#kyle x jenny
somewherefornow · 3 months
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alovelyfox · 21 days
idk if its still kyle week but could u do something about kyle n jenny simons ☝️☝️
hi of course! my requests are always open for any character, i just thought kyle week would be a good time to focus on everyone’s fav redhead :P
anyways the premise of this story is that it takes place a week after the events of season 11, episode 14: The List! the characters have not been aged up (still in fourth grade), but sorry if anyone is acting ooc as i had to take some liberties to move the story along…
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Why Me? Kyle Broflovski X Jenny Simons Oneshot
It was just a dumb list.
Nothing to get upset about, and definitely not enough for Jenny to be in this classroom right now.
“I don’t get why I’m here right now,” she exclaims to the black-haired girl in front of her, Wendy Testaberger. Wendy is shorter than Jenny, and if needed, Jenny knows she could easily push past her and go out through the door. But Wendy is one of her classmates, and a part of the girls friend group. All the drama that could come from a simple shove is just not worth it, especially when everyone’s already on edge after that damn list.
“You know why you’re here,” Wendy squeaks, staring pointedly. “You had a hand in creating the list of the most to least attractive guys in our class, so now you have to apologize to who you put at the bottom of the barrel. Sorry, Kyle.”
Ah, right. The redhead has been quiet ever since he was ushered in here by his best friend’s ex, and only assumed the worst when he saw who else had been forced in here with him. He had never really known Jenny, until that fateful day last week. Seeing her up there with Bebe and Lola, agreeing that he was the ugliest boy in their class changed his whole perception of her. No longer was she Jenny Simmons, one of the girls. Now, she was Jenny Simmons, shallow bitch.
“It’s fine, Wendy. I actually-”
“Who cares?” Jenny says. “I don’t see the point in apologizing for something that happened days ago.”
Kyle shoots her an aggressive glare for interrupting him, but he digresses, just wanting to be out of here as soon as possible. “I actually agree. I don’t think her saying sorry is necessary, Wendy. Can I go now? I think Stan and Kenny are still playing basketball…”
Wendy simply responds by rolling her eyes. “Look. I don’t care how long it takes. Kyle deserves an apology from every girl involved in that list, so I don’t want you guys to come out until then.”
And before either of them can blink, Wendy walks out of the classroom, shutting the door behind her with a loud slam.
Jenny lets out a sigh, and Kyle shifts around awkwardly where he’s standing.
“Look. You can leave, if you want. I’ll tell Wendy you said sorry and everything, it’s all good.”
She looks him up and down, trying to discern whether or not he’s telling the truth. She doesn’t want to risk opening the door and telling her friend she apologized just for Kyle to turn around and say she lied. The girl’s relationship with Wendy is already rocky because of what happened, and Jenny doesn’t need Kyle Broflovski of all people to completely ruin it. But, the other option is staying in here with him until the end of the world, so she nods and heads towards the door.
She tries to pry it open, but it doesn’t budge. It takes a couple more tries of pushing and pulling the handle until Jenny realizes what happened.
“The bitch locked it!”
Rolling her eyes at the immaturity of her friend, Jenny turns around, only to come face to face with Kyle. They’re so close that she can count the freckles on his nose, ones she didn’t know he had before then. She also never knew he had green eyes, as they always appear hazel under the harsh brightness of the classroom lightbulbs. But now, with the sun streaming in through the windows and onto his face, she can truly see the flecks of emerald. Huh.
“You’re not trying hard enough. Move.”
“Asshole,” she mutters, making way for him to try to open the door the exact same way she just tried 10 seconds ago, to no avail. Eventually he gives up, and leans his forehead against it in defeat. She buries her face in her hands, growing more irritated by everything as the seconds tick by, when suddenly she has an idea.
“Kyle!” She practically yells, so loud he gets startled and moves away from the door. Jenny presses her mouth against it, trying to amplify her voice as much as possible. “I’m really sorry that I had anything to do with that list, it was just supposed to be for fun, I never meant for you to get hurt.”
Kyle gives her a quizzical look, before realizing why she’s facing the door and not him as she apologizes.
“That’s okay Jenny! I forgive you, and I am totally over my feelings on that dumb list anyway. That’s why girls like Wendy Testaberger don’t need to stick me in classrooms anymore, and should just let me go out and play with my friends.”
Jenny shoots him a small smile at how quickly he caught on, and it sends something stirring in his chest. She peers outside the small peephole on the door, not finding any sight of Wendy in the hallway.
“Shit!” She yells out of frustration, turning around and kicking a nearby chair over. The action makes Kyle take several steps back from her.
“What the fuck are you doing?”
“Shut up,” she tells him, advancing to where he is and wagging her index finger at his face. “This is all your fault, you know. If you didn’t have to be such a whiny fag about a stupid list, she never would’ve locked us in here.”
“This is not my fault,” he announces. “If you and your dumb girl friends just didn’t make the list in the first place, none of this would’ve happened in the first place.”
“Oh my god,” she cries out. “The list doesn’t even matter. We just made it so that Clyde would finally be popular, and we could all get free shoes! I don’t even think you’re that ugly.”
“Thanks, that makes me feel so much better,” he replies, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
Jenny simply scoffs and walks away, pacing up and down the front of the class to try and think of a way to escape, while Kyle leans his back to a nearby desk. There's a few moments of silence, before he decides to break it with a question that’s been plaguing his mind ever since he learnt of his placement.
“Why me, though?”
He practically whispers the question, but Jenny stops her strolling and brings her eyes up to face him. His own are studying the floor, and they drag up to her expectantly when he hears the footsteps stop.
“It’s just,” Kyle sighs, turning his face to the side so she can’t see his expression. “I was at the bottom. The very bottom of the list. Why couldn’t I at least have been, like, above Cartman or something?”
“Because Cartman’s psycho,” Jenny states matter of factly, staring bewildered at Kyle. “I thought you of all people would know that. We couldn’t put him at the bottom because he’d kill us all. We figured second to last would be enough to keep him sane, while still making it all seem believable.”
“Yeah, but… Why me? Why couldn’t Tweek or someone else be at the bottom? Am I really that ugly that I absolutely had-”
“Kyle!” Jenny shouts, sick of his ranting. Seeing that she’s startled him once again, she sighs and collapses on a nearby chair. “Listen, you’re good looking. We just put you at the bottom because we figured you’d care the least. It never felt like you were into your looks that much, and you’re really nice, so we thought that you wouldn’t make such a big deal out of being last. It was a fake list anyways, don’t get your panties in such a twist, god.”
Another moment of silence occurs, as both of them let her words hang in the air. Jenny drops her head down, utterly done with it all, while Kyle completely turns around so that the black-haired girl can’t see his blushing face. He’s not used to girls casually admitting that he’s good looking, or that he’s nice and humble. The heat crawls up his neck, due to both embarrassment and sudden timidity, so he opens a nearby window to get some fresh air.
The breeze feels nice on his hot face, and he doesn’t realize that Jenny’s come up behind him until he turns around to see her head near his shoulder. Her face looks oddly similar to how it did right before she started yelling out her apology for Wendy to hear through the door, and Kyle’s eyes dart from her furrowed brows to the open window.
“You know it’s like a 10 foot drop, right?” He says, anticipating her next words about how they should try to jump to their freedom. “Plus, that massive bush underneath isn’t going to do anything to cushion the fall.”
Her eyebrows are still pinched for a second more, before her face breaks into a wide grin.
“Pussy,” she calls him, right before tumbling out. Kyle cranes his neck out to check if she’s alright, but when his vision is obstructed by the bush, he curses and decides to follow her lead.
Luckily, neither are injured, and they find each other amongst the greenery they are sitting in. Kyle’s ushanka has slipped off, revealing his leaf covered bright-red curls. Jenny had seen his hair a couple times before, but seeing it in such close proximity made her wonder why he would ever want to keep it covered up. The lack of distance between them was also affecting him, and he pulls a small twig from her bangs and holds it between them. Both of them gaze at it, before letting out roaring laughs at how stupid the entire situation is. Kyle feels his face turning red again, and Jenny starts clutching her sides.
“Hey! What’re you doing in that bush?”
The voice of Mr Mackey sobers them both up quickly, and they duck to avoid their counselors' rapidly approaching gaze.
“You better not be smoking pot, mmkay?”
“Fuck,” Kyle whispers, as he already knows what kind of assumptions Mr Mackey will make if he finds both him and Jenny together, alone in a bush. She seems to think the same, and grabs his hand.
The simple command prompts both of them to get up and start sprinting away from Mr Mackey, who yells out at them, but doesn’t follow. Jenny’s a faster runner than she seems, but Kyle has no problem matching her pace, and soon enough she leads him into a random alley in town. They both take a minute to catch their breaths, during which Kyle can’t help but sneak glances at the girl. She’s slumped down on the side of the building, and her skin is given a golden glow as the sweat from running causes her bangs to stick to her forehead and it drips down the side of her cheek. He wonders if maybe she isn’t as one-dimensional as he originally thought, and sticks out a hand to aid her in getting up. She glances up at the green-eyed, freckled boy, and as she grabs his hand, wonders how she could ever think of putting him on the bottom of the list. Fake or not.
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hello-catwomanbr · 1 year
🌸 DC women and flowers 🌸 by Jenny Frison
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idlkey · 11 months
forgot to upload this upload this post
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virgil-is-a-cutie · 2 years
I like to hc that when Fem!Bruce Wayne and male!Selina Kyle try for a kid that their newborns are chunky, like...weight 11 lbs bc Fem!Bruce is almost 6'1 and male!Selina is 6'1 or around there and the Waynes are known for big babies it's just that Alfred forgot to tell her.
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countrymusiclover · 1 year
10 - What Am I To Him?
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Part 11
Other Hoyt's Off Limits
Tag list- just ask to be added @stoneyggirl2 @dragonixfrye
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5 years ago
John Wayne was off helping his father with something, leaving me to sit out on the front porch of the caretaker's cabin by myself until he came back. Hugging my knees to my chest I was wearing one of his spare jackets since it was cold tonight. “What’s a pretty thing like you doing on our property?”
Lifting my head up from my knees I saw a figure in the dark until my eyes adjusted seeing it was his brother Rand. “You’re brother invited me over but got called to help by your daddy.” JW said he preferred to be out here by himself late like this.
“Well if that’s a lie then you’re a trust passer on our land.” He smirked, swinging his ax around in his hands. “Here I was thinking’ Blake already had a girl. I guess I can’t blame him for wanting two at a time.”
Rolling my eyes I didn’t want to talk about my sister with him. I could care less who she dated and what she did with them. Blake was good from what I had seen but he wasn’t going to make his father happy unless he took over the ranch. “It’s not Blake, I’m here with JW actually.”
“So you’ve got a thing for cowboys huh. Well I bet I can rock your little world better than he can.” He smirked quickly running up the stairs, securing his arms around my waist. I stumbled backwards, getting trapped in between him and the wall.
Struggling against his grip he had me caged in while he started to remove my jacket. “Rand, let me go!” I grunted not having as much muscles as him so he was able to remove my jacket but before he could tear my shirt he smirked, shoving his lips onto mine.
“Don’t act like you don’t enjoy this. I’ll call you darlin’ if you like that.” He teased in my ear whispering low with me squirming underneath him until a gunshot rang behind us.
Rand slightly pulled away from me allowing me the chance to see his brother standing in the headlights of the rover holding his shotgun. “Get off her, Rand or I’ll shoot you where you stand.”
“Awe come on, bro. I was showing your girl a good time.” He slumped his shoulders watching JW slowly walk up the stairs aiming the shotgun at him until he separated from me.
John Wayne glared at his brother until he headed off back to where he came from. He slowly sat the shotgun down staring at me. “You alright, Mal. He didn’t hurt you too bad did he?”
Wrapping my arms around myself I noticed my shirt was slightly torn but other than that he didn’t really do much. “He didn’t hurt me, JW. Thank you for protecting me though. I didn’t think you’d be back.”
“I got done early and then I heard your screaming coming this way.” He responded by pulling me into a hug. Wrapping my arms around his neck I laid my head on his chest sighing in relief. “Don’t you worry, Mallory. A cowboy will always protect you.”
Starting to enter the sheriff station my phone rang off in my pocket. Answering it I didn’t bother looking at the caller ID just pressing it to my ear. “This is detective Mallory, who is this?”
“Oh and here I was thinking you wouldn’t have forgotten your girlfriend, Mal.” I recognized the voice of the last living Kleinsasser child, Cheyenne.
Leaning against the stone wall I held my phone up to my ear with my shoulder. My hair was completely loose down my shoulders not expecting her to be calling me or heck even have my number still. We haven’t talked since she killed JW. “Hey a hey, what exactly are you calling about this time? Also how did you get my number? I thought you and I agreed to not talk to each other anymore.”
“I kept your number in my phone and there’s something we need to talk about at the ranch. Are you free to come by today?” She asked me through the phone.
Throwing my head back I sighed heavily not wanting to get into whatever drama she was wanting today. Ever since my sister and I had met her family it always came with trouble shortly afterwards. “I don’t know. I have a busy day at work and then a date later tonight.” It would just be easier to hang up the phone then go back to that ranch.
“I promise it will be quick. It’s just something that I found and I wanted to know if it was true.” She pleaded with me where I finally caved entering the old address which felt strange. The drive was a lot longer than I remember it to be before I climbed out of my truck seeing her leaning against the front door.
“So what is it you need to tell me, Kliensasser?” I asked shoving my hands in the pockets of my jeans standing at the edge of the steps.
Cheyenne opened the front door and I followed shortly afterwards. The two of us walked through the living room until she opened the door to the office handing me a paper. “I found this in my daddy’s office. It says that it is a wedding contract meaning if JW got the ranch. Then you and your children would get the ranch.”
“Cheyenne, I don’t understand. We never married and we certainly didn’t have any kids. I am still a virgin.” I spat not believing what she was trying to tell me. Throwing my hands up seeing her sternly looking at me.
“I know you didn’t sleep with him, Mallory. But I just need you to tell me if you want anything to do with the ranch. According to this contract my brother was going to give you this place when he died.” She huffed, flipping her hair over her shoulders. “But I guess you don’t care now what with you hanging around that new sheriff in your town. Did my brother mean nothing to you!”
Turning around on my heels I didn’t need to hear anymore of this. “Of course he meant something up until the moment he killed his own brother and then Rosie. You know it’s because of this family that I am terrified someone may not like me ever again. So goodbye Cheyenne. You can have the ranch to yourself just like you wanted!”
Slamming my truck door closed I just hit the steering wheel a couple of times out of frustration. Why would she think I would come after her family’s ranch. Is that all I ever was or will be to someone. Someone they have to worry about taking what they want out of life. Maybe Beau is just using me to get to my sister. Driving out to his place it was dark by the time I got out of the truck seeing him sitting in a lawn chair with another one pulled up next to him. “Hey Mallory. I didn’t see you at work today. Is everything alright?”
“My past came back to accuse me of something I never wanted in the first place.” I scoffed feeling some nervous tear’s starting to slip down my face at the thought of my next question. “Beau, are you just using me to get close to my sister….because honestly everyone in my past has used me or lied to me and I just need to know.”
He sat his beer bottle down on the ground quickly rising to his feet drawing me in for a hug. “Mallory, no way would I ever do that to you. I care about you a lot. So don’t think for a second I would ever cheat on you or do anything to hurt you.” Wrapping my arms around his neck I sobbed into his shirt feeling him wrap his arms around my waist.
“Thank you, Beau. I….I’m just afraid to open my heart so easily again like I did. I don’t want to get hurt again like with John Wayne.” I mutter breaking the hug still letting his hands rest on my waist staring down at me with those green eyes of his.
The Texas sheriff smiled, raising his right hand to my cheek, tucking hair behind my ear. “Trust me, Mallory. I won’t break your heart. In fact I think I’m falling in love with you.”
“Beau I, “ I was truly at a loss for words at what he just said. We hadn’t been dating that long. A couple months at best I would say. Yet here he was standing in front of me saying he might be in love with me.
“You don’t have to say it if you’re not ready. I totally get that given what you have been through. I just wanted you to know-“ I cut off his ramblings leaning up on my toes suddenly and slowly crashing my lips onto his. He gasped stumbling a little before I felt his other hand come to cradle my face in his hands, deepening the kiss.
We were so focused on the kiss with me gripping his shoulders and one of his hands gangling itself in my hair that we didn’t hear a car pull up. A car door slammed shut and someone gasping is what drove us apart seeing my sister standing there stunned holding a case of beer in her freehand. “Mallory, Beau. Someone want to tell me what the hell is going on because it looks like you’ve been lying this whole time!”
Beau and I just froze in our places as I muttered under my breath wishing we had a way out of this. “Oh where’s Cassie with a phone call when you need her?” Because I knew my sister would be furious to hear our little secret.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
Hey readers, to be honest I wasn’t really sure what I wanted to happen in this chapter except for another flashback of John Wayne and Mallory. Then I also wanted the ending with Jenny. So please send in ideas of what should happen in the next part because that would be super helpful
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unreliablesnake · 2 months
His new little pet (Kyle Garrick x f!reader)
Summary: Kyle becomes obsessed with you and comes up with a plan to get you.
Note: dark!Gaz. I wanted to write something like this after reading the first few pages of You. // If you want to know when I post new stuff, follow @unreliablesnakefics.
Warning: kidnapping, drugs, sexual themes, stalking, etc.
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A friend of his took a bunch of photos at a big festival, one he couldn’t attend because he was on another continent at the time, taking out bad guys to keep the balance in the world. But as he swiped through the photos in her Instagram post late at night in an empty briefing room, Kyle’s thumb stopped above the screen as he took a closer look at one of the pictures. 
His friend was posing with a friend of hers, one he had seen in photos before. You were tagged which made it easy to find out who you were, and based on your profile and previous content, you didn’t even live that far from him. How irresponsible of you to post about your favorite places to visit in the morning, and sharing pictures with a view outside your window that makes it easy to pinpoint where exactly you live. 
The obsession over you came as a surprise as he couldn’t recall the last time he got so hooked on the idea of being with someone. You were on his mind all day long, sometimes during times he was supposed to focus on something entirely different with a weapon in his hand, waiting for the commands coming from Price. 
But how could he focus when you were so irresistible? He memorized every detail, the shape of your kissable pink lips, the color of your eyes, the way you usually styled your hair, and that bikini which left little to his imagination. Oh, if he ever got the chance to be with you, he sure as hell wouldn’t let you post such pictures. The last thing he needed was knowing other men were drooling over the curves of your body. 
When he wasn’t deployed, he began to hang out around your apartment, patiently waiting for you so he could learn more about your daily routine. You usually came down to a nearby bakery in the morning to get something for breakfast, then you left for work where you stayed until late in the afternoon. From there the program you chose varied all the time; sometimes you spent time with your friends, sometimes you stayed at home. 
From his brief conversations with your mutual friend, he learned even more about you. Wednesday is reserved for emergency venting meetings with your closest friends, a little three-people group whose members had known each other since their teenage years. Every Friday you meet with your friends to have a drink in a pub, watch a movie together, or sometimes you go to a restaurant to talk over some fancy dinner. Saturday is usually reserved for dates or going to a party with the core group. Sunday was the day you always spent with your family. 
A creature of habit, that’s what you were. To him it was good news, this way he could make an accidental meeting happen at a place he knew you would visit. Kyle decided to make his move after the next mission, during which he carefully crafted a plan to make it seem like it wasn’t planned beforehand and as if he had only vaguely remembered you from a picture from your mutual friend’s profile. 
The bakery near your apartment seemed to be the best option on a Friday morning. If things went well, you might invite him to hang out with you and your friends, or you could even offer to see him one-on-one the next day. He wouldn’t force this. Sure, he would ask for your number–you know, just in case something happens to that mutual friend of yours–but there’s no way he would ask you out. Not yet. 
He would eventually send you a text that simply says, “Jennie’s birthday is coming up, we should throw a party for her.” And you would probably reply, “Good idea, let’s meet to discuss the plan.” It would be easy. You were too kind and loyal to say no to an idea like that. From this point on, it would be way too easy. He gossips about friends you don’t want to attend, he cracks jokes to lighten the mood, and he would gently touch your shoulder every now and then, just a little not to make you uncomfortable, but still get your attention as he passes by. 
He waited a little further away from the bakery, keeping enough distance to be out of sight, but staying close enough to enter a few seconds after you. And just as expected, you arrived at the usual time, at seven o’clock to have enough time to eat at home and get to work by nine. Kyle walked in with his phone in hand, his eyes focused somewhere between the screen and you so he knew exactly when he would accidentally bump into you.
“Sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going,” he apologized as he looked up and locked the phone. 
You flashed a charming little smile at him as you pulled on the strap of your bag. “No problem, it happens to the best of us.” 
He couldn’t believe how nice you were and how your voice was as sweet as honey. Just as he was thinking about how to keep up the conversation, his lips almost forming the first word of the next sentence, you narrowed your eyes and clearly took a better look at him. The expression on your face slowly changed, showing that you were thinking hard about something. 
“Don’t we know each other?” 
It took Kyle by surprise. He couldn’t recall meeting you in person before, but you seemed so sure that you knew each other that he didn’t dare to speak up at first. He then told you he couldn’t remember ever meeting you, but–because there was a but, why wouldn’t there be one–he mentioned that you looked familiar too. You wondered if he lived nearby, and he was quick to confirm he did indeed and maybe that was the key. 
But then a look of realization appeared on your face. “Jennie’s Instagram,” you exclaimed happily. “I knew I saw you before. You’re friends with her, right?”
His brain short-circuited for a moment as you grabbed his elbow and pulled him out of the line so you could talk without interruptions. Clearing his throat, he flashed a kind smile at you and nodded. “Yeah, I knew you looked familiar too. You went to that festival together a few months back.”
“As we do every year,” you said with a laugh that sounded like music to his ears. He couldn’t wait to hear you laugh at his jokes while the two of you were sitting on his couch with his arm around your shoulder. “How long have you known her?”
“For about four years, I guess,” he replied slowly as he thought about the answer. Not because he cared that much about his friendship with Jennie at this moment, but because he wanted to make sure you got the answer you were looking for. “Yes, four, she came to my 30th birthday party as the girlfriend of one of my old friends.”
The last part of his sentence caught your interest. “Old friend?”
Kyle nodded. “They broke up and our little group was already mad at him, so I guess we kinda inherited Jennie after the breakup,” he explained with a laugh. “How did you meet her?”
Some asshole bumped into you as he walked in, as if the shop wasn't big enough for everyone. But the line was away from you and he seemingly wasn't coming in to meet someone, which meant the little incident was probably more than just an accident. Kyle had to keep himself under control so he wouldn't go after him and force him to apologize.
He shouldn't do that. He definitely shouldn't scare you. In his eyes you were like a delicate flower, a wild animal that could easily be scared away with a loud noise.
“We went to college together,” you replied after you returned your attention to him.
At first he didn't even remember his question that you answered. But soon his mind wandered to dangerous waters knowing Jennie and her rebellious past, but he tried to keep a straight face. He definitely shouldn't think about whether or not she had made a move on you, if the two of you lived together as roommates, or if she had some juicy story about you.
“Sounds like fun,” he said with a forced smile.
In reality, he didn't want to think about you being in college. Were you one of those girls who tasted freedom for the first time and went wild for those few years? The more he was looking at you, the more he could imagine your wild side. Maybe you had a long string of one-night stands, guys you brought home after those big parties you attended.
Kyle knew you were past that wild phase. Sure, this side of yours came out to play when you went to festivals or visited a club with your friends on a Saturday evening, but in your everyday life you were a completely different person. Chill yet disciplined, and practical. Spontaneity wasn't in your dictionary from Sunday to Friday. 
“I should get going or else I'll be late from work,” you suddenly spoke up with your eyes on the screen of your phone. This sentence got his attention and maybe the hint of disappointment crossed his face when he looked at you. You didn’t seem to notice because it was gone by the time you put your phone in your pocket and looked up at him with a beaming smile. “See you around.”
Nodding, he watched as you left the shop without standing back in the line to get your breakfast. Poor you, now you will probably have to get something else to eat. Hopefully you won’t starve yourself. He shoved his hands into the pocket of his jacket and left as well, going home to spend the rest of the day stalking you on social media. 
It always surprised him how much you shared on different platforms. Photos, locations, thoughts, moodboards, sometimes your interests, and you were always ready to engage in conversations with others. This made tracking you a lot easier for him, but at the same time it also reminded him of how much you craved attention. Why else would you post so much? 
If he had you all for himself, he would definitely talk to you about this. He huffed at the word if. It wasn’t an if, it was a when. Because it was only a matter of time until he got what he wanted so badly, he just had to be patient for now. Until that day he would keep an eye on you, make sure you were safe, and learn even more about you. He could ask Jennie about you after casually mentioning that he met you by accident. Knowing her, she would be quick to start telling him stories. 
But what happened in reality surely surprised him. He told Jennie about the meeting the next day when she called, and two days later she called him again, this time asking him if he was interested in you. “You have no idea,” he wanted to say but eventually he kept this to himself. So instead of properly answering, all he said was a nonchalant “she’s cute,” as if he hadn’t been thinking about you for weeks. His friend sounded excited but refused to elaborate on why. 
Later that day he received a notification on Instagram that told him you were now following him. Kyle knew better than to instantly follow you back, he wanted to make it look like he wasn’t in a hurry to let you know he remembered you. He wasn’t surprised to see you slip into his DMs the next day, although he expected you to keep your distance just a little longer. 
Hey, do you remember me? We met in that bakery last week. Jennie’s friend?
A smile appeared on his lips upon reading the message. Oh, you were so desperate. You spent the day when you followed him liking all of his recent photos, sometimes even leaving a cute comment with emojis. And now it was you coming to him, basically begging for his attention. 
I remember.
What are you doing on Saturday?
Date night. Based on the way you had let that asshole fuck you last Saturday, he didn’t expect you to move on so fast. That guy was one of the worst, some moron who treated you as if you were nothing more but a cheap whore. Yet you enjoyed yourself apparently because otherwise you wouldn’t have let him stay the night. And he saw the messages. He visited your apartment one day while you were at work and snooped around your laptop for your passwords. 
How naive of you to save every password in the browser. Anyone could take a look at them. What made his little search even more joyful was the fact you seemingly had a software on your phone to have remote access to it, this way he could check your phone too. So he logged into your accounts and deleted every message that was related to a new login. He spent an entire night going through every single one of your conversations in hope to find out what you liked. 
You looked like an angel, even talked like one, but deep down you were a really dirty girl, having several spicy conversations with different men. Roleplay, detailed chats about nights spent together, or sharing fantasies; it was hard to choose a favorite. He could still hear your moans as he read them, the sound of the video feed from your apartment last Saturday still a vivid memory in his mind. 
He only responded to your question the next day, keeping the casual tone as if he hadn’t known what you wanted from him. You want to grab a beer? Sure. Let's invite Jennie too. You sent your reply in five minutes, stating that you were thinking more of going alone, just the two of you.
“Slut,” he thought with a laugh. But he didn't mind as long as he was getting what he needed badly, the chance for his fingers to trace your body, his lips traveling from the shell of your ear down to your wet, tight cunt. He wanted to see you fall apart over and over again so he could build you up from scratch just the way he wanted.
Late in the afternoon on Friday he stood across the street in your neighborhood, watching you get ready through the window. You didn’t seem to care that there were no curtains and anyone could see you walk out of the shower to get dressed in your bedroom. A free show, one that made him be painfully aware of how tight his jeans were.
Then his phone beeped. Then it beeped again. With a groan he took a look at it, only to find a message you received. He had never heard of the man who wrote to you, but the things he sent you made it clear he wasn’t just a friend. He wondered how you could do this to him, why you decided to chat with a guy when you were about to go on a date with him the next day.
Let’s skip dinner. I’m waiting for you in the Ritz. Room 312. Bring some clothes, you’re only going home on Sunday. Until then you’re mine.
I’m visiting my parents on Sunday.
Cancel it. I’m not asking.
Yes, Sir.
A luxury hotel for the weekend just to fuck you in peace? Who the hell was this guy? Without much thinking he checked his profile and there he found a bunch of photos of him and his family. He was married which meant he was a lying piece of shit, but you didn’t seem to mind playing the role of the other woman in his life.
When Kyle looked up, he saw you folding clothes, probably putting them in a suitcase as this guy told you. You were so obedient, such a nice little pet, it would be a shame to hide you. If he had you, he would surely put you on display, letting everybody know you were his.
It was only the next day when a new message popped up on his phone. It took you more than half a day to cancel your meeting, telling him a family emergency came in the way. You didn’t mention a raincheck, it looked like you weren’t as interested as he had assumed. What a shame.
But it was okay. He could wait.
Price called him a few days later to inform him about a new mission. Kyle didn’t feel like going, but there was nothing he could do about it. Maybe distance would help. Maybe he could come up with a plan to get you. So he went there, spending every free second reading the messages you exchanged with others. 
This man you had spent the weekend with was bombarding you with messages. Apparently he sent you flowers, an expensive necklace you were very grateful for, and hell, he even offered to buy you a car because he didn’t like the idea of you using public transportation like the rest of the city. “Any guy could get touchy in the crowd and I don’t like the idea of others touching what’s mine,” he reasoned.
By the time he returned home, Kyle had a plan. He rented an apartment in an almost empty building and spent a lot of money on making it soundproof. You would like it. Well, you would learn to like it. It would be your new home, one you shared with him. The next days were spent near the building you lived in to see if your habits had changed while he was gone but lucky for him you were doing things the way as always.
So on a Friday evening when you went to a bar with your friends, he carefully spiked your drink then left to wait for it to start affecting you. He even left for half an hour, just to arrive as if he hadn't been there before. Who would be suspicious of someone who arrived when you were already a bit strange?
“Hey, Jennie’s friend,” he said when he stopped by your table, acting like he didn't remember your name. Your friends gave him a strange look, but when they saw the cheerful smile on your face, they visibly relaxed. “It's been a while.”
“Kyle! I'm so so sorry for ghosting you,” you slurred as you jumped up and wrapped your arms around his neck. “Why don't we hang out tonight?”
“And your friends?” Screw them, of course, but still, Mr. Nice Guy had to ask. 
You rolled your eyes at him. “I spend every Friday with them. But you! You're a rare sight.” He gently pushed you away to make it seem like he wasn't all that happy to have you all over him, like his mind wasn't already in overdrive from the scent of your perfume. “Let me make it up to you. I canceled the meeting and I'm so sad about it,” you said with a pout.
With a laugh he gave a questioning look to your friends, his eyes falling on the one who seemed the most protective from the group. She carefully considered the possibility of letting your drunk self leave with someone they didn't know, but you then began to beg her and she gave in with the condition of you calling him once you were at home.
A little detour was okay, he could manage that. You spend some time together, he walks you home, he waits for you to talk to your friend, then he returns to your home to get you. He knew you would love your new home because he took care of everything. From the few visits in your apartment when you weren’t home along with the video feed from your place, he learned which products you liked, what size your clothes were, what you liked to wear at home. He bought everything, “a shopping spree to surprise my girlfriend who stays over a lot lately,” he had said in a store with a loving smile, making everyone believe that this was all. 
The two of you decided to go grab something to eat, but you weren’t feeling well–thanks to the drugs he had given you, how smart of him–so he took you home instead. “Call your friend, then go to sleep. I’ll call you tomorrow to see if you’re feeling better. But if you need anything in the meantime,” he began quietly as he stepped closer to you, his hand reaching out to touch your cheek, “call me.”
He checked the feed from a nearby bar and listened to your conversation with that friend. 
“Lucy, I’m home in one piece,” you said as you leaned against the headboard of your bed. 
“Good. And that guy?”
“He left. I hoped he would stay to entertain me, but he wanted me to get some rest.”
Kyle couldn’t help but chuckle at your disappointment. You would get what you wanted in no time. You would be begging him to stop after he pulled out oh-so-many orgasms out of you, but he still wasn’t sure if he would give you the freedom to decide. Once you finally ended the call, he went back to your apartment and quietly walked into your bedroom, careful not to startle you. 
You were half-asleep already, but when he sat on the edge of your bed, your eyes opened and you looked at him. “Kyle?” He nodded as he swept a strand of hair behind your ear. “You came back?” you mumbled. 
“Get dressed, I want to show you something,” he told you before standing up to get you some clothes. 
By now the alcohol and the drug turned you into this obedient little thing, so you got dressed and followed him without questions. The car ride felt like an eternity, but he knew in less than twenty minutes you would officially become his. He rested his hand on your thigh the whole time, his thumb drawing circles into your skin through your jeans. You were sleeping peacefully so he could look over at you any time he wanted. 
When you reached your destination, he helped you out of the car and guided you to the third floor where his secret apartment was. You didn’t ask questions, you just crawled under the covers in bed and asked him to join you. Kyle didn’t have to be told twice, so he took off his shoes and occupied the empty side of the bed. “Get some sleep, pet. We will have the rest of our lives to have fun, trust me,” he whispered to you before leaning over to kiss you. 
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panicatthecourtx · 2 months
☆ We are a decently established discord roleplay group who just did an entire plot restart and are looking for new members to fill some much wanted character roles! ☆
☆ Must be 18+, this is non-negotiable as most members are 19 or above.
☆ NO drama will be tolerated. We ask everyone to have fun, but please be respectful of how others portray their characters.
☆ ALL CHARACTERS ARE 18 OR OLDER!! Unless they are a younger sibling, the rest will be 18!!
☆ We do use the Tupper bot as well!
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《Characters currently being played》
Tweek - Craig - Stan - Kyle - Kenny - Cartman - Wendy - Bebe - Kevin Stoley - Pete Thelmen - Henrietta - Annie Knitts - David Rodriguez - Clyde Donovan - Trent Boyett - Bridon - Davey Harrison - Gary Harrison - Christophe - Gregory - Tricia Tucker - BloodRayne(Katie) - Karen McCormick - Michael(Tall Goth) - Pip Pirrup - Damien Thorn - Red - Ike - Jimmy - Heidi - Butters- Mercedes - Porsche - Charlotte - Lizzy - Rebecca Cotswold -
【Active Ships】
Creek, Stary, Kyvid, Bendy, Kenman, Hennie(henriettaxannie), Gregstophe, Revin, Mercyde(Mercedes x Clyde), Brete( Bridon x Pete) and Dip.
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Tolkien Black - Timmy Burch - Scott Malkinson - Mike Makowski - Firkle - Nichole Daniels - Thomas (Le Petit Tourette) - Estella Havisham - Leslie Meyers - Nelly - Bradley Biggle - Shelly Marsh - Jenny Simmons ‐ Lola - Jason White - Alejandro White - Timmy- Pocket - Spencer Hollis- Brimmy - Josh (Hannibal Kid)- Dogpoo- Bradley (Cartman Sucks)- Corey Lanskin- Davey Solokov - Jessica Rodriguez- Marc Cotswolds- Sophie- Tammy- Tommy- Ferrari- Heather- Lexus- Allison- Annie Gelson- Larry- Ravyncrowe- Ryan- Vladimir- Amanda Harrison- Dougie- Flora- Filmore- Jeni - Jenny Harrison- Kevin McCormick- Mark Harrison- Billy Miller
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Any character will be accepted, even if one is not listed! Just let us know what character you want, and that's fine! We are 100% okay with background characters, too. Just let us know exactly who! Otherwise, it's free to choose! You may even choose an adult/parent if you would like, but please let us know due to certain plot points!
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misterah13 · 6 months
My main fandom characters list (Plus Protagonists)
Yellow Guy
Duck Guy
Red Guy
Micheal Afton
Flowey The Flower
Nicky Roth
The Protagonist (Tattletail)
Baby Talking Tattletail
Henry Stein
Aubrey Drew
Alice Angel
Boris The Wolf
The Runaway Kid
The Girl In The Yellow Raincoat
Shadow Six
Ms Chalice
The Player
Mickey Mouse
Spongebob SquarePants
Gary The Snail
Patrick Star
Squidward Tentacles
Eugene H Krabs
Sandy Cheeks
Sheldon J Plankton
Karen Plankton
Gumball Watterson
Darwin Watterson
Anais Watterson
Penny Fitzgerald
Carrie Krueger
Meilin Lee
Miriam Mendelsohn
Priya Mangal
Abby Park
Konata Izumi
Hikage Miyakawa
Hinata Miyakawa
Kagami Hiiragi
Tsukasa Hiiragi
Miyuki Takara
Yutaka Kobayakawa
Minami Iwasaki
Patricia Martin
Hiyori Tamura
Misao Kusakabe
Ayano Minegishi
Yuuko Aioi
Mio Naganohara
Mai Minakami
Nano Shinonome
Professor Hakase Shinonome
Felix The Cat
Sophie Walten
Jenny Letterson
Ice Cream Man
Sergeant Keroro Gunso
Private Second Class Tamama Nitohei
Corporal Giroro Goucho
Sergeant Major Kururu Soucho
Lance Corporal Dororo Heicho
Angol Mois
Carmen Sandiego
Player Bouchard
The Chief
Chase Devineaux
Julia Argent
Agent Zari
A.C.M.E Agent
Sarah Henderson
Lily Henderson
Kyle Henderson
Thomas Bentley Artwright
Henry Stickmin
Ellie Rose
Charles Calvin
Classic Sonic The Hedgehog
Classic Miles Tails Prower
Classic Knuckles The Echidna
Classic Amy Rose The Hedgehog
Classic Ray The Flying Squirrel
Classic Mighty The Armadillo
Serial Designation N
Uzi Doorman
The Mole
Disco Bear
Cro Marmot
Mr Pickles
Raggedy Ann
Raggedy Andy
Captain Olimar
The Knight
Player (Poppy Playtime)
Poppy Playtime
Red Crewmate
Hat Kid
Bow Kid
Bandana Waddle Dee
Meta Knight
King Dedede
Queen Ripple
Ripple Star Fairies
Shadow Kirby
Dark Meta Knight
People Of The Sky
Zan Partizanne
Classic Kirby
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bingbongsupremacy · 11 months
Somebody That I Used To Know
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Pairing: Steve Harrington x reader
Warnings: The kids call the reader mom but I don't think I use gender otherwise. I wasn't sure what to put down as a gender neutral parent name. Feel free to let me know of some options if you know any!
Summary: It's been years since you moved away from Hawkins. From your ex. Now that you're back, you run into him while dropping off your kids at school. Memories of the past come flooding your mind.
Inspo from Somebody That I Used To Know.
*Not Proof Read* Stranger Things Masterlist
I make my way towards the entrance of Hawkins Elementary. Memories of my childhood filter into my mind with every step. Play dates with Nancy, studying with Robin. My first kiss with Steve under the bleachers.
I shake off the feeling of nerves that bubbles up in my stomach. It's been 10 years. Things have changed. I rarely talk to any of them. As soon as I left, all of my relationships in Hawkins quickly dwindled. Now that I'm back, something I'd never predicted happening, old emotions have seemed to resurface.
I don't have time to deal with that now. I have kids to take care of. I have a husband.
Besides, who knows if Steve's even here anymore. Maybe he finally got out of here.
As soon as I enter the school, excited chatter fills my ears. Parents wander around looking for their kids while children run around with their friends. I make my way towards my daughter's classroom.
" Mommy! " My daughter squeals, her tiny body barreling into my legs.
I let out a small laugh. " Baby, hi! " I bend down to hug the five year old. " How was your day? "
" Good! I-I hads a snack with Kevin! " She grins, pointing over to a small brunette boy.
My eyes trail to the tall figure behind him. My breath catches as our eyes meet. Steve Harrington. His hair's a bit longer but still styled the same way it was when we were teenagers. He's dressed in a black suit, a brown keychain hanging out of his left pocket.
He looks good.
" Y/N? " Steve's eyes are wide in surprise? " What? When did you move back? "
I straight my posture. " We moved back a couple weeks ago. David got a job offer. "
My eyes wander towards his son. He looks just like his father, same eyes and smile. Who did Steve end up with?
" Oh David? So you guys got married, huh. " Steve's eyebrows twitch slightly.
I nod stiffly. " Yeah, seven years now. " I hold up my ringed hand.
For a moment flashes of the past run through my mind. Dates at the lake and make out sessions in the back of Steve's car. We were really in love. What would've happened if I had married Steve? If we hadn't broken up all those years ago.
Steve smiles tightly. " That's great. I'm really happy for you, Y/N. "
" You too. " I agree, nodding down to his little boy.
" Daddy, come on! Mommy said she's making cookies today! Kyle and Jenny will eat all of them if we don't get home! " Kevin whines, tugging on Steve's sleeve.
Steve tears his gaze away from me and turns his attention towards his son. " Alright bud, sorry. We'll head out. Don't want your siblings eating all the cookies, huh? " He grins and taps his sons cheek lovingly.
" It was nice seeing you, Steve. "
Steve nods. " You too, Y/N. "
I watch as Steve and his son leave. He picks up his son, playfully jostling him in the air. Steve turns to look back at me one last time before he leaves.
I wonder what would've happened if we had ended up together?
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thoughtsandbones · 9 months
The way you ease my trepidation
Kyle 'Gaz" Garrick x F! Black OC (Clarissa Edwards)
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Because I keep seeing posts on people excluding our guy Gaz who's LITERALLY THE MAIN CHARACTER YOU PLAY IN MWI and MWII!!!!!
The storyline follows my main fanfic from Part 15 II - Simon 'Ghost' Riley x F!MedicDoc OC (codename: Blue) 💀💙
WARNINGS: Profanity, fluff, medical inaccuracies (because all my knowledge regarding medicine comes from Grey's Anatomy and that one stint I did as a first aider)
A/N: This is my first time writing a black character, I've heavily used @writingwithcolor as a guide to ensure I am doing my best to represent the characters. Please do let me know if there are any issues!
Song inspo: 'No Blame' - Christina Chong, Move - Milo Greene, Maan Meri Jaan - King and Nick Jonas, Phantom Studies - Marcel Dettmann and Ben Klock
As Kyle made his way to the RAMC building, Soap's voice echoed in his head.
"Can't feel my legs"
"Lt I'm not gonna make it"
He tightened the grip he had on his vest that he still had not taken off, tainted with Soap's blood when helped Ghost with packing the cellox into the gunshot. Checking his watch it was 12:15pm.
Doc should be done by now he thought to himself as he walked through the double doors, walking past all the medical personnel and straight to reception.
He was met by an empty desk, and looking around the wards he could not see the Doctor nor any other authority figure. Kyle slid his hand into his back pocket retrieving his keycard.
The ambush from AQ when they were in Al Mazrah was something they had not expected, especially not with the kind of hardware they were carrying. State of the art machine guns, snipers, RPGs and up armoured vehicles. All this reeked of Makarov's doing.
Squeezing his fist tighter at the thought of Makarov's smug face made his blood boil. He smacked the reception desk hoping to release some of his built up anger, but it didn't help.
It was then he noticed the big whiteboard behind the desk on the wall and moved closer to it, scanning down the list of patient names until he found John MacTavish, his eyes slid across the row and saw Dr Hari Kaur and Dr Peyton Marie as surgeons assisted by Nurse Clarissa Edwards, Nurse Jenny Mao and Nurse Mikey Way. He then saw he was in the ICU bed 12. Looking down at his all-access keycard, Kyle grinned slightly and made his way to the double doors where the sign pointed ICU.
Once he arrived at the ICU, Kyle made his way to bed 12. There he saw Soap, laying on his back, eyes still closed and intubated. Cables where attached to Soap which were connected to the machines surrounding him, beeping rhythmically. The pipe coming out of his mouth was so unnatural an uneasy sick feeling settled in Kyle's stomach as he stepped closer.
"Soap?" He said, hoping that somehow the Scotsman could hear him and wake-up.
But no answer.
"Jesus" He whispered as he rested his hands against the bed where Soap laid. "You gotta wake up mate" He said nudging his left hand slightly.
Still no response.
Kyle sighed and closed his eyes, running his calloused hands through his hair and scratching the nape of his neck.
"Excuse me, what are you doing in here?" A voice behind him said sharply. Kyle turned, his eyes met a nurse dressed in baby pink scrubs that made her deep sepia skin glow, there was a green stethoscope wrapped around her neck that was crowned by black braids that swayed as she moved closer to him. In her hands she carried a tray with a big bag of liquid with a long thin pipe coming out of it.
"Err.. came here to see Soap" Kyle said, trying to remain cool, straightening up to appear more authoritative
"Dr Marie said I could see him" he lied, hoping she won't pester him...
"Really?" She said, her brown eyes widening, a grin appeared on her face. "When did you speak to her?" She asked moving over to Soap setting aside the tray on the overbed table, and then checked his charts that was in the folder hanging on the end of the bed near his feet.
Kyle cleared his throat. Gotta bullshit my way out of this he thought
"Few minutes ago in reception" He said, smiling at the nurse, trying to look at her keycard to identify her.
The nurse looked up from the chart and at Kyle, and raised her left eyebrow.
"Now, that's a lie as Dr Marie is currently snoring her head off in the on call room."
A wave of guilt and anxiety rushed over Kyle as he was rumbled.
"Err-" Kyle stuttered as he looked around the ICU, shifting his weight before looking back at the nurse who was still giving him a cautious look.
"I'm sorry I lied, just needed to make sure he was okay" Kyle admitted, looking back at Soap.
The nurse slightly relaxed, putting away the charts back in the folder and looked at Kyle as he gazed upon Soap. Her gaze met his and his eyes wandered back to her, she gave him a sympathetic smile.
"Alright, five more minutes, I need to give him some meds so you can stay here with me." She sighed moving towards the alcohol gel dispenser, squirting the foam on her hands before rubbing them together.
"Thanks Doc" Kyle said grinning at her
The nurse laughed "I'm nurse Clarissa Edwards, not a doctor" She said "Doctors wear blue scrubs, nurses wear pink or green" She added putting on a pair of pale blue gloves.
"Ah okay, that makes sense" Kyle said, now remembering Dr Kaur always wearing blue scrubs "It's nice to meet you Clarissa, I'm Sergeant Kyle Garrick"
"Nice to meet you too Sergeant" Clarissa said, giving him a big smile. Kyle watched as she moved over to the tray on the overbed table, grabbing the IV bag and hooking it onto the IV stand, and then moved to Soap's right hand, taking the stopper out of the cannula on the front of his hand, inserting a syringe with saline to flush the cannula.
"What's that you doin'?" Kyle asked curiously, peeking over to see what Clarissa was doing
"Just doing a saline flush, making sure any residual medicine is pushed into his vein, and prevents infection." She said, briefly looking over at Kyle's curious face.
"Ah I see" Kyle says "Did the operation go well?" He asked
Clarissa looked up. It was natural and normal for fellow soldiers to be perplexed about medical procedures, especially when their teammates were involved.
"The op went well, Dr Kaur and Dr Marie did their best" She said, not taking her eyes off the cannula as she attached the line of the IV bag.
Kyle hesisted a bit, his left leg began to shake rapidly, the heel of his boot making a rapid tapping sound against the vinyl floor. Clarissa looked down at his foot and then back up to Kyle's concerned face, sensing the oncoming trepidation.
"He got shot in the back" Kyle blurted without thinking, looking at Clarissa, who narrowed her eyes and then returned to the cannula, using an alcohol wipe to clear up the dirt between Soap's fingers.
Kyle wanted to smack his head against the wall. Stupid thing to say, of course she knew that he thought, turning away from Clarissa he rolled his eyes and brought his right hand to his face, running his forefinger and thumb across his brows.
Clarissa took her gloves off, and took a deep breathe in through the nose before exhaling through her mouth.
"The bullet was removed, there was a bit of nerve damage, but Dr Kaur did a neural graft. We won't know the full extent of any damages until he wakes up" She said to Kyle who still had his back to her.
Kyle turned back around
"He said he couldn't feel his legs on the helo" Kyle said, eyes glazed with tears as his mind took him back to the moment in the helo when Soap said those exact words to them.
Clarissa moved away from Soap and then walked around the bed, facing directly towards Kyle.
"You and your team did the best you could, the cellox was a great call, it definitely saved his life" She said, placing her hand on Kyle's shoulder.
Kyle felt a ripple of warmth wash over him as she placed her hand on him, he gazed at Clarissa, who smiled at him, he was struck by her striking beauty and kindness.
"It will take time, at the moment, it is a bit too early as he needs rest to aid recovery" Clarissa stated, smiling at Kyle. "We are keeping an eye on him, and we have the best doctors and nurses around in case anything happens" She added
Kyle's anxiety eased as she continued to reassure him that Soap would be okay.
"I suggest you also get some rest Kyle, I'll give you a call when he wakes up" She said
The continued reassurance and smiles that Clarissa gave him additional comfort. Kyle felt at ease.
"Thanks Clarissa, I'm sorry for barging in and lying" He said, looking guiltily at her
Clarissa laughed and smiled broadly which made Kyle's heart flutter as she gently tapped him on the the shoulder.
"Better get going, don't want to get in trouble" She said
"Ah I won't get in trouble don't worry" He said smiling back as he headed towards the door.
"Not worried about you! I'm saying me! Only authorised personnel are allowed in the ICU, especially not those covered in blood and dirt... no offence" Clarissa said, winking Kyle.
"Shit," Kyle said, realising he dragged his dirty combat boots into the ICU, breaking the clean protocol, he hurried to the door and opened the door, allowing Clarissa to walk through first who had whispered a thank you to him as she passed.
They walked out down the corridor back towards a now busy reception area.
Kyle turned to Clarissa who moved behind the reception desk, grabbing a whiteboard pen before scribbling the names of medicine and time administered on the row where Soap's name was. She turned towards Kyle who was still standing by reception.
"Thanks again Clarissa, you were really helpful" He said, smiling back.
"No problem Kyle, I promise to call you when he wakes up and when I get proper authorisation from either Dr Marie or Dr Kaur" She said, laughing slightly as Kyle widened his eyes at the mention of Dr Marie.
"You won't tell her-" He began
Clarissa's eyes widened and she shook her head as she noticed Dr Jones walk in behind Kyle.
"Clarissa, I need you to check on Miles in ward 3" He said not making any eye contact with her and moved towards the board.
"Yes sir" She said looking at him cautiously as he scanned the board "I'll speak to you later Kyle" She said finally before walking off. Kyle watched on as she walked off
"Bye Clarissa!" He yelled at her and laughed as she turned and gave him another wink.
Kyle walked back out the doors of the RAMC and basked in the sun that shone down on base. Relief washed over him as he took a big inhale through the nose. Checking his watching it was 1:36pm, he had been up for over 24 hours, and decided to take Clarissa's advice of getting some well deserved rest as he headed back to his quarters.
He hoped to see that dazzling smile soon.
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somewherefornow · 3 months
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clockwrkcabaret · 4 months
What Are We Doing?
WARNING! This show is for adults. We drink cocktails, have potty mouths and, at least, one of us was raised by wolves.
The Clockwork Cabaret is a production of Agony Aunt Studios. Featuring that darling DJ Duo, Lady Attercop and Emmett Davenport. Our theme music is made especially for us by Kyle O’Door.
This episode aired on Mad Wasp Radio, 03.03.24.
New episodes air on Mad Wasp Radio on Sundays @ 12pm GMT! Listen at www.madwaspradio.com or via TuneIn radio app!
Cecily Strong & The Cast of Schmigadoon! – I Need to Eat
Sarah La Puerta – Chocolate Cake
Biscuithead & the Biscuit Badgers – The Tea’s Made
The Two Man Gentlemen Band – Fancy Beer
Pokey LaFarge & the South City Three – Drinkin’ Whiskey Tonight
Scott Bradlee’s Postmodern Jukebox – Drunk in Love
April Smith and the Great Picture Show – Movie Loves a Screen
Benjamin Clementine – Cornerstone
Scissor Sisters – Let’s Have a Kiki
Mystery Skulls – Amazing
Miike Snow – Genghis Khan
Electric Guest – This Head I Hold
Django Django – Default
The Drums – Money
Beirut – Santa Fe
Arcade Fire – Rebellion (Lies)
TV On the Radio – Wolf Like Me
The Decemberists – The Chimbley Sweep
The Mountain Goats – No Children
Jenny Lewis With The Watson Twins – You Are What You Love
The New Pornographers – Letter From An Occupant
The Linda Lindas – Oh!
Wet Leg – Chaise Longue
Pixies – Is She Weird
X Ray Spex – I Am a Poseur
The Damned – I Feel Alright
Johnny Thunders & The Heartbreakers – All By Myself
Check out this episode!
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autisticrosewilson · 1 year
Rose x anyone for the ship game
Any ship that Rose is in, is immediately chaotic and a just a little bit toxic but in a hot way. You guys see me rave about Jayrose enough, I already answered asks about Rosecass and Rosemia, but that leaves a handful Rose ships I haven't talked about.
Most of the other people I ship her with are based on vibes alone (Artemis, Jenny Quantum) or because they were cute in canon (Eddie bloomberg, Cassie Sandsmark, Raven in Teen Titans Go! Specifically, Rosebabs but from the DC Bombshells run) but there are a couple that are based solely on headcanons
Personal headcanon that Rose had a childhood crush on Donna Troy, so I don't know if that counts as a ship but I do think there's a lot you could do with these two characters together even if it's not my main ship for either of them.
Rose and Kyle slept together once, not because they were interested in each other, but because it gave Jason an aneurysm and they live to cause problems. These two as like, Jason's personal tormentors and biggest enablers is so real to me. Like if Jayroseeddie is Rose and Eddie as the devil and angel on Jason's shoulder, JayRoseKyle is if there were only two devils.
Rose and Stephanie, or RoseCasSteph is so real and so true. I think Cassteph is both of their healthiest ship and I think the spice of adding Rose in between them is so genuinely unmatched. Where's that one post where it's like it looks like they're making each other worse but they actually encourage each other to step outside of their comfort zones and give each other the confidence to stand up for themselves and they actually make each other better.
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euryalex · 1 year
what form of love does your ship embody?
Tagged by the super kind @detectivelokis to do this uquiz for some ships, thank you so so much!!
Tagging @cobb-vanthss @xbaebsae @the-halo-of-my-memory @captastra @strangefable @ziorre @fadedjacket and anyone else who wants to!!
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Winona x Kyle - love as hunger [ love as ravenous desire, love as something fragrant and home-built ] when florence welch said "we all have a hunger" and when jenny slate asked "who will come into my kitchen and be hungry for me?" and when violet trefusis wrote "I want you hungrily, frenziedly. passionately. I am starving for you…" and when anne carson asked "what are we made of but hunger and rage?"
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Iris x Alejandro - love as religion [ love as the sole object of your reverence--nothing about you is holy, but maybe your love for another is ] when sappho said "in the crooks of your body i find my religion" and when the cast of les mis sang "to love another person is to see the face of God" and when halsey said "i found God, i found him in a lover" and when katherine philips wrote "to the dull angry world let's prove there's a religion in our love"
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Jay x Farah - love as tenderness [ love as gentleness after a lifetime of cruelty ] when ocean vuong said "sometimes being offered tenderness feels like the very proof that you've been ruined" and when pablo neruda said "like a jar you housed the infinite tenderness and the infinite oblivion shattered you like a jar" and when anais mitchell wrote "all i've ever known is how to hold my own, and now i wanna hold you, too”
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wanderingspirt47 · 1 year
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1. I want to bring this up for two reason, first I love the dynamic of these two characters and second, in the ppg movie the girl were made fun of for having bug eyes/ big heads. EDDY HAS STRUCK A NERVE.
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2…we all know the number one rule of killing games- never tell people promises outside the killing game. Also if Kyle dies I am going to feel so bad.
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3. STAR GETS HEADACHES WHEN TALKING TO JENNY FOR TO LONG! This is because of Jenny acting a lot like Marco but still! This hurts me. I’m not saying this to offend any Jenny x star fans, just want to point this out.
Have fun with all that- also CIDR belongs to the cheesy b on YouTube! All the art I have shown is his. Please watch CIDR if you have the time.
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