jerevision · 11 months
I was just about to doze off when I randomly remembered Taisto Kukkala, so now I'm in bed wide awake and giggling like an idiot
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selvitin juuri että Bojan Cvjetićanin olisi suomeksi Taisto Kukkala
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bigtvtechman · 3 days
Jani master issue | kolkata rape case update | Kukkala vidyasagar arrested | @ChotaNewsOfficial
Jani master issue | kolkata rape case update | Kukkala vidyasagar arrested | @ChotaNewsOfficial | Adi da Matter Episode 3 #janimaster #janimastercase #kolkatarapecaseupdate #Kukkalavidyasagar #Adidamatter Chotanews Telugu Short News APP ChotaNews is a premier news reading app tailored specifically for those seeking Telugu news updates. it’s dedicated to delivering the latest updates in politics…
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kommunisti · 11 months
read such a bullshit article from yle covering a zionist pro-israel demo in berlin i nearly passed out from how angry i got. barely a word about the pro-palestine rallies today in helsinki, turku, and tampere that were attended by 2000 people in helsinki alone but hey, massive long article about some 350 people demo for the israeli hostages
hate these worthless dogs we call journalists here
once again i encourage other finns to read the book luokkavallan vahtikoirat by pontus purokuru and emilia kukkala. it's a look into finnish journalism and it's function as an upholder of the status quo using examples from finnish media in the 2000s and 2010s
it might be available in some libraries and you can buy an e-book here for 4.90€
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varjokirjamessut · 1 year
Varjokirjamessut Pasilassa 27.–29.10.
(Huomaa kaksi tapahtumapaikkaa, tiedot alempana.)
Antiautoritäärisin aikomuksin Varjokirjamessut ottaa jälleen Pasilan haltuunsa lokakuun lopulla! Perinteeksi muodostunut tapahtuma tuo pinnalle tärkeät aiheet, jotka uhkaavat jäädä yleisessä keskustelussa huomiotta.
Olennaisimmat teemat tänäkin vuonna ovat muun muassa antifasismi, antimilitarismi, anarkismi, ilmasto- ja ympäristökysymykset, eläinten oikeudet, tee-se-itse-kulttuuri sekä feminismi- ja queer-aiheet. Tarjolla on keskusteluja, työpajoja, esiintymisiä ja kirjallisuutta jokaisen radikaalihenkisen tarpeisiin.
Jo kolmatta vuotta Varjokirjamessut järjestetään kahdessa osoitteessa: tunnelmallisella Rauhanasemalla (Veturitori 3) ja viihtyisässä Pasilan kaupunkitaidekeskuksessa (Opastinsilta 6). Ota Varjokirjamessujen somet seurantaan, jotta pysyt ajan tasalla ohjelman ajoista ja paikoista!
Tänä vuonna messuilla keskustelussa teokset Toiste en suostu katoamaan (Emilia Männynväli ent. Kukkala), Likainen työ (Minea Koskinen, Karoliina Paananen ja Miikka Pirinen), Mikään ei todella katoa (Laura Gustafsson), Kuulumme toisillemme: kirjeitä ja kirjoituksia ystävyyden politiikasta (Mikael Brunila, Vilja Saarinen ja Valter Sandell) sekä monet muut.
Ohjelmaan kuuluu myös paneelikeskusteluja ja työpajoja. Näiden lisäksi Rauhanasemalla on liuta näytteilleasettajien tuotteita kirjoista ja pamfleteista t-paitoihin. Rauhanasemalta löytyy myös vegaaninen kahvila edullisine herkkuineen, jonka tuotto menee paikallisen antiautoritäärisen toiminnan tukemiseen.
Varjokirjamessujen järjestäjät ovat sitoutuneet luomaan turvallisen ja hyvän kokemuksen kävijöilleen ja tapahtumassa ei suvaita sukupuoleen, seksuaalisuuteen, etnisyyteen, toimintakykyyn tai mihinkään muuhunkaan perustuvaa syrjintää.
Tapahtumassa noudatetaan turvallisemman tilan periaatteita, jotka ovat näkyvillä ympäri messualuetta.
Tapahtuman järjestää Varjokirjamessut-työryhmä yhteistyössä Mustan kanin kolon ja Aseistakieltäytyjäliiton kanssa. Tapahtuma on vapaaehtoisvoimin järjestetty ja maksuton, sillä Varjokirjamessut ei tavoittele voittoa. Tapahtuman tavoite on luoda tilaa ruohonjuuritason toimijoille ja toiminnalle sekä pitää yllä antiautoritäärisen yhteentulemisen jatkumoa.
Varjokirjamessuja voi seurata myös etänä osoitteessa: www.youtube.com/@varjokirjamessut
Nähdään Pasilassa lokakuussa!
Tapahtumasta tiedotetaan täällä Tumblrissa ja seuraavilla alustoilla:
Facebook @Helsingin Varjokirjamessut Instagram @varjikset X/Twitter @varjokirjamessu
Näytteilleasettajat ja kahvila: Rauhanasema (Veturitori 3) Ohjelma: Pasilan kaupunkitaidekeskus (Opastinsilta 6)
Shadow Bookfair in Pasila Oct 27–29
With antiauthoritarian intentions, the Shadow Bookfair is once again taking control of Pasila at the end of October! The now traditional event will shine a light on important topics that are overlooked in public discourse.
Once again, the most important themes are antifascism, antimilitarism, anarchism, climate and environment, animal rights, do-it-yourself culture, feminism, and queer themes. We will offer conversations, workshops, performances and literature to meet every radical's needs.
For the third time the Shadow Bookfair will be organised in two places: the atmospheric Peace Station (Veturitori 3) and the enjoyable Helsinki Urban Art Center (Opastinsilta 6). Follow us on social media to stay up-to-date on the programme!
This year's discussed works include, among others, Toiste en suostu katoamaan (Emilia Männynväli, previously Kukkala), Likainen työ (Minea Koskinen, Karoliina Paananen and Miikka Pirinen), Mikään ei todella katoa (Laura Gustafsson), Kuulumme toisillemme: kirjeitä ja kirjoituksia ystävyyden politiikasta (Mikael Brunila, Vilja Saarinen and Valter Sandell).
The programme will also include panel discussions and workshops. At the Peace Station, a trove of exhibitors will display their books, pamphlets, t-shirts and more. There will also be a vegan café with affordable snacks, the profits going to support local antiauthoritarian groups.
The organizers of the Shadow Bookfair are committed to ensuring a safe and positive experience for visitors and no discrimination based on gender, sexuality, ethnicity, ability or anything else will be tolerated.
The event will abide by safer space principles, which will be on display around the event spaces.
The event is organised by the Shadow Bookfair working group in collaboration with Mustan kanin kolo (The Black Bunny’s Burrow) and the Union of Conscientious Objectors. The event is organised on a voluntary not-for-profit basis and is free. The aim of the event is to create space for grass-roots actors and action and continue antiauthoritarian unity.
You can also follow the event remotely at www.youtube.com/@varjokirjamessut
See you in Pasila in October!
Event updates will be announced here on Tumblr and at:
Facebook @Helsingin Varjokirjamessut Instagram @varjikset X/Twitter @varjokirjamessu
Exhibitors and café: Rauhanasema (Veturitori 3) Programme: Helsinki Urban Art Center (Opastinsilta 6)
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drugsforaddicts · 1 year
I've heard of Taisto but why Kukkala? 🤣🤣
Ok so this is some lore that I can’t go in too deep because I don’t want to be part of it lmao (so don’t take my word for it, it’s purely from my memory) but someone somewhere said that they had tried to translate Cvjetićanin and they had found out that it means ”a florist” which is ”kukkakauppias” in finnish (also kukka = flower). So I guess op, who had used that in their tags, had just turned kukka into better fitting last name so Taisto Kukkala was born? 😂 man idek
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ssvas1966 · 1 year
Sheshachalam Trek - a travelogue or monologue !!
SHESHACHALAM TREK – A Unique Pilgrim trek by YHAI          
Sheshachalam –trek on the abode of God of Seven Hills, Shri Balaji Tirupathi Devasthana, is a memorable wander into one of 108 Theerthams on the Thirumala. People often visit, Papanashana Theertha, Aakash Ganga and Kapila Theertha as they are very easily accessible by road and pay their respects to the Theerthas and enjoy the serene atmosphere there.  
However, there are many more unknown and mystique Theerthams which I remembered to have visited during my early childhood days, like Thumburu Theertham, Ramakrishna Theertham in the deep woods of Thirumala with my parents and especially, the most pious and determined lady my mother who was fond of Thirupathy Venkataramana. She would climb without taking any food and till finishing Darshana of the Lord Venkateswara !!  
I remember a family trip to Thirupathy when I was around 10 years of age; we climbed the hills during wee hours of around 3.30 am and it was quite dark and scary to climb in those days without any facilities or shelter.  My father was determined to go up and we went and got scolding from Forest officials for daring in the night along with family members as there was a threat of animals roaming on the way. I still remember the chill feeling we had throughout the climb !!!         
 Just to refresh my child hood memories, it came upon as if I was destined to visit Thirumala through YHAI trek program – Sheshachalam.   I could not visit Thirupathy for a long time even though it remained my favorite hill to climb on foot for a long time. Again, all due to the initiative of my brother, Venkat who has become a senior trekker of YHAI along with his better half, Bhagya who is ever ready to do an outing this way.  She had in fact, designed an ingenious sleeping bag with available materials like Woollen Shawls and linen.  
We all set foot on a day of Karnataka Bandh after borrowing Grand I10 of TVS to Tirumala on 25th early morning.  There were lots of uncertainties, I just landed after an overnight journey from Mangalore and we had to reach by 2 pm to get into the forest and the reporting point was “Keshava Reddy School (formerly Bhuvanagiri School) at Kukkala doddi Village, about 30 kms towards Kodur from Thirupathy and 20 kms from Renigunta Station, (the literal meaning of Kukkala doddi being a place for canines reared by one local headman).
Kodur is known for growing a variety of mangoes and further leads towards Kadapa. I met a farmer who studied in this School and got an insight into the sanctity of this place.  This route used to be called “Annamayya margam” in memory of the devout Annamacharya who used to climb from the rear side of the hill.
The very fact that this path was treaded by Saint Annamacharya and a noted devotional poetess “Vengamamba” filled my soul with pleasantness and a bit of excitement. Tarikonda Vengamamba was a Niyogi Brahmin lady and staunch devotee of Lord Ventakeshwara who became a Yogini and written devotional poems on Lord. She dedicated her life to Lord after becoming a child widow who considered Lord as her husband and continued to dress as a married woman.
Story goes that she was doing Ekantha Seva to Lord Venkateswara and she was banished by the priests to a cave about 15 kms away from Tirumala and this did not deter her from worshipping the lord. She used to travel through the cave and reach temple for worship!!  We were about to stay in this cave near Tumburu Theertha, on the third day of our stay and this was quite a fascinating thing for me to visualize the life of such a staunch devotee and contemporary of Annamacharya in 17th Century. 
I remembered a similar story of Akka Mahadevi who lived near Kardaliwan cave, close to Shri Shaila Mallikarjuna Temple. It did not look like just a coincidence that we were there during last month !!!.  My fascination with the place and the Shloka “Shree Shaila Shikaram Dhristva Punar Janma na vidyathe” was satisfied during this yet another pilgrim-trek which could happen only partly due to forest permission issues.
Day 1:
At around, 3.30 pm we were briefed about the program and trekkers started moving in line to reach a place called Bandi Marisula which is roughly two and half hours easy trek. It is a very secluded place for resting in the night and it is said that the Tigers used to attach the bullock carts with such a great force that the wooden spokes used to break for the intense attach.  
The literal meaning of Bandi is Bullock cart and Marisula is the wooden spoke which broke. After hearing this, the place seemed a bit scare. But seeing the natural surroundings, all such fears disappeared. There was a natural pond surrounded by pristine brown coloured rocks and dense forest in the background.  The camp site was quite small and could have accommodated about 50 to 60 trekkers only. We were nearly a hundred.  From here we are to start trek next day to explore the dense forests including some perennial springs, Secret Canyons,  Cascading Waterfalls, Century old tall trees, caves, pre historic rock paintings etc.,  off the beaten tracks with the help of enthusiastic YHAI volunteers headed by KV Prasad and Balu garu.  
This trek happens once in a year and hence there was a big rush of trekkers and some piligrims who want to see this part of Tirumala.After a sumptuous tea break and dinner later in the evening, we rested in the open for a while. There were no tents of YHAI but Venkat was ready with a tent of his own and pitched the same  at an appropriate place. My sleep bag saved me from the chilled nights but this did not guarantee sound sleep as there was so much enthusiasm among trekkers, pilgrims who were excited and kept awake through out the night giggling, cracking jokes and made a bit unusual noise in this serene atmosphere.  Days trek was very light and we kept good pace with all enthusiasm. The regular camp was unavailable and another batch yet to join us next day morning.
Day 2:
The day’s mandate was to reach Yerra Reddi Madugu and come back early for another short trek of two kms near our camp site.  But it was long enough to reach and we were there at around 2 pm as we left late. This is a natural pond and water flowing throughout the year. After a strenuous walk of five hours we were eager to enter into water.  I was watching others getting soon into water and I also slowly moved on.
This is where I drowned in the Water for the first time in life. There were big rocks in the water and the depth was not visible.  I slowly moved towards the middle and felt that there is no more rock to go further.  I decided to go back and turnedback.  But at this stagem I slipped and drowned back and in seconds went down.  I tried to cycle and come up, but the legs were not having enough strength to co operate.  
I now felt that I am drowning and unable to reach the top of the rock so that I can stand.  Heard, Kitty shouting loudly and making gestures.  I had to grab another fellow swimmer, but he could not take me and I again drowned.  Now I knew that I cannot come up without help.There were many in the pond who would not have noticed me.  Within seconds, I grabbed someone else and came aboard on the rock, a bit shaken by my inability to come back to a safe place.  For a moment I could see Kitty waiving and calling names. I gave him a shock of the day and he was trembling with fear and agony. I was quite comfortable and came little closer to the pond.  
Now it was my turn to help someone else.  There was a girl who was trying to come and go back.  I observed that she is very nervous and finally as expected she drowned a little into the water.  I could clearly see that she could not stand and head went inside.   She was unable to come back to the top and I immediately grabbed her hand and lifted her to safety.  Now the debt is repaid and I felt better!!
After having packed lunch, we started back. Now the number of trekkers who came directly increased and we had to go back to camp before it is too late.  On the way we had to cross a big grass land and the chances of missing route was bright during night. We speeded up and tried move fast so that the large batch could move safely in distance.  We had to give breaks for the other trekkers to join without having much gaps in between. Finally, wewereback by 6 pm to be greeted with a much wanted Tea break followed by Bajji.   Bajji looked so delicious and also ensured smooth passage next day morning!!
Day 3:
This was the D day, I was waiting for.  To see Vengamamba Caves and Tumburu Theertha whichis close by.  We moved on at around 9 am and started trekking towards hills besides the camp.  We had to cross over quite a number of small streams of water bodies; which was presently only boulders and water here & there. Crossing over the boulders for most of the trek was difficult & strenuous.  
We had everychance of skidding and spraining ourselves which would make us no more fit for further journey. Luckily, we were careful enough to avoid such a situatin and kept walking towards Tumburu Valley.  We stopped over for lunch at Chakalibanawater fall and there is also a pre historic period cave and we climbed into the same.   It was  refreshing place for having lunch and relaxation thereafter.
We reached Vengamamba caves and occupied the temporary tents / plastic roofs at around 12.30 pm.  The Tumburu Theertham was close by and we moved on to see this majestic theertham.  It is highly religious place and many rishis did penance in ancient times. The trek through the canyon with towering hills of more than 200 feet with a clearance of 20 to 30 metres between the vertical rock walls climbing over boulders wading through pools of water ultimately reaching the water fall where the two hills join together is an unforgettable experience.  
We could see a number of ponds in the rock which we were cautioned to avoid entering as nobody knows how deep they are.  We had to slowly go sideways to avoid falling into the pond by skidding onrocks!!There were local persons to cross us over to the other part of Big canyons route which itself was a diving path to reach the ultimate Theertham. The water was chilled and we enjoyed the walk through.  
All our pains in leg disappeared in a whiff once we had bath in the stream finally at the end of the split rocky canyon. It is said that the big canyons are extremely rare sight in nature and it is thrilling to see tham.  The serenity of the place is amazing and I started visualizing the period when rishis walked in this path doing their regular penance.  Vengamamba cave is not too far away and she must be visiting this place daily. 
We can see a large number of big ant hills on the way and one at the entrance had an idol being worshipped next to the ant hill.  It looked like Tumburu rishi who has mastered music.  The Tumburu Narada are well known for their music and devotion in our puranas.  With a deep sense of satisfaction, we came backto the Vengamamba caves and settled down.  There was a Yogi Maharaj in this place.   
People say that he was ex military and came here to meditate and eventually settled down.  He was alsogiving medicines to the local people when they were sick and was killed by some unknown people / poachers during 2010.  All the ladies were accommodated in the cave parchment and we settled down in the temporary plastic tents outside. We felt that it was a real trek today followed by a rare rock formation (Canyon) mostly due to certain kind of earth quake or re orientation of the planet millions of years ago.  The memories of this wonderful cave and the theertham would remain for a long time to come.
Day 4:         
This was the last day and we were all completely exhausted physically.  Our minds were fresh and energies high, even though there is pain everywhere. Destination was Rama Theertham and reaching Papanashanam for grand finale of the trek.   We had break fast and packed lunch.  Thanked all the workers who helped us in pitching temporary tents, preparing food and leading us safely through forest.  
After a brief ceremony, we also got our certificates in advance as some parties would require to leave early.  We had to climb up hill for about 5 kms on the serenic hills followed by 1 km ascent and 2 km deep descent on the rocks which seems to have been thrown from above.  The climb was bit strenuous as there was sun on top of our head and we slowly reached the base camp of Ramakrishna Theertham.  
We left our bags there and started ascent of 1 km followed a deadly descent of 2 kms down hll. It was a dangerous and risky walk down the hill with big boulders and sharp stones.   This place is visited by pilgrims once in a year during Magha pournami for ceremonies.  The TTD staff were busy erecting temporary ladders made out of wood down hill and we slowly went down using ropes on the way.  Going down was quite exhausting and needed lot of patience with physical agility to climb big rocks/stones and without falling at any place !!  
After reaching down, we were deighted to see the theertham and the source was difficult to identify as we have to swim across to see whichwas not possible.  However, I tried to walk on the cliff to see the last visible part and took some very good pictures.   One more trekker followed me and his thirst for selfies was satisfied by taking photos from a dangerously looking cliff.  Down there was a stream of water coming from the falls and many of our trekkers were found to be enjoying the ice cold water swim.
By this time we realized that the stomach is empty and our bags in base camp had the luch pack.  We had no option to climb back and our butter fly man – Biju was so hungry.  He started looking for food everywhere and nothing came through.  Luckily, there were local TTD staff were trying to save some food packets they received from Temple from the monkeys who weretrying ferociously to steal some packets.  
I was lucky to get one packet which would have been offered for monkeys and both of us shared the divine pongal prasadam which would have otherwise gone monkey way!!.    We were really lucky to eat pongal with some local chutney which tasted like heaven. Finally, after some rest we climbed back the same way towards tht top of the hill, which seemed better while climbing.  It was anyway risky to hurry and we tread slowly to reach the top and had food. This was the last part of trek and we finally bid adieu to our Trek leaders and walked towards Papanashanam.   
After paying respects to the Goddess Ganga, we moved on to Thirumala and later to Thirupathy to drive back to Bangalore.  My wish to have Darshanam was not possible due to technical reasons and I decided to do it later with family. Came back to Mangalore by catching some local Saarige bus at around 12.30 pm and  travelled through out the night to see Chinmaya who was not well.  It was really a test of my endurance to travel during night in the local busses from Bangalore to Hassan, Hassan to Mudigere and Mudigere to Mangalore, after a 4D / 3N trek on Tirumala.
The entire journey starting on 24th night at Mangalore to 29th January, 2018 was like a dream with no gaps in between. My ambition of climbing the Thirumala hill was fulfilled in a different way and the memories would linger well for quite some time.  I had consciously chosen to keep my conversation with the fellow trekkers to the barest minimum and enjoyed the solitude even though I was one among 100+ trekkers.  
Hopefully, I would visit these places again with family and enjoy it in a different way, very soon.  There are 108 theerthams on this holy hill and their religious sanctity is very significant.  The rush we find in Thirumala is really scary and if everybody wishes to visit these theerthams, it may severely impact the environment.
They are better off without pilgrims and an occasional visit of trekker-pilgrims would be good for the ecology of Seven hills.   Eco tourism is the need of the hour in this place and it cannot be compromised for our selfish nature. Generally people think that the entire planet belongs to them and they have every right to use all the resources for their entertainment.  
It may be the reason that the nature has kept it secrets very closely and very few would know the way.  Vengamamba Cave, Tumburu Theertham, Ramakrishna Theertham are the unique mystical places which we cannot forget for a long time.
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hilmatellervo · 7 years
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'No space for the mousers' worked, my cats left the cut flowers alone. Some pretty hilarious action on the first day. Both had a loooong look if there would be any space to jump in and had to fill the little gaps in the front after my older cat was showing his acrobatic abilities. Now I'm raising the stakes. Got a huge amount of tulips and ranunculus from a recycling center, total of 8 euros, not all of them fitted in this vase. A total steal! Some of the ranunculus had a little frost bites and the tulips were bent and short, but for that price, I didn't mind at all!!
'Ei tilaa saalistajille' toimi, kissani jättivät leikkokukat rauhaan. Ensimmäisenä päivänä näimme melko huvittavia tarkastuskäyntejä, molemmat nousivat takajaloille kurkkimaan, josko siellä joku rako olisi mihin pääsisi hyppäämään. Etureunan pienet tyhjät alueet piti täyttää sen jälkeen kun vanhempi kissamme esitteli akrobaattisia taitojaan. Nyt nostan panoksia. Ostin jättiannoksen kotimaisia tulppaaneja ja jaloleinikkejä kierrätyskeskuksesta, kokonaishintaan 8e, kaikki eivät ole edes mahtuneet kuvan vaasiin. Wau mikä diili!!! Kierrätykseen lahjoitetuissa jaloleinikeissä oli pakkasvaurioita ja tulppaanit olivat osin tosi lyhyitä ja kieroja, mutta tällä hinnalla ei haitannut yhtään!!!
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salainenpop · 3 years
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Tervetuloa Varjokirjamessuille 2021! / Welcome to the Shadow Bookfair 2021!
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(In English below)
Perinteikkäät Varjokirjamessut järjestetään jo 12. kertaa Pasilan Rauhanasemalla lokakuun viimeisenä viikonloppuna, 30.–31.10.2021. Tarkastelemme ohjelmassamme ajankohtaista kirjallisuutta ennen kaikkea vapaudenhenkisten yhteiskunnallisten taisteluiden perspektiivistä, tarjoten etenkin antikapitalistisia, anarkistisia, antifasistisia, feministisiä ja ekologisia näkökulmia painettuun sanaan. Tämän lisäksi tiedossa on myös muita kuin uutuusteoksiin pohjaavia keskusteluja. Teoksistaan Varjokirjamessuilla keskustelemassa ovat muun muassa Susinukke Kosola, Emilia Kukkala sekä Ina Mikkola. Mielenkiintoiset julkaisijat ja ryhmät ovat myös paikalla myymässä tuotteitaan sekä esittelemässä toimintaansa! Tapahtuman järjestämisessä tullaan seuraamaan tarkasti koronaviruspandemian etenemistä, ja sisältöä toteutetaan joka tapauksessa myös verkossa. Tapahtuman ohjelmaa päivitetään lähempänä tapahtumaa. Varjokirjamessuja voi seurata sosiaalisessa mediassa Instagramissa, Twitterissä ja Facebookissa.
The traditional Helsinki Shadow Bookfair will be held for the 12th time already at the Pasila Peace Station (Veturitori 3) on the last weekend of October, 30.-31.10.2021.In our program we look at topical literature from the perspective of liberty-loving societal struggles, offering especially anticapitalist, anarchist, antifascist, feminist and ecological points of view to the printed word. In addition to this there will be broader discussions. Just a few names among many who will be talking about their works this year are Susinukke Kosola, Emilia Kukkala and Ina Mikkola. We also have a bunch of interesting publishers and groups in the event, who will be selling their merchandise and introducing their activities. We will be following the advancement of the COVID-19 epidemic very closely, and no matter what, our content will be available at least online. The exact program of the event will be updated closer to the event. You can follow the Shadow Bookfair on Facebook (Helsingin Varjokirjamessut), Instagram (@varjikset) and Twitter (@varjokirjamessu).
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deshamukalamu · 3 years
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Brahma Theertham: Brahma Theertham can be reached on a two-hour trekking through the forest area from Kukkala Doddi village. Local Guide is required to reach this place, else one can be lost in the wilderness. It is believed that one can get cleansed from grave sins of killings and other crimes. It is believed that Lord Brahma did penance here for Lord Vishnu to get boon to ease his creation task. Thus, this Theertham came to be known as Brahma Theertham. Follow fast @deshamukalamu For HD Photos Check-out ➡️ https://in.Pinterest.com/deshamukalamu https://in.Pinterest.com/deshamukalamu2 #narayana #rama #krishnakrishna #lordvishnu #perumal #incredibleindia #govinda #tirumala #tirupatibalaji #venkateswaraswamy #balaji #lakshmi #deshamukalamu #hindutemple #hindugods #india #worship #ancienttemple #dailydevotional #bakthi #dailydarshan #harekrishna #ramakrishna #radhekrishna #tamily #chennai #kolam #andal #margazhi #karthikadeepam (at Tirumala, Andhra Pradesh, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca9l4M2L3_H/?utm_medium=tumblr
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because-its-eurovision · 10 months
siitä saakka kun minä kavereineni näin sen "bojan cvjetićanin olisi suomeksi taisto kukkala"-postauksen ollaan me kutsuttu bojanii taistoks
en tiedä kiittäisinkö nöyrästi vai vaatisinko anteeksipyyntöä sanastoni syövyttämisestä, vahvasti kallistun ensimmäiseen vaihtoehtoon
en tiedä pyytäisinkö anteeksi vai olisinko ylpeä aikaansaannoksestani, mutta tästä viestistä tuli kiva ja lämmin olo <3
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xeeshop99 · 3 years
Kukkala Doddi PinCode (Post Code)
Kukkala Doddi Pin Code is 516101. Pin Code is other name as Zip Code or Postal Code. Kukkala Doddi is located in district Cuddapah, ANDHRA PRADESH, INDIA.
PIN Code (Zip Code) 516101 Post Office Kukkala Doddi Town/Taluk Kodur District Cuddapah State ANDHRA PRADESH
Kukkala Doddi Pin Code location and Details
Location Kodur Taluk of Cuddapah District Office Type B.O Delivery Related Sub Office Kodur S.O Contact Details NA Address 516101, Kukkala Doddi, Cuddapah, ANDHRA PRADESH, INDIA Longitude Latitude
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letszorastuff · 5 years
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KUKKALA: Harmaa sisäänkäynti (scheduled via www.tailwindapp.com) https://ift.tt/34rTOHJ
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keyscity · 6 years
Oollo Pelliki Kukkala Hadavidi [2018 - FLAC]
Oollo Pelliki Kukkala Hadavidi [2018 – FLAC]
——————————————————————— VA – Oollo Pelliki Kukkala Hadavidi – A2ZCity.net ———————————————————————
Artist……………: Various Artists Album…………….: Oollo Pelliki Kukkala Hadavidi – A2ZCity.net Genre…………….: Telugu OST Source……………: CD Year……………..: 2018 Ripper……………: EAC (Secure mode) / LAME 3.92 & LG DVD-ROM DRN8080B Codec…………….: Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC) Version…………..: reference libFLAC 1.3.1…
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hilmatellervo · 8 years
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Trying a new remedy to keep my cats away from my tulips, this one is called 'No space for the mousers"....
Kokeilussa uusi tulppaanisuoja nimeltään "Ei tilaa saalistajille", heh, saa nähdä tehoaako....
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