#kyle gallner×reader fics
star-p3bbles · 1 month
Can't find enough Kyle Gallner character fics so I'm gonna do it myself
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fandomgirlz01 · 4 months
By Your Side
(CSI: NY) Reed Garrett X Reader
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Imagine on my fandom Instagram?: No  
Prompt or Request or Requested Prompt?: No
Style of Writing: Fic (Potential Future Series)
Edited: Yes
Word count: 5,204
Warnings here
Listen to the story be read out loud here {coming soon}. 
Post Date & Time: May 20th 2024 at 11:14 PM
Summary: When Reed accidentally gets involved in something his friend died for the reader (his girlfriend) comes home to a very scary situation. Later they each help each other through forms of grief. 
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Authors Note: There will be a lot of time skips and it mostly follows Reed’s story line in the show with just a few minor (very minor) changes to it. This will be part of a future Reed series, for now though please just enjoy this part as a little sneak peek to the future series.
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Reed’s Pov:
“Did you talk to Mac like you wanted to, babe?” Y/n, my girlfriend, asks as I talk with her on the phone while walking up to our campus dorm room building. 
“Yeah, I did. Told him everything I knew,” I answer her and she sighs, making me imagine her frowning. 
“Reed, baby. Are you sure you should be getting involved with this?” she queries in worry as I open the door to the building. 
“I’ll be fine, babe. It’s for Brian. You know he’d do the same for us,” I beg her to understand and she sighs. 
“I just don’t want you getting hurt,” she tells me in a sad tone and I stop walking up the stairs for a moment. 
“Babe. Mac won’t let me get hurt. I’ll be okay,” I calmly inform her in hopes of calming her anxiety. 
“How’d you even get into the lab, isn’t it hard to get into?” she asks and I smirk as I start walking up the flight of stairs again. 
“I told them I was family and they let me in,” I inform her and she giggles. 
“And they let you in?” she parrots in disbelief and I smile even more as I let out a chuckle. 
“That they did,” I reply to her in a smug tone and she laughs as I imagine her shaking her head in disbelief. 
“That’s crazy. It’s the top forensics building in New York and they just let you in if you say you’re family? Shouldn’t their security be a little better than that?” she asks in an amused tone that makes me chuckle and shake my head. 
“You would think that, wouldn’t you?” I ask and we both laugh. 
“Now I’m second guessing my future line of work…” she jokes and I shake my head. 
“Awe, don’t do that, sweetheart. It’s all you’ve wanted growing up. I’m sure not much actually happens where they need hard core security there anyway,” I comfort to the best of my ability and she laughs. 
“Oh. Okay… I guess I won’t drop out of class,” she jokes and I chuckle, shaking my head at our playfulness. 
“Anyways… When will you be home?” I ask her and she hums. 
“I’ll be home in about a half hour, tops, honey. I promise,” she swears to me and I smile, shaking my head as I continue my walk up the stairs to our dorm room. 
“It’s okay, babe. I know work is demanding sometimes. We’ve talked about this. All I care about is that you come home safe,” I inform her and she giggles, making me smile.
“Ok. Well, I’ll see you in half an hour babe. I love you,” she tells me and my grin grows as I unlock the front door. 
“I love you too, sweetheart,” I respond and before I know it, she’s hanging up. 
I chuckle, shaking my head as I pocket my phone and finish unlocking the door before going into our room. I walk in and pull my bag over my head as I close the door, but I’m immediately in defense mode as the room feels off. I look over at my computer and find a sticky note stuck to it. 
At first I’m relieved, thinking y/n had just left me a cute note like she always does, but when I get closer it’s clear my laptop screen has been broken and as I read the note my stomach drops: keep your story quiet. 
I walk up a little closer as fear now courses through me and next thing I know, I feel a presence behind me. I quickly turn to look at what it is, but as soon as I do I’m punched, making me fall back to the floor. The person keeps kicking and punching me, but I can’t make out who it is because they wear a solid white mask. 
I try my hardest to fight back, but after a few hits to the head everything becomes blurry so I try to curl into myself and hide away. The person keeps kicking and I keep trying to move away, but to no avail. Soon before I know it, the person stops and I look up at them as black spots slowly fill my vision. The last thing I see is the person leaving the dorm room before finally my eyes close. 
Reader’s Pov: 
I smile as I walk up to our dorm room building, glad that my manager let me go home earlier than I was supposed to. I tiredly but happily drag myself up the stairs to surprise my boyfriend. Once I get closer, my smile falls as I see the door is cracked open. I immediately start to worry, seeing as Reed never leaves it open and I carefully push it the rest of the way open. 
“Reed,” I gasp out when I see him crumpled up on the floor.  
“Reed. Baby?” I call him again as I drop my bag aside before getting down onto my knees next to him. 
I shake him and he doesn’t respond so I turn him over. I gasp as I see his face clearly beaten and bruised up. Immediately I stand back up and at first I feel a little dizzy, but I push it off to walk over to the desk. Quickly I search for the card I know Reed has. It takes a few minutes, but I find it and hold it up. I quickly dial the number and it rings for a few minutes. 
“Hello? How can I help you?” A voice asks through the phone and I pause. 
“Hello?” The voice asks again and I blink. 
“H-h-hi, is this Mac Taylor?” I stutter out into the phone and he pauses for a moment. 
“Yes. This is he. May I ask who you are?” he asks and I look over at Reed. 
“I’m Reed’s girlfriend. He, uhh… said this morning that if anything happened to call you,” I quickly explain in a panicked tone. 
“Is Reed okay? Are you?” he asks me and I pause as I look down at Reed, now getting choked up. 
“I’m okay. I came home to our door open and him on the floor,” I explain as I hold my tears back so he can understand me. 
“Okay, listen to me. I’ll be there as quickly as I can and I’ll bring some others with me. Is he unconscious?” he asks me and I hold back another sob. 
“He is. I tried calling out to him and even shaking him, yet no response,” I inform him as I bite my lip, staring down at Reed with tears constantly welling up in my eyes. 
“Ok. Just stay with him. Me and a couple officers will be there in a few minutes, okay?” he calmly tells me and I continue to stare at Reed, not responding. 
“Can you do that?” Mac asks me again and I quickly straighten my back. 
“Y…yeah. Please get here quickly,” I reply as I now get onto the floor next to Reed. 
“Of course. I’ll be there as soon as I can,” he quickly promises before we both hang up. 
I sit against the side of our bed and lightly pick Reed’s head up to lay it in my lap. I hug his head close before leaving a light kiss on his forehead as I finally let the tears fall. 
“Reed. Come on, baby,” I gently coo to him in hopes he’ll start to stir awake. 
“Come on Reed. Please open your eyes for me,” I gently plead with him as I rub his hair back from his forehead. 
I sit with him for a few more minutes before suddenly he lets out a low groan. I perk up and gently shush him as I continue to rub his hair back. 
“It’s okay, baby. I’m here. You’re okay,” I coo softly to him as he slowly comes to. 
It takes him a bit, but finally he fully comes to and when his eyes are fully open, he starts to squirm in my arms. He freaks out for a minute, but calms when I hold his head so he can see it’s only me. 
“Shh. It’s only me, babe. You’re okay… you’re safe. I’m right here,” I calmly murmur to him as I rock us back and forth lightly. 
“No. You can’t be here. Th- they might come back…” he fights me again and I shake my head. 
“No one is coming back, Reed. You're okay and I’m okay. Mac’s on his way,” I inform him as I continue to play with his hair and he immediately calms again. 
“I’m sorry you came home to me like this, babe,” he groans out and I shake my head. 
“It’s okay, honey. I’m with you through anything, you know that,” I promise him and he smiles sadly up at me. 
“Reed,” a voice calls out, making me look up to see a man standing at our door. 
“Hi, Mac,” Reed replies with a sheepish smile. 
“He’s in here, guys,” Mac calls down the hall before walking into the room. 
“Hi. I’m Mac,” introduces himself to me and I smile lightly at him. 
“I’m y/n. It’s nice to meet you. I’ve heard so much about you from Reed,” I explain and Mac smiles. 
“It’s nice to meet you too, although I wish it was over lunch or breakfast instead of this,” Mac comments and Reed laughs lightly. 
“Yeah, that’s my fault,” Reed comments with a sheepish smile that also seems to be full of pain. 
“Do you wanna get up?” I ask Reed and he gives me a light nod. 
“Ok. Come on,” I nod back before standing by myself and getting ready to help him up. 
I help him until he stands with Mac helping from Reed’s other side. Once he’s standing, he staggers ever so slightly and I hold onto him tighter before he moves to sit on the bed. One of the paramedics that came with Mac walks over. Once Reed sits, the dizzy feeling starts to creep up again and now I stagger a bit. 
“Whoa. Babe, sit,” Reed tells me as he holds onto my hand. 
“Hold that thought,” I reply before rushing to the bathroom on the other side of our room. 
“Babe?” Reed questions as he gets up and rushes in after me. 
I drop down onto my knees in front of the toilet and my stomach releases the dinner I had before work. Reed quickly rushes to hold my hair back and rubs my back soothingly. It takes a few minutes, but soon I finish and sit back against Reed. 
“Babe. Are you doing okay?” he asks me with a furrowed brow. 
“I’m fine, honey. I think I’m just in shock mode. You know me. Let’s go back out,” I tell him as I wipe at my lips before standing and cupping some water into my mouth. 
“Are you sure?” he asks me and I nod. 
“Let’s go,” I reply before pulling him back out to the bed. 
“Babe. Sit,” Reed commands as he pulls me down next to him. 
“Okay. Let’s take a look at the injuries,” the paramedic comments as he pulls out a few things from his bag. 
The paramedic quickly looks him over, checking his eyes and has him follow the light. Then he checks Reed’s ribs for any that may be broken. Soon the paramedic packs his stuff back up and stands. 
“Okay, son. I think you are okay. Nothing major, just a few bruises, a concussion, and a few broken ribs. All should heal within the next month,” the paramedic informs Reed who nods and sniffles. 
“Make sure to put something cold on that forehead bruise and maybe that eye,” the paramedic finishes off before nodding to Mac. 
“Wait…” Reed calls out before the paramedic can leave. 
“Yes?” The paramedic questions as he turns back to Reed. 
“Can you please look over my girlfriend? She’s been having throw up episodes and dizzy spells,” Reed explains and I quickly try to hide the widening of my eyes by looking towards the fridge. 
“Reed, baby. I’m okay. I told you it’s just the shock, it’ll wear off. Really, I’m fine,” I tell him before turning around with a soda. 
“Are you sure, ma’am? I don’t mind giving you a look,” the paramedic butts in and I fight the huff I want to let out. 
“Oh. Thank you, sir, but really, I’m fine,” I deflect and the paramedic seems to get the clue. 
“Ok. Have a good rest of your night then,” the paramedic bids his goodbye, leaving before Reed can say anything. 
“Here, babe, put this on your face,” I tell Reed as I hand him a can and he gives me a look of disbelief. 
“What?” I ask when he doesn’t take the can. 
“You should have gotten checked out,” he tells me and I sigh, shaking my head. 
“Reed. How many times do I have to tell you? I’m okay. A little shaken from finding you unconscious on the floor? Hell yeah. Other than that, I’m fine. I have a doctor's appointment set up tomorrow, remember?” I tell him and he sighs, shaking his head. 
“I just want you to be okay,” he whispers out and I smile softly as I sit down next to him. 
“And I am. So let’s get you in the same boat, okay?” I ask him as I reach forward and squeeze his hand. 
“Okay…” he agrees softly before pulling me into his side. 
“Here, baby. Put this on your face,” I almost command as I put the soda into his other hand and he chuckles. 
“Okay. Okay,” he agrees as he wraps his fingers around it and pulls the can up to his face. 
“Are you two sure you're alright?” Mac asks and we both look up at him. 
“Yeah. I think we are,” Reed tells him before putting the soda back on his face. 
“Reed. I want you and this beautiful girl of yours to stay at your parents’ house tonight,” Mac tells him, pointing at him. 
“Yeah. I’m keeping y/n safe,” Reed comments as he takes the can from his face and stands. 
“This is my first Geraldo, you know. Beat up for a story. Making my girlfriend have a freak out when she just wanted to come home and sleep,” he explains as he looks at himself in the mirror next to our bed. He rubs at his face before I stand just a bit to smack his hand away from his face. 
“What’s this about?” Mac asks him as he leans over the desk and uses tweezers to take the note off the broken screen. 
“I have no idea. You know, I’m not even writing on the Kings and shadows. My piece is about students paying other students to take their exams for them,” Reed explains as he sits back down next to me and I cuddle into his side when he puts his arm around me. 
“Brian Miller know this?” Mac asks as he closes up the yellow envelope he holds. 
“I told him as soon as he told me what he was writing about,” Reed replies with a head nod and Mac pauses as he looks at our floor. 
He soon moves and bends down to it. He uses the tweezers to pick up what looks like a crumb of some kind and lifts it up to his face. 
“Let me see the bottom of both your shoes,” Mac tells us and Reed nods. 
“Yeah… ow,” Reed winces as he lifts his leg and I rub his chest lightly before lifting my own. 
“See, Brian and I, we were pretty competitive,” Reed explains and I scoff. 
“Pretty, baby you were more than competitive, admit it. You know I’m right,” I jump in and Reed looks at me before laughing. 
“I mean, she’s got a point… anyway, like I told him I wouldn’t mention him in my piece if he quit,” Reed goes on with his explanation again, wincing as he switches legs for Mac to look at. 
“But he said he’d already agreed to take two more exams. Then he was out,” Reed ends his explanation as now both his feet are down again. 
Mac looks over my first foot real quick, then I switch to the other and he looks at that one too before letting me put them back down. 
“Eddie Williams and Thomas Brighton were Brian’s last two clients,” Mac starts and Reed puts his head down, letting out a low ‘Yeah,’ as he does. 
“But only one of them had reason to want both stories killed,” Mac ominously comments as he stands up and puts the envelope in his pocket. 
After Mac and the rest of the CSIs left our apartment, we quickly packed our bags before heading to Reed’s parents’ house. Now we lay on his childhood bed together and Reed rubs my back lightly. 
“I’m thinking of going to Brian’s funeral…” he comments out loud and I move my head so I can look at him, letting my chin rest on his chest. 
“If you want to go, baby, we’ll go. When is it?” I inform him and he smiles softly at me. 
“How did I get so lucky?” he asks me as he rubs my arm ever so lightly and I smile. 
“I think I’m the lucky one,” I inform him and he smiles again, shaking his head in disbelief. 
“How about we’re both lucky?” he asks in a cheeky tone and I grin, giggling. 
“Agreed. Now, when’s Brian’s funeral?” I ask him and he pauses. 
“Tomorrow afternoon…” he admits, almost like it’s a bad thing. 
“Why do you say that like it’s bad, babe?” I ask him and he shrugs. 
“I mean… you have your appointment tomorrow, right?” he asks me and I perk up, sitting up fast. 
“Babe? What’s wrong?” he asks me with confusion and worry written all over his face. 
“I have something for you. I was going to give it to you tonight, but then everything happened,” I quickly explain as I dig around in my bag for the small gift I have for him and his face relaxes. 
“Babe, you didn’t have to,” he denies, shaking his head as I finally pull the small gift bag out of my bag. 
“Oh, but I did. Open it. I think you’ll be plenty surprised. I know I was,” I tell him as I sit on the bed with my legs curled up behind me and bite my lip. 
He starts to open it and soon before I know it, he’s pulling the little onesie out. He pauses to read it before looking up at me. I smile a shy, worried smile as he looks at me in awe. 
“Babe, is this real?” he asks and I giggle, nodding as tears well up in my eyes. 
“I had the same reaction. I know we said we’d wait till after marriage, but I know you’re the only one for me and I’ve known that since 4th Grade,” I ramble as I play with a loose string on his blanket. 
“Babe-” he starts, but I quickly cut him off. 
“That’s what the appointment tomorrow is for. First scan…” I trail off before I let out a gasp as he uses his finger to guide my face up to look at him. 
“Honey, I’m not mad. I’m elated, like you said I’ve seen us together since forever,” he tells me softly as he rubs my cheek ever so slightly and the tears start to fall. 
“I love you Reed, so, so much,” I inform him softly as his eyes fill with tears too and he wipes at one that falls down my cheek. 
“I love you too, so, so much pretty girl, always,” he replies, rubbing my cheek and I grin. 
He sets the onsie and its bag aside before turning back to me. He pulls me back into the hug and kisses my forehead before slowly laying both of us back down onto the bed. He lightly rubs my arm that lays across his stomach along with my lower back. We lay there for a few minutes, both grinning ear to ear as he now rubs light circles on my stomach, making me laugh every few minutes when it tickles a little. Soon he leaves another kiss on my forehead as he moves back to just rubbing my arm. 
“I was also thinking of asking Mac where mom was buried,” he mumbles out, breaking the serene silence as I draw shapes against his covered stomach. 
“If you want to, honey. I think it’d be nice to know,” I agree with him and he sighs. 
“It’s just… I wanted you to meet her just as bad as I did myself. It might… be the only way for me to introduce you and myself to her,” he explains and I shake my head. 
“Reed, baby. That’s very sweet, but you don’t have to explain to me. I get it, I know you,” I softly tell him as I lay my chin on his chest to look at him again. 
“And I’d love to meet her, although I’m very sure she’s looking down on you and watching over you,” I tell him softly as I reach up and caress his face. 
He leans into it before kissing my palm and a tear falls from his eye. I quickly catch it and wipe it away. He shakes his head and I smile softly at him. 
“What?” I ask him as he just stares at me like I hung the stars just for him. 
“I think she sent me you, knowing I’d need you. So she sent your stubborn little self my way…” he tells me softly and I huff. 
“I wasn’t that stubborn…” I fight back with a roll of my eyes. 
“Oh yes, you were. Still are. I remember your little first grade self marching up next to me and little Hero Mckinley telling him he should laugh at someone who clearly needs help and pushing him,” he jokes with a smirk and I roll my eyes. 
“Well he was making fun of you! I wasn’t just going to stand by and let my best friend get made fun of. Plus, he’s the one that egged me on,” I grunt as I cross my arms and Reed chuckles. 
“And who the hell names their kid Hero then teaches him to be an absolute asshat? Like that’s just stupid. Heroes are supposed to be the one saving the day, not the villain. I mean it’s literally in the name,” I complain and Reed laughs, making me slap his shoulder. 
“I mean, I can’t say I don’t agree with you, baby. He was the absolute worst,” he adds with a dramatic eye roll before shaking his head and I sigh. 
“Really, he didn’t wanna be pushed, he shouldn't have been bullying you and other kids, let alone tell me to fight someone my own size,” I add on and Reed laughs again. 
“Really, he shouldn’t have. You’ve always been good at taking down people half your size…” he agrees though his laughter and I shake my head. 
“Damn right you are, baby. He should have known not to mess with you,” I tell him and he grins as his laugh dies off. 
“See I told you, she must have sent you my way. Must have known that little me would be a sissy pants,” he jokes, wiggling his eyebrows and I sigh. 
“Reed, you weren’t a sissy pants. You were an only child and you were seven years old,” I deadpan and he chuckles. 
“So were you!” he fights back and I shake my head. 
“Yeah… but I had two brothers… who still like to kick my butt when they see me. I literally had to learn to fight back,” I humorlessly tell him with a raised eyebrow and he pauses. 
“Yeah, I guess that changes things a bit…” he comments and he chuckles when I smack him again. 
“Ya think?!” I playfully ask him as if he’s stupid only making him laugh again.
“I really do think mom sent me you though,” he seriously informs me when he’s done laughing. 
“Well, maybe she knew we were made for each other, then. I know myself that we are,” I tell him and he smiles. 
“I love you, you know that?” he asks me and I smile softly. 
“Yes, I know that, and I also happen to know that I love you just as much,” I reply to him and he smiles before stretching his neck just a little bit to kiss my nose. 
I giggle and scrunch up my nose, but kiss him back when he kisses my lips next. He then lays back and I cuddle in a little closer. 
“Sleep honey, sleep, we’ve had a very long day,” he informs me and I nod sleepily against his chest. 
“Very, very long indeed. You sleep too, Reed,” I tell him in the most stern tone I can manage though my sleepiness and he chuckles. 
“I promise, baby. I will,” he replies and it makes me grin before my eyes slowly close as sleep soon takes over. 
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I hold onto Reed’s arm as we walk out of the church behind the family and the pallbearers. He stops at the top of the stairs and puts his hands in his pockets as he lightly kicks the ground with the tip of his shoe. I squeeze his arm and he takes his opposite hand out of his pocket. He grabs my arm lightly and squeezes it back as I lean against him. I nuzzle into his side and turns to me, giving my forehead a kiss before leaning his cheek against of my head as I close my eyes. 
I open my eyes again and see he’s tearing up again as he watches them put the coffin in the hearse. I rub his arms for a few minutes before he gives a small nod of his head. 
“Mac’s over there,” he comments and I look up at where he nodded. 
“You wanna go talk to him?” I ask and he nods solemnly. 
Reed takes his hand out of his pocket and reaches down to mine, gripping it softly as we walk down the steps. 
“Hey, Mac,” Reed greets his somewhat surrogate dad as we come to a stop. 
Mac spares a look over at the casket as the pallbearers push it the rest of the way into the hearse. Reed chokes up again as he too watches and I start to choke up as well. I rub my cheek lightly against his shoulder while holding his hand a little closer for comfort. He pulls his hand away from mine so he can put his arm around my shoulder. I nuzzle into his neck as I try to hide my face and he squeezes my shoulder. 
“I wanted you kids to know that we’re going to make an arrest,” Mac informs us and Reed lets out a long sigh. 
“Good. I’m glad,” Reed comments, squeezing my side lightly as he lets more tears flow. 
“Maybe I should have just turned Brian in for cheating, you know?” Reed adds on as he starts to cry even more and I squeeze his side with the arm I have wrapped around his stomach. 
“He would have been kicked out of the university, but he never would have been in that hedge maze,” Reed finishes his thought with even more tears running down his face and I kiss his cheek lightly. 
“You’re taking a lot of responsibility, Reed,” Mac comments and Reed shakes his head. 
“It’s ‘cause I feel bad… I feel I shoulda stopped him. I feel like I shoulda done something, but…” Reed trails off as he looks down for a moment and I hug him a little tighter. 
“I’m gonna miss him,” Reed comments and I finally let out a broken sob. 
“Goodness, Reed. I’m gonna miss him too,” I add and Reed hugs me closer as I cry into his shoulder. 
“I know, babe. I’m so sorry,” Reed tells me as he rubs my lower back and I shake my head. 
“Don’t you dare say that. It’s not you who should be sorry. It’s whoever killed Brian who needs to be sorry,” I sternly tell him, hoping it’ll change the way he’s thinking. 
“I’d listen to your girlfriend. She speaks the truth,” Mac tells Reed and he lazily points at me. 
“She always does… look, we gotta go,” Reed tells him. “We’re gonna head over to the cemetery before y/n’s doctor's appointment,” Reed informs him and he nods solemnly. 
“Reed, if there’s anything I can do for you two…” Mac sympathetically promises us, Reed looks at me for a moment and I nod at him. He looks down for a second, thinking it over before looking up. 
“I’d like to know where my mom’s buried,” Reed finally asks and Mac looks away, sighing for a moment. 
“She wasn’t…” Mac somberly states and Reed sighs before turning to me to lean his forehead against me. 
“Her body was never found. No trace at all…” Mac explains in a tone of melancholy before pausing. 
“But they’re…” he tries to continue, but stops to sigh. “We’re still looking,” he finishes, looking away as his own grief hits him. 
Reed sighs before letting go of me and taking a few steps forward. He reaches out and pulls Mac into a hug. It takes Mac a second before he hugs back and squeezes him a bit with both hands. Reed sniffles as he and Mac hold each other in the hug for a few minutes before hesitantly parting. Reed steps back and puts his arm back around my waist, pulling me into his side. 
“Thanks for everything,” Reed gives Mac his appreciation and Mac nods. 
“Ok. Then we gotta get going. Ready, babe?” Reed comments as he turns to me and I raise an eyebrow at him. 
“Oh! Can we, ahh, do lunch or breakfast tomorrow?” Reed asks and Mac smiles softly. 
“Yeah. Of course. Just text me the time and place,” Mac agrees with a smile and Reed nods happily. 
“Ok then, we’ll see you tomorrow, Mac,” Reed promises with a smile and Mac nods. 
“See you tomorrow, kids,” Mac replies and Reed gives him one last nod before starting to walk away. 
After leaving Mac we quickly head to the subway and get on. We ride it all the way to the street my doctor’s office is on before getting off. 
“Are you excited, babe?” I ask Reed, who squeezes my hand. 
“Of course I am. What kind of question is that?” he jokingly asks and I playfully roll my eyes. 
“Oh of course, I’m so sorry,” I reply with a grin as he opens the door and holds it open for me. 
“Let’s go see our baby,” he tells me with his own grin as I walk through the door. 
The end…
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inertiabug · 10 months
intro ˖°🦇ִ ࣪𖤐
♱ max — 19, he/they, local horny goth.
warning! my page contains smut mostly, and some dark content. viewer discretion is advised! u are in charge of ur own media consumption!
click read more for my rules & more links ₊˚⊹♡
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i currently write for
adam stanheight brahms heelshire chop-top sawyer bo sinclair vincent sinclair corey cunningham wolverine john allerdyce kurt wagner & basically any kyle gallner character!
i won't write drunk fics! drugs r fine though no scat or ddlg the only other specific kinks i won't write for are heavy breathplay & ageplay i won't really write character x character alone, almost always a reader has to be involved i'm comfortable writing for any type gendered reader ! :)
requests are currently open, & so is my inbox for any thirst thoughts u may have ⊹˚. ♡
♱ most recent fic: a wip!
inbox, masterlist, thots, playlist
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Hey Now!
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Quentin Smith x Reader
Hey Now!
Features: Nightmare on Elm Street, except in a Nothing Went Wrong AU, and Y/N is in a band
Waking up in the morning, Quentin felt like hell. He was even more convinced of such when he passed by the mirror in the bathroom, discovering that his current state was actually much worse than he initially thought. And, with a glance at the watch on his wrist, he realized he didn't exactly have time to fix it. "That's fine. We'll just put a beanie on, and it'll be---" He muttered to himself, travelling back to his room, only to find that the designated spot for his beanie was vacant. "Fine?" He finished his statement late, confused, knowing that that was the last place he left it. There was no way it could've been anywhere else, he was sure. "So where is it?" He asked himself, recalling Y/N, who'd came over the night before. "But why would she take it?"
"Fuck it. We don't have time." Quentin thought aloud, scooping his backpack off of the ground and sliding it over his shoulder. Before his dad could start yelling at him to hurry up, he was already out the door.
Walking through the doors of the school, sure to trail far behind his dad, the first familiar face he saw was Nancy. His locker was down the hall, and Nancy was busy talking to Kris and Dean, but Quentin didn't quite care. This, in his mind, was more important. "Hey, Nancy, have you seen Y/N?" He tappen his foot anxiously, unaware that he was even doing it.
"No, she's not gonna be here today. She... Didn't tell you?" Nancy looked confused, pulling away from her conversation. Kris seemed to be in the loop, a knowing smile on her face, while Dean was just as lost as Quentin was.
"No, I guess she didn't." Now that he'd been there for a minute, this entire situation felt weird. His face twisted into one of confusion. The more he was standing there, the weirder this situation felt.
"She's not gonna be here. She's got a show tonight, and she's taking the day to set up." Nancy explained with a curt nod.
"A show?" He was taken aback. "For what? She didn't tell me about any show, and we just hung out last night." Guilt began to set in, and Quentin began to wonder if Y/N actually had said something to him about it, and he'd just missed it.
"Don't sweat it. I'll give you the address." Nancy offered, retrieving a pen and paper from her locker. As if on cue, the bell rang, warning them to get to class.
"Shit." Quentin muttered to himself. It looked like he wasn't getting his beanie back as soon as he thought.
"I'll get it to you at lunch, okay?" Nancy promised, an apologetic smile on her face. Quentin couldn't help but give a soft smile back. He could swear up and down, if there were a universe out there where Y/N didn't exist, he could almost see himself falling for Nancy.
"Thanks, Nance."
Like promised, at lunch, Nancy handed Quentin a neatly folded piece of paper, containing an address he wasn't sure he recognized, and a note telling him to be there at 7:00 pm. After lunch, it was decided that he would just catch a ride with Nancy, Kris, Dean, and Jesse, much to his initial disapproval. But at 6:30, he found himself piled up in a car with the group. The reasoning, he told himself, was solely because he wasn't sure where this place even was. It wasn't so he could hang out with Jesse and Dean; oh no, definitely not. Especially not after their relentless teasing, asking him exactly why Y/N was hanging out with him the night before, and why he was so worried where she was now. Quentin could certainly live without Jesse's fake, high pitched moaning, thank you very much. He appreciated Nancy and Kris' silence on the matter, the two going as far as making the other two boys shut up, though the girls secretly made a bet on the status of Quentin and Y/N by the end of the night.
Arriving at the venue, it became obvious why Quentin hadn't heard the place before. It was on the opposite side of town, for one,  and two, it didn't seem like his scene at all. To be fair, it didn't really seem like Y/N's either, but it was becoming increasingly apparent that Quentin didn't know as much about her as he thought he did. "Are you sure we're at the right place?" He paused outside the car door, almost hesitant to move.
"Yes, Quentin. Don't worry, we didn't lie to you. Your girlfriend's here." Dean joked, nudging Quentin's shoulder jokingly on his way around the car. Quentin didn't even bother to correct him, knowing he had to have said "she's not my girlfriend" at least twelve times already. Nancy and Kris seemed to know what they were doing, so when they arrived to the security that demanded tickets. Quentin, then realizing that he definitely didn't have one, just tried to look like he knew what he was doing, trailing behind Kris and Dean with Jesse, hands shoved in his pockets. The burly security guy looked between the number of tickets and the group, obviously noticing the difference in numbers. Quentin just stayed quiet, counting the amount of hits on the bass drum that was still loud outside, mimicking it with his feet to distract his mind. The noise stopped a minute later, signaling the end the band's set time.
"Don't worry, I'm on the list." Nancy spoke up, noticing the security's unamused expression. She quickly moved to her purse, pulling out her ID. With a quick inspection and a curt nod, security let them pass.
"So, you're on the list for.... Whatever this is, and I didn't even get to know what this was?" Quentin walked alongside Nancy, who just grinned cheekily. He didn't even notice how Dean, Kris, and Jesse parted ways with them as soon as they walked inside, Quentin following Nancy to the bar.
"Oh, if only he knew," She found herself thinking. "Yeah, I had a conversation with Y/N last night after she left your place. She said, and I quote, 'my friendship with Quentin is cancelled. Nancy, you're my new best friend'." She imitated Y/N in an overly dramatic manner, Quentin just rolling his eyes.
"Yeah, somehow I don't have a hard time believing that." He was only partially joking, but seeing as how the joke actually resonated with his feelings, he decided to change the subject. "So, any news from Y/N? Where's she at?"
"Backstage, silly." Nancy rolled her eyes, taking a sip of her newly acquired drink, handing Quentin the second one. "Where else would the band be?"
"Y/N's in a fucking band? And I didn't know this?" It was a struggle not to spit his drink out, eyes blown wide. At this rate, Y/N very well might have decided to cancel their friendship and choose Nancy as her new best friend instead, maybe deciding to steal his beanie as a final act of revenge. "When you said she 'had a show', I thought it was possible that she'd gotten a job setting up for a band or something. Not that she is the band." He was still just as amazed.
"If it makes you feel any better, she had a reason for not telling you." Nancy offered. Quentin didn't say anything, hoping she'd elaborate. She didn't. "I wanna tell you, but... I think Y/N is the only one who can. Sorry." She grimaced, and Quentin decided to lighten up on the death stares, figuring he got all of the information he was going to get.
"Yeah. Thanks, I guess." He grumbled, running a hand through his hair. Feedback from a microphone resonated through the air, and his attention immediately averted to the stage where a chick with blonde hair and almost a full sleeve tattoo was carrying a bass guitar. Very country. For the atmosphere of the venue, she looked extremely out of place. With the blonde, the rest of the band went to their places, saving one spot open at the center mic, reserved for the lead singer. He watched curiously, assuming that that was where Y/N was supposed to go. The blonde started a riff on the bass, and the drummer followed. After a few seconds of instrumentals, a new person walked out onto the stage. It was none other than Y/N, who, to Quentin's disdain, was sporting a gray beanie. His beanie.
"Hey now, What's your name? You're really cute and really nice, I think we should go on a date," Y/N sang, and Quentin couldn't help but smile just a little bit. He had no idea that Y/N had an interest in music outside of listening to it, but now, it made sense that she would. He made a mental note to ask her who this one was written about, just bopping along to the beat with Nancy in the meantime. "Oh, hey now! You've got it going on, Hey now, You're like my favorite song-" He noticed Nancy in the corner of his eye trying to get his attention, unable to actually hear her over the band. He leaned down just a bit so he could, Nancy yelling in his ear.
"Come on! Let's try and get closer!" He wanted to protest, but she was already dragging him into the fray before he could get a word out.
"Hey now, What's your birthday? Because I read in the book That my most compatible month is May, Oh, hey now! Do you like my dress? Hey now, Because earlier I looked a mess." True to her word, Nancy had managed to squeeze the two of them into the general population, fighting off the sweaty bodies with apologies to get as close as possible. Now, it was much easier to see Y/N. Despite the fact that she was wearing a beanie, the multicolored lights gave her hair a glowing halo, and she was smiling, Quentin realized, at him. The two maintained eye "Oh baby, you got me going crazy, Oh baby, I want you now now now now now now now. Oh save me, won't you help me? 'Cause baby, I want you now now now now now now now-" A hand on his shoulder told Quentin someone had walked up behind him, Kris pushing her way past him to stand next to Nancy, the two dancing together. And suddenly, Quentin felt extremely out of place.
"Hey now, How are you? I want to know your life story so tell me everything you do, Oh, hey now! You're so much fun, Hey now, You're as bright as the sun, Oh baby, you got me going crazy Oh baby, I want you now now now now now now now." Trying to appreaciate the music that was obviously very important to Y/N was extremely difficult. He felt like he was standing in one place, unable to move. Everything felt so... Awkward. Nancy seemed to notice and tugged on his sleeve, trying again to get closer to the front. With Kris now in tow, they were much more successful in their efforts to say the least. Kris, unlike Nancy, gave little to no fucks when it came to pushing people out of the way. Needless to say, Kris had worked until their bodies were pressed against the barrier seperating the crowd from the band. Y/N's eyes found Quentin's again, and though he hadn't noticed, Nancy had watched her try to find his face in the crowd. All the while, she lowered herself to the ground, sitting on the edge of the stage.
"Hey now, Come over here
Hey now, You're my biggest fear
Hey now, Tell me how you feel
Hey now, Make sure what you're saying is real." The beat picked up again, a grin growing on Y/N's face. She jumped to her feet again, jumping off of the stage all the while jumping back into the chorus. It was only about two or three feet higher than ground level, but nonetheless, a good portion of the crowd cheered. Y/N must've been the security's worst nightmare, with how often she was jumping and climbing on things, now standing on top of the barrier meant to seperate her from the crowd. She stood a little wobbly on the edge of the metal, with people trying to reach her from behind it, but she stood strong anyway, hands reaching back. All the while, she maintained eye contact, and it became obvious who she was reaching for. Quentin, who seemed unable to crack a genuine smile all night, held her hand, an honest and reassuring grin on his face. He noticed how badly her hand was shaking, and he couldn't be sure if it was the adrenaline or fear that caused it. The song ended, and Y/N let out an obvious sigh of relief, her eyes drifting closed. When they opened again, she saw Nancy, absolutely ecstatic for her, and Quentin, who had a look of sheer admiration and awe. Her heart swelled at the idea, and the rest of the show continued without a hitch.
At the end of the show, Y/N was surprised to see that Nancy and Quentin had waited, sitting at the bar together.
"Hey, guys." She walked up almost awkwardly, interrupting their conversation about the show. She almost felt bad, thinking how she knew of her two best friends feelings for each other.
"Y/N!" Nancy hugged her tightly. "You did so great. I'm so proud of you." Y/N smiled, thanking Nancy for coming.
"Quen, you made it!" She used her old nickname for her best friend, surprised when he pulled her into a hug.
"Yeah, I didn't mean to crash it or anything. I guess my invite got lost in the mail or something." His tone sounded almost clipped, and Y/N almost felt bad for not formally inviting him. He released her from the hug, much to her dismay, a look of guilt on her features. A silence drifted between the three, Nancy being the one to disrupt it.
"... I'm gonna go make sure Dean and Jesse haven't killed each other yet. I'll see you guys in a minute?" Before either could answer, Nancy had already gone.
"I wanted to ask you to come. I really did." Y/N said immediately after Nancy left, crossing her arms over her chest awkwardly.
"Then why didn't you? Y/N, you're my best friend. I didn't even know you were in a band." Quentin sounded hurt, mimicking Y/N's actions.
"I just... Had to make sure everything was perfect, okay? I didn't want you to show up if we weren't at our best. And we're honestly not yet." Y/N found it hard to breathe, and her eyes were burning, trying not to cry. She hated arguing with people; Quentin especially.
"Are you kidding me, Y/N? That was fucking amazing. And even if it wasn't, I want to be able to support you. You're my best friend. It's like my job." He scoffed, glaring daggers.
"Yeah. I guess." Y/N kept her eyes on the ground, biting her lip. In her head, she just kept repeating, "Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry." Over and over like a mantra. "It's just... You matter a lot to me, and your approval matters the most out of everyone's. I don't want to give you a reason to be disappointed."
"Disappointed?" Quentin scoffed, then went silent. "I don't think I could ever be disappointed in you, N/N." Y/N didn't say anything.
"So can you look at me now?"
She still didn't respond.
Quentin rolled his eyes, picking her head up with his finger. He began to understand why she wouldn't lookat him; she was crying. "Shit." Realizing what he'd done, he pulled her into a hug, letting her cry on his shoulder. "Don't cry. Please don't cry. Then I'll start crying because you're crying, and I promise I don't look as cute as you do when I cry." He almost whispered, rubbing Y/N's back in his attempts at calming her down. A few minutes had passed, and he'd noticed that Y/N had stopped crying. "Better?" He asked. He felt her lightly shake her head no, still hiding her face in the fabric of his shirt. "Okay. Just let me know when." He responded, feeling no need to say anything else. So, he just held her in a comfortable silence. A few more moments had passed, and he heard her audibly sigh, and let him go.
"I'm sorry." She sniffled. "I kinda made a mess on your shirt." She muttered, trying to sound strong, but she still looked as miserable as before.
"It's okay." Quentin smiled softly, a laugh escaping his lips. Y/N couldn't help but smile back. Quentin didn't laugh as often as she'd like, so during those rare moments when he did, she made sure to savor it each time. "So, wanna tell me what got you so upset all of a sudden?" He made sure not to sound too pushy, Y/N just biting her lip and sighing.
"Well, no time like the present, right?" She muttered under her breath. "I... Was... Sad, I guess," She tried to push past the lump in her throat, building back up. "Because... I made you miss out on something... Monumental for me, because... I was scared." She admitted, eyes looking anywhere but his face. When Quentin stayed silent, she let out a deep sigh. "And I was so scared, because I love you. And... I've written a couple of songs about you, and I didn't want you to hear them and think 'oh, she's gotta be singing about someone else,' or even worse, I thought... You might figure me out. And I feel so selfish now because now I'm telling you this, and I know you don't have feelings for me like that. I know it's Nancy that you're after, not that I could blame you, and Jesus; now you're mad at me because I never told you, but surprise! Our friendship is probably over now because of it all and I'm just so-" Y/N rambled, Quentin suddenly cutting her off.
"Y/N." He grabbed a hold of her shoulders, shaking her out of her rant. He'd been calling her name during different points during her speech, but she was so wrapped up in it that she hadn't noticed. "You're not selfish, okay? And I'm not mad at you. I mean, I am mad at you, just... Not in the way you think." Y/N blinked, confused. "I'm mad that you never invite me to your concerts, but Jesse, Kris and Dean get invited, and Nancy's on the guest list. I'm mad because you never let me support you. I'm mad... I'm mad because I never knew how you felt, and I'm mad that I never acted on how I felt."
"Oh?" Y/N looked confused. "Oh." The message set in, and Quentin scratched the back of his head nervously. He didn't even know how red his face was at this point, but it couldn't have been more red than Y/N's. "Well... Uh... Just so you know, Nancy's only on the guest list because she's my other best friend, and Kris only got a ticket because Nancy got one, and Dean and Jesse only went because, well, when you ask Kris to come to something, it's like a package deal." She shrugged. "And I never told you how I felt because I was just so sure you had a thing for Nancy." She raked a hand down her face, stifling a laugh. Now that she knows what she knows, the idea did seem kinda farfetched. "But you also never told me how you felt, so I guess I'm mad at you too."
"That's completely fair." Quentin agreed, standing up so he wasn't leaning on the bar counter anymore. "So, since we've decided to just be mad at each other, how exactly do you propose we go about patching it up?"
"I believe there's a saying, goes along the lines of 'kiss it and make it better'? I could be wrong." Y/N shrugged slyly, taking one step forward, making the two of them chest to chest.
"Nope, I definitely think you're onto something." Quentin nodded. Leaning down to Y/N's height, planting a soft kiss to her lips. She seemed to smile into it, and he couldn't help but reciprocate the action. When the two pulled away, he couldn't help but look at her curiously. "What's got you so giggly, N/N?"
"Nothin'. Just nothin', Q." She shook her head, reminding Quentin of his initial mission.
"Oh, yeah, I almost forgot." He snatched the beanie off of Y/N's head, placing it back on his own.
Y/N gasped in false shock. "Rude." She grumbled, crossing her arms. Mood = killed. She slung her guitar case over her shoulder, walking to the exit of the venue. Quentin followed, letting one arm hang around Y/N's waist.
"You're the one who stole my beanie." He countered.
"I didnt steal it! It fell into my bag!" She accused, turning her head slightly to get a look at him again. "I can't say I'm not glad you got it back, though. I knew something about you looked off."
"Yeah. Okay." Quentin snickered, shaking his head. "I defintely think it looks cuter on you, but, I can't survive without it. Sorry." He teased, earning a light punch in the side from a snickering Y/N "Ouch! Who's the rude one now?"
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. I'll get that damn hat back if it's the last thing I do."
"I'd like to see you try."
"Challenge accepted."
I love The Regrettes, and I love Quentin. So I decided to combine the two. Everyone is extremely ooc, butttt staying in character isn't what cures my depression, Susan, it's the contennttt that makes me happy, davidddd
Anyway, if you were wondering what the song was, it's Hey Now by The Regrettes
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