#la casa de papel rio
agent-grey-fics · 9 months
Breaking Point | Part 2 of ‘You don’t belong here’
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Who: Denver x reader
Wordcount: 3400
Summary: After a chaotic heist at the Royal Mint, you find yourself shot and fighting for your life. Denver, determined to prioritize saving you over the heist, resorts to extreme measures to ensure your safety. Will you survive this?
Warnings: Violence, sexual tension, injury, trauma, language
Part 2 of You don’t belong here, you can read it here: X
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A loud bang echoed through the Royal Mint. Denver and Tokyo exchanged a confused look. ‘Was that a gunshot?’ Without wasting time, they ran toward the entrance hall where they had gathered the hostages. Taking two steps at a time as they ran down the stairs. ‘What the fuck is going on?’ Tokyo yelled towards Berlin when she saw Rio on his knees, hunched over your body. Oslo and Moscow held the hostages at gunpoint, here and there a cry sounded in disbelief. A smug grin hung on Berlin’s lips, a young woman stood trembling on her legs behind him. He was disgusting, using fear to fulfil his own needs. ‘I told her to stay in line, she should not meddle in other people’s business.’ Denver could not grasp the image before his eyes. 
You lay motionless on the ground, Rio pressed his hands hard on your stomach and Nairobi looked in disbelief at Berlin casually holding a revolver in his hand. ‘He fucking shot her.’ When these words reached Denver’s ears he launched himself forward, toward the older gangster. ‘I’m going to fucking kill him!’ Denver was screaming at the top of his lungs. Tokyo did her best to stop her friend, clinging to his waist. But he was too strong. With a simple shove, he pushed her off him and she fell to the ground with a thud. Berlin pointed the gun at the young robber. “I warned her.” Denver seemed unimpressed and continued to run in his direction. Before Berlin had the chance to shoot at him, Denver had worked him to the ground and his fist collided with his jaw. ‘You piece of shit.’ Berlin resisted fiercely, allowing Denver only a few good hits at his face and body. ‘Enough!’ Tokyo crawled upright again and tried to pull Denver off of him with all her strength but it had no effect. ‘Denver stop, she needs you!’ It was Rio screaming over his shoulder to the frantic man. It wasn’t until Helsinki marched towards the two and pulled Denver backwards onto the ground with little effort that the fight stopped. 
‘You need to calm down and help me carry her towards the office space where we stationed Arturo.’ The Serb remained calm and began handing out orders to the other group members. He went into his military mode. ‘You stay the fuck here because if I see you near her again I’ll fucking kill you myself, understood?’ Berlin could only nod irritably when he heard the Serb’s words. ‘Rio and Nairobi, keep a fucking eye on him and if he tries something funny shoot him in the leg.’ ‘Yes sir!’ Nairobi gave him a military salute. ‘Tolyo, Oslo, Moscow stay with the hostages.’ 
Denver quickly crawled back on his feet and ran toward you, still lying on the floor. ‘Baby, come on open your eyes.’ His hands were trembling as he gently placed them on your face. ‘You need to apply pressure where she was shot.’ Rio nodded towards your abdomen, blood flowed down his fingers. ‘Pressure.’ Denver mumbled to himself. As Denver applied pressure onto your stomach, memories of your moments together flooded his mind. The laughter, the shared glances, the intimacy you had discovered amid chaos. Denver, usually calm under pressure, found himself teetering on the edge of despair. ‘Please babe.’
Helsinki sank to his knees next to Rio, pushing his hands away so he could place a makeshift tourniquet onto the gaping hole in your abdomen. ‘Come on sweety let’s get you patched up.’ Denver gently placed you in his arms so he could carry you towards the office space which now served as a makeshift hospital. His heart raced as he carried your limp body, your blood stained his hands, and the gravity of the situation pressed down on him like a heavyweight. Berlin had jeopardised everything, he wasn’t done with him. The heist was already stressful and chaotic since Arturo got shot on the roof. But Denver couldn’t afford to lose you, he was going to do everything in his power to make sure you were going to make it.
‘Do you see the irony of it?’ Helsinki mumbled to him as they placed her body on a table next to Arturo. ‘She was supposed to patch us up, not the other way around.’ Denver gently stroked your hair; he was afraid you were going to break under his touch. ‘I swear to god that I’ll kill Berlin for this. The bastard.’ His eyes became watery and he blinked a few times so his vision was no longer blurred. Helsinki patted him on the back. ‘Come on, your girl needs you.’ A shaky sigh left his lips. ‘Okay, what do you need from me?’ Helsinki listed a series of materials he needed.  In the confined space, he sought any medical supplies he could find. Realizing quickly that they didn’t have everything they needed. Helsinki tried his best to stabilize the girl he learned to love as a sister. ‘We’re going to do everything we can bro.’ Denver just nodded, he already knew what he was going to do. 
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Denver’s eyes were fixed on the makeshift hospital room, where Helsinki worked tirelessly to stabilize you. The urgency in the air was palpable, heightened by the earlier chaos of Arturo getting shot on the roof and of Berlin shooting you out of nowhere. Denver’s mind raced, a plan forming like a storm in his thoughts.
As Helsinki barked orders for supplies, Denver’s gaze shifted to the entrance of the Royal Mint. The deal with the police had brought surgeons to attend to Arturo, but Denver couldn’t let them focus solely on him. He had to make a bold move to ensure the surgeons would save you first.
Without a second thought, Denver bolted from the room, gun drawn, his heart pounding in his chest. He reached the entrance hall where the surgeons were setting up to attend to Arturo. Determination etched on his face, Denver intercepted the lead surgeon, a middle-aged man in a white coat. ‘Listen, you’re not working on Arturo first,’ Denver declared, his voice low and intense as he pressed the gun against the doctor’s temple. Nairobi gasped for air as she saw his move. ‘Denver, what the fuck are you doing?’. ‘She’s dying! I cannot let her die, I won’t let her die!’ Tears were welling up in his eyes again. The surgeon, taken aback, stammered, ‘But we’re here to help the hostages, that’s the deal with the police.’ Rio cautiously approached his friend. ‘Bro, think this through. We must be careful here, they are just aid workers doing their jobs.’ Denver shook his head. ‘No, they’re helping her first. Then they can help him.’ Rio raised his hands in surrender. ‘Okay, okay. I’ll go and get her here. Stay calm.’ Denver’s eyes bore into the surgeon’s around the table. “You’re going to help her first,” he pointed back toward the makeshift hospital. ‘She’s dying, and she doesn’t have time to wait for your bureaucratic protocols. Do you understand?!’
The surgeons hesitated, caught between the demand and their professional obligations. Denver, fueled by desperation and love, leaned in closer. ‘If you don’t help her, you’ll have a bloodbath on your hands. I’ll fucking kill them all.’ There was a tense moment of silence, and then they nodded, realizing the severity of the situation. Denver led him back to the room where Helsinki was working. The surgeon assessed the situation quickly, understanding the gravity of your condition.
‘Alright,’ the surgeon said, taking charge. "Hook her up to the monitor and prep a sterile field for the equipment. Now, someone assist me.’. Denver, feeling a mix of relief and determination, jumped in to assist. The room buzzed with urgency as the surgeon and the makeshift medical team worked together. Denver stole glances at you, hoping against hope that the medical intervention would be enough to save you.
As the surgeons worked to stabilise you, Denver couldn’t shake off the guilt and anger toward Berlin. He vowed silently to make the older gangster pay for what he had done. The heist had taken an even darker turn, and Denver was willing to break any rule, defy any expectation, to ensure the woman he loved would survive.
‘Clamp!’ The surgeon ordered his colleagues as he poked at you with tweezers. 'I can see the bullet, wait I-’ A clanging sound resounded as the bullet fell into the metal dish. Denver breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the metal ball on the table. ‘Needle and thread, I have to be quick.’. With determination, he began suturing the wound. 'Give her a bag of O- too, she’s going to need it.’ Denver watched with wide eyes as they hooked you up to an IV so you could get enough blood again. "Are you sure she can get O-? The surgeon nodded. 'Universal donor.’ ’ He muttered as he tied the last loop. ‘This is all we can do for her inside here, if you let her go outside with us we can guarantee her safety.’ Denver immediately shook his head. 'No, no if she goes out, she’ll get at least 30 years in prison. Is she stable?’ The surgeon nodded. 'Then she stays here.’
Helsinki moved the table you were lying on to the corner of the room. Denver followed on your heels. As soon as the Serbian led the surgeons toward Arturo, he sank down on his knees. 'We should have left while we still had the chance. I knew it. He dropped the weapon beside him and grasped his hair desperately. ‘You’re going to be okay, you have to be okay. I’m not walking out of here without you’.
You could hear what Denver was saying to you but you weren’t able to respond, you were in a strange twilight zone. You weren’t awake but you weren’t unconscious either, you had felt all the pain, it was burning. It was a strange state you were in.
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Denver stormed down the stairs straight to the entrance hall with an assault rifle in hand. ‘Denv-’ Tokyo tried to reason with him but it was to no avail. He put his Dali mask back on and pointed the rifle at Berlin’s face who was sitting on the ground near the hostages. ‘Get up.’ A cocky grin appeared on his lips. ‘What didn’t your girl make it?’ Denver was seeing red. ‘I’m going to ask you one more time and if you don’t listen I’ll blow your brains out.’ He raised his hands in surrender and stood up. He didn’t want to risk it to see if he was bluffing or not. ‘Towards the entrance.’ Denver pointed his gun towards the massive door that was shielding them from the outside. ‘You’re kidding?’ He shook his head. ‘Rio, go open the fucking door.’ Rio didn’t waste a second and ran towards his computer. ‘Everyone up, masks on and weapons at the ready!’ Tokyo yelled towards the hostages. They all obeyed and stood in a V-shape behind Denver, all their weapons pointed at Berlin. Nairobi casually walked toward him and pulled the Dali mask from his hands. ‘Didn’t think so.’ She took her place next to Rio at the door. ‘Rio, now!’. 
Before anyone could object, the young man opened the doors. 'Drive him out. The crowd stepped forward evenly with their weapons drawn so Berlin had no choice but to walk out of the bank.  ‘Adios bastard!’ Nairobi shouted. The police did not understand what was happening, one of them was thrown out of the bank. Without a mask. Within seconds they had his name: Andrés de Fonollosa. The special units marched forward and charged him. His hands were harshly held behind his back and they dragged him into the interrogation tent. As Berlin looked over his shoulder one last time, Denver raised his middle finger at him. One last sign of envy. 
Rio closed the doors before the police fully realized what just happened. When they were fully closed, Tokyo pulled off her mask. 'The professor is going to kill you. How are we ever supposed to get out of here alive?’ 'Calm down, we’ll find a solution to it. Besides, I don’t think I was the only one who wanted him out.’ Denver looked at the other gang members. Rio and Nairobi nodded in agreement; the others shrugged. 'He was just there to perform fear on the hostage takers, he had no real job. I’ll take over his duties. We’ll get out of here, with the money as agreed. Promise.’ Tokyo wearily stroked a hand through her hair. 'I hope you’re right Denver.’
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Three days had passed and you still hadn’t awakened. The gang members had planned out a rotation so there was always someone sitting by your side. It was Denver’s turn. He held your hand and absently stroked your knuckles with his thumb. 'We haven’t discussed where we would go when we walk out of here.’ He muttered more to himself than to you. ‘I thought we were going to live on a remote island and party on the beach every night?’ Your voice was hoarse and your throat hurt from days of not speaking. ‘What happened?’ You tried to sit up but a hellish twinge of pain stopped you. Your face twisted in pain. Denver was in shock. ‘You’re awake,’ he muttered to himself, ‘you’re alive.’ He gently pushed you down so that you were back on the table. 'No, don’t move too much. Berlin shot you. Don’t worry I made him pay.’ Confusion was on your face. 'How long was I out for?’ Denver gently stroked hair out of your face. 'Three days, we leave in two hours.’ He stroked a strand of hair behind your ear. 'I’d never have left you behind, Helsinki and I made a stretcher.’ 'What happened to Berlin?’ Denver chuckled irritably, an angry expression crossed his face.  'We handed him over to the police. He crossed the line, we’re a team and he betrayed you.'  Flashes of Berlin forcing a woman into sexual acts moved before your eyes again. 'I couldn’t let him have his way,’ you muttered. 'I know sweetheart, I know.’
You had completely forgotten about the Professor, how would he have reacted? "El Professor? Denver saw the question in your eyes. 'He was angry, but he understood our reaction. We couldn’t trust him anymore.’ You nodded gently, thankfully he wasn’t the most important link you thought to yourself. How could you have been so wrong about someone, he seemed to be a strong leader type when he was just a pervert. 
'Would you like to try standing and walking around a bit?’ You bit the inside of your cheek and nodded. ‘Come on, I’ll help you.’ Denver stood up again and placed a strong arm around your shoulders to gently help you upright so you were in a sitting position. ‘Take a deep breath baby.’ He mumbled when he saw the painful grimace on your face. Air filled your lungs when you did what he said. You resisted the pain and swung your legs over the edge of the table. 'Put your arm around my shoulders so I can support you.’ Obediently, you did as he asked of you and clung to his neck. He gently wrapped one arm around your lower back and the other along the front of your hips. He was careful so he didn’t touch the gunshot wound. ‘On three, one, two, three.’ You got to your feet. It was a strange feeling, they felt very heavy but that was probably because you had been lying on an uncomfortable table for three days. Everything was a little stiff. Cautiously taking some steps, Denver did not leave your side afraid you would fall. ‘And?’ His voice was hoarse. ‘I’m a bit sore and not the good kind.’ His laughter roared through the room. 'I can take care of that in a few days when you’re feeling better.’ Blood rushed to your cheeks. 'Don’t be so vulgar.’ Before he could object, the office door flew open and Helsinki walked in. ‘You’re awake?’ A grin spread across his lips. ‘You’re awake!’ The Serb walked toward you but Denver raised his hand protectively. 'Gunshot wound and haven’t been awake for three days, be careful big boy.’ Helsinki rolled his eyes before gently wrapping his arms around your frame. 'Oh I am so glad you’re okay. I hadn’t doubted my ability for a moment but still.’ You laughed softly. ‘Thank you, I owe you my life.’ He shook his head. 'Well, I did a lot but if Denver hadn’t obliged the surgeons for Arturo to help you I don’t think we would be standing here now.’ You looked at Denver with a raised eyebrow. He had a sheepish expression on his face. ‘I might have held them at gunpoint until they agreed to operate on you,’ he admitted. Your mouth fell open in astonishment. ‘Dude, they’re EMT’s. You gotta show them some respect.’ He nodded. ‘I know, but I was panicking, and we couldn’t do everything because we didn’t have the right equipment. They were our only option. Your only option.’ You nodded. ‘Bring me to the others so we can leave here as soon as possible, please.’ The three of you walked towards the large entrance hall where everyone had gathered. ‘Havana!’ Nairobi exclaimed upon seeing you coming down the stairs. Tokyo and Rio turned around when they heard her scream. Moscow winked at his son, who couldn’t contain a grin. ‘Sorry I couldn’t help more,’ you mumbled as you stood among the others. Everyone expressed relief that you had pulled through and assured you that everything was going smoothly. ‘We’re leaving in 30 minutes.’ Helsinki announced. Everyone nodded. ‘Let’s do this.’ 
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2 months later 
The two of you lay side by side on the sun-soaked sands of the deserted island, the rhythmic sound of gentle waves providing a soothing backdrop. With the golden sun kissing your skin, you took turns applying sunscreen, laughter dancing in the air as you playfully teased each other. ‘Give me a kiss.’ It wasn’t a question, he ordered you but you didn’t mind. You crawled towards him and straddled his lap, one knee on each side of him. ‘Told you we would end up on an island.’ You mumbled before you pressed your lips softly on his. He hummed in agreement. You placed your arms loosely around his neck and his hands slowly crept up. First over your thighs until they found a spot above the edge of your bikini bottoms. You leaned back a little so you could look at him. 'I could do this forever. Just the two of us on a deserted island.’ He nodded in agreement. ‘I assumed this was forever from now.’ He had that boyish grin on his face that you loved so much. ‘If we’re really going to do this, then-’ You didn’t finish your sentence and kissed him again, more intensely than before. You fought for dominance as your tongues swirled around each other. He didn’t just give in. His hands moved a little higher and he played with the string of your bikini top. Tired of his wait-and-see attitude, you untied the string yourself, followed by the string at your neck, causing the top to fall between you. 'I thought you promised me I was going to be sore? Or am I remembering that wrong?’ He didn’t wait a second and pushed you back into the sand. His lips found the pulse point on your neck. He sucked it gently until the stinging sensation earned a moan from you, then soothed it with his tongue. 'Havana you drive me crazy.’ he mumbled against your neck. ‘Call me y/n, please call me y/n.’ He was stunned for a few seconds and pushed himself up on his arms so he could look at you. ‘Y/n’ he mumbled, a grin appearing on his face. ‘My actual name is Daniel, but everyone calls me Dani.’ You smiled back as you repeated his name. ‘That’s easier to scream when I’m fucking you.’ You laughed out loud. ‘I hope that’s a promise.’  Instead of answering, he pressed his lips hungrily to yours again.
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michaelwheelers · 1 month
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posting unfinished gifsets that were going to rot in my drafts: 1/?
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marinagail · 11 months
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Oh god.
I'm excited for BERLIN.
But THIS...
No way they try to make DAMIAN el professor 0.2.
The way he dressed and acted like Sergio. It's the one that made me so cringe.
Not trying to judge, but Bruce and Keila??? Kelia smelling bruce?? I mean,
I'm not trying to judge, i'm not trying to complain so much, but please, you have so many fans here that is excited for this... But THIS... Lol
Don't make me loose hope here.
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admireforever · 11 months
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La Casa De Papel (s01e07)
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The costume department of La Casa de Papel doesn't get enough credit.
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lazar-arts · 4 months
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Group Therapy - Money Heist
I finished season/part 4 a few days ago and the elevator hug reminded me of that Anne Hathaway photo, so I used that photo as reference for this. I spent a good amount of hours on this and if I render this any more, I will explode, so I figured I should just share this before I get in too deep.
Bonus: With more dramatic lighting
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artsyfangirl3 · 10 months
Okay why is there not a single person on Money Heist that doesn't give me bi panic?
First off, the first time I bingewatched this masterpiece of a show this man...
Just look at him, who wouldn't crush on him 🥺😍?
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And then there's this man!
Gotta love a smart man...
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Now, it's dawned on me how all the women are so stunning.
I mean look at our Narrator!!
Ursula is just so pretty
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Don't even get me started on the Inspector
The nose ring is everything
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And of course, Nairobi
(It needed to be Canon she was bi)
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Thank you for listening to this TED Talk
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Me 🤝 wanting to write for fandoms no one reads or writes anymore
So I'm adding now new fandoms and characters
Money Heist
'cause I'm rewatching my comfort show
Alicia Sierra
El Professor
Station 19
Andrea Herera
Maya Bishop
Victoria Hughes
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madirablack · 1 year
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Have I mentioned I love the Spanish
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filmesbrazil · 2 years
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tonks-21 · 1 year
Reader likes to do models | La casa de papel headcanons | Corvey’s chest | Requests open
Headcanons when you like to do models 
Characters: Tokyo, Río, Nairobi, Denver, Moscú, Helsinki, The Professor, Raquel Murillo/Lisboa, Palermo, Mónica Gaztambide/Estocolmo, Berlín
Reader: gn
TW: fluff, +18
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You were assembling the model of La Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre when someone came into the room...
-She would find this hobby of yours cute
-Talking with you while you make your models
-She likes to see your concentrated face
-Boops your nose from time to time making funny sounds with her mouth
-Sometimes she jokes with you touching you in intimate areas when you are working on a delicate piece
-But she wouldn't forgive herself for ruining your work 
-Other times, she'll just tease you to see at what point you can handle her 
-Tokyo likes to kiss you while you're making the models. On the cheek, on the neck, on the mouth…
-If she's having a bad day, she hugs you like a koala bear and won't let go while you are assembling the pieces and all
-The calmness and tranquility you exude when you're at it, she loves it
-Sometimes, if she’s needy, this woman will remain by your side ‘till you decide you’re done with it
-Even if it’s 3 am already
-When you finish a model, she kisses you as if she could never do it again
-She just loves you so much
-Then you two lie down on the bed tired and she snuggles into you
-This guy also find it cute
-Would try to help you, but fail in the process
-It’s just too tiny and delicate for him
-And if he finishes good a part of it, he will surely break it unwillingly when you two celebrate afterwards
-Remains by your side the WHOLE time
-Even if it’s late, even if he’s sleepy, even if it’s raining rocks; Río will be there with you
-It’s the type of falling asleep while you are working in it
-This guy compliments you when you do LITERALLY the most easiest thing 😘
-He just likes to do it
-It’s in his nature
-He will glue and sand the materials in order to help you if you ask him to do so :)
-And even if you don't
-He just can’t help it 😭
-This woman sees intelligence/ability for something as something attractive, even hot, so she’d have this impression of you
-Long talks while you work on some model
-Likes to sit behind you, letting you into her between her legs
-I’m not sure if she’d join you, I think Nairobi prefers watching you
-But would like to try if you want her to
-Gives you kisses every now and then everywhere but in your mouth
-When you finish and start to stretch, she grabs you around the waist and kisses you on the lips
-Nairobi would rub some part of you like your waist distracted while you’re assembling the pieces
-Would boast about you doing models in front of the gang
-If you fall asleep, no problem! Nairobi will take you to bed or at least put a blanket on you while caressing your back, comb a bit your hair and kiss your head
-Would call you cool!
-Likes to talk about the intelligent you are when you are working on the models
-This bitch’d scream it if he could 💀
-Being with you while you’re at it calms him
-Likes to see you work, but would go from time to time
-Makes you dinner 🥰
-And brings anything you want to you
-Hears you talk about this hobby of yours while going to the shop and buy things for it with you
-When you’re done with some hard piece, he hugs you with one arm
-Don’t use this a lot, as a tip. But it’s cute anyway
-Moscú puts some relaxing music and tries to help you
-And fails incredibly
-But he tries cutely 🤩
-He’s this dude that says “i’m too old for this” haha
-He likes to see you work so passionately in it
-Making models near to this man includes:
Him caressing your back
Bringing you whatever food/drink you ask for
This guy going to the shop and buying the wrong thing
(idk how to do this shit with Moscú, i can’t see him like anything but a father figure 😭)
-We know that even if this man looks huge, he is literally a little teddy bear
-So he’ll stay by your side
-Make you coffee
-Buy anything you ask him to
-And getting the right materials each time
-He’s too attentive to that
-And cheering you up
-He says “let everything there, i’ll clean it up tomorrow”
-He’s such a sweetheart 🥲
-When he comes home and you are in it, he’s always “what are you doing? Can I see? Can I see?”
-If you ask Helsinki to do some model, he won’t, he says he has indelicate hands
-He admires your art as if it were the best one in history 😍
The Professor / Sergio Marquina
-He is surprised at first
-Then he places his glasses with his unique movement and smiles at you
-As he does origami, he has some ability to help you
-It’s kind of romantic between you two
-You two are kind of shy/not talkative people, it’s calm and relaxing just do models all evening along
-You do models of the places in which you’ll gonna steal
-When it’s finished, you kiss him right in the lips
-Sergio smiles into your touch and caresses your cheek
-It becomes a type of special date between you two 
-He’s always so nervous asking you for doing this date 
Raquel Murillo / Lisboa
-She’d find it cute
-But also hot, as this woman finds knowledge attractive like Nairobi 
-Sometimes, she tries to seduce you while you are concentrated gluing something
-Sits in your lap, blocking your vision placed in the model, and caresses your waist while kissing you
-It’s funny and hot at the same time
-So, since she knows about this hobby of yours, you usually work in the models in your bedroom
-Likes to tease you when you are placing the parts of the model
-She just looks at you while you’re doing it. Not such a fan, but she’d visit you sometime
-She compliments you when it’s done by the way
-Sometimes Raquel’s needy while you are working on a model
-She just grapes herself to you from behind as a koala bear
-Okay, this guy would not be there at all
-One day, you didn’t sleep the whole night, you stayed working on the model
-He comes in the morning with his coffee
-And just.. spreads it all over the model
-This jerk laughs while you run after him around the house
-All the gang just lets you chase around
-They think is kinda cute, bc Palermo just jokes around and says stupid things while you struggle to catch him
-He covers himself while you give him a couple of slaps, you were angry, but you weren't going to hit him for real either
-After a few seconds, this guy tells you that he’ll help you redo it
-Palermo helps you a lot
-And I mean, A LOT
-He doesn’t just glue and sand the materials, he also place them and looks with you to the instructions
-He asks you to take breaks, in which he’ll take you to dance 
-At the end, he’s a jerk. But a intelligent and stupidly romantic jerk
Sorry I didn’t put Oslo, it’s only that I can’t think about situations/hcs with him because, with the little participation he had, both in time and in speech, I can’t really figure out his personality or his type of reactions.
Mónica Gaztambide / Estocolmo
-Would hug you when she knows about it
-It’s cute to her
-Helps you if you ask her too
-When she’s back home or has free time Mónica is near you reading a book or something, enjoying your company
-Soft talks
-Cozy clothes
-Would like to go buy the materials with you
-Gifts models on special dates to you
-Mónica gives you massages from time to time in the head and arms
-Takes unexpected photos of you working on models and says how cute you are
-Would say she had delete them, but it’s not true
-He would hug you from behind, complimenting you and admiring your art
-He likes it so much
-Helps you if you ask to, but prefers to see you do it while drinking wine
-Would give you kisses on your head from time to time
-Since one of his love languages is quality time, he’s there with you 
-If he knows you are working, he prepares two coffees or the drink you prefer
-Supportive af, but a calm guy 😄
-Would presume your art and the fact that he doesn’t even know what you saw on him
-Did I say he compliments you a lot?
-Well then I repeat it :D
-Berlín insists on buying you the supplies
-Puts Bella Ciao while you are working
-Talks to you about his life in the process
-An usual date  between you two is you working on your models and Berlín just there, with his wine, and the two of you talking about anything and everything at the same time
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Remember: Requests are open, I’m accepting of this series too :D
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miguelherranspain · 2 years
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geekpopnews · 7 months
La Casa de Papel| Spin-off 'Berlim' ganhará 2ª temporada
Netflix confirma 2ª temporada de Berlim, série derivada de La Casa de Papel.
A Netflix anunciou com post oficial no Youtube e Instagram que o spin-off Berlim ganhará 2ª temporada. O seriado que é um prelúdio da história de La Casa de Papel, teve a continuação confirmada após dois meses da estreia da primeira temporada. Enredo de ‘Berlim’ A história acompanha Berlim (Pedro Alonso) em sua época de ouro. Juntamente com um grupo especial de ladrões planejam um roubo de 44…
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austenwazright · 9 months
Honestly the first time I watched la casa de papel when it came out I was like 14 and I was so annoyed by Rio but like I'm re-watching it now and like the boy is 19???? He's younger then me???? I still can't think of me as an adult????? I'll never judge that boy again I'm sorry baby I didn't know better
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peralton · 2 years
neil “tienes que vivir muchas vidas, mi amor” perry.
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stolenlegends · 2 years
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Soooo, I’ve started watching La Casa de Papel again yesterday because I was missing Río but then I realised that I missed everyone. When the show first came out, I thought I’d never watch it… for no specific reason, I just didn’t feel like it 🤣 then I saw everyone talk about how great it was and I started and immediately loved it. One year after it ended, I’m still obsessed. It’s the kind of shows, just like Elite, that make me truly happy & I’m glad I’ve started watching it again 🥰 but now, I just want to rob a bank as well tbh 🤣 anyways, I’ve missed these two ❤️
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