#krupp x edith
itz-rayne-12 · 4 months
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It's kinda giving
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tstain-i-guess · 9 months
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Edith X Benjamin Krupp Egg Casserole
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mylittlemystery · 2 years
Can you do A-Y with Mr. Krupp from Captain Underpants? Not even the hero side just the villain-
Wow, that is a certified throwback! XD I'll try my very best to do this character justice!
A: Aftercare | What is their aftercare like after a heavy round of tickling?:)
He'd be hella awkward, that's for sure. XD He'd most likely end up rubbing your shoulders until you've calmed down sufficiently, and then he would ask if you need him to get you a glass of water.
B: Bondage | How do they react to bondage, do they enjoy it and if yes, what is their favorite pose?
NO, he does not. You're lucky enough if you can get him to agree to let you tickle him, so you'd be out of your god damn mind if you think you're gonna get him to agree to being tied up on top of that. As for tying others up, he doesn't like that either. He'd prefer to just hold them or something along those lines.
C: Chase | What are their chances in a chase, both as a lee and ler?
As a 'lee, you already know he is going to lose. The guy doesn't have the best stamina in the world, after all (I relate to this on a spiritual level). He probably wouldn't even try to run because of a mixture of this knowledge and his pride.
As a 'ler, he wouldn't even try to chase after the 'lee if they decide to run away. Go ahead, you are not worth that much energy. He's too old for this childish bullshit anyway. XD
D: Death Spot | What is their most ticklish spot?
I think it'd be his stomach, specifically the lower portion of it. Very fun to squish, squeeze, and prod. :3
E: Expression | How do they express their wish to tickle/be tickled?
When he wants to tickle somebody, he'll probably start running a few fingers along their sides while he's cuddling them (I think tickling is something he keeps reserved for romantic relationships). If they don't stop him, then he'll just keep going.
In the rare instances he wants to be tickled, he will just choose to suffer silently. There is no way in hell he's going to do something as humiliating as ask for it. XD
F: Fight | What is their behavior in a tickle fight like?
Oh, he's not getting into one of those. You think he's gonna risk throwing his back out over something like THIS? Ha, yeah right...
G: Gentle | How do they react to gentle tickles?
These are the kind of tickles that he prefers the most. He'll end up chuckling under his breath as he halfheartedly swats the 'ler's hands away from him, and it's a lot cuter than anyone would expect from him.
H: Habits | As a lee/ler or both, do they have specific habits when it comes to tickling?
As a 'lee, he covers his mouth with both of his hands as tight as he can. He doesn't want anybody to see him smiling or hear him laughing, so this is his last resort when it comes to holding them both back.
As a 'ler, he bites his lower lip to stop himself from cracking a smile at the 'lee's reactions quite often. If it's a smug smile, he'll let it show. If it's an adoring one, then he's gotta hold that shit back.
I: Interrogation | How well would they handle a tickle interrogation?
Oof, not too well. 💔 Shit like this really fucking embarrasses him, so he'd probably end up cracking more from the humiliation rather than the tickling itself. I'd give about half an hour at most...
J: Joy | Their absolute favorite thing about tickling?
You already know that he's a power rush type of dude. Being able to stay in control through something as childish as this is extremely satisfying to him, so he's very much going to appreciate that aspect of it the most.
K: Killer Move | As a ler, do they have special skills to use against their lees and drive them crazy with?
He's really good at applying just the right amount of pressure to a certain spot to get the most amount of laughter out of the 'lee. He couldn't tell you why, though - it's kind of like a special superpower only applicable here.
L: Laughter | What does their laughter sound like when they are tickled?
It's rather boisterous and warm, surprisingly enough. Comes straight from the chest and fills up the entire room that happens to contain it. Very nice to listen to, actually.
M: Mornings | Their tickle behavior during mornings?
Do not tickle him during mornings. He needs a cup of coffee before he does literally anything else, and trying to get him to cheer up via early morning tickles will have the polar opposite effect on him...just don't do it, okay?
N: Nights | Their tickle behavior during nights?
He'd be okay with tickling his significant other during a late night movie session if they're okay with it too. He especially enjoys it when they're tucked under the blankets together and listening to each other laugh softly. <3
O: Online | Text messaging and social media, do they have some kind of online tickly behavior to tease their lee or ler with?
Nah, he's not that kind of guy. Mans can barely figure out how to open two tabs at once, let alone post any sort of teases on the Internet. XD
P: Partner In Crime | If they were to go after a lee and accept the aid of a tickle partner, who do they prefer to join hands with and why?
Oh, it'd definitely be Edith. She's the love of his life, after all. Normally, it ends up being her to reel him in once he's getting a bit too into it (he sometimes forget that the 'lee eventually has to breathe).
Q: Question | Their response to the question ‘are you ticklish’?
Straightens his tie and resists the urge to slam his fist right into the side of your jaw. Do not ask him again because he will have a stroke from getting way too flustered by such a simple inquiry, and trying to tickle him will result in you going directly to jail.
R: Role | Lee or ler, what is generally their main role?
He's definitely more of a 'ler. The only times he'll allow himself to be a 'lee is when he's with someone that he really trusts because he hates to lose control in front of anybody else.
S: Safeword | If they were to suggest the safeword for a tickle session, which word will it be?
If he's tickling somebody that he likes, then he'll just stop whenever they ask him to. If he's tickling somebody that he's not a big fan of, then they'd better start praying. XD
T: Teasing | Their most favorite methods of teasing their lee/ler?
He likes to ask his 'lee the obvious questions and shit like that, usually focusing on why they're reacting the way that they are and things along those lines. He's a bit of an asshole if you couldn't already tell. XD
He can't collect his thoughts enough to tease his 'ler when he's being tickled, so he settles for lots of squirming instead.
U: Unusual | Do they have some unusual tickle spots? Where?
His ankles are ever so slightly ticklish. Like, not enough to make him laugh, but enough to make him flinch and crack a smile, you know what I mean?
V: Victim | As a ler, who is their favorite lee and what makes this person their ultimate victim?
Once again, this would have to be Edith. He just loves everything about her, and that includes her shy sort of laugh that shines particularly bright when she's being tickled. Bless this couple, they are so fucking sweet. <3
W: Word | What is their reaction to the T-word? Can they say it out loud or do they get embarrassed?
He's one of those people that only struggles to say it out loud when it's being used against him. In everyday conversation? Perfectly fine, no problem. In response to someone teasing him? Boy forgets how to talk-
X: X-Over | In a crossover AU, which other fandom character would be a fitting tickle fight opponent for them and why?
Probably King Spades from Deltarune? They're both two grumpy individuals who could stand to laugh a bit more in their everyday lives, so I think it fits.
Y: YOU | Any personal self- or reader-insert tickle fantasy / headcanon to share with this character?
I've been wanting to make him smile ever since I was REALLY young, if you know what I mean. He's probably one of the biggest reasons I love grumpy 'lees so much if I'm being honest.
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gaillol-13 · 3 years
...Forgive me for what I'm about to ask... But since you asked for it uhhhh....
9, 10, and 2
Hand Holding:
No problemo! Also it's ok. As long as it isnt pedophile, incest, abuse, or beastallity, I'm fine with it.
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I used the sharpie to make borders.
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Krupp Siblings Headcanons
Kat is just short enough for Benny and Jasper to use her as an armrest whenever they please. She absolutely hates it, and they think it’s hilarious.
Every year on his birthday, Jasper and Kat go to JHE to pull an April Fools prank on Benny before celebrating with him. They make sure to pull a different one every year so he doesn’t know what to expect.
They’re all Jewish, and Hanukkah is their favorite holiday.
When Kat was a baby, she followed Benny and Jasper around everywhere she could go, and if they went somewhere she couldn’t go, like school, she’d get upset until they came back.
They have a special code word that one says to the other when the third is feeling down in the dumps and needs cheering up.
Kat has a high alcohol tolerance. Benny and Jasper, however, do not. It does not bode well for any of them.
Every once in a while, Benny and Jasper visit Kat the stables where she works part-time teaching kids how to ride horses (one of @jackie-sugarskull’s headcanons) and join her. The kids adore Jasper, but are a little afraid of Benny since he’s a principal who’s a grump 89.9% of the time.
They’re super competitive, and their favorite sport is paintball. They hired Major Messy for Kipper’s bithday one year and had a blast. No matter how many times she denies it, Benny and Jasper know that Kat starting crushing on Major Messy after that day.
Since Jasper is either divorced or a widower, he gets lonely and a little jealous whenever he sees Benny doing romantic things with Edith.
Jasper has two cockatoos. Kat enjoys them. Kipper hates them. Benny is somewhere in between.
Jasper and Kat often tease Benny about his avocado/guacamole obsession.
There’s only been one sibling rivalry between them ever, and it was between Benny and Jasper. The only reason they made up was because Kat got scared and upset that their bonds were gonna fall apart.
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request away~!
https://imaginecu.carrd.co/ < - all the information you need to request!
please request primarily x readers; i’m not that good with ships lol!
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angerydj · 7 years
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Anon: Hi don’t know if ur taking request but could u do cute edith x krupp pls , ok bye
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year2000electronics · 7 years
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he’s a fan of curly hair
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sneedlier · 2 years
Rating random CU ships (my opinion)
Melvin X Erica:
10/10: One of my favorite ships,It's really cute.
Melvin X Harold:
8/10: It's actually really cute!I don't ship-ship it but it's a really cute ship.
Krupp X Edith:
100/10: I love this ship with my whole heart,I'll fight anyone who disagrees.
Any Melvin X Any Melvin:
3/10: They're the same person but I don't mind it kinda,as long as you don't make it weird I dont mind but I personally don't really ship it.This reminds me of the Undertale fandom,everyone shipped Ink X Error I swear-
George X Harold:
2/10: Eh..I don't ship it,it's cute but I think of them as best friends and I personally don't ship it.
Jerry X Ree:
6/10: It's pretty cute but I don't ship it but I don't mind if you ship it.
Melvin X Melvinborg:
0/10: No
Melvinborg X Krupp:
Melvinborg X No one:
10000/10: Yes, ✨beautiful ✨
Remember,this is just my opinion so don't be offended.
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tornrose24 · 7 years
Comparing Rumbelle and Egg Casserole together
I find it hilarious that two of my favorite ships (Rumbelle and Egg Casserole) have FAR more in common than I thought possible:
-The guy (Rumplestiltskin and Krupp) is not well liked in-verse for varying reasons. -And if you get on his bad side, then oh lord is it not looking good for you. -Though the guy is secretly miserable, despite how things look on the surface. -They also have an opponent who is more than willing to do whatever it takes to defeat or humiliate them. Also there is a student-teacher relationship involved. -Though the guy and said opponent(s) gradually reach some sort of truce or respectful understanding (I can’t believe I’m comparing Regina to George and Harold *laughs*). -Though the book/story versions of the guys seem to remain as jerks to the very end. -The girl (Belle and Edith) is a total sweetheart and is kind. -The girl also has some sort of specialty or talent. And an accent of some sort. -Also they have blue eyes. -The girl’s actress is well known in major fandoms (Kirsten Schaal also voiced Mabel Pines from Gravity Falls and Emile de Ravin is also known as Claire from Lost). -We’ve known the male characters a lot longer than the female characters (though in most cases, it would be since childhood). -NO ONE expected the pairings to happen in the first place and not a lot of people knew what to make of them. The end result? Both pairings have lead to a bunch of shippers who support and have wanted to see the pairings thrive despite all the obstacles. -The guy is not physically attractive (at least according to ‘normal’ standards), but the girl is definitely pretty. Also the guy’s personality is almost so unlikeable that it’s a miracle that the girl was ever attracted to him to begin with. -Despite being sadistic (and has an interesting sense of humor when it comes to being sadistic), the guy is also adorkable when he is around the girl. -There is an object related to the woman that serves something to the relationship. (The chipped cup/ the casserole). Said object can also send the guy into a depression when he hits a certain low point within his story. -One of the individuals in the relationship has another identity/counterpart that is completely the opposite of their original self (For Krupp, it’s the dumb but heroic sweetheart known as Captain Underpants. For Belle, it’s Lacey, who likes to hang at bars, likes bad guys who beat up people, and is basically Disney Gaston’s dream girl). -The other individual/persona is shown to have good chemistry with the counterpart. -The girl likes the guy, even though it’s a case of ‘what do you even see in this guy?’ Yet the girl is able to bring out the guy’s good side and it’s beautiful to behold when you see it. -First dates tend to involve some sort of restaurant. -And both settings tend to be subjected to some really weird or random enemies. -No one in the relationship is perfect, but that’s how we like those characters.
I admit that I like Egg Casserole more than Rumbelle because the latter has been through some REALLY rough/low points across the seasons. But we shall see how things go from here on out.
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daunknown55 · 2 years
I rate CU Ships ( I want this to be in Video Format but didn't find time )
Before I start just wanna say that you might disagree with what ships I approve of or reject. So Yeahhhhhh ( Please Don't kill me @euphoricandnostalgia )
Harold x Billy
George x Harold
I Don't Know...Mostly NO
Edith x CU/Krupp
WOW! INCREDIBLE! Your ship is so good, it was deemed excellent!
Erica x Melvin: I Don't Know...
Melvin x The Boys:
Your ship was so fucking atrocious, Knuckles had made your Ship illegal Multiple times.
Erica x Harold:
I Just See Erica just as a big sister for Harold. But in shipping just...no.
Ree x Jerry:
I don't know...plus they never really interacted but I guess sure? Wouldn't be bothered since a showrunner confirmed Ree's BI
Bo x Other Sophie
Was hinted at once and the showrunners just forgot about it. If they interacted more with more hints I guess I will like it more
Wedgie Women x Captain Underpants
These are the only ships i found bye lol-
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burntuakrisp · 6 years
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Here are all my OTPs, happy valentines day.
Frisk x Lancer
Alice x Masquerade
Playtime x It’s a Bully
Blades x Bumblebee
Edith x Krupp
Dr. Fox x Hawkodile
Italy x Germany
Ghosty x Cloakhead
Scp 096 x Scp 106
Samus x Snake
Pucca x Garu
Connie x Steven
Me x Zurg
Hotaru x Cell
Penny x Timothy
Red Haired Girl (Heather) x Charlie Brown
Ruby x Red (Angry birds)
Serval x Kaban
Lady x Thomas
Cala Maria x Mugman
Glados x Sniper
Madoka x Homura
Zoe x CFO
Sayori x Ben
Ekimu X Emily Jones
Minnie x Mickey
Elsa x Ralph
Spiderman x Deadpool
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gaillol-13 · 3 years
OTP First Date:
Any headcanons? 😍
Jerry x Ree for The CapGadget! AU, and Krupptoon and Edith. I'm a sucker for headcanons so bury me in them!!!
For this
Jerry and ree went to this nice restaurant, and then went to Ree's house and watched jeopardy.
Krupptoon and Edith's first date was actually when Krupptoon was wearing the black dress, which caused Edith to become super flustered and shit. Good times.
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newsiegirlscout · 6 years
Sir, Please
So I’ve had this idea for a crossover that I should probably mention before @tornrose24 gets to it. ;) The concept is a Phineas and Ferb x Captain Underpants crossover in which the boys spend their days creating high-scale projects and pranks, only to have them vanish just before Melvin calls Mr. Krupp over......to say nothing of the subplot where Professor P’s plots are always foiled by Sulu the Bionic Robo-Hamster under his secret agent identity. 
If you’re familiar with the song “Mom, Look”, (in which Candace attempts to convince her mother everything really did happen) this is the crossover version of it; “Sir, Please”
MELVIN: Sir, please
Don't turn your back on me
 Sir, please,
Dismiss your skepticality
Sir, please,
I can prove it this time,
Sir, please,
It's just the paradigm!
They built an army of porcelain-
KRUPP: I didn't see it.
MELVIN: -Rose the wrath of a particular name-
KRUPP: I didn't see it.
MELVIN: Sir, they've caused me so much pain!
KRUPP: Melvin....
MELVIN: Once, they even gave me Sulu's brain! 
KRUPP: Melvin, calm down. MELVIN: They broke the Pleistocene, my time machine
Played Weird Al 'till it made us scream
Threw a fair for students at midday
Throw anagrams in their misplay
Gave Miss Edith a heart attack
Seems they've made you an amnesiac!
(Melvin wheezes, catching his breath)
MELVIN: Made the lunchroom a necropolis
Made cupcakes amylolysis
The school, they misrepresent
Always ask where Sulu went
I think I've reached apex contention
When I say they broke dimensions 
Trapped the science teacher under ice
Hypnotized our principal TWICE!
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onelonecritter · 6 years
Tagged by @eraty
rules: choose any three fandoms (in any order) and answer the questions, then tag ten people you want to get to know better
1. Punch-Out!!  2. Captain Underpants (Low-key) 3. South Park (More or less)
the first character you loved:
1. Buttercup from the original Power Puff Girls 2. Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas 3. Raven from Teen Titans (NOT Teen Titans Go!)
the character you never expected to love so much:
1. Jason Voorhees (I feel a lot of sympathy for the guy...) 2. Nina Cortex (She was the shit in Twinsanity) 3. Henrietta Biggle (I used to think she was a bit too bitchy for my taste, but now she’s grown on me.)
the character you relate to the most:
1. Creepie Creecher (Mainly because I like knowing animal/bug/arachnid facts, our aesthetics are similar, and we both like to just be ourselves) 2. Butters Stotch (It’s not anything with my parents, honestly.  It’s just his mannerisms, and constant apologetic behaviors even though I’m more of a potty-mouth than he is) 3. PJ Berri (If you know this character from Parappa the Rapper, then I’m sure you’ll understand why)
the character you’d slap:
1. Aran Ryan (I doubt he’d mind. It’d be a win-win situation) 2. Joe Chin (More like Joe CHODE-) 3. Patrick Star (Seriously, fuck you, dude.)
three favorite characters (in order of preference):
1. Liane Cartmen (She’s such a dear) 2. Cala Maria (Just adorable) 3. Edith the Lunch Lady (I just like her, she’s so sweet)
a character you liked at first but don’t anymore:
1. None 2. None 3. None
a character you did not like at first but now do:
1. Super Macho Man (He didn’t sit well with me, at first, but then I saw wholesome headcanons that made me cut him some slack) 2. Squidward (Sure, he could be a jerk at times, but Post-Movie Spongebob made me realize why-) 3. Oscar the Grouch (He’s okay)
three otps:
1. Egg Casserole (Krupp/Captain Underpants x Edith the Lunch Lady) 2. Le Jack (Jack Spicer x Le Mime) 3. Messie (Milford Meanswell x Bessie Busybody)
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