#kyle this guy valenti
dr-lizortecho · 1 year
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men-men-everywhere · 3 months
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Michael Trevino
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kyle valenti is the steve harrington of roswell
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pastelwitchling · 17 hours
My prompt is that Kyle works as an army surgeon and he is one Alex is brought to when he gets injured.
Michael had forgotten about Alex inviting Kyle over Sunday afternoon. He’d forgotten about Alex’s fond smile and twinkling eyes when he’d told Kyle to have a late lunch with them on their one day off. Conveniently, he’d also forgotten all about waking Alex up from his much-needed afternoon nap when Kyle’s knock came at the door.
“Sorry,” he smiled, “Alex moved. See you never.”
He was about to shut the door in his face when Kyle caught the edge and pushed back. “Guerin, I swear, you can either go tell Alex I’m here, or I’ll scream until he hears me.”
Michael frowned. “Wow, Valenti. Alex has barely slept all week, he’s finally getting some rest, and you want me to go wake him up? I thought you cared about him.”
“You’re such a dick,” Kyle grumbled, shouldering his way in, knowing full well that he was probably one of the only two people in the world that Alex would never forgive Michael for kicking out. He still liked to believe the other guy never existed, but that was a whole other issue he didn’t have the mental space for right now. Not when Kyle was tossing his keys on the coffee table like he lived here, and heading into the kitchen to make himself a cup of tea.
“I mean it, Guerin,” he said easily, starting the water heater. “You either go wake him up, or I do.”
“Go wake him from the only sleep he’s had in days?” Michael scoffed. “Yeah, I’ll get right on that.”
Kyle gave him a deeply unimpressed look. “Taking long naps in the afternoon isn’t going to help him sleep at night. Besides, I need to check his leg, that’s the whole reason we set this up.”
Michael straightened, alert. “What’s wrong with his leg?”
He shrugged. “The pain’s been worse lately.”
“I haven’t noticed that,” Michael said before he could think better of it.
“What, Alex hiding his pain? Personally, I’m shocked.”
He clenched his jaw. “Alex would tell me.”
“C’mon, Guerin,” Kyle sighed. “You know what he’s like. He’ll deal with the pain by himself as long as he can. Nothing you or I can do about that. You should’ve seen the day he actually lost his leg.”
Michael, who’d been looking towards the corridor where his and his husband’s bedroom was, slowly turned to look at the doctor. “What?”
“Don’t get me wrong,” he said, oblivious to what he’d confessed to as he poured water over his teabag and stirred in some sugar. “I know he was in shock, but . . .” he tensed, his words only now catching up to him, and his shoulders fell with a sigh. He looked over his shoulder at Michael, his dark eyes apologetic. “Don’t tell him.”
Michael glanced at the corridor again. “You were there that day?”
“Keep your voice down!” he hissed, glancing towards the bedroom, too. “Look, Alex never knew, okay? I did a stint as an army surgeon for a while, and I got pretty good. Good enough to be the first to hear about a familiar name with a bullet in his leg.” He shook his head, pinching the bridge of his nose as though trying to expel the memory. Michael, for the first time, was listening to him intently. “I jumped at the opportunity. Fought for it. Alex was unconscious the whole time I was in that room, I only know about his reaction . . . or his lack of it . . . because I hounded the nurses about it. I knew he’d . . .” he swallowed thickly, “I knew he’d have a rough time when he woke up. I wanted to stay right next to him, I swear, I wanted him to know he wasn’t alone, but . . .”
Michael nodded. If Alex had woken up and seen someone he’d known last as his bully, one of the first people to ever really break his heart, it would’ve made an already soul-crushing situation infinitely worse. Michael was in no mood to insult or mock, mostly because he would’ve given anything for Alex to have been happy to see Kyle there, to at least know he had a friend who actually cared at his side. And partly because he didn’t think he could claim he would’ve made Alex any happier being there himself. Not with the way they’d left things.
“Don’t tell him,” Kyle repeated, quieter this time, the plea evident in his voice. Michael just shook his head, the only reassurance he was willing to give, and Kyle hugged his mug with both hands, relieved.
Michael wanted to pretend he wasn’t telling Alex because he was jealous that Kyle had been there and he hadn’t, or that he couldn’t be bothered to care about Kyle’s secrets, but the truth was . . . he was grateful. He was so grateful that Kyle, at least, was there. That whether Alex knew it or not, he had had someone who cared enough to be there.
“M’gonna go wake him up,” he said. “You’re checking his leg before we eat.”
“Obviously,” Kyle said with a bit of impatience, whatever weird tension that had existed between them officially gone. Michael went down the hall and quietly opened their bedroom door to find Alex still dozing softly, wrapped around Michael’s pillow, unable to sleep without Michael’s sent surrounding him.
Despite the turmoil of emotion swirling in his chest, a soft smile tugged at Michael’s lips. He knelt on the edge of the bed, the one movement alone enough to make Alex’s eyes flutter.
“Mm mm?” was all Alex could manage.
Michael leaned down on his elbow beside him, brushing his hair back from his brow and pressing faint kisses from his warm temple down to his chin, sliding a hand up his spine as Alex melted deeper into the bed instead of waking properly.
“Kyle’s here, babe.”
“Kyle’s here.”
“Hmm.” He nodded, his cheek squished against the pillow. “I’ll get up, gimme a sec.”
Michael’s heart was about to burst out of his chest. The Alex he knew would be up and out of bed, ready for the day the very second his eyes opened. The fact that his husband felt safe and loved enough these days to enjoy his few moments of peace meant the world to Michael. It meant he was doing this husband thing right.
“Okay,” Michael laid down properly next to him. “I’ll wait with you then.”
              He smiled sleepily. “No, Michael, go wait with Kyle.”
              “Yeah,” he scoffed, “like that’ll happen.” Their smiles lasted all of a few minutes, then Michael asked, “Why didn’t you tell me about your leg hurting?”
              At this, Alex’s eyes opened a sliver, quietly studying Michael’s face. “Honestly?”
              Michael frowned, cupping Alex’s jaw. “Yeah, Private, honestly.”
              He shrugged a shoulder. “I didn’t notice. I’m so used to limping, to the exhaustion, to the migraines . . . I didn’t even realize the source of the pain was my leg until Kyle came over to Deep Sky yesterday. He took one look at me, told me to sit down for a minute, and then the next thing I knew, I . . . couldn’t stand back up.” His eyes shut, and a self-deprecating chuckle escaped him. “It’s scary sometimes, thinking that someday I . . . might not . . . be able to . . .”
              “Hey,” Michael cupped his jaw, “if that ever happened, I’d carry you everywhere on my back. I only care that you’re here, Alex.” He slid a hand to the nape of Alex’s neck. “And I know that’s all Valenti cares about.”
              Alex raised a brow, his smile small but returned. “Did you just compliment Kyle?”
              Michael made a disgusted noise in the back of his throat, but as Alex laughed, he couldn’t help but watch him and think of that day so many years ago now, when Alex had lain asleep in a hospital bed, not knowing that when he woke up, he’d find a part of himself gone forever. Not knowing that he’d had a friend to hold his hand and fight to make sure that he would make it out of that hospital room.
              Michael hadn’t been able to really hate Kyle for a long time. Now, knowing he’d saved his husband, he didn’t think he’d ever stop being thankful to him—
              “GUERIN!” Kyle’s muffled voice sounded from inside. “STOP MAULING HIS FACE AND LET HIM GET OUT OF BED SO I CAN CHECK ON HIS LEG ALREADY!”
              “Son of a bitch!” Michael sat up, glaring at the door. “Does he want me to kill him?!”
              “No one’s killing anybody,” Alex groaned as he sat up, already in better spirits with his cheeks pink and smile soft and amused and so, so loving. “I’m coming!” he called back, and suddenly hissed, doubling over his leg and automatically grabbing Michael’s shoulder in a vicelike grip.
              “Hey, hey,” Michael wrapped him in his arms and held on tight. “You’re okay, it’s okay.”
              “I-I know,” he managed through clenched teeth, his face pressed to Michael’s collarbone. “Just . . . stay here for a second.”
              Again, the image of Alex alone in his hospital bed came to mind, and Michael tightened his hold on him. “I’m not going anywhere, Private. You’re not alone.”
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timetravelingcas · 1 year
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bekkachaos · 1 year
How about #18 and platonic Kylex for the prompts? ❤️
18. “This is without a doubt the stupidest plan you’ve ever had. Of course I’m in.”
Alex and Kyle had come a long way since high school. For a while Alex wanted to hold a grudge, hated the person Kyle had become when he realised that popularity was an option for him.
And he did hold onto that, for a while, at least until Jim Valenti died. At that point Alex had one of those moments where he realised that the world was bigger than his teenage anger, and people were more than who they thought they needed to be in high school.
The first few times they started to interact again after Alex got back from his last tour he definitely felt that decade-old bitterness rising in his throat, and it took a while before he was ready to part with it. Well, a while and a few alien mishaps.
But spending time together again, Alex had started to remember why they got along so well as kids outside the forced proximity. Now, they spent time together a couple of times a week, either with their alien counterparts or without.
On this particular day though, Kyle and Alex had set up their meeting weeks earlier, because it wasn't just a casual catch up. Alex was using his tech skills to help Kyle set up the perfect proposal, and Michael had been enlisted to keep Isobel away until everything was ready.
"Give me a few broken bones, some corroded arteries even, I can fix up a human body no problem but wires and metal and... programming, no thank you," he said as he watched Alex hook his hard drive into the computer at the drive in. They (Alex) had hooked up some old monitors around the lot, then connected to the main projector. When the sun was setting he would get all of Kyle's carefully curated film segments together to play in the right sequence, and on the right monitors. At least he would when the systems started talking to each other like they were supposed to. "Seriously, thank you Alex. You don't have to do this if you don't want to, I can just find a less technological way of doing this."
Alex snorted out a laugh, looking up at him with a raised brow.
“This is without a doubt the stupidest plan you’ve ever had," he grinned. "Of course I’m in.”
It was Kyle's turn to snort derisively, folding his arms over his chest as he looked down at Alex who had gone back to tinkering with the connection ports.
"I'm sorry this is the stupidest? This? Not the time we were kids and I thought it would be smart to have you lock me in that rusty old fridge in summer? Or when I thought hey, you know what would be a good idea? Open heart surgery, on an alien?"
Alex raised an eyebrow because clearly, the pressure was getting to him. "To be fair, the heart surgery wasn't your plan. And it was a success."
"And the fridge?" Kyle said with a huff.
"I've seen sweatier men than that."
"Don't elaborate."
"I mean," Alex said with a grin. "Relying on Michael to keep a secret all the while spending the day with Isobel. I'll figure this bit out eventually, but he's the real wildcard here."
"He's kept bigger secrets, don't you think?" Kyle said.
"Yeah but this is a secret that will eventually be coming out, so there's really no motive for him to keep it. Hand me that hard drive would you?"
"What, you think Michael's going to ruin it?" Kyle said as he grabbed the hard drive from the backpack and handed it to Alex.
"No, I gave him a stern talking to."
"A stern talking to or I'll give you a spanking if you're a bad boy?"
"Hey, don't question the method if it gives you the results you want," Alex grinned. "And that would hardly be a deterrent."
Kyle rolled his eyes and ran his hands over his face.
"I'm just saying," he said. "Thanks, for helping."
"I'm your friend Kyle, that's what friends do when one of them wants to do an elaborate proposal," he said, looking up at him with a grin. "Especially when you're the tech-guy friend."
He turned back to the computer, finally opening up the sequencing program so he could stage the timing and hook up the visual to the right monitors.
Kyle thought about those words for a moment. His teeth dug into his bottom lip as he thought about what they meant, everything they had been through. How Alex had always upheld his end, and Kyle had let his end fall apart.
"Sorry I wasn't a better one," he said softly, and Alex turned back to him with a curious gaze.
"If you're talking about things that happened almost fifteen years ago-"
"I know I've probably said it before," he said, cutting Alex off. "But I don't really think there's a statute of limitations on treating someone like crap and then asking them to help you propose to your girlfriend."
Alex exhaled slowly, looking back at Kyle with kind eyes and waiting for him to say what he needed to.
"I just mean that I'm sorry for everything that happened between us. I guess the last couple of years especially have made me see it but I thought about it a lot after high school. I mean those friendships were just hollow and I didn't realise until I left. Thought about you a lot in those 10 years."
"I didn't really think about you," Alex said with a shrug.
"Fair, and I get that."
"I mean," Alex said with a fond shake of his head. "At least not until your dad. And I know how much it hurt me to hear about what happened to him. So all I could think was how much you must be hurting. Even thought about calling but changed my mind straight away because all I could remember was who you were when I left. And then I got back from a war and, I just didn't have the energy to hold that anger, you know? Suddenly seemed kind of stupid, to still be affected by something from high school."
Kyle made a humming sound as Alex made a satisfied sigh as he turned back to look at him.
"Is this you telling me I'm stupid?" Kyle said, eyes narrowed but a smile playing on his mouth.
"No," Alex shrugged, looking up at him with a grin. "But if that's what you took out of it I'm not going to correct you. I think I've got this all set by the way. You sure you're ready?"
"Hey, you make it look easy," Kyle said. "And you married Michael."
They chucked together, followed by a moment of quiet until Alex got to his feet.
"For the record," he said, reaching out to put a hand on Kyle's shoulder. "What I meant when I said this was a stupid plan was that you don't have to go all out on the proposal, intimate and simple works just as well."
"You think I should find a secret alien dimension and use the phrases 'I'm dying' and 'marry me' in the same sentence?" he said with a raised brow.
Alex rolled his eyes and lightly smacked his shoulder.
"Could probably meet in the middle somewhere."
Luckily, Alex had finished with perfect timing. He messaged Michael to bring Isobel down, and by the time the truck was pulling up the sun was shedding a soft orange and pink glow over the horizon.
Alex watched Kyle exhale heavily as he heard the doors closing and gave him a nudge with his elbow.
"Too late to back down now," he said, and Kyle turned to him with soft eyes.
"Thanks Alex," he said, nodding to him with that nervous excitement brewing inside him. "Really, I mean it."
Alex rolled his eyes again and reached out to pull Kyle into a hug. They had probably done it in the years since they reconnected, but it felt like the first time, the start of a friendship fully renewed, leaving the stubbornness of their past behind them.
They broke apart when Isobel's voice called out somewhere across the lot, Alex reaching over to start the sequence for Kyle.
"Go on," he said. "Really no turning back now."
Kyle grinned, one last tap to Alex's shoulder as he ran towards his place.
As Alex watched him disappear between the old pallets and the screen, Michael slowly crept up beside him.
"That was adorable," he teased.
"Shut up," Alex said, leaning into him as they found a vantage point to watch.
They'd all come such a long way since seventeen, and in a weird way, Alex wouldn't change a thing.
send me a pairing and a prompt from this list 💕
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polycule-playoff · 1 year
Last Edited: 15 September 2024
Polycules that are in the running:
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic
Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Fluttershy
Stephen King's It
Richie Tozier, Eddie Kaspbrak, Beverly Marsh, Bill Denbrough, Ben Hanscom, Stan Uris, Mike Hanlon, Kay McCall, Audra Phillips and Patty Blum
Sherlock Holmes
Irene Adler, Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Mary Morstan, and Godfrey Norton
Doki Doki Precure
Cure Heart, Cure Diamond, Cure Rosetta, Cure Sword and Regina
Tsumugi Tsukioka, Tasuku Takato, Hisoka Mikage, Homare Arisugawa, Azuma Yukishiro and Guy
Persona 5
Akira Kurusu/Ren Amamiya, Ryuji Sakamoto, Ann Takamaki, Yusuke Kitagawa, Makoto Niijima, Futaba Sakura, Haru Okumura, Goro Akechi, Sumire Yoshizawa, Morgana and Yuuki Mishima
Akira Kurusu/Ren Amamiya, Hifumi Togo, Chihaya Mifune, and Lavenza
Witch's Heart
Claire Elford, Noel Levine, Ashe Bradley, Wilardo Adler and Sirius Gibson
Ensemble Stars!!
Leo Tsukinaga, Tsukasa Suou, Arashi Narukami, Izumi Sena, Ritsu Sakuma, Mao Isara, Hokuto Hidaka, Subaru Akehoshi and Makoto Yuuki
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Jonathan Byers, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Argyle, Chrissy Cunningham, Eden Bingham, and Vickie.
Star Trek DS9
Elim Garak, Julian Bashir, Miles O'Brien, Keiko O'Brien, Kira Nerys, Jadzia Dax, Odo Ital, Quark, Worf, Ezri, Sisko, Lwaxana Troi, Kasidy Yates-Sisko, and Lenara Kahn
The Owl House
Luz Noceda, Amity Blight, Willow Park, Hunter, and Gus Porter
Jonathan Harker, Mina Harker, Lucy Westenra, Quincey Morris, Jack Seward, Arthur Holmwood, and Abraham Van Helsing
The Breakfast Club
Brian Johnson, Andrew Clark, Allison Reynolds, Claire Standish, and John Bender
Winx Club
Bloom, Stella, Tecna, Musa, Flora, Aisha, Sky, Brandon, Timmy, Riven, Helia, Nex and Nabu
Resident Evil
Leon S Kennedy, Claire Redfield, Ada Wong and Helena Harper
The Case Study of Vanitas
Vanitas, Noe Archiviste, Dominique de Sade and Jeanne
Scooby Doo
Fred Jones, Daphne Blake, Shaggy Rogers, Velma Dinkley, Hot Dog Water, and Crystal.
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Darla, Angel(us), Drusilla, and Spike/William
The Legend of Zelda
Revali, Zelda, Link, Mipha, Sidon, Yona, Paya and Tauro
The Magicians
Fen, Eliot Waugh, Margo Hanson, Josh Hoberman, Quentin Coldwater, and Arielle
Kiyoko Shimizu, Yachi Hitoka, Yamaguchi Tadashi, Tsukishima Kei, Bokuto Kōtarō, Akaashi Keiji, Kuroo Tetsurō, Kozume Kenma, Hinata Shōyō, Kageyama Tobio, Oikawa Tooru, Iwaizumi Hajime, and Ushijima Wakatoshi
Genshin Impact
Cyno, Alhaitham, Kaveh, Tighnari, Dehya, Nilou, Faruzan, Dunyarzad, and Candace
Kaeya, Rosaria, Albedo, and Sucrose
Neuvillette, Wriothesley, Navia, Clorinde, Zhongli, Childe, and Furina
Kujou Sara, Gorou, Arataki Itto and Sangonomiya Kokomi
Heaven Official's Blessing
Xie Lan, Hua Cheng, Mu Qing, Feng Xin, Yin Yu, and Quan Yizhen
Jack Harkness, Gwen Cooper, Rhys Williams, Owen Harper, Ianto Jones, and Toshiko Sato
Peter Parker, Harry Osborn, Mary-Jane Watson, Gwen Stacy, Liz Allan, Felicia Hardy, and Johnny Storm
Legosi, Louis, Haru, and Juno
Lupin III
Lupin III, Goemon Ishikawa XIII, Daisuke Jigen, and Fujiko Mine
Demon Slayer
Tengen, Makio, Suma, and Hinatsuru
Sunny, Kel, Basil, and Aubrey
Cookie Run
Herb Cookie, Vampire Cookie, Sparkling Cookie, Mint Choco Cookie, and Cocoa Cookie
The Grail Quest
Percival, Galahad, Bors, Dinadrane, and Blanchefleur
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair/Super Danganronpa 2
Hajime Hinata, Kazuichi Soda, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, Sonia Nevermind, and Akane Owari
Zero Escape
Akane Kurashiki, Junpei, Sigma Klim, Carlos, Diana, and Snake
Roswell New Mexico
Nora Truman, Louise Truman, Theo, Tripp Manes and Roy Bronson
Max Evans, Isobel Evans, Michael Guerin, Liz Ortecho, Kyle Valenti, Maria DeLuca, Alex Manes, Jenna "Cam" Cameron, Heath, Dallas Haines, Greg Manes and Anatsa
The Raven Cycle
Blue Sargent, Richard Gansey, Ronan Lynch, Adam Parrish, Noah Czerny, and Henry Cheng
Khadgar, Kalecgos, Illidan, Kael'thas Sunstrider, Vashj, Arthas Menethil, Jaina Proudmoore, Nathanos Blightcaller, Sylvanas Windrunner, Tiffin Wrynn, Varian Wrynn, Halduron Brightwing, Thalyssra, Lor'themar Theron, and Rommath
Welcome to Demon School Iruma-kun
Suzuki Iruma, Asmodeus Alice, Valac Clara, Azazel Ameri, and Purson Soi
My School President
Gun, Tinn, Sound, Win, Tiw, Por, Yo, Nook, Pat, and Kajorn
Bad Buddy
Pat, Pran, Korn, and Wai
Guardian Tales
Knight, Elvira, Arabelle, Beth, Priscilla, Yuze, Bianca, Loraine, Eva, and Camilla
Word of Honor/Faraway Wanders
Wen Kexing, Zhou Zishu, Han Ying, Jing Beiyuan, and Wuxi
The New Teen Titans
Dick Grayson, Koriand'r, Victor Stone, Rachel Roth, Joseph Wilson, Donna Troy, and Garfield Logan
Baldur's Gate 3
Astarion, Gale, Lae'zel, Karlach, Shadowheart, Wyll, and Durge
Kagerou Project
Ayano Tateyama, Shintaro Kisaragi, Takane Enomoto, and Haruka Kokonose
NU Carnival
Eiden, Aster, Morvay, Yakumo, Edmond, Olivine, Quincy, Kuya, Garu, Blade, Dante, Rei, and Karu/Garu
Project Sekai
Kanade Yoisaki, Mafuyu Asahina, Mizuki Akiyama, and Ena Shinonome
Archie Andrews, Jughead Jones, Betty Cooper, and Veronica Lodge
Lego Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu
Zane Julien, Kai Smith, Jay Walker and Cole
Mysterious Lotus Casebook
Li Lianhua, Qiao Wanmian, Di Feisheng, and Fang Duobing
Vash the Stampede, Nicholas D. Wolfwood, Meryl Stryfe, and Milly Thompson
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antoine-triplett · 2 years
Me re. Kyle Valenti Season 1: GET AWAY FROM HER GET A JOB!
Me re. Kyle Valenti by Season 3: can one good thing happen to this guy for the love of god give him something
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burntotears · 2 years
WIP Wednesday 🚧
Tagged by the lovely @bekkachaos
This is from the next part of marriage!verse. I’m not working on anything else at the moment! Also this is completely unedited, so it’s kinda shit.
Michael tried to keep himself busy, but tonight he was too restless and wound up at the Wild Pony trying to drink away his loneliness. He rolled his eyes when Kyle slid into the booth across from him. “Go away, Valenti.” This was not the company he was hoping for.
Kyle had a drink of his own and settled in, completely ignoring Michael’s direction. “We need to talk about Alex and Isobel.”
“I’m not gossiping with you about our significant others. Especially not when one of them is my sister.” 
Kyle opened his mouth but then made a face and seemed to change tactics. “You think that stops Isobel gossiping with Alex?”
Michael wrinkled his nose in disgust. “Don’t care, Valenti. Why are you still here?”
“I mean we need to talk about what they are up to,” Kyle picked up his earlier statement.
“What they are up to? Aren’t they shopping or something?” He was fairly certain Alex said they were going to go shopping of some form or another.
Kyle scoffed in disbelief. “You think they are out… shopping? On an extended month-long shopping spree?”
“What the hell are you talking about, Valenti?”
“What the fuck have you been doing, Guerin?” Kyle looked at him like he was an idiot. “Do you even know what’s going on? Isobel and Alex are building something and it’s big.”
“Building? What would they–he wouldn’t even have time. He’s been working on something at work. Aren’t you guys looking for the mole?” Michael was a little worried at how adamant Kyle was. Alex was busy all the time, he wouldn’t have time to do much of anything.
“Guerin, Alex hasn’t been in the office for weeks. Whatever he’s working on, it’s not for Deep Sky.”
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gaymasonjar · 2 years
Will You Meet Me In The Middle?
Sneak Peak of Chapter 2: Keep You Safe
 Two days had dragged by and Alex was still doing research for Liz. She knew she was going to need more help to defeat Clyde. After her encounter with the mist, her brain was still not back up to speed. So, that is why Alex tracked down Allie Myers for her. When Alex explained everything that was going on and that Liz Ortecha needed her help, she agreed to come to Roswell. He was still busy trying to find any leads on Rosa and Clyde.
 “Didn’t I tell you to take a break from that?” Kyle walked in, not wearing his white coat. He cocked a brow at his friend questioningly. While he knew Alex was going stir-crazy, his recovery was a higher priority than doing work.
 “You did”, Alex’s eyes never left the screen. “Doesn’t mean I listened.”
 “Ya know, as a military guy, I would’ve assumed you were great at taking orders”, Kyle closed the laptop and took it.
 “Well, there is a reason I quit.”
 “I want you to rest today.”
 Sighing, Alex leaned back reluctantly. He hated that he couldn’t do more than sit and wait. Kyle patted his shoulder gently before checking his vital readings. A feeding tube had been run into Alex’s stomach through his nose after spending the past few days unable to stomach even water. It was important to keep up with hydration and nutrition.
 “How’s the dizziness?”
“Good.  Means treatment is starting to work.”
 “You’re still worried”, Alex pointed out.
 “This is just a weird case, Alex. I’ve seen patients that had a fraction of the radiation you were exposed to for a much shorter amount of time die within a week of the initial exposure. But you were soaked in it for so long. It’s honestly mind-blowing.”
 “I’m not one to go down without a fight.”
 Kyle snorted and shook his head. “Whatever you say, Manes. I’ll come back to check on you in a while. Rest. I mean it.”
 Alex rubbed his eyes tiredly and considered taking a nap to pass the time. Kyle left, taking Alex’s laptop with him. Maria was waiting in another examination room down the hallway. There was a file in her hand that she was reading from. She looked up when Kyle entered the room.
  “Hey”, she greeted with a smile. “How’s Alex doing?”
 “Well, I caught him doing some Dark Web Rolodexing for Liz. He’s responding to treatment but I don’t think he’s out of the woods yet” Kyle cleared his throat, “Seeing as you’re here, I’m assuming you ditched Shivani’s goons?”
 “Yeah. Sonya had a hidden tracker on her, The moment things got a little dicey with Team Senovative, a whole caravan of Deep Sky’s finest pulled up to the party.”
 “Well, us Valentis can be an intrepid bunch.”
 “Is that why my sister planted a kiss on you before she jumped through liminal space?”
 “It could have been an ‘in case I die’ kiss”, Kyle insisted.
 “Really”, Maria gave him a look.
 “Is that what it felt like?”
 Kyle sighed deeply before he gave Maria a shy smile, “No. It felt like the answer to the question I asked her down in Mexico.”
 “You’re the answer she deserves.”
 “Then I have to say thank you. For using your astral projection gift to save her life.”
  Maria cleared her throat and looked back down at the file in her hands. “Yeah.”
 “You think it could work to help try and find Rosa?”
 “So far, my alien third eye is only seeing one person”, she admitted.
 “A certain spaceman of the cloth.”
 Kyle nodded with a thoughtful expression. “So, what is it about him that allowed you to cross the space-time continuum into Theo’s upside down?”
 “Dallas makes me feel safe.”
 “Could be something to build on.” Kyle explained further, “If he’s standing right beside you, maybe you could focus your sight elsewhere.”
 Maria pursed her lips in thought. Before she could comment on that line of thinking, something started beeping. Kyle pulled a pager out of his pocket hurriedly. His face dropped as he read the short message.
 “What is it?”
 “It’s Alex.” Kyle ran past her for the door. Maria left her file on the table to follow him. They ran down the hallway to the room Alex was staying in. He was in full convulsion on the floor beside the bed. While he had been leaning forward to massage his leg, a seizure came on suddenly. He hit the floor head first off the bed and ripped off all the monitors in the process. Blood was seeping onto the floor from the wound left by the IV needle tearing out of his hand. Kyle kneeled as he pulled Alex into a recovery position.
 “Oh god”, Maria breathed before joining Kyle on the floor. “What do we do?”
 “Keep him steady- hold his head.”
 Maria did as asked and pulled Alex’s head into her lap as he continued to seize. While it felt like an eternity, Alex finally stilled after another two minutes had passed. Maria was on the verge of tears as she ran her fingers through his hair. Kyle checked his pupils and pulse.
 “What’s happening to him?”
 “Acute Radiation Syndrome”, Kyle clenched his jaw. “This is only the beginning.”
 “What? Isn’t there anything we can do?”
 “His body is trying to fight off the radiation but it’s being constantly weakened by it”, Kyle picked up Alex and laid him back in the bed before hooking him back up to the monitors. “It’s going to take a long time to heal if he even can.”
 Maria felt like her world was turned upside down, “He’s dying.”
 Kyle didn’t respond. He patched up the wound on Alex’s hand before inserting a new IV line in the crook of his arm. Alex was breathing shallowly while he slept. Maria grabbed his hand tightly.
 “To be honest”, Kyle muttered. “The only thing that could save him is a miracle.”
Continue reading on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45325099/chapters/114179551
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meggiejolly · 1 year
I had an idea while doing the dishes and listening to the RWRB audiobook:
What if Michelle Valenti is Ann Evans’ opponent in the presidential race? That could mean a roll for Kyle. And maybe the Valentis were diplomats in Britain when he was a child/teenager and that was when he was a bully to Alex. And now the fact that his dad died and his mother is a republican that’s what turns him into a good guy.
I feel a little bad putting Michelle into the role of Richards, but I think it works.
You can find all the posts about this AU here.
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dr-lizortecho · 1 year
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the weight of possibly shooting the boyfriend
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shpadoinkle-day · 1 year
Making South Park is a dirty job - at least, if its creators have an say in the matter.
By PAT ST.GERMAIN -- Winnipeg Sun
HOLLYWOOD -- The South Park movie Bigger, Longer And Uncut kicked some serious flaming butt in Hollywood, but now it's time for foul-mouthed third graders Kenny, Stan, Kyle and Eric Cartman to get back to bleepin' TV, m'kay?
Creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone say they're burned out after the movie and look forward to resuming their 73-show deal with Comedy Central after a six-week vacation, their first in three years.
"We just wanna get back to the show. I like TV a lot better a lot of times," Stone says. "There's a creative satisfaction to TV because you can just come up with something, do it, put it on the air. With a movie you have to do something for a year, it's really hard to keep your passion up that long."
Parker, a former prom king who's mildly obsessing about his 30th birthday this October, says he and Stone, a lanky 28 year old with a wild, kinky mane and matching attitude, don't have specific plans for the new season, but they're not sweating it.
The crudely animated show, which airs on Global and The Comedy Network on Friday nights in Canada, has only a nine-day production schedule. So far, Parker says comedian Chris Rock is onboard as a guest star in "the new Halloween episode -- he'll probably be a little white guy."
But there probably won't be more evil celebrity characters in monster spoofs like the heinously funny Barbra Streisand Mecha-Streisand episode.
"You know, Barbra's the only celebrity we really despise, so maybe we'll just sort of do that again," Parker says. Babs is apparently widely detested in Parker and Stone's home state of Colorado, first because "she single-handedly ruined Aspen" by turning it into a Hollywood satellite burg, and later because she slammed state politics Parker says she knew nothing about.
A few other Hollywood heavyweights have irritated the creative free spirits lately, but to use a pet phrase, they don't give a ... um, darn.
Their highly publicized battles with the U.S. ratings body had MPAA head Jack Valenti calling the pair liars and "hairballs" in print, a development Stone finds hilarious.
"F--ing great, I love it. I love it 'cause it's like flippin' off the principal and having the principal get mad, you know what I mean? It's like, f-- that guy."
Stone says there's a need for a ratings board, but it's "unnerving" that big studios can get R ratings when independent filmmakers have to take NC-17 ratings for the same product.
"The truth is we were treated extremely different when we were independent filmmakers than when we were doing the studio thing," he says.
After getting an NC-17 on three different cuts of the South Park movie -- in which the U.S. declares war on Canada after American kids see the R-rated Terrance And Phillip movie Asses Of Fire and emulate the flatulent, foul-mouthed Canadian cartoon heroes -- Stone says he blew his stack when he learned it was still rated NC-17 four weeks before it opened.
But a few well-placed calls from Paramount got the film an R rating by the next day.
"We didn't change one frame in the film. It had an NC-17, somebody leaned on them, they gave it an R, which is great for us, and I was totally happy. But when we did independent films like Orgazmo, we didn't have anybody to do that and we just had to f--ing put the movie out -- we had to make the choice, we were either butchering the movie or putting it out NC-17 and killing the movie and we took the latter."
Stone says Paramount executives have asked him and Parker not to talk about the MPAA, but as Cartman might say, he doesn't respect their authoritah -- blasting the ratings system is a matter of principle.
"The only people who can speak up about it are the filmmakers and the artists because no one else is going to because they're all in bed together."
He estimates the movie could have earned another $30 million at the box office as a family film, but he and Parker are glad they stuck to their raunchy guns.
"They wanted to make this PG-13 thing that would make sh--loads of money, you know, and we just wouldn't let them do it," Parker says. "And we pissed people off in the process, but we're proud of ourselves. We're still making a sh--load of money, so f-- 'em.
Stone says he figured early on that Bigger, Longer And Uncut would be their last shot at studio filmmaking, anyway.
"We kinda knew if we didn't hit a home run we were gonna be f--ed. You know, if we just came out with a pretty funny movie?"
"The movie felt like a swan song and it was like, you know how you hear about somebody committing suicide, and they're happy? It was kinda like that. We were like, 'Swan song, f--ing blow it out. I don't f--ing care.'
"This is our one chance and we're gonna go out in our own way, f-- 'em. I mean, we thought this is going to be the last thing we do, everybody's gonna f--ing hate it, and we're done and so let's just do whatever we wanna f--ing do that's gonna make our friends laugh, and f-- 'em."
But the musical -- Parker's "first love" is piano and he has a gift for writing wickedly brilliant show tunes -- turned out to be one of the best movies of the summer, although some critics panned its coarse language and crude subject matter.
"I think Roger Ebert's a pretty smart guy and I respect his reviews, but in his TV show he gave us a thumbs down, which is fine -- if you don't like the movie, fine I don't care," Stone says. "But he was also kinda mad about the content ... and this is the guy who wrote Beneath The Valley Of The Dolls and if you've seen that, I just watched it last week ... and I was like this is the most f--ing depraved smut."
Despite its critics, the subversive movie has won over some new fans of the Terrance and Phillip flip-top head variety.
"Yeah, we've got a whole new Canadian following," Parker laughs."Everyone's response has been really cool. Everyone gets it. The joke is that we wanted to pick somebody who is so similar to us that the joke is, 'Why are we being racist?' And saying they talk different and look different when really they don't much at all."
Stone says the pair may do another TV show, which would likely be animated, and there are "rumblings" about a movie sequel. But the only certainty is that whatever they choose, they'll do it their way.
"For better or worse, we don't have a manager, we don't have a publicist, we don't have a managed image, you know what I mean? We can f--ing do whatever we want," Stone says.
"And sometimes it succeeds and sometimes it totally fails, but we just do what we want, 'cause you know, the times we've done what we want, it turned into South Park, which everyone told us would be a big failure. "If we're gonna lose -- if we're gonna be f--in' losers -- we're just gonnalose our own way."
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shieldretired · 2 years
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@shcftingpieces gets a starter for Sexy Surgeon Kyle
                               STEVE MAKES IT TO THE MEDICAL BAY AT SHIELD HQ WITHOUT ANY HELP, which, in his opinion, means that he doesn't need medical assistance in the first place, but Romanoff threatens to knock him out and physically drag him to a doctor if he leaves without getting patched up, so here he is, lightly stumbling through the door and spooking a nearby nurse. "I might need a couple of stitches," he tells the doctor closest to him. The guy looks vaguely familiar (either they met in the cafeteria before or maybe when Steve dragged one of his team members here), and Steve's eyes flicker to the name tag on his white coat. "And while you're at it, it would be awesome if you could dig the bullet out because it's really uncomfortable when my body does it on its own, Dr. Valenti," Steve adds, gesturing at his right arm, which he keeps close to his body. He's wearing the dark blue stealth suit, so it's hard to see blood, but a coppery smell is in the air, and Steve looks distinctly pale – paler than his Irish complexion usually is.
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pastelwitchling · 3 months
Thanks for all the amazing Malex stories.
Could you possibly write about Michael and Kyle being worried about that Alex is taking too many painkillers? Thanks.
This prompt actually inspired me to do a two-parter, so that's what I'm going to do 🫣
Part 1/2
“I don’t how comfortable I am with this,” Michael said, arms crossed and shoulder leaning against the archway into the kitchen.
Alex had his back to him as he fixed up the plate of snacks for movie night, but Michael could hear the amusement in his voice when he said, “Why doesn’t that surprise me?”
His shoulders fell. “I’m serious, Alex. This is our movie night, why does Valenti have to be here?”
“Uh, technically,” Kyle called from the living room, “Alex and I were doing movie night way before you guys got together, so you’re the only trespasser here, Guerin!”
Michael pointed into the hallway, eyes narrowed at Alex. “In my own home.”
“Oh, brother,” Alex chuckled, glancing at Michael over his shoulder. “Baby, why don’t you go pick the movie, okay? It could be whatever you want.”
“You’re just trying to get rid of me, aren’t you?”
“Never,” he said easily with a shrug. “You’re my heart and soul. My lifeline.”
“Okay –”
“My never-ending fairytale.”
“I get it,” he said, trying not to smile.
“My hunky alien hubby.”
“I’m going!”
Alex was still calling adoring nicknames after him as he entered the living room, shaking his head and fighting his own laugh, when he saw Kyle sorting through the DVDs, and he sighed, all joy in the world gone.
“Alex said I can pick what movie we’re watching.”
“Oh?” Kyle said without turning around. “Is that what it took to get you to stop moping?”
Michael mimicked him with a much whinier voice, and Kyle slowly looked over his shoulder at him. “Real mature there, cowboy.”
Michael mimicked that too, and snatched the DVDs out of Kyle’s hands.
“We should watch A New Hope,” Kyle said.
“Should we?” Michael said innocently. “Too bad I’m picking then, huh?”
Kyle shook his head, eyes shut like he was making a gallant effort not to throttle his best friend’s husband. “You know Alex’s leg has been killing him lately, and Star Wars makes him feel better.”
Michael softened. He hated when Kyle was right, he hated when Alex was in pain, but most of all, he hated that Kyle had brought it up at all when it should’ve been Michael who’d suggested it first.
“I was going to choose Star Wars anyway,” he sulked, and Kyle looked like he was counting to ten. Now that he was thinking of Alex’s leg though . . . “I’m going to give him his medication. It’s around that time anyway.”
“I can grab ‘em,” Kyle offered, “you get the movie started. Where are his painkillers?”
“How ‘bout I get my husband his painkillers, and you start the movie?”
“Just tell me where they are, Michael!”
Michael took his time setting the DVD player down and waltzing over to the little drawer beside the couch. He heard Kyle stand behind him, heard him sigh as he stretched, and then –
“What the hell are those?”
Michael raised a brow. “Alex’s painkillers?”
Kyle nudged Michael aside, picking up orange bottle after orange bottle. To Michael’s surprise, he was frowning.
“Why are there so many?”
Michael’s brows furrowed. “Because he’s in pain a lot?” When Kyle didn’t respond, instead checking every bottle and its expiration date, he faltered. “What’s wrong?”
“There shouldn’t be this many,” he murmured. “He doesn’t need more than one or two, I’m counting six here.” He shook his head, and Michael had the feeling he was talking to himself when he said, “What the hell’s he doing, taking all of these?”
“C’mon,” Michael chuckled, uncertain. “They’re probably all for different things –”
“Michael, I’m a doctor,” he reminded him. The fact that he was using Michael’s first name was a little more than concerning. “These are all the same prescriptions. He shouldn’t have this many.” He bit his lower lip as he examined the bottles again. “And we have a bigger problem.”
“Which is what?” Michael scanned the bottles again, trying to see what Kyle was seeing.
“They’ve all been opened,” he said grimly. “So –”
“He’s been taking all this medication at once,” Michael finished, and slumped to the ground. He picked up a bottle, examining it. He’d handed Alex these pills himself, and often. He’d never given the number of bottles a second thought. “What the hell?”
“Okay,” a voice sounded inside, and Alex came walking out with a tray of popcorn, pretzels, sandwiches, and chips. “What’re we watching?”
Michael had half a mind to hold up Alex’s bottle and demand an explanation, but Kyle was already shutting the drawer and pushing himself to his feet.
“A New Hope,” he cleared his throat, and smiled. “Your husband knows you better than I thought he did.”
“Really?” Alex smiled, excited. “Not gonna lie, I was hoping for Star Wars. Thanks, baby,” he kissed the top of Michael’s head. “I’m so lucky to have you.” He faltered at the look on Michael’s face. “Michael? What’s wrong?”
Michael opened his mouth to tell Alex what was wrong, to beg to know why he hadn’t told him how many pills he’d been taking, to look him up and down for injuries and make sure that medication hadn’t been leaving a permanent mark on him. But Kyle was standing right behind Alex, subtly shaking his head, and damn it all, he knew more about this stuff than Michael did. Something was clearly wrong with Alex, how could he not listen?
“I get to sit between you guys,” he finally said. “You’re not cuddling up to anybody else.”
Alex chuckled, relieved. “You got it, baby, I’ll cuddle up to you all night. Let me just get the drinks, and we can start the movie.”
He set the tray down on the coffee table and went inside. The second he was out of earshot, Michael demanded, “Why’d you stop me?”
“I’ve seen this before, okay?” Kyle said in a rushed whisper. “The second you confront someone about abusing their medication, they get defensive and start to lie. We have to know what’s really going on here, Guerin, we can’t risk Alex shutting us out, not on this.”
Michael swallowed, starting to get nervous. If Alex had a problem with pills, and he hadn’t noticed this whole time . . . if Alex had been slowly killing himself, and Michael had willingly put the damn things in his hands . . .
“Hey, hey,” Kyle put a hand on his shoulder, eyes intent. “It’s going to be okay, okay? Alex is the strongest person I know, I’m sure there’s more to this story. But whatever it is, we have to approach it carefully. For Alex.”
“For Alex,” he repeated, hands balled into fists and trying not to panic. Not until Alex was back in the living room with three bottles of beer, not until he was in Michael’s line of sight and smiling and seemingly fine did the knot of tension in Michael’s stomach loosen. He sat on the couch while Kyle took the armchair, and held out his arms.
“C’mere,” he said, and Alex complied easily, taking off his prosthetic and wincing despite himself.
Michael shouldn’t have said it, but he wanted to see how Alex would react. “You need your pills?”
Alex looked like he was going to say he did, but he glanced at Kyle and plastered a smile and shook his head. “N-No, I’m okay, I already had them,” and he curled up on Michael’s chest, hugging his waist tightly.
Michael looked to Kyle who met his eyes. See? Alex had known Kyle would spot the number of bottles and start asking questions, and he’d decided to hide the truth. Michael’s arms tightened around him.
“Baby?” Alex looked up with concern, his breath warm against Michael’s collarbone. “You’re shaking.”
Michael forced a chuckle. “I’m a little cold.”
“Oh, well just tell me,” Alex smiled and unfolded the blanket they usually kept on the couch, covering them both. He tucked Michael in and snuggled in close to keep him as warm as possible. “Is that better?”
He nodded, kissing Alex’s brow. “Better. Thanks, baby.”
Satisfied, Alex settled and went back to watching the movie. As the opening credits rolled in, Michael shared another look with Kyle. Kyle seemed to think it was a good thing that Alex wasn’t looking for excuses to take more pills, and made a calming gesture with his hand to Michael.
Relax, he seemed to tell him. He has us here, I’m not going anywhere, just relax.
Michael swallowed and nodded, settling into the couch, his grip on Alex tight. He would relax for now, he would take it calmly, he would stay strong because Alex needed him. For Alex, he thought over and over, whenever dark thoughts threatened to take him away. For Alex.
Happy Malex Monday ❤️
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syfysource · 6 months
hello, could you guys maybe make some kyle valenti or max evans content from the original roswell tv series?
Hi, anon. Thanks for the request.
As Roswell was not a SYFY original show we won't be giffing or posting about it on this blog.
But I found a recent edit for Roswell by @sam-reid in the tags so maybe they could help you.
-- Jess
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