#kriya (2021)
paperandsong · 1 year
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Ramu Kriya, Untitled (India)
The Tricontinental Paris Commune 150 Cover Exhibition, May 2021
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abishekmuses · 6 months
The Power Of The Streak
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I started doing yoga in 2021. That was kind of an inflection point in my life — I had just left a pretty dark and consuming chapter of my life behind and had just moved back home from Europe, where I’d spent the last 10 odd years of my life. 
I was 27 and felt like I’d pretty much pissed the better part of my 20s down the drain. I was pretty anxious at a baseline level and wanted to make sure I wouldn’t be 33 or 38 and feel the same pangs of regret. 
So, inspired by the atomic habits school of thought, i decided to embrace micro habits and make sure I stick to them every day, without expecting any results in the short term. I started with exercising and stuck with it for a good amount of time before the second wave of Covid hit. 
It was around this time — say late April to May 2021, that I got initiated into Kriya Yoga — I had dabbled quite a bit in youtube spirituality by that point and was itching to do something practical — i.e real — to advance my spiritual journey. Watching videos, reading books, ingesting substances and endlessly pontificating just wasn’t cutting it. So, I got initiated and committed to doing the practice every day no matter what. I’d never done anything that consistently before in my life. NEVER. 
I figured — I already know this is going to be good for me. It can only make me better. And it’s just 30–35 mins a day. If I can’t invest that much time towards feeling better and improving my experience of life, then, what am I really doing here? There was no way I was going to let my lesser instincts get the better of me against that foolproof, airtight logic. 
Or so I thought. 
It was bloody brutal! We were meant to do the practice twice a day for the first 48 days after initiation (what’s called a mandala in yoga) and then at least once a day for 6 months. The first few days were terrible! I realised just how messy and out of order I was internally. Keeping myself accountable enough to get done with the practice twice a day on an empty stomach with at least 4 hours between each session, and keeping this on with work and other commitments just exposed the extent of my internal chaos and disorder. 
I was insanely stressed and fell sick multiple times in those 48 days. Anyway, I somehow got around to maintaining the streak. I maintained it for more than a year and a half. Sometimes, I would rush through the practice and not really give it my full attention but I nevertheless kept my streak up, for what that was worth. 
Slowly but surely, I saw changes. Infinitesimal almost. But i did see them. My anxiety levels came down gradually. There were still bad days. But there were days when I was just able to wake up and get through the day without the dread taking hold of me. 
It’s coming up to three years now and I’m still doing the practice. I’ve missed a few sessions here and there but keeping the streak intact for the first year and half meant that I never really fell off the horse after that — even when I gave the practice up for a few days here and there. 
That set off a chain of changes in my life. It’s not like I saw my life improving in real-time. There was still a lot of struggle and angst. But, now, looking back, I see that the shift started there — with the commitment to doing the practice every day. 
Now, I’m a big believer in the power of the streak. I’ve completed a number of streaks after that. But the one that started it all was the kriya streak. Now, my life looks very different. Not so much in terms of the externals — but in terms of my experience of life. I feel a lot more pleasant on a regular basis. I can handle emotional upheavals with a lot more grace and ease. My brain function is sharper — I feel less foggy and am able to recollect thoughts, conversations, tasks and facts much more easily. My anxiety levels are way lower. I still struggled with habits like compulsive sexuality, smoking etc for a while but they’ve settled down to a huge extent now. 
Now, I do many more practices on top of that one on a daily basis. It’s insane how much of a change it makes to just commit to doing one thing for a few minutes a day, every day for a couple of years. 
A few years ago, I would not have dreamt of this kind of thing — I would have dismissed a post like this. But today, having seen the results first hand, it’s hard to argue with it. But it still seems baffling though — hard to believe almost. Our brains are so fried with instant dopamine thrills that it’s hard to wrap our heads around the idea of compounding results over a period of time resulting from small, daily actions. 
Well, there you go!
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Why Do We Celebrate Maha Shivratri? | Maha Shivratri 2021 | Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shanakar" on YouTube
Take a Break and Meditate
Find a comfortable position and close your eyes.
Take a deep breath in, filling your lungs with air.
Exhale slowly, letting go of any tension or stress.
Bring your attention to the sensations in your body. Notice any areas of tightness or relaxation.
Shift your focus to your breath. Observe the natural rhythm of your inhales and exhales.
As thoughts arise, acknowledge them without judgment and gently guide your attention back to your breath.
Allow yourself to fully immerse in the present moment, letting go of worries about the past or future.
Take a few more deep breaths, cultivating a sense of calm and tranquility.
When you're ready, slowly open your eyes and carry the peace you've cultivated into the rest of your day.
This quick meditation can help you find a moment of peace and presence amidst the busyness of life. Feel free to adjust the duration or steps according to your preference and the time you have available.
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lasemgresiknews · 1 year
Pemerintah Dorong Peningkatan Digitalisasi UMKM dan Usaha Kreatif
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Lasem Gresik News, Malang -  Ekonomi digital di Indonesia menunjukan potensi yang besar. Tercatat selama 2022 nilai transaksi niaga elektronik (niaga-el/e-commerce) di Indonesia mencapai Rp476,3 triliun, meningkat 18,7 persen dibanding tahun lalu dengan volume 3,48 juta transaksi. “Hingga 2022, jumlah usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah (UMKM) yang telah terdigitalisasi mencapai 20.997.131 UMKM dan mengalami peningkatan 17 persen dari tahun sebelumnya,” jelas Wakil Menteri Perdagangan Jerry Sambuaga dalam kegiatan gelar wicara bertema Edukasi Digitalisasi Pasar, Warung & UMKM Jawa Timur di Kota Malang, Jawa Timur, Kamis (09/03/2023). Baca juga : Refarming Pita Frekuensi Radio 2,3 GHz Dimulai, Kominfo Targetkan Peningkatan Kualitas Layanan Menurut Wamendag, digitalisasi UMKM membutuhkan sinergi yang solid dari semua pemangku kepentingan seperti pemerintah pusat, pemerintah daerah, dan swasta.  “Pembayaran nontunai (cashless payment) merupakan salah satu bukti konkret penerapan digitalisasi bidang perdagangan di pasar yang diinisiasi oleh Kementerian Perdagangan,” demikian disampaikan Wamendag Jerry.Sektor niaga-elmampu mendorong pembukaan tegasnya. Bahkan, dalam kegiatan tertentu,seperti Hari Belanja OnlineNasional (Harbolnas) tahun 2022, tercatat pertumbuhan pedagang daring baru yang berdagang melalui platform digital sebesar 6 persen dengan pertumbuhan nilai penjualan secara daring meningkat sebesar 26 persen dibandingkan pada 2021.  Penjualan produk lokal menyumbang nilai transaksi sebesar Rp10 triliun, meningkat Rp1,5 triliun atau 18 persen dari Harbolnas 2021 yang mencatatkan nilai penjualan produk lokal sebesar Rp8,5 triliun. “Melihat pesatnya potensi pertumbuhan ekonomi digital, Kementerian Perdagangan mendorong kolaborasi dalam membangun ekosistem niaga-el melalui empat pilar dengan berbagai pemangku kepentingan,” tambah Wamendag Jerry. Pilar pertama, UMKM terbuka terhadap perubahan, memiliki inovasi, dan mempunyai kemauan berkembang. Pilar kedua, lokapasar (marketplace) bersinergi dengan UMKM melalui serangkaian peningkatan kapasitas, pengutamaan kegiatan agregasi barang dalam bentuk pengemasan ulang, bantuan pengelolaan, dan kegiatan lain yang dapat meningkatkan nilai barang dan efisiensi rantai pasok serta distribusi barang kepada konsumen. Pilar ketiga, peran ritel modern memberikan akses kemitraan kepada UMKM agar jangkauan produk UMKM dapat semakin luas. Ritel modern dapat memasok produk-produk UMKM lokal khas dari suatu daerah.  Pilar keempat, lembaga pembiayaan atau perbankan memberikan akses pembiayaan kepada UMKM dengan skema Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR).  Kementerian Perdagangan akan terus meningkatkan kontribusi Perdagangan melalui sistem elektronik melalui dukungan regulasi dan pembinaan terhadap pelaku usaha guna menciptakan iklim usaha yang mendukung pertumbuhan UMKM baru.  “Kolaborasi, kerja sama,dan adaptasi digital menjadi kata kunci dalam menghadapi tantangan perdagangan saat ini. Melalui kolaborasi, kami yakinkemajuan eksistem digital di Indonesia dapat tercapai, bermanfaat bagi seluruh lapisan masyarakat,dan memberikan efek positif bagi perekonomian Indonesia,” pungkas Wamendag Jerry. Pasar Digital Terbuka Wamendag Jerry Sambuaga menyatakan peluang pasar produk kreatif dan digital di dunia makin terbuka. Saat melakukan kunjungan ke Malang Creative Center di Malang, Jawa Timur. Wamendag menjelaskan Pemerintah memiliki program pendampingan pengembangan produk kreatif berorientasi produk.Tahun ini, fokus pengembangan produk kreatif diarahkan ke produk kriya seperti fesyen, animasi, komik, dan gim serta jasa ritel. “Pemilihan produk tersebut sesuai dengan kondisi permintaan produk kreatif sektor kriya yakni animasi, komik, dan gim(ACG) yang digandrungi oleh pasar milenial di pasar domestik maupun global,”  tuturnya. Dalam sektor ACG, kekayaan intelektual (intellectual property/IP) merupakan salah satu kategori ekspor berupa ekspor atas hak paten karakter atau produknya. Sebagai contoh adalah penggunaan karakter Marvel atau Disney dalam promosi produk. IP merupakan aset dalam pengembangan sektorACG untuk bisa ekspor dan akan menghasilkan pendapatan yang berkelanjutan. Hal ini dikarenakan IP akan memberikan efek pengganda (multiplier effect) kepada sektor lain. Baca juga : MENDES PDTT Ingin BPSDM Rumuskan Program Peningkatan SDM Internal Dan Eksternal Kementerian Perdagangan juga telah melakukan kerja sama dengan beberapa pihak terkait untuk pengembangan ekspor sektor ACG sub sektor animasi, komik, gim, dan licensing-merchandisingantara lain kerja sama dengan Asosiasi Animasi Indonesia (AINAKI), Asosiasi Komik Indonesia (AKSI), Asosiasi Game Indonesia (AGI), dan Asosiasi Licensing-MerchandisingIndonesia (ALMI). Turut hadir dalam kegiatan ini antara lain Kepala Dinas Koperasi, Perindustrian, dan Perdagangan Kota Malang Eko Sri Yuliadi, Distribution Head 1 PT Bank BTPN Syariah Tbk. Ali Andi Leon Arkantoro, dan CEO & Co-Founder Dagangan Ryan Manafe. Sumber : www.kominfo.go.id Read the full article
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prnlive · 1 year
Gary Null’s Show Notes
04 13 23
If you listen to Gary’s show, you know that he begins with the latest findings in natural approaches to health and nutrition. Starting this week, we will make some of those findings available each weekday to subscribers to the Gary Null Newsletter.
Meditation and music improve quality of life for older people with cognitive decline
New study aims to break the taboo surrounding spirituality
Red meat compound linked to worse outcomes in heart failure patientsGive a gift subscription
Meditation and music improve quality of life for older people with cognitive decline
West Virginia University, February 27, 2023
One thing that everyone is concerned about as they get older is their cognitive function. Some degree of memory loss is common as we age, but new research shows that there are some great activities that can help with healthy aging. A study has revealed that participating in meditation or music listening programs can provide a number of benefits to older adults with preclinical memory loss.
The study, which was led by researchers from West Virginia University, noted that improvements were seen in a number of different key areas that are often affected first in the early stages of dementia. Great strides were made in the areas of attention, processing speed, subjective memory, and executive functions like problem solving and working memory.
In addition to bolstering prime areas of cognitive function, the study participants also experienced improvements in their stress levels, quality of the sleep, better moods, and reported an overall improvement in their state of well-being and quality of life. In other words, it appears that the benefits of music and meditation are far-reaching and could be very useful for older patients. The research was published by the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease.
To conduct their research, the team recruited 60 older people with a condition called “subjective cognitive decline,” or SCD — which may represent a preclinical stage of Alzheimer’s disease, and is considered to be a strong predictor of the disease. The participants were then assigned to either a beginner meditation (Kirtan Kriya) or music listening (ML) program and asked to practice 12 minutes every day for a period of 12 weeks.
After three months of participation, both groups reported substantial improvements in cognitive function and memory recall, as well as in other areas of well-being. The meditation group reported more pronounced improvements in the areas of stress, sleep, mood and quality of life, but both groups reported a significant change. The researchers also note that at the six-month follow-up period, the participants’ overall gains had been maintained, or had even continued to improve.
According to the team, their findings also indicated that these benefits did not differ by age, gender or other variables; the benefits seemed to reach across the spectrum indiscriminately.
In their conclusion, the study authors stated, “Findings of this preliminary randomized controlled trial suggest practice of meditation or ML can significantly enhance both subjective memory function and objective cognitive performance in adults with SCD, and may offer promise for improving outcomes in this population.”
New study aims to break the taboo surrounding spirituality
University of Southern Denmark
Do you ever think about what happens when we die, whether we have a soul, or what the meaning of life is? This—and much more—is what new research is shedding light on.
In 2021, more than 100,000 Danes were invited to participate in the largest questionnaire survey ever conducted on spiritual and existential needs.
They were asked 20 questions, all related to these topics. Over 80 percent of those who responded reported experiencing at least one strong or very strong spiritual need in the past month.
The first study based on the survey has just been published in The Lancet Regional Health—Europe.
"We live in a society where religion and spirituality are taboo and something we rarely talk about with each other. What we believe in, why we are here, what happens when we die. And we might be led to believe that it's not important, or something we shouldn't concern ourselves with in the healthcare system. But our study convincingly shows that these topics are important to Danes," says Tobias Anker Stripp, a medical doctor who is the lead author of the study.
In the study, participants were asked about their need for finding inner peace and doing something for others, with these two topics being the most highly valued.
"Experiencing inner peace and giving something of oneself to others are classic existential or spiritual needs. And even though we don't always verbalize it that way, most of us intuitively feel that this is important. About one-fifth of Danes have also reported a religious need—that is, a need directly related to belief in something greater. All of this we have now shown in numbers."
"When you think about how healthy it is to believe in something greater and experience meaning in life, I think it's important that we as healthcare professionals are interested in whether our patients have needs in these areas that we can address, especially when dealing with serious illness. Biomedical treatment is not enough. We must remember that we humans are more than just our physical bodies," says Stripp.
"This study supports the holistic approach that general practice sees as central and has been educating practicing physicians in for years. This approach should be disseminated and supported by the entire healthcare system."
"It is also a shift in the right direction for medical research that a respected journal like The Lancet addresses this topic," which is otherwise atypical, he believes.
Red meat compound linked to worse outcomes in heart failure patients
University of Leicester (UK), February 19, 2023 
A new study finds that worse outcomes in patients with acute heart failure are linked to higher levels of TMAO - the major source of which is thought to be L-carnitine, a compound that is metabolized by gut bacteria during the digestion of red meat.
Previous studies have linked TMAO (trimethylamine N-oxide) with higher risk of death in chronic heart failure, note the researchers, but their study appears to be the first to find such a link in patients with acute heart failure.
In the new study, led by Toru Suzuki, a professor in the cardiovascular sciences department at Leicester, the researchers measured circulating levels of TMAO in 972 patients admitted with heart failure to University Hospitals of Leicester National Health Service (NHS) Trust.
The results showed that acute heart failure patients who had higher levels of TMAO at the start of the period were the ones most likely to die or be rehospitalized with heart failure in the following 12 months.
Prof. Suzuki says:
Our study shows that higher levels of TMAO, a metabolite of carnitine derived from red meat, is associated with poorer outcomes associated with acute heart failure, one of the main diseases of the heart. This metabolic pathway provides a possible link between how red meat is associated with heart disease."
L-carnitine is one of a group of compounds with the generic name carnitine that are derived from an amino acid and are found in nearly all cells of the body. The name comes from the Latin for flesh - carnus - because it was first isolated from meat.
Red meat is not the only dietary source of carnitine - for example, milk, cheese, whole-wheat products and asparagus also contain it, but in much smaller concentrations. It is also a common ingredient of energy drinks.
Some research suggests the effect of bacteria metabolizing carnitine into TMAO and influencing heart risk appears to be more pronounced in people who consume meat than in vegans or vegetarians.
But it is early days, and the implications of these findings are not well understood and require more research.
For example, one area that is not clear is that while we know the process of converting L-carnitine into TMAO is different from person to person (depending on the microbe metabolism of their gut), does that mean we can say how much of the link to disease is due to diet (e.g. the red meat) and how much is due to the gut?
About Gary Null
An internationally renowned expert in the field of health and nutrition, Gary Null, Ph.D is the author of over 70 best-selling books on healthy living and the director of over 100 critically acclaimed full-feature documentary films on natural health, self-empowerment and the environment. He is the host of ‘The Progressive Commentary Hour” and “The Gary Null Show”, the country’s longest running nationally syndicated health radio talk show which can be heard daily on here on the Progressive Radio Network.
Throughout his career, Gary Null has made hundreds of radio and television broadcasts throughout the country as an environmentalist, consumer advocate, investigative reporter and nutrition educator. More than 28 different Gary Null television specials have appeared on PBS stations throughout the nation, inspiring and motivating millions of viewers. He originated and completed more than one hundred major investigations on health issues resulting in the use of material by 20/20 and 60 Minutes. Dr. Null started this network to provide his followers with a media outlet for health and advocacy. For more of Dr. Null’s Work visit the Gary Null’s Work Section or Blog.GaryNull.com In addition to the Progressive Radio Network, Dr. Null has a full line of all-natural home and healthcare products that can be purchased at his Online Store.
Find articles, videos, back radio broadcasts, books, and more at GaryNull.com.
Find Gary's vitamins and other supplements at Gary's Vitamin Closet.
Hear Gary's radio show weekdays at noon Eastern Time on PRN.live
While we have thoroughly researched the information we provide, and indicate its sources, information in this Gary Null Newsletter, and all Gary Null Newsletters, is for educational and informational purposes only, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or other condition. Consult your medical professional before choosing any treatment or course of action. Gary Null Newsletters are not liable for risks or issues associated with using or acting upon the information it provides.
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turisiancom · 1 year
TURISIAN.com – Dua kota yaitu Bandung, Jawa Barat dan Lombok Nusa Tenggara Barat akan menjadi lokasi penyelenggaraan roadshow Jakarta Muslim Fashion Week (JMFW) 2024. Di dua kota ini nantinya juga akan digelar seminar, kurasi serta inkubasi, selama berlangsungnya Road to JMFW. Dimana, acaranya mulai berlangsung Maret hingga September 2023. Jakarta Muslim Fashion Week sendiri merupakan kegiatan yang diinisiasi Kementerian Perdagangan dan KADIN. Dengan tujuan mempromosikan produk fesyen muslim (modest) Indonesia dan meningkatkan daya saing fesyen muslim lokal di pasar internasional. BACA JUGA: Kain Tenun Khas Gorontalo Menjadi Andalan di Indonesia Fashion Week 2023 Termasuk merealisasikan visi dan misi Indonesia untuk menjadi pusat fesyen muslim dunia. "Ini adalah inisiasi dari Kemendag dan KADIN, dan kami sangat mendukung karena ini ikut mempromosikan subsektor ekonomi kreatif. Yaitu produk fesyen muslim Indonesia agar lebih berdaya saing dan lebih eksis di pasar internasional," kata Menparekraf Sandiaga Uno seperti dikutip Turisian dari lamam resmi, Selasa 28 Maret 2023. Menparekraf Sandiaga mengatakan, kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat memperkuat posisi Indonesia dalam industri fesyen modest dunia. Sekaligus merealisasikan visi dan misi Indonesia menjadi pusat fesyen muslim dunia. BACA JUGA: Muslim Fashion Week Terbesar di BSD City Bakal Gebyar, Catat Jadwalnya Ini Target Ekspor Produk Kreatif "Di tahun 2023, target ekspor produk ekonomi kreatif Indonesia sebesar 26,5 miliar dolar AS. Dan fesyen adalah produk ekraf yang paling banyak menyumbang nilai ekspor sekitar 65 persen," ujar Sandiaga. Sementara itu, Deputi Bidang Ekonomi Digital dan Produk Kreatif Kemenparekraf Neil El Himam, menjelaskan pada rangkaian kegiatan Road to JMFW, pihaknya  turut berperan dalam seminar dan kurasi di 4 kota. Yaitu Banjarmasin, Bandung, Lombok dan Padang. Serta pelaksanaan inkubasi fesyen muslim di kota Bandung bekerja sama dengan Islamic Fashion Institute (IFI). BACA JUGA: Tren Fesyen Pria di Bulan Ramadhan, Ini Pilihannya “Kemenparekraf berkontribusi dalam hal penyelenggaraan roadshow seminar dan kurasi. Serta inkubasi di dua kota yaitu di Bandung dan Lombok. Jadi kita membantu seminar dan kurasi, serta inkubasi untuk peserta yang nantinya akan dihadirkan di JMFW 2024 pada bulan Oktober 2023," ujar Neil. Dibagian lain, Dirjen Pengembangan Ekspor Nasional Kemendag, Didi Sumedi, menyampaikan terima kasih atas dukungan yang menjadikan Jakarta Muslim Fashion Week menjadi bagian program di Kemenparekraf. "(JMFW) Ini adalah program yang sudah kita coba buatkan roadmap-nya dari mulai tahun 2021 sampai 2024,” katanya. “Di mana sesuai dengan arahan Presiden, kita ingin mendeklarasikan Indonesia sebagai pusat fesyen modest dunia," sambung Didi. Ia mengatakan, potensi ekspor fesyen modest Indonesia sangat tinggi. BACA JUGA: 5 Tips Tampil Fashionable di Musim Penghujan “Tidak hanya dari baju muslim, tapi juga termasuk alas kaki, perhiasan, dan kosmetik yang disatukan dalam satu ekosistem di JMFW," ujarnya. Ia mengungkapkan, untuk produk baju (gaun) muslim di tahun 2022, Kemendag mencatat nilai ekspornya kurang lebih 15 miliar dolar AS. "Belum dari alas kaki, perhiasan, dan kosmetik. Karenanya dengan target (nilai ekspor ekonomi kreatif) yang disampaikan, Insya Allah bisa tercapai," kata Didi. Turut hadir dalam kesempatan tersebut, Direktur Kuliner, Kriya, Desain dan Fesyen Kemenparekraf Yuke Sri Rahayu. ***
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Kriya Yoga — Sacred Science of God-Realization | 2021 SRF World Convocation
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gebo4482 · 3 years
Kriya | Official Trailer | Horror Brains
Dir: Sidharth Srinivasan Star: Avantika Akerkar / M.D. Asif / Kishan Bahurupiya
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omshantiomyoga · 3 years
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Namaste Yogis,
Our 200 hrs Hatha and Ashtanga Yoga residential Special course is for those who wish to learn and want to become qualified yoga alliance yoga trainers.
Course Date:
05th Dec to 30th Dec 2021
02nd Jan to 27th Jan 2022
01st Feb to 26th Feb 2022
Our Course Highlights for Rishikesh, India:
➡️ Our course duration is for 25 days
➡️ Learn and practice yoga with experienced master trainers in Rishikesh
➡️ You can be a registered yoga teacher (by yoga alliance USA) and teach yoga anywhere in the world after completion of our course
➡️ Our course is designed and provides the best syllabus in the world; based on Classical Asanas, Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series, Anatomy and Physiology Of Yogic Science, Mantra Chantings, The Science Of Breathing, Shat Kriyas, Yoga Philosophy Foundational Text Patanjali Yoga Sutras, Meditation, Yoga Nidra, And Yoga Teaching Methodology
➡️ 6 days a week, 6 to 7 hrs teaching sessions every day and Sunday is off
➡️ You can also join for our 100hrs intensive course (14 days) and another 100 hrs you can do any other time in our future training programs and then get the 200hr certification
➡️ The course includes two fresh Indian meals (brunch & dinner) in a day and one morning herbal tea and afternoon tea with a light snack.
➡️ 200 hrs Yoga TTC course fee is 1000 - 1500 USD depending on the choice of your Room facility
✔ Ashtanga primary series
✔ Hatha Yoga (Iyengar Style)
✔ 7 types of Pranayama and variations
✔ Foundational Yoga text Yoga Sutras and Bhagavat Gita
✔ Yoga Anatomy
✔ Alignment & Adjustment
✔ Meditation and Yog Nidra
✔ Mantra Yoga and Kirtan
✔ Shat Karma (Jal and sutra neti, kunjal, Nauli and Agni sara)
✔ Teaching Methodology and Lesson plans, and much more.
✔️ 𝐘𝐨𝐠𝐚 𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐟𝐞𝐞 𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐬:
✔ Free Wi-Fi access
✔ Twin sharing or single room
✔ Study material
✔ Hot water Facilities
✔ 2 fresh Yogic meals in a day
✔ 2 times tea and snack
✔ Weekend group sightseeing
𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐝uration:
200 hrs 𝟐5 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬.
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐝𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐬:
📞 +918979735058
WhatsApp: +918979735058
Website: www.omshantiomyoga.com
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bodyawarenyc · 3 years
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Thank you for the teachings that light the way. 🌞Thank you for the teachers who devoted themselves to the service of all. 💎❤️💎Thank you to the community. 🖐🏾🖐🏼🖐🏿🖐🏽🫀🫁🧠 One heart. One love. Thank you to the Sun. Thank you to the Moon. Thank you to the Earth. 🙏🏻Thank you to the One that illuminates and is beyond time. Thank you. I love you. Show me the way. 👁♾👁 follow @awgp_newyork to learn about GAYATRI. Follow @meridianyogatechnique for healing techniques. . 📸 @montystilson . Advanced Yoga Teacher Training this summer 2021. Last chance to do it Online!!! Check it out at @scienceofselfyoga - Learn to teach the Master Class, Meridians, Yin, Anatomy and Advanced Pranayama, Kriyas and Mantra. 👁 . For a complete directory of videos and online classes, use the Link in bio. To book a private session with me go to @meridianyogatechnique website. 🆘 LIVESTREAM links on the website - Weekly FREE Classes : 🟠Breath and Purification 30 min : M/W/F 10am EST 
🔴Meridian Yoga Therapy Sequence 70 min : Monday 11am, Tues 8am, Wed 6pm, Sat 10am EST 🟡Master Class 2 hrs: Wed 11am with @erin_bodyaware, Fri 8am, Sun 11am 🟢 Thursday 6-7pm Hip Opening @threejewelsnyc FREE ♥︎Youtube channel “BodyawareNewYork” for free videos . 👽SOS 300 hr YTT Summer 2021 weekends online! . 🖖🏽Meridian Yoga Technique @scienceofselfyoga 🤚 MYT 12-hr Online starts May 🖐🏽 MYT Level 1: August @cocoonportugalo 🖐🏽 MYT Level 1: September, 2021 Livestream 🖐🏽 MYT Level 1: self-paced Video version 
✋🏽MYT Level 2: June in Woodstock, October in Richmond . #yoga #vegan #meridians #emotions #chronicpain #chakras #energy #fitover40 https://www.instagram.com/p/CN5Av78gO0w/?igshid=96ghggm7hdvx
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theyoganews · 3 years
TheYogaNews.com:Ultimate Relaxing Bedtime Yoga For Beginners | No Yoga Mat Required (25-min)
New Post has been published on https://theyoganews.com/2021/09/01/theyoganews-comultimate-relaxing-bedtime-yoga-for-beginners-no-yoga-mat-required-25-min/
TheYogaNews.com:Ultimate Relaxing Bedtime Yoga For Beginners | No Yoga Mat Required (25-min)
Relaxing Bedtime – Yoga Goodnight Yoga. This gentle yoga sequence is a great practice to anyone feeling anxiety, stress, and tension in the mind or body. Use this relaxing practice before going to sleep and prepare yourself for a good nights rest. Remember to put on something comfortable. No mat needed! From my heart to yours, Namaste!
♥ GET MY FEEDBACK ON UR POSES: http://www.brettlarkin.com/uplifted/ ♥ FAST TRACK UR FLEXIBILITY – all my tips: http://www.brettlarkin.com/hacks
??Questions?? Join my Private Facebook Group to ask & I’ll answer http://bit.ly/brettyogagroup
♥ DOWNLOAD CLASSES: http://www.brettlarkin.com/yoga-video-downloads/
♥ BEGINNER YOGA CLASSES: http://www.brettlarkin.com/newbie ♥ ADVANCED YOGA CLASSES: http://bit.ly/AdvYoga
♥ GET YOUR YOGA GEAR AT YOGA OUTLET: http://bit.ly/yogaprops I ♥ them + they help support me, my channel & free yoga!!
✔ SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/SubBrett ✔ PODCAST: http://www.brettlarkin.com/podcast ✔ SNAPCHAT: @LarkinYogaTV ✔ INSTAGRAM: https://twitter.com/LarkinYogaTV ✔ WEBSITE: http://www.brettlarkin.com ✔ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/LarkinYoga ✔ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LarkinYogaTV
Many of my sequences and meditation are inspired by my beloved teachers: Alan Finger, Anodea Judith, Gurmukh, Rod Stryker, Elena Brower, Kia Miller and Guru Singh
Full Kundalini Kriyas are from KRI (Kundalini Research Institute), Kia Miller or Guru Singh.
Train with me and many of my favorite teachers at BrettLarkin.com Please consult your physician before taking on any new fitness regime. Video Rating: / 5
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yogainindia2022 · 3 years
The 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in India, India offered by Alakh Yoga School is fitting for yoga understudies, all things considered. The Yoga TTC will cover standard and dynamic Hatha Yoga acts like well as Ashtanga Yoga presents. The framework holds fast to rules by including subjects like asanas, pranayamas, kriyas, drones, mantras, contemplation, Anatomy and Physiology, Yoga Philosophy/Ethics/Lifestyle, and other ordinary yoga techniques.
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turisiancom · 1 year
TURISIAN.com – Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif (Kemenparekraf) mendukung penyelenggaraan Jakarta Muslim Fashion Week (JMFW) 2024. Salah satu dukungannya dengan menggelar Road to JMFW yang akan berlangsung mulai Maret hingga September 2023. JMFW sendiri merupakan kegiatan inisiasi dari Kementerian Perdagangan dan KADIN. Dengan tujuan mempromosikan produk fesyen muslim atau modest Indonesia dan meningkatkan daya saing fesyen muslim/modest lokal di pasar internasional. Termasuk merealisasikan visi dan misi Indonesia untuk menjadi pusat fesyen muslim/modest dunia. Dalam siaran pers Kemenparekraf, Menparekraf Sandiaga Uno mengungkapkan dukungan pihaknya terhadap event Jakarta Muslim Fashion Week 2024. Ia mengungkapkannya dalam acara "The Weekly Brief With Sandi Uno" yang berlangsung secara hybrid, Senin (27/3/2023). "Ini adalah inisiasi dari Kemendag dan KADIN, dan kami sangat mendukung karena ini ikut mempromosikan subsektor ekonomi kreatif. Yaitu produk fesyen muslim atua modest Indonesia agar lebih berdaya saing dan lebih eksis di pasar internasional," tutur Sandiaga. Lebih lanjut Sandiaga menyampaikan harapannya, bahwa Jakarta Muslim Fashion Week 2024 dapat memperkuat posisi Indonesia dalam industri fesyen modest dunia. Sekaligus merealisasikan visi dan misi Indonesia menjadi pusat fesyen muslim/modest dunia. "Di tahun 2023, target ekspor produk ekonomi kreatif Indonesia sebesar 26,5 miliar dolar AS. Dan fesyen adalah produk ekraf yang paling banyak menyumbang nilai ekspor sekitar 65 persen," sebutnya. Baca juga: Ini 4 Event Sport Tourism Indonesia jadi Prioritas Kemenparekraf 2023 Sementara itu, Deputi Bidang Ekonomi Digital dan Produk Kreatif Kemenparekraf, M. Neil El Himam menerangkan, pada rangkaian kegiatan Road to Jakarta Muslim Fashion Week (JMFW), Kemenparekraf turut berperan. Peran Kemenparekraf dalam seminar dan kurasi di 4 kota, yaitu Banjarmasin, Bandung, Lombok dan Padang. Serta pelaksanaan inkubasi fesyen muslim/modest di Kota Bandung bekerja sama dengan Islamic Fashion Institute (IFI). “Kemenparekraf berkontribusi dalam hal penyelenggaraan roadshow, seminar dan kurasi, serta inkubasi di dua kota yaitu di Bandung dan Lombok. Jadi kita membantu seminar dan kurasi, serta inkubasi untuk peserta yang nantinya akan dihadirkan di JMFW 2024 pada bulan Oktober 2023," papar Neil. Potensi Ekspor Fesyen Modest Indonesia Selanjutnya, Dirjen Pengembangan Ekspor Nasional Kemendag, Didi Sumedi mengucapkan rasa terima kasih. Atas dukungan yang menjadikan Jakarta Muslim Fashion Week menjadi bagian program di Kemenparekraf. "(JMFW) Ini adalah program yang sudah kita coba buatkan roadmap-nya dari mulai tahun 2021 sampai 2024. Di mana sesuai dengan arahan Presiden, kita ingin mendeklarasikan Indonesia sebagai pusat fesyen modest dunia," ungkap Didi. Masih menurutnya, potensi ekspor fesyen modest Indonesia sangat tinggi. Tidak hanya dari baju muslim, tapi juga termasuk alas kaki, perhiasan, dan kosmetik yang bersatu dalam satu ekosistem di Jakarta Muslim Fashion Week (JMFW). Didi juga mengatakan, untuk produk baju (gaun) muslim di tahun 2022, Kemendag mencatat nilai ekspornya kurang lebih 15 miliar dolar AS. Baca juga: Kemenparekraf Targetkan 45.000 Pekerja Pariwisata Tersertifikasi Kompetensi pada 2023 "Belum dari alas kaki, perhiasan, dan kosmetik. Karenanya dengan target (nilai ekspor ekonomi kreatif) yang disampaikan, Insya Allah bisa tercapai," ujarnya. Dalam kegiatan tersebut turut hadir Direktur Kuliner, Kriya, Desain dan Fesyen Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf, Yuke Sri Rahayu.*     Sumber & Foto: Kemenparekraf
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peaceyogaofficial · 4 years
Peace yoga retreat is known as one of the best Yoga retreats in India, we provide the best facilities and Yoga classes in India, whether it is ashtanga yoga, vinyasa flow, haha yoga. Meditation, etc. We have the best teacher available in India, and Now we are ready to serve you, online yoga classes, as well, you can learn from the best teachers now at you home.
Join this life-changing retreat to learn more about the yoga and meditation in the yoga world capital, Rishikesh! Experience a journey that will give you an opportunity to deepen your yoga practice on the banks of the holy Ganges River. This is a perfect retreat for those who have a great interest for physical appropriateness, mental health, and intellectual development but are unable to find the way to explore it. In this retreat, you will learn the compilation of such all advanced techniques as mind-body medicine. The technicality of modern understanding of the course can also be termed as the Mind Body Medicine (MBM). As these topics are formulated under the guidance of experts of energy medicine, physics, physiotherapy, and yoga, there will be a lot of benefits for you.
What's included
*accommodation * Pranic energization techniques and Reiki practices * Asana, pranayama, pranic energization techniques, massage techniques, and Reiki lessons * An excursion * Daily mantra chanting sessions, yoga and meditation classes * Free wi-fi, Library, Room with Attached washroom, Sight-seeing Trips * Mind Body Medicine courses * Three Vegetarian meals and Herbal Tea * Yoga materials (books, yoga t-shirt, and body cleansing kit (kriya kit))
3 Days Yoga Holidays in Rishikesh - 7 Days Yoga Holidays in Rishikesh 14 Days Yoga Holidays in Rishikesh 3 Days Detox Yoga Retreats in Rishikesh 7 Days Detox Yoga Retreats in Rishikesh 14 Days Detox Yoga Retreats in Rishikesh 200 hour Yoga teacher training in Rishikesh -
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