#l2 cache
kremlin · 4 months
fun tumblr fact: open new text post editor. hit some keys. now press ctrl-z. HAHAAH, get it, "undo"? this isn't photoshop moron, did you want us to keep track of every individual keystroke and then undo them one-at-a-time? you have a whole key that does that and it's even a wide one. not only is it all gone in the editor, it is (incredibly strangely) also completely gone in memory. Post? every reference is mapped, then deleted, then the root graph node is deleted, then page content cache is cleared, then like seven or eight layers of browser caches are cleared, and now javascript running meaningless memory benchmark routines are executed in full blast parallel to blow away the feint hope that one or two whole sentences worth of bytes have survived in your CPU L1/L2/L3 cache in case your ass was going to attempt a liquid helium cold-boot. its like yoda said. "there is only do and un-do" (star wars 1987 dir. george lucas)
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allie-leth · 7 months
the Rust programming language promises "memory safety" that allows for a much higher degree of confidence in the correctness of high-performing low-level code compared to traditional systems programming languages like C or C++.
but what is "memory safety"? why is it important? in this infodump, let's find out!
1. What is Memory?
Memory, in computer terms, refers to somewhere data can live. While data can be in cache (on the CPU in L1, L2, and L3), in RAM (confusingly, also sometimes called memory) and on disk (via memory paging) programmers typically think of memory as a monolithic continuous chunk of space for data to live. You can put things there, and use them later. For example, consider the following pseudocode:
fn add(a: number, b: number) -> number {
return a + b;
let one = 1;
let two = 2;
let sum = add(1, 2);
the first thing that happens when this program is run (assuming it's an interpreted language, like python or javascript) is that the `add` function is placed into memory -- that is to say, the function is defined and tucked away for later use.
the next thing that happens is the variable `one` is created with the value 1. the `one` and `two` variables are also placed in memory, where we can access their values later by referencing them by name.
then, the interesting thing happens. we call our `add` function with the two variables (`one` and `two`) that we defined earlier. our program will go and grab the `add` function and the `one` and `two` variables, and run our function on them.
the value we get out (3) will be stored in memory, and we can access it by using the `sum` variable we created for that purpose.
As you can see, storing items in and retrieving them from memory is super important! But it seems so simple it's almost ludicrous that I've spent this many words talking about it. Why did I?
2. Well, it's really not that simple
In the previous example, I hand-waved away the actual process of allocating memory for our variables.
Allocation is when our program asks our computer for a piece of memory to store our data in -- remember, there's other things happening on the computer, so we don't get free reign!
When asked, the computer (more specifically, the operating system) will earmark some memory for our program and tell us where we can find it. The location of the piece of memory we've been given is called an address, and we use addresses when talking about the specific place we store and retrieve items from.
Just like before, we'll use variable names like "one" and "two" and "sum" to refer to things; but specifically, we'll be referring to their addresses. This is an important distinction! The address of some data tells us where the data lives, not what it contains.
To get to the actual contents of the data, we'll introduce the star operator (*). So when you see something like:
let contents_of_b = *b
you'll know that we're getting at the contents of the data, as opposed to its address.
This also works in reverse:
let some_memory = allocate_memory();
*some_memory = 420;
Here, we've allocated some memory and assigned 420 to its contents, rather than its address, by using the star operator.
Let's put some manual memory allocation into our fake program. We'll use a function called malloc (for Memory ALLOCation) that the operating system provides us when we need some memory.
fn add(a: number, b: number) {
return a + b;
// we've stored our add function!
// now let's store our variables,
// each of which are one byte in size
let one = malloc(1);
let two = malloc(1);
*one = 1;
*two = 2;
// make some space for our sum
let sum = malloc(1);
// and run it!
*sum = add(*one, *two);
Wow that was way worse, wasn't it? Of course it was. Memory management is horrible! Most programming languages completely avoid it, but unfortunately it's a necessity when performance is on the line. But even if it's so irritating, what's wrong with that? I mean, what can happen when you mess up?
3. What can happen if you mess up?
Everything on this list.
Many programming languages take great pains to avoid making these mistakes possible, usually with the help of a garbage collector -- a feature built into the language that manages the memory for you. But in the high performance space, languages like Rust make other guarantees that mean these sorts of things simply cannot happen.
If I had more time, I'd go into more detail about how these languages do that, but I've already spent like 30 minutes on this. So. Until then. Bye!
I absolutely love getting stuff like this in my ask box.
The best part of this was that they didn't realize I was a programmer and immediately apologized, it was cute as hell. I loved the message.
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govindhtech · 9 months
AMD Ryzen 7 8700G APU Zen 4 & Polaris Wonders!
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AMD Ryzen 7 8700G APU The company formidable main processing unit (APU) with Zen 4 framework and Polaris designs, the AMD Ryzen 7 processor 8700G
The conclusions of the assessments for the Ryzen 5 processor from AMD 8600G had previously revealed this morning, and now some of the most recent measurements from the Ryzen 7 8700G APU graph G have been released made public. Among AMD’s Hawk A point generation of advanced processing units (APUs), the upcoming Ryzen 7 8700G APU will represent the top of the lineup of the The AM5 series desktops APU. That is going to have an identical blend of Zen 4 and RDNA 3 cores in a single monolithic package.
Featuring 16 MB of L3 memory cache and 8 megabytes of L2 cache, the aforementioned AMD Ryzen 7 8700G APU features a total of 8 CPU cores and a total of 16 threads built onto it. It is possible to quicken the clock to 5.10 GHz from its base frequency of 4.20 GHz. A Radeon 780M based on RDNA 3 with 12 compute units and a clock speed of 2.9 GHz is included in the integrated graphics processing unit (GPU). It is anticipated that future Hawk Point APUs would have support for 64GB DDR5 modules, which will allow for a maximum of 256GB of DRAM capacity to be used on the AM5 architecture.
The study ASUS TUF Extreme X670E-PLUS wireless internet chipset with 32GB of DDR5 4800 RAM was used for the performance tests that were carried out. Because of this design, it is anticipated that the performance would be somewhat reduced. The Hawk Point APUs and the AM5 platform are both compatible with faster memory modules, which may lead to improved performance. This is made possible by the greater bandwidth that is advantageous to the integrated graphics processing unit (iGPU).
The AMD Ryzen 7 8700G “Hawk Point” APU was able to reach a performance of 35,427 points in the Vulkan benchmark, while it earned 29,244 points in the OpenCL benchmark. With the Ryzen 5 8600G equipped with the Radeon 760M integrated graphics processing unit, this results in a 15% improvement in Vulkan and an 18% increase in OpenCL. The 760M integrated graphics processing unit (iGPU) has only 8 compute units, but the AMD 780M has 12 compute units.
In spite of the fact that the 760M integrated graphics processing unit (iGPU) has faster DDR5 6000 memory, performance does not seem to rise linearly whenever there are fifty percent more cores. It would seem that this is the maximum performance that the Radeon IGPs are capable of. The results of future testing, particularly those involving overclocking, will be fascinating. However, the Meteor Lake integrated graphics processing units (iGPUs) might be improved with better quality memory configurations (LPDDR5x).
With the debut of the AM5 “Hawk Point” APUs at the end of January, it is anticipated that the RDNA 3 chips would provide increased performance for the integrated graphics processing unit (iGPU). At AMD’s next CES 2024 event, it is anticipated that further details will be discussed and revealed.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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szonikuscsavarhuzo · 1 year
Megjelent az új Raspberry
Broadcom BCM2712 2.4GHz quad-core 64-bit Arm Cortex-A76 CPU, with cryptography extensions, 512KB per-core L2 caches and a 2MB shared L3 cache
VideoCore VII GPU, supporting OpenGL ES 3.1, Vulkan 1.2
Dual 4Kp60 HDMI® display output with HDR support
4Kp60 HEVC decoder
LPDDR4X-4267 SDRAM (4GB and 8GB SKUs available at launch)
Dual-band 802.11ac Wi-Fi®
Bluetooth 5.0 / Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
microSD card slot, with support for high-speed SDR104 mode
2 × USB 3.0 ports, supporting simultaneous 5Gbps operation
2 × USB 2.0 ports
Gigabit Ethernet, with PoE+ support (requires separate PoE+ HAT)
2 × 4-lane MIPI camera/display transceivers
PCIe 2.0 x1 interface for fast peripherals (requires separate M.2 HAT or other adapter)
5V/5A DC power via USB-C, with Power Delivery support
Raspberry Pi standard 40-pin header
Real-time clock (RTC), powered from external battery
Power button
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notdannyca · 1 year
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¿Qué es la memoria Caché?
La memoria caché es una capa de almacenamiento de datos que almacena un subconjunto de datos, de modo que las solicitudes futuras de dichos datos se atienden con mayor rapidez que si se debe acceder a los datos desde la ubicación de almacenamiento principal. El almacenamiento en caché permite reutilizar de forma eficaz los datos recuperados o procesados anteriormente.
¿Para que sirve la memoria caché?
La memoria cache sirve para almacenar datos o instrucciones que la CPU va a necesitar en un futuro inmediato, de manera que se gana velocidad en la ejecución de procesos, evitando que la CPU tenga que esperar y aumentando así el rendimiento del equipo.
De manera que la memoria caché sirve para mejorar el rendimiento y velocidad de la CPU en la ejecución de las tareas cotidianas
¿Como funciona la memoria Caché?
El funcionamiento de la memoria caché es bastante sencillo; cuando se inicia un proceso o programa en el ordenador, este empieza a ejecutar una serie de instrucciones que son gestionadas por el procesador.
Esa información se carga primero en la RAM y luego pasa al procesador, de manera que para agilizar este proceso, las instrucciones principales y las que más se utilizan se copian en la memoria caché, así el procesador podrá tener acceso inmediato a ellas y no tener que ir a buscar las originales almacenadas en la RAM.
Esto ahorra tiempo de procesamiento y hacer que el equipo sea más rápido a la hora de ejecutar ciertas instrucciones disponibles en la memoria caché. Por eso, la memoria caché es un elemento fundamental en los procesadores actuales.
De forma que esta funciona como una memoria de instrucciones transitoria.
Tipos de Memoria Caché
Se pueden hacer diferentes clasificaciones de tipos de memoria caché, en función de si nos referimos a sus usos o sus niveles.
El cache por usos, existen:
Caché de disco: Se trata de utilizar una porción de memoria RAM asociada a un disco particular, en la que se almacenan los datos de reciente acceso para agilizar su carga.
Caché de pista: Es un tipo de memoria caché sólida (similar a la RAM), que se emplea en supercomputadores.
Caché de web: Es la memoria caché que se ocupa de guardar los datos de las páginas web que hemos visitado de manera reciente, así se agiliza la carga en siguientes visitas y se ahorra ancho de banda. Esta caché puede ser privada (para un solo usuario), compartida (para varios usuarios a la vez) o en pasarela (para toda la red administrada por un servidor).
En cuando a los niveles, existen:
Caché L1: Es la memoria caché más pequeña y rápida. En ella se almacenan los datos que el procesador va a necesitar para realizar la mayoría de las operaciones, con un propósito doble: instrucciones y datos. Las instrucciones son las operaciones que se realizarán en el procesador y los datos son la información que se debe procesar. El tamaño habitual es de 256 KB, aunque hay procesadores donde alcanza los 512 KB e incluso 1 MB.
Caché L2: Algo más lenta y grande que la L1, su capacidad suele estar entre los 256 KB y los 8 MB.
Caché L3: Más lenta pero más grande que las dos anteriores, con capacidad entre los 4 y los 50 MB.
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chipsxp · 1 year
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lehohoho · 2 years
December 13th, 2022 - old journal in the closet
I was rummaging through my closet for a scarf that I hadn't worn in a year. On the bottom of the bag, I found my old journal, dated from October 2019 to April 2021.
I leave all my journals at my parents home because I had moved to a different place seemingly every year. And each time I moved, I discarded much of my possessions.
The journal starts with me living in Newark. It's filled with distrust of myself. From my older eyes now I see it was just voices echoing in my head.
- October 31st, 2019 - In Neapolitan series Lenu and Lila don't see each other for years at a time. Each growing into their own persons independently. Can i say their friendship lacks depth? What is the balance between myself and how much i give of myself despite not enjoying doing so. I am not at ease.
In my conversations with my mother, she is specific and anecdotal. i am general and philosophical. When i ask her about the poverty of her hometown she talks of the people she knew who couldn't get out and the women who have. I ask her about the difference b/w the two. She says hardwork, a passable husband, and luck. I reply about the systematic trappings of poverty, the flow of money and capital funneled through banking systems and government owned enterprises. How common people seemed to live so terribly even in the wealthiest nation in the world. She ignores me. She lives amongst the lives of people, and i seem to only enjoy the idea of people.
His parents hoped he wouldn't be a criminal, serial killer, or pedophile. My parents didn't even entertain those possibilities. Letting me know that it is in me to finalize our pending family dream. To start a large corporation, to be a ceo. That to stay in corporate salary is to settle and a waste of a life and our ambitions.
- November 9th, 2019 - Harlem by Langston Hughes
what happens to a dream deferred does it dry up like a raisin in the sun or fester like a sore and then run
does it stink like rotten meat or crust and sugar over like a syrupy sweet?
maybe it just sags like a heavy load
or does it explode?
- November 12th, 2022 - `Latency read memory (1mb)
L1 cache = 0.5 ns L2 cache = 7 ns (14x L1 latency) main memory = 100 ns (20x L2, 200x L1) read 1mb from SSD (~1GB/sec) = 10 ms (4x memory)`
- November 22, 2019 - `I studied mechanical engineering so at-least 3 of my classes any given semester were physics or math related. Math had the most straightforward assignments, forthright in its formulaic repetition. Physics problems were archaic, contrived scenarios with conditions intended to simplify calculations. The first year I started, i immediately looked for answer keys.
- Dec 4th, 2019 - 1180 Raymond, a towering apartment complex. The tallest residential building in Newark, New Jersey. On its 30th floor, lights shine upwards illuminating the top four floors. A lasting symbol of Newark's well-to-do families. The building is imposing, unchanging, and telling. It says, "I will never change. Residency here is stability. It's comfort. It's lasting.
It reminds me of beauty and the beast. That era of architecture, inaccessible grandness. It belies the warmth of my apartment inside. Inside it feels like home: an isolated, clean, and thoughtful existence. On the outside a cold, unmoving and respectable exterior. The tower of 1180 Raymond embodies where my life is headed to. "
- December 11th, 2019: short stories - I had this idea for a short story. It's about if property ownership was democratically allotted, and every 10 years, land would go up for election at local municipality. We would elect landlords instead of the market. ... I like to start writing short stories. Small tweaks to society and economic structures that change how we live. I remember the Ted Chiang short story about lookism. If we were able to prohibit surgically the release of chemicals that respond to physical beauty. If we didn't' discriminate based on uncontrollable traits of physical beauty.
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gslin · 6 hours
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codeshive · 21 days
ECE 6100 Lab 4: CMP Memory System Design solved
OBJECTIVE The objective of the fourth (and last) programming assignment is to build and evaluate a (performance-only) multi-level cache simulator with DRAM-based main memory. The system will then be extended to incorporate multiple cores, where each core has a private L1 (separate Instruction and Data) cache, and a shared L2 cache. Misses and writebacks from the shared L2 cache are serviced by a…
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computer430 · 24 days
How to Negotiate Bulk Discounts on Intel Core 2 Duo E6420 Processors
Negotiating bulk discounts for Intel Core 2 Duo E6420 processors involves several strategic steps to ensure you get the best value. Here’s how you can approach the process effectively.
1. Research Market Rates Before initiating negotiations, familiarize yourself with current pricing trends for Intel Core 2 Duo E6420 processors. Online platforms, electronics forums, and supplier websites can provide a baseline for your discussions. Understanding the going rate will help you gauge whether a discount is genuinely competitive.
2. Identify Potential Suppliers Compile a list of potential vendors who deal in bulk quantities of the Intel Core 2 Duo E6420. Contact established distributors, wholesalers, and manufacturers. It’s crucial to choose suppliers with a reputation for reliability and good customer service.
3. Leverage Volume When discussing bulk purchases, emphasize the quantity you intend to buy. Suppliers are more inclined to offer significant discounts when they see a substantial order. Make sure to communicate your projected needs clearly and be prepared to adjust based on their counteroffers.
4. Highlight Long-Term Relationships Propose the possibility of ongoing business rather than a one-time purchase. Suppliers are often more willing to negotiate favorable terms if they anticipate future orders. Build rapport with the sales representatives to foster a mutually beneficial relationship.
5. Negotiate Terms Beyond Price Don’t limit negotiations to just the unit price. Consider other factors like shipping costs, payment terms, and return policies. Securing favorable terms on these elements can also contribute to overall savings.
6. Obtain Multiple Quotes Request quotes from various suppliers to compare offers. This competitive environment can drive down prices and enhance your bargaining position. Use the best offers as leverage in negotiations with your preferred vendor.
By employing these strategies, you’ll be well-positioned to secure a bulk discount on Intel Core 2 Duo E6420 processors, optimizing both cost efficiency and procurement effectiveness.
Want to buy SLA4T Intel Core 2 Duo E6420 CPU in bulk?
If you’re interested in buying the SLA4T Intel Core 2 Duo E6420 CPU in bulk, consider sourcing from VSTL, a reputable supplier known for its wide range of quality components. The Intel Core 2 Duo E6420, with its 2.13 GHz clock speed, 4MB L2 cache, and 1066 MHz front-side bus, offers reliable performance for a variety of computing needs. Purchasing in bulk from VSTL allows you to benefit from potential discounts and secure a consistent supply of these processors for your business or projects. Leverage this opportunity to enhance your tech infrastructure efficiently and cost-effectively.
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hotnew-pt · 2 months
Processador AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D com tecnologia 3D V-Cache, 8 núcleos/16 threads não controlados, arquitetura Zen 4, TDP de 120 W, frequência de reforço de até 5,0 GHz, AMD Socket 5, DDR5 e PCIe 5.0 #achadinhos
Hot News Se você é apaixonado por computação e eletrônicavocê gosta de estar atualizado com a tecnologia e não perder nenhum detalhe, compre Processador AMD 7800X3D ao melhor preço. Cache: L3 Núcleos: 8 núcleos Compatível: DDR5-SDRAM Número de núcleos da CPU: 8, número de threads: 16, clock base: 4,2 GHz, potência máxima do clock: até 5,0 GHzTotal de L2 oculto: 8 MB, total de L3 oculto: 96…
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gezginajans · 2 months
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Önbellek (Cache) Nedir?
Önbellek, bilgisayar sistemlerinde yüksek hızda veri erişimi sağlamak için kullanılan geçici depolama alanıdır. Genellikle CPU, tarayıcı ve disk sistemleri gibi teknolojik alanlarda sıklıkla kullanılan verilerin hızlı bir şekilde erişilebilir olduğu bir hafıza türüdür. Önbelleğin ana amacı, veri erişim süresini minimize ederek sistem performansını artırmaktır.
Önbellek, bilgisayar ve internet teknolojilerinde performansı optimize etmek için kritik bir rol oynar. Verilerin daha hızlı işlenmesini sağlayarak, kullanıcı deneyimini önemli ölçüde iyileştirir ve işlemci gibi kritik bileşenlerin daha verimli çalışmasına olanak tanır.
Cache, erişimi en sık yapılan verileri hızlı bir şekilde erişilebilir şekilde saklar. Bu veriler, ilk kullanıldığında ana bellekten (RAM) alınır ve cache'e kopyalanır. Sonraki erişimlerde, sistem veriyi daha yavaş olan ana bellek yerine, doğrudan önbellekten alarak zaman kazanır.
Önbellekleme Türleri Nelerdir?
Donanım ve Yazılım Cache'leri
Cache, genellikle donanım ve yazılım olmak üzere iki ana kategoriye ayrılır. Her iki tür de, veri erişim sürelerini kısaltarak, sistemin genel performansını iyileştirmeye yardımcı olur.
İşlemci Cache'leri (L1, L2, L3)
İşlemciler, veri erişim hızını artırmak için çeşitli seviyelerde önbelleklere sahiptir. En yaygın olanları:
L1 Cache: En hızlı ancak kapasite olarak en küçük cache türüdür. Çekirdeğin çok yakınında yer alır ve en kritik verileri saklar.
L2 Cache: L1'e göre biraz daha yavaş ancak daha büyük kapasiteli olan bir önbellek seviyesidir.
L3 Cache: L1 ve L2'ye kıyasla daha büyük kapasiteli ve biraz daha yavaş olan, işlemci çekirdekleri arasında paylaşılan bir önbellektir.
Disk Cache ve Web Cache
Disk Cache: Sabit diskler, SSD'ler gibi depolama birimlerinde bulunur. Bu cache, diskten okuma ve yazma işlemlerini hızlandırmak için kullanılır.
Web Cache: Web tarayıcıları tarafından kullanılır. Sık ziyaret edilen web sayfalarının içeriklerini (örneğin, resimler, JavaScript dosyaları) saklar ve sayfaların daha hızlı yüklenmesini sağlar.
Cache'in İnternet Performansına Etkileri
Web Cache'in Web Siteleri için Önemi
Web cache, web sitelerinin performansında büyük bir rol oynar. Kullanıcıların sitedeki sayfaları daha hızlı yüklemelerini sağlayarak, genel kullanıcı deneyimini iyileştirir ve ziyaretçilerin sitede daha fazla zaman geçirmelerini teşvik eder.
Sayfa Yükleme Sürelerini Nasıl İyileştirir?
Web cache, web sayfalarının bileşenlerini (resimler, CSS dosyaları, JavaScript vb.) kullanıcıların bilgisayarlarında saklar. Bu bileşenlerin yeniden yüklenmesi gerektiğinde, internet üzerinden tekrar yüklenmek yerine doğrudan lokal önbellekten çekilir. Bu işlem, sayfa yükleme sürelerini dramatik şekilde azaltır.
Cache'in SEO Üzerindeki Etkileri
Web sayfalarının yükleme hızları, arama motorları tarafından bir web sitesinin sıralamasını belirlemede kullanılan önemli faktörlerden biridir. Hızlı yüklenen sayfalar, daha iyi kullanıcı deneyimi sunduğu için arama motorları tarafından daha üst sıralarda yer alır. Bu nedenle, etkin bir web cache yapısı, SEO performansınızı doğrudan etkileyebilir.
Cache Yönetimi
Cache Belleğinin Optimize Edilmesi
Etkin bir cache yönetimi, sistem performansını maksimize etmek ve veri bütünlüğünü korumak için hayati öneme sahiptir. Cache belleğinin düzenli olarak temizlenmesi ve güncellenmesi, performansı sürdürmek ve potansiyel hataları azaltmak için gereklidir.
En İyi Cache Yönetim Taktikleri
Kapasite Yönetimi: Cache belleğinin boyutunu dengeli bir şekilde yönetmek, sistem kaynaklarını etkin kullanmayı sağlar. Çok fazla cache, sistem kaynaklarını boşa harcar, çok az cache ise performansı düşürür.
Güncellemeler: Önbelleğe alınan verilerin güncelliğini korumak, yanıltıcı veya hatalı bilgilere erişimi önler. Önbellek güncellemeleri, veri değişikliklerini takip ederek otomatik olarak gerçekleştirilmelidir.
Cache Temizleme ve Güncelleme Prosedürleri
Manuel Temizleme: Kullanıcılar, çoğu sistemde ve uygulamada manuel olarak önbelleği temizleyebilir. Bu, özellikle hatalı veya eskimiş verilerin temizlenmesinde etkilidir.
Otomatik Temizleme: Birçok modern sistem ve uygulama, belirli aralıklarla veya belirli koşullar altında otomatik önbellek temizleme işlevleri sunar. Bu, sürekli bir verimlilik ve performans sağlar.
Cache Teknolojileri ve Araçları
Modern Cache Çözümleri ve Araçları
Teknolojinin ilerlemesiyle birlikte, cache yönetimi ve optimizasyonu için birçok yeni araç ve teknoloji geliştirilmiştir. Bu araçlar, özellikle büyük veri setleri ve yüksek trafikli uygulamalar için hayati öneme sahip olabilir.
Popüler Cache Sistemleri ve Kullanımları
Memcached: Yüksek performanslı bir dağıtık bellek nesne önbellekleme sistemi olan Memcached, dinamik web uygulamalarını hızlandırmak için sıklıkla kullanılır.
Redis: Gelişmiş anahtar-değer deposu özellikleri sunan Redis, önbellekleme ve mesaj aracılığı gibi işlevler için tercih edilen bir çözümdür.
Bulut Tabanlı Cache Çözümleri
Bulut tabanlı cache çözümleri, ölçeklenebilirlik ve erişilebilirlik sunar. AWS Elastic Cache ve Azure Redis Cache gibi hizmetler, kurulumu ve yönetimi kolaylaştırarak, uygulamalar için mükemmel performans ve düşük gecikme süresi sağlar.
Cache Sorunları ve Çözümleri
Yaygın Cache Sorunları
Cache yönetimi ve kullanımı bazı teknik zorlukları ve sorunları da beraberinde getirebilir. Bu sorunların başında cache kirliliği, senkronizasyon hataları ve veri tutarlılığı sorunları gelir.
Cache Kirliliği ve Karışıklıkları
Cache kirliliği, eski veya artık kullanılmayan verilerin önbellekte yer kaplaması ve bu durumun sistem performansını olumsuz etkilemesi anlamına gelir. Bu, özellikle dinamik verilerin sık sık güncellendiği sistemlerde yaygın bir sorundur.
Sorunları Gidermek için Uygulanan Yöntemler
Senkronizasyon ve Güncelleme Yöntemleri: Cache içindeki verilerin düzenli olarak güncellenmesi ve ana veri kaynağı ile senkronize edilmesi gerekir.
Cache Invalidasyon Stratejileri: Eski veya geçersiz verilerin otomatik olarak temizlenmesi için etkili invalidasyon stratejileri uygulanmalıdır. Bu stratejiler, cache'i verimli bir şekilde temizleyerek sistem performansını artırır.
Gelecekte Cache Yönetimi
Önbellek teknolojileri, sürekli gelişen dijital ortamda önemli bir rol oynamaya devam edecek. Yeni nesil uygulamalar ve veri yoğun teknolojiler, daha etkin ve gelişmiş cache çözümlerini zorunlu kılmaktadır.
Gelecek nesil önbellek teknolojileri, daha yüksek kapasiteler, gelişmiş veri senkronizasyonu yetenekleri ve otomatik yönetim özellikleri sunacak. Bu, uygulamaların daha hızlı ve daha verimli çalışmasını sağlayacak.
Cache ve Yapay Zeka Entegrasyonu
Yapay zeka ve makine öğrenimi, cache yönetimi stratejilerini daha da geliştirmek için kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. Bu teknolojiler, veri erişim desenlerini öğrenerek ve tahmin ederek önbellek performansını optimize eder ve bu sayede sistemlerin daha akıllı hale gelmesine yardımcı olur.
Cache'in Dijital Dünyadaki Rolü ve Önemi
Cache teknolojisi, modern dijital sistemlerin vazgeçilmez bir parçasıdır. Veri erişim sürelerini düşürmek, sistem performansını artırmak ve kullanıcı deneyimini iyileştirmek için kritik bir rol oynar. Etkili bir cache yönetimi, teknolojik ilerlemelerle birlikte daha da önem kazanmaktadır.
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theclubhero-blog · 2 months
AMD Ryzen 9000 detalhados! Zen 5 com mais IPC, novos recursos de overclock e mais frios!
Por Vinicius Torres Oliveira
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AMD detalhou os Ryzen 9000 e as capacidades dessa nova geração de processadores para desktops, baseados na tecnologia Zen 5
A AMD detalhou as novidades de seus futuros processadores baseados na microarquitetura Zen 5. Além da linha AMD EPYC, focada em servidores, a empresa falou de seus processadores para desktops, os Ryzen 9000, codinome Granite Ridge, e seus modelos para notebooks, os Ryzen AI 300, codinome Strix Point.
Vamos detalhar neste artigo as principais evoluções nestes produtos, tanto em seus núcleos de processamento Zen 5, novas tecnologias introduzidas e também a atualização na linha de mainboards da plataforma AM5, os AMD chipset 800.
A nova geração de processadores tem como base a microarquitetura Zen 5. A AMD buscou novo ganho de dois dígitos percentuais comparado ao que é oferecido nos processadores Zen 4 (Ryzen 7000 e 8000G). Segundo a AMD, a média de ganho de performance comparado aos antecessores é de 16%
Uma mudança relevante é o aumento de IPC. Os Zen 5 são capazes de entregar mais trabalho por ciclo. Parte desse avanço é o aumento na robustez da estrutura básica dos núcleos Zen 5 comparado aos núcleos Zen 4.
As estruturas de entrada das instruções ficaram maiores, e a AMD dobrou a largura de banda com as memórias cache nível 1 e 2 (L1 e L2 cache), subiu a quantidade de 32kib para 48kib e aumentou a precisão das predições dos dados que serão necessários, tudo para reduzir a necessidade de fazer acessos ao cache e mover dados.
Ou seja: como um todo o processamento é acelerado, graças a hardware mais robusto tanto nas entradas quanto nas saídas das operações, e o sistema de cache foi reforçado para garantir que não ocorram gargalos e esse sistema fique ocioso porque está esperando dados. Como a AMD mesmo chama na apresentação, é preciso “feed the beast” (alimentar a besta, em tradução livre).
Outra mudança relevante é no aquecimento. Esse tópico foi criticado em nossas análises dos Ryzen 7000, com o aumento perceptível das temperaturas nesse produtos comparados aos antecessores Ryzen 5000.
Aqui o segredo é um uso mais eficiente das informações dos sensores. A AMD tornou a distribuição de carga pelo chip mais eficiente, de forma a amenizar os picos de temperatura em pontos específicos do die, os hotspost. Com isso, temos uma redução de 7ºC na temperatura, operando no mesmo TDP que um modelo Ryzen 7000.
No geral, a microarquitetura Zen 5 alcança ganhos de performance através de várias melhorias em simultâneo. Fetch, Execution, Decode e largura de banda das memórias cache, todas juntas, contribuem de forma mais ou menos parecida para os avanços dessa geração.
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govindhtech · 2 days
AWS C8g & AWS M8g: Efficient High-Performance Computing
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Amazon EC2 Instances
Utilize the new Amazon EC2 C8g and M8g instances to run your general-purpose and compute-intensive tasks sustainably. Today Amazon EC2 C8g and M8g instances are now widely available.
High-performance computing (HPC), batch processing, gaming, video encoding, scientific modeling, distributed analytics, CPU-based machine learning (ML) inference, and ad serving are suited for AWS Graviton4-based C8g instanc
M8g instances, which are also Graviton4-based, offer the best cost-performance for workloads with a generic purpose. Applications like gaming servers, microservices, application servers, mid-size data storage, and caching fleets are all well suited for M8g instances.
Let’s now have a look at some of the enhancements it has implemented in these two cases. With three times as many vCPUs (up to 48xl), three times as much memory (up to 384GB for C8g and up to 768GB for M8g), seventy-five percent more memory bandwidth, and twice as much L2 cache as comparable 7g instances, C8g and M8g instances offer higher instance sizes. This allows processing larger data sets, increasing workloads, speeding up results turnaround, and lowering TCO.
These instances have up to 50 Gbps network bandwidth and 40 Gbps Amazon EBS capacity, compared to Graviton3-based instances’ 30 Gbps and 20 Gbps. C8g and M8g instances, like R8g instances, have two bare metal sizes (metal-24xl and metal-48xl). You can deploy workloads that gain from direct access to real resources and appropriately scale your instances.
Important things to know
With pointer authentication capability, separate caches for each virtual CPU, and always-on memory encryption, AWS Graviton4 processors provide improved security.
The foundation of these instances is the AWS Nitro System, a vast array of building blocks that assigns specialized hardware and software to handle many of the conventional virtualization tasks. It reduces virtualization overhead by providing great performance, high availability, and excellent security.
Applications written in popular programming languages such as C/C++, Rust, Go, Java, Python,.NET Core, Node.js, Ruby, and PHP, as well as containerized and microservices-based applications like those running on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) and Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), are ideally suited for the C8g and M8g instances.
Available right now
The US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), and Europe (Frankfurt) AWS Regions currently offer C8g and M8g instances. With Amazon EC2, as usual, you only pay for the resources you utilize. See Amazon EC2 Pricing for additional details. To assist you in moving your applications to Graviton instance types, have a look at the assortment of AWS Graviton resources.
Read more on govindhtech.com
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amdhub · 3 months
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X: A Mid-Range Powerhouse
Introduction to the Ryzen 5 7600X
The AMD Ryzen 5 7600X is a standout mid-range processor designed to deliver exceptional performance for both gaming and productivity. Part of AMD’s Ryzen 7000 series, the 7600X combines advanced architecture with high-speed capabilities, making it a popular choice for enthusiasts and gamers seeking powerful performance without breaking the bank.
Zen 4 Architecture: The Engine Behind the 7600X
The Ryzen 5 7600X is built on AMD's latest Zen 4 architecture. This new design provides substantial improvements in performance and efficiency compared to previous generations. With enhanced instructions per cycle and higher clock speeds, the Zen 4 architecture ensures that the 7600X delivers outstanding speed and responsiveness.
Key Specifications
Cores and Threads: The Ryzen 5 7600X features 6 cores and 12 threads. This configuration strikes a balance between high performance and cost, making it ideal for gaming and multitasking. The six cores are well-suited for handling modern applications and games that benefit from multiple threads.
Base and Boost Clock Speeds: With a base clock of 4.7 GHz and a boost clock of up to 5.3 GHz, the Ryzen 5 7600X offers impressive processing speeds. These high clock speeds enhance performance, ensuring smooth gameplay and efficient handling of demanding tasks.
Cache: The 7600X includes a substantial 32MB L3 cache and a 3MB L2 cache. This large cache size improves data access speeds and overall system performance, contributing to a responsive computing experience.
Gaming Performance
For gamers, the Ryzen 5 7600X delivers excellent performance. Its high clock speeds and multi-core capabilities provide smooth and immersive gameplay, even in demanding titles. Whether you’re playing AAA games or engaging in competitive esports, the 7600X offers the power needed for high frame rates and responsive gameplay.
Productivity and Multitasking
The Ryzen 5 7600X is also well-suited for productivity tasks. Its 6-core, 12-thread configuration allows for efficient multitasking and handling of creative applications such as video editing and graphic design. The processor's speed and responsiveness make it a solid choice for users who need reliable performance for a variety of tasks.
Energy Efficiency and Thermal Management
Despite its high performance, the Ryzen 5 7600X is designed with energy efficiency in mind. It operates with a thermal design power (TDP) of 105 watts, balancing power consumption with performance. Effective thermal management ensures that the processor remains cool and stable, even during intensive workloads.
Compatibility and Future-Proofing
The Ryzen 5 7600X supports the latest technologies, including PCIe 5.0 and DDR5 memory, ensuring compatibility with cutting-edge hardware. This future-proof design allows the 7600X to remain relevant and capable of handling new advancements in technology.
The AMD Ryzen 5 7600X is a powerful and versatile processor that delivers exceptional performance for gaming, productivity, and multitasking. With its advanced Zen 4 architecture, high clock speeds, and efficient design, the 7600X offers a compelling balance of performance and value. Whether you’re building a new PC or upgrading an existing system, the Ryzen 5 7600X provides the power and efficiency needed to elevate your computing experience.
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bestpctips · 3 months
AMD FX-4350 4.26Hz review
DETAILS Manufacturer. AMD Requirements: AM3+ motherboard, DDR3 RAM, 500W minimum The AMD FX-4350 is a slightly newer processor than the FX-6300. Released in April 2013, this Piledriver micro architecture, Vishera core is a mid-class CPU using a 32nm manufacturing process. This 4.2GHz AM3+ processor, with a turbo clock speed of 4.3GHz, features four cores, four threads, 4MB L2 cache and an 8MB L3…
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