#la big bertha
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raisedbydragwolves · 2 years ago
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paloma during the finale of drag race france, season 2.
bonus: keiona's crowning.
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clubkidandcollectives · 1 year ago
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sexynetra · 2 years ago
Alright gay bitches in my phone. I am currently watching drag race France s1 (no spoilers please!) but I need people to talk about it with so hit me up if you have watched drag race France and will allow me to scream to you about it/about Nicky Doll the loml
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redsamphoto · 1 year ago
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New gallery on my website, Boom to Bust, photos from Las Vegas, Nevada, and Bodie, California. redsam.com
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daughtersofbelleteyn · 2 years ago
La Big Bertha, SOA and La Grande Dame had no right being THAT gorgeous. My heart went 🫠
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As you recently posted that you are worried about the third series without Gaitan I would ask some questions. First, what did you thing of the second series *Ecomoda*? What would you want Betty, Armando, et al. to be up to decades later? Are there aspects of the original series you would like to see followed up?
Hiii thanks for the questions!🥰
Tbh, I never watched Ecomoda. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for the cute Armando/Betty fluff, but I really saw no point in it (and it always looked so oversaturated with colors that it was unappealing to me lol). So some of the things I'd love to see might have been answered already in Ecomoda and I judt don't know lmao. Although That's also part of my issue with this new coming series!
Regarding what I would like to see, new and continued, and in no particular order, I'd love:
Tributes and/or mentiones of the original cast members that are no longer with us. Perhaps Hugo keeping a portrait of Inesita on his desk and occasionally making comments to it (("ay, Inés, ¿está viendo usted la porquería de puntadas que son estas? No, es que esta gente es alérgica al talento, de verdad" while he's in the middle of one of those tantrums or something before moving on. Just general and occasional comments in a way that leaves the viewer with the sure knowledge that Hugo loves and misses Inesita, and that for him she'll forever be his best friend and she is never forgotten but also not to an unhealthy degree you know??)). Bertha talking about her Gordito on the phone or to the Cuartel (just because the actor passed doesn't mean the character has to, too). Betty mentioning something like Catalina moved to another country or something but that they are still the best of friends and keep in contact often; or Camila saying she's planning to go on vacations with her Aunt Cata for the summer. Just in general, I'd love for this new part to not forget those who participated in the original, and for all the relationships and friendships that were so cute and strong to remain as such in the new one.
Betty and Armando still in love. I want them to be so in love and devoted to each other, but I also want to see them as a team working together in Ecomoda. I also want them to be respected. Maybe the Cuartel is not so aprovechado anymore? Lol
Flashbacks. I want some more details about their lives, things that we missed for the past 20+ years
Clues about the characters' pasts. I want to know Marcela and Armando's childhood. I want to know when Nicolás and Betty became besties. I don't need big full scenes, but a casual mention like, Armando going "oh, sí, yo tenía tu edad cuando...". Just to fill in gaps that the original left (although I'm also fearful of too much info considering Gaitan is no longer the one writing them)
Unfortunately, there are characters that aren't coming back even though the actors are still around. I want to know what happened to Daniel, to Sofia, to Jenny. I want to know what happened to Daniel after being so stupid as to invest every single penny he owned and put it in a proyect that led nowhere lmao. I want to know what happened to Jenny.
I'd love to see Freddy and Jimmy being good friends. Jimmy doesn't have to call him dad, but I want it to be super clear that Freddy basically is and they love each other as father and son (as seen in ysblf). Just imagine their bond now, after so many years! Hopefully Freddy and Aura María are still going strong
I don't remember if Mariana is coming back, but I'd loved to see her actually getting a modeling career like she wanted
I want to see the relationship between Betty and her in laws
I want to see how Marcela came back into their lives (which is honestly baffling and I'm still unsure about this decision, but I understand they had to bring back the iconic duo)
I REALLY don't want Patricia to be redeemed. I don't. She never seemed like she wanted to be redeemed. But if she is, they better give a super good explanation
I also don't want Mario redeemed lmao. I hope he still is the hedonistic womanizer with no sense of morality. Again, I don't think he wanted to be redeemed.
In general, my only three real expectations are: Betty and Armando still together, good and faithful characters, and a good story. I really don't see the need (besides money lmao) to bring it back, so I'm not having much hopes ((especially regarding the characters. I really hope they aren't further flanderized!))
Thank you for your question🥰🥰
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tgyverse · 24 days ago
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Para fomentar la realización de tramas y facilitar el desarrollo de personajes, estaremos realizando la segunda parte de una dinámica para crear nuevas conexiones y tramas entre personajes. Ésta se encuentra dirigida a cualquier personaje presente en el verse. A continuación nos extenderemos en los detalles respectivos.
Para esta dinámica estaremos formando parejas al azar. Cada pareja recibirá una oración/prompt de la cual partirán para abrir un thread.
Si alguna pareja ya posee alguna relación o trama entre sí, por favor comuníquenlo en la brevedad posible al Main. Deseamos que se realice entre personajes que tienen poca o nula comunicación entre sí.
Las oraciones/prompts se escogieron al azar mediante el Spotify de nuestra admin principal, Moony, y se adaptaron para la dinámica.
Pueden modificar la oración escogida y utilizar alguna de la canción de la cual proviene. Así mismo, si les es muy complicado originar una conversación alrededor de la misma, pueden pedir otra canción sin problema.
Queda en ustedes cómo se relacionarán los personajes en el thread, así mismo quien inicia con la frase de la oración. Les pedimos que busquen situaciones que puedan alargar los threads y se consiga que los personajes interactuen durante el mismo.
Existen dos tríos dado que la cantidad de personajes en el verse no es par. En ésta situación, deben interactuar entre los tres personajes.
Si algún personaje llegase a faltar en la dinámica, por favor avísenos de inmediato.
Cualquier duda nos encontramos a un mensaje de distancia, ¡diviértanse!
Aether y Miriam : "You feel no pain, that's okay. I got plenty left, stored up in my chest." Fool of me de Say Lou Lou, Nick Murphy y Chet Faker.
Alecto y Amelia : "I know you'll understand." Keep an eye on me de Frida Sundemo.
Glenda e Isolde : "She smelled of daisies." Big jet plane de Angus and Julia Stone.
Amycus y Xenophilius : "Roll up to the party, roll up, roll up." Sticker de NCT 127.
Arthur y Lenore : "Keep a light on those you love. They will be there when you die." The weight of the world de Editors.
Baptiste y Phoebe : "Spend all the evenings you can with the people who raised you 'cause all the times they will change." Stoned at the nail salon de Lorde.
Barty y Agatha : "I think I've seen this film before and I didn't like the ending." Exile de Taylor Swift con Bon Iver.
Bellatrix y Stubby : "And for this gift I feel blessed." Smells like teen spirit de Nirvana.
Bertie y Danny : "I would like to leave this city, this old town don't smell too pretty." Half the world away de Aurora.
Bertram y Ted : "They're playing a decent song at last." I'll have to dance with Cassie de God Help The Girl.
Betty y Sturgis : "The way he makes me feel that love isn't real." Cupid de Fifty Fifty con Sabrina Carpenter.
Dane y Rita : "But what about your quiet treason?" Fortnight de Taylor Swift con Post Malone.
Daisy y Lily : "But I am learning to let go of everything I tried to hold." Roman Candles de Death Cab for Cutie.
Darcy y Fabian : "Don't blame me, love made me crazy." Don't Blame me de Taylor Swift.
Dorcas y Gladys : "Forgetting is easier." She went quietly de Charlie Winston.
Edric y Alyssa : "Everything I do, it just comes undone." The hardest part de Coldplay.
Ellie y Jason : "And I'm tired of being all alone." Your call de Secondhand Serenade.
Emma y Olivia : "If you like to do the things you know that we shouldn't do." Perfect de One Direction.
Frank y Jane : "Memories sure have a deadly trigger." Out of the dark de Dia Frampton.
Gideon y Bertha : "I broke my toes 'cause when I'm sad I get as clumsy as a stupid clown." For Marlon de Soko.
Grant y Andromeda : "You don't have to say nothing." Adore you de Harry Styles.
Gwenog y Pandora : "I'm so happy that I'm alive." Higher Power de Coldplay.
Hestia y Victoria : "I have to leave somehow." Scar de Lucy Rose.
Ivan y Remus : "I was good at feeling nothing." Halley's Comet de Billie Eilish.
Jacob y Nicholas : "Really believe you can beat me?" The Girls de Blackpink.
James y Greta : "We're all built for something." Lost in the wild de Walk the moon.
Jonathan y Amos : "And that's how it works, that's how you get the girl." How you get the girl de Taylor Swift.
Lorcan, Finnick y Doris : "Who'd you rather be? The Beatles or The Rolling Stones?" Gimme sympathy de Metric.
Ludo y Alastor : "Were you right? Was I wrong?" Chemicals React de Aly & AJ.
Mary y Augustus : "So let me see you do your thang." 90's Love de NCT U.
Maximilian y Aurora : "Well this side of, mortality is scaring, me, to death." Soldier On de The Temper Trap.
Melissa y Wendy : "These days I'm restless, work days are endless." Message in a bottle de Taylor Swift.
Michael y Charity : "This time turning white and senses dying." Into the fire de Thirteen Senses.
Mina y Katherine : "How do I trust, how do I trust again?" Dancing with your ghost de Sasha Alex Sloan.
Minerva y Andrea : "I know that no one survives." Displaced de Azure Ray.
Molly y Rabastan : "This is the part, you've got to say all that you're feeling." Runaway with me de Carly Rae Jepsen.
Ollie y Severus : "We're all gonna die." Fourth of July de Sufjan Stevens.
Peter y Dawn : "But I'm sorry, look, I'm busy, I ain't trying to offend." Rodeo de Wayv.
Rosalind y Lucinda : "There are those who think that I'm strange." Anchor de Mindy Gledhill.
Scarlett y Emmeline : "Turn off my mind, I beg you. It's buzzing like the Devil's bow." Claude's Girl de Marika Hackman.
Zoe y Sirius : "Just like yesterday I told you I would stay." Two Weeks de Grizzly Bear.
Dedalus y Alfie : "I tend to cancel all the plans." Solar Power de Lorde.
Adora y Sorcha : "Are you gonna watch me pick up the pieces?" From me, the moon de Lav.
Keira y Maria : "We'll take it slow." The 7th Sense de NCT U.
Lorenzo, Yvette y Jihae : "I could be your friend." Waking up slow de Gabrielle Aplin.
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galleryofdrag · 5 months ago
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La Big Bertha
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chic-a-gigot · 2 years ago
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La Mode nationale, no. 18, 4 mai 1901, Paris. No. 1. — Groupe de corsages pour dames et jeunes filles. Bibliothèque nationale de France
Explications des gravures:
(1) Corsage habillé pour jeune femme, en panne vieux rose. Boléro court, bordé de dentelle blanche; grand col revers en dentelle blanche sur transparent de taffetas blanc, fermé par un nœud coulant en satin noir dont les pans arrêtent dans la ceinture en même satin. Plastron de guipure et chemisette de liberty blanc ou de batiste de soie blanche ou de taffetas souple. Col drapé en panne; manche mitaine, bordée de dentelle. Jockeys de panne également bordés de dentelle.
Matériaux: 2m,50 de liberty pour la chemisette; 2m,50 de panne rose.
Capote pailletée; devant nœud de panne noire traversé de deux palmes.
(1) Dressy bodice for a young woman, in old rose panne. Short bolero, edged with white lace; large lapel collar in white lace on transparent white taffeta, closed by a slipknot in black satin whose sides stop in the belt in the same satin. Guipure plastron and shirt in white Liberty or white silk cambric or soft taffeta. Draped down collar; mitten sleeve, edged with lace. Panne jockeys also edged with lace.
Materials: 2.5 meters of liberty for the chemisette; 2.5 meters of pink panne.
Sequined capote; in front, black panne bow crossed by two palms.
(2) Corsage mi-habillé pour jeune femme ou jeune fille, en gaze beige à fleurettes bleues. Forme blouse, plissée sur les épaules; les plis sont maintenus par une large bande de taffetas beige fixée par des pattes et des boutons "art nouveau". Manches froncées au poignet; parements de taffetas. Autour des parements et de la bande deux rangs de "queue de rat" noire. Col et plastron en soie ciel ou mousseline de soie. Au col, devant, un gros chou. Au-dessous de la poitrine, coquillé en mousseline de soie.
Matériaux: 4 mètres de batiste; 1m,50 de taffetas beige; 2 mètres de mousseline de soie ou 1 mètre de soie bleue.
(2) Half-dressy bodice for a young woman or girl, in beige gauze with blue flowers. Blouse style, pleated on the shoulders; the pleats are held together by a wide band of beige taffeta fixed by "art nouveau" tabs and buttons. Sleeves gathered at the wrist; taffeta facings. Around the facings and the band two rows of black "rat's tail". Collar and plastron in sky blue silk or silk muslin. At the collar, in front, a big cabbage. Below the chest, shelled in chiffon.
Materials: 4 meters of cambric; 1.5 meters of beige taffeta; 2 meters of chiffon or 1 meter of blue silk.
(3) Corsage pour jeune femme ou dame d'âge moyen en voile bleu ardoise, à gros plis couchés, fixés par un entre-deux de dentelle en travers. Petite berthe de dentelle en forme. Manches plissées jusqu'au-dessous du coude et rayées d'entre-deux. Au-dessous deux bouillonnés, poignets de dentelle. Col de soie blanche; cravate nouée lâche en soie blanche; les pans forment plastron.
Matériaux: 3m,50 de voile bleu; 1 mètre de soie blanche.
(3) Bodice for a young woman or middle-aged lady in slate blue voile, with large lying pleats, fixed by a crosswise lace insertion. Small shaped lace bertha. Pleated sleeves below the elbow and striped in between. Below two bubbles, lace cuffs. White silk collar; loosely knotted tie in white silk; the sides form a plastron.
Materials: 3.5 meters of blue voile; 1 meter of white silk.
(4) Corsage de toilette habillée pour jeune femme ou jeune fille en foulard soufre. Un peu blousé devant; des plis, rapprochés au col, s'élargissent au bas, en éventail; des biais dessinent un boléro. Entre les plis, motifs fleuris rouges, découpés dans de la cretonne et rebrodés. Boléro arrondi et hauts de manches en dentelle; le bas de la manche est rayé de plis en long et monté dans un poignet de velours noir. Col droit en foulard bordé de comètes de velours noir. Nœud de velours noir au col.
Matériaux: 4 mètres de foulard; dentelle en laize.
Chapeau de paille noire; fond chiffonné en mousseline de soie noire, enguirlandé de roses rouges sans feuillage.
(4) Dressy bodice for a young woman or girl in a sulfur foulard. A little bloused in front; pleats, close together at the collar, widen at the bottom, like a fan; biases draw a bolero. Between the folds, red floral motifs, cut out of cretonne and re-embroidered. Rounded bolero and lace sleeve tops; the bottom of the sleeve is striped with pleats lengthways and mounted in a black velvet wrist. Straight foulard collar lined with black velvet comets. Black velvet bow at the collar.
Materials: 4 meters of scarf; wide lace.
Black straw hat; crumpled background in black silk muslin, garlanded with leafless red roses.
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brookston · 2 years ago
Holidays 8.31
Baloch-Pakhtun Unity Day
Cow Chip Tossing Day
Crop Dusting Day
Day of Solidarity and Freedom (Poland)
Festal Day (Order of the Eastern Star)
Flag Day (India)
Hari Kebangsaan (Malaysia)
International Blog Day (a.k.a. International Day of Blogs and Bloggers)
International Day for People of African Descent (UN)
International Overdose Awareness Day
Limba Noastra (Day of Our Language; Moldova)
Love Litigating Lawyers Day
Merdeka Day (Malaysia)
National Box Car Day
National Dan Day
National Diatomaceous Earth Day
National HalfCut Day (Australia)
National Leslie Day
National Matchmaker Day
National South Carolina Day
North Borneo Self-Government Day
National Zoo Awareness Day (UK)
Opioid Misuse Prevention Day
Overdose Awareness Day
Princess Diana Memorial Day
Rabbit Rabbit Day [Last Day of Every Month]
Romanian Language Day (Romania)
Sărbătoarea (a.k.a. Limba noastră; Language Day; Moldova)
Take a Seat Day
Tank Day (Lešany, Czech Republic)
Walnut Day (French Republic)
We Love Memoirs Day
White Rose Day (Australia)
Withdrawal of the Last American Soldier Anniversary Day (Afghanistan)
World Distance Learning Day
World Sanskrit Day
World Solidarity Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Bacon Day [also 12.30]
Eat Outside Day
Grape Blessing Day (Armenia)
Invent A New Sandwich Day
National Trail Mix Day
Vegetable Day (Japan)
5th & Last Thursday in August
National Banana Pudding Day [Last Thursday]
National Cabernet Sauvignon Day [Last Thursday]
Thoughtful Thursday [Thursday of Be Kind to Humankind Week]
Independence Days
Befshire (Declared; 2016) [unrecognized]
Kyrgyzstan (from USSR, 1991)
Malaysia (from UK, 1957)
Trinidad and Tobago (from UK, 1962)
Feast Days
Aidan of Lindisfarne (Christian; Saint)
Alter Ego Day (Pastafarian)
Aristides of Athens (Christian; Saint)
Cuthburh (Christian; Saint)
Dominguito del Val (Christian; Saint)
Fourth Onam (Rice Harvest Festival, Day 4; Kerala, India)
Frey’s Blot (Pagan)
Gai Jatra (Cow Festival, in remembrance of people who died the previous year; Kathmandu Valley, Nepal)
Henry (Muppetism)
Isabel (Christian; Saint)
Joseph of Arimathea (Christian; Saint)
Jouffroy (Positivist; Saint)
Nicodemus (Christian; Saint)
Paulinus of Trier (Christian; Saint)
Paul Reubens Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Raymond Nonnatus (Christian; Saint)
Roger Dean (Artology)
Wala of Corbie (Christian; Saint)
Waltheof, Earl of Northumbria (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Lucky Day (Philippines) [48 of 71]
All Or Nothing At All, recorded by Frank Sinatra (Song; 1939)
American Idiot, by Green Day (Song; 2004)
Andor (TV Series; 2022)
Bad, by Michael Jackson (Album; 1987)
The Big Sleep (Film; 1946)
Bolero (Film; 1984)
Bugsy and Mugsy (WB LT Cartoon; 1957)
The Commuter, by Philip K. Dick (Short Story; 1953)
The Constant Gardener (Film; 2005)
Document, by R.E.M. (Album; 1987)
Fly, by Dixie Chicks (Album; 1999)
Foundation and Earth, by Isaac Asimov (Novel; 1986) [Foundation #5]
Get Rich Quick (Disney Cartoon; 1951)
Goat’s Head Soup, by The Rolling Stones (Album; 1973)
The Great Gildersleeve (Radio Series; 1941)
Jack Ryan (TV Series; 2018)
Only Murders in the Building (TV Series; 2021)
Orient Express, by Graham Greene (a.k.a. Stamboul Train; Novel; 1932)
Pluto’s Judgement Day (Disney Cartoon; 1935)
The Psychology of Intelligence, by Jean Piaget (Science Book; 1947)
Raising Demons, by Shirley Jackson (Memoir; 1957)
The Threepenny Opera, by Bertolt Brecht (Play with Music; 1928)
Wildest Dreams, by Taylor Swift (Song; 2015)
The World According to Garp, by John Irving (Novel; 1978)
Today’s Name Days
Paulinus, Raimubd (Austria)
Josip, Nikodem, Optat, Paulina (Croatia)
Pavlína (Czech Republic)
Bertha (Denmark)
Arved, Arvi, Arvid (Estonia)
Arvi (Finland)
Aristide (France)
Aidan, Anja, Paulinus, Raimund (Germany)
Bella, Erika (Hungary)
Aristide (Italy)
Aigars, Aira, Labite, Vilma (Latvia)
Raimunda, Raimundas, Vilmantas, Vilmantė (Lithuania)
Berta, Berte (Norway)
Bohdan, Paulina, Rajmund, Rajmunda, Świętosław (Poland)
Nora (Slovakia)
Ramón (Spain)
Arvid, Vidar (Sweden)
Aden, Aidan, Aiden, Ayden, Edan, Edana, Eden, Edina, Egan, Egon (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 243 of 2024; 122 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 35 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Coll (Hazel) [Day 24 of 28]
Chinese: Month 7 (Geng-Shen), Day 16 (Xin-You)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 14 Elul 5783
Islamic: 14 Safar 1445
J Cal: 3 Aki; Threesday [3 of 30]
Julian: 18 August 2023
Moon: 99%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 19 Gutenberg (9th Month) [Jouffroy]
Runic Half Month: Rad (Motion) [Day 4 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 71 of 94)
Zodiac: Virgo (Day 10 of 32)
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agendaculturaldelima · 8 months ago
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🎥🎼 La Música en el Cine, presenta:
🎬 “BÉSAME, TONTO” [Kiss Me, Stupid]👩💋👨‍
🔎 Género: Comedia / Celos
⌛️ Duración: 119 minutos
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✍️ Guión: I.A.L. Diamond y Billy Wilder
🎭 Teatro: Anna Bonacci
🎶 Música: Andre Previn
📷 Fotografía: Joseph LaShelle (B&W)
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🗯 Argumento: Un famoso cantante, conocido por su reputación de conquistador empedernido (Dean Martin), llega con su lujoso coche a un tranquilo pueblecito llamado Clímax. Allí viven dos amigos: un fracasado profesor de piano, casado con una bella mujer, y el encargado de la gasolinera. Cuando reconocen al cantante, conciben la esperanza de que pueda ofrecerles una oportunidad para entrar en el mundo de la música.
👥 Reparto: Dean Martin (Dino), Kim Novak (Polly the Pistol), Ray Walston (Orville Spooner), Felicia Farr (Zelda Spooner), Cliff Osmond (Barney Millsap), Doro Merande (Mrs. Pettibone), Barbara Pepper (Big Bertha), Bobo Lewis (Waitress), Tom Nolan (Johnnie Mulligan), Alice Pearce (Mrs. Mulligan) y John Fiedler (Reverend Carru).
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📢 Dirección: Billy Wilder
© Productoras: The Mirisch Corporation, Phalanx Productions & United Artists
🌎 País: Estados Unidos
📅 Año: 1964
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📽 Proyección:
📆 Sábado 20 de Julio
🕚 11:00am.
🏪 Sala Azul del Centro Cultural PUCP (av. Camino Real 1075 San Isidro)
⭐ Organiza: Sociedad Filarmonica de Lima
🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️ Ingreso libre
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clubkidandcollectives · 1 year ago
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taroneledopeemcee · 11 months ago
Yow, je sais bien que vous allez vous jeter sur le Isha/Limsa (moi aussi) et peut-être d'autres trucs car ce vendredi est riche en belles sorties. Mais avant tout ça, consacre un peu moins de 3 petites minutes au duo que t'ignorais qu'il te fallait ! Passe-passe ciselé rempli à rabord de bonnes phases. On n'est pas tout seuls, en plus de @sixomasterflow et moi au micro, retrouve une prod boom bap lourdissime (et Mix/Master) de @crystalcaminobeats , des scratches assassins de la machine à skillz @djbust , et Dope cover de @daex ! Écoute/partage/like/commente, tsé bien on en a plus besoin que l'autre super duo du jour. Let's go !!!
>>>>> Tar One Ft Sixo Master Flow - Omerta sur YouTube ou les plateformes de streaming
Tar One ft Sixo Master Flow - Omerta Lyrics
J'me suis baigné dans toutes les rivières mais c'est dans un verre que j’vais finir par me noyer
Là j’suis en feux ça y est, je n'ai plus le temps, j’ai pas de montre au poignet
Plutôt du côté cailleras et voyous que flics et douaniers
Balancez moi des lacrymo j'adore le poivre de Cayenne
Du Rap ils s’amourachent, moi accro comme à la samouraï
Trouve ça pourrave qu’il soit dans les mains de Saroumanes
Ils saoulent comme Sambuca mais on les graille comme Samoussa
Ce game est comme toi si tu testes : plein d’sales trous d’balles !
Avant c'était NTM ou c'tait IAM
Maintenant c'est MDR tous des swagg man
Tu m'déçois grave comme un vegan qui craque et s'bouffe des toast de foie gras
Mon arme est linguistique tout comme les malfrats
Quand j’fais ça j’me marre bien
Cracheur de feu mais pas genre Punk à chien
Dans le cahier gratte, comme Diego marque de la main
Comme mes sapes, l’arrogance me va bien
Très Gros tatane à la Jason Statham
Toujours en feux toujours chaud patate
Trop badass trop ratal OH l'bâtard
J'ai ma cons ma came ma grosse matraque
Retournerai pas ma veste comme Marlène Schiappa
Me relève malgré la poisse comme Boogie, Klay, Isiah
On met ta team à l’amende, surplombe comme Himalaya
Pour la fraternité on milite mais c’est pas l’Hymne à la Joie
Tu t’avances si tu t’avances, j’m’en branle, fais de même
Si je recule, c’est pour te mettre un fade away
Vrai de vrai, mets tas d’claques avec élégance
Comme éléphant j’attaque même avec mes défenses
J'porte pas d'or ma caille
pas de bling bling mais j'big up mes gars qui porte des portacath
Fin d'soirée faudra qu'on me porte à 4
J'porte mes couilles comme Batman porte sa cape
Rimes, patterns, Big Faya, divine Vibe, ça j’aime
Passe-passe, on s’passe parole comme Frisbie, Yves Van Laetem
Big Beat, kickage, pas d’thème
Évite les pièges comme Bip-Bip, j’kiffe ça Gaddamn !
Ici pas de costard cravate, pas de grosse star, sauf Rapsat et Green Montana
Donc on brise ton cadenas
Fiston pars là-bas
Évitons l'carnage
Vire ta zik de carnaval
On est la crème de Verviers et de tout c’merdier
J’suis fier du p’tit frère, un killer comme Berthier
Tue comme grosse Bertha, on fait la paire, fils : Homer-Bart
Te réduit au silence comme Omerta
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redsamphoto · 1 year ago
A new gallery has been added to my photography site, Redsam.
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izdatazn · 1 year ago
S.U.I.T.S - Terran's Hidden War
"What's the situation?" I asked as I joined my teammates in Big Bertha. The only one not present in the meeting was Miyoung, who was currently in medical. We had managed to escape from a battered Las Vegas, but SUITs reinforcements had successfully retaken the city.
Big Bertha then spoke up. "Miyoung is stable but unconscious. We are currently pursuing Zaporg's remaining fleet as they head towards Los Angeles. Onon Khan and Ingrid Hoffman are accompanying us."
"I'm reporting for duty as Heavy Assault Class, Kheshig," Onon Khan declared.
"And I'm reporting for duty as Heavy Assault Class, Baba Yaga," Ingrid added.
"Reporting for duty as Medium Assault Class, Big Bertha," Viktor chimed in.
"Miyoung did an excellent job of injuring Zaporg," I remarked. "Let's make sure we don't let her down."
Big Bertha announced, "We have caught up with Zaporg's fleet."
"Prepare for battle stations. Bertha, Harmony, and Vivian will handle the guns. Isabel and Viktor will join me," I commanded. "We're going to fight our way through his fleet."
"We'll join you, Kobayashi," Onon said confidently.
The map revealed a multitude of enemy assault vehicles and platform carriers ahead of us, defending Zaporg's flagship vehicle on the front line. Additionally, there were numerous enemy aircraft swarming around our assault vehicles. Our auto guns dealt with the aircraft while our cannons targeted both the vehicles in front and behind us. Despite being heavily overwhelmed, our shields held remarkably strong.
As we entered the garage, we equipped ourselves with essential items for the upcoming push. The ramp lowered as we surveyed the terrain. The overwhelming amount of activity left me feeling anxious and my hands trembled with nervousness. Isabel reached out and took hold of my hand.
She spoke reassuringly, "Take it one step at a time, Kobayashi. Just follow us and we'll lead you straight to Zaporg." I let out a nervous sigh and nodded in agreement.
An enemy platform was within reach as Viktor sprinted past me and leaped off the ramp. Isabel followed suit, and I quickly followed their lead. Viktor landed on the enemy platform first, digging his hands into its metallic structure to partially lift it up as a form of defense against incoming fire from enemies nearby. Standing in front of this makeshift barricade, he fired several shots at the enemy while enduring their attacks.
We landed on the platform safely behind Viktor's protective cover formed by lifting up part of its metal structure. Big Bertha slightly moved away from her previous position but continued to advance slowly towards our target - right behind this particular enemy platform
"Kobayashi," Isabel said, "our focus is solely on the enemies in front of us." I nodded in response. "Are you ready?" she asked. 
Isabel sprinted ahead and leaped onto the closest enemy vehicle. A few seconds later, I followed in her footsteps, with Viktor trailing behind me. As soon as Isabel landed on the enemy vehicle, she swiftly took care of the enemies while I assisted her by dealing with the remaining ones surrounding her. Viktor then ran past us and jumped onto the nearest platform.
Continuing our advance towards Zaporg's location, I followed Isabel to another vehicle platform. The attackers were coming at us from all directions, making it challenging but not impossible. To my right, Onon jumped from her vehicle to our platform and joined us after releasing two arrows mid-air.
Viktor chose a different platform where he stood his ground and faced off against a figure on the opposite side.
"Bertha," I asked, "who is that?"
"That's Selma Larsen," Bertha replied. "She's another member of Sang Hwang's Joker Group."
"Any idea how many of them there are?" I inquired.
"That remains unknown," Bertha answered. I noticed Ingrid landing on our platform as well; she swiftly ran past us to join Viktor on his chosen platform.
"It's Viktor's best friend!" he exclaimed with laughter.
"I can't let you have all the fun," Ingrid grinned mischievously as she unfastened her tomahawk from her belt and spun it around.
Viktor laughed back. "Wilma, Let’s Have Some Fun."
"Dance Gracefully, Coconut!" Ingrid shouted back before they both charged ahead together.
"Pound for pound! Koko!" exclaimed Selma as she forcefully clapped her brass knuckle knives together and charged ahead.
We pressed on, leaping from one platform to another vehicle. Our progress was slow but steady until we spotted a bend up ahead. They were changing directions.
Bertha?" I inquired.
"Their new destination is San Francisco instead of Los Angeles," she replied. "Zaporg's flagship is also headed there.” I heard two voices over the comms.
"I am Captain Miles Grant of the Light Assault Vehicle, Thunderbird," said Miles.
"And I am Captain Juan Reyes of the Light Assault Vehicle, Quetzalcoatl," added Juan Reyes.
"Light vehicles?" Onon asked, releasing an arrow.
Miles Grant, born in 1900 in Chicago, United States, established his own gang that dominated certain areas of the city. As time went on, he crossed paths with Al Capone in 1920. Together, they formed an organized crime group that operated in Chicago during the Prohibition era. Their illicit activities mainly revolved around distributing illegal alcohol. However, as Miles Grant's business flourished and he achieved greater success, Al Capone grew envious and consumed by greed. This ultimately led to a tragic turn of events when Al Capone orchestrated the assassination of Miles Grant during a dinner meeting in 1932, seizing his territory for himself.
"Just because we're light doesn't mean we can be easily taken down, Onon," Miles explained.
We witnessed two vehicles demolishing several enemy vehicles while evading enemy fire at the same time. As they drove past us, Miles and Juan hopped onto our platform to join us.
"We were nearby," Miles stated. "So we thought we would assist you in eliminating Zaporg's remaining forces.”
And so, we continued onward.
Juan Reyes lived on the outskirts of Tenochtitlan, a commoner during the height of the Aztec Empire in 1487. It was there that he encountered Isabel Macedo, a disabled young woman full of adventure. Later in life, both Juan and Isabel joined the Aztec army and achieved great accomplishments - Juan as a promoted Jaguar Warrior and Isabel as an elevated Eagle Warrior. Tragically, Juan lost his life during the Fall of Tenochititlan when Spanish Conquistador Hernan Cortes mercilessly razed the city to ruins.
It was a heavyweight fist fight, with the advantage in Selma's favor. Both Selma and Viktor landed punches simultaneously, but Selma's was slightly stronger, causing Viktor to stagger backwards. Ingrid then attacked Selma with her tomahawk, gracefully dancing around and dodging her attacks until she received a powerful kick to the chest. Ingrid flew backwards and crashed into another vehicle in front of them.
Viktor and Selma resumed their heavyweight boxing match, exchanging blows to the face and body. Neither of them wavered as they continued for a few more minutes.
In the second round, Viktor lost when Selma landed a heavy body blow that sent him staggering backwards. She then grabbed his wrist and threw him at the vehicle in front of them.
Ingrid reappeared beneath Selma, landing a light punch before spinning around her and making successful cuts on her body. Ingrid hooked her weapon on her belt and delivered swift punches to Selma's fists using speed and grace. However, Selma quickly adapted to the situation, matching Ingrid's speed blow for blow for several minutes.
Selma landed a solid punch on Ingrid's chest that pushed her towards the center of the platform. Meanwhile, Viktor approached from behind with his fist aimed at Selma's head while Ingrid targeted her legs with a kick. However, Selma managed to dodge both attacks by spinning in the center position. She then kicked Viktor forcefully in the chest, sending him flying once again over Ingrid who had rolled back onto her feet.
Selma quickly got up from rolling on the ground and grabbed Ingrid by the neck before throwing her at Viktor as he reached out for help mid-air. He caught hold of Ingrid's hand before spinning around and throwing her back towards their enemy vehicle where he crashed into it. The clash between Ingrid’s tomahawk collided with Selmas brass knuckle knife as they rolled forward. Ingrid swiftly got back on her feet, turned, and continued her attack on Selma.
We pressed forward, skillfully evading enemy aircraft and vehicles that attacked us from all sides. Even with seasoned fighters by my side, the situation was overwhelming. However, my concern for Miyoung's health overshadowed everything else happening in the moment. Despite this, we pushed on and eliminated any enemies blocking our path.
Isabel leaped onto another platform, followed closely by Miles and Onon. I joined them shortly after but failed to notice a boulder hurtling towards me from my blind spot while mid-air. I was slow to react, but Juan swiftly appeared in front of me and swung his weapon, shattering the boulder into millions of pieces as I safely reunited with the group.
"Bertha," I called out, seeking information.
"Luca Grasso has joined the fight. It appears she has escaped from Los Vegas," Bertha replied.
"Who else managed to escape?" I inquired further.
"Unknown," came her response.
Luca emerged from the ground and matched our speed on the platforms as he hurled more boulders at us. Onon aimed her arrow at each incoming boulder, expertly shattering them into smaller pieces that posed no harm to us but wreaked havoc on enemy vehicles nearby.
Meanwhile, Luca raised ground platforms while chasing us from the side. Juan leaped off an enemy platform and landed safely on a moving ground platform headed in our direction. He manipulated his elemental abilities as he changed position and charged straight towards Luca. As we continued moving forward under Juan's relentless pressure on Luca, Luca simultaneously threw boulders at Juan and at us. Onon provided a brief respite by clearing a safe passage ahead before eventually joining forces with Juan once again
On our left was a close combat heavyweight fight, with two against one. To our right, there was a projectile heavyweight battle with the same ratio. It was quite chaotic to witness both fights up close.
Juan and Onon manipulated their connected ground platform to spin around Luca, trying to disorient him. Onon aimed and released multiple arrows at him, but Luca narrowly dodged them while also throwing rocks at his enemies. Juan swung his weapon and shattered boulders into millions of pieces.
"Join me, Tengri," Onon said.
"Dive deep, Cizin," Juan whispered.
"Slice effortlessly, Capcaun," Luca spoke.
Luca hurled another boulder at Onon. She fired two arrows simultaneously; one hit an enemy vehicle positioned 90 degrees to her right while the other struck the incoming boulder. The redirected boulder crashed into the enemy vehicle. Juan propelled himself towards Luca by pushing against his Earth platform. He split a thrown boulder in half and swung his weapon as he neared Luca.
Luca spun and evaded Juan's attack. Juan raised another platform to prevent Luca from escaping and pushed himself onto the small platform where Luca stood. The two clashed their weapons—Luca wielding a Niginata—while Onon continued shooting arrows at him whenever she saw an opportunity amidst the fight but failed to strike her target.
Luca gained a slight advantage and pushed Onon off his platform just as she found an opening from above him. Taking advantage of this momentary distraction, she wrapped a vine around her arrow before releasing it again.
“First Earth: Splintered.”
Her arrow split into hundreds of splintered pieces of wood, which quickly transformed into larger, sharp wooden stakes. They rained down on Luca as Onon continued to barrage him with her splintered arrows. Luca leaped off the platform and onto a vehicle, then proceeded to move from vehicle to platform while skillfully avoiding the projectiles hurled at him.
In a swift motion, Luca spun and threw his naginata at an oncoming splintered arrow, splitting it in half. His weapon continued its trajectory towards Onon, who retaliated by releasing another rain of splintered arrows. However, her attack did not hinder Luca's weapon as it effortlessly split the stake in two. The naginata came within inches of striking Onon before a boulder redirected its course.
"You owe me one," Juan exclaimed as he jumped past Onon and joined Luca on the platform. The naginata returned to Luca as they continued their intense clash with each other while receiving support from Onon. I followed closely behind Miles and Isabel as we pushed forward, defeating our enemies along the way. To our left, Viktor and Ingrid struggled in their fight against Selma while on our right side Juan fought against Luca with equal intensity.
"Incoming enemies," Bertha spoke up.
"From where?" I asked curiously.
We came to a stop and held our position. Suddenly, we noticed a figure emerging from the platform - it was Zaporg, but there was something noticeably different about him compared to when we last saw him in Los Vegas. Although he still lacked arms, his missing leg had miraculously regrown.
"You kids never give up, do you?" Zaporg gasped. "Well then, let's take things up a notch." He revealed a hidden pole weapon from within his body. "Prepare yourself, Asat."
We watched in awe as his two arms swiftly regenerated and a surge of overwhelming energy enveloped him. "You'll wish you hadn't crossed paths with me."
In an instant, Zaporg appeared behind us. Our reactions were slow as he delivered a powerful kick to my chest. Simultaneously, he deftly sliced off Isabel's mechanical arm and engaged in combat with Miles.
"Activate Pozole - Extend My Range," Isabel uttered through gritted teeth.
"Charge forward, Liam!" Miles shouted.
Iced formed rapidly on Isabel's left arm as she quickly reattached it together using her ice powers. Her frozen arm hardened around the mechanical one.
"You're going to regret that, Zaporg!" Isabel cried out defiantly.
Zaporg landed a heavy punch on Miles' chest before engaging in close-range combat with Isabel. They slowly closed in on each other until they were within striking distance. I joined them in the fight.
"Channel my power - Illuminate my path," I called upon my abilities as Calm Princess.
Zaporg forcefully pushed Miles off the platform and directed his attention towards us. Once again, he shattered Isabel's mechanical ice arm and kicked her away. Zaporg easily gained the upper hand against me, overwhelming me as usual.
"You forgot about Viktor, Zaporg!" shouted Viktor. He swiftly landed on the platform between us and delivered a powerful right hook to Zaporg's face, sending him flying backwards. "Don't mess with Viktor's leader," chuckled Viktor.
I glanced to my left to see Miles engaged in a fight with Selma alongside Ingrid.
"What took you so long?" asked Isabel. The ice on her arm reformed, reattaching her mechanical limb.
"Aw, Isabel misses Viktor," laughed Viktor.
"You are still no match for me!" yelled Zaporg.
Viktor grinned confidently. "This is for Miyoung." He clenched his fists together. "Unleash, Wilma."
He bypassed his second stage and immediately entered his third stage. I watched in awe as light armor materialized over his body before transforming into heavy armor. This final stage was incredibly overpowering for me; it was my first time witnessing such immense energy focused solely on him.
"Let's dance, Zaporg," smirked Viktor.
I witnessed an epic battle unfold before my eyes, as Viktor and Zaporg clashed with incredible force. Zaporg thrust his weapon forward like a spear, but it proved futile against Viktor's might. In a swift motion, Viktor shattered Zaporg's weapon into countless pieces and engaged him in a fierce fist fight.
The impact of each punch sent shockwaves rippling through the air, causing damage to enemy aircraft hovering above us. Seizing the opportunity, Viktor seized Zaporg's arm and propelled him into the sky, only to reappear beside him moments later. Their intense confrontation continued amidst the backdrop of enemy aircraft.
Viktor exhibited unparalleled strength as he grabbed multiple aircraft and swung them at Zaporg like baseball bats. With unwavering determination, he relentlessly attacked his adversary from behind, striking blow after blow with precision. Finally, Viktor hurled Zaporg downwards, sending them both crashing into an enemy vehicle.
Not content with just that, Viktor forcefully hurled Zaporg into an enemy vehicle before doing the same himself. With an unyielding fury coursing through his veins, he impaled Zaporg with a weapon formed from his own hands, which had transformed into metal protrusions. Each strike landed on its mark, slicing through both of Zaporg's left arms consecutively, as Viktor growled fiercely in remembrance of Isabel.
Viktor threw Zaporg into another enemy vehicle and quickly followed suit. He gripped the metal structure of the vehicle and stabbed Zaporg with his newly formed weapon. "That's for Isabel," Viktor snarled as he severed Zaporg's left arm, then repeated the action a second later. "TWICE!" he exclaimed before delivering a powerful punch to Zaporg's face. As they flew out of the enemy ship together, Viktor shouted, "You're not escaping from Viktor!"
Violently grabbing hold of Zaporg's leg, Viktor forcefully threw him to the ground without letting go himself. They crashed onto the ground with Zaporg trapped beneath them. Without any hesitation, Viktor unleashed everything he had on Zaporg - even hurling enemy vehicles at him.
Gripping tightly onto Zaporg's leg once more, Viktor lifted him up and violently swung him from side to side before throwing him against a nearby boulder.
"You don't mess with Viktor," declared Victor as he loomed above his fallen opponent. "Third Metal: Devastating Crater." He wrapped himself into a ball and free-fell towards the ground in one last desperate attempt to defeat Zaporg.
Zaprog pushed himself off the ground and aimed his pole weapon towards Victor; it gradually transformed into a sharp-edged weapon.
"You underestimate me, kid," chuckled Zaporog.
The shockwaves and earthquakes devastated enemy aircraft and vehicles, leaving no trace of Luca and Selma in the aftermath. We survived a mini-apocalyptic event caused by Viktor, with our friends still standing strong.
Isabel and I rushed towards Viktor, as he limped towards us. He was in his final stage. When we caught up to him, Viktor fell to his knees. Zaporg's pole arm had pierced through his body, even with his heavy armor.
Viktor gasped, his voice weak. "Did Viktor do good?" he asked breathlessly. He leaned on me for support while Isabel removed the weapon from his body and threw it aside.
"You did well," I whispered to him.
Viktor chuckled faintly. "That's good." He slid off me and collapsed onto the ground.
"Bertha, we need you now!" I shouted urgently. "We need a medic immediately!"
"On my way," Bertha responded promptly.
Isabel took a step forward, growling at Zaporg. "You just won't die, will you?"
Zaporg climbed out of the edge of the crater with a chuckle. "And you failed to kill me." We noticed that he had lost both arms and one leg again; he was leaning on just one leg for support. Four pods emerged from the ground nearby, each containing heavily armed figures who guarded Zaporg closely. “Farewell."
A beam of light descended upon Zaporg as he was lifted into a cloaked aircraft that swiftly flew northward. We watched multiple larger aircraft carriers going in the opposite direction.
"Where are they going, Bertha?" I asked curiously.
"They're heading to Los Angeles," Bertha replied calmly. "Zaporg is making his way to San Francisco."
Miles joined our group and shared some insight: "Los Angeles is just a distraction." The others gathered around us as well. “We will proceed to Los Angeles and meet you in San Francisco.”W
"Give Zaporg hell, Kobayashi," Onon said as he ran past us.
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years ago
Holidays 8.31
Baloch-Pakhtun Unity Day
Cow Chip Tossing Day
Crop Dusting Day
Day of Solidarity and Freedom (Poland)
Festal Day (Order of the Eastern Star)
Flag Day (India)
Hari Kebangsaan (Malaysia)
International Blog Day (a.k.a. International Day of Blogs and Bloggers)
International Day for People of African Descent (UN)
International Overdose Awareness Day
Limba Noastra (Day of Our Language; Moldova)
Love Litigating Lawyers Day
Merdeka Day (Malaysia)
National Box Car Day
National Dan Day
National Diatomaceous Earth Day
National HalfCut Day (Australia)
National Leslie Day
National Matchmaker Day
National South Carolina Day
North Borneo Self-Government Day
National Zoo Awareness Day (UK)
Opioid Misuse Prevention Day
Overdose Awareness Day
Princess Diana Memorial Day
Rabbit Rabbit Day [Last Day of Every Month]
Romanian Language Day (Romania)
Sărbătoarea (a.k.a. Limba noastră; Language Day; Moldova)
Take a Seat Day
Tank Day (Lešany, Czech Republic)
Walnut Day (French Republic)
We Love Memoirs Day
White Rose Day (Australia)
Withdrawal of the Last American Soldier Anniversary Day (Afghanistan)
World Distance Learning Day
World Sanskrit Day
World Solidarity Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Bacon Day [also 12.30]
Eat Outside Day
Grape Blessing Day (Armenia)
Invent A New Sandwich Day
National Trail Mix Day
Vegetable Day (Japan)
5th & Last Thursday in August
National Banana Pudding Day [Last Thursday]
National Cabernet Sauvignon Day [Last Thursday]
Thoughtful Thursday [Thursday of Be Kind to Humankind Week]
Independence Days
Befshire (Declared; 2016) [unrecognized]
Kyrgyzstan (from USSR, 1991)
Malaysia (from UK, 1957)
Trinidad and Tobago (from UK, 1962)
Feast Days
Aidan of Lindisfarne (Christian; Saint)
Alter Ego Day (Pastafarian)
Aristides of Athens (Christian; Saint)
Cuthburh (Christian; Saint)
Dominguito del Val (Christian; Saint)
Fourth Onam (Rice Harvest Festival, Day 4; Kerala, India)
Frey’s Blot (Pagan)
Gai Jatra (Cow Festival, in remembrance of people who died the previous year; Kathmandu Valley, Nepal)
Henry (Muppetism)
Isabel (Christian; Saint)
Joseph of Arimathea (Christian; Saint)
Jouffroy (Positivist; Saint)
Nicodemus (Christian; Saint)
Paulinus of Trier (Christian; Saint)
Paul Reubens Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Raymond Nonnatus (Christian; Saint)
Roger Dean (Artology)
Wala of Corbie (Christian; Saint)
Waltheof, Earl of Northumbria (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Lucky Day (Philippines) [48 of 71]
All Or Nothing At All, recorded by Frank Sinatra (Song; 1939)
American Idiot, by Green Day (Song; 2004)
Andor (TV Series; 2022)
Bad, by Michael Jackson (Album; 1987)
The Big Sleep (Film; 1946)
Bolero (Film; 1984)
Bugsy and Mugsy (WB LT Cartoon; 1957)
The Commuter, by Philip K. Dick (Short Story; 1953)
The Constant Gardener (Film; 2005)
Document, by R.E.M. (Album; 1987)
Fly, by Dixie Chicks (Album; 1999)
Foundation and Earth, by Isaac Asimov (Novel; 1986) [Foundation #5]
Get Rich Quick (Disney Cartoon; 1951)
Goat’s Head Soup, by The Rolling Stones (Album; 1973)
The Great Gildersleeve (Radio Series; 1941)
Jack Ryan (TV Series; 2018)
Only Murders in the Building (TV Series; 2021)
Orient Express, by Graham Greene (a.k.a. Stamboul Train; Novel; 1932)
Pluto’s Judgement Day (Disney Cartoon; 1935)
The Psychology of Intelligence, by Jean Piaget (Science Book; 1947)
Raising Demons, by Shirley Jackson (Memoir; 1957)
The Threepenny Opera, by Bertolt Brecht (Play with Music; 1928)
Wildest Dreams, by Taylor Swift (Song; 2015)
The World According to Garp, by John Irving (Novel; 1978)
Today’s Name Days
Paulinus, Raimubd (Austria)
Josip, Nikodem, Optat, Paulina (Croatia)
Pavlína (Czech Republic)
Bertha (Denmark)
Arved, Arvi, Arvid (Estonia)
Arvi (Finland)
Aristide (France)
Aidan, Anja, Paulinus, Raimund (Germany)
Bella, Erika (Hungary)
Aristide (Italy)
Aigars, Aira, Labite, Vilma (Latvia)
Raimunda, Raimundas, Vilmantas, Vilmantė (Lithuania)
Berta, Berte (Norway)
Bohdan, Paulina, Rajmund, Rajmunda, Świętosław (Poland)
Nora (Slovakia)
Ramón (Spain)
Arvid, Vidar (Sweden)
Aden, Aidan, Aiden, Ayden, Edan, Edana, Eden, Edina, Egan, Egon (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 243 of 2024; 122 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 35 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Coll (Hazel) [Day 24 of 28]
Chinese: Month 7 (Geng-Shen), Day 16 (Xin-You)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 14 Elul 5783
Islamic: 14 Safar 1445
J Cal: 3 Aki; Threesday [3 of 30]
Julian: 18 August 2023
Moon: 99%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 19 Gutenberg (9th Month) [Jouffroy]
Runic Half Month: Rad (Motion) [Day 4 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 71 of 94)
Zodiac: Virgo (Day 10 of 32)
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