#l — undetermined
ddarkroomm · 2 months
The shots Adam got from the concert would hopefully be good. Scott was particular with what he wanted on posters to promote the band, even if that meant Adam did a lot of it himself. What he got as thanks usually constituted as shitty weed and a hard fuck, and something in that, Adam didn’t totally mind. It’d be better if he knew there was something solid about their relationship, if he knew he wasn’t just Scott’s reliable option rather than someone he truly cared for. That feeling heightened when he heard during a break in Wrath of the Gods’ set that his part time lover was looking at seducing who he referred to as the tight-bodied hippie chick. Adam didn’t even glance in the direction where the girl seemed to be. He felt a little sick, to be quite fair, angry at the very concept of Scott yet again going to try to fuck someone else, only giving him the night if he hadn’t scored with the girl he’d hoped for; Scott would say he just wanted the thrill of the chase, just to head back to his Adam. And of course, he never would heel so open to the idea of Adam fucking someone else so openly.
Since hearing what his oldest friend had said regarding his evening plans, the photographer decided to take a break for the second half of the show, nursing what was now his second shitty beer of the night. He wondered to himself if he should just go home, or maybe he should reach out to whoever left a message on his answering machine about needing a job done… if they were still up at this hour. He couldn’t help but roll his eyes at Scott showing off for a black-haired beauty in the crowd, one who was surely his quarry of the night, even as she took steps away from the stage, back towards the bar.
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galestrings · 1 year
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"I can't deny the strength of stone walls, it's true. But if I had to eat, sleep, and train between them day in and out, I think I'd go mad."
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bccksmarts · 2 years
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➤ @higherpcwerx asked: ❛ sorry, that seat is taken but you can come and sit on my lap ‘ (IM SORRY)
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  The witch stood there at the Slytherin table, her eyes wide and her face flushed. Pansy was smirking to herself along with Blaise and Malfoy was totally unreadable, if not sneering ( to her anyway ), and Theodore was just sat there so casually as if he didn't say what he just suggested. She could've sworn her books slipped in her arms because her wrap around them tightened significantly.
  Did he REALLY just suggest for her to sit on his lap? And with such finesse like it was just a usual thing to come out of his mouth? Gods, how was she meant to act, let alone respond?
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  Taking quick glances at the multiple faces gawking at her ( Harry, Ron and Ginny and the snakes ), Hermione took a breath, as if to swallow that Gryffindor pride of hers to make way for it's bravery instead. ❝Well,❞ She paused to clear her throat, ❝—Perhaps I will, then.❞ And with that, she walked right on over, scooted herself into slots where necessary and plopped herself down on the boy's lap as if it was second nature to her. It certainly was not. No one will ever know the number of nerves rustling around and exploding within her in that very moment. But she knew ONE thing for certain.
  Bet you didn't expect her to do it, Theodore, did you?
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Marius paused for a moment before the castle, having traveled a great distance by foot; he was by no means as fast as a horse, but he tired much less than one, so he could keep going longer until he was at the large doors. The Red Duchess, the holder of his soul, had told him firmly that he was to be sent away as a favor to a vampire ally of hers, to be a guard, more or less a knight for their castle. She'd brought him to bed with her a final time before sending him off, but promised that he'd be back in her arms soon enough; his gut churned at the very thought. While staying in a castle of shadows lit every nerve aflame in the worst way, it would be better than being stuck with her.
Before he could even knock, the door had opened, leaving the dhampir to gaze into a nearly empty hall. Walking forward, he looked about nervously until his eyes settled on the beautiful raven-haired woman standing upon the stairs. Not wanting to forget his manners, Marius genuflected, his head hanging low, flax blond hair obscuring his face. "My lady. I did not expect to meet you or your husband so soon. I assumed servants would be in charge of my intake," he said softly, his eyes flickering up to her briefly. "It is certainly an honor to meet you."
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reapcrbunny · 2 years
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@chacss​​  --  chomps dahlia's ankle. unfortunately, the toad head does not have teeth.    //    unprompted ask,   always accepting    !    
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(    🐇   )            WHAT THE FUCK    is that    ?!    the veena jolts as she’s startled by the rather aggressive nudge to her ankle    ;    causing the reaper to nearly slice at the toad    -    costumed individual prior to    COMING UP SHORT.
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         <      . . .     >
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woso-fan13 · 11 months
Whumptober 2023: 15 (Barca)
No. 15: “I don’t need you to help me, I can handle things myself.”
Makeshift Bandages | Suppressed Suffering | “I’m fine.”
It was so easy to hide. Although you were usually relatively active on social media, you had a backlog of photos that you wanted to post. Nobody noticed that you were posting photos from previous months, and, if they did, nobody cared. 
You had mastered the art of ignoring a phone call and texting the person back after a few minutes apologizing for missing their call. Your teammates knew that you lived on a random schedule, it wasn’t hard to convince them that you actually had completely missed the dozen calls that you had received that day. You hadn’t, watching your phone screen, waiting for the call to go to voicemail every time. 
You called out of practice for the week, insisting that you were sick. Once this week had passed, there were a few scheduled days off. You could take almost two weeks to try and regain control over yourself. You were spiraling, but no one could know. No one would know. 
A persistent knock grabs your attention. You had previously been zoned out in the living room for an undetermined amount of time. You try to ignore the sound and go back into your haze, but the pounding repeats. Again and again. 
Finally, you pull yourself up from the floor, making your way to the door. Expecting a delivery that needs to be signed for or a salesperson, you open the door without looking through the peephole. 
That was a mistake. A very mad Lucy Bronze is standing, hands on her hips. 
“Y/F/N Y/M/N Y/L/N,” she says sternly, “where have you been? The whole team’s been worried about you, you’ve been ignoring us.”
You don’t respond, staring down at the floor in the doorway. Lucy grows more impatient. 
“I’m waiting. You better have a bloody good explanation, young lady.”
“I’m sorry.”
It's barely a whisper. It’s all you can say, but you know it won’t satisfy her. 
“You’re sorry?! You’re sorry?! No, you’re sorry when you hit someone with a football, or when you make a mistake. You’re not ‘sorry’ when you disappear. You’re not ‘sorry’ when you leave the team.”
Lucy is ranting at this point, her anger clear. Every ‘sorry’ she said was spit, mocking you harshly.
“I know. I’m sorry.”
Lucy heaves a sigh, breathing in deeply. She’s trying to control herself, you know it. You would understand if she kept yelling. She should keep yelling, you have let everyone down. That’s all you do- constantly disappointing people. 
It’s silent for a moment, Lucy refocusing. She looks at you for the first time, really looks at you. She sees the lack of colour in your face- your normally rosie cheeks drained to an almost translucent. She sees the dark circles under your eyes, begging for rest. She sees the red rims around your eyes, sees the dried tear tracks. She also sees the fresh tears pooling, likely a result of her harsh words. 
Oh. She feels like a terrible bully. 
“Y/N, kiddo, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean any of that, I was just scared. No one’s heard from you in over a week, we were all worried. I shouldn’t have shouted, I’m sorry.”
You shrug, whispering, “it’s okay.”
“No, it’s not,” she says firmly before lowering her voice to just above a whisper and repeating, “it’s not okay.”
Silence fills the air, neither of you know what to say. Lucy’s deciding how to best convince you to let her in, you’re deciding if it would be more effective to talk Lucy into leaving or to simply slam the door and lock it quickly. You’re leaning towards the second option. 
“Can I come in?” she asks. 
Every part of you is screaming not to let her in. Every part of you is screaming that if you let her in, she’s going to find out everything. Every part of you is screaming that if you let her in and she finds out the truth, she’ll leave you. 
And, yet, you nod. You step aside, letting her in. 
She smiles softly, stepping forward. She waits until you shut the door and turn to head back into the main area, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. She pulls you tight to her side, the touch firm. 
The two of you walk to the living room, settling on the sofa. It’s quiet again, the silence suffocating. But neither of you can say a word. 
“I’m okay,” you insist, knowing that’s what she needs to hear, “I can handle things myself. You should go.”
That was good. Maybe she would leave, walk right out the door. Maybe, maybe, if she walked out now, she could walk back in later. If she stayed, she would walk out and stay away. 
Lucy looks closely at you, as if trying to read you. 
“You’re not okay.”
You go to insist that you’re fine, but as your mouth opens, you’re cut off. 
“You’re not okay.”
And something, somewhere breaks. You throw towards Lucy, tears already dripping off of your face. You bury your head into her chest, your breath stuttering. She doesn’t know what to do. 
“That’s it, get it all out,” she says. 
She pulls you to be sitting in her lap, facing her as she hugs your body tightly. Your head is pressed into her neck, the skin instantly turning wet. 
“Good, get it all out. Nice, deep breaths. Good girl, big breaths. Keep taking those nice, big breaths. You’re going to be okay, everything’s going to be okay. I’m right here, sweetheart, I’m not going anywhere.”
She continues speaking quietly to you, the words soothing. One of her hands is cradling the back of your head, the other running firmly up and down your back. The pressure helps calm you, and Lucy knows this. It’s also the reason that her cheek is pressed to the top of your head, grounding you. 
Lucy knows you. And Lucy’s here. She’s not going anywhere, firmly connected to you now. 
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lightvixxen · 1 year
stress relief
So my amazing friend ceebs or @maladaptive-day-dreams convinced me to write a st x cm crossover and well...Hopper/Reader/Hotch was born.
SUMMARY: Hopper and Hotch are working late when they decide to have some fun with the shoplifter that got dragged into the station earlier that day
WARNINGS: spit roasting, degrading, MMF threesome, reader's age is not confirmed but she IS 18+, spoiled brat! reader, rich!reader, modern!st, choking, name-calling, basic cm shit. not proofread
The BAU was called into a small town of indiana, Hawkins to be exact, the run of the mill serial killer who had a knack for kidnapping. The team could already tell this was going to be a hard case, seeing as the killer didn’t seem to have a type.
“How long does he keep them?” Emily pipes up, the file was already hard to Figure out since there was apparently no specific time frame the killer stuck to. 
“As of now that is undetermined…the local police there doesn’t have a single lead despite how small the town is.” Hotch told her, “Which is the exact reason we’ve been called in. They’ve been dealing with most likely the same killer for years so they thought a fresh pair of eyes would be good.” 
“So they have basically nothing?” The team asks at the same time, and Hotch nods. 
“It’s definitely not ideal but we have delt with worse…” Hotch’s statement was met with a chorus of agreement, they have delt with worse evidence before. 
Once the jet landed the team immediately went to the Hawkins police department, not wanting to waste another second not solving this case. Walking into the department they were almost immediately met with a bustling space of police officers. As they stood there looking around trying to find anyone that could help them, they hear a deep voice from behind them. 
“You guys the BAU?” the voice asks, as they turn around they’re met with a broad man with facial hair, he was a little chubby but they could tell he was at least a little fit. 
“Yes we are, I’m Unit Cheif Aaron Hotchner, this is SSA Morgan, JJ, Prentiss and Dr. Reid.” Hotch introduces each of them, pointing to the respective person.
“I’m Jim Hopper, chief of police.” They do the routine of shaking hands before Hopper shows them where they can set up.
“So what do you know about the killer we’re working with?” Hotch asks, hoping that getting information out of the file they were giving would somehow help them. 
Hopper scratches his head “Only that he’s one sick son of a bitch, while the time he keeps his victims are undetermined…we never find them, its like they just vanish into thin air.” Hotch nods, “okay, yeah, that’s actually helpful.” Hopper nods, before leaving them to work. 
It had Only been a week and the team and the entire police department were stressed out of their minds. Still no new leads, suspects, nothing, It was as if the Killer was a ghost or something. It was 2pm when they dragged in a screaming girl, saying something about how her father will bail her out. They dragged her back into a holding cell about 20 minutes later as they weren’t getting an answer from anyone they called. 
Hotch walked out to where Hopper was standing with his arms crossed, looking over some officers desk and at his computer. 
“Don’t forget this is her third time-” Hopper looked over to Hotch with a questioning look. 
“Who was that? A suspect or-” 
Hopper laughed at his question, “God no, that was y/n l/n, she has some sticky fingers and has gotten caught shoplifting about three times now…we call her our resident spoiled brat. She comes from a rich family that resides here in Hawkins.” 
Hotch’s eyebrows raised at hearing that you came from a rich family. 
“If she’s rich why does she feel the need to shoplift?” 
“Daddy doesn’t give her attention, never has, i’ve caught her flirting with multiple of my officers before aswell.” 
Hotch nods “The typical daddy issues story…of course.” 
It was late, Hotch was at one of the open desks, he needed to get out of the confined office space that was the conference room they were set up in before he went crazy. 
He looked over at the clock that told him it was about 1:15. He sighed, looking over to where Hopper was. 
“Did anyone ever come and get that one girl that got brought in earlier?” 
Hopper looked up from the file he was focused on and shook his head. 
“Nope, we called her daddy probably 5 times and he didn’t pick up, my guess is he’s tired of bailing his troublemaker daughter out.” Hotch laughed at that, usually in rich families that is the case, especially if its already known she’s trouble. 
“You’d think he’d be trying to cover up her arrest by now” 
“Oh he did the first two times…but this time she got caught at a busy hour with hundreds of people watching and word travels fast in a town like this.” 
Hotch laughs and nods once again, going back to the file infront of him. Another hour went by before Hopper got up grabbing Aarons attention. 
“I’m gonna check on our spoiled prisoner? Wanna come? Stretch your legs a little…actually fix your posture?” Hopper asks him and Aaron agrees, getting up and following the other man into the holding cell area. 
You were sat on the bed that they placed in the cell, leaning against the wall and facing the bars, you had no idea what time it was but the lack of guards told you that it was late. You perked up and the sound of a door opening and the sound of footsteps approaching, you had hoped it was Hopper or one of the officers coming with your father. 
While the man that accompanied Hopper wasn’t your father you definitely weren’t disappointed. He was tall and broad, dark hair resting ontop of his head and a suit telling that wasn’t a cop, he was fucking hot, he practically oozed dominance, just like Hopper did, telling you he was in a positon of power. 
“Ooo who’s this?” you ask, getting up from your spot and walking up to the bars and leaning against them, hoping to get a better look of the mystery man. “You are definitely not a cop..” 
Hotch looks down at you, and heat travels straight to your core at the realization that even from behind the bars he still has to look down to see you. 
“Your right, i’m a FBI agent.” God even his voice was sexy, you bit your lip staring at him, before you turned your attention to Hopper. 
“Why are you guys here? Did daddy finally pick up?” you ask the two men, only to be met with a head shake. 
“You might be stuck here for a little while if your waiting for your daddy to bail you out.” Hopper told you and you groaned. 
“Then why the fuck are you here?” 
“Just to check on you, the routine.” 
You leaned against the bars once again, bored out of your mind. 
“Can’t you just…let me go? I mean you already know the bail and fine will be paid…” 
Hopper sighed, “You know damn well I can’t do that, its a good way to lose my job.” 
You pouted, giving him your best puppy eyes, 
“Pleasee Hop…I promise to be on best behavior when I get out, I won’t tell anyone, pink promise!” 
“No is the final answer sweetheart, Those puppy eyes have no effect on me and you know that. Also how many times have I told you not to call me that. 
While you were talking to Hopper Aaron finally got a good look at you, you were wearing a short white crop top that read ‘angel’ across your boobs, paired with an equally short pink skirt, if you could even call it that, it only came up to the tops of your thighs. 
“Can you at least let me out for a little bit? I’m bored out of my mind in here.” Aaron looked at Hopper, expecting him to say no and just leave it at that, instead he fished the cells keys out of his pocket and unlocked the cell. 
“Turn around.” he told you in a stern voice 
“Seriously you know I won’t-” 
“He said turn around, your lucky we’re even letting you leave this cell at all.” Hotch snapped at you, using the same tone Hopper had. You rolled your eyes before turning around and placing your hands behind your back. 
You felt warm hands before the cold metal of the handcuffs, you guessed it was Hopper because of how rough he was with your arms. 
“Ow! Too tight!” you whined when he tightened them, your back automatically straightening at the pressure on your wrists.
“They’re not and you know it, stop being fucking dramatic.” you heard Hoppers gruff voice from behind you before he escorted you out to the office area of the police department. 
“Sit” He told you, pushing you into the chair next to his desk, you did what you were told, just glad you were out of the dingy cell. Looking around the station you were able to stare at the FBI agent, noticing the obvious stress on both of their faces. 
“Hey FBI agenttt” you called out to him in a singsongy voice, grabbing his attention, once you were sure you had his attention you asked his name, since neither him or Hopper had mentioned it. 
“My name is Aaron Hotchner.” He told you with the most monotone voice you have probably heard come from anyones mouth. You smiled at him, before looking at Hopper. 
“Why can’t you be that nice to me? He actually gave me a clear answer without calling me a name…” you pouted and  Hopper looked at you before looking towards Aaron, “Because he doesn’t know how much of a spoiled brat you can be.”
“But I think I’m starting to learn.” Aaron chimed in, you gasped, looking at both men infront of you, 
“I’m not a spoiled brat!” you huffed, and the two men looked at eachother and Hopper laughed, 
“Thats something only a brat would say!” Hopper told you, and Hotch agreed with him. 
“I would cross my arms if I could right now I hope you know that.” 
“We know sweetheart, we know.” is all Hopper said before getting back to work, Hotch joining him and returning to the file he had been going over and over for hours already. 
Only a few minutes had passed before you spoke up.
“Are you sure there’s nothing that can get me out of here without my dad?! Seriously I’ll do anything! Please! Just name what you want!” you begged, tearing the mens attention away from their work, Hopper glared at you. 
“What part of no do you not understand? Were you never told it growing up?” 
“No” You giggled, “I got everything I asked for so I wouldn’t bother my daddy” you smirked at the dumbfounded faces on the two men. 
“Oh don’t act like your surprised my family is rich, we could afford the things I wanted!” 
“No fucking wonder your so spoiled, you got everything you wanted just by being annoying.” Hopper grumbled, and you just beamed. 
“And I’m very good at being annoying” You smirked again “So you should just let me go now, i’ll talk to my father when I get home and he can pay-” 
Aaron got up and walked to where you were sitting, grabbing a handful of your hair. 
“Or maybe we should just duct tape your mouth shut, that way you can’t bother us…or better yet…” He trailed off looking at Hopper, “We could use her as some…stress relief” 
Hopper smirked at his suggestion, “I think thats an amazing idea actually” You felt heat pool in your belly immediately and the hungry gazes that the two men gave you, “She’d probably enjoy it too, wouldn’t you sweetheart?” Hopper got up to stand next to Hotch, his hand grabbing your chin. You nodded quickly, if you weren’t going to be let out tonight this was the next best outcome, at least you wouldn’t be bored anymore. 
“Words pretty girl.” Hotch spoke up, letting go of your hair. 
“Yes, fuck yes, please” You once again begged. 
“You sound so much better when your begging” Hopper told you before yanking you out of your seat, forcing you onto your stomach over his desk. 
“Lets see…which end do you want first, Hotch? Mouth or pussy?” Hopper asked standing next to your figure. 
“I’ll take her mouth first, you’ve known the little slut longer, you deserve her cunt.” 
Hopper smirked wildly before taking his place behind you, flipping your skirt up he tuts when he sees the damp patch in your panties, “God you really are a slut, your already wet, love the idea of two men old enough to be your father using you?” You nod and he slaps your ass harshly, obviously expecting a verbal response. 
“Yes!” You don’t know you manage to even form a verbal response when Hotch is infront of you undoing his belt, his hands are so big they practically cover the entirety of the buckle and it has you fucking drooling. He’s only half hard and yet you can tell that he’s big. You already knew Hopper was big the few times he had to pin you against a wall just to put handcuffs on you. 
You already knew you most likely wouldn’t be doing a whole lot of talking after this…
Hotch taps your cheek with a mumbled ‘open”, you opened your mouth welcoming his half hard cock into your mouth, while Hopper ran his fingers through your wet cunt, he eventually sinks one finger into your waiting hole causing you to moan around Aarons cock, which caused the other man to groan. He tangled his fingers in your hair, beginning to fuck your face. 
Hopper added another finger into your hole, slowing finger fucking you, your muffled moans turned into slight gagging as Hopper hit your g-spot with his fingers at the same time Hotch forced his cock to the back of your throat. 
“You can take it.” Hopper told you before removing his fingers from your cunt, wiping his fingers against the skin of your thigh. Causing you to whine at the feeling. 
“Oh be fucking quiet, your lucky we’re even using you right now.” Hotch spoke up from above you, hearing Hoppers belt hit the floor and his pant being unzipped sent another flood of arousal through you. Wiggling your hips you couldn’t wait to be filled by his cock. 
Hopper pushed his cock into you and you felt your eyes roll into the back of your head, between Hotch’s cock and his you felt so fucking full, you really wished you weren’t handcuffed so you had something to hold onto. 
You practically shrieked around Aarons cock when Hopper bottomed out, almost immediately pulled out until only the tip of his cock remained in your cunt before pushing all the way in. 
The two men smiled wickidely as they heard you splutter around Aarons cock when they timed their thrusts together. 
“Fuuck Her mouth is fucking amazing…” Hotch mumbled, watching as his cock dissappeared into your mouth over and over again, “I’m not gonna last much longer…” He groaned as he felt your tongue run over a vein that was on the underside of his dick. 
“Shit me neither, her cunt is so fucking tight she’s practically sucking me in…” Hoppers hands were digging into your hips, sure to leave bruises that would last for weeks. 
The two men shared a look before they both pulled out of you, much to your distaste, you whined, almost begging for them to return to where they were. 
“No no, please, I was getting so close.” you tolf them, but the two men just laughed. 
“Too fucking bad, your just here to be a toy for us, you probably won’t be cumming tonight.” Hopper told you, settling infront of you and grabbing your hair, just like Aaron did. While the other grabs your hips lining himself up with your hole. 
“Now get to work” Hopper spat at you, using the hand that wasn’t holding your hair to line his cock up with your mouth. Aaron sunk his cock into you before you had a chance to welcome Hoppers cock into your mouth, a gruttal moan ripped through your throat before Hopper shoved his cock into it, hitting the back of your throat immediately. You got to work sucking Hoppers cock with the same enthusiasm that you did with Aarons. 
“Fuckkkk I’m gonna cum baby, want me to come in your mouth?” You tried you best to nod, looking up at the olderman infront of you. 
“Good, cause you didn’t have a choice.” It didn’t take long before Hoppers hips started thrusting into your face, forcing you to deep throat him and then still as he came down your throat. You took his cum as best you could, reveling in the salty taste. 
“God you really are a fucking whore.” He mumbled, pulling out of your mouth, “Now be a good girl and swallow.” And you did, you might’ve choked a little bit because as you did Aaron had decided that was a perfect time to move one of his hands down to rub your clit. 
Now that your mouth was free your moans fell freely from your throat, you couldn’t hold them back if you even tried. Hotch was bullying your cunt with each snap of his hips, his fingers making work on your clit, he had you hurtiling to the edge faster that anyone had. 
“Fuck, fuck, so good.” you moaned, eyes rolling back into your head, but it wasn’t enough, you needed more. 
“Fuck, choke me please.” you pleaded with the man behind you, the though of his hand wrapping around your throat too good to pass up.
“Oh she likes being choked does she?” the two men laughed at hoppers statement, the hand that was on your hip came up to wrap around your throat, cutting off your air supply. You were so fucking close to the edge. 
“I’m gonna cum! Please, please don’t stop!” you practically screamed out, Hotch grunted behind you, you took that as a confirmation that he wouldn’t. After a few more thrusts of his hips your body was convulsing, and a cry fell from your lips as you came, not even a minute Hotch followed, he buried himself deep into your cunt as he came. 
You were both out of breath as he pulled out, sweat dotting everyones foreheads and you laid limply across Hoppers desk, effectively fucked out. You felt one of the men undo your cuffs, Hopper picked you up gently. 
“Lets go get you cleaned up.” He walked with you towards the bathroom, Hotch following close behind and you smiled, cuddling into the older mans chest. 
“But do not think this night is over…we’re both extremely pent up.”
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tsunael · 5 months
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— B A S I C S
Name: Tsuna Wasaishi (Refia bihn Deryaoglu). Nicknames: None for short. 'Darling' and 'princess' used in varying levels of sarcasm. Age: 32 at the start of ARR. 35-something in 6.x. Nameday: 10th Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon (6/9). Race: Au Ra. Mixed Hingan and Hannish Raen. Gender: Female. Orientation: Bimaybe. Profession: Former geiko, warrior of light, and white mage.
— P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C T S
Hair: Black. Eyes: Heterochromia (blue/green). Skin: Fair. Tattoos/scars: No tattoos, no major scars (yet).
— F A M I L Y
Parents: Suzume Sui Wasaishi (deceased), and Kartal bin Deryaoglu. Siblings: Mihrimah bihn Deryaoglu (half-sister). Grandparents: Undetermined In-laws and Other: Ryne feels like family. Ameliance dotes on her like a mother. Pets: Chuchu, her chocobo.
— S K I L L S
Abilities: DNC/WHM. DRK but never utilized. Possible RDM. Hobbies: Reading, scrapbooking, textile work (embroidery).
— T R A I T S
Most Positive Traits: Compassionate, altruistic, hard-working. Most Negative Traits: Impulsive, quick to anger, melancholic.
— L I K E S
Colours: Rolanberry red, pure white, currant purple, Nophica green. Smells: Sandalwood, Brightlily, Walnut oil, fogweed. Textures: Dupioni silk, rushing water, mossy ground. Drinks: green tea, nigorizake, hot chai.
— O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: Yes. Drinks: Yes. Drugs: No. Mount Issuance: Chuchu, her company chocobo via The Adders, is a red chocobo that got mixed in with the clutch at Bentbranch. She was too feral to sell, and too terrifying to put down, but took a liking to Tsuna in a classic horse-girl movie kind of tale. Been Arrested: Almost. Fuck the Sekiseigumi.
Tagged by: @myreia !!!! Thank you so much! Tagging: take it 🫴
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desianarchist · 6 months
"it may not be surprising to also learn that physically, many institutions for those labeled as psychiatrically or developmentally disabled that closed down during the 1980s actually re-opened a few years later as prisons. Alabama turned three-quarters of its closed institutions (which closed in 2003) into correctional facilities (the fourth quarter’s use is undetermined). Illinois closed seven institutions, two of which became correctional facilities and a third a women’s prison. New York State had the absolute largest number of institutions in the USA, seventeen of which closed between 1970 and 2010. Most of them were left as is, with future usage undetermined, but at least two became correctional facilities"
L. Ben-Moshe, Disabling incarceration: connecting disability to divergent confinements in the USA
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yelena-bellova · 2 months
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Chapter Thirteen: Just Another Day
Series Masterlist l OC Profile
Plot: Nearing the one year anniversary of both Will’s disappearance and Christine’s arrival, life in Hawkins goes on (seemingly) as normal.
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: child experimentation, child a*use, language
A/N: Well, it only took two years but here we are! Switching this story to OC is one of my favorite decisions I’ve ever made. I hope anyone who decides to read enjoys it <3
1977 // Hawkins Laboratory
When raising children, every parenting book advises to keep consistency. In an ever changing word, kids thrive on knowing there are certain things they can depend on. Pizza for dinner every Wednesday night, their favorite cartoon playing on a Saturday morning, a bedtime ritual with their parents.
In the case of Martin Brenner, his children could always depend that when it came to their lessons, he was always on time.
Like an eager schoolboy, he waited, or sometimes even walked them to the training room. He’d never show his glee, but there was a joy underneath that only belonged to the sickest individuals. It took a true sociopath to revel in child experimentation.
On one occasion, it was Thirteen’s morning to spend with Papa. She sat at the metal table in the small room, hands nervously gripping the sides of her chair, knowing what he would ask her to do before he said it.
Brenner leaned down, “Okay, Thirteen. Let’s try this again.”
Thirteen glanced down at the picture in front of her. A man, tall and bearded. The same one as the day before.
She shut her eyes.
Find him.
With all her strength, she tried to slip into the darkness and locate him. She could hear his thoughts, his voice, but she couldn’t see him.
Thirteen opened her eyes, tearful, and looked to her Papa.
“I can’t.”
“Try again,” he encouraged.
She was tired. Ever since Brenner had noticed she was unable to locate beings as well as the other children, he’d been working her harder. Pushing her to get the maximum results. It had been three straight weeks of individual sessions.
Thirteen gave a hiccuping little cry, “I can’t find him.”
“Try again, Thirteen,” Brenner pushed.
“I can’t-“
“I CAN’T!”
Brenner and the personnel behind the glass startled. The children were rarely ever so disobedient, particularly Thirteen.
“Alright then.”
A buzzer sounded and the door opened. Two orderlies came into the room and grabbed Thirteen by the arms.
“No,” she cried, her voice raising each time they didn’t listen, “No! No! No!”
They carried her out, lifting her into the air when she tried to drop her legs. She couldn’t go back there.
“Papa, please,” she screamed, “No!!”
Brenner did not watch as they dragged her away. It was for her own good.
Thrown into the room kept for when the children acted up, Thirteen scrambled to her feet. The door was about to close.
“Don’t leave me here,” she screamed as she ran, “PAPA!”
The lock clicked.
Thirteen fell to her knees and wept. She had tried, she had tried so hard. But she couldn’t force what wasn’t there. She could do other things, better than some of her brothers and sisters, but she couldn’t do this.
She curled into a ball on the floor, waiting an undeterminable amount of time for Brenner to let her out. The only condition of her release was the same each day: that she’d do better tomorrow.
October 30th, 1984 // Hawkins High
A sharp poke to my arm brought me back to reality.
I turned to see Jonathan nodding towards Mr. Davies. I’d completely zoned out. Luckily, our test had been last week and I could afford a moment or two of distraction.
It wasn’t often that I had flashbacks to the lab, but when they happened, they hit hard. It was going to take a lot of work the rest of the day to try and shake it off.
The bell finally rang and the class rose, descending into their own conversations.
“Where’s your head?” Jonathan smiled.
“Lunch,” I replied, trying to move on, “If you drive, I’ll pay.”
Nancy squeezed through the aisle to join us, “Are you guys going off campus for lunch?”
“It’s meatloaf day,” I settled my backpack on my shoulder, “That’s a no-brainer.”
The three of us filed out with the rest of our class. At the door, Tina was handing out bright orange fliers. Nancy and I each took one, but Jonathan swerved around her hand.
“Could I get one more?” Nancy asked, catching up with us and pushing the paper into Jonathan’s hand, “You’re coming to this.”
“‘Come and get sheet faced,’” he read aloud, “No, I’m not.”
“Oh, come on, it could be fun,” I said.
“We can’t let you sit all alone on Halloween,” Nancy went on, “That’s just not acceptable.”
“Well, you can relax,” Jonathan looked between us, “I’m not gonna be alone. I’m going trick-or-treating with Will.”
Nancy was unfazed, “All night?”
“No, no way,” Nancy shook her head, “You’re gonna be home by 8:00, listening to the Talking Heads and reading Vonnegut or something.”
Jonathan shrugged, “Sounds like a nice night.”
“Will you help me out here?” Nancy looked over to me.
As much as I wanted a night with both of them, I could never get in the way of Jonathan and Will. I had the same sense of duty, regardless of how secretive I had to keep it.
“I don’t even know if I can go yet,” I replied, earning a groan from Nancy, “Hopper might want me to stay in.”
We stopped at Nancy’s locker. “Okay, we’ll work on Hopper,” she said, “But Jonathan, just come. I mean, who knows, you might even, like, meet someone.”
Just then, a brown haired blur shout out from around the corner, picking Nancy up and spinning her around. I jumped back a little, Steve was anything if not subtle.
“Take those stupid things off,” Nancy playfully smacked Steve’s chest, referring to the sunglasses that were part of their couple’s costume.
“I missed you,” Steve gushed.
“Can you miss her and not give others a heart attack?” I sarcastically smiled. He waved me off.
“It’s been, like, an hour,” Nancy replied.
“Tell me about it,” Steve pulled her in for a deep, almost inappropriately affectionate kiss.
I turned around, ready to make a joke to Jonathan, but was met with empty space. Looking down the hall, I could see his silhouette moving fast. With Steve and Nancy occupied, I slipped away.
Balancing both friendships was tricky. Nancy, Steve and I could be around each other no problem, so could Jonathan and I. But there were all these invisible lines that couldn’t be crossed. I didn’t mention Jonathan much to Nancy or else she got quiet, and bringing Nancy up to Jonathan was just mean. In a perfect world, I could have all the people I cared about together, but there was too much history for it to be that simple.
I slipped my arm around Jonathan’s shoulder, saying more with silence than I could with my words.
As we walked through the parking lot, a car I didn’t recognize was parked close by Jonathan’s. Glancing through the open window, a long haired blonde guy was sitting in the driver’s seat. He was the kind of handsome that every girl but me seemed to find attractive. With a cigarette perched between his lips, he angled his head to examine me. There was something about him that set off every alarm in my body, like smoke before a fire. It didn’t help that he was running his eyes up and down my body. I felt exposed.
Nervously, I averted my gaze and got into Jonathan’s car.
I had a few minutes after lunch and decided to walk to the middle school. At least once a week, I checked in on Lucas, Dustin, Will and Mike. I felt a protectiveness over them that had only grown over the last year.
When I got up to the schoolyard, the four of them huddled around a trash can. Dustin was wrist deep in garbage, hanging out of the can.
“Hey,” I hesitated as I approached, there was a general chorus of my greetings. “What’s, uh, what’s going on?”
Lucas shrugged a little too casually, “Nothing.”
“Christine!” Dustin was still dangling, “Got it! There we go!”
He pulled himself out of the can, unrolled a ball of paper and the four of them read it aloud.
‘Stop spying on me CREEPS!’
“Well, shit,” Dustin exclaimed,
I picked up the paper and read it, “Do I want to know?”
“It’s, uh,” Dustin struggled, “It’s complicated.”
“Uh-huh,” I raised a brow. For as much as they told me, there was a lot they didn’t.
“William Byers,” we turned to see the principal coming around the corner, “Your mother’s here.”
Will swallowed and looked to us. There was a silent understanding of what was going on. Will attended therapy sessions to deal with the trauma of his ordeal last year. Joyce would pull him out of school on those days to take him the office. It was all going well and he was learning to cope with it all.
That was the version everybody else got.
Those of us who knew Will knew he was being accompanied by Joyce and Hopper to Hawkins Lab to undergo a series of tests. The doctors now inhabiting the place wanted to try and understand what Will had gone through in the Upside Down. The first time Hopper had told me about them, I freaked out. Will couldn’t be anywhere near there. Hopper had reassured me that with Brenner gone, this was an actual research team who wanted to try and help Will. Nevertheless, I’d never been onboard with it.
I smiled at Will, trying to appear encouraging. He’d begun to confide in me about feeling like an outsider. He’d also told me he hated the tests. I tried to be as there for him as I could without triggering my own memories.
I followed the boys around the side of the building. They paused at the front corner to watch Will and Joyce leave.
“You guys think he’s okay?” Dustin asked.
“He’s always weird when he has to go in,” Lucas answered.
“I don’t know,” Mike said, “He’s quiet today.”
“He’s always quiet,” Lucas turned to me, “Has he talked to you?”
I shook my head, “No more so than usual.”
Once their car had pulled away, I looked at my watch. Five minutes to make it back to class.
“Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help, okay?” I offered.
“It’d be a lot easier if Hopper bought you a Supercom,” Dustin dug into the syllables, “Or let anyone into your house.”
Hopper wasn’t the problem. Having any form of communication with the boys would be too tempting for El to resist and naturally, nobody could know where I lived. It was easier to let them think Hopper was just cheap and grouchy.
“Feel free to talk to him about it,” I replied.
Dustin debated internally, deciding going up against Hopper wasn’t worth it. “We’ll call you.”
I smiled before looking to Mike. Out of all of them, I knew him the best purely because I was at his house all the time. Lately, he’d been more reserved. “You good?”
He nodded, somewhere between glum and faking fine. “Yeah.”
“Okay,” I was forced to accept the answer. I now had four and a half minutes. “See you guys.”
“See you,” they all said, heading their own way back to school.
Once I was sat in English class, I felt a sense of dread building in my belly. The same one that had been there for weeks. It was only getting stronger as the days went by.
Before knocking on the cabin door, I made sure the flier for Tina’s party was pushed to the bottom of my backpack. If Hopper saw it, he’d want me to go. I felt I owed it to El to stay in witn her on a day I knew she desperately wanted to be a part of.
I gave the secret knock and the door unlocked, “I’m home!”
El rose from her seat on the couch, leaving her seemingly unbreakable bond with the TV.
“How was your day?” I asked as I gave her a hug.
“Good,” she answered and looked up, “Your day?”
“Good,” I sighed. Her eyes drifted to my backpack. “I checked out a new one for us to read,” I pulled it out, “Little Women. It’s all about sisters.”
El weighed it in her hands and examined the cover. Hopper typically read to her at night but on weekends, the two of us would huddle on the couch with something from the school library.
“Cool,” she nodded and headed back to the TV.
“Hopper’s not back yet?” I went to the kitchen and grabbed a glass.
“No,” she answered.
Hopper and I made a point of not being late to get home. El depended on our routine more rigidly than we did. It was a rare occurrence he wasn’t on time.
“Something must’ve come up,” I filled the glass with tap water, coming over to the couch and flopping down next to El.
She looked across the cushions to me, “Mike?”
My visits to Hawkins Middle School were two-fold. I wanted to check on the boys, but I was also reporting back to El. She wanted to know they were okay, especially Mike.
“I saw him,” I nodded, “He’s fine.”
“Yeah,” I fibbed, “He’s good.”
That was enough for her. She turned back to the TV and watched the infomercial playing. With a closer look, I could see her eyes were glazed over.
“You’ll see him soon,” I reassured, “I promise.”
When I’d started that promise, she’d been wide eyed. Dreaming of reuniting with her friends. Sometime during summer, her responses had gotten tired. Lately, she had barely been acknowledging what I said. ‘Soon’ was starting to lose all meaning.
Unlucky Taglist: @lanadelray1989
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caeliangel · 11 months
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250 x 250 : style , undetermined : fag lesboy
like / reblog if you use!!
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bccksmarts · 2 years
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❧ consent is sexy! ☙
➤ @quibblist asked: consent is sexy ! ❛ do you want this, too? ❜ from draco
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  What? What did he just ask her?
  Hermione's breath caught in her throat, staring up at the man who was currently holding her, his grey, silvery eyes boring into her with something she just couldn't place. The need of an answer. Her mouth, in that moment, went completely and utterly dry as she attempted to sort through every single little thought she was having.
  ❛Do you want this, too?❜ It was like a secret, quiet admission to her. To her and her alone. There was no way he'd been harboring that... right? Surely not. Absolutely not. What would his father say, let alone do? His heir and a mudblood. No, perish the thought—that wasn't important right now.
  Hermione Granger left utterly speechless by Draco Malfoy. Who would've thought? Then again, there were probably other times she was probably like this, almost hypnotised by him. Why did he have to look like that but be the way he was? It was a crime. The biggest crime.
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  ❝Yes,❞ She responded finally, her voice but a whisper, just loud enough for him to hear her. Her chocolate gaze attempted to read his face, to get an idea of what he was thinking, what he was feeling, as she placed her hands on his chest, grasping at the shirt's material. ❝Yes, Draco, I do.❞
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bbqhooligan · 10 months
Kazuma is VIVIDLY painted in his skills, behaviors, habits, choices, actions, reactions. insane. i GOTTA read the manga cuz bishamon+ their relationship doesnt have a fraction of its clarity to me. i get the main beats of their song, but if Kazuma is in 4k Bishamon and their relationship is at best 480p. SURE i see whats going on. but i cant see every pore on her face and every individual strand of hair now can i?
like its still undetermined to me how they love. the bdsm is VERY on the nose and THERE. leather clad. the man in the uniform being the only person she will ever take orders from. powerful woman only trusts and feels safe next to this one guy: more at 11. yknow?
but also very clear? is how INNOCENTLY and Tenderly and Softly theyre painted. both of these characters. P A S T E L. kazuma doesnt even have dark brown hair!! its a light copper! he died before finishing puberty! and the scary war god is a delicately sculpted GIRL!!!! like idk if its general babyfication and ugh. "anime culture" ill call it. hating maturity and obsessive attraction to "youthful" innocence figures. yuck. pdf file accusations. but like that part can still be interesting because the love between a god and a mortal, as passionate, forbidden, insanity inducing as it'd be, being stuck at 5 year old play-dates for thousand years is SO RICH in concept.
is loving a god BEYOND romance and sexuality? is it a whole new type of devotion? is it something you do with your heart alone? or do the mortals smear blood on everything they touch, cursing the holy, bringing down gods to their level and further down still, and fucking them on the dirt? BOTH!? neither!?
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luminary-of-steel · 4 months
I will stop impulsively making pokeblogs when the world ends, hi !! same mod behind dancing lights blacephalon [@/dancinglightskilledthefool], obsessed with the UBs atm so I'm here again HFDFJF
pelipper mail is on, magic anons are allowed but very limited because Lumi is literally UNDER THE GROUND and. cannot do much JFKDHF and anything else is probably fine but try to ask first if you're not sure !!
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iateyourcatnom · 1 year
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"Poor little bug on the wall, ching... ching"
Rylie Lu
Official mascot (for now) & main character for my Harvey Town story ( ̄3 ̄)╭
Her trousers & boots are not wcif friendly, neither are the earrings 🤍
->Alliance: Harphie Orphies? ->Initials: R. D. L. (Rylie Dylan Lu) ->Alias/also known as: Lu, Dylan, Loo girl, or Buggy (by Reece) ->Employment: Freelancer artist
--Voice Claim--
->Birthday: 7th May ->Zodiac Sign: Taurus ->Aspiration: Friend of the world ->Sexuality: Undetermined
Traits: Warm-hearted (Clingy basically), Art lover, music lover, whimsical (loses touch with reality & basically a sim-certified freak lol), Cute.
Desc: School report
For some reason, we can't find anything about Lu from before year 9 but that could simply be because she got her name "Loo girl" around that time, as the saying goes: "Nobody wants to be friends with a nobody."
Of course this doesn't apply to her.
Lu is a complete social butterfly, she's hung out with both losers, jocks & cheerleaders, she tends to be aloof but nice. Ever since the beginning of year 9 (back in high shcool) Lu has found herself moving through various clicks, she hasn't stayed in any, to our knowledge but does seem awfully close to Weslie, though that might be a facade, as she is known to not stay in one friend group for long.
There have been reports of Lu, going to a house near the orphange where she lives with Lisa, & possibly associating with a guy named Reece? This could be well a rumor though, which brings us to her infamous name "Loo girl"
You see, ask any former Harvey & they'll know who Loo girl is, this is because in the middle of a conversation Lu would abruptly leave to "excuse herself", no one really understood this situation, but somehow no one questioned it either? Because she would come back, normal & continue like nothing happened, this stopped around year 10 but the name "Loo girl" stuck like glue.
Other facts!!!
+Rylie is mostly known as "Lu" instead of her first name Rylie! +She paints, plays the guitar, the piano & the violin. +Rylie's actual best friend is a guy named Reece (undiscovered) +She has a big secret.... +Rylie's close with Weslie because Weslie trusts her & confides in her, Weslie also sees Rylie as her bestfriend. +Some people call Rylie pretentious? +She gives me Ariana Grande vibes for some reason... +She's one of the youngest, Rylie is 18. +After school ended she's become sort of a homebody +Rylie never met her parents, she was left at the orphanage as a baby with Lisa & Geronimo. +Rylie has been at the orphanage the longest. +Rylie's half-sister is named Sade (Pronounced SHAA-DAY), she was given to the orphanage at age 2 with a note that said she was Rylie's cousin but Rylie regards her as a sister. +Rylie secretly enjoys rock music. +Has a weird obsession with vintage things
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betheckart · 7 months
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So here goes, I've been meaning to do this post for a while, so now it's done.
First, the first fanfiction with Beth Eckart (English and French versions). Undetermined couple, I'm waiting to see how things develop In the shadow of our ghosts.
Secondly, the second fanfic with Gideon Smith (English and French versions). Andrew Larson x MC male The breath of our soul.
Beth will have two chapters a week, on Wednesday and Sunday. As for Gideon, I'm waiting until I have a few chapters ahead of me and for the moment I'm writing about him when I feel like it, so it's still irregular.
So there you have it, I hope you enjoy reading it.
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