#kuro forgot how to move his hands to grab things
exerzist · 14 days
Kurogiri (kuroboro? UGH) who, because of the brain-scrambling experiments garaki conducted, sometimes forgets (how to do) things. Maybe it's small things like how many days in the current months, or what time he needs to leave for a mission. Sometimes it's more big than that, he'll lose motor skills, forget tomura's eczema meds, or even something that afo asked him to do. When he remembers, he apologizes profuseley- he's usually on top of things like that.
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orangepanic · 7 months
Is it weird to write fanfiction of fanfiction? Maybe. But I was thinking about @kurocache's amazing No Strings Attached modern AU where, among A LOT of other things, Asami winds up living with Iroh after her breakup with Korra and Korra's subsequent reunion with Mako. As I eagerly await the ending of that fic it got me thinking about Asami's perspective and how hard it might be for her to let herself be loved again, even when it's staring her in the face. The following is in no way meant to be canon in Kuro's AU, and I hope they'll consider this little thought experiment as the compliment it was intended.
There weren’t any benches by the water. Standing in the cold wind Asami wasn’t sure now if there ever had been, or if she’d only imagined them. She’d done a lot of that over the years. Imagined people instead of seeing who they were—or who they weren’t. Imagined her future. Imagined love that would last a lifetime. But in the end neither people nor benches were there to support her. Asami found a seat on the edge of the concrete pier and hugged her knees up under her chin, shivering. Her t-shirt and leggings were hardly winter wear. In her hurry to leave she’d grabbed whatever was closest.
Asami tried to focus on the boats in the bay as they passed. Their colors and textures, and the little flags that showed where they were from. In spite of the chill it would probably be a nice day for sailing. But sailing inevitably brought her mind back to him, and to the conversation that had never quite stopped playing in an endless loop in the back of her mind. That, and the stricken look on his face. 
It wasn’t that she didn’t like Iroh. She did and always had, even before he’d taken her in after the breakup without so much as a question. Despite his tough exterior Iroh was one of the kindest people Asami had ever met. His quiet ways hid a keen mind and a depth of character that went far beyond his public pledges of honor and service. When people talked, Iroh listened to them, and he thought about what they said. He was well-read, worldly. A fantastic Pai Sho player. He made great omelets. And there was certainly an attraction there, too; not just because Iroh was a handsome man but something in the way he moved his body, and how he looked at her. Asami had kissed him first. They’d started sleeping together. He’d been good. Better than good, spirits, it had felt like Iroh wanted nothing but to please her. All she’d wanted to do was forget.
Asami dug her fists into her eyes and blew out a breath. She wasn’t going to cry. Between her father and Korra and fucking slimeball Varrick she was out of tears for this year. 
Footsteps sounded against the pier. When they stopped behind her Asami didn’t react. Go away, she thought. Alone was where she belonged. Alone and unwanted and unhurt.
The visitor softly cleared their throat. “You forgot your coat.” 
“It’s fine.”
“It’s cold out.” 
Asami laughed into her closed hands in a way that sounded too much like a sob. Boots shuffled behind her and then heavy fabric draped around her shoulders, cutting off the wind. A moment later something metal clanged gently on the concrete. When Asami cast a glance sideways a large red thermos with the golden United Forces logo sat by her side. 
“Just tea,” said Iroh. “Black with lemon.” The way she liked it, not him. “You can keep the thermos. I have two.”
“What are you doing here?” she choked out. 
“You left without your coat.”
“I can handle myself.” 
“I know,” said Iroh. “And I’m not here to ask anything of you, or to ask… anything again. But you can’t be out in this weather without a coat. Not because of me.”
Of all the ridiculous things. She’d kicked his heart to the floor and here he was out of chivalry. Asami dropped her hands to pull her coat tighter around her. She already felt warmer and hated it. Why did he have to be like this?
“Did you wanna sit?” she asked. 
Iroh hesitated, then folded himself down next to her without comment. His long legs dangled over the edge. Unsure what to say Asami unclasped her arms and took up the thermos. Warmth bloomed in her chest at the first sip, the fragrant steam caressing her face like a lover. She’d always be a coffee girl but Iroh’s tea was as good as his omelets.
“Thank you.”
“Of course.” When Asami handed Iroh the thermos he took it, wrinkling his nose at the taste. 
“Are you alright?” she asked. 
He didn’t answer. He seemed to be studying the open mouth of the thermos. 
Iroh took another swig of tea before handing it over again. He braced his powerful arms against the pier, leaning back, not looking at her. “No. But I will be.” Frost curled from his lips as he exhaled. “These things happen. You don’t owe me a reason, Asami.” The implication being that she hadn’t given him one. Which she hadn’t. When Iroh had run his thumb across her lips and asked with shy smile and soft eyes if she’d ever consider more than just sex she’d practically rocketed out of his bed and through the front door with a string of apologies trailing behind her like tin cans on a stray dog. Not because she didn’t want him but because she couldn’t go through it again. Asami had already been left or betrayed by everyone she’d ever loved and she wasn’t going to add any more names to that list. She couldn’t love Iroh, not now, not when she was only barely back on her feet. She couldn’t survive loving him, too. Even if deep in her heart she knew it was already too late. But better to lose him now than to be shattered in a year or two when one more time she found out the hard way that she wasn’t enough. 
“I’m sorry,” she said into the thermos. 
“Don’t be.” 
“But I want to.”
“You want to be sorry?” Iroh ventured a glance in her direction. “Can I ask you something?” he said. “A different something.”
Asami tensed. “Okay.”
“Can you promise it’s me?”
“Huh?” She turned to him. “What’s you?”
Iroh stared out at the bay again, white-lipped and grim. “Promise it’s me,” he repeated, “and that when the time comes you’ll let somebody love you. Somebody else.”
Asami dropped her eyes as a knife twisted in her gut. There was a reason Iroh was so good at Pai Sho. He’d cornered her in two moves, leaving her with the terrible choice of lying to his face or saying out loud what she desperately didn’t want to say because she knew him, and he’d come all this way to bring her her fucking coat not because he wanted a second chance but because she was cold and he couldn’t stand the thought of it. Iroh would never accept that she was unlovable and better off shielded from that hurt. He was too kind, and too full of love himself. It was easy to miss but he was. Nothing inside him but marshmallow fluff. Asami snorted at the image of poking his stomach like a warm cream bun. 
Iroh raised an eyebrow. “Funny?”
“You’re such a sap.”
The corner of his mouth pulled up into a smile that didn’t quite touch his eyes. “Don’t tell anyone. I have an image to maintain.”
“I won’t.”
“You didn’t answer my question though.”
“It’s alright. You don’t have to say it.” He flashed up a hand, then picked up the cap leaned over to screw it back on the tea thermos. “It’ll get cold if you leave it open,” he added, his voice rough. Asami knew what he’d assumed in her silence. She stared at his big hands wrapped around the thermos and felt her lip begin to tremble. Her vision blurred. 
“Wait,” she sniffed.
Iroh’s head snapped up. “Asami?”
“It’s not you,” she blurted, keeping her eyes on his square chin as a single tear spilled down her cheek. “Iroh, it’s not you, never. Please don’t think that, you’re wonderful, it’s me and I couldn’t take it if you left me too, I’d—” and that’s as far as she got before he folded her into his arms and she broke down completely. Asami sobbed against his chest, his familiar scent wrapping around her like a blanket as he hugged her tight. 
“Shh, you’re okay,” he murmured into her hair. 
Asami cried and cried until there was nothing left in her but hiccups. Iroh adjusted her coat around her and stroked her hair. He said very little, just occasional soothing sounds, low and indistinct, as if she were a child with a fever. Only when she’d quieted did he pull back to face her. His features were drawn, his golden eyes full of exasperated concern.
“May I take you home?” he asked.
Asami wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and nodded. “I’m sorry about your shirt.”
“I’ll wash it.”
“Later,” he said with a sharp shake of his head. He reached up and wiped the wetness from her cheek with his thumb, then leaned down and kissed her forehead just below her hairline. “Come on. There’s dumplings for dinner if you’re patient. We can talk after if you want. Grab the thermos, will you?”
Iroh got to his feet, then held out a hand to pull her up. When they started to walk Asami didn’t let it go.
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pocket-luv101 · 2 years
Summary: Kuro and Mahiru’s first night in C3. (KuroMahi)
“This room is more elaborate than our apartment, isn’t it? It’s almost more of a suite or a studio apartment.” Mahiru stood in the doorway and he glanced around the room C3 had given them. Since Hyde lost his Jinn, the organization had become more involved with the war and they gave Mahiru more questions than help. Tsurugi and the others seemed like good people but there were still aspects of C3 that made him wary. “What do you think, Kuro?”
“It’s pretty cozy. Free games.” His reply made Mahiru roll his eyes. Kuro sat on the couch with his legs draped over the backrest and his tails swayed casually. C3 said they would accommodate them with anything they requested and Kuro immediately asked for a game console. Mahiru didn’t know how he could act so casually considering their situation.
“It looks like you made yourself at home but we really need to talk about this. I know that you have a… complicated history with C3. They’ll be a good help fighting Tsubaki but you might not be comfortable working with them.” Mahiru sat on the couch’s arm and he leaned over him. “I told my uncle that I would be staying at a friend’s house for a few days but he’ll get suspicious if C3 keeps us here for longer.”
“Hyde told me that he broke into C3 a few times so he can sneak out the same way. I can ask him to send a message to your uncle if you’re worried.” Kuro turned the game console so that Mahiru could see the screen. A few messages from Hyde appeared. “C3 must be run by a bunch of old people because they forgot Licht’s little pet game has a feature where you can talk with other players.”
“It’s good that we can communicate with them. I wish we were able to talk with Tetsu and Misono before C3 brought us here. We could’ve told them about this.” Mahiru’s shoulders relaxed but his brows were still furrowed. C3 had forbidden them from interacting with others and that made the situation more uneasy to Mahiru. “Are they safe?”
“For someone who likes to keep things simple, you sure sound like you’re having a lot of complicated thoughts. Hyde and Licht only stayed at our apartment for a few days and you’re acting like they’re our kids now.” Kuro joked to ease the moment. While Mahiru smiled at his light teasing, it wasn’t the beaming grin that he knew. He wanted to make him smile and he reached up to rub his thumb over his temple. “They’re fine. Hyde’s just complaining that Licht is a terrible roommate.”
“I can only imagine since they wouldn’t stop fighting while they were staying with us.” Mahiru was tempted to lean into Kuro’s touch but he feared it would be too intimate of a gesture. They had always been close where he was comfortable enough to lean on Kuro and hold him closer. However, since he entered his inner world, Mahiru felt as if their relationship had changed. Those things suddenly made him feel shy and his heart would race.
“Are you still overthinking things, Mahiru? You’re really quiet.” Kuro’s voice pulled him out of his thoughts.
“It’s late and I think we should sleep. Give me your game. We both know that you’ll stay up all night playing it if I don’t take it from you.” Mahiru moved to grab the game console from his hand. Kuro rolled away from him to keep it out of his reach. The sofa cushions shifted with the change of weight and Mahiru was thrown off balance. He fell forward and he quickly tried to catch himself before he could crash on top of Kuro.
Kuro grabbed his hand and he lightly tugged him forward. He fell on top of him but he placed his hand on his head. While Mahiru wouldn’t have been hurt from the fall, Kuro instinctively moved to save him. He glanced down at him to see if he was hurt. His face was a little flushed and the way he licked his lips made Kuro stare at Mahiru’s mouth.
“I must be really tired if I’m falling over nothing.” Mahiru chuckled and he pushed himself up. He stole the video game while Kuro was distracted. “Do you want to use the bathroom first or should we play rock-paper-scissors for it?”
“You’re going to steal the top bunk from me if I let you go first even though I won rock-paper-scissors.” Kuro’s words made Mahiru pout and that only made him laugh. He was glad that Mahiru’s unease from earlier was gone and he was more relaxed now.
They went through the motions of getting ready for bed and then Mahiru turned off the lights. He didn’t know the layout of the room well so he cautiously made his way through the dark to their bunk bed. Mahiru stared up at the top bunk where Kuro was already sleeping. He was about to say goodnight to him but the short word became caught in his throat.
Confusingly, he hesitated at the prospect of crawling into the lonely lower bunk. He spent countless nights alone so sleeping on the lower bunk shouldn’t bother him. He thought of the previous few nights where he and Kuro shared his bed. At first, they slept together because Hyde and Licht wanted his uncle’s room. He didn’t want Kuro to sleep on the couch so he invited him to his room. Then, Mahiru found that he liked sleeping next to Kuro and listening to him breathe next to him.
After he took a deep breath, Mahiru climbed up the ladder to the top bunk. He didn’t immediately crawl onto the mattress and, instead, he lightly patted his arm to see if he was asleep. It was difficult to see him in the dark but he heard the blankets shuffle. “I just wanted to check on you one last time before going to sleep. It can be difficult sleeping away from home, especially after everything. Now that I’m saying it out loud, it sounds a little childish, doesn’t it?”
Kuro didn’t answer him but he lifted the blanket. Mahiru understood that it was a silent invitation to sleep next to him even though they didn’t exchange a word. Warmth flooded his heart and he climbed into the spot next to him. Kuro pulled the blanket over them both and he settled himself into a comfortable position. He laid on his side and he could feel Mahiru next to him.
“Goodnight,” Mahiru whispered. He thought he would have trouble sleeping in C3 yet he could feel his eyes growing heavy. Kuro’s presence next to him made him feel safe and he listened to his heartbeat like a lulling tune. He didn’t feel as if he were away from home because Kuro had become his haven. “I’m glad that you’re here with me, Kuro.”
“You’re not alone.” Kuro repeated the words Mahiru had said to him. He couldn’t begin to describe how those words had saved him. It was more than his words but also the kindness and understanding that he showed him. He closed his eyes and silently vowed to protect Mahiru. He was wary of C3 like Mahiru but he didn’t voice any of his concerns. Mahiru was already stressed and he didn’t want to worry him more.
“We’ll get through this together and then we can go home to our own bed.” Mahiru shifted closer to him until he was able to curl up next to Kuro. His hand clutched his shirt and he leaned his head into the crook of his neck. He was already drifting off to sleep when he thought he felt something warm flutter over his hair. He believed he was dreaming of Kuro holding him close to kiss his forehead.
“Goodnight, Mahiru.”
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dirtyoatmeall · 4 years
Bokuto’s Cool Sister (Tsukishima Kei x Reader)
A/N: Here is an actual fic! I have a list of shit to write I’m slowly working through, next will either be more head canons or a one shot. I’m re-watching AOT rn to get caught up with the new season so sorry about being absent! Luv u guys a lot
Pairing: Tsukishima x Bokuto sibling reader (No pronouns or gendered language used toward reader, not referred to as sister just used for title purposes), Bokuto x Akaashi, Kenma x Kuroo
Word Count: 2k! (longest ever!)
Warnings: Mentions of underage drinking (everyone at least 20), mentions of secs
You groaned as you neared the door to your apartment, seeing that the door was not cracked open a little for you to nudge open like you had asked your brother to do as you pulled into the complex. You remember him vaguely mentioning friends coming over, and you can hear music faintly coming from the apartment, but he always checks his phone, especially when you're coming from the store. 
You try to balance the milk on your knee to open the door, and just as you think you have it, the door doesn’t budge. You close your eyes and take a deep breath. Your brother never locks the doors, why would he now? His car is in the parking lot and you can hear noise inside, so he’s home. Instead of putting groceries on the ground and fishing your keys out of your purse like a normal person, you make the decision to kick the door, not very hard, but hard enough to be heard in the apartment. 
“Kou! Why is the door locked? Will you come open it for me, I have groceries!” You can hear your brother tumbling towards the door, apologies flying out of his mouth a mile a minute. The door swings open, revealing your brother, grimace on his face. “Sorry! I totally forgot you were at the store, I think ‘Kaashi might’ve locked it.” You sighed, not being able to stay mad at your brother’s friend. 
You walk in, jerking your head in the general direction of the parking lot, “I have some more in my car, can you go grab it?” He nods, grabbing his key ring and jogging out. Both of you had the spare key to each other’s cars, which turned out to be more convenient then you originally thought. 
You move toward the kitchen, yelling out a greeting to your brother’s boyfriend. “Akaashi! Next time you come over to fuck my brother let me know before so I can have my keys out, or just leave the door unlocked and go in his room!” You had a joking, yet scolding tone of voice, imagining his flustered state at your words. What you did not expect, was a hyena-like laugh to come from the direction of the living room. You were almost positive your brother said Akaashi was here. 
You place the groceries on the counter and make your way to the living room, freezing in the doorway. Akaashi was there, but so were 3 other people. Akaashi was red, shaking his head that was resting in his palms. There was someone playing on a gaming console on the couch who had their legs thrown over the lap of the laughing one, and one on the other couch, tall and blonde, who looked weirdly familiar, who had a faint smirk on their face. You grimace, you didn’t realize your brother had actual friends over, he usually just meant Akaashi or the occasionally Hinata. “Oops sorry ‘Kaashi, didn't know Kou was having other people over.”
He lifted his head, face still slightly flushed and smiled. “It’s fine (Y/N)-san, do you need help with the groceries?” You shook your head, pointing behind you in the direction of the kitchen, where you could hear your brother rummaging around. “Nah, I made Koutaro get the rest. If you guys are staying for dinner let me know and I’ll make something instead of making him go to the food truck for me. By the way, who are the rest of you? I literally thought Kou was lying about having friends.” 
The blonde one snorted, you narrowed your eyes slightly, he looked so familiar, you just couldn’t quite place it. The one playing the console seemed familiar too, you think you might’ve seen him on Twitter. The only one you didn’t recognize was the first to speak. “I’m Kuroo Tetsuro, we all played volleyball together in high school, I’m surprised he hasn’t talked about us before.” 
You nod in understanding, “Oh so that’s where. I’m sure he has, I just probably wasn’t paying attention to what he was saying. I mean you guys seem kinda familiar, more the other two than you, were you like benched a lot?” The quiet one next to him looks up to see his reaction and snorts at the disbelief on Kuroo’s face. “Yeah, Kuro wasn’t very good.” The half blonde says, giggling softly as Kuroo gasps and yells at him. “Kenma!” He turns to you, “I was the captain and a very good player actually.” You laugh as Kenma behind him makes a face that says ‘That’s what you think.’ Before Kuroo could whine some more, Akaashi speaks.
“Kenma-san is a YouTuber, which is probably where you’ve seen him. He and Kuroo-san played for Nekoma, I’m surprised you didn’t remember them from that, you remembered Lev-san.” Kenma actually laughs at that, and Kuroo is pouting as Akaashi continues, a cheeky smile on his face that told you he purposefully sprinkled that last little tidbit in. 
“Tsukishima-san, aren’t you a museum-studies major?” The blonde on the loveseat across from the other three nods, and you snap your fingers, finally realizing where you know him from. “Oh, that makes sense! I think we’ve had a class or two together. I’m an archaeology major.” Tsukishima’s eyebrows raise in surprise, but before he could speak, your brother finally comes in from the kitchen.
“(Y/NNNNN), I put everything away, we were going to go to Onigiri Miya tonight, wanna come?” You nod and swat at his had when he ruffles your hair before plopping down to his boyfriend. You go to leave your brother and his friends, taking one last glance at Tsukishima, who seemed to have the same idea, he averted his eyes the moment yours met, and you smirked to yourself on the way to the kitchen to re-put away the groceries. You loved your brother, but he definitely did not know where to put things, your thought validified as you pull the eggs from the pantry, switching it with the instant ramen packets in the fridge. Good thing he was a great volleyball player. ` Later that night, you join the boys for dinner at Onigiri Miya. You take two separate cars, you driving your brother and Akaashi and Kuroo driving Kenma and Tsukishima. Kuroo made a joke about racing there, which you took as a personal challenge, much to the dismay of Akaashi. You would’ve won too, but you had to pull over to kick Koutaro in the backseat for playing Nickelback. He buys your food as an apology, and Kuroo’s food because he won (you venomed him later for your share of food, which he promptly venomed back to you with angry faces in the description.). The 6 of you sat in a corner booth, you were sandwiched between Akaashi and Tsukkishima with Kuroo between your brother and Kenma on the other side.
The table was loud with jokes, laughing, and yelling as everyone ate their meals. You snuck drinks of ‘Akaashi’s’ margarita when the waitress wasn’t looking (You were 20 and Akaashi submits to peer pressure from you easily). “(Y/N), are you not 21 yet?” Kuroo asked as he watched you nudge the drink toward Akaashi as the waitress talked to the other table. You turned to Kuroo, cheeks just barely flushed. “Hm? Oh no I’m not, I’m two years younger than you guys, I turn 21 in a few months.” 
Kuroo hummed in understanding and got a suspiciously mischievous look on his face. “Oh, you’re the same age as Tsukkishima, and you guys have similar majors, how interesting” Your eyebrows furrow and you snort. “So do over a thousand other people Kuroo, its not a super niche subject.” You turn to Tsukkishima and continue, “Hm I didn’t realize we were in the same year, I thought you were older, must be your grumpy grandpa like disposition.” Akaashi explained what disposition meant to your brother and Kuroo snickered before he was shut down by Kenma, who has been doing an excellent job of roasting Kuroo at every chance he gets. “You laugh like everyone doesn’t call you old man behind your back.” 
You laughed for the umpth time that night, Tsukishima watching you, he could really see the sibling resemblance when you laughed. You throw your head back and laugh loudly, from your gut much like your brother. Tsukishima looks away from you, catching Kuroos eye in the process, the blonde rolls his eyes at the smirk on Kuroos face. Out of the 5 of them, he was the only one not in a relationship and Kuroo has been trying to set him up since Bokuto and Akaashi finally got together at Akaashi’s graduation. 
Tsukishima looks at you again, watching you take a sip of the margarita, and subsequently watches it almost come out of your nose as you laugh at something Akaashi said to Bokuto, clutching the former's shoulder, hand over your nose. There was no doubt that you were pretty, and you did have similar interests. His thoughts were interrupted by you turning to him, knee-knocking against his thigh. “Have you taken Anth 267?” He nods “I took it last quarter.” He replies and watches you sigh in relief. “Oh thank god, I’m having trouble meeting her insane essay expectations. I usually have ‘Kaashi read through mine but would it be ok if I sent them to you? Or at least bounced topics off you?” When he agrees you smile, unlocking your phone and sliding it towards him, a new contact open. “Oh great, here, why don’t you put your number in?” As he fills it out, his eyes involuntarily flit to the text message appearing at the top of your screen. From: That Sunny Bitch
Ew you think Tsukki’s hot? He’s a good volleyball player but he was a meanie in high school 😝
He held back the urge to smirk. That must be Hinata based on the name. He quickly finished the contact and gave your phone back before giving his to you, and you quickly typed in your contact info, as well as snapping a quick contact photo. It was super close to your face with your tongue out, a good tell of your personality. You give his phone back and the two of you talk more about school and classes before everyone gets ready to leave. 
Your brother stands up first, and you take advantage of his large frame and chug the rest of the margarita down, smiling big at Akaashi who chastises you about drinking it so fast. You all wave to Osamu as you leave, and before Tsukishima can get to Kuroo’s car, he turns to the group, smirking. “I've got to run Kenma by our apartment to grab his charger, we’ll meet you guys.” You nod, handing your keys to Akaashi and turn to Tsukishima. “You can sit in the back with me Tsukishima!” Though you might be promoted to passenger if Bokuto makes bad music choices again.” You glare at your brother as you finish the sentence, and he whines about how his taste ‘isn’t that bad!’ 
The car ride back to your apartment is short, and you spend it chatting with Tsukki, as you’re now allowed to call him, and you spend the rest of the night with the boys, playing games and watching movies until early morning. Kuroo and Kenma leave first, and Kenma made your night when he looked you in the eye and said goodbye. Tsukki left about an hour later, his roommate picked him up. Akaashi ended up staying over, and you were glad your bedroom was on the other side of the apartment from your brother’s. You fell into bed content with the day, happy you were able to meet your brother’s friends.
You awoke mid-day, and you browsed your notifications before dropping your phone on your bed when you read one text message, heat spreading over your cheeks. You definitely do not remember changing his contact name.
From: Hot classmate Tsukki
Hey, how about we go over your essay over some coffee tonight?
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bakugohoex · 4 years
Can I request general relationship hcs with kuroo? Thanks!
“you’re all mine, kitten”
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pairing: tetsuro kuroo x female reader
cw: fluff, implied NSFW, kissing 
word count: 2100+
a/n: kuroo is smol and is a baby who i love, but we all want him to rail us um chile anyways so-
summary: in which you’re in a relationship with kuroo
↞ back to haikyu!! masterlist
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Big dick energy, that’s all I’m saying BIG DICK ENERGY
Not only is this baby packing but he just a cocky science nerd who will send you science jokes and memes every hour of the day
Your whole Instagram dms are just the same meme in different fonts
His hair is soft but just knotty, you spend half an hour unknotting it because you know he would not care
He got other priorities he only lets you do it because he sits between your thighs
Will call you kitten and will have you saved as kitten on his phone
He’ll wait for you after every class to take to your next, he feels bad about you waiting after volleyball practice so this is him making it up to you
You both end up going to Kenma’s at night because you see his light on and make him go to sleep
Kenma hates how it’s become having two parents now
Baby will squish your face in every photo you have together, if his hands aren’t on your face it’ll be on your body
He smacks your ass in public this man has no chill
He’ll make you study with him just to spend more time with each other
Would do that Tiktok with you where he wears a maid outfit and you sit between his thighs, comments be thirsty for our maid boy and you’d simp even more for him
Whenever you make food you have to make extra because he pouts if he doesn’t get any of it
He does the obnoxious laugh where he holds his stomach when you act snarky with his team
He in love with you
Can’t lie will ask to fuck anywhere, will literally text a cute paragraph being like ‘good morning good luck for your test kitten *heart eyes*’ and then 20 minutes later send ‘I found an empty classroom, quickie?’
This man has no chill, but you’ll accept cause its Kuroo
He’d make you be Nekoma’s manager which means you become a parent to the whole team
Couch Nekomata doesn’t mind because you control them all and he loves how you make the team and Kuroo specifically work harder
When he blocks a ball, you know his ass would look straight to you to make sure you watched, you’d always cheer him on though because he’d get sad and do a Bokuto which is what nobody needs
You get made to come to the training camp and he gets way to protective over you because this is the first time you’ve met everybody properly
He’s wary of Karasuno and even Bokuto (even though you and Bokuto were already friends)
He protec, he attac but most importantly he loves your ass
“You’re staying by my side for the whole week, okay?” His arms were wrapped around your waist as his chest was behind your back, you stared up at his neck and jaw, laughing at the comment, “it’s not funny, Y/n, you’re like an exothermic reaction, you spread hotness everywhere”
He had started to pout as you face him, Karasuno’s bus arriving shortly, the rest of the schools had already arrived and when Bokuto had given you a hug from not seeing you in a while, Kuroo was pouting like a lost puppy. He had decided that from then on you would be attached to him and if you weren’t he wouldn’t rest till you were near him or in his eyesight,
“You’re being jealous Tetsu,” you had moved to see his face properly his arms still around your waist, as his hold on you was gently but possessive.
“But they might spend more time with you.” He mutters out.
“Kuro leave Y/n-chan alone.” Kenma spoke as the bus came through the gates.
You smiled shaking your head at Kenma who had looked up from his game, “thank you Kenma”
Kuroo didn’t reply instead holding onto your waist as his body shifted to suit the height difference, as much as you loved Kuroo, his love for you had no bounds and the lack of attention you had been giving him was neither yours fault it was just a perk of being manager.
“Daichi.” You smiled out having met him weeks prior, Kuroo’s hand still around your waist as you both walked towards the team.
“Y/n-chan.” The small orange haired boy shouted as he ran up to you both, “I can’t wait to play, I’ve been practicing, are you going to be watching?”
“I’ll try and watch your games Hinata” You smile as the boy was a ball of energy going to pester Kenma as you see Lev start to make fun of him for his height. “Lev don’t be mean.”
You had scolded Lev a lot but in your heart you knew he would turn out to become an amazing player if he kept up all the work he was doing, “sorry y/n-chan.”
You shock your head laughing as Kuroo had started talking to Daichi and Sugawara, his hand still placed on your waist, “how was the trip?” You asked Sugawara, his gentle features inviting anyone to talk to him.
“It was really long, Couch Ukai doesn’t even let us take breaks.” Sugawara smiled out as everybody had started to move inside.
“That’s old couches for you, Couch Nekomata makes me carry the boy’s sweaty vests from games, the smell and feeling I get makes me want to puke.” Kuroo’s arm had left your waist not realising as you walked inside with Sugawara.
“That sounds gross, I would actually hate that so much, you’re going to have so much fun carrying more vests this week at least.”
“Ha ha very funny.” You laugh as Kuroo and Daichi had stopped talking to each other and Kuroo was trying to spot your y/h/c but to no avail he couldn’t find you. 
You and Sugawara had gone your separate ways as he had gone to get ready for the games, not noticing Kuroo had been looking for you, you went back to the gym, where the games were about to begin. “Y/nnnn” You heard the tall grey-haired boy speak.
“Yes Lev.” You said turning around to meet him.
“Yaku hit me in my back.” He said sadly.
You rolled your eyes at him, “did you make fun of his height again?”
Lev stayed silent as he dragged him along to Yaku, “apologise Lev.”
He listens not wanting to be scolded by you, Kuroo had walked in watching as you made the two of them talk again, not wanting anything to ruin the training camp, you went over to tell Kiyoko and Yachi what would happen and where everything was before going up to Bokuto.
“You’ll do good today.” You smile as you knew Akaashi didn’t want to see sad Bokuto at all.
“So, when do I get my praise Kitten.” Kuroo whispered in your ear as you stood to the side.
You rolled your eyes turning to face him, “did I forgot to give my big strong baby some encouragement.”
You teased him as he brought you closer to his body, “yeah you did kitten, you owe me one now.”
“Kuroo get off of Y/n” Couch Nekomata shouted as the games were about to start. You laugh watching as he huffed letting you go.
“You’ll do amazing Tetsu.” You cheered as he went to start the game.
You had had enough time to have many breaks and when you did you were running around passing towels and water bottles to the team rather talus worrying about giving Kuroo attention. You knew he missed it and after the games were done you would give him as much as you could. You had just finished giving the bottles out as you saw Yachi holding a box of water bottles that looked like they were about to fall, you quickly ran towards her catching them just as her hands were about to slip.
“Y/n are you okay?” Yachi said scared at what had occurred, Kuroo had rushed over to see if anything was wrong, even though you were fine.
“I’m fine Tetsu.” You laugh as he looked at your fingers, Yachi taking the box back, he saw the red colouring of your hands,
“Let me kiss it better at least.” You laughed as you let him do what he wanted too, kissing each finger tip before leaving a trail on the reddening mark.
“You’re such a simp Kuroo.”
“Your simp at least.” He laughed as the games began again.
Small intimate moments would always hold a place in your heart, you loved Kuroo’s soft side and even then his normal funny humorous side still made your heart beat as well. He was the love of your life and he proved to you that he was always there for you.
The games had finally finished as every team moved on to do some training or other things, Kuroo making you come with him, Akaashi and Bokuto, well that’s what he wanted to happen.
“Y/n can I ask you something before you go?” You nod at Daichi as you let go of Kuroo’s hands.
“Ill meet you there.” You pecked his cheek before walking in Daichi’s direction, Kuroo’s cat eyes observed what would play out.
Daichi hadn’t really asked for a lot, he wanted to know if you could get a copy of how many games each team had won and lost at the end of the week, “I’d ask Kiyoko but she’s already keeping a watch on points scored and teaching Yachi the ropes.”
“Daichi don’t worry about it, I have to make one for Nekoma anyway and I was going to offer it to all the teams, so I’ll gladly give you it at the end of the day.” You smile as you laugh at how Daichi had needed to ask to gain such a trivial thing.
“Oh also, thank you for saving Yachi and our water bottles.” He smiles out.
You pat his shoulder laughing again, “don’t worry about it, couldn’t get your new manager hurt now could I.”
He laughs a yeah as you both go your separate ways, as you walk out of the first gym towards were Kuroo and the rest of them would be, you felt someone grab your wrist as they pulled you to hit the wall outside the gym.
“Kitten it seemed you and our rival were getting close.” Kuroo whispered in your ear, you could recognise his voice anywhere, one hand on the wall as the other came up to touch your face, slowly caressing it.
“He just wanted to thank me for saving Yachi.” Your breath becoming heavier, you hated to admit it but you loved this side of Kuroo, it made you feel alive and needed as if Kuroo loved every fibre of you enough to care about as much as he did.
Kuroo moved his head closer not wasting to reply, his lips fell onto yours, having to bend down to reach your height, your hands grabbed his collar, as ur hand rested on his collar and the other in his dishevelled hair. He smirked knowing how needy you were for him, how much you wanted his body pressed against you, his body pushing you onto the wall. His hand moved from your face to your waist making sure to bring your body closer to him.
The kiss deepened as his tongue moved inside of your own, you wanted to feel more of him but knew you had to wait till the week was over, you knew he’d try to ask throughout for quickies anywhere that had a lock but you wanted to be able to moan his name out loud and clear without having to be quiet.
A soft moan escaped your lips as his rough hand held onto your waist tighter to bring you even closer to his body, his touch sending electric shocks through your body at how hungry and satisfying the kiss was.
“Oi Kuroo you better not be groping Y/n, we have to practice.” Bokuto was shouting as he started to walk outside.
Kuroo finally let go, as the saliva and spit broke free from each other’s mouths, he smirked wiping his mouth before bringing his thumb and wiping your own, “you’re so needy kitten, do you want more?”
You pout knowing he was teasing you as you nod your head, “now remember,” he paused as he admired your dishevelled look, “you’re all mine, kitten.”
You nodded as you did want more but saw the tips of owl boy come closer and closer, “we’ll finish this later.” Is all Kuroo said as he took your hand dragging it towards the confused Bokuto.
You knew that you weren’t going to last the week without Kuroo on you or more specifically in you, but you’d be patient or even yet maybe you would let him have a quickie in a classroom somewhere.
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hq--fics · 4 years
How The Captains Started Dating An Athletic/Sporty Fem!S/O
A/N: This is my first time doing this so decided to pick something at random. Feel free to request scenarios/head canons and I’ll do my best!
Characters: Daichi Sawamura, Kuroo Tetsuro, Bokuto Koutaro, Oikawa Toru, Ushijima Wakatoshi 
Warnings: none
Sport of choice: Football/Soccer 
- You first met in the summer before starting middle school. You’d just moved into the house next to his. Naturally he came over with his parents to welcome you to the neighbourhood.
-Became friends almost right away when you appeared with a ball in your arms and asked if he wanted to play in the garden (anything to break up the boredom of unpacking) and got to know each other more, both finding your mutual love of sports an easy connection along with your open and friendly personalities.
- Your nervousness about starting school in a new area eased after finding out Daichi was going to be going to the same school as he was. At least you’d know one face in the sea of strangers. It was an even bigger relief when you were in the same class as him. Both of you swiftly becoming inseparable and best friends, though many classmates immediately assumed you were both a couple within your first month of school. Who could blame them with the way you both looked at each other? 
-The gossiping was only intensified when they saw you walk to and from school together every day, both in your own little happy bubble. It wasn’t your fault that football and volleyball practice ended at the same time, even when you guys got home you both found yourselves in one of your back gardens talking about anything and everything while passing a ball around.
-A confession occurred naturally in your final year. You were both walking home and talking high schools. Daichi became nervous, worrying how a different school might change things but you surprised him by laughing softly and putting your hand in his stating and ‘Isn’t it obvious by now? Where you go, I go.’
-Both of you are a power couple at Karasuno, excellent captains of your teams and cheer for the other at all matches. He is very vocal and worries immensely when you and another player come into contact over the ball. He’s the one to help patch you up and soothe your bruises after a particularly intense match. 
Sport of choice: Tennis
-You both met in second year of high school after being partnered together for a large science project. Up until then you barely had any interaction. Of course you had both looked at the other idly at times, you noticing his hands while he took an interest in your legs.
-After you were partnered you spoke briefly at lunch to work out what days and times would be best to get together and work on the project. He suggested the school library after school but you immediately declined stating firmly that you had practice, which caught his interest that only grew when you said it was tennis. 
-‘Oh? You mean like the short white sports skirt and suggestive grunting?’ he asked showing you his trademark grin. ‘Can I come watch?’ He expected you to blush but instead you wrote your number on a slip of paper and slipped it into his shirt pocket. 
‘Well if you’re as sharp with biology as you are with sports, we may actually pass.’ You told him with a smirk before throwing him a sly wink and left to have lunch with your friends and he couldn’t help but watch you go with a growing grin.
- On your first session together you both split the work evenly and begin on your respective sections and he wastes no time and immediately starts flirting with you in the hopes of getting some sort of reaction. You give him a witty remark in response most of the time or smirk. It’s entertaining and helps fill in the time you’re both researching through textbooks and notes.
-After your first session he insists on walking you home, managing to make you laugh out loud as he tells you about the antics he’s gotten up to at the training camps with the other schools. He could listen to that sound all day but his smile lessens when you sigh.
-‘Must be nice. Compared to volleyball, tennis is a lonely sport. I’m jealous.’ After that Kuro stops by during your practices, working on his side of the project and keeping you company. It works out well that your practice days don’t conflict with his so you can return the favour. Although both of you find it incredibly difficult to focus on the work in front of you, not when the other looks so good.   
-You confess mutually to each other after school when you celebrate passing your project, both going into a tight hug after the bell rang gaining a lot of attention from the rest of the class.
Sport of choice: Gymnastics
-You both met as a result of his overly enthusiastic and energetic afterschool practice. He had spiked the ball so hard it shot out of the gymnasium and across the walkway, rolling to a stop outside the gymnasium you were in. 
-‘You’re the one who hit it, you go get it.’ Akaashi had instructed him, refusing to throw another set to him until he went to retrieve the ball. Bokuto rushed out immediately and grabbed it, pausing when he heard music playing. Noticing the door was opened he peeked in.
-His eyes widened and his mouth hung open as he watched you twist and leap on the balance beam, moving in ways he never thought possible but it was so hypnotic he all but forgot about the sport he was meant to be playing which is saying a lot. 
-At one point it looked like you were about to slip and fall he felt his own stomach lurch but let out a sigh when you arced and continued with steely determination and grace he realised you were okay. When you leapt from the beam and onto the mat he let out a cheer that made you jump watching with wide eyes as he ran toward you already praising you. 
-However he was quickly stopped when Akaashi appeared from behind him and took a firm hold of his captain’s shirt. He apologised to you making Bokuto stop and watch the exchange with lessening enthusiasm. Why did he already know your name and he couldn’t even introduce himself? He was beginning to pout heavily.
-‘We’ll let you get back to your practice, come on Bokuto.’ He lets himself get dragged away but he’s looking over his shoulder at you until you’re out of view. It isn’t until he’s back in his own gym that he interrogates Akaashi, finding out your name and that you’re in his setter’s class.
-Your poor classmate somehow becomes the middleman between the two of you. Bokuto begs him relentlessly to ask if he can have your number and is shocked when you approach him at lunch to sheepishly ask him for Bokuto’s. Blushing you said it was flattering that the ace had complimented you so much.
-After numbers are exchanged you’re both texting non-stop and poor Akaashi has to listen to you both gush about the other constantly. 
Sport of choice: Volleyball
-You both know each other since middle school through reputation and watching each other play in tournaments and you’ve both hated each other since the first meeting. No one really knows how it came about it’s just always been there.
-He’s the Grand King that the girls scream and swoon over? You’re titled the Goddess of the Court by the boys. (It annoys him so much that your nickname is a rank higher than his but would never say it out loud.) 
-You’re both the same year and spent your entire first year doing all you could to avoid the other. Class projects, trips, tournaments, festivals? You both point blank refused to be in the same group at all costs. 
-When you do interact it’s snide comments and intense staring contests with Iwaizumi watching the two of you like it’s his favourite soap opera. He can feel the tension between the two of you and knows not all of it is fuelled by negative emotions. Far from it. While it’s his favourite thing to watch he can’t help himself but poke the hornet’s nest one day when both teams are at a tournament. 
- ‘We should go watch.’ He suggests lightly tapping the roster and Oikawa clicks his tongue so sharply the first years flinch. ‘Our match isn’t for a while yet. You got a better idea to pass the time before we have to warm up?’ Some of the others speak up, eager to just look at the girls in general but won’t pass up a chance to see the Goddess play as a bonus. 
- He joins the others regardless and when he takes his seat he realises he hasn’t seen you on the court since you were kids and now he’s taking notice of everything. The way you move, your presence on court, your silent but powerful dominance of the opponents that makes them lose hope with every point your team takes under your wordless command. You’re amazing. 
-He finds you when your match is concluded and he’s on his way to his match and asks to speak to you in private. Iwaizumi has to bite the inside of his cheek to hold back his smug grin as he passes. 
-You’re curious about the sudden change in him when he begins to apologise for his previous behaviour towards you and asks would you consider spending time together outside of the tournament. You agree on the condition he wins his next match, which he does that starts the beginning of your unstoppable relationship.
Sport of choice: Kickboxing
- Probably the most unexpected and unintentional of meetings for you two as dating was never really on either of your radars, both minds set on your ambitions and nothing else. Both of you were in the same year and knew of the other’s standing in their sport and respected that but there was no other interaction.
-That was however changed on one of his runs, his teammates far behind him as usual. Then he heard the muffled sound of music behind him and saw you pass by him with headphones on. Given the weather was starting to get colder he was surprised you were just wearing a tanktop and shorts but it did let him notice your toned body. (he may be stoic but he’d definitely notice the results of hard work and dedication.)
-He also notices the suspicious looks some people on the street throw his way and then he sees it; a guy his size running behind a young girl who doesn’t realise his there? Yeah that’d send warning bells ringing anywhere so he speeds up to overtake you. Last thing he needs is for the police to be called. Then he blinks to see you out of the corner of his eye taking the lead again which he does his best to avoid you in succeeding at.
- It goes back and forth until you both have to stop at the traffic lights. That’s when you pull your headphones out to throw him an incredulous look. ‘There a problem?’ you ask wondering were the sudden racing competition came from.
-‘I don’t want people to think I’m chasing you like a pervert.’ he answers so matter-of-factly you blink and let out a laugh. You can’t argue with that and when the light turns green you lightly punch his arm. 
- ‘You’re welcome to run beside me…if you can keep up.’ You challenge playfully and start running again. It takes him a moment to register your words and feels where you hit him as his lips quirk into a brief smirk and sets off after you catching up in no time. 
-This ritual of running together starts after that day and after a while Ushijima notices you’ve stopped listening to music completely on your runs and notes his observation aloud one day. 
-‘Why would I when I’m spending time with you?’ you answer before throwing him a teasing grin. ‘Besides I need to listen out for potential perverts chasing me.’ ‘Not while I’m here.’ He answers simply and you smile, sensing the deeper meaning to his words. You both fall into a relationship easily after that. While you both can’t attend all of the other’s events you both support each other fiercely and loyally, knowing you’re both more than capable of keeping up with the competition. 
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akillysheel · 3 years
TENUOUS. ❜ ( 2 )
Summary:  Kuro asks the important questions before he and Cthugha decide on a starting point for their investigation. Warnings:  N/A. Notes:  N/A
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    'I need to think about it.'
    Kuro slouched in his armchair, the events of the morning playing on loop in his head.  After Cthugha's untimely arrival, the Sheriff had taken it upon himself to take the rest of the afternoon off in an attempt to compartmentalise his thoughts.  He seldom ever took breaks, but when he'd emerged from his office as white as a sheet, his colleagues had ultimately pulled the plug on his hopes of remaining at work, advising insistently that he should go home.
    'Fine.  But you just remember, every minute you sit around ruminating about your stupid little life, that's another minute that this girl is missing, and that means it's another minute closer to doomsday too.'
    Could it be true?  Doomsday?  The end of the world?  It sounded to him like the paranoid ravings of a conspiracy nut...  yet he'd spoken with such calm authority, countered every one of the problems he'd had with a rebuttal of his own.  Every one of his questions had an answer;  everything he'd said about Raku  ( at least as far as his limited understanding of Gods was concerned ) was true.
    Mia Vanton's case sat on his lap.  It was a thin file, one that spared details for there hadn't been many to uncover, but in that moment it felt heavy.  Cumbersome.  As if he'd been shackled to the floorboards.
    This thing's been shut since 2001.
    One calloused thumb traced over its front, teasing the corner away from the papers inside.  He really didn't know whether he wanted to look at it or not.  It felt oddly like picking at a scab wound, baring himself to old pain that needn't be revisited.  Did he have it in him to feel as hopeless as he did twenty years ago?
    He grunted as a headache set in. It had steadily been growing for the past two hours, fostered in his brain like a bad habit.
    Is there any point in opening this up again?  Surely if she was to be found, she'd have been found by now.  This year marks the twentieth anniversary of her disappearance.  In two weeks, in fact.
    Was that relevant?  He couldn't help but consider it.  As much as he wanted to push Cthugha's prophecy aside as garbage, the fact was that he was impressed  -  and a little worried.  He knew things that nobody could have known, and deep down he knew that his colleagues wouldn't sell some random kid information.  Huron's task force was known for being small, humble and honest, and it's good service had been a near constant hallmark for the district's deep sense of peace.  There had never been a recorded incidence of internal corruption--  not even with other, less composed Sheriffs in the front seat.
    How else could he have known about Olivia?  About Raku, even.
    The Sheriff let out a deep sigh as he closed his eyes, knowing already what he had to do.
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    “I’ve decided t’help y’.”
    “Thank.  God.”   The statement trembled with sarcastic frustration, Cthugha’s cobalt eyes all but grey on account of the storm that had entered them.  He sat in Kuro’s chair, his feet propped up on his desk.  The rubix cube--  the one that had previously been half-completed--  sat in his hands, its coloured faces now perfectly arranged.   “While you were busy jerking off to the end of all life in this realm, I was busy compiling resources that might help us stop it.”   He paused to reach inside of his jacket, retrieving a file of his own, before he dropped it unceremoniously on the desk.   “You’re welcome.”
    “Where were y’keepin’ that…?”
    “Just look at it.”
    Kuro hesitated briefly before dragging the file closer, opening it up to find himself staring at a myriad of newspaper clippings, interview transcripts and photographs.  It was makeshift work, by no means tidy, but the sheer wealth of information was staggering to him.  Even so, as he skimmed over them briefly, he realised that there was nothing there that he didn’t already know.
    Of course there isn’t.  Why would there be?
    I don’t know.  Maybe I assumed he was an agent of God or something.
    “Aside from all that,”   Cthugha started, rising from his commandeered seat.  In what felt like a flash, he’d moved from the desk to the far corner of the room, grabbing a hold of a whiteboard on wheels before reappearing where he had been.  Kuro blinked hard.   “We can rule out all the places you already searched in your previous hunt for her.”   Feverishly, the rifter began to fill the board with haphazard notes.   “That means you don’t have to trawl through Whit’s a second time, nor do you need to bother checking their home or questioning her papa.  He came up clean, remember?”
    “Yeah…  he was so dedicated t’findin’ his daughter that he all but singlehandedly led the search party campaign despite us tellin’ him that it was dangerous.  Had t’bust him outta a few compromisin’ positions fer his efforts...”
    “Exactly.  Also means that the tunnels are a bust too, so you don’t have to waste time trawling through the underground like a family of sewer rats.  Wherever she is, she’s somewhere ya didn’t think to comb through.”   He paused when he found his whiteboard pen beginning to run dry.   “Damn it--”   Much like before, he flickered away, a brief rummaging sound filling the quiet office before he reappeared before the board.   “Okay, so--  here’re all the places you don’t gotta worry about that I can think of off the top of my head.  There’s…  what?  Why’re ya staring at me like that?”
    “How’re y’doin’ that?”
    “You can write too, Kuro.”
    “I mean the…  disappearin’-’n’-reappearin’ thing.  Obviously.”
    “Oh, that.  Yeah, I guess that makes more sense…”   It was the closest to sheepish that he’d seen Cthugha thus far;  a break from his smug attitude was certainly refreshing.   “It’s just a teleportation shtick.  Think of it like…  instead of macro-leaps, I’m performing micro-hops in time.”
     "Huh,"   said Kuro, deciding not to question it.
     In truth, the more they talked about the Vanton case, the more he began to recall.  Kuro seldom ever forgot a victim - even though he'd been the Sheriff of Huron for over three centuries, and a police officer for even longer than that - but he wouldn't say that the details were as long-lasting.  There were simply too many nuances in too many cases--  too much information for him to store everything tightly away.  His brief read over the case file before he'd come back to the office that following morning hadn't helped much either, if only because there hadn't been much for him to garner in the first place.
    "I do have a question though,"   Kuro spoke up as he handed Cthugha a cup of coffee.  He wasn't sure whether he was trying to placate or subdue him.   "... or a couple."
    "Are they constructive?"
    "Maybe.  I mean--  y'mentioned parallel timelines 'n' shit.  Couldn't y'just…  hop into one where I found her 'n' tell me where she is?"
    "Parallel timelines are born out of choices, dummy.  Unless you're admitting that you purposefully didn't find her, that isn't gonna help at all."   A swig of his drink was taken, the rich flavour seeming to soothe his annoyance somewhat.   "Nah.  You're thinking of alternate timelines."
    "Then what about that?"
    "We're not really supposed to dip into those if we can help it.  Definitely a last resort sort of deal.  It creates the possibility for people to run into themselves;  fractures the separation between realities.  Doppelganger action is a one-way ticket to hell for the Universe.  Also the fact that, like parallel timelines, there are MULTITUDES of alternate timelines where everything's the same except one little thing, meaning it'd take a shit-ton of time to comb through 'em all--  most likely more time than we’ve got.  There're several versions of you out there, Kuro, but you're this one.  You should focus on that."
     "This's all real confusin’…"   the Sheriff mumbled, deflating a little.  He was so sure he'd had a good idea under his belt, but hell, what did he really know about the way that reality worked?
    "Mm.  Anything else?"   Cthugha asked tersely, eager to move on.
    "Just one more thing,"   Kuro affirmed, shifting in his place for a moment before deciding that brevity was more favourable than kindness.   "... how does this girl stayin' missin' end the world?  People go missin' all the time.  Some come home, some're found dead.  Some’re never found, yet the world keeps on spinnin’.  's just a cruel fact’a life."
    For the first time since their meeting, Cthugha fell silent.  A harrowing emptiness entered his eyes as he thought about the bleak future that awaited them if they did nothing.  A hazy field of fire, the once clean air ashen and thick.  The destruction spread like cancer, first exploding in Huron before it gradually spread outward.  What was perhaps even more frightening was that the one responsible for it seemed impervious to the herculean effort required to topple a district;  by the time he was done with Huron, he was already looking for a bigger, more developed fish to fry.
    It wasn’t the first time he’d seen the Universe in ruins by far, and he doubted it’d be the last.
    That didn’t mean he was accustomed to seeing it though.
    “Well,”   he said softly, whiteboard pen twirled absentmindedly in between his fingers.   “... let’s just say, grief does things to people.  Do you have any clue who Mia’s father is?”
    Slowly, Kuro squinted.    “Aside from knowin’ his name ‘n’ his daughter’s case?  No.  Should I?”
    “No.  That’s exactly why ya should be worried:  he’s got nothing left to lose.  Do you think he’s going to care about hurting anyone when he’s hurting this much himself?  He’s got no children to provide for;  no public image to protect.  When he loses his mind, he does it for real, and damned’re the consequences, get it?”
    “Got it…”   Kuro muttered.  He knew all too well about people like Mr.Vanton.  While an anonymous existence was ultimately a peaceful one, when crime was brought into the mix, it became a dangerous shield.  Who suspected the nobody?  Nobody, that’s who.   “Then we gotta get movin’.”
    “I have to ask,”   Cthugha started as he stepped towards the chair he’d been sprawled in, reaching for his jacket and shrugging it on.  Now that he had a little time to look over him properly, Kuro noted its strange cyan decals and the symbol that he’d never seen before adorning the right side;  two parallel lines with a small triangle beneath the centre point of the bottom one.  It looked vaguely like a seesaw with two slats on top instead of one.  "What made you change your mind?"
    “Well, I guess I never got over the fact that I couldn’t solve it.  D’y’have any idea how hard it is t’look a parent in the eye ‘n’ tell ‘em that the search fer their child is over?  There was nothin’ else I could do, but I still felt guilty.  I figure, even if yer full’a shit ‘n’ this really is some heartless stunt all fer yer own amusement, I can at least make sure that there really was nothin’ else I could’a done fer the Vantons.”
    The rifter hummed softly as he adjusted his tie.   “Heh.  Ya really are a good person.”
    “Y’had doubt?”
    “Who doesn’t?  Much easier to expose a bad person who’s pretending to be good than to find an actual good person these days.  I guess it’s just an unfortunate byproduct of evolution.”
    “Yer wrong,”   Kuro said firmly, pulling his black coat closed.  The gun at his hip was touched briefly before he pocketed his hand, satisfied that he had everything he needed.   “There’re a lot more good people in the world than bad.  ’s just that the bad leave behind their messes t’clean up.”
    “Well, whatever the truth is, it’s clear we’re dealing with a bad person here, huh?  So, got any bright ideas?”
    Already were the gears in his head turning.  With the compiled notes to aid him, he knew of the place that he wanted to start with.  It may have been a dead end--  wishful thinking more than anything--  but he wouldn’t be able to progress until he knew he’d upturned every stone on this property.   “We should head t’the Valerie Vineyard first.”
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itsuki-minamy · 3 years
* K - The First Story (List of Chapters) * Projects & Chapters
Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Ridia
The "Green King" looked at the monitor and muttered under his breath.
"The Weissmann deviation of the 'Colorless King', the Weissmann deviation of Adolf K. Weissmann and the Weissmann deviation of Mikoto Suoh have disappeared."
The man in priest's clothing next to him frowned at the simple words of the "Green King."
"In the end, the 'Golden King' didn't move."
"Yes, but there is a record that the 'Golden King' communicated with the 'Silver King'. Maybe he entrusted everything to the 'Silver King', or..."
The "Green King" slightly raised the edge of his mouth.
"Does the 'Golden King' no longer have enough power to move on its own?"
A child sitting under the feet of the "Green King" snorted when he heard it.
"If the most troublesome guy is seriously getting old, isn't that convenient for us?"
"Affirmative. It may not be long before we get out."
A sleek young man leaning on the couch looked at the "Green King" with tentative eyes under his long lashes.
"But it's a shame that your obsessive 'Silver King' died so easily. Or rather, the immortal 'King' actually died, didn't he?"
"What about that?"
The "Green King's" eyes gleamed as if waiting for something. His eyes were looking at the state of the school island when he was about to settle through the monitor.
"The "Silver King" is an immutable king. Even if the body was abducted by the interference of the "Colorless King", his soul escaped immutable without being invaded. Once again, his "immutability" may still be alive, although it seems that it has been burned by the flames of the destruction of the 'Red King'."
"Kuwa! Kuwa!"
The parrot, who was sitting on the "Green King's" shoulder, made a loud noise.
This parrot was a friend and go-between for the "Green King". He also had a conversation with the "Colorless King" through this parrot.
The "Green King" put his cheeks on his head as if he was aiming at a parrot.
"If the 'Silver King' is alive, he will be back soon. This time, the 'Silver King' will be on my game board."
All his friends looked at the "Green King". Everyone felt that his body was silent, but releasing a large amount of energy.
After sending Kukuri to the place where the other students were evacuating, Kuro joined Neko and returned to Gakuenjima to search for the boy.
Neko seemed to have slept the entire time after using great power. The current situation didn't swallow well, and she was walking fast on an unstaffed school island, rolling her big eyes, only to find that the boy was purely lost.
Kuro knew that the boy headed into the battle between the "Red King" and the "Blue King", keeping the soul of the "Colorless King" trapped in his body. He witnessed the bright red column of fire that tore through the heavens with the full blow of the "Red King" and the fall of the red sword of Damocles.
Later, he crossed the connecting bridge in Gakuenjima alone and confirmed the appearance of the "Blue King" Munakata returning from a distance. He couldn't tell Neko what those facts meant.
The sun was bent, and the red light of twilight stained the uneven island of the school. The place where Suoh and Munakata transformed into a battlefield, had a particularly large mark of destruction, showing the ferocity of the battle.
He crossed between the trees that were burned black and felled, and finally they headed to the place where they could see a huge column of fire. Neko followed with an anxious look behind Kuro who was walking silently.
The column of fire rose around the shrine at the rear of Gakuenjima. Climbing up the long stone steps that collapsed after the battle that followed the shrine, Kuro made his way to the place with Neko.
As soon as she climbed the stone steps and opened her eyes, for Neko who was small, it was impressive.
In the shrine precincts, the soil was excavated like a crater and did not retain its original shape.
As they approached the rim of the crater, the ground was still warm and the temperature was transmitted underneath the shoes. Kuro walked slowly along the edge.
Suddenly, Neko screamed and ran off, yelling "Shiro!" Kuro reflexively waited for Neko to run.
However, what was there was not the figure of the boy, but the red umbrella that the boy always had.
The umbrella sank deep into the ground like a tombstone. Neko grabbed the handle of the umbrella and pulled hard to remove it.
"Uh, it doesn't want to go out!"
With Neko's power, the umbrella half buried in the ground did not move, but Neko's hand slipped and fell back. Kuro slowly approached and took out the umbrella instead of Neko. Neko desperately jumped on the umbrella Kuro was holding.
"Give it to me! I'll give it to Shiro!"
Seeing her hug the umbrella carefully, a sad thing rushed into his chest.
"Hey, Neko. You won't be able to hand it over to Shiro anymore."
He spoke those words to her in the softest voice possible. The words he spoke returned to his thoughts and he felt pain.
Neko filled with tears in her eyes and made a wet voice.
"No! I'll give it to Shiro! I'll give it to Shiro!"
It became difficult and Kuro involuntarily strengthened his vocabulary.
"Listen to me! Shiro is…!"
"Because Shiro is a 'King'!"
Before Neko who yelled that at him with a desperate face, Kuro was shocked and lost his words.
(I am the immortal "King".)
The appearance of the boy who said that with a kind expression and a calm voice revived in his mind.
That could have been a manifestation of the boy's intention to go back to Kuro and Neko.
A gentle tidal-scented breeze blew from the sea, caressing Kuro's skin to comfort him. In his heart, Kuro chanted a phrase.
(Embracing resignation, the curtain does not fall.)
He once encouraged the boy with that phrase. He wasn't going to give up. Where are you? He mentally asks the boy. He chided himself for trying to give up hope of finding him.
He walked over to Neko, who was hugging the umbrella and stiffened, and Kuro gently approached her.
"That's right. Shiro is our 'King'."
Neko stared at Kuro in amazement, and she stared into Kuro's eyes for a while, trying to discern with her large eyes.
Finally, Neko relaxed her strengthened body and placed her hand on Kuro's.
The thin white hand of her partner was tightly wrapped by Kuro and he pulled hard.
Neko held the boy's umbrella in one arm, held one hand in Kuro's and stood up.
Reporting how the Weissmann deviations of the three "Kings", "Colorless King", "Silver King" and "Red King" disappeared, Daikaku Kokujoji replied with a single word, "Yes."
The "rabbit" gently looked at the Lord's face from under his face. There was no sadness on his face with the deep drag that makes you feel the years that he has lived.
The "rabbits" also hid a war-etched face under the rabbit-shaped face. It is an old "rabbit" that only differs ten times from the normal path. For many years, he was the oldest "rabbit" that had slipped through "Tokijikuin" and moved like his limbs.
This is why he realized that Kokujoji did not have a calm heart now.
This rabbit knew that while Kokujoji Daikaku was a solid and unshakable person, he had an old friend who lived in the soft part of his heart.
The reason why he changed the figure to "Golden King" was to rebuild Japan, which was devastated after the war. In fact, thanks to him, there is now development in this country. At the same time, Kokujoji continued to be the "King" and to defend the Dresden "Slate" due to the friendships and dreams that were cultivated in Germany during the war.
(Only I will be the ideal "King", so he watches from there.)
The "rabbit" never forgot the expression of determination that young Kokujoji had, looking towards the Himmelreich, the airship in which Adolf K. Weissmann was on board, which arrived in Japan. It was the moment when the "rabbit", who was still a child, decided to dedicate himself to his path.
"His Excellency..."
The "rabbit" involuntarily called out to the Lord, called out to him, but did not know how to continue his words after that.
Kokujoji opened his mouth before the "rabbit" found the words.
"Prepare for the departure of the 'Meifu (Underworld)'."
The "rabbit" opened his eyes. The "Meifu" was the same type of airship that Weissmann had that crashed, the "Sky" Himmelreich, and was kept secret by Kokujoji in case of emergency.
"That is the immortal 'King'."
The "rabbit" said that to get ahead of Kokujoji's response.
He was embarrassed by the misunderstanding that he thought that the reason Kokujoji's heart was not calm was because of grief over the loss of an important old friend.
The "rabbit" bowed deeply.
"What about his clan members?"
"Kuro Yatogami, who was a member of the Ichigen Miwa clan, and a Strain girl who calls herself Neko."
"Fix the room where he lived at school, and make it the base of them. Tell them: 'Wait for your Lord in this room.'"
"Yes, his Excellency."
The "rabbit" quickly turns around and begins to move to fulfill the Lord's intentions.
Things related to the "Silver King" are not over yet.
He washes off Mikoto Suoh's blood from his hands.
The red one, symbolizing the man who so upset Munakata, was easily washed away by running water and disappeared.
The world seemed to be broken due to the cracks in the crystals that entered during the battle.
The gesture of washing off the blood and drying wet hands with a towel became complicated. He realized that now he was upset.
Awashima's voice was heard. Hearing the voice that was the flag, Munakata's disturbed emotions subsided and he returned to the control of order.
"All students on the evacuated school island were confirmed to be safe. Students whose bodies have been abducted by the 'Colorless King' do not appear to have sequelae. Only the slightly injured, but the injured students were taken to the hospital in cooperation with the ambulance team."
"Okay. Good job."
"I have confirmed all of the Gakuenjima students, but... the girl named Neko and Kuroh Yatogami, who were working with Yashiro Isana, are missing."
"That's all."
Munakata turned to Awashima. The scar on the flank stabbed by the Red Clan member who was kidnapped by the "Colorless King" was small. It was a shooting pain that did not go away after treatment.
"I wanted to ask them about the detailed history about the circumstances of the incident, but... it can't be helped, especially since the ability of that girl named Neko is difficult to trace."
"Yes.", Awashima took control and looked at Munakata as if he was looking at her. Just looking at Awashima, Munakata realized that he was somewhat disturbed even when he was seen from the edge.
"Awashima-kun. He had never made a mistake before."
Awashima didn't reply and urged him with only her eyes. Munakata continued steadily.
"But this time I made a mistake... I couldn't stop that guy."
Looking only at the results, Munakata will be the "King" who stopped Damocles from Suoh's fall. But that was what Suoh wanted. Suoh broke Munakata's restraint and ran down the road to ruin, and Munakata was only forced to clean up after that.
Awashima didn't say anything about how Munakata stopped the "Red King". He simply said "Yes." with a serious face.
Feeling safe from it, Munakata smirked to himself.
"How disrespectful. I complained."
"I'm your assistant. Tell me anything."
"That is reliable."
When Munakata smiled, Awashima's expression, which did not break her serious attitude, suddenly shuddered when she looked back.
Munakata looked back to follow her gaze.
There were countless little red lights there.
A group of small red lights moved like fireflies out of season and rose into the sky like sparks. The red lights were born from the bodies of "Homura", who looked in the direction of Gakuenjima at the seashore below the connecting bridge.
"This is…"
Awashima was impressed. Munakata also closed his eyes and looked at the scene.
"Part of Clansman's power is undone with the death of the 'King'. It is ironic that such a violent and selfish man left this dreamlike vision behind."
Fushimi stood by the bridge railing in a stunned atmosphere. He held the area around the left clavicle with his hand. Munakata knew that there was a "mark" burned in that place, from when he was in the red clan in the past.
From Fushimi's body, a small red light spilled out from the place where the "mark" was and soared into the sky.
Munakata, who was silently looking at Fushimi looking at the red light rising from his body with a face like a lost child, suddenly felt a signal to flee the school island.
A familiar kitten and a black dog run in a straight line.
It was the girl Strain and Kuroh Yatogami, of whom Awashima had lost their whereabouts, although they were taking the form of a small animal by reconnaissance operation.
Munakata thought for a moment and ignored it as he was.
Just today, he couldn't feel like catching and questioning those who had lost their precious loved ones.
For a long time no one could move.
The fall of the sword of Damocles. There was no one there who didn't know what that meant.
And more than that, each of them felt the loss of their main existence due to the flames they had on their bodies.
Yata, who would have been angry if he had explained it in words, would have insisted that he did not believe it, but he was stunned without saying a word about the fact that he felt with the flame as his soul.
Kusanagi also stood up without saying anything, holding up Anna, who had collapsed from calling Suoh so much until she was speechless, and continued to look up at the sky over Gakuenjima, where the sword had disappeared.
Finally, the accelerating winter sun set, and the sky dyed only the western edge light red, filling in the signs of the night.
Anna in his arms was no longer crying, and she looked down expressionlessly as if she had turned into a real doll. He had to take her back to a warm place early.
Cooled by the snowy winter air, Kusanagi thought he had to tell them something.
Suoh was not there, who was already a pillar. Not even Totsuka to laugh and empower Kusanagi when he was having a hard time.
Kusanagi had no choice but to speak to his disappointed companions.
However, the words weren't going up Kusanagi's throat at all.
Maybe anything he digested would bring them up to speed. No, when he thought it was his role to chase after him, Kamamoto uttered a low voice.
"No Blood! No Bone! No Ash!"
What Kamamoto said was the motto of "Homura".
No Blood! No Bone! No Ash!
A word that inspired them before the battle and was spoken as an open voice so that they all became a single flame.
But at the same time, it was a word of mourning for those who died.
"No Blood! No Bone! No Ash!"
In response to Kamamoto, the people around him chanted and raised their voices, pushing their fists skyward.
He tightened his voice to sublimate his sadness, and at least he was proud to hide the pitiful appearance from Suoh that left.
Yata, who was crying in a daze, saw his friends cry and raised his fist without wiping his tears.
"No Blood! No Bone! No Ash!"
"No Blood! No Bone! No Ash!"
The men's voices became one, and the air swayed and echoed.
In it, Kusanagi saw a flaming butterfly soaring.
He was surprised to remember the butterfly that Totsuka used to skillfully make with his own flame, but if he looked closely, it was not a butterfly.
It was a small red light that had no shape. It dance like a fluffy butterfly and climb to the sky.
A small light rose from the bodies of "Homura" members. The light that was born from each and every one of them pointed to the sky as if they were trying to serve Suoh. Some of Suoh's flames may have unraveled and separated.
Kusanagi also felt a fever around the right shoulder blade with the "mark." A red light emerged from Kusanagi's body.
Kusanagi's light flew into the sky with the same smooth movement as everyone's light. As the cold white snow billowed from top to bottom, the sight of the warm red light fluttering from bottom to top was fantastic, and Kusanagi breathed trembling.
Anna licked her lips too and stared at the cluster of red lights. Anna descended from Kusanagi's arms, spread her arms and looked up at the sky.
"It's a beautiful red..."
Anna murmured in a low, soft voice.
Kusanagi thought that this scene might be the last gift Suoh gave Anna, and that it was too romantic.
(The king's flames are not all terrifying. They are warm and clean.)
"Can you hear us, Mikoto?"
Kusanagi muttered, narrowed his eyes and looked up at the sky. Red light gathered in the air and colored the dark night sky red.
Perhaps due to the temperature of the light, his body heated up before he knew it, even though he was under the snowy sky.
Mikoto Suoh was a man who was not suitable to be "King". Kusanagi still believed it.
Still, Mikoto Suoh was the "King" more than anyone.
He was amazed with fierce flames, fascinated by the beautiful red, cured at a mild temperature, ran alone and wasted away.
To everyone who gathered here, Mikoto Suoh was a "King".
Isana Yashiro was floating.
Although his body was burned to pieces, Isana Yashiro's existence hadn't disappeared and he was floating somewhere.
(This is death?)
The boy thought about that, even though it was something absurd to think about.
When that happened, he felt that everything up to now had been a long dream.
Researcher Adolf K. Weissmann. A trilogy of Weissmann's dream, the dream of the passerby "Silver King" and the dream of a peaceful high school student, Yashiro Isana.
It was all over and he feared that he would not be able to go to heaven or hell.
(That's fine?)
That was the reality of the boy's thinking, which was fluffy like a dream.
(Adolf K. Weissmann, "Silver King", and Isana Yashiro, do you still have something to do?)
(I am the immortal "King".)
Remembering his words that he had left behind, the boy tried to fight even though he had no arms. He tried to figure out where that was, even though he had no eyes. He tried to listen without ears, pay attention to the smell without a nose, and try to find the feeling of the environment without skin.
Sister. Lieutenant. Neko. Kuro.
He tried to name the ones he was thinking of, even though he had neither a throat nor a mouth.
For the first time, Isana Yashiro struggled to live.
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katzkinder · 4 years
Month early birthday present for @mahi-does-some-art because if i don’t publish it now, I WILL forget. Kuromahi, fic under the cut. Please be aware that it has been literal actual YEARS since I’ve written, like.
A real one-shot. 
Happy birthday Puff!!
‘Are you afraid?’
It’s a question that reverberates inside his mind before, during, and after every battle, no matter how brief they may be.
‘Are you afraid?’ he wonders again in the split second before his fangs pierce his Eve’s flesh, before he drinks the blood given to him all too freely.
‘Are you afraid?’ he nearly asks aloud, once, after some roughhousing (emphasis on rough) between Lawless and Licht nearly catches Mahiru in the crossfire and Kuro’s first instinct is to make himself a living shield, coattails and claws alike brandished and a snarl almost, almost, curling his lip, before his mind catches up enough to realize that he just made a threat display at what were quite possibly two of the people least likely to hurt any of them (excluding each other).
Lawless is staring at him in obvious surprise, Licht similarly frozen for but a moment.
And then he’s kicking Lawless behind the knee hard enough that he nearly goes down, and, despite the glare Greed sends the pianist’s way, it’s clear that whatever message Licht intended to convey got through just fine because the next second Lawless is sheepishly apologizing for them not being more careful about just who might be in the way.
Kuro freezes up, curling in on himself and muttering his trademark “can’t deal…” even as Mahiru brushes it off, stepping out from behind him with a placating hand on his arm. He ignores the sidelong look his Eve gives him, afraid of what he’ll find in his expression, and instead prepares to tune out the inevitable lecture the Greed Pair are about to receive about not trashing people’s homes, and how if they have to fight, at least take it outside, the usual sort of thing that happens whenever the two choose to visit.
He spends the rest of the evening as a cat, enduring Licht’s endless doting over “Neko-san” and Lawless’s even more endless complaints over Licht’s endless doting. By the time they leave, it’s nearly pitch black out, with the moon and stars above obscured by thick, heavy clouds.
“Ah– I forgot that it’s supposed to storm tonight. Oi, Angel-chan, you’ve got an umbrella in your backpack, don’t you?”
“Of course I do.”
“Great! Hand it over!”
“If I let you hold it, you’re just gonna let the water spill onto my shoulder!”
“As if an angel like me would share their umbrella with a demon in the first place. Catch pneumonia and die–”
“Oi?! Lichtan!! ... Ah, whatever, it’s probably some lame, ultra cutesy--Don’t try and kick me!”
The rest of their argument becomes too muffled to hear clearly as Mahiru shuts the door on them, pinching the bridge of his nose and muttering something about disturbing the neighbors. Kuro sinks down further into his seat, watching with some small amount of confusion the newly stiff way Mahiru seems to be moving. The curtains are drawn tight over the balcony, and when his Eve turns back to face him, he quickly flicks his eyes back down to the screen in his hands.
It’s bothering him.
It’s almost like...
“Mahiru. Are you--”
His words are lost in the clap of thunder that interrupts, and don’t come back in light of the yelp Mahiru lets out. It’s loud, and sharp, and while he tries to play it off... Kuro knows him well enough, he thinks, to note the very real fear behind it. More than just being startled.
It’s enough to give his suspicions more weight. Outside, the sky opens up for a torrential downpour. Personally, he’d always found the sound of storms to be soothing. Mahiru’s subtly shaking hands tell him his Eve doesn’t share his sentiments.
He doesn’t know what to do.
Much like every other time he was unsure of himself and his actions, life takes the decision out of his hands, this time via knocking the power out. An annoyed click of the tongue.
“Stay there,” he says, not that he has to. Mahiru has completely frozen up in the center of their living room. The look on his face... It makes his heart squeeze. “Don’t tell me you’re afraid of the dark.” 
It sounds callous, he knows it does, but that’s the point. A flicker of annoyance crosses the other’s face and he feels a flicker of smug relief.
“Of course not! Jeez, help me find some candles and a flashlight.”
“Wait, don’t--”
A soft, but heartfelt, swear meets his ears.
“That’s why I told you not to move...”
“Ugh... I wish I could see in the dark like you, Kuro... The only thing I can make out is your eyes.”
“My eyes?”
Without thinking, he lifts his hand to one. Somehow he had forgotten about the glow vampiric eyes give off. Isn’t that scary? Isn’t that frightening? Don’t you think I’m a monster?
He pushes those thoughts away in favor of grabbing Mahiru by the elbow and leading him over to the couch he had previously been parked on, pushing the boy down by the shoulders to sit.
“Stay. There. I mean it. The last thing I need is you covered in bumps and bruises from your oh-so-aggressive furniture.”
It’s kind of nice, being able to so openly observe the faces Mahiru makes in response to his teasing without the other knowing he’s so enamored with every shift and change.
“Just go get the--”
This time, the flash of lightning lights up the whole place for one brief, heart stopping moment before a boom loud enough to shake the building follows, and suddenly, lithe, strong arms he could snap with ease are wrapped around his middle. They don’t let go. He can feel the whole of Mahiru trembling against him.
A sigh. Mahiru stills under the hand he places on the back of his head.
“Scoot over.”
The command is followed easily, a more distant rumble making the boy flinch. Kuro plops down gracelessly beside him, draws Mahiru close to his side, and tucks that mop of brown against his shoulder. For a moment, there’s nothing but the sound of the storm waging war outside. Briefly, he thinks of Lawless and Licht, battling the elements.
“... How come you never told me you were afraid of thunderstorms?”
Mahiru shifts, but doesn’t pull away. Kuro strokes the back of his neck with a thumb, slow and soothing.
“It’s stupid...”
“So is being afraid of the vacuum cleaner.”
He feels the faintest of twitches pull at his lips when Mahiru snorts soft amusement against his throat.
“Kuro... I...” 
Mahiru’s hesitant, and he feels a stab of annoyance, one that disappears quickly when those calloused hands grip more tightly at the front of his jacket.
“‘m sorry... It’s just... It’s hard to talk about... Not even Uncle Tooru...”
Oh. Oh.
Quietly and without comment, he wraps Mahiru up in a secure hug, feels the other relax against him in a way that fills him with warmth.
“... Are you afraid of what he’ll say?” He really can’t imagine the man being anything but understanding and supportive, but he’s also intimately aware of the lies the mind will tell, the worst case scenarios that are so utterly ridiculous but feel so real in the moment before you push those words out.
“I don’t... Think so...?” Mahiru jerks again as the windows rattle, and Kuro moves so he’s lying back, dragging the other to lay atop his chest, ear over his heart so that the irregular, slow thump of a creature that’s only half alive can maybe, hopefully, drown out some of the cacophony. Initially, his human partner goes stiff, then curls up in the space between the back of the couch and Kuro’s side, tangles their legs together and goes still. Like this, Mahiru feels just as fragile as he hardly ever looks. It’s a bit hard to reconcile it with the bold, shounen-protagonist try-hard he so often comes off as. It easily lines up with the way he had felt after the collapse of C3, when Kuro had been the only thing propping his unconscious body up, and the agony that was waiting for him to open his eyes again, battered, bruised, but alive. “I don’t know... I think I’m just... Ashamed. It’s so silly. I should be over this... I’m sixteen.”
“And I’m practically ancient. Still freaked out over that army of Roombas at Gear’s place... Seriously, why does he have so many...?”
Another giggle eases his heart further, and he lets his hand card through puppy-brown hair, feels Mahiru sigh contently against him.
“Kuro... Can we...?”
“Yeah. We can stay like this.”
Unbeknownst to him, if he were to put that question into words--Are you afraid?--the human that eventually falls into dozing slumber despite the terrible weather would answer, warmth and affection in every syllable.
Not when I’m with you.
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timetravelassasin · 4 years
Beach Day~
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Summary: Reader's dog tackles Kuro at the beach while he is on a Volleyball training camp.
A/n: Wrote this for my big sis @thevampiresblog since he is her fave character for Haikyuu. Hope you guys like it its my first time writing for Haikyuu. Enjoy~
It was summer vacation and you decided to spend it at your family's condo by the beach. Your parents had a last minute overseas business trip and wouldn't be around, therefore allowing you to spend the time at the condo. You enjoyed the quietness and the time you got to spend with your golden retriever.
"Come along, Honey let's go to the beach," you said, grabbing your beach bag full of necessities and your dogs leash.
Your dog was one of the most friendliest dogs. He enjoyed the attention as well as the treats the hotel manager gave him.
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After locking the door to the condo you made your way down to the lobby. Honey loved the elevator rides. Once you had arrived to the lobby the manager greeted you like usual and gave Honey his treat.
"Off to the beach today," he greeted.
"Yes, Honey loves the sand and water. I thought we could spend the day there," you smiled, holding his leash tighter before heading out of the hotel.
You made your way down the sandy beach and found the perfect spot to set down your bag. You opened your beach umbrella and made sure to set it at the perfect angle. Honey's tail wiggled around as you set your towel down and placed your bag on it to secure it down. You had made sure to pack his water bowl, treats, frisbee and toys. Once his water bowl was set you grabbed the frisbee. You made sure to take off his leash before throwing the red frisbee. Honey happily barked before running for the toy. You chuckled as he happily caught it and brought it back to you. You spent a while throwing the frisbee around before his attention was gone. He had dropped the frisbee in front of you for the fifth time before he perked up. You had bent down to pick up the frisbee when you noticed he had started running the opposite direction you were standing at.
"Where is he going," you mumbled, looking at your dog.
You had realized he was running towards a group of guys. One of them particularly was holding a ball. Before you could even warn the guy Honey had gone and tackled the poor black, bed haired teenager. You quickly made your way hoping the guy was alright.
"Honey, what did I tell you about tackling people," you said, taking hold of your dogs collar.
"What did you call me," the black haired teenager asked, standing up and dusting himself off.
"Oh, um I meant my dog thats his name," you said, your cheeks reddening.
"Interesting, I can see why you named him that," he said, taking a good look at your dog.
"I'm sorry about him. He probably saw the ball and was wondering if you were gonna play with him too," you apologized.
"Oh, this is for our training camp. We have a volleyball training camp every summer and I'm the captain," he said.
"I should probably let you get back to your training then. I really am sorry about him. He just loves to play around with people," you said, watching your dog happily look up at the teen. His eyes were trained on the ball waiting for it to be tossed around. His tail waggled happily allowing sand to fly.
"It's alright we were just about to take a break. How about you grace me with your presence this afternoon as an apology," he said with a cheeky grin.
"I'd be honored. I'm staying at the Futtsu Resort," you smiled.
"Thats where we are staying at as well. By the way my name is Kuro Tetsuro but you can just call me Kuro," he grinned.
"Y/n Y/L/N. I'll meet you in the lobby at six if that works," you asked, still holding on to your dog.
"Yeah that works," he grinned before heading back to his group.
You watched him leave before making your way back to your spot and packing up. You hadn't realized it was close to lunch time when your stomach decided to growl. You quickly packed everything up and clipped on Honey's leash. The two of you made your way back up to the condo and relaxed in the living area. You had made yourself a quick sandwich and fed Honey before deciding to take a quick shower. Time had gone by fast and now you were making your way down to the lobby to meet Kuro. You had decided to just wear a pair of shorts and your favorite shirt along with your favorite shoes. You had just stepped out of the elevator when you saw him standing by the waiting area.
"You looked so beautiful the last time I saw you, that I forgot what I was going to say," he said with a grin.
"Does that work with every girl," you chuckled, your cheeks reddening.
"No, thought I'd give it a shot," he smirked.
"Come on Mr. Flirt let's go grab something to eat," you laughed, making a head start to the door.
Food stalls were lined up outside the Hotel area allowing guest the chance to enjoy the cuisines.
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Kuro had gone and paid for the food. You found an empty table and took a seat while Kuro got the two of you drinks. Yakisoba, Takoyaki, grilled salted mackerel pike and Yakitori were placed in front of you. Kuro came back with two opened bottles of water. The two of you spent the evening flirting around and sharing the food he had paid for. It had felt more like a date than an actual apology. You had no issue with it since you were having the time of your life. Kuro happily sent you some cheeky grins and random pick up lines. His pick up lines ranged from "If you can guess what my favorite restaurant is, I’ll take you there" to "I may run out of flirty things to say to you, but my heart will never run out of space for you". You had to admit it was one of the most fun nights you had and was disappointed when it was time to split. He walked you up to your condo the whole way sending you his grins.
"Well here is my stop," you said, playing with your hands.
"I don’t normally make the first move, but there’s no way I’m letting you get away," he smirked, leaning in.
"Then go ahead make your move," you smirked, feeling him move in closer.
The feel of his soft lips on yours made your heart race. You couldn't have enough of it. He pulled away and gave you his flirty grin. You gave him your best smile a bid him goodnight. He made sure to exchange numbers and continuing the moment you two have.
35 notes · View notes
Warmth: Prologue (2/3)
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku
Disclaimers: Besides the prologues, I will be posting the first 1000 or so words of every new/next chapter.  There will be a link to my AO3 at the end of the post, where the full chapters are at!
Warnings: mentions of blood
Masterlist: (coming soon)
"Here, let me help with-"
"It's alright!" Fuku shouts as she lifted several rolls of fabric with ease.
To say Fuku was doing a little better is an understatement. She was fantastically better. When Yuki and you came into work the morning after her accident, she didn't greet you both in her usual polite and quiet manner. Fuku had loudly welcomed you both in as if the shop were suddenly a bustling restaurant.
You were mending a ripped seam in the back room when Yuki suddenly enters and whispers, "Please tell me I haven't gone crazy, or is Fuku much more lively than yesterday?"
You resist the urge to smile. She got her spunk back indeed.
"I quite like this sudden shift in her character," you say.
"I do too, really! I haven't seen her like this since I was a kid. But the sudden switch from sweet to sassy is…" her mind trails off with uncertainty. She looks over her shoulder to make sure you two were alone still. "Do you think her accident yesterday had anything to do with her personality change?"
"They say your life flashes before your eyes in an instant when you come close to death. Maybe she decided to drop the quiet act and be true to herself."
"Yeah, that's it isn't it?" Yuki asks more to herself than to you. "But should she really be carrying all those fabric rolls? Those things are heavier than they look."
"Perhaps her back is doing better?"
"In a day?!"
She was getting more confused, more frustrated as she tried to wrap her head around everything. You put your needle and thread down and turn towards her. "Do you remember what I said yesterday?" you ask. Her tense shoulders relax a bit and she nods. "Then trust me on this. She's going to be fine. Would I ever lie to you if I didn't think she would?"
She shakes her head. "I don't know why, but you saying she's going to be okay somehow reassures me that it will be."
You give her a pat on the head, but she pulls you into a tight hug. You would hug her back if she wasn't squeezing your arms against your body. It was strange. Her hugging you like this almost makes you feel as if you two had truly become…
You don't finish that statement, for fear that your rival would hear it and use it against you. You nearly forgot that you could never truly make friends, not when you're still in the midst of a never-ending battle with a damn snake that targets the people around you. One of these days, you're going to get rid of it for good by any means necessary. Even if that means you would have to die with it, so be it. Anything to make sure it doesn't come out victorious.
You won't take away the people I love again.
The last time you took a vacation was...never. You've never been on vacation. Your 50-year lone journey could technically count, considering you don't work and essentially goof around most of those years. It wasn't to relax from the stresses of work though. It was merely to pass the time before you could integrate back into society without causing a fuss. It would also help you forget about the people you had gotten to know.
You look over to your co-worker and boss. "Can't I just relax at home? Do I really need to go all the way out to…"
"Kyoto," Yuki finishes your thought.
"Right. Do I really need to go out to Kyoto to relax?"
Fuku shakes her head in disbelief. "Honestly, all you ever do is work! You'll go stir crazy if you don't switch up your surroundings every now and then."
"Besides," Yuki chimes in. "If anyone deserves a vacation, it's you. I don't think you understand how much you work. It's admirable, but also very concerning."
Seeing their worried expression, you feel a bit bashful. They were only looking out for you, thinking you to be tied down to the same limitations they have. You badly want to just bite the bullet and tell them the true nature of who you are. Surely they would understand, right? They would accept you for who you truly are, right? The coiling of the snake around your arm keeps your confession at bay.
Apparently, a vacation for you meant a vacation for it as well. Tormenting you must be such a demanding job after all.
You made sure to sharpen your axe real well the other night.
The chugging of the train grew louder and louder. You and a few other people, mostly fellow travelers from outside your town, walk up to the yellow line on the ground and stand to wait. The train begins to slow down into a complete stop. Once halted, a hiss of steam is let out and the doors creak open.
You turn to give your farewells to your friends and surprisingly find yourself in the middle of a group hug. You give Fuku and Yuki their own pat on the back and they squeeze you a bit harder.
"Have fun! Don't forget to call me and take a bunch of pictures!" Yuki demands.
"And bring a man home," Fuku adds.
You laugh at her comment. She really was a feisty one.
Adjusting the bag hanging from your shoulder, you step onto the train cart and take a seat. After a few minutes, the doors close and you begin to depart from the station. As you look back out the window behind you, you see Fuku and Yuki still standing there, waving you off even as you gradually disappear over the horizon. You swear, they both looked ready to burst into tears.
A tightness against your arm grabs your attention. After wriggling about from under your sleeve, the snake finally pokes its head out and turns its head towards you.
"So," you whisper, as to not attract any attention from your fellow passengers. "It took you awhile to come back. Did I cut you up that badly?"
It hisses at you for mocking it. Uncaring of it feelings, you uncoil it from your arm and drop it in the seat next to you. Should any of the passengers have watched you, they would see you moving nothing. You were actually grateful they couldn't see it. If they did, they would all certainly panic. You did not want to be known as the traveler who carries a deadly snake with them.
You cross one leg over the other and sink in your seat. "Y'know, I should give you a name. It's starting to become annoying just referring to you as 'the snake'."
It seemed surprised that you were speaking to it on neutral terms. Usually, your interactions were hostile and more or less ended with you chopping it into fine bits. It slithers back onto you, this time coiling around your neck. You nearly flinch at the familiar sensation you felt as it tightened its grip to gain stability.
I felt this in my first memory. Go figure.
You pull out your phone and quickly search up an image of a color wheel. You take care to lift the screen up to the snake's eye level while not appearing odd from any lingering gazes. You tell it to tap on a color, and from the one it selects, you would refer to it as that henceforth. It was unimpressed by your naming process but you tell it that it was either this or you give it the most insulting name you can think of.
It looks at the screen for a minute. It then presses the tip of its mouth against the glass and selects the color black.
"How original," you sarcastically say. It responds by tightening around your neck. "Alright. I'll call you Kuro from now on. It'll make cutting you up all the more personal."
Your one-sided chat ends with Kuro, who turns his head away and settles around your neck. You pull up your phone's built-in navigation app and look at the expected arrival time, 3 hours. You lean forward and prop both elbows on your knees. For the next few hours, you just sat there and waited, not bothering to look out the window and marvel in the passing scenery. Your focus was entirely on Kuro, making sure that he wouldn't try to sneak off of you and attack any of the other passengers. He usually only goes for people you had grown attached to or spend most of your time with, but you weren't going to take any chances.
You give yourself a bit of comfort by sticking your hand in your duffel bag and squeezing the familiar handle of your axe.
The city still amazes you. It was hard to believe that in just a couple hundred years, humanity would evolve so rapidly. As amazing as the advancement of humanity was, the air quality has gone to complete shit. Along with sleeping and eating, you didn't need to breathe either. You're thankful you didn't have to subject yourself to the polluted air and spare yourself from burning your lungs. Kuro seems to hate the air as well, as he makes a sort of gagging noise once you step out of the station.
Finally, we agree on something
You robotically push past the crowds, flag down a taxi, and check into your hotel room. You send a quick text to Yuki to let her know you arrived safely and thank her again for booking the room for you. Once you set your belongings down and relax against the plush bed, you get a text back.
'What r u going to do?'
That's right. This was supposed to be a vacation. You were supposed to be going out and doing literally anything other than work.
What the hell are you even supposed to do?
You text back, 'idk.'
'Seriously??? There's a ton of stuff you could do in Kyoto!'
'Like what?'
'I heard shrines are lovely this time of the year'
The fact that you, a god, are visiting a shrine to be very, very hilarious. Kuro hates it apparently, which made it even funnier.
"Aww, don't be like that," you jokingly cooed at him.
You used the ladle from the shrine pavilion to scoop up the so-called purified water and bring it close to him. He hisses so violently that the shrine maiden that acted as a guide for you and your fellow visitors flinched and looks around to find the source of her scare. Deciding to spare him any more stress and reason to go on a frenzy, you put the ladle back in the basin and catch up to the departing group.
The tour was simple, a mere walk around the temple and it's public areas while the guide explained the history behind each building, important figures, and various rituals the worshipers practice. It wasn't the most exciting way to spend your first day on vacation, but you found still found it interesting and very educational.
Near the end of the tour, the guide leads you all up to a statue of a woman. Her skin is as white as milk, half of her black hair twisted up in a bun while the rest flowed down her back. It was a hairstyle your mother would style on you and even taught you how to do it yourself. Her kimono was a faded gold color from years of natural degradation. The pattern on her stone clothing reminded you of flames.
Your tour guide stops and turns back towards you all. "This here is a statue of the sun goddess, Amaterasu. She is a central deity within the Shinto religion. The Japanese nobility claim their divine right to rule by claiming to be her descendants."
Your tour guide went on about the shrine's methods of worship for Amaterasu, but you completely drowned out her words. You found yourself completely enamored by the statue.
Something about it was...
Hearing that name was…
Your body was...
"Miss?" One of the tour-goers waves her hands in front of your vision in an attempt to gain your attention. "Is everything alright?"
As you slowly regain your focus, you notice a wetness on your face. You had shed a tear. You quickly wiped it away and gave the concerned woman a reassuring smile. "Allergies."
She seemed relieved and without a second thought reached into her bag to pull out a bottle. She pops off the cap, shakes out two antihistamine pills and hands them to you. You take them and hide them under your tongue before taking a gulp of water from your plastic bottle. You thank her, waiting for her to walk off with the group before spitting them out.
Kuro gives a condescending flick of his tongue against the cheek your tear descended on. You slap his head away and growl, "Not a word."
You take a moment to gather yourself before heading back with the group. Before you turn the corner and lose sight of the statue, you spare it one last glance. When you looked at it again, you were certain what you were feeling wasn't just a fluke.
You felt warm.
The tour ended not long after you all saw the statue of the sun goddess. You didn't leave until night, when the Shrine closed to the public. You spent the entire day just staring at the statue, basking in the familiar warmth that filled within your body.
"I know you don't care, but that wasn't some coincidence," you say to Kuro. "That warm feeling. It's similar, no, the exact same warmth I summon when I heal people!"
You yank him off your neck and plop him on the nearest surface, a stone tablet of sorts with writing carved into it. It was monument for some historical figure, but you didn't care about it. He looks at you as if he was actually considering your words for once. At this point, you could care less about this ingrained rivalry between you two. If there was anyone else in the world that could ever relate to you, it would be him.
"Who the hell am I? What the hell are we? Who the hell made us so hellbent on screwing each other over? Actually, let me rephrase. Why are we so hellbent on screwing each other over?"
You kept rattling on question after question. Contemplating the meaning of your existence to a snake that no one but yourself could see. In your confused frenzy, you fail to notice the grey clouds engulfing the sky. The loud roar of lightning and sudden rainfall put a halt to your pacing.
So much for clear skies.
The sound of footsteps approaching your figure brought your attention back down to earth. "Are you alright ma'am? Do you have an umbrella?" a man in a lab coat and glasses looks at you with a blank stare, but his voice indicates that he was worried for you.
You shake your head. "I didn't think it would rain today."
The man opens his mouth to say something when suddenly, your eardrums are assaulted by another clap of lightning. This time, it struck the space right next to the both of you. You frantically search your surroundings to locate exactly where it struck. The monument that your rival was on had been completely shattered into pieces.
Shit, I put Kuro on that!
The bespectacled man kneels down towards you and offers you his hand. You didn't realize that you had fallen over until you finally registered the stinging on each of your knees. You reach out towards his offered hand. Before you could place your hand in his own, darkness suddenly enveloped your vision followed by a wave of dizziness. You instinctively shut your eyes and nurse your head in your hands.
The wet and cold air of the rainstorm was suddenly replaced with a suffocating heat. You manage to open your eyes and find yourself in a completely new setting. You were on the balcony of a building, currently blanketed in flames and billowing smoke. You accidentally inhaled due to your shock and began to cough as your lungs fill with black air.
Your fit alerts a figure in the room of your presence. Seeing you, a defenseless woman all so suddenly, they found themselves frozen in shock. Your vision began to slowly clear up enough for you to notice the familiar sheen of metal. Whoever it was that you were looking at had a sword in hand, tip aimed to the floor where a man lied unconscious at his feet.
Instinctively, you reached into your handbag and grabbed your axe. You put all the force you could muster into your grip and threw it at the man with the sword. He gave out a cry of pain, indicating that you had landed a hit on him. He suddenly backs away from the body and you think you hear him mutter some sort of apology before running out the room. With the threat now gone, you make your way towards the man on the floor. He was still unconscious, so you took a firm hold of his shoulders and began to shake him awake. He wakes up with a sputter before taking notice of you.
"Who are you?" his booming voice asks
"No time for introductions! The building is burning and we need to leave! Now!"
You didn't give him a chance to get in another word. Grabbing his forearm and hoisting him on his feet, you pulled him out of the fiery room. You make sure to grab your axe, wedged deep into the wood of the door frame, on your way out.
Miraculously, you manage to find a way out the building. As soon as you're lungs fill with fresh air, you double over into another coughing fit. As you try to calm your breaths, you turn back to building. It was a temple, but not like the one you visited earlier in the day. This one seemed more rustic. It was hard to fully picture what it might have looked like due to it being quite on fire still.
If you hadn't escaped in time, the man you dragged along with you would have perished. If not by the stab of the sword looming over him, then by the flames. Speaking of him, he looks out towards the burning temple with you. Instead of worry or panic, he seemed to be rather annoyed.
"Someone tried to do away with me as I slept? Audacious, but foolish. Killing my guards and managing to get so close to me is another matter."
Who cares if you were asleep or not?! You almost died!
He then turns towards you, taking notice of your grip still on his arm. "You there," he addresses you. "Let go of me."
You let go of his arm and he rubs it as if your grip was uncomfortable. He took in the person standing before him, his apparent savior.
"You may be mere entertainment the monks brought in, but you saved my life nonetheless. You have my thanks."
Did he just insinuate that you were a prostitute?
"I must have missed all the monks among the fire. I don't have a clue how I ended up in there," you tell him.
It's now that you begin to take in your surroundings. You were no longer within the city, not a single skyscraper obscuring the night sky in sight. The air, despite standing next to a burning building, wasn't as disgusting to breathe in. The man you rescued had striking features. His hair black and eyes a carnelian hue. He wore armor sporting colors of black, white, and red. You remember seeing such attire way back when your parents were alive. He was some sort of soldier.
"What are you staring at? Surely you know who I am?" He asks. You shake your head, being at a total loss for words. This genuinely confuses him. "You saved me not knowing who I am? Not expecting reward or favor?" He gives a deep chuckle that echoes throughout the night. "So be it, I shall tell you my name. I am the man who will rule all under the sun-"
Your silence is broken by your faint laugh. Was this man seriously going to monologue and create some sort of suspenseful build-up over his own name? After he just escaped the clutches of death?
He lifts an eyebrow. "Have I said something amusing?"
You cover your mouth to stifle your giggles and shake your head once more. Surely, he must have thought you rude.
Instead, he lets out another round of laughter, this time louder. "You're a curious one. No one has acted so impudently to me before." He takes a step closer to you and you take half a step back. "You intrigue me, which is almost as worthy of praise for saving my life. I am the Lord of Azuchi Castle and Daimyo of Owari, Nobunaga Oda."
Your head involuntarily tilts to the side. You look up at him and say, "...Who?"
His brows furrow. Now he was getting frustrated. "Do you truly not know who I am?"
You fiddle with your thumbs. "Noooooo?"
"You are indeed a strange one. But I have given you my name. Now, give me yours."
You hesitated, but decided it was safe to give him your name.
"I see. A good name befitting my savior"
Was that a compliment? Hang on, where the hell are you?!
You shake your head as if to clear your mind of its confused state. "Now that we got the introductions out the way. Tell me, where are we?"
"We are at Honno-ji. The building before you is-"
"A temple. I can see that. What year is it?"
He seems taken back by your question and of the fact that you interrupted him. "It is 1582. Why?"
Ah, 1582………WHAT?!
Before you could understandably freak out, the galloping of hooves grabs both your attention. The man at the front of the small group heading in your direction shouts, "Lord Nobunaga, you're safe!"
Once he reaches a safe distance, he hurriedly dismounts and approaches you both on foot. The others that rode alongside him turn their attention towards the building and begin shouting out orders to put out the flames.
"Mitsunari," Nobunaga turns to him. "Why have you come? Where is Hideyoshi?"
"Lord Hideyoshi sent me ahead. He should arrive here shortly," Mitsunari explains. He then takes in the sight of the smoldering temple and frowns. "It would seem the information we received about your assassination attempt was correct."
You feel another coughing fit coming and try to muffle it. It is then that Mitsunari takes notice of you.
"Oh, who might you be?"
Nobunaga calls out to you. He gives a nod to Mitsunari as an indication that you were no threat and then commanded, "Present yourself to my subordinate."
"I'm- Ow!"
Something pierces your ankle and you nearly fall over yet again. Mitsunari pulls you towards him and swiftly draws his sword out. As your eyes search the ground for what could have bitten you, you notice the familiar black scales of your rival hidden between the blades grass.
"Kuro! You bastard, I thought the lightning fried you to a crisp!"
As much as you hate to admit, you were glad to see the serpent is alive and well. However, as Mitsunari took notice of the snake, he pulled you further in until you were between him and Nobunaga.
"A snake?! Please stand back!"
He firmly planted his right foot on the ground and raised his sword. You immediately went on the defense and shoved him into the Nobunaga's chest. They were dumbfounded as they saw you place yourself protectively in front of the snake as if they were the threat, not it.
"Stop! He's with me!"
"My lady, the snake could potentially be venomous. Please walk carefully towards me,' Mitsunari beckons you to him.
Oh, he's much more than venomous… hold on.
You look down towards Kuro, then to Mitsunari, then to Kuro and back to the grey-haired man again. "You...You can see him?"
"Of course I can! Now please, get back!"
You glare down at him. "You bastard! You can make people see you at will can't you?!"
Unsurprisingly, he plays dumb and slithers back on you. Like before, he situates himself around your neck before turning his gaze towards the two armor-clad men. He sends an almost condescending gaze at the grown men panicking before him, a tiny viper.
"Ok, before you panic let me explain. This is Kuro. Say hi." You roll your eyes as he hisses at them. What else did you expect? "Lovely. He's my…we've known each other for a long time."
"You say that as if the snake were a person." Nobunaga notices.
Man don't even get me started!
"He's more aware than most, but he isn't harmful. So long as you don't annoy him he won't try to lunge at you." You shift your weight to the foot he had bitten, reminding you of the fact that he sunk his fangs into you just moments ago. "Except me. He'll only bite me."
"He's not venomous, is he?" Mitsunari asks.
"He has venom," you stupidly say, but quickly backtrack on your statement. "But he never shoots it in me, I swear! like I said, you just have to be cautious around him and not give him a reason to bite you."
"A woman with a venomous snake as her companion. There is no end to your amusement, is there?" Nobunaga speaks up, impressed, and not at all ashamed of feeling so, "Mitsunari, this is my savior. Remember her well."
"I thank you for rescuing our Lord," the man, clad in purple armor and a singular beauty mark under his right eye, bows deeply towards you. "My name is Mitsunari Ishida. I serve Nobunaga's right-hand man."
You wave your hands frantically to stop him. "Ah, no need to be so formal! Despite the circumstances, It's nice to meet you as well."
you properly introduce yourself to Mitsunari, who instantly perks up at your more welcoming demeanor. "Is your foot alright? That bite must have hurt. Though now that I've gotten a better look at you, you don't appear to be a nun. Are you perhaps from abroad?"
You look down towards yourself and realized you were wearing nothing but a t-shirt, capris, and some old worn out sneakers. You must look like a clown to them. Also, what were you even supposed to say in this sort of situation? Hey, I'm from 500 years in the future. Did I forget to mention I'm actually a 300 year old deity? Life sure is crazy!
Not knowing what is safe and not safe to say, you remained quiet. Mitsunari takes notice of your hesitation and looks back at Nobunaga for some guidance. The man, now over your rude behavior, steps past his subordinate and towers over you.
"Were you not taught to speak when spoken to? You may have saved my life, but there is only so much disobedience I will tolerate. Tell us where you hail from, and quickly."
You and Kuro glance at each other. Like most of your standoffs, there seems to be a mutual understanding between you two without the need for words. Remain silent. Do not tell them of your origin or of the nature of your being. Even if he decides you aren't trustworthy and strikes you down where you stand, you will survive the blow.
You kept your mouth shut. He seems more disappointed than angry towards your answer and turns towards Mitsunari. "Restrain her. She is now officially a suspect in the assassination plot on my life"
"My Lord. She's clearly disoriented from the chaos-"
"Restrain her," he ordered with finality.
Mitsunari, hesitant but not one to disobey orders, grabs a length of rope from his horse's saddle and walks back towards you. "Please give me your hands,' he politely demands of you. You do as you're told.
"It's alright," you whisper to him. "If it makes you feel better, my reason for being silent is just for my safety. I mean you all no harm. You have my word."
"I…" he appears caught between his orders and trusting in you. "I will trust you. No person with ill intent would risk their life to save Lord Nobunaga."
You thank him by giving his hand a comforting squeeze. He makes sure to tie your hands in a manner that would make escaping impossible, but not tight enough to hurt your wrists. You're escorted away from the temple, to a camp not too far away. You're led to a nearby bonfire and told to sit and not make any sudden moves. Mitsunari steps away from you and is replaced by two of the soldiers he brought with him.
"Hey," you try to whisper as quietly as you can to Kuro, "I have a suggestion. Care to hear it?"
He slithers around your neck until he's facing you head-on. It seems he's willing to listen. "Let's call a truce," you simply state. "The only conditions are that we look out and help one another until we find a way back to our time. After we return, we can go back to despising each other for the next hundreds of years."
Were you seriously offering an alliance with your sworn enemy? Yes, yes you were. As much as you both detest the idea of having to tolerate each other, the current situation made it clear that the only way you two are going to manage to get home is to put your heads together. Maybe even get along for a change?
Ugh, the thought of befriending this slithering asshole is deplorable.
"If you agree to those terms, bite my neck."
He doesn't hesitate to sink his fangs into your throat. You're sure he's wanted to bite you until your body was littered in duo puncture marks. The guards are alarmed at your cry of pain and go to kneel beside you to see what was wrong. They both took notice of the black snake around your neck and bleeding wounds. They look at each other and then nod. "Don't move ma'am. We'll take care of the snake-"
"He's a pet! No need to draw your sword," you immediately explain to them. "Could I maybe get a rag to press against my wound?"
The guard on your right seems hesitant, but his fellow soldier nods in assurance. He leaves in search of a rag, while the guard on your left seems to get closer to you. He's probably keeping a closer eye on you until his partner returns.
Two new people enter the camp. One is clad in blue and white armor, hair a pure white color. The other in green armor with red accents, hair a natural brown. You try your hardest to listen to their conversation. So far, both new figures seem to be concerned for the well being of Nobunaga. They question him on how he managed to escape unscathed and soon the attention is turned towards you.
"This is my savior. Due to her lack of answering my inquiries about her person, I've placed her under custody until we return to Azuchi."
"That one, sitting by the fire?" the white-haired one gestured towards you. You gave him a wave with your tied hands. "What a slender thing, but appearances aren't everything. Shall I pry answers from her mouth?"
The threat of torture puts you both on edge. You more than Kuro as you would be the one subjected to it.
Nobunaga seems to notice your fear and revels in it. "Once we return home, if she refuses to explain herself again, I will leave her in your hands. For now, we prepare for our departure."
The white-haired one nods in understanding before sending a spine chilling grin towards you.
Note to self, watch out for that one.
The brown-haired one comes towards you. While he isn't as scary as the other one, his height makes up for it. He's nearly twice your height and taller than anyone in the camp. He glares down at you and says, "Whoever you are, if you have any plans to harm Lord Nobunaga, I will make you regret ever having such thoughts."
Threat after threat after threat. You were getting pretty fed up with it. You were about to give the man a piece of your mind when suddenly, Kuro lunges at him. His fangs were bared and spurted liquid out of his mouth. That wasn't a warning bite. It was an honest attempt to bite and kill.
"Kuro!" You scold him. "That's not going to help the situation!"
"A snake?! Why haven't you noticed and gotten rid of it?!" The green armored one questions your guards.
They stutter over themselves before you finally speak up in place of them. "He's my pet."
"Pet or not. Allowing such a dangerous animal around Lord Nobunaga is a risk I won't take."
He reaches down to his waist to unsheathe his sword. In your panic, you shot up on your feet and you kick him right in the diaphragm. His arms wrap around his stomach and he nearly falls to his knees over from the blow.
"The next person that points a sword at us, I'm going to hold you down myself and let him pump you full of venom!" you scream. Gods, were you so on edge that you were now threatening people?
Your suddenly thrown face first down onto the ground and pinned from behind. You turn your head to see who it was that had restrained you. It was the white-haired one. The empty barrel pointed at you keeps you still.
I smell gunpowder. That's a rifle no doubt. Father used to have one in the house in case wolves came by at night.
"Those things have a tendency to accidentally go off," you tell him.
He smiles down at you. "Indeed. You'll forgive me if it does, yes?"
Second note, I hate this guy.
Angered by his cockiness, you try to wiggle out of his hold, but it utterly fails. In fact, you actually help him get a better grip on you and make it harder for you to escape. Great job, you dumbass.
"What shall we do with the snake, my lord?" The one pinning you down asks Nobunaga.
He stood over your defenseless self and stared at you with indifference. "It is clearly a hazard, but it has yet to leave it's master side and only struck when it perceived her to be under an immediate threat. Leave it, but keep your distance."
"My Lord, that is too much of a risk. Removing the threat now would be the better option," the brown-haired one protested. Slightly bent over in pain from your hit.
"I hate to say it, but I agree with Hideyoshi," the white haired one says. "Even a moment of vulnerability on our part will result in her releasing it on us."
The one you hit is Hideyoshi. Noted.
Nobunaga smirks at him. "If you're so concerned, Mitsuhide, then I suggest you put your sharpshooter skills to good use and keep an eye on the damn thing. Now, if you're both done bickering, let us head out."
Mitsuhide didn't seem to like his new orders but answers with a practiced "yes sir", before helping you up to your feet. Without any more to say, you're escorted to an large crowd of horses and lifted onto a saddle. Mitsunari is your apparent rider and you quietly thank the heavens for your one saving grace.
"Sorry," you whisper, "I sort of made things worse for myself."
You feel him tense, immediately feeling bad for making him worry even more.
"Once we return to Azuchi, you'll be in a secure place and can speak your truth without fear of lingering ears," he tells you. The horse beneath you suddenly kinks into a speedy gallop and you hold onto him for dear life.
You travel for a few minutes before the steeds around you slow down into a complete stop. A man with an eye patch and blue and gold armor appears with another unit of soldiers. Perhaps he was back up? He sure is late though.
"Lord Nobunaga. I see you're unscathed," he says, a more casual hint in his voice.
"Physically, yes. But my pride has taken quite the hit. We're returning to Azuchi. Have your men follow."
"Damn, I guess I was too late to see some action," he answers disappointedly. He turns back towards his reinforcements and shouts, "You heard the man! It's back home for us!"
His soldiers all let out groans of equal disappointment. He laughs at their expense before maneuvering his horse to join with the rest of the retreat. It's when he and his men fully merge that he takes notice of you and your bound hands. "Who's the lass?" He shouts over to Hideyoshi.
"They're under suspicion for the assassination attempt tonight. She has a snake around her neck and it will strike if you get near."
"A woman with a snake, huh? I like you already. The name's Date Masamune. I hope we can get to know each other well."
First I get called a prostitute, then this asshole flirts with me while I'm tied up! So much for a relaxing vacation!
Kennyo watches the retreat of the Oda alliance with rage. His chance to exact revenge was in the palm of his hand but had been slapped away in a mere instance. The rustling of bushes gains his attention and he turns to see Ranmaru knelt before him, sweaty and disheveled. He's now porting a gash across his normally pristine face. "Are you alright? We need to tend to that wound to prevent it from becoming infected. It'll likely scar."
Ranmaru is on the verge of tears. "Master Kennyo, I failed you. All our efforts to eliminate the head of the Oda have gone to waste because of-"
The monk shushes him. "You've done well, Ranmaru. You've demonstrated how well the devil king trusts you. That alone is enough to be the cause of their undoing."
Ranmaru flinches at the mention of the word "trust." Kennyo turns back to look at the retreating forces once more. He turned back just in time to see that the they had a prisoner in their midst. He becomes even more enraged once he realizes that it was a woman.
"They would go so far as to blame a woman for the fire and hold her captive. The Oda couldn't stoop any lower than they have now."
Kennyo begins to walk away into the darkness of the forest. He gestures for the boy to follow, and he does so without hesitation.
Another set of eyes watch the retreat of the Oda alliance from the sidelines.
"How disappointing. Though perhaps this is a blessing in disguise," Kenshin, initially unhappy seeing Nobunaga escape unharmed, immediately perks up at his own thoughts. "I still have an opportunity to drag the devil king out to battle and strike him down myself."
Shingen shakes his head in disbelief. Although he was frustrated as the rest, seeing the Oda pull out victorious and without a single loss, hearing Kenshin retain his bloodlust was reassuring. "He truly earned the title of devil king. Only a demon could have such twisted luck on his side."
"Lord Shingen," Yukimura suddenly notices an unfamiliar figure among the retreating forces, "look at who is riding with Mitsunari Ishida."
Shingen searches out for the familiar tuff of grey hair. He was in a bad mood, but now he's pissed. That was a woman, bound by the wrist the same way a criminal would be. "Unforgivable," is all the Tiger of Kai could growl out.
"Yes," Yoshimoto nods in agreement with his cousin, "Such a small thing. She must be scared to death."
Kenshin doesn't make any comment at the revelation, but he notices the panic that overtakes Sasuke's face upon hearing that a woman had been taken prisoner.
"I've grown bored. Let us return to Echigo and reconvene another day."
Kenshin doesn't wait for an answer. He turns away and the rest of his allies follow without a word. "Sasuke," Kenshin calls out to his ninja who had yet to move from his spot, "Do not keep me waiting."
He snaps out of this train of thought before following along. "Yes, my Lord."
You had remained quiet the entire trip. A few people called your name, but you were so lost in your thoughts that you didn't even acknowledge whoever was speaking to you. You failed to realize that night had turned into morning. Your surroundings had changed from foliage into a massive fortress-like castle.
Kuro paid attention to your surroundings in your stead. Anyone that had gotten even a little close was hissed at and had transparent venom spat at them. Even Mitsunari, your one and only ally as of now, was not spared of the serpents radar.
You finally speak your first words after hours of silence. "If you keep threatening every man that so much as looks in my direction, I might start to believe you actually liked me all this time."
You're once again bitten, this time on the back of your hand. Blood quickly pools in the twin punctures before rolling down and staining your skin.
Mitsuhide had witnessed the snake sink its fangs into you. "Oh my, such a temperamental pet. Are you sure you have it under control?"
You roll your eyes. "Of course I do. Hey, Kuro," you look down to him. "If things turn ugly, pump me full of whatever you got left."
The snake nods, pleased at the privilege you've given it. Mitsuhide narrows his eyes at you, concerned over your order. You make sure to pat Kuro's scaly head while maintaining eye contact with him.
The entourage heads towards the stable. Stable hands awaited their return and began to board and tend to each steed. Mitsunari eventually dismounts and offers his hand for you to take. You gratefully accept his gesture and he helps steady you on the ground.
"How are your hands? If they feel sore I'll redo my bindings," he offers.
You shake your head. "I'm alright. What's going to happen to me now?"
"Lord Nobunaga requested an immediate council upon his return. It will likely be about the events that took place at Honno-ji and will take some time to inform and gather everyone needed. Until then, you...you will be…"
You didn't rush him. He was clearly having a hard time trying to muster up the courage to tell you what will happen to you until the meeting. You already have an idea what it would entail.
"You will be held in a prison cell until your fate is determined."
There it is.
"Will Kuro be allowed to stay with me?"
He nods. "Hideyoshi requested that the snake remain on your person at all times and visible. I hope his request isn't too unreasonable."
"If it puts the people here at ease then I can live with it. I'd feel safe having him close by anyways, so I'm quite thankful he didn't call in some expert snake hunter or something."
Mitsunari smiles at your words. "Even when the odds are against you, you find the positive within. You are truly admirable, my lady."
You return the smile. "Thank you, but I'm sure I told you before not to be so formal!"
"Very well. I agree with the condition that you address me with familiarity too. Is that alright?"
You nod and, for a brief moment, you forget that you were technically still a prisoner.
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redbokuto · 3 years
Awaited Encounter~ part 4
Bokuto’s lips curled up to support the pencil he was trying to balance on them. My fingers gripped our textbook tightly, glaring at the childish college student. “Bokuto…” I mumbled with a tinge of annoyance.
Normally, his antics wouldn’t bother me but after several hours of studying, my emotions tend to get a bit loose. At this point all the words in the textbook looked the same. The sight made my head pulse, and my eyes burn.
Bokuto frowned at my tone, making the pencil fall from his lips. “Akashii! When am I going to use this in life!” The gray-haired boy complained. He leaned back in his chair, letting the tank top he wore stretch.
“Probably never.” I answered honestly. My eyes traveled across the table to where Bokuto sat. I tried not to stare at his exposed muscles now that he is wearing less clothing than usual. Maybe it wasn’t a good idea to have our study session at Bokuto’s apartment.
Kuro, Bokuto’s close friend and roommate, left us alone. I didn’t get to meet him; he was already gone by the time I arrived.
“Then why am I learning it!” Bokuto whined like a child. His head tilted back, showing more of his pale neck. My eyes wandered around Bokuto’s body with care. I took in as many features about him as possible before exhaling. “Let’s take a break.” I stated while closing the large textbook.
The sentence brought life to Bokuto. His head sprung back up and a grin grew on his lips. “Hey hey hey! How about some food? It’s late isn’t it, it’s almost 8.”
I watched as the energetic man bounced off his seat and headed towards the kitchen. His top moving with every step. I swear that shirt was made to take my attention.
The view of Bokuto’s broad back graced me as the tall man searched his cabinets. He has changed so much since those days. When we were kids, Bokuto was a little chubby with his round cheeks and baby fat. Looking back on it, he was adorable.
Now though, that has changed. I would not describe Bokuto’s appearance as adorable anymore. More like… mature and taunting…
“How about I make us something?” Bokuto suggested, taking ingredients out of his white fridge. Bokuto’s apartment is a lot cozier than mine. When you walk in, you are in the living room with a small kitchen attached. The floor is made of light brown wood and the walls are painted with a light beige.
You could tell when you first walk in that this was a boy’s apartment. There was no theme to the rooms from what I’ve seen so far. There was even random stuff on the floor. Like a wooden boat which Bokuto calls his ‘adventure time’. I can’t even begin to question that concept.
Even though the apartment was strange and messy, I couldn’t help but admire it. You could tell the people here made many good memories, unlike my apartment.
“You can cook?” I asked with the tilt of my head. Bokuto turned around and frowned, “why do you sound so surprised?”
“Because I am.” I answered before moving from the table to one of the reclining chairs. Another thing weird about this apartment was its organization. Their couch was not the center piece of furniture, it was moved to the side. In the center of the room stood two brown recline chairs.
“That’s mean Akashi! And don’t sit there, that’s Kuro’s. Sit in mine.” Bokuto gestured to the identical chair beside me. But they both look the same… why does it matter? I didn’t bother speaking my question out loud. Instead, I moved.
My back pushed against the soft cushion of the chair. It made me sigh subconsciously, “well we haven’t known each other for that long.” I said in a whisper. I couldn’t speak those words louder than that. Every time I think about me and Bokuto’s current situation, I grow an aching pain in my stomach.
It felt as if I was using him for my own benefit. So I would feel less anxious than usual. Bokuto calms my nerves without any effort. His warmth and presence are all it takes, maybe that’s why it’s so hard to let go of him again.
“Did you say something Akashi?” Bokuto questioned, turning his head towards me. My eyes looked up to meet his large smile, “no, nothing at all Bokuto.” I tried to give the man a smile, but my face stayed straight. Looks like the guilt from all those years ago is starting to take effect.
“Well, in order to make the thing I want to make, we need a few items.” Bokuto stated while walking towards me.
I sighed, “you don’t have to cook if you don’t want to-“
“I want to.” Bokuto interrupted. His bright eyes looked down at my dark ones. They held a sense of determination, which meant there was no use in trying to change his mind. “Would you like me to come with you?” My offer made those golden eyes sparkle. “Yes!”
Bokuto grabbed his jacket as we both left the apartment. My hands tucked into my dark jeans while Bokuto hummed to himself. It was silent except for Bokuto’s humming. The silence was calming and peaceful, it made me comfortable.
A bell jingled when Bokuto opened the front door to the convenience store. The store was bright with only a few other people crowded inside it. The girl at the cash-register looked up to see who came inside. Her eyes widened a bit when they met mine.
Why is she looking at me like that?-
“Akashi can you get some heavy cream? I can get everything else.” Bokuto’s voice shook my thoughts. I gave the gray-haired man a nod before walking around the store. Her eyes stayed on me with each step I took. The stare made me uneasy.
I don’t like people paying attention to me, it has always caused me anxiety. My breathing grew ragged as a lump formed in my throat. I turned the corner to hide in one of the empty isles. For some reason, that one stare made me panic.
Sliding down to the ground, I tried to calm myself. “It’s just one person, it’s just one person.” I whispered, gripping my forearm with closed eyes. An image from my past passed through my mind, making me bite my lip.
“Akashi?” Even with my eyes shut, I knew Bokuto was kneeling beside me. I kept my eyes closed while his golden orbs scanned my body. “Are you cold? Hurt? What’s wrong?” Bokuto asked as he placed his hand on my shoulder.
The touch made me flinch, “it’s nothing.” I squeezed out. Bokuto’s hand let go of my shoulder. I thought he was going to leave me alone, but I was wrong. The gray-haired man grunted as he took a seat next to me.
His shoulder pressed against mine, erasing any space between us. A sigh escaped his lips, “you don’t like attention.” The statement came as a shock to me. How did he know that? Has Bokuto been… observing me? He has only known me for two weeks, well that he knows of.
I peeked up to look at Bokuto. For once his face was neutral and his eyes were only focused on me. “Yes… I mean no? How did you know?” My voice was quiet for only Bokuto to hear.
“You give hints from time to time. Like when the teacher looks at you, you often squirm and look disgruntled in your seat. Or when we walk to school, when someone looks at you, you freeze up and hide behind me.” Bokuto started to chuckle at the thought. “You’re very adorable Akashi.”
My face warmed as my heart rate quickened. I didn’t try to say anything, knowing it would come out as slurred letters. Bokuto looked at my red face and gave me a small smile, “are you still nervous?”
“Did you only say that so I wouldn’t be?” I mumbled.
Bokuto’s grin grew, “nope.” He stood up and dusted off his pants. I watched as the gray-haired man stuck out his hand, “let’s go, Akashi.” His smile was as bright as the sun, I could never smile like that.
I took his hand and followed behind Bokuto. It has always been like this, me hiding behind Bokuto as if I was his shadow. When we were little, a lot of kids hated him for that reason. Bokuto didn’t make many friends because of his large presence. The other kids would say Bokuto hogs the spotlight. I never believed that to be true.
Being Bokuto’s shadow has never been easy. It means I have to help him stay in the spotlight. Whether it’s grades or motivation. When we were younger, Bokuto would often get discouraged and not want to try. I was the only person who could motivate him to try again.
Now, times have changed. Now Bokuto is motivating me to move, even as his shadow.
Bokuto put down his items in front of the female cashier. The woman tilted her head to look at me, noticing how I was hiding from her. “We would like to buy these.” Bokuto stated. He had on his normal smile, but his voice was lower than usual.
The woman snapped out of her thoughts and nodded to Bokuto. She scanned the food in front of her, taking a few glances at me as she did. I kept my eyes on the back of Bokuto’s head, “when did you learn how to cook?”
Bokuto tilted his face towards me, “well when I was young. My sisters made me, so it wasn’t my choice.” Bokuto laughed.
I almost forgot about Bokuto’s siblings. He as two older siblings, making Bokuto the baby of the family. Bokuto is the only man in the house since his father passed away when he was young.
“Can we talk about them during dinner?” I asked, keeping my focus on my long-lost best friend. Bokuto blinked a few times, “of course!”
The woman handed Bokuto two bags, “H-have a nice day!” The woman shouted as we left the store.
I sighed in relief once we left, which Bokuto picked up on. “You know she was only looking at you because she was interested in you, right?” His comment caught me off guard. My head shifted to meet his eyes, but Bokuto stayed looking ahead. His lips were pressed into a straight line as his golden eyes lingered on the stranger in front of him.
“W-what do you mean?” I question with a hint of nervousness.
“I mean you’re beautiful Akashi.” Bokuto tilted his head and looked at me. “And everyone knows it.”
The rest of the walk was silent. I was torn between blushing from Bokuto statement or over analyzing it. So, I did both in silence. My whole body felt so awkward, especially my face. It was warm and stung with embarrassment.
Everyone? What does he mean by everyone? I wasn’t aware of this! Does that mean… Bokuto think so too? Does Bokuto think I’m beautiful?
As a child I developed feelings for Bokuto, and I can tell that they were coming back. When we were younger, Bokuto felt the same way. It was adorable puppy love. But now, is different.
When we stepped inside the apartment, Bokuto began to cook. I watched as the man focused on what ingredients go where. He smiled at me when he realized I was staring, “My sisters love this dish. Though it is not the healthiest.” Bokuto said, making the plates.
He placed the bowl down in front of me. Steam rose in the air as the smell of fresh chicken filled my nose. The noodles looked creamy and well done, the sight almost made me drool. “Fettuccine Alfredo.” The words made my stomach growl as I uttered them.
Bokuto chuckled, “eat up!”
Both of us ate and Bokuto talked. He talked about both his sisters, Ai who is the eldest, and Megumin who is the second eldest. He talked about how scary Ai can be and how energetic Megumin can be. I have heard most of this information before, but I paid attention to every detail.
“Ai and Megumin have super important jobs!” Bokuto exclaimed with a proud grin.
“And what would those be?” I asked while putting my plates in the sink.
“Well they both work in law enforcement.” Bokuto answered. He trotted around his kitchen to put his dish away. I started washing the dishes as he continued. “They may or may not be in the FBI.”
“Oh, that’s interesting.”
“I said may not.”
“Yes, yes may not.” I nodded along.
“but they are!” Bokuto exclaimed. I could tell he is proud of his sisters and looks up to them. I found it cute.
After another half hour of talking, Bokuto walked me home. He talked more about his siblings, and I listened along. When we got to my apartment, Bokuto switched the subject. “I had fun Akashi, thank you for helping me study.” I wanted to mention that we didn’t do much studying, but Bokuto spoke again. “I know I can be a pain at times, and I don’t pay much attention.-“
“I had fun.” Bokuto froze from my words. He then grew wide eyed from my smile, “let’s do this again tomorrow, Bokuto.”
The gray-haired man stayed quiet and speechless. I bowed a bit before going inside my apartment and slowly closing the door.
Third pov
Bokuto walked back home, still slightly shocked from Akashi’s words. He had fun? Sometimes it’s hard to tell what Akashi is thinking and feeling. Often, Bokuto feels as if he annoys Akashi. But his smile, it was genuine.
It was not just Akashi’s words, but the rare smile that played on his lips when he said it. It made Bokuto freeze up without any warning.
He let the image dance around in his mind, making his own smile grow. When he walked into his apartment, he was greeted by a very familiar face. “Oh, hey Kuro.” Bokuto waved before placing his keys on the counter.
Kuro picked up his head with left over noodles hanging from his mouth. “Hey bro.” Kuro said, slurping up the noodles.
“How was Kenma’s?” Bokuto smirked, taking a seat in his reclining chair. Kuro rolled his eyes and continued eating his noodles. Once he swallowed, he spoke, “how was your date?”
Bokuto puffed out his cheeks, “it was not a date.” He claimed, crossing his arms over his chest. Once again Kuro rolled his eyes, “Kenma told me you’d say that.”
“What else did Kenma say to you?” Bokuto’s playful smirk appeared again as he patted his friend’s shoulder. Bokuto has been friends with Kuro since his first year of middle school. That is when his volleyball accident happened. “Nothing that concerns you.” Kuro bit back. He does not like where this conversation was going, so he switched the subject.
“What did you two do while I was gone? I hope nothing too messy.” Kuro observed the blush blooming on Bokuto’s cheeks with a smile. “Dirty minded as always.” The best friend shook his head in fake disappointment.
“I am not dirty minded! We just studied, maybe you should start.” Bokuto pouted.
Kuro put his hand over his heart and gasped, “I study!” Bokuto laughed at the statement, which made Kuro laugh as well. “So… what’s his name?” Kuro placed his plate on the ground and put all his attention on his best friend.
“His name is Akashi!” Bokuto said proudly. Kuro’s lips parted, but no words came out. His face stayed neutral as a lump formed in his throat. “How long have you known him?”
“A few weeks but we have grown close! He might take your spot as my best friend!” Bokuto laughed. Kuro didn’t laugh though, he looked away from Bokuto and gave a bitter smile. “Yeah well, you never know.”
All these chapters can be found on Wattpad under the user zayinmorzin
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truelovevoltage · 4 years
Lies - Tetsuro Kuro
Kuroo Tetsuro, captain of Nekoma’s volleyball team was not only Y/N’s significant other but also their best friend. It took a while for the two of them to get together but it worked out in the end.
Y/N also happens to be in the girls volleyball team therefore it wasn’t easy finding a day for the two to go on a date. However, the two of them would walk home together and tell each other how their day went.
The captain used to be talkative and would always initiate the conversation with his significant other but lately he’s been very distant. Y/N didn’t really mind because she knew that they were preparing for Inter High. One Saturday Y/N asked her boyfriend if he wanted to accompany her to the mall but he quickly declined. “Sorry Y/N, we have practice today. Rain check?”
“Sure, you owe me ice cream on our next date.” She quickly got ready and headed out. It was unfortunate that Tetsuro couldn’t come with her but at least she got some break. Calm before the storm as some people may call it. Nothing really caught Y/N’s eye when she went shopping and decided to go to the book store instead to look at some new books that pique her interest after all reading a book could be another way to relax. She then went to the video game store and bought the new game. She was hoping she’d get to play with her best friend later and talk about her boy problems or ask Kozume Kenma her other male best friend if he wanted to play to keep their minds off for the upcoming tournament.
As we was leaving she bumped into the Libero on the team and waved. “Yaku! Practice is over already?”
“Huh? What are you talking about Y/N, we have a day off today. Kuroo was extremely happy about it too.” He answered. This didn’t make sense. Why did Tetsuro lie to her? What was he trying to accomplish by lying? What was his motive? “Y/N, is something wrong?”
“Hmm? Oh, no don’t worry about it. I was just thinking about the upcoming tournament.” She lied. After the two of them had a small chat, they said their goodbyes. She started to think about the worst case scenario. It not like it was their anniversary or anything, there’s no way Tetsuro would be doing a surprise date for her. Could it be that he found someone else? She could feel her hands trembling. Y/N wasn’t sure if they should confront Tetsuro about it or not.
She called her other best friend multiple times to seek comfort and advise but she wasn’t answering, she found it weird that she wasn’t answering and headed to her house instead. She rang the doorbell but it wasn’t her friend who answered the door but her Mom. Her mom invited her in and and said that her daughter should be back soon. Her friends Mom is such a sweet lady and treats Y/N like her own daughter.
Seconds turned into minutes, Y/N felt awkward in the house and excused herself. “Auntie I think I’m going to head back just tell Y/F/N that I dropped by.” Y/N smiled at her and left the house. The moment she opened the door she saw her best friend and boyfriend kissing. “Tet...suro?” She whispered. Y/N was in shock, she couldn’t believe what she was seeing. The two people who she trusted the most went behind her back and betrayed her. “Y/N lis-” Y/F/N pleaded.
“So this is what you two have been up to. Who would’ve guess my two best friends would go behind my back like this.” Tears rolled down Y/N face. She was heartbroken. Tetsuro and Y/F/N was speechless, “Cat got your tongue?” She smirked at the two. She wiped her tears and move past them. Y/N had mixed emotions, she felt sick. She couldn’t even look at the two of them. “Y/N wait-” Tetsuro grabbed her wrist.
Y/N used the momentum of Tetsuro pulling her and slapped him real hard. “Save it, I don’t want to hear it.” The scene repeated in her and and ran away from the place as fast as she can. How could’ve this happened? When did Tetsuro fall out of love with Y/N? Why couldn’t he just break up with her rather than cheating on her?
There was only one person she could ask to accompany her, Kenma. Although he hated the idea of leaving his house, he couldn’t say no to a new game. When Kenma arrived he saw Y/N’s terrible state. This took him by surprise, he didn’t want to ask her any questions but he could tell that this had to do with his childhood friend.
As time passed by, Kenma would glance towards Y/N’s way and observe her a little. He knew that he wasn’t going to get anything by asking her therefore he’ll just wait until she speaks to him. Y/N felt her tears rolling down once more and couldn’t stop wiping them away. She then went on a full on sob which made Kenma pause their game.
“Tetsu-...Kuroo I mean. I caught him kissing Y/F/N, in front of her house.” She gripped the controller. Y/N explained everything she’s been feeling the past few days and she couldn’t help but feel hopeless. “Am I not enough for him? Did I do something wrong for him to do this to me?” She sobbed even more.
Kenma hated seeing one of his best friends like this. He was mad at his childhood friend for doing something like this. Kenma couldn’t believe he would even do such a thing.
Monday came around and they could tell that Y/N changed. She would smile at people but people could tell that her eyes were cloudy. Sure she was smiling but her smile did not reach her eyes, it doesn’t have the same sparkle that she used to have. Tetsuro didn’t know how to talk to her, he knew that he was at fault and he was ashamed of it. He just didn’t know how to fix it, Y/N wasn’t just his girlfriend, but his best friend as well. How stupid was he to make a mistake like that?
Y/N pretended like nothing happened during practice. Even though it hurts to see her ex best friend on the team, she needed to move on. Y/F/N fidgeted and trembled as Y/N passed by her. “Look, I don’t care if you and Kuroo are a thing. Don’t bring your personal life here, we’re all here to play volleyball and we’re here to win Inter High. If you mess this up for the team, I won’t forgive you.” Y/N whispered the last sentence. This sent shivers down Y/F/N’s spine because it had two meanings. One for stealing Y/N’s boyfriend and two, missing their chance to make it to nationals. Y/F/N’s knew how hard everyone was practicing.
The week was a living hell for Y/N. She didn’t know how she survived that week knowing that she was in the same class as the captain of the boys volleyball team. The classroom could feel the tension between the two. Normally the captain would be talking to his lovely girlfriend and the whole class was already used to the couple and were jealous. But the fact that they’re not even talking to each other made them uncomfortable. More uncomfortable than the two openly flirting with each other in the classroom that’d make the girls and boys in the class jealous of their relationship.
Y/N couldn’t wait until Friday because Friday was the day Kenma promised Y/N to continue the game that she bought last Saturday. Tetsuro wanted to speak to Y/N and explain himself plenty of times but didn’t know how to approach her or how to start the conversation with her.
It was now Friday night and Y/N waited for Kenma to finish practice since they finished theirs early. She didn’t want to bother the team by entering the gym therefore she waited outside. “L/N-san? What are you doing out here? Come inside!” Lev proclaimed. “Lev it’s okay I’m fine, I can wait out here.”
“Kuroo-san! Your girlfriend is here to pick you up!” Both Y/N and Tetsuro froze from their spot. Lev dragged Y/N in to the gymnasium. She just wanted to get swallowed up by the earth from this embarrassment. The two hasn’t spoke to each other since Y/N caught him kissing Y/F/N. They haven’t properly broke up and this is probably the best time to do it because it was hurting Y/N.
“Lev stop slacking off!” Yelled Yaku across the gym. Their coach could only just sigh at this scene and totally forgot the time. “That’s enough for today. You guys need to go home and get some rest, plus we don’t want to hold Y/N captive here.” Y/N politely smiled at the coach. The guys went into their clubroom while she waited out by the gates.
Y/N looked up at the stars while waiting. The night sky was gorgeous and she could only smile at how peaceful things were, but then it reminded her about the event that happened last weekend. She closed her eyes and thought about the happy times, she doesn’t want to look weak she didn’t want others to worry about her.
The other first and second years left and said their goodbyes. She just needed to wait for Kenma and hoped not to run into her ex boyfriend or soon to be ex boyfriend.
“Y/N, ready to go?” Asked Kenma. Y/N nodded her head and walked with Kenma.
“Wait Y/N, can we talk?” Kenma and Y/N looked at each other. Kenma gave the two some space to talk about even though it look like there was nothing that’ll fix their current problem.
“Y/N I am so sorry I hurt you. I promised you back then even before we dated that I’d protect you and I’d never hurt you and yet I did this. I am ashamed of myself and I didn’t know how to face you. I know I should’ve talk to you about it rather than hiding and being a coward...But I, I just wanted you to know that I still love you.”
Y/N scoffed. “You had the entire week to tell me, or even explain to me what I saw last Saturday. You know this entire week I thought to myself ‘was I not enough?’, ‘did he even love me?’, or ‘was he only using me to get to her?’ Those thoughts ran through my mind and wondered what I did wrong to deserve this. And love? I don’t thin you love me, because if you did this wouldn’t happen”
“No that’s not it! It was just a dumb mistake. I swear it didn’t mean anything. Y/N you’re very important to me and I’m stupid enough to take you for granted.”
“Then answer this for me Kuroo. Did you even think of me when you were with her?”
There was silence between the two. Tetsuro knew the answer to her question but no words came out. “Y-yes.” He choked out the words.
Y/N turned her back from Testuro. “Liar. If you thought about me, you wouldn’t have done that. This will be the last time you lie to me Kuroo.”
Tetsuro watched Y/N walk away from him. He wanted to chase after her. He really wanted to but he was afraid that, that will hurt her even more. Why did he have to hurt the one person that never left his side? What the hell went on with his head during this time? Was it the pressure from the upcoming tournament? Was it his future education? He doesn’t know what the reason is but he sure messed up big time. He didn’t just lose his best friend but his one true love.
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pocket-luv101 · 3 years
Summary: Mahiru can’t sleep due to his neighbour’s new baby crying throughout the night. He decides to go help his neighbour so he could finally sleep. (KuroMahi, Human AU)
The walls of Mahiru’s apartment building were thin and he was able to hear his neighbour if they raised their voice. His neighbour was quiet so the thin walls had never bothered him. The apartment was also cheap and close to his university. He thought it would be easier for him to tolerate the thin walls rather than search for a new place to live. Mahiru was beginning to question his decision though.
For the past week, Mahiru would be kept awake by their crying baby on the other side of the wall. He had never met his neighbour but he assumed that they had a newborn baby. Mahiru didn’t hear anything violent or shatter so he doubted the child was being abused. He worked in a daycare so he recognized that the baby was merely crying to voice its needs.
Mahiru glanced at the clock next to his bed and he saw that it was one in the morning. He doubted he would be able to get enough sleep for his morning class. With a heavy sigh, Mahiru pushed off his blanket and he slid out of bed. He knew how difficult infants could be so he couldn’t complain to his neighbour about the noise. He thought he could give them advice for how to soothe a newborn at least.
Mahiru walked to his neighbour’s door and knocked lightly. He hoped they were able to hear him over the overwhelming wails the child made. After a few minutes, a man answered the door. He had large bags under his red eyes and he carried a baby in his arms. The man appeared to be the same age as him and Mahiru wouldn’t have guessed that he was a father at first glance.
“I’m sorry for coming over like this but I live next door and I can hear your baby crying through the wall. Do you need help getting your baby to sleep? I work at a daycare and I have experience with kids. My name is Mahiru.” He introduced himself. “Is your wife asleep? Your baby could be hungry for milk and feeding her might help.”
“I’m not married. It’s just me and Machi here.” Kuro placed his finger beneath Machi’s tiny hand and he lifted it slightly so she waved to Mahiru. He had seen Mahiru in the hallway a few times so he knew that he was his neighbour. He was a private person so he never started a conversation with him before. “Sorry for the noise. I already fed and changed her so those things aren’t making her cry. Can’t deal.”
Kuro didn’t know if his lack of sleep was clouding his judgement but he opened the door wider so Mahiru could enter. He was certain he would collapse in exhaustion soon and Mahiru could help him stay awake at least. He walked into his living room and sat on his couch. Machi continued to cry on his shoulder and he lightly patted her head. “There, there, Machi.”
“Machi looks like she’s six months old. Maybe her baby teeth are growing early and it’s irritating her gums. Do you have something cold she can chew on to relieve some of the pain? You can also put a towel into the freezer to make a quick chew toy.” Mahiru suggested. He looked around the simple apartment and he saw that the room was a mess with baby toys on the ground and dishes were piled in the sink.
Kuro poked Machi’s nose to make her look up at him and he could check her gums. He saw a hint of her teeth growing and then he stroked her hair. “You’re right. Thanks, Mahiru. You can go back to your apartment and get some sleep now that I know how to make her stop crying.”
“I’m glad I could help.” Mahiru stood to leave but he found himself hesitating to go.
“Sorry, I didn’t notice you were teething sooner, Machi. I’ll get something to help.” Kuro was focused on soothing the baby and he didn’t notice that Mahiru was still in his apartment. His mind was tired and his body merely went through the motions of finding a pacifier for her. “I took care of Hugh and everyone when they were kids but I forgot how difficult it was. Troublesome.”
He placed a towel in the fridge to chill it and he leaned against the table as he waited for it to become cold. His eyelids felt heavy and the sleepless nights finally started to take their toll on him. He began to sink to the ground but then he felt a warm arm around his waist. Kuro opened his eyes to find Mahiru standing in front of him with his arms around them. He forgot how tired he was for a moment. “You’re still here?”
“I’m glad I didn’t leave or you would’ve hit your head and dropped Machi. You need to sit down before you fall asleep on your feet again. I’ll take care of Machi.” With his arm still around Kuro’s waist, Mahiru helped him back to the couch. They sat down and he gently took Machi into his arms. She shook her head and stretched her arms towards Kuro. He rubbed her back to comfort her and said, “Your Papa needs to sleep but we’ll stay next to him.”
“She’s only six months so she can’t understand you. It would be a lot easier once she can talk and tell me what she needs.” Kuro muttered and his head fell back onto the cushion. He gripped the hem of Mahiru’s shirt so he couldn’t leave with his daughter. He doubted he intended to kidnap her but he needed to be cautious. “Was Machi’s crying that bad for you to break into my home and babysit her yourself?”
“No. My friends say I have a bad habit of offering my help to people who never asked for it. I’m sorry if I’m overstepping but it looks like you two needed help.” Mahiru looked from Machi to Kuro. “I thought you had a newborn baby because I started to hear her crying a week ago. You said she’s six months though. Are you babysitting her for your sibling or a friend?”
“I adopted her. Then again, that’s a strange way to describe my baby sister.” He told him in a voice so quiet that it was almost a whisper. Kuro placed his large hand on Machi’s head and stroked her hair. Tired, he leaned his head on Mahiru’s shoulder and smiled down at her. At his touch, her whimpers subsided and she grinned back at him. Mahiru could see a resemblance in their smiles. Then he added: “My father died last month.”
“I’m sorry for your loss.” Mahiru didn’t expect him to shake his head. He saw a brief glimpse of sadness enter Kuro’s red eyes before he turned his face into his shoulder to hide his expression.
“When I was a kid, my father left me and my seven younger siblings. I was surprised when my aunt asked us to come to his funeral. It was more shocking to learn that he left behind a baby. No one knows who the mother is. Everyone was talking about who should adopt her but Machi didn’t have a clue what was going on. She was just playing in her crib.”
Kuro thought back to the first time he held Machi. “She had the same expression my youngest brother did the day my father left. I said I would take care of her. I didn’t really think it through since I’m still in university and I forgot how troublesome it is to raise a kid. Can’t deal. My siblings come by to help but they’re busy with their own lives.”
As Kuro told him about the funeral, Mahiru couldn’t help but think of how he lost his mother at a young age. He stared at the photos on Kuro’s wall that showed him with his happy siblings and he could tell that he was a good brother. However, he would need help raising Machi. “I’m your neighbour and we just met but I’ll be happy to babysit Machi. I have classes in the morning but I’ll be back by eleven. When are your classes?”
“Noon.” He answered but he was still a little hesitant to leave Machi with a person he barely knew. “You said you work at a daycare. What is it called?”
“Sunset Avenue.” Mahiru understood that his question was to learn more about him before he entrusted Machi to him. “How about you and Machi visit the daycare at lunch so she can socialize with other toddlers?”
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“I’m home.” Kuro called into the apartment as he walked into Mahiru’s home. A few months had passed since they met and he would leave Machi with him while he went to school. He was exhausted from class but he smiled the moment he saw Machi crawl into the foyer. Mahiru followed behind her and he scooped her into his arms. She laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck.
“How was the lecture?” Mahiru stood in front of him and he started to pass Machi to him. He was confused when Machi continued to hold his shirt in her tiny fingers. At the same time, she stretched her arm out to Kuro until she was able to grab the bell around his neck. He moved closer to him so she wouldn’t hurt herself by stretching her arms so much. “Machi missed you.”
“But she still wants to hold onto you.” Kuro chuckled and patted Machi’s head. He understood why she became so attached to Mahiru and he felt something similar. He was grateful that he had helped him take care of her and he came to know him throughout their time together. “Are you working Friday night?”
“No. Do you need me to watch Machi that day?” Mahiru wondered if Kuro was planning to meet his siblings that day or if he had a date. He felt a little jealous at the latter possibility. He thought of asking Kuro on a date several times but he didn’t know if he should. With Machi, Kuro would be too busy to date someone.
“I was thinking that I could take you out to dinner and thank you for everything you’ve done for us.” Kuro lifted his hand from Machi’s head and then he tenderly brushed Mahiru’s brown hair from his eyes. “I asked my sister if she would babysit Machi on Friday.”
“If we’re not bringing Machi to dinner with us, will this be a date?” Mahiru asked and his heartbeat quickened slightly. He couldn’t be happier when Kuro shyly nodded in answer. “I’m looking forward to dinner with you.”
“Fuud yum!” Machi cheered and it caused them to laugh.
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zenithlux · 4 years
Cadence - 30
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Catch up on the story here!
Lost all my precious Rage ate me up Endless forlornness has made me numb I’d rather rise from here Or should I hold on to my past?
Ashes - Hiroyuki Sawano
When Vergil woke up in a field of flowers, he knew he was back in their mindscape. 
He sat up slowly, wincing as his bones seemed to pop back into place. He felt her tugging on his mind, but it didn’t feel like she was trying to wake him up. Instead, it felt like a gentle, almost mindless tug. It was as if she wasn’t intending to pull at him at all. And when he found her on the edge of their mental garden, he knew she was lost. She stared at the broken statue of Kuro that still towered over her. Her arms were wrapped around her legs. Her head was tilted back. Vergil could feel the solemn sadness that had plagued her heart for the last few weeks. But there was something different this time. Some emotion that Vergil couldn’t quite describe. Longing? Possibly, though that didn’t feel quite right. Acceptance? No, not quite. “Roxy,” He said as he approached her, disheartened to see that her skin was a pale blue. “You’re frozen.”
To his surprise, she nodded. “This is where I used to rest during my stasis.”
Vergil sat down beside her, glancing up at Kuro’s half-broken face. “I didn’t think you would still freeze with me.”
“My father used to say that one’s heart is the source of their power,” She said as she pressed her hand to her chest. “And if I have his heart… then…” She sighed. “There’s a lot I don’t understand.” 
“Something is on your mind.”
“How could Kuro have possibly survived losing his heart?”
“Familiars are different,” Vergil said. “They may have a preferred form, but they survive things we would deem impossible. Most would go into their own stasis…” He paused as the realization dawned on him. “You’ve been going into stasis in his place.”
“That’s the only explanation,” Vergil said. “When the power sustaining him started to wane, the power holding onto your heart did too. He must have purposefully slowed it to make sure it didn’t stop.”
“But this is all conjecture.” She said miserably.
“There must be a way to find out.”
“If my father was still alive…” She paused. “My father must have done the procedure.”
“Why?” Vergil said. “Why would he risk your life like that?”
For a long moment, she said nothing, but memories flooded Vergil’s mind. Flashes of metal. The screeching of tires. Her sister’s scream as two cars collided. The pain of a pole shooting through her body, pinning her to the seat. Sirens ringing in her ears. Her last breath…
Her eyes widened. “He wasn’t risking my life.” She murmured. “He was saving it.” Her lips parted. Her mind raced in a whirlwind of thoughts and feelings that Vergil couldn’t hope to pull apart. “I… I died. He… he saved me…” Her eyes glistened with tears. “Why did he save me? Why didn’t he save her?”
“Dia would know,” Vergil said. 
“But my sister…”
“Your father made his choice,” Vergil said. A choice I couldn’t imagine making. If it was Nero’s life on the line, Vergil knew now that he would do anything to save him. But if he had a second child, and he could only save one… How could anyone make that choice?
“Dia knows,” Roxy muttered. “She must know.”
“Did you know she and Kuro were related?”
“No,” Roxy said. “But I have a feeling I might have before.” She stood up slowly, eyes locked on Kuro. “Why did you lie to me?” 
But the lifeless stone didn’t answer, and Vergil found himself falling as Roxy turned away. 
Vergil jerked awake in a panic, his chest heaving. He coughed, and the pain-wracked his body. He reached for his heart, smacking a hand on the way there. “Hold on, Verge,” Dante said, his voice echoing over the ringing in Vergil’s ears. “Here.” A cup of water appeared in front of him, and Vergil snatched it away, forcing himself to take a deep breath before taking a drink. He nearly choked, but managed to swallow before the coughing began again. A hand smacked his back and he nearly fell out of bed. “Whoops,” Dante said. “Forgot how… uhh…” 
“Fragile I am?” Vergil said, his voice hoarse. 
“Your words not mine.”
Vergil glared at him. “Where’s Roxy?”
“She’s fine,” Dante said. “Worry about yourself.”
“Where is she?”
“I told you she’s fine,” Dante huffed, crossing his arms with an indignant glare. “Would I ever lie to you?”
“Yes,” Vergil forced himself to his feet but stumbled the second they touched the ground. Dante reached for him, and it took everything Vergil had to not try pushing him away. His brother was nearly twice his size like this. He’d be lucky if he didn’t knock himself over in the process. “Curse this body,” He muttered, but he didn’t quite mean it.
“At least you’re not a cat.”
The cat’s marginally more useful, Vergil thought as he stood up. He was dressed in pajamas and one of his coats, but he was practically swimming in it. He’d forgotten how thin this form was. How fragile. One snap in the right place and he’d be nothing but a pile of bones. But it was something. A sign of power that he wouldn’t take for granted. And he could still feel his other forms hovering at the back of his mind. This was something new. A step in the right direction. “Is she frozen?” He asked. 
“She was earlier,” Dante admitted. “But her skin is all warm now. She’ll probably wake up soon.”
“How did you find us?”
“I was in the area,” Dante shrugged. “The ice pyramid helped. How’d ya manage that?”
“I don’t know,” Vergil said. “And I don’t think it was me.” He stumbled out to the doorway, stopped, took a deep breath to find his footing, and followed his instincts. Vergil was certain she was awake, but only just. If it was like her last stasis, she would be groggy for at least half an hour before she could communicate with anyone, much less wander around. “How long have I been out?”
“You?” Dante said. “You appeared about thirty minutes ago. She’s been out for a week.”
A week? “And nothing’s happened?”
“A lot’s happened,” Dante said. “But nothing serious. The big man downstairs still hasn’t appeared, and Nero said nobody has made a grab for Yamato, so our dragon man’s been missing.”
“Anything from Dia?”
“She’s been working with Nico on some things,” Dante said. “But I’ve been too busy fighting all the demons.”
“Mundus has to be getting closer,” Vergil said. 
“We still don’t know what he wants,” Dante said. “If it was Yamato, then what was the point of killing Kuro? Surely he knew his little dragon minion or whatever wasn’t going to get it back.”
“If they’re actually working together,” Vergil said as he finally made it to the doorway he was searching for.
“They have to be,” Dante said. “It’s all too convenient. And even Kuro worked for him in the past, didn’t he?”
“Yes,” Vergil admitted. “Conscripted, just like his brother. But he said they both escaped.”
“Clearly he was wrong.” 
Vergil said nothing as he knocked on the door. It snapped open, and he nearly fell over again. “She’s awake,” Dia said. Behind her, Roxy shivered as her head turned to look at him. 
“What does Mundus want?” Vergil said. 
“Vergil,” Roxy whispered. 
“You know, don’t you?” He pressed. 
Dia glared at him, but her gaze softened and she sighed. “Come in,” She stepped back to Roxy’s side, beckoning to the brothers. As Vergil found his spot on the bed, Dante kicked the door closed and leaned against it. Dia flinched before she spoke again. “His name is Raijin,” She began. “Kuro’s brother… My son. I believe that he has fallen back into Mundus’ service.”
“What does he want?” Vergil said. 
“Roxy’s father.”
“My father is dead,” Roxy said weakly.
“Yes, he is,” Dia confirmed.  “But the information he gathered isn’t.”
“Why would Mundus want that?” Vergil said. 
“Control,” Dia said. “If a familiar were bound to him with a physical piece of itself, they could never escape.”
“That can’t be it,” Vergil said. “Mundus is more than capable of controlling those around him.” He felt Dante’s gaze harden on him, but he ignored it. “Unless his power has weakened that much.” 
“Or…” Dante said slowly. “He thinks he can implant himself into someone else.”
Vergil stared at him. “What?”
“Think about it,” Dante said as he tapped his forehead. “What would Mundus need with more men? As far as we know, he’s raised a small army down there, and, as you said, he’s had no issues with controlling people in the past.” Vergil met his gaze for a moment before both broke it. “Clearly he wants to cross over to this side, right? What good is he doing in  hell?”
“A strong enough familiar could take over his host,” Dia said. 
Vergil paused, pondering. He honestly wasn’t certain that was the answer. There was a lot about familiars that he still didn’t know.”But then the familiar is still bound to the body. Mundus would never willingly chain himself to a human. It has to be something else.”
“The brain,” Roxy said softly.
Vergil froze. “What?”
“If you can implant a demon’s heart for their power,” She said. “Then would it be possible to move their brain too?”
“What would that do for him?” Vergil said. “A demon brain in a  human skull is still handicapped by the potential of the host.”
“So find a stronger host.”
“Like what?” 
“Like a half-demon who ate the Qliphoth fruit,” Dante said. 
Vergil’s heart sank. “That’s why he’s trying to get to me.”
“And you were once…” Roxy paused. “In his service… right?”
“So he knows how your powers work.”
“... Theoretically.”
Roxy sat up slowly, her muscles crackling as she moved. She flinched as some of the ice broke off, leaving behind bright red marks along her neck and arms. Dia moved to help, but Roxy stopped her. “I’m fine,” She said, her voice rough. Dia looked away. “If he is after you,” Roxy said slowly. “Then why kill Kuro?”
“Maybe he didn’t expect Verge to give himself up,” Dante said. 
“Surely he considered it,” Vergil said. 
“Why would he?” Dante countered. “Think about it. He knows who you were, Verge. Not who you are.”
“Remember what Raijin said?” Roxy looked to Vergil. “He said you had a choice; save me or your own power. Is it fair to think that Mundus expected you to abandon me?”
Vergil’s jaw locked as he stared at her.  “He should have known better.”
“But the old you would have,” Dante said quietly. “And if you’d reclaimed Yamato after it killed Kuro…” 
Roxy looked to Dia. “So Raijin knows that I have Kuro’s heart.”
“Of course he does,” She said bitterly. “He was there when Kuro gave it to you.”
A silence fell over the room. Roxy’s eyes widened. Vergil gently took her hand, but she didn’t look back. “He gave it to me?”
Dia sighed before she reached for Roxy’s forehead. “Remember,” She whispered. “Remember everything.” 
The world vanished, replaced by a room Vergil didn’t recognize. It was nearly three times the size of his own and flooded with natural light from the wide-open windows. Boots were scattered in perfect piles in front of two empty bookcases. Beside that was a desk and computer that Vergil recognized from Roxy’s own apartment. The walls were painted bright orange and covered in various pieces of artwork ranging from flowers, animals, and a half-finished painting of a dragon. Kuro. The form was undeniable, and the painting itself was lying on the floor, surrounded by bottles of paint and numerous brushes. 
The door behind him opened. “I told you not to look,” A young Roxy said, pouting in that fake way she did when she was pretending to be annoyed. She looked… different. Her skin was a few shades darker. Her hair was black. Her eyes were green. And as a second half-dragon boy walked in behind her, Vergil realized why. 
“I just can’t help myself,” The human Kuro said, the scales along his neck glistening in the sunlight. The similarities to Raijin were uncanny. Only his hair and scales were different, and even those were fashioned in the same style as his brother.  “I just hope you got my good side.”
Roxy rolled her eyes as she swatted at his shoulder. “I have a good memory.” She carefully navigated her way through the stacks and moved to the painting. “What do you think?”
Kuro paused, staring down at it with a look between shock and admiration. “It’s…”
“Amazing?” Roxy said with a grin. “I sure hope so. I’ve been working on it non-stop.”
“Beautiful,” Kuro murmured, but his eyes hadn’t left her. Roxy didn’t look up, reaching for the blue paint at his feet. 
“You can watch for a bit if you want,” She said. “But don’t distract me.”
Kuro smiled. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”
The scene shifted, and Vergil was in a new, much smaller room. This one he recognized as the living room in Dia’s cottage. All of the furniture had been removed, save for a single table in the center. On that was Roxy’s body, eerily still. Her skin was pale. Her eyes were glossy, and Vergil knew without moving that she was dead. Kuro stood beside her, face stained with tears. Dia appeared in the center of the room. “I told you not to get too attached,” She said. “Human lives are too fragile for demons like us.”
“It’s too soon,” Kuro whispered. 
“Tragedies happen,” Dia said. “You’ve been alive long enough to know that.”
“But she… she’s different.”
“What are you getting at?”
“If her father gives her my heart,” Kuro said. “Then she’ll live, right?”
Dia gawked at him, but it was Raijin who spoke, his voice echoing around the room. “You would give your life to a human?”
“She deserves better than this.”
Raijin snorted, stepping up beside Vergil. “Love has made you a fool.”
“Do you have any idea what you’ll be forcing on her?” Dia said. “Her body is broken, Kuro.”
“But I can heal it.”
“And then what?” Dia clicked her tongue. “You cannot come back from this.”
“I’m not expecting to,” Kuro said as his eyes fell back to Roxy. 
“And how will she feel, knowing that her life was spared while her sister was abandoned?”
“I can only save one,” Kuro snapped. “It’s my choice.” 
Dia sighed. “I cared for her as you did, Kuro. But you…”
“No, you didn’t,” Kuro snapped. “You don’t understand.”
“But you have hundreds of other lives to live,” Dia continued. “More humans to meet, and more that will pass by you.”
Kuro’s hand tightened around hers. “She deserves better,” He repeated. “She deserves to live.” 
Silence fell between them as tears streamed down Kuro’s cheeks. Finally, Raijin scoffed. “You’re a fool, brother. Always have been.”
“Jealousy is an ugly thing, brother,” Kuro shot back. 
“I am not jealous of this lifeless body before me.”
“But you are jealous of me,” Kuro said, standing a bit straighter. His eyes darkened, shifting to slits. The scales on his body shifted upward, wrapping around his cheeks and under his eyes. “What you wouldn’t give to have someone you believe in like I do her.”
“Foolish,” Raijin repeated. “All of it.”
“It is Kuro’s choice,” Dia said softly. “But you must consider…”
“Wipe her memory,” Kuro said. “Of all of this. Of me. Of us. Pretend I’m simply a familiar that chose her. I’ll reveal myself as soon as I can.”
“That could take years,” Dia said, rubbing her temples.
“Then so be it.”
But Raijin wasn’t done, and his fury consumed the room. “You escaped Mundus for this?”
Kuro ignored him. “Go find her father,” He said to Dia. “Tell him the truth, and tell him its not his fault.”
After a long moment, Dia nodded. “There is no going back from this.”
Kuro nodded. “I won’t regret it.”
Vergil blinked and his room returned. Roxy stared at the bed, hands shaking as she clutched the blanket tighter than he thought possible. “Verge?” Dante said. “Is everything alright?”
“He loved me?” Roxy said, her voice hollow.
“Of course he did,” Dia said. “Why else would a demon give up so much?”
Vergil could feel her desire to snap back. Why keep that from me? But she silently rose from the bed, grabbed a coat, and left the room. 
“I think that’s your cue,” Dante said. 
Perceptive as always, was what he wanted to say. Instead, he simply nodded and followed after her, his mind lost in what he could possibly say to make all of this right.  
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sasuhinasno1fan · 6 years
A night with my Japanese class crush
Inspired by these prompts I found here. I love college/university aus, there the ones I tend to default to since I'm in college myself. College
Lance knocked on the door again, hoping someone would answer. This wasn’t happening. He was not locked out of his own dorm room because he forgot his keys in the room when he went to go grab dinner and study. Except, well, he was. He knew Hunk wasn’t there. His high school sweetheart went to a college a few hours from theirs and her extremely over protective brother wasn’t going to be on campus for the weekend. His other suitemates though, James Griffin and Lotor Daibazaal, the assholes, had to of gone out for the night. The most annoying thing was they all hung their keys up on hook by the door, so they knew he didn’t have his keys yet they still locked the door. He groaned, dropping on the door and sliding down to the floor. It was cold outside and he just wanted to go back into his room and put his fuzzy shark onesie on and drink hot chocolate and fall asleep listening to the new Alexander Jean CD he finally got.
Part of him wondered if he’d get in trouble for falling asleep in the dorms’ lounge but he knew the last time someone had done that, they woke up with dicks and curse words drawn on their face. Lance was not risking that. He tried to think, was anyone he knew on campus still awake? Allura? No, she had early morning practise, so she’d be asleep with her earbuds in and he didn’t really know he roommate too well. Adam? He was the RA for a whole other building and if he remembered correctly, his favourite TA was on duty tonight so he couldn’t have guests. Pidge? No to that too, they lived with their brother and Matt loved annoying him by flirting with him and he didn’t have the mental compacity to put up with him right then.
In his frustration, Lance picked up his Japanese text book and threw it down the hall, where it hit the door on the other side. He heard the door opening as he threw his face into his hands.
“What the hell? Lance?”
He looked up and froze when he saw the person at the end of the hall. Shit.
“Keith!” he cried, shooting up and stared the other male. “What, what are you doing here? I thought you lived in Montgomery.”
“I do, but my brother lives here and he’s busy and asked me to watch his cat.”
“Huh?” Cat? Pets weren’t allowed in the building? And what brother? And why was Keith even here?
Keith and Lance were in the same Japanese class. He had noticed him on their first day. There class was set up so the desks were in a circle and Keith was opposite Lance. the first thing he had noticed was his hair was a bit of a mullet but other than the tragic hairstyle, Keith was really good looking. Like drop dead gorgeous, with his dark eyes and obvious muscles. Back when the weather had been hotter, Keith came to class with his bangs clipped back and his hair tied into a messy bun and Lance felt his heart stop. No one should look that good. Didn’t help that he’d been in a tank top and it took everything in him not to get lost during the lesson because he kept staring at Keith. Whenever they stood next to each other when the teach would have them practise writing characters, Lance would control himself not to blush. God, literally last week, they were paired to do a practise conversation and Keith asked him if he was free on Saturday and Lance melted a little before remembering it was a practise conversation.
“What are you doing out here? And throwing your textbook out that hall?”
“Huh?” Lance realised Keith was talking to him. “I left my keys in my room by accident and even though my other roommates so my keys on the hook by the door, they still locked it.”
“I can call security for you?” Keith offered, holding out Lance’s textbook.
“Thanks, but Hunk used the suite’s free passes when he kept forgetting his keys, hence why we hang them up by the door now.”
“Oh. Are any of your roommates coming back?”
Lance shook his head. “Hunk’s gone to see his girlfriend for the weekend and I know my asshole roommates left for the night. Everyone else I know isn’t the best option to stay the night with.”
“Did you want to stay the night with me?”
“My brother went to grab something from the student store and his therapy cat keeps meowing if he’s not in the room, so I’m keeping her occupied.” Keith explained.
“That’s what that noise was?” Lance said, thinking back to the times he was so sure he heard a cat meowing. Then he remembered something else. “Wait, the guy who carries the spaceship bag is your brother? I though he was a pre-vet student.”
“Shiro a pre-vet major? No, Shiro studying to be a teacher. He’ll be back soon and my roommate dropped out halfway through the semester so I’ve got a dingle. You can sleep on the extra bed and we can come back the next day to make sure your roommates are back.”
A whole night with Keith, alone? Lance would not make it through the night.
“I, I don’t have anything to wear. I needed a shower.” Lance tried to excuse.
“Most of Shiro’s hand-me-downs I use as pyjamas. I have extra towels too.”
Lance struggled to find another excuse. He didn’t want one because a whole night with Keith, yes please, but it was also Keith.
“Sure.” He agreed in the end.
“Cool, come on. we can wait in Shiro’s room till he gets back.”
Lance slowly followed Keith into the room, which he realised was one of the random singles on the floor. While one wall was taken mostly by a bed, the other had a large cat tree and a steady incline of perches, including a bridge that lead to the dresser. Tangled up in a teasing rope toy was a black cat, with a few patches of white.
“That’s Kuro, Shiro’s therapy cat.” Keith explained as he gently nudged her side, moving when she twisted in attempt to sink her claws into his foot.
“Oh. Ok. Medical issues?”
“Mostly. He has really bad anxiety after this accident he had. He’s much better than he was when he first got her but I guess you can say she’s overprotective. She doesn’t like having him out of her sight.”
“I see.”
The door opened and the guy Lance and Hunk were always so sure was a pre-vet student came in, unzipping his jacket. Most of his black hair was hidden by a beanie, but his white dyed fringe was still in his face.
“Oh, hello?”
“Shiro, this is Lance. He lives across the hall.”
Shiro’s grey eyes lit up with recognition. “Right. You live with Lotor right?”
“Unfortunately.” Lance said. It was no secret he didn’t like Lotor or James.
“Yeah, he makes it a habit to complain about me bringing Kuro to class.” Shiro said.
“I’m sure he does.”
“Lotor and his other roommate locked Lance out so he’s gonna spend the night with me.” Keith said, picking up his jacket from Shiro’s bed.
“Alright.” Shiro pulled out two bowls of instant ramen and gave whatever was left in the bag to Keith. “I’ll see you around Lance.”
“You too.” Lance said following Keith out the door and back into the cold air.
“Are you hungry?” Keith asked, his words slightly muffled with his scarf around his mouth.
“Um a little.” Lance admitted. “I can just grab something from the vending machine when we get to Montgomery.”
“No need, I have food in my room. I hope you don’t mind ramen.”
“Consists of most of my diet.” Lance admitted.
They soon reached the building and Keith tapped his student ID to the card reader, pulling the door open when it let out a beep. He led Lance up two flights of stairs and down the hall where a door covered in a Sherlock door poster hung, making the door look like the door for apartment 221B. According to the old marking on the door jam, it was actually room 221.
“Yeah, I had gotten the poster for Christmas before I started college and when I saw what my room was, I knew I had to bring it.” Keith unlocked his door and let Lance walk in first before he followed him. one side of the room looked unoccupied while the other was obviously lived in. the bed was covered in red and black sheets, the blanket shoved near the end of the bed, almost covering the large hippo plush. The desk was pushed against the end of the bed and held a large monitor for the desk top computer. Most of the wall was covered in posters of different anime or space related. On the chest of the drawers, acrylic stands and figurines were spread out, picture frames placed in free spaces around them.
Lance dropped his things on the empty bed and glanced over at the pictures. There was one with Keith and an older guy. He almost looked like Shiro but Lance could tell that he resembled Keith more. Another picture held a woman in army fatigues who looked more like Keith. There was one with Shiro and Keith along with a dog, who looked like more fur than anything. He looked over at Keith as he dropped his jacket onto the chair, taking the bag to the microwave that sat on top of the mini fridge. He turned on the kettle sitting on top of it and pulled out the other bowls of ramen.
“You said you didn’t like beef ramen, right?” Lance looked confused, unsure how Keith even knew that. “You mentioned it in class one day, around the food section?”
He had mentioned that, but that had been during a practise conversation that Lance knew he hadn’t been paired with Keith for.
“Um yeah. Don’t really like the taste of it.”
“I have soy sauce udon, is that ok?” Lance nodded and watched Keith pull a container out from the fridge and put it in the microwave. He picked up a mug that seemed to hold all the cutlery Keith owned and held it out for Lance.
Lance smiled at the sight of Studio Ghibli themes chopsticks as he took the Kiki’s Delivery Service ones.
“I didn’t realise you were such an otaku Keith.”
“Have you seen my bookbag?”
He had. It was covered in pins from different animes and the bag itself was Kingdom Hearts themed. “I prefer my pins on an itabag.”
“Oh I have itabags, I just don’t use bags on campus except for my bookbag so there’s no point in bringing them.”
Lance couldn’t help but laugh. He was still nervous about staying the night in Keith’s dorm, especially with his crush on him but he was learning a lot about Keith. It was slowly becoming easier to relax around him. The microwave went off and Keith pulled out the container, a cloud of steam erupting when Keith opened it and offered it to Lance.
“Seafood dumplings. I was going to finish these tonight so feel free.”
“Is it ok?” Lance asked. With Keith’s nod, Lance picked one up between his chopsticks and took a small bite. “These are good.”
“There’s this kinda unknown dim sum place not far from here. It’s pretty good.”
“Sounds like fun. I should check it out.”
The kettle went off next and Keith went to fill the bowls with hot water, keeping the lids down with a chopstick each before sitting next to Lance on the bed. He took Lance’s chopsticks from his hands and used it to pick up his own dumpling.
And there went Lance’s blood pressure, shooting up at the thought of using the same utensils as Keith.
‘Congratulations Lance, you’ve become a complete child with a crush.’
“Were you studying Japanese?” Keith asked.
“Hmm?” Then Lance remembered it had been his Japanese textbook he threw at Shiro’s door. “Yeah. The kanji is really hard.”
“Yeah. I get confused with some of them. I’m not looking forward to when we have to start using them in our writing.”
“I’m still more worried about speaking part of it. When I get nervous, my mind starts switching Spanish and Japanese.”
“Oh yeah, I remember the midterm exam, the speaking portion. You recovered really well though. If you want, I can help you practise your speaking.” Keith offered.
“Oh, you don’t have to.”
“I want to.”
Lance couldn’t really answer after that. He wanted to. Keith didn’t have to but he wanted to.
“Sure. If it’s ok with you. Man, you are really doing a lot for me. Letting me stay the night, feeding me, helping me study.”
“I’m sure you can figure out some way to repay me.” Keith said, his voice sounding flirtatious, making Lance’s heart stop again.
‘He isn’t allowed to do this. I’m dying, why is he doing this?’
“You ok?”
“Yep, sure, totally fine.” Lance rushed out. Then Keith gave him this smile. God, he really wasn’t allowed to smile like that!
“Here, I think the ramen is ready.” Lance took his chopsticks back, and stuffed a dumpling into his mouth, trying to organize his thoughts. “Did you want to watch a movie?”
“Sure, you can choose.”
Keith handed Lance his bowl, which he started to dig into then woke his computer up. He put a DVD into the drive and skipped to the main menu.
“Ohh, Kingsman! I love that movie. The second one was really good.” Lance said as he saw the main menu.
“It’s one of my favourite ones. I remember Shiro saw it with his boyfriend and they said Eggsy had gotten married to a blonde chick and my mind went to Roxy.”
“I know, I watched it on the plane ride home but I was half asleep and the person next to me was watching it and was like ‘I can’t believe they shoved those two together! That was one of the stories good points, that Roxy and Eggsy were only best friends, never even hinted to be in a relationship. I was glad we were both wrong.”
“I know. But I guess it speaks to how Eggsy values relationships. He liked Roxy only as a friend and they stayed that way the whole time and even though he only wanted to have sex with the princess, he was able to hold a relationship with her, something he never wanted to risk, even for his job.”
“I kinda hope I can have a relationship like that.” Lance said.
“I’m sure you’ll have no problem.” Keith said, in that same flirtatious voice.
Oh god, Lance didn’t know if he was trying to say something. That was a tomorrow issue. For now, he was going to enjoy watching this movie and ramen with Keith.
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