worldrebel · 5 years
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Send to get a kiss from my muse! – not accepting
@kuyuzhishi​ SAID: 💋 n-nine-sama.....  [ 💋 receivers choice. ]
         “ How did you come to tear it?” a gentle inquiry as deft fingers ghost across scarred flesh.
  “ It’s not important-- just some fools who thought they were worthy of my time.”
              “ I see. “
    no further questions were asked and the silence settled. earlier in the evening, a walk had been taken to clear her mind. it had been peaceful for the most part, until a gaggle of immature idiots tried to mess with her. it was quick and easy to deal with them, and she had remained unharmed in making sure they’d go home feeling bruised and sore (and maybe with a blood nose or two). of course, in the process, she exerted too much force and the scar which ran the length of her back had torn. not too big and just a little above the center of her spine is where the now fresh wound had rested. she would not have even noticed it for not the feeling of something wet slowly trickling down. and as much as she’d deal with this on her own, the positioning made it difficult.
  that realization had led to the witch visiting the woman and her business. Litchi’s clinic had been highly spoken of among the residents of the ward and while there were no doubt other options-- such as the hospital -- Nine felt less reluctance coming here, considering they came from the same world and as such, less questions would be asked.
               “ Okay, I just need to bandage it now. If it’s too tight, please let me know.”
   “Of course.”   
    golden hues shift to carefully watch amethyst ones in silent observation as the other continued to do what she needed to.. she was close, dangerously so, to the witch who chose to remain still, shifting in any way needed for her to properly wrap the bandage around the wound. no discomfort was felt and the wrapping wasn’t too tight, resting just tight enough around her abdomen to keep everything securely in place. 
       Nine isn’t sure if the slight rosy color on her cheeks is from their close proximity or something else-- she doesn’t care much, either. she does, however, find it somewhat...cute if she was slowly getting flustered from being so close to the former hero. a smirk pulls its way on her lips as she watches Litchi place the clasp to hold the bandage close, glancing up from her hands to most likely tell the witch she was all done. but before a word could be said,  she decides to do something first. the admittedly small distance is closed as she presses her lips against the doctor’s in a slow kiss. sure, she could have said thanks in about ten different other ways that didn’t involve the lips, but...well, she didn’t feel like doing that.
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             slow in pulling away, Nine moves to stand, putting her shirt back on and moving to take her leave. but just before she does, she pauses in the doorway, turning around to flash a smile at the other woman.   “ Thanks again. “
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bigbangsmasher · 5 years
kuyuzhishi replied to your post: Makoto Nanaya has entered the battle! What to do? ...
Pet… but more like a head pat
envymachine replied to your post: Makoto Nanaya has entered the battle! What to do? ...
seithrveined replied to your post: Makoto Nanaya has entered the battle! What to do? ...
…. alright, pet on the head– totally casual and friendly way
gungnirclad replied to your post: Makoto Nanaya has entered the battle! What to do? ...
enradiant replied to your post: Makoto Nanaya has entered the battle! What to do? ...
pet on the head <3
"A-ahaha, okay, okay! You’re gonna mess up my fur!”
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“Geez guys, how about one at a time-”
sciaphillia replied to your post: Makoto Nanaya has entered the battle! What to do? ...
Punish uwu
“Oh fu-”
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seithrveined · 5 years
Send to get a kiss from my muse! - Receiver’s Choice
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          “– How many hours? That’s… Alright, I’m closing the clinic for ya.”
          “Pardon–? With all due respect, that’s not your call to–”
     Too late! The lights outside of her clinic are being turned off, and the main door is being locked up before the blinds come down. The good doctor is at a loss for words as the Reaper took charge. She has half a mind to march right over and undo his progress… But she knows overdoing it might make her collapse at this point.
     Litchi’s had her clinic open and busy for well over twenty hours now. Patient after patient to keep her hours busy, with only enough rest given for meals and whatnot. It’s very admirable that she’s willing to work so hard for the citizens of Spirale… But it seems she still excels at neglecting her own health. So Ragna has to take it upon himself to make her stop. It doesn’t take long for him to lock down the clinic, and now he’s going back to get one of his arms around her to keep her balance.
          ”Maybe not… but I’m makin’ the call anyway. You need to hurry up and rest… You’re not the only medical expert in town, remember?”
          “I… That’s true, but even so…“
     The silver-haired swordsman can’t help but chuckle as he started to move, making Litchi take a step with him each time. The destination was up the stairs, to get her in the nearest bed possible. It’d take way too long to walk her over to her actual residence… but this should do the job just as well. It didn’t take long for the doctor to give in, resigning herself to the tragic fate of… a long night’s rest.
     Once the two reached the second floor, he starts to open and check each room one by one. If there was any sign of patients having been there recently, the room was rejected. It took a few tries, but there was finally one bed completely untouched from the long work shift that met Ragna’s standards. He carefully brought in the exhausted doctor, keeping his right arm tight around the waist all the while. Hard to think that there was a time where that very arm had her so… dangerously fixated.
          “Alright, this should do.”
          “Mm, you really are too sweet…”
          “– Speak for yourself, heh. Can’t believe I didn’t check on you sooner… You really do worry me sometimes, Litchi.”
     Her gaze went soft before it was averted. The expression that overcame her face was a little worrying for Ragna… Maybe she was feeling like a burden? That wasn’t his intention, but… he can understand why that might cross her mind. The Reaper shook his head a bit before turning her to embrace her a bit better, her forehead suddenly feeling contact from his lips for a soft and slow kiss, one to reassure her that all was well.
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          ”You’re no a bother to anyone, alright? We’re all grateful to have someone like you around… I’m grateful to have you around. Just… don’t work yourself to death, alright?“
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exaliant · 5 years
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@kuyuzhishi​ asked:  31: Does somebody love you?
a number of months ago this question would’ve been met with a different reaction; but he tilted his head, lost, as if there was an answer he didn’t have. 
He could’ve sworn he heard....maybe it was a trick of the mind. He couldn’t remember, but something in his gut was full of peace.
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Dimitri closed his eye, humming. “Well...someone out there has to. There were a lot of chances for people to give up on me. But I’m still here.”
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glorywaited · 5 years
@kuyuzhishi  (  isolaween s.c.  )
       && HERE SHE THOUGHT the plague didn’t exist in this era -- was it really a costume choice for people now ? she couldn’t help but feel jumpy when she’d turned the corner && initially seen just the mask. parties && socialising aren’t really her thing but dark humour && sarcasm was her absolute go-to. 
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      ❝ nice outfit -- didn’t know the plague existed here, get many patients ? hate to break it to them: it doesn’t end well. ❞
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kagematsuri · 5 years
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"It’s a sucker’s bet.”
@kuyuzhishi sent 💕 for a moodboard on my muse’s view on romantic and/or sexual relationships
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deathlyknighted · 5 years
Acquainting himself with this city was proving difficult, particularly when he didn’t want to make conversation with many of the individuals around. But it wasn’t something he could avoid when he found himself injured---something garnered from the odd state this city had entered, another aspect he couldn’t quite understand about this place. It was ever changing, yet also in a set of stasis. Regardless of the explanation behind it, he still wound up hurt, and that meant he had to get patched up.
Which meant he had to find a healer of sorts.
Asking about from what seemed to be locals of the city, he was eventually redirected here, a clinic that was seemingly ran out of someone’s house. Thankfully the wound to his side wasn’t dire and making it here wasn’t terrible, but it wasn’t ideal either, and he still had to clutch at it to help ease the pain.
Knocking on the door with his free hand, he listened as the footsteps approached, waiting patiently for the door to open. Once it did, he paused for a moment to stare down at the woman that opened the door, before looking inside behind her. It really didn’t seem much like a clinic. Maybe he got the wrong place?
“I heard there was a clinic here...” he looked back down at her as he spoke. “Did I get the right place?”
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petaltrail · 5 years
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@kuyuzhishi​​​​​​  SAID   :
♀: What is an AU, you really want to play with your muse?
(  X.  )  //  accepting !
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           YOU   know, I actually haven’t given it much thought !  I guess the typical high school AU where no one FUCKING dies comes to mind... Although --- one I’m fond of in art for various fandoms that would definitely be interesting to write is that AU concept where the show is... Just a show ??  Like everyone’s just actors/actresses ?  I think it’d be interesting to navigate; who’s exactly like the character they play, who’s the exact opposite, what’re the dynamics behind the scenes, etc. I think it’d be pretty wild when it comes to RWBY ! 
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sanpatron · 5 years
kuyuzhishi replied to your post: The Boss has appeared! What to do? > Marry >Ask...
Feed them also go back to bed you need to be resting
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“ Hey, I’ve been resting plenty. You’ve seen me, right? Been a real good boy this past week. ”
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“ Also I needed t’ use the bathroom, so I figured I’d get up myself. ”
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camelliacried · 5 years
kuyuzhishi replied to your post:     CAN’T ESCAPE FROM CROSSING FATE !   what will...
…………………… cheek kiss–
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              LITCHI   , have you been --- ? 
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shadowoftheserpent · 5 years
       He wasn’t typically the type to make a stop by the hospital for any sort of reason. After all, with the strange way his body healed, there was rarely ever a need. He never got colds and cuts sealed themselves up mere moments after they were made. But it was for that very reason he felt a need to come here to begin with. 
       His body’s healing was... slower. Noticeably so. To be sure, it still healed, but it didn’t act as quickly as it did before. Why? Was there something wrong with his body? He wanted to verify such a thing, even if he ran the risk of revealing that troublesome, abnormal part of his body.
        His intent was to simply enter and leave once he got a diagnosis. Nothing more, nothing less. And yet--whether by chance of that thing others called ‘fate’--yet another strange meeting befell him once the woman he was to meet with laid eyes on him.
       Was this going to happen the rest of his stay here? It seemed again that he was being recognized, albeit this woman’s response was a bit different from the others. 
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“Ah... Um, I just came in for a check-up, miss. Is there a reason you’re giving me such a tense look?”
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worldrebel · 5 years
kuyuzhishi said: .......... date--
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 at least someone has good taste
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bigbangsmasher · 5 years
♥ u♥
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“Oh man, what can’t you say about Miss Litchi? She’s so kind and friendly, and super smart, and she’s good at teaching, and she’s patched me up during those school trips to Kagutsuchi, and her meat buns are to die for, and she’s easy on the eyes...”
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“And she’s very... committed to certain... people. If you can call them that...”
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seithrveined · 5 years
kuyuzhishi replied to your post:
…………………….. ki–
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     Ragna.exe has stopped working. Reboot?
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nitikrty · 5 years
                  🎆   @kuyuzhishi
             “It would almost be a shame to marr your body. What kind of design could you possibly want from me?”
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      ✫  𝒯𝒽𝑜𝓈𝑒 𝓈𝒸𝒶𝓁𝑒𝓈 𝒶𝓇𝑒 𝒷𝑒𝒶𝓊𝓉𝒾𝒻𝓊𝓁, 𝒶𝒻𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒶𝓁𝓁. Opulent, and white -- pure as could be. She's encountered many a Draken with more heinous hallmarks, but none so sprightly and comely as the one before her. Eastern dragons appear to be quite detached from their Western counterparts; they were far more ornery. “Or could it be that you are not here for my services?” Sharper than her claws are her eyes, keen and shrewd as they journey across every exposed surface of her chamber.
            “I can smell ginseng coming from you. You do not need to worry. I keep my work station pristine at all times, so there is no risk of infection here.”
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glorywaited · 5 years
🏆 we havent interacted, but im love
send 🏆 If you like my character portrayal || accepting
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pwease i just admire u n litchi from afar ur both so much amazing !! thank u sm !!
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