yuutxs · 6 years
continued / @kxburagi
there was no doubt that the other was gorgeous – especially for a street rat. gorgeous in a manly way, but he wouldn’t say that aloud. it would bring the man way too much glee to hear the words from the redhead’s mouth. he had a bad habit of becoming way too much confident when it came to his appearance … with good reason, he supposed. 
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    pressing his lips to yuuto’s earlobe, he then sensually whispered into his  ear. “give me the orange beeeeeena.” of course, he was expecting his favorite soda out of all of this !! you couldn’t mention the drink without offering him some in return. suddenly, it wasn’t about showing affection, it would about earning him a treat.
Smirking at the other while he looked at him sideways, he could not help but chuckle in the back of his throat, letting him nibble and whisper close to his ear all the wanted. Sure, it was hot and all, but Yuuto knew better than to fall for these measly acts. If anything, he was certain that in this duo, he was the cat while the redhead was most definitely the mouse...
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“Whew... that’s a mouthful, Issa.” The black-haired male snickered, moving to look at him as he cupped his chin in a manner to lift his head and make him look at his face. The sardonic expression that bore his face wouldn’t cease that easily. “No, no, no... I said, it’s a reward. You haven’t earned it yet. Maybe if you pucker up and kiss me a little more, we may have a deal. Mhmm... so, is that a ‘yes’? Deal or no deal?”
Even if the smaller may resist him, would he be able to resist the Orange Beena? Shinkai doubted so.
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sxgimoto · 6 years
“It’s okay. I couldn’t sleep anyway.”
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It was not like Sugimoto to just approach people like that; as an older brother, he had, no, he felt the responsibility to be a pillar for others and support them any way possible. Despite his younger brother being (according to others) so much more capable than Terufumi, he was attempting to ignore it as much as he could, keeping up his act of being careless and somewhat silly, simply to not have anyone worry.
But the act could only root this deep, and there were times when he wished he could have a pillar in someone else for once. Surely, that someone could’ve been Imaizumi... but he also looked up too much to him as to mention certain things and look... like a weirdo. Instead, he guessed, he’d talk to the man most similar to that situation: Kaburagi. After all, him and Danchiku were a dream-team of some sorts, something like Aoyagi and Teshima... yet one of them was unable to make the cut -- and he felt selfish, so selfish. Perhaps, he would’ve been better off asking Ryuuhou... but what’s done is done. 
“How... how were you and Danchiku dealing with... not riding on the same team...?” 
It was pretty forward while he was sitting there by the man’s futon, thankful enough that nobody else was awake. Or so he hoped. 
“Like, you know... I guess, Danchiku was pretty bummed out, eh? A-And you, of course, too! Surely, it wasn’t a walk in the park... r-right?” 
No, no matter how much he tried to open up about his thoughts and feelings, it was hard to not keep the big-brother-facade up in order to make-believe.
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bibibicicletta · 6 years
Mix-Up | Bōsōzoku!AU
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“You must be mistaken... I don’t know any Danchiku...”
How weird was that? This airhead was approaching him in the middle of the night, in the middle of the street; pointing wildly at his leather jacket and talking about some ‘Danchiku’ and whether or not they were in the same ‘gang’. Hajime wasn’t sure if that guy was some kind of delivery man who wanted to exchange drugs for money (for what the Mad Wonderland crew was known-for, after all, that’s why Junta picked the Alice in Wonderland theme for his gang, to make it obnoxiously known that they were dealing more than any other gang would), but it was not his task tonight, and certainly not under some weird code-name as Danchiku... Arisu was his frequently used name after all. One had to keep with the theme...
Though, when he wanted to leave the spot, that ginger just kept on chasing him, walking beside him even ---- what in the world was wrong with that guy?! 
“Shouldn’t middle schoolers be at home and asleep already?” Counterattacking with his usual sass, he narrowed his eyes as he meant to take a detour; really, he couldn’t have that person to know where the base was, he would owe that kind of responsibility to Teshima! He had to be the responsible one out of the insane lunatics that were part of their gang, right? Someone had to crunch the numbers and keep it as real as possible. 
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danchxku · 6 years
Orange Blues | Fem/Idol!AU
It was one thing to watch your favourite idol on TV or listen to their music while on the train to college ---- but to actually stand in front of them (kind of), looking up to the stage as they performed live was a whole different thing, really. The screaming fans around him, the glowsticks being moved around according to the rhythm of the songs, cheering, yelling, singing along, it sure was wild. And the way that redheaded girl was smiling and singing, dancing and performing, it had Ryuu right there on the spot. She was absolutely stunning, not even in a creepy-”I-want-to-kidnap-her-and-make-her-my-girlfriend” way, but more so in a manner that he respected her deeply, looked up to her artistic traits and really wanted to see her succeed with her career. 
People kept cheering her name ‘ORENJI-CHAAAAN!!!’ even when she was finishing the act, walking off stage after thanking everyone, it was mesmerising. That’s when it hit Danchiku -- the show was over, it’s time to go home. That after-event-depression hit him harder and sooner than it should, really. Everyone kept mentioning that phenomenon, but Ryuu was under the impression that people just exaggerated and tried to be over-dramatic about it. And here he was -- actually feeling that gloomy feeling first-hand. It was so odd, the afterglow of this show simply rolling down into a rather sad and triste emotion. 
Though, as everyone was busy talking and making friends out there, Ryuu just observed the stage a little longer, noticing a small staircase that led towards the backstage. Backstage, huh. His heart was racing when he thought about it -- he knew, he could’ve gotten into trouble for thinking about this, or rather, acting out his thoughts -- but before he could tell himself to do the most reasonable thing, he climbed over the small railing that kept the fans from going to the stage and sneaked his way up the stairs. This was exciting him way too much -- perhaps he could find a way to pretend he was a VIP-guest, someone with backstage-tickets... or a rookie-roadie that nobody knew too well, so, nobody recalled his face. Surely, it would be easier for him, because he didn’t necessarily wear a fan-shirt, or anything to indicate he was a fan, after putting away the glowstick to his bag, nobody could tell. 
His heartbeat was throbbing against his throat, it was hard to breathe. Once he noticed roadies and other staff, he was hiding around a corner, behind some packages that were probably filled with water bottles and whatnot for the idols and anyone else who had to quench their thirst from the hard work. Moving quietly, almost as sneaky as a ninja would, he made it to a room, the door opened slightly and light beaming from inside -- could that be?!?!
As he approached the door and opened it lightly, he saw a glimpse of her -- Orenji-chan -- all he wanted was to ask her for a signature on some merch he brought with him, just to take a picture with her, it would be alright, wouldn’t it?! Of course, he wouldn’t hassle her if she was busy, or if she was changing, really, but thankfully, she just sat on a couch, probably talking to a manager or producer. Preparing himself mentally, he inhaled sharply, wanting to enter to room, though suddenly someone grabbed him under his armpits causing the guy to gasp in shock and accidentally open the door a little rougher than he intended to, struggling slightly for it was hard to breathe the way that (presumably) bodyguard groped him.  
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Ryuu was terrified beyond belief -- and it was somewhat visible on his usual stoic face as he was mortified that Orenji-chan would think the same of him -- a nasty pig?!?! “N-No!! NO! It’s not like that!!! I just wanted an autograph from Orenji-chan!!! I’ll be out of here, I don’t want trouble!”
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hikiniku · 7 years
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“I had to do it.”
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yuutxs · 6 years
✿ for a sweet kiss on the cheek.
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“Eh? Am I that irresistible to you, Issa~?” 
Cooing sweetly as he even went as far as to tend his head towards the smaller, almost inviting him for more smooches to his cheek, shamelessly so. Yuuto only got flustered over certain things, but in situations like these he was absolutely cocky.
“If you keep up the good work with the kisses, I’ll reward you with Orange Beena... maybe God attached a note to the next bottle that’s going to foretell your fate, huh? Wouldn’t that be so cool?”
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bibibicicletta · 6 years
Respect | Bōsōzoku!AU
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"What did you just call me?” 
Despite his scary attire, the angry looks on his face, the leather jacket that said HORNET POISON, though he decorated his own with images of red-eyed bulls seemingly suffering from rabies, it was not his way of disrespecting Yuuto as his boss, but more so embracing the man’s words of individuality. Anyone around them would rather avoid the man than speak up to him -- but this small loudmouth with obnoxious tangerine-hair just had the guts to voice his innermost and deepest thought as if anyone cared for them, as if they were in any way, shape or form smart. 
P i g.
That’s what he heard that twink say. 
P   I   G. 
He wasn’t even sure what caused the other to insult him in such a manner, they were just standing in line to a fast-food chain-restaurant, he was dying to get his daily amount of carbs after working out for hours... and then there was that high-metabolism stick-figure who thought it was appropriate to talk like this to someone older?! That was certainly a middle schooler, right?! Unreal...!
Doubashi loved to pick fights and such, but he would refrain from touching a middle schooler who was only out to get attention; he’d only fight people who were worth it, who were on his level of strength. That boy-girl-something was certainly not on the list. 
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danchxku · 6 years
continued w/ @kxburagi
        He couldn’t help but feel a bit confused when Danchiku did nothing but stare at him, but he eventually caught onto to what was up. Batting his eyelashes at the man a few times, he waited to see what kind of reward he would get– not that he helped the other out with a reward in mind. He just hoped that he would get one as a nice bonus for helping.
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        Even though the reward was just a quick peck on the cheek, he couldn’t help but get weak in the knees– especially thanks to the way the taller spoke quietly by his ear. If they weren’t in the club room, he would have squealed so loud that glass would shatter. “ Anytime. “ He replied with a joking wink, despite the statement not being a lie what-so-ever. Issa maybe be lazy, but he would do almost anything for Danchiku.
Smirking at the smaller and being pleased with his reaction, he quickly looked over to the team; that’s when Danchiku noticed that they were indeed seeing a glimpse of their actions, their conversations and whatnot, mostly Imaizumi looked rather... stunned. He remembered how he was mocking Naruko for having so many male fans instead of female ones, but alas, he was not thinking too much into it. It was merely a kiss to the cheek, nothing else. Sure, Ryuu would have to be more careful, simply because he didn’t want the team to get the wrong idea (or rather, the right idea, and therefore treating the two of them differently). After all, he was the more responsible one on the Team SS duo. 
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Quickly looking back to the redhead, “Are you ready to go, Issa? We wanted to stop by at my place. Was it maths homework that you needed help with?” simply picking up the conversation where they left off before practice. As hard as it was to let the other go and have him train hard for InHigh, while he knew that he wasn’t going to be beside the other ---- he also would cheer him on anytime, help with him with anything, really. That’s the job of a proper assistant. And that’s how he saw himself after all. “Mom made dinner, perhaps you want to stay and eat with us? I’m sure, she’d be happy to talk to you.”
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danchxku · 6 years
continued w/ @kxburagi
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[ text ] :
You’re my most favorite person too ! ! ! 。;+*(★`∪´☆)*+;。
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Despite the fact that he should’ve expected such a response from the tangerine haired boy, it still didn’t (and never ever) failed to give him the reddest face of them all.
It wasn’t making it any better that he was practically sitting together with the rest of the Souhoku team -- after practice -- so all of them could see his face, and none of them knew why (or they had their own suspicions, which he really did not want to know at the end of the day). 
Typing back as quickly as he could, though knowing that Issa’s obnoxious ring tone would make it obvious that the two boys were texting back and forth to one another -- only raising more suspicion.
To: Issu ♡
Subject: --- >> We should stop texting, I can feel their stares. >> I think Imaizumi-kun knows it already. >> And Aoyagi-kun keeps staring at you and your phone... >> SHIELD THE SCREEN PROPERLY!!!!!
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danchxku · 7 years
Send me a 🚔 to visit my muse in prison
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God, it was super embarrassing that Kaburagi would find out that way —- that his classmate was part of a gang and secretly did criminal things behind the guy’s back, and more so, spending time with people without the knowledge of Issa, let alone making him part of it. Someone who had such a separation anxiety as the tangerine haired boy wouldn’t deal with such information quite easily and perhaps feel betrayed? Danchiku already felt the friendship faltering and crumbling just with the mere thought… breaking the trust of his best friend like that was crucial. However, Issa was also the only one he wanted to call in such a situation. Bailing out was no problem, however, someone had to pick him up and sign papers for him, and the other would know how Ryuuhou wanted to avoid involving his parents —- they were rather strict and something like that might be a break-neck stunt.
“Your guest is here, punk.” The guard mumbled as they walked down the hallway towards three cells of which only one was occupied – and that was his. That was usually the cells for those who were too drunk to leave or who need to get a statement done when sobering up. Or teenage delinquents who were caught breaking into abandoned properties that were under the protection of the state and law, to prevent vandalism. And honestly, yes the boy was smoking and drinking and one could still smell it on him. Issa would smell it on him!!! He just wanted to crawl under the bunk bed and die, unable to even look at his friend, he just turned his face away in shame.
After the cell was unlocked by the guard, he murmured something about leaving the two alone for a few moments, apparently having enough trust in Kaburagi that there were no tricks involved.
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danchxku · 6 years
Summer Days | Fem/Idol!AU
Wearing a suit as a bodyguard sure was a struggle during hot days, mostly when it was so nerve-wrecking for him to see all these screaming fans trying to touch Orenji-chan. To him, he didn’t even see Orenji-chan ---- he saw Issa, a rather loud but cute girl who happened to be an idol. Danchiku rarely used her stagename unless it was required of him on the go, when strangers were hearing them, when staff was around other than the managers and producer. Those who had no idea of her real identity didn’t have to know, and he felt really happy to be one of the lucky ones who could be this close to her. Idols weren’t necessarily his thing ---- that is until he met Kaburagi Issa.
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“Issa...” He wiped his face with the back of his hand, side-eyeing the small girl as they entered a building (thankfully, it had AC). “...you could’ve at least told me that this was informal...”
Sitting down in a café with her was a regular thing: he wasn’t sure why she insisted to be around him so much, and if he had known that this wasn’t a formal meeting but more so a private gathering between him and her solely, he would’ve worn something less business-related, something with a little less layers, too. As they were seated, he faced her of course, casually looking around for anyone who would look at her funny, he waited to be handed a menu though he mostly had eyes for their surroundings; even if this was a private meeting, he couldn’t help but be protective of her and wanting nothing bad to happen to that ginger. “Did you have anything special in mind? It’s rather warm, maybe some parfait would be nice?”
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danchxku · 6 years
continued w/ @kxburagi
        Issa was caught completely off guard when the other didn’t give him the reaction he expected. He expected the other to enjoy the costume, not want to take him home the second he laid eyes on him– and not take him home in a good way. “ Eh? You don’t like it? But I wore this just for you. “ He replied– not catching onto the other’s worries about what people would think about thanks to the outfit. The last thing he wanted to do was run on home when the party only just started, but he had no idea how on Earth he could get Danchiku to change his mind when he already seemed set on going home. 
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        “ S–Sorry, I didn’t know you’d get so upset about me wanting to look good for you… “ He mumbled, crossing his arms across his chest. It hurt a little bit to only be scolded for dressing up– not even receiving a single compliment about his outfit before he was already being shoved in the direction of the door.  
Truth be told, he really hated to go home, too. But all he expected was a little more understanding from his counterpart. Surely, it was a lot to ask for from an airhead such as Kaburagi, but then again, he also could see how the other would not catch onto the fact that this was a rather indecent behaviour. He was well aware that he was over-reacting, exaggerating almost. Nobody would look at Issa, right? It would only be girls who’d fawn over his outfit and they’d compliment him how he’d look all cute and whatnot. No guy would mistake him for a girl... right?! Feeling a stone in his stomach, he stopped by the door, exhaling deeply. That’s when one of the hosts walked up to Ryuu and pulled on his shoulder, asking him if he was leaving already. Now, there was no way in hell he could go... 
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Sighing deeply, he nodded at the other, before looking over to the ginger. “Alright. Let’s go somewhere.” Reaching out to hold Issa’s hand, he grabbed him and pulled him along somewhere into the house; the music was blaring already and some were getting drunk, other’s would play Ouija board and whatnot. Danchiku really didn’t know what he was doing here ---- he was not the party-type of person, and he really didn’t like to be surrounded by too many people. Just Kaburagi would’ve been enough, really. His sweaty hand would indicate just how uncomfortable he was around here. Sure, it was fun dressing up and whatnot, but the intentions of this party weren’t the same he had.
“Do you want a drink? Or what exactly were your plans, Issa?”
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hikiniku · 6 years
Kitsune+Tanuki | Past Life!AU
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Despite the fact that Komari knew Issa’s true identity to be the one of a woman (barely, more so a maiden), the boy would keep her cover by referring to her as a boy nonetheless; Kabuki actors could not ever be female, but she was just too good at what she was doing to rat her out. Besides -- as much as people indicated that he was the little birdie tweeting to the koshaku whenever something outrageous was happening -- Komari had dignity and would only speak of people who meant harm to him or Midousuji-dono in first place. He was a harsh ruler, to say the least, but due to their rather brotherly bond, he was spared any harsh treatment ---- ever since the banishment of the shrine, it felt as if his life was finally blooming to something bigger, greater and more wonderful. 
The performance was over and most people were on their way home from the Toudou Hot Spring -- the family was rich enough to have a theatre right next to the springs, it came in handy for Komari when he wanted to go home after his performances -- it was right then and there with the Toudou family. Same for Issa, whom he took care of to protect her from any sexist attacker. If it wasn’t bad already without the gaijin invading, it surely was a danger for a beautiful woman out there ---- more so for a beautiful woman who was an actress. 
“Say, say... I feel really mischievous tonight, and I don’t feel like going home just yet... so, Issa-kun... shall we go out on a stroll, have some fun... being troublemakers...” Leaning in closer to the smaller, he whispered, “Sugimoto-kun does not have to know, that spoilsport...” only to giggle upon the thought of making their nicknames ‘kitsune to tanuki’ all honour. 
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danchxku · 9 years
continued from x with @kxburagi
          Issa felt his heart drop at the man’s words, honestly believing for a moment that he had been wrong. He didn’t know if he was more embarrassed or upset at himself for goofing up. “ B—B–But… “ Of course he wouldn’t have caught onto the fact that Danchiku was teasing– he was too caught up in the fact that he messed up on something he had been waiting months for. It was all planned out, he would say Happy Birthday, then give the man a kiss. He literally worried for weeks about doing this right.
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       When he was told that this was just the other pulling his leg, a look of instant relief washed over his features. Instead of laughing or giving much of an answer at all, the redhead quickly smacked his lips against the other’s once he leaned in. This wasn’t the kind of cute, gentle kiss he had been planning out for, but it was better than nothing– despite being remotely painful for both of them.
      After seeing that expression on Kaburagi’s face, Danchiku couldn’t help but snickering some more, though that kind of laughter was soon interrupted by a rather harsh and unexpected kiss he had received from the redhead. As much as he tried to process the situation and somehow get involved into the kiss, he just stared at the other with wide eyes, blinking even, though that was all there was to it. Once the smaller pulled back, all the taller could do was staring some more, mouth agape.
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                  Eventually, he pressed his lips together to lick them and get a taste of Issa, though he could presume that it was a heavy orange-ish taste, artificial thanks to the sodas he kept drinking, but he’d still recognise that one taste out of any other. Though he felt lame for not saying or doing much now -- aside from that he felt even worse knowing just how much his face must’ve blushed up till now and all of that just because of a kiss... and not even a great one. Certainly able to knock one out, but only because of the force used.
            “W... Was that my birthday present, hm? I thought... a birthday boy would get a little more than just a kiss...?” Trying to be smooth about it, he hinted just the most inappropriate thing -- something Ryuuhou wasn’t all too good with, being blunt and forward, that was more of Kaburagi’s forte -- though he’d hope to not get laughed at.
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danchxku · 9 years
continued from x with @kxburagi
     “ Aw, Dandan, don’t take it that way!! You already know that they don’t have a chance with me. “ He said, nudging the other with his elbow gently as he teased him. “ There’s only one guy for me, and you know him real well!! “ He said happily, trying to make the other feel better after he went and made him feel worse after his silly attempt at a compliment. Shifting his gaze over to Danchiku, he covered his mouth as if he were to tell a secret and lowered his voice. “ That guy is you, Ryuu. “ Not that it wasn’t already obvious.
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      The redhead didn’t know very well what it was like to be jealous, mostly because he had no fear that Danchiku would ever leave his side. Even if he thought he annoyed the man a lot, he knew that they wouldn’t have been close for this long if that were the case. Then again, the man wasn’t quite as social as he was either, so that was another reason he didn’t know the sour taste of jealousy quite like the taller.
      As much as Danchiku tried to ignore the words Kaburagi were offering him, his ears perked up at the mention of only one guy being there for him and only one guy having a chance with him. He didn’t know why, but it made him curious who that might be. Even if he knew that they were a couple, it never stopped to amaze him just why the redhead would choose to be with him if there were plenty other out there, wanting to be with him, and perhaps offering a lot more and a lot better than he could -- he, the stone-faced, dull and boring Ryuuhou. Though... at the mention of his name ---- as logical as it was ---- it still managed to make his heart skip a beat instantly, going as far as to stare at his counterpart.
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                  “...” Truly, he was speechless even, eventually turning his face away and staring stubbornly towards the floor, the faintest smile crossing his lips, but it wasn’t all too visible if you weren’t paying attention to him. These words made his stomach feel a lot lighter at once and it was all forgotten about the jealousy -- he even felt horrible and stupid for his mean words beforehand, shuffling a little closer to the smaller and leaning his head on top of the other’s.
            “You’re the only one for me, too.” He then admitted lamely, knowing that these words weren’t special or anything compared to what Issa just told him -- sadly, so -- but he tried to somehow get his emotions across, despite the fact that this wasn’t his forte at all. “I’m sorry for that. It wasn’t right to be all rude. I’m... uh... just scared to lose you to someone who is better than me... cooler, or not as jealous, perhaps?” Making fun of himself partially there, he slowly wrapped his arms around the other to pull him onto his lap and nuzzle him tightly, his face buried against the other’s neck, muffled by the fabric. “I love you, Issa.”
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danchxku · 9 years
" Happy Birthday, DanDan! ! ! "
       “Ah, but my birthday is in 3 days, Issa. You got it wrong.” The boy then teased a little, wanting to make the redhead believe there was a mistake, though he couldn’t help but smile to himself and feel his cheeks heat up —- Kaburagi never forgot his birthday, even when others did. It made his stomach feel a lot lighter knowing that despite the boy being such a forgetful dork, he wouldn’t ever mess up that one.
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                  Eventually, he chuckled then and leaned in towards the smaller. “Just kidding, you should’ve seen your face there. Thank you for remembering! It means a lot to me!”
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