#kyoto shaking machine
kyotoshakingmachine · 4 months
Kyoto Shaking Machine as a sophisticated machine imported from abroad is here to help car owners in Indonesia maintain the condition of their car's undercarriage. With its modern technology, this tool can check every component of a car's undercarriage with precision, including the suspension, wheels and braking system.
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mimiriko · 1 year
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You are increasingly becoming aware that bringing the exact amount of change to the vending machine was a risk. A risk you never make because this particular machine is notorious for malfunctioning and dropping snacks.
It’s near midnight. A lone breeze brushes past and ruffles your nightwear, leaving goosebumps in its wake. You could go back to your room, but there’s a tender soreness in your legs from the days work. It’s too troublesome for the mere purpose of sweetening your mouth.
But your chocolate…
“You’re still up?”
A figure shadows you. You look up to your right, and see the moon in the form of bedhair. Sometimes, he forgoes his glasses when everything is casted in black and slightly easy on his eyes, so you’re met with blue rimmed with snow peering down at you.
“Hungry,” you respond, focusing back on the task at hand. Cautiously, experimentally, you tip the machine further right, small uniform shakes to loosen the kitkat stuck on the edge, an arrow away from a bullseye. Satoru stretches next to you, idly releasing the kinks in his neck. “I wanted to sleep early today,” he bemoans, slumping to your side and stays put, even with you floundering with his weight.
“Quit it!” you yelp, tightening your grip on the machine. You’re finally making progress and he decides to set you back three steps.
“Suguru told me i’m getting eye bags,” he prattles, rubbing at the aforementioned place, “I cannot have eye bags. Imagine that! My perfect sky blue eyes and dull skin underneath. It will ruin my whole look.”
Almost there…you feel yourself going cross eyed from staring at the kitkat for so long. The hook of metal around the corner of the package is slipping, just a little jostle away from setting your chocolate free.
But you stop.
You notice it’s suddenly quiet.
The reflection of the display glass allows you to see him staring just as you are, attentively watching if you make it out of here happily or suicidal. You straighten a bit, weirdly put on the spot.
“Hey…why don’t you just—“ his hands shoot out, shaking it ten times rougher than you.
Your alarms blare. “Wait wait wait—”
Your kitkat is set free.
And you watch it drop to the row below it, on top of a juice box.
“Oh.” He says shakily, a nervous giggle following. “Whoops.”
You turn your face to his side profile, and he pointedly looks ahead. His neck is bared to you, unblemished and devoid of accessories. A solid mark left on him would paint a good picture, an outline of your teeth. It might be the first mark he has ever gotten.
You think of Yaga-sensei, and his strict protocol for punishment when a fight breaks out. Especially when it disturbs others, because you’re definitely sure his screams will bleed to the top floors. You’ll make sure it does. Shoko will give you a celebratory hug for finally giving it to him, but will be disappointed that you would have to miss your lunch together. Utahime from all the way in Kyoto will mail you a gift and you’re pretty sure even Mei Mei would send you some cash.
As if sensing your malevolence, he quickly backs away. “H-Hold on! Look—“ he digs in his pocket hastily and pulls out a note. With sweaty hands he inserts it into the machine, and takes your hand palm up and places another kitkat in your hold.
You stare at it, and then at his pockets. “Give me another.”
You end up walking back to your dorm with handfuls of chocolate and a broke Satoru holding more just for you.
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lilyisclueless · 5 months
When they realize they're in love - Gojo Satoru
How I imagine the boys get hit with the realization that they love you. Satoru's turn
Pairing: Gojo Satoru x reader
Tags: Fluff, that's about it
He isn’t sure when the two of you got as close as you did. He’s known you for years, being one of the first ones to greet you when you transferred from Kyoto to be a teacher here, and ever since it’s been a gradual growth. It was a steady growth, but so slow that by the time he picked up on the fact the two of you were close friends, his only option was to accept that after years of goofing around and not allowing anyone close, he’s finally made another friend. A serious friend; not just another comrade putting up with him.
That realization happened a few years ago. It was a surprise but he accepted it. Since then the two of you have grown even closer. He’s grown to admire you, and you’re one of the very, very few people that he had any ounce of respect for. It wasn’t like you were incredibly strong, although you definitely could hold your own, so he wasn’t sure why.
Maybe it was the way you understood his ideals, how you wholeheartedly supported them and defended him. When he had told you that he wanted to let the vessel of Sukana live, you immediately agreed to vouch for him. You didn’t question him, didn’t ask if he lost his mind. You didn’t make a face or doubt him. He didn’t have to convince you. When he asked why you were so quick to agree, you smiled up at him and told him that you trusted his judgment completely, and if he was wrong about Itadori; you trusted he would deal with him.
That had left a weird fuzzy feeling in his chest he couldn’t shake off for the next couple days.
Maybe the admiration came from how you took care of the students. You care about them the same way a mother would about their children. You would surprise them with sweets and gifts, always making sure everyone got their favorite. If they needed someone to talk to, you were the one they went to. He’ll never forget the way you broke down when he had to break the news that Itadori had died. That was the first time he held you in his arms, and if he didn’t want to kill the higher-ups before, he certainly did then when he was feeling you fall to pieces between his fingers.
Naturally, he didn’t hide it from you when he woke up. Maybe it was the fear of what happened with a certain someone in the past, but his soul didn’t feel at ease until he saw the way you melted in relief at seeing their student standing again.
Or maybe it was the way you matched his energy. Or the way you can soothe his emotions with ease. Maybe because you could take his jokes, and throw them right back at him. Or how you weren’t afraid to goof off, claiming the world was too bleak to be so serious all the time. Sometimes you would have to rein him back in, but only when he needed it.
There were a lot of reasons for him to respect and admire you, but none of them felt quite right when he asked himself why.
“I know I’m always telling you to shut up, but it’s weird when you actually do it,” you speak up, breaking his line of thoughts. He glances down at you, the two of you walking side by side to find a soda machine. It was rare for the two of you to go out for any other reason than a mission or supervise the kids, but today was the rare exception. He glanced down at your outfit, and he couldn’t help but think you looked cute, but you spoke up again before he could dwell on that, “What’s on your mind?”
His smile twitches, the corner of his lips tugging into a playful smile. He looks away from you, staring straight ahead as he hums in thought at your question. You could barely see his blue eyes peak from over his sunglasses, but you definitely could make out the teasing glint in them.
“I’m just wondering why a girl like you chooses to spend her time with a guy like me.” You felt your cheek grow a little warm, and you’re quick to look away with a nervous chuckle. Where was he going with this? “After all, I’m the strongest and you’re the weakest. How are we supposed to-“
He’s cut off with a small ‘oof’ when you give his shoulder a playful punch, completely throwing him off guard. You hadn’t moved your body to indicate you were planning on trying to hit him, simply swung your arm straight to the side.
He stopped walking then, rubbing at the spot you’d hit him. Not because it hurt, he was Gojo Satoru after all. He could handle a little punch that held no real intent behind it. No, because he was shocked you actually managed to hit him.
He’s allowed you to touch him before of course, so you don’t realize how significant that moment was. Because every time you’ve touched him in the past, he’s allowed it. He’s put his infinity down purposely. This time? You simply skipped through. He felt the moment your hand touched it and simply kept going.
The last person who could ever do that was…
You stopped moving, shuffling to face him with a curious expression on your face. He could still see a hint of red on your cheeks, and you tilted your head to the side to raise an eyebrow at him. “Don’t tell me I wounded you with that little punch? Who’s the strongest one now?”
He wishes his heart would stop pounding in his chest. He can’t remember the last time he’s felt flustered. He forced himself to resume his walking, purposely reaching down and ruffling your hair when he walked past you. As he expected, you immediately start complaining and become distracted trying to put those pretty strands back into place.
His long strides put him a good distance away, and he laughs when you have to jog to catch up. The two of you fall into a playful banter, which eventually trailed off to a comfortable silence.
No wonder it didn’t feel right to say he respected and admired you for all that you do. He respected and admired you because he loves you.
He wonders when he fell in love with you, but he has a feeling it was just like their friendship - so gradual that he’ll never be able to pinpoint it. That’s okay though. He’s tired of taking it slow with you. Soon, he decides, he's going to take you on a date.
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diremoone · 1 year
all the good things | geto suguru.
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someway, somehow, amidst all of the thoughts of chaos and spiraling ideals of a new “better” world, a light shines through to guide him to a path of true balance. that just so happens to be the second-year transfer from Kyoto, who’s more than happy to put him back on the right path..
warning(s): like 98% canon lmao, female reader, mentions of pregnant! reader towards the end, honestly just wrote and didn’t bother checking if this was coherent but here’s y’all a snack haha, also using new line dividers atm and they’re all all pretty, credits to the maker in the guidelines of my blog
note(s): as much as I wanted to wait I just can’t stand it so here’s this piece published earlier than I want lol. also I didn’t know who to tag for geto so I just went with these lovelies ☺️
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You like the Tokyo school much better than the one in Kyoto.
By leaps and bounds actually, you muse.
Everything from the people down to the energy they give off was so much more different — more freeing.
Kyoto was just too much, too old school and too traditional, especially for you. The students there seemed to be more rigid, and the teachers seemed to sneer at you. More often than not for just being a female. That old way of thinking was most likely why they lost the Exchange Event almost every year.
Especially with sorcerers like Geto Suguru on their side.
You transferred to Tokyo during the last half of your first year, which wasn’t something commonplace. That time wasn’t exactly a pleasant time to transfer into. Geto and Gojo, your upperclassmen, had failed a mission protecting the Plasma Star Vessel, Riko Amanai. Yes, Gojo managed to take out the Sorcerer Killer, Fushiguro Toji (who was actually a Zen’in like Naoya) on the mission, but that was only after he had completed his mission — after they had failed to protect Riko.
Now you’re a second-year at Tokyo High, watching the third-year Geto Suguru fall into a spiral of chaos and warped ideals while his friends go their own personal paths and leave him to his own devices, completely unaware in their own worlds that they’ve left a storm brewing behind them, alone and lonely and more than ready to bring down its wrath upon anyone in its way.
You secretly wondered how much Gojo cared for the person who was supposed to be his best friend.
So why you decided to approach said storm to get a (very much well-needed) drink out at the machines while he was preoccupied with his own thoughts, you have no idea. Were you stupid? Yes. Did that matter right now? … Probably.
Your feet carried you to the vending machine, standing beside Geto. You weren’t bothering to look at him out of your peripheral vision, knowing that if you did, the universe would shit on you and he would look up and make eye contact.
Sounds like one of those romance animes or something, you think, nose crunching in distaste. Ew…
“It’s such a shame that you decided to withdraw from Kyoto, [Name]-chan.”
An even bigger problematic ‘ew’ came from behind you. You scowled and turned halfway on your heel, back facing your black-haired upperclassmen to stare at the smirking face of one of the two reasons you’d originally left Kyoto’s school.
You scoff, shaking your head to see Geto’s form standing tall, but still facing the vending machine to get something. That’s all right; you could handle your own battles anyway.
“You really have the audacity to come and talk to me like this? After what you put me through for the last two years? Ah, wait a second. It’s you. So I guess I shouldn’t be all that surprised.”
“I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.” Naoya shrugged. “All I asked for was—”
“For you to leave her alone, Zen’in.”
Your eyes widen slightly at the sound of Geto’s voice cutting through the air, but it’s only Naoya that scowls and turns his head to face his Tokyo upperclassmen.
And to your absolute surprise, despite Naoya’s scowl deepening to a point where you thought he couldn’t get any uglier, the male pivoted on the ball of his foot and sauntered off.
“Are you alright?” came the instant inquiry.
Geto moving to get a closer look at you made you sweat even more. Just for a different reason.
“I’m fine, Senpai.”
The tall male looks between you and Naoya’s fading figure, eyes narrowing slightly in distaste up until he sees the Zen’in male finally disappear from sight. Even he knows that the Zen’in’s are trash; Naoya just really takes the cake.
“That’s good,” he says.
And when he looks at you with gentle eyes, you’re surprised (and desperately trying to hide it). How instantly his expression and mood changed from mere moments before Naoya showed up to at this moment caught you off guard.
“Did you need something from here? I can get it for you.”
His offer is so sincere, so polite. Such a stark contrast from earlier. Especially with the way the bright smile on his face that reaches his ears and makes the corners of his eyes begin to crinkle.
Instead of the same uncertainty from before your approach filling your stomach, this time feels different. This time, it’s an excited, happy feeling; as if butterflies are rapidly fluttering away in your belly in eager anticipation of something wonderful to come.
“Um, yes,” you squeak, looking to the machines, “I was going to get—”
How long does it take for one to fall from grace?
From one who’s fingers touched the pure white clouds of heaven to becoming one who’s knees were stuck deep within the obsidian tar pits of hell, it seemed Geto Suguru was destined to struggle with himself — with his morals and ideals of the world of jujutsu sorcerers and the world of people that lived outside of it — for eternity.
Someone that was so bright, so revered, to fall into a pit of hopelessness?
It must be a lie, others would think.
Watching him sink into the pits of chaos and despair while his best friend rose to a place where he became untouchable to all sorcerers… made something terrible, something spiteful, stir within the depths of your stomach. How much did the white-haired teenager care about the one he called his equal?
But as Gojo became more and more powerful and left his friend behind, Geto too, grew in power in his own right.
And a lot of it was with you.
Weeks of meeting at the vending machines for snacks during training turned into months of sitting on benches and eating lunch together. Even that progressed farther, to him taking you to everything from restaurants to the book store (as much as he’d laugh at you buying manga, he was just as much of a hypocrite with Inuyasha under his arm) to even pretty lakes across Japan, soaring atop one of his flying curses.
Doing things that friends do. That people more than friends also do.
But at the same time, during those times after missions or simply while spending time together in either his or your room, you’d see that malicious darkness fester up. You’d see the way his brows would furrow when you mentioned saving someone or his lips pull down when there’d be a mention of the higher-ups about a mission you’d taken recently that went sour.
In times like these, you wondered if Gojo Satoru really did once know Geto Suguru the same way you knew him now.
“I can see the sweat on your forehead,” the black-haired male jokes. “You shouldn’t think so hard.”
Suguru doesn’t chuckle, but the joking smile of amusement is still there. It’s just a faint one. He’s become less and less of a jokester lately, swimming deeper into the darkness. But for you, you think he tries a little harder to keep the mood and air between you two as light and positive as possible.
(For you.)
“I’ll be sure to remember that,” you quip back, “for the next time I see sweat on your brow for thinking so much. Hypocrite.”
For the first time all day, he finally chuckles.
“Hypocrite?” He muses, placing his cheek on his fist. “Really?”
“Yes!” You toss your hands up in mock frustration. “You heard me, Mr. I-Wanna-Brood-At-Weird-Times-of-the-Day.”
“That’s an awfully long name.”
“It sure does fit though, yeah?”
“So you say.”
The air had been tense and thick since morning, but the two of you were striving to get past it. Well, you slightly more, but the more you tried, the more Geto — ah, Suguru. He already told you to call him that, didn’t he? — seemed to try and help you push for a happier tone.
But the mission Suguru was to be sent on soon had him shut down mentally, closed off from you for the last few days. And today was the day you’d tried to pick him back up out of his crappy mood.
“You sure you don’t want to talk about it?” you ask.
Suguru sighs, then nods his head. “It’s nothing. I’ll be back by the day after, if not sooner.”
You shrug, semi-happy with his response and accepting it. But the other half of you knows something — sees something — behind his pretty eyes that you wished you would have left alone.
But your heart loved to meddle when it wanted to meddle.
And in the future, you hoped Suguru would thank you for that meddling nature.
113 bodies were to be found five days after Geto arrived at the village he was assigned to.
But he hadn’t been alone the day he arrived.
Suguru just didn’t know that.
You’d stuck to him like glue. Well, as far back as glue could stretch in that regard. You’d silenced your cursed energy so much that you almost swore you didn’t even have any. And not once did the male turn around to bother to look around or check his surroundings, like he knew he was ever being followed.
Now, all you could do was watch as Suguru stepped into the house that the villagers brought him to. Supposedly, the house contained the reason why the villagers had been dying.
But that gnawing anxiousness in the pit of your stomach told you otherwise. It told you that something was about to go very, very wrong.
Very few people had been able to manage to near-fully suppress their cursed energy aura. It was a talent that could only be managed by a select few, one of which was probably Gojo Satoru himself. But when one successfully did it, all the stories told of how nauseous they felt; how overwhelming the sense of others cursed energy could be.
And it was all true.
Bile and your lunch nearly coated your shoes. Knees too had you let Suguru’s immense, Special Grade cursed energy make you sink to the ground.
It isn’t the same. It isn’t the same. It isn’t the same!
Eyes blown wide as saucers, you realized that something had indeed went very, very wrong inside that house. Because no longer was Suguru’s cursed energy driven by regular means like a regular jujutsu sorcerer.
No. All you could see from his cursed energy was pure malice and raw, unadulterated rage and anger.
Whatever these people said or have done to send him into such fury like this, you couldn’t move, only think. This is the day they die.
Out of the house comes two— No, three. Suguru being one of them. A man and a woman, both with ugly faces and ugly auras you didn’t like.
No wonder Suguru doesn’t like them.
A curse manifests from your friend’s fingertips, and you quickly realize what’s about to happen — the only thing that could happen.
But he can’t just kill them…
You step out of your hiding spot and shout his name. Shock enters Suguru’s eyes. Of course; he hadn’t expected you to be here. But then they glaze over with a mixture of emotions. Disappointment seems to be the most obvious.
Curse you, Yuki Tsukumo, for tipping him over the edge.
“Don’t even try it, Suguru.”
“You shouldn’t have come, [Name].” It sounded like a warning.
You scoff slightly. “And let you do something like this? I don’t think so.”
His eyes narrow. It’s an expression you don’t like.
“You need to leave.”
“So do you, apparently.”
“Don’t be like this, [Name]. Don’t make me hurt you.”
“You wouldn’t anyway. Why let one awful circumstance, one awful event, define the rest of your life?”
“Do you know what they’ve done?” he asks, and you clearly hear the intent of violence behind his tone. You see his jaw clench up and a dangerous fire ignite behind his eyes. “Do you know they have two girls locked up in there, ready to kill?”
“Of course not,” you say, “but you were about to do something that was going to impact your life… Forever.”
“I think I’m ready for that.”
“You’re ready to lose everything?”
“If I must.”
You almost bite your tongue. But you don’t, and speak anyway.
“Even me?”
The thick, black smokiness of one his curses dancing on his fingertips turns to wisps, almost vanishing. You see what the question does to him, so you press farther. Deeper into the unspoken part of you two’s relationship you’d both been afraid to touch on.
Then, he admits something, dipping first into waters that haven’t been treaded into.
“I’d like to think you’d come with me, be by my side.”
Your heart thumps faster. It’s a declaration of many things: loyalty, friendship, trust.
But all your ears hear is a declaration of love.
Because you don’t miss the way his eyes shine as he looks you up and down like you’re the sweetest thing he’s ever seen. Like he wants you to actually follow him like he expected, to come with him and step in place next to him like an equal.
If not more than just an equal.
“I can’t do that,” you reply. “You know I can’t, Suguru. And neither can you.”
It’s written all over his face that he doesn’t like your answer.
“And why can’t I?”
“Because you’re better than this.”
Was he? What did that mean anyway: being better? After Riko, after his “talk” with Yuki, everything just seemed to collapse around him; everything he knew ripping apart at the seams faster than he could repair them.
Why? Why was he supposed to be better? How could he be better? Did he deserve to even become better?
“Don’t take the easy way,” you tell him. “There’ll never be a right answer, not right now at least.”
“Killing all non-sorcerers seems like a pretty good start,” he replies darkly.
“And how would you even manage that?” you retort. “If that’s the only thing you can stand on, that’s shallow.”
“Then what is the answer, [Name]? Do tell me, please,” he urges sarcastically, rolling his dark eyes. “Is killing every non-sorcerer not worth us jujutsu sorcerers having a chance to live?”
You answer as earnestly as he expects, “I have no idea, but at the moment, it sounds pretty stupid.”
Unfortunately, it takes him much longer than you want for him to put the monster at his fingertips away, for his cursed energy to dip down and go back to the way it was before it spiked in a rage you’d never anticipated to see from him.
The village is scathed with fire and terror: burned buildings with its inhabitants shaken to the core over the consequences of their actions — and what would happen if they tried to put more children in the cage Suguru found them in. It’s not ethical, and surely you’d hear about it from the higher-ups in jujutsu society.
But for the girls wrapped up in yours and Suguru’s arms, you heart and soul knew it was worth it.
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Megumi doesn’t get along with Nanako too well. But you’re sure you know why, with his red cheeks and all.
“You think he’ll ever say anything?” you ask your husband.
“Doubtful,” Suguru chuckles, “considering he was raised by Satoru.”
It’s been a rough ten years raising the twins. There’s been a long list of issues, struggles over the last several years that have really put your relationship with your now-husband to the test. From the elders to Suguru’s own conflicting ideals; from his own coping mechanisms to making sure you and his girls are well taken care of, and those are just a few to list. But fixing Satoru and Suguru’s friendship was by far the most difficult thing.
Riko’s death really did change them in the most awful ways.
“Satoru has only gotten crazier over the years,” you hum, agreeing. “I still can’t believe Satoru brought Sukuna’s vessel here.”
“I think you mean stupid, darling,” Suguru chuckles. “And did you know he gave Itadori a second finger?”
“Disgusting! All in true Satoru taste, too.”
“Hey! I can hear you two, you know!” the white-haired male complains.
“Good!” you shout back.
And cue Satoru’s crocodile tears. “Suguru really did marry a witch!”
You feel the veins in your head twitch with irritation. You’d always hated that damn nickname.
You moved to stand up to go and whack the shit out of the manchild, but your husband’s hand settled on your knee. You looked at him curiously, sitting back down.
“Sit,” he says. “Getting worked up like that isn’t good for you right now. Shoko said to keep it minimal for now, remember?”
You snort. “You’ve drilled it into me, Sugu.”
“Good. I’ll be back in a moment.”
His hand rests on your belly for moment, presses a sweet kiss to your forehead, and then stands up to go and beat the shit out of his best friend to defend his wife’s honor.
And maybe to have some fun, too.
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taglist: @vagabond-umlaut • @itzmeme • @dellalyra • @torusmochi
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the-blue-wraith · 2 years
tagged by: @crownsofguilt (thank you!)
rules: shuffle your ‘on repeat’ playlist and post the first 10 tracks. then list 10 songs you really like, each by a different artist. then tag 10 people to do the same thing
on repeat:
everyone - mitski
hold the girl - rina sawayama
東京 nights - utada hikaru
rose-colored boy - paramore
tour of venice - jesper kyd
dearly beloved (kh3 version) - yoko shimomura
the edge of glory - lady gaga
a burning hill - mitski
call it off - tegan and sara, chvrches
shake it out - florence + the machine
10 other songs (no repeating artists):
holy (til you let me go) - rina sawayama
love me more - mitski
BADモード - utada hikaru
divide - takeharu ishimoto
kyoto - phoebe bridgers
third eye - florence + the machine
karma - taylor swift
happy - marina
ezio's family - jesper kyd
tifa's theme - nobuo uematsu
tagging: @animegirlsakurablr @honrupi @darkmatter-swordsman @dremyink06 (no pressure)
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ichigoromi · 3 years
𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 | 𝐆𝐨𝐣𝐨 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧 | 𝐉𝐮𝐣𝐮𝐭𝐬𝐮 𝐊𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐧 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧🔞🔞🔞
Gojo Satoru is one sexy man. His arrogance may be annoying, but I must say a confident man is sure charming.
I don't normally write 🔞headcanon because my page is normally a fluff blog with a tiny bit of angst, but I want to try something new once in a while.
This is going to be a 🔞headcanon, so I'm going to bold my warnings.
Pairing: Gojo Satoru x fem reader (using she/her pronouns)
Okay, 18 and above, please proceed.
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Gojo Satoru
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It was meant to be only a one night stand.
But this little steamy rendezvous between you and Satoru has been ongoing for a little too long, like maybe a few years?
You two were perfect for each other, just looking to fill each other needs and no commitments.
Only Shoko knows about you two because she accidentally walked in on Satoru going down on you in the infirmary.
You were mostly out for missions, but when you are in town, you are in Satoru's apartment or his room whenever you two are free.
Using the spare time you two have, you guys go at it for hours.
When you are gone for a little too long, the sex usually is better because he is more desperate and hornier.
The higher-ups were suspicious that you and Satoru have a relationship, so they send you away for overseas missions for three months.
Oh, those three months were agonising for Satoru the most, somehow, he got addicted to you, and other girls just don't satisfy him anymore.
Plus, you make delicious desserts that he can't get enough other you.
It was not easy for you, but you two would facetime or call whenever you can and have phone sex or facetime sex.
Shoko was there to pick you up when you came back from your missions early.
She sends you to the hospital to collect your birth controls since you ran out, so she booked you an appointment for you.
It was rather quick since you are going to get a refill of your previous prescription.
Once you are done, you two head back to Jujutsu High.
You went and report back to the higher-ups about your missions and submitted all the written reports.
After you finished the administrative matters, you went to take a shower in Satoru's room and head down to the kitchen to make a strawberry shortcake.
When Satoru is back from his mission, he noticed that a certain blue shirt from his closet is gone, and the familiar flora scent is back.
He took a shower and head down to the kitchen, and there you were.
Making desserts looking like a whole 8-course meal.
He swiftly makes his way to you and wraps his arms around you from behind.
You almost drop it but set it down so you can properly greet him with a kiss.
That kiss leads to a full-blown makeout session on the kitchen counter.
You had to pull away from him so that you could put the cake in the fridge to chill so that you two can enjoy it later. You put a note on the cover to inform them to not touch it.
After that, Satoru carried you back to his room to take that sweet body of yours that he missed dearly.
He couldn't even reach the bed, and you two starts kissing, with him pinning you on the door.
Satoru easily slips his tongue into your mouth and playfully sucks while you were getting really horny.
He loves your whines and your moans. It's like music to his ears.
You palm his bulge through his sweats, and he moans in your ear, and you sneakily slip your hand into his underwear, man. You defeated the poor man.
He humps into your tiny hand, forcefully took out your hand, and rips off the blue dress shirt you were wearing.
You wore matching black lace lingerie and officially broke Gojo Satoru.
He expertly unhooks your bra and yeet that shit away. Satoru dives down to your plump bosom and sucks your nipples depends on it.
Sensing that you were getting a little uncomfortable in the position, he carried you to his bed, and that is where the real fun starts.
You slip out of your panty with his help, and man, he is hungry for some pussy juice.
He sucked the soul out of you and did not waste a single drop.
You had to return the favour.
Grabbing one of the hair ties by the bedside table, you wrapped your hair in a bun and went down on him. It starts with slow strokes and deep sucking; oh, he loves deep throating you until you choke on his cum.
Satoru was going to do you until the sun rises.
He was leaving no mercy for you, and you almost choke on his cum, but you manage to breathe.
Satoru pin you down and slides into your wet ass pussy, and both of you moan in bliss when he enters you.
He is pistoning in and out of you like a machine gun, but when he was about to pull out, you told him to cum in you.
Babe, he is not done with one round. Bless your legs and your pussy tomorrow.
You and Satoru went on it for hours, non-stop coming, and you couldn't stop yourself; you want to go over your limit.
For the last round, he let you ride on top, and you were giving your all, and he too was looking forward to marking you and overstimulate you.
While you riding him, you felt him sucking on your skin, marking you all over, but you couldn't care less; now, it's about you and him. Who cares about little love bites?
After you two are done, Satoru pulls out and carries you to the bathroom so you can wash up first, and he can put on new sheets.
You run a warm bath, cleaning all the fresh cum and dried cum off your body and massaging your sore muscles as well. That was one intense workout.
After cleaning up yourself, you head to the bed, where the bed was cleaned already. You head to bed first while Satoru goes to wash up too.
Satoru immediately cuddles you after he cleans up, and you two fall into a deep slumber.
Gojo felt two tiny hands squished his cheeks together, and he opened his eyes slightly to find the adorable and sexy friend of his pouting at him.
The shirt that he lends her was sliding off her shoulder, revealing her collarbone marked by him. Then he smirks, remembering last night.
"You idiot! I'm going to kill you!" You grab his collar and starts shaking him.
"Doesn't it look pretty?" He smirks smugly at you, and you almost strangled him.
Shoko held in her laughter as you and Gojo enter the conference room at the same time. You sat down beside her, and she smirks at the turtleneck that you are wearing.
The Kyoto counterpart were all there, and it was a surprise to them to see you coming in with Gojo. You two were known for being not having the best relationship since you guys were teenagers.
You fanned yourself slightly since the weather wasn't the coolest, and Shoko gawked at the love bites.
"Damn, you two went hard last night, huh?" She commented, and you glared at Gojo, who just smiled widely at you.
You focus on the meeting, and everything went smoothly until Gojo decided to display some affection openly.
He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you close to you as you two made your way to the cafeteria. Obviously, nobody expected that, and then they noticed the love bites on your neck when Gojo pulls down your turtleneck.
"Can you stop? These are going to last for months on my beautiful, flawless skin! Months I say!" You frowned, and he leaned his chin on your shoulders as he hugs you from the back.
"Hmm, should we start dating? We have been together for three years already; shouldn't we be counted as boyfriend and girlfriend?" He asked you, and you turn around to face him.
"Eh? Are you asking me out? The mighty Gojo Satoru is asking me out?" You pull on his cheeks, and he pulls down his blindfold so that you can see his eyes.
Those very eyes that you hate and love.
"Hmm, I have to think about it. See you!" You pecked his lips and ran off.
"Think about it? I have been waiting for three years, and you still want me to wait? Oi, come back, baby!"
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Oh my gosh! I still can't believe I wrote smut... I mean, I'm legal but why does it feel so illegal? I hope you guys had fun reading this headcanon! Thank you for reading!
Stay safe and healthy!
With love,
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n0bamak1s · 3 years
your type - maki zenin x reader
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request: “hi! would you be able to write fluff for maki and a female reader during/after the baseball game?” - @hvnnxh
summary: when todo makes a realization about the readers type, he takes it upon himself to set her up with maki during their exchange event (genre: fluff, kinda rivals to lovers ig)
warnings: a couple swear words, maki might be slightly ooc??
word count: 1.6k
a/n: this is slightly off from the prompt but hopefully it’s alright! i left their relationship a little up in the air in the end just bc i didn’t want it to be too rushed but i hope u like it!
if there was one regret you had after becoming a jujutsu sorcerer, it wouldn’t be a failed exorcism or hours spent in the infirmary from various injuries, no. your biggest regret would be telling aoi todo your type.
though, to be fair it’s not like you’d known that the exact type of girl you had described as your type happened to go to your sister school in tokyo. it’s not like you’d known that your classmates would constantly give you sneaky glances on the drive to your exchange event. even the famously stoic noritoshi found himself rolling his eyes when you tried to act indifferent at the mention of maki zenin’s name.
they had always noticed how your eyes tended to wander in her direction when the tokyo students would come over to train with you guys. the only problem was the fact that you barely manage to speak to her, always feeling intimidated by her confidence. though, that didn’t stop your classmates from egging you on to realize your crush on the girl.
it’s not like they were wrong in assuming that you’d be into mai’s twin sister. the problem was how insistent they seemed to be on trying to get the two of you together, which seemed to always end in you being humiliated.
when you met todo when both of you were first years and he hit you with his signature “what’s your type?” question, you answered rather honestly, in fear that he may get angry if you told a lie, or worse you told a lie AND it was a boring one.
“i guess if i had to describe my dream woman, i’d say a girl who’s confident in herself, one who doesn’t take shit from others.” you started as todo sized you up while mai looked at the ground, seeming disinterested. “and not that looks are everything, but tall girls and dark hair are pretty attractive as well.”
you heard a sniffle and looked up to make eye contact with todo, who was tearing up?
“wow y/n, i was worried you’d be a boring one, but it’s clear that you’re confident in what you like. i think you and i will get along well.” he gave you a wide grin and wrapped an arm around your shoulder to pull you in for a hug while you just smiled awkwardly, just wanting to go to class.
now todo was right that the two of you got along well usually, but that didn’t really apply when he used his booming voice to announce that “that maki chick from tokyo is totally your type that you told me when we first met!” immediately following the first part of your exchange event. at the sound of her name, the green haired girl turned to see you glaring at todo while trying to hide your embarrassment as the rest of your friends stifled laughs at the scene he’d created.
after their teasing died down, you turned forward again to make eye contact with maki, hoping to apologize for how embarrassing your classmates were. but unlike the irritated expression you expected her to wear, she instead just gave you a soft smirk before turning back to her underclassmen, who instantly sent her whispers that you could only imagine were asking what the hell just happened.
but surely you wouldn’t see much of her during the second part of the event, it would probably just be a relay race or something where you barely had to interact, right?
your next competition would be a baseball game, where you would spend over an hour around the tokyo students, which would inevitably lead to more of your classmates poking fun at you. unknown to you, however, the same thing was happening to maki with her teammates.
“why is your face all red? do you need to rest?” itadori had said as he inspected her face following todo announcing to everyone that she was your type. in response, she just knocked him on the head with her staff and kept walking ahead while nobara and itadori grinned at each other, apparently their strong willed second year had a soft spot for you.
“you know, girls totally have a thing for baseball uniforms.” todo said to you matter of factly as you tied up your cleats.
“and you’re telling me this because…?” you replied, hoping to come across as nonchalant.
he grinned at you with a mischievous look in his eyes as he rested his elbow atop your head for support. “who knows, maybe maki is one of those girls. plus, in the event that takada somehow sees this game, i think she’ll be pretty into this look!” he said confidently. you looked away and muttered some bullshit about how you didn’t care about what she thought about how you looked before you were interrupted by the locker room door swinging open to reveal miwa.
“come on guys! we start in a few minutes, and i’m sure you guys would hate to disappoint the other team.” she finished her sentence by turning to you with an almost catlike smile. you tilted your head back and groaned. her too?
the kyoto team would be batting first, giving you some time to relax in the dugout before you went up to bat. just as you were practicing your swing for batting next, your zoning out was cut off by the sound of a ball hitting todo square in the jaw. your hand flew to cover your mouth, not from concern, but to stop yourself from laughing. maki’s mock concern for todo was put on hold for a moment when you stopped trying to hide your amusement and letting your loud laugh reach the ears of your peers. she paused for a moment, not bothering to hide the smile that crept across her face at the combination of your adorable laughter, and the fact that she had been the cause of it.
“nice hit maki!” you looked up at her with a grin, while todo gave you a look of betrayal. though his glare didn’t last long when he noticed the exchange between the two of you. in his mind he was probably crediting himself for egging you on to realize your small crush on the girl, as if he was some kind of matchmaker.
the game went on pretty steadily from there, a few stolen glances between you and maki contrasted by how you cheered for momo whenever she managed to catch a ball hit by her.
the game ended with the tokyo team just managing to get by with a one point lead. you all watched them celebrate their win, before you turned back to your team, complimenting them on their hard work in hopes of lifting their spirits.
you turned back to the other team to see them loudly announcing how maki should go get them some food from the vending machine, every so often glancing to you to gage your reaction. you jumped at the feeling of todo shaking your shoulder from behind, announcing that you should get some food for the kyoto team. these guys really were the worst at being subtle, weren’t they?
instead of protesting though, you just shrugged his hand off your shoulder and made your way to the vending machines, wherever the hell those were.
after a couple minutes of making your way around seemingly every path surrounding the tokyo school, you saw maki, whose arms were hugging bags of chips close to her, and waved to her to call her over for help.
“hey, i’m kinda lost, do you think you could help me find the vending machines?” you gave a sheepish grin as you asked.
“yeah, why not?” she shrugged and smiled.
you guys walked in comfortable silence, considering your destination was pretty much just around the corner. when you realized this, you groaned from embarrassment.
“thanks for that, sorry, i should’ve known it was close by.” you chuckled awkwardly.
“no worries.” she smiled, pulling off her cap to fan her face.
god, what business did she have to look that good when covered in sweat and dirt?
“our school is pretty confusing to get around. you know if you wanted to come around again sometime, i’d be happy to show you around the place.” she leaned her head down slightly, still maintaining eye contact with you. you just nodded in response, trying to keep your composure with the close proximity between the two of you.
“you know,” she continued, “i was pretty glad to hear i was your type.” she leaned down just a little further, so your noses were practically touching.
“because you’re my type too.” she smirked.
unfortunately for the both of you, your little moment was interrupted by itadori turning the corner, it seemed like he had gone searching for the two of you.
“hey i was just looking for you-“ he cut himself off when he saw what he could only assume was the two of you seconds away from a kiss.
“sorry!” he rushed away, feeling embarrassed at the thought that he had somehow invaded your privacy.
you sighed annoyedly, knowing that you would inevitably have to deal with a million questions from your classmates about whatever it was itadori would tell them.
“aw come on, let them believe what they wanna believe.” maki smiled widely about how easily you became flustered. “they’ll leave us be as long as we bring them back some good food.” she lazily swung an arm around your shoulders as you slipped money into the machine.
maybe you’d actually have to thank todo for making you tell him your type after all.
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ratmonky · 3 years
Stranger Danger
Word Count: 2K
Warnings: non-con
AO3 Link
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Don’t trust strangers on the internet.
Just like how they taught you not to walk off with someone you didn’t know, it was the first thing your parents lectured you about when you started using the family computer. Simple. Stay away from the people who tried to befriend you because they were probably out to get you.
That was why you were wary of making friends online when you first started using the computer, scared that someone might kidnap you through the screen.
Pfft, you had quite an imagination when you were little.
Your parents were also a little too paranoid, of course, you had to be careful on the internet as they told you but there was nothing wrong with making friends. The internet brought people of the same interests together and it helped many people like you who had a hard time making friends start talking to others. Especially with helping you find many sorcerer students like yourself.
You had many friends now, some you video chatted and some you even had met in person.
Today, you were going to meet another one of your friends in person. Another sorcerer college student around the same age as you. You had met Kokichi on one of those sorcerer dating websites and instantly hit it off from the moment you had met before becoming more than friends.
Although his webcam never worked or how he was always out of breath while talking to you, it didn’t stop the two of you from falling in love.
Kokichi lived in Kyoto, far away from where you lived, and trying to manage a long-distance relationship was hard. That was why he had suggested that the two of you met in Kyoto and tried to see if you felt the same about him after meeting in person. If you liked him even after meeting him in person, then your relationship could progress into something more.
You blushed thinking about moving in with him. Ahh, wouldn’t that be wonderful!
Shaking your head you tried to stop yourself from daydreaming and park your car where Kokichi had told you to. Apparently, the parking rules in Kyoto were different than in your city, you had to find a parking lot almost far outside of the city so you wouldn’t get a ticket.
It took you two hours to get here using the highway. Although you would have rather taken the train or bus, it was a lot faster to drive. It took you another fifteen minutes to get to your meeting point with him after you took a taxi.
Kokichi didn’t pick up his phone. You had been trying to reach him since this evening. You weren’t sure if he was already standing next to the alley of the bar your cab driver dropped you off a little while ago or if he was late.
Sick of waiting, you took out your pack of cigarettes and walked deeper into the alley to check. After taking a cigarette out and putting it between your lips, you lit the tip, inhaling deeply.
You were going to scold him for making you wait. A laugh escaped you at the thought of Kokichi telling you how he had explained to you that he was taking the train and it would be slower than you driving here or something along those lines.
Well, it would be a nice icebreaker.
While you were busy smoking and lost in your thoughts, sharp pain to the side of your head made you stumble forward. You dropped your cigarette and before you knew it your knees gave up under you, making you crumple to the ground as your vision went dark.
You froze. Not wanting to move or open your eyes until you could recall what had happened.
There were faint sounds of grunting. The next thing you noticed was the smell. Earthy, cold, and coppery. You tried to identify the foreign smell as you become aware of the tingling from between your legs. It had started to hurt, your hips felt sore and your eyelids felt heavier than usual.
The grunting sounds were soft and you could easily recognize the other sounds aside from it. It was like gears moving, a machine, closer to the sounds your door made when it wasn’t oiled up well, creaking and kinda ringing...
You had probably left the television on, slowly, you opened your eyes.
All you saw was dark, your back felt cold against something metallic. Your back was being roughly rubbed against your metal. What? It was hard for you to understand what was going on. With a pathetic attempt to move your legs, you only felt them being held tightly. There were splashing sounds, your ass was splashing against water. Tears started streaming down your face. you still couldn’t comprehend what was happening but you could feel it. You started to panic as the sudden realization of something thick and firm moving hastily inside you hit you hard.
Opening your eyes, you stared at a man in bandages who was kneading the soft flesh of one of your breasts, his mouth on the other, sucking your nipple in his mouth. You felt his hot tongue swirl around your nipple and an involuntary moan left your lips.
The sharp smell of the medical liquid made you nauseous as you remembered what had happened. But you had to stay calm and try to understand where you were.
You began to panic, trying to move your muscles but you could barely move. Strained, fear of the darkness drove you to move your limbs slightly. You threw your head back in shame and noticed the robot that was holding you instead of looking at the man inside the bathtub of medical liquid. Finally having your mind schooled back online, you started to notice your surroundings. First of all, you were in a cave-like place, being held by a robot by the back of your knees and the robot was moving you up and down on this man’s-
Another moan left your lips when the man’s cock hit a good spot. Glaring at the man, you tried moving your arms that hung slack by your sides but your limbs were weaker than you had realized. Your legs wouldn’t move either, your entire body felt sore.
There was nothing you could do as the robot lowered you up and on this man’s cock other than try to understand what had happened.
You stayed limp in the robot’s arms and took it as your assaulter kept furiously fucking you like a rabid dog in heat with the help of the robot. While the robot lowered you onto his cock and leaned forward for a second, you felt his hand reach to the back of your head and pull you down forcefully to crash your lips against yours as he used the same hand to run his fingers through your hair. He let out a quiet groan into the kiss and lolled out his tongue to lick your face, leaving a trail of his drool that chilled your skin. His hand in your hair crept between your bodies and he flicked a finger on your clit.
Jolting, you bit back a moan.
“The pictures on your profile didn’t do you any justice,” he spoke, planting kisses on your chest. “You’re so much prettier in person.”
Out of a sudden, it clicked.
“Kokichi?” His name broke into a moan as the robot slammed you down onto his cock. The robot was still bouncing you on his cock but to him, it wasn’t enough, he needed more. He had to feel more of you.
The robot dropped you in the bathtub, on top of Kokichi with his cock deep inside you. Your arms instinctively wrapped around his neck so you wouldn’t sink deeper into the bathtub. The medical liquid inside was cold, it made you shiver but Kokichi’s body was warm. He wrapped his arm around you and pressed his face into the crook of your neck.
“I can’t move my lower body without Mechamaru, I need you to comply.” His tone was impatient, the arm around you was trying to guide you to move your hips.
A grunt left you from the massive effort it took just to move your arm. Finally, you managed to move your arms, although it was heavy and almost impossible, luckily you succeeded. You shook your head, weakly pushing him away from yourself but as tiny, the bathtub was you didn’t have much space. Kokichi wasn’t going to let you move away from him either, he suddenly grabbed you and pulled you back, the liquid inside splashed from the force.
He groaned and you saw Mechamaru move again. The robot’s hands grabbed you from under your armpits, lifting you up and pushing you down onto Kokichi. He had his arm around you, moving your hips freely as he wanted since your weight had lightened thanks to his robot.
Your gummy walls clenched around his cock as you squirmed uselessly. He was breathing slowly and evenly while he carefully pulled you down for another sloppy kiss, paying no attention to your whimpers or the tears streaming down your face.
“You look so erotic when you cry,” he grunted, his hand moving to squeeze your cheeks together until your lips puckered. “Makes me wanna ruin you.”
You glared at him through your tears as he licked your tears that had streamed down to your cheeks before kissing you hungrily. He was inexperienced, you could tell from the way your teeth clashed and how desperately he tried to snake his tongue down your throat for no reason.
Mechamaru started frantically bouncing you on Kokichi’s cock, taking you by surprise. The irregular pace was gone, now, he was fucking you frenziedly, making sure that your gummy walls took the shape of his cock. After a particular spot his cock stroked, your pussy squeezed around him, causing you to moan into the kiss.
He broke the kiss, groaned loudly as your gummy walls started spasming around his cock. His bandaged hand went to grab your hip tightly to move you on his cock forcibly.
Medical fluid splashed and splattered on the ground each time you slammed yourself on his cock frantically with Mechamaru’s help.
You gasped in pleasure, your body was getting aroused. He must have noticed it because a smug grin spread on his lips before Mechamaru pounded you on Kokichi’s throbbing cock.
The knot of pleasure building in your gut quickly took over your senses, your gummy walls clenched around his cock and your muscles inside started pulsating.
Kokichi was caught off guard by your cunt trying to milk him for all he was worth. His cock twitched inside you as he lost control of Mechamaru who abruptly dropped you onto his cock. With a wanton moan, you wrapped your arms wrapped around him to balance yourself. His cock throbbed inside your pussy and thick spurts of cum burst inside your womb.
It continued coming out until you felt it overflow. As if he had been saving everything he got for this moment.
You went limp on his lap with his arm barely holding you up. Still, Kokichi managed to press a kiss against your temple, silently promising to keep you safe from the strangers on the internet from now on.
Or rather, he wanted to keep you for himself. Kokichi, as someone who had grown up on the internet, was desensitized to many things. He had no idea how women worked and most of the things he had learned about sex were from hardcore porn. Sometimes from even a more disturbing genre of porn. Having you here with him was something he had planned for a long time. He had been patient, patient, and patient. There was no way he was going to let you go. No, not when he finally had a taste of you. He wasn’t going to be only an internet friend or someone you met online who you got to be more than friends. He was going to be something a lot more than that. Perhaps, a boyfriend. Yeah, that had a nice ring to it.
One thing was for sure, the two of you weren’t going to be in a long-distance relationship anymore.
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narumi-gens · 3 years
note: I know I haven't been writing anything lately, but I have an Aizawa idea that I need to put down before it slips away. I think I want to do more with this but I'll just drop this little blurb for now... words: 800
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When he first became a Pro Hero, Aizawa put away a villain with the power to erase memories. Somehow, years later, he manages to escape and decides that just as Eraserhead took the thing he treasures most, his freedom, he'll take something in return. It's all too fitting that his revenge on the Erasure Hero comes in the form of erasing every memory of the Pro Hero from the mind of the person who matters the most to him -- you.
Which is how you one day find yourself slowly waking up in a room with bright, fluorescent lights that make you quickly shut your eyes before you can even fully open them. As you come to, you can hear a steady beeping and the steady bustling of activity nearby.
When you finally manage to open your eyes again, you see that you're in a hospital room.
Which doesn't make sense. Other than the slightly groggy feeling that usually only comes when you've slept too much, you feel...fine.
As you lift up a hand to look at the clip on your finger, a frown forms on your lips as your eyes follow the wire leading from it to the beeping monitor displaying your vitals. Despite how heavy your hand feels, you start trying to shake off the clip.
Your mind beings to swirl, but everything keeps coming back to one question: What happened?
Your hand freezes, the clip only slightly loosened, when the door to your room opens. But whatever momentary relief you feel at the chance to talk to a nurse and hopefully get some answers is replaced by more confusion when a man, who judging from his wrinkled clothing and mop of hair that's been messily pulled back is neither a nurse nor a doctor, holding a cup of coffee walks in and stops in the doorway as he stares at you with wide, bloodshot eyes.
He's much quicker than you are to overcome his shock because only a moment later, he's hurrying to your bedside, absently setting his coffee down on the counter by the door in passing.
"You're awake," he says, his voice low, rough, and full of the relief that's also written across his scruffy face. He's quick to press the call button for a nurse by your bed.
He then takes the hand that you're still holding aloft in his, squeezing it tightly and making you tense. Fear begins to replace your confusion at how familiar this...this stranger is acting.
You're quick to yank your hand away and try to sit up, pushing through the head rush that doing so causes.
"Hey, take it easy," the man tells you, concern beginning to seep into his voice as he raises a hand towards you but seems to think better of touching you in your clearly agitated state and instead merely holds it out like you're some sort of spooked animal. "Wait until the nurse gets here. It shouldn't be much longer."
Your name leaves his lips and it gives you pause. He knows your name? Why does he know your name?
You look him over again, the loud pounding of your heart in your ears matched by the beeping of the machine beside you. Your eyes land on the visitor's sticker on his shirt and they go wide when you read what's written in the corner of the sticker: Tokyo Central Hospital.
"T-Tokyo?" you ask, your own voice scratchy and hoarse with apparent disuse, panic coloring the one word. "Why-why am I in Tokyo?"
You lift your eyes back up to the man's face and see the way his forehead wrinkles in confusion. It seems like he's finally starting to realize that something's wrong -- something more than whatever it is that landed you here in the first place.
He says your name again. It comes out soothingly, softly, caringly but it only makes you scramble to the other edge of the hospital bed as you try to put as much space between you and this stranger as you can.
"Take a deep breath, okay," he tries to calm you as he takes a step back to give you the room that you're desperate for. He pushes the call button again, more forcefully this time as if that will make the nurse appear quicker.
"No, what happened?" you ask, scared, panicked, and wanting nothing more than to just go home. "What am I doing in Tokyo? How come I'm not in Kyoto?"
It's the last question that makes the man freeze. There's a mixture of shock and confusion on his face as his eyes dart across your features, like he's hoping to he'll find some sort of answer.
He slowly starts to say your name but you cut him off before he can even finish saying it.
"No! Who the fuck are you?" you shout hysterically just as the door to your room opens again and a nurse walks in.
As you look to her desperately for both help and answers, you miss the man's reaction to your outburst. You miss everything -- the shock, the horror, and the heartbreak.
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mitts2002 · 3 years
Aight’ Bet
Hi this is my first time posting on here so I hope whoever is reading this enjoys!! This is a noritoshi kamo x reader where the nori and (Y/N) need a little push from their wonderful Gojo sensei to finally confess~
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"Dont you think (Y/N) and noritoshi would make the cutest couple!?" Gojo screamed over the phone to Utahime who sighed in response.
"I can't help but disagree Gojo, Noritoshi doesn't seem ready for a relationship plus is the only reason you rang me really to discuss our students non existent love lives?" Utahime retorted knowing that the couple would in fact be adorable yet refusing to accept that Gojo could actually be right about something.
"No Utahime! I bet if them two were able to spend a few hours together the tension would build up so high that one of them would burst and BAM a couple would be born" the blue eyed male replied, the volume of his voice increasing with each word trying to convince her that they were the highschool sweethearts the jujustu world needed.
“How could you even say that!? I get that its cute whenever they glance at each other and shy away with cute little blushing cheeks but i bet it would take more than a few hours for a whole relationship to-” “OH you bet“ Gojo interrupted an obvious smirk on his face knowing Utahime wouldn’t back down from his advances.
“you know what i meant idiot i wasn’t actually trying to make a bet with you especially after what happened last time” the black haired woman scoffed after hearing a chuckle through the phone.
“Aight’ bet! tomorrow ill bring my second years to kyoto for some training and then lets see if something happens between our precious students“ Gojo proposed excitedly as if he were a child in a sweet shop.
“you know what fine! and im only agreeing cause i know nothings gonna happen tomorrow between them i mean noritoshi is too stiff and (Y/N) always backs out last minute” utahime exclaimed not wanting to prove Gojo right. “GREAT! if i win then you will have to be my slave for 2 whole days and if you win ill be your-” “wait i never agreed to that!” “see ya tomorrow then!” Gojo had quickly rushed his farewells before hanging up relieved he avoided Utahime’s lecture.
"Alright class!" Gojo sensei yelled excitingly as he burst through the doors. This overgrown man child always had something new, it could never be a regular class where his students actually learn then were let out for a break. No Gojo Satorou had to be the most extra male on this earth and for the first time ever it worked in his second year student (Y/N)'s favour.
"What it is now?" Maki groaned with an annoyed expression on her face. No one could blame her though after all the blindfolded man put his beloved students through. "Don't be so sour maki! Be like me a sweet little mochi~ Oh and before I forget I wanted to let you all know that we will meeting with our lovely sister school for some training. Isnt that great!?" Gojo sensei had announced clapping his hands and smiling brightly.
'I wonder if training is all this is' (Y/N) thought to herself realising how sus this situation was before speaking out "wait Gojo sensei weren't we meant to learn a super secret technique today? You said that you were gonna show it us yesterday and that nothing could stop you" (Y/N) questioned as Inumaki gave a little "shake" for support.
"Well my dear (Y/N) something VERY important has come up and we must go to kyoto immediately. You have no right to deny and we will be leaving in 30 minutes so go grab whatever you kids need" Gojo sensei had practically sung before skipping out the door. What an odd man everyone collectively thought before getting up to grab whatever they needed.
30 minutes has passed and in that time panda had gathered his and maki's weapons while you and toge stocked up on cough medicine and basic medical equipment. The journey was short since Gojo had practically teleported you all there and all that was left was to approach the students.
A few figures from the distance were slowly coming into view and (Y/N) could vaguely make out that only utahime, miwa, mai, momo and noritoshi had attended this last minute joint training.
Despite the others reaching and gathering around your small group of second years giving their greetings the only thing your eyes could focus on was noritoshi’s thick black hair as it gently swayed in the breeze. Honestly it was as if the man was in a L'Oréal advert or something.
"(Y/N) stop staring we all know you both have this weird thing going on but we're here to train not flirt dumbass" Maki had whispered into your ear but little did she know that you were in fact here to flirt and not train due to a certain bet between two teachers.
“alright kids listen up! me and the wonderful Utahime sensei have set up this last minute training as its always good to train with new people and techniques. Everyone will be working in pairs“ Gojo announced before Utahime continued.
“The teams we decided on today will be Maki and Miwa, Momo and Imumaki, Panda and Mai then (Y/N) and Noritoshi. Eveyones free to do whatever they want in their sparring matches just don’t severely injure each other, me and Gojo will be watching over the matches and determine the winners“ Utahime informed all the students before they scurried off to in different spaced out areas.
"So Noritoshi how are you? Its been a while since we've last seen eachother" (Y/N) said trying not to let her nervousness show.
"I'm alright just studying and training to be honest. Although I recently started to practice cursive and can even write my own name now" he responded with pride and a small nice.
You laughed causing Noritoshi to cock his head to the side in confusion. "Is there something wrong with cursive?" His deep voice asked with clear offense.
"No no it's just that's so freaking cute and you look so happy about it too" (Y/N) teased with more laughter and ruffled his hair
"Oi don't touch my hair do you know how long it takes to do these wrap bang things?"
"Well how would I know I've never done them nori"
"Well one day I could teach you if you'd like" Noritoshi offered looking to the side trying to hide his red cheeks.
"Aww I'd love that I'm awful at doing hair to be honest so learning some new styles would be great but first we gotta get this dumb sparring match over and done with" (Y/N) moaned as she got into position.
An hour had flew by and the students were taking a break from their matches happily chatting away while the teachers spoke in private about their progress. “come on look at the way they look at eachother OH (Y/N) touched his shoulder SHES FLIRTIN-” “GOJO SHUT THE FUCK UP YOUR SO DAMN LOUD” “sorry but loooook they in love” Gojo cried out with fake tears in his cerulean eyes
“Alright lets just observe look theyre going to the vending machine to get some drinks like FRIENDS DO“ Utahime emphasised on the friends worried she might lose and become this awful mans slave for 2 days.
“Nori im gonna go get a drink from the vending machine do you want one?” “Actually ill just come with you if you dont mind” “OH sure thats fine does anyone else want anything!?” (Y/N) yelled to the whole group receiving a choir of get me this please or get me that and the single tuna mayo.
The walk to the vending machine was quiet but a comfortable silence had fallen upon the pair. It was always like this when you were around Noritoshi Kamo. Peaceful. She didnt feel the need to go the extra mile to entertain him or ensure he wasn’t bored in your presence as your playful banter and sarcastic remarks towards one another was enough for the both of you. 
“(Y/N) is it me or have Gojo and Utahime sensei been staring at us more than the others?“ Noritoshi questioned unable to shake off the feeling of being watched. “Um i’m not too sure i havent been really paying attention to anything other than yo-“ Embarrasment washed over (Y/N) as the words flew out of her mouth before she could stop herself.
“Is that so?“ Nori smirked slightly as you swore you could drop dead right here in this moment. “No i just meant that” “Meant what?“ Noritoshi interrupted leaning closer as you fumbled through your words
“OH LOOK the vending machine is right there better get those drinks“ You quickly said and scrambled away before Noritoshi could get any closer.
“SEE Nori was too intimidating and (Y/N) ran off despite clearly wanting him! its never gonna happen today“ Utahime whispered to Gojo benhind the bushes as he shook his head. “Trust me i have faith in my wonderful (Y/N) I AINT RAISED NO BITCH“ He exclaimed in response while Utahime facepalmed.
The two young adults had collected all the drinks they needed and were ready to walk back to the group. ‘come on (Y/N) you’ve liked this man forever now and everyone knows he must like you back ITS NOW OR NEVER HOE’ (Y/N) screamed words of encouragement to herself before grabbing Noritoshi’s sleeve.
“Is everything alright (Y/N)?” “I have something ive been meaning to tell you Nori, I um like you a lot and i’d like to take you out if you dont mind” (Y/N) had practically yelled at the poor boy because of her stupid nerves and adrenaline.
The silence was broken by an angelic laughter coming from none other than Noritoshi Kamo. “Well i would’ve liked to be the one to take you out but i guess sometimes its alright for traditions and stereotypes to be broken by the younger generation” Nori responded as he walked closer to (Y/N) wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into a sweet kiss. The kiss was messy and clearly new to the both but filled with much love and passion that was finally being expressed by the pair.
As their lips eventually pulled away never wanting this to end, heavy breaths filled the air and cheeks flushed but all that was interrupted by a white haired male clapping in the background screaming “YES I WIN” while the other teacher crouched to the ground tears in her eyes.
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Firefly Music Festival – The Woodlands- Dover, DE – September 23 to 26, 2021 (A PopEntertainment.com Concert Review)
Although this was the first Firefly Festival back after a year and a half off due to the COVID-19 pandemic – or perhaps because of it – fans were more eager than ever before to run through the gates to the four-day-long festival.
This was the second year of Firefly being under the ownership of AEG Presents, and the hard work the company put into creating the best possible experience for fans and artists definitely was clear. Taking place in The Woodlands of Dover, Delaware, right next to Dover International Speedway, this year’s lineup included Billie Eilish, The Killers, Tame Impala, Lizzo, Phoebe Bridgers, Cage The Elephant, Megan Thee Stallion, and many more fan-favorites. The diversity of genres of artists performing is what makes Firefly such a special experience. 
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What makes Firefly unique isn’t just the performances, but the atmosphere and the overall experience. Since its start in July 2012, festivalgoers are offered the chance to camp at the festival, whether that be in an RV, a glamping site, or just a pop-up tent and sleeping bag. The ability to camp on festival grounds gives festival-goers easy access to the music, activities, shopping, and food that Firefly has to offer.
The festival has several options of different price ranges for camping at the festival. These includi South Tent Camping (within walking distance from the festival) and North Tent Camping (within walking distance from the festival and includes a private entrance to the event, as well as exclusive hang-out spots). There is also Meadows Glamping (includes twin or queen-sized beds, air conditioning, and concierge service), Infield Glamping (includes pre-set tents in the race track, complete with a private lounge, air-conditioned restrooms, shower passes, power courses, and shuttles to the festival), Then there is infield RV Camping (includes a plot big inside the race track, spacious enough for an RV and plenty of space to spare), and many more options from affordable to a well-deserved splurge! 
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Even if festivalgoers are unable to camp at the festival, they are still able to have the full Firefly experience with the various activities inside of the festival.  This year, the experience includes The Treehouse, The Thicket Silence Disco, The Nest, The North Hub Beach Club, The Roller Rink, The Hammock Hangout, Firefly’s first-ever Pride Parade, and much more!
The Treehouse is perfect for festivalgoers who want to unwind and listen to acoustic performances, as well as interviews with budding artists. If you are looking for a dance break with friends complete with your own personal set of headphones to hear some tunes, The Thicket Silent Disco is right up your alley. If you want to continue the party with DJs nestled among the trees, even after headliners are finished performing, you should definitely check out The Nest.
The North Hub Beach Club, running all weekend long, is the perfect spot to relax, cool down with drinks from the Tiki Bar, play volleyball, and return later in the night for an electric silent disco. Need a break from the performances and want to let loose and have fun with friends? We would totally recommend checking out the new Roller Rink in the North Hub! Our favorite spot to literally hang out is back-- The Hammock Hangout! This year, we were so excited to attend the festival’s first Pride Parade, led by Monique Heart and LaLaRi! 
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Firefly has always had the most fire food options, and this year was the best yet. The food option lineup included everything from “BBQ Bueno”, “Island Noodles”, and “Two Guys Chicken & Fries” to “Nomad Coffee”, “Carvel Ice Cream”, and even “Rita’s Water Ice”! The eating options at the festival have definitely been more inclusive and aware of food sensitivities and allergies, veganism, vegetarianism, and the basic picky eater. You can’t have a great festival without great food, and Firefly nailed it. 
Another aspect of this year’s festival that we love is that nearly almost every performance was live-streamed powered by Mandolin, so people unable to attend could watch from the comfort of their own home or campsite. Virtual meet and greet experiences were also offered this year to assure the safety of fans and artists, alike, which definitely makes the experience just as special for those who could not physically be at this year’s Firefly Festival. “Live From Firefly” also offered fans the option to be notified when their favorite performers would be on, so they wouldn’t miss a second of the action. 
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Thursday night’s headliners included Billie Eilish, Phoebe Bridgers, Girl in Red, Marc Rebillet, and more. Even though there was a bit of a rain delay, festivalgoers kept their electric energy when the gates finally opened that night. While some walked onto the festival grounds admiring the sparkling LED lights all around, others ran to secure a spot at the stage at which their favorite performances would be held.
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Phoebe Bridgers lit up the stage, stepping out in her iconic rhinestone-covered skeleton top. She played hits such as “Motion Sickness” and “Kyoto” as well as a cover of comedian Bo Burnham’s “That Funny Feeling.”
Up next was the iconic Billie Eilish. We spoke to several fans before the show and they said they ran straight to the Firefly stage the second the gates opened to see Billie, nearly 4 hours before she would come out. Once the stage lights went out, the audience went wild in anticipation of Billie’s long-awaited performance. She played new songs like “Happier Than Ever” and “Oxytocin”, then some older hits for her die-hard fans including “Ocean Eyes”, “bellyache”, and “ilomilo.”
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Friday’s performances were definitely ones for the books. Headliners included Cage the Elephant, The Killers, Wiz Khalifa, Band of Horses, and Ian Dior. Multiple time performers, Cage the Elephant, took the stage by storm with hit songs “Come a Little Closer”, “Ain’t No Rest for the Wicked”, and obviously “Cigarette Daydreams”. By the way that the fans sang their hearts out, we could tell this this performance was much needed. Up next on the Backyard stage, Wiz Khalifa fans who waited all day, finally got to catch his performance. Wiz got the crowd dancing with “Black and Yellow”, “Roll Up”, and “We Dem Boyz.”
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 Saturday’s thrilling performances included those by Tame Impala, Roddy Rich, Diplo, Glass Animals, and many more. Tame Impala’s “The Less I Know the Better” and “New Person, Same Old Mistakes” took fans on a spiritual ride, complete with astonishing visuals on the screens, and a captivating light show. Though it was late in the night, Diplo got festivalgoers on their feet with his performance featuring rhythmic remixes of various hit songs. Fans were adorned with glowsticks throughout the audience, adding to the festival’s ambiance. 
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Though it was the last day, headliners Lizzo, Megan Thee Stallion, and Machine Gun Kelly finished off Firefly Festival 2021 with a bang. Lizzo fans were ecstatic to hear top hits “Juice” and “Rumors”, accompanied by a breathtaking performance, Megan Thee Stallion fans were not close to disappointed after hearing and shaking it along to “Savage” and “Body”, and Machine Gun Kelly fans rocked out to “I Think I’m OKAY”, “ex’s best friend”, and even a cover of Paramore’s “Misery Business”. It is safe to say that this year had one of the best lineups yet. 
This year’s festival most definitely made up for lost time during the pandemic. Though this is only AEG Presents’ second year of ownership over Firefly, they did an outstanding job of organizing an insane lineup, fun activities, and creating a weekend that people will never forget.
While we are all sad to see this year’s Firefly Festival come to an end, we cannot wait to see what is in store for next year! 
Kayla Marra
Copyright ©2021 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: September 28, 2021.
Photos by Isa Barnett and Kayla Marra © 2021. All rights reserved.
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daphneblakess · 3 years
tagged by @luvridden to spell out my url with songs!
D - Dance For Love (Zella Day) A - Apple (Gfriend) P - Pins and Needles (The Birthday Massacre) H - Holes In Your Coffin (Phildel) N - NYC Loves You (White Sea) E - Everything (The Pierces) B - Bubblegum Bitch (Marina and the Diamonds) L - L. A. Love Song (Xylo) A - Area 52 (Yeah Yeah Yeahs) K - Kyoto (Phoebe Bridgers) E - Edge of Seventeen (Stevie Nicks) S - Sedated (Hozier) S - Shake It Out (Florence + the Machine)
and I tag @edgyhousewife @dornish-queen-cobra and @o-rhi-ly
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fanaticit · 3 years
Just hold me for a while
Summary: Izuku has nightmares after being kidnapped, and Shouto comforts him.
Pairing: Todoroki Shouto/Midoriya Izuku
Genre/themes: Hurt/comfort, romance.
Possible CW’s:
Kidnapping/Trauma from Kidnapping Fainting Injections (not graphically described in any detail) Pain (not very graphic, and not because of injury or illness) Hallucinations/Visions/Nightmares Moral Dilemmas (character forced to choose who survives an encounter) Death by train (there is a brief description of blood but nothing further than that) Panic attacks/being unable to breathe/anxiety and coping
Word count: 1592
In the movies, kidnappers always used chloroform on a cloth, or put a bag over somebody's head. The victim would struggle, then dramatically pass out and go limp. They'd fall to the floor and wake up in a dark basement, tied to a chair.
It wasn't like the movies, though. Izuku had only been tapped on the shoulder. It was like fainting-- he used to be prone to fainting, and it was still a bit of a problem when altitude or temperature changed quickly.
When Izuku fainted, it wasn't like all the books. All the novels would say "And then everything went black." But fainting wasn't like that. He didn't remember the act of fainting just as nobody remembers the exact moment that they fall asleep. Izuku didn't even remember waking up, he only remembered opening his eyes.
He remembered how bright it was, but when his eyes adjusted, it was actually very dim. He was in someone's kitchen, on a stool. His shoulders were slumped over the counter. Someone had probably set him into the stool and laid him on the counter since there wasn't a backrest.
Peculiarly, he wasn't tied up. At the time he was confused about why they'd leave him free, but he learned why later. There'd been several injections in his arm while he was out. Temporary quirk canceling, and something that made his limbs pliant and tired for days, even after his rescue.
And the other injection. The one that had caused all of Izuku's nightmares recently.
The doctors were pretty sure that the injection hadn't actually caused the visions. It was probably the effect of a quirk, and it just needed a substance to be injected in order to work. That was Recovery Girl's theory. She'd been in charge of Izuku's recovery.
He'd slumped right back onto the counter after opening his eyes, head pounding. He felt burning in his veins. Whatever they'd injected was in his bloodstream, pumping hot needles throughout his body.
Izuku didn't remember fainting again. Like before, he only remembered the slim light between his lashes as he opened his eyes. It was really bright, but it didn't hurt his eyes this time. Maybe that should've clued him in, but it didn't.
It was a railroad track. Izuku knew this track. He'd taken the bullet train here when he was younger, on a trip to see extended family in Kyoto.
He remembered the platform. He'd gotten blueberry flavored bubblegum in tiny packs. He'd also gotten a lemonade from a vending machine, and his mom had gotten a canned ice coffee from a vending machine near the entrance.
There were big doors, and if he'd gone up the stairs, he could've found the entrance. He was on a raised platform between two tracks. The rails came from the same source but broke apart at the platform.
Now that he thought about it... where was everybody? The platforms were usually incredibly crowded, but there was nobody in sight.
And then Izuku noticed the people on the tracks.
On one side of the platform, there were at least a dozen civilians. They were ordinary in every way, all of them complete strangers. It was almost like they'd fallen off the platform onto the tracks, but they didn't seem at all concerned. They weren't speaking, but they looked at each other and sort of... mingled.
It didn't make any sense. Why weren't they getting back onto the platform?
Izuku saw a familiar face out of the corner of his eye. He turned and noticed someone on the other side of the platform, standing on the tracks nonchalantly. It was... Todoroki? What was going on, and why was he here?
Baffled, Izuku looked from one side of the platform to the other. Well, Todoroki was definitely smart enough to know how to get out of a platform. He was training to be a Pro Hero, for goodness sake. Izuku made his way to the group of civilians. He had to get them back to the platform.
A bullet train was tearing towards the civilian's track.
Izuku somehow knew that it was going full speed, that it could kill them all in seconds, but time seemed to slow down. Why weren't they moving? Why weren't they doing anything? And then something appeared in front of Izuku's hand.
It was a lever, with red letters right in front of Izuku, even though it hadn't been there before. It read "divert train" in a loud and bold font.
And suddenly, Izuku understood everything. He'd heard riddles like this before. "Two railroad tracks, and a train speeding towards them. There's a lever, you can choose to divert the train. Choose between a group of strangers or one person you love."
He realized that the civilians were staring at him. They had fear in their eyes. Neither they nor Todoroki were even trying to move.
Everything was clear now. Izuku couldn't even see the civilians or Todoroki very well, but he knew with every fiber of his being that they were tied to the tracks, that they couldn't escape even if they tried to. And Izuku would have to choose.
He was almost positive about his choice. Todoroki had done years of hero training, he could get himself out of this. It was Izuku's duty to save the civilians. He'd just have to trust Todoroki to rescue himself from the tracks.
But then he heard it again. Someone calling his name in the background noise. He realized that somebody had been yelling for him this entire time, and he hadn't even registered it. "Izuku." He knew that voice. Shouto's voice shaking, desperate and terrified.
He froze. He couldn't move. He heard the citizens screaming as the train hurtled towards them. Time seemed normal now.
Half a second passed. "Izuku."
The train was so loud that the screams and death weren't audible. "Izuku!"
The only sign the civilians had been there was the blood over the tracks. "Wake up!"
There was pressure on Izuku's cheek. He jolted, flinching away and gasping for breath. His eyes shot open again. He was... in his room? That made no sense. He was at the tracks. Maybe he'd passed out again? Where were his kidnappers? How the hell had he gone from being kidnapped to being in a railway station to being in his room?
He couldn't breathe. He gasped through his mouth, but the air seemed to slip away from him as soon as he got it.
"Breathe with me, Izuku." That was... Shouto? Yes, there he was. He was sitting next to Izuku on his bed. Izuku felt hot. He couldn't get enough oxygen, his lungs felt like they weren't even taking it in.
He slung his legs out from under his duvet and crawled his way to the floor, leaning against the bed frame and sitting on the cool hardwood floors.
"Izuku, are you alright with being touched?" Shouto said slowly. Izuku kept gasping in air, and it took a moment for his head to catch up to Shouto's question. He gasped out an affirmative and reached out his palm, taking Shouto's extended hand.
Shouto brought Izuku's hand to his chest. "Can you feel my breathing, Izuku?" he asked. Izuku frantically nodded. "Concentrate on my breathing. In, and out. You feel it. Try to breathe with me." His breathing was slow and steady, but Izuku could feel Shouto's heartbeat too, and it was fast.
Izuku tried to match up their breathing. It wasn't working, which made him panic more, which made everything worse. He was disappointing Shouto, he couldn't calm down, he couldn't breathe. Izuku grasped Shouto's fingers with his other hand, lacing them together. He used it to pull himself into Shouto's arms.
"Shouto, I can't. I can't. I don't want you to die, I don't want anyone to die, I can't choose!" he wailed, burrowing his face into Shouto's neck and shaking. "It felt so real. It always feels so real. I haven't got even a night of sleep since that villain's quirk made me imagine all those awful moral-testing scenarios."
"I can't do this, Shouto. I don't wanna sleep at all if I see this every night." He was gasping, and tears were streaming down his face. They were soaking into Shouto's sweater, but neither of them noticed.
Shouto was whispering reassurances into Izuku's hair, holding him tight. "Shhh, love. Just breathe with me, I promise. I'll be here with you every night if you have nightmares. Just let it out, you're doing well." He held Izuku's hands between their chests and squeezed them.
Izuku leaned heavier on Shouto's chest, needing to be as close as he could at that moment. "I just need you to hold me," he gasped. "Just hold me for a while."
"Of course. As long as you need, I'm here," whispered Shouto. They shifted a bit. Shouto turned off the bedside lamp and grabbed a blanket, and Izuku pulled a pillow closer. They shared the pillow, heads next to each other, just holding each other.
Izuku felt the rise and fall of Shouto's chest again when they were next to each other. His breathing slowed after a little bit, and his tears changed into quiet sniffles and a bit of shaking. He occasionally remembered little details of his experience and panicked again, but Shouto just held him closer.
Everything was silent in the darkness, except for the quietest rustle of Shouto's fingers running through Izuku's hair as Izuku fell asleep in Shouto's arms.
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itsuki-minamy · 4 years
Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Ridia 
It was cloudy in the morning, and it was a day when he moved, he was heavy on the surface of his body and the warm humidity clung to him.
At the HOMRA bar, Kusanagi was enthusiastically preparing for the night business.
He made artichoke and olive mini-pizzas, Kyoto-style meatloaf, pickled oil oysters, wrote the menu on the board, selected the fruit, polished the glass, and sharpened the ice.
While doing such skillful work, the bar door opened,
"Oh, Anna, could you buy condensed milk?"
Kusanagi said as he arranged the contents of the refrigerator under the counter. He had asked Anna to use it, so he thought she was back. But when he got up, Kusanagi realized that he was half right and half wrong.
Anna was not alone.
An unknown and robust man was holding Anna in one arm. The problem instantly strained Kusanagi's body. Not because the man was big and sharp, but because he was a skilled man to hold Anna with one arm.
Kusanagi also experienced many fights, although not as much as Suoh, and many events have happened.
He normally plays the role of a suppressor in Homura, but naturally he was equipped with something like a sense of martial arts.
The feeling of danger was told to him. The man standing at the entrance to the bar was not just a person.
The man who saw Kusanagi's face grow stronger,
"I want to explain the situation."
When Anna was laid on the ground, Kusanagi was dominated by the person holding her.
"Izumo is different."
Then Anna said that suddenly.
"I have help. This person is a good person.”
Kusanagi blinked instantly at the words. When he turned his eyes, the man looked at him with a sharp look and a slight smile.
"I don't know if he's a good person. Well, it is a fact that helped.”
Anna was not even a narrator, and the man was a vindictive member, but she and the man spoke alternately about the following.
After finishing shopping at a nearby store, Anna tripped on a small step outside the store and injured her leg. Every time she tried to walk, she felt a sharp pain in her ankles and she bent down. Although the people passing by looked at her, there was no one actively trying to help Anna.
Among them, only the man with one arm...
"Could I help you out if you don't mind?"
Although he had an awkward tone, he wanted to assist her. Anna was a little lost, but decided to accept the favor. He looked scary, but he didn't seem like a bad guy. The man came here with Anna without difficulty. After talking, Anna...
"Yes, Izumo. Condensed milk."
She hands Kusanagi a shopping bag. Kusanagi, for a moment, was embarrassed by his uncertain attitude, and when he left the counter, he bowed politely in front of the man.
"You really took care of her."
"Was nothing."
The man shook his head, a small smile on his mouth. Few words,
"So I'm leaving now."
He turned to leave. Shortly after Kusanagi stopped, he opened the door and tried to get out.
At that moment, lightning flashed and suddenly it began to rain heavily as if the bottom of the cube had fallen.
In front of the man, the raindrops hit the ground hard. The man seemed angry since he was a little confused.
Kusanagi suddenly burst out laughing.
"This type of water is called rain. How is it? If you stay in the rain. I can't make much of a problem because it's before the store opens, but I'd like to thank you for bringing Anna here.”
After the man closed his eyes for about two seconds,
"Well then, I will accept your offer."
He lowers his head.
Anna received first aid with a compress and then retired to her room.
Kusanagi thought he would take her to a nearby orthopedic surgeon today if it seemed more bloated.
Currently, there were only Kusanagi and the man in the store. Suoh hasn't woken up after a long nap.
"What is your favorite cocktail?"
When Kusanagi asked, the man said...
"Sorry. I am not familiar with these stores.”
He seemed a little embarrassed. Kusanagi said...
"Then we will do it properly."
After some thought, she made an old-fashioned bourbon cocktail and put it in front of the man.
"Thank you."
The man drinks the cocktail,
"I don't usually drink this type of cocktail... but it's really delicious when a good person makes it."
He expressed his impression in a calm voice. Kusanagi bowed silently. The man deftly opened the paper bag he had while drinking a cocktail with one hand and pulled out a book from inside. Flip it over.
It is a somewhat difficult Buddhist textbook with the title "Honen and that time". Kusanagi confirmed it from the side.
(At the bookstore, coming home, and then I think he found Anna. Wow, is it a perfect coincidence that he came here?)
He was guessing that.
At this time Kusanagi was convinced that the man had the power of a Strain.
(And he's not just a Strain. Probably from the Blue Clan. That's a pretty good man.)
The man straightens his spine, reads the book quietly, and drinks softly. There is no indication that the work is slightly dusty.
You would definitely know where this is.
It is the same place for men in the enemy land.
Kusanagi remembered it. There was a man who belonged to the ancient Scepter 4 and killed his own king to become a fighter.
(A certain name is a good article.)
After Kusanagi was lost,
"I mean, ask Anna's benefactor something like this..."
When he was trying to confirm the man's identity, the man controlled the tip of the machine and quickly raised a hand. Shake his head from left to right.
"I'm a ghost from the past. You have nothing to worry about."
He said that. Kusanagi narrowed his eyes and smiled.
Apparently it was a little unpleasant. He looked at the book again as if the man had nothing. Apparently, it seemed like he was going through an anonymous man here. And when the man had just finished drinking the cocktail, the rain stopped.
The man…
"It became a party."
After checking the exterior, he stood up. Kusanagi also bows his head.
"This was for helping Anna."
And I call the man who walked to the door.
"Will there be another chance to meet again?"
Once the man looked back...
"Now. How is it? The old fashion was delicious.”
He made a small bow and left. Kusanagi exhaled his accumulated breath.
Scepter 4 still has a formidable opponent.
He wanted to pray that he would never collide with a man like him on the battlefield.
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imponderabile · 3 years
72. Hai la possibilità di partire in questo istante. Dove andresti? Kyoto, senza pensarci un attimo.
74. Quale canzone ti mette sempre di buon umore? Shake it out dei F. + the machine
102. Ti piace la cioccolata? cioccolato fondente il mio dolce preferito <3
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wissenfurtha · 4 years
@reliqucry​ asked: five times touched.     ↳  send me "five times touched" for a drabble about five times my muse touched yours!
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it’s  accidental,  for all of the pop-star’s grace and poise,  her heel catches on indented flooring. her hand reaches out for something to hold onto.     her hand grip’s the arm of the woman she’d come to know as ‘v’, who in turn grabs her to make sure she doesn’t take the disastrous tumble that’d awaited her. there’s an embarrassed laugh, a grateful sigh and a soft but deliberate thank you. this meeting doesn’t last long, not before she’s whisked away by staff and partygoers that clamor for just a moment of her attention. however those vivid blue optics often move back to the woman who’d helped her, and sometimes she finds that their gazes meet. she hopes that she’ll see her again.
nothing  good  happens  at  the  no-tell  motel. where dark dalliances and shady deals happen in the fore and background of every shadowy corner. elizabeth doesn’t expect v’s return after she’d done her the favor of taking the body, of hiding it away. yet all the same, there’s a gently knock at the door. lizzy can’t stand still, but she can’t leave either. her hand gently reaches out for v’s, and she’s shocked when the other woman takes it willingly. knowing these hands are stained with the blood of her manager, maybe not literally anymore, but  —  it was there.  ❛  thank you,  ❜  the same cadence of when v saved her the first time. however the solo’s head only shakes, and they’re tethered like that for some time. and what terrifies her most is, lizzy enjoys it.
❛  i  used  to  sneak  out  and  fool  around  in  watson.  ❜  chrome hands clean wounds, because a max doc is only a temporary fix. it’ll keep your heart going, but it won’t patch up wounds quick enough for infection not to sit in.  she used to hang out with kids who dreamed of being famous solos or netrunners. one of them wanted to be the next alt cunningham. hands gently graze the bruised and battered flesh as she cleans the affected areas. her eyes gazing up to the solo with a faint smile,  ❛  i’m  glad  you’re  here  in  one  piece,  but  you’ve  gotta  be  more  careful.  ❜
v  stopping  by  her  penthouse  in  the  early  morning, has become almost a regular event.  not that lizzy would dare complain about it. tonight she has something planned though, and it’s a bit obvious.    ❛  i  don’t  technically  have  to  sleep  anymore  so...  ❜    she laughs a little bit as she leads the woman in, hand grasping v’s gently as she leads her to the kitchen.  ❛  you  said,  a  few  weeks  back  about  this  place  you  went  to  in  kyoto  or  somewhere?  i  got  a  chef  to  fly  in  and  prepare  it!  figured  you’d  been  so  busy,  it  beats  five  dollar  burritos  from  a  vending  machine.  ❜
there’s  something  wrong  in  the  air, and lizzy can feel it. she has been able to for a while  yet it feels as though, this night, that it may crescendo into something terrible. she’s seen the way that v convulses due to the relic and it’s malfunctions. v is about to leave when lizzy grabs her hand, gently but deliberately.  ❛  don’t  leave  tonight,  ❜  her plea is soft, but her breath is shaky as she looks up at the solo.          she knows something is wrong, but still v has been running ragged for weeks now. she’s watched it unfold like a nightmare.  ❛  just  stay  for  one  night,  your  fight  will  still  be  there  tomorrow.  ❜
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