#kwan boa
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naeunthesage · 11 months ago
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o apartamento D2 da torre TWILIGHT não está mais vago. quem se mudou para lá foi KWAN "SAGE" NAEUN, que tem VINTE E NOVE anos e, aparentemente, trabalha como RADIALISTA e BAIXISTA E VOCALISTA DE APOIO DA LOST SAVANTS. estão dizendo que se parece muito com BAE SUZY, mas é bobagem. não esqueça de dar as boas vindas!
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informações básicas
nome completo: kwan naeun.
nome artístico/apelido: sage.
pronomes: ela/dela.
idade: vinte e nove anos.
signo: escorpião.
sexualidade: pansexual panromântica
traços de personalidade: carismática, comunicativa, confiante, divertida e espírito-livre; paqueradora, piadista e poética; cabeça-quente, inconsequente, insolente, impaciente, rebelde e sarcástica.
alinhamento moral: caótica neutra ("free spirit").
ocupação: radialista & membro da lost savants (baixista e vocalista de apoio).
veículo: volkswagen kombi (samba) 1980, modificada internamente, na cor verde.
faceclaim: bae suzy.
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complexa desde a juventude, naeun sempre foi um chamariz para problemas. em casa, no bairro em que cresceu, na escola, não importava, por onde passava era pura rebeldia e insolência, e o comportamento à perseguiu durante toda a vida. terminou a escola por um triz, nunca fez um curso universitário, e era a pessoa mais feliz que poderia ser, afinal, podia sempre jogar a culpa de seu comportamento em cima do pai ausente, que sumiu de sua vida e da mãe quando tinha oito anos.
o problema maior era que sua mãe, sem culpa nenhuma nesse cartório, foi quem pagou o pato e teve que lidar com os "episódios" da filha. elas se amavam, é fato, mas chega um ponto em que ninguém mais aguenta, e naeun decidiu que ir embora era o melhor. gostava de música, então arranjou um emprego como radialista em uma rádio chinfrim só para ter estabilidade suficiente para alugar o próprio apartamento. e tudo estava indo super bem, gostava do emprego e podia curtir seu próprio som através da lost savants, a banda que fundou com alguns amigos próximos, ao menos até o pai reaparecer de supetão.
naeun sempre foi alguém que confiava demais nas pessoas, e até costumava dar certo, mas cair na história de que o homem se meteu em uma enrascada financeira depois de pedir dinheiro emprestado para as "pessoas erradas" e lhe dar grande parte de suas economias na promessa de que seriam devolvidas o quanto antes foi a pior coisa que poderia ter feito. a questão é que, no fundo, por mais que detestasse admitir, ainda buscava aprovação da figura paterna - por menor que fosse -, numa falsa esperança de que ele pudesse se arrepender de ter partido e, quem sabe, voltar a ser parte de sua vida.
já fazem bem uns 10 meses desde que isso aconteceu, e nem sombra do seu dinheiro, ou do pai. quebrada, e sem ter para onde correr, naeun precisou fazer cortes, incluindo seu agradável apartamento alugado em itaewon. ainda precisaria de um lugar para morar, claro, e, como se recusava a voltar para a casa da mãe, o haneul complex foi a melhor - e única - solução que encontrou. estava caindo aos pedaços, mas o aluguel baratíssimo e as comodidades foram suficientes para que ela considerasse o apartamento apertado como seu novo lar.
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writersclubhq · 1 year ago
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deêm boas vindas para NIGHT CHIRAWIT NINSOORI, KWAN HYUNJIN, DORIAN BOUCHARD, KANG MINHEE, KANG MINYOUNG, SHERRY HOLFMAN, YOON AHRI, HAYDEN KWON, EDWARD ''ED'' SUMMERS & RICARDO SANCHEZ! stitch, spring, hela, jazz e ahri, vocês têm 24h para enviar o blog dos seus personagens. não se esqueçam de ler nosso checklist, e de se divertir bastante!
ei, aquele vindo ali é NIGHT CHIRAWIT NINSOORI?  porque as últimas fofocas que me contaram sobre ELE é que tem VINTE E SEIS ANOS e que é um BOMBEIRO.  e, pelo pouco que conheço, sei que é CORAJOSO e EMPÁTICO, o que compensa o fato de que é IMPULSIVO e TEIMOSO também, mas, quem sou eu para julgar a vida alheia, não é? ele até se parece com FORCE JIRATCHAPONG.
ei, aquele vindo ali é KWAN HYUNJIN?  porque as últimas fofocas que me contaram sobre ELE é que tem VINTE E DOIS ANOS e que é um ESTUDANTE DE ENGENHARIA PETROLÍFERA.  e, pelo pouco que conheço, sei que é OTIMISTA e INSISTENTE, o que compensa o fato de que é INGÊNUO e DESATENTO também, mas, quem sou eu para julgar a vida alheia, não é? ele até se parece com LEE HEESEUNG.
ei, aquele vindo ali é DORIAN BOUCHARD?  porque as últimas fofocas que me contaram sobre ELE é que tem VINTE E UM ANOS e que é um ESTUDANTE DE MÚSICA.  e, pelo pouco que conheço, sei que é PRECISO e DETALHISTA, o que compensa o fato de que é PERFECCIONISTA e TEIMOSO também, mas, quem sou eu para julgar a vida alheia, não é? ele até se parece com FINN WOLFHARD.
ei, aquela vindo ali é KANG MINHEE?  porque as últimas fofocas que me contaram sobre ELA é que tem VINTE E DOIS ANOS e que é uma ESTUDANTE DE PSICOLOGIA. e, pelo pouco que conheço, sei que é ESFORÇADA e CARISMÁTICA, o que compensa o fato de que é DESASTRADA e INDECISA também, mas, quem sou eu para julgar a vida alheia, não é? ela até se parece com YU JIMIN.
ei, aquela vindo ali é KANG MINYOUNG?  porque as últimas fofocas que me contaram sobre ELA é que tem VINTE E DOIS ANOS e que é uma ESTUDANTE DE CONTABILIDADE. e, pelo pouco que conheço, sei que é EFICIENTE e PERSISTENTE, o que compensa o fato de que é PERFECCIONISTA e TEIMOSA também, mas, quem sou eu para julgar a vida alheia, não é? ela até se parece com YU JIMIN.
ei, aquela vindo ali é SHERRY HOLFMAN?  porque as últimas fofocas que me contaram sobre ELA é que tem VINTE ANOS e que é uma ESTUDANTE DE PROGRAMAÇÃO. e, pelo pouco que conheço, sei que é RESPONSÁVEL e ASSERTIVA, o que compensa o fato de que é AGRESSIVA e FECHADA também, mas, quem sou eu para julgar a vida alheia, não é? ela até se parece com SADIE SINK.
ei, aquela vindo ali é YOON AHRI?  porque as últimas fofocas que me contaram sobre ELA é que tem VINTE E SEIS e que é uma BARTENDER em MOONLIGHT LOUNGE.  e, pelo pouco que conheço, sei que é ESPÍRITO-LIVRE e DIVERTIDA, o que compensa o fato de que é CABEÇA-QUENTE e SARCÁSTICA também, mas, quem sou eu para julgar a vida alheia, não é? ela até se parece com BAE SUZY.
ei, aquele vindo ali é HAYDEN KWON?  porque as últimas fofocas que me contaram sobre ELE é que tem TRINTA ANOS e que é um INSTRUTOR DE DANÇA em HARBOURVIEW GYM & SPA.  e, pelo pouco que conheço, sei que é DESENVOLTO e OTIMISTA, o que compensa o fato de que é DESASTRADO e INQUIETO também, mas, quem sou eu para julgar a vida alheia, não é? ele até se parece com JUSTIN H. MIN.
ei, aquele vindo ali é EDWARD ''ED'' SUMMERS? porque as últimas fofocas que me contaram sobre ELE é que tem VINTE E SETE ANOS e que é um VENDEDOR DE DISCOS DE DIA, LUTADOR DE NOITE. e, pelo pouco que conheço, sei que é ATENCIOSO e PROTETOR, o que compensa o fato de que é AGRESSIVO e DESCONFIADO também, mas, quem sou eu para julgar a vida alheia, não é? ele até se parece com MICHAEL B JORDAN.
ei, aquele vindo ali é RICARDO SANCHEZ? porque as últimas fofocas que me contaram sobre ELE é que tem TRINTA E NOVE ANOS e que é um CAPITÃO BOMBEIRO. e, pelo pouco que conheço, sei que é LÍDER NATO e EMPÁTICO, o que compensa o fato de que é AUTORITÁRIO e CÉTICO também, mas, quem sou eu para julgar a vida alheia, não é? ele até se parece com CARLOS MIRANDA.
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zeppelindageni · 1 year ago
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zeppelin kwan (kwan seon-joon); 23 anos. homem cis — hétero. jogador de futebol americano.
◜baseado em STAY STAY STAY de taylor swift, THIS IS ME TRYING de taylor swift e HIGH AND DRY do radiohead◞
seus pais vieram para o canadá antes mesmo de casarem e se estabeleceram rápido na comunidade coreana da região.
demoraram a aprender inglês e, por muitas vezes, zeppelin foi tradutor mesmo ainda criança.
é um talentoso jogador de futebol americano que encontrou sua paixão pelo esporte por conta do seu pai que já amava mesmo enquanto vivia na coreia do sul.
desde o início, enfrentou desafios significativos devido ao preconceito e à falta de representação de asiáticos no futebol americano. foi motivo de piada por muitas vezes no vestiário, entre os colegas, que desrespeitavam sua origem e soube, muito novo, que teria que se esforçar o dobro que muitos ali para fazer seu nome e chamar atenção de forma positiva.
sua resiliência e determinação o ajudaram a superar esses obstáculos. tentando não se deixar abater pelas barreiras que encontrou e continuou a treinar e aprimorar suas habilidades muitas vezes fora do horário.
atitude descontraída, autoestima boa e rebeldia, por muitas vezes maquia seus incômodos e por muitas vezes prefere abstrair que efetivamente fazer algo. embora, goste de dar pancadas mais fortes, no treino, em alguns colegas que o irritaram.
tem muito problema para controlar o nervosismo antes de jogos e hoje em dia sofre bastante com o medo de seu tempo na faculdade acabar e ele não ser contratado.
ou ser contratado e ter que ir para muito longe. a insegurança da carreira o perturba mais do que gosta de assumir e essa descontração que apresenta para o mundo mascara a maioria de seus transtornos.
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neutronstcr · 2 years ago
neptune + yeoreum
planet headcannons.
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09. NEPTUNE. (symbolizes: dreams, intuition, mysticism, imagination, delusions.)
what are your muses goals? what’s their dreams?
Ser feliz, comer fruta, beijar sua namorada. Yeoreum não tem muitos sonhos porque ela acha besteira ficar planejando o futuro, she's just vibing, my man. Ela se sente muito nova para planejar qualquer coisa e ainda não encontrou o que quer ser de verdade, mas acabou de descobrir que tem um talento muito bom para ser namorada de backstage.
are they intuitive? do they believe in spirituality and acknowledge that in every day life?
Ela é total intuitiva e guia suas decisões puramente baseadas na própria intuição e no que está sentindo no momento. É um pouco espiritual, mas mais pro lado hippie da coisa: acredita na natureza que liga todos nós, no Sol e no Universo, nas almas, etc. Ela sabe o que significa? Não, mas um dia ela descobre.
where in life are they most creative? or are they perhaps, like the planet saturn, bound to reality and don’t believe or acknowledge such things?
Ela inventa histórias muito boas e certamente não é como o planeta Saturno, já que é completamente maluca e imaginativa. Não planejar o futuro não exclui a possibilidade de ficar horas imaginando fake scenarios, sua cabeça é muito imaginativa e ela gosta de se perder em seus próprios pensamentos.
those ruled by neptune tend to run away with their goals and ideas and often enough run too fast that they trip, so failure is familar to those who are ruled by neptune. does your muse get too caught up in unrealisitc ideas? if so, how do they handle the disappointment?
Sempre, pois tem ideias diferentes a cada semana sobre o que quer seguir como carreira. No entanto, ao falhar, ela não fica triste: é do tipo de pessoa que gostaria de ter todas as profissões na vida, então se falhar uma, vai para a próxima. Se até a Barbie se dividiu em várias carreiras, não é ela que vai ficar triste por uma ideia que deu errado, até porque nem tem tempo para isso.
those ruled by neptune are also full of child-like innocence, which can make them come off as naive. does your muse care what others think of them?
Nem um pouquinho, não mesmo. Liga para o que Kwan Jin acha dela, mas é porque quer impressionar a garota e ser uma boa namorada, mas não está nem aí para os outros. Eles não sabem como é a sua vida, então não devem dar opiniões, certo? Também é um pouco inocente, mais pelo jeito que vê as coisas com o entusiasmo de uma criança do que por não saber como é a realidade. Inclusive, prefere desse jeito: o mundo já é cínico demais, ela pelo menos pode aproveitar e viver do jeito que preferir.
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postersdecinema · 2 years ago
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Tudo em Todo o Lado ao Mesmo Tempo
EUA, 2022
Daniel Kwan, Daniel Scheinert
Plenitude Metafórica
Os Daniels (Kwan e Scheinert) são uma dupla de jovens realizadores e argumentistas norte-americanos, que começaram por fazer videoclips musicais e conseguiram a transição para o cinema, com recurso a muitos efeitos digitais e uma boa dose de imaginação.
Têm neste filme a consagração de Hollywood, que viu seguramente nesta dupla, uma inovadora linguagem cinematográfica, capaz de cativar um público jovem, habituado ao alucinante ritmo dos videogames, nesta era da Internet e dos comics adaptados ao cinema.
A obra é interessante, exibindo um conjunto de universos metafóricos paralelos, a partir dos quais extrai, contudo, soluções narrativas e éticas banais, ainda que bem intencionadas, para problemas quotidianos, não menos banais.
A verdadeira inovação do filme é a junção, num único pacote, de um ritmo alucinante, uma imaginação delirante, uma amálgama de referências de cultura popular, com especial incidência nos filmes de artes marciais e uma panóplia de efeitos visuais, de última geração.
Pode não entusiasmar os maiores de 40 anos de idade, mas seguramente impressiona, ao mesmo tempo que parece extasiar os mais jovens.
Metaphorical Fullness
The Daniels (Kwan and Scheinert) are a pair of young North American directors and screenwriters, who started out making music videos and managed to make the transition to film, using a lot of digital effects and a good dose of imagination.
They have in this film the consecration of Hollywood, which has certainly seen in this duo, an innovative cinematographic language, capable of captivating a young audience, accustomed to the breakneck pace of video games, in this age of the Internet and comics adapted to cinema.
The work is interesting, displaying a set of parallel metaphorical universes, from which it extracts, however, banal, albeit well-intentioned, narrative and ethical solutions to everyday problems, no less banal.
The real innovation of the film is the combination, in a single package, of a breakneck pace, a delirious imagination, an amalgamation of popular culture references, with a special focus on martial arts films and a panoply of state-of-the-art visual effects.
It may not excite those over 40 years of age, but it certainly impresses, while seeming to ecstatic the younger ones.
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jangksu · 2 years ago
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Y: what movie could they watch over and over again? 
orgulho e preconceito, clichê porém ela adora esse filme! é um bom romance onde o slow burn faz todo sentido na mente dela além de ser calmo o suficiente pra ser bem tranquilo assistir.
E: are they the happiest they’ve ever been?  
acredito que sim, até porque está sendo um ótimo momento pra ela em todos os sentidos .. um relacionamento confortável, saudável e prazeroso ao mesmo tempo de uma carreira bem sucedida, uma boa relação com os pais/amigos então é um dos melhores momentos da vida dela!
U: would they rather be single or in a relationship? 
em um relacionamento com gwon joonseok, se for com outra pessoa ela não quer!
N: are they clumsy and/or prone to accidents? 
não muito ? acho que o maior risco dela é por conta dela ser um independente demais em certos momentos e achar que pode resolver as coisas, mas isso é um perigo mais pros outros que ela mesma em alguns momentos .. afinal foi assim que ela acertou uma frigideira na cara do atual namorado
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therewillbekpop · 3 years ago
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nickorific · 2 years ago
Boshi News S14 975: GOT THE BEAT "STOMPP ON IT" Music Video Review
Creator note I forgot to add the title at the beginning of the video I was using iMovie and I meant to have the title of the episode but I forgot so I apologize for that weird title at the beginning of the audio video…… I also do apologize for getting the name of the music video wrong. It's not called step up it's actually called stomp on it. But I saw so many different names for this music video. I didn't know which one was correct Hello everyone and welcome to the very first episode of Boshi news of the year. today I am here to review the brand new music video from SM entertainment's newest subunit group calle Got the Beat and there a debut song "Step Up". This episode of Bodhi News is an audio format only because I am feeling very sleepy today and I'm not feeling very well but I still wanted to get a video of you out for you guys so this is the best way I could do it I hope you understand and I thank you for watching and listening.
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sol-em-gemeos · 4 years ago
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mugunghwarp · 2 years ago
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Idade: 36 anos.
Gênero: Feminino cis.
Qualidades: Elegante, amorosa.
Defeitos: Insegura, desconfiada.
Nacionalidade/Etnia: Sul coreana/coreana.
Temas de interesse: Todos.
Faceclaim: BoA - solista.
Twitter: MV86KY.
OOC: +18 ela/dela.
TW: Gore.
TW: Depressão tipo maior, violência familiar, pressão familiar.
Tudo começa quando a família Kwan se estabiliza como uma das famílias mais bem sucedidas e influentes da pacata vila Mugunghwa. Donos de alguns comércios e prosperando na vida profissional, a atual família Kwan reside em sua maior parte em Kadupul e Tulipe Tourjours. A primeira filha do casal, Kwan Hyunjae Kang Heejin, foi Yoora. A primeira filha e a mais mimada desde então.
Yoora nasceu e cresceu no berço de ouro, mas, nunca deixou os privilégios fazerem de si uma pessoa preguiçosa que queria apenas ser independente financeiramente. Estudou na Mugunghwa School e University e hoje trabalha como investigadora apenas no âmbito pessoal. Seu trabalho principal é de advogada na delegacia de polícia, fora seus novos estudos em Psicologia.
Dois anos antes de sequer ingressar em um de seus trabalho, Yoora teve um quadro de depressão, a chamada "depressão maior". Começado os sintomas no fim da adolescência, Yoora tinha alguns problemas com auto estima por uma pressão exagerada dos avós sobre além de seu peso e aparência, sua vida futuramente. Causou danos após ser definitivamente presa pelos avós em um quarto recebendo mínimo de comida por dois meses. O caso ficou abafado em Mugunghwa justamente por serem de uma família grande, apesar dos avós serem partidos da família Kang, da mãe.
Yoora tenta viver longe do contato dos avós, o avô morreu em 2020 e a avó continua a tentar atormenta-la, mesmo que Yoora demonstre arrecadar um sucesso em tudo que faz. Em sua vida profissional e pessoal. Hoje, vive em contato das irmãs e sobrinhas que tem e consegue ter afeto com todos mesmo que, de vez em quando, a depressão a possua de certa forma inimaginável. Mesmo que faça dois anos que a doença não tenha episódios longos de duração. Então, consegue viver se mostrando alegre e conseguindo ter picos de felicidades com algumas pessoas, tentando sempre ser alguém bom pra todos.
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ultrakdramamama · 7 years ago
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180122 smtown📷 by KEY(@SHINee) - 보아의 리얼 컴백 스토리! 성덕 키(샤이니)가 보여주는 리얼 보아 탐방기! 첫 리얼리티 ‘키워드#보아’가 드디어 오늘(1/22) 오전 11시 V LIVE 및 네이버TV에서 첫 공개됩니다! 보아의 모든 것을 만나 보세요! 🤗 ⭐매주 월~금요일 오전 11시 네이버 선공개 ⭐매주 일요일 밤 11시 XtvN 방영 - #보아 #BoA #키워드보아 #KeywordBoA #키 #KEY
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mythicamagic · 6 years ago
Saccharine - Kouyui oneshot
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Writing commission for @s-e-kwan, thank you for another ^^
If you’d like to commission me to write something, just PM me and I’ll send you the details
Summary: Kou starts acting a little strange. And by strange, Yui means...nice?
Rated T
Fluffy but clingy/obsessive
“Gahhh crap, where is it, where is it?!”
“Uh, Mr. Mukami? The recording booth has only been booked for two hours, so if you could-“
“I know that!” Kou barked, glaring over his shoulder at the dumb record staff waiting behind the glass. He was supposed to be singing the lyrics of the new song he’d personally come up with. But he’d gotten a tad too eager and left without his lyric sheet that morning.
And Kou only had a brilliant memory when it came to remembering the juicy, dirty, cruel details about another person.
But math, history, lyrics? No dice.
“I have to go back home to get it,” he gritted out.
“What? But, Mr. Mukami-“
Storming out of the sound booth, Kou hurried down the hallway of the agency that had signed him. This sucked. This was not what a star did. Reaching the entrance of the building, he was halfway through texting for someone to come pick him up, when the Mukami’s signature sleek black vehicle pulled up outside.
Kou stopped, blinking.
The door opened, and a pale leg became visible first, before Yui ducked out, clutching a hot pink folder to her chest.
“Kou!” She breathed, eyes bright. A smile tugged at her mouth as she jogged up to him, skirts and light blonde locks fluttering in the breeze.
He stared.
“I brought this for you. I wasn’t sure if you had a copy,” she passed the folder to him containing the lyrics he’d worked on. “You must be busy working, so I won’t bother you. Just make sure to give it your all!” With that, she turned, waving. Not even wanting anything in return. “Good luck with the recording session!”
This caused the rusted gears turning in his head to abruptly stop. A Yui shaped wrench lodged in-between the metal.
He remembered purposefully getting her harassed by his fans and laughing, the look on her face as he’d inflicted terror after terror. But she was still smiling? Still being kind? Still…there. Kou drummed his fingers against his thigh, shifting on his heel as he came to a silent decision.
That evening, when she served him vongole bianco on top of everything else, Kou lifted his head. He took a seat beside her, despite not having done so in the past, and started eating with gusto.
The others blinked, refraining from comment. When Yui reached the end of her meal, she sighed with contentment.
“Ah, M neko-chan. Want seconds?” Kou asked.
That was odd. “Oh, no thank you,” Yui smiled politely.
“Noooo really, it’s fine~ you can have some of mine if you like?”
Yui’s eyes widened and she held up her hands. “But you love this food? I-it’s okay. I’m very full.”
Tilting his head slightly, the blonde nodded, continuing to eat. Everyone else glanced at each other, wondering what had gotten into the usual food hog.
Hearing a knock at her bedroom door, Yui opened it, her heart doing a funny thing in her chest.
Kou smiled widely at her, leaning closer. “Ne, I couldn’t sleep in my room. Mind if I come in here?”
Yes, she did mind, but Yui knew there was no choice involved. Keeping an uneasy smile plastered to her face, Yui stepped aside for him to enter.
Returning awkwardly to her bed, Yui squeaked when his body appeared behind her under the covers, pulling her back against him. Hot breath fanned into light blonde locks.
“Goodnight~” he crooned softly, nuzzling into her neck and promptly falling asleep. Yui blinked owlishly, laying within his arms for a long time and waiting for the inevitable. For the sharpness of his fangs.
But nothing came. Slowly, she relaxed and smiled in his hold.
A week later and Yui closed the fridge door, glancing at the blonde vampire who watched her attentively from the table. She jumped, having not noticed him. “K-kou? Don’t you have another recording session to get to? You know you… haven’t been writing lyrics like you usually do…”
“Huh?” He tilted his head, cat-like eyes gleaming. “Oh, that’s because I’m not going to record music anymore. I’m finalising my paperwork so that I can quit being an idol!”
“What? But why?”
Sharp fangs flashed. “Obviously it’s so I can spend all my time with you! Hehe~”
Yui blinked, tilting her head.
“Hey, there’s a film you’d like playing at that cinema we went to downtown. Want to go tomorrow?”
She nodded faintly, not really grasping his words as he started excitedly telling her what time they’d meet.
His behaviour became increasingly strange compared with Kou’s usual self. He followed her almost every-where, like a baby chick in need of attention. But no matter how much Yui engaged him in conversation, he didn’t seem satisfied. As though he were waiting for her to say something specific.
Eventually, Yui ran out of things to talk about and just continued studying in the living room, albeit awkwardly with his elbow touching hers. The subtle heat from his vampiric body always felt so close.
“Oi, Sow! I picked some vegetables for dinner,” Yuma padded in, grinning.
Rising from the table, Yui sent him a gentle smile. “That’s great! I’ll start preparing them.”
After she’d left the room, Yuma caught Kou’s eye. “What?”
His brother stared, a slight frown skittering over his features, before he gave a lop-sided grin. “Nothing~ just stay away from my girl. M’kay?”
For some reason, Yuma felt an instinct not to get into anything with him. Raising a brow, he tsked, leaving the room.
It was getting too much. Sweat broke out on her forehead. She twisted and turned within the cocoon of countless blankets and his stifling arms. Her lungs constricted, begging for air, even though she had a steady supply.
Shaking, bone-white fingers latched onto the thing crushing her in its embrace. She moulded her digits to the shape of Kou’s neck, wrapping her hands around him fully and resting her thumbs on his throat. Then, like a boa constrictor, she squeezed and squeezed and squeezed some more. Pressing her nails down, her thumbs sank in above his Adam’s apple, his form trembling and gasping around her- legs kicking out, hoarsely screaming-
Yui started awake, bolting upright and panting wildly. Shaking, she glanced down at Kou’s sleeping form, his arms still clinging on around her waist.
“You just need some space,” Ruki calmly advised that morning, making breakfast.
“But I don’t know how to do that without hurting Kou’s feelings. He seems troubled by something.”
He sighed, “he’s emotionally volatile to the point of fragility. Most likely he’s just experiencing tenderness for the first time and is now trying to replicate it, poorly, I might add. He’s not going to realise he’s doing something wrong if you keep enabling him.”
“I-I see. So if I just…try to get some space, Kou will go back to normal?” Yui murmured. She never thought she’d miss the old Kou, but thinking on it…he’d become someone she thought of often. Even at school, or brushing her hair. She’d wonder in passing how he was, what he was doing, if he were singing.
And if he was giving up singing for her, she didn’t want any part in enabling him further.
Ignoring his texts proved difficult, but Yui dodged replying to almost all of them throughout the day. Avoiding him was only possible for so long, as she took extra classes at school or hid in the library at lunch. When the school bell rang, the girl ducked onto a bus and exhaled with relief, riding on it until she reached the road outside the Mukami mansion and walking the rest of the way.
It occurred to her just how tamed she’d become if she weren’t taking the opportunity to run.
Feeling something wet land on her head, Yui glanced up, finding the skies rolling in grey and grim. Hurrying on, she made it inside before the heaven’s opened.
Kou hadn’t come back.
Hours had passed and the rain hadn’t stopped. Yui broke her unspoken vow not to text and sent one after the other, worriedly asking where he was.
Staying near the front door, she watched the droplets roll down the glass. The cold, clammy hands of dread grasped her heart.
Hearing the door close, she caught sight of a figure.
Rushing forward, she ignored his soaked clothes and cupped his frozen cheeks, lifting his head and smoothing the wet locks away from his face when they plastered to damp skin.
“…You didn’t come,” he muttered in a subdued voice.
Yui stopped, blinking the tears from her eyes and bowing her head. The movie. “I-I’m so sorry.”
He didn’t say anything for a while, not even as she took him into her arms, soaking herself in the process. Combing shaking fingers through his hair, Yui held onto him as though he were something fragile, not immortal.
“I don’t get it. I don’t get it at all,” his voice came again, slowly. “You didn’t respond to me the way I wanted, no matter how nice I was, you didn’t seem to…want me back. Why is that? Huh? Tell me. My head’s all screwed up and it’s your fault.”
Exhaling, she kept Ruki’s words in mind and stroked his hair. “I do want you Kou. Just not like that. I liked you when you were…yourself.”
“You did?”
“But I was an asshole?”
She blushed. “W-well…I wouldn’t describe you like that. The Kou I like is funny and a little selfish, but when he cares about things, he really commits to them, even if he says he doesn’t.”
“You’re kinda weird.” Kou mumbled, his hands resting on her waist pulling her in so that their hips met. “But…maybe, we can have a uh…do over?”
A relieved smile touched her lips. “I’d like that.”
“Okay. Go out with me, m’kay? And don’t ghost me this time.”
“I promise I’ll be there,” she said, before sneezing.
“Hehe. That’s your punishment for making an idol stand out in the rain,” he grinned, kissing her neck and nipping the skin harshly. “C’mon. Let’s go take a shower together.”
“Kou!” She gaped, swatting his arm lightly. When he gave an answering cruel laugh, she knew he’d returned to his normal self. Relief flooded her right down to her toes.
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fifiweihao-blog · 5 years ago
FACEBOOK / INSTAGRAM / FLICKR / TWITTER photo by: Roman Kajzer @FotoManiacNYC
You can see the entire session here: KENDRA – FALL SESSION
A teen idol is a celebrity with a large teenage fan-base. Teen idols are generally young but not necessarily teenaged. Often teen idols are actors or singers, but some sports figures also have an appeal to teenagers. Some teen idols began their careers as child actors, like Leif Garrett, Lindsay Lohan, Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, and Hilary Duff.
The idol’s popularity may be limited to teens, or may extend to all age groups. Many teen idols are targeted for adults for nostalgia purposes.
There were teen idols before there were teen magazines, but idols have always been a permanent feature in magazines such as Seventeen, 16 magazine, Tiger Beat and Right On! in the United States, and in similar magazines elsewhere. With the advent of television, teen idols were also promoted through programs such as American Bandstand, The Ed Sullivan Show, Soul Train and in the UK Top of the Pops. Today’s teen idols have spawned an entire industry of gossip magazines, television shows, YouTube, and whole television channels such as E!.
Many American teen idols achieve "cross-over" success internationally; however, this list is not limited to American artists alone with some people such as German popstar Bill Kaulitz of the pop-rock band Tokio Hotel. In Asia, idols range from Japanese pop megastars Ayumi Hamasaki and Namie Amuro as well as Kana Nishino and Japanese music groups such as Momoiro Clover Z, Morning Musume, AKB48, and Perfume and Johnny & Associates boy bands Arashi, NEWS, KAT-TUN, and Hey! Say! JUMP among others while Chinese pop icon Jay Chou and Jolin Tsai, music groups F4 and Lollipop F, and South Korean singers BoA and Rain and music groups TVXQ, 2PM, 2AM, Beast, Shinee, EXO, Super Junior, f(x), 2NE1, BIGBANG, Wonder Girls, BTS, T-ara, Kara and Girls’ Generation are examples. In Latin America, idols ranges from Mexican pop stars Thalía, Timbiriche, Lynda Thomas, Magneto, Puerto Rican born Mexican Luis Miguel, Puerto Rican singer Marc Anthony, and the very popular Puerto Rican boy band Menudo in the 1980’s and 1990’s, and Paty Cantú, Anahi, Belinda. Ha^Ash and RBD in the 2000s and 2010’s. Besides, former Menudo member Ricky Martin, their chief rivals Los Chicos and former member Chayanne, Venezuelan actor and singer Guillermo Davila and more, to Argentina, where telenovela, Chiquititas, ushered in a new era of teen-idols for that country, including actors Benjamin Rojas, Felipe Colombo, Luisana Lopilato and Camila Bordonaba, who went on to form teen band Erreway, precursors to Mexican band RBD. In Spain, La Oreja de Van Gogh, Miguel Bose, Mecano and Hombres G all enjoyed teen-idol status. Even in the classical music field, a British-Chinese violinist Vanessa-Mae became the first "teen idol" in that category.
In the past, young sports icons and Olympic athletes during their competitive times were considered teen idols such as Jean-Claude Killy, Peggy Fleming, Joe Namath, Dorothy Hamill, Mark Spitz, Jim Craig, Nadia Comăneci, Mary Lou Retton, Michael Jordan, Dominique Moceanu, Michelle Kwan, Carly Patterson, Shawn Johnson, Nastia Liukin, Michelle Wie, Mia Hamm, Ryan Lochte, Michael Phelps, Missy Franklin, Katie Ledecky, Shaun White, Apolo Ohno, Simone Biles, Tom Daley, McKayla Maroney, and Gabby Douglas.
Early teen idols
The first known person to have been treated as a teen idol was Franz Liszt, the Hungarian pianist who, in the 1840’s, drew such a following among young women that the term "Lisztomania" soon came to describe the phenomenon. The kind of idolizing following Liszt drew in Europe would not be followed for several decades. Geraldine Farrar, American opera singer, had a large following of young women nicknamed "Gerry-flappers" in the early 20th century. Rudy Vallée, who became a major success in 1929 with hits like "Honey" and "Deep Night", may have been the first American popular singer to have been idolized by hundreds of teen-aged girls at sold-out concerts. He was also possibly the first popular singer to have a star vehicle created for him: The Vagabond Lover. Frank Sinatra, whose early career is often linked to his appeal to bobby soxers, is also regarded as having been amongst the first teen idols.
The great success of young rock stars like Elvis Presley and Pat Boone, film stars like Marlon Brando, Paul Newman, James Dean, Tab Hunter, and Sal Mineo in the 1950’s, as well as the wider emergence of youth subcultures, led promoters to the deliberate creation of teen idols such as singers Frankie Avalon, Fabian Forte, Frankie Lymon, and Connie Stevens. Even crooners like Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra were still considered idols and rather handsome. Actors Edd Byrnes and Troy Donahue and other artists deliberately cultivated a (safer) idol image, like Paul Anka.
Anka initially modelled himself on a particular generic type, the teen idol [who] carried on the process … of changing the image of male youth … from wild to mild, by providing a cleaner, more wholesome image of masculinity than that of the previous era’s rebellious rockabilly heroes and (working-class) so-called juvenile delinquents, like those in West Side Story….
Post-war teens were able to buy relatively inexpensive phonographs — including portable models that could be carried to friends’ houses — and the new 45-rpm singles. Rock music played on 45’s became the soundtrack to the 1960’s as people bought what they heard on the radio. The great majority of the music being marketed to 1950’s teens was being written by adults, but 1960’s teens were increasingly appreciating and emulating artists closer to their own age, to teen fashion, and to lyrics which addressed their own concerns. Their parents worried about their attraction to artists (and DJs) who were edgy and rebellious. Faces on magazines fed fans; fans buy records, see films, watch TV and buy fashions.
Marketing of the teen idol generally focuses on the image…. The teen idol is structured to appeal to the pre-teen and young teen female pop audience member and children in general…. [They] are commodified in forms and images that are relatively non-threatening to this young audience and to the ancillary market of parents… The teen idol never appears to be autonomous and therefore never appears to be threatening as an adult; he remains, as long as he is popular, perpetually childlike and dependent.
Some marketers turned to film and TV for fresh, attractive, ‘safe’ faces. Tommy Sands’s debut in a television film about the phenomenon, The Idol, made a teen idol out of Sands himself. Ricky Nelson, a performer of rockabilly music, also became a teen idol through his parents’ television series, The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet. Some young TV stars were being hustled into studios to make recordings; for example, ex-Mousketeer Annette Funicello became one of the first big female idols as well as the Lennon Sisters whom had cut out dolls and were always on the covers of the gossip magazines; another, Johnny Crawford of The Rifleman, had five Top-40 hits. In 1963, Luke Halpin made a big splash as a teen idol in the television program Flipper. After Bye Bye Birdie was released in 1963, Bobby Rydell became an instant teen idol.
In the 1960’s as situation comedies and dramas on television using child actors became more popular, actors Paul Petersen, Patty Petersen, and Shelley Fabares from The Donna Reed Show, Dwayne Hickman from The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis, Sally Field of Gidget, Jon Provost of Lassie, Jay North from Dennis the Menace, Billy Mumy of Lost in Space (and later of novelty group Barnes and Barnes), Sajid Khan of Maya, and Keith and Kevin Schultz known as the "Schultz Twins" on The Monroes all became younger preteen idols and grew into being teen idols.
Likewise, Tommy Steele, the Beatles with Beatlemania, the Rolling Stones, and the Beach Boys were teen idols, especially during the earlier part of their careers, although they quickly grew out of that status. The Rolling Stones did it through a more rebellious image, the Beatles did it through their more developed (or "grown up") music. Similarly, Neil Sedaka had two distinct eras of his career, with about a decade in between: one as a teen idol in the 1960’s, and a later career in adult contemporary music. From the family band the Cowsills, Susan Cowsill, John Cowsill and Barry Cowsill became teen idols and were on teen magazine covers for many years. Many of the teen idols of the era were the sons of older, established stars; Dino, Desi & Billy were active as teen idols during the mid-sixties. The group included Desi Arnaz Jr (son of bandleader Desi Arnaz), Dean Paul Martin (son of singer Dean Martin), and Billy Hinsche (a mutual friend whose parents were not famous). Gary Lewis, son of comedian Jerry Lewis, fronted the Playboys during this era.
All of the Monkees became instant teen idols in the late 1960’s after their TV show became an overnight success, especially for Micky Dolenz and Davy Jones. The British born member of the Monkees Davy Jones was regularly featured in all time teen idol lists. In 2008, Yahoo Music named Jones the number one teen idol of all time, and in 2009 he was ranked second in a list compiled by Fox News. Davy Jones still to this day tends to win many number one’s and the top of the list in best teen idol contests.
Tiger Beat magazine, an influential teen music magazine, began publishing in 1965.
After Davy Jones came Bobby Sherman and David Cassidy, who held the title of Teen Idols from the late 1960’s until the mid-1970’s. Both Sherman and Cassidy were actors on television and chart topping musicians in the pop-rock category at the time; with David Cassidy in particular enjoying immense international fame and success. Sherman was on hit TV shows Shindig! and Here Come the Brides among many others. Musical series such as Cassidy’s The Partridge Family, the animated series The Archie Show, and (to a lesser extent) The Brady Bunch integrated television and teen-pop music to significant success during this time frame. The Brady Bunch’s Barry Williams and Christopher Knight, as was tennis pro/actor Vincent Van Patten all were constantly in the fan magazines at the time. Actors Richard Thomas, Robby Benson, Peter Barton, Leif Garrett, Mark Lester, Jan-Michael Vincent, William Katt, and Jack Wild were the talk of the teenagers in the 1970’s as well. Musicians the Hudson Brothers were on many teen magazine covers for a number of years as teen idols. They had two shows on TV during the 1970’s and recorded many albums.
One of the features of many teen idols is that their fans (and, in some cases, the musicians themselves) tend to develop a distaste for the music once they became adults, and it is not much listened to by adults, except for nostalgia: the legacy of bubblegum pop. Teen idol performers in this category would include Shaun Cassidy, Leif Garrett, the Osmond Brothers (particularly Donny Osmond and their teen idol sister Marie Osmond), Andy Gibb, Tony DeFranco of the DeFranco Family, and the Bay City Rollers. Even modern classic hits and oldies outlets, which cover this time period, rarely play cuts from the teen idols of the era. A notable exception is Michael Jackson of the Jackson Five, who began his career as a teen idol along with his brothers, but whose individual career eventually evolved far beyond the limitations of that description and into super-stardom.
The Jackson Five were the first African-American music group to become national teen idols, appearing alongside white idols in magazines such as 16 and Tiger Beat.
In 1985 actress Alyssa Milano from Who’s The Boss became a major teen idol and was dubbed "The Teen Queen of the 1980’s. In the mid-1980’s there was a group of young actors called the Brat Pack; the whole group collectively and separately became teen idols. They were Emilio Estevez, Anthony Michael Hall, Rob Lowe, Andrew McCarthy, Demi Moore, Judd Nelson, Molly Ringwald, and Ally Sheedy. They starred in many coming-of-age films. The film that would help invent and popularize the genre was Francis Ford Coppola’s coming-of-age drama film The Outsiders (1983), which starred C. Thomas Howell, Ralph Macchio, Matt Dillon, Patrick Swazye, Diane Lane, Rob Lowe, Leif Garrett, Emilio Estevez, and Tom Cruise. The movie would receive critical acclaim, and would also become a box office success, and later a cult classic.
Actors such as Patrick Swazye, Matt Dillon, and Tom Cruise were teen idols who would later become successful A-list celebrities.
Actors Corey Feldman and Corey Haim also became teen idols during the later part of the 1980’s with films The Goonies and together The Lost Boys, Dream a Little Dream and License to Drive among other films. They were dubbed "the two Coreys". Before Corey Haim’s death in 2010, they did a reality TV show for two seasons (2007–08) on A&E named The Two Coreys after their 1980’s moniker.
Actor River Phoenix during his teen years became a teen idol during the later part of the 1980s.Phoenix’s work encompassed 24 films and television appearances, and his rise to fame led to his status as a "teen idol".On October 31, 1993, Phoenix collapsed and died of drug-induced cardiac arrest on the sidewalk outside the West Hollywood nightclub The Viper Room at the age of 23.
Australian-American singer Rick Springfield was regarded as teen idol from 1971, after releasing his solo début single "Speak to the Sky". His career matured over the next two decades with more hit songs. He gained further fame as a television series actor.
In the 1980’s, Puerto Rican boy band Menudo, caused a sensation in Latin America, nicknamed Menudomania that became compared to the Beatles’ Beatlemania.
Also painted with the Beatlemania brush was British pop group Duran Duran. Dubbed "the Fab Five", this group is recognized as pioneers in the then relatively new area of music video, that started with the Monkees in the 1960’s. Their exotic videos, such as Hungry Like the Wolf, being fixtures on cable channel MTV coupled with their exposure in teen magazines instilled them as teen idols in America and around the world though the majority of the 80’s. Another British pop band Culture Club were dubbed teen idols, with Boy George’s androgynous outfits that were copied by his teen fans and young adults alike.
At the end of the 1980’s, actor Kirk Cameron became a major teen idol teenage heartthrob. Cameron was best known for his role as Mike Seaver on the television situation comedy Growing Pains from 1985 to 1992. Also Scott Baio and Willie Aames of Charles in Charge fame found themselves regulars in teen magazines.
In popular music, the late 1980’s was the boom of teenagers dominating the music charts. Debbie Gibson became the youngest person to write, perform and produce a number-one single, "Foolish Beat", and also had many hits from her first two albums. Tiffany, another teen icon, became a pop sensation at 15 years old thanks to an aggressive marketing strategy. She promoted her debut album in shopping malls of the US. She is also the youngest person to have a debut album hit number one and have multiple number one singles from that album ("I Think We’re Alone Now" and "Could’ve Been"). Having become a household name, she had then-unknown band New Kids on the Block as an opening act for her shows. However, the sudden popularity of the New Kids caused their roles to be reversed. Gibson and Tiffany’s careers had stalled by the early 1990’s; so had NKOTB by the mid-nineties. The other boy band from Boston, New Edition was very popular with the teen set by the end of the 1980’s as well.
Madonna, was another example of teen idol and became a fashion icon between teenagers. Even, professor Joseph Straubhaar in the book Communications Media in the Information Society (1997) called a teen idol by 1992 year.
The manufacturing of teen idols has been marketed more aggressively and with greater sophistication since the 1980’s. The rise of MTV in the 1980’s and the success of the boy bands of the 1990’s and 2000’s has continued to fuel the phenomenon. Besides a combination of good, clean-cut looks and a ubiquitous marketing campaign, such bands typically include a variety of personality types (e.g. "the shy one", "the smart one", etc.) Classic examples of "boy bands" include Menudo, New Kids on the Block, Take That, Backstreet Boys, and ‘NSYNC, all becoming the best selling pop groups of the decade. Hanson was initially marketed as such a band, but eventually outgrew this label to become a successful indie band. Female pop super star Mariah Carey, was very popular with teens in the 90’s decade. Christina Aguilera, Jennifer Lopez, Mandy Moore, Jessica Simpson, and Britney Spears, along with mega girl groups the Spice Girls and Destiny’s Child, also became very popular at the end of the decade. Other notable examples from the 1990’s are female R&B singers Mýa, Aaliyah, Monica, and Brandy. After Brandy’s television show Moesha went on the air, it brought her many teen fans and she was always on the cover or in the teen magazines for many years. Brothers Nick Carter from Backstreet Boys and pop star Aaron Carter were both teen idols in their heyday, as was, to a much lesser extent, sister Leslie. Robbie Williams of boy band Take That had teen idol status as did Ricky Martin during the Latin music explosion of the late 1990’s.
Many of the major teen idols in the 1990’s were from boy bands and musical acts. One major exception was the situation comedy Home Improvement ‘s Jonathan Taylor Thomas, who appeared from 1991 to 1998, but never embraced his stardom. Another major teen idol was Freddie Prinze, Jr. who skyrocketed to teen heartthrob status after starring in successful teen horror films.
The 1997 film Titanic made Leonardo DiCaprio a teen idol; during "Leo-Mania" his face appeared on many teen magazines. Other teen idols from TV were most of the cast of Saved by the Bell, Joshua Jackson and James Van Der Beek of Dawson’s Creek, Ben Savage and Rider Strong of Boy Meets World, Joseph Gordon-Levitt of 3rd Rock From the Sun, Jonathan Brandis of seaQuest DSV, Jared Leto of My So-Called Life, Joey Lawrence of Blossom (and to a lesser extent, Joey’s brothers, Matthew and Andrew), Jason Priestley and Luke Perry of Beverly Hills, 90210 fame, and Erik Von Detten of various TGIF shows. These actors were often found on the covers and pages of teen magazines during the 1990’s as teen idols as well. Sarah Michelle Gellar was a major teen idol in the late 90’s, as a result of her lead role in the popular television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Fraternal twin sisters and TV actresses Ashley Olsen and Mary-Kate Olsen were major tween idols, and as they grew up they later became teen idols during the 1990’s. After the movie Clueless, Alicia Silverstone found herself a teen idol. The comedy duo of Kenan Thompson and Kel Mitchell are also teen idols, in which they star in the Nickelodeon sketch comedy All That, their own sitcom Kenan & Kel, and the 1997 film Good Burger. Nickelodeon also produced The Amanda Show which featured Amanda Bynes as well.
The Walt Disney Company and its numerous outlets (e.g. Disney Channel, Radio Disney and Walt Disney Pictures) have successfully developed a new generation of teen idols. In the early 2000’s, the company developed the careers of actresses and singers Hilary Duff and Lindsay Lohan, initially targeting youth and female teen audiences. While still teenagers, Duff became famous for her starring titular character in the Disney Channel teen sitcom Lizzie McGuire, and Lohan became famous for her starring roles in many successful teen movies, including Freaky Friday, Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen, Herbie: Fully Loaded, and Mean Girls. Other Nickelodeon and Disney Channel stars are also teen idols, including Jesse McCartney, Raven-Symone, Kyla Pratt, Ashley Tisdale, Vanessa Hudgens, Drake Bell, Josh Peck, Emma Roberts, Miranda Cosgrove, Miley Cyrus, Victoria Justice, Jennette McCurdy, Elizabeth Gillies and the Jonas Brothers.
In 2002, Canadian singer Avril Lavigne dominated the music scene and eventually became a worldwide teen idol. Listed at number 4 on Yahoo!’s Top 25 Teen Idols of all-time. Other teen idols are in the R&B and hip-hop realm, including JoJo, Ciara, Keke Palmer and Chris Brown.
Disney Channel stars Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato, YouTube star Becky G, and The X Factor alumni Little Mix have come to be teen idols. Ariana Grande was a popular teen actress before gaining mainstream popularity as a singer and teen idol.
In Japan, more and more "idol groups" have appeared. In Japanese culture, persons called "idols" are media personalities in their teens and early twenties who are considered particularly attractive or cute and who will, for a period ranging from several months to a few years, regularly appear in the mass media, e.g. as singers for pop groups, bit-part actors, TV personalities, models in photo spreads published in magazines, advertisements, etc. One of the most successful groups is Momoiro Clover Z. Their performances incorporate elements of ballet, gymnastics, and action movies. During 2016, about 636 thousand people attended their live concerts, which was the highest record of all female musicians in Japan. The group has been ranked as the most popular female idol group from 2013 to 2016.
Since their rise to fame in recent years, pop singer and YouTube sensation Justin Bieber, country-pop musician Taylor Swift, boy band One Direction, pop rock band 5 Seconds of Summer, and girl group Fifth Harmony have become examples of modern-day mega teen idols who have achieved international success, known for their devoted teen female fans, as well as an adult fan base making them all international superstars as well as teen idols.
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Posted by FotoManiacNYC on 2015-11-12 12:44:06
Tagged: , Kendra , model , teen , teen girl , teenager , 17 , posing , fall , photoshoot , nycphotographer , NYC , Central Park , park , Manhattan , blonde , blue eyes , eyes , lips , hair , Lady Fall , fairy , leggings , sexy , pretty , beautiful , sensual , smoldering , young , thin , fashion , style , modern , leaves , coat , tribal pattern , native american , brown
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procura-seoquefazer · 3 years ago
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Kwang estava muito feliz com a repercussão de seu programa ao vivo. Não esperava obter tantas respostas positivas, e inclusive, intrigas. Seu sorriso era radiante, porém aos poucos foi perdendo seus entrevistados para a pista de dança ou para os braços de ouras criaturas, o que o levou a ter uma boa ideia. Kwang já tinha recebido sugestões antes, e naquele momento deu-lhe um estalo maluco. Sem explicar direito para sua produção, pediu para sua produção ir para o intervalo que ele organizaria algumas coisas. Ro foi atrás de Leah e Zou e os puxou, pedindo para que ficassem perto do palco que logo ele apareceria ali. Kwang subiu no palco e pegou o microfone que estava ali aposto, pedindo para o DJ dar um tempo apenas para ele poder falar. ———— Um, dois, três, testando. Como todos estão? Aproveitando o evento? Gostaria de agradecer a todos por estarem aqui, e às belas criaturas que fizeram essa festa linda com exímio trabalho.  Eu peço licença a vocês, e peço desculpas pela interrupção.———— Kwang ajeitou seu cabelo, e limpou a garganta notando que já tinha a atenção de todos.———— Vamos fazer uma dinâmica muito bacana no palco agora. Peço que todos escrevam seus nomes em um papel e deixem com Leah e Zou caso queiram participar. Darei alguns minutos para as inscrições.———— abriu um sorriso charmosos, na tentativa de convencer a todos de participarem. Ro se retirou do palco e procurou por um bruxo ou gênio que pudesse lhe conjurar uma roleta. Kwang manteve o mistério até que todos acabassem com as inscrições, leu os nomes junto de seus colegas e então colocou todos os nomes na roleta. Quando finalizou seu produto abriu um sorriso satisfeito e voltou para o palco, chamando a atenção de todos. ———— Sejam bem-vindos às roleta de beijos. Uma dupla será sorteada nesta roleta, subirá ao palco e precisará se beijar.———— continuou explicando, eufórico. Kwang claro que ia participar, mas também observar a alegria na expressão de uns, o desgosto na de outros e até a confusão de alguns quando viram seu nome na roleta era especial.———— Vou precisar de uma ajuda aqui para rodar. Eu só apresento.———— disse longe do microfone, para que quem estivesse ali perto pudesse o ouvir.———— DJ! Eu vou querer uma trilha sonora muito especial.———— apontou para o aparelho de música, confiando no trabalho do profissional. Kwan-Seok olhou diretamente para a sua câmera, abrindo um sorriso ainda mais radiante e piscando, dando início à dinâmica. A TRILHA SONORA INTERAGINDO COM: O PÚBLICO EM: ALA SUL - PALCO EXTRA: ROUPA
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kansassire · 7 years ago
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1 Kiryûin Hanako no shôgai (Onimasa: A Japanese Godfather), 1982, Hideo Gosha 2 Ren Zai Niu Yue aka Full Moon in New York, 1990, Stanley Kwan 3 One Way Boogie Woogie / 27 Years Later 1977-2005), James Benning 4 Hong mei gui bai mei gui (Red Rose, White Rose), 1994, Stanley Kwan 5 The Rider, 2017,Chloe Zhao 6 Julia ist, 2017, Elena Martin 7 Deseret, 1995, James Benning 8 11 x 14, 1977, James Benning 9 L'une chante, l'autre pas aka One Sings, the Other Doesn’t, 1977, Agnes Varda 10 As Boas Maneiras aka Good Manners, 2017,  Marco Dutra, Juliana Rojas 11 Gemini, 2017, Aaron Katz 12 Goldstone, 2016, Ivan Sen 13 Flandersui gae aka Barking Dogs Never Bite, 2000,  Bong Joon-ho
Mystery Road, 2018, Tv-Series
Let us go in, The Fog is rising
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nickorific · 2 years ago
Boshi News S14 971: HAPPY 36th BIRTHDAY BoA!!
I am finally back everyone and today I decided to do a very special episode dedicated to BOA because today is her 36th birthday. I noticed something a little bit different than what I normally do, but I hope you will still enjoy it. Thank you
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