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orum · 2 years ago
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If you wander around @bonamatic at degnestavnen 17 you might encounter some weird flyers about the Mundane monsters posted near the supermarket, in the library or perhaps the the bus stop. With Qr codes that lead to augmented reality versions of the three Mundane Monsters Opening 17. February 5-7 pm 18. February til 18. March 2023 Kristoffer Ørum's exhibition poses a paradox and asks how we can get used to living in a world that is constantly changing with technological trends that constantly supplement, expand and reinforce the same reality with extra layers of information. Our everyday life is increasingly a mediated dimension that is permeated by the virtual and by digital systems; what yesterday was a disturbing future is what we fool around with today and voluntarily throw ourselves into. Three of Ørum's speculative monstrous beings from his performances, exhibitions and interventions are brought together to simultaneously popularize and problematize the relationship between nature, culture and technology. They are called forth from the cracks between the familiar and an imaginary world, the techno-scientific authoritative and a bizarre future fantasy. The title's English "mundane" contains an ambiguity, as the word means the everyday, while the Danish mondæn, which is also derived from mundus 'world', means something that rather belongs in the fine world. Rather than the unpredictable or yet imaginable future existing as a dark cage full of scary tomorrows piled together in a formless heap, the exhibition suggests new ways to consider familiar issues in the world we must constantly learn to live with . In the spatial installation, the physical world is combined with virtual data in 3D printed sculptures, augmented reality technology, video and wireless transmissions. The exhibition is accompanied by the website Mundanemonsters.oerum.org and a series of interventions in the local urban space. The exhibition is supported by The Danish Art Counsil. #kristofferorum #mundanemonsters #bonamatic @kristofferorum (at Bonamatic) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cow1jGJsFeU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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orum · 2 years ago
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See you tomorrow at @bonamatic Kristoffer Ørum: Mundane Monsters fernisering fredag 17-19 opening friday 5-7 pm #kristofferorum #mundanemonsters #bonamatic @kristofferorum (at Bonamatic) https://www.instagram.com/p/CovhSTJjqTx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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orum · 2 years ago
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Slowly getting there at Mundane Monsters Opening 17. February 5-7 pm 18. February til 18. March 2023 Kristoffer Ørum's exhibition poses a paradox and asks how we can get used to living in a world that is constantly changing with technological trends that constantly supplement, expand and reinforce the same reality with extra layers of information. Our everyday life is increasingly a mediated dimension that is permeated by the virtual and by digital systems; what yesterday was a disturbing future is what we fool around with today and voluntarily throw ourselves into. Three of Ørum's speculative monstrous beings from his performances, exhibitions and interventions are brought together to simultaneously popularize and problematize the relationship between nature, culture and technology. They are called forth from the cracks between the familiar and an imaginary world, the techno-scientific authoritative and a bizarre future fantasy. The title's English "mundane" contains an ambiguity, as the word means the everyday, while the Danish mondæn, which is also derived from mundus 'world', means something that rather belongs in the fine world. Rather than the unpredictable or yet imaginable future existing as a dark cage full of scary tomorrows piled together in a formless heap, the exhibition suggests new ways to consider familiar issues in the world we must constantly learn to live with . In the spatial installation, the physical world is combined with virtual data in 3D printed sculptures, augmented reality technology, video and wireless transmissions. The exhibition is accompanied by the website Mundanemonsters.oerum.org and a series of interventions in the local urban space. The exhibition is supported by The Danish Art Counsil. #kristofferorum #mundanemonsters #bonamatic @kristofferorum (at Bonamatic) https://www.instagram.com/p/Corp7efstxL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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orum · 2 years ago
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And the laser cut logo is up at @bonamatic Kristoffer Ørum: Mundane Monsters Opening 17. February 5-7 pm 18. February til 18. March 2023 Kristoffer Ørum's exhibition poses a paradox and asks how we can get used to living in a world that is constantly changing with technological trends that constantly supplement, expand and reinforce the same reality with extra layers of information. Our everyday life is increasingly a mediated dimension that is permeated by the virtual and by digital systems; what yesterday was a disturbing future is what we fool around with today and voluntarily throw ourselves into. Three of Ørum's speculative monstrous beings from his performances, exhibitions and interventions are brought together to simultaneously popularize and problematize the relationship between nature, culture and technology. They are called forth from the cracks between the familiar and an imaginary world, the techno-scientific authoritative and a bizarre future fantasy. The title's English "mundane" contains an ambiguity, as the word means the everyday, while the Danish mondæn, which is also derived from mundus 'world', means something that rather belongs in the fine world. Rather than the unpredictable or yet imaginable future existing as a dark cage full of scary tomorrows piled together in a formless heap, the exhibition suggests new ways to consider familiar issues in the world we must constantly learn to live with . In the spatial installation, the physical world is combined with virtual data in 3D printed sculptures, augmented reality technology, video and wireless transmissions. The exhibition is accompanied by the website Mundanemonsters.oerum.org and a series of interventions in the local urban space. The exhibition is supported by The Danish Art Counsil. #kristofferorum #mundanemonsters #bonamatic @kristofferorum https://www.instagram.com/p/CopQjAsMdQc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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orum · 2 years ago
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Let the games begin - ready for installation at @bonamatic Kristoffer Ørum: Mundane Monsters Opening 17. February 5-7 pm 18. February til 18. March 2023 The exhibition is supported by The Danish Art Counsil. #kristofferorum #mundanemonsters #bonamatic @kristofferorum https://www.instagram.com/p/Coo3IDMM9yA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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orum · 6 years ago
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On 7 June at 3 pm, Galleri Image invites you to the book launch of New Tactics - moving in a soft field at Lokale in Copenhagen. The book that features an interview with me will be introduced by the editor Kirstine Autzen. The event is a part of the Copenhagen Photo Festival program https://buff.ly/2HZC5Nc Putin's nose by Kristoffer Ørum. DKK 800 #kristofferorum #PutinsNose #contemporaryart #art #kunst #putin #artwork #artist #instaart #putinsnæse @kristofferorum https://www.instagram.com/p/ByFDMH3jdiM/?igshid=egudyjlqzvcg
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orum · 3 years ago
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repost via @instarepost20 from @artweek.nu Dyk ind i det virtuelle parallelunivers og spring ud i en fuld sanselig immersionsoplevelse med disse tre udstillinger, hvor VR-teknologi indtager kunsten. Tag forbi Friisland @liveart.dk og oplev @taiwoaiyedogbon med VR-performancen Gèlèdè. @denfrieudstillingsbygning præsenterer udstillingen 'Billeder fra Fremtiden' med 6 danske samtidskunstnere @anne.haaning @jens_settergren @kristofferorum, og duoen @astrup_bordorff samt #Rikke Luther. @fotografiskcenter byder på udstillingen 'Osmose' af @chardavies og en Art Talk med Davies og @jakob_kudsk_steensen . #artweeknu #artweek2022 #virtualreality #arttalk (at Den Frie Udstilling) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cdqn1OWMNFP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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orum · 3 years ago
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Reposted from @gammelgaardkunst Weekend på Kunstnernes Kunst, hvor vi dykker ned i kunstsamlingerne fra 11 danske samtidskunstnere i samspil med deres egne værker. Her er det samlingen fra Jesper Fabricius, der finder inspiration i alt fra Putins næse af @kristofferorum til Märklin modeltogvogn af @albertmertz.dk. ---- #gammelgaardkunst #kunstnerneskunst #udstilling #samling #kunstsamling #jesperfabricius #samtidskunst #kunst #maleri #grafik #skulptur #fotografi #video #contemporaryart #art #painting #prints #sculpture #photography #installation (at Gammelgaard Kunst & Kultur) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaKIEQQsNVc/?utm_medium=tumblr
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orum · 3 years ago
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Reposted from @kunsthalaarhus Lige nu kan du i Kunsthallen opleve 'Billeder fra Fremtiden' – et formidlingsprojekt, der gennem 2022 giver udskolingselever og deres lærere muligheden for at møde seks danske samtidskunstnere og deres værker gennem Virtual Reality🔷 ⁠ ⁠ Til VR-videoerne følger et undervisningshæfte med arbejdsopgaver funderet i folkeskolens Fælles Mål. Eksempler kunne være Rikke Luthers værk 'Overspill: Universal Map', der lægger op til en række overvejelser om naturens ressourcer, de såkaldte 'global commons', eller Kristoffer Ørums 3-D scannede 'Signal_Crayfish', som sætter gang i en samtale om elevernes oplevelser med at blive observeret og (mis)forstået af computerteknologier🦞⁠ ⁠ I samspil skal VR-videoerne og undervisningsmaterialet være med til at åbne nye perspektiver hos eleverne, som de sammen med deres lærere kan bruge til at udveksle tanker om nutiden og visioner for fremtiden🌌⁠ ⁠ Og selv hvis du forlængst skulle være gået ud af skolen, er du mere end velkommen til at se ind i 'Billeder fra Fremtiden'🔭⁠ ⁠ LINK I BIO FOR MERE INFORMATION OM PROJEKTET OG TILMELDING⁠ ⁠ 📷 Billedkunsthold fra Hornslet Skole var nogle af de første til at prøve 'Billeder fra Fremtiden'⁠ ⁠ #billederfrafremtiden #kunsthalaarhus #samtidskunst #contemporaryart #folkeskolen #vr #visitaarhus #voresøstjylland #virtualreality #rikkeluther @astrup_bordorff @anne.haaning @kristofferorum @jens_settergren@kunstmuseum_brandts ⁠ @denfrieudstillingsbygning @kunsthal6100 @kunsthal_nord @kunsthal44moen (at KUNSTHAL AARHUS) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZghFoHMni4/?utm_medium=tumblr
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orum · 3 years ago
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Reposted from @kunsthalaarhus Lige nu kan du i Kunsthallen opleve 'Billeder fra Fremtiden' – et formidlingsprojekt, der gennem 2022 giver udskolingselever og deres lærere muligheden for at møde seks danske samtidskunstnere og deres værker gennem Virtual Reality🔷 ⁠ ⁠ Til VR-videoerne følger et undervisningshæfte med arbejdsopgaver funderet i folkeskolens Fælles Mål. Eksempler kunne være Rikke Luthers værk 'Overspill: Universal Map', der lægger op til en række overvejelser om naturens ressourcer, de såkaldte 'global commons', eller Kristoffer Ørums 3-D scannede 'Signal_Crayfish', som sætter gang i en samtale om elevernes oplevelser med at blive observeret og (mis)forstået af computerteknologier🦞⁠ ⁠ I samspil skal VR-videoerne og undervisningsmaterialet være med til at åbne nye perspektiver hos eleverne, som de sammen med deres lærere kan bruge til at udveksle tanker om nutiden og visioner for fremtiden🌌⁠ ⁠ Og selv hvis du forlængst skulle være gået ud af skolen, er du mere end velkommen til at se ind i 'Billeder fra Fremtiden'🔭⁠ ⁠ LINK I BIO FOR MERE INFORMATION OM PROJEKTET OG TILMELDING⁠ ⁠ 📷 Billedkunsthold fra Hornslet Skole var nogle af de første til at prøve 'Billeder fra Fremtiden'⁠ ⁠ #billederfrafremtiden #kunsthalaarhus #samtidskunst #contemporaryart #folkeskolen #vr #visitaarhus #voresøstjylland #virtualreality #rikkeluther @astrup_bordorff @anne.haaning @kristofferorum @jens_settergren@kunstmuseum_brandts ⁠ @denfrieudstillingsbygning @kunsthal6100 @kunsthal_nord @kunsthal44moen (at KUNSTHAL AARHUS) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZghFoHMni4/?utm_medium=tumblr
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orum · 3 years ago
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Reposted from @writeandwright Jeg er så bestyrket over at @statenskunstfond og @bikubenfonden_kunst har valgt at støtte vores tværkunstneriske projekt "PATRIARKEN - et post-mortem retsopgør" med produktionsstøtte! Et projekt i krydsfeltet mellem immersiv scenekunst, digital kunst og ny dramatik. Af Scenekunstner Eja Due Digital Kunstner Kristoffer Ørum Dramatiker Anna Skov Produceret af : @teaterbaest @ejarmdue @kristofferorum -------- Overjoyed that The Danish Arts Foundation and Bikubenfonden has decided to back our project "The Patriark - a post-mortem court drama" A project in the intersection between immersive performance, digital art and new writing. By Performer Eja Due Digital Artist Kristoffer Ørum Playwright Anna Skov Produced by Teater Bæst #immersive #immersivetheatre #digitalart #newwriting #playwright #playwrightsofinstagram #writersofinstagram #statenskunstfond #bikubenfonden #teaterbæst (at Patriarch) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZeWOpQMBP0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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orum · 3 years ago
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Going on a short improvised ( and covid related) break next week, apologies for any unanswered emails and calls, but I am currently busy being tired. See you soon #pleaseleaveamessageafterthetone #vacationreply (at Asserbo Plantage) https://www.instagram.com/kristofferorum/p/CZBxZl0M8No/?utm_medium=tumblr
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orum · 3 years ago
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A gift from Otto and three of his school mates for their favorite role playing afterschool person, who has made the lockdown a lot more bearable for them with a series of long online roles playing sessions. Surviving and perhaps even thriving within educational instutions depends so much on finding people who give you shelter from evaluation structures and space for communites to form. #thekidsarealright #rpg (at Fantasy Land) https://www.instagram.com/kristofferorum/p/CY9kGpassRN/?utm_medium=tumblr
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orum · 3 years ago
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Slovenian poet Srečko Kosovels budget poem #tankhiphop #sreckokosovel #research (at Slovenia) https://www.instagram.com/kristofferorum/p/CYa0nRHsTL1/?utm_medium=tumblr
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orum · 3 years ago
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The augmented reality version of the Kolding Creature is still up and running at #borchsgaard in Kolding, Denmark, powered by @hololink.io - it is a beast in a construction site among delivery trucks, and people shopping for in the nearby city center . A part of @radiuskolding organised by @trapholt and @kolding. Link in bio to the website where you can also try out the ar version at home using your computer and mobile device. #TheKoldingCreature #augmentedreality #cryptozoology #3dscanning #urbanmyth 9w https://www.instagram.com/kristofferorum/p/CYQ8Y33N5P_/?utm_medium=tumblr
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orum · 3 years ago
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Tank - revue internationale de l'art vivant was among the most popular HipHop magazine in Slovenia of the 1990ie, and along with the international English language magazines that also became available at that time. It swas published by Ferdinand Delak in Ljubljana and edited by him and Avgust Černigoj. Two multilingual issues were published, third banned. #AugustoCernigoi #AvgustČernigoj #tankhiphop #workinprogress #statenskunstfond #counterfactual #retroavangarde #hiphop #slovenia #ifeelslovenia #thisisnothistory https://www.instagram.com/kristofferorum/p/CX2_9YOsyLv/?utm_medium=tumblr
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