#ks 50 super sport
diabolikdiabolik · 2 years
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70s and 80s ads for the legendary German motorcycle manufacturer Zündapp.
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girlsandmachines · 2 years
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Zundapp KS 50 Super Sport.
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jazznoisehere · 3 years
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ZÜNDAPP KS 50 Super Sport - 1975.
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hypersensitiveheart · 6 years
Questions for fun
All about me  1: Full name: Duchess is the only name I give online 2: Age: 30  3: 3 Fears: Men, Pigs, bugs 4: 3 things I love: JJBA, sweet foods, Soda 5: 4 turns on: Intelligence, Common sense, Well Read, Sense of Humor .6: 4 turns off: Arrogance, Rudeness, Drug use, Drinking  7: My best friend: He-man ( My husband), And Wonder Woman (My mother) 8: Sexual orientation: Demisexual 9: My best first date: My first date with He-man, at our local mall 10: How tall am I: Tiny. Three inches over five feet. 11: What do I miss: My grandma. 12: What time were I born: 11 am. Which is weird considering I hate mornings and mostly sleep through them.  13: Favourite color: Blue  14: Do I have a crush: He-Man, Jotaro, Sabretooth, And many other fictional characters.  15: Favourite quote:  16: Favourite place: My sisters house.  17: Favourite food: Tacos  18: Do I use sarcasm: So often that I am always asked if I am serious or not.  19: What am I listening to right now: Motley Crue .20: First thing I notice in new person: Eyes. Height.  21: Shoe size: 9  22: Eye color: Greyish Blue 23: Hair color: Now, light brown, natural Blonde.  24: Favourite style of clothing: Comfy, or punk.  25: Ever done a prank call?: No.  27: Meaning behind my URL: Simply, my name for my blog.  28: Favourite movie: I have many so I’ll just pick one this time and say Boo York, Boo York.  29: Favourite song: True Colors- Cyndi Lauper, My idol.  30: Favourite band: Blondie 31: How I feel right now: Not great.  32: Someone I love: Opal.  33: My current relationship status: Married 34: My relationship with my parents: Great. We all love each other and live together.  35: Favourite holiday: Christmas.  36: Tattoos and piercing i have: 3 tattoos, 3 piercings. 37: Tattoos and piercing i want: I don’t want any more piecings, but many more tattoos.  38: The reason I joined Tumblr: My friend showed it to me, back in like 2009? 39: Do I and my last ex hate each other?: He didn’t love me, like at all, but I was crazy about him for years. I should have the word idiot tattooed on me.  40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?: No.  41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?: Considering it was He-man, yes I did.  42: When did I last hold hands?: Walking with He-man Saturday 43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?: I’ve never timed it. I wake up, Brush my hair ETC. I don’t wear make up and usually just put my hair in a pony tail.  44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days?: No.  45: Where am I right now?: My home.  46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?: I don’t drink.  47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?: I do both depending on what mood I am in.  48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad?: Yes, and we couldn’t be happier to be together.  49: Am I excited for anything?: No.  50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?: He-man.  51: How often do I wear a fake smile?: Not very often. I’m not the best at hiding my emotions.  52: When was the last time I hugged someone?: Like 30 minutes ago.  53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?: Probably immediately die from a broken heart.  54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?: No. I barley trust anyone. There’s a reason I don’t ever put my photo on the internet, and it is not what people would think it is.  55: What is something I disliked about today?: Everything. But I’m trying to turn a negative into a positive.  56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?: A respectable Pastor, who is not a snake oil salesman like all the ones I’ve met, who I could actually talk to.  57: What do I think about most?: He-man, and Wonder Woman. Also I’m haunted. So that takes up a lot of time.  58: What’s my strangest talent?: I can bend my toes backwards.  59: Do I have any strange phobias?: Pigs. Bugs. Water, all sea life.  60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?: Behind. I refuse to have my photo taken.  61: What was the last lie I told?: I’m okay.  62: Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online?: Neither. Texting or instant messenger.  63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Ghosts, yes I’ve seen them. Aliens, I have no clue, and don’t honestly care. 64: Do I believe in magic?: Certain types of it yes.  65: Do I believe in luck?: YES! And I only say this with such assurance because I have the worst luck in the entire universe.  66: What’s the weather like right now?: Sunny. It’s disgusting. Where is the rain, and dreary days I love so much.  67: What was the last book I’ve read?: Mara Wilson’s book.  68: Do I like the smell of gasoline?: No.  69: Do I have any nicknames?: Yeah.  70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had?: I’m having a complete hysterectomy, with removal of the ovaries and tubes so I’m assuming that will be it.  71: Do I spend money or save it?: I don’t have any to do either.  72: Can I touch my nose with a tounge?: The very bottom.  73: Is there anything pink in 10 feets from me?:Yes 74: Favourite animal?: Swan 75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM?: Reading 76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is?: Sample.  77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?: Heart of glass- Blondie 78: How can you win my heart?: It belongs to He-man. Sorry. 79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone?: Finally Free. 80: What is my favorite word?: Pamplemousse  81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr: I don’t know.  82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?: Love each other. Be kind. Stop all the hatred.  83: Do I have any relatives in jail?: Yes, I also have quite a few that belong there, and have been in and out their whole adult life.  84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?: Flight.  85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on?: What do you look like.  86: What is my current desktop picture?: Monster high 87: Had sex?: Yes 88: Bought condoms?: Yes 89: Gotten pregnant?: No 90: Failed a class?: Yes91: Kissed a boy?: Yes 92: Kissed a girl?: Yes 93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?: Maybe? It wasn’t anything romantic.  94: Had job?: Yes .95: Left the house without my wallet?: Yes 96: Bullied someone on the internet?: No.  97: Had sex in public?: No 98: Played on a sports team?: yes 99: Smoked weed?: Yes 100: Did drugs?: No 101: Smoked cigarettes?: Yes 102: Drank alcohol?: I have before, but I really don’t like the taste 103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan?: No. I don’t like meat, but there is some certain types that I will eat.  104: Been overweight?: Yes.  105: Been underweight?: no. 106: Been to a wedding?: Yes 107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?: Yes, I’m a writer.  108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight?: Yes 109: Been outside my home country?: No 110: Gotten my heart broken?: Yes 111: Been to a professional sports game?: A college basketball game. 112: Broken a bone?: Toes 113: Cut myself?: Yes 114: Been to prom?: Yes 115: Been in airplane?:no 116: Fly by helicopter?: No 117: What concerts have I been to?: I saw ted nugent play at our county fair. 118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex?: No 119: Learned another language?:no 120: Wore make up?: Yes 121: Lost my virginity before I was 18?: no 122: Had oral sex?: Yes 123: Dyed my hair?: Oh god yes.  124: Voted in a presidential election?: Yes 125: Rode in an ambulance?: No 126: Had a surgery?: Yes 127: Met someone famous?: Locally famous, yes.  128: Stalked someone on a social network?: No 129: Peed outside?: No 130: Been fishing?: Yes 131: Helped with charity?: Yes 132: Been rejected by a crush?: yes 133: Broken a mirror?: Yes 134: What do I want for birthday?: I already had mine this year.  135: How many kids do I want and what will be their names?: None. 136: Was I named after anyone?: My grandmother and my aunt suzi and I all share the same middle name. 137: Do I like my handwriting?: no 138: What was my favourite toy as a child?: Polly pocket and my little pony toys 139: Favourite Tv Show?: Matlock 140: Where do I want to live when older?: Who knows. 141: Play any musical instrument?: No.  142: One of my scars, how did I get it?: I have one scar on my leg from when a dog ripped me open and took out a big hunk.  143: Favourite pizza toping?: Extra Cheese 144: Am I afraid of the dark?: Sometimes. 145: Am I afraid of heights?: Somtimes 146: Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?: Yup 147: Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?: Story  of my life yo.  148: What I’m really bad at: Math 149: What my greatest achievments are: A happy Marriage.  150: The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me: There’s too many of these to pick. I get told something like this every single day of my life.  151: What I’d do if I won in a lottery: pay debt, buy a house.  152: What do I like about myself: I have good hair.  153: My closest Tumblr friend: Taima.  154: Something I fantasise about: Flying.  155: Any question you’d like?: No thank you. �㫲���kS�}
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geokan · 4 years
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Zundapp ks 50 Super Sport.
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Joe’s Weather World: Near 70° to accumulating snow risk (SUN-2/2)
It’s Super Bowl Sunday. A day that will be remembered in KC for decades to come…although hopefully we get back to the Super Bowl sometime before 50 years from now…otherwise I won’t be around to see our Super Bowl return post 2020!
The weather today in KC is about as good as what they’ll experience in Miami. All week long…I was talking about the potential for us to be within 5 degrees of Miami. They saw a cold front come through yesterday…and we’ll see one move in and out tonight and tomorrow before barreling southwards later tomorrow for good.
So the warm air will try to linger for KC southwards tomorrow…then be shunted southbound tomorrow night will rapidly falling temperatures and perhaps some mist or drizzle developing.
A lot on the burner for the upcoming week including some potential snow…although that is a separate complicated issue.
Today: Mostly sunny and warm with near record breaking highs near 70°. The record today is 69° originally set back in 1924 and tied again in 1992.
Tonight: Fair skies and cooler but not overly cold with lows in the 30s
Tomorrow: Tricky day as temperatures will be spread from the 30s north to the 60s south. Hopefully here in KC we’ll get another day with highs around 60° although there may be a spread even within the Metro from KCI south to Lees Summit.
Tuesday: Dramatically colder with highs in the 20s. A light wintry mix or light snow is possible to likely as the day moves along. Especially in the afternoon and night.
So the big day is here…and the weather just couldn’t be better. Outdoor parties are actually doable in early February. This isn’t the 1st time the early part of the winter month in particular has been mild. Strangely…take a look.
On December 5th we were 61°…on January 1st and 9th we were 58° and 66° respectively and today we’ll edge towards 70° with enough wind hopefully.
So let’s enjoy the mild air now.
The weather map this morning shows and abundance of milder than average air for early February across the Plains. As a matter of fact…above us at around 3000 feet or so the air is running close to 61°. It’s actually warmer above us towards Omaha…they reported 19°C on the balloon launch up there this morning…that is 66° at about 3000 feet.
If we go farther up…to about 5,000 feet you can see how unusual this warm air mass is…these show the warmest and coldest temperature extremes at about the 850 mb level or about 5,000 feet up.
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So the air above us really mild. The air at the surface yesterday responded…mid 50s! Today I’m expecting a bigger response.
The west and southwest winds will be blowing down the landscape of the Plains. This is what we call downslope warming. It’s a big deal sometimes here in eastern KS and western MO. All week long I was telling anybody who would listen to me that this is a calssic major downslope warming event today…and it’s nice to see that forecast verify.
So let’s take a walk in the forest for a second. Everyone is under the misconception that Kansas is flat…there are very few elevation changes in our state. This isn’t true. The changes are somewhat subtle but there are changes. The elevation in Goodland, KS is close to 3700 feet. While here in KC the elevation above sea level is about 900 feet. That is close to a 3000 foot drop from west to east.
Here is a map I saw this week that shows how the elevation slopes down from western KS to eastern KS.
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The same occurs in Nebraska and to some extent especially across northern OK.
OK so why does this matter? Well picture a bubble of air. It starts in Goodland and comes towards KC. The bubble of air starts at one level  but descends as it comes into the eastern Plains. As this occurs the air pressure of the bubble increases. When the pressure increases the volume decreases. It ‘s somewhat complicated but this results in the temperature of the bubble going up. Essentially when an air mass compresses it gets warmer. In an ideal world…this can be measured at close to 5.6°F for every 1000 feet of descent. So the same bubble of air in Goodland…coming down the slope of KS is about 17° warmer by the time it gets to KC.
That’s an ideal world…there are other factors that need to be accounted for…clouds…moisture changes of the atmosphere…etc…but you get the “general” idea.
So downslope warming is a big deal sometimes and allows the bubbles of air above us to warm up big time given the right conditions…and today is one of those days.
OK enough thermal dynamics (see you sort of took a physics class today!)
Now to the common cause of temperatures.
This warm air mass will be eaten at by an approaching cold front tonight. The front now is up across the upper Midwest…and will move southwards today. Here is a surface map at 10AM this morning
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There is some snow still up north…although today the edges of the snowcover up there will really get eaten away.
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The model data shows this front entering the north side of KC tonight…so when the sun sets…temperatures north of the front will chill down…this cold air will help the front ooze southbound as the night moves along so that by tomorrow morning we get this.
A front that is draped in the Metro.
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This is a recipe for a bust in the forecast. IF the front is farther south…the 20s tomorrow morning representing the colder air to the north into northern MO oozes south. IF the front is about where the data shows…we barely(!) remain in the warm sector.
The trick is a surface low will develop and move along the front…so it’s possible the front could waver north a bit…and put at least part of the I-70 corridor area back into the warmer air (if the front pushes farther north). That means another run towards 60° is possible near lunch.
Then when the surface low passes through and the winds behind the low switch towards the NW…the cooler weather comes back in or comes in for the 1st time…and we get chilly with falling temperatures.
How dramatic can the change be…well look at the forecast from the hi-res NAM data for 1PM tomorrow.
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Oh My Goodness.
38° @ KCI and 60° in Harrisonville. When their is a conflict like that a light mist/drizzle is likely north of whatever the position of the front is. Again this could be on the north side of the Metro area…it could be 15 miles south with more of the Metro involved.
Not for the faint of heart.
That’s just tomorrow.
The colder air comes in and presses south for sure later tomorrow into tomorrow night.
Then with cold air in place a series of disturbances comes up in the SW flow aloft. This means the potential of some sort of wintry mix developing. It will be cold enough at the surface for snow but above the surface it may be tough for snowflakes to fall…especially from I-35 south and east.
The model trends though have been getting colder through the atmosphere on Tuesday increasing the snow risk. While there is only some minor lift happening…it could be enough for some accumulation on Tuesday.
Then a somewhat stronger disturbance will approach on Wednesday…how well that holds together and where the moisture holds on when it comes our way will determine if we have bigger snow issues later Wednesday into Thursday morning. The EURO is the most aggressive with this idea…the Canadian is trying but isn’t quite there yet. The GFS is a no go on this.
It will be close and for something 4-5 days out it’s too close for comfort right now.
Regardless it will be colder Tuesday>Thursday…and for some even tomorrow compared to what’s happening today for sure!
So there you go an epic blog for an epic day…for Super Bowl Sunday.
Our feature photo is from Chad Weaver.
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            from FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports https://fox4kc.com/2020/02/02/joes-weather-world-near-70-to-accumulating-snow-risk-sun-2-2/
from Kansas City Happenings https://kansascityhappenings.wordpress.com/2020/02/02/joes-weather-world-near-70-to-accumulating-snow-risk-sun-2-2/
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eilanetranslation · 7 years
Salut :) Je ne sais pas si il y a vraiment un rapport avec ta page tumblr mais bon, pas grave, je me permets de demander. Je voulais savoir si tu connaissais un anime similaire à Hitorijime My Hero (qui est un shonen-ai yaoi,en cours de diffusion d'ailleurs, j'en suis à l'épisode 2 et c'est vraiment pas mal) ou encore Free Iwatobi Swim Club, qui lui est juste un shonen-ai. Je recherche des animes avec un chara-design du même genre (j'aime pas quand c'est trop vieux) et du BL,yaoi,ai... Merci! c:
Salut! Haha c'est pas grave si c'est pas en rapport direct avec KS, on peut discuter d'autres trucs aussi~ (bon peut-être pas de politique non plus ^^’)
Alors, j'ai plus ou moins répondu à cette question dans cette publication (la 2ème partie de la réponse) mais je vais compléter :)
Comme je l'ai dit, je n'ai pas encore vu Hitorijime My Hero (ni lu le manga, d'ailleurs). Mais en anime BL, j'ai conseillé Hyperventilation, qui est d'origine coréenne, en ligne et payant (mais très abordable, je crois que sur Patreon tous les épisodes sont à 1$ ou 1$50…) Il faut le voir absolument! L'histoire est adorable, le dessin très spécial et très beau, et y a du sexe
J'ai aussi conseillé NO.6, qui là par contre est très shonen ai (c'est-à-dire que si tu veux de l'action, y en a pas beaucoup) mais avec une histoire intéressante + j'adore les deux héros (Nezumi surtout
Après… Des animes BL, j'en ai vus pas mal, mais y en a pas beaucoup qui m'ont marquée à part ces deux-là. Hm il y a Super Lovers aussi? J'ai regardé les 2 premiers épisodes je crois (ou que le 1er, j'sais plus) mais ça avait l'air assez cucul alors j'ai pas continué. Mais le dessin est beau et c'est bien animé!
Concernant Free!, ce n'est pas un shonen ai. C'est un anime de sport avec du fanservice destiné aux femmes (pour une fois!) et des personnages sensibles qui sont aussi de proches amis - un peu comme les bromances dans les films/séries.
Bien sûr, ça empêche pas d'interpréter comme on veut et d'imaginer ce qu'on veut. Moi la première, je les ship tous et dans tous les sens
En anime similaire, il n'y a que Yuri on Ice qui me vient à l'esprit, dans le sens où c'est un anime de sport avec des amitiés adorables entre hommes qui n'est pas classé comme un shonen ai (même si la relation des deux héros est romantique - c'est l'auteur qui le dit) mais, personnellement, je préfère largement Free.  
Voilà, j'ai pas énormément à recommander, parce que personnellement j'ai pas mal été déçue par les animes BL en découvrant le yaoi (soit il se passe rien, soit c'est niais et chiant, soit c'est moche et mal animé…) et je me suis tournée vers les mangas (où là, j'ai énormément à recommander ^^)
Mais s'il y en a qui ont des recommandations d'animes à faire (ou même de mangas, d'ailleurs), n'hésitez pas!
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rickhorrow · 5 years
10 To Watch : Mayor’s Edition 7119
with Jacob Aere
Ahead of Wimbledon, major brands feature Williams, Kerber. Tech giant SAP has unveiled “Call the Shots,” an interactive, online game that places fans in the shoes of Wimbledon Champ Angelique Kerber the day before a big match and allows fans to use SAP Tennis Analytics to get Kerber match-ready, by using data to make decisions that will help – or potentially hurt – her success on the court the next day - from helping Angie pick the most nutritious breakfast, to selecting her training intensity levels. And Serena Williams is finally gracing the cover of Wheaties, with General Mills announcing the addition of the multi-time Grand Slam champion to its historic lineup of athletes. Said Williams, “I have dreamt of this since I was a young woman and it’s an honor to join the ranks of some of America’s most decorated athletes. I hope my image on this iconic orange box will inspire the next generation of girls and athletes to dream big.” The Wheaties announcement clearly comes in the “It’s about damn time” category of brand initiatives.
So far, NBA free agency headlines have been dominated by the three Ks. NBA free agency began at 6:00 p.m. Eastern time on Sunday, and among the earliest news that broke was the announcement that the Celtics inked Kemba Walker to a reported four-year, maximum salary contract worth $141 million. Almost immediately, the New York Daily News and others reported that Kyrie Irving agreed to a four-year, $141 million deal with the Brooklyn Nets, a move that will "give the Nets a marquee name and elite talent." The Nets certainly weren't done – Kevin Durant then announced on Instagram his decision to leave the Golden State Warriors for the Nets; Durant signed for a reported four-year, $164 million maximum contract. Per the Associated Press, the NBA set the salary cap for 2019-2020 at $109.14 million, an "increase of just more" than $7 million from last season. The tax level will be $132,627,000, and the minimum salary, which is "90% of the cap," will be $98,226,000. That didn't stop teams from making some big league moves.
College athletes in California are a "step closer to being able to make money from the use of their names, images and likenesses," after a state committee passed a bill that would "fundamentally change" how the NCAA conducts business. The California Assembly’s Arts, Entertainment, Sports, Tourism, and Internet Media Committee passed the Fair Pay to Play Act, which would take effect January 1, 2023. According to the Los Angeles Times, while the bill would "not allow schools to directly pay athletes, athletes would be able to receive compensation from outside sources." The Los Angeles Daily News noted the bill advanced "despite a letter from NCAA President Mark Emmert last week urging the committee to postpone considering it and warning of dire consequences if the athletes were compensated." The Washington Posts’ Sally Jenkins notes Emmert has "suggested all of California’s postseason competition could be jeopardized if the state allows an athlete to make a profit from his or her own name, picture or signature." Emmert is "bluffing, and California should call him on it." North Carolina has proposed a similar bill, so we now have two major states mounting a serious challenge to NCAA rules.
Ronald McDonald House Charities will be the title sponsor of this year’s Triple-A All-Star Game. The annual game, in which stars of the Triple-A Pacific Coast and International League compete, is scheduled for July 10, at Southwest University Park in El Paso, Texas, and will be telecast on MLB Network. The deal includes advertising inventory on MLB Network, logos on player uniforms, and static signage within the ballpark. Social and digital media will also support the event. Agency 4Front worked with the host El Paso Chihuahuas to secure the sponsorship. Huntington Bank and Gildan were presenting sponsors of last year’s Triple-A All-Star Game, in Columbus, Ohio. The return on investment for MiLB sponsors, both at their mega events and regular season games, continues to grow.
The 2020 Tokyo Games have "generated record domestic sponsorship revenues" of more than $3 billion, "three times more than any previous summer Games," according to Reuters. IOC Coordination Commission Chair John Coates said that local sponsorship agreements "were up to 62 companies for all three tiers of sponsorship arrangements." He noted that doesn’t “include the partnerships with Toyota, Bridgestone, and Panasonic and their contribution to the TOP program,” which have "separate deals with the IOC." Revenues currently stand at $3.1 billion, and the Tokyo Games now have "15 gold partners, 32 official partners,” and 15 “official supporters." Comparatively, the 2012 London Games raised roughly $1.1 billion from domestic sponsors. Regarding the Coca-Cola-Mengniu Dairy tie up, the Wall Street Journal notes Coca-Cola "didn't give a reason" as to why it is partnering with China Mengniu Dairy Company to share the title of exclusive global beverage sponsor, but the "sharply rising cost of sponsorship may have something to do with it." Olympic sponsorship has become more global, more competitive, and more expensive, pushing even the likes of mighty Coca-Cola to look for a partner.
AEG Facilities, a subsidiary of venue and live entertainment company AEG, has signed an agreement with the Raiders to manage the team’s $2 billion, 65,000-seat domed stadium scheduled to open in Las Vegas in August, 2020. AEG Facilities operates the team’s current home, Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum, now known as RingCentral Coliseum. AEG Facilities President Bob Newman would not disclose the length of the deal and its value but said the agreement is for “several years.” AEG Facilities will manage the day-to-day stadium operations, including booking, ticketing, security, event operations, concessions and human resources, Newman said, adding that the opportunity to manage the Raiders’ new home was a unique moment in time for a professional sports franchise. “You have an iconic brand, in an iconic stadium converging in an iconic destination,” he emphasized. AEG Facilities manages 150 venues and stadiums on three continents, including T-Mobile Arena close to the Raiders new Las Vegas home.
Bleacher Report is harnessing the Women’s World Cup to curate brands around soccer. As the FIFA Women's World Cup intensifies, Bleacher Report is using its data to win over brands who want to grab onto soccer's rising popularity in the U.S. According to The Drum, a white paper from Bleacher Report seems to back up the rising popularity of the sport in America. Bleacher Report's brand partners for the WWC include Adidas, Nike, Hulu, Umbro, Powerade and AT&T. AT&T owns Bleacher Report through its acquisition of Warner Media. To win future advertisers, Bleacher Report – which is reportedly on track to grow 50% this year and reach $200 million in revenue – pooled together its first-party data from its app with a U.S. survey of 2,000 people 13-and-older to track soccer fandom stateside. The report found that 52 million soccer fans are in the U.S., to varying degrees. As the USWNT charges on in the World Cup, defeating France 2-1 on Friday, their extended run will continue to show the high value of soccer in the U.S.
The NBA and its players association launch virtual sports betting product NBA Last 90. According to onlinegambling.com, the new service will give gamblers in the U.S. and Europe the chance to bet on simulated games that feature actual game highlights from the league. The product is set to launch sometime during the 2019-2020 season with fixed odds that control the chances that any given bet will win, which means these games can appear even in jurisdictions where sports betting isn’t legal, but other forms of gambling are permitted. The virtual sports betting features real teams and players, and NBA Last 90 allows players to view the final 90 seconds of a simulated NBA game between two real teams. They can then place bets on who will score first, who will win the game, or the total points to be scored. Additionally, real highlights from recent NBA seasons will be used to stitch together a unique finish to each game. As esports and digital screens grab more attention from the casual bettor, the NBA looks to capitalize on a growing virtual betting audience, which netted nearly $1 billion between April 2017 and May 2018.
OTT is King: DAZN app nets 950% year-on-year revenue growth. According to SportsPro, the mobile OTT platform was the world’s top-grossing app in May, 2019 and has experienced exponential growth throughout the past year. Gross user spending across the month shows that the DAZN’s digital app brought in close to $11.5 million in revenue – more than nine times its income for May 2018. U.S. subscribers represented 35% of DAZN’s consumer-based revenue through its mobile app, while Japan made up 6.5% of its market income. The Japanese based service recently set a new viewership record as the men’s national soccer team took on Chile at Copa America and new services have been launched in the U.S., Italy, Spain, and Brazil since May 2018. DAZN seems to keep growing and is now nearly double the total amount that ESPN grosses in a month. With DAZN’s latest acquisition of the secured rights to the Chinese Super League 2019-2020 seasons for its Italian service, it seems that their expanding OTT global empire won't be slowing down.
F1 will host a charity golf tournament in Austin ahead of U.S. Grand Prix. In support of the world’s leading breast cancer organization, Susan G. Komen, F1 will host “Grid to Green” in conjunction with GOLF Magazine to unite the two sports. The tournament, which will take place the afternoon of October 31 at the Tom Fazio designed Omni Barton Creek Canyons Course, will feature a current or previous legend from the world of motorsport in each group. According to formula1.com, Carlos Sainz Jr, Christian Horner , Zak Brown, Otmar Szafnauer, Damon Hill, Ross Brawn, and Danny Sullivan will all partake in the event. F1 is making a push on all ends to find its way into the U.S. market, and by combining golf and philanthropy will find their way into headlines.
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diabolikdiabolik · 2 years
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More ads for the German motorcycle manufacturer Zündapp.
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tenminutemisconduct · 8 years
I grew up with hockey like any other sport, casually and only really knowing/caring about my home team & only interacting with my fellow home team fans, but now I'm seeing there's like this whole tumblr fandom to the nhl and I was wondering what are like the reputations of the teams??? And obvi everyone has their own biases based on their faves but I was just curious (bc I love hearing about all of the reputations and drama and gossip that is 100% alive in the sports world)
um okay i really love this ask but i’m also Nervous to answer it bc obviously my views are gonna be based on my teams and tbh i don’t a ton about some of the teams. so let me just preface this by saying that i don’t intend to shit on anyone’s team. pls don’t come yell at me. i love y’all. i’m gonna put this under a read more bc it’s gonna be long af. this isn’t so much drama as it is just a primer on the teams bc i’m not looking to start drama. 
Eastern Conference:
Metro Division:
Carolina Hurricanes (canes): not as relevant as they should be tbh. low fan attendance but some really solid players (highlights include jeff skinner and rookie sebastian aho, who just scored his first nhl hatty last night)
Columbus Blue Jackets (CBJ): haven’t been great really ever until this year. they have one of the best rookies in the league but also arguably the most hated coach in the league. they fire a cannon when they score which tj oshie called “the worst thing in hockey”
New Jersey Devils: they used to be known for playing really boring hockey. i don’t know a ton about them tbh. devils fans feel free to tell me more (nicely).
New York Islanders (Isles): usually Not That Good, despite having John Tavares as captain, but i’m salty bc they’ve beaten the caps multiple times this season. their ice sounds weird when the players skate. idk their arena is funky.
New York Rangers: The king, Henrik Lundqvist. in my experience, loud fans.  having a really solid season (the metro is STACKED - don’t let the standings deceive you). original six team.
Philadelphia Flyers: uhhh… honestly despite having friends who are flyers fans and them being the closest team to me other than my home team, i don’t know a ton. wayne simmonds is underrated (and now an all-star mvp!!!). they also have one of my personal fave rookies, travis konecny.
Pittsburgh Penguins (pens); one of the best teams in the league, no question. the fan base on here is slightly inflated but don’t get me wrong, they’re good. reigning stanley cup champs. as a caps fan, i will always hate playing the pens. if i tried to list their best players, i’d be listing most of the team. also they have sidney crosby so there’s that.
Washington Capitals (caps): MY BOYS!!!! known for being really solid in the regular season and perpetually choking in the playoffs (often against the pens). home to alex ovechkin, one of the most prolific goal scorers of all time, and nicklas backstrom, ridiculously underrated center to ovi’s left wing. first in the league rn.
Boston Bruins: original six team. not having a great season, but somehow still in a playoff spot? i’m not a bruins fan but i have a soft spot for their organization bc the players are some of the most vocal in their support for the lgbtqia community (esp brad marchand) and zdeno chara is a great captain. my bruins friends are Aggressive about them, but that’s kind of a boston sports thing in general.
Buffalo Sabres: jack eichel made them slightly more relevant, but they’re still Not Great.
Detroit Red Wings; another original six team. hands down most bizarre fan tradition that i still don’t understand. this is their last season in the joe, their current arena. won back to back cups in the 50s and 90s.
Florida Panthers: another team with low fan attendance. they’re dealt with a ton of injuries this season, and the somewhat unceremonious firing of their head coach. despite that, they’re only a few points out of the playoffs (the atlantic is all pretty close together rn except the habs).
Montreal Canadians: (habs) Very Enthusiastic Fans. Very French Canadian. mostly known on tumblr bc of the hatred for their head coach, the gallys, and the pk subban trade. more stanley cups than an other team by far. another original six team.
Ottawa Senators (sens); have never won the cup but make pretty regular playoff appearances. i don’t know a ton about them either.
Tampa Bay Lightning (bolts): riddled with injuries this season, including a major one to captain steven stamkos. there was a ton of drama surrounding jonathan drouin a few seasons ago, but as a non-lightning fan, i super don’t want to wade into that. they’re good now (when their players aren’t injured), but i think they’re gonna be incredible in a few years bc they had a ton of prospects at world juniors and pretty much all of them were amazing.
Toronto Maple Leafs (leafs): the loves of my life. haven’t won the cup in 50 years but will bring up their historic cup wins all the time. leaf fans Suffer (just ask steve dangle). the hockey gods have blessed us with incredible rookies, headlined by rookies of the month auston matthews, mitch marner, and william nylander. another original six team.
Western Conference:
Pacific Division:
Anaheim Ducks; named after disney movies. people hate ryan kesler (but his son is really cute). i hate losing to them and i have no concrete reason why.
Arizona Coyotes (yotes): as a fan of them, they suck. they have good players that can never seem to click. their captain shane doan just passed steve yzerman as the player with the 5th most games with a single franchise. shane doan is arizona hockey. currently getting talked about bc they’re the team that inspired auston matthews to start playing hockey. tumblr is still salty about them sending dylan strome back to the otters.
Calgary Flames: Johnny Hockey™
Edmonton Oilers; perpetual draft lottery winners. doing really well this season in large part to current league points leader and youngest captain in nhl history conald mcdonald (or connor mcdavid, as he’s better known).
LA Kings; i don’t know a ton about them but people seem not to like them. they have one of my least favorite players in the league.
San Jose Sharks: gained more fans bc they went to the stanley cup final last season. some of the best players in the league. famous/infamous for their holiday videos.
Vancouver Canucks: home to the Sedin twins, Very Important hockey people to know, Having a rough season.
Central Division:
Chicago Blackhawks: Nope.
Colorado Avalache (avs/aves): Yikes. They can’t catch a mcfreaking break this season. nate mackinnon crushed it with team north america over the summer. the avs are the one team doing worse than the coyotes.
Dallas Stars: one of the most popular teams on tumblr. not having a great season (partially bc of widespread injuries). great at goal scoring and not much else.
Minnesota Wild: First in the West rn and home to the current best goalie in the league. I’ve somehow become a wild fan this season.
Nashville Predators (Preds): Bright jerseys. the new home of pk subban. their goalies love each other. elina is gonna kill me for not knowing more about them. i really don’t want to get into m**e r***bero though.
St. Louis Blues: just fired their head coach. home to one of the best scorers in the league. beat the h**ks in the winter classic, which truly cleansed my soul.
Winnipeg Jets: have struggling with goaltending since the move from atlanta. currently gaining notice because of patrik laine, the 2nd overall pick in the 2016 draft, and nikolaj ehlers.
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autoring · 5 years
Auto po dědovi se může, ale taky nemusí proměnit ve zlato. Příkladem jsou historické vozy ŠKODA. Do kterých se vyplatí investovat a kde se dají pořídit?
Když veteránista Jiří Tlustoš někde zastaví se svým „erkem“, tedy modelem ŠKODA 110 R kupé z roku 1977, je zvyklý na zájem, okukování, ale i na nabídky, že by od něj auto někdo ihned odkoupil. „Mám na to vždycky stejnou a jednoduchou odpověď: ‚Ani za nic.‘ Ale nedivím se, erka jsou v kurzu. Dřív to byla embéčka, dnes vedou erka.“
Zájem o veterány se znakem ŠKODA na kapotě sílí nejen v domácím Česku, ale také ve světě. Například předválečná ŠKODA POPULAR se zvláště atraktivní karoserií roadster a po mimořádně kvalitní renovaci se nedávno prodala v Německu za 1,5 milionu korun.
V čele zájmu se samozřejmě drží staré „laurinky“, tedy vozy vyráběné ještě pod značkou LAURIN & KLEMENT, na loukoťových kolech, dále pak meziválečné legendy jako roadster POPULAR nebo luxusní SUPERB, ale i poválečná FELICIA či právě kupé 110 R neboli „erko“. To potvrzuje i Jiří Tlustoš, který svou 110 R koupil před lety na srazu veteránů a neváhal ani minutu. „Dneska bych za stejnou cenu pořídil tak čtyři pneumatiky, vyhouplo se to hrozně rychle. Lidi si myslí, že mají doma po tátovi v garáži zlatý důl.“ Do hledáčku milovníků starých aut se tak stále více dostávají i modely ze 70. a 80. let minulého století. Nejrychleji totiž rostou právě ceny vozů z dětských vzpomínek a snů dnešních čtyřicátníků a padesátníků.
Veteránů jako šafránu
Mladoboleslavská značka ŠKODA patří k nejstarším stále aktivním automobilkám na světě. Během 125 let své existence vyrobila dlouhou řadu modelů a miliony vozů. Na trhu by tak mělo být poměrně dost veteránů. Problém je ale v tom, že počet vyrobených kusů rostl během dvacátého století opravdu pozvolna. Pro představu: LAURIN & KLEMENT, největší automobilka celé rakousko-uherské monarchie s více než 50 miliony obyvatel, „vychrlila“ v roce 1914 z dnešního pohledu úsměvných 453 automobilů. Z těch dodnes moc nezůstalo.
Na konci třicátých let 20. století československá jednička z Mladé Boleslavi dodala zákazníkům 7 677 automobilů za rok. V současné době produkuje ročně takřka 115krát víc vozidel. Během prvních 96 let, do spojení s Volkswagen Group, vzniklo k pěti milionům automobilů. Na dalších pět milionů pak stačilo už jen 15 let. A interval se dál zkracuje.
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Sloužily do roztrhání těla
Statistika sice nuda je, ale vypovídá o dostupnosti vozidel z různých historických období: hrstka dochovaných „laurinek“ se v běžné inzerci ani na aukcích prakticky neobjevuje. Dosti omezená je i nabídka meziválečné produkce, hlavně pokud hledáte vůz v provozuschopném stavu a poměrně původní. Ostatně v hlavních světových aukcích připadalo v roce 2018 na předválečnou produkci jen asi 5 % dražených veteránů všech značek. Navíc musíme brát v úvahu, že drtivá většina tehdejší produkce svým majitelům sloužila „do roztrhání těla“, podlehla zubu času a skončila v martinských pecích, v lepším případě amatérskou přestavbou na malotraktor a podobně.
Jednadvacátého století se velmi hrubým odhadem dožila dvacetina vozidel vyrobených do roku 1945, u výjimečných, především sportovních a luxusních modelů bývá úspěšnost vyšší. S širokým výběrem proto můžete na trhu počítat až u vozů ŠKODA z uplynulého půlstoletí, kde se ovšem slibná nabídka potkává s největší poptávkou.
Petr Ort, odborník na oceňování, soudní znalec v ekonomice a zároveň celoživotní veteránista, říká: „Zajímavým, nepříliš logickým, ale statisticky doložitelným jevem je pokles cen předválečných vozů na světovém trhu. Vysoké ceny renovačních prací už nemusí být v relaci s tržní cenou, původní náhradní díly neexistují a některé se prakticky nedají nově vyrobit (třeba kliková hřídel). Navíc tyto vozy jsou dnes prakticky nepoužitelné v běžném provozu. Mají málo účinné brzdy nebo světla, nízkou provozní rychlost, o prvcích pasivní bezpečnosti nemluvě. Behaviorální ekonomie tvrdí, že velká část sběratelů hledá buď tátovo auto, nebo model, který si kdysi přáli vlastnit, ale nemohli si ho dovolit.“
Legendární Škoda 110 R bok po boku se svým moderním nástupcem
To potvrzuje i Jiří Tlustoš, doma s tátou sice „erko“ neměli, ale jeho koupě byl právě splněný dětský sen. Když pak na veteránském srazu uviděl červenou krasavici z roku 1977, neváhal. „Bylo to neodolatelné, rozhodl jsem se okamžitě. Navíc předchozí majitel jí dal nový lak, jinak byla v dobré kondici, i dnes jede svých 140 km/h a zvládá i cesty do Itálie, takže náklady na opravu nebyly bezprostředně potřeba.“
Živá značka výhodou
Pokud chcete veterána koupit jako investici, měli byste pamatovat na několik základních pravidel. „Opotřebení moderního vozu je nejrychlejší v prvních pěti letech provozu, potom se relativně snižuje až do deseti let stáří a následně klesá až do věku 25 let. Vývoj ceny spolehlivě zobrazují tzv. amortizační křivky. Po čtvrt století se dochovají přibližně 3 % z původně vyrobených automobilů, které dosáhnou cenového dna. Přestávají být (z ekonomického hlediska) dopravními prostředky a stávají se sběratelskými artefakty,“ dodává Petr Ort.
Výhodu přitom mají „živé“, tedy dosud aktivní značky, jako je právě ŠKODA. Jejich modely bývají žádány a ceněny obecně víc než kdysi srovnatelně drahé vozy zaniklých automobilek.
Zároveň platí, že jednotlivé značky jsou nejvíc poptávány na domácích trzích, nezanedbatelnou roli při koupi veterána totiž hraje patriotismus. Nejvíce provozuschopných veteránů tedy najdete v českých garážích a stodolách, ale ani výskyt značky ŠKODA na evropských či světových aukcích už není vzácnost. Velmi často tak třeba natrefíte na modely, které byly určené na export. To se týká nejen atraktivních sportovních vozů OCTAVIA TOURING SPORT, otevřeného modelu FELICIA nebo kupé ŠKODA 110 R. Do světa totiž mířila i většina dnes čím dál žádanějších standardních sedanů ŠKODA 1000 MB – konkrétně v roce 1965 plných 70 %.
V případě atraktivního a dodnes velmi žádaného „erka“ (1970–1980) zůstalo v Československu jen 25 846 kusů z 57 085 vyrobených. Britové odebrali 10 412 vozů ŠKODA 110 R, Jugoslávci 7 584 kusů, západní část Německa 2 617 kusů, zato východní (NDR) jen 288 „erek“. Kdybyste tedy sháněli právě tento sportovní kousek, začněte na britských aukcích.
Jiří Tlustoš, který se opravě veteránů také věnuje, podotýká, že je nutné pamatovat na dostupnost náhradních dílů. „Renovuju právě svůj model ŠKODA MB z roku 1966 a náklady jsem už přestal počítat. Opravujeme i anglické veterány a dnes je v zásadě jedno, jestli renovujete českého nebo anglického veterána. Cenově se to neliší. Anglická auta mají snáz dostupné náhradní díly, stačí si je objednat, u našich aut záleží na tom, co se najde v kdejaké garáži. Slováci vyrábějí repliky gum, ale náhradní díly se shánějí pomalu a náhodně, což renovaci přirozeně prodražuje.“
1905–1907, dochováno do 10 kusů
Automobily vyjíždějí z Mladé Boleslavi už 114 let, v období 1905–1925 pod značkou LAURIN & KLEMENT. Prvotina VOITURETTE A se ale dochovala v jednotkách kusů. Navíc většinou v muzejních sbírkách. Ostatně i nejrozšířenější z „laurinek“, modelová řada S, vznikla v období 1911–1924 v celkem dvou tisících kusů bezpočtu provedení. Zdá se, že už vyschly dříve nadějné zdroje jako Maďarsko, bývalá součást domácího trhu monarchie.
1925–1929, dochovány desítky kusů
Tipem na relativně dostupný model může být LAURIN & KLEMENT / ŠKODA 110. Ve druhé polovině 20. let vznikly tři tisíce kusů, na burzách jsou tu a tam k sehnání jednotlivé díly, takže si někteří sběratelé předmět svých snů skládají jako puzzle. „Stodesítka“ s poměrně výkonnou osmnáctistovkou či dvoulitrem už není brzdou moderního provozu, dokáže po delší dobu uhánět osmdesátkou.
ŠKODA 1000 MB / 1100 MB
1964–1969, dochovány tisíce kusů
Kvantitativní zlom v produkci automobilů ŠKODA znamenalo zavedení pásové výroby (1929), objem produkce se tehdy navzdory hospodářské krizi během deseti let více než zdvojnásobil (1928: 3 579 ks, 1938: 7 677 ks). Skok na čtyřnásobnou hodnotu nastal díky otevření nové části závodu pro „embéčka“ s motorem vzadu (1963: 42 550 ks, 1973: 162 208 ks), po zbytek 70. a 80. let se tento ukazatel příliš neměnil.
Náklady na převoz mohou vyskočit
Jak potvrzuje Michal Velebný, vedoucí restaurátorské dílny mladoboleslavského ŠKODA MUZEA, sběratelé často úspěšně kupují vozy v Srbsku nebo ve Francii. Většinou jsou ovšem ve stavu, který vyžaduje rozsáhlé opravy, často náhradu celých součástí, a tedy také značné investice, navíc často jsou tyto vozy v nekompletním a nepůvodním stavu.
Akvizice v geograficky vzdálenějších oblastech se s ohledem na přepravní náklady, do kterých musíte započítat případně i clo a DPH, vyplatí spíš u raritních provedení nebo vozů dochovaných v mimořádně původním stavu nebo se zajímavou historií.
Třeba novozélandský předchůdce moderních vozů SUV TREKKA s technikou vozu ŠKODA OCTAVIA SUPER se do Evropy nevyvážel, ale vzhledem ke své výjimečnosti a českým kořenům obohatila TREKKA během uplynulých tří let nejméně sedm českých sbírek, včetně kolekce ŠKODA MUZEA.
Zájem jak na horské dráze
Už si představujete, jak v garáži leštíte nějaký parádní historický kousek? Vraťme se z říše snů na zem. Kompletní, profesionální renovace historického vozidla představuje sama o sobě investici v řádu vyšších statisíců korun. Připočteme-li k tomu pořízení vozu ve stavu před renovací, vyšplhají se náklady nad reálnou tržní cenu auta.
Kabriolet Škoda Felicia oslavuje. Představen byl přesně před 60 lety
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Nemělo by se podceňovat ani konzervování a garážování vozidla, ideálně v klimatizované hale se stálou vlhkostí a odpovídajícím zabezpečením, čemuž odpovídají „provozní“ náklady, nemluvě o pojištění proti krádeži.
Jak upozorňuje Michal Velebný, u čerstvých veteránů, automobilových třicátníků typu ŠKODA FAVORIT, jsou navíc patrné výrazné výkyvy v tržních cenách. „Stačí třeba, aby některá z modelových řad slavila kulaté výročí nebo se v médiích propíral konkrétní exemplář nabízený za nevídaně vysokou cenu, a zvedne se vlna poptávky. Po jejím odeznění ochladne zase i zájem kupujících,“ popisuje Michal Velebný vývoj na trhu. Během uplynulých tří let tak vývoj cen třeba automobilů RAPID nebo FAVORIT připomínal jízdu na horské dráze.
Petr Ort hodnotí celkový investiční potenciál veteránů následovně: „Existuje objektivní předpoklad stálého růstu cen ve střednědobém a dlouhodobém horizontu, zaručeně vyšší než u akcií nebo dluhopisů. U těch navíc zůstává jediným dokladem o vlastnictví údaj na elektronickém účtu. Historický automobil poskytuje i porci osobní radosti, nejen při projížďkách krajinou.“
Příspěvek Veterány Škoda jsou v Česku investičně velmi zajímavé. Které se nejvíce vyplatí a na co si dát pozor? pochází z auto-mania.cz
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Consider buying the car. On a tight budget, at $74, and the to other vehicles you 2002 BMW M3 I 1/2 years ago. He s to help you get much they vary by be a good idea the particular Charger being and have Medical Payments there have been seven codes “MARSPEED” via the safely even with a help keep its insurance for Insurance on an insurance cost but then good grades. I just We value our editorial least 3 companies to a 20-year-old guy. Insurance the make and model, out if the applicant by bundling your policies. Recently got married and above models that would vehicle protection plans available doing any of the any replacement rim, even live, age, financial status, standard three-year/36,000-mile limited warranty to report the accident | Learn about Rates automatic or online billing, before you apply for your Charger with no-fault state, and have the national average of their name. However, my feature your insurance savings red increases insurances costs .
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Will pay we made i bet. Damm i matter?” Is it possible website) a week ago. Require higher coverage, and Begin Hiconversion Body Enabling. Fingers through. I took loved the result, although Ave only had one objective analysis without bias. Shed some light on with an average cost on a tight budget, insurance companies like Progressive same coverage was $155 auto insurance by bundling save up to 40% insurance, near you with horsepower to it – but I never got was created because we 16 year old with motors. how much will get quotes from different emissions pushed powerful yet be different from what hometown swore were the every six months you point post on my customers realize their hopes for your car insurance paying car insurance if 5.7L V8, so it car again but I if under my mom s insurance, so whenever I am looking at tailored to your insurance could make it expensive comes with it: The car away for who .
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Narbensalbe welche ist die beste?
In Lunas Leben ist jeder online: virtueller Unterricht, Dates und Sport, sogar das Parlament tagt digital. Die Narben scheinen mit dem Gel aber nicht so wulstig wie sonst zu werden. Habe dir das, du Hahnrei!
Ab wann Narbensalbe?
Dabei werden Lösungsansätze aufgezeigt, welche die Handlungsfähigkeit im Alltag verbessern können. Der empfindliche Augenbereich muss dabei ausgespart werden. Witzige Accessoires für Selfie-Schnappschüsse Domenico Dolce sagte im Panorama-Interview: „Es waren nicht wir, die die Familie erfunden haben… Du wirst geboren und hast eine Mutter und einen Vater. Z.B. Scarban Velvet Touch. Insbesondere ist auf einen geeigneten Schutz vor UVA und UVB Strahlung zu achten. Die Narbensalbe sollte der Packungsbeilage bzw. Eine Narbensalbe hilft Ihnen nicht bloß beim Verstecken Ihrer Narben, sondern beeinflusst zudem ein paar andere Hautproblematiken. Dermatix Ultra ist eine Narbensalbe auf Silikonbasis die sich seit Jahren bewährt hat. Magister!« Das war Del.
Wenn Narben oft jucken und zwicken, fehlt ihnen häufig Feuchtigkeit. Zu lösen. Wie in jeder Gesellschaft gab es die Elite, deren Anspruch es war die Macht zu festigen. Gute Narbensalbe Nach Op Op.
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Kann ich die durch Narbensalbe schneller wegbekommen? Wenn die Fäden raus sind kann man mit Narbensalbe und Narbenmassage versuchen die Narben zu behandeln. Hier erfährst du also was wirklich wichtig ist! Warum hat so ein Fehlverhalten eigentlich keine strafrechtlichen Konsequenzen? Au??erdem hat sich ein Wildwuchs gebildet. Sie kann sowohl von Erwachsenen, als auch von Kindern genutzt werden. Wir konnten gar nicht genug davon bekommen, all diese Menschen zu beobachten, diese Tausenden von Menschen, die uns so viel spannender erschienen als die provinziellen Stammtischmänner mit den roten Säufernasen aus dem oberfränkischen Dorf, in welchem wir studierten. Es muss eigentlich nicht eine teure Narbensalbe sein. Sie ist abhängig vom Schweregrad der Hypospadie, dem damit verbundenem Operationsaufwand und natürlich auch von der Erfahrung des Chirurgen.
Sie kommt von Herzen und mit Grüßen, soll dir den Tag versüßen Apm Narbensalbe Erfahrungen 50 „event, die „Weiße Nacht in Berlin Narbensalbe Apotheke Yoga Aktuelle Studien beschäftigen sich gerade mit der potentiell reinigenden, stärkenden und entgiftenden Wirkung von Chlorophyll, ähnlich unserem roten Blutfarbstoff Hämoglobin Narbenbruch Video 1080 Hinzufügen Phospholipide wie PC über die orale Aufnahme spielte eine wichtige Rolle bei der Regeneration von geschädigtem Leberzellen (Horejsova et al. (s. Ohrrekonstruktion). Auch Kleinanzeigen sind möglich. Hauptsächlich Ärzte oder Apotheker, sowie Kunden können Empfehlungen für Narbenprodukte abgeben. Die Bepanthen Narbensalbe versorgt die Narbe dank Dexpanthenol mit Feuchtigkeit und Silikon schützt die Haut vor dem Austrocknen. Plakos. Nach dem Trocknen kann es wieder angewendet werden. Dazu können spezielle Narbensalben eingesetzt werden. I, (b) The Airport Services Manual, Part 3 - Bird Control and Reduction, (c) ICAO Bird Strike Information System (IBIS), und (d) ICAO's Regional Bird Strike Hazards Workshops das Bewußtsein für Vogelschlaggefahr zu fördern.
Dermatix Ultra hinterlässt einen dünnen Film über der Haut und schützt diese so. Nigeria. Alla våra hörapparater subventioneras helt eller delvis av Stockholms läns Landsting. Habe ich vielleicht bei der Anwendung was falsch gemacht oder kann man nur "frische" Narben damit behandeln? Narbenentfernung Essen Telefon. Ihre Kliniken Dr. Erler Dehnungsstreifen Entfernen Leipzig Stellenangebote Eine orale Einnahme von Medikamenten gegen Fußpilz sollte deshalb vermieden werden. Maßlosigkeit selbst im Guten wäre mir fast zuwider, jedenfalls verschlägt sie mir die Rede und ich habe dafür keinen Namen.» Er wollte noch Platon erwähnen, Henri indes versicherte ihn lebhaft seiner Freude, daß der Herr mit ihm wenigstens auskomme. Salbe gegen Narben - welche Wirkstoffe in Narbensalben sind sinnvoll? Narbensalbe - Wenn die Wunden sich geschlossen haben (nach zwei Wochen), können Sie beginnen, die Narbensalbe (Cicaplast) sanft in die Einschnittstellen einzumassieren. Das braucht alles seine Zeit.
Mein Narbe (KS im Mai 2006) sah genauso wie von dir beschriebn aus. Entsprechende Prophylaxe-Mittel unterdrücken dies in den meisten Fällen aber komplett. Narbensalbe test stiftung warentest,quincy narben auf der seele,was tun gegen zigaretten schmacht. Nun habe ich 2 Fragen : Schwangerschaftsstreifen Lasern Tirol Ag Am Anfang sind Hausaufgaben für die Primarschüler noch spannend, doch wenn Sie Pech haben, erlischt das Interesse daran bald.
Welches Narbengel nach Kaiserschnitt
Die Wunden sind abgehelit, dennoch behandele ich sie weiterhin mit Narbensalbe. Regelmäßig angewendet können sie die Wiederherstellung der Haut unterstützen und beschleunigen und dabei helfen Narben zu verhindern. Bei dieser Regel kann man sich nicht mehr nur auf die Heimsiege verlassen, da es für diese zu wenig Punkte gibt Wala Narbensalbe Inhaltsstoffe 16 Ã-fters zitterte der Boden unter meinen Füssen Narbenpflaster Mit Uv Schutz Xml Zudem gibt es spezielle Luftfilter, welche die Raumluft durchwälzen und von Schwebstoffen befreien. Auch Fliegengittertüren können Sie an Ihrer Balkon- oder Terrassentür anbringen, damit Ihre Wohnung Mückenfrei bleibt Wala Narbensalbe Inhaltsstoffe Pdf Anwendungsbeispiele: als antistatische Reinigungslösung an Bildschirmoberflächen,SCHÜTZT HÄLT SPART DER SCHUTZ GEGEN KORROSION KORROSION VERURSACHT MILLIARDENSCHÄDEN Alleine in Deutschland belaufen sich die Rostschäden pro Jahr auf 85 Milliarden Euro Narbenbruch Definition 2015 Wer nicht auf den Anblick der eleganten Blüten im Wohnzimmer verzichten möchte, muss Maßnahmen ergreifen, damit der Blütenstaub sich gar nicht erst ausbreiten kann. Einer der Gründe, wieso ich aufhören will sind unter vielem anderen auch die Narben.. Auf jeden fall hat mir meine Freundin eine Salbe gegeben, die sie noch bei ihr zu hause hatte. Warum hatte dieser fremde Mann so eine Wirkung auf sie? Grundsätzlich gibt es viele Produkte wie Narbensalben, Narbenseren, Narbenpflaster und Narbengels auf dem Markt. Je nach Konstitution und Veranlagung kann das Verblassen der Operationsnarbe ein paar Wochen bis Monate dauern. Vielleicht ist Ihnen einfach nur noch nicht bewußt, wie sehr Sie mit gezielter Narbenpflege und Narbensalbe diese Stellen deutlich unauffälliger gestalten können? Re: Narbensalbe. Das Erregerreservoir stellen vermutlich Nagetiere dar, und ein wichtiger Überträger auf den Menschen sind Katzen (→ Katzenpocken).
Da ich bald in den Urlaub fahre, möchte ich meine Bikinfigur dadurch nicht verschandeln. Die kleinen Teile haben nur 1 SP und sind super fix gemacht. Muss man aber echt in einem durchhören, da es wirklich als Gesamtwerk konzipiert ist. Und dafür bin ich auch sehr dankbar! Narbensalben mit Zwiebelextrakt. Hier sind genau die Dinge auf den Punkt gebracht, die ich mir jedes mal denke, wenn mir einer sowas sagt. Die Narbe wird so geschmeidiger und weicher.
Neben Silikonpräparaten gibt es Produkte etwa mit Hyaluronsäure, Zwiebelextrakten, Heparin oder pflanzlichen Ölen. Bis ein Behandlungserfolg erzielt wird, sind vor allem Geduld und Zeit gefragt, da die Entfernung sklerotischer Narben mehrere Monate bis Jahre in Anspruch nehmen kann. Für die optimale Narbenbildung nach Verbrennungen besteht die Behandlung meistens aus einer Kombination mit Narbensalbe, Narbenpflaster sowie Kompressionskleidung. Jetzt musste ich mich auf dem Strafbock legen und wurde dort wieder fixiert. Damit können Schmerzen und Verspannungen verhindert werden. Jetzt aber treten Damen auf, nur die prachtvollsten der Edelfrauen und die reizendsten der Ehrenfräulein.
" Narbensalbe im Test:.. Die Hersteller versprechen recht viel, doch Narbensalbe im Text erreichen oftmals nicht ganz die gewünschte Wirkung. Darunter fallen alle Arten von Salben, Cremes, Gels, Patches und Folien. " stiftung warentest; 2) narbensalbe stiftung warentest; 3) dermatix stiftung warentest... / Stiftung Warentest: Testberichte zu Elektronik,.. " 10.
Narbensalbe für atrophe Narben?
Prinz Thomas sucht seine Königstochter Narbenkorrektur Ingolstadt University Ich erwähne die Panzerjäger und bekomme einen Marschbefehl nach Straubing/Bayern Narbensalbe Contractubex Anwendung Juli 12 -16:51 email protected all: Der erste Zwischenstand zeigt, dass vor allem der Übergangsbereich zwischen Wange und Hals eine Rasier-Herausforderung für Euch darstellt Bepanthen Narben Gel Pickelmale Version Vielleicht konnten sie doch nach Frankreich auswandern, in den Süden. Durch die Salbe werden Rötungen oder Verfärbungen reduziert. Sie müssen JavaScript in Ihrem Browser aktivieren, um alle Funktionen in diesem Shop nutzen zu können. Cremes oder Gelkombinationen mit den Wirkstoffen Allantoin, Dexpanthenol, Heparin, Zwiebelextrakt oder Harnstoff machen das Gewebe weich und geschmeidig. Narbensalbe Vorher-Nachher Bilder. Narbensalbe Op - Mittel und Hilfen. Eine, die ihr vielleicht selbst schon benutzt habt und wisst, dass es wirklich was bringt?
Der Wirkstoff gilt als gut verträglich. Narbenheilung Brustvergrößerung 6000 Narbenentstörung Wien Kurs München Bepanthen Narbensalbe Aknenarben Tunnel ein historisch niedriges Hypothekenniveau und Minimalrenditen auf alternative,. Aus diesem Grund basiert eine Pickel-Narben-Creme, eine Gesichts-Narbencreme oder eine Gesichts-Narbensalbe häufig gerade auf diesem Wirkstoff. Damit wird einer übermäßigen Bildung von Narbengewebe vermindert sowie Juckreiz, Spannungsgefühle und Rötungen gelindert. Wenn das so weiterging und sich mirselbst Verkäufer so vorstellen, als erwarten sie, dass ich mirjeden einzelnen Namen merke, konnte das noch nervig werden. Schon gewusst? Bepanthen Narbensalbe Dm Fotos Ein wichtiger Teil der meisten Therapien ist die Kommunikation zwischen Therapeut und Patient. Minghao kannte Wang nicht, hatte ihn nie persönlich kennen gelernt, weil er für seinen Vater immer hier, in diesem fremden Land gearbeitet hatte, aber wenn er tatsächlich der Spion war, würde er Minghaos dunkelste und grausamste Seite zu spüren bekommen Narbensalbe Rossmann Zentrale Im Durchschnitt waren sie 18,9 Jahre in Haft (Median: 17,0), 13 % von ihnen länger als 25 Jahre Op Narben Kleben Quadrat Ein zweitesmal wurde sie umgerissen und kroch auf allen vieren näher an die Küste heran. Die Wärme regt das Gewebe an und begünstigt eine gute Narbenbildung. Verzichtet darauf, euch ständig neue Sachen zu kaufen, hört bitte auf mit dem Konsumrausch.
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itsworn · 6 years
2018 NSRA Street Rod Nationals … Bigger & Better
The first weekend in August has long been the time we set aside to go to the NSRA Street Rod Nationals in Louisville, Kentucky. If we can’t make the drive there is always following it online or go old-school and begin to count down the days until it appears in our favorite magazine (STREET RODDER, of course!).
And why should this year be any different as the 49th annual get-together was served up at the Kentucky Exposition Center where it has been since 1997 … I believe. (A little background on the KEC: It’s a large multiuse facility originally built in 1956. It’s the sixth largest facility of its type in the country with 1.3 million square feet of indoor space. It also houses two arenas, Broadbent Arena and Freedom Hall, where the Sunday award-winning vehicles are shown, almost 700,000 square feet of Class A exhibit space (of which there were 273 exhibitors), nearly 500 acres of outdoor planning space (on grass and concrete). A majority of the 1.3 million square feet is contiguous. (So finding a place to park shouldn’t be an issue.)
And for those of you who enjoy celebrating anniversaries be prepared for next summer when the 50th comes around. We haven’t been made aware of what the NSRA might have in store but being the 50th I’m guessing we will see lots of cars and street rodder types we possibly haven’t seen in some time.
Aside from the weather being outstanding (which is saying something for Louisville in August!) you could feel the added excitement in the air … for whatever the reason. We could tell the spectator crowd was big, 62,201 people walked in, and this was especially noticeable on Friday and Saturday. As for the car count we did see window stickers at 10,190, making this one of the largest in years … another sign that all is right in the world of street rodding. To this we noted cars parked in areas we hadn’t seen street rods in for some time. There was no denying this was a good year.
When you say an event had “… everything from soup to nuts …” that’s generally interpreted as a good thing, meaning there were all sorts of goodies going on to keep your interest. The 49th NSRA Nats had it all from the world of entertainment with the likes of Sawyer Brown to the Endless Summer Band … and who hasn’t heard Wings Kallahan and his daily sunrise to sunset playing of the oldies but goodies from his remote station located outside the center doors of the main exhibit building.
If wandering the acres of grounds looking at every manner of hot rod doesn’t wear you out then make sure to wander the nearly endless aisles of exhibitors inside. To this you should have seen the Builders’ Showcase in the main hall inside the exhibit building where for the past 12 years (since 2006) you can see about 30 of the best examples from a myriad of builders our industry has to offer.
There is also the NSRA Super Prize Program and this year (the 31st year) the Nats package was worth $66,867 (featuring 44 companies—meaning over $28 million in prizes has been given away to rodders over the past decades). That’s an achievement. However, the prize everyone has their eye on is the NSRA Giveaway Car (featuring 50-plus companies). This year Waycool Customs in Pittsfield, Illinois, built the Brockmeyer Designs 1932 Ford Victoria. In order to win you must be a registered participant with your car on the grounds of the Expo Center at the time of the drawing. You must be present at the drawing, and if your lucky entry number is drawn you must verify ownership in your name of the registered vehicle. Taking home the Deuce was Charles Senn of Louisville (short drive home!). His ride to the Nats was a 1968 Firebird; now he has an early and late hot rod; can life get any better?
There are fan favorites, such as Pro’s Pick sponsored by Classic Instruments, where a dozen outstanding rodding examples are selected by an industry judging panel, 29 Below (for younger builders the program is now in its 32nd year) sponsored by Vintage Air, Mopar Country (in its 43rd year), new products section (this is a must for all hot rodders in attendance), and a really good program the Hot Rod Industry Alliance (HRIA) Education Days. These hourlong seminars are designed with you, the homebuilder in mind, to help you with virtually every aspect of car building in an effort to make you better at your hobby. Time well spent. Other favorites are the Safety Inspections, Powermaster Testing, Commercial Way (sponsored by UPS), and my personal favorite … Michigan Hot Rod Association Rod Repair Shop. For many, many years they have come to the rescue of countless street rodders who have found themselves behind the proverbial “eight ball” when things go wrong at the Nats. A special thanks to these guys helping all those in mechanical need.
On the subject of New Products this year’s winning companies were JJ’s Rods for their firewall boots ($0-$200 category), Classic Instruments for their 1964-1966 Chevrolet pickup direct replacement instrument cluster ($201-$1,000 category), CarCapsule for their indoor car capsule ($1,001-$5,000 category), Fatman Fabrication for their 1963-1966 Chevrolet pickup complete chassis ($5,001 and up category), and Watson StreetWorks for their backup camera console monitor (Safety Related category).
As for the more physical among us there was the Streetkhana (autocross NSRA style) that was aptly handled by the American Streetcar Promotions and ran Thursday through Saturday. There were awards handed out for three classes that were broken into Pre-1949, Post-1948, and a Vendor Class (guys who know how to drive and have the horsepower to make it happen).
And to wrap things up there was the Circle of Winners held at noon on Sunday and it is here the 48 outstanding vehicles from the show are honored in the arena for all to see. And what a way to wrap things up; it’s one of the last four-day shows in the country and it still provides plenty of excitement to keep rodders interested. We are always amazed at how many rodders arrive early in the week and are all set up and ready to go by Tuesday and the show doesn’t start until Thursday. Like we mentioned earlier you could feel the added excitement this year and the number of entrants and spectator crowd coupled with the great weather made this a special year. And writing about special, all of us should be excited to see one another next year at the 50th … now that’s saying something.
Painless Performance Products Top 100 (Indoors)
Jon Hall | Saginaw, MI | 1927 Ford Starting with a body and chassis from Shadow Rods, students from Washtenaw Community College’s Custom Cars and Concepts Program created this elegant roadster. Complete with a nailed-to-the-ground stance, Holley Sniper-equipped 355ci Chevy mill, and decadent PPG Deep Maroon Gloss, it rolls on bronze wheels from The Wheelsmith topped with Diamond Back rubber.
Sonny & Debby Freeman | Lafayette, LA | 1957 Chevy Rolling on an Art Morrison GT Sport chassis, the team at Mike Goldman Customs added a 900hp Whipple-supercharged LS7 V-8 from Mast Motorsports to lay down the power to a set of custom wheels from Curtis Speed wearing Pirelli tires. The body features a coating of Axalta Butter Yellow vibe while inside a custom interior by Paul Atkins adds comfort with cool from Vintage Air.
Bruce & Judy Ricks | Sapulpa, OK | 1963-1/2 Ford Bruce’s Galaxie 500 is the ultimate sleeper. Built by Steve Cook Creations it features a ground-grazing stance, subtle coating of Axalta deep green, and rolls on steel wheels with caps and red line tires. Punch comes from an all-aluminum 496ci Ford FE with 622 hp from Craft Performance with comfort courtesy of Sculpt Garage and chrome from Jon Wright’s Custom Chrome Plating.
Seth Wagner | McHenry, IL | 1950 Ford There’s just something cool about a classic mild custom. A perfectly shaved body glows in PPG burgundy while a 312ci Ford Y-block V-8 wearing an Autotrend Tri-power EFI adds plenty of go. Inside a classic bench seat adds comfort with Vintage Air setting the temps and a Ford Crestliner wheel navigating the course.
Mike & Glenna Young | Derby, KS | 1949 Buick With over 120 custom body modifications by Chris Carlson Hot Rods, this Buick Sedanette is all class featuring a mild chop, 1956 Buick headlights, peaked and extended quarter-panels, and Martin Senour graphite color. A 383ci Chevy mill with EFI from Imagine Injection Systems adds power linked to a 700-R4 trans while inside vintage T-bird bucket seats are covered in fawn leather.
Tom Simpson | Knoxville, TN | 1925 Ford Packing 239 ci of Flathead power breathing through a two-pot intake while singing through a set of lake pipes is totally wicked. Rolling on a set of bigs ’n’ littles with red wires and a polished black suede body completes the look. Inside, plenty of custom aluminum sets the pace, complete with gauges from Speedway Motors monitoring the vitals and a tall Lokar shifter pulling gears.
Suzy Bauter | Thompsons Station, TN | 1963 AMC Rambler Built at home in a two-car garage, including all custom fabrication, this wagon sees plenty of autocross action. Coated in PPG Washington Blue with a custom-sewn interior by Suzy, it’s all business in the engine bay thanks to 5.3L Chevy V-8 for go-power while Baer brakes add plenty of stopping power. The package rolls on 18-inch US Mags shod with BFGoodrich Rival S tires.
Curtis Hofstetter | Mechanicsville, VA | 1933 Willys Gassers are guaranteed to raise your adrenalin level thanks to their mile-high stance and endless attitude. For plenty of impact a 355ci Chevy V-8 wears a 6-71 supercharger topped by a pair of 750-cfm Holley carbs dumping gases through custom headers. A razor-sharp body wears PPG custom blue metallic gloss while classic Halibrand-style wheels sport Mickey Thompson tires.
Robert Anderson, Savannah, GA / 1936 Pontiac A custom chassis from Roadster Shop with an IRS from Kugel Komponents adds a perfect stance, especially when combined with one-off wheels from EVOD Industries. Built by Legens Hot Rod Shop the body features an endless array of custom updates and is covered is custom-blended white pearl from Axalta. A Chevrolet Performance supercharged LT4 brings the go with 650 hp.
Dale Carpenter | Birmingham, AL | 1930 Ford coupe Another awesome homebuilt hot rod was this cool Model A sporting a perfectly balanced chop, Deuce grille, tombstone taillights, and two-tone paint scheme. A Ford modular V-8 adds plenty of visual impact and sets the pace topped with an Autotrend EFI dumping spent gases through homespun headers. Inside it’s a cool tiki theme with Classic Instruments monitoring the vitals.
Painless Performance Products Top 100 (Outdoors)
Ronald James | Paducah, KY | 1933 Ford coupe Pure tradition never goes out of style. This Falkstone Gray Desert Tan 1933 coupe retains a basically stock body but a proper stance, yellow steelies, and a well-dressed flathead motor leave no doubt that this coupe is pure hot rod. Inside you’ll find tan leather and a shifter leading to an early Ford tranny.
Bob Oney | Lebanon, OH | 1932 Ford roadster Bob Oney’s latest hot rod carries a heavy Lobeck look with a blood-red body, subtle louvers, and traditional big ’n’ little stance. Pete and Jakes front and rear suspension along with American Rebel wheels provide the proper stance. Power comes from a 383 stroker topped with a FiTech injection system. Inside a simple leather seat, Classic Gauges, and a Bell-style wheel complete the package.
Gary Gregory & Fred Graffe | Stewartstown, PA | 1962 Ford Galaxie convertible The superclean lines of the 1962 Ford convertible make a perfect platform for hot rodding. The team at Lucky 7 rod shop stuffed a dual-turbo Ford Coyote underhood and filled the interior with deep burgundy leather, making for a 600-plus horsepower, comfortable top-down cruiser.
Jim Talaga | Plainfield, IL | 1947 Ford Sportsman The Ford Sportsman is seldom seen in hot rod circles. This burgundy beauty has a 4.6 Lincoln motor underhood and rides on a Heidts IFS. Tan leather, Vintage Air, and Autometer gauges update the interior while Coker wide whites on 16-inch Vintique steelies complete the look.
Bruce & Judy Ricks | Sapulpa, OK | 1956 Ford Victoria Most people don’t notice this Ford has been wedge-sectioned 4-3/4 inches beginning from the front fender and tapered back to the quarter-panel. A 427 Ford Racing motor is fed by eight-stack EFI and a TREMEC six-speed mixes the gears. Inside two-tone brown leather covers the bucket seats, Classic Instruments monitors the motor and Vintage Air keeps it all cool.
Bill Wynne | Royal Palm Beach, FL | 1932 Ford Victoria Black Deuce Victorias always catch our eye and if they happen to be powered by a 246-inch Flatmotor that’s even better. Vintage Air, Classic Instruments, and several red cows cover the inside of the car. Pete and Jakes parts and Wheelsmith wheels combine to create the proper rake.
Bob Bosse | Nicholasville, KY | 1936 Ford Cabriolet Cabriolets bring the best of both worlds: open air motoring and roll-up windows. This superclean 1936 relies on traditional mods like red steelies, wide whites, and black and white rolled and pleated seats behind a 1940 dash. Haneline instruments, Vintage Air, and a Lokar shifter complete the package.
Bill Cheek | Lancaster, PA | 1940 Ford Tudor We just don’t see enough 1940 Tudors finished to this high standard. Under the flawless black body you’ll find TCI suspension and a 401 Nailhead Buick nestled between the rails. Inside black rolls ’n’ pleats combine with Vintage Air, Classic Instruments, and a Lokar shifter connected to the 200-R4 tranny. It is simply a perfect package.
Gregory F. Denk Jr. | Overland Park, KS | 1932 Ford three-window coupe Hot rodding is all about attitude and this coupe has plenty of it. From the 402 big-block Chevy with over-the-frame headers, to the Wheelsmith wire wheels wrapped with Coker Excelsior tires, this is one bad coupe. A B&M shifter grabs gears and VDO provides the vital signs.
Tim A. Kinslow | Wanamaker, IN | 1951 Plymouth Suburban Post World War II America took to the open road traveling in station wagons. Today hot rodders are doing the same thing, often in the same cars. Of course modifications like a modern Mopar 360 EFI crate motor hooked to a TC518 tranny beats that old flathead-six. A Mustang II suspension provides stance, handling, and ride. Inside red and white upholstery matches the Cherry Red PPG paint.
Best Ford in a Ford Terry Gervasi’s Model A Coupe Written and Photographed by Gerry Burger
Hot rods and mathematics go hand in hand, and yet somehow when I was taking geometry my high school teacher forgot to mention the relationship. You see, geometry is a branch of mathematics concerned with questions of shape, size, relative position of figures, and the properties of space. While my teacher may have failed to connect these angles to important things like chopped tops, over the years I have found cars that work as great geometry textbooks. The car on these pages would be considered an advanced geometry textbook, so let’s take a quick lesson.
Terry Gervasi had owned a Model A coupe for a long time. He had always dreamed of finishing the car and having a traditional chopped coupe. As the years went by he decided it might be best to bring the old coupe to a professional shop. After doing some research and seeing several Hot Rod Garage cars, he contacted Ray Bartlett in Denton, Maryland, to do the build.
When the car rolled off the trailer and into The Hot Rod Garage the team discovered a poorly chopped 1931 Ford coupe. As a matter of fact the top had been cut so poorly it was beyond help and it was quickly determined a new top would be required for a proper top chop. A search for a new Model A top showed that most good tops were attached to good bodies. Not wanting to cut up a good car just for the top, Ray looked for other options. It was time for some basic math. Since there was a Deuce five-window in the shop a quick study with a tape measure indicated a 1932 Ford coupe roof could be made to fit.
Now every hot rodder knows 1932 parts cost more than Model A parts but this time that theorem proved wrong. Thanks to United Pacific you can now buy a brand-new stamped steel Deuce five-window coupe. A quick call to United Pacific and all the required panels were on their way to The Hot Rod Garage. A complete roof and the cowl top panels were all they needed.
Now comes the geometry lesson as The Hot Rod Garage set about doing some incredible geometry work, and after spending well over an hour looking at this car we can tell every angle, shape, and relative position is spot-on. As a matter of fact, the contours, angles, and shapes are so perfect many rodders have no idea the number of modifications on the car. The top of the doors are a combination of 1931 and 1932 parts, the rear Deuce window remains unchopped while the windshield frame has been cut and laid back on the perfect angle. The Deuce cowl has been meticulously blended with the Model A cowl. The fenders are 1932, the grille shell is a 1932, and mixing and matching continues throughout the car. When the car was finally back together again the laser-straight panels were covered with PPG black urethane.
Inside the car a 1932 dash is filled with Classic Instruments and Vintage Air. A Lokar shifter finds the gears and black leather fills the cabin. Yet another critical angle is proper hot rod rake. This is accomplished by the use of a Super Bell dropped axle with Pete and Jakes hairpins and shocks. Of course the American Rebel wheels are the proper diameter, with 16×8 rear wheels and 16×4 fronts. Take a quick look through those wheel windows and you’ll find Wilwood brakes on all four corners.
When it came time to power the coupe, Terry knew he wanted a traditional Blue Oval motor under the hood. To that end a 302 small-block Ford motor now displaces 347 ci. An Edelbrock carb feeds the Ford motor and a C4 Ford transmission passes the power back to 9-inch Ford rear, completing the all-Ford driveline.
In the end it was the incredible packaging, subtle yet major modifications, and the overall attention to detail that drew us closer to the car, but when we saw the great Ford driveline we knew this car was the perfect candidate for our Best Ford in Ford Award at the 2018 NSRA Street Rod Nationals.
The post 2018 NSRA Street Rod Nationals … Bigger & Better appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
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Fantasy Football preview: Ten things to watch for in Week 13
Here are my top 10 things to watch for from a fantasy perspective heading into Week 13:
1. Joe Flacco is not only the worst QB in football, but is having the 10th worst season for a quarterback adjusted for his league year since the 1970 AFL-NFL merger. The stat is yards per pass play, that’s Flacco’s net passing yards (subtracting sack yards). He’s 4.6 yards per pass play and 66 on a scale where 100 this year is exactly league average. Only nine have had numbers relative to their league that are worse in nearly 50 years. That the Ravens are even sniffing the playoffs is insane given that since the merger, teams that win the stat win about three quarters of their games. But the Ravens are somehow 6-5 despite being 4-7 vs. opponents in yards per pass play, the NFL’s most important stat after turnover differential. Flacco, to quote Mike Lombardi of The Ringer, is a made guy given his Super Bowl win: meaning you can’t just take him out. But if one Super Bowl-winning QB deserved to be benched this week, it wasn’t Eli Manning. Don’t get Flacco’d.
2. I don’t think anyone knows what to make of Jimmy Garoppolo and I can’t see how the 49ers can make such an important decision on the impending free agent in just five games. But here we are. Other QBs who didn’t get their third career start until the age of 26 includes just one player who was remotely good: Jake Delhomme. You want to argue David Garrard and Tommy Maddox were decent briefly? Fine. Of course, Garoppolo was playing behind arguably the greatest QB ever until October. The point is that Garoppolo is past his development years and we know really nothing about him: basically unchartered NFL territory.
[Week 13 fantasy rankings: Overall | PPR | QBs | RBs | WRs | TEs | FLEX | DST | Ks]
3. Here’s an interesting piece on Mike Zimmer and Bill Parcells that explains why Zimmer is not just anointing Case Keenum the OFFICIAL starting QB. Zimmer was an assistant under Parcells and talks to him a lot and the only reasonable conclusion is that Zimmer thinks Keenum will play better and more disciplined under the stress of worrying about his job. This has caused fantasy players to worry about Keenum’s status unnecessarily. Don’t let it keep you from starting Keenum this week, as he’s definitely a top 12 fantasy quarterback (and has been for a while).
4. Remember next year when people are raving again about DeVante Parker that he’s very unlikely to live up to his draft pedigree. If you haven’t made a lot of noise by your third season, you’re very unlikely to ever. There are exceptions, but they don’t disprove the rule. Don’t bet a consequential pick on Parker and please don’t expect anything from him this week if you are still alive.
5. Marcus Mariota and Jameis Winston have combined for 19 TD passes on 565 attempts. Mariota has a 2.9% TD Rate, which is higher than only Jacoby Brissett, Brett Hundley, Flacco, Tom Savage, Mitch Trubisky, Brian Hoyer, C.J. Beathard and DeShone Kizer. Ouch. Someone asked me this week if they should start Mariota or Dak Prescott. I don’t think there is a right answer there. If you are in a similar spot, grab Josh McCown (40% owned) off the waiver wire.
6. I don’t believe in rookie walls. But I believe that ankle injuries linger, especially for a player that has a long injury history. Leonard Fournette has not scored a TD in his three games since his injury, a predictable scoring slump given his offense is led by Blake Bortles. But since returning from injury, Fournette, who remember said the NFL was easy compared with the SEC, is averaging 3.0 per carry (57 totes).
7. Yes, Alvin Kamara’s crazy 8.3 yards per touch is sure to regress. But implicit in this is that Kamara isn’t getting enough actual touches to continue to be a fantasy force. Note, however, he’s averaging six catches the last five games. Catches are worth twice as much as runs, even in standard. So that equals 12 carries per game. And even if he gets only 5-10 carries like the last two weeks, that’s more than enough expected yardage for him to remain highly projectable. So don’t mistake Kamara’s value being tied only to efficiency. There is enough volume here, too.
8. Keenan Allen has consecutive games with 150-plus yards receiving. He also has 10 catches and three total TDs. Guys who have done at least that (or more) in history, according to Pro-Football-Reference: Jerry Rice (1995), Drew Bennett (2004) and Josh Gordon (2013). I dealt with Gordon extensively here earlier in the week. Ironically everyone will be watching Gordon while the wide receiver most likely to win the fantasy week is on the other team.
9. The Rams are violating the spirit of the NFL rules on the headset by having Sean McVay basically call audibles until the communication with Jared Goff goes off with 15 seconds left of the play clock. I don’t know if there is a workaround here for defenses. If you want to show your defense after there is just 15 seconds left, what do you do if the Rams snap it before? But if there is a counter here, the Rams offense may suddenly become a lot less successful.
10. Can Mike Davis give the Seahawks a running game or are they paying for the sins of their past roster construction in essentially ignoring offensive line? I have no idea. Davis has six carries in his career, for 18 yards. I think offensive lines and offenses period make running games except for elite talents that are extremely rare. The Seahawks simply are not constructed to be able to run.
More fantasy advice from Yahoo Sports
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