#la fille de la lumiere rose
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yoan-le-grall · 1 year ago
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parfumhikayeleri · 4 years ago
Romantik bir gül: L’homme a la Rose
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Gül hiç bu kadar çekici ve romantik olmamıştı.
Gül muhtemelen ön yargıya en çok maruz notalardan biri. Kimi fazla sabunsu buluyor, kimi de feminen buluyor. Ayrıca birçok kültürde önemli bir yere sahip bu güzel çiçeği fazla geleneksel buluyoruz. Açıkçası benim gül ile şimdiye kadar hiçbir problemim olmadı. Hatta parfüm geçmişimde birçok gül parfümünü bayılarak kullandığımı söyleyebilirim. Lumiere Noire (Homme ve Femme), Incense Rose, Portrait of a Lady, Une Rose, La Fille de Berlin, Lyric (Femme) gibi birçok parfümü severek kullandım ve kullanmaya devam ediyorum. Birçok parfüm sever hayranlık derecesinde gül merkezli parfümlere ilgi duysa da, bu çiçeği genel tüketiciye sevdirebilmek cidden zor. Erkek parfüm kullanıcıları gül merkezli parfümleri fazla feminen buluyor, kadın parfüm kullanıcıları ise çoğunu sabunsu ya da eski kafa olmak suçluyor. Onu kabul edilebilir olması modern ve yenilikçi bir yaklaşımla tasarlanmış olmayı gerektiriyor.
Francis Kurkdjian tüketiciyi iyi tanıyan ve onların ne istediğini bilen bir parfümör. Başarılı parfüm güzel kokmalı düşüncesiyle yola çıktığı ve tasarladığı parfümler kesinlikle bahsettiği cümlenin altını dolduruyor. Mesela 2014 yılında tasarladığı A La Rose 'un başarısı O'nun için sürpriz oluyor.  A La Rose beklenmedik bir başarı elde ederek markanın en çok satan parfümlerinden biri konumuna yükseliyor. Peki, neden bu kadar başarılı? Öncelikle parfüm güzel kokuyor ve bilinen bütün gül parfüm kalıplarının dışına çıkıyor. Francis Kurkdjian son derece modern bir gül akoru tasarlıyor ve A La Rose koklayan herkesin çok sevdiği bir gül parfümü oluyor. A La Rose'un başarısından sonra erkek kullanıcılarını da sevindirmek isteyen Francis Kurkdjian gene modern bir gül ve amber akoruyla L'Homme A La Rose'u piyasaya çıkarıyor.  
L'Homme A La Rose tatlı meyvelerinden eşlik ettiği asidik bir greyfurt açılışı yapıyor. Açılışı çok başarılı bulduğumu söylemek isterim çünkü uzun süredir yüzümde tebessüme sebep olan böyle bir açılışa şahit olmamıştım. Mükemmel açılışla berber taze bir gül akoru greyfurt notasına eşlik ediyor ve parfüm oldukça havadar bir yapı kazanıyor. Gül notası parfümün başlangıcından sonuna kadar hissediliyor ve parfümün omurgasını oluşturuyor. Sadece açılış, kalp ve baz notalarla beraber güle eşlik eden notalar değişiyor. Son olarak parfüm amber, misk ve hafif odunsu notalarla tene veda ediyor. L'Homme A La Rose son derece romantik ve dengeli bir parfüm. Yeni görücüye çıkan bu güzellik bahar ve yaz aylarının vazgeçilmez parfümlerinden biri olacak.
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elayagaia · 2 years ago
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I created a 50 % discount in my etsy shop in most creations, others at 25 % and a few.,.without. Much Light! Happy Solstice Portal opening... it's the magical Yule week! The energies are feeling filled with light, love and victories.... I feel this Solstice is filled with Blessing for the Earth... Tonight the sunset was pink and violet and filled the skies with magic, it also filled the river with pink color, the river became pink... A pink River of love... 🌹❤️❄️ En français: J'ai cree aujourd'hui meme des soldes a 50% dans ma boutique etsy, pour la plupart des creations, d'autres a 25 %.... avec beaucoup de lumiere, c'est la semaine magique de Yule! Ce portail de Solstice s ouvre déjà et inondé la Terre d ondes enchantées et bienfaisantes... Ce soir le coucher de soleil rose et violet enflammait la rivière et elle est devenue rose... Une rivière rose... ❤️ www.etsy.com/shop/ElayaMagic #etsyfrance #solstice #yule #solsticeportal #christmassales #spiritualart #swanart #starart #pinkriver #riveroflove # https://www.instagram.com/p/CmXs_WjIZal/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lumiereswig · 7 years ago
what if someone confused the servants with the royals, cuz they dress better than adam and belle?
some Visiting Noble™ comes along by the palace for tea and crumpets. He’s a little confused because he forgot?? this existed?? for like ten years???? but he’s going to do his best and Pretend He Knows What’s Going On
the front door is opened by a rag-tag little guttersnipe with flyaway brown hair and machine-grease stains on her apron. “can i help you?”
he pushes right past her and proceeds along to the visiting salon. the little village wench wipes her hands across her rose-embroidered bodice, shrugs her shoulders, and clomps off in little brown boots to go do some more inventing.
the visiting salon is almost empty except for one man dressed in a tatty blue dressing gown. He’s flipping through a book and doesn’t notice the Very Important Visiting Noble™
the Very Important Visiting Noble™ barely notices him, either, because something large and gold and smiling just exploded out of an alcove to shake his hands and hug him and welcome him!! W E L COME him!!! to the palace
ah! thinks the Visiting Noble of Very Importantness™. found the master!
‘oh, i’ll go get it, don’t trouble yourself,’ says the small tatty blue man in the corner
the Noble of Important Varying Visitness™ waves off this tiny servant who must be the maître d’ and returns his attention to the fine gold-bedecked specimen standing before him. “Pardonez-moi de ne pas vous avoir visité plus tôt. J'ai été différé, ce qui signifie que j'ai été empêché de rencontrer votre chère femme.”
The royal prince beams with the sunshine of twenty royal courts. “You are too kind monsieur! It is rare for people to ask after ma chérie—truly strange, as she is the most beautiful woman in the kingdom!”
I did hear she was something of a beauty, thinks the Very Visiting Imported Noble™. And oh Christ! She is!
The Princess, who has feathers in her hair and dancing brown eyes, curtsies and welcomes him very sweetly. She inquires after his health.
Truly of aristocratic blood, thinks the Visiting Import of Noble Variety™ with approval. I’d heard she was from the countryside, but she has all the manners of a Parisian countess.
“Et avez-vous de la famille, Votre Altesse?” She pretends light confusion in answer to his question, but he rights the problem himself: “Ah! Je présume qu'il doit être ton père. Charmante!”
The man who has just entered has a soft, white halo of a wig, and the fine long hands of the noble blood, and a coat bedecked with fine white embroidery. Next to him, deep in discussion, there’s a scrappy older man with paint on his coat: the court jester, or something; possibly even the trash man, with the state of his clothing.
The Princess still seems a tad distressed, but he knows this is merely what the womanly fashions dictate at the moment. The Nobility of Varied Importance™ runs to shake the hands of this fine gentleman, and push off the odd paint man. “Quel plaisir de vous rencontrer et votre charmante fille. La vraie royauté ne peut pas cacher sa forme, non?”
“Ah! Monsieur! You mistake the Maestro for—” begins the golden prince, but everyone is momentarily diverted by the shabby blue-clad man bringing in the tea things.
“Anybody else want anything else?” asks this weird servant, so casually that Le Compte de Visite Très-Magnanime™ is thoroughly offended. But the Prince—showing true nobility—waves off this grave matter as if it comes from a friend, not a peasant.
“I could get you some chocolate hob-nobs,” suggests the servant. The Noblesse Oblige™ is shocked, absolutely shocked. He turns a vivid shade of red.
“Oh, I love chocolate hob-nobs!” says the golden Prince, lighting candelabras with his fingertips and setting them around the tea table.
“And while I’m at it, I’ll get you a couple other absolutely fabulous royals,” says the servant. “I’m sure Duke Chapeau is available. And if the jam-seller’s about—I mean, the Queen of Jamaica—should I get her as well?”
The Visiting Importance of No Verisimilitude™ sucks his teeth as this depraved specimen of the lower class shunts off to the hall, where he can be seen giggling with the gadabout scullery maid from earlier. Her hair has come quite undone, and her skirt is hitched up to show her bloomers. Disgraceful.
“Aren’t we ever going to tell him?” hisses Belle.
“Why not? Lumiere gets to entertain him for an hour, and we get the whole afternoon to scrub about in that blackberry bush I told you about.” Adam grins down at her. “Motion to get blackberry stains all over our faces?”
“Carried and seconded, Your Royal Majesty.” She curtsies, and trips, and grabs his hands.
The royalty scamper out the back door, and Lumiere toasts his guest with fire and wine.
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Voyage sexiste inter-générationnel à travers des cartes de voeux
Coucou tout le monde ! Me revoici pour un n-ième article traitant de marketing genré. J'avoue que je ne pensais plus vous en reparler, parce que j'avais l'impression d'avoir fait le tour du sujet. En effet bien que l'ampleur du marketing genré soit très vaste que ce soit en terme de quantité, de diversité des produits et de stupidité, c'est quand même plus ou moins toujours la même chose. Toutefois, en allant chercher des cartes de vœux pour le mariage d'amis à moi (petit aparté à ce sujet : les fabricants de cartes n'ont apparemment toujours pas appris l'existence de la loi sur le mariage pour tous, pas moyen de trouver des cartes avec deux hommes ou deux femmes. Je me doute que la demande n'est pas la même que pour les mariages hétéro mais un ou deux modèles, ça serait sympa), bref je reprends où j'en étais, j'étais au rayon des cartes de vœux du Gibert Joseph de Marseille et je suis tombée sur des cartes d'anniversaire genrées et contrairement à mes prévisions initiales je vais donc vous en faire une petite analyse aujourd'hui parce qu'à mes yeux ça représente parfaitement la façon dont la société élargit l'univers des garçons en les tournant vers l'extérieur et restreint celui des filles en les tournant vers l'intérieur et en particulier leur apparence.
Je précise que Gibert a placé les cartes deux par deux telles que je vous les ai prises en photo , les unes dans la colonne hommes et les autres dans la colonne femmes, je suis pas sûre que ce soit la même édition pour chaque exemple, mais en tout cas quelqu'un a trouvé ce choix pourtant si stéréotypé pertinent.
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Mise à part l'habituelle et toujours aussi irrationnelle dichotomie rose-bleu entre petites filles et petits garçons, les cartes sont les mêmes. Il semblerait que l'âge de nouveau-né soit le seul où le sexisme n'existe pas, où les petits garçons ont le même bonheur que les filles à être entourés de petites fleurs et de papillons avec un esprit pas encore formaté. Puis le conditionnement patriarcal se ramène, les petits garçons gagnent des « couilles » et ne s'intéressent plus à un truc aussi futile qu'une fleur.
Bon, OK, j'extrapole un peu la carte, j'avoue mais reconnaissez qu'il y a du vrai dans ce que je dis… On ne naît pas sexiste, on le devient.
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Dans ce nouveau duo, on voit que pendant que les filles se baladent gracieusement parmi les papillons dans un univers tout rose, vêtues de rose, les garçons eux ont découvert l'existence des autres couleurs et ont exploré l'univers de Games of Thrones, Westworld, Pirates des Caraïbes et Gravity.
A noter que je suis pas sure que ça soit la même édition, j'avais pas pensé à vérifier sur le coup, en tout cas j'ai cherché la version féminine de la carte « garçon » et je ne l’ai pas trouvée.
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1ere constatation : Les papillons chez les filles n'ont toujours pas disparu….
2ème constation : On peut voir que chez les garçons…Oh, et puis je suis vraiment obligée de faire une analyse détaillée, là ? Sérieusement quoi…
L'âge adulte
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Bon à part ça, je vais vous dire à quoi j'ai pensé quand j'ai vu ces deux cartes côte-à-côte.
J'ai d'abord pensé à ma maman qui posséde un permis pour piloter des navires comme celui que vous voyez sur la carte postale pour homme.
J'ai ensuite pensé au 99,8% des femmes de cette planète qui sans posséder un permis trois-mâts seraient sans doute beaucoup plus inspirées par la carte qui donne envie de s'évader sur les mers du globe que par les mièvreries roses habituelles.
Et puis, je me suis faite la réflexion que si la carte « garçon » adulte a bien évolué depuis la carte nouveau-né, sur la carte femme il y a exactement les mêmes éléments et dans la même couleur que sur son équivalent infantile, la poussette en moins…Voilà, voilà…
Ce parcours à travers les âges est à présent terminé. On a donc constaté que les garçons ont découvert l'espace, le far-west, Westeros, les Caraïbes grâce à leur dernière super-console de jeu dernière génération, ont exploré le monde en voguant sur un voilier magnifique, ont regardé la télé, écouté de la musique, bref ont fait plein de trucs trop cool. Pendant ce temps les femmes se sont baladées dans un champ de fleurs et de papillons, toutes habillées en rose et maquillées.
C'est assez fou. Je sais pas si les personnes qui conceptualisent ces cartes se creusent la tête tout les jours sans succès pour savoir quels pourraient être les centres d'intérêt d'une femme, et comme ils y arrivent pas retombent tout le temps sur les mêmes inepties. Ou s'ils (et je dis ils et pas iels parce que si c'est des femmes qui ont pondu ça franchement voilà quoi..) ont la flemme de chercher à faire une carte sympa et originale pour ces nunuches et se contentent de dispatcher les trois éléments féminins indispensables à leurs yeux, à savoir FLEUR-ROSE-PAPILLON DE LUMIERE de manière aléatoire sur un rectangle A5.
Bon c'est pas grave, j'en dirais pas plus je m'en fous de ces cartes de vœux en vrai. Bon je m'en fous pas, je me fous de ces cartes en particulier c'est qu'une goutte dans l'océan du marketing genré je vais pas m'insurger contre ça plus que contre tout les autres trucs genrés sur lesquels j'ai la flemme d'écrire des articles. Mais ces cartes sont métaphoriques d'une certaine dichotomie qui s'exprime de plein de façons différentes mais qui dans le fond est la même.
Les femmes sont préoccupées par leur apparence (intérieur)/les hommes par le monde qui les entoure (extérieur)
Les femmes s'occupent de la maison (intérieur)/ Les hommes travaillent (extérieur)
Les femmes sont timident, angoissées, ont la parole coupée, se laissent parler de manière infantilisante (intérieur)/ Les hommes sont le centre de l'attention, font plein de blagues, se laissent pas faire, coupent la parole (extérieur)
Etc etc…
Tout ça c'est des comportements conditionnés par les cartes de vœux, les jeux, les pubs….. dès le plus jeune âge et qui à force d'être induits finissent par être vrais et contre lesquels nous les féministes nous nous efforçons de lutter.
Pour finir sur une note plus positive, j'ai écrit cet article avec la télé en fond le mardi 22 août. France 2 diffusait la demi-finale de la Coupe du Monde de Rugby féminine (GROS big up à toutes les assos féministes qui se battent pour la visibilité des femmes dans le sport). TF1 diffusait Camping Paradis avec entre autres l'histoire d'un garçon qui essayait de faire tant bien que mal comprendre à son père que son truc c'était la couture et pas le foot… Donc oui, les choses évoluent dans le bon sens, mais des fois je trouve ça désespéremment long….
Liens connexes :
TOP 10 produits genrés version adultes 
TOP 10 produits genrés version enfants 
Mes dernières trouvailles de marketing genré 
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wellreadbeauty-blog · 7 years ago
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@aprinceinthetower plotted for a Victorian romance !
Belle Devereux had never had the luxury of living a simple life. She was well loved, when she was small; her mother had doted on her, before she died of consumption, and her father had adored her until his grief consumed him a mere three years later. Alone in the world and heartbroken at the mere age of six, and with no other family to speak of, she’d been sent to a girl’s school in a small town, for the wretched and unfortunate orphans of France, and she lived out her life there for the following fifteen years. 
The school wasn’t a wonderful place, but it wasn’t dreadful, either; for one thing, Belle grew up with her nose constantly buried in books. Her teachers admired her for her quick wit and kind nature, and her classmates hated her for it in equal measure. They hated that she was bright, and intelligent, but most of all they hated that she was beautiful. Most of the girls abandoned to the school were thin, blemished, and of a generally imperfect nature, but Belle, from the time she was dropped on their doorstep at six years old, had always possessed an almost ethereal glow. She had warm eyes and rosy cheeks, a kind mouth and a delicate dusting of freckles. Her hair curled naturally - to the envy of every straight-haired girl that saw her - and she had a singing voice so pretty that it brought a tear to the superintendent's eye. Because Belle was so beautiful, and blessed with limitless other gifts, the other girls at the school sought to bring her down - because they were as ugly on the inside as Belle was enchanting on the outside. From her very first week at Villeneuve School for Ladies of the Less Fortunate, they’d taken to calling her cruel names; she was coined “odd”, “funny girl”, and “a most peculiar mademoiselle”, among others. Belle, innocent as she was, could never figure out why her classmates hated her so; she’d never been anything but kind to all of them.
But, possessing a wholly good soul and incredibly thick skin, the years of bullying and berating didn’t get to Belle. She only grew more beautiful as she aged, to the dismay of all who lived with her, and her intelligence expanded beyond the bounds of all of their minds put together. She poured through books with a vivacious thirst of knowledge and, by the time she was seventeen, she’d stepped up from the role of student to that of teacher, joining the staff of Villeneuve School and teaching its girl’s science, mathematics, Shakespeare, poetry, drawing, music, French and English. Not all of the teachers approved of her science and mathematics lessons; those were a boy’s faculty. They felt that her time would be better suited teaching sewing and needlepoint, but she left that to them. They could teach what they liked, and she only asked that she be awarded the same freedom.
Four years passed with Belle filling the post of head teacher and, while she wasn’t unhappy, she was not extremely happy, either. She’d known nothing of the world outside of Villeneuve School and its small, bordering towns; she yearned to see more of the world that she taught of in her geography lessons; to live the life of a romantic heroine, and do some good in the world outside of the school’s walls. Always a free spirit, she longed to break out of her confining routine and experience her life before it passed her by - and, while she loved her students, she knew that they couldn’t keep her content forever. She watched the girls come and go, but she always remained the same ever fixed mark. It was time to try something new. 
So, aware that she was unqualified to do anything else, Belle put an ad in the local newspaper, seeking out work as a governess; if she received any responses, she would be getting a significant pay raise to her current post and a much needed change in scenery. To her immense pleasure, she received a letter just over a week later:
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Assuming that Delaroy could only be the name of the estate she was to be employed at, and Tolbert its location, Belle had eagerly sought out the necessary proof of education and letters of recommendation from her superintendent and colleagues, and she was sent for by carriage to leave for her new post no more than a few weeks later. 
Arriving at Delaroy Hall, her meager luggage in tow, on December 3rd, Belle was greeted at the door by a servant girl in maid’s clothes, with fine dark hair, kind eyes and a thick French accent.
“Tres bien! You must be la gouvernante de la petite miss! Come in, come in, out of the cold. I will fetch Madame Potts.”
After shouting for a chap called “Lumiere” to come and fetch her trunk and coat, the maid scuttled off down the hall toward the first floor sitting room and, moments later, another woman followed her back out, smiling brightly.
“Miss Devereux! Oh, we’re so happy that you’re here; the little miss will be thrilled. She hasn’t stopped talking about you since we told her she was going to have a governess to teach how how to be a fine and proper lady. Come in, out of the entryway! Plumette is fetching us some tea. You must be cold and tired after such a long journey.”
“It wasn’t terribly long,” Belle countered reassuringly with a grateful smile, handing off her belongings to the footman the maid had called down, surprised by how warmly she was being received by who she could only assume was the lady of the household. Madame Potts was what the maid had called her, wasn’t it? 
“I’m just happy to finally be here. I’m eager to get started.”
Taking a seat by the fire when instructed, Belle appreciatively accepted a cup of hot tea when the maid - Plumette, was that her name? - brought it in. Turning her gaze back to Mrs. Potts, she asked, “Will I be meeting Miss Potts tonight?”
“Miss Potts-? Oh! Good gracious, no,” the woman laughed, shaking her head. “Miss Rose isn’t mine, although I love her like my own. I’ve only a son - Chip - and he’s off at school. No, no; Miss Rose is the master’s ward. Took her in when her mother died, he did; gave us all quite a shock.”
Laughing at the memory - a sound Belle found quite warm and comforting - Mrs. Potts took a seat by the fire, across from Belle. But this new piece of information gave her pause.
“The master - is this not your house?”
“Mine? No, not really. This all belongs to Master Adam; he inherited it after his father passed. I’m just his old housekeeper.”
Smiling as she sipped her tea, Mrs. Potts shook her head, and Belle blinked with surprise. In their correspondence, there had been no mention of a “Master Adam”; she had just assumed that Mrs. Potts was a wealthy widow, seeking to give her daughter a proper education. Not that this changed anything; it was just... something new to wrap her head around.
“And no,” Mrs. Potts added, “You won’t be meeting Miss Rose tonight. She’s been in bed for a while now, and I expect you’ll want a good night’s sleep, as well, before you’re introduced. She’s quite lively, that one. That’s why we were all so surprised when the master took her in; he’d always fancied parties more than children, much less excitable children. Or so we thought...”
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coiffuresb-blog · 8 years ago
8 Lumière Sublime Caramel Couleur De Cheveux
New Post has been published on http://coiffuresbouclees.com/8-lumiere-sublime-caramel-couleur-de-cheveux/
8 Lumière Sublime Caramel Couleur De Cheveux
Caramel couleur de cheveux est un de cheveux populaire de l’ombrage. C’est bien connu chaude rose nuance blonde qui ressemble raffiné et tout à fait en faveur de certaines de ses variétés. La plupart des blondes et rousses ont essayé et apprécié de ses avantages. Parmi les personnes célèbres de la plupart des grands caramel clair que les blondes sont Nicole Kidman, Amy Adams, Isla Fisher, Cynthia Nixon, Sienna Miller… ce sont de véritables lumière blonde couleur des cheveux, des symboles, et régulièrement, nous ne pouvons pas éviter la réplication de leur choquant prend un coup d’œil à n’importe quel taux de manière incomplète.
Quoi qu’il en soit, nous, les jeunes filles, n’ont pas envie apparaissant à être identiques pour un temps très long. C’est la raison pour laquelle nous essayons des choses différentes, avec des teintes de cheveux régulièrement.
En gros, c’est une blonde tonalité cependant avec un accueil chaleureux brillant rose teinte. Il arrive normalement une fois dans un certain temps et s’exécute en mélange avec juste la peau et les taches.
Qui Peut Essayer De La Lumière Caramel Couleur De Cheveux?
Toute personne qui l’aime, vous pouvez recommander. Vraiment, oui, mais il ne sera pas faire des compliments à tout le monde. Comme une question de première importance, nous devrions essayer de traiter avec les tons. la lumière caramel couleur de cheveux n’est pas le gingembre, brun-rouge ou le marron.
8 Lumière sublime Caramel Couleurs de Cheveux en 2017
Faut Essayer! Aujourd’hui, avec la maîtrise des couleurs de cheveux et qualifiés, des coloristes, nous pouvons accomplir pour toutes fins utiles, à chaque ombrage dont nous avons besoin. Nous avons regardé autour de 8 lumière sublime caramel couleur de cheveuxphotos pour 2017.
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a-mist-in-the-trees · 8 years ago
My Favorite Beauty and the Beast Things
Review: Beauty and the Beast (2017)
                       ·         Note: will update this once it comes out on DVD and I can add gifs.
·         To start off, I genuinely think this is the best Disney remake yet, it keeps the heart and best moments of the original while improving the story, developing the characters even more and making it its own with a few new moments.
·         It's always difficult adapting an originally animated feature into live-action, technicalities and such that are sometimes impossible since you can do literally anything in animation and it's rarely questioned. In addition, this is a fairy-tale, logic and reality isn't 100% there. So some random character tendencies are glossed over a bit. They really improved the overall story with filling in a few plot-holes, little details that wouldn't have made sense in a live-action version. They brought a good measurement of realism while still keeping the beloved enchantment of the original. Adam was given a little more a back story, as well as Belle, and brought alittle bit more weight of the impending curse by taking away everyone's humanity if all had failed.
·         The opening was very orchestrated and well-narrated in explaining some of the plot holes away, but I still prefer the stain glass, it was so beautiful with David's gentle voice narrating. Although, it was nice actually seeing it play out. <3
·         Audra McDonald is queen. Right next to Julie Andrews.
·         The enchantress just barging in cause it's odd that a prince would answer his own door. A+ to Stephen Chbosky & Evan Spiliotopoulos.
·         I loved how even in the beginning of the film, we don't see Adam's real face until the end with Belle, with all that rococo make up and such. Just beautiful details.
·         The script was very well written, with its foreshadowing and subtleties especially.
·         I didn't know about anyone besides a few cast members (Emma, Josh and Luke) so it was ever a surprise when I saw Stanley and Audra at the beginning and Ewan and Ian at the end. :)
·         "....athletically inclined."
·         I understand the criticism with Emma's voice being "auto tuned." I personally wouldn't say auto tuned, maybe a little too unnaturally polished but I would give her some slack. She's not a professional singer, it's just softer in comparison to Paige O'Hara's Broadway experience. I do think it was better than having another singer on top of her acting, although debatable as that is, I think that would've been less well-received than what she gave us.
         "Busy?" "...No."
·         "It is love we must hold onto / Never easy, but we try."
·         I like the addition that Belle is an inventor, it really adds a good sweetness and endearment to her and Maurice's relationship and it doesn't overshadow her character as a whole. She still mostly loves books.
·         The placement of belle and her father's house was a little odd though, just in the middle of the square like that, I'm sure Gaston wasn't the only one to step on her cabbages, accidentally of course.
·         "...his little wife. UGH!"
·         I loved the small addition of Maurice getting Belle a rose, that's a nice nod to the original version of the tale by Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont and it does come back around more logically when Belle takes Maurice's place in the dungeon.
·         Even the wolves felt more like their own characters, I really love the theory that they are the castle guards.
·         Oh my gosh, the castle was so ridiculously rococo, I couldn't stand it! <3
·         "Forget you? Everything I am is because of you."
·         Emma's Belle was very well-done. In her acting, she brought a bold confidence to Belle. She's a lot more assertive in her actions and of course, headstrong, in addition to Belle's kindness and bravery that we all know and love.
·         I was very surprised how Belle replacing her father in the dungeon scene was written, it was very different but I won't say better and I'll explain why. I liked how different they were, again partially separating itself from the original but still paying tribute to it. LA: Belle is more physical in her sacrifice, pushing Maurice out of the cell whereas A: Belle was more decisive and made a deal and gave her word that she wouldn't leave. That took a lot of courage and I'm not preferring one over the other because that's impossible, just acknowledging how different the two are even while they're the same character. I guess, I relate more to A: Belle's decision making where LA: Belle's quick-witted actions I look up to. Because of how that scene was orchestrated, it also bleeds into the differences of LA: Belle beating Lumiere with a stool and devising a plan to escape as soon as she got to her room and A: Belle making a deal and being given a tour by the beast on the way to her room as sad as she is. I feel like the original made more sense in that regard, but that's just me.
·         Love how Belle asks him to come into the light and he doesn't so she brings the light to him.
·         "Forever can spare a minute."
·         I loved that the feather duster was also an enchanted flying bird, that was a beautiful and elegantly magical surprise.
·         The effects of the magic mirror were a little too small which made it look weird to me.
·         I felt that Be Our Guest was a little too focused on Lumiere and explosive with him flipping and dabbing everywhere (yeah, I caught that), just not as colorful as the original, but I do understand with how much detail they put into the set and costume design that an exact replica might've been too expensive to animate, which fits since it's not meant to be a carbon copy of the original anyway. ·         As much as I would've loved to see Human Again in the live action version, Days in the Sun was incredible. Plus that would be a lot of enchanted objects to render.
·         "Days in the sun / Where my life had barely begun / Will I have leave you?"
         "How in the midst of all this sorrow / Can so much hope and love endure."
·         "I can feel a change in me. I'm stronger now, but still not free."
·         All the little subtleties really made this remake shine.
·         I was a little disappointed that the "Gaston trio" all looked the same and didn't have their different colored dresses but never mind... ;) and the girls do have their own individual patterns in you look close enough.
·         I was surprised that Gaston actually went with Maurice to see about the beast, he did start off as an okay guy...but then he ties him up...
·         "You need to help me. You need to stand."
·         "...Okay, I'm older."
·         The addition of the enchanted book was interesting, but aside from helping with belle's back-story more, felt a little unnecessary or just one too many magical items given by the enchantress. (She really wanted to torture the beast, didn't she?) But I do like that it was a nod to the Enchanted Christmas sequel where Belle gives Beast a book. :3 I still love the song Stories so much and the animation!!!
·         "These were the borders of my life / In this crumbling, dusty attic / Where an artist loved his wife / Easy to remember, harder to move on / Knowing the Paris of my childhood is gone."
·         "Let's go home." ...and then he just melts. :3
·         I never thought the addition of the back-story for Belle's mother and how Beast acts (his mother as well) would affect the tale so beautifully. It never crossed my mind how much of a deeper connection that would establish for the two of them until that scene with the book came on screen. Just beautiful writing, I can't say anymore without crying. (Trust me, I've cried enough over the perfection of this movie already.)
·         One of my favorite scenes: The Beast and Belle eating dinner and reading their books together at the table like they're already married. Just...happy sigh. :3
·         Chip is adorable, I liked that they gave him an older voice.
·         Josh Gad was brilliant as always.
·         Luke Evan's Gaston was well executed and just not in looks. (Points to Lucy Bevan for casting!) I liked that they gave him alittle more depth as well, with being in the war and a little more cruel than in the original, again bringing more realism and makes him more grounded as a true villain..or just a monster as Belle said.
·         They even made Lefou a more prominent character than just the villain's sidekick I love it so much! He had such a redemption arc and realized HE can do better than Gaston. ;-) 
·         "There's a beast running wild, there's no question / But I fear the wrong monster's released." I like this too much. Chills.
·         "We don't like what we don't understand / In fact, it scares us / And this monster is mysterious at least." Wow.
·         Belle and Adam's relationship was well fleshed out more. They have such adorable banter! It was brilliance. I loved how they related to each other through books. It creates a better basis for their relationship. Even though I also love how belle taught beast how to read, they're just two different types of relationships. Good relationships, but different. 
·         He just gives Belle an entire library because he doesn't like her taste in books! Like oh my gosh, Adam... you beast.....wait.
·         As much as I loved the library scene in the LA version, I can't get over how sweet the original is, just look at how happy the beast is because she's happy! :3
·         The emphasis on the Beast's very expense education and him being widely read does well in this version making him relate easier to belle and makes more sense in general I guess but I would argue for the sake of the original, which does have the 10 years stamp on it, that the Beast even said himself in Human Again that it's been so long since he's last read anything. If the last time he did read was when he was still human at 10-11 with how much of a despair and depression he fell into after being cursed, I would say it's understandable and it helps him and Belle form a connection with her patiently teaching him. How to read and fall in love.
·         "I never thanked you for saving my life." I love this line cause of how much it can have a double meaning.
·         "I saw her in the ballroom and said we should have a dance tonight, I'd never imagined she'd say yes!" HAHA! AWWW!!! :333333
·         I see nothing wrong with the dress, it was beautiful. It flowed very nicely and I loved in the scene, the animation of the golden flecks being added to the hem. That ear cuff was dope too.
·         As much as I love you Emma Thompson, I'm sorry but you don't hold a candle to Angela Lansbury. But you still did very nicely. :)
·         "Can anyone be happy if they aren't free?"
·         One thing that bothered me a bit was how it seemed they made Belle feel so bad whenever she tried to leave the castle, even towards the end with her father. Like, really? That never felt like an issue in the original.
·         All of Evermore. Thank you Alan Menken, and Dan Stevens.
·         "Waiting here, fore evermore..." and the long zoom out with the last shot being Belle riding away still in her dress and then sudden black and the ORCESTRA! :D So perfect.
·         “I set her free. I’m sorry I couldn’t do the same for all of you.”
·         I prefer Gaston using a knife instead of a gun when fighting Beast, the stab was more imitate. Also, three gun shots, geez!
·         The ending was a little off to me. I kept waiting for Belle is say I love you and then the last petal fell and everyone froze but the enchantress just waltz in and is like "I'll just fix everything now." Like, what?! I thought they were going to pull an evil frozon-hans card and just leave it there but whatever. I don't know...maybe I'm ruminate over it a little more but that's just how I feel about it at the moment.
·         [From: destielydia.tumblr.com: You know what I LOVE about the transformation scene? Adam waits for Belle to come to him. He just stays where he stands, he stays still because he doesn’t want to scare her. She is the one who takes the first step because he still gives her a chance to go away. That’s how much he respects and loves her. But you can see everything in his eyes - how much he wants to finally touch her gently with his real human hands, finally, and not to be worried about hurting Belle. His eyes have some true excitement in them and love and I’m crying I love Adam and Belle."]
I love this as well, it’s a wonderful parallel to the dance scene when Belle offers her hands to him and lets him come to her.
·         I think Emma did wonderfully originating her role as Belle. Paige O'Hara and Susan Egan gave their blessings so if you didn't like her, go enjoy the original animated feature.
·         Ewan, you stole my heart at Moulin Rouge! So you were golden..or is he brass?
·         "How would you feel about growing a beard?"
·         Oh my, that growl...I can just imagine how many dirty fanfiction is written based on that moment.
·         The addition of the new songs were wonderful. :)
·         The costume and set design was just magnificent and so beautifully detailed, I have no other words.
·         Also I'd like to point out how wonderful it is there are two interracial couples in this movie with at least three more movies featuring them coming out this year. Yay.
·         Why is no one talking about Belle's wedding dress at the end though?! It's so beautifully and simply white with all the freakin' roses on it!!?!!?!!?!
·         As for a note on the gay moment at the end, I am so happy that all I saw previewed for this before seeing it in theaters was the teaser trailer cause they blew it way out of proportion. I mean, it's pretty obvious that LeFou is gay right from the beginning, the Stanley moment was cute and funny and then the literal 3-second moment that brought them together was cute. That's all I have to say.
·         Personally, some of the minor continuity errors that people analyzed from the original, I didn't give a whole lot of attention to because it's simply a fairy tale. (how belle lifted the beast onto her house after being attacked, why the villagers didn't know they have a cursed prince, the Eiffel Tower, etc.) That's almost like saying, "oh, why is Tarzan riding a high wheeler in the jungle? That's so impractical!" It's just a form of imagery for the scene but I digress and in spite of that, the corrections really improved the characters and helped form a complete story.
·         I love how they brought Celine Dion back to sing an end credits song, it's so nice. :)
·         Even the end credits are stunning!
I just really hope they reconsider not keeping the songs in the Mulan remake. Even if, as Chris Weitz said [http://www.hypable.com/disney-cutting-songs/], it is easier to do animated musical Disney movies, the new Beauty and the Beast proved that you can do it and do it well. Which is more than I can say for the Cinderella remake they did in 2015. The casting was spot on but if you take away what made the original the classic that it is, it won't be received kindly.
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jansegers · 5 years ago
TP based word list for languages
[...] ali мир le monde жизнь la vie каждый, любой chaque полный plein пустой vide весь tout
anpa низ (чулок) le bas внизу (наречие) en bas внизу (предлог) au bas de спускаться descendre опускать baisser
ante различие la différence другой autre различный divers менять changer
awen остаться rester ждать attendre сохранять conserver постоянный constant постоянно constamment
ijo вещь un objet игрушка le jouet ручка le stylo телевизор la télé компьютер un ordinateur лампа la lampe телефон le téléphone холодильник le réfrigérateur (le frigo, le frigidaire) газовая плита la gazinière подушка un oreiller одеяло la couverture простыня le drap
ike плохой mauvais злой méchant больной malade сложный, трудный complique ломать casser испортить détériorer
ilo нож le couteau резать couper ножницы les ciseaux
insa живот le ventre центр le centre средний moyen
jaki грязный sale мерзкий abject грязь la saleté мусор des balayures ругать gronder
jan личный personnel люди les gens
jelo жёлтый jaune зелёный vert оранжевый orange коричневый brun
jo иметь avoir получать recevoir взять prendre
kala рыба le poisson
kalama шуметь faire du bruit звонить sonner играть (на музыкальном инструменте) jouer (du) звук le son шум le bruit голос la voix
kama подходить s’approcher de приходить venir случаться (прибывать, приезжать) arriver начинать commencer событие un événement начало le commencement
kasi растение la plante лист la feuille дерево un arbre куст un arbrisseau цветок la fleur трава une herbe расти grandir
ken мочь pouvoir разрешать permettre à (кому-либо) de (гл.) возможность la possibilité разрешение la permission способность (к ч.-либо) la capacité à (что-либо) возможно, что il est possible que
kepeken использовать user de посредством par (предлог)
kili фрукт le fruit овощи les légumes гриб le champignon ягода la baie
kin очень très
kiwen твёрдый dur камень la pierre металл le métal металлический de metal
ko земля la terre глина une argile клей la colle мягкий mou
kon воздух l'air ветер le vent душа une âme запах une odeur
kule цвет la couleur краска la peinture ��расить peindre
kute слушать écouter слышать entendre ухо une oreille
kulumu группа le groupe компания la compagnie общий commun
lape сон le sommeil сновидение le rêve отдых le repos отдыхать se reposer спать dormir
laso синий bleu голубой bleu ciel фиолетовый violet пурпурный pourpre
lawa голова la tête умный intelligent главный principal начальник le chef директор le directeur управлять diriger
len одежда les vêtements штаны le pantalon рубашка la chemise платье la robe юбка la jupe туфля la chaussure свитер le pull-over куртка la veste одеваться s’habiller раздеваться se déshabiller
lete холод le froid холодный froid охлаждать refroidir мёрзнуть avoir froid
lili маленький petit молодой jeune старый vieux немного un peu уменьшать diminuer
linja верёвка la corde нитка le fil волосы les cheveux улица la rue длинный long тонкий mince
lipu бумага le papier книга le livre журнал la revue
loje красный rouge розовый rose красивый beau
lon быть être правильный juste ошибка la faute
luka рука la main палец le doigt
lukin смотреть, наблюдать regarder видеть voir читать lire вид un aspect
lupa дыра le trou дверь la porte окно la fenêtre
ma страна le pays место le lieu площадь la place парк le parc
mama родители les parents бабушка la grand-mère внук le petit-fils внучка la petite-fille тётя la tante дядя un oncle
mani деньги un argent богатый riche
meli женский de femme
mije муж le mari мужской d’homme
moku еда le manger есть manger пить boire чай le thé пить чай prendre du thé кофе le café пить кофе prendre du café суп la soupe бутерброд le sandwich мясо la viande курица du poulet рыба du poisson макароны le macaroni картофель la pommes de terre ложка la cuiller вилка la fourchette тарелка une assiette кружка le mug кастрюля la casserole чайник la touilloire
moli смерть la mort умереть mourir убить tuer убийца le meurtrier мёртвый mort
monsi зад (задняя часть) un arrière попа le popotin спина le dos назад, обратно (наречие) en arrière позади (предлог) derrière
mun луна la lune месяц le mois
musi развлечение un amusement игра le jeu искусство un art смешной, забавный drole развлекаться s’amuser развлекать amuser смеяться rire улыбаться sourire
mute много beaucoup (de) несколько (��рилаг.) quelques увеличить agrandir
nasa глупый stupide сумасшедший fou пьяный ivre странный étrange
nasin дорога le chemin выбор une alternative способ, манера la manière
nena нос le nez гора la montagne кнопка le bouton
nimi слово le mot имя le nom
noka нога la jambe ступня le pied
oko глаз un œil
olin любовь un amour любить aimer
open открыть ouvrir включить allumer
pakala разрушить détruire разрушиться tomber en ruines сломаться se casser
pali работа le travail активный actif работать travailler
palisa палка le bâton ветка la branche
pana давать donner класть mettre освободить libérer покупать acheter продавать vender обменивать (на что-либо) échanger… contre…
pilin чувство le sens чувствовать sentir думать penser трогать toucher
pimeja чёрный noir серый gris тёмный sombre темнота une obscurité тень une ombre
pini конец la fin кончик le bout заканчивать finir выключать couper
pipi насекомое un insecte жук le scarabée бабочка le papillon
poka сторона le côté бок le flanc край le bord почти presque сосед le voisin соседний voisin
poki сумка le sac
pona хороший, добрый bon милый charmant простой simple
sama такой же pareil похожий ressemblant быть похожим на… être ressemblant à… равный égal
seli огонь le feu тепло, тёплый, горячий le chaud, chaud готовый prêt нагревать chauffer готовить préparer готовить еду cuisine
selo снаружи dehors кожа la peau форма la forme
seme qui кто que что quoi что (после предлога) quel который (прилаг.) lequel который (мест.) où где, куда quand когда comment как combien de сколько pourquoi почему à qui с кем à quoi с чем
sewi верх un haut вверх, вверху en haut официальный officiel крыша le toit потолок le plafond верхний supérieur
sike круг le cercle колесо la roue кольцо la bague шар la boule мяч le ballon круглый rond кружить tourner
sin новый nouveau ещё encore
sinpin грудь (муж.) le sein грудь (жен.) la mamelle лицо le visage стена le mur
sitelen картинка une image картина le tableau фильм le film писать écrire рисовать dessiner
sona знать, уметь savoir понимать comprandre учиться apprandre учить instruire
soweli животное un animal собака le chien кошка le chat заяц le lièvre мышь la souris утка le canard петух le coq курица la poule баран le mouton корова la vache свинья le cochon лошадь le cheval
suli большой grand высокий haut важный grave размер la dimension
suno солнце le soleil свет la lumiere светлый clair
supa стол la table стул la chaise шкаф une armoire кровать le lit диван le canapé
suwi конфета le bonbon сахар le sucre пирожное le gâteau сладкий sucré
tan из-за pour благодаря grâce à после àpres причина la cause
taso единственный, одинокий seul объединяться s’unir объединять réunir
tawa идти aller гулять se promener путешествовать voyager нести porter приносить apporter двигать mouvoir
telo вода une eau река le fleuve море la mer озеро la lac дождь la pluie лить verser мыть laver мыться se laver
tenpo год une année год un an неделя la semaine время le temps вчера hier сегодня aujourd’hoi завтра demain день le jour ночь la nuit зима un hiver весна le printemps лето un été осень un automne
toki язык la langue разговор la conversation говорить parler сказать (что-либо или о ком-либо, о чём-либо) dire рассказывать raconter рассказ (история) le récit переписываться correspondre болтать bavarder
tomo дом la maison комната la chambre кухня la chambre à coucher ванная la salle de bain ванна la baignoire раковина un évier туалет la toilette автомобиль la voiture магазин le magasin рынок le marché контора le bureau школа une école городской de ville домашний domestique
tu разделить diviser
unpa заниматься сексом faire l’amour трахать baiser
uta рот la bouche зубы la dent
utala соревнование la compétition поединок le duel война la guerre атака une attaque спор le débat ударить frapper (кого-либо) avec (чем-либо) атаковать attaquer
walo белый blanc
wan часть la partie
waso птица un oiseau голубь le pigeon ворона la corneille воробей le moineau синица la mésange
wawa сильный fort укреплять affermir
weka далёкий lointain близкий proche отсутствовать manquer выбросить (бросить) jeter убрать enlever убраться ranger освободиться se libérer
wile хотеть vouloir нуждаться avoir besoin de быть должным devoir необходимый nécessaire
возвращаться rentrer искать chercher спрашивать demander объяснять expliquer уверять, подтверждать assurer выигрывать, зарабатывать gagner [...]
#TokiPona #Russian #French #Losi #Kanse #nimi #lipu_nimi #kama_sona #LearningFrench #anno2015
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disneygeekcom · 5 years ago
Tokyo Disneyland Development New Details Unveiled for Tokyo Disneyland Expansion Opening on April 15, 2020
URAYASU, CHIBA — Oriental Land Co., Ltd. has announced new details for the expansions coming to Fantasyland, Toontown and Tomorrowland on April 15, 2020, as part of the largest expansion since Tokyo Disneyland® Park opened. The details include descriptions of attractions, theater entertainment, merchandise and menus that will allow guests to feel like they have entered a Disney film as they meet their favorite Disney Characters and listen to well-known music. This new experience will immerse guests in the world of Disney like never before.
The additions to Fantasyland will bring Disney’s Beauty and the Beast film to life through the Enchanted Tale of Beauty and the Beast attraction, shops and food facilities. Also in the new area will be Fantasyland Forest Theatre, an indoor theater featuring performances of the new show “Mickey’s Magical Music World.”
Tomorrowland will see the opening of The Happy Ride with Baymax attraction and a shop specializing in popcorn. Toontown will see the addition of a new Disney Character greeting facility called Minnie’s Style Studio.
New area themed to Disney’s Beauty and the Beast This area stretches from the village where Belle lives to the forest where the Beast’s castle is secluded. At the entrance to the village is the home of Belle’s father: Maurice’s Cottage (Disney FASTPASS® machines are located here). Inspired by the film, a fountain dedicated to Gaston can be found at the center of the village. La Taverne de Gaston restaurant and Village Shoppes, including one themed to the bookstore that Belle frequents, line the street. With music from the film playing, guests will feel as though they have stepped right into Belle’s world. Leaving the village behind, guests enter the forest where Beauty and the Beast Castle looms. Inside the castle, guests can experience Enchanted Tale of Beauty and the Beast attraction.
Exterior of Beauty and the Beast Castle
ATTRACTION Enchanted Tale of Beauty and the Beast Rising to a height of nearly 30 meters, Beauty and the Beast Castle houses the major attraction, Enchanted Tale of Beauty and the Beast. Guests board magical cups that “dance” in rhythm to the animated film’s well-known music as they take guests through scenes depicting the story of Belle and the Beast.
Guests step into the Beast’s castle located deep in the forest to experience the “enchanted tale.” In the first scene, the beautiful Belle encounters a prince who has been transformed into a beast by a powerful enchantress.
Aboard enchanted cups that move and turn as if they are alive, guests travel through various scenes to experience the world of the film. There’s the banquet where they “dance” together with the dishes and cutlery to Lumiere’s singing; the snow-covered garden where they glide over the ice as Belle and the Beast find themselves growing closer. The castle is filled with magical moments and surprises, so guests will discover something new each time they visit.
Will Belle and the Beast find love and thus break the spell before the last petal of the enchanted rose falls? Guests can look forward to the magical romance of Enchanted Tale of Beauty and the Beast.
Scene from the Enchanted Tale of Beauty and the Beast attraction
Overview of Enchanted Tale of Beauty and the Beast Attraction type: Ride-through Duration of ride: About 8 minutes The following services are available for this attraction:
Single Rider
Happy 15 Entry (a special privilege that allows guests staying at a Disney hotel to enter the Park 15 minutes before the regular Park opening time)
Interior of Village Shoppes
SHOPS Village Shoppes Inspired by the shops in Disney’s Beauty and the Beast and filled with ornamentation and other details created by the artisans of the little village where Belle lives, Village Shoppes consists of La Belle Librairie, Little Town Traders and Bonjour Gifts. This trio of shops provides a delightful, one-of-a-kind shopping experience.
La Belle Librairie is designed like the bookshop that Belle visits in the film. Guests may recognize many details from the film, including the rolling ladder to reach books on the high shelves and Belle’s favorite book. Little Town Traders is the shop where village craftspeople sell their wares. Guests will find hand-made toys, candlesticks and dishware decorating the shop.
Bonjour Gifts is themed as the shop of the village’s talented clothier and hatmaker. Guests will find dresses and the clothier’s tools in the shop.
#gallery-0-13 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-13 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-13 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-13 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
(Top left, 2 items) Glass Set 2,600 yen (Top center) Mug 1,500 yen (Bottom center, 3 items) Plate Set 2,900 yen (Right) Pouch 3,000 yen
(Top left) Stainless Mug 2,600 yen (Bottom left) Toothbrush Set 1,700 yen (Right) Cushion 2,300 yen
(Left) Hairband 2,100 yen (Right) Melody Light Rose 2,300 yen
SPECIAL MERCHANDISE The shops will offer around 100 different types of special merchandise that will enhance the ambience from the Beauty and the Beast film. Mugs and dishes with romantic designs featuring Beauty and the Beast Castle or Belle dancing with the Beast, as well as playful items like eyeglass stands and cushions with designs of the strong and handsome Gaston, will be available. Merchandise with motifs of the enchanted rose from the story will also be available, including the Melody Light Rose, a toy that emits light and sound.
Note: Special merchandise will be available at Grand Emporium starting from April 8, 2020 and at Village Shoppes from April 15, 2020. Merchandise content may change without notice and items will only be available while supplies last.
Interior of La Taverne de Gaston
FOOD FACILITIES Restaurant: La Taverne de Gaston
Seating around 200 guests, this counter service restaurant is styled after the tavern in Disney’s Beauty and the Beast.
The interior of the tavern proudly displays trophies celebrating Gaston’s many accomplishments. There’s even the large portrait of Gaston above the fireplace as seen in the film.
This restaurant serves hearty fare themed to Gaston. Guests can enjoy the ambience of the Disney film while enjoying a sausage in a croissant, a sweet-and-savory French toast sandwich with cheese, or a soft drink version of Gaston’s favorite brew.
Note: Sets include French Fries and Soft Drink.
LeFou’s Churro (Apple-Caramel) 400 yen each
Restaurant: LeFou’s
Opening next door to La Taverne de Gaston will be LeFou’s, a small snack shop named after Gaston’s sidekick. Served here will be apple-caramel churros, a new flavor for Tokyo Disneyland.
Popcorn Wagon: Le Petit Popper This little popcorn wagon in village where Belle lives serves up freshly popped corn. Note: Menu items are subject to change without notice and only available while supplies last.
Fantasyland Forest Theatre
ENTERTAINMENT VENUE Fantasyland Forest Theatre Deep in Fantasyland, in a fairytale setting, lies the immersive Fantasyland Forest Theatre. This is the first indoor theater at Tokyo Disneyland.
With half-timbers, tree forms and pillars, both the exterior and interior design of this theater were inspired by the forest. The chandeliers, which appear to use candles, are rustic as well. The theater is decorated with beautiful tapestries and murals which celebrate the forest and the woodland creatures from Disney animation. Presented here will be the musical “Mickey’s Magical Music World.”
Overview of Fantasyland Forest Theatre Theater type: Theater for live entertainment Capacity: About 1,500 persons
“Mickey’s Magical Music World” concept image
ENTERTAINMENT PROGRAM Mickey’s Magical Music World Venue: Fantasyland Forest Theatre Duration: About 25 minutes Performances: 5 to 9 times daily Disney Characters: Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy, Snow White, Pinocchio, Jiminy Cricket, Woody, Jessie, Lumiere, Belle, Alice, Mary Poppins, Baloo, King Louie, Timon, Cinderella, Jasmine, Rapunzel, Peter Pan, Captain Hook, Mr. Smee, and others
This original Tokyo Disneyland show features Mickey Mouse and his Pals in a spectacular performance of music and dance that makes full use of the theater’s large-scale stage sets and effects.
One day, Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck and Goofy find a giant music box deep in the forest. They turn the music box’s large golden key and doors suddenly open. Accompanied by the songs associated with them, various Disney Characters appear including Snow White, Pinocchio, Woody and his friends from the Disney and Pixar Toy Story film series, and more.
Mickey and his Pals are delighted with the surprising development and are excited to hear the next song. But when the last door opens, no one appears and no music is heard. Worried, Mickey and his Pals set off on a journey to find the missing song.
Along the way they encounter characters from many Disney films. Lumiere from Beauty and the Beast welcomes them with a colorful banquet. King Louie and others from The Jungle Book together with Timon from The Lion King put on a powerful jungle-style performance. In a lovely world of starry skies and mirrors, the Disney Princesses dance a graceful waltz. And then Ursula from The Little Mermaid and Captain Hook from Peter Pan appear in a thrilling scene. Will the journey of Mickey and his Pals lead them to the lost song?
Guests of all ages will enjoy this dynamic entertainment offering with many of their favorite Disney Characters, unforgettable music, and spectacular scenes featuring a blend of stage effects, image projections and live performances.
Plush Toy 5,100 yen each Plush Badge 2,300 yen each
SPECIAL MERCHANDISE Around 15 different types of plush toys and plush badges of Mickey Mouse and his Pals wearing costumes like the ones they wear in “Mickey’s Magical Music World” will be available.
Note: Special merchandise will be available at Grand Emporium starting from April 8, 2020 and at Village Shoppes from April 15, 2020. Merchandise content may change without notice and items will only be available while supplies last.
  The Happy Ride with Baymax
ATTRACTION The Happy Ride with Baymax Opening in Tomorrowland, The Happy Ride with Baymax is the world’s first rotating ride attraction themed to the Disney film Big Hero 6 (released in Japan as Baymax).
The brilliant young inventor Hiro Hamada learned from his robotic personal healthcare companion Baymax that the first step in making people healthy is to make them happy, so he and Baymax developed this wild, musical ride that is sure to make everyone happy.
As Hiro’s favorite up-tempo music plays, guests aboard vehicles pulled by Baymax’s nursebot friends can enjoy being whirled around in unexpected ways.
A device on the attraction’s ceiling “scans” the guests with lights to measure their happiness while on the ride. The levels of happiness are sure to be high as guests enjoy the surprises and unexpected twists of the ride.
Overview of The Happy Ride with Baymax Attraction type: Rotating ride Duration of ride: About 1.5 minutes The following service is available for this attraction:
Guests must be 81 cm or taller to ride.
Note: The Happy Ride with Baymax is presented by Daihatsu Motor Co., Ltd.
#gallery-0-14 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-14 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-14 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-14 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Exterior of The Big Pop
Interior of The Big Pop
Three popcorn flavors
Opening in Tomorrowland next door to The Happy Ride with Baymax is The Big Pop, a cosmic-themed shop specializing in popcorn. This is the first shop in Tokyo Disney Resort® dedicated to popcorn.
Appropriate for its location in Tomorrowland, the shop is themed to outer space. Hanging from the starry ceiling is a huge popcorn chandelier representing the “big bang” that created the universe. Large windows allow guests both inside and outside the shop to view the kitchen where the popcorn is being made and enjoy the aroma.
The Big Pop offers a variety of popcorn buckets that can be filled with a choice of three flavors of popcorn: Cookie & Cream, available for the first time at the Park, Caramel & Cheese and Strawberry Milk. The mushroom-type popcorn offered here is aromatic and hearty.
  MERCHANDISE FACILITY Stargazer Supplies This merchandise wagon, featuring a giant telescope, is themed to a gathering place for both astronomers and stargazers.
For the first time at Tokyo Disneyland, guests will be able to meet Minnie Mouse in her very own greeting facility when Minnie’s Style Studio opens in Toontown. As a world-renowned fashion designer, Minnie Mouse will greet guests while wearing her latest design, which will change each season.
Decked out with a big, polka-dot bow, Minnie’s Style Studio is where she designs, creates and photographs her new fashions. Guests enter the lobby where posters of magazine covers featuring Minnie are on display, visit her office where she draws her original designs, and then pass through the workroom where Minnie’s designs become outfits. Finally, guests will enter the photo studio where Minnie will greet them wearing her latest high-fashion design for the season.
Minnie’s costumes will come in four designs, one to match each season. When Minnie’s Style Studio opens she’ll greet guests in a hat and a dress with a floral design perfect for the spring season. Note: Toontown is presented by Kodansha Ltd.
Hairband 1,800 yen, Plush toy 5,100 yen, Plush badge 2,300 yen
SPECIAL MERCHANDISE In each of the four seasons of the year, special merchandise with motifs matching the costume Minnie wears at the studio will be available. In springtime, eight different types of merchandise, including hairbands and plush badges will be offered.
Note: Special merchandise will be available at Gag Factory/ Toontown Five and Dime starting from April 8, 2020. Merchandise content may change without notice and items will only be available while supplies last.
Tokyo Disney Resort
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Greeting Card 1,000 yen Tissue Holder 2,200 yen Keychain 1,300 yen each
Chocolate Crunch 2,600 yen
T-Shirt 100/120 cm 1,900 yen each 140 cm 2,300 yen S, M, L, LL 2,600 yen each 3L 2,900 yen
Cap 2,900 yen Neck Strap 1,600 yen Pass Case 1,700 yen
Guests will find nearly130 types of special merchandise in two different designs featuring the four new major attractions opening in Tokyo Disneyland.
One design, which shows Mickey Mouse’s excitement over the opening of the new attractions and other facilities, will be used on about 90 types of merchandise. Greeting cards with pop-out images of the four facilities, tissue holders, keychains, and Chocolate Crunch, a long-time favorite souvenir, and other items will feature this design. The other design will feature the distinctive logos of the new facilities. The stylish design will be used on about 40 types of merchandise including T-shirts, caps, neck straps and pass cases that can be used both inside and outside the Park.
Note: Special merchandise will be available at Grand Emporium starting from April 8, 2020. Merchandise content may change without notice and items will only be available while supplies last.
Paper gift bag for Tokyo Disneyland Hotel and Disney Ambassador Hotel
Tokyo Disneyland® Hotel, Disney Ambassador® Hotel and Tokyo Disney Celebration Hotel® will welcome guests with various programs starting from April 8, 2020 and continuing through March 19, 2021. The lobby and other areas of these three Disney hotels will feature decorations commemorating the opening of Tokyo Disneyland’s new attractions and facilities.
Guests staying at Tokyo Disneyland Hotel or Disney Ambassador Hotel will find complimentary postcards and paper gift bags with a limited-edition design in their rooms. Guests at Tokyo Disney Celebration Hotel will also receive a limited-edition design postcard.
In addition, restaurants in Tokyo Disneyland Hotel and Disney Ambassador Hotel will be serving special menus for a limited period only.
Note: The limited-edition design postcards and paper gift bags will be available in all Disney Ambassador Hotel guest rooms with the exception of the “KINGDOM HEARTS Special Room” and “KINDOM HEARTS Special Room – Remind.”
The period that the special menus will be offered and the content of the menus will be announced on the Tokyo Disney Resort Official Website.
Day Passes
DISNEY RESORT LINE At the four monorail stations of the Disney Resort Line, day pass tickets will be available in two different designs. One design is based on the Enchanted Tale of Beauty and the Beast attraction, while the other design shows Mickey Mouse and images of the four new facilities that will be opening. The day passes will be available starting from April 8, 2020.
TOKYO DISNEY RESORT VACATION PACKAGES This online service is offering a two-day plan commemorating the opening of the new facilities at Tokyo Disneyland. The plan includes accommodations at a hotel within Tokyo Disney Resort and FASTPASS® selections that do not have specified times. The plan also provides a ticket for front row seating to view “Mickey’s Magical Music World” as well as FASTPASS® without specified times to experience Enchanted Tale of Beauty and the Beast and The Happy Ride with Baymax. Guests using this plan will also be able to experience Minnie’s Style Studio with a minimal wait. For details, please see the Tokyo Disney Resort Online Reservations & Tickets website at https://reserve.tokyodisneyresort.jp/ (in Japanese only).
Earlier today #TokyoDisneyland shared more details of the #Fantasyland, #Tomorrowland & #Toontown Expansion opening April 15, 2020 Tokyo Disneyland Development New Details Unveiled for Tokyo Disneyland Expansion Opening on April 15, 2020 URAYASU, CHIBA — Oriental Land Co., Ltd.
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batexamin · 7 years ago
World Cities with Their famous Nicknames
100 Cities and Their Nicknames
  The table comprises the complete list of famous Cities of the world and their Nicknames. World Cities with Their famous Nicknames. Paris – The City of Love, The City of Light, La Ville-Lumiere Prague – The City of Hundred Spires, The Golden City, The Mother of Cities New York – The Big Apple Las Vegas – Sin City. Every city of the world has a nickname, here we are sharing famous nicknames of 100 cities.
    Paris – The City of Love, The City of Light, La Ville-Lumiere Prague – The City of Hundred Spires, The Golden City, The Mother of Cities New York – The Big Apple Las Vegas – Sin City Chicago – The Windy City Vancouver – The Big Smoke Montreal – La Belle Ville, Frenchtown, The City-Mountain Los Angeles – The City of Angels New Orleans – The Big Easy Philadelphia – City of Brotherly Love, Philly Amsterdam – Venice of the North Venice – La Serenissima, Bride of the Sea Vienna – The Imperial City London – The Square Mile, The Old Smoke, The Smoke Detroit – Motor City Miami – The Magic City, Little Cuba Memphis – Bluff City Petra – The Rose Red City Pittsburgh – Iron City Rome – The Eternal City, City of the Seven Hills Seattle – The Emerald City Bucharest – Little Paris Florence – The City of Lilies Barcelona – The City of Counts, The City of Gaudi Budapest – Pearl of the Danube Toronto – Queen City, Muddy York, The Big Toe Dublin – The Fair City Jerusalem – The Holy City Boston – The Hub San Francisco – Frisco Moscow – The Whitestone, The Forty Forties, Third Rome Edinburgh – Auld Reekie Geneva – The Peace Capital Rio de Janeiro – Marvelous City Salzburg – White City Mumbai – The City of Dreams Singapore – The Lion City Naples – City of the Sun Bologna – Red City; La Dotta, La Rossa, La Grassa (the educated, the red, the fat) Torino – City of Four Rivers Genova – The Superb Palermo – The Happy Milano – Fashion Capital of the World, The Drinkable City Cairo – Paris of the Nile Buenos Aires – Paris of the Americas, Queen of the Plata Ushuaia – The End of the World Melbourne – City by the Bay, Bleak City, Europe of Australia Sydney – The Harbour City Sao Paulo – Brazil’s Locomotive, Land of Drizzle, Sampa Dubrovnik – The Pearl of the Adriatic Helsinki – The White City of the North Bordeaux – City of Wine Nice – Angels City Berlin – The Grey City Jaipur – The Pink City Oslo – Tiger Town Warsaw – Default City, Big Village in the Middle of Nowhere St Petersburg – The Mind of Russia Madrid – El Foro, The Forum Athens – The City of Violet Crown Dallas – Big D Hong Kong – Pearl of the Orient Munich – World City with Heart Birmingham – The City of a Thousand Trades, Brum Lisbon – City With a Future The Hague – City of Peace and Justice Calcutta – City of Palaces, City of Love, City of Joy Beijing – The Forbidden City Adelaide – City of Churches Zagreb – Little Vienna Bruges – Venice of the North Marseille – Phocean City Tel Aviv – The City that Never Stops Bolzano – The Door to the Dolomites, The German One Sanremo – The City of Dreams Tivoli – City of Delights Vicenza – City of Gold Kuala Lumpur – Golden Triangle Cuernavaca – The City of Eternal Spring Tijuana – Television Capital of the World Rotterdam – Manhattan upon Meuse Lima – City of the Kings Manila – City by the Bay Porto – The Invincible City Cadiz – The Little Silver Cup Bilbao – El Bocho Zurich – Little Big City Kiev – The Mother of Rus’ Cities Honolulu – Sheltered Bay Macau – Oyster City Wroclaw – City of Hundred Bridges Beirut – Paris of the Middle East Udine – Capital of the Great War Ancona – Doric City Tehran – The City of 72 Nations Bangalore – The City of Gardens Leipzig – Bimbo Town Split – The Diocletian’s City Grenoble – Capital of the Alps    
Which city is known as White City?
-Which city is called 'White City' of Rajasthan? A. Bihar B. Jaipur C. Udaipur D. Jodhpur - SSC Tests - SSC Mock Papers.  
Which city is known as the Boston of India?
Ahmedabad is known as the Boston of east. It is one of the most beautiful cities in India. Ahmedabad also called as Amdavad is the largest city and former capital of the western Indian state of Gujarat. It is the administrative headquarters of the Ahmedabad district and the seat of the Gujarat High Court.  
What is San Francisco known as the city of?
San Francisco has several nicknames, including "The City by the Bay", "Golden Gate City", "Frisco", "SF", "San Fran", "Fog City", and as well as older ones like "The City that Knows How", "Baghdad by the Bay", "The Paris of the West", or simply "The City".  
Why is Jaisalmer called the Golden City?
"Jaisalmer" means "the Hill Fort of Jaisal". Jaisalmer is sometimes called the "Golden City of India" because the yellow sand and the yellow sandstone used in every architecture of the city gives a yellowish-golden tinge to the city and its surrounding area.  
Which city is known as white city of India?
Jaisalmer(Brown city) - Jaipur(Pink city) - Udaipur(White city).  
Which city is known as the green city?
Green City or Green Town may refer to: Gandhinagar, capital city of Gujarat state in India, known as "Green City Gandhinagar" Trivandrum, capital city of Kerala state in India, known as "Evergreen city of India"  
Why is coorg called the Scotland of India?
Coorg, also known as Kodagu. Coorg is an administrative district in Karnataka and is filled with emerald green landscapes and acres of plantation. It was the British Planter community who had affectionately coined the term 'The Scotland of India' for Coorg.  
What is the nickname of Seattle?
A nickname can say a lot about a community — where it has been and where it is going. There's a new Seattle emerging — one which is far distant from “Jet City” or “Queen City” or “Emerald City.”   
Why is Prague called the Golden City?
Prague is a well known city because of its Gothic style Cathedral of Saint Vitus, the Tyn Cathedral, also known as Church of our Lady, and all of the beautiful towers, spires, and churches. Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic.  
Why is it called Prague?
The Czech name Praha is derived from an old Slavic word, práh, which means "ford" or "rapid", referring to the city's origin at a crossing point of the Vltava river.  
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v ‘Father of the Nation’ of Different Countries
v Indian Cities and Their Nicknames
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junker-town · 8 years ago
Predicting where college basketball's top 5 uncommitted recruits will play
The spring recruiting period is heating up. This is our best guess for where the top unsigned recruits will end up.
Waiting until the spring to make your college choice is a privilege earned by elite basketball recruits. By virtue of being the most coveted players in their class, five-star prospects can wait out college basketball’s hectic offseason and survey the surviving landscape before tying themselves to a letter of intent.
The major moving parts in this sport are the head coaching carrousel and NBA draft. We’ve already seen multiple players flip their commitment after a coaching change, mostly notably with No. 1 overall recruit Michael Porter Jr.’s move from Washington to Missouri.
Early deflections to the draft might have an even bigger impact, especially at the blue bloods. A big man considering Kentucky wants to see if Bam Adebayo is returning to school first. A guard considering Arizona wants to know if Rawle Alkins and Kobi Simmons will still be around.
There are a handful elite recruits still on the board for next season. This is our best guess at where they will end up.
Trevon Duval, PG, IMG Academy
Brian Spurlock-USA TODAY Sports
Who is he? A 6’3, 190-pound point guard from New Castle, DE
Where's he ranked? No. 4 by ESPN, No. 5 by 247 Sports' national composite
Who is he considering? Duke, Arizona, Baylor, Seton Hall, Kansas
Duval is a strong, explosive lead guard who has drawn comparisons to prime Derrick Rose. How many point guards at any level can finish like this?
Duval’s physicality is what makes him special. He’s a train going to the basket and his combination of length (6’9 wingspan) and quickness should help him smother opposing college guards.
This is a player who has treated his high school career like a professional career since it began. Duval started at St. Benedict’s in New Jersey, transferred to API in Dallas and then moved to IMG Academy in Florida as a senior. He’s been playing the best competition in the country from an early age and projects as a high-level starter from day one at whatever school he chooses.
Duval doesn’t like to open up about the recruiting process, which makes a prediction very much a shot in the dark. Duke badly wants him after watching last year’s team struggle without a natural point guard on the roster. Arizona could use him to replace Kobi Simmons or as a bigger, faster alternative to Parker Jackson-Cartright. Kansas had great success with a two point guard look last season. Bill Self would love to make Duval his replacement for Wooden Award winner Frank Mason III.
A player as talented as Duval could also draw some interest from a professional team overseas, as Brandon Jennings, Emmanuel Mudiay and Terrance Ferguson once did. It’s all on the table for Duval at this point. Whatever team he chooses will be thrilled to have him.
Prediction: Arizona.
Sean Miller already reeled in one superstar recruit in center DeAndre Ayton. If he gets Duval too, the Wildcats might be the No. 1 team in the country in the preseason polls.
Kobi Simmons has already said he’ll sign with an agent and stay in the draft. Allonzo Trier and Rawle Alkins are still undecided on returning to school. Either way, Arizona will have minutes and shots to fill in the backcourt next year. Duval can take them over the top.
Duke is also a major possibility here. The Blue Devils already have Frank Jackson entrenched in the backcourt. Grayson Allen’s decision to turn pro or return to school could play a big factor in what Duval decides to do.
Mohamed Bamba, C, Westtown School
Brian Spurlock-USA TODAY Sports
Who is he? A 7-foot, 215-pound big man from Harlem, New York
Where's he ranked? No. 5 by ESPN, No. 3 by 247 Sports' national composite
Who is he considering? Duke, Kentucky, Texas, Michigan
Mo Bamba looks like nothing you’ve ever seen on a basketball court before. With a 7’9 wingspan and 9’6 standing reach, Bamba’s length is virtually unprecedented in the history of the sport.
Bamba has the potential to be a terror as a rim protector on defense and rim roller on offense. Imagine Nerlens Noel with Stretch Armstrong limbs. Think of a quicker Rudy Gobert who isn’t afraid to take a three-pointer. The mind races when you think of what Bamba could one day become if he adds strength and continues to develop his skill level.
It might be tempting to think of Bamba as some sort of mystery man because of his physical dimensions, but scouts have been tracking his development closely for years. He’s a regular at USA Basketball and went against the best centers in his class frequently on Nike’s EYBL tour. He’s also a warm and engaging personality who would be a great ambassador for whichever school he chooses.
So: which of Bamba’s four finalists is the best fit? It’s still hard to say.
Duke only likes to play one big man at a time and already has a top-recruit in the front court in Wendell Carter Jr. as well as sophomore Marques Bolden. Kentucky has a crowded front court too, with Nick Richards, Sasha Killeya-Jones, and Isaac Humphries already competing for minutes at center. Texas had a five-star freshman center last year in Jarrett Allen and still didn’t make the NCAA tournament. Michigan has Mo Wagner and D.J. Wilson fresh off a Sweet 16 run if they decide to return to school after testing the NBA draft waters.
This one is still too close to call because there are some variables involved.
Prediction: Kentucky
Yes, John Calipari will have a logjam upfront, but Bamba would likely be a starter regardless. Cal might even let him take threes given the shooting issues his roster projects to have.
Michigan is the dark horse here. If Wagner comes back to school and Wilson stays in the draft, John Beilein’s spread attack would be ideal for Bamba’s gifts.
Kevin Knox, F, Tampa Catholic
Brian Spurlock-USA TODAY Sports
Who is he? A 6’9, 205-pound combo forward from Tampa, Florida
Where's he ranked? No. 7 by ESPN, No. 8 by 247 Sports' national composite
Who is he considering? Duke, Kentucky, North Carolina, Florida State, Missouri
The hardest type of player to find in college basketball is a big, athletic wing who can score from all three levels. Knox is becoming exactly that.
A former quarterback who got too tall to play football, Knox is still growing into life as a basketball star. His skill level seems to be getting better every month, whether he’s flashing a jump shot and getting more comfortable as a ball handler. He’s already a top-flight athlete and that will help him make an impact at the college level from day one.
Knox’s physical tools are everything teams want out of a combo forward. He’ll be too fast for opposing fours and too big for wings. He’d fill a major role for all of his remaining finalists.
Duke needs him to replace Jayson Tatum, North Carolina needs him to replace Justin Jackson, Florida State needs him to replace Jonathan Isaac. Kentucky has been looking for a big wing like this for years. At Mizzou, he’d team with Porter for the ultimate matchup nightmare on the wing.
Prediction: Duke
Coach K decided years ago he isn’t putting two traditional big men on the court at the same time. If Duke’s small ball attack is going to work for another year, it needs Knox to play the role of the athletic four like Jabari Parker, Brandon Ingram and Tatum before him.
North Carolina has to be intriguing, too. Assuming Joel Berry II and Tony Bradley return to school, Knox could be an instant starter on a team with dreams of winning back-to-back national championships.
Brandon McCoy, C, Cathedral Catholic High School
Mike DiNovo-USA TODAY Sports
Who is he? A 7-foot, 245-pound center from San Diego
Where's he ranked? No. 6 by ESPN, No. 11 by 247 Sports' national composite
Who is he considering? Arizona, Oregon, San Diego State, Michigan State, UNLV
McCoy is the type of center everyone loves to play with. He challenges shots, rebounds, scores inside but doesn’t demand touches. He might not be as explosive or skilled as the other top big men in this class, but he’ll be a major asset for whichever school he chooses simply by being huge and mobile.
McCoy played on Cal Supreme alongside DeAndre Ayton, which allowed Ayton to focus on his jump shot and perimeter defense. Ayton is headed to Arizona and that’s one of McCoy’s finalists, too. But with Dusan Ristic also returning for his senior year, will there be enough minutes available for another five-star freshman in the front court?
Michigan State has a similar problem. Nick Ward returns as a sophomore post scorer after an excellent freshman season, and he’ll be joined in the front court by 6’11 five-star freshman Jaren Jackson Jr. Jackson’s shooting ability makes him and Ward a nice fit together. Is there room for Jackson, too?
San Diego State is the hometown team, but it’s hard to imagine McCoy lands there after Steve Fisher’s retirement. UNLV would love to have him, but that would require a leap of faith on McCoy’s part. There’s one logical school left.
Prediction: Oregon
The Ducks really are a good fit for McCoy. He can either be the second big man in the rotation if Jordan Bell returns to school or takeover center duties if he decides to turn pro.
Oregon likes to play small and fast with one traditional big man on the floor at a time, and McCoy’s willingness to do some dirty work would make him an ideal candidate for that spot. He’s also the first player on this list who isn’t projected as a one-and-done. Dana Altman would love to have him at center for a few seasons.
Brian Bowen, SG, La Lumiere
Brian Spurlock-USA TODAY Sports
Who is he? A 6’7, 190-pound wing from Michigan
Where's he ranked? No. 12 by ESPN, No. 15 by 247 Sports' national composite
Who is he considering? Arizona, Michigan State
Indiana-based La Lumiere has become a powerhouse on the national prep school circuit. After losing in the Dick’s Sporting Goods National Championship game a year ago, La Lumiere made it back and won the title this season. Brian Bowen was their top scorer on the wing.
Playing alongside Michigan State commit Jaren Jackson Jr., Michigan commit Jordan Poole and class of 2019 point guard Tyger Campbell, Bowen showed he knows how to fit into a team dynamic and still be productive. He’s a shooter and scorer on the perimeter at 6’7 and both Arizona and Michigan State would love to have him.
Prediction: Arizona
Whether Trier and/or Alkins return or not, Arizona is going need some scoring punch on the wing. As long as Bowen can embrace the Wildcats’ pack-line defense, he’ll endear himself to Sean Miller quickly.
Bonus Predictions
M.J. Walker, SG, Jonesboro (GA)
Prediction: Florida State
Jeremiah Tilmon, C, East Saint Louis (IL)
Prediction: Missouri
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alecthemovieguy · 8 years ago
M&D’s youth production of ‘Beauty and the Beast’ charms
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Corresponding with Disney’s release of its new live-action version of “Beauty and the Beast,” M&D Playhouse’s Theatre Arts Studio is presenting “Beauty and the Beast Jr.,” a charming abridged version of the Broadway musical based on Disney’s 1991 animated film.
“Beauty and the Beast Jr.,” which opens tonight at 1857 White Mountain Highway in North Conway, N.H., with performances at 7:30 p.m. on Fridays and 3 and 7:30 p.m. on Saturdays for the next three weeks, is the Theatre Arts Studio’s first youth production.
Mary Bastoni, who has been directing youth theater for years, is the production’s director, music director and costume designer. Her experience working with youngsters is evident as her cast is performing at a high level.
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Some of the roles, including Belle and Beast, are double cast with actors alternating performances. Obviously, I can only comment on the cast I saw, which featured Amy Sauerwein as Belle and Ethan Reinbach as Beast. Robin Croce is the other Belle and Luke Reinbach, who played Cogsworth in the performance I saw, is the second Beast.
Belle is a well-read French girl who doesn’t fit in her small provincial town. Ladies’ man Gaston (Sam Cantone) wants Belle’s hand in marriage as her beauty is the only that matches his own. Belle has no interest because she sees him for the thick-skulled boor he is. Cantone has an appropriately booming singing voice and arrogant swagger.
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Belle’s father Maurice (Craig Holden, the only adult in the cast) seeks refuge in the Beast’s castle after getting lost in the woods. The Beast, enraged by the trespass, takes him hostage. When Belle finds her sickly father, she agrees to take his place so that he can see a doctor.
The Beast is a cursed prince who will remain in his beastly condition unless he can learn to love and be loved in return before the last petal of an enchanted rose falls. The curse extends to his servants who have taken the form of the inanimate objects that most closely represent their duties.
As was true of the animated version, the supporting characters provide the stage version with much of its humor and color. Sporting an amusingly exaggerated French accent, Quinn Hagerty as the candelabrum Lumiere is a comedic highlight of the show. He nails his big number “Be Our Guest.”
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Luke Reinbach as the clock Cogsworth effectively portrays the character’s uptight stuffiness and constant worrying. Alanna Nataluk as Babette, Svea Olson as Madame de la Bouche and Nola Bradeen as Chip also all have their moments.
Jordan Meier is fittingly kind and motherly as the teapot Mrs. Potts. Meier does a fine job singing “Beauty and the Beast,” arguably the musical’s most famous song. Sauerwein and Ethan Reinbach also successfully recreate the dance scene set to that song.
Cosette Brochu quite literally throws herself into the role of Gaston’s clumsy lackey LeFou. She is a scene stealer who willing takes several pratfalls. Brochu is both fun and funny in the song “Gaston.”
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Sauerwein is charming and sweet as Belle and has a strong voice which is well represented on such songs as “Belle” and “Something There.” She develops a nice chemistry with Ethan Reinbach, who does a good job of being monstrous but also sympathetic.
This abridged version rushes through much of the arc of how Beast softens and forms a genuine connection with Belle, but it is to Sauerwein and Ethan Reinbach’s credit that we believe there is something there between them.
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The technical aspects of the production give the musical the polish of a more adult production, with an impressive castle set designed by Deb Jasien; colorful costumes by Bastoni; a moody lighting design by Lori-Jean Rowe; and playful choreography by Courtney Viall.  
If you haven’t gotten your fill of “Beauty and the Beast” after seeing Disney’s new film version, this appealing, well-mounted production should do the trick.
For more information or tickets, call (603) 733-5275 or visit www.mdplayhouse.com.
Photos by Linda Zych
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coiffuresb-blog · 8 years ago
8 Lumière Sublime Caramel Couleur De Cheveux
New Post has been published on http://coiffuresbouclees.com/8-lumiere-sublime-caramel-couleur-de-cheveux/
8 Lumière Sublime Caramel Couleur De Cheveux
Caramel couleur de cheveux est un de cheveux populaire de l’ombrage. C’est bien connu chaude rose nuance blonde qui ressemble raffiné et tout à fait en faveur de certaines de ses variétés. La plupart des blondes et rousses ont essayé et apprécié de ses avantages. Parmi les personnes célèbres de la plupart des grands caramel clair que les blondes sont Nicole Kidman, Amy Adams, Isla Fisher, Cynthia Nixon, Sienna Miller… ce sont de véritables lumière blonde couleur des cheveux, des symboles, et régulièrement, nous ne pouvons pas éviter la réplication de leur choquant prend un coup d’œil à n’importe quel taux de manière incomplète.
Quoi qu’il en soit, nous, les jeunes filles, n’ont pas envie apparaissant à être identiques pour un temps très long. C’est la raison pour laquelle nous essayons des choses différentes, avec des teintes de cheveux régulièrement.
En gros, c’est une blonde tonalité cependant avec un accueil chaleureux brillant rose teinte. Il arrive normalement une fois dans un certain temps et s’exécute en mélange avec juste la peau et les taches.
Qui Peut Essayer De La Lumière Caramel Couleur De Cheveux?
Toute personne qui l’aime, vous pouvez recommander. Vraiment, oui, mais il ne sera pas faire des compliments à tout le monde. Comme une question de première importance, nous devrions essayer de traiter avec les tons. la lumière caramel couleur de cheveux n’est pas le gingembre, brun-rouge ou le marron.
8 Lumière sublime Caramel Couleurs de Cheveux en 2017
Faut Essayer! Aujourd’hui, avec la maîtrise des couleurs de cheveux et qualifiés, des coloristes, nous pouvons accomplir pour toutes fins utiles, à chaque ombrage dont nous avons besoin. Nous avons regardé autour de 8 lumière sublime caramel couleur de cheveuxphotos pour 2017.
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