#kuroshitsuji x twst
frie-ice · 15 days
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This crossover collage is of Malleus Draconia of Twisted Wonderland and Sebastian Michaelis of Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji. Both characters and their franchises were by Yana Toboso, that's why they appear have a similar energy to one another. Although some say that Jade Leech or Dire Crowley are Sebastian's TWST counterpart, but I'm on the side of those who think that Malleus has a similar energy to think.
I'm hoping to do more Kuroshitsuji x TWST crossover collages like this in the future. Normally I use cards to make my TWST collages, but for this series I'm planning to screengrabs from the game's anime trailers.
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darkspellmaster · 4 months
I have no idea what had made me read chapter 30 or 40 something, to chapter 121 now. Which I have been stuck on, as I don’t read as much as I did in the past.
(I’ll catch up I swear 😭)
This was like months ago, back when the word total was only like 1.5 million, but I read like a good…4 to 6 chapters a day.
As I was once curious with the amount of words in one singular chapter, well over 10,000. That’s what.
So times that by 4, or 6, it’s safe to say I was invested.
Even my own friend, mind you, he doesn’t play twisted wonderland OR read/watched black butler, but I blabbered about it to him enough for him to know everything he needs to know. Including the manga.
He needs to know every interesting, shocking, heart warming, tear worthy moment, he the just has to.
Oh, and also my reading thing in school (which is some sort of test that sees where you’re at) increased during that time too…
I'm really happy to hear about your reading comprehension increasing! I'm honestly very flattered and so happy that you're enjoying and reading this story. As a teacher, and English major, it's got me all a flutter to know you're talking about my story to your friend and you two are bonding over it.
Thank you so much for reading! And thank you so much for enjoying it. I hope I can keep up giving you guys these moments that make you want to keep reading.
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oya-oya-okay · 5 months
Crossover!!!💗✨ <<🌞🐍🐥>> in TWST
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kanroji-san · 5 months
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Look in my eyes and tell me that they are not their children
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let's say reader somehow got away from the Black Butler crew and the apocalypse that you and got bitten into a zombie how do you think this would react?? also love your works!
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Bitten but not Free | Yandere Phantomhive Manor
Based on this AU
Maybe it happens at the very beginning of the apocalypse 
the panic of keeping you locked at your place of work or you’re just desperate to get home
But you get out much to their dismay
I guess you can be somewhat grateful for the apocalypse that keeps your coworkers’ attention divided
Whether you make it home or get bitten before then the zombie disease is going to claim you
Or maybe it doesn’t 
Imagine being found in your home preparing for your death 
Only for Sebastian to appear with an angry vein on his forehead
“So you thought a mere infection was enough to avoid us? I’m disappointed in you, (Y/n).”
What makes you think he hasn’t already done a blood test to see if you were immune
Silly (Y/n)
You’re sure to be chewed out by everyone in the manor
Treated like you’re the biggest baby 
For leaving the manor where you could have avoided this whole paranoic tirade 
It's incredibly demeaning when the pre-teen is joining in on the babying
“(Y/n) moping because of your plan failing is immature. Let’s instead play a game of chess, maybe then your pouting will cease.”
But heaven’s forbid you aren’t immune and you do succumb to the zombie
By the time you’re officially turned the entirety of the manor has found you and they are horrified
They feel like they failed
But the ever-so-smart Sebastian couldn’t be less worried
“Oh poor (Y/n)--I can hardly stand to see them that way, I can’t!”
“We…really screwed up this time…”
“I’m kinda glad we didn’t bring Finny…oh he’s going to be ruined, he is.”
“Everyone don’t despair, dry your eyes. Do you think our young master hasn’t already thought of this? That I haven’t prepared for this.”
In almost the same fashion Sebastian is already steps ahead within a day of the Zombie apocalypse beginning he’s already crafted a cure
After all, he is a Phantomhive butler and it’s a small feat to make a cure or at least a temporary solution
It doesn’t matter to him that you escaped
Heck he might’ve let you run just so he could justify giving it to you
The only problem now is that there’s the eyes of everyone in the manor
So he wouldn’t mind letting you run just so he could kick off his latest plan to keep you
He doesn’t want to change you
He’d hate that
The way you fight is part of the thrill
But if Sebastian and Ciel deem it fit they’re willing to ease it
Crafting a solution that will make you more sluggish
You won’t be a zombie but you’ll walk around like it
That is if you’re not with the group
Whether it’s a scented pheromone or a mildly hypnotizing technique
You’ll never want to leave again
It does not matter to them 
You will not be leaving 
Whether you’re bitten or not 
Those in the Phantomhive Manor will not be letting you leave them 
Or letting anyone take you away 
They’d rather turn themselves than let you leave them
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mrsrookhunt · 1 year
WARNING: Death, suicide, limbo, afterlife.. this might as well be a summary more than a warning.
Has anyone ever thought that Yuu might be.. well, dead? The idea of an afterlife is generally an idea of a transition to another dimension or world. Given that Yuu doesn't seem to remember anything (another semblance to the held belief that when you die you no longer remember/worry/care about your past life) and doesn't seem to have much interest in going back? I mean, wouldn't you be fighting to go back? That is, unless, unconsciously, Yuu knows there is nothing for them to go back to.
Also, given that we're talking about a game geared towards a teen and young adult audience, with a teen character, a school-type setting may be where they're most comfortable. And who doesn't dream of a fantasy world anyway? Perhaps Yuu was even a massive disney fan when alive... The subtle flirts from characters like Malleus and Rook could also be a nod to Yuu's 'favorite' characters, however that has less basis because it would take a lot more away from Yuu being a player-imagined character.
We could even take it a step further and consider Twisted Wonderland to be a limbo. Going off track for a second here, we know that Yana has so many details and hidden clues everywhere in BB. Also given that a lot of the characters look like her BB characters as well, is it possible we have a parallel world to the BB world on our hands? (Unlikely, since it's probably just her art style, but it's worth a mention.) But I digress. Going back to the details portion, we know Yana has a very similar vein of dark fantasy going for both series, and seeing how much lore she places around the idea of death in BB, is it possible she's doing the same thing in twst without us realizing? Perhaps, much like the Grim Reapers of BB are forced to work for their afterlife, maybe Yuu was also a suicide, or some sort of tragedy that would stick them in limbo, in a place they could be comfortable in.
Of course, there are many scenarios to get to this limbo state, as well. We could be encountering science fiction experiments, the matrix like scenes, etc. Basically anything world bending. Even the old Time Loop theory of twst could still fit into Yuu's untimely death. But I don't know. What do you think? Do you think Yuu is alive?
Edit: just realized-- what if ALL the characters are dead? I mean, a black carriage coming to pick them all up on a PERFECTLY accessible island is confusing in itself. However, this would mean that Yuu is still an anomaly, because they don't remember anything compared to the others. But they could have fake memories too. Like, remember when Rook was boasting that he survived in the jungle for a month and was close to death when he was rescued, very timely? What if he... didn't? What if the moment he was 'in his mother's arms' and rescued, was really the moment he crossed over? Or maybe they've all died at some point, and crossed into a fully alternate reality afterwards? And that's twisted wonderland?
Edit 2: Kalim is another example, often talking of how he was attempted to be poisoned and kidnapped numerous times. Perhaps the last one he 'survived' was really the one he didn't.
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twisted-in-underland · 9 months
@oya-oya-okay’s Kuro x TWST au except Kalim threw Ciel in a Silk Adorned outfit like he was a dress up doll 😌
(@/glitchycreations is my art account btw)
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honamisdrumsticks · 14 days
Me thinks they're silly
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lovelyllamasblog · 1 year
For @darkspellmaster's TWST x Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji fic:
A Phantomhive in Night Raven College or A Butler, in Twisted Wonderland, or One Hell of a Twisted Tale
(made with Picrew)
The Earl Ciel Phantomhive (I know his hair is grey, but I grew up with Blue Haired!Ciel from the anime and the picrew doesn't have a grey hair option.) Ciel's magical pen gemstone is blue to mimic the Blue Phantomhive Ring (and because blue is basically his color). I also made his right eye pinkish to mimic his Faustian contract (again, inspired by the anime). And the game has no eye patch option, so that's out.
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(Spoilers below. Read with caution.)
Next, we have Lady Elizabeth Midford. Now, I know that she wears the pants that are provided with the uniform, but I just can't get the long skirt out of my head, so I made a second one instead.
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I also made her magical stone blue to tie her in with Ciel, because, well, I felt like it. Also, the pink bows in her hair are definitely something that she would pick for herself. Unfortunately, the game had no options for her signature curly/drills so she just has pigtails.
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nemisisnemi · 6 months
no idea how to do this so im just going to tag them 😭
@spookyavenuestreet @glidiaxoxo @leonistic @yaamatic @ddeltacrane @thehollowwriter @vauxxnm @puowei @hisui-dreamer @aivy-saur @ceruleancattail
and a bunch more that im so sorry i forgot to tag bc nemi's brain at 3-4 am is very smooth and empty
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ijustsitinacorner · 8 months
*Flashback, November 1888*
Charlotte’s POV:
The killing of Madam Red was something I should have expected of Grelle. After who knows how many years of working beside her, I don’t necessarily have to be with her, but prefer to do so and eventually got dragged into the whole “butler” and “maid” act for Madam Red and her plans.
Well, she is now diseased, and so is Grelle in a lot of trouble.
Yet I can’t help but wonder…did Grelle actually mean her love to the Madam?
Charlotte: Grelle?
Grelle: Yes darling?
Charlotte: Before you had taken Madam Red’s life, did you actually mean what you had said? About your love towards her?
Grelle: I did admire her, so I suppose yes. I did love Madam Red.
*Charlotte felt an unease in her heart, she wouldn’t expect even grim reapers to have a sense of love or admiration towards the living. Considering their duty as grim reapers, and would be willing to get rid of anything in their way. As well as the multiple rules grim reapers must follow.*
*Anyhow, Charlotte spoke up to Grelle*
Charlotte: If you loved the Madam…do you believe it would be possible for even I…to love?
Grelle: Now why would you ask me a question like that? Because personally my love towards William is strong and don’t even get me started on Bassy!
Charlotte *thoughts*: Grelle is about to go on a rant again…isn’t she?
Time skip: Night Raven College, 21st century/present
Charlotte would wonder always that conversation with Grelle, because she had learned that it is, indeed possible for her to love.
A moment with her love, now months later into settling into this strange twisted world. As Malleus could tell she was in her moment of thoughts.
Malleus: Is something wrong?
*Charlotte snaps out of her thoughts of hearing that low voice and blinks. She stares up at the tall fae prince for a moment before feeling the corner of her lips softly curl upwards.*
Charlotte: No, nothing at all, love.
(I am sorry if I wrote Grelle out of character I cannot write that woman for shit 😭)
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frie-ice · 15 days
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This crossover collage is of Riddle Rosehearts of Twisted Wonderland and Ciel Phantomhive of Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji. Both characters and their franchises were by Yana Toboso, that's why they look a little similar to one another. I have been meaning to make this collage for awhile now, but ever found time to do so, until I found myself making a collage on Silver and Snake, and that gave me the nudge to make this one.
I'm hoping to do more Kuroshitsuji x TWST crossover collages like this in the future. Normally I use cards to make my TWST collages, but for this series I'm planning to screengrabs from the game's anime trailers.
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darkspellmaster · 1 year
More lovely art from the discord of A Phantomhive at Night Raven College
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Lilia as done by @mayaibarra Just love his face And Black Butler tsum-tsums as made by @befruitycommitfelonys
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Hope you all like. ^_^ I know I do!
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oya-oya-okay · 4 months
Finny, Soma, and Snake tsum :)
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I’m taking fanfic requests rn because I’m incredibly bored, these are the fandoms I’m in:
Black Butler
Demon Slayer
Stray Kids
Hunter x Hunter
Twisted Wonderland
Hunger Games
Harry Potter
Genshin Impact
Honkai: Star Rail
Seraph of the End
Fire Force
Bungou Stray Kids
Alice in Borderland
Blue Lock
Fate/Grand Order
And much more, just ask!
I can take on any requests but preferably gender neutral/female reader!
Please send requests I’m desperate 😭😭
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