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justcatposts · 2 years ago
Cat presents her newborns to her human mom 
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caats · 1 year ago
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cutevintagetoys · 2 years ago
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🌸 Angel Cat Floor Mat 🌸
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dunktape · 10 months ago
i love my cub kitten error sans irl pookie dookie bear !
we should kiss for eel ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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litterally us !!!!!!!!!1111 ><
im aba pilled maxxing mewing skibdi if u care
( i need a main help me )
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kitten ..... tjis coud be us...... just saying........
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mmortis · 2 years ago
I'm sososososoododso tired ighhfhdjfhd
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pr · 1 year ago
wish i could get invited to do a buzzfeed puppy interview just so i could lie and say im deadly allergic to dogs and get them to give me a kitten interview instead 😞
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stitchwraith-stingers · 5 months ago
I would like to hear a FOP (or ANW) headcanon for any of your favorite female characters. Smiles
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trixie tang
her family is kinda confusing??? shes adopted, but then her father remarried so her step brothers are chad n tad but then he got divorced AGAIN and kept the twins custody
her father also implanted the idea of "everyone should give you attention because umm money i guess" whomp whomp
i imagine if she got out of her shell more and was like, ur typical kid shed be kinda snarky n cheeky.... elbowing u and jokenly insulting you type of deal
the zone outer... shes just like me where after 20 min of class shed just spontaiously start to not pay attention and forget... idk how to explain it like when everything just feels so light that thing
by the time middle school rolled around she started to slightly blend in more w the crowd cuz no one rlly cared much for the idea of popular kids that much, started to rebel against her father while doing that (intentionally picking less fashionable clothing when going outside by herself etc)
she still likes fashion though, its just a VERY minor interest
probably has a obscure webcomic with a patreon chloe carmicheal
she gives me horse girl vibes, if you show her mlp she will completely loose her shit
the lonley-er....... ppl found her kinda werid cuz of the fact she stayed at the top of her classes and so they just kinda speak to her weridly (<- projecting cuz this is somewhat happening to me idk whats their problem either)
has a horrible habit of impulse buying random nicknacks if let loose cuz she hasnt rlly thought about it
probably becomes rlly close friends w kevin!!!!! aj and chester look at her from afar like small ktitens being introducted to a whole home and looking all puffed up, sanjay and elmer are indifferent lmao
im going to be so honest chef she is probably going down a rlly happy jolly girl -> completely deranged and lost it if shes still staying w her helicopter parents
chronic liar for useless information, she can already do anything (litterly) so its like, why not, but also because if she shows she fucked up its like the world is ending next tuesday
probably watches a bunch of random movies
hazel wells
slaps roof of car this kid could hold so much anxiety and stress inside her
she has SLEEP PROBLEMS!!!! and probably has alot of nightmares... TERRIFYING!!!!
she just happens to know how to play the drums
she HATES strong smells, and is extremely sensitive to onion
hates eye contact..... dont stare at her like that
her main stim is rocking back and fourth, she could be doing is mindlessly in class and the kid in the back would constantly tell her to stop doing that, shes trying to stop doing it buttt its not working out too well for her
she also really likes those tangle stim toys....
i went more indepth abt her autistic traits here
the crane wives liker
therian!!!!!!! jackalope!!!!!!!!!
transgirl, her fathers a transman... twinning
idk where to put this but arospec lesbian cuz im also one yay
she can barely cook on her own, like yeah fries and noodles are just fine but pancakes and bacon are notttt going to go well
she has the most bizzare turn of hyperfixations, and its mostly of things ppl dont tihnk about, like one day she could wake up and go "hm yknow i saw a really cool chair the other day at walmart" and completely spiral
she NEEDS to let her emotions out!!!!! she bottles them up like she could be so pissed at someone and still just smile at them and go yep bye untill a certain point, she should punch a wall and scream i think, i would let her
she lived next to a mine back in the day and antony just showed her around n it all went downhill from there
yk the way ppl would bully autistic kids before they knew it like they went in such a specific way, that thing happened to her so she didnt really have friends, she and jasmine just clicked and were like "huh werid that never happened before" neurodivergent to neurodivergent communication
jasmine tran
i have a whole post for this thing so
i also have the same thing going on so ik this is ooc but shes always slightly insecure abt showing what she likes, but she still does it anyway so its like an oxymoron...... if that makes sense
she also has just rlly bad memory in general, like the planets of the solar system, dont get her started on math
stays up wayy late at night so occasonally you will see her sleep in class
grew up with a family who loved to playfully make fun of eachother often but she just couldnt tell
was THIS close to being assigned a fairy untill fearless which was like the catalyst on why shed have one and then they dropped her case, however life can be dream and i still gave her one anyway
BITER! BITER! BITER! so much chewlery, and shes so used to this that when her grandma packed her lunches with metal cutlery instead she STILL has bitten the handle expencting it to be wooden but ends up shocking her teeth in the end, she also does it out of stress but thats not as common anymore
also has pica but i already made an indepth post abt it replying to you so
popular on pinterest, makes moodboard requests on tumblr
xenofiction liker, rip jasmine u wouldve loved selling neon wolf adopts for 10 points on deviantart
on that note, i know damn well she'd have the warrior cats art style, thats her one thing like the moment winn recognised the characters she turned tothem with a stone sfx you know the one, her fave characters r sorreltail n mothwing btw if u even care, she has secrelty made every kid at school she knows a character based off them in a story shes brainstorming
angela wells
had a godparent read my lore boy
had SUCH a hard time with depression and anxiety during her early kid years, she was such a wreck, and got better as she got into teenhood dw (unless you count the time she got postpartum depression)
also had codependancy problems regarding godparent mentioned above, hazel gets those from her whoops
is def ace but it hasnt rlly set in for her yet yk, like she knows abt how different she feels but shes just like meh whatever . shes 45
didnt have a bad relationship w her family, just didnt like to share her feelings w her family, which is what shes trying to not do
i think this was specified in canon? but she does notttt really know how kids work psychologically speaking... she read psychology books for older people when she was strating to recover slowly and bc she was like 13 she was like wow im so mature with how im handling this and might be accidently handling hazel the same treatment, but also bc she didnt rlly go in the field of specifically childrens psychology, she doesnt do it out of malicious intent it could just probably backfire on you in 5 years if that makes sense
probably also autistic . looks away
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that--unusual-person · 2 years ago
does denver have discord and does he need a ktiten. i can buy him nitro plaease von
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he doesnt know what that is
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redratt · 2 years ago
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wip of a little thing for my gf's sleazebag dyke baron, Ellie she and jack have two childer and one ghouled ktiten who can deal you aggravated damage :)
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tinogiehd · 1 year ago
I need to see the kitten working out and sweaty and
strong ktiten :(
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agentlemansavage · 6 months ago
A Trisquel of ktitens!
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rjalker · 1 year ago
reuing my kippy ref for the ktiten public domain refz
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travllingbunny · 5 years ago
Those growls and barks in the background is Charlie (the brown one - yep, that’s how he got his name) being jealous
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oediex · 6 years ago
A seven-week-old kitten is cuddling my face right now
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heckolve · 6 years ago
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dailykitteh · 7 years ago
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Ignore the mess and look at babeh Cassie
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