#kuato lives
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afranvil · 1 year ago
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spockvarietyhour · 1 year ago
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Kuato Lives!
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sadmanyeyes · 7 months ago
Chapter 122:
So Monster!Shiva tears off Ganesa's head and is now the Second Devil King. Pai is horrified but Yakumo tells her that's not her Shiva anymore. But Pai refuses to listen and runs up to Shiva, yelling for him to stop. Shiva responds by blasting the place to rubble, forcing Yakumo to save Pai by cushioning her fall with his body.
Standing in the wreckage, Shiva is confronted by the injured former Devil King who reveals he didn't just take his powers but the powers of the previous Devil Kings from past generations. He calls him a monster, saying even if he didn't want it, he'll need to keep on performing the humanization ritual to keep his level of power from weakening, knowing he'll end up like the same Kuato-looking fucker he looks like now. He won't even be allowed to die because he's the last bastion of the triclops' histories and stories. He's the new Devil King; welcome to the high life. Then that winged lady whose name I keep forgetting swoops down to strike at him, not willing to let him take her master's throne...
Meanwhile, Pai asks Yakumo if he's okay. He says he's used to this...and she calls him stupid. She roughly treats his wounds before breaking down crying, asking for his forgiveness and saying Shiva isn't like that. So Shiva offers his two cents on the subject by dropping the corpse of the winged lady in front of them as he floats down, holding out his hand and telling Pai to come to him. He says they can always live together and be one forever. Yakumo tells her not to, saying Shiva just wants her powers because she's another Parvati. Shiva restates, with less ambiguity, that Pai is his and Pai moves over to him, apologizing to Yakumo...only for Haan to burst through the roof and snatch her up, saying he'll never let Shiva have her.
End of chapter.
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bluerevs-a · 1 year ago
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a sick satisfaction flooded his system when he saw rory walk in tonight. their relationship, no matter how catastrophic it was, intertwined their lives long enough that, for the foreseeable future, they were doomed to be corralled at parties of mutual friends. it’s a long pause before he responds, and he blinks at her as if he were mulling it all over. “so you’re admitting he’s ugly?” a grin spreading wide across his features. “i like how your face contorts in that certain way when you get jealous like this,” he prods, shifting his weight and cocking his head. “be nice about my cardboard date, please.” tone is level, brimming with confidence. river wasn’t good at much, but he had a certain magnetism about him that he often used to his advantage. rory may have been smart enough to avoid the pull of his orbit, but it was like a broken switch inside of him — he couldn’t necessarily turn it off. “but, seriously, tell me about him. how did kuato from ‘total recall’ steal your heart?”
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rory thought she was better than this, than ending up back here, standing in front of river. yet, no matter how many times she's sworn him off, she seemingly finds her way back to his presence, as if he's a drug, a toxin she can't quite rid from her bloodstream. if she was honest, however, she was growing bored as the party began to die, and maybe, just maybe, she liked the havoc that ensued whenever they came into contact. " yeah, and a cardboard box has more personality than your new girlfriend, " she quips, arms crossing against her chest. " and a higher iq, too. " it's followed with a huff of laughter, unable to hide her disdain. " it's good, though, that you've found someone so well-matched. i'm happy for you, riv. "
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sorens2015 · 4 years ago
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Get your ASS...
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proto-humanoid · 3 years ago
Kuato Lives
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andysambergstan · 7 years ago
kuato [2/2]
andy on snl: if you thought andy and scarlett johansson kissing would be sexy, "trick! you better think again"
32x18, april 2007
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tropichalys · 5 years ago
Fragments - Kuato Lives! | ChillSynth / Dreamave
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buzzkillzine · 3 years ago
So my girlfriend and I gave been going out for 10 years. It's been a great 10 years.
But over the last few months things have been on thin ice. And it's my own fault.
It started with a Grudge. Specifically the Grudge from 2004 starring Sarah Michelle Gellar.
So for pretty much our entire 10 year relationship my girlfriend and I love showing each other movies. I love gorey horror movies, Sci fi, Dumb comedies etc and she loves 00s films with white covers and pink writing, Australian films and rom coms. Obviously that's a very narrow snapshot of our tastes but enough of an idea of where we're starting from.
When we started watching movies together we'd pick stuff that the other hadn't seen in an attempt to show them our favourite movies. She hated horror movies and didn't watch any and I had a big blind spot for her stuff.
Little by little we eased each other into our respective tastes and along the way we opened our minds to each a la Kuato from Total Recall (a film I picked and she enjoyed).
We both realised that it's great to watch stuff out of our comfort zone and we even found some stuff that became rewatchable favourites.
She enjoyed the ridiculous campness and hyper-masculine-to-the-point-of-homoerorotic of stuff like Predator, the parody and hidden in plain sight satire of Robocop and the ridiculous fun of Dredd. In turn I enjoyed the great writing of Mean Girls, the relatability of Booksmart and the sheer joy of Romy and Michele's Highschool Reunion and Josie and the Pussycats.
The 'your pick, my pick' rotation of films worked great. Until a few months ago.
We had watched The Ring (2002) pretty early on in our relationship and enjoyed it. One day in around May this year I realised that there were some other remakes of Asian horror that she hadn't seen.
Now I had watched the Grudge around the time it came out in 2014. I was in highschool and remember it being an eerie ghost tale with some effective scares and a great story. Plus it stars Sarah Michelle-Gellar who is great in Buffy (a show which my girlfriend loves), what could possibly go wrong?
So, with my pick chosen, we sat down to watch a film from my teens years that had cemented my taste in horror movies and would surely be a fun little trip down memory lane.
But... it stunk!
I was puzzled, baffled and shocked. What had happened to the tension, the strong female lead, the creepy atmosphere and the heart in the story? None of it was there.
We got about 3/4 of the way through and first the first time since Freddy Got Fingered (my pick) we called it a dud and turned it off. (Part of our rules are if you're reeeeeeaaallly not digging a partners pick you can tap out. She tapped out. However FGF is a stone cold classic and I stand by it)
I apologised and we watched something else that we both enjoyed.
But I was still puzzled. What went wrong? Why did I get nothing from the film? Like admittedly the CGI looked awful now and it was miss-cast and SMG is normally great, like in Scooby Doo (her pick) or I Know What You Did Last Summer (my pick) but the film was just a real fizzer and didn't live up to my memories and her expectations.
So a few days pass and it's back to my pick. The whole Grudge situation is getting to me. I need to fix this.
Then I see that The Grudge (2020) is streaming and Lin Shaye is in it. Awesome! Hollywood realised that they mucked up the OG remake and decided to update it and fix the problems by making it creepy, updating the CGI and putting Lin Shaye in it. We both love Lin Shaye from the Insidious films (my pick but we both love them) and this will surely make up for my dud pick and we'll get to see a good remake of the story.
But.... it also stinks.
The same traps. Nobodies fault but it just didn't land with either of us. I'd picked 2 duds in a row and they were both the same film.
I was way off my game.
The curse of the dud Grudge followed me over the next couple of months.
I either picked stuff we both didn't enjoy of stuff that she flat out hated. Her picks kept coming through strong but mine were consistently bad. My radar of what I thought we'd both enjoy had been damaged.
I couldn't, for the life of me pick a film that was campy fun, silly fun, gross fun or even fun fun. Pick after pick I failed. The pressure of trying to find something we'd both enjoy was getting to me.
Then it happened.
We watched Black Phone in the cinema (my pick, I liked it. She didn't) then watched 'X' (my pick, I liked it, she really didn't) and then she dropped the bombshell.
'Maybe you should take a break from picking for a couple of movies?'
I knew she was right. I'd fucked up and kept fucking up. I needed to take a break and take stock of what I was doing.
So she has picked the last couple of films, Not Okay (both loved it) and Amélie (what a classic) and I have attempted to make a list of films with all the right ingredients to finally break my streak and get back on the good film buddy/great boyfriend podium.
I have my picks locked and loaded and will report back next week on how I've done.
I think I've picked something suitably ridiculous, fun and over the top to win back her trust.
Wish me luck and I'll let you know how I go.
(Just to be clear, she's great and this is all just fun but I take watching movies together seriously)
Also my car broke down but it fixed now.
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brokehorrorfan · 3 years ago
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Kuato lives on Middle of Beyond's Total Recall button-up shirt. It costs for $55.
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marahuyos · 3 years ago
Weak idea for an American/foreign Jujutsu sorcerer master: He lives in one of his students’ bodies, like Kuato from Total Recall.
oohh no idea what this is about alidjawldjalwd
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evilphone · 3 years ago
Dethkomedy for the ask game! 😁
Do I like this episode? Why or why not?
Yep! It’s almost nostalgic for me in a way bc it’s an early s1 ep. Very funny. Some iconic lines. It’s not my fav ep from season one, but it’s up there.
Favorite moment?
Hard to pick one tbh! I have a few…
-The whole court scene at the beginning
-The line from skwis when he says “Being bleak and dark for a living sometimes makes you lose your objectivity for, yaknow, being bleak and dark.” It lives in my head and plays on repeat.
-“Cut Kuato? I’ll cut bodybag before i cut Kuato. Kuato stays. Kuato’s gold.”
-(in reference to the guy who just made references) “HE WAS GREATTTT”
-“I hate myself! :^)”
Least favorite moment?
Not sure tbh! There’s not much i really don’t like about this ep other than I’m not a huge fan of gross out humor. It’s just not as funny to me.
Do I have an unpopular opinion about this episode? What is it?
Hmmm i can’t think of any
Something I would change?
I would really have liked to see more character development of that sailor guy. Who is he. Why is he helping them. I get that they had to keep it under 12 minutes, but...
Rating out of 5?
4/5! Not my favorite episode ever but i don’t have much to complain about!
Anything else I want to say about this episode?
Being a Metallica fan, of course i was excited when I saw ‘James Hetfield’ in the credits under voices. But like, when i first saw the ep i had no idea which character he voiced, so I had to go back and rewatch the ep before I figured out that he was the sailor guy. You would think i would have figured it out immediately bc i listen to him sing all the time, but no. Idk if that’s a testament to his ability to voice act or my inability to recognize voices lmao.
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gazellefamily · 4 years ago
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JOHNNY MNEMONIC (1995) “Uncle Frank-core? Cyberpunk aint totally Sonny’s shit, but I get all the way thru it. Kee trying to move and talk like a human but can’t quite nail it. He even has a whiny spiel that is mean to be comedy and it’s plain odd. Love interest is aggro-btizz Dina Myer of STARSHIP TROOPERS and 90210 who was on top of the world that year but whoosh. Ice-T in Freejack rasta form. Henry Rollins is actually the best actor in this. I didn’t even recognize Dolph till final credits! Lawnmower Man cyber-worlds and a dolphin as the Kuato twist. Pixels scraping your brain in every direction. Jack me in to the net! BTW: it takes place now in 2021 and it gets a few things right: Newark is still dangerous and everyone’s sick and needs a break from the NET.” -Sonny Gazelle
“Our uncle Frank/Marty lives for this shit. He loves cyberpunk so much he even likes Billy Idol’s album CYBERPUNK. I cannot explain why I didn’t see this in his company or in Dez Gazelle’s basement. Some shit gets past the goalie. Um why was this directed by Patrick Bateman’s favorite painter Robert Longo!? He of the bland suited guys fighting each other with a blank background? This was a WEIRD next step for a lion of the downtown NYC art/no-wave scene. I finished a truly appalling slasher movie called ISLAND OF BLOOD right before this and it was the equivalent of running with weights on my ankles. Made JOHNNY seem like fucking CITIZEN KANE. Eh it’s ok. Dina Meyer def spicy. The internet def dangerous - that’s true. No one uses fax machines in 2021, however.” -Tommy Gazelle
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sorens2015 · 4 years ago
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best view on Mars
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yourstatera · 5 years ago
Kuato Lives made some awesome soundtrack for High Rollers Aerois, here is the Star Bane theme
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crackrissian · 8 years ago
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