#la danse des partenaires masqués
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Of course. Of course David would drag him to this event, and it was obvious that, to please his partner, Marat would agree.
But, clearly, this wasn't his thing.
He never enjoyed this kind of... This kind of encounter. He always saw them as one of the many meaningless entertainments of aristocrats. But, that was not the case at this time. These people, or most of them... Gived their everything France in battle. Of course that Marat would believe that, it was just fair for them to have fun.
And they even had the kidness to invite him.
So, the only thing left for him was to wait in a corner, while fidgeting with his long cravat. Because of course, aside from bringing him here, David also stripped him of the comfort of his clothing. Currently he was dressed in a red coat... And a pinkish vest. As long as it "matched" with his mask. The flamingo mask.
He really hopes this will be worth t̶h̸e̵ ̴i̵t̷c̸h̸.̵
((Hi! So here's a draw I made of Marat's mask))
@chickenmadam & @davidnmarat (Marat)
Félicitations ! The stars of the evening have chosen you as dance and conversational partners for the waltz and/or quadrille. This thread is for you two to at least talk to each other and either get along or don't get along in an entertaining way.
The entrance to the ball may be found here, with more information and activities to partake in.
We would suggest describing your mask and greeting as a good starting point. Bonne chance !
Here are some Out Of Character things to keep in mind:
You're both wearing masks, and might not recognise each other even if you know each other. Maybe if you want to be able to recognise your partner, ask OOCly first if you can.
For the specific dance partner threads, only post if you're a participant.
There's no word count requirement for roleplay posts. We encourage shorter, conversational posts to promote interaction, but we won't police writing styles.
Real life takes priority, so please be understanding if dance partners don't respond quickly. We hope for a conversation to develop within 2-4 weeks.
If your dance partner is unresponsive and you're eager to participate, use the general mingle threads. You might find a new partner or even ask a host or staff member to dance.
Remember, this is an in-character high-class event with etiquette expectations. While your character can be rude, avoid excessive disruptions. The focus should be on conversation and relationships.
Remember that in-character actions don't reflect out-of-character feelings. If a character is rude IC, don't take it personally OOC. If you do have any concerns, the messages will be open on this blog.
We wish you a most pleasant encounter, and may fortune smile upon you and joy guide your steps!
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[Suite et fin de la session de 7th Sea] De son côté, Callia a pu briller de mille feux grâce à un porté ma foi très élégant avec messire de Batz qui a reçu plusieurs exclamations et applaudissements. 💃 Ce mouvement a cependant surpris quelques gardes qui, portant la main à leur épée, se sont ravisé en voyant qu'il ne s'agissait que d'un pas de danse inoffensif et après s'être fait rassuré par les mots de Renard Melanson, garde du corps des jumeaux. 🤺 Achille à quant à lui pu briller à sa façon au bras d'une noble (Charlotte de Surlige) qui s'est peut-être montrée trop intéressée au goût de sa soeur, ce qui a donné lieu à un mémorable duel d'intimidation à l'éventail, remporté de brillante façon par Callia. 🏆 Par la suite, nous nous sommes rendus masqués pour la suite du bal à l'extérieur où nous avons pu assister à un magnifique feu d'artifices suivi d'une valse au partenaire changeant et les deux jumeaux ont pu faire la rencontre de personnages aussi masqués que mystérieux. 👥 La session s'est terminée sur des bruits d'épée qui clashent dans le jardin et les invités qui ont été sécurisés à l'intérieur... Sommes-nous témoins d'une tentative d'assassinat? Est-ce à l'endroit de messire de Batz ou des jumeaux de Doré? On l'apprendra sans aucun doute la prochaine fois. 😨 Suivez Ceizyl en direct... https://www.twitch.tv/ceizyl ...ou revoyez cette partie en rediffusion. https://youtu.be/7XtbNhsotJ0 #JdR #RPG #7eMer #7thSea #JohnWick #Roll20 #Twitch #YouTube #Discord #Renaissance #BalMasqué (à Ville de Longueuil)
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Chapitre V
Le soir du 31 octobre 2011, affublé d’un masque de V pour Vendetta, Pierre Bouchard se rendit à la taverne Chez Junior où Natacha, ironiquement déguisée en Pocahontas, travaillait en fêtant à la fois l’Halloween et son vingt-cinquième anniversaire. Incognito avec sa tuque noire, son chandail à col roulé noir, son perfecto noir – que lui avait donné Simon –, ses gants noirs, ses pantalons « cargo » noirs, ses Doc Marten’s noires, il repéra, derrière le comptoir orné de citrouilles, l’impétueuse Autochtone aux omoplates ailées de chauve-souris qui servait des drinks en costume de Disney. Il paya ses trois dollars de frais d���entrée, puis admira celle qu’il était venu espionner : sa robe brune à franges beiges, le noir de ses yeux, de ses tresses, le turquoise étranglement de son collier de wampum… Une plume de goéland dans les cheveux – préférée pour sa coiffure à celle d’aigle que lui avait léguée sa grand-mère, héritage qu’elle gardait dans son coffre à bijoux avec ses lettres, les photos de son fils et les poèmes qu’elle ne faisait lire à personne –, elle s’était dit que, pour cette occasion, une simple huppe de palmipède ferait l’affaire. S’imprégnant de cette image, l’Anonymous profita du brouhaha général pour s’enfoncer dans la foule – s’excusant auprès d’un travesti, d’un taliban et d’un blanc-bec en blackface – avec en main un billet vert tendu vers celle qui lui demanda ce qu’il voulait. Son mystère demeura sauf. Heureux de cette victoire, il se trouva un coin pour contempler Natacha sans qu’elle pût le reconnaître.
Plus loin, devant une machine de vidéopoker avec sa grosse 50, Eugène Girard, vêtu d’un chapeau de cowboy, de bottes western, d’un « bolo » texan et d’une étoile de shérif, perdait de fortes sommes en calant des shots de Jack Daniel’s.
Après minuit, Pierre, le dos tourné au bar, venait de brièvement lever son masque pour s’hydrater d’une énième gorgée lorsqu’un Boche de la Première Guerre mondiale, qu’il n’avait jusque-là pas remarqué, l’interpella.
« Pierre ! » s’écria le sergent Serge sous son casque à pointe.
Le fantassin de 14-18 s’approcha.
Bouchard, effacé derrière un sourire de plastique, demeura silencieux.
Fortin eut un rictus narquois, puis s’en retourna s’asseoir à la table où ses collègues – un chevalier, un Viking et un pirate à tricorne – festoyaient – excepté un soldat romain qui, restant sobre, était leur chauffeur désigné. Pierre, soulagé d’être à nouveau seul, vida la moitié de sa pinte et se remit à surveiller celle dont l’humour autodérisoire lui avait valu de gagner la bouteille de champagne du concours du plus beau déguisement. Aux premières notes du Bal masqué de la Compagnie Créole, elle se mit à chanter :
« Au bal ! Au bal masqué – ohé, ohé –, elle danse, elle danse, elle danse au bal masqué… Elle ne peut pas s’arrêter – ohé, ohé – de danser, danser, danser, danser, danser… ! », « Aujourd’hui, je fais ce qui me plaît, me plaît ! Devinez, devinez, devinez qui je suis… Derrière mon loup, je fais ce qui me plaît, me plaît ! Aujourd’hui, tout est permis… Aujourd’hui, tout est permis ! », « C’est l’occasion rêvée de changer de partenaire… », « Aujourd’hui, j’embrasse qui je veux, je veux, devinez, devinez, devinez qui je suis… », etc.
Chaque phrase insultait l’éconduit que tout conspirait à vexer.
Après la fermeture, caché près des poubelles, à l’ombre des containers, il guetta la sortie de Natacha pour apprendre avec qui elle rentrerait. Sur le seuil obscur éclairé d’un lampadaire, clef du bar en main, elle verrouilla l’édifice en saluant les derniers clients qui s’éparpillaient dans la nuit et alla prendre place sur le siège du passager du Hummer noir qui ronronnait en face. Quand Bouchard fut certain de ne plus pouvoir être aperçu dans le rétroviseur de son oncle dont le mastodonte s’éloigna dans un « vroum » tonitruant, il entreprit de se rendre, malgré la pluie, au pied de la tour de la princesse qu’il voulait sauver.
Le redoublement de la tombée des gouttes d’automne présagea sa désillusion.
Le véhicule paramilitaire était garé devant l’immeuble de Natacha dont Pierre s’efforça de franchir la hauteur de l’escalier en colimaçon en atténuant son poids pour ne point faire grincer la métallique ossature. Il sentit son cœur s’appesantir à chaque marche. Arrivé sur le balcon, il se recroquevilla en position fœtale sous la fenêtre ouverte de la chambre… Ni vu ni entendu, il retint son souffle. Que n’eut-il enduré pour cette femme ? Ce que son oreille perçut acheva de l’anéantir.
« Petite salope ! Petite chienne ! Tu aimes ça, hein ?
– Oui ! Oh oui, papa ! Vas-y ! »
Natacha gémissait.
Des sons de claques accompagnaient les insanités d’Eugène.
Le vent qui transperça l’âme de Pierre fut aussi froid que celui dont la caresse engourdit sa joue de larmes et de flocons.
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Couples échangistes : libération sexuelle ou conformisme ?
A des années lumières des orgies mythiques où des dizaines de personnes se livraient ensemble à des relations sexuelles, l'échangisme se définit aujourd'hui comme une forme de comportement extra-conjugal codifié. Simple jeu récréatif et divertissant ou moyen de combler les insatisfactions de la vie d'un couple ? Zoom sur les couples échangistes.
L'échangisme met en jeu des couples légalement mariés ou non, qui pratiquent le coït avec une ou plusieurs personnes. Cette forme de relations socio-sexuelles s'est développée aux Etats-Unis depuis les années cinquante.
Echangisme : le couple marital au centre de ces pratiques
L'échangisme reste cependant très différent des "communautés sexuelles" qui sont apparues au cours des années soixante-dix, dans le courant de la contre-culture. En effet, il s'agit, la plupart du temps, de relations éphémères, sans lendemain, contrairement aux communautés dans lesquelles on envisageait la destruction du couple. En principe, l'institution du couple n'est pas remise en cause au travers de ces pratiques, bien au contraire, elle en sort souvent renforcée.
Ethnographie de l'échangisme : un parcours bien balisé
Concrètement, un certain nombre de couples - hétérosexuels - se retrouvent pour passer une soirée ensemble dans une boîte de nuit ou au domicile de l'un d'entre eux, qui reçoit pour l'occasion. Les boîtes de nuit sont aménagées de façon à faciliter la circulation des participants d'un espace à un autre et à favoriser les échanges sociaux et sexuels. On commence par prendre un verre autour du bar pour échanger quelques propos, on continue sur la piste de danse où l'on peut mieux jauger les corps et sélectionner les futurs partenaires à partir de premiers attouchements furtifs et l'on finit dans les "coins-calins" où, dans la pénombre, se déroulent les actes sexuels. Cet aménagement permet d'avoir des rapports sexuels en ayant fait l'économie d'une longue conversation. Tout se passe dans la boîte de nuit, les couples évitent ainsi d'avoir à recevoir chez soi des inconnus, ce qui pourrait présenter quelques risques.
Soirées échangistes : qui choisit qui ?
Mais les choses sont cependant moins simples qu'il n'y paraît car, alors qu'habituellement les deux partenaires sont les seuls à avoir à se choisir, dans les relations échangistes, la parade pré-coïtale implique les membres de deux couples au moins. Car pour que quelque chose se passe, il faut un accord entre les quatre protagonistes. Plus tard, dans la pénombre du "coin-calin" et dans le paroxysme de l'excitation, les caresses et les baisers peuvent s'échanger dans l'anonymat le plus complet. Nul n'est obligé de participer aux ébats et le voyeurisme peut constituer un plaisir solitaire ou partagé avec son partenaire. La présence de spectateurs peut d'ailleurs favoriser et stimuler l'exhibitionnisme de certains.
Rien à voir avec une orgie !
L'échangisme moderne est bien différent de l'orgie mythique où des dizaines de personnes peuvent s'accoupler en même temps, dans le désordre le plus complet. Ici, les partenaires se choisissent avec soin, les contacts homosexuels entre hommes sont très rares, mais il est fréquent que deux femmes consentent à se dévêtir, se caresser et s'embrasser mutuellement sous l'oeil ému de leurs conjoints. Le saphisme reste l'un des spectacles favoris de la gent masculine, et les clubs échangistes permettent d'y assister en "live". La présence du conjoint peut permettre en outre à une femme attirée par une autre femme, mais encore incertaine quant à ses désirs homosexuels, de s'initier à ces attouchements.
Les contradictions des couples échangistes
L'échangisme reste porteur d'un certain nombre de contradictions. S'agit-il d'une forme de libération visant à l'épanouissement sexuel, ou bien d'une forme évoluée de conformisme permettant de réduire considérablement les risques inhérents à l'adultère ? En effet, les échangistes pratiquent la plupart du temps sous l'oeil vigilant de leur conjoint auquel rien n'échappe. Les contacts extra-conjugaux sont strictement prohibés. Le couple partage tout. Il s'agit d'une extension de l'intimité partagée du couple, les partenaires de rencontre ne devenant que de simples figurants dans une scénographie bien réglée. Le risque majeur est cependant du côté des hommes : ceux-ci peuvent mal supporter la comparaison face à d'autres hommes plus performants, mieux "montés" et plus à même d'assouvir les désirs de leur compagne.
Troc ou prostitution ?
S'agit-il d'une forme moderne de prostitution masquée ou bien d'un échange fondé sur le troc ? Dans certains clubs échangistes, on reçoit des couples, en majorité, mais aussi un certain nombre "d'hommes seuls" triés sur le volet par les propriétaires des établissements, qui paient le prix fort pour pénétrer dans les lieux. Les femmes sont-elles mises à leur disposition ou bien au contraire, ce sont eux qui sont là pour assouvir les désirs de ces dames, sous le contrôle et la protection de leur mari ?
Libertinage ou colmatage du couple ?
L'échangisme est-il enfin une forme d'amour sexuel récréatif et ludique à laquelle s'adonnent des libertins qui ont bien su faire le tri entre leurs émotions, leurs sentiments et la recherche de l'orgasme ? Ou bien s'agit-il de combler les insatisfactions et la lassitude inhérentes à la vie d'un couple ? Dans certains cas, le spectacle du conjoint dans les bras d'un ou d'une autre personne va raviver le désir défaillant en attisant une jalousie plus ou moins inconsciente. Le couple ressort-il plus soudé de ces expériences de confrontations avec d'autres ?
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Unlike his grumpy companion, a certain Flashy Peacock radiated enthusiasm ever since production of his suit began.
Indeed, as is was just an usual thing to him, he spent the last days consumed by a frenetic devotion to his craftmanship, which could be seen in every brushstroke that made up his jacket. A wild base, with strokes of emerald, indigo and teal paint, which served as a background for the delicate gold and blue details of his tailcoat, which abstractly assimilated the feathers of his gorgeous bird.
In itself, such feathers, in a more concise way, would make up his mask... And what looked like small pom-poms to represent his crest.
With surprising energy and vitality, it would move throughout the place, until it ended up finding a certain wearer of the underwater mask.
Oh my, my!
Will it be you who will accompany me during this evening, mon ami?
(( @headlessgenius ))
((Hello there! Here's an OOC small part to show you, in a better way, David's mask!))
@davidnmarat (David) & @headlessgenius
Félicitations ! The stars of the evening have chosen you as dance and conversational partners for the waltz and/or quadrille. This thread is for you two to at least talk to each other and either get along or don't get along in an entertaining way.
The entrance to the ball may be found here, with more information and activities to partake in.
We would suggest describing your mask and greeting as a good starting point. Bonne chance !
Here are some Out Of Character things to keep in mind:
You're both wearing masks, and might not recognise each other even if you know each other. Maybe if you want to be able to recognise your partner, ask OOCly first if you can.
For the specific dance partner threads, only post if you're a participant.
There's no word count requirement for roleplay posts. We encourage shorter, conversational posts to promote interaction, but we won't police writing styles.
Real life takes priority, so please be understanding if dance partners don't respond quickly. We hope for a conversation to develop within 2-4 weeks.
If your dance partner is unresponsive and you're eager to participate, use the general mingle threads. You might find a new partner or even ask a host or staff member to dance.
Remember, this is an in-character high-class event with etiquette expectations. While your character can be rude, avoid excessive disruptions. The focus should be on conversation and relationships.
Remember that in-character actions don't reflect out-of-character feelings. If a character is rude IC, don't take it personally OOC. If you do have any concerns, the messages will be open on this blog.
We wish you a most pleasant encounter, and may fortune smile upon you and joy guide your steps!
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A masked stranger...
That's not that unusual in this crowd!
An open thread for more mingling, after a response.
One of Soult's aides, a young shadowy individual in an abstract umbral tendril'd mask, will come up to a man bearing the mask of an octopus with its iridescent violet tentacles flowing around the eyes and sweeping back over his hair.
Says the young aide trying to make themself more audible, "Ah! Greetings! I like your mask, monsieur! It's a lot like mine. I have been asked to bring this place to the guests. Would you like some hors d'oeuvres, sir?"
They hold a large plate full of little bits of bread with salmon and cream on top, offering it to the mysterious masked man excitedly.
#napoleonic halloween masquerade event#la danse des partenaires masqués#masquerade mingle#thread: masquerade mingling#napoleonic roleplay scene
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@britannias-god-of-war & @chanceux-et-perdu
Félicitations ! The stars of the evening have chosen you as dance and conversational partners for the waltz and/or quadrille. This thread is for you two to at least talk to each other and either get along or don't get along in an entertaining way.
The entrance to the ball may be found here, with more information and activities to partake in.
We would suggest describing your mask and greeting as a good starting point. Bonne chance !
Here are some Out Of Character things to keep in mind:
You're both wearing masks, and might not recognise each other even if you know each other. Maybe if you want to be able to recognise your partner, ask OOCly first if you can.
For the specific dance partner threads, only post if you're a participant.
There's no word count requirement for roleplay posts. We encourage shorter, conversational posts to promote interaction, but we won't police writing styles.
Real life takes priority, so please be understanding if dance partners don't respond quickly. We hope for a conversation to develop within 2-4 weeks.
If your dance partner is unresponsive and you're eager to participate, use the general mingle threads. You might find a new partner or even ask a host or staff member to dance.
Remember, this is an in-character high-class event with etiquette expectations. While your character can be rude, avoid excessive disruptions. The focus should be on conversation and relationships.
Remember that in-character actions don't reflect out-of-character feelings. If a character is rude IC, don't take it personally OOC. If you do have any concerns, the messages will be open on this blog.
We wish you a most pleasant encounter, and may fortune smile upon you and joy guide your steps!
#britannias-god-of-war#la danse des partenaires masqués#chanceux-et-perdu#napoleonic halloween masquerade event
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@alexanderfanboy & @france-hater
Félicitations ! The stars of the evening have chosen you as dance and conversational partners for the waltz and/or quadrille. This thread is for you two to at least talk to each other and either get along or don't get along in an entertaining way.
The entrance to the ball may be found here, with more information and activities to partake in.
We would suggest describing your mask and greeting as a good starting point. Bonne chance !
Here are some Out Of Character things to keep in mind:
You're both wearing masks, and might not recognise each other even if you know each other. Maybe if you want to be able to recognise your partner, ask OOCly first if you can.
For the specific dance partner threads, only post if you're a participant.
There's no word count requirement for roleplay posts. We encourage shorter, conversational posts to promote interaction, but we won't police writing styles.
Real life takes priority, so please be understanding if dance partners don't respond quickly. We hope for a conversation to develop within 2-4 weeks.
If your dance partner is unresponsive and you're eager to participate, use the general mingle threads. You might find a new partner or even ask a host or staff member to dance.
Remember, this is an in-character high-class event with etiquette expectations. While your character can be rude, avoid excessive disruptions. The focus should be on conversation and relationships.
Remember that in-character actions don't reflect out-of-character feelings. If a character is rude IC, don't take it personally OOC. If you do have any concerns, the messages will be open on this blog.
We wish you a most pleasant encounter, and may fortune smile upon you and joy guide your steps!
#napoleonic halloween masquerade event#la danse des partenaires masqués#alexanderfanboy#france-hater
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A man in a colorful zebra mask and a sleek, stylish suit in the colors of grey and charcoal, accented with bronze and copper, slides up to @ask-tsaralexander.
He bows deeply. “I see you are wearing a reindeer mask, my good man, and I’ve been told to expect you as my dance partner, and vis a vis. I must warn you, however, that dancing isn’t … one of my strong points.”
@ask-tsaralexander & @your-dandy-king
Félicitations ! The stars of the evening have chosen you as dance and conversational partners for the waltz and/or quadrille. This thread is for you two to at least talk to each other and either get along or don't get along in an entertaining way.
The entrance to the ball may be found here, with more information and activities to partake in.
We would suggest describing your mask and greeting as a good starting point. Bonne chance !
Here are some Out Of Character things to keep in mind:
You're both wearing masks, and might not recognise each other even if you know each other. Maybe if you want to be able to recognise your partner, ask OOCly first if you can.
For the specific dance partner threads, only post if you're a participant.
There's no word count requirement for roleplay posts. We encourage shorter, conversational posts to promote interaction, but we won't police writing styles.
Real life takes priority, so please be understanding if dance partners don't respond quickly. We hope for a conversation to develop within 2-4 weeks.
If your dance partner is unresponsive and you're eager to participate, use the general mingle threads. You might find a new partner or even ask a host or staff member to dance.
Remember, this is an in-character high-class event with etiquette expectations. While your character can be rude, avoid excessive disruptions. The focus should be on conversation and relationships.
Remember that in-character actions don't reflect out-of-character feelings. If a character is rude IC, don't take it personally OOC. If you do have any concerns, the messages will be open on this blog.
We wish you a most pleasant encounter, and may fortune smile upon you and joy guide your steps!
#napoleonic halloween masquerade event#la danse des partenaires masqués#ask-tsaralexander#your-dandy-king
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@mendyson & @perdicinae-observer
Félicitations ! The stars of the evening have chosen you as dance and conversational partners for the waltz and/or quadrille. This thread is for you two to at least talk to each other and either get along or don't get along in an entertaining way.
The entrance to the ball may be found here, with more information and activities to partake in.
We would suggest describing your mask and greeting as a good starting point. Bonne chance !
Here are some Out Of Character things to keep in mind:
You're both wearing masks, and might not recognise each other even if you know each other. Maybe if you want to be able to recognise your partner, ask OOCly first if you can.
For the specific dance partner threads, only post if you're a participant.
There's no word count requirement for roleplay posts. We encourage shorter, conversational posts to promote interaction, but we won't police writing styles.
Real life takes priority, so please be understanding if dance partners don't respond quickly. We hope for a conversation to develop within 2-4 weeks.
If your dance partner is unresponsive and you're eager to participate, use the general mingle threads. You might find a new partner or even ask a host or staff member to dance.
Remember, this is an in-character high-class event with etiquette expectations. While your character can be rude, avoid excessive disruptions. The focus should be on conversation and relationships.
Remember that in-character actions don't reflect out-of-character feelings. If a character is rude IC, don't take it personally OOC. If you do have any concerns, the messages will be open on this blog.
We wish you a most pleasant encounter, and may fortune smile upon you and joy guide your steps!
#napoleonic halloween masquerade event#la danse des partenaires masqués#mendyson#perdicinae-observer
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@le-brave-des-braves & @thehussargeneral
Félicitations ! The stars of the evening have chosen you as dance and conversational partners for the waltz and/or quadrille. This thread is for you two to at least talk to each other and either get along or don't get along in an entertaining way.
The entrance to the ball may be found here, with more information and activities to partake in.
We would suggest describing your mask and greeting as a good starting point. Bonne chance !
Here are some Out Of Character things to keep in mind:
You're both wearing masks, and might not recognise each other even if you know each other. Maybe if you want to be able to recognise your partner, ask OOCly first if you can.
For the specific dance partner threads, only post if you're a participant.
There's no word count requirement for roleplay posts. We encourage shorter, conversational posts to promote interaction, but we won't police writing styles.
Real life takes priority, so please be understanding if dance partners don't respond quickly. We hope for a conversation to develop within 2-4 weeks.
If your dance partner is unresponsive and you're eager to participate, use the general mingle threads. You might find a new partner or even ask a host or staff member to dance.
Remember, this is an in-character high-class event with etiquette expectations. While your character can be rude, avoid excessive disruptions. The focus should be on conversation and relationships.
Remember that in-character actions don't reflect out-of-character feelings. If a character is rude IC, don't take it personally OOC. If you do have any concerns, the messages will be open on this blog.
We wish you a most pleasant encounter, and may fortune smile upon you and joy guide your steps!
#le-brave-des-braves#thehussargeneral#napoleonic halloween masquerade event#la danse des partenaires masqués
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@simple-giant-ed & @the-adventures-of-lydia-brown
Félicitations ! The stars of the evening have chosen you as dance and conversational partners for the waltz and/or quadrille. This thread is for you two to at least talk to each other and either get along or don't get along in an entertaining way.
The entrance to the ball may be found here, with more information and activities to partake in.
We would suggest describing your mask and greeting as a good starting point. Bonne chance !
Here are some Out Of Character things to keep in mind:
You're both wearing masks, and might not recognise each other even if you know each other. Maybe if you want to be able to recognise your partner, ask OOCly first if you can.
For the specific dance partner threads, only post if you're a participant.
There's no word count requirement for roleplay posts. We encourage shorter, conversational posts to promote interaction, but we won't police writing styles.
Real life takes priority, so please be understanding if dance partners don't respond quickly. We hope for a conversation to develop within 2-4 weeks.
If your dance partner is unresponsive and you're eager to participate, use the general mingle threads. You might find a new partner or even ask a host or staff member to dance.
Remember, this is an in-character high-class event with etiquette expectations. While your character can be rude, avoid excessive disruptions. The focus should be on conversation and relationships.
Remember that in-character actions don't reflect out-of-character feelings. If a character is rude IC, don't take it personally OOC. If you do have any concerns, the messages will be open on this blog.
We wish you a most pleasant encounter, and may fortune smile upon you and joy guide your steps!
#simple-giant-ed#the-adventures-of-lydia-brown#la danse des partenaires masqués#napoleonic halloween masquerade event
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The young Nightingale wouldn't have much trouble locating the person in the avian mask, that, being more specific, was a dazzling hummingbird, rather because of the jewels that adorned the iridescent feathers of his mask. To make a contrast, the rest of his attire, that consisted in a tailcoat, breeches, shoes and even his top hat, was all white. The only difference were his black gloves, which shared the same floral pattern of the elogated peak of his mask.
Currently, such a man with a robust but elegant bearing, of notable age, but who still maintained his vividness, and with a serene expression but who had once directed the fire of a thousand battles, was observing the development of the evening, with no clear attempt to participate.
Yet, it wouldn't take him long to notice the young girl's greeting, much less recognize her with a slight smile and a polite nod.
Hello there, Gracious Nightingale.
Will it be with you that I shall have the honor of sharing this masquerade?
(( @the-little-miss-poet ))
((Uhm Hello! This is an OOC part just to show Napoleon's mask, since I'm afraid of not describing it right ^^;))
@askgeraudduroc (Napoleon) & @the-little-miss-poet
Félicitations ! The stars of the evening have chosen you as dance and conversational partners for the waltz and/or quadrille. This thread is for you two to at least talk to each other and either get along or don't get along in an entertaining way.
The entrance to the ball may be found here, with more information and activities to partake in.
We would suggest describing your mask and greeting as a good starting point. Bonne chance !
Here are some Out Of Character things to keep in mind:
You're both wearing masks, and might not recognise each other even if you know each other. Maybe if you want to be able to recognise your partner, ask OOCly first if you can.
For the specific dance partner threads, only post if you're a participant.
There's no word count requirement for roleplay posts. We encourage shorter, conversational posts to promote interaction, but we won't police writing styles.
Real life takes priority, so please be understanding if dance partners don't respond quickly. We hope for a conversation to develop within 2-4 weeks.
If your dance partner is unresponsive and you're eager to participate, use the general mingle threads. You might find a new partner or even ask a host or staff member to dance.
Remember, this is an in-character high-class event with etiquette expectations. While your character can be rude, avoid excessive disruptions. The focus should be on conversation and relationships.
Remember that in-character actions don't reflect out-of-character feelings. If a character is rude IC, don't take it personally OOC. If you do have any concerns, the messages will be open on this blog.
We wish you a most pleasant encounter, and may fortune smile upon you and joy guide your steps!
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@le-dieu-mars (Damas) & @frencheaglet
Félicitations ! The stars of the evening have chosen you as dance and conversational partners for the waltz and/or quadrille. This thread is for you two to at least talk to each other and either get along or don't get along in an entertaining way.
The entrance to the ball may be found here, with more information and activities to partake in.
We would suggest describing your mask and greeting as a good starting point. Bonne chance !
Here are some Out Of Character things to keep in mind:
You're both wearing masks, and might not recognise each other even if you know each other. Maybe if you want to be able to recognise your partner, ask OOCly first if you can.
For the specific dance partner threads, only post if you're a participant.
There's no word count requirement for roleplay posts. We encourage shorter, conversational posts to promote interaction, but we won't police writing styles.
Real life takes priority, so please be understanding if dance partners don't respond quickly. We hope for a conversation to develop within 2-4 weeks.
If your dance partner is unresponsive and you're eager to participate, use the general mingle threads. You might find a new partner or even ask a host or staff member to dance.
Remember, this is an in-character high-class event with etiquette expectations. While your character can be rude, avoid excessive disruptions. The focus should be on conversation and relationships.
Remember that in-character actions don't reflect out-of-character feelings. If a character is rude IC, don't take it personally OOC. If you do have any concerns, the messages will be open on this blog.
We wish you a most pleasant encounter, and may fortune smile upon you and joy guide your steps!
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@bayard-de-la-garde & @general-junot
Félicitations ! The stars of the evening have chosen you as dance and conversational partners for the waltz and/or quadrille. This thread is for you two to at least talk to each other and either get along or don't get along in an entertaining way.
The entrance to the ball may be found here, with more information and activities to partake in.
We would suggest describing your mask and greeting as a good starting point. Bonne chance !
Here are some Out Of Character things to keep in mind:
You're both wearing masks, and might not recognise each other even if you know each other. Maybe if you want to be able to recognise your partner, ask OOCly first if you can.
For the specific dance partner threads, only post if you're a participant.
There's no word count requirement for roleplay posts. We encourage shorter, conversational posts to promote interaction, but we won't police writing styles.
Real life takes priority, so please be understanding if dance partners don't respond quickly. We hope for a conversation to develop within 2-4 weeks.
If your dance partner is unresponsive and you're eager to participate, use the general mingle threads. You might find a new partner or even ask a host or staff member to dance.
Remember, this is an in-character high-class event with etiquette expectations. While your character can be rude, avoid excessive disruptions. The focus should be on conversation and relationships.
Remember that in-character actions don't reflect out-of-character feelings. If a character is rude IC, don't take it personally OOC. If you do have any concerns, the messages will be open on this blog.
We wish you a most pleasant encounter, and may fortune smile upon you and joy guide your steps!
#napoleonic halloween masquerade event#la danse des partenaires masqués#bayard-de-la-garde#general-junot
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@beausoleil-de-bellune (???) & @askgeraudduroc
Félicitations ! The stars of the evening have chosen you as dance and conversational partners for the waltz and/or quadrille. This thread is for you two to at least talk to each other and either get along or don't get along in an entertaining way.
The entrance to the ball may be found here, with more information and activities to partake in.
We would suggest describing your mask and greeting as a good starting point. Bonne chance !
Here are some Out Of Character things to keep in mind:
You're both wearing masks, and might not recognise each other even if you know each other. Maybe if you want to be able to recognise your partner, ask OOCly first if you can.
For the specific dance partner threads, only post if you're a participant.
There's no word count requirement for roleplay posts. We encourage shorter, conversational posts to promote interaction, but we won't police writing styles.
Real life takes priority, so please be understanding if dance partners don't respond quickly. We hope for a conversation to develop within 2-4 weeks.
If your dance partner is unresponsive and you're eager to participate, use the general mingle threads. You might find a new partner or even ask a host or staff member to dance.
Remember, this is an in-character high-class event with etiquette expectations. While your character can be rude, avoid excessive disruptions. The focus should be on conversation and relationships.
Remember that in-character actions don't reflect out-of-character feelings. If a character is rude IC, don't take it personally OOC. If you do have any concerns, the messages will be open on this blog.
We wish you a most pleasant encounter, and may fortune smile upon you and joy guide your steps!
#napoleonic halloween masquerade event#la danse des partenaires masqués#beausoleil-de-bellune#askgeraudduroc
9 notes
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