#kuro is the wild card
liviavanrouge · 7 months
Livia Best Voice Lines
"Excuse me, what the- I'LL BURY YOU!!" -Livia Glorious Masquerade card voice line
"I want to say sorry...I wanted to bolt for my life for a moment there, but that wouldn't be fair to you...." -Livia Ceremonial Robes voice line
"Hahaha....stupid" -Livia chapter 2
"For someone who is able to outsmart most people you've managed to loose a battle to a first year, yet you have no shame....THE AUDACITY!!!" -Livia chapter 2
"May a soldier bless your future" -Livia to Ollie about her Ogre side
"Hey! Put some respect on my name!" -Livia card level up
"Are you saying that you still want to be chill after everything YOU'VE done...hahaha, hehehe....HAHAHAHAHA.....screw you" -Livia chapter 2
"I know the red faced apple head isn't talking, if it's a battle of insults, I'll be the queen, you're nothing but a pipsqueak who loses his temper whenever something small like pencil led gets dropped on the ground" -Livia chapter 2
"A savage? What's a savage...you calling me a wild animal, let me show you how wild I can be.."Livia to Cater
"Why are you even here if you can't produce your UM, a shame everyone got one before you did" -Livia to Ace
"Hm, I'll leave it somewhere he'll remember, I'LL SHOVE IT DOWN HIS THROAT SO HE'LL CHOKE IT UP AND REMEMBER TO STOP BEING STUPID!" -Livia about Kuro forgetting things
"Get a move on, right now! I have no time for idiots who can't stay on their feet for more then a millisecond...." -Livia Halloween Card voice line
"Hah, the audacity you have to call for me, be grateful I answered" -Livia dorm card summon
"The Thorn Fairy could summon thorns upon thorns, maybe I should summon one and tie you upside down so you can stop asking me stupid stuff like this" -Livia to Oz
"My wings...as your umbrella? How about I use your body as MY umbrella" -Livia Halloween card voice line
"Hm, what do you mean I'm mean? You mean I have a sharp tongue? Well dang, way to state the obvious stupid!" -Livia dorm card voice line
"Are you- are you dumb!? What made you think it was a good idea to dip my tail in water and think you won't get bit!" -Livia dorm card voice line
"Want me to be honest? I'm just trying to shake you off my tail to I can go and vandalize some stuff.....hm? You think this is a joke?" -Livia dorm card voice line
"Give me your hand. What? I want to give you this bracelet, just because I'm sharp tongued doesn't mean I am ALL the time! What? What do you mean I am!?" -Livia fairy gala card voice line
@queen-of-twisted @pekoetiikapu @teddymochi
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avaisnerdytoo · 7 months
5YL Ep7 Motion Comic:
Some quick thoughts from the episode in which I found tons of affinity on. (Link to watch at the bottom of this thingy).
This episode presents a dilemma which I personally have a bit of personal fascination on. If you have a character that is all powerful, should they, or should they not ascend to godhood?
There are 3 characters I love in this world, Flash, Iron-Man (with less direct comparison in this instance), and Ben, all 3 possess the means to shape the world as they like, to exert some kind of weight onto everything else which only they can lift.
Granted Ben, through Alien X far exceeds my other two examples, but the question remains similarly.
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If all 3 of these characters are heroes, shouldn't they take the reigns of the world?
Surely their judgment would spare us all, they have their hearts on the right place!
I hadn't typed this out publicly before, but dorky me actually likes to imagine many stories, including ones were my OC has some kind of access to significant power, as a fun wild card in my own stories.
Part of the fun of stories however, are challenges, and in my own, I try to maintain a sense of realism, although in such cases, I do often think to myself...
If I were in that situation, it would be seriously tempting to pull that kind of card, even if for something simple...
"Oh, character is stuck in the past with no way home except a tedious process of gathering all the resources to make a time machine to head back? Why not skip it and pull the Alien X card - or whatever OP thing for whatever example - and literally just go back home?
You were going to do it anyway... In this example the character has the knowledge to fix the problem, they simply made it easy on themselves, the faster they get back home the faster they get back to helping right? They don't have to use Alien X/OP Thing to solve the problem back home, they simply used him to return.
And as small excuses begin becoming bigger, slowly there are less reasons not to use him for everything."
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I like Ben calling out "Life" as a good reason not to go through with using Alien X. That level of responsibility exceeds anything anyone should ever carry, as humans I mean. Not to mention the complete loss of reality to everyone else, would things even be "happening" at that point?
Kuro once said that he likes Ben not using him even without any deadlocks as it shows a massive sign of mental fortitude, every time he uses another transformation, he is choosing to be better.
And as contextualized in the comic, as a sign of respect for the symbol of the watch.
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One head canon I like to play with is the idea that, "if Ben has full control of Alien X, perhaps as time went on he also acquires all the omnipresence that comes with it, as Belicus and Serena practically aren't involved at all, he could, like Dr. Manhattan, see it all, the whole universe as a static picture, only he doesn't retain the knowledge because it would be too much to handle".
To be honest, I always wondered how other characters would react to Ben having to full control of Alien X, true free control. Previously, they all understood the hassle that would be the arguments needed to make him work, but now?
The Hero of Heroes has always shown excellent judgment, he clearly can be trusted, why not get ahead?
Rook logically supporting the suggestion, or Kevin not understanding why freeing others of pain wouldn't be the instant choice feels right in character for me. And if I were not Ben, but alongside him, I would also feel some degree of pressure to wanting him to spare us all of anything further.
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It should be evident by now that I haven't read the rest of the comic, I was actually doing so, and then I kinda dropped it haha, not out of distaste though, far from it hahaha.
I'll definitely get back into reading though, this is absolutely amazing.
Watch 5YL EP7 : The Ink Tank on YouTube
Read 5YL : The Ink Tank Website with multiple reading options.
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tonguetiedraven · 2 years
Okay so- I have a funny little headcanon that I havent seen anyone write about yet. Rin can handle spicy food a lot better than Ryuuji, now, Ryuuji does like spicy food, but he has a limit. So if Rin is ever pissed at Ryuuji and feels like being petty bc he's upset with Ryuuji about something, he'll make something overly spicy to get back at him.
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Another double prompt fill, lol. Thanks to @marble-wolf for helping me with this one.
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Ryuuji sent a text that he was going to miss lunch, and he felt bad that he had to opt for that over a phone call, but trying to talk on the phone around Lewin was a bit of a death wish. At the very least it was an embarrassment wish. Lewin would rattle off whatever crossed his mind and Ryuuji had only been dating Rin for a little bit and was not ready for that wild card in their relationship. They had enough wildcards just being them. 
A few hours later and he was still following Lewin through a swamp, and he had to send another text to Rin that he was going to miss their dinner date as well. That was a special kind of torture, because Rin had mentioned curry and Ryuuji was going to end up eating rations. Entirely unfair. (And he was missing time with Rin.) 
He’d be back for tomorrow’s lunch, hopefully, but in the mean time, he was frowning at the lack of returning texts.
That didn’t bode well.
Rin was fuming. This shit was happening far too often because Lewin couldn't do anything without having his hand held by Ryuuji. 
Ryuuji, who was Rin's new boyfriend, was unable to tell Lewin no and was missing too many dates. Strapped down by Lewin's command. And Rin understood why but it didn't make it any easier. He felt like Ryuuji should put a bit more effort into making time for Rin. (Instead of trotting after Lewin and trying to keep him clean.) 
Ryuuji hadn't even called. No, it had been texts. 
Rin crossed his arms over the pot of curry, mentally grumbling and considered what he wanted to do. Something that he could do to get back at both Ryuuji and Lewin. 
Kuro chirped and peeked in the pot, "what's wrong, Rin? Is it too spicy?" 
"Spicy? No. Ryuuji isn't coming."  Rin said with a frown. 
"Oh. I'm sorry." Kuro sighed. "We can eat together!" 
Rin smiled and nodded. "Sure, Kuro." 
And it was only as he set aside portions for himself and Kuro and the cat sidhe Doves into the meal with a happy purr that the thought occurred to him. 
— — — — —
Ryuuji was not particularly astute at picking up subtleties of his friends’ moods. It had cost him multiple times, and had tried to get better at it, but he doubted he would ever reach Konekomaru’s level of observation.
Even with that lack of natural ability, Ryuuji couldn’t miss the mildly frigid air as Rin served up lunch. It looked like a yakisoba bun (which was Ryuuji’s favorite lunch) but Rin just dropped the wrapped lunch in front of him and sat down in a noisy way that seemed to radiate I am not happy even to Ryuuji’s mildly deaf ears.
“Thank you?” He said, not entirely sure why he’d made it a question as he pulled the meal a bit closer and opened it up. His nose tingled a little as he breathed in the warm scent, and that was a bit strange. Had Rin used a new sauce?
Rin's tail flicked and he nodded in response. He did slide a bottle of green tea closer to Ryuuji because he wasn't a total asshole before crossing his arms back and staring at Ryuuji.  
Ryuuji stared back for a moment. Rin wouldn’t poison him. He took too much pride in his cooking for that. Still, Ryuuji mildly felt like he shouldn’t eat, or possibly drink, any of this. Something was up. 
However, he wasn’t a coward and he was always a bit more daring than was probably good for him, and he trusted Rin wouldn’t actively try to really hurt him, so he picked the bun up and took a bite, and confirmed that, yep, Rin had done something.
It was quite easily the hottest thing Ryuuji had ever tried to eat. (He avoided overly spicy foods for a lot of reasons.) The spice immediately cut through absolutely everything else and there was no real way to tell what the flavor was outside of the immediate and overwhelming ow of the rest of the sandwich. 
He coughed a little because he couldn’t help it, and almost dropped the sandwich with the force of it. He avoided the green tea he’d been given and opted for his own water as well, not trusting that Rin hadn’t done something to that as well. 
Then, with a glare at his boyfriend, he took another bite. (And he was going to regret the hell out of that, he just knew it. Indigestion aside, he was playing with fire.)
Rin's tail flicked and he battled back any guilt he might feel with his own narrowed eyes. He tugged out his own yakisoba and ate it without a flinch, enjoying the heat of it and hoping Lewin had taken a bite out of his own.  
Ryuuji, still ignoring the green tea, finished the sandwich as quickly as he could and pushed the container away, sweating a bit and marveling at just how numb his mouth felt. His eyes were watering and his nose was running, and whatever he’d done had clearly really pissed Rin off. 
(He should not have eaten that. It was stupid, but damn it, he wasn’t going to be beaten by something like that.)
“Alright,” he said, and damn it, even his voice was a bit rough, “what the hell is wrong?”
Rin sat up stiffly, huffing. "Why you gotta ask?"  
“‘Cause you just tried to kill me?” And probably would. Ryuuji needed to go find something to counteract that spice. Something told him a spinach salad wasn’t quite going to cut it with that. “What happened?” 
Rin rolled his eyes. "I wasn't trying to kill ya. I'm just… I've finally got your attention!" 
Rin nudged at the tea. "Look, it's still sealed up." 
"First, you need to tell Light to fuck off occasion because you have plans. Second! Don't text me. And don't let Light drag you into stuff. I am tired of getting stood up for a man that can't wash his own socks. And you don't seem to care." Rin was pouting and glaring but he couldn't help it with the hurt.  
Ryuuji ditched the non helpful water and went for the pocky he’d brought to share with Rin, pulling out a few sticks and sucking on the sweet matcha while he gave Rin an unimpressed look. It did almost nothing to soothe the burn. So much for sugar being a cure. 
“I text ya,” he said around the pocky, “because Lightning will shout random shit if I call.” He could feel his cheeks going a bit red (though it probably wasn’t visible past the heat flush.) “I don’t…” It was embarrassing. Lightning had even made kissing noises and moaned when Ryuuji was going to call Rin. He was not dealing with that. 
Huffing out a breath, he gave his boyfriend a long look, taking in the sad eyes and the slumped posture despite the defiantly crossed arms. He’d hurt him. Enough for Rin to try and get back. (Nirvana, please just let it have been a shitty meal. He should not have eaten that. Why had he done that? There was no way he got out of that scott free. At the very least he’d fucked up his singing voice for Aria class with all the extra snot. At the worst…
He didn’t want to deal with the migraine that was guaranteed to bring.)
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you like that. I care, honest. I’ll figure out a way to get some space from him if it happens so I can call ya. And…” Ugh. He really did tend to push everything but school to the side for Lewin.
“I’ll work on it,” he promised.
Rin's pout relaxed a little, though he still felt betrayed and like Lewin was always going to be top priority. 
"Okay. Just… try?" Rin asked. That was all he really needed.  
Ryuuji pushed the strawberry pocky towards Rin. “I’ll try.” 
“Hey!” An exuberant voice called and Ryuuji’s head gave a low throb of annoyance that had him closing his eyes and murmuring a prayer that was almost guaranteed to not push away the migraine he’d more or less signed himself up for. 
(He should have had a talk about that with Rin. He should have told his cook boyfriend what foods could make things worse. He was an idiot.) 
“Lightning?” He growled, not bothering to open his eyes as he pinched the bridge of his nose and Lewin bounded up to their table. 
“Okumura! That was delicious! It’s so hard to find really spicy things here! You got anymore? I’d pay for that!”
Rin blinked in astonishment and leaned away from the man as Lewin leaned way too close and beamed at him like an excited shaggy dog. 
"Huh? What? Seriously?”  Rin squeaked, his tail moving to hide and his hand holding his sword to keep it out of grabby hands. 
"You liked that?" Rin gasped, lifting up what was left of his own sandwich.  
“I love spicy food!” Lewin gushed, pulling out a chair and sitting down like he’d been invited over. “I didn’t know you could get that kinda spicy yakisoba bun. I don’t usually get the spicy stuff ‘cause Ryuuji can’t have it with the migraines and he’s the one that likes yakisoba buns, but I’d eat all of those ya got!”
Ryuuji dropped his hand and shot Lewin the most unbelieving of stares. Why was he even here? (And he was staring like he was going to steal what was left of Rin’s sandwich.)
Rin's eyes went wide and horrified and what he had managed to eat felt too heavy and his stomach was twisting as the guilt shot through him. 
"Migraines! This— I— Ryuuji!" Rin cried out and he shoved the rest of his sandwich at Lewin. 
"Take that and go away."  
Lewin accepted the sandwich with a frown while Ryuuji covered his face with his hand again and sighed. That was going to bite him in the ass. He should have ditched this lunch and gone to yesterday’s. 
“Uh,” Lewin began, “what—”
“Just go,” Ryuuji sighed. “Please,” he added after a moment. He didn’t bother to look to see if his master did and simply picked up another piece of matcha pocky to suck on and hope it made him capable of feeling his mouth again. (For fucks sake, he hadn’t even known heat could hang around that long.)
Lewin did as requested, raising a curious eyebrow and keeping his eye on them as long as he could while he finished the second bun. 
"Ryuuji!" Rin hissed, dropping his voice as if Ryuuji already had a migraine. "Why didn't you say something?"
The guilt was twisting higher and Rin was scrambling to clean up and he cracked open Ryuuji's tea and shoved it at him.  
“Tea doesn’t help with heat, Rin.” Ryuuji took it anyway because caffeine could help migraines. (Supposedly. He’d never really noticed any difference. Green tea was still his favorite drink either way.) 
He took a few sips and shrugged. “Seemed kinda late to mention it?” And how did you bring something like that up without painting someone as a bad guy? You gave me a triggering food! It wasn’t like it was a widely known thing. It wasn’t an allergy. It was just… 
Stupid of him to eat the whole thing simply so he didn’t lose Rin’s I’m mad at you challenge. 
Rin stood up and put his hand out to Ryuuji. 
"Okay but now you get to take the rest of the day off." Rin ordered. "Can you take something before the migraine? Is that allowed?" 
"I'm sorry, babe," Rin whispered.  
“I’m the one that ate the sandwich,” Ryuuji pointed out. “And that’s not necessary. It’d hit tomorrow if I got one.” Or around bedtime, which would mean a long night for him. “It’s not gonna be a problem,” he said, and hoped it wasn’t a lie even though it probably was. Ugh. He rather hated his broken ass brain. Maybe he’d get lucky and it’d take it a full day to hit. He could catch up with missing cram classes more easily than missing cram classes and regular classes. 
He did take Rin’s hand and move in close for an after lunch walk before their cram classes. (Hopefully not an intense aria class or that migraine would be guaranteed.) 
Rin frowned but accepted that Ryuuji knew what he was talking about. 
"Okay. No more spicy." Definitely not. Maybe to bribe Lewin but that's all.  
— — — — —
There was a light drizzle of rain out the window that was distracting with how the water streaked down the window as Rin waited for Ryuuji to appear. He had a towel ready to toss over his boyfriend and they could eat the leftover curry because Ryuuji loved curry and —
Rin blinked in confusion at the keyboard slap text he had just received from Ryuuji. What? 
It didn't make any sense to Rin and he immediately thought of an accidental typing, usually done when Ryuuji was on a run. But he couldn't help but feel worried. Rin sent out a text to Konekomaru and didn't have to wait long for the dreaded reply. 
A migraine. 
Rin's guilt drove him to immediately flick off the stove, ask Ukobach to put away the reheated food and run out the door with the ice packs from the freezer in his hands. 
It was entirely his fault and he would make it up to Ryuuji ten-fold. He ran all the way to Ryuuji's dorm and mentally thanked whoever had left the door unlocked (probably Konekomaru) as he nudged the door open as little as possible. 
Ryuuji was lying, curled up in a tight ball on his bed, his phone dropped onto the floor and the room as dark as it could be. Rin tiptoed his way over and sat down at the edge of Ryuuji's bed. 
The ice pack was laid over Ryuuji's shoulder and neck and Rin nudged at the tense muscles. 
A whimper left Ryuuji’s lips (embarrassingly) as he rolled towards Rin. He thought he might have imagined the door opening and closing, but there wasn’t any imagining the blessed relief of the ice on his neck or the slight whisper of his name.
He knew he had fucked up with the sandwich, and he’d entirely cemented his fate when they’d had the sparring in his aria class. Trying to hold shields against the attacks had given him a mental beating, and no matter how much he wished it hadn’t happened, the migraine had hit him with a sledgehammer.
Embarrassing or not, Ryuuji pressed his face against Rin’s knees and told himself to explain about the migraine and the agony everything was, and that despite being the son of Satan, Rin was clearly actually an angel for bringing the ice pack and being so quiet about it. He told himself to apologize for the text when Rin had said to call, but calling wasn’t going to happen with a migraine. (Had he sent a text? It hurt even trying to remember.)
Instead of any of that, Ryuuji managed a simple (and raspy), “Rin.”
Rin bent his head down to bury his nose in Ryuuji's hair, nuzzling and trying to show without words that he was there. His fingers moved to rub at Ryuuji's head and neck while his tail curled around Ryuuji's back. 
"Did you take meds?" Rin whispered as loud as he dared.  
Ryuuji mumbled a yes that still felt too loud as it echoed around in his head, enhancing the pressure that was already trying to make his brain explode. 
He tilted towards the nuzzle, curling his fingers into the fabric of Rin’s shirt and appreciating the presence more than he could tell. (He couldn’t tell Rin much of anything at this moment.) He hated the isolation that always came with this and he’d wanted to hang out with Rin after their stressful afternoon, and his brain had fucked up his plans instead. (Though he supposed he should be grateful he didn’t often have the sensitivity to touch.)
The heat of his boyfriend’s touch was also a balm. He was half tempted to try and tuck his freezing toes against Rin’s legs. He never understood why his feet got cold with this. 
Rin toed off his shoes and climbed into bed next to Ryuuji and held him close to his chest. 
Rin would be taking Ryuuji out for something cold and bargain with Lewin for Ryuuji getting days off (bribed with the hottest food Rin could make.)   
Ryuuji curled up against him, hiding his face against Rin’s shoulder, tucking his freezing feet against Rin’s molten ones, closing his eyes a bit too tightly, and just breathing as well as he could. 
He laid there, surrounded by Rin, and slowly tried to find the words he needed through the fog in his head. He’d had something important to say, and he couldn’t let Rin lay here guilty. 
“Not your fault,” he murmured. “Aria class woulda done… woulda done it.” Something else had happened, but he didn’t remember it. The memories would come back later and he could explain that all more clearly later. He’d been doomed before that sandwich, but…
“I shouldn’ta finished it. A bite wouldn’t… wouldn’t do it… But not your fault.” He tugged on Rin’s shirt a little, not certain if his message had gotten across, or even made sense to begin with.
Rin rubbed his hands over Ryuuji's back and kissed Ryuuji's temple. 
"Okay. But no more spicy food." Rin whispered, warming Ryuuji's freezing feet and keeping him wrapped up and safe. "We just both gotta stop being so stubborn, eh?"  
Ryuuji grinned despite his pain. He doubted that would happen. Still… 
“It’s all Lightning’s fault,” Ryuuji decided, whispering as quietly as he could. Barely breathing the words because Rin could still hear them anyway. “I’m gonna make him take a bath for this.”
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5ugarcan3 · 2 years
hello! can I request C, K and W for Keito? thank u ^__^
18+ under the cut.
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C = Cum
Oh my god this man loves cumming on your ass. Usually he'll spank you, so seeing you shake, oversensitive and fucked-out with cum painting your cheeks gets him ready for another round.
K = Kinks
I literally just mentioned it, but spanking. He loves it when you bite your lip and try not to let any sounds come out - he'll only spank you harder. All he wants to do is hear you cry out for him.
Orgasm denial. He loves seeing tears run down your face as you beg for him to let you cum, even if he's edged you for hours, he'll keep going until you truly break.
W = Wild Card
He wants to have a threesome with you and Kuro. Seeing his best friend fuck your mouth while he takes you from behind is one of his fantasies... maybe one day he'll bring it up to you.
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tsunflowers · 2 years
I've compiled a list of enstars initial card skills so let's discuss it
I put an asterisk next to the ones that had their eng names listed on the wiki or that I have personally seen in my game. the rest of them are translations and for some of them I would really like to know what the game goes with for the official translation
eichi: cream orchestra* wataru: sky blue orchestra* tori: pink orchestra* yuzuru: iris orchestra*
these all make sense to me. no complaints
hokuto: crystal blue southern cross subaru: warm orange southern cross makoto: piercing green southern cross mao: representing violent southern cross
these guys all get an adjective bc they're so special. I need to know how they decided to translate mao's bc it doesn't seem like an adjective you would use for a person in English
chiaki: red hero* kanata: blue hero* tetora: black hero* midori: green hero* shinobu: yellow hero*
ryuseitai is ryuseitai
hiiro: scarlet oath suit* aira: eggshell suit mayoi: grape color suit* tatsumi: celadon suit
they literally made aira's color 鳥の子色. baby bird. but when I googled it I saw pictures of eggshells
nagisa: red paradise* hiyori: light green paradise* ibara: dark scarlet paradise* jun: ultramarine paradise*
you cant have red and "dark scarlet" on the same team. also hiyori's light green is specifically like a "fresh grass green" in jpn which is cuter so they should have said "spring green." actually I think everyone should get renamed to a jewel color. ran should be carnelian, hiyori should be jade, ibara should be amethyst, and jun can stay ultramarine
shu: pink museum* mika: green museum*
extremely boring for valkyrie but whatever
hinata: pink happy melody* yuta: cyan happy melody*
rinne: sunset honey bee* himeru: forget-me-not blue honey bee kohaku: Japanese ibis honey bee* niki: cerulean free honey bee*
I literally dont know why they went with Japanese ibis for kohaku when sakura was right there. no one else is sakura either. all the other guys whose color is pink are just pink. also I don't know why niki gets an adjective when none of the other bees do. in English it reads like a honey bee with no cerulean added
rei: purple wild hunt* kaoru: yellow wild hunt* koga: silver wild hunt* adonis: mauve wild hunt*
adonis is mauve :(
tomoya: beige toy box* nazuna: bright yellow toy box* mitsuru: orange toy box hajime: lavender toy box
so fucking funny to make the guy whose character trait is being boring and normal have the image color "beige." in jpn nazuna's color is rapeseed blossom which is a tough one to translate
keito: cedar green under moonlight* kuro: crimson under moonlight* souma: bellflower under moonlight
extremely fancy and poetic. as expected of akatsuki. I want to know what they went with for souma's bc I don't think bellflowers are as common here
tsukasa: garnet knight leo: lead red knight* izumi: frosty blue knight* ritsu’s is not listed on the wiki so who fuckin knows arashi: jasmine yellow knight*
I think it's sad that leo is lead red. I don't think it's a fun and sexy color
natsume: red magic party* tsumugi: blue magic party* sora: yellow magic party*
cute and simple
madara: sepia excitement
sepia lmao
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sennokami · 5 years
I'm really loving your OCs - Togakushi was my fave at first (the boy's hot, for sure) but Kou may be the new fave (I've got an unfortunate soft spot for the 'sad bois', plus, I am the eldest child in my family). One of my younger sisters grew up bigger, stockier, and more athletic than me and one time when we were teenagers she beat the snot out of me in a physical fight (so I feel you, Kou). I'm also into archery, another plus. He looks like he could use a little understanding : D
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Thank you for the love, boo. I’m finding that in general, people are drawn to Toga at first (and I get it... I did draw him first for a reason :ppp). Kou’s bit of a sour skittle but who knows -- with a little love (and probably a lot of assurance...) he could end up actually being likable.
Alright, maybe I’m being a bit harsh. As is, he’s less “unlikable” and more... has got certain issues and hot buttons that make him difficult to deal with. So, basically your average Uchiha. He’s decent -- as long as you’re not comparing him to his little brothers.
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there will be a new episode tonight ! :)
YES I WAS JUST ABOUT TO MAKE A POST!!! And I’m sorry for not posting yesterday like I promised you guys, was winding down still, but NOW I’m officially back idjejde.
3 hours ago it was announced that Plus Plus is airing Kuro Neko, aka episode 22, today at 9:55 pm local time, which is in…. 13 MINUTES!!! HUH????
This is the most last minute post I’ve made, I was sleeping off my booster shot when the announcement was made lol, but heres some options to watch the episode!
This twitch livestream: https://t.co/RISoV9IzIa
This direct livestream: https://t.co/JzD1mQESYK
And, of course, Miraculous.to or any other website mentioned in this post!! I’ll also post a drive link with subs once those are out!!
See y’all in a few minutes! I’m in utter shock, this was honestly quite insane to wake up to. Now if you excuse me, im gonna use the next 10 minutes to draft a countdown post and answer some asks!! 😅
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heartthrummed-a · 3 years
A bitch finally catches up on some tags
❧ 「 ship 」 ⸻ red geranium ( kohaji / primtenps )
❧ 「 ship 」 ⸻ clematis ( koharui / walkinstars )
❧ 「 ship 」 ⸻ holly ( kogadonis / gcluiden )
❧ 「 ship 」 ⸻ amaryllis ( shumika / walkinstars )
❧ 「 ship 」 ⸻ poinsettia ( kurochi / redresolve )
❧ 「 ship 」 ⸻ edelweiss ( ritsuchi / redresolve )
❧ 「 ship 」 ⸻ peppermint ( ruisora / primtenps )
❧ 「 ship 」 ⸻ chamomile ( tatsuoi / chisupa )
❧ 「 ship 」 ⸻ strelitzia ( junhiyo / walkinstars )
❧ 「 ship 」 ⸻ dandelion ( natsujun / oddruby )
❧ 「 ship 」 ⸻ agapanthus ( junhaji / primtenps )
❧ 「 ship 」 ⸻ globe amaranth ( matsujun / chisupa )
#❧ 「 ship 」 ⸻ red geranium ( kohaji / primtenps )#❧ 「 ship 」 ⸻ clematis ( koharui / walkinstars )#❧ 「 ship 」 ⸻ holly ( kogadonis / gcluiden )#❧ 「 ship 」 ⸻ amaryllis ( shumika / walkinstars )#❧ 「 ship 」 ⸻ poinsettia ( kurochi / redresolve )#❧ 「 ship 」 ⸻ edelweiss ( ritsuchi / redresolve )#❧ 「 ship 」 ⸻ peppermint ( ruisora / primtenps )#❧ 「 ship 」 ⸻ chamomile ( tatsuoi / chisupa )#❧ 「 ship 」 ⸻ strelitzia ( junhiyo / walkinstars )#❧ 「 ship 」 ⸻ dandelion ( natsujun / oddruby )#❧ 「 ship 」 ⸻ agapanthus ( junhaji / primtenps )#❧ 「 ship 」 ⸻ globe amaranth ( matsujun / chisupa )#tag dump //#and now obligatory explanations#red geranium is 'protection/preference' and i feel like the reason for that is just a given#clematis is 'ingenuity/artifice' and kohaku just decided that fits rui#holly is 'domestic happiness' which is a.) all adonis wants and b.) exactly what he feels w koga even if they're a feral wild card he loves#amaryliss is 'pride/splendid beauty' bc. u know. valkyrie be like that#(and also they're being gay for shu ssshhhh)#poinsettia is 'be of good cheer' and again all kuro could ask of chiaki#edelweiss is 'noble courage' and again that one is more how ritsu would describe chiaki#peppermint is 'warmth of feeling' and very sora vibes tbh#then you have 'energy/patience in adversity' and idk i just felt like it fit tatsumi at least lkmdkfm#strelitzia is either 'magnificence' or 'freedom' depending on the source but i really like the latter considering what hiyori did for jun#dandelion is 'love's oracle' bc hehe fortune telling#except gay#sDGKDGSKDGS#'love letter' for jun and hajime bc -points at their first meeting-#and finally 'unfading love' for that exes to lovers aesthetic w/ matsu and jun hehe#EGKDHDGKHDKHG
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grelleswife · 2 years
Poisoned Beauty: Musings on Flower Language in the 4th Kuroshitsuji Art Book
After seeing the cover art for the fourth Kuroshitsuji art book (and the card included as an extra with purchase from Animate), I started to wonder about the potential symbolic significance behind the flowers attached to O!Ciel’s hat (How on earth does babey boi wear that massive headpiece without falling over?! But I digress).
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At first glance, the petal formation reminded me of the labernum tree. In flower language, the labernum is associated with pensive beauty or the state of being forsaken. Considering his emotional isolation, the tragic loss of his family, and the bleak fate which awaits him at the end of the contract—not to mention the fact that many of his allies have turned their backs on him in the wake of the twin reveal—the latter meaning aptly describes O!Ciel’s situation. And our boi’s expression in the artwork itself is thoughtful, albeit guarded: A wicked mind doubtlessly cooking up new schemes of villainy beneath that elegant veneer.
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Moreover, every part of the tree contains an alkaloid known as cytisine, which is poisonous to humans, causing nausea, vomiting, and (in large enough quantities) drowsiness, headache, and confusion. At least one work of Victorian literature, Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray, uses laburnum’s toxicity as a metaphor for moral degeneracy. Lord Henry, who lures the innocent Dorian into a life of vice and hedonism, is associated with this plant as early as Chapter 1 (“Lord Henry Wotton could just catch the gleam of the honey-sweet and honey-coloured blossoms of a laburnum”), a nod to his poisonous influence on the protagonist’s life.
Once again, this easily relates to our smol murder nugget. Though presenting a golden facade to the world, O!Ciel’s soul has been corrupted (“poisoned,” if you will) by Sebastian’s demonic influence and his own dark choices, with harmful ramifications that extend beyond the earl himself to damage the lives of those around him. Note also in the illustrations above how the flowers seem to cascade down the right side of his face, where the eye bearing Sebastian’s contract seal is located, thus partially obscuring it from view. A hidden evil lurks behind their splendor.
There’s just one problem, however: I’m not entirely sure those flowers are from a laburnum tree. Perhaps my eyes deceive me, but the branching pattern of the decorations on O!Ciel’s hat might bear a closer resemblance to Koelreuteria paniculata, sometimes known as the golden rain tree.
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Alas, I couldn’t find much on the potential symbolism linked to this tree, although one source claims that golden rain trees have traditionally been planted over the graves of scholars in Japan (obvious connection with mortality). Another Kuro-adjacent fact here is that its mature leaves can be made into a black dye…but if I attempt to reach any further, I’ll dislocate my shoulder, so I’d best stop there. 😅
If any folks with greater botanical expertise or a more thorough understanding of flower language have additional insights to share, I’d love to hear them!
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liviavanrouge · 6 months
New Family AU: Voice Lines about Livia
"Livia? She's a good big sister to me, I enjoy spending time with her even though she can be quite....hyper...I know that's not the word I wanted but it fits. Although I can always see more underneath her smile. She's a lost child...she lost Uncle Harris, been thrown into so much danger, I can see that she wants to break down and cry, snap at anything and anyone......but..she won't do that, that'd be out of character for her.."
"Huh? My little sis? Yeah, she's a wild card sometimes, always smiley, happy and so very hyper..hehe, she always keeps me on my toes and gives me gems like diamonds, emerald and rubies and much more! Believe me, I'm thankful..but I can tell that her smiles are fake, I can tell better than anyone! Hm? How? ...well..I witnessed her having a secret breakdown when she couldn't figure out a solution to something I'm not gonna share, she screamed and cried and broke her favorite toy, yelling how it wasn't fair..I don't force her to talk because I'm worried she'll break down further, so I watch and make sure she's alright......please don't ask anymore about this"
@anxious-twisted-vampire @yukii0nna @writing-heiress @marrondrawsalot @yumeko2sevilla @abyssthing198 @zexal-club
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king-bito · 3 years
Vanta Black is a butt
I’m sorry, this is my first Drabble or whatever this is, I didn’t proof read it, I don’t really know what my intention was here.. I’m not a writer, I do digital art, but there’s so little Shihai smut out there I thought I would add my bad writing to the small pile xD
Pairing: Shihai Kuroiro x Reader
Characters are in their mid twenties.
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Dub-Con, Predator/Prey Dynamic, Quirk use, Smut
It’s been a long day, it’s 10pm and you just exited the cinema alone, your friend, who decided to make the whole movie about kissing, making out, and blowing their newly acquired boyfriend, ditched you early in favour of going home with him.
Oh how wonderful it felt to be a third wheel. You’d resigned and accepted your fate, opting to take your time, grabbing a coffee at concession before leaving.
It’s Friday night and there’s still a buzz of nightlife, just barely starting to pick up. Luckily you lived nearby so you wouldn’t have to suffer atrocious cab fares, and the awkward conversations that you always felt cornered into.
You take a deep breath, finishing off the last of your beverage and tossing it into the trash and beginning your walk home, pulling together your jacket to ward off the cold bite of the night air.
It’s only 2 blocks from your apartment when you hear what sounds like distressed meows coming from a dark alley. Was it a cat? Fuck, it’s too cold on a night like this to just ignore it. You aren’t the bravest person, and dimly lit alleyways threw up about a dozen warning signals, but these small, infantile kitten meows had you falter and pause.
Biting your lip, you decide to suck it up. You can’t abandon a little kitty out here..
Oh how wonderfully gullible you are.
As you near a filthy dumpster with so many tags on it you can’t even make out a single letter, a cold breeze makes you shiver, it travels up your spine making you feel unsettled. For some reason the meows stopped when you began to enter the alley, and as you pull your arms around yourself for comfort to try and quell the fear, you peer around some stray boxes and trash bags, hoping to locate the abandoned animal.
You let out a gasp as something moves, you suppress a scream and tumble back against the brick wall, panting, heart beating rapidly.
There is nothing.
You swallow, you must have imagined it right?
Suddenly you feel something warm grab your wrists from behind, instinctively you try to pull forward but whatever is holding you is like a vice. Looking down you see pitch black hands wrapped firmly around your dainty wrists and then a low, whispering voice hits your ear.
“Hello little mousy~” Out from the dark brick behind you, a mans face with charcoal pigmented skin is pushing out from the darkness, his deep, dangerous tone terrifying and a little too provocative. Your first reaction is to bolt, and as you yank yourself away (purely at the mercy of this strange man in a wall letting your wrists go), you fall to the ground, turning to back yourself up against the opposite wall, resting on your now scraped palms. “W-what the hell?!” You stammer, taking in the sight before you.
Oh how cute.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” You yell, hoping to draw the attention of someone, anyone, nearby.
A deep chuckle cuts through the cold silence between you, and you watch as the head moves forward, more of his body emerging from the wall, and now, you get the chance to fully drink in his features. He’s handsome, well, what little you can make out in the low light against impossibly dark skin. His eyes are hooded and seductive, they study you with each breath you take. His lips are lightly pursed into a small smirk, they look perfect on his sharp jawline. His face is framed by a mop of thick silver hair that flicks out in an unruly manner over his cheeks and the back of his neck. The man is clad in a black coat, grey denim jeans, and a low cut v-neck tee, where you can make out his defined collarbones disappearing beneath the lapels of his long coat.
“Aww.. did I scare the poor little thing?” The man coos out gently, and the twisted smile he wears tells you very clearly this was all just fun cruelty to him.
“O-Of course you did! Who the fuck does tha-“
“Shihai” he interrupts you.
“My name is Shihai Kuroiro, but you may call me Kuro.”
“I don’t give a damn what your name is.” You blurt out, getting yourself back to your feet and pressing yourself against the cold brick as if it would get you any further away from this..thing.
“You should. You will. Pretty thing like you couldn’t help but come to the pitiful little meows of a kitten, you didn’t even think, did you?”
“I’m not even very good at making those sounds.. and yet you wandered all the way down an unlit alley, where oh, I don’t know…” Shihai steps forward and places his palms either side of your shoulders. He’s taller than you, lean, but sturdy in build, and his every languid movement was filled with its own strength and purpose. “...anyone could take advantage of you."
"I saw you in the cinema," He continued."you and your so called friend, she certainly had a good time, didn’t she?” He muses, leaning down so his wild grey-ish locks tickle your temple, his breath fanning over your neck as he spoke.
You can’t help but go red at the closeness, there was no doubt he was hot, he was very much your type and when was the last time you had a good fuck? Too long, that was for sure. But this guy was being a real creep! Not to mention scaring you half to death like some sort of twisted predator…
“Such a shame they didn’t invite you along with them.. then again, if they had, I wouldn’t have been able to get you alone like this… so cute, so flushed.. and my.. so easy.” He growls darkly, carding his fingers through your hair, and slowly curling his hand into a fist to grab a handful and yank gently. “Have some fun with me…” You knew this wasn’t an offer, but an inevitable demand, and against your quickly disappearing better judgement, you nodded meekly. Fuck it.
The next few minutes are a blur, as you find yourself naked beneath Shihai, panting and mewling as his mouth works your nipple, sucking and nibbling while his hand massages and kneads your other breast. “K-...Kuro…” You gasp, arching your back and grabbing a fistful of his hair. You throw your head back and pant to the pulsing in your core, deft fingers of Shihai’s free hand thrusting in and out of you while curling them expertly.
The man is ravenous as he attacks that spongey spot inside you, his mouth hotly working up your neck and leaving an all manner of marks in his wake. You let out a guttural moan, writhing underneath his frame, pressing your chest to his and rocking your hips against his fingers, chasing your orgasm like a woman starved.
So Shameless
You weren’t quite sure how he got you to this room so quickly from the city street, no doubt it had to be some weird quirk that came with his abnormal allearance but you were hardly complaining once he stripped you, and himself down and practically threw you onto the bed to jump you.
“So beautiful.. so good for me, little mouse…” he coos, growling shortly after as he notices your body giving him telltale signs of your impending release. “Kuro.. please.. I-I’m..” You whine loudly as he pulls his fingers out of you abruptly, ceasing his administrations in full and repositioning himself above you. “Uh-uh-uh..~” Shihai keens, tutting before capturing your mouth in a lust filled kiss and pressing his tongue to your lips, demanding access. Your pitiful whine of protest offers him the perfect opening as he slides his tongue into your mouth and dominates you entirely, a free hand pushing your hips down to stop your pitiful bucking. “Mmmphhh~” You moan into his mouth, running your hands up and down his chest and ribs, feeling the muscles move and tense and admiring each contraction as he moves to line himself up.
“You only get to cum on my dick, understand~?” His voice is smooth like butter when he breaks the kiss, bringing his hand up to lick your ample juices from his fingers in a lewd display. He nearly moans when he tastes you, eyes fluttering closed as he savours your taste, slowly and teasingly sucking every digit clean. “Oh.. so delicious, little one. I’ll be sure to clean you up properly when we’re done…” He grins, sliding his tongue out of his mouth provocatively, causing you to whimper.
It’s only when you feel his hips move do you realise he had slowly been lining himself up with your dripping entrance, rolling them to push the tip of his leaking cock into your stretched hole, the movement drawing a long, loud moan from you. Fuck, you didn’t even get a good look at it in the heat of things, but fuck if it didn’t feel massive as it slowly stretches you out around the sheer girth.
Shihai hums contently, clearly holding back his sounds in favour of composure and control as he slowly, smoothly, sheaths himself into your heat. The stretch hurts, and is taking a little too long to grow accustomed to as you look up at the stunningly biz are creature above you. You raise a hand to his cheek, admiring his smooth warm skin and slight changes in shade as he grows hotter and hotter from the workout, and you offer the first gentle touch of the night to him, as re-assurance he can move, yes, but also an attempt to connect, and as his eyes dart to you’s, you swear you could see his cheeks reddening a little.
Shihai shakes his head and lowers himself down to bite and nibble at your neck, slowly beginning to rock his hips back and forth. “So.. so tight, you really are a sweet little thing aren’t you” he manages between thrusts that grow in intensity. “Fuck, you’re practically sucking me in, beautiful.” he grunts, a shudder racking his spine as you continue to touch him tenderly.
“A-ahmmm… Kuro!” You groan, breaths becoming an uneven pant, you lean back to give him better access to your neck and guide his hand up to your breast again as you start to move your hips in time with his, lifting your knees to let him hit deeper and deeper inside of you. “I wanna… mmmmphhhh! Shit.. I need to…” you feel the tightness building in your stomach.
The pace quickens and the new angle has him hitting that perfect spot inside of you. He’s bracing himself on one hand, and with his other, he’s squeezing and gently teasing your pebbled nipple beneath his fingertips.
“Hahn… gonna cum? Go on… you can do it. Cum all over my cock.”
You throw your head back again and wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him deeper into you with each thrust until your walls clench and contract around his dick, making it twitch and pulse as you both reach your high, coming undone at once.
Kuroiro takes surprisingly good care of you after multiple rounds of intense orgasms, he cleans you up with a warm damp cloth, feeds you, and gives you water before you damn near pass out in his bed. As he settles in beside you, scooting up to try and make you roll over so he can spoon you, you reach up to cup his cheek in your hand, your sleepy expression sweet and lazy. “...You’re still a creep..” You murmur gently, causing him to look at you with a little shock. He opens his mouth to retaliate, but you cut him off before he can get a stupid cocky remark in. “...but this was amazing. Do you think next time we could start…. with an actual date?”
His mouth opens again, this time he’s speechless. “Wait.. r-really? You’d.. you’d like to…?”
“Shhhh…” you nod, smiling gently as you roll over and shuffle back into him.
What you’re too tired to notice, is the heat coming from his cheeks, ears, and neck. Shit, he thought if he could just remain in control he wouldn’t become a stammering blushing mess. You weren’t supposed to like him! Nor ask him out!
But you had to be a cute little sweetheart and flip the tables on his plan.
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yandere-daze · 3 years
yejehdjd I’m the same person who asked for the period hc for rinne, that was so good tysm <3 (it helped alot too) love ur stuff 💕💕 can I rq another one for rinne with a short s/o who’s over 4’11 lmao tysm 😥💕💕
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Ahh I'm so glad to hear that it helped you!! It's always really nice to receive feedback and see that people liked what I wrote for them 🥺 I got pretty much the same request before so I'm naturally combining them
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Rinne with a short s/o
Remember how I said that Kuro would be very respectful towards a short s/o? Well you don't get that luck with Rinne at all, sorry to say
He will absolutely be a little shit about it, he just looooves to tease you about your height
Is the type of boyfriend who will use your shoulder as an armrest while he stands next to you or if you're a bit taller, he will rest his head there
He really can't help but laugh and tease you about how cute you look. And your angry face in response to his remarks just makes you look even cuter in his eyes!! Really, there's no winning with him
Speaking of winning, Rinne thinks you're just the right size to comfortably sit on his lap while he's gambling. He will lean forward so he can gaze at his cards over your shoulder while he wraps his unoccupied arm around your waist. You're his number 1 lucky charm so he has to have you as close as he can, alright?
You can't convince me he wouldn't try to kabedon you at least once, just to see the flustered expression on your cute face. Your small body was just perfect for it, after all, he couldn't help himself!
Will also use his own height to his advantage. He has a real habit of holding something you need out of reach and laughs with great amusement as he watches you struggle with trying to get it back
He will end up giving it back to you after a few moments of course, he's never that mean to his s/o after all. Can't have you be mad at him forever, right?
If he notices that you're seriously upset with his teasing and tell him to stop, Rinne will have an unusually serious look on his face, the wild smile immediately dropping
He will stop whatever he was doing that annoyed you and remind himself to deal back the teasing for a bit. It's a lot of fun for him but he doesn't want his amusement to come at the price of his s/o's happiness
After all, you still are the most important person in his life and he treasures you so much!
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One Piece Journal Episode 14: Kuro is really scary. ;-;
Episode 14 begins with the creepiest fucking soundtrack to reveal Klahadore’s character as the ominousl Captain Kuro. The opening music had me screaming about how creepy it was for pairing well with the deep fear the rest of the Black Cat pirates were feeling. Even the still shots of the scared pirates are memorable and build up just how terrifying Kuro truly is. His introductory abilities are revealed when the Meowban Brothers attack him, now the brothers are strong and crafty but they’re no match for Kuro. Despite the three years living on the island his fighting skills, while not at their peak yet, are more frightening than the opponents we have seen until now. Kuro fights like an assassin with his footwork allowing him to vanish from the sight of his opponents. Even his weapons are frightening, giant sword-like claws that seemingly allow him to play with his opponents like a cat. His sword claws wrapped around Usopp’s head were quite frightening. What makes Kuro really scary is his goal for “Peace of Mind”, while we are not privy to why he wants this, the close-up of his face relishing in the memories of that bliss says a lot. Of course, his downfall is his own pride since he didn’t want to consider living in the village as a butler to Kaya, wanting her whole fortune.
In the next episode we will see how Kuro reacts to the wild card, Luffy. This fight is sure to have more stakes involved since Luffy’s weakness is bladed weapons.
Written by @exdbonanote
Edited by @unyanizedcatboys
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itsuki-minamy · 3 years
Translation: Naru-kun Raws: skyflyinginaction
* Gakuen K (List of Chapters) * Projects & Chapters
A peaceful life. That is all she expected.
She didn't want to think like until now.
Fortunately, she received a recommendation from the "Ashinaka Super School" to move.
So she wouldn't make that mistake anymore. She simply disciplines herself so as not to disturb anyone, quietly and discreetly. She would keep quiet so as not to attract attention.
She was sure that she would find a place to stay. She thought she would be accepted.
After that, she would enjoy it. She would have fun. She would have a mediocre and peaceful life that would bore her.
She had already lost once what was precious to her.
"Nya! Shiro, it smells good from here!"
"Huh? Neko? What we're looking for isn't food... huh?"
"Oh! Find the transfer student! Let's do it! Wagahai-chan!"
Her heart leapt at the joyous voice that suddenly echoed from behind.
At the same time as she hurriedly looked back, a beautiful girl appeared.
"Hey! Neko!"
"It smells delicious!"
The beautiful girl rubbed her face against her chest with a fascinating expression. She was a beautiful girl that couldn't be fooled.
Stunning strange blue and gold eyes on white skin. Long straight light red hair.
A boy with silver-white hair and tender eyes with sunrise color approached her, who was surprised and hardened, and apologized, clasping his hands in front of her face.
"I'm sorry. Stop it, Neko!"
Then that girl with sincere and kind eyes, stood in front of her and smiled at her in a friendly way.
"You're here! No… I searched here and there and finally found it~"
When she tilted her head, she gave a stern look for a moment, but immediately smiled, "Oh, I'm sorry.", and pointed to her face.
"I haven't introduced myself yet! I'm Kukuri Yukizome, from the same sophomore group as you."
"Call me Kukuri. My teacher asked me to guide the transfer student to the school. They told me you should be in the school principal's office, but when I went, he said you had already left. I looked for you, but couldn't find you, so I finally got help from Shiro-kun and Wagahai-chan!"
"Eh...? Oh! I'm sorry. Sorry to bother you."
"You don't have to apologize. Oh, yeah. May I ask your name?"
"Ah. Sorry. I'll introduce myself. I'm Konohana Saya."
"Uh, Saya-chan. Yes, I remember. Nice to meet you, Saya-chan!"
"Uh, yeah, nice to meet you..."
She held the outstretched hand enthusiastically.
"He is Isana Shiro-kun. And she..."
"Wagahai, I'm Neko!"
When Kukuri presented her with her hand, the beautiful girl responded happily, staying close to her.
"Shiro-kun and Wagahai-chan are the same second group as us."
"Oh, is that so?"
"Yeah, so you don't have to use "-kun" or "-san" for me or for Neko. It tickles. I hope you can feel free to call us "Neko" and "Shiro" and talk to us."
Shiro, a silver-white haired boy, smiled kindly.
"Oh, thank you. Nice to meet you."
In some ways it was a good self-introduction. Feeling happy that she could do that, she looked at Shiro and tilted my head away from him, saying, "Well then let's get started..."
"That... I'm really enjoying it... What?"
Neko was still glued to her.
"Eh? Ah... Stop it, Neko. She's not food."
"Nya, don't you know, Shiro? Gohan smells delicious!"
Shiro scolded Neko, but she held on even more.
(Yeah? Huh? Wait! Now Neko-chan, did you say "Gohan smells delicious"? Isn't that "Gohan smells delicious"?), she thought.
What did that mean?
"Eh? Maybe that 'Gohan' is me?"
"Yeah! Gohan smells like Gohan, I love it! That's why you're Gohan!"
Kukuri and Shiro laughed at Neko's cheerful response.
"Wagahai-chan... Gohan..."
"Ah, Konohana-san. Neko is not good at remembering people's names. She does not do it with bad intentions."
"Huh? Oh, it's fine."
Smell Gohan...? Did it mean she smelled strange?
She sorry about the situation, but she wasn't sure.
"Shiro! I'm hungry, let's go with Gohan! I want to go to the shopping department!"
Eh? Purchasing department?
"This is not good, Wagahai-chan. We have a class from now on."
Kukuri urged her to walk, Neko kept holding on.
"Then as I guide you to the classroom, first lesson. Don't forget your student ID card. Make sure you take it with you. You will need it to do anything, like walk through the front door, to borrow a book or buy juice, etc."
"Is it okay to use this PDA as a student ID card?"
Kukuri smirked when she took out the PDA with a big school emblem on it.
"Yes, it is. Don't forget it. Even outside of school. Always carry it with you."
"Out of the School?"
"Yes. I go in and out of school, in and out of the school island and I also use transportation. It is also proof of identity."
"School island..."
"Yes! Ashinaka, an integrated education school from kindergarten to university. This island centered around that school is called "Ashinaka Super School". Someday I will show you the city."
"Yes, I see. Thank you."
"But first of all, you have to remember the inside of this school. At the beginning of registration, everyone does it once."
"I get lost and I'm late for class. How many times has this happened to you, Saya-chan?"
Kukuri smiled as if she was joking.
"Uh... I'll have to. I'm not very good at that though."
"Well, it happens to me too, and I think it would be good if you were guided by the PDA at first."
Kukuri hit her on the back when she immediately fell into anxiety.
"It's late, where were they and what were they doing?"
As soon as she entered the classroom, a grumpy voice jumped at her ears. Reflectively, she leaned in and said, "Yes, I'm sorry!"
Right after that, there was a terrible voice that said, "What?"
When she raised her face, the boy in front of her with his beautiful black hair was mysteriously frowning.
"I didn't tell you. Who are you?"
"Well, I am Konohana Saya. I will be in this class from today."
"As of today... By the way, the transfer student that Shiro was talking about is you."
The boy was convinced and then bowed deeply.
"I am Kuroh Yatogami. As a classmate, thank for you continued support."
(Wow. It's very difficult... no. Kind regards!), she thought.
In haste, she bowed firmly.
"Yes, thanks."
Yatogami spoke very firmly. The atmosphere was also mature.
"It's difficult. Kuro. It's not a classmate's greeting."
"You should pay the courtesy. Did you both do your homework well?"
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Responding to Shiro's words with a serious face, Yatogami narrowed his eyes.
"I'm not going to do it. I'm going to show Kuro's homework."
"What are you saying? Try to do things yourself responsibly. I definitely won't show it to you!"
"Tsk, stingy Kuro."
"That's not the problem. If you have time to bark, does your homework."
Yatogami, who scolded him in a stifled manner, is forgiven with a "Yes, yes.", and Shiro urged Neko to gently walk towards her seat. Furthermore, his face was distorted again, and Yatogami followed them. It was kind of funny.
"Hey, Kukuri-chan. Is 'Kuro' a nickname for Yatogami-kun?"
"That's right. Shiro-kun, Kuro-kun, a black and white duo. He's a good friend with club activities. Now, Saya-chan, I'll introduce you to everyone. Here and there."
Kukuri motioned for her to come.
She headed forward, following her. No, she tries to continue.
"Kamamoto! What are you doing? Come quickly!"
Suddenly, a voice echoed with rough footsteps. Immediately after, the impact on her back.
She couldn't stop myself from the momentum, she lost her balance and fell.
"Ah, Saya-chan! Are you okay?"
Kukuri's voice was amazing. Oh, it wasn't so good... maybe. It hurt a lot.
However, the person who rushed inside was also worried, and as tears welled up from the pain in her back, hands, and knees, she managed to lift her upper body and look back.
"It hurts... hey... Who is this guy standing in the doorway?!"
There was a boy there, who seemed to have struck like her, lying on the ground.
He had the front of the black school uniform open, the shirt with two buttons unbuttoned, and the hem out. Also, a dark blue hat and the usual auburn hair that twisted in any direction.
The boy, who didn't seem to be polite, looked at her as he rubbed the area around his waist in excruciating pain and cursed.
His wild and warlike eyes stared directly at the opponent.
It was a terrible, gaudy flame, and she couldn't help but lose her words.
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The boy looked at her too and his eyes widened, astonishing for some reason.
"No, Yata-san, it's early. We still have time until class... That? Yata-san. Why are you sitting on the floor?"
A big boy who came running in with a plaintive voice, bowed his head when he saw him sitting on the ground, and looked at each other.
As the words surprised him, the boy named Yata shook himself and looked at the boy who was looking at them.
"Silly! I'm not sitting! This is... an accident!"
"Accident? Ah... I don't know, but why don't you get up for now?"
"No, you don't have to tell me! Hey, Kamamoto... do it."
A big boy named Kamamoto bowed his head and asked again at Yata's small voice. Oh, but he thought he couldn't be helped. It was a very small voice.
However, he maybe didn't like him, and when Yata suddenly stood up, he gave Kamamoto a blow to the head. She was surprised.
"Why do you hit me?"
"I cannot hear you!"
No, she didn't think he didn't hear him, did he really not hear it?
(Huh? What? This "Yata" is extremely unreasonable.), she thought.
"That's right. I couldn't hear it, so it can't be helped."
When stunned, Kamamoto made a very natural counterargument. Yes, she understood that feeling very well.
"Uh, loud. Well, that... helps the woman..."
"Woman? Ah! Is that what you mean?"
Kamamoto laughed as if he were convinced, and walked over to her, knelt on the ground, and held out his hand.
"Yata-san pushed you. Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself?"
"Ah... I'm fine."
She wanted to say, maybe it was worse. She was standing in front of the door. She apologized and bowed, and looked at the black sunglasses.
"Oh, you are..."
"Hmm? Oh, this is Rikio Kamamoto from the second year group. This is Misaki Yata, who is also in the same group."
Kamamoto laughed as he gently helped her.
"Ah! Hey, Kamamoto! Silly, don't introduce me without permission!"
Yata yelled at Kamamoto, who was gentle and kind regardless of his appearance. There was no reason to be angry about that presentation.
"Because you are Yata-san, it seems unlikely that you will introduce yourself."
"That's... sorry."
She was confused.
"But don't sell my name at a bargain price."
"It's the first time I've seen you, are you a girl from another class?"
Kamamoto finally ignored Yata, who was still screaming. Apparently he was fine.
When she said, "No, I'm not.", unsurprisingly, Yata yelled, "Damn, listen to me!". That was to be expected.
"Excuse me!"
"Oh! Don't look here and there!"
She hastily apologized, but this time Yata, who turned his face bright red and turned around, yelled again.
"Eh? Oh, sorry! I see..."
"No, don't apologize! Oh, you're ... wow, not bad..."
(Huh? Is that so? Not bad?), she thought.
When she looked at Kamamoto because she couldn't understand why, Kamamoto shrugged and shook his head.
"Ah, don't worry. Yata-san is not good with girls."
(Is that so?), she thought.
He was not good with girls. Still, it was the first time she had seen a person overreact.
"Ah! Konohana Saya, I'll stay in this class. Well, it's nice to meet you. May I call you Kamamoto-kun?"
"Thanks. I don't care. Call me what you want."
She was relieved to hear a friendly response.
"Yes. Yata-kun too."
"Eh? Me too?"
"Yes, I hope you get along well."
"Eh? Who is that? Who are you talking about!"
At that moment, Yata blushed again and turned to the other side. He didn't have the ability to learn, so he kept having the conversation in front of the entrance. So of course he would get in the way of people trying to enter the classroom.
The person who walked in pushed his back away, and Yata looked back with a grumpy voice, "Oh?"
"Misaki. Don't occupy the entrance of the classroom for one person, even a little."
"Saru, damn it!"
(Saru? Is this person's nickname?), she thought.
His clean eyebrows were unpleasantly distorted and his black eyes were very thoughtful.
Black hair in habit and black-rimmed glasses. A pure white school uniform with a slightly loose chest. He had a mark on his arm, she wondered what the blue bracelet meant.
And a saber with a blue scabbard at his waist.
She didn't think it was necessary for school life and widened her eyes in amazement.
(Huh? What? That... why is he wearing such a thing?), she thought.
Involuntarily he looked at her seriously, the next moment, she quickly bowed her head.
"Ah, I am Konohana Saya, a transfer student. Thank you!"
What came back was complete silence.
When she lifted her face, an icy look shot through her.
"Stop doing that, it's annoying."
"Oh, I'm sorry."
She strongly apologized and got out of the way.
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That person just tried to slide past her.
"Hey, wait, Saru. You must introduce yourself."
Yata threw a harsh voice behind him.
The man, named Saru, shook his shoulders and looked back in amazement.
"What? Did you introduce yourself?"
He frowned repeatedly as if he didn't understand why.
"Don't send nonsense things. Misaki."
"It's not meaningless. We are her new partners. It's normal to introduce himself."
Long ago, he said that he wouldn't show up either.
She really wanted to know, but she was scared, so she shut her mouth.
"Or you can't even introduce yourself. Hmm, you're a boy."
When he decided to stand idly by, it was a terrible word that came out of Yata's mouth.
(Huh?! Wait. It's not about forcing him to fight, is it?!), she thought.
Saru clicked his tongue as the story seemed to roll in an unexpected direction.
And when he sighed like a deaf person, he echoed and coughed.
"Fushimi Saruhiko."
"Hmm...! Yes. Thank you, Fushimi-san."
He left before she finished saying it. He made her feel uncomfortable.
"Geez. Monkey bastard, you can just say your name so honestly."
Yata was upset and amazed. Why would be?
"Even Yata-san was mad at me when I introduced myself, wasn't he?"
Before she said more, Kamamoto stabbed a sickle firmly. "That's it! That's it!"
"Oh, that's it... You can say it after getting permission!"
He made a painful excuse and said, "Kamamoto, let's go quickly."
After that, Kamamoto ran and followed him.
It was as if a storm had passed.
After dismissing Yata and other young men, she looked at Kukuri and took control powerlessly.
"Rice! Rice! Kurosuke's homemade rice! Shiro! Let's eat rice!"
"Yes. Let's go out because the weather is good today."
"Don't rock your lunch! The contents will fall apart!"
It was noon. Around the same time the bell rang, Neko stood up, and Shiro and Yatogami left the classroom following her. As she smiled and said goodbye, Kukuri reached over and touched her desk.
"Shall we go to the coffee shop? You didn't bring any food, did you?"
"Yeah. Oh, but it's okay to be alone. That's Kukuri-chan's lunch box, right? I think I can get to the coffee shop if I have a navigation system."
"Yes! But let me go with you. I also want to tell you the location of the shopping department. And if I get lost early on the first day, my name as a guide will be spoiled, right?"
"Okay, then, I'll be attentive to your words. Thank you."
"No! What? Then let's go together!"
Kukuri started walking with a joyous cry. She got up and followed her.
"There are several ways to get to the coffee shop, but the best is through the courtyard."
"Yes. Therefore, I would not recommend going down these stairs immediately, on a limited menu day. Because the purchase is established in several places."
(Huh? Limited menu?), she thought.
She got out a word she didn't expect, and instinctively looked at Kukuri.
"Eh? Did you buy it now?"
"Yes, it is a strategy to expel the rivals. Lunch is one of the joys for the students, so everyone is desperate."
No, that was correct. She thought it was the same in all schools, but what did it mean to expel rivals?
(She said it's natural, but that? It's weird, I don't understand. Well, that shouldn't be the case, right?), she thought.
As she twisted her neck, she went downstairs with Kukuri and pushed open the glass door that led down the hall to the courtyard.
There was a neat flowerbed with colorful flowers in every corner. The fresh green of the plantation was also nice.
Light pink petals fluttered from the beautiful and splendid cherry blossoms. The white garden table and chairs underneath were fascinating. It would be great to enjoy her lunch there.
Kukuri, who was leading the way through the large and beautiful courtyard where such garbage had not fallen, stopped and shrugged, "Oh, no. Sorry. I can't go through here."
"Eh? Why?"
Kukuri pointed to the front, saying "That.". For the first time, she realized that there were many people gathered there, since she was looking at other things before.
And, well... it didn't seem like a good atmosphere. Yes. It was extremely unsettling.
A group in black school uniforms and a group in white school uniforms staring at each other.
People wearing black school uniforms didn't seem polite. On the other hand, many people who wore white school uniforms had the impression of looking tight. They felt like honor students.
But after all, there was a blue scabbard saber at the waist. What was that?
"Kukuri-chan? They seem to be staring at each other, but what the hell are they doing?"
"It's a conflict!"
Too simple an answer that made her doubt her ears.
(Huh? Did she say a conflict?), she thought.
"Conflict... is that a fight?"
"Yes, that is correct."
"Well why are the students fighting?"
"Fufu, I haven't seen a person react this way in a long time. It's okay. You'll be surprised at first, but you'll get used to it. It's the usual thing."
(Is it okay to get used to it?), she thought.
Also, as usual, she thought conflict was something that shouldn't become a daily routine. No, nothing was becoming a daily routine, first of all, there was a conflict within the school.
She was confused by the images and words that were far from common sense.
However, when she looked around, there were people who were looking far away, but no one was surprised or made noise, so Kukuri's reaction was correct.
(Hmm. Common sense in this school is a bit strange.) she thought.
Struggling to understand, she returned to a group of gazes.
"Uh... that? Yata-kun and Kamamoto-kun are there too? Besides, Fushimi-kun."
"That's right. Yata-kun and Kamamoto-kun are in the Red club, and Fushimi-kun is in the Blue club."
"Eh? Red club and Blue club? What's that?"
Kukuri laughed and explained with good humor.
"It is a special activity of the club. It is one of the characteristics of this school."
"Special club activities?"
"That's right. There are seven special club activities at this school in addition to the regular club activities. Two of them are from the Red and Blue club. Special club activities, because when you join the club, you can use special abilities. It's very popular with students, because the word "special ability" is great, right? But only the "chosen ones" recognized by each director can join the club."
The word "special ability" surprised her.
"Only the chosen ones...?"
"Yes. Not everyone can get in. In that sense, it's "special". The Red club wears that black school uniform. Most of the Red club members are bad. However, "it's not that way" bad, so it is accepted by students in general."
Eh? Were they bad, but not evil? She didn't understand anything.
"But it's not all bad things. How to put it? I think those people are not good at keeping up with everyone. People who go their own way are the best. Maybe it's close. The director is Mikoto Suoh, a student third year. He's also the head of the Red club and he's very strong. You see, that red-haired person next to Yata-kun."
Kukuri pointed at the person in the middle of the black group with her finger.
His red eyes were eerily sharp. Tense and sad cheeks.
Did she say he was older? Charismatic? Regardless, his presence was astonishing.
"The Blue club wear a white school uniform. Excellent grades, good behavior. Most of the members are super elite groups that also serve as officers of student organizations and members of the disciplinary committee. The activities are the maintenance of discipline, the orientation of the students, it feels like they are always leading the students in a disciplined way, like leading events at school, so it seems like they are not on good terms with the Red club from one point of view."
Even though she said, "That's correct.", she frowned at the explanation.
(Good behavior... Eh? I'm sure I'm the only one who thinks that carrying a gun to kill people around your waist doesn't mean being good.), she thought.
"The director of the Azul club is Reisi Munakata, a third year student. The director of the Student Organization Within the School, the whereabouts of the Great Myojin!"
The central figure in the white group that Kukuri continued to display was, yes, like "Shinsei Seidai Myojin".
Sharp glasses with calm and cool eyes. He listened to the Red Club swearing with a sweet smile on his lips, as if he were listening to classical music.
"That's why I can't go through here. I'm just looking at it now, but it seems to be getting a little warm, and it is."
"Monkey! Bastard, say it again!"
A loud voice echoed across the courtyard as if to block Kukuri's words. It was Yata's voice.
When he breathes and look back, Fushimi, who looked away, laughed vividly.
"Oh, I'll tell you many times. Your power is below mine. Mi-Sa-Ki."
Delighted, terribly happy, growling and despising people. His smile gave her chills.
(What? That look.), she thought.
"I can't take it! I'll take you down!"
Yata jumped, dyeing his eyes with fierce fury.
"Wow. It's started. That's it for the special part. I'm hungry, can we go quickly?"
Kukuri wanted to leave in a hurry, but she couldn't answer.
She was fascinated by the flames, which had arisen from Yata's hands.
The shape was slightly different, but all the people in the Red club could easily create a flame and target the Blue club. Those of the Blue club also took out their sabers one after another to defend themselves. There was a blue light on the blade.
Involuntarily, she looks at her hands.
(That's a special ability. So my thing is...), she thought.
Her shoulders shook and she suddenly came back to herself.
"Oh, I'm sorry."
"Because it's dangerous here. Shall we go?"
At that moment, Kukuri urged her on and looked back quickly.
Yes, that was exactly a fight. Other students in the courtyard were screaming.
When she looked back, the first thing she saw was a knife with a red lotus flame approaching them. And that last moment, she didn't have time to think about anything.
"Kukuri-chan, it's dangerous!"
Kukuri's body moved quickly. At that moment, a flash of light enveloped her.
Light was pouring out of her limbs and she couldn't open her eyes.
At the same time, there was a tremendous destructive sound.
But that was only a moment, and soon... the light disappeared like a lie.
The knife that should have flown there was also annihilated.
"Kukuri-chan, are you hurt?"
"No. I'm fine. It's nothing, but..."
Kukuri was in her arms and responded with a confused look.
"Hey. The light is coming out of your body, Saya-chan, but..."
The words surprised her. She quickly released Kukuri and looked at her hands.
Both hands had a vague white light. Her whole body was in that state. Yes. It was as if she herself was emitting light.
A cold thing crept up her back.
(This is the same as before...!), she thought.
When she looked around her in a hurry, the stone pavement was severely broken and only around her. It was as if it had been crushed by a heavy machine.
It appeared that there was no damage to the school building. The surrounding students were also safe. Just around her and Kukuri, the stone pavement was broken, scraped, and tiled as if a circle had been drawn around her.
The blood suddenly disappeared. She shook back and hugged herself.
(What do I have to do! In this school, I decided to be careful not to be like this! I don't want to think like that again. Therefore, I controlled myself so as not to disturb anyone, only in a discreet and silent way. Quiet so as not to make waves. I thought she was calm!), she thought.
"What's that?"
Kukuri's question brought her back to herself.
"This is..."
"You are a 'Strain', aren't you?"
A sweet, low and gentle voice resonated with the usual sound of his shoes.
When she took a breath and looked around her, the person who was there was Reisi Munakata, the director of the Blue club and the director of the Student Organization within the school.
In his hand was a sword that glowed pale.
"A "Strain"...?"
"Yes. People with innate special abilities are called 'Strains'."
With that said, he placed the saber in the scabbard and pulled up his goggles.
"The power of a "Strain" sometimes hurts people."
A painful memory crossed her mind.
Munakata stared at her with a distorted face, a smile on his lips.
"It is also our role to take strong measures to prevent this from happening. The day before yesterday, there was a report that a 'Strain' had entered the island, but are you the transfer student?"
With a rattling noise, Munakata took a step closer to her. She turned and took a step back.
"The birth of a talented person off this island is infinitely equal to zero."
"Ah, that, I..."
"In other words, the exception is that you are a 'Strain'... Transfer student Konohana Saya. If you don't resist, nothing bad will happen. Shut up and give up quickly."
As usual, a soft, sweet smile on his lips.
However, there was a sharp, dignified light in his eyes behind his glasses, and she was frightened by the power of it.
Taking a step back, Munakata narrowed his eyes slightly and held out his hand.
"Come here."
"Oh, I..."
At that moment, a flame struck behind Munakata.
At the moment of shouting, Munakata drew his saber and turned around to block the flame.
"She didn't do anything wrong, that's why she shouldn't give up."
Suoh pointed his flaming hand towards Munakata.
"I reject you, I keep the woman."
"Well, it's rare that you are interested in others."
"Yes. If you think so, give it to me."
Munakata responded to Suoh's fearless smile with a graceful and gentle smile.
"No. If you're interested, I can't quit."
Then, he turned the saber, which was reflecting the sunlight, directly towards Suoh.
"She is an irregular person and I want her to be within my grasp."
"If so, can I get it by force?"
"You are still a barbarian. If so, here too. All members, get ready!"
A sharp command. The people from the Blue club, a group in white school uniforms, responded immediately.
The fight started again. Ahead of her, Munakata looked back and reached out quickly.
"This time. Come with me."
"Oh, I..."
(What do I have to do?), she thought.
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"I won't let you do that."
At that moment, she shook his throat and took another step back. It was unexpected. A voice was heard from above.
It was around the same time that she was surprised to look up at the sky and Munakata flew back quickly and brilliantly.
Immediately afterwards, someone fell to the place where Munakata was.
Black hair blowing in the wind. A Japanese sword that pierced the sky gleamed in the sunlight.
"No, Yatogami-kun!"
Yatogami stood up with her on her back. At the same time, behind the scenes, "Kukuri, are you okay?"
Looking back, she wondered when Shiro and Neko would arrive.
"This girl's security is in charge of the 'Silver Club'."
"Huh? What was that?"
"Don't get me wrong. It's temporary. I'm not trying to force you into anything. The Silver club is different from the Blue club."
Holding a Japanese sword, Yatogami looked at Suoh.
With a pon, Shiro tapped his shoulder, staring at the two people who were abruptly facing each other.
"Shiro-kun... that, I..."
"Yes. You were scared. It's okay. Leave it to me."
She wrinkled her head and was relieved by his soft hands.
"I'll give you a lot of explanations later. Let's escape for the moment. Kuro!"
Yatogami, who had great strength, put his Japanese sword in the sheath and picked them both up.
She was surprised by the sudden movement and blushed shaking her limbs. But that was not the end.
Yatogami suddenly made a gesture like throwing something at the school building. A kind of power. They then took off from the ground at tremendous speed, dragged by invisible forces.
Involuntarily clinging to Yatogami, she closed her eyes tightly.
(What the hell is going on ?!), she thought.
A terrible wind violently shook her hair.
As it was, she and Yatogami were thrown into the sky.
"Are you okay?"
When she opened her eyes slightly to his voice, in front of her was a bowl of rice and canned juice.
She was lying in her bedroom, and when she wobbled her upper body, she wrapped the juice in her hands and exhaled the air into her lungs in one go.
She had terrible eyes...
He jumps from the courtyard to the roof of the school building. From there, he jumped to another building, and then jumped from the height at which she would normally die. She didn't want to experience it again. Bungee without lifeline.
he ran further and brought her to an empty classroom in a building she had not yet entered.
That classroom was generally locked and used only for special occasions.
Yatogami, who opened the key easily, lowered her gently on the chair and went somewhere to buy that.
"The whites should be here soon. Drink it first and calm down."
"Yes, thanks."
She lifted the lid and hydrated her throat with the cold juice.
Her fingers were still trembling. Oh, but the sweetness of her made her feel relaxed. The moment she took a breath, the door opened and Shiro's cheerful voice echoed through the room.
"Kuro, thank you for your hard work! Konohana-san, are you okay?"
"Yes. Somehow... Thanks for your help."
When she thanked him, Shiro smiled and sat down on his seat next to her.
"It was nothing. It was a disaster from the first day of move-in."
"That's right. Up to that point, it's not as good as it is."
"Hmmm, not enough!"
Shiro smiled bitterly, Yatogami was serious and Neko replied cheerfully. It was no different from when they had a conversation that morning.
On the contrary, it seemed strange in her eyes and she frowned inadvertently.
"Are all three scared?"
Maybe it didn't make sense, everyone went through trouble because of it.
"What is scary? The Red club and the Blue club?"
"No, that's not it. It's about me."
"Monster," she remembers the shock when they told her that.
Her heart was anxious. Her throat screeched and she squeezed her breast with her hand.
"I have a power that ordinary people don't have. That caused a lot of trouble around me and I couldn't stay at the old school."
No. It was a nuisance. It wasn't pretty at all.
Like Munakata said, she hurts people.
"I was thinking of living like an ordinary person in this school. I decided to hide my abilities. I would never let my abilities skyrocket."
A string of light. A terrible destructive sound. A knife that disappeared like dust. The ground that had been crushed. A stone pavement that broke and turned into pieces. Remembering that, she involuntarily hugged herself.
"I didn't know I had this power. It was sudden. When I realized it, the school building was a mess."
She will never forget it, it was unforgettable. The scene at that time would be for life.
Whether in a major earthquake or bombing, a part of the school building was ruined and turned to rubble.
Students fleeing. A bloodstained towel. And…
"Then my friends became hostile and no one looked at me."
A mixed look of surprise and fear towards her. It quickly turned into disgust.
Neither her friends, her classmates nor her superiors were looking at her. They didn't try to get involved. Even the teacher looked away from her.
Even her family was scared and she started looking at her all the time. If she was in a bad mood, that house would be destroyed next. Her parents thought they might be attacked.
She lost everything that was important at the time.
That's why she was thinking that she had done it again. Also, on the first day of transfer.
Here she too had become a "monster".
"Oh... I have to find a new school again..."
"Eh? You don't have to. You'll be fine here."
"Why? I can't stay here anymore!"
"So? You run away every time you use your power? What the hell? Isn't that stupid?"
Suddenly, the classroom door opened and a grumpy voice echoed, interrupting her words.
When she looked around her, he was standing there, Fushimi, who had a distorted face that looked annoyed.
"Fuwah! What are you doing? I don't like you, Glasses!"
Neko looked threatening, and Fushimi said, "I have no business with you. My purpose is that woman.".
"Huh? I?"
His eyes without heat surprised her. At his waist, the saber made a loud noise.
"If you try to carry out the principal's order, it's a disaster. Wow. This is the collapse of the school building."
(Did the school building collapse?), she thought.
"Up to that point, even a fool like Domyoji can do it."
"What did you say?"
"He's a member of the Blue club. Of course, I can do it too. It's easy. I just don't do it because it's hard to clean."
(Is it easy...?), she thought.
"That's right."
"Believe it or not, it's up to you. If you want to do it, run away. If there is another school where people can easily tear down the school building."
(What does that mean...? Is he trying to reassure me? I don't understand the meaning and his eyes are scary.), she thought.
With a particularly gentle smile, Shiro yelled.
"Yes. As Fushimi says. Konohana-san doesn't have to run away from this school at all. Rather, it's the opposite."
"Quite the opposite?"
"Yes, I think it's right for you. Ashinaka Super School is a school where talented people gather."
"Eh…? Talented?"
"Huh? Special club activities. Didn't you ask someone? Red club, Blue club, etc."
"Well, I heard that from Kukuri-chan."
But that was a story that when you enter a special club, you will be able to use special abilities, isn't it that people with abilities will gather in this school?
When she said that, Fushimi clicked his tongue.
"Eh? That…"
"Well, it's a relationship. Is it that important if the ability is innate or acquired? It's the same in terms of ability."
"Hmm...! Same thing? With me?"
"Did you say that? It's not unusual for a talented person. Because all the guys who belong to the special club are talented people. So, in this school, no one discriminates against talented people. You'll run away from here, where will you go?"
"Ah! No one discriminates?"
"That's right. Well, it seems that Strains are rarely born outside of Gakuenjima, and I think you're different in that sense, but I don't care because all talented people are weird in the first place. Maybe everyone doesn't care either. You can live. normally here. No, I should say that here. You think so too, right Yata-kun?"
When she was surprised by Shiro's words and ran her eyes towards the door, Yata with a bitter face appeared with a smile on his cheek.
"Don't hide and listen, come out."
"It is urgent."
"Did you come worried? Or did Suoh tell you to come see what happened? Well, anyway... Konohana-san. Everyone here has special abilities."
"Eh? And Shiro-kun? Neko-chan?"
"Yes. Because we are the Silver club. Fushimi-kun is from the Blue club. Yata-kun is from the Red club. We are all a special department. And Neko is also a Strain. You know what that means, right?"
Words like dreams invaded her.
Was it serious? Wasn't it a lie? Was it really the case?
"Don't I have to run away?"
Wasn't it a dream or an illusion?
"I can stay here?"
Fushimi responded to the words, as he groaned.
"You should like it, right? You're not the only one with a skill anyway."
She was not alone.
She takes a breath and stare at Fushimi.
She wasn't the only one who had an "ability", he said, but he probably just stated objective facts, but why? She felt that she could get closer to that person. She thought that he could understand the loneliness that had been in her heart since that day.
Suddenly, the tears overflowed.
When she clasped her hands, she hid her teary eyes from him.
It was unbelievable. Because that day she changed her life completely. She had experienced it. She was hurt and suffered. She was still in her mind very clearly that vivid memory.
(Oh, but! However, I'm not alone!), she thought.
Great tears were shed. She covered her mouth with both hands and looked up. She was not alone.
The truth is that she did not want to run away. She wanted a place to stay.
(I don't want to be a "monster". I'm so scared of myself! I don't want to be left alone in the dark without anyone understanding me!), she thought.
"Huh... uh..."
She was not alone. She could stay there.
His words made her tremble. Her heart was full and she couldn't say anything else.
Like a little girl crying.
The opening bell rang on the way, but everyone was there without saying anything.
Fushimi, who should always be a member of the Blue club guiding the students in a disciplined manner, remained silent.
"Still, I wonder what Konohana-san's ability is. She disintegrates the knife."
Seeing that she had calmed down a bit, Shiro said that and looked at Yatogami.
"Konohana-san, you don't understand it too, do you?"
"Yes. When I tried to help Kukuri-chan, it turned out to be like that. Anyway, I'm scared of myself."
"Are you a Strain who does not know your own strength and cannot control it? You are an object of observation that the Blue club seems to like."
He shook his head and looked at her to explain, Yatogami really did say what he was thinking.
The disturbing sound of his words made her shiver.
"Object of observation?"
"Mmm, Kuro. Don't scare her."
"But it's true. The Blue club will not give up on this. It will take aim again."
With that said, Yatogami looked at Fushimi.
"It sounds good for the order of the school, but the Blue club does not choose the means."
"Good. I will definitely come again. But I think that will be only if she doesn't belong to any club. If Konohana-san joins the special club herself, I'm sure it will be a different story."
"It's true?"
"Yes. The director and members will protect you as companions, I'm sure they will find out what your abilities are, and I think they will teach you how to manipulate your abilities properly. No one wants you to escape. You may have been afraid of suddenly giving up, but Munakata-senpai didn't try to hurt you. The ability is really difficult to handle. Apparently, you didn't seem to be able to control your abilities, right? So Munakata-senpai and Suoh-senpai tried to protect you no matter how they did it."
"Eh? Protect me?"
"Yes. Protected by the club. Before it affects the school and the general public. Only talented people can repress talented people."
"So if you join the special club and learn to know and control your skills alongside people who understand you..."
"The Blue club will not attack you. You will no longer be a 'dangerous Strain whose abilities are out of control', do you understand? Do you want to be part of the Silver club? Me and Kuro will protect you, and we slowly elucidate your abilities."
"Join the Silver club?"
Fushimi, who had been listening to the story silently until then, clicked his tongue and looked at Shiro. Yata looked at him too. Scared by both of them, Shiro shrugged and said, "How scary."
"Well, it seems that both the Red club and the Blue club want to protect you, but, anyway, if you join the special club, your situation will improve in various ways."
"Think carefully. Konohana-san, you must decide your future school life."
"I'm smart!"
"Wow! Yes! Sorry!"
As soon as she opened the bedroom door, she was scolded and apologized.
Eh? But, wait? Why did she have to open the door to her room and apologize?
"Oh, that's right. You?"
She raised her face and sighed at the robot that was sitting there.
It was one of the robots that cleaned the entire school island, as well as the school building and dormitory. The samurai tone was quite cute. When she stepped aside, he left the room and said, "I'm tall!"
She looked at him, she closed the door and got into bed.
"Oh! I'm tired!"
After skipping class for an hour, she returned to the classroom, but she stopped in front of the door as she was scared. What would she do if they looked at you strangely?
But, in conclusion, she didn't have to worry about it at all.
Kukuri, who found her writhing in front of the door, came out to pick her up.
"Thanks for your help on the courtyard. I'm sorry I couldn't thank you right away."
Kukuri told her that and laughed.
When she asked her: "Am I not disgusting?", Kukuri responded by beating her chest: "I don't think so at all. You were like an ally of justice and it was cute. You are a life saver; you should not feel bad. Tell me if there is someone who annoys you! I'm not good with violence, but I will persuade him.". Oh, that really made her happy.
The look and attitudes of the other colleagues did not change, but made her shine, saying: "You are incredible." The exact opposite of the previous school. But it may be that she used to hurt people with her abilities, and this time she protected people with her abilities.
She finally she was relieved to hear everyone's reaction.
Then she cries again.
Kukuri hugged her, "Don't cry." She patted her head and hit her on the shoulder.
She was so happy to see everyone's comfort and she was so excited that she cried even more.
"Special club activities, huh?"
She holding the cushion she lay on her back. She looked at the ceiling and coughed.
They all accepted her as she displayed her abilities. It was soft and warm.
She was really happy. If she took it easy, she might inadvertently shed tears.
But her power could hurt others. What would she do if she lost control again? She wanted to protect everyone from herself. So she had to know her ability and how to control it.
"Shiro-kun's Silver club."
She looked at the ceiling thoughtfully as if to confirm it.
"The Red club with Yata-kun and Kamamoto-kun."
She got up gently.
She watched the terrifying red sunset shining through the window and clenched her fist tightly.
"Fushimi-kun is in the Blue club."
"I am Reisi Munakata. I am the director of the Azul club and director of the Student Organization at this school."
"I am Konohana Saya. Thanks again!"
Munakata introduced himself again. She was nervous and bowed deeply.
After school, the next day. She was in front of the Blue club room building, commonly known as "Scepter 4".
A majestic building that looked like a palace. A solid and wide entrance. The thick columns were lined up on both sides and the top was a large balcony with a large sliding window. And there are perfectly symmetrical wings left and right, centered on the part of the triangular roof that it had.
Was this the Blue club building? Were they using this whole building for the club? A member of the Blue club, who was completely overwhelmed and found her wandering the oversized open space in front of the building, led her to the principal's office. He explained to her that it was a relocation of an old western style building in a foreign French Renaissance style.
She maybe thought it was good, but it was completely counterproductive. "This is not a good place to be!". She was scared, and about to turn around and run. Managed to stop herself.
The member of the Blue club knocked on the door.
She was sure that at Shiro's Silver club she could have a relaxing time. That is exactly what she originally wanted, a quiet and peaceful place.
Yesterday after school, Totsuka Tatara, who was a third year student in the Red club, came to the classroom and gave her a dessert made by Izumo Kusanagi, a manager in the Red club. She apologized. And the dessert was really delicious.
So she was sure that he could take good care of her, and she would have a good time.
But yes. That is why she decided to go to the Blue club.
While everyone was nice to her, only Munakata told her clearly.
"The power of a Strain sometimes hurts people."
"You are a Strain and I want to have you within my grasp."
About the danger of her ability. On the need for follow-up. Only that person told her.
She was scared at the time, but now she wanted to be an "object of observation" so that she could discover her abilities and learn to control them.
"Konohana Saya-san. Originally, you are a Strain, you must be monitored and protected to maintain order in this school."
In the headmaster's room, staring at her standing in front of a heavy desk, Munakata smiled and crossed his fingers.
His smile was sweet and gentle. However, his eyes were closed and there was no mercy.
So she could be safe there, she could trust him.
This person would not only protect her, he would also protect everyone from her.
"So, I'm glad you visited me. Welcome to the Blue club, Konohana Saya-san."
"Yes, thanks."
Again, she bowed deeply.
Around the same time, the sound of banging echoed through the room. Then the sound of the door opening. She turned around to see.
"You calls me?"
It was Fushimi who entered. Noticing her, he clicked his tongue in the middle of the words and opened his eyes slightly.
"Oh, Fushimi-kun. I've been waiting for you. Here's Konohana-san."
"Huh? Oh, yes!"
"You were in the same class as her, right?"
Munakata smiled as he looked at her, she quickly returned her gaze to Munakata.
"Oh, yes. That's correct."
"That's right. Then I'll order Fushimi-kun to be an educator for Konohana-san."
"Hmm, Fushimi-kun?"
It seems like it was an unexpected word not only for her but also for Fushimi, who was shocked, and a click of the tongue was heard from behind.
However, should keep calling Munakata, director? The director did not seem particularly concerned about his reaction and continued his words with a smile.
"Please support her."
"Because I?"
"We need someone who is always close to her, who educates her to be suitable for the Blue club and able to deal quickly when her power gets out of control. You are the best in the same class."
He wondered if he couldn't argue with that, and after a while, he sighed and replied, "Ok."
Looking back, he really hated having to do it.
"So Konohana-san. I'm going to talk to Fushimi-kun. Thank you for your continued support."
"Ah, yes! Thank you very much!"
She bowed firmly to the director, thanked him, and turned her back on Fushimi as he walked out of the director's office.
"Um, sorry."
It didn't seem like Fushimi would agree to that task, so she didn't look back and apologized to Fushimi, who was walking steadily.
Then he replied, "It's not your fault. Besides, I will obey the director's decision."
His voice was a little soft, but he sounded very grumpy. She thought that Fushimi was really angry. But if she said something, would he ever get mad at her again?
She walked over to Fushimi, thought for a moment and leaned in, saying, "Well, okay then."
The answer to that was his usual irony.
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tsunflowers · 2 years
eichi: deer or thoroughbred horse that breaks all its legs if you look at it funny wataru: unicorn tori: lorikeet yuzuru: an animal you don't really think of as a carnivore like a weasel
hokuto: penguin subaru: monkey makoto: beaver mao: dog
chiaki: dog kanata: monitor lizard tetora: squirrel midori: ram shinobu: salamander
hiiro: wild dog or ezo wolf aira: serval or fennec fox mayoi: gargoyle tatsumi: I dont know. he has a card where he's an ox
nagisa: goat hiyori: poodle ibara: viper jun: dingo apparently
shu: persian cat mika: dog
hinata and yuuta: golden lion tamarins
rinne: wild dog or ezo wolf himeru: crocodile pretending to be an alligator kohaku: red panda niki: ferret
rei: should be a bat bc vampire but I think panther. or bear kaoru: coyote koga: i dont have to say it adonis: he loves eating meat so he should be a large carnivore. maybe a bear
tomoya: rabbit mitsuru: rabbit hajime: rabbit nazuna: cat
keito: otter kuro: bear souma: I don't know bc I feel like he should be an animal that's stereotypically Japanese but none of them seem to suit him
tsukasa: pony leo: falcon? i dont know izumi: show dog ritsu: same as rei arashi: leopard
natsume: fox tsumugi: alpaca sora: flying squirrel
madara: tanuki. or bison
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cangrellesteponme · 3 years
Kuro AU in which everything (not really) is the same...
BUT the Jack the Ripper arc gets more extremely enjoyable clichés that wouldn't work in Kuro.
Allow me to elaborate for once:
- Ciel is some cliché "solitary" detective who actually knows and is friends with tons of people
- we get more content of Grelle and Madame Red being partners in crime who kill at night and lie in the faces of detectives all day (when they're not busy living the wlw dream and having fancy candle-lit dinners, sipping on wine but drunk with love, all that stuff)
- Sebastian as a wild card "informant" that actually doesn't give much information and just has fun ruining everyone's day
- a few more overdramatic pre-murder speeches. god I love those.
- the entire phantomhive staff qualifies as "the terrified witness who actually is not in need of protection and is cooler than everyone else"
- and yes, it ends with that dark Sebagrelle romance we all wished for
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