#kytan ravager
baitpaintsbadly · 25 days
"'Even before his elevation to daemonhood, the primarch had been colossal, but now he was a giant plated in silver and steel, encased in armour that was more a fortified sarcophagus than anything wrought for a living being. Edged in yellow and black, scarred from ten thousand wars and seamed with weld-line like scars, it was known as the Logos, its textures strangely alive, like a skin of metal and flesh combined.
Perturabo, the Lord of Iron himself.
He went without helm, his head a nightmare of pallid, dead flesh, necrotic and bleached of colour - like a corpse dragged from a depthless ocean trench. Thick cords of ribbed cabling pierced his skull, running back across his scalp in hissing cornrows. Eyes that were gimlet black, yet lit from within by the coldest light, stared out from a face that had known only bitter disappointment and had been cursed by inevitable betrayal.
His mighty hammer, Forgebreaker, had been crafted by another, but had changed so profoundly from its original appearance that even had its original maker been alive to see it, he would no longer recognize the craft as his own.'"
The Lord of Iron, Breaker of the Imperial Palace, Primarch of the Ivth Legion, Perturabo. A beautiful 3rd party kit of his post Iron Cage Daemon Primarch status, will most likely use him as a Leviathan Dreadnought or a Kytan Ravager given his height and his prestige. And whenever he receives an official model and rules he will use those.
Pic for scale with his current favourite son, Honsou, under the cut.
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paris-rokin · 1 year
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Oh fuck I've got a Kytan Ravager now. I used a Lord of Skulls & a Knight Desecrator & some spare chaos vehicle bits, because fuck Forge World. Needs some more detail on the back & waist , but it's mostly done I think.
Gods it feels good to be kitbashing again
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serpentsgrace · 5 years
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Kytan Ravager commission work. With Black Legion and Word Bearer theme with a splash of Khorne.
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paris-rokin · 2 years
Knight Desecrator
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I don't actually have any lore for her yet. So far I've run her as a dreadblade alongside the Crimson Hounds, which I may continue to do... but I have more unassembled knights. So maybe I'll make a chaos knight household? Idk yet
I made her bottom out of a Lord of Skulls, this leaves me with chaos knight legs & Lord of Skulls top, to combine into a Kytan Ravager. Still haven't actually done that. I also need to add spikes & trophies to the top, and fill this hole with something, not sure exactly what
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