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orum · 4 years ago
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A Prime Ministerial speech - combining all the frames of the official broadcast of the Danish prime ministers new year speech into a single 3d model. #workinprogress #nasalspace #workinprogress #mandatedFaces #AnExpressionOfAuthority #putinsnose #mettefrederiksen #statsminister https://www.instagram.com/p/CHyf0g6BTvC/?igshid=sj8s8aolmqvx
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orum · 3 years ago
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This is me prepping a short talk next week at THE COLLECTIVE BODY DISMEMBERED conference on Histories of Art, ­Identities and the War in Ukraine. at @smkmuseum Dressed (virtually) as one the traditional danish hot buns that i remember that my family bought, each and every year, on occasion of the national public holiday called "Great Prayer Day", but that no one quite seemed to knew what to with or particularly enjoyed. A small feeling of not quite belonging, or for that matter wanting to belong, to a single national narrative or tradition. The privileged of being able to pass as a native, without ever feeling obliged to feel or act like one. A feeling that is, at least partially, the legacy of my Russian grandmother flight from a Russia whose traditions had been forgotten by the time I was born. An wonderment at local danish customs and a way of remaining unsettled, that I think holds value and is worth holding on to and even nurturing. Tuesday 31 May 2022, (9:00–18:00) at the National Gallery of Denmark #putinsnose #hutbuns #hveder #stayingwiththetrouble #ukraine #blahblahblah (at SMK - Statens Museum for Kunst) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd-gOcatyFD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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orum · 3 years ago
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Appearing in a panel alongside my mother Tania for the first time ever, to talk, amongst other things, about her mother, my grandmother, Marina who fled Russia on one of the last ships out of Crimea in 1920. It's a part of the symposium The Collective Body. Dismembered - Kunsthistorier, identiteter og krigen i Ukraine at @smkmuseum on the 31st of may. 9:00 - 18:00 . There is a link in my bio for the sign-up page, https://billetto.dk/e/symposium-the-collective-body-dismembered-billetter-636462 #putinsnose #blahblahblah https://www.instagram.com/p/CdLC9AZMgvz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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orum · 3 years ago
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This snapchat filter has been online for about a year, and but today got removed "due to a technical issue that has resulted in us being unable to review your submission." I find it hard to believe that this happened by chance on the on a same day the Russian military crossed into Ukraine, it is the price of using critique adverse surveillance capitalist platforms such as snap chat and thus it beautiful illustrates the "allergic" reactions that surround the many ways in which putins facical features have become a politicized symbol. An artificial face completely shaped by extensive cosmetic surgery is the and used as an image to promote corse national stereotypes and fear of "the other" both the in freer western media and the domestic Russian propaganda. #snapchatcensorship #putinsnose #accordingtothenose #faceofanation #imagepolitics (at Snapchat) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaYC9RaMUi8/?utm_medium=tumblr
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orum · 3 years ago
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This is a glitchy 3d scan of an hour long speech by Russian President Vladimir Putin announcing that he would recognize the independence of the separatist republics of Donetsk and Luhansk in Ukraine’s Donbas region. A one hour long broadcast condensed into a 3 dimensional figure that has very little human semblance. It contains just a faint trace of the presidents actual face, embedded in what might look like a piece of flint, or perhaps a fragment from a ruined palace – A fragment of a ruined empire of the past, its face is no longer recognizable or representative of anything decipherable, but still imbued with a sense of past authority. If nothing else then solely by virtue of the fact that I have just told you this was 3d scan of the Russian president who face is so often said to represent something innately Russian. #putinsnose #ukranie #Donbas #Luhansk #computervision #3dscan (at Kremlin Moscow) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaXG28lNaZF/?utm_medium=tumblr
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orum · 3 years ago
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This is an average of an hour long speech by Russian President Vladimir Putin announcing that he would recognize the independence of the separatist republics of Donetsk and Luhansk in Ukraine’s Donbas region. A one hour long broadcast of facial movements, freed from their staged surroundings and condensed into a single roundfaced, ghostly and somewhat vulnerable-looking image. #putinsnose #ukranie #Donbas #Luhansk #computervision (at Kremlin Moscow) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaW0SdbNfxI/?utm_medium=tumblr
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orum · 3 years ago
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Isn't it nice to know that we are all being watched over in this global health crisis? Show your support of mass surveillance, intelligence gathering and transnational data sharing by purchasing this mask. It sports a decorative and slightly modified logo of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. If you look closely you will notice that the image of a nose has replaced both Saint George in the Coat of arms of Russia, and what appeared to have been a bomb, in the center of the GRU logo. Price 100 DDK / 15 euro including shipping within Europe (and a free sticker or two). message me for payment details #multiple #putinsnose #mask #GRU #russia #surveilance #accordingtothenose #followyournose #nasal.space (at Kremlin, Moskow) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXBmVmzNn-O/?utm_medium=tumblr
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orum · 7 years ago
Her I am, talking about reconstructing my grandmothers nose using neutral networks from a photograph taken on my 15th birthday at the #fotobiennalen 2018 post photography seminar. Explaining how the that the statically reconstructed nose has now taken the place of the few memories I previously had of what her nose looked like.all while facial recognition software translates my facial features onto a cartoon face. #postphotography #PutinsNose #facialrecognition #fotografiskcenter #galleriimage (at DGI-byen) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnLj0pwA5Kx/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1j7bv688qen4n
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orum · 4 years ago
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The world telegraph widely uses Morse code for Latin letters. There is a variant of the alphabet for Russian letters. The Russian alphabet of 33 letters is represented by 32 different Morse codes (e = e). When compiling the Russian Morse code, the outlines of Russian letters were taken into account. The picture shows the "connection" of the codes with the outline of the letters. #putinsnose #russianmorsecode #research https://www.instagram.com/p/CSKiKc6tImk/?utm_medium=tumblr
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orum · 4 years ago
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The Russian presidents face on the cover of an old edition of Guardian Weekly discussing the future of democracy in Russia. Like many times before in the mainstream media putins face becomes an llustration of an abstract notion of Russian identity and destiny As if to equate the facial features of a single human to that of the multitude of human and nonhuman systems that make up a state. A sort modern hyper physigonomy where the facial features of a head of state is s thought to determins a whole nation's character or personality. #putinsnose #physiognomy (at Copenhagen) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSFF2ENMDHo/?utm_medium=tumblr
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orum · 4 years ago
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My studio mate Michael sporting one of the masks for the audio walk According to the nose next week at @lokale_27 #performanceprotocols #gåprotokoller #accordingtothenose #3dprint #putinsnose #mask #walkingprotocols Tak til @statenskunstfond og Københavns kunstråd (her: LOKALE) https://www.instagram.com/p/COPpTOJBmBy/?igshid=2ytmmsoce1xj
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orum · 4 years ago
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3d printed hand sanitizer bottle for the forthcoming performance According to the nose at @lokale_27. Used to disinfect mask between uses a part of the show walking protocols organised by performance protocols at the start of may. #putinsnose #smellmap #nasalspace #workinprogress #gåprotokoller #performanceprotocols #deafdumbandnasal (her: LOKALE) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNnX4xBBqCg/?igshid=5xjya195d3bd
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orum · 4 years ago
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Humans beings are error-prone and biased, but algorithms are no better. Various technologies such as computer vision are already making important decisions about your life. Potentially deciding whether you are breaking the law or not, paying your parking fees and sorting your trash. Unseen, proprietary and unaccountable systems make many such decisions all around us, every day. And they are as biased as those build them. They reflect how and where they were developed, and the world-view of those who authored them. Typically, you only know the end result: how it has affected you, and you got the loan you were asking for, or potentially a fine for not wearing a mask, even if you’re were never aware that AI or an algorithm was used in the first place. #facialrecognition #facemask #mettefrederiksen #alandscapeofanonymousnoses #accordingtothenose #workinprogress #putinsnose #nasalspace https://www.instagram.com/p/CMkUi55hZvl/?igshid=m0qfguo5z9uc
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orum · 4 years ago
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The nose of the head of government in Denmark reconstructed by hallucinating the edges of the regions of the face covered by a mask and subsequently filling these missing parts based on images of celebrities. A series of mathematical operations carried out by a statistical system that it self has no nose, but was itself programmed by a group of humans with both faces and noses at university of Toronto. #facialrecognition #facemask #mettefrederiksen #alandscapeofanonymousnoses #accordingtothenose #workinprogress #putinsnose #nasalspace (her: Vallensbæk station) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMkC-50Bpkd/?igshid=12r2cijuwu60l
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orum · 4 years ago
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Have you ever wondered why someone in charge of something is called the "head" of said entity? And if someone is indeed the head of something, have you ever wondered what part of them constitutes the nose of, for example, the Danish health authority? #thebodypolitic #alandscapeofanonymousnoses #putinsnose #workinprogress (her: Copenhagen) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMMIpG8hqPG/?igshid=h80o47onjqqs
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orum · 4 years ago
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What is a nose without its companion features? #headsofstate #putinsnose #alandscapeofanonymousnoses https://www.instagram.com/p/CMKCsp_rthh/?igshid=1b7gc39lpcuk4
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