#kyleighs parents got a back story cause they were the 2nd set of inlaws i created
fundielicious-simblr · 10 months
(Kyleigh's POV)(AN: This post is VERY religious from the jump, gotta hammer in how fundie these people are)
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We dedicated little Jackson back to the Lord this weekend! It's an honour that this is the 11th child that we've been able to do this for, the Lord sends us children to raise up for his glory and we're so thankful for his undeserved blessings and are ready to receive any further blessings that the Lord thinks we deserve.
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My parents always try and be there for the kids' dedication services, they absolutely love being grandparents and try to be there for any events that involve the kids. They say that each child is an answer to prayer, and I'm so thankful that my parents raised me to view children as a blessing. Being an only child, my parents told me the story of their struggle with infertility and the circumstances that led to them only having me (AN: I actually did a backstory on her parents since they were added to the story years ago when I gave everything a backstory - let me know if you want to hear their backstory, I've been debating on whether to add a character page for the in-laws and other side characters that will be seen now and again.)
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More great things have been happening recently, the kids learn both at home and at church that in order to get to heaven they need to be saved. The older 5 kids got saved at different ages, but recently both Daisy (7) and Marigold (6) both got saved. They approached Barrett and I separately after we did our nightly devotions and said that they wanted to be saved. Barrett sat both of them down and asked if they were sure about their decision, but they both expressed that they realised they were sinners and wanted to go to heaven. Each of them said the sinner's prayers and we then prayed with each one afterwards, they told their grandparents the next morning and they announced it at church where they were later baptised by their grandfather. I feel so unbelievably grateful that my children have such firm, Godly foundations in their lives with both sides of their family working to live for the Lord. Whenever a grandkid gets saved, Allan and Casandra gift them their own personalised bible and we have a family lunch after church on sunday, with Adalynn's kids they travel over to see them to have that time with them. The older the grandkids get, they're going to have to be creative with how they see them when it comes time for them to be saved.
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