michaelwheelers · 1 month
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posting unfinished gifsets that were going to rot in my drafts: 1/?
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nocturnal-jeon · 5 years
𝚋𝚝𝚜 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗➛ 𝚜/𝚘 𝚏𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚜 (𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚗𝚊𝚎 𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚎)
alright, here’s the second half and some of these aren’t as angsty, but i ran out of ideas lol which is why people need to request stuffffff
Park Jimin
Jimin was the object of your affection. He was everything that you could have ever dreamt of in a companion. He taught you how to love, how to love yourself, and how to accept love. Jimin was easily the best thing to have ever happened to you. Jimin always made a mental note to kiss you, tell you he loves you, and call you beautiful every day. And for the two years you’ve been together, he has followed up on that. 
Jimin would have his bouts of insecurity, but one of the things he loved most about you was the fact that you were always there to comfort him. Once, even though he was on the road, you were on the fastest flight to Osaka to be with him and tell him how much you loved him. He would often fret over the smallest things and would try to push himself past his limits, but you could always tell, even when he couldn’t, when he needed to take a rest and sit out for a little bit. 
Though you weren’t an idol and weren’t constantly in the public eye with millions of expectations, you still had your moments. There were some times when Jimin didn’t know you were feeling down or insecure because most of the time he would be on the road, but even if he was in a different country, you would get a good morning text, a goodnight text, an ‘I love you’ text, and a ‘You’re beautiful’ text. But sometimes, you needed more than a text. You could never bear to tell him that, though, because his precious, sensitive heart, wouldn’t be able to handle it. 
Jimin was away on tour and you missed him dearly, but he either called or texted you every day and it meant a lot. But, the perks of texting was the fact that it was kinda hard for him to see your emotions. And if Jimin knew the thoughts that were going through your head, he would be on the first flight back to you, dropping everything he had to do in a heartbeat. But that was the sole reason why you didn’t open up and tell that to him. 
You always followed up on their concerts on Twitter and you smiled when you came across pictures of Jimin jumping around on stage with Jin and Jungkook. You were glad at least one of you was having fun. His bright smile warmed your heart, but the thoughts of your insecurity drowned it out. 
Your stomach grumbled and you looked over at the kitchen, imagining the sweet taste of pudding, but you decided against food. And you decided against it for the two remaining weeks until Jimin was back in your arms after the tour had ended. 
You sat in a fancy restaurant in an uncomfortable dress in a private room with all of the members and their managers as they celebrated the close to a successful tour. Jimin sat next to you, a big smile on his face, as he drank some champagne. You felt drowsy and tired though you got a full night’s sleep. You looked down at your plate of untouched food and you could feel your stomach making noises like a monster, but you felt that you needed to be better looking for Jimin. Those photos on Twitter made you realize how crazy it was that someone like Jimin was with someone like you. 
And you didn’t want him to leave you, so you tried a faster way to shed some pounds, and if that meant not eating, then so be it. 
Jimin didn’t notice a drastic change within you besides the fact that you were just a little bit silent. He held your hand and gave a gentle squeeze, causing you to look up at him. “Are you okay?” he whispered amongst the conversations being had. You nodded, a faux smile on your red lips. For the rest of the night, he watched as all you could do was stare at your food rather than eat it. 
“I’m gonna go to the bathroom,” you said to him before getting up and walking in the direction of the bathroom with quick feet. Confused and concerned, Jimin excused himself and followed you, and it was good that he did because he was able to catch your body before it hit the floor. He brushed the hair out of your face and shook you gently, hoping you would wake up. But you didn’t. Screaming at the top of his lungs for help, all of the members rushed to your side as the staff at the restaurant bustled about, calling the ambulance and such. 
Jimin softly cried as he held your hand close to his heart, not knowing what was going on and wishing he had some answers. How did such a great night go so wrong?
You’ll never forget the look on Jimin’s face when the doctor told you both later at the hospital that you fainted due to hunger. Jimin blinked multiple times before looking at you with tear filled eyes. “You haven’t been eating?” he asked in a broken voice that caused pain within your heart. You shook your head, looking down at your hands. “I wanted you to come home to a prettier version of me,” you explained in a quiet voice. But he heard. He heard loud and clear and suddenly he understood everything. You always told him you ate or claimed you had a stomach ache. 
Holding both of your hands, he pleaded that you look at him. And you did. “You’re everything to me, y/n. Perfect. And I know you might not see that now, but it’s true, darling. I love you the way you are and not eating isn’t the way to go about anything,” he explained before bringing your hands up to his lips as he placed soft kisses over the smooth skin. 
“Promise me you won’t do this again. Promise me that you’ll tell me what’s going on,” he begged, a single tear sliding down his cheek. “I promise.” 
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Kim Taehyung
Though you and Taehyung weren’t married, you acted as if you’ve been married for years and years. You dreamt of marrying him, you’ve talked about marriage, and your parents have been pressuring you to get married, but Taehyung told you he wanted to do it when the time was right. 
He didn’t want to spend the first few months of his marriage in a different country on tour; he couldn’t do that to you. However, there was a very expensive ring on your middle finger that Taehyung had given you. He said it would be the little part of him that would always be with you when he was away, and when the stars aligned for you two to get engaged, there would be an even better ring on the finger next to it. 
You wanted a big wedding with a carriage and fireworks when you were younger, but you were so in love with Taehyung that eloping in a courthouse would be enough for you. Anything, just so that you could officially call Taehyung your lawfully wedded husband. 
You had been feeling a bit weird for the past week, but you were never able to explain your feelings to Taehyung. He sat across from you as you tried to get the words out but ultimately gave up. He pouted. “Finish your sentence,” he whined, wanting to know what was going on. “It’s like my stomach hurts, but it doesn’t hurt. But it doesn’t feel normal, either,” you tried to explain, but ended breaking into laughter when Taehyung’s eyebrows furrowed together as he tilted his head in pure confusion. “Babe, I don’t even know what to do with that information. Like, it doesn’t hurt, so I’m not concerned, but it doesn’t feel normal either so I don’t know what to do about that,” he explained. You giggled. 
“I’m not in any pain or anything, so there’s no need to worry,” you said. He smiled and pulled your body on top of his as he wrapped his arms around you. You immediately sank into his body. “My cuddles will fix everything!” he announced before burying his face into your neck and placing messy kisses on the skin. You laughed as he knew you were extremely ticklish. His fingers resting at your sides began to dig into your stomach and move about, causing you to laugh even louder and squirm. 
“Tae, stop!” you whined, tears pouring out of your eyes. He stopped and laughed when he saw how red your face was. “See, do you feel better now?” he asked cutely. No, you didn’t. If anything, your stomach still felt weird, but you didn’t know how to explain that, so you nodded and smiled. With a quick kiss, he said, “Good!” 
“Let go, I want to go get some snacks,” you whined into his chest. “I’ll let you go only if you give me a kiss and bring me some chips,” he proposed. You kissed his lips and got up. “Deal.” And before you made it past the couch, your body collapsed on the floor, your head just missing the corner of the coffee table. He scrambled off the couch and held your body, confused, but scared more than anything. 
He sat in the hospital, his knee bouncing anxiously as he waited for the doctor to come. “Taehyung, you will put a hole in the floor if you keep doing that,” you playfully scolded. “I’m sorry,” he said as he stopped moving his leg. “Taehyung, I’m fine, please stop worrying,” you said as you held both of his hands. “You fainted,” he simply said, worry laced in his soft tone. “It doesn’t mean that I’m dying or anything,” you said. He slowly nodded. 
“Well, you’re certainly not dying,” the doctor said as she entered the room, causing Taehyung to let out a dramatic sigh of relief. “However, we did discover something in your tests.” Now you were afraid. You felt Taehyung’s grip on your hand increase.
“Congratulations! You’re pregnant!” the doctor exclaimed. Your eyes widened ten times larger than the moon. Looking over at Taehyung, you saw he had a very similar expression on his face. “Pregnant? Baby? As in my baby is having a baby? My baby?” Taehyung rambled on, causing you to laugh as happy tears slid down your cheeks. He held your face with both of his large hands and kissed all over your face, every inch receiving some love. 
“We’re having a baby, y/n,” he said as he rested his forehead against yours. “We’re having a baby,” you repeated, over the moon with joy. 
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Jeon Jungkook
To say that you needed to beat Jungkook’s ass was an understatement. You knew he would never let you live it down if you lost this soccer game. What made it difficult, though, was the fact that BTS decided it would be best to play in the sand at the beach. Not only was it hot and you were practically dying, but it was also the hardest thing ever to run in the sand. But, a challenge was a challenge, and even though Jungkook was the love of your life, you wanted to take him down. 
The boys all had a day off and wanted to do something fun, and since the weather was hot and beautiful, they figured a friendly soccer match at the beach would be sufficient. But there was nothing friendly about the competitive spirit inside you and your boyfriend Jungkook. The only person to protest the game was Yoongi since all he wanted to do was sit on the beach and do nothing, so you came to a compromise. He would be the goalie, but in return, he could be a sitting goalie. 
He was supposed to be paying attention, but he sat in his chair, head back, as he slept soundly in the middle of the goal. No one wanted him to be their goalie, but you lost the rock paper scissors game to Jungkook, so goalie Yoongi was now your responsibility. 
Luckily, you got Jimin and Jin. Though Jin wasn’t the best at soccer, his long legs were useful when it came to tripping people. This wasn’t a very clean game of soccer, that’s for sure. Jungkook, Taehyung, Namjon, and Hoseok pulled themselves into a huddle, most of the conversation silent, before Jungkook purposefully said as loudly as he could, “Don’t forget to beat Y/n’s ass!” You laughed as you gave out positions. 
“Why do we have to be put in the middle of Jungkook and Y/n’s little fake rivalry?” Jimin whined from the left side of the makeshift field. “Yeah, just kiss and make up or something,” Namjoon commented as he put his hand up to block the bright rays of the sun. “Nope. This is a friendly game, right Jungkook?” you asked with a raised eyebrow as you looked across at your boyfriend. “Yup. Friendly,” he replied, not meaning a single word. 
And so the games began. 
You played dirty, trying to push Jungkook whenever he tried to take the ball from you, but he would trip you if you were headed straight for the goal. Cutely, though, he would always ask if you were okay and help you up before continuing the game. 
“Babe, you’re so bad at this,” you said after running back to your starting position after scoring an awesome goal on Hoseok. “Oh, just wait and see, babe,” he mocked with a playful grin on his face. Getting the ball from Taehyung, Jungkook bolted past you and weaved his way through Jimin as he headed straight for the goal. 
You turned and began to run after him, but your body never made it all the way because you collapsed in the sand. “Jungkook!” Hoseok shouted as he ran towards your unconscious figure, grabbing the attention of everyone on the field. Jungkook turned his head to look back and nearly tripped over himself when he ran as fast as ever towards you. Namjoon jogged over with a cold bottle of water and a fan. 
Jungkook lightly slapped your red cheeks as Namjoon waved the fan over your face, the probability of you passing out due to the heat likely. Slowly enough, you came to, coming eye to eye with a worried Jungkook. You’ve never seen him more scared in his life. “Hey, I’m okay, it’s just really hot,” you softly said before taking a few sips from the water bottle Namjoon handed to you. He nodded, eyes wide. 
“I think we should end the game there,” Jimin said, and you nodded in agreement. You looked over at Yoongi who was fast asleep but noticed the ball several feet behind him. Slowly, you turned to look at Jungkook. “Did you score?” you asked. “Yup,” he said with a smirk. That meant Jungkook’s team won by one point. “Damnit Yoongi!” you shouted before falling back on the sound with a groan. 
“What?” Yoongi groggily asked as he removed the sunglasses from his tired eyes, completely having missed everything. “Guess that means I won,” Jungkook said, but quickly regretted it after earning a glare from you. “But, really you won because you’re amazing at soccer and so much better than me. I love you, baby,” he quickly said, causing you to laugh. “Good game, Jeon, good game.”
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neopound · 4 years
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I have so much vintage shit in my Depop I’m trying to clear out bcuz I want to dedicate a majority of my Depop to my screen printed shirts and art- I already discounted it all 15% but if u want more than one thing just message me and I’ll knock more off I don’t want this stuffffff- mostly medium to large sizes in this stuff!!!
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sleepingclimb · 7 years
aphrodite, eros, persephone !!!
aphrodite: what do you find attractive in a person? if we are talking about physical traits i really like long hair, dark hair like brown or black(i also like dyed hair sometimes!) i love moles and beauty marks, nice eyebrows, longer limbs and kind of lanky body types... and a lil muscle is  always really cute, i also am weak for longer/skinnier/bony hands and feet n fingers n stuff idk it just looks so graceful but still really cool to see knuckles kind of? i also really love hairy stomachs n legs n stuffffff lol im literally just describing makishima @ this point this has went downhill.... basically maki is my type but i am also like super in love w everyone and i dont really care about things like body type or hair/skin colour or exactly how many moles someone has LOL.. personality wise i really like people who are the opposite of me and more introverted and quiet/shy/awkward.. i really luv people who are hard to get close to and are a challenge i gues? cause i always become super fixated on challenges! most things are easy for me so challenges are always exciting and new and amazing i love them sm.. i also always fall for tsundere characters LOL i think someone teasing and like playing hard 2 get’ while still showing a clear flirty interest... like teasing and being mean to me but in a playful way? also competition and when people can like beat me or challenge me and actually make me put in some EFFORT! its so much fun lmao damn need me a freak like that.. i like people who have good but kind of weird music taste and can always show me things i would have never found otherwise! ppl who care about their appearance and actually plan out/think of outfits and have a cool original style.. and when ppl r kind of nerdy n get passionate about certain little things.. thats even 10x cuter when the person is usually quiet and avoidant and then they jus LIGHT UP and are so cute and idk man im genuinely just describing makishima yuusuke again!! i am sorry... also this was long but im rlly gay 4 maki-chan and now u got me thinkin
eros: describe your crush? the ideal man is makishima yuusuke ^^^^^
persephone: a song that describes you? twist barbie by shounen knife! words and smiles by tiger trap, girls like me by tv girl??? lol probably mostly the boys by dragonette wahahaha
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