope is lost as she saw Alexia step out onto the balcony by herself, until she saw your figure follow her out.
“Mind if I join you?”
Alexia looks to her left to see you standing there. She gives you a light nod, making you take cautious steps, stopping right next to her.
“You know.” You began. “Out of all the people that came up to me, you were the only one who didn’t.”
“So many already came up to you.” She shrugs her shoulders, defeated.
“But you were the only one I was waiting for.”
“Look up.”
Alexia looks up. Over her head, she sees a mistletoe, held up by you. She turns her head to face you, wearing a cheeky smirk on your face.
Stepping closer to you, “May I?”
“You better.”
She brings a hand up to cup your face, pulling you in. Her lips were warm and soft. My mouth parted slightly, allowing her tongue to slip inside. You drop the mistletoe on the floor, wrapping your arms around her neck, hers holding you by your waist.
The sounds of cheering and whistling makes us pull away to see our friends watching us by the window.
“Oh my god.” You whisper, hiding your face in the crook of Alexia’s neck. She lets out a giggle, placing a hand on the back of your head, swaying you side to side.
“It’s a Christmas miracle!” Mapi cheers, happy for her best friend.
You see Alexia looking at you like you hung all the stars in the sky.
“It is a Christmas miracle isn’t it?” You ask, looking up at her, your chin resting on her chest.
“What do you mean?”
“It’s a miracle that you finally made a move.”
“Oh, shut up.”
And shut up you did, her lips on your once again.
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everythingne · 11 months
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ➛ nicoles masterlist
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(to keep track of all my fics..)
double dealing:
street racers!au - verse/smau/short fic
formula racing is luxurious and lucrative, everyone knows that.
but what most people don't know about is the secret races that are bet on with hand signals and whispers over radios in the dark. the double dealing. somehow, you have fallen right in.
el matador y la matadora:
sainz!sister fic
f1 academy has been dominated by Valeria Sainz for two seasons. Between beating every expectation and leading her friends to victory, the younger Sainz sibling is a perfect echo of her brother. But, when George is knocked out for a few races mid season, and she’s moved up from a Mercedes reserve, the two Sainz siblings might be the only thing that can stop total Red Bull domination.
But not everyone wants to see the praise of the Sainz siblings, and will do whatever it takes to bring them down.
akin to a pride:
F2 driver!oc
Reina 'Little Lion' Matsumoto is known for her reckless driving on the track, earning her the nickname she shares with a certain 3x WDC. Off the track, however, she's known for being bubbly, bright, and kind. When she's reached out to by F1 about joining their new 'Siblings Mentorship,' a program that will pair her with a 'similar F1 driver' as her mentor for the upcoming season, she fully expects Daniel or Lando.
Her surprise comes in the form of Max Verstappen, and though she thinks they won't be that much alike off track, she's quick to find it's quite the opposite. Reina learns she needs someone who understands what shes going through to lean on, and Max learns that sometimes healing comes in breaking a cycle that's not your own.
brothers best friend, fake dating trope — smau/short fic
Everyone can see the growing tensions between Red Bull and McLaren as Lando gears up to be the next best driver under Max. The publicity of it all causes a slight issue… the people want more drama. They need more drama. So, McLaren and Red Bull make a deal—Olivia Piastri, the head analyst of Red Bull, has to pretend to date her brother’s teammate. And she can’t tell anyone it’s not a real relationship.
teaser! // rom-com style — smau/short fic
looking in a mirror
with porsche making a new f1 team, two new drivers enter the grid. meet the pearce siblings, rhys pearce who's been racing with charles and max since their rookie days, and his baby sister y/n 'daisy' pearce who has been sponsored by sebastian vettel since she started with logan and oscar.
when porsche chooses to separate the siblings, allowing mclaren to recruit rhys, they bring in oscar piastri and by extension, mark webber. it goes as well as most expect it to when mark and sebastian have to try and work together for their drivers' sake.
drunk walk home
max x teammate!reader - short fic
Your relationship with your teammate is non-existent at best. It’s not because Max doesn’t like you, actually, it’s the opposite. Your sunshine persona had the man liking you too much. To keep your positions as drivers safe he keeps a wide berth, until he spots your ex-boyfriend getting a bit too rough with your tipsy self at a bar in Monaco..
wing damage (SERIES)
max x influencer!horner!reader - short fic/smau
Eldest of the Halliwell-Horner pack, Y/n “Nadine” Horner gets her heart broken by the man she’s supposed to wed in six months. Four years of love slipping down the drain faster than she can try and grasp at the remaining water droplets. But... not all hope is lost as far as the f1 community is concerned and they might be right, since Max seems to be trying to get a little closer to his Team Principals daughter.
christmas in monaco
brothers best friend trope — short fic
You are Charles Leclerc’s best kept secret. Twin of his best friend, a racing prodigy, and his secret girlfriend of two years. The first six months had been secret, just to make sure you’d actually survive a relationship, but then Max said something to Charles that made the idea of ever telling him impossible. So you end up here, half in your brothers apartment half in your soon to be fiancés, trying to celebrate two Christmases in one day.
all american bitch
popstar!reader — smau and short fic
After a successful concert in Miami, your twin sister is caught having a little moment with her boyfriend outside a club. Most people jump to conclusions, but you have a way to shut everyone up (and give half of the F1 community a heart attack in the process)
out of the woods
ferrari!reader - smau/short fic
After a short break during her time as a Ferrari reserve driver, loud-mouthed driver Dhanishka Dubey resurfaces when she moves up to f1 under Ferrari. She’s back to terrorize her ex, none other than Logan Sargeant when she conquers him once again this season, just like before, just like always.
But when faced with your first love, and your only love, it's hard to let those feelings past. Especially when a relationship was prematurely ended, especially when she's everything you aren't, especially when you never got over his love.
marry me
childhood friend!reader - short fic
you and logan have danced around dating since you had met all those years ago. An impulsive kiss may lead to a big jump in your relationship
cloud circuit
business owner!student!reader - short fic/smau
Y/n Tiffany has always been a woman just outside of Logan's grasp. But a chance encounter at a bus stop and a new neighbor prove maybe somethings are meant to be. As long as he doesn't figure out her real name.
541 notes · View notes
gunnerfc · 8 months
Charity Event | Alexia Putellas x Actress!Reader
Summary: You’re one of Alexia’s favorite actresses and when you both attend the same charity event, Alexia tries her best to play it cool despite how excited she is to meet you.
Warnings: none!
WC: 1.7K
AN: this does switch between R and Alexia before they meet, so each section is broken up with ----
If you were being honest, you weren’t looking forward to attending the charity event. It’s not like you didn’t want to be there in support but it was being held in Spain and with your broken Spanish, you were expecting to have a lot of awkward conversations. 
You had spent the entire day getting ready, hoping your nerves would decrease with your focus on your outfit and overall look. However, as it got closer to leaving, your nerves grew. The entire ride to the event, you reviewed everything you knew in Spanish, hoping the quick revision session would be helpful. 
When you arrived, it was already in full swing. There were cars parked along the streets in front of the building with a large sign with the organization hosting the event branded across the front. You took a deep sigh before exiting the car, flashing lights blinding you the second the door opened. You quickly posed for pictures and spoke to one journalist who was outside before you were ushered inside.
Alexia knew inviting Mapi over to help her get ready was a terrible decision but she needed the support of the defender, even if it came in the form of jokes. The midfielder was full of excitement over the idea of possibly meeting you tonight since you were one of her favorite actresses. 
This little fact was not a secret to Mapi, who took every opportunity to tease her friend about meeting her “future girlfriend.” Each joke was met with a pointed look from Alexia but the shorter of the pair ignored each one, enjoying the bright tint on Alexia’s face.
“Estarás bien. Simplemente no digas nada vergonzoso, (you’ll be fine. just don't say anything embarrassing)” Mapi jokingly shouted as Alexia was walking out the door. The midfielder turned with her middle finger raised in Mapi’s direction, closing the door as the defender laughed loudly.
The only reason Alexia even said yes to attending this event was because she saw you would be there. While she did admire your work, some of her admiration came from her not-so-little crush on you. She wouldn’t tell anyone that though, she would never hear the end of it.
The car ride to the event was quiet, the driver left her to her own devices which meant Alexia preparing herself for any conversation you two may have. The blonde went over any and everything you might say to her and how she would respond. She was too deep in her thoughts to realize she had arrived. 
Her door was opened for her and all she could see was bright lights from cameras flashing. Alexia gave them all a quick smile before continuing inside. 
You had spent the first few moments talking to the organizers who spent the whole conversation bragging about the event doing well because of the big names they were able to have. When you were finally left alone, you found yourself at the large bar googling how to order your favorite drink in Spanish. 
You maintained your stay at the bar for a large part of the evening, only talking to those who came up to you. However, most people only wanted to know spoilers from the big project you were working on or if you could give them some inside scoop from set. There were times when you had to end the conversation because you couldn’t understand anything the other person was saying and didn’t want to seem rude. 
You were unaware of the arrival of a certain footballer that everyone in the room wanted to speak to as well. You were also unaware of the fact that the moment she stepped foot in the large room, her eyes were trying to find you. 
Alexia was practically bombarded by people when she walked in, everyone wanting to speak to ‘La Reina.’ The footballer stuck to her usually short answers, only giving basic information that anyone would know with one google search. Each time she thought she had a break from overbearing people, someone new would take their place. 
Alexia spent what felt like forever talking to people that she didn’t want to before excusing herself to the bar. If she was going to be stuck talking to these people, she would have to break her rule of not drinking during the season just this once.
Alexia paid no attention to those at the bar, instead focusing on ordering her drink to avoid having to talk to anyone else. While waiting for her drink, the blonde tried to subtlety look around hoping to see you. She didn’t have to look for long because you were sat to her left, two empty seats away. 
The midfielder’s eyes widen before she quickly looked away from you. Her excitement returned but also nervousness at the idea of actually talking to you. She was tempted to pull out her phone to text Mapi for support but quickly decided against that knowing Mapi would never let her live this down. 
When her drink was placed in front of her, she quickly thanked the bartender before almost downing the alcoholic beverage in one go. The seats between the two of you were still emptied and Alexia went back and forth in her head debating if she should move closer to you. 
She took one small glace in your direction just as you turned your head towards her. You offered a small smile before turning back to your phone. Alexia could feel how hot her face was over the smallest interaction. If she blushed this hard because you smiled at her, what would happen if she actually spoke to you?
The blonde finished the remainder of her drink before building up the courage to scoot closer to you. You could feel her presence when she got close, which prompted you to tear your gaze away from your phone.
“H-hi,” Alexia stuttered when you towards her, cursing herself for sounding so nervous talking to you.
“Hola,” you greeted the blonde, the same smile on your face. 
The silence between you didn’t feel uncomfortable, the nervousness Alexia felt and your tiredness kept the conversation at a simple greeting. Until Alexia spoke up again.
“Um, I’m Alexia. I play football.. Sorry, soccer,” She corrected herself, even though it didn’t really matter.
“I know who you are, it’s hard not to,” you winked at the blonde, you could feel the nerves mixed with excitement radiating off of her. “I’m Y/n.” you knew she knew who you were, but still you felt like being polite.
“Yeah, I know,” Alexia mumbled before clearing her throat. “Are you having fun?” the blonde questioned and immediately regretted it. You wouldn’t be sitting at the bar alone if you were having a good time.
“Um, no not really,” you laughed before you explained further. “It’s nice to be here for this charity but I’m tired of hearing the same questions and having to say “you’ll have to wait and see” each time. It’s exhausting,” you groaned before taking a large sip of your second drink of the night.
Alexia nodded along with each word, completely understanding what you meant. “Same, you can only handle so much before it can be too much,” the footballer stated as she watched you with a look of fondness. You lifted your drink in her direction as a way of saying you agree. 
“I think it’s a bit better now though,” you started before pausing to look at Alexia. “Now that you’re the one I’m talking to.” 
Alexia knew her face was more than likely bright red. “We could leave if you wanted? Go somewhere quieter with no one to ask us dumb questions,” the blonde asked with a smile, hoping her question didn’t come off differently than what she meant. 
“What did you have in mind?” your smile now a smirk as you finished your drink. Alexia offered you her hand as she stood up, which you took without hesitation. 
The blonde led you through the crowds of people, not caring to stop and tell anyone you were leaving. You normally would have said no to someone offering what Alexia did, but something about the Catalan made you feel drawn to her. 
You let Alexia lead you to her car, not understanding the address she gave the driver in Spanish. The driver nodded before pulling out of the parking lot and Alexia’s focus was back on you. 
“Where are we going,” you asked, hoping it was in fact somewhere quieter, the loud music had given you a budding headache.
“It’s a lookout over Barcelona, we can sit somewhere away from anyone else who might be there,” the blonde replied, a soft smile gracing her features. You just nodded at her words, turning your head to watch the city pass by. 
The drive to the lookout wasn’t as long as you thought it would be, which you were thankful for. There were a few other people there, some in groups or pairs. Alexia led you away from the closet group of people, wanting to sit in somewhat privacy.
The city of Barcelona below you was bustling with nightlife, people just getting off work or people heading out to clubs. The lights from cars or buildings reflected off both of you, giving you both a warm glow. 
“It’s pretty here, it’s calming,” you mumbled as you took everything in. The city of Barcelona was growing on you.
“Yeah, it is,” Alexia said in a whispered tone, but when you turned to look at her, expecting her to also be looking at the city below you, she was staring right at you.
It was your turn to feel warm in the face, as you quickly looked away from the footballer. Something about her intrigued you and you wanted nothing more than to know everything about her. Alexia felt the same way about you and hoped that you would give her the chance to get to know you. 
The two of you stayed at the lookout for what felt like forever, though neither of you were complaining. Alexia eventually took you back to your hotel but she didn’t let you leave until asking if you would go get breakfast with her in the morning, like a date. You answered with a shy yes before pressing a small kiss on her cheek, near the corner of her face. You were looking forward to seeing where this could go and maybe you would have a reason to come back to Barcelona in the near future.
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jaegeraether · 10 months
Sunsets and footballers (Part 40)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (37) & Alexia Putellas x Character (8)
Masterlist (other parts here)
((**This is my largest chapter so far (5.6k). I hope you enjoy!**))
Alexia didn’t respond, and nobody knew what to do. In fact, nobody had seen her like that before. Eyes darted from Alexia to Ridley and back with worry and confusion. Lucy and YFN met each other’s eyes with equally worried expressions, though they’d both clicked on.
“She’s the girl from the bar?” Lucy asked Alexia.
Alexia hesitated before she nodded.
“Exactly how many people have you told about last night, la Reina?” Ridley asked slowly in Spanish.
“What happened last night?” Oshoala jumped in curiously.
“Asked and answered.” Ridley murmured and gestured to Lucy and YFN. “Just these two then?”
“That was you last night?” YFN asked Ridley. Lucy put a hand on her arm supportively but also because she just wanted to touch her.
Ridley kept Alexia’s eyes as she responded to YFN. “I told you I made a mistake. It wasn’t my finest moment.”
“You can say that again.”
Ridley turned to look at YFN a little hurt. She’s one person she never wanted to disappoint.
“You never told me it was Alexia.”
“You never asked.” She replied with typical Ridley sass.
One of the coaches yelled from the tunnel then, a little annoyed that they were still chatting. Panos and Oshoala left the awkward exchange first. YFN looked to Keira who had backed away a little, seemably deciding it wasn’t the best time for introductions. Instead, she and YFN exchanged a shy wave before she also ducked off into the tunnel.
“Why are you here?” Alexia asked in Spanish, finding her words.
Ridley assessed her expression, before she removed the leather jacket and held it over the barrier for her.
That clicked for Lucy, but YFN wasn’t aware she’d left her jacket behind. Alexia took a step forward and gently took it without touching Ridley.
“Is that all?”
“No, Alexia. That’s not all.”
Lucy knew a little Spanish, but not enough to keep up with how quickly they spoke.
“ALEXIA! LUCY!” The even more annoyed yell came.
Lucy looked at her girlfriend, eyes darting to her lips and wishing she could kiss her in front of the crowd. “Thank you for coming. I’ll see you after?”
“Yes please.”
“Oh and here…” Lucy removed her jersey and gave it to her. “We have two per game.”
YFN blushed at that, sharing a look with Lucy that said she couldn’t believe they were together again.
Lucy grinned and gave her a quick hug before she jumped off of the cooler box and took Alexia by the arm, tugging her towards the tunnel.
“It’s not the time or place…” She murmured to her.
“My number is in the pocket.” Ridley told Alexia as the Barca Captain allowed Lucy to drag her away. She turned to YFN who was pouting at her. “That’s why you wanted to come? I knew you had an alternate motive.”
“No, Blue. I would have done everything the same regardless because I love you and wanted to see you. This was a bonus that I leapt on when the stars aligned.”
YFN couldn’t help but still be a little mad. Ridley knew Alexia was Lucy’s teammate.
She shrugged her jumper off before pulling Lucy’s jersey over her shirt and pulling the jumper back on. Her match worn shirt. It was a little bigger on her but perfect nonetheless. She felt across the stomach of the material, smiling to herself before looking back up at Ridley.
“You really did that last night?” It wasn’t judgemental, it was worried.
Ridley sighed as they sat down again. “You know I sleep around, Blue.”
“But you made her screw another woman?”
“I invited her. Both parties were willing.”
“You really upset her…”
“I really upset myself.”
YFN could see on her face that she was telling the truth and she felt for her. Ridley was a lot of things, but she wasn’t a bad person. She was one of the best, bravest, smartest people she knew, and a lot more caring than she let anyone see. She had wondered before about the type of person Alexia had interacted with last night and now it made sense and to be honest, her theories weren’t wrong.
Ridley held out her arm in a peace offering and YFN hooked her arm through and rested her head on her shoulder. At the end of the day, she was still Ridley, and as broken as she was, she was still going to be an important part of her life forever.
They sat in silence for a little, watching the half time entertainment on the ground before YFN spoke.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“I like my emotions like my water. Bottled.”
Ridley notoriously didn’t talk about anything related to her emotions. The one person in the world she ever spoke about her family and their childhood with was YFN, because she’d been there, and she’d never had any proper relationships to talk about. Any flings, however, she could talk about. Because they meant nothing to her. Alexia was different though, and YFN could see it on her face when she asked the question.
“There’s not much to say,” she murmured as she snacked slowly on her popcorn.
YFN rolled her eyes and a piece of popcorn hit her in the forehead.
“Besides, it seems like you already know?”
“I want to hear from you.”
Ridley sighed and put her popcorn down. “You’re not going to let this go, are you?”
YFN squeezed the arm she was still holding, hoping to keep Ridley a little warm now that she didn’t have a jacket. She had goosebumps, but she’d never complain, and the Australian flag around her wasn’t helping much.
“I met her in a bar.”
“Your favourite bar that you’re always talking about? With the sex rooms?”
“Do you want to hear this or not?”
She glued her mouth shut.
“Yes, that bar. I knew who she was immediately, and people spoke about her like a goddess, but there’s just something about her that draws me in. I try to ignore it, but it’s still here. I don’t even have to be looking at her to know she’s right there.”
YFN knew that feeling all too well and she looked at the players running back out, her eyes finding Lucy. She had her arm around Alexia’s shoulder, as if to ensure she wouldn’t turn to look at them when she walked out. Lucy did though. She couldn’t help herself.
“Something…perfect. Something I didn’t want to taint. Something I didn’t want to ruin. I still don’t.”
“So you slept around to make her jealous?”
“I always sleep around. But I slept around more at the bar to push her away, and hoping that it would end this feeling.”
“But it didn’t…” YFN whispered as the whistle blew.
“It didn’t, and I kept going back just hoping to be in the same room as her.”
“Oh Riddles…” It was so unlike her.
“I knew I was being stupid so I left. I took that temporary contract based out of Dubai. It lasted five months and I tried to not come back to the bar, but I couldn’t help myself. She was all over the news.”
“You saw her again?”
“Immediately. It’s hard to not see her. And I suppose you’ve heard of our little interaction.”
“The one where you beat someone up for her?”
Ridley hummed in response and took a sip of water, her eyes locked onto the field. Alexia still wasn’t playing, but it wouldn’t be long until she was subbed on.
“Two of my favourite qualities of yours.”
“Aggression? Cockiness?”
“Chivalry. Protection.”
Ridley looked at her then and a few feelings about their childhood sat there between their look. YFN squeezed her arm tighter. Ridley had always been her protector growing up. Now she not only had Ridley, but Lucy also. Lucy, however, picked and choosed her battles like with the restraining orders. Ridley, however, would kill. Hell, she almost had that day. YFN’s eyes fell to the scar on her cheek.
“I don’t like how we match.” Ridley said. “Don’t get me wrong, it’s cute of you to follow my fashion trend, but I almost got on a plane to find her.”
YFN remembered the long conversation she’d had to calm her down. Knowing she had Lucy was the final nail in the coffin that was the end of that conversation.
YFN chose to end that conversation quick. “We have restraining orders now. You disappeared again?”
“I left again, yes. I was worried she’d strike up a conversation with me if I went back again. So I struggled with self-control in Barcelona for a month and luckily for me, another temp contract came up again in Dubai and they requested me.”
“You really are the favourite at work, aren’t you?”
“You know it, baby.”
“And last night?”
“Last night…I saw her in the bar. So I took my friends with benefits up to the rooms to get some feelings out. You know the one, Jessica?”
“I remember you mentioning her.” She meant nothing to Ridley, though they’d been sleeping together casually for a few years now.
“Mmn. Unfortunately, Alexia came upstairs and when I saw her, I couldn’t stop myself.”
She ran her hand through her hair, and YFN had never seen her look stressed before but right now she could see a little of that. “I didn’t force her to do anything, you know.”
“I know.”
“They were both aware and willing.”
“I know, Riddles. I know. They know, too. The issue isn’t that and you know it. The issue is that she felt used by you. It’s not a great way to show your affection to someone…”
“I just wanted to be close to her. It would have been too personal if it were just the two of us.”
YFN looked back out at Lucy, a little peeved that she was now on the opposite side of the pitch. “That’s relationships for you.”
“I don’t want a relationship.” She responded quickly.
“You know that relationship doesn’t mean dating, right? Lucy and I are in a monogamous relationship, but you and I have a relationship also. It’s called friendship. You have relationships with your…women. They’re sexual relationships. And your work colleagues? Work relationships. You don’t need to define it. You can just let it grow and evolve in its own way, you know.”
“I can never give her a partner relationship.”
“You don't know that, because you’ve never tried. And you don’t know what she wants, because you’ve never asked. You’re just scared, Riddles.”
Ridley scoffed.
“I’m being serious. I know you think nothing scares you, but this does. She scares you. She scares you because she makes you feel things. She scares you because you know you could fall for her. She scares you because you’ve never wanted to open up to someone before.”
“I open up to you.” It was a weak argument, and from the tone in her voice, she knew it.
“Not all the way. You always have that control, and you’re worried you’ll lose it with her. But here’s the thing, you’ll never know. Because you’ve never given her a chance.”
“We don’t know each other.”
“You know enough. You speak to each other without speaking. Lucy and I are the same, and it’s the exact reason we got together. Now we learn together and grow together. We’re learning to trust each other with our most personal selves and open up. And what’s funny is that you already know all of this, Riddles. You’re the smartest person I know. You just need me to say it out loud for you.”
They reached the 62 minute mark then and Alexia was subbed on for Claudia Pina and the roars of the crowd were deafening. They watched her as she stood at the boundary with her blonde hair in her signature ponytail as she hugged Claudia before jogging onto the pitch to take her place. YFN saw Lucy jog over close enough to reach her hand out for a hi-five as she came on. Lucy, Lucy. Her heart was so big, YFN wondered how it was hers. Ridley noticed her longing gaze.
“If she hurts you…”
YFN’s head snapped sideways to her. “If you touch her, I’ll beat the shit out of you.”
Excitement lit in her eyes. “Woah there, Blue. That’s the first time you’ve ever threatened me, you know?”
They chuckled together. They knew she would have zero chance against Ridley, though the declaration sure made obvious her emotions.
They watched the rest of the game without any talk of relationships, and YFN couldn’t help some of her attention on Ona. She was small and very agile. She went down hard in the 69 minute mark for a free kick, before she was subbed out at 72 minutes having been the best on field. As she walked off, her eyes drifted up and found YFN’s. She looked down quickly as if she’d been caught, and YFN didn’t have a chance to wave.
At 81 minutes, Alexia went down for a trip after she’d disposed of the ball and she fell backwards, clutching her ankle. Luckily it wasn’t bad and she was back on her feet after retying her shoes, but YFN and Ridley were both tense. She gave her free kick to Caroline Graham Hansen who kicked a goal with a decent deflection off one of the Villareal players.
There were multiple missed shots through the rest of the game, a few by Alexia and a clever backwards flick by Lucy from a corner which left her grinning as she jogged back to her spot after the attempt, but it ended 6-0 to Barca at the 95th minute, keeping them unbeaten for their Liga F season.
After they shook hands, Lucy bounded back over at the first chance she had, this time dragging a cooler like she was a toddler. She jumped up on it and YFN found herself wrapped up in her arms again, this time she was even more sweaty but she didn’t mind. She pulled back and couldn’t help but play with the little baby hairs of Lucy’s that had curled at the nape of her neck during the intensity of the game.
“Luce! Great game, and that flick?!”
“I know! I just hit it wrong and Mapi was teasing me on it.” She grinned. “Come down to the lockers?”
YFN looked at Ridley. “I don’t know if that’s the best idea.”
“You want me to drag you over the rail and carry you down myself?”
Ridley had a good chuckle at that and finally they were properly introduced, though the exchange felt to YFN a lot like two protective men meeting.
“Thanks for getting her here…”
“Anytime. She knows that.”
“And now so do I.”
YFN groaned. Lucy was obviously a little annoyed with her for Alexia, whereas Ridley was just being Ridley. Just a tad more protective.
“Luce, you need a shower.” YFN said, attempting to break the ice.
“You like me sweaty.”
The sexual meaning had her blushing.
“I can’t believe you’re here.”
“You can thank Ridley for that.”
She became more sincere towards her then. “Thank you. Really… thank you.” She turned back to YFN. “How did you get here?”
“Cargo plane. Ridley organised it and picked me up from Valencia.”
“You drove to Valencia from Barcelona?!”
Ridley shrugged. “I like travelling.”
“How much do we owe you?”
Ridley looked almost offended. “Being alive these days is expensive enough.”
“Are you coming home on the flight I booked you?” Lucy asked YFN, her arm tightening around her waist. A few fans started screaming for Lucy’s attention around them then, and YFN tried to take Lucy’s lead by pretending she didn’t hear.
“Uh…we haven’t spoken about that.”
“When do you leave?” She looked like she really didn’t want to know the answer.
“My flight out is at 10am.”
It was Lucy’s turn to groan. “But you just got here…”
The extra excited fans managed to barge into the friends and family section and were barrelling towards them. “Oh shit, you need to go Luce.”
“Grab onto me.” Lucy grabbed YFN and dragged her over the railing with her and when they were down on the pitch, they looked up at Ridley who was expressionless, and surprisingly resistant to the shoving around by the fans.
“You want me down there?” She asked, unworried.
“I’ll get the cooler-”
Lucy was cut off by Ridley leaping down and landing with the confidence of a gymnast. They moved towards the pitch and away from the fans.
“10 am?!”
“Yeah.. I need to be at the airport earlier though for the international flight.”
“What about the storm?”
“Storm will be gone by then.” Ridley interjected.
They’d lost one and a half days due to a storm, and the other half a day from YFN making a promise to Kyra. Lucy’s emotions were clearly written on her face. Regardless, she spoke between gritted teeth.
“I’m guessing you want to drive back with Ridley? You haven’t seen each other in a while…”
There was a pause and Ridley stepped in. “I’m actually staying in Valencia tonight. You two have your fun, and I’ll catch you next time you’re in Spain. Besides, we’ve had our little catch up.”
YFN knew she was lying, but Lucy didn’t and her body relaxed with relief. It meant three more hours together.
“You’re staying in Valencia tonight?” Alexia asked in English, having crept up on the conversation.
Ridley didn’t respond at first, because she knew it was a lie, and Alexia’s expression said that she didn’t believe her.
“I can be.”
“Alexia is staying here too...” Lucy offered.
That got Ridley’s attention. “Really?”
“It’s her grandma’s birthday tomorrow.” Lucy offered again.
YFN smacked her hip lightly, as if to tell her to stop trying to influence their discussion. Cheeky Lucy. She chuckled, relishing the fact that YFN was here with her arm around her waist and Lucy’s slung over her shoulder. It should have been a crime to live in two different countries.
“Is that so?” Ridley asked, switching to Spanish. “Are you free to talk tonight?”
“I can be.”
“Perfect. I can drive you from here if you’d like. There’s a great restaurant in Valencia I’d like to show you.”
“We’re not having sex.”
“Don’t speak too soon, la Reina. We wouldn’t want to make you a liar, now.”
Lucy and YFN’s heads were shifting from one to the other, like a game of tennis, wondering what was happening. It was hard to miss the word sex, though.
Alexia looked as if she was going to change her mind when Ridley spoke again. “Relax, Alexia. I just want to talk. I owe you a proper apology.”
“Okay…” She agreed hesitantly. “But I need to shower and change first.”
“I’ll be waiting for you outside. Message me.”
Alexia wandered off, Ridley’s eyes following every step she took. Lucy turned to YFN and they shared a look.
“I’m going to shower. I’ve booked a seat next to you on the plane.”
“You’re not going with your team?”
Lucy scoffed. “You’re not getting rid of me anytime soon.”
“Do you two need a lift to the airport?”
“Yes, please!” YFN agreed, before she’d realised what she’d agreed to. “Go shower, Luce. We’ll be outside. I’ll be the one with the Australian Flag.”
Lucy swore she’d never been so tempted to kiss her before. She leant forwards and her eyes darkened, but the yelling of the fans close by was too obvious, and she didn’t want to share a kiss with her girlfriend with the world. She deserved her privacy.
“I’ll find you, little one.”
The car ride was the most awkward thing all four of them had ever experienced in their lives. It started off awkwardly before they’d even entered the car, all of them wondering the most acceptable place to sit. They eventually decided YFN in the front with Ridley and Lucy in the back with Alexia was the way to go. YFN stretched her arm out behind her and Lucy tangled her fingers with her own. The ride was nothing but music and Ridley chuckling at the awkwardness until they spoke. Surprisingly, it was Alexia of all people who spoke first.
“YFN, Lucy said you both grew up together?” She asked with a thick accent, gesturing between her and Ridley.
YFN turned in her seat, happy to finally be able to speak to Lucy’s friend.
“Oh, yes. We’ve known each other since we were really young. We went to school together and lived next door to each other.” She looked at Ridley cheekily and she knew that expression all too well.
“Don’t you dare.”
She dared. “I have a few embarrassing stories if you’d like to hear them?”
“I will pull this car over and put you in the boot.”
“She can still hear me from the boot.”
“Not gagged, she won’t.”
“I think Lucy would have something to say about that.”
“Don't make me fight on the side of the highway, Blue. I really like this shirt and besides, you need her in tact for tonight.”
YFN blushed at that. The funny little exchange happened quickly, Lucy and Alexia following it amused. It was clear to see they knew each other very well.
“You know Lucy boxes, right?”
“You know I have two black belts, right?”
“Are they always like this?” Alexia asked.
Lucy shrugged. “This is the first time I’ve seen them together.”
“This is tame, I promise you.” Ridley replied before directing her attention back to YFN. “Your girlfriend can’t save you from this.”
“Ah, you’re just the full package, aren’t you?”
“That is correct. Hard to imagine why I’m single, right?”
“Why are you single?” Lucy asked.
“Give it a minute and you’ll see.” YFN muttered.
Alexia laughed then, and Lucy couldn’t help but laugh with her because Alexia rarely laughed like that.
“You know I put a disclaimer out whenever I introduce you to people?” YFN asked Ridley. Their banter was never-ending.
“Let me guess, ‘The best thing to happen since sliced bread?’”
“An acquired taste.”
“You really are a lesbian.”
YFN groaned. Ridley had always been too quick witted, and she was obviously out of practise having been apart from her in so long. Their two passengers in the back, meanwhile, were loving the experience. “That’s it, I’m telling them the 2am chocolate cake story.”
“Don't start.”
“You know that automatically makes me want to start.”
“There’s a pull over bay coming up.”
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“I dare all day long, baby. Try me.”
“There’s also the therapist story…”
“You’re going to have to be more specific.”
YFN rolled her eyes. “The rollerblading one.”
“They were heelies, and I still think they’re a trend.”
“Was the Jager bomb in your hand also a trend?”
“You tell me, you’re the one to put it there.”
“It was my attempt to encourage you to open up to him.”
“Do I look like a flower to you?”
“Flowers are pretty.”
“I’m not pretty?”
YFN rolled her eyes. “You ARE pretty. But then there’s that resting face you do…”
“I’ll have you know that has gotten me out of a lot of conversations over the years.”
“You two sound like my brother and I.” Lucy said through chuckles. They were still enjoying the show, it seemed.
“You’re going to have to get used to it if we spend Christmas together.”
“Ridley’s coming for Christmas?”
“It her suggestion, believe it or not.”
“Don’t act like you didn’t guilt me into it…”
YFN chuckled and hit her shoulder.
“In Australia?” Lucy asked, wanting to plan.
YFN turned around to her. “I was thinking of bringing them both over to the UK for a white Christmas actually. Nan and I have never had a white Christmas.”
“Yes! Okay, perfect. I’ll talk to my folks, they’ll love that.”
Ridley looked in the rear-view mirror and found Alexia’s eyes. “What are you doing for Christmas, la Reina?”
“I’ll spend it with my family in Spain I think.”
“Ah.” Was the only response she gave, though Alexia saw a bit of melancholy behind her eyes and she looked back to the road.
Awkwardness out of the way, the rest of the hour-long drive was full of banter and YFN made sure to chat to Alexia and Ridley as much as possible. Alexia, because she was so close to Lucy and Ridley, because it had been far too long.
They were a little late and boarded their plane at the last minute, enjoying every second together. Lucy let YFN have the window seat and took her thigh in her hand, refusing to be parted from her. After being apart, they only had another twelve hours together and from the intensifying looks they shared, they were going to make the most of it.
Lucy had planned on cute lunches and dinners, beach dates and introductions to her team. Unfortunately, time hadn’t permitted that just yet. They arrived home and Narla was on them immediately as they entered, yapping away. YFN knelt down, letting her sniff her before she started to pat her. She followed them around as they settled their things into the bedroom and got changed into clothes for bed. Her energy didn’t last long though, as it was 10pm and dark. Narla went to sleep in her little bed in the living room while Lucy was still showing her around her apartment. It was cute, and typical Lucy. Modern, clean, bare necessities. YFN had a good chuckle at the amount of sneakers she had lined up around the walls in her bedroom. While Lucy unpacked, YFN explored two more rooms, one was a spare bedroom and one was full of boxes of trophies that Lucy had won over the years. She found one in particular that she’d seen in a photo at Lucy’s mum’s house. She remembered her mum showing her through the photo album and explaining that it had been the first trophy she’d won. She pulled it from the box and took it to the kitchen sink where she washed the dust from it and dried it.
“What’s that?” Lucy asked, joining her.
“The first trophy you won…I remember your mum telling me about it.”
Lucy picked up the trophy and looked it over before putting it back down on the counter and shaking her head. She took her girlfriend’s face in her hands gently and kissed her for the first time in a week. They moaned as they softened into each other, relishing the feel and taste of each other.
“Remind me what I did to deserve you?”
“Hm. Well you are pretty good with your mouth…”
“Oh?” She asked as her hands found her waist. “Tell me more.”
“I was talking about the compliments you give me. What were you talking about?” YFN replied cheekily.
“God I should have had sex with you in London.”
“It…wouldn’t have been appropriate.”
“Appropriate? Sex with us is always appropriate. I can fuck you when I want.”
Everything Lucy said triggered that horniness in her. YFN’s breath caught and she bit her lip.
Lucy’s eyes darkened and she moved her head closer to YFN’s, her thumb freeing her lip from her teeth.
“That’s mine. I didn’t say you could bite it.”
She turned towards the counter just to catch her breath, though Lucy liked her out of breath and out of control. They’d both been waiting far too long to be together again. According to their standards, of course. An hour was too long to be apart never mind a week. Lucy came behind her, trapping her between herself and the counter, her arms coming around her to slide under her shirt.
YFN tilted her head back, relishing the fact that she was shorter than her girlfriend as her lips found that soft flesh under Lucy’s chin and settled there. She freed one of her hands and slid it behind her and between their bodies, finding Lucy’s core and teasing her by rubbing her through her pants. Lucy groaned and rocked her hips, finding friction in her hand as she pressed YFN’s body back to her, trapping her teasing hand between them.
Lucy groaned again and pulled YFN’s hand out.
YFN sucked on that soft flesh sweetly as Lucy gripped her waist and rocked her hips into her girlfriend’s ass. YFN was in a mood, the same one Lucy tended to drag out of her often, and she braced against the counter, pushing her ass back into Lucy. Lucy gasped and her rocking turned into more of a grinding and she found that perfect spot she could feel through her pants. One of Lucy’s hands slid up the front of her shirt and grabbed her breast roughly, the other following suit shortly after as YFN’s back arched and her hand came up and over her shoulder, gripping the back of Lucy’s hair. Lucy’s mouth found the side of her neck and bit and sucked as a good reminder who was in charge. Her thumbs flicked over her nipples a few times as their little teasing gradually became more out of hand with each grind.
Lucy readjusted at one point and she had YFN bent over the counter, the cool surface hardening her nipples through her shirt as Lucy held the back of her neck down with one hand and her hip with the other. YFN couldn’t help but moan as Lucy’s leg manipulated hers apart further and she rocked her hips forward, grinding her hard into the counter. YFN loved this, the feeling of absolutely no control as Lucy made sure she knew who was in charge. YFN’s upper half moved against the cool countertop almost as if Lucy were actually fucking her.
Lucy leant forwards and kissed her back through her shirt.
“You’re a little tease, aren’t you?”
“I love teasing you…” she admitted and wriggled her ass under the pressure of Lucy’s pelvis, as if to prove a point. She did.
Lucy broke then and gripped one hand in her hair, pulling her torso back up like that, her back arched tight.
“Bed. Now.”
“No, Luce…”
That surprised Lucy. Her hand tightened in her hair and her mouth found her ear, biting the lobe before speaking into it.
“What.” It didn’t sound like a question, but it was. A challenge to say it again.
“P..please Luce.” She begged. “Please fuck me here first. I can’t make it to the bedroom yet.”
She wasn’t beyond begging at this point. Lucy was thinking. She could feel it and hear in it the way she breathed into her ear, like she was fighting herself.
“Please.” She begged again. “I’ve missed you. Please, then you can h…have me whatever way you want me.”
She felt Lucy shiver behind her. “You’re lucky I’m in a charitable mood.”
YFN shuddered as her core ached for Lucy. Yes. Yes.
She wriggled her shorts and underwear down for Lucy excitedly before she was again pressed back to the counter, her cheek and nipples finding that coolness. Lucy’s hand stayed in her hair, holding her down, while her other hand slid down the palm of her stunning ass, right down to where YFN was utterly desperate for her. Lucy’s fingertips touched lightly and noticed YFN’s core was soaked. Dripping. Clenching and unclenching around nothing.
Lucy groaned when she saw how desperate she was.
In any other scenario YFN would have been embarrassed, but here with her Lucy, she was happily surprised that she wasn’t.
“I missed you…” she whimpered again.
Lucy’s jaw locked at those words. She attempted to regain a modicum of self-control, but it was very, very difficult. She didn’t want to fuck around. She wanted to fuck the orgasm out of her so she could drag her to the bedroom and do all sorts of things to her into the early hours of the morning. She tightened her grip on her hair as she thrust two fingers in harshly. She knew her body could handle it. YFN cried out and her body jerked over the counter and then she moaned at the feeling.
“Yes!” This was exactly what she wanted. She’d missed the feeling of Lucy’s fingers. God, they filled her.
Lucy paused for a second, enjoying the desperate feel of YFN’s pussy clenching and unclenching around her fingers.
Then, she began a ruthless assault in and out, knowing it was exactly what she needed. YFN was so vocal, Lucy could barely hear the loud, wet noises of her fingers going in and out of her desperate girlfriend.
“Aaargh…argh yes! Yes! L…Luce! Thank you… argghh fuuuuuuck. Fuck me. Please don’t stop! Please, Luce!”
That encouraged Lucy to fuck her harder than she’d ever done before with her fingers as they slammed knuckle deep into her relentlessly, the pounding sound similar to the strap.
“Please don’t stop!” She cried desperately. “Please don’t stop! P…please! Argh! Lucy!”
Her body clenched tighter than it ever had done, Lucy barely able to move her fingers in and out. Every fibre in YFN’s body locked as she whimpered through that orgasm, Lucy fucking her through it.
Lucy found herself so turned on that she’d barely lasted thirty seconds under her. Oh, tonight was going to be great.
Lucy let her go and pulled her shorts back up.
“I did my job. Now you do yours.” YFN managed to get herself back upright and turn around to her girlfriend. Lucy took her jaw in one hand. “I want you naked and dripping by the time I get in there.”
Lucy had taken the edge off, but YFN was still in a mood, her eyes dark.
“Half done already.” She kissed Lucy’s surprised, horny face and ducked past her to the bedroom.
(To be continued…)
185 notes · View notes
i’m glad patri has said that there have been real changes in the rfef. i don’t think she’d be a person to sugarcoat the situation, so while i don’t think things are perfect in the federation, it is good to know that she feels there have been meaningful changes for the better
hi anon - so patri's interview with maria tikas dropped today, and there are some really interesting comments in it, about the changes and her relationship with markel zubizarreta. i don't know if i would go so far as to describe the changes as "meaningful" but certainly they were big enough to convince patri to return. remember, the bar was soooo low, so we are really talking about improving the basics!
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on how the return happened: "i have been talking to markel and gonzalo [rodríguez] during these months, it was what marked my return a little. you know that it has been two 'hard' years, especially the first one. i didn't want to go back, after all, if there wasn't a real change. food, rest, travel, more physios, nutrition, supplementation... everything that is needed for the day to day and to be twenty-four hours for football. and when people ask me what has changed, this is what i answer. if i take as a reference the euro of two years ago, which is the last time i was here, i see that there is a big change. the role of markel and gonzalo has been key to having all this and feeling ready to come back."
on relationship with markel: "yes, and of course i wish him all the best...a turning point for me was the elections, which were finally held in may and then there was the copa de la reina and champions league. i said that i felt ready to come back after the finals, that i wanted to be one hundred percent. that's how it has been and they have respected it. they have understood me at all times and i appreciate it very much. and of course i wish markel the best. for me he has been a very important person, we have had a very good relationship and the decision he has made is because it is the best for him and his family."
on the changes she's noticed in the mentality of the team: "i think it's in the ambition. we are spain and we have barça that wins the champions league, teams that can play a good role in europe, which is the maximum competition where the best teams and players are. and it's the mentality we needed and want. having your feet on the ground but believing that we can win. in that i have noticed a great change, and after having won, although i have not been, the key is to do what we do at barça: not stay there, try to improve, maintain the ambition to continue winning. always grow because the rest are going to do it. i think we have taken three steps forward."
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samkerrworshipper · 11 months
Hi how have you been?💗 Would you maybe consider writing some angst for Alexia/Barcelona x reader where like maps and Ingrid start start to notice reader getting thinner and eating less but Alexia is so wrapped up in media and stuff that she doesn’t notice until reader faints at training. Then Mapi shouts at alexia and there’s some angst but it has a softer ending? ❤️
i remember everything.
alexia putellas x reader
warnings: eating disorders, pain n angst with a softer ending.
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“Ale we’re losing her.”
Alexia hated a lot of things, winter, bad drivers, the colour orange, the Spanish federation, France, patchy makeup and cherry flavoured candy. The thing at the very top of her list though, was people telling her what to do. Alexia was the best player in the world, she was a force to be reckoned with, she did not need people telling her what to do with her life or relationships.
“Maria, she’s my fucking fiance, I would know if something was wrong with her, this is none of your business.”
Alexia was typing furiously at her phone, something that she seemed to always be doing lately. If you were lucky enough to catch her time for a few minutes, chances were her attention would end up being caught by replying to some email or text from her agent and manager. It was never ending, and anybody who had been a part of Alexia’s life before and after her had seen just how much her life had changed in the past two years. In this instance, Mapi and Alexia were out for drinks, trying to catch up but it was proving to be impossible with most of Alexia’s attention on whatever it was she was replying to this time.
“This is what I’m talking about, you don’t have enough time to talk face to face with your best friend, how does that prove to me that you have enough time to look out for your girlfriend?”
Alexia’s eyes rose from her phone, her fingers pausing.
“Maps, I know my fiance, I’d know if she had a eating disorder, I’d know if she was struggling, I lie in bed with her every night, I wake up with her every morning, I train with her everyday, I know her.”
Mapi’s eyebrow rose up at her forehead, it was weird for Alexia to meet her gaze, something she hadn’t experienced in a long time.
“When was the last time she was sick? When was the last time she burnt something in your kitchen? When was the last time your dog ran away? You wouldn’t know because every time those things have happened in the last few months she’s called me, because you’ve been out of town. You're busy, we all understand it, not everybody can be La Reina, not everyone is you, but not everybody is your fiance. Her smile that normally lights up the room, it’s not there anymore, nothing about her is the same anymore, and I’ll be damned if she dies on your watch because you are being too insolent to acknowledge it.”
Mapi stood up from her seat at the bar, downing the rest of her dirty martini and giving Alexia a final parting frown.
“Go home to your fiance and actually look at her, eye to eye, lover to lover, and try and tell yourself that she is fine.”
Mapi exited the bar, disgruntled by her failed attempt at an intervention with Alexia, the slightly older woman simply didn’t want to listen to her and what was Mapi supposed to do about that? Alexia was stubborn and bullheaded, but she was like Mapi’s sister, she was Mapi’s blood, more than anybody else. Mapi had no idea where she’d be without Alexia, possibly dead in a ditch somewhere. Alexia had been the fristr person to haul her out of bed on a bad day, drag her out of clubs when she was so drunk she couldn’t see straight, Alexia was tough love, she forced Mapi to live until Mapi herself wanted to live. Mapi was more than grateful, but she also wasn’t going to let the love of Alexia’s life slowly kill herself because Alexia was too consumed with her own career to even realise.
The drive home for Alexia was slow and stressful in a way she’d never experienced. Alexia in her heart wanted to believe Mapi was wrong, because how could she be right? Alexia saw you everyday, she knew you better than anybody else, and she hadn’t noticed any of the things that Mapi had been talking about.
When Alexia does get home it’s to a silent house with no lights on, something thats fairly regular for her, considering the abnormal hours she normally egts home at. She leaves her keys and coat at the front door, reaches down to pet Nala who she must have woken up because the fluff ball has major bedhead. Alexia pours herself a glass of water from the tap before cautiously making her way into your bedroom. When she does finally make it to the door it’s hanging open, you sat on the bed, the lamp being the only source of lighting whilst you read from underneath it. You look so peaceful, so perfect, that Alexia considers leaving, sleeping on the couch. But she’s too angry, too consumed with her feelings, too emotional to take into account how much her actions affect you. She figures that in the last few months she’s probably drifted from you more than she's come close, which is probably concerning considering that the months leading up to a wedding you are supposed to be in premarital bliss.
“You didn’t have to wait up.”
Alexia’s voice is even, she moves into your shared wardrobe, pulling off her slacks and crop top and searching for a pair of her pyjamas.
“How was your day?”
You sound so hopeful, so curious. This is the only time of day msot weeks that you get to talk to Alexia and when it’s not too late you try your hardest to stay awake, hopeful tat maybe this time Alexia will return your eagerness.
Alexia finally finds her pyjama shirt and shorts and changes into them quickly before moving back inot the bedroom.
“O-kay, how are you, how was Mapi?”
There’s so much hope in your voice, something that Alexia hates. She lets her eyes roam your body quickly, discreetly, not in a way that would make you think she was trying to start anything. She doesn’t see anything different. She doesn’t notice the fact that you no longer wear short sleeves or cropped shirts anymore. She doesn’t notice that your ribs now jut out from your skin, instead of being covered by a healthy amount of skin and fat, how could she? She doesn’t notice the patches across your scalp that are now missing hair, she doesn’t know that you no longer get your period, she doesn’t notice that your nails are now brittle and crusty, something that you’ve come to hate about yourself, just another dot point on the list of things that you detest about your body.
Alexia’s one word answer hurt your soul, more than Alexia ever had.
“If you don’t want to talk you can just say that.”
Alexia doesn’t slip under the covers like she’d planned to, instead her jaw clenches and hardens, a defence mechanism of hers that you’d never manage to crack.
“What are you talking about, we’re talking, I’m just tired.”
Your face falls at her snap, your eyes falling back to your book and marking your page before dropping it down on your bedside table, a little huff leaving your lips as your eyes drift upwards to meet Alexias.
“Alright, you must be absolutely exhausted every single time we talk then.”
It’s bold, especially considering that Alexia seems to be in a completely rotten mood, but you can’t find it in yourself to care, because this is all she does and your becoming sick of it.
“Oh my god, I don’t come home every night just for you to make it seem like I’m a shitty girlfriend.”
It’s so Alexia, so Alexia to always somehow make herself the victim, somehow make it you who is the one in the wrong.
“Are you joking? You didn’t agree to come home to our house?”
Alexia moves herself further away from the bed, to the very edge, her eyes and jaw just as stubborn as each other.
“What do you want me to say? I’m tired, I want to sleep, not listen to you whine about whatever your fucking whining about, I’ve been in interviews all day and all I wanted to do was come home and sleep.”
Alexia was always in interviews, always doing something that was your fault, it wasn’t your responsibility to sort out her calendar, or to make her less of a good football player, it just happened to be the way the cookie crumbled.
“Okay, I’m sorry, I just had a really fucking bad qweek and I wanted to talk to you about it, because your supposed to be the fucking person I can talk to, but it’s fine, we can talk tomorrow, or next week, or next year, whenever your not tired.”
Alexia exhales, Mapi’s voice plays through her head, this is her in, this is her opportunity to not be such a fucking jackass.
“No, tell me about it.”
Anything you wanted to say, you swallow, it’s a hard job, but your suddenly so scared of Alexia, so scared that she’ll see you the same way you do, she’s never around to reassure you that you’re enough for her, and you honestly don’t feel like you are anymore.
“It’s fine, honestly sleep.”
You peel back the covers beside you, but Alexia stays still on the other end of the bed, just looking at you.
“You obviously want me to ask about it or you never would have brought it up.”
Alexia knows that it’s a dickhead move, but she’s at her wits end, she’s tired and your beginning to piss her off.
“Why do you make it seem like talking to me is a chore?”
Alexia has a schedule, and she figures sometimes talking with you is a chore, because Alexia doesn’t have time, some days talking to you is just another box for her to tick.
“How many times do I have to say that I’m fucking tired before you udnerstand?”
Alexia’s tone is so harsh, so angry, a tone she long ago promised herself she’d never use with you, ever. But right now every single rule she has for herself is being broken and when tears spring to the corners of your eyes she can’t help but feel guilty.
“If you’re so tired, go to sleep, I’ve told you that already, you’re starting an argument for no reason.”
Alexia cocks her head, trying to absorb what you’ve just said to her.
“Yeah, okay, whatever, I don’t want you fucking talking to me for the rest of the night though.”
Alexia never used to swear around you, or at you, but the part of her that was once so sweet and gentle with you is now gone, long forgotten under the facade that has become La Reina.
“Okay, I love you.”
It’s Alexia’s last chance, her last opportunity for redemption. You give her a few seconds, and when you get nothing in return your heart shatters.
“Please say it back Ale.”
Alexia’s face is emotionless, absolutely devoid of anything that made Alexia, Alexia. It reminds you as to why you are so scared to let people in, because of the damage they can do and the damage they can find. Alexia no longer seems concerned about any of those things, only concerned about herself.
She slips under the covers beside you, but her body and face is stock still, so stubborn, so hurt, so fucked up. It’s the final straw for you.
You pull the sheets away from your body, wrenching yourself up and out of the covers, tears streaming down your face as you rush into your wardrobe, pulling out whatever clothes are within arms reach and stuffing them into a bag.
When you emerge Alexia is looking equal parts concerned and shocked.
“Where the fuck are you going?”
In the moment, all you want is to be loved, feel loved, and it’s clear Alexia isn’t prepared to do any of those things.
“You need rest, I don't think either of us are going to get it whilst the other is in the house, I’m going to stay with Mapi for a few nights. When your ready to love me I’ll be there.”
With that you leave the bedroom, pick up your keys and drive into the darkness of the middle of the night, tears flowing freely down your face as the bleary night lights of Barcelona pass by.
It took every single bit of energy left in you to make it up the stairs of Mapi and Ingrid’s house, your knuckles pounding against their door until it swung open, to reveal Mapi and Ingrid, both looking like they’d just crawled out of bed and equally as shocked as each other.
It was then that you broke down, fat, big tears streaming down your face and sobs falling easily from your lips.
“I love her.”
There’s a silence so loud between the three of us as Mapi pulls you into a hug, Ingrid closing the door behind you and the two of them helping you into their house, pulling you into their bed and bringing you into a big hug. All you can do is focus on your breathing, in out, in out. Your hands tears at the broken skin and nails, you can’t manage to meet either of the womens eyes as you cry in their arms, they don’t seem to mind, they only tighten their grip on you.
“It’s okay hermosa, we’ve got you, we won't let go.”
You can’t do much more than cry, you're grieving your life, grieving your lover, grieving everything that you’d just lost in a matter of minutes. Your hearts torn to shreds, undecided about whether or not to let Alexia hold onto a breaking thread and risk the plummet. She’s given you absolutely nothing, no hope, no faith, no love and yet there she goes. She’s let you go. You're only feeling some of it, you know that there is going to be a day, not far away, where you're going to have to see her at training, laughing and smiling with your teammates, people who she’s loving through everything. You're losing her. You lost a version of her that was once so caring, who gave the warmest hugs. You’ve lost your 2 am conversations and your forever and always. You lost the person you’d promised you’d stay around till the very end with, if she hadn’t pushed you away, if she hadn't just loved you none of it would have happened. Alexia Putellas Segura was never yours to have though it seemed, she was for everyone else, the fans, the club, the country. Alexia Putellas was a thought, not a person.
There was a reason why you didn’t eat anymore, you’d become obsessed with trying to be perfect for Alexia, she hung out with models and super stars on the weekends, and yet you were just you. You were so unworthy of her love and attention that you couldn’t really blame her for falling out of love with you.
“She doesn’t love me, she never has.”
Maria hates it when those words leave your mouth, because it couldn’t be further from the truth, Alexia is just shit at showing you it. She knows that her bestfriend loves you more than anybody else in the world, that she would give up everything to be there for you, she just hasn’t noticed that you’ve needed that.
You sniffle into Ingrid’s chest, your fingers tapping against her thigh and your legs shaking from underneath you. You’ve never felt heartbroken before, Alexia has been your day one, and now it feels like you're just done, like everything the two of you have ever worked for together is just completely done.
“She loves you more than you know hermana, but she doesn’t deserve you if she’s going to continue to hurt you.”
Now that Mapi has you in her arms, she can feel just how much smaller you are, how much you’ve shrunken and how emaciated you are. She internally curses Alexia and her stubbornness, the world is so loud that Alexia Putellas has become deaf to your needs, to your happiness. Sometimes her best friend is one of the most impressive people she’s ever met and sometimes she’s just stupid, stupid for letting the love of her life feel so worthless and stupid for letting you walk out the door, something that could be the stupidest decision of her life.
You're positively exhausted, and it doesn’t take much of Ingrid’s back rubs and comforting Norwegian words that you don’t understand for you to be lulled into a painful sleep.
As soon as the two are certain your asleep the move you into the middle of the bed, Mapi looking over the top of you concernedly at Ingrid.
“She needs helps.”
Ingrid can’t find any part of her brain that disagrees with her other half.
“She needs Alexia to take her foot out of her ass and be present.”
Mapi nods her head, her eyes falling to your own face, even in your sleep you lok disturbed, your eyebrows knitted across your skin and a deep frown on your lips.
“Si, well if Alexia won’t then we have to, she needs to know she’s loved. She’s lost so much weight elksling, she hasn’t been eating or looking after herself.”
Ingrid nods, equally worried as her girlfriend about the health of their bestfriend.
“Get some sleep, we’ll figure it out in the morning.
When the two women wake to find you missing from their bed, it takes a search of their apartment to find you deep asleep in their spare room, neither of them question it. They make you breakfast, you don’t eat it, insisting that you're feeling nauseous. When they try to talk about Alexia you shut them down, you’ve created a mental fortress, one that Alexia and your health and emotions aren’t apart of. They invite you to stay with them for the foreseeable future, and you can’t find any reason to say no.
The following days leading up to the first pre-season training are all the same, you hardly sleep every night, sitting up late out on their porch and waking up at the crack of dawn. Mapi knows that your health is teetering dangerously, you hardly eat, you only leave the house to workout, you are a skeleton of a human being. Mapi doesn’t know what to do, you don’t care about anything anymore, or maybe you care so much that it’s all being numbed out.
It’s the first training session when everything turns to shit. She’d found you balling your eyes out in a change room cubicle beforehand, as soon as you’d spotted Mapi you’d pulled yourself together, terrified of being vulnerable in front of her. It only got worse though when you stepped out of the tunnel and onto the field, to be faced with Alexia, standing casually on the field, chatting with a few of your teammates. Your heart plummeted at the sight of her, the woman that you’d made so tired, so unhappy, laughing and messing about with your teammates. You pushed Mapi away when she tried to comfort you, walking straight to the sideline of the pitch to start your warm up. You made it through half of it, your body hurt though, in a way that it never had before. You only made it through one of your sprints before you were face planting into the turf, your whole body completely done. Your bones sunk into the grass, your body just giving up.
It was Mapi who made it to you first, flipping you over, her eyes searching your unconscious face. She knew this was going to happen, knew it was only so long before your body stopped letting you overwork it.
Mapi screamed at the top of her lungs, desperate to draw anyone's attention, specifically your fiance, or ex fiance. Everyone turned to face the two of you, Mapi knelt down on the turf, rocking your body back and forth as she tried her very hardest to awaken you, a task that was proving to be unsuccessful. The whole team rushed forward, Alexia at the front of the pack, collapsing beside Mapi on the ruf, taking your head in her hands and shaking it furiously.
“Someone get a medic, y/n, come on, wake up for me, get up.”
There was more emotion in Alexia’s voice than Mapi had heard in months. Mapi hated that it took you passing out for Alexia to care, and suddenly her protective older sister instinct kicked in, pushing Alexia away from you, taking her hands and distaching them from your unconscious body.
“Get the fuck away from her? She has to be unconscious for you to give a fuck? This is your fault, you let it get this bad, if you actually loved her you would have realised ages ago, but you don’t do you? You don’t love her like she deserves, you only love her when it’s convenient for you?”
The words bring tears to Alexia’s eyes, Mapi’s words awaken something in her, a realisation that she’s right, Alexia has given a blind eye to you and now you were seriously hurt because of it. She scrambled away from your body, suddenly overly aware of just how much she’d hurt you. She pushed herself out from the group, running away from all of them, running away from you, running away from her problems, running away from her life that she’d fucked up so badly.
One of the girls had called 112, clawing Mapi away from your unresponsive body as the medics tended to you, plastering a oxygen mask on your face that was far too big, sitting wrongly on your bony face. They loaded you up onto a stretcher, your cold body attached to more cords than you had extremities.
Mapi managed to fit herself into the ambulance with you, clutching your hand the whole drive to the hospital, praying to herself to let you be okay, to let everything work itself out.
When you woke up it was painful. Your eyes blinked furiously as they tried to focus on anything besides the infuriating white light that was clouding your vision. It took a few seconds for your senses to kick in, but once they did it only hurt more. The sound of constant beeping, movement and noise pollution crowding you ears. It was then that you spotted Mapi and Ingrid at your bedside, your eyes darting furiously between the two as the blood rushed to your ears to protect you from the overstimulating noise that was crowding your brain.
Mapi stood up, her hand intertwining with yours. She was trying to speak to you, but you couldn’t hear anything, your ears making you practically deaf. Mapi held your hand and it seemed to be enough, enough to tell you that everything was okay, or as okay as it could be. Slowly your anxiety slipped out from under you, and your hearing came back, allowing you to focus on what Mapi was saying to you.
“Hey sweetheart, it’s all okay, your okay, take some deep breaths for me.”
Your eyes darted to the IV’s and cords that were connected to you, the feeding tube that went through your nose and down your throat, the oxygen cannula that also rested on your nose, the countless IV’s that were connected to your arm, making it far harder to move your arm at all.
“What happened?”
Your words were choken, your throat dry from lack of liquids. Mapi solved this problem, reaching to your bedside and lifting a glass of water to your lips, you took tentative sips, the water soothing your dry throat.
“You passed at training, malnutrition and dehydration. The doctors think that you’ve been struggling with anorexia for a little while, that you haven’t been eating properly.”
Suddenly everything stopped for you, the words leaving Maria’s mouth making you gulp on nothingness. It felt like you were being choked, big imaginary hands wrapping around your throat, preventing you from saying anything in your defence. It felt like your organs were all eating each other up in your stomach, a uneven discomfort spreading across your torso.
“Nobody is judging you, you’ve been through a really tough time, what matters most now is getting you back to being healthy and happy. Barca is in full support of what you want to do, you have lots of options, inpatient, out patient, moving in with Ingrid and I fully.”
You didn’t want any of those things, you wanted Alexia and it hurt for you to admit that.
“I want Ale.”
Maria frowned at your words, she was still furious with Alexia.
“I don’t think that's a good idea, you deserve better then her hermosa.”
It hurt you to hear Mapi regard Alexia so lowly, when a few weeks ago Alexia had been her best friend in the entire world.
“I want to see Alexia, I know she’s here, let me see her.”
Ingrid stood up, walking out the door of your room and out into the waiting room, retrieving a particularly heart broken blonde from the room and dragging her into your room.
The way your face lit up when you saw Alexia made Mapi feel sick, she wasn’t going to let Alexia hurt you again like she had.
Alexia’s cheeks were tearstained, her eyes distant as they met yours. It hurt her in ways she could never explain, seeing you looking so lifeless in a hospital bed, you were conscious, but all life had been drained from your body, you truly looked like a skeleton.
“Mapi, give me and Alexia a minute will you?”
Mapi looked like she was about to argue, but Ingrid’s hand on her wrist, tugging her out of the room was enough of a distraction, the Norwegian woman closing the door behind the two of them.
“I’m so sorry, I was such a bad girlfriend-.”
You stopped Alexia grovelling by lifting your hand.
“You fucked up, you hurt me more than I’ve ever been hurt before. It fucking sucked Alexia, never seeing you and when I did see you, you were always on the phone or tired or not in the mood. I understand that you are very busy, and that you can’t control your schedule, I’m not having a go at you for that, you are allowed to be tired. I’m pissed off because I was struggling, really fucking struggling and all you gave a shit about was yourself, you don’t understand how stressful it is to explain what’s going on in your head when you don’t even understand it yourself. You are supposed to be my person, the person I can ask and tell anything and you didn’t want to be that and I detested you for that. I can’t do it anymore, I can’t spend everyday hating you, because this is what it does to me. I can’t live without you, but I also can’t live beside a version of you that doesn’t love me like I deserve. I want to try us, I want to try again, because if I stand even a chance at keeping myself alive and being happy whilst doing it, it’s going to be in your arms, but I need you to understand that, I need you to understand that you need to be here for me, regardless of what’s going on in your life. You know I’m proud of you, I’m your biggest supporter, so right now I need you to be that for me.”
Alexia nodded like a goldfish at you, more tears flowing freely down her face.
“How bad is it?”
You bit down on your lip, everything that made Alexia, La Reina was gone, all of her barrier broken down, so that the only person standing in front of you was your Ale, the Ale you loved so very much.
“It’s not good, I haven’t been looking after myself in a long while, Anorexia they say. They want me to go into outpatient or inpatient, or move in with Mapi. I don’t want to do any of those things, I just want to be with you, happy with you, with you there to look out for me, I just need you to commit to that for me.”
Alexia nodded quickly, her head shaking furiously as her blonde hair swished back and forth beside her head.
“Please, if you’ll have me. I’ll take time off, whatever you need, I’m here for it all, I’ll spend everyday for the rest of our lives making it up to you, I promise, please just let me love you.”
You patted down on the space beside you on the bed and Alexia hesitantly sat down on the space, hovering on the bed, making sure she wasn’t touching you, not wanting to make you feel uncomfortable. You were starved though, starved of everything that you’d been missing the last few weeks, you reached out for her, pulling her to sit beside you on the bed, your head coming to rest against her stiff form. It took a few seconds to get her to relax, but when she did she lifted her hands up to your thin hair, carding her fingers gentle through it, trying her hardest not to notice the amount of hair that was falling out as a result of your health problems.
“I love you Ale.”
Alexia was so focused on you, that she didn’t even really hear the words.
“Ale, say it back.”
Your stern tone seemed to awaken her, she pointed her head down to yours, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead and murmuring,
“I love you mi amor, more than you will ever know,”
It calmed your soul, a part of your heart that you didn’t know existed finally resting, enough to let you slowly drift off on Alexia’s chest, allowing you to sleep better than you had in months. Alexia found herself following you, the sight of you finally relaxed making her so much more content.
That was how Mapi and Ingrid found the two of you, sound asleep on your hospital bed. Mapi was a little bit annoyed at how easily you’d forgiven Alexia, but she couldn’t find it to be mad at the Catalan for very long, approving of how happy you looked at rest in her arms.
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