#kuzuki soichiro
kikaruuni · 15 days
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emiya-san chi no kyou no gohan pages art by TAa from TYPE-MOON Ace 16
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kilfeur · 1 year
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The men of the church during the pajama party
Kirei : Let's summon the servants for the Holy Grail War
Gilgamesh : Oh ! Yeah ! That would be so much fun.
The masters during their pyjama party
Masters : Who keeps invoking them ?
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melon-nyan · 9 months
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mayonessho · 1 year
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Now it's Kuzuki but a Hitmonlee <3
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typekiku · 9 months
Thoughts on Mahoyo Movie
hello hello everyone!
how are all my fellow type moon fans and other "people" doing?
good? good!
anyways so i saw some shit takes going around on the net and decided i would write out my opinions on them here. screaming into the void can be real therapeutic especially for a fellow mahoyo fan like myself.
without further ado here i go
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(Ignore the somewhat low-quality picture here.)
This is probably the funniest take since it actually is the very opposite: Rin is based off Aoko!
"bUt hOw kIkU? "You poor lost soul may be thinking, and this is actually correct. FSN did, in fact, come out almost a decade before Witch on the Holy Night did. Congratulations, you are right! Pat yourself on the back, champ.
With that being said, Rin is still based off Aoko! Don't believe me? Let's see what Nasu himself has to say on this matter.
NASU: Yes, the heroine with glasses from old "Fate" named Ayaka Sajyou had a rival character who was a total rich-kid, spoiled heiress type. She would look down on you and laugh at you, like Luvia. Her servant was the Lancer. You could say she was the basis for Rin's character. When Shirou snagged the main character position for "stay night", it was this character who transformed into Rin to fill the rival role. We wanted Shirou's rival to be more likeable than the snobby heiress, though, so we took inspiration from Aoko Aozaki, a character Takeuchi and I both like. Azaka, Akiha, and Rin are all Aoko-type characters, but I'd say Rin is the most like Aoko. I really didn't feel like making "Witch on the Holy Night" when we were working on "stay night", so I made the executive decision to create a feminine Aoko. Though I suppose she turned out to be more of a clumsy Aoko than a feminine Aoko... Takeuchi seemed to intuitively understand what I was going for, and his "Fate version Aoko" meshed well with my vision for Rin.
from : Fate/ Character Material II
So yes, indeed, Rin was based on Aoko. If you are still confused on how this is possible, you must understand that Witch on the Holy Night is one of Nasu's very first works, written all the way back in 1996, being an almost 500-page novel at the time.
It was obviously shelved for a long while, but the characters within it have remained influential, showing up throughout various different works of Nasu's, but especially Aoko and Touko, who would go on to be important throughout the Nasuverse.
(Also, Soichiro Kuzuki is basically a colder soujuuro and probably even from the same organization.)
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Hell, we even have some original artwork from how Aoko looked back then. Compared to how Rin looks now, they don't really look that similar, to be honest.
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Now this Aoko, drawn by Takeuchi in TYPE MOON character material all the way back in 2006, after fate/stay night, could be argued to look a lot like Rin, but even that would be a stretch of the imagination (and eyes).
Regardless, what is my point here? Its silly to call Aoko a rin face when:
a) She doesn't even really look like Rin (I'm not even going to bring up Koyama's version of Aoko since that's meaningless).
b) She precedes Rin in both having been created before her and designed before her.
That doesn't mean the movie version of Aoko doesn't look like Rin, because not only does she kind of look like her, but it's probably intentionally meant to provoke these kinds of takes since, in the eyes of most of the audience for Witch on the Holy Night, Aoko might as well be a completely new character.
Honestly? who cares? This "Aoko looks like Rin" business pales in comparison to a bigger worry of mine... How will Ufotable properly adapt Mahoyo?
Mahoyo is a visual novel that has more quiet scenes than action, and will they really manage to adapt that well or lean more into flashy, hyped action scenes?
This worry of mine stems from Ufotables Heaven Feel films, which while I still thoroughly enjoyed, I felt disappointed at all the cut scenes that served to establish the relationship between Illya and Shirou, and likewise the cut scenes between Shirou and Kirei, which are both just as important as Sakura to the main story.
Instead of focusing on the main climax of Heaven's Feel and the climax of the whole FSN, which is Shirou's final battle with Kirei, they extended the Salter vs. Rider fight and made it out to be the centerpiece of the route, which it is in fact not.
Judging from the trailer it will likely adapt up to at least chapter 6 which leaves the rest for maybe another film? possibly even a trilogy which i mean i just don't see happening to be frank but i could be surprised!
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Most importantly....
So yes, that is all I have to say on this matter. I'm both excited to finally get to see Mahoyo in film and for others to get into this series that I so love! It will be great to see others get into it, even if it is possibly a shitty adaptation.
also seeing others call this a fate spinoff physically hurts
Thanks for reading my rant of the day!
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starlightoath · 8 months
Fate Stay Rabbithole
I've fallen into the Nasuverse Pipe System. Like I just decided to watching the Sate serieses that have Todo with the Men of the Emiya family in the Holy Grail War. I just started watching it and YouTube recommended me the comedy sketches and Fate Hollow Atraxia. Like Sure they were funny and sure Medea, Soichiro, and Sakura are my babies now but come on YouTube. At least wait until I finish the first 18 episodes of the Fate Route. Incidentally in the Cooking Timeline I imagine that one scene from Atraxia happened. The one where Medea span around and declared Loudly and Proudly to Everyone that she was KUZUKI MEDEA!!
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arnekev · 3 years
Disclaimer: I do not own Fate/Stay Night, Or any subsequent pieces of fiction there in. This is purely a fictional work by an amateur Fanfiction Author.
Fate/Stay Night: Shattered Destinys
Chapter 0: History doesn’t repeat, it merely rhymes
Shirou’s eyes snapped open, his hand clutching at his heart, breath labored from the nightmare he had escaped.
He was there again, the hell that had ruined and changed him, a Crucible for the man he’d become. That was the norm, he’d never allow himself to forget that night, he didn’t deserve to be saved from it.
What most certainly wasn’t normal was the man shadowing him. Like a shadow cloaked in darkness, nothing distinguishing him from any other. The man stepped toward him, grasping his arm.
“Hey, that’s hell you're walking into”
The most memorable part of his dream. Made all the strangers by the fact it was the last thing he heard.
“Mhmm damnit, 5 more minutes….”
The alarm didn’t take her advice to heart
Despite her best efforts, the alarm refused to cease its cacophony. It’s harsh ringing penetrating even the thickest blanket. Tohsaka rin was many things;
A first rate magus,
A genius in all but title,
And even a pretty good Bajiquan practitioner,
But never a morning person.
“Kirei, how is it that a servant of god can justify atrocities against man?”
The king spoke jovially with his partner. In life, he would’ve probably preferred better than a fallen priest, but a contract was a contract, and no True king would ever renege on a promise
“I believe it was a great philosopher who once said…”
The dying child’s final breaths causing only a moment's pause in talk
“… that the only difference between Angels and Devils is often where one stands at the time”
“You Vile Witch!”
She should have known this would be the outcome, even if he wasn’t a wretched excuse for a mage, no one likes their life being messed with by others.
“Caster, I order you by my command spell, Kill yourself!”
The red Stigmata shone bright as the mana was fully depleted. A smile grew across Atrum’s face, but soured when Medea’s did the same.
“Sakura, we need to talk”
The hollow eyes of a girl who just wanted to be loved gazed into those of a man who wanted much the same.
“The war will begin soon, you’ll need to prepare for the summoning, grandfather says you should meet him in the cellar”
He visibly tensed whenever he spoke of Zouken, even if he never truly had been harmed by the Lich-patriarch of his family.
She began to disrobe, not like it wasn’t anything shinji hadn’t seen before, and it would be better for everyone if her good clothes weren’t ruined by the worms.
Illiyasveil gazed onto the morning dew from on high, the windows of the Einzbern castle clear of morning frost.
“My Lady, we’ve found him”
Her smile twisted into a sickly grin, like a mad man who’d just escaped the asylum
“And what did the traitor name him? What did the bastard who killed mother call him?”
She spat the final words out, unladylike and Inpatient.
“His name is Shirou, Shirou Emiya”
And with that, her war had begun.
Bazett Fraga Mcremitz, bearer of Fragaroich, Master Of Ireland’s child of light, A sealing designated magus of the association….
Complete fool.
Her servant stolen, her pride destroyed, her arm taken, her life…
“Those wounds are grievous”
It wasn’t Cú, it wasn’t that bastard kirei….
He lifted her up into his arms.
“Hold on, your not dying tonight”
She’d never been the religious type, but thanking god is appropriate when you’ve been saved by an angel.
“I’m running out of patience, and time”
The old lich played with the catalyst, a white ceramic mask, stained with dried blood on both sides.
The cellar door creaked open, the clack of shoes on cobblestone unmistakable. She was rather quick to come, perhaps in her own twisted way, she was beginning to enjoy these sessions.
Even if she failed him like the others, he’d have his backup.
Soichiro Kuzuki.
He’d have to keep repeating it to himself or he could ruin his persona. A simple man, teach students, care for the shrine, shepherd Issei. Was it the ideal retirement, no, But it was better than a shallow grave.
The wet soil underfoot squelched with every foot step, his path deviated every night, learning the land, knowing paths, finding places to hide if need be.
And on this night, finding a stranger. Bloody and beaten, she’d probably be dead within the hour, several severe external wounds and more than likely more internal injuries.
Leave her, she’s already gone
Complications get you killed
Yes, she’s more trouble than she’s worth.
But then again….
All people are opportunities waiting to happen
Maybe I’m going soft
He let out an inaudible sigh
“Those Wounds are grievous”
She spat blood onto his suit
He’d made up his mind
“Hold on, your not dying tonight”
He was Furious, she’s not even blood and he chose her. Who the hell was she to take away his chance at the grail. A filthy whore who won the generic lottery in all aspects.
“I’ll show her and grandfather I can, she’s nothing but a Usurper, a stand in. She’s nothing more than a catalyst”
He’d prove it, to them and all the rest. The Matou, no, The Makiri weren’t out of this race yet.
Author's note.
I know this is a weird way of doing an intro chapter, but I’m still trying to get the hang of proper writing, I’m no Neoalfa or Coeur Al’Aran yet, so If I can’t out write them, I’ll at least make it interesting.
I wanted to do an intro of general characters who are going to be important, mostly excluding servants. I don’t know if I want to do an intro for servants, as they really shine when interacting with their respective masters and opponents.
As for the story going forward, as the title suggests, I’m trying to only use original source material (the OG visual novel and HAs visual novel along with the various anime and manga) but doing something along the lines of a “what if masters and servants flipped and a couple plot points caused a butterfly effect?” So while it’s going to in parts be treading over some of the same stuff, it’s going to be a bit different in a bunch of ways.
Feel free to suggest ideas or critic, I’d much rather hear hurtful criticism than disappoint people that care.
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dante-heller · 5 years
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I'm sorry Caesar, I couldn't help myself
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whentheyart · 7 years
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FateLOG2 by 空色羊
※Permission to reprint this was given by the artist. Please do not repost without the artist’s permission. If you liked this fanwork, do take the time to rate and bookmark the original work.
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fatefulones · 5 years
Anonymous said: ff+Caster x Kuzuki Soichiro
Send me “ff+” and a character name and my character will react to finding and reading a graphic and sex-filled fanfiction of themselves and that character.
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“. . .Now this takes me back to better days...” Medea muttered to herself as she calmly read the book. Of course she was somewhat surprised anyone would know of Kuzuki, as the only ones that would know him would be those from that War. 
The Book itself was extremely graphic, as expected seeing as people took the Caster for being quite kinky, though that level of bondage was a little excessive! Still..she would keep this.
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recentanimenews · 3 years
FEATURE: 4 Anime And Manga Series That Use Breathing As A Superpower
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  A lot of anime and manga characters inhale air into their lungs. A lot of anime and manga characters have superpowers. In most cases, those two facts are unrelated, but in some stories, the former directly leads to the latter. You might have seen characters gaining amazing abilities like increased strength, stamina, and agility through special breathing techniques on Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba but that’s far from the only anime featuring this unique superpower.
  JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood
  One of the most bizarre anime superpowers seems to have started, appropriately, with the first story arc of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood (1987). Before the Joestar family took a stand against evil with their, uh, Stands, they first made waves with the Ripple (orig. Hamon) technique.
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    Part of the Sendo “Way of the Hermit” martial art taught to Jonathan Joestar by Will A. Zeppeli, the Ripple allowed the first JoJo to supercharge his cells with massive amounts of energy that could do anything from annihilating zombies and vampires threatening his family to making flowers bloom… And “all” it takes to make the Ripple work is to inhale so much air into your lungs that it should logically asphyxiate all life forms within a 3-foot radius around you. But let’s not try and apply real-world science to an anime that has “bizarre” right there in the title and instead move on to the next example.
  Naruto Shippuden
  In Season 19 of Naruto Shippuden, we are introduced to the character Shira who develops a martial arts technique called Seven Heavens Breathing Method, which increases his lung capacity fourfold, granting him immense physical strength. The method and the history behind it are very similar to those of Rock Lee. Because Shira lacked talent in ninjutsu (ninja techniques) and genjutsu (illusionary techniques), he made up for them by devoting himself to mastering his fighting skills through breathing.
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    This is something you see with anime breathing superpowers all the time. They are often created as a necessity, a form of survival born from one’s own limitations against more gifted/supernaturally powerful opponents. You don’t see that with superpowers in, say, My Hero Academia or One Piece but super-breathing is almost always a way to level the playing field, as it were.
  From Naruto, where the creation of the ninja villages followed the show’s “Warring States Period,” we segue elegantly to Yasuhisa Hara’s manga Kingdom, first published in 2006 and taking place during the Warring States Period of ancient China (475–221 BCE).
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  Image via Netflix
  It’s … not exactly a faithful historical account of that part of China’s history, as it features, among other things, the Shiyuu clan of female assassins who are so unmatched in combat, their movements are often imperceptible to the naked eye. How do they achieve that? Through special breathing techniques, of course. What’s interesting about this is that the Shiyuu technique can be super-charged via the clan’s sacred priestess dances. The entire clan actually has an almost religious relation with combat, seeing it less as a means to an end but rather a way to venerate the heavens.
  We’ve actually seen something similar to this in Demon Slayer where the protagonist Tanjiro level-ups by merging his fighting style with the “Dance of the Fire God” based on real-life Japanese kagura dancing, which was also developed as a form of worshipping gods. There’s an unexpected, weirdly-specific connection for you.
  Fate/stay night
  Fate/stay night is a story about powerful magic users battling each other using supernatural spirits called Servants. Well, with the exception of one Soichiro Kuzuki. He’s still part of the fight and possesses his own Servant named Caster but he cannot do magic at all. Not even a simple card trick. His hats are always tragically rabbit-free. And yet, he holds his own against the series’ heavy-hitters thanks to a special kind of martial art he developed by “perfecting his breathing.”
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    This was a fascinating choice for the character because the act of breathing is the essence of life, which is kind of the antithesis of Kuzuki, a seemingly emotionless assassin. Yet, there is a twisted kind of humanity in him, like when he saved Caster’s life by becoming her Master despite having no investment in the story’s magic war. It’s almost as if breathing superpowers can be a way to establish and emphasize a character’s humanity which, once again, we’ve also seen in Demon Slayer where the Total Concentration Breathing and the various Breathing Styles are a way for regular people to take on Demons in a fight.
  And Breath Out
  Many martial arts stress the importance of proper breathing, with some even claiming that it helps with the flow of your qi/ki energy. Perhaps that’s where manga and anime got their ideas from, taking this basic life function and turning it into the great equalizer that allows disadvantaged characters to hold their own against unfairly powerful foes. Because the thing about breathing is that any human can do it, and it’s fun to think that if you just do it the right way, you will suddenly be able to do energy blasts and beat up mountains.
  Can you think of other examples of breathing superpowers in manga and anime? Let us know in the comment section.
  Cezary writes words on the internet. You should follow him on Twitter.
  Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features!
By: Cezary Strusiewicz
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avicebro · 7 years
Caster!Medea x Kuzuki Soichiro
ship: ew / nonono / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / MY HEART
You sir anon know me all to well. Souichirou/Medea is my otp to rule otps I love them so much if you tell me it’s one-sided I will go to your house and give you a powerpoint presentation why it is the best ship in Fate/Stay Night and some glasses so you can see.
They are just so cute? Like omg I love them so much. I love drawing the two of them. Gosh I love this ship so much.
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shokoraa · 4 years
In This Balance Of Time
In This Balance Of Time
FFN: In This Balance Of Time by Eirenei
By: Eirenei
Summary: AU-verse: Zelretch was a certified troll, but even he avoided doing something like colliding four different universes altogether. However, that didn't meant he couldn't enjoy chaos, panic and disorder this new Sky and his Elements left in their wake wherever and whenever they went. Heaven may have mercy on whoever wronged their Sky... because his Elements certainly won't.
Status: Incomplete  Updated: Nov. 21, 2019
Words: 409,764  Chapters: 81/??  Language: English
Fandom: Harry Potter - Fandom, Fate/Zero, Fate/stay night, Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Category: Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: Harry Potter, Kiritsugu Emiya, Kirei Kotomine, Soichiro Kuzuki, Tsunayoshi Sawada, Reborn
Relationship: None
Additional Tag: Quad-over (four different 'verses), Different Sky, Zelretch's amusement, Read at Your Own Risk, Fluff, Danger, Humor, Drug Use, Non-con scenes
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adelha-mathilde · 6 years
Someone Could Have Mentioned This Earlier!
Okay minor rant of appreciation under the cut.
I finally decided to start watching Fate Apocrypha since no activity here and no Fate Grand Order due to maintenance. And I found out something.
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If someone had actually told me that Kairi Sisigou is voiced by Patrick Seitz I can well and truly confess I would have binge watched all of Apocrypha right out the moment I heard of the series. Because I swear to Heaven and sanity Patrick Seitz is amazing and he always chooses the best and most compelling types of characters to give vocals to. Case in point: Prince Arthas Menethill  and Garrosh Hellscream from World of Warcraft. Isshin Kurosaki, Captain Kenpachi Zaraki, Akon, and Sentaro Kotsubaki from Bleach. Agni from Black Butler. Drakon, Ugo, and Fatima from the Magi series. Agil from Sword Art Online. Senji Kuromasa / Crow from Deadman Wonderland. Laxus Dreyar from Fairy Tail (and yes this character was why I even bothered to watch that series). Rido Kuran from Vampire Knight. Soichiro Kuzuki from Fate Stay Night. Raido Namiashi from Naruto. Luke Valentine from both Hellsing and Hellsing Ultimate. Volkanon from Rune Factory 4. Lucian from League of Legends (yes I got this champion because I recognized Patrick immediately). Fredrick Francios Chopin from Eternal Sonata. Dracula in several of the Castlevania games. And above all these he is the voice of the one and only warrior alchemist.
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Captain Bravo from Buso Renkin. The manga I adored by Nobuhiro Watsuki (you may know him from his work Rurouni Kenshin) And they got THE LITERAL BEST VA FOR BRAVO EVER! I KID YOU NOT!
So yeah I would’ve beelined it to watch Apocrypha if it was mentioned Patrick Seitz is a lead voice in it. This ends my appreciation posting.
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dante-heller · 5 years
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It's nice to know she has a particular attraction to a certain type of man: One having no personality traits whatsoever.
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