#kylo wants him to win
tomatette · 6 months
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lightsiided · 1 year
❝ you’re really not very good at this; i saw you coming a mile off. ❞ { from soft!ren, scenario up to you }
* american gods starters | accepting
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     the corner of her mouth quirks upwards despite her best efforts to remain SERIOUS. this is a serious moment, after all -- or at least, it should be. still, she can’t help but to be mildly playful when she counters, “shows what you know. i wasn’t AIMING for stealth.”
it’d be a fruitless endeavor. they both knew how the other thought too well to maintain the element of surprise. yet after all this time, it seemed he was still as bad at READING her as ever, if he genuinely thought she was trying to stage some sort of ambush. 
that was the last thing she wanted.
rey’s chin tilts up so her eyes can lock firmly onto his. she holds his gaze unwaveringly. “i came to talk to you.” that was all, though she knew it didn’t MATTER how sincere her intentions were -- things always seemed to devolve beyond her control, and maybe even beyond his, too. 
“don’t you think it’s time we had a conversation?” her hands plant on her hips, her eyebrows lifting in question, “without distractions?”
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The Only Important Rule To Remember:
When there are only two characters remaining, they will face off against one another in a week-long poll to determine the victor.
Bye-bye Benny! You brought the drama, you brought the chaos! I want to give a big shout-out to the passionate and lovely Kylo Ren fans who campaigned so hard for their boy. You got him to bronze, and with how divisive Ben/Kylo is as a character, that's really impressive.
Now... without further ado...
It all comes down to a simple decision. A choice between two men, both of whom gave their lives to bring down The Empire.
Will the winner be Obi-Wan Kenobi?
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Or will it be Cassian Andor?
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Cast your votes for the last time to decide, once and for all... who is the hottest Star Wars man of all time?
...oh, but remember, this is all just for fun! So don't take it too seriously ;)
Happy voting, and may the hottest man win!
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harryforvogue · 3 months
happy may the fourth LMFAOAOAOOAOAOAOAOAO sorry this is more than a month late and sorry for the horrendously rushed sex scene. i am bad at smut now <3 2.1k
Harry looks down at the notecards, his dinner abandoned besides his hands. He flips through a few of the cards while Yasmine slurps obnoxiously on her pasta to get him to scowl at her, but he’s too captivated by his extreme nerd behavior. Honestly, it’s embarrassing for him.
He finally settles on a card and clears his throat. “What is the name of Leia and Han’s child?”
“Oh,” Yasmine mumbles as she swallows. “Um, the hot guy.”
Harry gives her a weird look. “He’s not hot, but sure.”
“I mean, from a certain angle,” she says. “I don’t need to explain the appeal of Adam Driver to you, nerd.”
“Er, okay. What’s his name?”
Harry stares at her for a second before he puts the note cards down and scrubs his face with his hands. “No, his name is not Kyle!”
“I know it’s not! It’s Kylo. But I always think it’s Kyle so my brain goes to Kylo next because I know everyone has weird ass names in Star Wars.”
“Don’t say Kyle next time! That’ll be a deduction!”
“Stop yelling at me!”
“I can tell you didn’t study my notes!”
“Your nerd notes? Yeah I didn't! I had better things to do!”
Harry pulls his hands away from his now red face. “Like what?”
“Like making the dinner you’ve not even thanked me for!” Yasmine snaps.
Harry blinks. He glances at his dinner and then murmurs an apology, abandoning his cards behind to eat his food. “Thank you.”
“Shut up.”
He sighs and continues eating. 
Yasmine only stays mad for two minutes. Then, she’s talking. “My costume came in yesterday by the way. Are we still doing the secret thing?”
“Yeah,” Harry says. “And don’t feel stupid about dressing up, alright? Think of it as Halloween.”
“Nerd Halloween,” Yasmine mutters.
Harry looks like he’s about to pop a blood vessel. “You’ve called me a nerd three times already.” He takes a deep breath. “Which outfit of Padme’s did you pick?”
“Padme? I’m going as Chewbacca.”
Harry stands up with his plate and walks over to the other side of the table, sitting beside her. 
Yasmine looks at him. “Why did you move?”
“To be closer to you?”
Harry throws an arm over her shoulder. “Am I not romantic enough? Yasmine, I swear you act like I’ve never touched you by the way you act sometimes.”
She scoots her chair closer to him. “Untrue.”
He raises his hand to gently caress her cheek. Yasmine turns her head to bite his finger.
“See?” Harry sighs, prying his finger away. “Be normal.”
“I can’t be. I have a nerd boyfriend who likes to touch me too much.” Yasmine brightens. “And you’ll touch me a lot more when you see my dress for tomorrow.”
Harry’s wiping his finger. “Which one did you pick? The one from Attack of the Clones?”
“The second movie.”
“The white one.” Harry drops his head to the table, groaning. “Oh we’re never going to win tomorrow.”
“You should just take one of your other nerd friends, Harry. I know you want that Lego Star Command–”
Harry groans louder. “Star Destroyer.”
“--whatever. I know you want it so maybe you should take someone else.”
He turns his head to glance at her. He takes a deep breath and then sits up, letting the color drain from his face. “No. It’ll be fun.”
“You’re going to yell at me.”
“I’ll bite your head off.”
“Lovingly?” Harry asks weakly.
“Anyways. Is it the white dress?”
“The one that’s ripped around the stomach? No.”
Harry looks very interested then. He slides closer. “The black one?”
“The blue one?”
“Yes. Which one are you thinking of?”
“The one that looks like a nightgown.”
“No,” Yasmine says thoughtfully. “Maybe I should have done that. Mine is the other one.”
“Yasmine, Padme wear blue a lot.”
“Do you want to see it?”
Harry pauses. Yasmine can tell that he’s going through all the outfits Padme has ever worn that are blue. He comes to the same conclusion as she did days ago when looking for an outfit: the blue ones are the sexy ones. 
His eyes narrow. “Show me yours if I show you mine?”
Harry stands first. He takes their empty dinner plates to the kitchen and then goes to their room to bring out the two packages of outfits. He tosses Yasmine hers and then proceeds to bring her to the livingroom to open them together.
They decided early on they’d wear a couple costume: Anakin and Padme.
(Yasmine secretly hoped Harry would wear the whole Darth Vader suit with the helmet, but that’s something to unpack at a later time.)
Harry pulls out the Anakin costume, holding it to his body. “Hope it fits.”
Yasmine imagines him in it, the pants sticking wonderfully to his thighs, his hand grasping a large lightsaber. 
“Go put it on.”
Harry raises an eyebrow. “You put yours on too.”
They stare at each other before Yasmine grabs her outfit and goes to the bathroom.
When she returns, Harry’s changed into his as well, swinging around a red lightsaber expertly.
“Oh,” Yasmine says, stopping in her tracks.
“Fuck,” Harry says at the same time.
The outfit fits him so well. As expected, the pants are tight around his upper thighs, but Harry’s just gifted in that department, so it’s normal. Still. He looks mouthwateringly…well, hot.
He’s got sort of a wild look in his eye at the sight of her. With narrowed eyes, he walks backwards until he sits on the couch, holding his hand out.
Yasmine shuffles close, unused to the dress. It’s a bit too long on her.
Yasmine takes his hand. His fingers trail up to her wrist.
It’s too quiet in here. 
His other hand raises.
He runs his fingers over her bare stomach. The top is just short enough to land by her sternum, leaving a few pairs of ribs exposed. She shivers at his touch and when she goes to move away instinctively, he grabs her wrist.
Yasmine fidgets under his gaze. “I hate when you do that.”
“Do what?” Harry murmurs.
“Look at me.”
“You hate it when I look at you?”
Harry tightens his hand on Yasmine’s wrist. “Get used to it.” Then he yanks her closer. Pulls her into his lap. “You are beautiful. I could stare at you all day long.”
“It’s just the dress.”
He laughs, just inches away from her skin. Fire erupts in her stomach. “No. Definitely not just the dress.”
Yasmine shudders as Harry leans in to kiss her neck. Her fingers tremble when she clutches his hair, staring up at the ceiling. Pleasure runs through her, landing between her legs.
She loves when Harry gets like this: so desperate to have her close, hands grabbing without a care of how rough he’s being. All he knows is that he wants her body attached to his. And it’s incredibly enticing how he shows it. He tilts his head back so that she can reach his lips. Her fingers plunge into the soft wilds of his messy, shoulder length hair. He hums and kisses her back, hard.
The dark color looks so good on him. He’s long known that black and brown look especially good on him (and Yasmine reminds him of this often to ensure he’s continuing to fill his closet with those colors). Seeing him in this outfit…Yasmine supposes she’s the nerd as well now.
She hardly cares.
With a soft maneuver, she presses herself against his growing bulge. Harry groans softly, detaching his mouth from hers. She grasps his hair tighter. His lips trail down to her neck again where he buries his face and grabs her waist. No matter how many times he makes that noise, it always sends her on a downward spiral.
“Harry,” she whispers, rocking herself against him now. His fingers grip her waist.
“Yes, baby?”
And his voice! His breathy, desperate voice.
“I wanna do something.”
“Yeah, let’s go upstairs.”
But the mere thought of going upstairs – the mere thought of parting from Harry long enough to make it there – threatens to disrupt whatever they have going on. So Yasmine slides away from Harry, but before he can stand, she sits before him on her knees.
Harry freezes.
Yasmine reaches for the sole button on his trousers.
“Oh,” Harry says. “Fuck.”
Yasmine touches her wrists in hopes of finding a hair tie there, but when she finds none, she frowns deeply up at him. Harry shakes his head and carefully pulls her hair up into a makeshift ponytail, making sure all her curtain bangs are out of her face. “I’ve got it, Yas.”
“Thanks,” she whispers, though she feels silly afterwards.
Harry lifts his hips long enough for Yasmine to get him out of the trousers. She scoots closer so that she can get his boxer briefs off as well. Harry’s hold on her hair tightens. She reaches out to wrap her fingers around him, giving him a long stroke.
“Fuck,” Harry murmurs. It’s music to Yasmine’s ears. She strokes him again, bringing him to full hardness. There’s a soft flush on Harry’s neck and face, and his thighs are tense. Oh how she loves his thighs.
She loves them enough that before she wraps her mouth around him, she bends down to kiss his thighs. 
She glances up at him as she does, enjoying the small twist of his lips when he looks back down at her. Now, she doesn’t mind his gaze. Because despite the implications, Harry is most certainly not in charge right now. She is.
After biting down on his thigh – just to hear his sharp hiss – Yasmine opens her mouth and takes him in.
His thighs tighten even more. 
Yasmine presses her tongue against him. Harry’s fingers grip her hair when she sucks gently at his tip. 
“Fuck,” Harry whispers, tilting his head back. “Fuck me.”
Yasmine’s stomach flutters. She watches him, enjoying the rise of his chest, the strain of his neck with the beautiful vein protruding every so often. Harry’s head turns to look down at her suddenly, hips rising just barely to meet her mouth.
He gives her a look.
She nods.
He blows air from his mouth and gently thrusts into her mouth, careful and soft despite the firm grip on her hair.
“If I’d known,” he murmurs, “that you’d get like this, I’d have tried the outfit on even sooner.”
Yasmine gasps softly as she pulls off of him. “It’s not only the outfit.”
He laughs, wiping the corner of her lips, which should be damn well embarrassing or weird, but neither of them seem to care. She wraps her mouth around him again, cutting off his laughter with a groan.
After a few moments, her dress begins to slip from her shoulders. Harry’s eyes catch the movement right away and his hips stutter. She’d make a joke but there are more concerning matters presently. Having been with him for a long time, Yasmine knows exactly what he likes: how she should use her tongue, her hands, her eyes that blink up at him all pretty.
“So pretty,” Harry mumbles, on cue. She feels him run his thumb over her cheek as if there’s something to be endeared about right now.
Just before he’s about to come, Harry pulls on her hair and gets her to pull off so he could bend down and kiss her mouth, and then let her tug on him.
“Not on the dress please,” Yasmine says, voice shot.
“I’ll try, baby.”
He manages quite well actually, especially with Yasmine’s effort to move out of the way, letting him spill over her hand instead. His desperate whimpers keep Yasmine’s eyes glued to him.
“Alright, that’s enough,” Harry protests softly when her hand keeps moving over him. “That’s enough.”
Grinning, Yasmine fixes her dress and grabs a few tissues from the coffee table to wipe her hand.
“Maybe instead of going to the trivia night, we can do more of this tomorrow.”
“Mm,” Harry hums, still catching his breath. “Not a chance.”
“Oh come on. This is so much more fun!”
He tucks himself back in and holds his hand out, making her climb into his lap. “No.”
“You’re such a –”
“Nerd?” He laughs, grabbing the back of her neck. “I am.” And then he kisses her slowly, clearly having no issue with what they’ve just done. “Thank you.”
Yasmine hopes her face accurately portrays the glare she thinks she’s putting on. Harry’s eyes are soft and filled with love – but that’s entirely unhelpful because they always are. 
“Just don’t break up with me when I say that Han Solo is Luke’s father.”
Harry holds her tighter. “I’ll try not to.” Then he grabs her waist, pulling her to him. He stands easily, keeping her balanced on him, her legs tight about his torso. “Come on. I’ve got a favor to repay. And the dress stays on, understood?”
Yasmine shivers, despite herself. "Understood."
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piglet26 · 9 months
Reylo Scenes: TROS Part 2
After a failed attempt at killing Rey and Rey slashing Ren's fighter. He's relieved he didn't kill her. She's relieved she didn't kill him. He emerges looking fucking glorious while Rey tried to stop a ship from flying off cause she thinks Chewie is on board. What the hell are they doing putting a mask on him at this point?!
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In the novel from Kylo's perspective, "But his impulse to kill Key had almost ruined everything he had been planning..... but his deepest desire, the thing he wanted most (Rey) would require planning and patience."
"It didn't matter what or who was inside that transport that made desperate to prevent it's escape, he was not going to let her have it. He reached out, felt the massive machinery in his mind, yanked it towards himself."
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What's interesting in this scene is Kylo Ren is pushing her and Rey ultimately pulls from anger to best him and keep chewing. That's what always been interesting about Rey is she's the Jedi, but often times she fights with anger, fear and aggression. In the novelization it's revealed that over the course of that year she's been hearing voices. It looks pretty and it's a good shot, but I kept thinking didn't we already see this? Force wise... they're pretty even. While it doesn't hit as hard as the tug-o-war in the TLJ it does serve a purpose. Rey is a Palpatine after all.
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In the movie, as per usual, this next bit doesn't make any sense. Ren seems stunned and just let's Rey, Finn and Poe run off. In the novel it makes more sense.
"Kylo Ren watched the freighter rise into the sky, Rey inside it. She had beaten him again (she thought she killed her friend not really a win but you're emo) and yet, he was filled with triumph. He'd been right to push her. She had just demonstrated unbelievable, mind blowing power. Dark power. Sith Power. The scavenger was almost ready to turn. And when she did, they would both kill their light, embrace their darkness, then the star destroyer fleet and the Sith throne would be theirs."
Kylo Ren is a Reylo and is trying to make power couple goals happen and we have to appreciate that.
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This is concept art from "The Rise of Skywalker" notice how their costumes mirror each other.
The chemistry between Rey and Kylo is electric whenever they share the same space, so much so that sometimes it feels like we, the audience, are intruding on a private moment between the two.
On board Ochi's ship Rey confesses she has sex dreams about Kylo Ren. Let's be honest they both do and she confesses she's had visions of her and Kylo Ren on top the Sith throne.
Next scene is them in Kijimi. Ren is looking for his future Queen who is trying to find the sithway finder or whatever. Arriving in his pretty cool ship.
In the novel per Zorii, "As the black clad man approached the squads officer snap to attention, "Supreme leader".... the man standing below with his gang od butchers was Kylo Ren himself.....The supreme leader said his voice was tight and calm, but Zorii got the feeling he was barely containing his rage. He looked around almost as if he were sniffing the air. "We have a perimeter around the city." The lieutenant began, but Kylo Ren cut him off, "We're too late, the scavenger is gone." Zorri goes onto describe Kylo Ren having a moment whipping his lightsaber out and going beast mode.
In the movie through the force it's implied that that's how Rey knows Chewie is onboard Ren's destroyer, but in the novel it's different. He interrogated Chewie forcefully (wink wink ha ha ha) to get information on Rey. Rey was able to link mind with Kylo Ren and that's how she knew Chewie was onboard. They should've shown them linking minds more.
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Then Rey was in his room, or excuse me, private quarters. Anyone else surprised his room was so white and pretty, if no impersonal. Where's his bed? I saw it in the first movie I think.
"Rey. Wherever you are, you are hard to find."
I'm wondering if at this point that can connect to one another more voluntarily. Rey is always swinging first. Like always. This scene can only really be described as exposition scenes, but there is a nice aspect to it. It's nice to see what they see from one another's viewpoint when they force bond. They just see each other. The dyad is increasing in power, not only can they now touch through the force, they can fight and their spaces even blend. They were together and yet separate. Kylo Ren also seems to be very excited his girl is in quarters and wants to lock down that ship.
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In their next scene, again, Kylo tells her the plot of The Rise of Skywalker while wearing that damn mask. I have questions when did Kylo Ren find out they were a dyad?! Why were denied this scene? Obviously they instinctually know they are connected, they just never knew the word to put to it, but were is the exact scene? The thing about Kylo Ren is he uses information to twist it like a knife. He's going to use the truth that they are Dyad, that she is a Palpatine and ultimately the attraction she feels for him to seduce her to the dark side. From Rey's perspective, "He extended his black gloved hand to her, she looked at it, remembered. The last time he extended a hand had been in the wreckage of Snoke's throne room. Their combined power had defeated him. It was true. That together they could do such incredible things. Suddenly, she sensed a weight at her back and along with it... Finn. His presence a bright beacon of light piercing the dark." Ren pulling some MJ Smooth Criminal moves there.
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After Rey flees with her crew, in the novel it's gives Kylo Ren's reaction. Her surveys the damage left from The Falcon's engine wash. "Kylo considered it a small price to pay to encounter Rey again. To provoke her into a rage. To say the word Dyad and watch the truth of it wash over her lovely face......he hardly paid attention, he kept seeing her face. The way her lips had parted with surprise. The way her body had canted (leaned) toward him. If the Millennial falcon hadn't appeared she might have come to him. Taken his hand. Kylo really hated that ship.... he'd been so very close, but now she knew the truth. She would accept it."
Yeah, they're horny. It's the first time Kylo described her in such detail and really let us as the reader or audience know..... he wants power, but he wants Rey more. If Ren had the world in his hand it wouldn't mean as much without Rey. This is the first scene in the movie where Rey acknowledges how much she wants to be with him. Interesting, Finn again is really her solid base on the good side of the force.
Side note: Dark Rey is hot.
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The lightsaber fight onboard the death star wreckage. I've heard criticism that this fight while beautiful is pointless. I disagree. It's actually a scene that pushes them forward. Rey said, "give it to me" and Ren giving this shudder like he just came in his pants. hmmhmm! Ren likes feral, passionate Rey. He's pushing her and pushing her when she's already at the edge. Interesting enough, Ben can take whatever Rey has to give. All the anger and the fury she's had to hide from everyone else she can express to him. The fight is really about their likeness and yet difference, their passion, how Rey has grown in her lightsaber fighting and fixing the end of The Force Awakens. Ren is fighting at full force capacity, he's not injured and he's not emotional.
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The way he is in love
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“He sent the thought directly into her mind: I know you. No one does, she shot back. But I do.” WHY WASN'T THIS IN THE MOVIE?!
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They fight until Rey is exhausted and when it looks like Kylo Ren might strike the killing blow, Leia reaches out through the force before she passes. In a fit of rage Rey stabs Kylo Ren, but snaps out of it when she feels Leia's passing. She begins to heal the wound she created.
How did she heal? Oh, you know those books she had in the beginning of the movie? Those book were the sacred Jedi text from Acht-to. She smuggled them onboard the falcon. So they never were actually set fire. Turns out Yoda that they actually were useful.
Rey showing him compassion, healing him, believing in him almost doggedly is so empowering for Ben Solo to return. His parents might be gone, but he still has someone to return home to. This movie has flawed writing but sometimes almost accidentally that land on something that works. The line where she admits she wanted to take his hand is a great line. It's declaration of love for Ben, not a rejection of Kylo Ren. It's her saying, "I didn't reject you. I wanted the best version of you"
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After the unconditional love offered by both parents and the selfless, sacrificial love offered by Rey...... Kylo Ren becomes Ben Solo again. We just don't see him for the next 20 minutes as Rey processes her identity crisis and then goes off to fight to Palpatine..... without a plan.
There's also something purely adolescent about Reylo. Even in TLJ, these two throw themselves into one another. Like Rey having a vision of their future together so she goes alone to an enemy ship based purely on belief in him. Now we have Ben Solo, in a moment of pure adolescent "I gotta get to my girl" just needs to be with her on exegol as she faces down Palpatine.
From Adam Driver, "and the thing that we started with for "Who is Ben, then? There's no ambiguity about what it is that he has to do. There's no more seesaw that's happening. For the first time, someone who has never had the answer now finally knows his purpose or destiny. But I don't know that he entirely is sure of what's going to happen from there, nor do I think he cares. I think it's so long as he is with her, he's on the right path. " Adam driver is a Reylo.
Ben solo is back and he's glorious. He's likeable, charismatic, he's funny and he shoots backwards like his dad. People appreciated Adam Driver in an all new way with these scenes. He doesn't say a word except "oh, but you know he's shifted from Kylo Ren to Ben Solo. His physical acting is so strong. The subtlety showed his talented and not many actors can say that.
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It such a beautiful moment when finally Ben Solo and Rey connect instead. In the novel and in the film especially so because she reaches for her connection to Ben right before she's going to kill Palpatine.
He acknowledged her and Rey’s lips parted in surprise. The connection was… right. Good. Like coming home. They wasted a precious moment reveling in this new sharing. This is how it should have been all along. A true dyad.
Rey lowered the lightsaber behind her back, as if readying for a massive blow. She reached for the Force. The effort made tears sting in her eyes. [...] She raised her hand ... which was now empty. She had projected her weapon away. [...] The moment Ben felt the grip of Luke’s lightsaber in his palm, he knew it belonged to him, an extension of his very own self. He raised it slowly, relishing the feel of it. ”
It's a beautiful moment where Rey and now Ben Solo have a redo of The Last Jedi. Rey looks at Ben with such love, joy and relief. Ben looks at Rey with such confidence, determination and love. It's the "Are you with me? "Yes, I'm with" Now with them both in blue light.
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Finally Ben Solo and Rey are united. These soulmates separate by so much over the course of two movies are finally as they were suppose to be. Palpatine and Skywalker standing together. What it should have been is act of love, redemption and hope defeating evil. It should have been Ben Solo confronting his demons with the woman he loves and fought to be with. It should have been is Rey belonging; a redeemed Ben was supposed to become her new home and/ fulfill her need for a family. It should have been a power couple fighting evil with the Force.
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But no. Somehow the two of them coming together empowered the devil. Their power like a source of life itself. Then Ben Solo is chucked off a cliff after draining their energy. Why? Ben Solo should have faced his grandfather's and father's enemy, or his clone. Palpatine confirms all the voices he's been hearing in his head has been Palpatine. He literally made irrelevant to something he is very relevant to.
They fail together, but she succeeds alone after the spirits of the Jedi aiding her?! I hate all this. Then she dies after her energy being drained, or she clutches the lightsaber too hard, I'm not sure it's not described. It's annoying. Ben drags himself up broken ribs and all to get to Rey. He crawls to her when he realizes she's passed. It's a horrible moment where you feel how alone Ben feels.
"He could see her now, collapsed on the floor, and the pain in his chest was suddenly so much worse than that of a couple broken ribs."
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Ben initially mourns her until he realizes there might be a chance to save. He heals her like she healed him. Oh also none of the films go into the fact that because of their bond they were able to learn the force, including fighting moves, from one another. "Ben poured everything into her. He found reservoirs he didn’t even know he had. He gave her his whole self"
Then Rey finally takes his hand! She's back! Ben is so relieve that she's there. In the novel, "She was glad to see him. Glad to be with him in this moment. It was the greatest gift she could have given him. His heart was full as Rey reached for his face, let her fingers linger against his cheek. And then, wonder of wonders, she leaned forward and kissed him."
Reylos! We finally get our kiss, they smile at one another, look they're so happy! Probably the happiest they've ever been. A celebration!
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Anddddddd he's gone. Seriously. Rey mourns him in the novel like we never see her do in the film. "The girl who had felt alone for all those years on Jakku had been part of a dyad the whole time. And just when she'd discovered that precious connection, that incredible oneness, it was ripped away. A voice came to her through the Force, clear and strong. I will always be with you, Ben said."
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It's tragic because there's so much to Ben Solo we just don't see as an audience after 3 films!!!!!! He doesn't have any lines.
This movie was edited until literally the week before the films release. The recall of the artbook, the last-minute editing, Adam Driver recording new dialogue in his closet..... I'm wondering if the original idea for TROS Reylo was, well, this. We know from the editor, they didn't know for sure if they wanted them to kiss until post-production. Much of the movie wasn't decided until post-production.
And then we get to the ending. Rey Skywalker. How are you not Rey Solo after the man you felt kinship with and the man you were in love with?! Like da fuq?!
Moving forward to this Rey 2025 movie. I'd like it to do well. I hope it does well. It probably won't unless Ben Solo returns. Reylo might be controversial (whatever) but it's currently one of the biggest draws this franchise has. Kylo Ren/Ben Solo is the most popular character out of the sequel trilogy. We deserve it and I'd pay to see it.
sigh the ending we should have gotten
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This post took me like 4 days
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raparopa · 1 year
Hello! May I request general hux with a resistance reader who saves him like he's all bleeding out and dieing but the reader comes along and scoops him up to patch him up for whatever reason maybe they know he's the spy or smth? Anyway have a good day and take care of yourself :)
a/n: I am very happy to write about star wars))) thanks for the request! Looking forward to more posts from you guys!
warnings: language (?), mention of blood and violence, reader's POV, I don't know what first order prison cells look like
pairing: Armitage Hux x fem!resistance!reader
hux! hux?
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All I found was blood running from my lip and dripping onto the floor of the cell the First Order put me in. In fact, there was nothing surprising in the fact that I was in captivity. When you fight for freedom, you prepare yourself for the fact that sooner or later you will have to give up your life or freedom for your goal.
They needed someone who has information, well, and in addition, someone who knows Rey and her plans (apparently for Kylo Ren's personal purposes, each time he can get it as he can).
I wiped the blood from my face with my palm and found scarlet spots on the skin. I've been in possession for so long that I've already lost track of time. But it was better than facing endless interrogations and forceful methods again. In order not to go crazy, I count the scratches on the seemingly safe walls of my cell and have almost reached a hundred ...
Out of my field of vision, hurried, ragged steps were heard, as if my unexpected guest doubted his actions. I was filled with curiosity, but I didn't move, only peering out of the corner of my eye at the metal that had replaced the wall that opened onto the corridor. But my brain suddenly flashed when something red flashed behind the wall. I turned my head too, extremely sharply when I realized who exactly disturbed my prison peace.
The First Order general stood in front of the door that led to the cell, his face haughty and his chin held high. My brows furrowed as soon as I saw him. He was alone, unguarded, and not even Phasma was around. The corridor was completely empty, only two sides of the same war face to face, separated this time only by an iron grid of bars.
Something was clearly wrong, and you didn't have to be Force sensitive to feel it.
-You,- he said harshly to me. -Come here immediately.
I raised my eyebrows, amazed at the turn of events.
-For what? -I said with a stupid smile. -To what? He grinned viciously, quickly turning his head to the sides, surveying the corridor.
-Get over here quickly, Y/L!- he hissed angrily through his teeth, inaudibly hitting the iron with his fist.
The smile immediately disappeared from my face, and I cautiously got up from the bunk, striding over the distance between them, cautiously pushing my shoulder forward, as if for an attack.
-Closer! You want the entire First Order to run? Stupid revolutionary...!
-Yes, I’m coming!”-I interrupted his angry tirade and slid closer to the grate, crossing my arms over my chest. -What owes such close attention to the general personally?
He rolled his eyes in annoyance at my outburst.
- What, the sadistic vein woke up? Came to take another session of torture? I said that I...
-I'm a spy.
I froze in mid-sentence, interrupted by his sharp, like a shot, statement, and my hands fell like those of a weak-willed rag doll.
-What?- I blurted out involuntarily.
-I'm a spy! How many more times do you have to say it before it gets to your rebel head? I am a spy for the First Order.
My face stretched and my stomach twisted into a tight tube as my mind frantically processed what it had just said and the full meaning finally dawned on me.
-It can not be...
-May be.
-But why?! How so?! - I had a hundred questions and a hundred words spinning on my tongue, but I managed to say only this, and that, with great difficulty. Hux chuckled, eyes flashing.
-I don't care who wins - the Resistance or the First Order, I want Kylo Ren to lose.
-Kriff…- I breathed. Armitage Hux was a fucking traitor, the one who sent data to the Resistance, helped us all along. It couldn't even be called a dream, more like a hallucination, a mirage that caused the hot sun if I was on Tatooine now.
-That changes everything... That's all...- I almost suffocated from everything that was happening. -Kriff...- I looked up at him, thinking that I would find at least a hint that he was lying, but at the mention of Kylo Ren, his face was contorted with such anger that there was no doubt left - he had just confessed to me that he was spying for the Resistance. -And now what? How can I use this information?
Hux lifted his chin again.
- I have data that will be useful to the Resistance. I will give them to you, and you will give them to your general.
-I don’t know if it’s noticeable or not,- I giggled nervously, leaning my shoulder against the cold wall. - But I'm still in the cell. I'm in prison. And a little shocked, but that doesn't matter. Now I wanted to laugh out loud, loud enough for the whole galaxy to hear. Kriff, Poe, and Finn will rip me to the bone if they find out!
Hux rolled his eyes in annoyance again.
- I'll help you leave so that you pay the least attention to yourself and make the least noise. As you usually do, children of Leia.
I thought.
-Why do you think I'll believe you, red-headed bastard?- I said low and softly, staring fixedly at his painfully pale face. He curled his lips arrogantly.
-Don't think. You have no other choice, rebel scum. Well, do you just rot here.
x x x
Surprisingly, this red-haired trickster kept his word and pulled me out of the cell. True, of course, damn it, it didn’t work out without noise, and we drew attention to ourselves. Both. And now Hux was called not a spy, but a traitor and a deserter.
I picked up the stunned stormtrooper's new blaster as I fired at the others around the corner. There was nothing left before the cherished ship, here they are, the cherished couple of meters to my freedom, a little more, and I will again be able to breathe deeply.
I pulled the trigger on the blaster again, glare flickered down the hallway. I saw that somewhere, among the stormtroopers, Hux was flickering - he was darting about in a black-orange spot against the background of light armor and it was hard not to notice him, but he worried me the least while I was fighting for my life again. My eyes were covered with a scarlet veil of excitement and hatred, while the blaster in my hands heated up, and the soldiers remained less and less. Somewhere I heard a loud exclamation, and a strange, dull thud, but I did not pay attention, jumping out from around the corner and removing the rest of the obstacles from the horizon, making my way to the ships.
I looked at every centimeter I passed—quickly, but quickly, adrenaline filled my limbs with unprecedented lightness, blood pounded in my ears, and then my eyes opened and closed several times.
-what, you got shot?- I asked for some reason, as if it was not obvious from Hux, who was pinned to the wall, and a pool of blood near him.
He didn't answer, just looking at me in fear.
-Kriff…- I muttered, shoving the Imperial blaster into my belt. -Where to?-Where is the injury?
He shook his head and I saw how his uniform was smoking in the area of ​​the left shoulder.
-Well, how is it ... - for some reason, I escaped with regret. -Give me a hand. I extended my hand to him.
-Go away,- he fished out a block with information from his pocket with great difficulty and jabbed it at my shoulder.
This made me angry. For some reason I wanted to help him stay alive, he would have died anyway, if I had left him here, he would either bleed out or be shot before I got to the base.
Why am I thinking about this?
I'm sure it's only because he pulled me out of the cell.
Only because of this.
I'm sure.
- And he said that I was a fool, - with an unprecedented force for myself, I grabbed his collar of a black uniform and pulled it towards me, putting the already former general on his feet. Hux immediately hunched over, almost collapsing. -Give at least a modicum of effort so I can help!- I barked at him.
He gave me a wild look, but complied, wrapping his good arm around me like a lifeline.
-You would have been killed here anyway, but at least there is a small chance that you will live longer ...- I muttered to myself under my breath, dragging him along with me. - I'm sure Leia will be very ... glad ...
-She'll kill me.- He protested weakly.
-She won’t kill you,- I drawled. -Other guys are doing this in the Resistance. Moreover, we value guys like you, well, who know a lot about the rear of the enemy. - The power slowly began to leave me, but there was not much left. -Besides, from our base it is much more interesting to watch the defeat of Kylo Ren than dangerously close to him.
Hux mumbled something incomprehensibly, hobbling, trying to echo my heavy steps. Probably agreed. How strange.
x x x
The troughs of the First Order weren't as disgusting as I had previously thought. The general collapsed on another seat, sighing as if he was about to split into two. The ship jumped into hyperspace and I jumped out of my pilot's seat, grabbing my first aid kit.
-Come on, taking off your tunic.-I ordered, and Hux immediately stopped dragging out his extreme drama, again looking at me in fear.
-You look like I haven’t seen naked men.- I grunted, sitting on the floor. -Come on, come on, I’ll treat you, General Hux.
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artbyblastweave · 2 months
Who was your favorite character in the sequel trilogy?
Finn and Kylo Ren are tied, at least in the first movie- Finn in terms of how radical a departure he was from previous protagonists within the mainline movies, Kylo Ren for serving as interesting metacommentary on Darth Vader and the difficulty of one-upping him with a new antagonist. Finn ultimately wins out, though, because his novel arc (traumatized child soldier who despite his good intentions also wants to get the hell away from the main plot for basically understandable reasons, before ultimately deciding to stop running and make a stand for the sake of his newfound friends) was carried through basically to a functional completion within Episode 7. Whereas Kylo Ren presented some interesting ideas but ended episode 7 without a good position from which to follow through on any of them, and it was all downhill from there.
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morethansky · 3 months
• Me, seconds before I could hear millions of thirsty voices crying out: Oh my god is a nymph-bathing thing about to happen, is he legitimately about to strip
• Sadly, unlike Osha, I am immune to the Stranger's practically full frontal, but the reveal of his little tied-back hair bits at the same time had me screaming into a pillow, so we all win.
• So the island was definitely meant to evoke Ahch-To, right? This was a very The Last Jedi episode (it even had the same mismatched pacing for the three storylines lmao), and the Kylo Ren theme was the most prominent it's been in the end credits. I think the theories about Qimir being a progenitor of the Ren are spot on. I like this quite a bit; it would be smart to build off of High Republic stuff while cementing Resistance-era lore. This would line up with the Bad Batch building off of the Clone Wars stuff while cementing Resistance-era lore. I also personally find it a bit boring that Bane's lineage is laid out all neatly and am particularly interested in darksiders being outside of it. And it would mean the show is drawing even more from the books and comics, which I'm always in favor of. And fun fact, my second-ever SW fic was based on the Rise of Kylo Ren comics!
• But ALSO, given that they clearly showed the cortosis vein, it also evokes Bal'demnic, the planet where Plagueis kills Tenebrous omg??? Not to be an annoying fanboy, but I adore the Darth Plagueis novel and we're apparently supposed to see two additional Sith Lords before the season ends somehow??? And in the novel, Tenebrous secretly trains multiple apprentices. I could totally see the season ending with Qimir suffering a vague fate and an extremely brief Tenebrous appearance that leaves the door open for a season 2 big bad. That David Harewood casting rumor is too delicious to be fake!
• On that note, since episode 2, I haven't been able to stop thinking about how when we're introduced to Qimir, he's sleeping, and he's awoken by Mae, who is now confirmed to have been his apprentice. Which is notably how Palpatine kills Plagueis. It just feels so much like a neat little allusion to me.
• Did this episode not have such Mend This Old Wound vibes?? Waking up in your enemy's lair, finding out your wounds were tended to by him, realizing he really wants to convert you, discovering he doesn't find you a threat, being surprised by his vulnerability, being surprised by what of his past and his inner self he's willing to divulge. Tbh I hadn't even realized how tropey those elements were until I watched this lmao.
• Sadly, despite my lifelong love for enemies-to-lovers stories, I don't vibe with a lot of M/F ships, bad boy/good girl ones especially. I'm happy for the Oshmir shippers, though, and at least it's happening in a story created by a queer woman, so hopefully it'll be done tastefully. Hmm... Perhaps if I genderbent Qimir I could get behind writing something, and then the seduction to the dark side would be strengthened by the queer metaphor...
• BUT ALSO YOOO OSHA/JECKI CONFIRMED???? And after Dafne Keen confirmed that she played Jecki as having a crush on Osha?? Y'all, Osha was TOTALLY floating the idea of asking Jecki out on a date with that whole "the next time I'm on Coruscant" thing, oh my goddd. The gays continue to be buried, but at least they exist, and I guess at least everyone else is buried, too?
• I love that we got a quiet moment of Sol grieving because finally there was nobody watching and he couldn't hold it together any longer. This is what I was begging for the entire run of the Bad Batch. Wonderfully acted, too. Lee Jung-Jae's expression work is so good, and I love the long, lingering shot and how you see the tears well up gradually.
• I love when actors have to act as characters acting, and Amandla Stenberg was already acting as two different characters that they had to keep distinct from each other, but in this episode, they had to act as one of their characters acting as the other character lmao. Incredible.
• Halfway through this episode I was like, why does it feel like we're getting blueballed for information omfg. We're definitely getting the second Brendok flashback episode next week, and obviously they had to keep it at the forefront of the viewers' minds without giving it away, but I feel like structurally they could've lined this up in a different way that didn't just reveal nothing in order to kick the can down the road lol. I guess this is a pretty classic issue in mysteries.
• I've been deeply confused as to why there's been so much Jedi-good/Jedi-bad discourse lately, but I don't see them as firmly in either court and that to me feels like the entire point of the part they play in the story?? Which is why I always love seeing the tension in the Jedi-Senate relationship and the way the political machinations play out, especially when Palpatine's not involved (at least overtly).
So I really liked Vernestra's conversation with the senator and the line about the Jedi always being transparent so an audit shouldn't be an issue and how the show clearly illustrates that that's not remotely true. Which is also really interesting because we have Sol doing a cover-up, possibly him and the other three Jedi who were Brendok doing a different cover-up, and also Vernestra, who doesn't know about what happened on Brendok or what Sol is hiding, clearly looking uncomfortable at the suggestion that the Jedi are transparent, pointing to other things they (or she specifically) haven't been disclosing.
I'm a sucker for political corruption in stories and when well-meaning people's hands are tied, so I'm eating it up. And of course I love how they're setting up the Jedi's fall from grace and building out context for why and how they would walk into Palpatine's trap.
• Qimir talking about being a Jedi a very long time ago is very intriguing. Upon seeing his scar, my first thought was Force lightning and that he was talking about being abandoned by a Sith master. But with Vernestra's whip making an appearance that doesn't add anything to the story otherwise, the show is clearly presenting it as the cause of the scar?? Which is VERY interesting.
• Mog's suggestion that Sol killed all the Jedi made my jaw drop because why would they even speak this outrageous idea into existence if it doesn't have truth to it in some way??? Like oh shit, that's REALLY fun. Has Sol killed Jedi before? Would he? Are the other Jedi wary of him? Do they feel the same way about the other three Jedi who were on Brendok? Mog specifically notes that Sol is very powerful. We already saw this with him going up against Qimir and surviving, so why this line?
• Sol was already my favorite character from the start just with how warm he was and how full of regret and how much he clearly loved Osha even though he wasn't supposed to, and every episode has drawn the darkness simmering within him closer to the surface, which brings him even closer to the kind of character I'm particularly fond of, so I'm very, very interested in where the show takes him. I don’t know if they could really swing Sith Master Sol, but Lee Jung-Jae sure as hell could act it.
• Can I just say, the writing for this show is definitely wobbly, but I at least appreciate that showrunner Leslye Headland has a refreshing understanding of story mechanics, even if she might love foils a little too much (and this is coming from a total foil whore). What she said about a good plot twist being built up so that the viewer realizes what's about to happen just before it's fulfilled instead of coming out of nowhere and being a total shock literally made me pump my fist because I've been complaining about the internet's poor understanding of this concept for literal years!! And the way she talked about how when you watch Jecki die, you want her to move out of the way so you can see the Stranger's face, and how in thinking that you've betrayed her and in a way become complicit in her death, is SO good.
• It's too bad all live-action Star Wars ever is doomed to have mediocre dialogue. But at least these things make me feel fairly confident in having high hopes for the Brendok reveal. And regardless of what happens, I am so excited to see goddess Mother Aniseya again next episode, omg omg!!!
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calummss · 1 year
Kylo Ren Blurb: A Little Twirl, Sweetheart
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summary: kylo wants to see the clothes you bought
pairing: fem! reader x kylo ren
words: 600
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“I’m back.” You called into the hallway as you struggled to close the door, multiple bags hindering you from turning around, forcing you to close the door with your butt.
You slipped out of your black Mary Jane heels and quickly tiptoed towards the kitchen table to relieve your arms of the weight you were carrying. Turning around you saw Kylo sitting on the sofa, a nice cut suit hanging off his frame.
“Where have you been?” He asked, his arms stretching over Chesterfield's sofa back, an old-fashioned glass in his right hand. The amber colour of bourbon waiting to warm his throat.
You made your way to him, bracing yourself on his knee as you climbed up to his face, kissing him. “Shopping.” You smiled.
“Alone?” He caught your lips again, the faint taste of alcohol seeping into your mouth.
You kissed him back once more before lowering yourself on his knees, your arm starting to throb.
“No, I was with Arienne for a while but I had a lot to get through my list so I only really spent the last hour alone. Well, besides Hux who is always there for me. Bodyguard and all…”
Kylo’s eyes attentively sat on your figure as you talked about your shopping.
“Show me what you bought.”
“Like a little fashion show?”
His index finger curled under your Vivienne Westwood choker pearl necklace, pulling you towards his face. “Just like a little fashion show, sweetheart.”
You felt him on your lips again, your hand resting close to his cock, innocently rubbing your thumb against the rough fabric.
“Not only does it make me incredibly horny to see you swoon over me but the fact you get turned on by it gets me very wet,” your other hand gently holding his jaw.
“I like seeing you dressed up,”
“I bet you do,” you leaned away from him, your fingertips not-so-accidentally grazing his cock as you sat up from his knee and walked over to get your bags before disappearing inside the bathroom to change.
You put on the first outfit: a two piece set from the Chanel spring collection from 1995. A blue cropped double breasted coat with a black skirt and gold chain.
Opening the door you strut towards Kylo, your outfit fitting like a second skin.
“It’s Chanel,” you said, admiring the sleeves with a grin. “1995 spring collection.”
Kylo still sat on the sofa, his glass of bourbon placed on the side table. He was still leaning into the back of the sofa, his legs open. His eyes scanned you head to toe.
“What do you think?” You turned to give a full view of the outfit.
“The colour suits you and the skirt makes your legs look good. I like it.”
Walking back into the bathroom you changed into a black Chanel dress. A 1992 Haute Couture Spring/Summer show, a rare item you managed to buy. It felt like wearing a winning lottery ticket.
You walked out again, this time with a set of black heels you had also bought, the sound bouncing off the walls.
Kylo leaned forward, bracing himself on his knees as his eyes darkened.
“Can you do a little twirl for me, sweetheart?”
You turned, giving him a full view of the dress.
“This is my favourite piece I have ever bought.”
“I agree.”
“So you like it?”
“Love it.” He stood up, coming closer. His arms wrapping around your waist. “Keep it on.”
“As you wish,’ you combed through the back of his hair, your lips inching closer. “Sir.”
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rynwritesstuff · 1 year
Willow - Part II
Pirate!Kylo Ren x Reader
Warnings: NSFW, PIV sex, cumming outside
Word Count: 680
Summary: Captain Ren takes you in his quarters. (Read part one here.)
Author’s Note: This is just a reminder that my requests ARE open for pretty much any of Adam’s characters! If you have any ideas, thoughts, or requests, feel free to send them my way :) Also, I am thinking of making a new taglist for my writing, so if you’d like to be tagged in my writing, let me know, and I’ll be sure to make that happen! - Ryn
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(Edit is not mine, credit to @kyloremus​ !)
“Life was a willow, and it bent right to your wind. Head on the pillow, I can feel you sneaking in as if you were a mythical thing – like you were a trophy or a champion ring – but there was one prize I'd cheat to win.” - Willow, Taylor Swift
He grabs your hand and tugs you down to his quarters eagerly, incredibly ready to have you again after a few days of keeping his hands to himself. He closes the door behind you, and you get on his bed, already hurrying to pull up your skirts. 
You look him up and down wordlessly, desperately.
His body is carved from marble, and despite the scars that litter his pale skin, you find him to be the most attractive man you’ve ever laid eyes on. Captain Ren’s large hands work at his trousers to pull his cock free, and you spread your legs as his dripping, red, erect cock is revealed. You don’t think you’ll ever stop wanting him. This feeling? This longing? It is forever. 
The Captain steps forward, cock in hand, and leans over you. He is a man of very few words, always quiet, but he is thoughtful and intentional when he does speak. 
You reach up to touch his cheek, caressing the scar that runs from above his right eyebrow down to his chest. You smile up at him, appreciating the shaky sighs he’s letting out as he thrusts into you. 
“O-Oh, Kylo . . .” you breathe, hand moving up to grip his hair. He lets you. He’d let you do anything at this point in time. 
“Fuck,” the Captain curses, immediately starting to roll his hips. He’s not going to last long today. Some days it takes him closer to fifteen minutes to actually orgasm, but if he hasn’t had you in a while, he climaxes easier. You don’t really mind either way, as long as you get to have him. 
What a beautiful thing it is to be united with someone in this way. 
“You’re s-so handsome,” you tell him as he fucks you harshly, his hips rocking back and forth as he chases his climax. 
Kylo grunts, and that is the end of the verbal exchange.
Your body bounces furiously, so furiously, in fact, that you wonder if the two of you are affecting the ship’s rocking. You groan, eyes rolling back as he continuously hits that sweet spot deep inside of you. Kylo grips your wrists and pins you down so that you can’t tug and pull at his hair, and you lean up to kiss him. 
His lips work against yours, giving you exactly what you want. Kylo moans softly, and you feel his cock begin to twitch inside of you, and you know that he’s going to pull out soon. “Fuck, s-so good . . . So good, Captain.”
His eyes are shut and his plush lips are parted. It’s the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen. You wonder, sometimes, how this could be wrong. How could God make someone as marvelous, as handsome as Captain Ren, and expect you not to desire him in this way? How could God craft such an excellent man and then ask you not to touch or fuck him? 
It just doesn’t seem fair. 
Kylo pulls out suddenly with a loud grunt, and begins to touch himself so that he can–
“Fuck!” Kylo exclaims, his seed spilling on your stomach just as you expected it would. “Mm . . .”
You cup his cheek and pull him down to kiss him again. 
“My love,” you sigh. “So wonderful.” 
Kylo kisses you again, and again, and again. He kisses you until you can no longer tell where his lips end and yours begin, and you absolutely love it. You smile up at him as you tuck a piece of hair behind his ear. 
“Shall we finish watching the sunset, Captain?” you ask as he finally tucks his cock away, adjusts his trousers, and grabs a cloth for you to wipe yourself off. 
Kylo glances at you, a small smile on his face. 
“I would like that.” 
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presbierue · 20 days
Sometimes I wish Star Wars had gone in a more cultish direction with the First Order because I think having a friendship (an unhealthy, dysfunctional and toxic one) between the First Order triumvirate would have been kinda cute in an off putting way but also a good source of angst and I love angst. Like, cults prey upon those who lack connection and are looking for a sense of purpose, and I think that would have played into the big connection themes in Star Wars.
Like, little Ben Solo looking for belonging, feeling lost and like he cannot possibly measure up to his family legacies and he meets two young people equally driven to live up to Imperial Legacies. Phasma is a common First Order child soldier who fascinated by Boba Fett who did whatever it took to win. She wants to be the best fighter, to be noticed and seen by others, and will do anything for it. She is already well on her way at a young age. Little Armitage Hux has a mild god complex, believing (knowing) that he could make an unbeatable Death Star, that he can fix the weaknesses of his family legacy (less of an unwanted child in this version, more of a single survivor of his bloodline deal) and restore his family name to greatness. He misses his family dearly and resents the hell out of the New Republic quietly though (would probably prefer his actual family back than greatness but lacks EQ to realize this).
Snoke offers Ben everything he wants: like minded peers and a chance to be as great as his family. That would be hard for a teen to turn down, especially as Snoke would be hiddibg the fine print of this deal.
Hux, Phasma and Ben would likely exist for long periods of time with minimal conflict between them as they aren’t direct competitors. Hux does a lot of the planning and scheming, Phasma runs the pragmatic and social game, and Kylo leads the spiritual and visionary role of the group. Yeah they probably quibble over what they specifically want and need for their own power and plans, but it would probably be low grade jabs that teens usually trade in. More “your stormtroopers are well trained in treason” than force choking and blaster fire. Cooperation would be the best way to increase their power and influence.
I feel like having both the good and bad guys have the whole “power of friendship” on their side would have been an interesting dynamic when contrasting them. Rey and Hux both want their families back but can’t have it so they cling to their friends, Finn and Phasma are ultimately just trying to survive in abysmal conditions (one goes high visibility violent to deter others from attacking her where Finn goes avoidant, only fighting long enough to flee), and Kylo and Poe are trying to reconcile their family legacies with their own personalities and abilities. The difference is that the First Order triumvirate is a much older and well defined connection that is adjusting to new changes and pressures; Hux won by the start of TFA he built an even better Death Star (I think having it blow up in the First movie was ultimately the wrong move it would have been more threatening if it hung in for all three movies to emphasize that the First Order isn’t messing around) and that puts pressure on Phasma and Kylo, who are still not at Legendary Boba Fett/Vader levels. Like, your friend rising to the top of the heap before 40 when you’re still trying to reach previous levels would sting. On the other hand, Hux might genuinely resent Kylo for killing Han, because Hux feels his victory is empty without his parents and siblings around to see it. Phasma and Kylo are probably too self conscious and jealous after Starkiller success to actually acknowledge that Hux did the thing until like movie 3 when there might be some emotional resolution for that group, so Hux is probably just sitting with a hollow victory all movie 2 and is now just fully depressed as the one thing he thought would make him happy didn’t. This could be resolved by end of movie 3 or blow up in their faces when their relationship can’t hack the pressures anymore.
Flip that to the tensions you could do with Rey, Finn and Poe. Poe feels like his mother and other rebellion sacrifices were for nothing since the First Order took over in like a week, so he feels like a failure which results in him taking bigger and bigger risks, threatening his own life. This freaks out Rey who is PETRIFIED of losing the people she cares about again, and Finn goes to an avoidant attachment style where he starts trying to not care about either of them and does a Han Solo Hoth exit (he comes back again quickly but it freaks Rey out even more so she’s not ending the middle movie in a good place). I think the end moral ends up being something like “Avoiding one kind of pain leads to another, be open about what you’re going through so people can help because you’re never completely alone” kinda thing. Maybe you can’t be the perfect Jedi who avoids fear entirely, but fear is a gift that tells you what you care about and you can work with that. The First Order Triumvirates cardinal sin is that they’re pursing outdated markers of success and security that they think will protect them and the people they care about, but it worsens their relationships and self worth instead.
IDK man this feels like an AU that I could develop into a full rework of the sequels but it is half baked at best. I just think it would be fun to Rey and Finn screeching at Luke to give them combat training while the whole time Luke is just bouncing Grogu and other Jedi younglings around and asking them “So do you feel like you can really trust each other, or do you trust that the other is useful in filling a gap in your own life?”. Just relationship counselling the shit out of everyone. Like, recontextualize the whole “can you control the darkness in yourself” Yoda question as “can you build a support network strong enough to support you and your loved ones when you feel the darkness”. Because while Leia, Han and Luke all tried that, they built networks that only worked for them, not the people they loved, which resulted in isolation and deterioration of their relationships over time (Leia rebuilt Alderaan, Han built a semi legal shipping company and Luke built his Jedi school, but none of those things had room for the people they loved).
Edit: also, it adds a degree of Kylo having to think it through at the end where he either has to actively destroy Phasma and Hux, the people he is closest to or back down. He has to actively do all the things that made Vader as miserable as he was (lose a parent, kill the one he loves most, betray his mentor/father figure) to HIMSELF. And that’s an interesting question: is this character actually resilient enough to go through what Vader did? Can you do it completely alone, with the knowledge that no one else could do this to you but you? When does self hatred become that destructive?
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ncarnesir · 5 months
Stop Hating. Start Loving.
I've been spamming (a bit a lot) about that tumblr poll recently (hottest sw man) trying to get support for the guys I root for, because we all want our favorite to win obviously. And everyone does the same it's fair game of course.
However the sad part is that many people don't only advocate for their favorite. They also include a little tag or comment to dis one specific other character and the people supporting him: Kylo Ren. (alright 2, since Hux also got a bit of hate in earlier rounds, but mostly Kylo).
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No real actual person should get hate for supporting some fictional character. No actual person should be told their tastes are wrong since it's something completely subjective. And really no fictional character should get hate either... it's just a fictional character...
Chill people. Stop hating on others. Focus on the things you love instead. Everyone will feel better about it. You included.
"Fear is the path to the dark side... fear leads to anger... anger leads to hate... hate leads to suffering."
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bobattef · 1 year
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“Me? But I’ve not long come back from Mission Control, I’ve barely been signed off 2minutes!”
You plead at your commander but he has no time for your excuses.
“You have been called up personally for this, what else can I say?”
For a start, you can explain what this mission is exactly.
You think to yourself, not out loud of course. You know not to answer back your commander.
Instead, you grab your helmet, not even having time to clean it, you trudge down the corridor to General Hux’s quarters.
You were looking forward to a bit of time off after the last mission, yes it was successful but it was tiring one.
You sigh out loud as you round the corner of the halls, your boots almost dragging across the grid floor.
You’re met with 3 other personnel there. 1 other pilot and 2 storm troopers.
You think to yourself, you’ve never gotten along with any stormer trooper before. It was like theres some sort of built in competition between you, a TIE pilot and the troopers, but you both serve the First Order so have to put your differences aside. Especially on missions.
And ones that only needed 4 of you to complete.
Two of them are in a low humming of a convo as you nod towards your fellow pilot,
you note their ID number on their badge. 
I don’t think we’ve flown together.
You try to remember previous missions or training exercises but your thoughts are cut off as the door you’re gathered outside of, hisses open and you almost step back in fright at seeing him.
The supreme leader. 
Kylo Ren.
You’ve never interacted with him before, just caught glimpses of him from a far. 
His presence is always felt, no matter the distance between you both.
He towers over you, despite you wearing your combat boots which usually give you a little aid in height but he’s so tall, broad shoulders too. 
No wonder there’s a silence that falls over you all stood there waiting. 
He tilts his head to the side, looking you up and down, as if he has a built in scanner inside the mask.
Not saying a word, you look up at where his lenses are, hoping he doesn’t take the full eye contact you’re giving him as disrespectful or anything. 
“Hmm” he almost scoffs as he walks away, the sound of his heavy boots almost matching the sound of your heart beating inside your ears.
What was that about?? You try not to show the others your feelings through your facial expressions and are glad when you hear General Hux calling out for you all to enter the quarters.
“Take a seat” he continues as he powers up the holoprojecter.
You choose to sit right next to your fellow pilot as the two troopers sit on the opposite side.
Already the competition has started. 
You spend the next 20 mins or so listening to the General’s explanation about what he wants from you.
It’s a simple rescue mission.
Hence the low number of team members.
It’ll be a stealth one also.
Which is why he asked for you and DS-62 personally.
Both of you have a 100% win form on your pilots license.
“If this is a simple fly in, pick-up rescue, then why do we have two storm troopers here?” DS-62 asks the question that was on your mind too.
“It’s stealth, but not easy” Hux smiles but there’s no humour behind it at all.
“Think of them as a ‘back up’ for just in case” he uses his fingers in the air to quote the back up.
“Just two interceptors?” you pipe up. 
“Correct” Hux replies.
“And where are we expected to fit the accompanying troopers on board each one?” You enquire, the General goes to speak but the door behind you all hisses open again.
“There’ll be in my ship” a voice bellows out.
Even behind his mask, using a modulator, Kylo Ren’s voice almost vibrates through him.
Your eyes don’t leave him as your fellow pilot turns back to the general “and to which planet are we flying to for this rescue mission?”
“Hosnian Prime” Kylo and Hux both answer in sync as your heart drops at the name.
Your home planet…
Your hands are shaking slightly as you start to power up your interceptor.
Just focus on the mission.
You tell yourself. 
No-one, nothing, else.
You get the go ahead by your ground hog, he waves you out of the base onboard StarKiller and as you pull away, you glance at your rear cameras, always taken aback at the sheer size of the thing!
Much different to the tiny cock pit you’re sat up in snugly right now.
After punching in the coordinates, you set off to the Hosnian system.
You haven’t returned since you were taken or ‘saved’ is how the first order tell others.
You were only 16 but already your life hit a rut being on the planet Hosnian Prime. 
The first order had its cons for sure but still, you wouldn’t have seen even a smidgen of the many planets you’ve traveled to since joining them.
Your memories flashing through your mind takes up the time it spent to get there and as you’re flying through the atmosphere, you see Kylo’s Command Shuttle fly next to you.
“Stay close” his voice sounding so monotone over the coms piece.
He chooses to land just outside the main hustle and bustle of the city.
This place hasn’t changed in the slightness in the short time you’ve been away.
“We’ll go in by foot” he says once you’ve powered down the ships.
You don’t like the sound of this.
You’re a pilot, flying is what you do.
You’re not a ground trooper.
You look at the storm troopers that have pulled their blasters out their holsters now, and you hope they give even an ounce of care for you.
Simple rescue mission my ass.
You curse internally as you’re crouched down in between two land speeders that have been taking the brunt of the blaster fire coming your way.
The troopers didn’t last 5 mins, they really just are hired for cannon fodder these days.
You don’t even know if DS-62 is ok,  he got hit and fell somewhere behind the main doors you had managed to get though to find this so-called person in need of rescuing.
Kylo was up ahead, you were hoping it was due to him that you heard others screaming in pain.
You heard the buzz of his lightsaber a few times so it must be him!
I bet he doesn’t even know you’re not dead like the others.
You look around, trying to find a way out of the many blaster bullets flying past you. 
It’ll be fitting to die on the soils that you were birthed on.
You think to yourself but quicky realise the blaster bullets have stopped.
You don’t want to peer up from your little shelter you’ve been crouched under.
It could be a trap but as you start to count down from 20, getting ready to peep a glance, the land speeder, which now riddled with blaster scorches, gets pushed out the way, revealing your hiding place.
“Who’s this?” 
You force yourself to look up at the voice and see an old-ish man looking down on you.
“I’m, er, my name is” you start to stutter as you are convinced these will be your last words but a familiar voice shouts out from behind the mystery man.
“She’s with us, now let’s move!” 
It was Kylo, holding up the man, as he was clearly injured.
You make your way through the city streets. 
“It’s too risky to go to the ships now, we must lose them first” Kylo tells you as you round another sharp corner and down another dark alleyway.
“We need somewhere to lay low. And to fix you up” Kylo says to the man.
Wait…you know where you are.
“Follow me” 
You tell them both as you sense both their uncertainty.
Miraculously, you had ran into your old ends of the neighbourhood. 
“Here” you were whispering now as you click the door open, remembering the code after all this time.
Kylo sat the man down on what looked like an old cabin bed as the dust that had settled there erupted under its disturbance.
He looked around at any openings or windows that you would be caught through but there were none.
Instead he quickly worked out this was a lower grade apartment in the rougher areas of Prime.
What you would call ‘home’.
It had been a long while, but the electricity buzzed alive when you switched the main circuit on.
You tried the tap attached to the small sink but air came out instead.
“Dank Ferrick!” you let out a frustrated sigh “no running water I’m afraid, the tank must of seized up after all this time”
“This is your home?” Kylo asks you, walking towards you.
You’re quickly reminded about the sheer size of him.
“Er, was” you clear your throat “before I joined the first order” 
He doesn’t say anything to you. 
Just keeps his helmet bearing down on yours.
“How long we staying here?” the man asks, looking around at the sad looking decor.
“Do you have a medi-kit?” Kylo asks you but you’re already walking over to the chest you had left here.
Rummaging around you find an old box of medi supplies.
“The bacta shot might be a bit iffy but I have bandages” you tell your supreme leader as you see to the injured man. 
Basic first aid training was always given to those serving in the first order.
And you do your best with what supplies you had to fix up the man’s blaster scold he has on his hip.
“You’re lucky it didn’t penetrate the skin” you tell them both as you walk over to the sink, dumping the used supplies into it.
“Think you can move out yet?” Kylo asks him but the man has started to shut his eyes whilst laying on your old bed.
“Perhaps a little rest will help the pain settle?” you say out loud, feeling the day catching up with you also.
“2 hours. Tops!” Kylo replies to you as he stalks over the corner of the room, leaning against a few of the crates stacked there.
You don’t realise that his eyes are focused on you as you click the release button on your helmet.
It hisses as you lift it above your head, you sighing in sync with it.
You did like your pilots bucket but it’s been about 4 hours since you put it on last, that’s a bit too long for you.
Shaking your hair out of the shape it had stuck to underneath you wish that tap had just a little bit of water inside it still.
Kylo’s eyes are still on you as you sink down on the pile of old clothes and bits, you’re so tired this feels like the softest bedding you’ve ever laid upon.
You go to kickoff your boots but think better of it, that might be too much.
You look over at where Kylo was perched up with the crates. You can’t work out exactly, as the lights are so dim in here, but you’re sure he his staring right back at you.
“You ok?” you ask him quietly, trying not to wake the man.
But he doesn’t say a word.
“Are you injured??” you ask him, suddenly sounding so caring.
“No” he breaths out through his modulator.
“You?” he asks back, after a long pause.
“No…surprisingly” you scoff at your luck.
“Wasn’t exactly prepped for an ambush” you don’t mean to sound so cold but you most definitely needed more than the small number of personnel you were given on this mission.
“Nor did I” Kylo answers back, softly. Like he has an ounce of compassion behind that mask of his. 
“I hope he’s worth this” you call out to the dark, whilst looking to where the man was snoozing on your old bed.
“He is” is all Kylo says back, you hear his footsteps move closer to where you’re laid on the ground.
You go to ask if he wants a few bits of clothing to make up a bed but before you can open your mouth you feel the weight of him shift as he sits down on the same pile you’re on.
You stare up at the low ceiling as your mind starts wondering.
It suddenly becomes very hot inside your old apartment, which is ironic as it’s always been on the cold side before.
You hear his breathing change slightly under his mask.
You’re touching armour to armour as this make shift bed isn’t quite big enough for two people, especially one of Kylo’s size.
“Everything ok officer?” His voice sounding a lot more raspy than usual.
You’re not sure if he can see you in the darkness but you nod your head anyways.
You feel him move again as this time he faces you.
You see the lines in his mask lighting up crimson red from where it was damaged previously.
You never knew how and quite frankly, didn’t have the courage to ask which is why you shocked yourself when you did say what you said to him out loud.
“How’d you get these?” your voice barley a whisper.
“Hmm?” He replies. 
Is he falling asleep? 
You bring your hand up to his helmet.  
Lightly guiding your hand over the patched up crack it clearly took in the past and you’re sure you hear Kylo stop breathing for a second.
You almost gasp out as you feel a gloved hand grab your wrist, pulling you away from your touch.
“I’m…im sorry” you gulp.
What were you thinking, you can’t touch the supreme leader like this?!
You hear a click of his tongue behind his mask.
“Rest if you intend on resting” is all he answers he places your hand back down by your side.
You do what you’re told as your worries about going too far with him disappear behind your eyelids.
Sunrise is still a few hours away.
Kylo was adamant that 2 hours was enough but it had been more like 4 hours.
You had both definitely dozed off.
You work your way back out the outer circles of the city and the familiar shape of your interceptor comes into view.
“My ship!” Kylo shouts as you turn back to look at yours. 
It’s the first thing he’s said to you since your little hiccup back at your old apartment.
Climbing up the ramp into his, you feel a pang of sadness.
Yes interceptors were almost all the same but you had flown that particular one on your last 4 missions and had the set up down to a tee.
The man, walking with out aid now, joins you both inside the shuttle.
You’ve never set foot inside this ship.
You’ve never really wanted to.
But if Kylo orders you to do something, you do it.
You feel the pull in the pit of your stomach as the shuttle pulls away from your home planet and into the darkness of the night sky.
After being so annoyed with your helmet before, you’re glad for it now, as it’s great at hiding the way you’re chewing on your lip with worry. 
You overstepped your mark last night, will there be any consequences?
It doesn’t seem to take long to reach the Starkiller base once again.
You’re met with General Hux and a few other troopers when you step off the command shuttle.
“Congratulations pilot” your commander stretching out a hand to shake yours.
“You made it back, unscathed too” 
“Yeah..thanks sir” you don’t mean to answer so nonchalantly but you’re still a bit pissed that you were sent in blind.
Kylo doesn’t even glance towards you as he follows the medic officers with the man you had both rescued.
But you don’t care.
You have returned back to base and a hot steamy shower is calling you.
Why can’t you sleep?
It’s been a long ass couple of days.
Back to back missions, with the last ones events still replaying in your head.
I can’t believe you caressed the supreme leaders face!
You get up from your bed in annoyance with yourself. 
It’s 4:05am.
Not far off 6am, the time your alarm would be going off, so what’s the point of a few extra hours of being awake.
You get dressed into your slacks, hoping you get a few days off round base to chill out.
Walking around the corridors of Starkiller at this time is so eerie.
You see 2 other troopers on your travels, night shifters.
They watch as you walk past, staring through their bug looking helmets as you just trudge along, with no purpose.
You have no idea where you’re walking to, maybe just up another level and round again and then you’ll head back to your quarters.
Just as you press the button for the elevator up, the door slid open and you see Kylo ready to step out, without his helmet on.
You take a few moments to take in his features, you’ve never seen him without his helmet on.
His hair is dark, almost falling over his eyes as he leans his head down towards you.
His face sporting a scar down the right side, almost mimicking the crack on his helmet, you note.
But it doesn’t make him any less handsome.
His eyes are on you also, they drop the entire length of your body and then back up to your gaze that’s still set on him.
You don’t say a word.
The elevator dings shut and carries on its journey, without you in it.
“Condolences on losing DS-62” he starts to say, breaking the silence that had fallen across the floor.
“Huh?…oh yeah, er, thanks” you almost had to pull yourself out of your concentration on his face.
“It was wrong of us to go in so unprepared” his face changing to match the seriousness of this conversation.
“Uh huh” you really don’t know what to say. You’ve heard stories of him ending other troopers lives for speaking ill against him so you stay quiet about your complaints of yesterdays mission.
Already feeling on edge about the interaction you both had yesterday.
“I was just coming to find you, to inform you about er…” he can’t seem to finish his sentence.
“Were you? Were you headed somewhere?” he asks you.
“Er yeah, well no, not really” you tell him without elaborating further.
“Can I walk you back to your room?” But it sounds more like a command rather than a question.
“Erm…sure” you shrug, unsure on what to answer him.
You turn on your heels immediately and he follows behind you, his longer strides managing to catch up with you easily.
You swallow down a deep breath, suddenly feeling very overwhelmed with questions.
Why is Kylo walking you back to your room?
What’s he got planned?
Is he going to end you within the quietness of your 4 walls? 
You were a fool to touch him.
Maybe the First Order doesn’t want any survivors of this last mission?
You were the only one…
You can practically hear your blood pumping in your ears.
Your heart is beating a lot faster than it should be considering you’re in a slow paced walk.
You glance up at Kylo nervously, only for you to notice he’s staring right down at you, not breaking the eye contact at all.
Your cheeks start to heat.
What is going on??
You think to yourself, looking back down at the ground again.
You soon reach your quarters, turning to face Kylo, your back flushed up against the door panel.
Unsure on how to bid farewell to someone as important as him in the First Order, he’s basically royalty.
You’re about to tell him goodbye when he speaks first. 
“Can I come in?” his voice sounds so deep, so low without his modulator.
“You want to come in?” you ask him back, you have no idea what to say, your body starts to go into fight or flight mode.
Kylo doesn’t say a word to you, just keeps his gazed trained down on yours, waiting for an answer.
You even shock yourself when it doesn’t take much time to nod “yes”.
Punching in the code to unlock your room door, trying to steady the shaking of your hands.
Adrenaline is pumping around your body, are you about to fight the supreme leader?
Can you even fight the supreme leader?
You’re trained in combat before you’re trained to fly.
Fighting is and always will be a part of an officers life in the First Order but you’ve never been trained to fight against someone like Kylo Ren.
You quickly scout the layout of your room, patrols don’t do room checks like they used to in training but you’ll be shamed if it wasn’t up to scratch when the Supreme Leader is here.
You stand at the wall by the door, quick exit maybe in your thinking.
Kylo walks over towards your bed, he turns to face you but instead of saying anything he sits down on the edge of the mattress.
You really don’t know what your next move should be but it’s like he can read your uncertainty on your face.
You watch him as he raises a gloved hand to signal you over.
Your feet carry you without a 2nd thought, stopping just before him, your eyes not moving away from his.
You’re holding your breath now, is he going to strike you down?
“I can read your ID number, but what’s your name officer…”
His voice making you search his face for his next move.
“Er, Y/N” you manage to tell the supreme leader.
“Can I touch you Y/N?” He tilts his head to the side, waiting for an answer.
You’re taken a back, touch you?? 
What does he mean touch you?
You can’t seem to find any words to answer him so just nod your head at him.
He wastes no time to wrap his hand around your wrist, like he did the previous night.
Pulling your hand up to his face, his eyes close as he guides your fingers alongside the scar he has there.
You hitch a breath, you really aren’t prepared for this.
“It was a lightsaber…” Kylo starts to tell you. Now watching your eyes widen as you let out a breath.
“A…lightsaber??” You enquire further.
“Mmm hmm, a Jedi’s lightsaber” he finishes.
You don’t even want to ask who the Jedi was that was brave enough to strike Kylo so aggressively on the face.
You’re sure they’re good as dead!
You soon get cut off by your thoughts as Kylo uses his other hand to grab a hold of a loop in your belt and pull you closer to him. 
You’re standing in between his legs now, his face not that far from yours due to the obvious size difference between you both.
He reaches up to grab at the zipper that was slightly undone on your slacks, pulling it down slowly he watches as it moves over the curves of your chest and pauses just above your navel.
Your eyes stay on him as he pulls the fabric off both your shoulders, you pull your arms out in instinct.
It’s been a long while since you’ve been touched by another.
Kylo slips his fingers inside your waist band and continues to pull your all in one slack suit down, helping you by lifting each one of your legs out the clothing.  
The way he wraps a large hand of his around the back of each thigh so delicately makes your heart beat faster.
You’re now stood in front of the supreme leader in your undershorts and a crop top, something you’ve always worn under slacks, never knowing it’ll be shown to him, to anyone!
He takes in a moment to drink the sight of you in, the armour that you wore in yesterdays mission gave him glimpse of the curves you had underneath it but he was taken aback by the way your body dipped in all the right places.
He wraps both his hands around your waist, you close your eyes at the feeling of the leather on your bare skin but not for long as Kylo seems to turn you around so you’re facing back to him.
You catch his face in the mirror you had on the opposite side of the room, his eyes are deep pools of black, his pupils practically the same size as his Iris now.
Like how a predator looks at his prey.
Still with a grip on you, Kylo bends you at the waist, placing his legs in between yours now, he pulls you down to sit on his lap.
Your legs dangle either side of his, you can barley touch the ground like this.
Gloved hands of his snake around your thighs, moving higher towards your clothed centre and as you suck in a breath, awaiting him to stroke you there, he surprises you by opening his legs wide, causing your own to spread along with them.
You’re sure he let out a low chuckle as he now can see your face in the mirrors reflection opposite you both. 
You’re unsure where to place your own hands. They were resting on top of your legs but now they’ve been spread apart, you choose to place them behind you on the bed, causing you to stick out your chest as your back arches.
Kylo’s hands start to move up once more, caressing your skin so lightly over your waist, your stomach, over your breasts.
Pulling your crop top down, he pulls slightly on one of your nipples as they harden in pleasure at the supreme leaders touch.
Your head falls back slightly to rest on his shoulder as you start to feel your self start to soak your underwear.
Kylo’s hand grabs you at your chin and pulls your head forward once more.
“Eyes on front” he whispers to you. His lips are so close to your ear as he talks to you that goosebumps start to form across your skin.
“You’re going to watch. Understand?”
You swallow down your answer, you have no words right now.
With one hand on your hip, Kylo moves the other to stroke you lightly through your undershorts.
You bite your lip as you’re too scared to make a sound.
He wants you to watch him, watch yourself in the mirror but you’re unsure if there are any other rules to this game he has you both playing.
His face looks feral as it stares back at you, his fingers have started to pick up their pace and the way he moves them in a circular motion, it causes friction between the fabric and your now swollen clit.
You don’t mean to whimper but you can’t remember the last time you had anothers hands down there apart from your own.
“Mmm, that’s it pretty girl” Kylo almost grunts out as you can feel his hardness grow through his leathers beneath where you are sat.
“Can you make some noise for me?” his lips graze your neck ever so lightly as he whispers those words to you.
Your eyes almost flutter shut in ecstasy but you remember his command from earlier,
Eyes on him…
It’s like he knows a distraction ploy to lull you out the wanting to close your eyes on him, he slips past the fabric of your undershorts and in one quick movement he’s suddenly knuckles deep inside you with two of his gloved fingers.
You cry out at the sudden stretch and the feeling of his leather delving inside you is a sensation you’ve never felt before.
Kylo must of like the sound that fell from your lips as he bucks his hips up into you, the hardness of his cock straining against the fabric in between you both.
“Maker” he rasps out. Enjoying this just as much as you are and you’re not even touching him.
He swiftly moves his fingers in and out of you, the noises that fill your room are lewd.
Cries of pleasure from you,
The wet sounds of your cunt as it contracts around the supreme leaders fingers,
Him grunting at you as you start to move your hips back and forth slightly.
Your eyes still stay on him, watching as his face is  awashed with pleasure just as much as your own is.
You’d never thought this would be as hot as it is.
Feeling that familiar feeling start to build up deep inside you as Kylo switches from his fingers penetrating you, to his thumb rubbing circles on your clit. 
Your fingers digging into his own thighs now as you’ve had to grip them to hold yourself steady on his lap.
“Ah…maker…I’m” you try to tell him, try to let him know you’re close but you can’t seem to string a sentence together right now. 
“Mmm pretty girl, what? What’s is it?” Kylo’s voice is low and rumbles through you both.
“I think…I think I’m going to…ah!” You’re so close, it’s right there, the heat rising inside you, waiting to spill out over your supreme leaders fingers.
Just as you’re about to hit that high, Kylo quickly retracts his fingers from you, your cunt pulsates at the sudden loss of him inside you.
Your eyes fly open as you didn’t realise you had them shut.
You’re panting, trying to catch your breath enough to ask him what’s the deal. Why did he stop?
As Kylo clicks his tongue at you, it’s like it causes your brain to click also.
You didn’t have your eyes on him…
“I told you, to keep your eyes on me” His voice sounded so chilling.
You gulp, you think about apologising, begging him to put his hands back on you, inside you but you just stare into his eyes through the mirror.
You can’t read him. You can’t work out what he’s thinking.
Your legs almost buckle as he moves his own out away from where you’re sat upon them. 
Quick reaction times stop you from hitting the floor face first but your knees take the brunt of it, hitting the cold floor beneath you.  
“I’m..im sorry” you can’t even look at him. 
You’re unsure just how mad he is at you right now.
He’s still sat where he was before and as you feel brave enough to look up at him you watch him lean back slightly on the bed, fumbling with his utility belt, he pulls the leather strap out in one long motion. 
The buckle hitting every loop on its way out.
Your eyes widen as he grasps you by the throat, pulling you up on your feet as he stands from your bed. 
“I told you, eyes on me” he repeats himself.
Like he needs to let you truly understand his reasoning for what he’s about to do.
He’s behind you now, your back is flushed with his chest and you’re so close you can still feel his cock pushing up against the small of your back.
Grabbing you by both wrists, he pulls each arm of yours round to the back of you, creating a space between you.
The muscles in your arms sting slightly at the angle they have been pulled in, using just one hand he has both of yours held tightly together.
Kylo then proceeds to wrap his belt around your wrists, quickly working the leather into some sort of make shift pair of binders.
He pulls the strap, the tightness of the leather stinging your skin as he does.
You don’t say a word to him.
You don’t know what to say to him.
You wish you can see his face, try to work out what he’s thinking.
You must of been too deep in thought that you don’t quite comprehend how he did it so quickly but he’s sat back down on your bed like before.
Except with you being sat upon his lap, you’re now laid across it, stomach down, your legs try to hold themselves up by your tiptoes.
Your try to free your hands, you need to hold on as you’re unstable like this but Kylo places a hand on the small of your back, pressing you into his lap.
“You’re going to count…do you understand me?” He’s lost the lust that was oozing from his voice a few moments ago, the scary, intimidating Kylo Ren is back.
Grabbing your hair by one of your braids Kylo makes you face him “do you understand?” he repeats himself to you.
The grasp he has on your hair causes the movement of your head to sting as you nod in answer.
“3 counts…ok?” he asks you but he doesn’t need an answer.
He’s in control now, he’s been in control this whole time.
You can’t seem to keep still as you’re laid over the supreme leaders thighs, trying to get some sort of grip on your feet on the ground but it’s no use.
That’s when you feel it, or do you hear it first?
You’re not quite sure.
But the instant burning sensation on your right ass cheek has seem to of frozen your body in place.
He struck you!
He full on slapped you on your bare flesh.
You’re not sure what you expected being held in this position and for going against the Supreme Leaders orders but it comes as a shock to you. 
Your eyes start to water as the pain from the hit of his gloved hand almost ripples through your body.
“Count!” Kylo almost bellowing now as he pulls on your hair once more to prompt you.
“I..er…one!” your voice cracks as you speak.
“Good girl” your supreme leader coos at you rubbing the very spot of flesh where he landed his blow.
The sudden soothing voice takes you aback.
If this is a punishment then why is it making you wetter than before.
Your mind starts racing like a ship flying through hyperspace, is this turning you on?
“2 more to go pretty girl, you ready?” Kylo’s voice rings through your ears that are filled with the noise of your blood pumping.
“Yes supreme leader” you answer him.
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Ren’s Bride
From the Tiktok video I did with the sound from House of Dragon. This is just a short story giving more details on the video posted on Tiktok.
Kylo's ask Snoke for you.
“How’s your wound?” Snoke asked Kylo who walked inside the throne room and knelt in front of him.
Kylo kept his mind blank so Snoke wouldn't hear his thoughts. He couldn't let Snoke know that his granddaughter, Y/n had spent last night with him applying bacta gel on his face. You were the first person he saw when he came back after his fight with Rey.
You froze when he entered your chambers without a knock or announcing himself. He walked in and removed his mask.
“Kark.” You said walking towards him. Kylo dropped his helmet to the ground as he leaned against the metal walls of your room. His breathing was heavy as he tried to stay calm but the pain from the wound on his face was becoming unbearable. He didn't want to go to his room. He didn't want to face Hux. He couldn't seem weak in front of everyone. He walked the best he could to your room. He wanted to be near you.
Warm hands were all he felt as he looked up at the ceiling trying to hold himself together. He wanted to scream and cry from the pain.
“Kylo.” You whispered as you cupped his face, carefully not touching his wound on his face.
“We have to go to the medical bay at once. We have to stop the bleeding.” You told him as he looked down at you. Tracing of blood and skin peeling made you sick to your stomach. Your heart broke when he let out a whimper, his eyes started to get watery.
“It hurts.” He whined softly as he shut his eyes.
“Let’s go.” You grabbed his hand
“No. I can't go out there. Not like this. Not in front of everyone.” He told you, shaking his head as he winced.
You nodded as he kept his eyes closed. You grabbed his arm, helping him to your bed. He didn't fuss, he let you help him on to your bed. Laying down his side of the bed where he mostly slept. He sighed in comfort laying on the soft mattress.
Lifting your hand to point the intercom by the front door, you used the force to contact the medic through it.
“I need a medic team in my room now.” You shouted as you started to take Kylo’s boots off.
“Miss Y/n, we can't do that at this moment.” You looked over your shoulder as you dropped the boots on the floor. Grabbing the hem of your dress you wore so you wouldn't trip , you walked quickly to the intercom.
“Are you refusing my request?” You asked harshly.
“Did I not make myself clear? I want a medic team in my room NOW.” You yelled, releasing the button of the intercom.
“Right away, Miss Y/n.” You turned around by the sound of Kylo’s chuckling softly.
“Don't kill them.” He told you when you walked towards him. He sighed when you touched his freezing fingers and rubbed them between your hands. His lips were trembling. His curls damp from the snow, his pupils were dilated from the pain on his face. You grew worried, Kylo has been hurt before but this. This was something else. What happened in this fight? You thought to yourself.
He was used to pain. You held his hand when you saw the tears running down his face.
“It’s nothing.” Kylo answered back to Snoke. He sighed as he walked towards Kylo who was still kneeling.
“The mighty Kylo Ren, when I first saw you. You impressed me by your raw and untamed power. You even impressed my granddaughter.” Snoke said, staring Kylo down. Snoke raised his brow when he saw the walls on Kylo’s mind slowly breaking down, the feeling of unease was seeping out of the cracks.
“Now I fear I was mistaken to be impressed by you. Take your helmet off.” Snoke told him wanting to look at his face. Snoke saw the scar on his apprentice’s face. Kylo looked away from him.
“You have too much of your father’s heart.” Snoke said. “I killed him.” Kylo answered back at him.
“You did but it broke you and because of that you let the scavenger win. A scavenger who never held a lightsaber in her life.” Snoke snarled, making Kylo frown. He clenched his jaw at his master’s words.
“When I told Y/n about this.” Kylo looked up at Snoke when he mentioned your name. Snoke turned around to walk back to his throne. Snoke let his smile fall when he turned around.
“She couldn't believe it. You should have seen her face.” Snoke continued as he sat down on his throne and looked at Kylo.
“Upset. Filled with rage.” Kylo’s wall broke down and Snoke saw everything in his mind. You broke down as well when Snoke told you what happened to Kylo.
“I know.” Kylo held his breath when Snoke spoke.
“I know everything.” Snoke leaned back on his throne as he rested his elbows on the armrest of the throne.
“I know you love her. I know how you spend nights in her bed. I know she did the same on yours. I'm surprised you haven't done anything more but sleep. I know you talk to her when you are lonely. I know when you have nightmares of Skywalker trying to kill you, she's the only one to calm you down.” Kylo was about to stand up when Snoke raised his hand and pushed Kylo back down on his knee.
“Did I say you can move?” Snoke asked as Kylo winced by Snoke’s force pushing him down by his shoulder.
‘You want her?” Kylo looked at Snoke and nodded.
“Answer me.”
“Yes.” Kylo told him.
“Did she tell you that I had arranged a marriage for her with Samuel from the family of The Hutt?” Kylo’s face fell.
“Samuel wants Y/n. He decided to join the first order in exchange for her. He can give us access to his planet. Military forces to help us find Skywalker.” Snoke told him.
Kylo had to bite his tongue to prevent him from shouting. You haven't told him this. You didn't tell him anything last night. You were caring for him the entire night, you didn't even sleep. You kept updating the medic droid of his health. Kylo knew if you were going to get married, he would never see you again. He won't be able to talk to you. He would have nobody if you left.
Kylo met you when he first arrived at the finalizer. He still remembers the red dress you wore as you stood next to Snoke. You had greeted him along with Snoke.
Kylo never had the chance to admit his feelings for you. A few exchanges of holding hands and kisses on each other's cheeks had happened. The only time he would hold you was when he couldn't sleep. His arms would wrap about you, his face touching the back of your head. His long legs tangled with yours.
You're slipping out of his fingers, he could feel it. He knew what he had to do. He’s been meaning to tell Snoke. It was something Snoke had told him when he became his apprentice.
“Wed her to me.” Kylo told him.
“When you became my master. You said I can have anything.” Kylo said as Snoke got up and walked to Kylo staring intensely at him.
“I want Y/N.” Kylo shouted.
“Prove it to me then.” Snoke let out a snarl as he leaned down at him.
“Get the map to Skywalker and the scavenger. Give me those things. You do it, I'll give her to you. If you fail, you won't ever see her again. Do you understand?” Snoke asked.
“Yes.” Kylo said as he stood up.
“Good.” Snoke answered then walked away from him.
Kylo walked out from the throne room, he stood silent as he rode on the elevator. He couldn't help but imagine you with someone. He would kill anyone who dares to touch you.
He was broken when he killed his father. He wasn't even broken when Rey defeated and wounded him. He was lost but now he knows where he should be. He will get the map to find Skywalker and capture Rey and in return he will get his bride, you.
Kylo stopped in front of your chamber. He took a deep breath as he stared at the metal door. He felt you through the force, you were sadden and angry. He was going to knock when Snoke’s words echoed in his mind of you being upset with him because he lost to Rey.
Kylo had too much pride. He wanted to be strong in front of you. The nights when he was weak you were there with open arms.
The door slid open and a droid came out giving pardon to Kylo as the droid walked away. Kylo looked ahead to see you facing away. You were standing on a miniature stand while three droids were nursing a white gown on you.
‘Y/N.” Kylo called out. You looked over your shoulder to see Kylo standing at the entrance. His face was pale and his eyes were widened as he stared at you. You told the droids to leave. Kylo walked inside after the droids left and shut the door behind him.
Both of you stood silent for a moment.
“Snoke told me.” Kylo said as he placed his helmet on the table near you.
“He told me you were upset. Upset by my failure.” He noticed the perplexed look on your face.
“I’m upset at the filthy scavenger that hurt you. I knew you would have won but you were wounded after dealing with your father. Snoke had to control me. I wanted to leave that moment he told me.” You told him as you placed your hands on your waist.
“I wanted to leave to find her and kill her.”
Kylo couldn't believe he fell for Snoke’s lie. He should have known better. He noticed you staring at him, your cheeks turned pink when he caught you staring. You looked down at the white dress.
“He told me about your marriage as well. Is that true?”
“Samuel.” You told him with a nod as Kylo removed his leather gloves and threw them on the table next to his helmet. You walked down from the stand and fixed the strap on your shoulder that was falling off.
“You know I have no choice. I must obey him. He's my grandfather. He’s the Supreme Leader.” You told him. His eyes darkened as he stared at your dress.
Kylo walked towards you grabbing your arm. You frowned as he pulled you to his chest. You look up at him.
“No.” He said as his other hand rests behind your back.
“Kylo..’ You were cut off by his lips pressing against yours.
Melting into his touch, your hands gripped his shoulders. You felt everything he was feeling, heartache, worriness, and love.
Love was something you only felt for Kylo. He knew how it felt to be outcast. No one wanted to associate with the Supreme Leader’s granddaughter. They were frightened by your powers. It was something he knew all too well. He had told you people were scared of him because his grandfather was Darth Vader.
“Kylo.” You pushed him gently away. His brows knit together by your gestures.
“I am to be wed.” You told him as you looked down at your wedding gown then at him.
“Do you want to marry him?” He asked you.
“Of course not.” You told him, shaking your head.
“I only want you.” Kylo smiled at you.
“I only want you too.” He said cupping your face with his hands, leaning once more to kiss you.
“What are we going to do?” You asked when he pulled away to kiss your cheeks. You hugged him after your face pressed against his chest.
“Your grandfather told me if I get the map to Skywalker and get the scavenger.” You looked up.
“I’ll be able to marry you. You’re mine. You have always been mine, Y/n.”
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piglet26 · 10 months
Star Wars Rewatch: TROS
Oh, God.
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Palpatine come back and ruining Anakin Skywalker's redemption. Why? How? Cloning, okay, so this Palpatine isn't the real Palpatine?!
We get to see Supreme Leader Kylo Ren for about 4 minutes before he's immediately benched by Palpatine as co-pilot. Why? I get they didn't want Kylo Ren as the big bad, but this is just lazy writing.
Green goblin, I remember you don't last long.
R2D2, they never wash him or nothing?
Maybe the First Order should win. They take hits and keep on knocking. They take losses and recovered, quickly and well. They always seem to have intelligence from somewhere. In short, they are competent.
Poe and Finn, have a great dynamic.
Rey is finally training for everyone who had a boner for two movies about her having a rocky fight montage.
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They moment where Ren is praying over Darth Vader's mask and his mind bridges with Rey is a great reminder that these two are connected.
This film did something most franchise should never, it responded to criticism in real time.
Poe, you fucked up Han's ship. Stop attacking like she doesn't have a reason to be annoyed. Also, Rey is currently the sole Jedi in the galaxy, she should be training, not running off on every errand you have to do.
Colin Travano (whatever his name is) I wouldn't have wanted his script. Like at all. Poe and Rey do have chemistry though and you can tell they enjoy needling one another. It's just not endgame.
That Finnrey hug was awkward. It's a church hug with their butts sticking out. I'm Reylo to the core, but I have place for FinnRey in my heart. They're soulmates in a different way than Reylo is. Also, Daisy Ridley and John B are adorable and you can tell they enjoy working together.
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In a flawed film, Rose Tico being sidelined was a wise decision.
Rey, Poe, Finn, Chewie and 3PO are cute. JJ Adams did seem to love friendships developing and for the third film we needed to see all these characters together on an adventure.
Kylo Ren is forging this dumb ass mask again. Look it worked initially, character wise and so forth, but at this point?! He smashed it and moved past the need for it. The audience liked that he smashed it. We have to see his face for emotional scenes. Why is it back? Oh I know! Because JJ Adams good juvenile friend was sad his mask wasn't in the film anymore. General Hux and Kylo are magically little bottle of goodness. We got so little.
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We leave one planet for another planet but I keep forgetting what planet we're on. Title cards too much to ask?
Ren is actually pursuing Rey or The Scavenger because yes he wants her for himself. but he also wants to protect her from Palpatine. Their first force bond......... yeah. I've read the novelization so I understand it's been a minute since they've seen one another, but if I just watched the movie would I have known that? No. There is much they saying yet it's stiff and doesn't make much sense without context.
General Pryde. Why did we need him when we have General Hux?
I think Billie D Williams filmed all his scenes sitting down. He looks happy to be there but tired as hell.
Race through the desert of Pasaana. I like it. This crew does work and it feels like a fun adventure. There are cute, whitty moments between all of them and it works.
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She heals a snake - Two halves of the dyad should only have been able to heal one another, but here we are.
The Trio and Co find the evil sith ship or whatever. The Knights of Ren gotta walk while Ren is flying. Ren tries to run down Rey, again this make sense in the novelization and not at all in real life. After Rey injures his planes, he crashes and the majestic prince emerges out of the flames. Seriously?! Why the hell are you covering this guy up?!
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In a rip off of The Last Jedi we get a tug-o-war scene between the ship Chewie is on. It's not as great, but it's a good scene and we see how Rey's powers have grown. We know it's a waste of time though. They're evenly matched. It's a nice surprise when the lighting shoots out. Okay, I don't mind her being a Palpatine. I mind the retconning. I mind Palpatine magically coming back.
Rey confesses to Finn about her dream of her and Kylo Ren on the Sith Throne. Where? We would have liked to have seen this.
This is a nice FinnRey scene. Despite her display of "dark power", her killing Chewie presumably, Finn doesn't look at her any different. She's still Rey to him. He's patient and present and she describes her challenges. We still don't acknowledge Finn is force sensitive. Why isn't he training with Rey?
We are blazing through this movie. That's part of the problem we're just pushing plot points at this point. The movie needs to be more selective about slowing down and concentrating on character development. Something painfully lacking in this film. Even the Reylo scenes are about pushing the plot forward rather than pushing the characters forward.
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3PO actually has a storyline this movie. Good for him. Look secondary characters in a trilogy, you get your moments and it ain't gonna be every film.
Zorri and Babu are nice additions. I like Zorri and the fact that Ren kicking her ass actually made her like her. Women supporting women. Were Zorri and Poe a thing. What's a spice runner? A space drug dealer?
Rey's social skills lack a bit. but she's great with Droids.
Wait, Chewie and Ren were both on Ren's Destroyer and they didn't even have a scene together?! Chewie's like an uncle to Ren.
Ren, show up in your boss ass destroyer to get your girl.
Standout lines -
Poe: 3PO! Move your metal ass.
3PO: How dare you we just met.
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Finn, Poe and Chewie cowboying through the destroyer. Nice scene, doomed for failure I'm afraid.
Second Reylo forceskype is exposition. First real Reylo scene is exposition. Hey, movies gotta get it done haha but Ren literally is like here's the plot of the movie and everything you've been confused on up until this point. I will say watching the progression of the force bond that their spaces are now physically bleeding into one another. Nice touch. It's also nice to see what they each see when looking at one another through the force bond.
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General Hux is the spy. Could've gone farther with this. RIP Dawg
Another FinnRey scene where you begin to understand Rey is pissed off and darker than possibly Finn thought.
Palpatine and Ren scene. I'm so annoyed Palpatine is in this movie.
We meet a ragtime band on horses surprise their former stormtroopers. All of them. From the same company. Sure Jan.
Seeing the death star again, so odd and doesn't look a thing like the original. We see scavenger Rey again.
Reylo fights again because Rey is the denial queen and she's free to take out her aggression on Ren. He likes feral Rey. In another less PG film, they've fought and then boned, but Leia died. Also, Dark Rey.... I'm here for it. Mostly cause it looks cool.
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The film makers did the best they could with Carrie's Fisher passing. I thought they handled it with class and dignity while incorporating it into the film.
After Leia's passing and Rey healing it. Ren in his ever presented conflict nature overlooks the water when his father appears. It's poignant and character driven scene. It's beautiful scene about the enduring love of a parent. A flawed parent but a loving one nonetheless. Ben had two of those and he seems to finally understand that now.
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Poe has a good scene with Leia's body about being a leader. Something that, despite all the bravado, he finally admits he doesn't know how to do. This would've been a great scene with her alive. Part of the issue people have the sequel trilogy of the lack of respect paid for previous generations. As if they are flawed and bigoted. On screen and off screen. A scene where Finn, Poe or Rey paid respect for the accomplishments of previous generations. Their courage and their bravery. Billie D. feels like just a stand-in.
Palpatine army blows up yet another planet. yawn.
Finn is a general bestow as such by Poe. Good choice. Sanitation worker aside no one knows more about The First Order than someone who was a stormtrooper. Finn reveals Palpatine wanted Rey alive...... then why tell Ren to kill her? Because if Rey didn't go dark then Ren was the fall back or vice versa?
So far it's not a bad film, just a disappointing film. The stuff that made my blood boil is about to come.
Rey isolates herself on Acht-to, burns the ship and we see ghost Luke. Why? She saw herself on the dark throne and she's afraid of herself. This might have meant something. At one point. It just feels like a retcon at this point. She's a Palpatine but Leia and Luke didn't care? Then what the hell were you worried about Ben for? If blood and legacy means nothing.
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I'm not one of those people that need everything in a movie to make sense. It's also a space fantasy film, but damn.
Rey leads the Resistance to Exegol, she just doesn't know it. That was handy. No, really the way the movie sliced that together worked very well. Poe and Finn make a great speech about the resistance. Not as rousing as I'd like.
Exegol being the basis for the Sith religion is actually really cool. Wish we could've learned more. Empress Palpatine sounds like a boss ass name.
I hate everything about the ending of this film.
Rey once again goes into the enemy territory without a plan. The resistance doesn't really have one either except gumption.
Ben Solo is back! He's great. He's a hero. He's got great hair. He's likeable. We haven't seen him for 20 minutes, he doesn't say a word except "Ow" We have a beautiful Reylo moment where we Rey and Ben see each other through the Force Bond and she looks at Ben with such relief, joy and love that he's there with her. Ben fight like hell to get to her. This is it! Bendemption. We've waited three films for this. Then they tossed him off a cliff.
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While it's a great scene of Rey listening to the previous Jedi's and rising up. I'm so confused how the dyad coming together empowers the devil. Ben has been made completely irrelevant.
I mean, we got a Reylo Kiss! It was epic and then it was over. We were lucky to get that considering Disney started to shy away from Reylo due to all the "controversy" I just hate this so we'll move on.
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The hug was nice!
Rey Skywalker?
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And that's that
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cosleia · 1 year
Hux Crisis #2
I remarked yesterday that I was having another Hux crisis. (The first Hux crisis is documented a little bit here.) Basically, my Hux crises are caused by my personal understanding of him coming into apparent conflict with canon depictions. This also happened to me with Carlos the Scientist from Welcome to Night Vale. The situation isn't great; historically it has caused me to stop writing for a long time while I recalibrated my headcanons.
Because I'm hoping that won't happen this time, I originally wasn't going to discuss it too much, but then this morning I saw this post:
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When I saw this, I just felt like that it fit Hux so well. The idea that his family line might be cursed in some way, resulting in all his perceived failures, is narratively compelling to me. It made me want to write down my thoughts and feelings about Hux.
I didn't want to clutter up OP's notes with my nonsense, so I made a screenshot for this post. If you want to see/reblog the original, I reblogged it here.
Let's get into it.
We know JJ named Hux after a name he saw on a gravestone. He wanted Hux to be a tragic character from the beginning. And Hux was. We learned that he'd grown up being abused, and that it's likely he was stolen from his mother when he was taken/rescued from his home planet during the New Republic siege. And of course we saw the tragedy continue through the films:
The stormtrooper program wound up producing a Resistance general
Starkiller Base was destroyed
The Fulminatrix was destroyed
The Supremacy was destroyed
Kylo Ren became Supreme Leader
The First Order failed to wipe out the Resistance on Crait
And finally, Hux was found out as the spy and executed
It could be argued that many of these things were failures on Hux's part. The comics give us even more failures: in Journey to TLJ: Captain Phasma, he does not issue an official evacuation order when Starkiller Base begins to collapse, which enables Phasma to keep troopers who saw her from surviving to report it, and probably also resulted in unnecessary losses. He also seems not to question Phasma's version of how the shields were lowered on Starkiller. In Hyperspace Stories #8, which seems to be set pre-TFA, he loses control of a wild creature called a Bramalish that he set upon a non-cooperative colony.
I get chalking all of this up to incompetence, to thinking that Hux kept failing because he was stupid or prideful.
But we have evidence to the contrary.
Hyperspace Stories #8 also shows us Hux is quick to adapt to change. When Ren arrives to fight the Bramalish, Hux orders the stormtroopers to help him immediately. When Ren brings back the city leader whose cooperation will secure the First Order's power, Hux instantly adjusts to "negotiating with" (threatening) him. While I won't deny that setting a Bramalish loose believing the stormtroopers could contain it was a miscalculation, the strategy was to terrorize the populace, and it worked. That plus Ren's contributions scored the First Order a win.
In the comic Star Wars Adventures #30, set between TLJ and TROS, Hux's plan is to send stormtroopers to Vendaxa to follow a lead that the Resistance might be there. It's Supreme Leader Ren who insists on going personally. Hux goes with him because he sees an opportunity to ingratiate himself to Ren, and he actually manages to get Ren to say he has earned his trust, "for now." It turns out there was no need for the leader of the First Order to go to Vendaxa personally. The Resistance isn't even there, and Ren and Hux wind up in mortal danger. I think it can be safely argued that Hux was right, and circumstances (Kylo Ren) worked against him.
In that same comic, Hux tells Ren, "I put my stormtroopers in charge of reconnaissance because leadership is trusting the people you lead to do their jobs." The loss of the Fulminatrix seems ludicrous in light of these words. Canady stood around waiting to be micromanaged; Hux is not a micromanager. (I ranted about this separately here.)
And then, of course, we have Age of Resistance - General Hux, another pre-TFA story. This is not only where we see more of Hux's abusive childhood, but also where we see him at his craftiest. He uses Ren's identity to manipulate Bylsma, and then he uses the shuttle sabotage to justify killing one of his childhood abusers. From this, it's clear he's not an idiot.
Let's go through the other perceived failures with a more critical eye.
First, the stormtrooper program. Yes, it "failed" in that Finn resisted his conditioning, as did Jannah and her company. But what percentage of stormtroopers actually defected or deserted? How does it compare to other militaries' defection/desertion rates? Is it even possible to have 100% loyalty? While I don't think we know the answer to the first two questions, the answer to the third is absolutely no.
The destruction of Starkiller Base would not have been possible without the shield being lowered. Hux knew the oscillator was a weak point and had it protected, not just by shields but by squadrons of fighters. It took an extraordinary series of events for the Resistance to win.
Trusting Phasma is either a blind spot, or he's playing the long game, as fellow kyluxers pointed out on my original Hux crisis post. Phasma conspired with him to kill Brendol; this was in both their self-interests, not the First Order's. If anything, TLJ cemented their relationship as a partnership. It's not a stretch to think Hux knows Phasma's true loyalty is to herself, and that he considers having her as a partner more advantageous than not. It's a gamble, but she's a powerful ally. I've wondered if their conversation when she returns to the Finalizer is coded...if what Hux is really asking is how well she covered her tracks.
(The fact that he doesn't seem to dwell on the loss of Starkiller, either in the Captain Phasma comic or at the beginning of TLJ, and he just looks annoyed when it's brought up in TROS, implies that he is forward-thinking, which is a vital quality in a leader.)
Hux not managing to keep Ren from becoming Supreme Leader is understandable. He's ready to kill Ren, but Ren stirs. Hux knows he can't defeat Ren in a fight. And unfortunately, Hux has rarely been able to talk Ren into anything. This is the rare moment he breaks emotionally: he's lost Starkiller, he's lost the Supremacy, and now he's lost Snoke, the one thing that has been protecting him from Ren. I don't think his action or inaction here is indicative of his intelligence so much as his trauma.
The battle of Crait wasn't actually lost. It simply wasn't a total victory. And the reason wasn't Hux or his commands. It was Kylo Ren. Without Ren there, the First Order would have wiped the Resistance out.
Hux being found out as a spy was, I've always thought, at least partially because Finn shot him in the leg instead of the arm. You'd think an enemy would aim for the head or chest. The arm would have been a more believable miss location. But of course, it also happened because of Hux's choice to report the escape to Pryde himself instead of going to medbay and sending a subordinate. This one I can't find a good explanation for, except maybe that he thought he would seem more loyal if he went personally. (I like to think it was because he knew Pryde would shoot him, and he took advantage of that to fake his own death.)
I'm showing obvious bias here, but even I can admit Hux isn't flawless. He can make mistakes and succumb to emotions like any other human. I just believe, based on my understanding of canon, that not everything he did was a mistake. In fact, I'd argue that the majority of his failures were due to circumstances outside his control. It's tragic, like JJ intended.
Because of that, I think that cursed family line idea fits really well. Maybe Hux finds out about the curse just when he's on the verge of giving up, and it makes him try even harder out of spite. Could he break free of the curse? Or is he doomed, like every other Hux?
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