#kuga shuu
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seiyuucrossovers · 11 months ago
If his hair looks like this in a shoujo-type anime, he's probably voiced by Maeno Tomoaki
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kaitoshu · 3 years ago
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Congratulations to Kuga Shu for ranking #1 and Starmyu #2 in the NBCUniversal Anime×Music30 General election!!
Additionally Hoshitani Yuta was #15, Tsukigami Kaito was #22, and Tatsumi Rui was #27!
I'm so happy and proud to be part of this fandom! Congratulations to the Starmyu team for making such and awesome and magical anime!
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iwagoo · 4 years ago
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kuga and izumi messy layouts !!
like/reblog if you save ☆
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fujoshigirl7 · 6 years ago
Damn that groove! I've lost count how many times I've replayed it and still can't get over it's smoothness! And damn does tengenji look hot while doing that I was expecting Kuga to be at the centre but he managed even better than him😍
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kinbari14 · 6 years ago
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yinuduonan · 7 years ago
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Kuga Shuu (Shinzato Kota) Starmyu Musical 2nd Season Bromide Set
Scanned by @yinuduonan
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nyanya-art · 7 years ago
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Day 22: Miyamizu Mitsuha (Kimi no Na Wa) Day 23: Kuga Shuu (StarMyu) Day 24: Yamanbagiri Kunihiro (Touken Ranbu) Day 25: Yata Misaki (K Project) Day 26: Sleepy Ash/Kuro (Servamp)
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chlorophillia · 7 years ago
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Preview of Star-Myu: Stardust’s Dream vol.1 (art by Hidou Ren)
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flirtslayer · 7 years ago
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This was my kugaten piece for my friend’s kugaten collab, Mail orders are open now, if you’re interested please go here~ Thank you~ ^q^
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aja154ever · 7 years ago
High School Star Musical/ Starmyu Event – 10/08/2017 Evening
Uwaaa. It’s been quite a long time since my last seiyuu event. I’ve only been attending GRANRODEO lives these past months (but that’s not bad at all!). Anyway, this fan report is quite late, because of work and stuff, but ofc I need to make this post for the record, and for my feelings. Also, thanks to fans who gave tweet reports that helped me remember more things.
 As usual, I used the seiyuu’s nicknames for convenience. Loooong report under the cut!              
Hoshitani Yuuta – Hanae Natsuki Nayuki Toru – Ono Kensho Tsukigami Kaito – Lounsbery Arthur Tengenji Kakeru – Hosoya Yoshimasa Kuga Shuu – Maeno Tomoaki Tatsumi Rui  – Okamoto Nobuhiko Sawatari Eigo  – Uchida Yuuma Inumine Seishiro  – Okitsu Kazuyuki Toraishi Izumi  – KENN Ugawa Akira – Matsuoka Yoshitsugu Ageha Riku – Shimazaki Nobunaga Hachiya So – Takanashi Kengo Kitahara Ren – Umehara Yuichiro Nanjo Koki – Takeuchi Shunsuke Otori Itsuki – Suwabe Junichi Yuzuriha Christian Lion – Toriumi Kousuke Saotome Ritsu – Okiayu Ryoutarou Futaba Taiga – Hoshi Souichiro
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Honestly, I am not very much into Starmyu so I actually do not remember everyone’s names. I also do not know all the seiyuu. But don’t get me wrong, I like the anime as the story about working hard for dreams is just so close to heart. But the main reason why I decided to go to this event is because of the precious baby I’m protecting against the world, Hosoya Yoshimasa. Hosoyan is baaaaaaaaaaackkkkk!!!! I need to welcome him back so I wanted to show my support literally so I badly, really wanted to be there.
And I’m so glad I did. The event turned out to be more fun than I thought as I loved the characters and the seiyuu more.
The cast first appeared in the following order:
Ancient, Kao Council, Team Sazanami and Yuzuriha, Team Hiragi, Team Otori
Team Otori gathered at the center to make the Stardust pose OMG!!!
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Anyway, I would just like to give special mention to Tori-san’s live speaking in Yuzuriha way. His accent is really entertaining. Also, Kensho as Nayuki OMG seeing and hearing it live is just soooo cute; I’m not even a fan of Nayuki and Kensho but I really liked it! Another one I found cute was Noburin! I’ve always loved his voice as Haikyuu’s Noya and his real voice is actually close to that anyway, so it’s really refreshing to see and hear him as Tatsumi.
Also, SuwaJun called out the boys in the audience, with his Otori-senpai voice and tone, and surprisingly there were a good number of boys in the crowd who responded well. He then also called out the girls and was ofc answered with a loud yeyyyyy. 
Game Corner
The cast was divided into two teams, A and B, with members decided through drawing lots.
The game was basically guessing who is the person standing behind you as the guesser wears Tengenji’s eye mask (lol so cute).
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SuwaJun and Tori-san took the MC roles in this part so the players were the remaining 16 cast.
Team A first sat on their respective chairs as they put their eye masks on. Team B then went behind them to attach their names on the stand behind Team A members. They were free to choose to whom they want to attach it.
The guessing team then asks one question so they can get hints on who the person is. However, a voice changer is used on the answerer so they cannot guess based on their voices.
They asked interesting out-of-this-world questions that I do not know how they managed to get hints from such. The ones that I got left in my memory were:
Guesser Uchida: If you would carry me, would it be bridal style or piggyback style? Umehara: My hips would ache if I carry you bridal style, so piggyback, but anyway lose weight first!
((Ume-san was so harsh really lol))
Guesser Okiayu: Regarding date plans, what’s a good word to ask a girl out on a date? Kensho: Ahmmm… Okiayu: In a cool way so don’t say “ahmmmm”! Kensho: On the 17th… are you free?
((Kensho was so cute damn it, acting like he’s shy))
Guesser Noburin: What’s your favorite Gundam? Hosoyan: Barbatos
((Take note that most of the seiyuu present has been a cast in the Gundam series, so you can get the hint based on the answer. Hosoyan played a character in Gundam Iron-blooded Orphans where Barbatos is the main mobile suit))
Zakki was next to guess then he asked the same thing Hoshi: Strike Freedom!
((Hoshi-san played as Kira Yamato in Gundam SEED where he piloted Strike Freedom))
Guesser Maenu: What do you think about Maeno Tomoaki? KENN: He’s not always honest, he’s bad-mouthed, but I like him.
((The whole venue screams KYAAAAAAAAA))
Team A got 50 points in total, 5/8 correct answers.
 Next is Team B.
Guesser Hosoyan: This is a serious question. Which do you prefer, a do-S or do-M girl? Noburin: I usually prefer do-S but sometimes I would also like a do-M
((What is up with this “serious” question Hosoyan???))
Guesser Umehara: What’s the weakest part of your body? Zakki didn’t answer first as he consulted with Tori-san regarding his answer. Zakki: Ahmmm… the left… Tori-san touched/poked Zakki’s left chest/nipple. Zakki shyly laughs as he steps backward. SuwaJun: Okay. It’s his left nipple, right?
((LOL I was laughing so hard Zakki please why are you like that!!))
Guesser Hoshi: What’s the kind of relationship you have with me? Hanae: Ahmmm… 15 years ago I was an entrance examinee for high school. On the other hand, (laughs uncontrollably), I can’t say anything more than that! SuwaJun: (repeats Hanae’s answer) So on the other hand 15 years ago ufufufufufu he can’t say anything more
((So basically Hanae-san was implying about the difference in their ages lol))
Guesser KENN: What do you think about me? Maenu: This ikemen! But I like him.
((The whole venue screams again KYAAAAAAAAA))
Guesser Okiayu: What song do you sing when you take a bath? Yoshitsugu-san also consulted Tori-san first before answering. Then he hums a melody as his answer. SuwaJun: It seems like a very sad song.
Team B only got 3/8 correct answers. So Team A won! Anyway, Okiayu-san’s answer after hearing Yoshitsugu-san’s sad hum was, “I want to hug this person right now.”
 Live Drama Voice Acting
The drama was basically about a contest (I’m sorry I missed the main word about what kind it is), but they were divided into teams of four.
The first part was about Hoshitani, Nayuki, Tsukigami, Shuu, and Tengenji talking about it. They were looking for other members to join Tsukigami and Nayuki and they found Tatsumi and Eigo.
The scene cuts to Eigo waking up sleeping Tatsumi.
Eigo: Ne, Tatsumi, wake up Tatsumi: Give me five more hours…
Eigo talks about the beauty of things when Tatsumi wakes up but Tatsumi says that those truly beautiful are things he can feel even when he’s asleep.
Then they started to sing ZOMG I didn’t expect that they would have a live performance WAIT OMG
Noburin and Uchida-kun sang The ELEGANCE.
Team Otori appeared after, astounded by the two.
Tengenji: Amazing. Do you do that (singing) every morning?
So Tatsumi and Eigo ended up joining Tsukigami and Nayuki in the team. They then performed Aozora SEASONS.
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So on the day of the contest…
Toraishi and Inumine were the MCs of the contest.
Ancient and Kao council were on the same team together.
Tsukigami, Nayuki, Tatsumi, and Eigo were a team.
Hoshitani and Shuu were just part of the audience.
Well Tatsumi and Eigo were supposed to join, but they got into an unexpected affair on the day of the contest so they called saying they can’t go.
“Unexpected” affair being a sudden wedding.
Tengenji: A sudden wedding? What the hell is that?
So they had to make a way to fill up the members however the names cannot be changed so Tengenji and Ugawa ended up pretending to be Eigo and Tatsumi, respectively. This was really funny OMG esp with Tengenji because you know his usual way of speaking sounds proud and impolite, but he has to restrain and speak calmly and politely like Eigo. He would tend to speak in his usual way, then Ugawa would subtly remind him, “ne, Eigo?” To which he would respond, “So-sou desu ne, Tatsumi.”
((This live drama part really assured me that Hosoyan is already really okay. He spoke many lines and his role was more complicated than the others. You see, he was acting in the acting. I’m so proud of you Hosoyanby!))    
At first, only the two teams were originally part of the contest, but right before it began, the other team made a sudden appearance as Ageha, Hachiya, Kitahara, and Nanjo performed Storytellers.
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((OMG if you didn’t know, Zakki is my ultimate husband in another world (being Nanase Haruka) so hearing him sing live for the first time is just too much for my heart. T.T He sounds pretty much the same in recorded and in live. Good voice Zakki huhuhu))
 So they then joined the contest.
Anyway, KENN as Toraishi was providing a lot of fan service, with his “koneko-chan” calls, winks, and kisses. Srsly KENN is so ikemen tho huhuhu
At first, Ageha thought that Hoshitani was part of the contest so he lost his will to join when he found out that Hoshitani is just watching.
The MCs then explained that the questions would be about Uozumi and Haruto, and that the prize of the winner is Uozumi and Haruto’s sign. With that, Ageha’s determination to join went back in a flash.
Ancient and Kao got the first question right about Haruto’s favorite sports being team sports since he’s not good in anything that doesn’t involve music.
Tsukigami team then got the second one about Uozumi’s favorite food being cold food. Nayuki cited an incident when Uozumi didn’t want his curry heated before eating.
Ageha has been giving really adorable reactions with gasps and short comments, expressing his worry and excitement in getting the prize. When the second question turned out to be about Uozumi, he coldly answered with, “I don’t know.”
The third question turned out to be the last, and so Nanjo and Kitahara started complaining that they haven’t gotten a point yet, and their extra performance earlier would be worthless if they don’t even get a point. They also added that if they happen to get the point, no one would be declared a winner as the teams would all be tied. So they suggested that the last question be worth ten thousand points. The MCs then agreed after they got the audience to chant “ten thousand points!”
Ancient and Kao ended up getting the point about Haruto. Anyway, for some reason (I forgot or I just didn’t understand) their team got disqualified. That made the Tsukigami team the winner with one point, but then the others complained that they should also be disqualified for the pretending Tengenji and Ugawa. So in the end, because the two other teams got disqualified, the remaining team won though they didn’t have any points! Ageha was so happy and with his loveable reaction, I believe everyone in the venue also got happy for him T.T
VTR parts in between
VTR clips were played in between segments. The characters appeared in their chibi forms, grouped together for free talk.
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Some things I remember:
The Hardy group (Tengenji, Hachiya, Inumine, Todo, Chigira) used to eat together during audition break times. They would also casually teach one another. They teased Tengenji that they’re glad that he has gotten more friends. Ofc, tsundere Tengenji refuses to accept that he already calls them as friends. He also said that Todo and Chigira have other business today so they can’t attend the event. So apparently, he contacted them.
Inumine: As expected of Tengenji! Tengenji: Be-betsuni! I’m just doing it as the leader of the Hardy group… I’m not doing it for your sake, okay!
Hoshitani, Tsukigami, Shuu, and Toraishi were talking about their Middle School days. Hoshitani claimed that he wasn’t popular with girls at that time, but he had many friends who are girls. They would give him snacks, make bentos for him, and come to cheer for him in club events.
Tsukigami, Shuu, Toraishi: So he was just dense…
Apparently, Hoshitani was pretty popular lol
Ageha, Nayuki, And Ugawa were put together. Nayuki said that their combination is kind of weird and they wondered what they have in common.
Ageha: Ah! I found our common feature! Nayuki, Ugawa: What is it? Ageha: We’re all small (in height). *awkward laughing from the two* Ugawa: Well, that’s true but… Ageha: That’s fine, we’ll still get to grow taller Nayuki: Is Ageha’s family tall? Ageha: Yes Nayuki: I see. My family is generally small Ugawa: Mine is relatively normal, but recently since I’ve always been with Inumine, when I came home last time I think my family has gotten smaller Ugawa: My ideal height is Kuga’s Nayuki: Since I don’t grow muscle that much, my ideal build would be Yuzuriha-senpai’s. Ageha’s would of course be, Haruto-san’s height, right? Ageha: 187 cm… Ah, I still have to grow 23 more centimeters.
 The last VTR revealed the announcements:
Blu-ray Box of the first season out on Spring 2018
OVA for October 2018
Season 3 on 2019
Last Greeting
The cast then went back on stage now dressed in the Shadow and Lights Event shirt. It’s Hoshitani’s birthday on the 10th so they brought out a cake (see picture below!). They then said their words of goodbye one by one.
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Maenu said that in the future, he would want to hold an event like this again, but hopefully with Hirakawa Daisuke-san and the other seiyuu as well.
((Aww Maenu so sweet T.T))
It was Arthur-san’s fourth performance of the day, as he was also in the musical and then in the noon event. But he said he got the energy to go on from the fans, and he feels that he can still go on for another performance.
((Srsly, otsukare-sama Arthur-san! You’re so adorable huhu. I can feel your love for Starmyu. Thank you!!!))
SuwaJun sang a few lines, earning KYAAAAAAAAAA from the crowd, as he wished to hold another event in the future.
Ume-san has ofc used his signature line, “guilty”, in every chance he got in the event, so ofc he ended the night with that. KYAAAAAAA
KENN/Toraishi: If we’re talking about stars, then it is here *points to self* *winks* *flying kiss* fangirls died* Okitsu-san repeats the same line with ever-energetic Inumine! Uchida-kun/Eigo: If we’re talking about stars, then it is here *gestures hand to Noburin/Tatsumi* Noburin/Tatsumi: Hi. I’m the star.
((KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HAHAHA I officially declare Tatsumi x Eigo as canon because these two have been teasing flirting from the start, in the VTR, in the drama parts OMG. I did not even notice them in the anime but I’m telling you their seiyuus are the captains of this ship so I’m really happy for the shippers of this fandom!))
Ok. That flow of goodbye greetings was really entertaining. Lol. Anyway, Hanae ended the greetings, with, “I don’t know of a way to give up on my dream!”
Awwww. Then they ended the night as the whole cast performed Gift.
As soon as the music started, SuwaJun came to Hanae’s side, putting his arm over Hanae’s shoulder. That was such a lovely sight! Otori-senpai and Hoshitani!!!!!!!!! T.T
Okay, so I’m a huge fan of Hosoyan’s singing voice (I have a whole blog post dedicated to that here) so I was really delighted when we got live performances earlier as I assumed that I would finally get to hear Hosoyan sing live later. So everyone actually sang in Gift, however, Hosoyan didn’t sing with the mic. Lol what. He was just smiling and waving his hands, singing in some parts, but all the time he was pointing the mic to the audience. Somehow, I came to the conclusion that due to medical conditions, maybe he cannot sing that much yet. I’m really worried, but Hosoyan still looked so happy. He was the only one who walked around the whole stage, going far to the right and left sides as he continued waving to the audience. Ok now I want to cry
In the end, team Otori with Otori-senpai gathered in the center, Hosoyan being late as he was busy waving on the left side of the stage, but then they put him in the center as they all put their arms over their shoulders. BEAUTIFUL.BEAUTIFUL. Welcome back Hosoyan!!!!!!!!
Photos/Posts from Official Accounts:
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Uwaaaaaa. I didn’t really expect to enjoy the event this much as again I’m not that attached to Starmyu unlike the other seiyuu events I’ve attended. But then I found myself laughing all throughout the event. I really had a good time. But the most important thing to me is that I got to see Hosoyan. This isn’t the first time as I saw him in the BSD event last February, but seeing him in this event carries SO much meaning after his hiatus. He’s well, he’s fine, he’s okay. I literally had tears in my eyes when he appeared in the beginning. He has repeatedly said that he’s gonna take good care of his health during the intro and final greetings assuring the fans. He may not be 100% yet but what matters most is that he’s back, doing the things he loves. I also felt that his waving around the stage was like him saying, “I missed you! Please be assured that I’m okay now!”
Anyway, though waiting until 2019 is kinda hard, we got an OVA coming soon! I’m really happy that the story of our boys continues! Uwaaaa Starmyu gets to have a third season! Isn’t that amazing?
“When I receive something precious from Starmyu, I feel that I am cherished by Starmyu.”
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kaitoshu · 3 years ago
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Kuga's beautiful drawings!
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stardustmovement · 7 years ago
I HEAR YOU'RE ACCEPTING ASKS (Strong power thank you) IF SOOOOOOOO How would all of the second year Starmyu boys be like as Kpop idols?
Thank you for sending in the ask~ AND YES I HAVE BEEN WAITING TO ANSWER THIS SO BAD. Take note, the use of “rude” and “disrespectful” is a term for most Kpop fans to relate when the idol does something sexily provoking. 
So here’s a list of what I think:
Hoshitani YutaThe boy is more of a main dancer if you ask me, but he’s a singer with a unique voice that’s always recognizable no matter what even if he’s lacking of lines. The mood maker of the group and the clumsy one off-stage, but is a very charismatic and energetic DISRESPECFUL AS HECK dancer with sharp movements on-stage. Ocassionally raps in some songs. IS A GODDAMN HAPPY GOOFBALL WHO BEFRIENDS EVERYONE–
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Nayuki Toru
A PRECIOUS SMOL. Nayuki’s fluffy appearance and soft features makes him one of the more stunning visuals of the group, plus Ono Kensho’s cuter voice suits him so much! He would be one of the vocalists, with a good range from soft and sweet to a harder tone of voice. The mom of the group who takes care and cooks for his members. THE FLUFFIEST HUMAN ALIVE, PERIOD. Also A SECRETLY SAVAGE SMOL–
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Tengenji Kakeru
He may not look it (or does he–), but Tengenji is a rapper. Oh yes, our kabuki king is the kind of rapper who hypes up the song to give it momentum. HAS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL RICH SINGING VOICE FITE ME and is the type to be the center of a lot of songs. And can we talk about his VISUALS? Out of the world. Is the dorkiest fluffball off-stage, but his on-stage persona is the danger zone if you know what I mean WELP–
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Tsukigami Kaito
My best boy right here is a main dancer, hands down. Like, HAVE YOU SEEN HOW FLEXIBLE HE IS IN THE ANIME? Kaito is also the type to participate in making choreography and song composing, mostly choreo but still contributes a lot to composing. A vocalist who can sing complex ranges no problem, overall an all-rounder. Also the sassy member of the group and laughs at lame jokes. A PART OF MANY SHIPS.
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Kuga Shuu
Definitely a rapper, a lead rapper at that. A rapper who raps from his heart with passion. Owns a notebook containing rap lyric drafts. Kuga also has a distinctive voice that stands out no matter what AND A DEEPASS VOICE AT THAT WOWIE– Very much like his anime self, Kuga is the quiet member of the group who’s usually in his own world (and the center of emo memes ahem–) but IS SOFT FOR HIS MEMBERS. Also has a soothing singing voice (auditioned to be a vocalist before he became a rapper).
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Tatsumi Rui
The beauty and grace of the group, a.k.a VISUAL PRINCE. A graceful lead dancer whose movements are ABSOLUTELY magical, almost like a ballerina but not at the same time (am I making sense? Nope–). Has a voice of a LITERAL ANGEL. Those who were graced with Tatsumi Rui’s presence are said to have died peacefully to his shining beauty, but there are those who lived and survived THIS DISRESPECTFUL ordeal to tell this story (that’s me). HOWEVER, when the situation calls for it, this mofo can flip his switch if yanno what I mean *wink wonk*
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Sawatari Eigo
If “elegance” was a person, it would be Sawatari Eigo. Believe it or not, THIS BOY IS A MAIN VOCALIST. MAIN. VOCALIST. A tenor, has the best vocals in regards to technique but he tends to hold back a lot due to not wanting to overpower his own members (mainly Tatsumi). HIGH NOTE KING and participates a lot in lyrics. Looks and dresses like he’s going to meet your parents, but is actually very adventurous and indulges in good humor, making terrible puns (which Kaito actually laughs at). Also WHERE ARE THE GODDAMN EIGO GIFS–
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Ugawa Akira
He’s smol and cute but is an angery smol who can kick your ass when provoked (Tengenji watch your ass–). Ugawa is surprisingly an all-rounder who is mainly a lead vocalist with a nice timbre, kinda calm and jazzy. A TALENTED SMOL who does most of the composing and lyric writing and LOVES HIS JOB IT MAKES HIM FEEL IMPORTANT. Maintains a cute and sassy image on-stage but is A STRAIGHT-OUT SAVAGE off-stage, Will beat up his members with a guitar if he needs to and tag teams ocassionally with Nayuki.
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Toraishi Izumi
HO BOI. WHERE DO I EVEN START. First things first, Toraishi is the main rapper of he group with a very versatile flow which he made his own. Inserts quite A LOT of English (or Gibberish) in his raps, mainly just to sound cool (which actually works). Like all the rappers in the group, he owns a rap lyrics notebook AND HE SLEEPS WITH IT AWWWW– His on-stage persona is a confident and fiery rapper whose “fans are his girlfriends”, but off-stage HE’S SOFT AND EMOTIONAL AND CRIES EASILY WHAT A PRECIOUS DORK–
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Inumine Seishirou
Practically useless in everyday situations like his anime self, but DAMN BOI HE’S THE ULTIMATE PERFORMER. Is mainly a dancer but he raps and sings AND CAN EVEN ACT WHAT IS INUMINE EVEN– so basically, the boy is a monster in the entertainment. Also known for hyping songs up along with Tengenji. The loud and noisy ULTIMATE GOOFBALL who always randomly breaks into a song off-stage, but beware of his on-stage charisma. You might regret calling Inumine the man’s best friend.
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Ageha Riku
Was once an edgy singer with multiple Linkin Park covers stored away somewhere down the darkest pit of his old social media accounts (never talk about them again). But as of now, Ageha is pretty much still a vocalist, but less edgy AND IS AN EXCELLENT FREESTYLE DANCER. One minute being beauty and grace, another minute BEING VERY DISRESPECFUL LIKE CALM DOWN BOI. Ageha may look disinterested 24/7 of the time, but inside he’s the SOFTEST KINDEST SOUL EVER AND HAS THE CUTEST SMILE SAVE ME– Also part of the smol and savage group along with Nayuki and Ugawa.
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Hachiya So
A beautiful AND UNDERRATED HUMAN BEING. Often overlooked, BUT HAS THE MOST GORGEOUS VOICE YOU HAVE EVER HEARD YOUR ENTIRE EXISTENCE. Maybe it’s because Hachiya is a kind and humble soul BUT HE’S THE OTHER MAIN VOCALIST. High Note King part 2 and is PLENTY attractive in terms of visuals. A man with various talents such as interior design FRENCH STYLE. Only downside about him, and a trait that unfortunately most people remember about is that the boy is CLUMSY AF. Ageha often has to be there for him but he does redeem himself on-stage with the RICHEST OF VOCALS. ALSO WHERE ARE THE GODDAMN HACHIYA GIFS–
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Kitahara Ren
A LEGIT MODEL. A VERY stunning visual with incredible stage presence who is a singer-rapper. Has a smooth baritone voice regardless on whether he sings or raps AND HAS THE AUDACITY TO SMIRK LIKE HE’S OWNED THE WORLD– Is the member who always receives modeling requests first and flaunts any style HECK HE CAN EVEN WEAR A POTATO SACK AN STILL LOOK GOOD. Is a cocky asshole off-stage, but a good kind. Hangs out with the rapper group everytime.
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Nanjo Koki
FINALLY. I would like to present to you THE RUDEST, MOST DISRESPECTFUL MOFO OF THE GROUP, NANJO FUCKING KOKI. This bizarrely beautiful mofo right here is also a singer-rapper but leans more to being a tenor. HOWEVER, his GODLY visuals stand out more if anything else and stylists always put him in low-cut outfits for this very reason (much to Ren and Tengenji’s dismay). Like Kuga, he originally auditioned to be a vocalist but got to play both positions, and MAN, HE DOES IT SO DAMN WELL. Off-stage, the boy is a smug and amused individual, always indulging in Ren and Toraishi’s catfights. AND GODDAMIT THERE AREN’T ANY NANJO GIFS OML–
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xan-the-13th · 8 years ago
Musical Starmyu [2017]
Ayanagi Showtime - Team Ootori ver.
Sugie Taishi as Hoshitani Yuuta Yamanaka Shouta as Nayuki Tooru Lounsbery Arthur as Tsukigami Kaito Suzuki Shogo as Tengenji Kakeru Takahashi Kensuke as Kuga Shuu
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stardust1391 · 8 years ago
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team OTORI from blu-ray Vol.1
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tieriart · 8 years ago
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kinbari14 · 8 years ago
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STARMYU Season 2 featured on Spoon 2Di Vol.28 released on 7/31
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