#kunta jb
Last Piece 2.
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title. Last Piece pairing. GOT7 JB x Reader genre. slice of life, romance, attempts at comedy, angst warnings. cursing, jb being a cute cat dad, reader is hella awkward but so is he, mentions of anxiety, GOT7 members being hella extra bc they are summary. As an English teacher from abroad, you get a lot of perks. One of the best ones is that you live in an apartment for free. Another perk seems to be the elusive, attractive man who lives two floors above you… Though his cats seem to prefer your apartment over his. And so does his mail, which makes you travel to his place pretty often regardless of whether he wants to see you or not.
new beginnings master post.
part one. part two.
Ever since that first package drop off, you’ve run into Jaebum quite a few times. Living in the same building and occasionally getting each other’s mail definitely attributed to the frequency, and you were thankful for it. While you’re sure the male wouldn’t really consider the two of you friends, you liked to call him a “not quite but almost friend”... Not to his face but to your own friends and to yourself. Maybe occasionally to his cats. Speaking of his cats, you’ve met more than just Odd and Nora at this point. Nora seemed to be the jealous type, wanting her dad’s attention to herself, and would push the younger ones out of the apartment as Jaebum would come and go. The amount of times you’ve found Odd or Kunta wandering around the hall made you wonder how the man didn’t ever notice his oldest child bullying her siblings.  Other times he gets your mail, having it been delivered to him on accident somehow. You’d never live down the time he got a huge package from your grandparents, an amused smirk across his face as he brought it to you.  “Forget some things back home?” He had teased, setting the package down on your counter. Your face was bright red, unable to string together a coherent sentence because you didn’t want him to think you were forgetful, but then again you kind of were but what if -- “Hey, I’m just teasing, Y/N.” He had said, gentler this time, “I know it must be nice to have someone back home who cares about you.”  You had just nodded, your heartbeat evening out slowly as you chatted for a few more minutes before he hurried off. He was a bit gentler for a few days after, as if scared to get that reaction out of you again. You appreciated it. You hoped that one day you’d be able to not have that instant reaction to panic over a small comment. Since then, you’ve been trying to gather up the courage to ask if he wants to hang out for lunch or something. Every time you get close, you end up chickening out. And every time you cursed yourself, because you just wanted to be his friend -- something about him made you want to be around him. Today, though, you just wanted to get to work. You had planned a big interactive activity for your class today and you wanted to make sure everything was perfect. Hurrying down the stairs, you made sure you had everything in your bag before leaving the building. As you looked up, you noticed someone just barely walking ahead of you. Jaebum. Immediately your mind went through possible scenarios, from saying hello to quietly avoiding him, maybe even -- “Do you want to get lunch or something later Jae???” Oh no. Oh no. Your mouth decided for you. Not only that, you addressed him so casually even though he’s older, he’s definitely going to hate you -- Was... that a laugh? You focused her attention back on him, seeing him looking amused and a half smile on his face. You ignored the small catch in your throat and pushed away the thought of how nice he looked.  “Sure, give me your phone and we’ll plan something.” You don’t even remember handing over your device or him adding himself to your contacts, but a few minutes later he gave you a little finger salute and a promise to message you later for planning.  “Im Jaebum” the contact read in kakaotalk, simple and to the point, much like the man you were hoping to befriend. As you mentally patted yourself on the back for not crying, you glanced at the time on your phone before cursing loudly in your native language and running off to the subway. You were going to be late.  Despite you thinking that you totally had your excitement under control, your co-teacher and students definitely thought otherwise.  “Teacher, why can’t you sit still? Don’t you ... much sit down?” Sangmin, one of your fourth graders, attempted to ask. You smiled and gently corrected him, saying you liked to sit down very much, but don’t ‘always’ do it. He bashfully nodded and bowed his head down to talk with his desk partner about the dialogue you’d given out for discussion. “They’re right you know,” You jumped before recognizing the voice of your co-teacher, Taeyeon, “You’re acting like you’ve drank the Ediya shop out of stock.”  Oh. Perhaps you were flitting about the room more, babbling a little to yourself and to your students, and constantly looking over at your desk where you kept your phone while class was in session.  “I just... I made a friend.” You admitted, “You know, the guy from my apartment building?”  Taeyeon raised an eyebrow, looking at you skeptically. “I know I’ve asked this, but you sure you don’t like him more than a friend? It’s not like we’re not friends and you don’t have friends, Y/N.”  See you KNEW this but one of your biggest anxieties and fears was that you’d never be able to make friends outside of work or your past. Because, like Christian had always reassured you, you were a wonderful sweetheart but you were so hard to talk to because you were always so nervous. It made it hard.  “I really just want to meet his cats... Except Nora because she seems mean.” You noted, not really answering the question but in your mind, it was sufficient. Having worked with you and had recently made herself your friend, Taeyeon knew this was probably the best she was going to get out of you and just left it be. You’d figure it out eventually and she knew she’d be one of the first to know. She still couldn’t help but question it when she saw you light up at a notification on your phone.  ‘Want to meet up after your work and eat some chicken? I know a good place.’
___________________________________________________________ You forgot why you were so worried about hanging out with Jaebum in the first place. Talking with him, after the initial awkward greeting, was coming really easily to you. You only hoped he felt the same, it seemed so.  “So why Korea, hm?” Jaebum had asked, looking over at you as he drank his water. You chewed your food thoughtfully before swallowing. It was a question often asked, but it never bothered you to answer it. “I fell in love with this country the first week I came here, back in school.” You explained, “I’ve only ever felt at home in one other place, and it was with my grandparents. But when I came here... it just felt right, you know? Like fate was telling me to come here. So I wanted to come back after figuring out what I wanted to do.” Jaebum listened well, nodding along as you spoke. “I see. And you found teaching was it?” You nodded. “I love what I do, even more so that I get to do it in the place that feels like home.”  A small smile creeped along his face, and you coughed to distract yourself from staring. “So what do you do, Im Jaebum?”  After finding out that he HATED being addressed by his full name, especially by someone younger than him (which you were by a year), you couldn’t resist. You had to. “I’m a freelancer. I do a lot of music production work or lyricist support.” He rolled his eyes at your antics, but didn’t say anything. You lit up at the mention of music. Your father loved music, and you had fond memories of growing up with him playing everything from Mozart to The Eagles while your mother was gone. “That’s so cool! Did you go to school for it or is it just... apart of you?” You struggled to find the words to describe what you meant. While you were confident in your Korean, some words just... didn’t translate well in your opinion. He chuckled lowly, “I’ve been making and doing music since I was young. Never thought about doing anything else once I found it. I learned along the way.” The conversation continued, talking about favorite genres of music, eventually leading you to ask how his cats liked his music or if they preferred a certain type, to you demanding to know why Nora keeps trying to bully Odd. It was nice. Really, really nice actually. Jaebum smiled so much at you and even joined in your weird reactions or antics and it just made you feel warm and happy on the inside. He even insisted on paying since he was older and who were you to refuse free food? You were to excited -- you made a friend! The talking lulled while walking back to the apartment complex, but the silence wasn’t an awkward one. It was gentle and understanding. You didn’t need to fill up the space with idle, unneeded chit chat to be with each other. As you came to the doors of the building, Jaebum opened the door and allowed you to go first, and you might’ve missed it because of how bashful he sounded. “It’s been a while since I’ve had fun with someone who’s not my group.. Thanks, Y/N.” You smiled brightly. “Well, consider me apart of your group. We’re friends now Jae!” There you went with no honorifics. He scowled at you, pinching your neck as you tried to avoid him on your way to the elevator. “At least call me hyung or something if not oppa, you disrespectful brat!” He called out, only getting your childish giggles as his response. Hanging out with Jaebum wasn’t really easy or often. He’s really busy and his schedule is… not consistent. You knew it was due to his job and not because he hated you, so you weren’t as worried about it as you could be. Especially since he tried to talk to you at least once a week, even it was just a brief conversation in the stairwell, or on your way out to work. It was enough for you. Of course you see each other a little more often than usual because of the mail situation. For some reason, the mail person could not understand that just because you were one of the only foreigners from the U.S. in the building does not mean that every package from the U.S. is for you. But it did give you an excuse to go see Jaebum after a week, so you head up the stairs, package in hand, and you hear Jae’s voice -- and a few others, it sounded like? Huh? “Jae??? Is that you???” You peer up the stairwell to see if you can catch him, and soon you see Jae leaning over his own railing, catching sight of you and waving, but looking over to where you couldn’t see and looking a little pissed off. Oh... That was new. Was someone bothering him? Were you bothering him? You started apologizing, “Hey sorry if this is a bad time -- I got another package from your friend and I just --” “Yoooo Who’s that?! It sounds like a girl OH are you in love?!” A loud, excited male voice shouted over you, startling you and almost making you drop the package in your arms. “I told you her name is Y/N and she’s a friend!!” Jaebum’s chin seemed to stick out in reaction to your startled state -- you hoped he wasn’t too mad at you. Or his friend. It’s not his fault you’re easily scared.  You decided to call out once more, “So... the box?”  He looked down at you, his arm pointed and pushing someone, supposedly his friends, as he responded. “Yeah, bring it up, I’ll grab it from you -- Just let me get my friends into the apartment.” “I want to meet her!” “Bring her to us!” “Let us see her!” The loud, rambunctious voices all decided to loudly protest at once, making you shake a little in your boots, letting Jaebum disappear from your sight before sitting down to regain your nerve. You didn’t know Jaebum had... such loud friends. Feral children was the phrase that came to mind... Gathering your nerve, you walked up the stairs and into Jaebum’s hallway, where he’s already waiting for you, leaning against the door as it bumped against him at times, the sounds of whining and demands to see you seeping through the solid door. “Thanks, Y/N.” Jaebum smiled gently, taking the box from you. You managed a smile back, jumping at the sudden movement of the door that jostled him forward. “Sorry, I didn’t want to overwhelm you.” He apologized, kicking the door, “Hopefully you can meet them later, but right now I can tell they’re going to be too much for you and I actually want you to still be my friend after meeting them.” His explanation was a little rushed at the end, pink tinging his cheeks. Was Jaebum embarrassed? Well that was kinda cute.  You quickly pushed that thought aside. But you couldn’t help but flush. He noticed that about you? “Sorry, Jae...” “Don’t apologize! When you’re ready we can set something up. I think you’ll like them when they’re calmer.” His smiled widened, “Then I’ll have someone calm and not evil to combat these brats.” “I thought I was a brat, though?” You tilted your head, feeling more at ease. He rolled his eyes.  “You’re all brats and I suffer. But I guess I enjoy suffering.” He shrugged. “Well, I’ll see you around Y/N. Promise.” You nodded, scurrying off before Jaebum’s friends could break the door down. After getting into the apartment, you smiled to yourself. Jaebum liked you enough to want to meet his friends. You were friends.
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imjaebeomtrash · 7 years
Look at Kunta playing with JB 😍
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why-jb-why · 7 years
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I'm so soft for Jaebum rn
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k-p-p-d · 7 years
Thousands of people have called out idols when they wear dreads and do stupid shit. Y'all only complaining because people chose to call out your faves when they deserve it.
We not complaining though. We all think Jackson wearing his hair twisted (they aren’t even dreaded if you look at it) was stupid and actually made the ad look cheap and trashy. But it’s Pepsi, the same tone deaf company who did that fucking fiasco of a commercial with the elder Jenner. And we also called out Taeyang when he decided to actually dread his hair back in November. Not to mention we all called out WinWin’s stylist for that ratty ass, shit ass wig in Limitless era (I personally can’t watch the MV without getting incredibly annoyed because of it).
We just find it hypocritical people only call out idols and not other artists who have far more control over their images and careers and, in certain cases, their own companies (yes, We looking at Jay Park) when they appropriate Black culture, whether it’s by dreading their hair (see: G2, Keith Ape, Jay Park, CL) or blatantly engaging in Black erasure & exploitation (see: Sous Chefs, Jay Park, Kim Hyoeun, and Nafla for attempting to change and rebrand N.W.A, which is a whole rant in and of itself).
We can call out our faves and STILL point out how silent folks get when many more artists are legit trying to claim our culture as their own just for profit and “style points.” Like this isn’t mutually exclusive. We’re using the uproar surrounding an idol to YET AGAIN point out this double standard and call people out on maintaining it.
Or would you rather we cape for Jackson and uphold this fuck ass double standard?
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markbeomfrance · 3 years
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You're my Destiny
Le garçon qui est un b-boy Lim Jaebeom et le garçon qui est de Jinhae, Park Jinyoung, se sont rencontrés en 2009. A une audition ouverte à Séoul de la JYP Entertainment. Même les numéros d’attente étaient les 24 et 25, alignés l’un à côté de l’autre, parmi 10 000 participants, ils étaient les gagnants inattendus. Ils ont débuté tous les deux avec ‘Dream High 2’ puis avec le nom des ‘JJ Project’, ils ont sorti un CD. Avec le groupe ‘GOT7’, ils se sont produits et le coeur des garçons bat. Et après 5 années, les ‘JJ Project’ sont revenus. Maintenant, ils sont dans la vingtaine. JB et Jinyoung qui ont participé à la composition et l’écriture des 8 chansons étaient modestes à travers l’interview mais leur confiance et leur ambition se sont infiltrées. Les deux hommes qui disent sans regret qu’ils ont tout mis dans cet album et qu’ils ne pouvaient pas recommander une seule chanson alors ils ont demandé de faire attention à tout - leur profil, voilà à quel point ils sont similaires.
“Une relation indestructible avec Jinyoung, Je pense que plus tard, nos deux tombes seront l’une à côté de l’autre aussi”
Les JJ Project, qui se sont retrouvés après 5 années, ont sorti un album le 31 juillet. Sur la page web, il y a des vidéos ‘track card’ à télécharger, de vous en train de lire des paroles que vous avez personnellement écrites. Les paroles de ‘Fade Away’ sont plutôt puissantes.” Tu couvres ma bouche et appelle ça de l’amour. Ça craint. Tu m’as fait oublier la personne que je suis.” Est-ce que ça parle d’expérience ?
L’expérience et l’imagination. Au début, le plus gros sujet de la chanson était “Les choses qui m’entravent”. En ayant ce sujet, j’ai pris dans mes expériences et mon imagination.
Vous avez participé à la composition et l’écriture des 8 chansons. Quelle chanson était la plus dure à travailler ?
’Icarus’ et la chanson titre ‘Tomorrow, Today’. Le thème pour ‘Icarus’ est clair mais choisir les bons mots était difficile alors j’y ai beaucoup pensé. Pour ‘Tomorrow, Today’, dès le début, je n’ai pas réussi à saisir le sentiment de ce que je devais écrire. Park Jinyoung PD-nim avait donné un sujet mais pour moi, je sens qu’écrire ce qui me vient en premier à l’esprit quand j’écoute la mélodie est le plus important. Écrire des paroles dans le but d’aider des jeunes de mon âge qui ont des soucis à trouver leur voie était difficile.
Il est dit que la première chose que tu fais le matin est de lire 3 lignes d’un livre ? On dirait que c’est parce que tu aimes lire. Ça t’aide à écrire aussi bien entendu.
Ah c’était quelque chose d’avant ça. (Tout le monde rit) Maintenant, à la minute où j’ouvre mes yeux, je donne à manger à mes chats.
En entendant ça, tu élèves 3 chats, c’est ça ? Ils s’appellent Nora, Kunta et Odd ? Je regardais les cicatrices sur ta main et je me demandais si c’était le travail d’un chat.
C’est vrai. Mais ces griffures ne sont pas celles de mes chats mais de chats errants. Je donne à manger aux chats errants et j’essaie de les toucher (Rires). A chaque fois que je rencontre des chats quand je me balade. S’ils ne sont pas trop peureux alors j’irai dans l’épicerie la plus proche et j’achète des boîtes de thon. Je leur laisse même les restes. Parce que je ne peux rien faire d’autre que ça.
Tu aimes les chats jusque dans le sang. J’ai entendu dire que tu avais été séparé de Nora pendant un moment et que tu l’avais récupérée ?
Oui. En fait, les membres des GOT7 avaient l’habitude de vivre ensemble dans le dortoir, mais quelques uns d’entre eux l’ont quitté. Au début, Youngjae et moi partagions une chambre mais tout à coup, il a développé une allergie aux chats. Alors j’ai demandé à un autre membre d’échanger mais tout le monde m’a rejeté (Rires). Alors j’ai laissé Nora dans un autre endroit pendant un temps. Les membres ont quitté le dortoir et on a commencé à avoir chacun une chambre, je l’ai ramenée et elle m’a reconnu. Mes parents l’ont ramenée et dans la voiture, Nora a continué de pleurer. Après que je sois monté dans la voiture et que j’ai dit “Hey, Nora”, elle s’est immédiatement arrêtée.
Tu as dit que personne ne voulaient partager ta chambre bien que tu sois le charismatique leader ? (Rires)
J’ai abandonné (Rires). Ce n’est pas comme si j’étais le sunbae d’enfants ou quoique ce soit, nous sommes des amis qui avons le même âge et qui faisons de la musique ensemble. Mais c’est juste que je leur parle de façon directe. Si je tourne autour du pot, je ne sais pas si les garçons le comprendront bien alors ça peut être inconfortable. Cependant, je fais attention à ce que je dis.
Vu que vous faites la promotion en tant que JJ Project, tu dois te sentir soulagé du titre de leader des GOT7, n’est-ce pas ? Honnêtement, d’une certaine manière, c’est confortable, non ?
Bien sûr. Je me sens plus léger. Mais le fardeau est différent. Parce que 2 personnes doivent remplir la place de 7. En plus, Jinyoung et moi ne sommes pas des personnes extrêmement divertissantes. Je suis inquiet que ça devienne trop sérieux.
On vient de jeter un oeil à l’interview que tu as faite il y a 5 ans quand tu as commencé la promotion. JB avait 19 ans à l’époque. Dans une question où on te demandait d’exprimer en un mot ta jeunesse, tu as dit “Secrètement”. Comment est la vingtaine de JB ?
Je n’ai encore que 24 ans. Si vous me demandez comment c’est jusqu’à maintenant, je dirais que c’est ‘en vain’. Il y a des gens qui disent que vous ne devez pas penser trop et que vous devez profiter de la vingtaine mais en même temps, j’aurais pu travailler un peu plus dur et j’aurais pu être plus méticuleux et intelligent alors c’est regrettable.
Après tes débuts, tu as continuellement travaillé dur, n’est-ce pas ? Après les JJ Project, tu as tourné ‘Dream High 2’, ensuite tu as fait de la promotion en tant que GOT7 et vu de grands résultats.
J’ai une tendance à être comme ça. Je continue de penser aux moments regrettables. Même pour cet album, j’étais satisfait au début, mais en l’écoutant après la mastérisation, j’étais un peu déçu. J’ai pensé “J’aurais pu faire un peu plus, c’est trop tard pour corriger hein ?” (Rires). J’essaye de ne pas perdre mon sens du chosim (état d’esprit que l’on a quand on commence quelque chose).
Vu que tu parles du chosim, ça me fait penser à quelque chose. Tu as fait du b-boying avant de rejoindre la JYP Entertainment en tant que trainee, n’est-ce pas ? J’ai entendu dire qu’à chaque fois que tu t’entrainais, tu mangeais pour 1000 won de chips aux légumes ?
Ah, à l’époque il n’y avait pas de salle de danse alors c’était la période où je m'entrainais dans les stations de métro. Comme j’étais un étudiant, je n’avais pas d’argent et parce que je dansais, j’avais vite faim. A l’époque, 3 paquets de chips aux légumes coûtaient 1000 won alors je les achetais et je les mangeais comme snacks.
Et aux auditions de la JYP, tu étais le gagnant avec Jinyoung-ssi, c’est ça ? Ensuite tu as débuté en tant que JJ Project, vous avez filmé ‘Dream High 2’ ensemble, vous avez fait la promotion pour les GOT7 ensemble et maintenant vous êtes de retour à 2. Tous les 2 avez une relation indestructible.
Exactement ! Je pense que plus tard, nos deux tombes seront l’une à côté de l’autre aussi (Tout le monde rit). Par hasard, j’ai vu le post qu’une fan a écrit. Les choses que je fais et les choses que fait Jinyoung, c’est comme dans un miroir. Inconsciemment.
Dans une interview de 2012, tu as répondu ‘Le sol’ quand il a été demandé à quel niveau était les JJ Project. Qu’en est-il maintenant ?
Toujours au niveau du sol. Même si nous avons développé nos compétences, nous revenons après 5 années, alors je dois penser que nous repartons à nouveau du sol. La musique qu’on a sorti il y a 5 ans et la musique que nous sortons maintenant est complètement différente. Et dans l’industrie de la musique de maintenant, il y a tellement de gens talentueux aussi (Rires).
Alors je vais changer la question. Pour cette période de promotion, jusqu’où tu veux grimper ?
Hum… S’il y avait 10 étapes, pourquoi pas l’étape 3.5 ? Cet endroit exact où du troisième tu veux monter au quatrième ?
Si tu devais donner un petit indice pour que les fans apprécient les émotions de cet album ?
Je ne peux pas juste en recommander une seule. S’il vous plaît, regardez tout, on a fait très attention à tout. Pas seulement musicalement mais sur chaque aspect. J’avais peur que mon visage et mon corps ne grossissent alors je ne mangeais pas le soir et j’ai perdu du poids aussi (Rires). On a fait attention du clip vidéo aux vêtements. Même quand j’ai quitté le studio, j’ai donné et reçu des opinions par mail et j’ai travaillé vraiment dur pour créer des chansons encore meilleures. S’il vous plaît, regardez bien tout (Rires).
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realdefyoongi · 7 years
I could stare at this video all day long
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“Home is where the heart is.” 
Domestic au! GOT7 Jaebum mood board for @jaebvmsshi (hope you like it)
photos&quote © to owners
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chaoswriting92 · 5 years
Games We shouldn’t play
Chapter Two: Blind Date
You were beginning to wonder where everyone was when you noticed Jaebeom sitting at a table very obviously set for two people by the window overlooking the Han River and the lit up city surrounding it. He was dressed in one of his nicer suits and his hair swept back and styled over the undercut in a way that sharpened his features and made his piercings stand out. He looked handsome and suddenly you were glad you’d taken the time to put on the dress instead of your usual slacks and solid color blouse get up.
“Hey. Why are you sitting here?” You asked an obvious confusion lilting into your voice as you got closer to him. He blinked a moment like he hadn’t recognized you at first but recovered quickly, stood and pulled out your chair for you. You sat down thanking him and smoothing out your skirt from the creases the movement caused.
“No clue. Told her the reservation would be under Jackson’s name and she brought me here.” 
“Oh. Well did you try calling Jackson or the others? What about Jinyoung or Youngjae. Jasmine and Sooran were giving me fits about being late so I didn’t have time to make sure we were at the right place. I’m sorry.” 
“I tried calling Youngjae and Jinyoung. There wasn’t an answer and I thought maybe there was a mistake about the table, but none of the others are even here.”
“Okay. Well...I’ll text Jackson and figure out what’s going on.”
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“They set us up.”
“They what?” Jaebum was looking at you like you’d spoken a foreign language.
“This. The restaurant, the clothes, your hair. It’s a date. I can’t believe this,” you scoffed.
“I can. It’s Jackson,” Jaebeom replied. He was starting to smile and you pointed at him.
“Don’t you dare laugh. This is so n-not funny.” Even as you said it you were beginning to giggle. It wasn’t funny, no, but it was incredibly absurd. Jackson did stuff like this all the time but for the others to agree to this too was just crazy. The two of you were laughing for a good while only sobering when the waitress came over to take your orders. You told her what food you wanted and looked back at Jaebeom who was wiping at his eyes and trying to catch his breath.
“So now what? I mean we obviously can’t let them get away with this.” You mused out loud even though you weren’t necessarily expecting an answer. 
 “We could pretend that it worked.” JB said.
“What do you mean?” You asked propping up on one elbow and turning your full focus to him.
“I mean. We could pretend to hit it off. Then after a couple weeks start arguing like we hate each other until we have this big break up. It could work. We get revenge on Jackson. I get to hang out with a good friend and go to nice places. You get to show your stupid ex and Hyeji up. Sound’s good from where I’m sitting.” 
"That implies that I care about Jin and Hyeji enough to want to show them up, which I don't, besides what would they care about us dating?"
"Well considering she tried to hit on me first and I turned her down flat and it was only after that she started to cozy up to you and Jin…"
"Wait what?!"
"Yeah. You know she was new here. She was looking for friends that could help her out in the industry and I suggested you and Jin. I mean I would have suggested Mark, but he mostly designs men’s clothes and couple outfits, so I suggested you and since Jin and Jimin are our marketing guys I knew she’d have to talk to one of them, but Jimin was on vacation at the time so I suggested she talk to Jin too. Then she asked me if I knew anyone that could help her personally and kind of made it obvious what she meant and I turned her down flat. I guess after that she asked Jin for the same advice and he told her what she wanted to hear. I’m sorry y/n if I’d known that she was going to do that I would never have sent her your way.”
You were spiraling. You knew that. The idea that Hyeji had planned all of this from the beginning. She’d been your friend. The two of you had gone out, shared secrets, you’d even made sure that she got into some of your best designs and into more than one of the runway shows because you’d thought you were doing her a favor by helping her get a foot in the door. Really you’d just done exactly what she’d wanted. Aside from you she now knew the best of everyone in your connections and probably in Seokjin’s too. 
“I’m so stupid.” 
“You heard me. I thought I was helping a friend out and this entire time I gave her everything she needed to double cross me. Hell I might as well have just let her and Jin borrow my bed.” Hot tears rolled down your cheeks, not out of sadness, but out of anger. 
“You aren’t stupid. If anyone, it is Seokjin. He gave up on someone like you for someone just like everyone else in this industry. Now stop crying before someone thinks I’m the biggest jerk here and say you’ll go out with me just so we can break up in a couple weeks and teach our friends a lesson.” He wiped at the tear tracks and teased earning a small and slightly exasperated titter of a laugh from you.
“We have got to work on your sales pitch,” you laughed a little harder at the affronted look on his face and more still when he replied.
“It worked. Why should I fix what isn’t broken?”
“Point made, so, what are we going to tell the team on Monday?”
“Why don’t we just get through dinner first? If we get along well enough here without being awkward then we can make it anywhere else. Food.” He said and the two of you shifted so that the waitress could easily put your plates down. 
The first few minutes were quiet as you two ate and thought about what you’d just agreed to do. You were also still hanging up on all the lies that Hyeji had told you and possibly told Jin too to get where she was now with him on her arm at all the appropriate events and you behind the curtains once again with your emergency sewing kit and a broken heart that you couldn’t quite seem to get stitched back together.
“Cats or dogs?” He asked.
“Huh? Oh cats. I have a little ocicat that I adopted in a shelter I volunteer at. He was a runt so he was the last of the litter and they’d been separated too soon from their mom so everyone, but me, thought he wasn’t going to make it. I said I would take care of him and here we are,” you told him smiling after you finished the last bite of your food. You sat your fork down moving the plate so the waitress could access it and pulled out your phone to show a picture of you with a kitten who had his paw extended trying to swat at your phone so it was obscuring a third of the photo.
“He’s adorable. What’s his name?” 
“Well I suppose his fur does look like rain clouds.” 
“What about you?”
“Cats. I have three. Nora, Kunta and Odd are their names.” 
“That explains the scratches.” You muttered not really intending for him to hear it, but since the two of you were in a more intimate setting than usual he did.
“I thought no one noticed.” He twisted his hands in the light where you could see a few white scars and some raised pink areas along with a few red scabbed lines. To anyone else they probably would go unnoticed, but you had similar ones on your own hands you’d just covered them with a bit of concealer. 
The night went on until you were sure there wasn’t much left you could learn about JB that you didn’t already know either from what you’d learned as his friend before or what you’d come to learn tonight. It amazed you also that you had never really realized how funny and extroverted he was up until now.
“I’m sorry to disturb you, but we will be closing soon.” A busser came up to you for his part really looking apologetic to be breaking your night up. Apparently being one of the only few staff left on shift for the night, your waitress long gone after serving dessert and making sure you didn’t need anything else having told you that Jackson had put the meal on a tab for the two of you.  
“Thank you. It’s late anyway. I’m not worried about Gureum, Jasmine would have fed him for me. She lives across the hall, but I am worried about whether she waited up.” you said laughing. If you knew your friend she’d probably done that and invited Sooran over to join in.
“I’ll take you home anyway. The busses stopped running for this district an hour ago and I’d rather know you’re safe than have to guess at it.”
“You just want to go ahead and get our prank started.”
“Or maybe I had fun and want to spend more time with you?” He countered.
You flushed a little feeling your ears get warm and tossed your straw paper at him. He really could be charming and it had felt nice to just have someone to talk to like this.
“I’m going to take the silence as a yes. Don’t forget your coat.” He stood and came around to put it on your shoulders and guide you out of the door over to the valet station to get the car brought around. A slate colored Hyundai Sonata was pulled around, not the newest model but a fairly recent one and you nodded. It suited him. It was a very chic car and you couldn’t help but wonder once again why you’d never bought a car of your own but it hadn’t really mattered considering the proximity that your apartment building was to the transit and bus lines and that you were practically in walking distance of all your favorite places and people aside from that. 
“This is where you live? I live in the building three streets over.” He laughed when you directed him to a parking deck and swiped your resident card to get in.
“Isn’t that the building where Jinyoung, Sooran, Mark and Jackson live?” you asked, trying to think of the apartments in that direction.
“Nah, Youngjae, Yugyeom and BamBam live in that one with them. I have been trying to get in there, but for now I still live in the same building as Seokjin, Yoongi and Jimin. Made things a bit awkward since Jimin sided with Jin...” That was right, she'd seen him once on the way to Jin’s place when they’d accidentally gotten off on the wrong floor made enough rukus for JB to poke his head out of his room and Jimin and Yoongi had lived right next door on either side with their orange and mint fluffs of disheveled hair popping out of their doors too. She’d forgotten since she never really had stopped by for anyone, but Jin before. Small world.
“I can’t say I blame him. Jimin and Jin went to college together along with several of our other employees, some of our models, and a few of our accounting reps are in that group. Namjoon, Yoongi, and V were really the only ones who really seemed sorry to hear about it but V hasn’t really liked her since she got here, and Yoongi is down there with you most of the time so he interacts more with me than Jin, even though he is on a different team. In fact most of the models haven’t really gotten along with her since Ceo Yoo had her hired on, and it’s strange since Jungkook likes everyone, just about.” The two of you had talked all the way up to your door and just like you thought before you could get the key turned in the knob it opened.
“Where have you two been?” Jasmine said getting a knowing look on her face eyeballing the dress you’d worn and the suit JB was in. She looked a little like she was trying to inspect you to see if there were any signs things had gone really really well and you rolled your eyes a little. Sooran poked her head out behind Jasmine a little later holding Gureum in her arms who was purring away and squinting his eyes in that happy way of his… traitor. Both yours and Jabeom’s outfits were a little crumpled from how long the two of you had sat at the restaurant and the car ride, but not in any more of a disarray than was socially acceptable. 
“I gave you that key so that you could feed my cat not so that you could spy on me. I will take away your best friend privileges. Out. You too, Sooran, out and give me back my cat.” You ordered a smile still playing at your lips. They bowed their heads looking some mocking version of pouty and ashamed as they went over to Jasmine’s door which you noticed remained cracked open even though they’d gone in.
“I thought you were joking when you told me she’d wait up,” Jaebeom had somehow inherited the responsibility of Gureum, but he didn’t seem to mind that fact as he scratched at the cat’s head behind his ears.
“Nope. You can sit him down. He’ll just walk back into the apartment when I do,” you told him.
“So is this your way of telling me you’ll see me Monday?” He asked.
“How about tomorrow instead?”
“Tomorrow’s good. Should I pick you up? Or do you want to meet me down at my building and go from there?” 
“I’ll meet you. Ten okay?”
“Sounds good to me.”
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poporabbit2 · 7 years
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dustofinsanity · 5 years
𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑙 𝑚𝑒
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Jaebeom / Reader ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤAngst/Fluff ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤWords count: 4.2k
Summary: Y/n’s saw every JB’s faces: the perfect first meet guy, the kinky and teasing demon, the so in love with his dear girlfriend man, the not so often present serious roommate, the annoying and proud cats owner, the talented underground artist, the heartbroken angel but can she forgot the terrifying monster?
Content/Warning: Mature content, Roommates to lovers AU, Underground Artist AU
Credits: @ the gif owner 
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“Nora, don’t play with the cables! Odd, get down right now! Kunta, don’t chew my eraser!” You sighed and, rubbing the top of your nose, lost your patience. “JB! Come get your Minions!”
A door opened and a handsome young man, your roommate, came into the living room, an amused and arrogant grin on his lips. He obviously heard you earlier but he loved when you called him for help with his infernal cats. He took Nora in his arms and, patting his right thigh, called the two other cats that immediately came to him. It was a conspiracy!
“You’re so loud, babe. You’re scaring them.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry…” You said cynically, faking a sad face. “But I try to work and I can’t focus because of them! And don’t call me babe!”
“You’re cute when you’re mad.” He chuckled making you madder than you already was.
“You, your Minions, in your room! Right now!” You growled, pointing at his door. “I’ll call you for dinner!”
“Yes, mom!”
Keeping his arrogant smile, he left the living room and went back to his room, winking at you before closing the door.
You hated this fucking -handsome- man.
Before, you were living with your best friend, Hana, an adorable young lady you knew since the kindergarten. But, few months ago, she moved in with her fiancé and was living a perfect life. Since you knew you couldn’t pay the rent of your apartment all alone, you placed an ad for a new roommate but you had no idea that things would turn like that. Some people came to see your place but, when Jaebeom appeared in front of your door, your heart melted.
Yeah, you’re weak…
The first weeks were cool. Jaebeom was a real sweetheart, cooking for both of you, apologising when his five cats were a little too loud and, sometimes, he even forced you to stop working and relax on the couch, massaging your back. Yes, Jaebeom was a real sweetheart… But it was a trap and, after a month and a half, you saw his real face! You met the demon!
Even if he continued to help you with the household tasks, he started to tease you and test your patience. Too bad for him, you were patient. But when it wasn’t Jaebum, it was his cats, the Minions, and, day by day, well… you lost your patience. When you told Hana what JB did, the way he tried to get on your nerves almost everyday, she thought he had a thing for you. But it couldn’t be since he had a girlfriend and was so madly in love with her.
No, Jaebeom didn’t have a thing for you, he just loved to see you mad.
Too focused on your work, you didn’t hear his door open and jumped when he puts his chin on your shoulder, asking you what the novel you were writing was about. Hiding the screen with your hands, you shouted at him not to look and, turning your face to him, noticed he was shirtless.
Dear Lord, living with him was torture!
“Is it that kinky?” He smirked near to your ear, making you hold a shiver hardly.
“Go away, JB.” You sighed. “I already told you, I don’t want you to-”
“Yeah, I know. I’m gonna take a shower. Do you wanna come?”
“Go away, JB.” You repeated, biting your bottom lip discreetly.
“You’re not funny, babe.”
He moved away from your head and went to the bathroom, leaving you alone in the living room with a racing heart and bright red cheeks. Ah, sorry, not alone, the Minions came back.
You hated him so much.
Knowing that you couldn’t write with the Minions around you, you saved your work and went to the kitchen, starting to cook the dinner. Even if you weren’t a chef, you liked to cook pretty and delicious dinners and, this evening, it would be chicken alfredo for you and soondubujiggae for Jaebeom since he only eats korean food. Struggling with the cats that were all rubbing against your legs, you started JB’s meal and gave some meat pieces to his pets. Sometimes, they were cute. Sometimes.
You continued to cook when you felt two arms wrapping around your waist and wet hair against your head. Holding you closer to him, Jaebeom sniffed and whispered it smelled good before thanking you and kissing your shoulder. You hated when he was doing that. You hated it even more knowing he was just playing with your feelings. Even if you weren’t really friends, he knew you pretty well, he knew how weak you could be sometimes and saw all the times you blushed when he left the bathroom with just a towel wrapped around his waist. He knew how attractive you found him.
At first, you thought he was doing this to make his girlfriend jealous but it wasn’t. One night, when your both were sitting on the couch, speaking seriously together -because it happened sometimes-, he explained to you he and his girlfriend had a deal, a game. The rules were simple: no kisses, no sex, no feelings, just seduction. They could play with who they wanted, even in front of each other. Like he told me, it was a way to see how much they can trust each other.
Basically, a shitty game and you were a toy. Great…
You tried to push him away, struggling against him but he tightened his grip around you and chuckled, obviously proud of himself.
“Can you, at least, put a shirt on?” You sighed, trying to focus on the cooking.
“I know you like it when I don’t wear one.”
“Don’t think I’m your toy, JB.”
“I didn’t think you would be against it.” He whispered in your ear and went down to your neck while his hands started to go down on your thighs, making you bite your bottom lip as you threw your head back. “Would you, babe?”
“Stop it right now or I swear to God I’ll hit you with the burning pan.” You growled. “Or maybe you would prefer me to kick you in the-”
“Okay, I’ll stop!” He laughed, pulling his hands up and moving away.
Lowering your head, heart racing again, you tried to catch your breath and finished the meals, putting them on the kitchen counter where you always ate. Jaebeom looked at you all the time, trying to guess what you were thinking about or to see if your cheeks were red but you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction and ate naturally your delicious chicken alfredo.
Even if you were a mess at this moment.
After the dinner, you did the dishes, it was your turn, and let him watch a movie on TV. Well, that was what you were thinking but when you turned to the couch, you saw Jaebeom reading a notebook… YOUR notebook! You rushed over him and tried to take back what was yours but your roommate stood up quickly and lifted his arm above his head.
Why were you so tiny?!
Even if you jumped, you couldn’t reach his hand and, of course, it made him laugh. But this time, Jaebeom crossed the limits and you weren’t amused, not at all.
“Give it back to me!” You shouted, jumping again.
“I didn’t know you write that good, Y/n.” Jaebeom smiled, raising an eyebrow. “Did you already think to show your songs?”
”Give me back my notebook!“ You growled, jumping higher, and finally grabbed the notebook but made both of you fall on the couch.
Eyes wide open, his hands on your hips, Jaebeom stared at you, as shocked as you were. Expecting a cynical comment from him, you said nothing and just lowered your head but JB stayed quiet and just came closer to you, sliding his hand on your neck and pulled your face inches away from his. To be honest, at this moment, you didn’t care if he had a girlfriend or not, you just wanted to kiss these lips that you found more and more attractive every day.
But luck was never your friend and Jaebeom’s phone rang on the coffee table behind you. The young man sighed slightly and, wrapping an arm around your waist, made you lean back. Without taking his eyes off yours, he leaned over you, grabbed his phone and picked up the call. Usually, he was happy when his girlfriend called him but, this time, he seemed disappointed. He nodded and mumbled few words before hanging up, always looking at you.
”I have to go.“ He sighed, putting his hand on your cheek and touching your lips delicately with his thumb. ”Don’t wait for me, babe.“
You nodded blankly and let him put a sweet kiss on the corner of your lips before standing up and walked to your desk where you put your notebook. You didn’t dare to look at him, embarrassed by what happened, and just heard him put a hoodie on and leave the apartment. You looked at Nora, that came to rub against your leg, and sat down on the floor, taking the beautiful cat in your arms and petting it like you rarely did before. What a strange night.
And it wasn’t over.
Around 4am, you was awoken by the sound of the front door opening abruptly and two male voices that you immediately recognised; your roommate and his best friend. Getting out of bed, you left your bedroom and saw Mark and Jaebeom in the living room, the first helping the second to sit on the couch. It wasn’t the first time you had seen them coming back from a club or party, and you already saw them drunk too, but, this time, something was wrong, you could see it on Mark’s face.
”Need help?“ You asked, joining them in the living room.
”Oh, thank God, Y/n, you’re here!“ Mark exclaimed, his hands up.
”I live here, Mark.“
”Sorry if we woke you up but… Do you have a first aid kit?“
You opened your eyes wide and ran to the couch where JB was sitting, his face covered by bruises and his hands bleeding. You carefully cupped your roommate’s face in your hands and made him look at you, asking what happened.
”Nothing.“ He growled, moving his head and lying down on the couch.
”His girl cheated on him and they broke up.” Mark sighed without paying attention to his best friend who was asking him to shut up. “We went to a club and JB fought with some guys.”
“I’m not good enough, she said.” Jaebeom sadly chuckled.
“Don’t listen to this bitch.” Mark sighed again. “She doesn’t deserve you.”
You smiled at Mark and nodded, letting him know that you agreed with him, and told him that the first aid kit was in the bathroom. He brought you back the little red and white box and asked you if you wanted him to stay but you answered that you could take care of Jaebeom, he could leave without any worries.
“Thank you, cupcake, you’re an angel.” He smiled at you, kissed the top of your head and left the apartment.
Without saying or asking anything, you forced Jaebeom to sit back and opened the first aid kit. Slowly, you cleaned his hands and put sanitizer on them, apologising when you saw the young man wincing. After putting some bandages on his fingers, you sat beside JB and cleaned his face but his expression broke your heart in million pieces.
Slowly you turned his face to you and looked straight into his sad eyes. The demon with who you were living for few months was far away and Jaebeom looked like a broken angel.
“Mark was right.” You whispered, putting a light kiss on his forehead. “She doesn’t deserve you.”
You smiled shyly and were about to put some sanitizer on his face when Jaebeom grabbed your wrist and pulled you to him, kissing you passionately. You tried to push him away but he wrapped his arm around your waist and made you sit on his lap, deepening the kiss second by second.
“Jae… Jaebeom, stop…” You moaned against his lips. “Please… stop…”
“I know you want it.” Jaebeom growled, sliding a hand under your oversized shirt while the other went down your back and grabbed your right cheek.
“Not… not like… like that… Please…”
A loud groan escaped from his throat and suddenly, you understood that things wouldn’t get better, he wouldn’t stop. Jaebeom abruptly lied you on the couch and tried to take your panties off but you struggled, hitting him as hard as you could. He then grabbed your wrists with just one hand, raised them over your head and started to slide your underwear down your thigh with his free hand. You begged him to stop but you froze when his eyes met yours: the man over you wasn’t your roommate, he wasn’t Jaebeom, he wasn’t the arrogant but funny demon with who you lived, he was a stranger, a monster.
Terrified, you struggled harder and finally been able to kick him in the lower abdomen, making him fall from the couch. You stood up immediately and ran behind the couch, grabbing the first thing you could reach, a standing lamp near a window. You heard Jaebeom growl in pain and stop suddenly, getting up and looking at you with eyes wide open. He seemed so lost.
“Y/n… I… I’m… I’m so… so sorry.” He stuttered, standing up and coming slowly to you.
“Stay away from me!” You shouted, lifting up the lamp, eyes full of tears. “Don’t touch me ever again! Don’t talk to me ever again! You monster!”
You carefully stepped back, dropped the lamp and ran into your room. You couldn’t believe what happened, you couldn’t believe Jaebeom tried to do this to you. Leaning your back against the door, you tried to ease the beat of your heart and wiped your tears with your shirt.
For the first time in your life, you even locked the door of your bedroom.
After that night, you talked with Jaebeom only one time but didn’t let him apologise or say anything. You coldly told him he could still live in the apartment but only on certain conditions. One, he shouldn’t talk to you never again. Two, if he touched you, you’d kill him. Three, he should do his dishes and his laundry. Four, you wouldn’t buy his food anymore, if he wanted to eat, he had to cook his meals on his own. Five, if he came in your room, you’d kill him. Six, if he touched your stuff, you’d kill him. And seven, if he didn’t respect the rules… You’d kill him. He nodded sadly and, following the first rule, didn’t say anything and left the living room.
From this moment, you lived together like that, as if you were ghosts to each other. Sometimes, JB left some post-its on the fridge, letting you know he had done his tasks, was out or bought some meals that you never ate. Other times, he just wished you a good day, always asking you not to work too much or skipping meals. But you never replied.
However, after three months, you weren’t mad at him anymore, disappointed but not angry, and even started to feel a bit bad for him. What he tried to do was unacceptable, and you needed more time to completely forgive him, but you knew Jaebeom. Deep inside, you knew you weren’t in danger with him. He proved it to you a few times, putting a blanket on your shoulders when you fell asleep on your desk and leaving a note on your keyboard on which he said he didn’t touch you, just covered you. Jaebeom followed every rules and added new ones like locking his cats in his room when you were working or, for him, not drinking alcohol at home.
Maybe you were weak, or crazy, but you finally moved on, forgiving what he did without telling him.
One morning, after a long night full of weird dreams, you went to the kitchen and, opening the fridge, saw a note taped on the door.
“Hi, Y/n. I hope you slept well.
I don’t know if you will read this but, today, Mark and I will hold our first concert. It would be great if you could come. I don’t ask you to do it for me but, please, do it for Mark. He would be happy to see you and you could see how hard he worked. I left a flyer on the counter. If you come, you won’t have to pay, we told to the organisers you’re family. I won’t ask you anything else ever again but, please, come to see us Mark. Have a nice day.”
You turned to the counter and saw the coloured flyer. A sweet smile stretched across your lips as you remembered that you promised Jaebeom to go to the first show he and Mark would hold. You checked the time and saw you had almost all day, the concert starting at 10pm. Then, you decided that you could work for a few hours and go to the club in the evening, wondering if you would feel anxious or excited.
Answer? Both.
Your heart was racing and, when you reached the club where the concert was being held, you thought you would faint, your head spinning a little. You came closer to the front door and asked if the concert already started. Shit, you were late! The bouncer asked for your name and let you in when you said it.
The place was full and you felt so glad for the two men. You knew how hard they worked and they deserved all these fans. Being underground artists wasn’t easy in this country but Jaebeom and Mark, aka Disturbed Utopia, were out of this world. Even if the mix of rap and sing was common, their voices, their styles, their lyrics and the feelings they put in them were unique.
Leaning against the bar, you watched them giving their best, noticing that JB was wearing the shirt you bought him for his birthday. They were hypnotising even if you noticed that Jaebeom had a sad glint in his eyes. After the broken angel, the monster, and the ghost, the demon who you lived with turned into the shadow of himself. Even his fake cheeky smile didn’t fool you.
“How are you, guys?” Mark shouted between two songs, making everyone scream in the club. “Are you still here?” Other screams. “You guys are amazing! We will take a short break but before, this is our new song, Heal Me.”
The club went dark and only the two artists were illuminated on the stage, both sitting on bar stools. The music began and you were surprised at how it was different from their other songs. This one was slow and sounded sad. The first verse that Mark was rapping was about a man who talked about how bad he behaved with an amazing girl he liked. But when Jaebeom sang the chorus, the man begged for another chance, asking to be “healed” from the monster he was.
You didn’t need to ask to know who wrote the lyrics and, feeling your heart break, you couldn’t hold your tears, looking straight at your roommate on the stage.
During Mark’s second verse, in which the man was saying all the mistakes he did, JB looked through the public and his eyes met yours but he immediately looked down, his expression getting sadder than before, breaking your heart more. As soon as Mark saw the expression on his best friend’s face, he looked in your direction and saw you, giving you a discreet sweet smile and winking at you. You gave him back his smirk and listened to the last verse where the man explained how miserable he felt and how he missed the girl.
Gradually, the lights went down and, when the song was over, the public gave an incredible ovation to the duo. You wanted to clap too but your hands were shaking and tears were still rolling down your cheeks. The light came back and the men thanked the public before leaving the stage, taking a short break while you couldn’t move at all, looking straight at the stool on which Jaebeom was sitting a few seconds ago.
“Are you Miss Y/n?” A man asked, making you jump before you nodded. “Come with me, please. Mark and Jaebeom want to see you.”
Wiping your tears, you nodded again and followed the impressive man backstage where you were warmly welcomed by Mark who gave you a big hug, thanking you for coming to their first concert.
“It means a lot to us, you know?” He smiled, pulling away and looking at you. “You’re gorgeous tonight, cupcake.”
“Do you want me to look like a tomato?” You laughed as you felt your cheeks redden a little.
“A gorgeous tomato, then.” He smirked before looking quickly at the end of the hall where Jaebeom was, leaning against the wall, head down. Mark focused back on you and rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed. “Look… JB told me what happened. I know he messed up and I don’t want to take his side but… He feels like shit. I don’t ask you to forgive him but can you just talk with him?”
“I’m on it.” You smiled, patting his shoulder and giving him a hug, whispering they were amazing on stage. He thanked you again and let you join Jaebeom who didn’t notice you.
Coming quietly closer to him, you noticed he was looking at his phone, rubbing softly his thumb on a picture. Tilting your head a little, you looked at the photo, a shy smile stretching your lips.
“Not the best pic of me but Nora is cute.” You chuckled, seeing that JB took a picture of you when you were sleeping on your desk, his cat curled up in a ball on the top of your back.
Without saying anything, Jaebeom calmly locked his phone and put it in the back pocket of his jeans. Teeth clenched, his hands slid into his pockets, he gave you a quick look but looked down immediately.
“When did you take it?” You asked but got no answer, just him shrugging slightly, following the rules. “Okay, forget the rule n°1. So, when did you take it?”
“Two weeks ago.” He whispered without looking at you. “I’m sorry, I forgot to lock my room and Nora opened the door. It won’t ever hap-”
“JB, look at me.” You cut him off, seeing him shake his head and swallowing. You put yourself in front of him and softly cupped his face with your hands, trying to catch his eyes but he avoided yours. “JB, please, look at me.” His eyes finally met yours. “It’s okay. I’m not mad at you anymore. You weren’t in your right mind, that night. I know it. I know you.”
“I can’t forget what I did, Y/n. I replay that moment in my mind all the time, what I did, your face.” He swallowed and lowered his head again. “I understand you can’t forgive me, I can’t forgive myself either.”
“I forgave you, Jaebeom.”
He raised his head quickly and stared at you with eyes wide open. His reaction made you chuckle a little and you gave him a sweet smile before locking your lips on his. After few seconds, Jaebeom finally wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer to him, deepening the kiss slowly.
“I’m sorry for what I did, Y/n.” He whispered, putting his forehead against yours. “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s in the past, now. Don’t think about it anymore.” You smiled, pecking his lips. “But… Since when did my demon call me by my name? I prefer when you call me babe.”
“Same for me.” He smiled. “Can you tell me how many rules I broke for now?”
“Not enough.” You chuckled, letting him kiss you again.
“Get a room, Bonnie and Clyde!” Mark shouted, making Jaebeom and you laugh. “You’ll do whatever you want later! We have a concert to finish!”
“Go show them who’s the best.” You whispered to JB.
He nodded, kissed your forehead and, entwining your fingers, you joined Mark who was smiling at you. He gently ruffled your hair and went back on stage, followed by Jaebeom who quickly came back to you, kissing you once again.
“Promise me you won’t leave, babe.” He told you, looking straight into your eyes, his fingertips holding your chin up.
“I’m not going anywhere.” You whispered against his lips. “Not without you, demon.”
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ ⁓•⁓ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ Thank you for reading! 💜 ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ⁓•⁓
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kibumkim · 5 years
Only joke i made about that baby was that he was gonna pull a jb and name it kunta
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beserkerjewel · 5 years
Someone needs to give me an explanation for why JB named his cat Kunta like hello????
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imjaebeomtrash · 7 years
JB has three cats now
Not only does he have Nora, he took in two strays! Say hello to Kunta and Odd! He says that his room is big enough for them to stay in so he only allows them inside his room. He was super smiley and said that Nora now has siblings when he first talked about them. If you were wondering where he got his scratches from, it was most likely from these precious babies!
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givemebtscenarios · 6 years
Request: Hi hi. Can I request JB coming home to his S/O with his shirt on, lacy panties, on the couch and JB has been stressed from his tour so he decides to have fun with his sleeping s/o
Words: 1,794
Jaebum listened to the song flowing through his headphones one last time before finally deciding he was satisfied with it. He had been working in the studio late, trying to finish up some songs he was going to upload to Soundcloud later. He saved his progress, smiling when he noticed he only had two more songs to finish recording and editing. The pressure from the upcoming tour was weighing on him, trying to get dance moves down, plus going over the heavily packed schedule was getting to him.
He gathered his stuff up, pulling his jacket on and slinging his back over his shoulder before exiting the studio and heading back to the apartment he shared with you. The bag strained on his shoulder, but we welcomed the ache. It was something he could use as an excuse to have you give him a back massage when he got home.
He closed the front door quietly, seeing you laid out on the couch in the living room. Nora and Kunta were balled up at your feet; Odd was laying down right beside your head. He smiled as he sat his stuff down and took off his shoes before shrugging his jacket off. He hung it up on the wall and slowly made his way into the living room. Kunta looked up when he entered and jumped off the couch, walking over and rubbing against his leg.
Jaebum looked up to study your sleeping position; you laid on your side, one leg out from underneath the blanket. He smiled until he noticed what you were wearing. One of his workout shirts with the sides cut all the way down, exposing the side of your breasts, and a pair of red, lace panties. He could feel his blood rush, his eyes gazing over you as if he was trying to figure out what he should do. His pants tightened and he took his shirt off, throwing it to the floor.
He carefully picked up Odd and set her down in the floor before doing the same to Nora. He slowly took the blanket off of you, acting like a spy as he unwound it from your leg. The coldness hit your skin and you moved, turning over to lay on your back. Jaebum smiled as he realized you were in the exact position he wanted you in. He sat on the end of the couch, looking over you, his eyes going between your ass and your breasts. He knew those panties. Half of your ass hung out of them and you only wore them when you were trying to tease him.
He bit the corner of his lip, eyes stuck on your panties, the red in contrast with your skin. He leaned forward, watching your face as his fingers dipped into the waistband of your panties, slowly and carefully pulling them down your legs. He dropped them onto the floor and his breathing picked up just from looking at your core. He licked his lips as he got onto his knees, lowering his chest down onto the couch and pulling one of your legs over his shoulder.
You stirred a little, and he watched as you fell back asleep. He kept a watch on your face as his tongue licked up your slit, noticing how your breath hitched at the feeling. He did it again, adding a little more pressure and a low whine left your mouth, fueling him on. He loved hearing the noises you made when he went down on you. Little whines and whimpers leaving from between your lips as his tongue assaulted your core.
He licked over your clit before sucking it into his mouth, groaning when your hand flew to his hair and your back arched off the couch. Your eyes flew open and you looked down to see Jaebum between your legs.
"Fuck.." you moaned, threading your fingers through his hair.
His groan reverberated through your body, heightening your pleasure and your fingers pulled at his hair. He gripped your thighs, pulling his face deeper into your pussy as his tongue flicked at your clit.
"Jaebum, fuck, please don't stop." you moaned, both hands in his hair as your back arched and your thighs shook on his shoulders.
You felt him moan and he pulled back, letting go of your clit with a pop.
"You look so fucking good when I go down on you. Moaning my name and pulling my hair. I fucking love it." he growled as he placed an open mouth on your pussy and harshly sucked your clit into his mouth, shaking his head from side to side.
Your body shot up,a near scream leaving your mouth as one hand held yourself up on the couch while the other stayed in his hair, tugging so hard you thought you'd rip his hair out. But, he loved it.
"Please don't fucking stop, please." you begged, rolling your hips against his mouth.
His grip on your thighs tightened, groaning as he tasted you. Slurping noises filled the room, echoing in your ears, and bringing you closer to the edge. Your thighs started shaking harder, your head thrown back as Jaebum's name left your mouth like a mantra. The coil in your stomach sprang free and your orgasm washed over you, your juices gushing out into Jaebum's waiting mouth.
He moaned as he drank you down, his fingertips leaving spots that would create bruises the next day. Your body shook in overstimulation as his tongue continued, licking over your clit. He pulled back, getting off the couch and pushing his pants down along with his underwear, kicking them off to the side. "Sit up." he demanded, walking over to stand in front of where you sat on the couch.
He didn't have to tell you what to do. As soon as he stood in front of you, you grabbed the base of his cock and licked up his length, a hiss coming from him as he felt your tongue. You looked up at him as you took the head of his cock in your mouth, sucking lightly, just to tease him. It didn't take you long before you were taking more of him into your mouth, moaning around him just because you loved the way he breathing got harder.
His fingers threaded into your hair, controlling your pace. He looked down at you, eyes blown with lust as he watched your mouth sink down his cock, nose touching his lower stomach. His teeth caught his bottom lip and he let out a grunt as he felt you swallow around him, your throat tightening against his cock.
"Fuck, do that again."
You moved closer, your knees hitting the floor as you took his cock deeper before swallowing around him, his body jerking as you moaned.
"Fuck, I'm gonna cum early if we don't stop." he said, pulling you off of him.
He bent you over the arm of the couch, placing his hand on your back to keep you down.
"Don't try to get up; I'll just give it to you harder. Unless you want that. Do you want it hard?"
"Please Jaebum, please." you looked back at him, your face flushed and sweat gathering at your hairline.
He didn't wait one more second before he was burying his cock inside you, groaning when he bottomed out. The feeling of Jaebum stretching you out was a feeling you welcomed and loved. Your fingers gripped the couch arm, nails digging into the leather. His own hands kneaded your ass, squeezing the flesh in his hands. His hand landed on your ass cheek and you moaned out, hearing the smack echo throughout the room.
He repeated it to the other side as he thrusted in and out of you, your body lurching forward with every thrust.
"So fucking wet, so tight; is it mine? Is this pussy mine?"
"Yes, Jaebum, fuck, it's yours!" you moan out, one of your hands going back to scratch down the arm belonging to the hand on your back.
"Does my baby wanna leave marks?" he asked, his voice teasing.
Words wouldn't come out of your mouth, so all you could do was nod. You squealed as he picked you up, sliding out of you in the process, before he was pressing you against the wall. The coldness was a sharp contrast to the heat of your skin and you wrapped your legs around his waist as his lips attacked your neck. Your nails scratched down his back as he reached down and guided himself back inside of you.
Your jaw dropped in a silent moan as you felt him stretch you once again. He gripped onto your thighs, keeping you closer to him as he thrusted up into you, your nails digging into his skin. He grunted, knowing there would be marks on his back later. He pulled back, leaving you against the wall to pull one side of his shirt on your body to the side, exposing one of your breasts. He took your nipple into his mouth, sucking on it harshly as he fucked you.
"Fuck Jae!" you moaned, hand going to his hair.
He let go of your nipple with a pop, grunting as he stepped to you again, thrusting into your harder, watching as your breasts bounced in his shirt, his grip turning deathly as he felt his orgasm approach.
"I'm gonna cum. You're gonna make me cum." he warned, looking into your eyes.
You looked back at him as you clenched around his cock, causing his eyes to squeeze shut and his jaw to drop. You did it once again and his hips stuttered. He reached down between your bodies to rub your clit, determined to make you cum before he did. You felt it arrive, you yelling his name as your second orgasm washed through you, coating his cock in your juices.
The feeling of you clenching around him as you came threw him over the edge and he came in you, his hips jerking as loud grunts fell from his mouth. He let you down after riding you through your high, laying you on the couch.
"Rough day?" you asked, looking up at him.
"Just stressed about the tour. I hope everything goes the way it should and none of us gets an injuries or anything." he said, laying on the couch with you.
He laid his head on your chest, your fingers automatically going to his hair. You smoothed his hair back before twirling it around your fingers. It was as if as soon as his head hit your skin, he was asleep. You chuckled to yourself as you kissed his forehead and drifted off to sleep yourself.
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kobutoririsu · 6 years
Crazy cat lady JB
So Jaebeom has 2 more cats. That means he now has has 10 kids and 4 grandkids.
Jinyoung is his wife.
His 10 kids: Mark, Jackson, Youngjae, BamBam, Yugyeom, Nora, Kunta, Odd, new cat 1, new cat 2.
His 4 grandkids: Coco, Pudding, Latte, Cupcake.
JB is goals.
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blizzardfluffykpop · 6 years
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Summary:Lavender, the cat, the nickname, and much more.
Doing as Jackson tells me, I head over to the dorms from my complex right next store from the first level and knock on the door, today I have to be brave and tell JB, lavender as JB likes to call him, being as my cat is name lavender, it's an amazing cover up. I can talk about how much I love him, but he'll just think it's my cat being as all the boys have at least meet the ball of fluff once.
I knock on the door and Jaebum answers it, opening the door, and I shut it behind me when he asks, "Do you wanna watch tv with my cats and I? If you don't want to, you don't have to, I was just wondering if you wanted to"
"Sure that'd be fun, Jae" I follow him up as he gives me a water and brings up a few bags of chips to eat with us, Nora walks around my legs a few times when I get in and I grin, man do I love cats, or do I love cats? The answer is yes to both, we jump onto his bed him taking a pillow and I scoot next to him so Kunta, Odd, and Nora could cuddle up on our laps.
I’ll explain real quick, I’ve known, Jackson for years, he introduced me to the boys, and I grew rather close to JB with rather ease, our bond over cats was really what fueled it, he would come over just to see Lavender, lav-lav, her nickname. And it just ended up, because he couldn’t be with his cats, he would just walk over to my apartment right next door, and Lavender welcomed the attention, she is very attention seeking, loves warm laps, and doesn’t like to be ignored, she’s a Bambino, a dwarf-sized sphinx. Lav-lav warmed up to him quite quickly unlikely how she was with Jackson, that was an experience, until she just one day when he came over, sat herself in his lap and purred non-stop. It was funny, but I still wonder why she warmed up to JB so fast, but it’s probably because he has a cat, y’know fellow cat lovers, unite, I guess? We would just watch movies, talk about meaningless things, as my cat would switch laps every-so often basking in the attention, and once she wasn’t recieving enough, she moved to the other one of us. And that’s how I’m so close to JB, I may or may not developed a deep crush, as you know,... Now, being as Jackson, will refuse to get off my case until I confess my true feelings to him. So here we are...
Odd is settled calmly on my lap, while Nora is settled in his, and Kunta is just in the middle, on both of our legs. Odd is reveling in the scratches I give, so she in turn starts digging her claw into my legs, and I wince a little, no matter how used to it, I am from cats, she kneads into me, purring contently, and JB laughs at the face I make, and I glare, “You know it hurts, although you still love them nonetheless, because it just means they love you more than anything, when they knead, so shush” He rolls his eyes and the movie cuts to a rather depressing scene, where the girl loses her father, do to a car crash, and he asks me, “Have you ever wondered if you keep yourself from doing what your heart tells you to, you’ll end up as that father did, dead, and never able to tell his kid he was sorry, and not being able to tell his girlfriend, he loved her. Does it ever cross your mind, that we may only have now?“
“I mean yeah, I do a lot, but what its making you bring this up?”
“It’s hard to explain, but why do you feel that way a lot?”
“Do you really wanna know?” He nods his head, “I like you in all honesty” He smirks at me, that was not the reaction I was expecting at all, unprepared.
“It seems you beat me to the punch, huh?”
“What do you um mean about that?”
“You told me your feelinsg before I could express mine, that was what that whole speech was about, Jackson was harping on me to confess to you--”
“He was harping on you to confess to me, too? Oh that little,--”
“Wait too?? So he knew this whole time, we liked each other, knowing we were both nervous to confess, and he still?”
“JACKSON!!!” We exclaim, alarming the class, that’s when I hear the front door being thrown open and closed, he ran, he always has to come back. We grin at each other deviously, as he slowly grabs my hand, “Partners in crime?” he asks as I interlock our finger, and I tell him, “I can agree to that” with a peck on his lips and moving closer pissing off odd who jumps off and goes over to look out the window, I lean my head onto, JB’s shoulder, “So after we beat Jackson, what do you want to do for our first date?” I ask shyly, “How about we grab Lav-lav and have her meet her family?”
“I see you are assuming my cat is going to be friendly with your cats, just cause I’m dating you--”
“Yes, yes I am”
“She probably will, being as she liked you so quickly--”
“What’s there not to like about me?”
“You keep cutting me of is not very likeable...”
“You still like me even if I have flaws, don’t deny it--”
“Sure whatever makes you sleep at night.” He kisses my nose, “Ah you in my bed, makes me sleep soundly--”
“Oh god, I quit, nope--” I laugh and he shakes his head at me, as Odd comes back up and begs for affection, and I scratch under her chin. “I think your cats love me more than you--”
“Nuh-uh” he kisses me, I kiss back softly, “I win” he proclaims, I shake my head, and kiss his forehead, “Maybe you’re right” I laugh, he smirks at me and nods, “I get to choose the next movie” I tell him, “Fine nothing with death in it, “Ah so I’ll choose Guardians of the Galaxy which has the most deaths in movie history--”
“Come on they kill off Groot, how can you bare to watch it again?”
“They bring him back at the end as a baby plant, and he is super cute, don’t deny it”
“No your super cute”
“I mean your not wrong, but now you got me craving some Guardians of the Galaxy”
“Fine if you promise to cuddle up in my arms during the Groot scene.”
“I promise, because I’ll probably be the one crying, not you” He laughs as the movie ends, and I select Guardians of the Galaxy, I curl up closer into his arms as much as all three cats would let me.
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