#kris qna
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mosslover999 · 2 days ago
q: kris what is your favorite noise
a: a a a a a a a a h that one
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themadzarka · 1 year ago
Deltarune Self-Insert Mod (DR-SIM) is a Deltarune AU in-development with its main major change being that the player and the vessel are the same person, instead of Kris being controlled by their own SOUL.
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Reddit mini-Ask Series / RedSoul Introduction (discontinued/non-canon)
Party Bad Omen (in-progress)
Is this actually a fangame/Deltarune mod?
How long has DR-SIM been in development?
Despite the title of the AU, this isn't a fangame nor a mod. It's a YouTube animated series in development. Currently there isn't any way to follow the main story.
A full year (post updated in 03/2024). The concept, theme and story took me a long time to properly flesh out. Hallucinating a Deltarune AU to the same J-pop songs over and over demands a lot of energy, you know?
Who is Pinkle?
Is Pinkle YOUR self-insert?
Pinkle(OC) is the main character of DR-SIM. She steals Kris' role in this AU, being taken into the Dreemurr family instead and leading both Susie and Ralsei as the main trio.
Where is Kris in this AU?
Who's Kris?
Why does Pinkle look like [insert character here]?
It's intentional.
What is the main story of the AU?
Pretty much Deltarune's story but with a valley emo girl as the protagonist.
That's it...?
Obviously I wouldn't leave it like that, the storyline also features a sub-plot happening a few years into the past, which is why there's a lot of young Asriel and Pinkle art on this blog.
Are Pinkle and Asriel siblings?
As much as Pinkle likes to refer to Toriel and Asgore as mom and dad, she doesn't like the idea of Asriel being her brother, to his dismay. He learned to accept that (she's gonna be creepy either way).
What are the headcanons featured in this AU?
I try to be close to the original Deltarune as possible, leaving its mysteries unsolved unless the plot calls for an answer, although anything added from me will be discussed and be considered exclusive to DR-SIM.
Do existing characters get redesigns?
Most of them only get tweaks, but a lucky few need more attention for the sake of storytelling. (ie: Ralsei)
Aside from Pinkle, are there going to be other original characters?
If there are, they need to wait for their turn, we already have a very colorful cast of characters from the original game.
Any ships?
Although this AU was born from a very restless hyperfixation on a ship, romance is not a focus.
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science2048-abandoned · 1 year ago
Kris x ralsei
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*(Kris sprites by UnLuckyClover)
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cinnamuff · 7 months ago
Something I'd love to do during the next SQ hiatus (not anytime soon!) is to share like lil infographics of the planets and aliens that the crew would encounter during their quest!
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akanemnon · 6 months ago
Ok I understand I'm going way back but here
During the second QnA when Chara gets asked who would they turn into God they lift up their hair as if their aware about Kris and Frisk's back hair being red due to their SOUL and theirs being just black due to not having a SOUL so I gotta ask you this
Can the characters see the red back hair or is it only us?
They can, yes.
Like with most of these quirks, monsters assume it's just a human thing. Which in THIS CASE it actually is! Monsters not knowing anything about humans is kind of a running gang in this series. Like mitosis.
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silly-salty-utdr-rants · 8 months ago
copy pasting my knight papyrus take from my main
ok so im bored and i know no one will probably read this so im gonna lay out my papyrus knight theory/au timeline
for simplicity ill break it into three segments: what happened before to set up this chain of events, how and why papyrus does it, and bare bones evidence
1 before deltarune
generally this is working off my "gaster is bad at math theory" which, to summarize, basically says gaster started as a scientist in deltarune with 2 kids (sans and paps) accidentily fucks up the math and teleports to undertale, uses deltarunes superior tech to create the core, fucks up the math and falls in, frisk/player pulls up, after a bit sans and paps dip but gaster fucks up the math postmortem and they get stuck in deltarune resulting in papyrus becoming a hermit who accidentally opens a darkworld in his closet and then does the fucking grinch smile and causes a ruckus
2 why tho
how papyrus does it: something something prophecy, destiny, gaster fuckery, what have you. effectively via the same plot convenient saving grace that allows us to close the darkworlds and control kris
why does he do it: same reason he spares frisk in geno. he sees that characters like kris, berdly, susie and noelle and knows that they can do better, they just need to try. and what better reason to try than life threatening adventure? (sidenote: i fucking despise when people make the excuse of "Oh HeS bEiNg ~MaNiPuLaTeD~ bY ______" like no shut up let papyrus be morally ambiguous dammit) he is also likely aware of the titan situation and is just deadass like "NO I CAN TAKE THEM IN A 1V1 I THINK" also it makes sense narratively due to his incomplete character arc
the closet the chapter 2 darkworld was likely started from can fit and i quote "a large person" (especially combined with the skeletons in my closet line in undertale), he has been set up by sans to have a late game appearance, no alibis in chapter 1 or 2, in chapter 2 the "trousling bones" mentioned when interacting with the door of sans' house grows distant as another darkworld closes, as mentioned in section 2 his arc is still incomplete and as mentioned in my papyrus backstory post we dont even have a clue as to half the shit he's hiding, as a more meta reason bonetrousle was originally the main theme of deltarune, the "secret name" line from papyrus qna 2, the jevil reference dialogue in papyrus qna 2, and probably the most solid motive out of the candidates. that being the fact he believes so much in that people can do good if they try, to exercise that from a more cynical perspective of these beliefs (i.e people wont try unless they have to) could look like forcing them by way of obscure supernatural prophecy and lifechanging perilous adventure
bonus: why other candidates are dumb
gerson is fucking dead
gaster, while likely behind the secret bosses, seems a bit occupied with fucking with reality and would rather cast someone else (like his son????)
dess is currently entangled in the code and likely cant have much effect on the actual world
mrs. holiday seems like a better candidate for character development by darkworld than creator of darkworld
asriel is at college
kris has been controlled by us for most of the game and i aint see them open a darkworld beyond the one post chapter 2
player, i dont know about you guys, but i have not opened a darkworld
new character sounds REALLY boring tbh
ralsei, rouxls, and any darkner candidate are ruled out due to queens speech
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wpmz · 5 months ago
a little ramble about the "ralsei is kris's old horn headband" theory (and why i don't think it's true):
i think the biggest issue i have with it/piece of evidence against it is the darkners are shown to have some memory of when they're objects. for example, chapter 1 darkners like seam and the spade king talk about being abandoned by the lightners, i.e. being left in the abandoned classroom, sweet cap'n cakes talk about what queen was like before the fountain showed up in their shop dialogue, in the spamton sweepstakes twitter qna it's implied that spamton knows noelle because she would always check her spam email despite this being well before the chapter 2 dark fountain could have been created, and there's probably others that i'm not thinking of off the top of my head.
so keeping all that in mind, if ralsei were the headband i feel like there would be some implication of him recognizing kris or at least having known lightners previously, but instead he talks about never having had friends before and waiting his whole life in castle town for the heroes in the prophecy to show up. this would only really make sense to me if he spent all his time as an object in the supply closet, or what feels more likely to me, that he is purely darkness, purely imagination, and not tied to an object at all.
i guess you could say that maybe ralsei forgot or lost his memories, or was told by someone else that he has to keep his identity a secret, but to me there just currently isn't enough evidence for why that would be the case, at least compared to what feels like the simpler explanation that being an object just might not apply to him, in the same way that turning to stone doesn't apply to him or being able to travel to other dark worlds does. ralsei is more different from the other darkners than he is similar in a lot of regards, and i think it would make sense for there to be a slightly deeper explanation for that than simply the fact that he's from the castle town fountain.
of course none of this explains why he's implied to look like asriel, which i think is the question most easily answered by the theory that ralsei is the headband. my best guess right now would be that it has something to do with connecting him to kris who is in turn connected with the player, but honestly i don't have much in terms of ideas on this one, at least until we possibly learn more about how ralsei or castle town even came to exist in the first place.
and of course, all of that said, this is all still just a theory and maybe i'm wrong! even while typing this up and thinking of possible counterarguments i've considered things i didn't think of before, and i do think it's a cute headcanon and it'd be fun if it did somehow end up being true, even if i don't think it's the most likely explanation at this point.
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v3eil · 11 months ago
So um, reading over the Umbrashard QNA, I found funny that both times Kris and Birdly I mean Berdly we're asked about each other they say:
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(Also, I put no real effort on Kris since they just didn't worked like I wanted to so clear anatomy and accurate dress structure go down the drain.)
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boopshoops · 11 months ago
Yay yay tcoav qna!!!! I still have one more chapter left to read, but I’m super curious about the magic aspect of Yuu Shi’s homeland!! So far we know it’s been banned for like a longggg time, but magic deffo exists. How did it get banned? And regarding that, what does NRC in Yuu Shi’s universe even teach since it’s probs not a prestigious magic school?? I kinda just want to know the similarities and differences between twisted wonderland and Yuu Shi’s world
Also, I didn’t leave any comments on ao3, but ur writing style’s wonderful!! the pov switching is really smooth and not confusing to me at all, and i love how you characterized the staff members given the super limited information about them in game (in contrast to the students’, at least). Can’t wait to see and read more of it and how it differs from the game!! It’s so good so far!!!!
HELLO KRIS!!! kfndjsgjdndk 😭🥺💕💕 im SO glad you're enjoying the fic thus far. I've put a ton of research into the teachers and students alike in order to feel more confident writing them- it was my first time writing characters that i didn't make myself!!!!
As far as Dusk Summit goes, I DO eventually plan on making a post explaining it a bit more... but thats a long ways out as I'd have go learn how tf to draw maps KFNFNDN so there will eventually be a lore and aesthetic dump FJDNDJFJ
Magic in Dusk Summit is a rather tricky subject, some people partially agree that the land claims it as "dangerous," while others think its some weird form at garnering control over the citizens. It is a very... strict place, so to speak.
The main reason that magic has been banned has actually been long forgotten, both by the people themselves and the ones who rule. (Ofc i know the reason but thats entering big spoiler territory ehehe >:))) Therefore, it was simply watered down to "magic=danger!!!" Over time.
Even then they are not particularly wrong- given that in Yuu Shi's world, the outside lands still DO practice magic. She just doesn't know jack shit about it due to being raised inside the Dusk Summit. It's because that magic is still practiced in other countries that the rulers are able to handpick tragedies and push the 'magic?!?! bad!!!' propaganda.
The main differences between the two worlds of Twisted Wonderland is that basically, if you look on a globe, her homeland has poofed out of existence. Everything else is still there.
As for why that seems to be one of the only differences, i'll expand on that in later chapters mwahahaha- everything isnt as it seems, ofc!!
QnA is still open ofc! Come at me yall-
Also old doodle bonus weeee
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Tag list 💛
@thehollowwriter @distant-velleity @lowcallyfruity @cecilebutcher @skriblee-ksk
@kitwasnothere @justm3di0cr3
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local-art-class · 6 months ago
Welcome to class!
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About the blog!
Hello! This blog is mostly to help guide new artists, or even just artists looking to improve!
I want this blog to be like a free art class! Accessable to everyone at anytime!
From character illustration to basic sewing, I want to inspire and help young artists! Especially those who don't have access to specialized art classes!
Subject Links n Tags!
Plz stay tuned!!
About Me!
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H! I'm Kris! I'm 19 and use They/he/it pronouns
I'm a digital artist from Canada, who started drawing almost 9 years ago! I've had the privilege of going to a vocational school with specialized art programs, and I've also been to accepted into a Game Art college course (though I dropped out after 1 semester-)
Since I was in highschool, I wanted to be an art teacher. However, I do not do well in a school environment (a mix of mental illness and possible undiagnosed AuDHD), I didn't even make it through college.
I still wanted to teach, so this blog was born!
#mx. kris - general
#art class - art advice and other similar things
#qna - asks
#class dismissed - not art advice related
#show the class! - reblogs
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mosslover999 · 3 days ago
you know what most of these questions suck I should do my own q a i'll answer some stuff about myself, the things that the people REALLY want to know
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cillpiines · 3 months ago
I probably won't be able to make the Zed qna tomorrow, but I think someone should ask about what's going on with the Kris and Jack channel memberships.........please
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science2048-abandoned · 1 year ago
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quinnysnursery · 5 months ago
Had a dream that Sam and Colby came to a theater near me last night playing their movie and after they did a QnA like Kris and Celina did for their movie
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ask-kfc-gang · 1 year ago
Chara: Aughh, when can we get started? I'm so bored!
Frisk: I'm not sure we can start if it's still being built.
Chara: But... it's so boring without anything to do...
Kris: Maybe we can do a small QnA?
Frisk: But we don't even have a good camera!Kris: We can still do text!
Frisk: Uh, well...Chara: Yes, finally something to do!!!
Kris: Well, that settles it. Viewers ask us questions in our inbox, and we'll respond in text while we get ready to get an affordable camera.
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official-amia · 11 months ago
Pinned post!
Haaaaiiii!!! I'm not good at these but! Canon Mizook RP blog GO!
- PLZ NO ANGST (unless you're Smiler, then go crazy /silly)
- no major magic asks! Little things like poofing from fries for them into existence is fine, but nothing that like. Turns Mizuki into a worm or smth-
- they/them ONLY for Mizuki!
- Autistic, has a vocaloid special interest
- severe anxiety, only leaves the house of absolutely necessary
- transfem non-binary, refers to themselves femininely a lot
- aroace
- makes almost all their clothes from scratch, likes making clothes for their friends (it's how they show their love)
#amias rambles - general
#amias photo album - pictures
#amias qna - asks
#ooc (Kris addition) - ooc
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