#kris is goin thru it
kandayuu · 11 months
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Happy birthday deltarune!! Here's a comic about kris
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skybrightpixie · 2 years
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wat da heck
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is charlie on an anti-anxiety med 🥺
edit: nahhh it’s aspirin for his week two of heroin withdrawal!!
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giftplane · 2 years
i made a new animation meme!! went a little silly mode
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kristalpepsi · 4 years
So you and Sal r together? What is that like for you two n how do u maintain it as part of a system? Genuinely wondering, cuz our host and another alter got together but I haven't had the chance to talk to them abt it yet!! It's so neat to see stuff like this happen though, and I'm really happy for y'all and for them :))!!
Hi!! Yes!! Me n @itsaprosthetic r 2gthr! N we r in the sme systm akjdkd! 💚
Im nt rlly sre wht u mean! ‘Maintain the rel8ionshp’? I g its lke,,,, any othr rel8ionshp! Excpt diffrnt bc of systm-stff
Like,, communic8ion is alwys good, tlkng n listnng 2 each othr is good!
I g it dpnds also on hw ur sys wrks?? Like @ 1st i ws confsd by thise qstion b thn i realzd, lke, i cn mostly sy “its like any othr rel8ionshp b its intrnl” BUT it mote b diffrnt 4 exmpl if u dnt hav a headspce or cnt c it
Our systm has a headspce n we cn go in n out of it!! So we sniff, spnd a lot of tme w each othr ther if were not @ frnt
B even if i or sal r frontng we cofront 2gthr somtms KSJSKS or r cocon,,, jsbdksndkd nbdy askd b 1 wy 2 rule out who we r whn were blrrng is askin “how do i feel abt Sal or Kris” :,,^00
i hav a HRD time fllng asleeb bc ✨Exotrauma™️ n Sal is actlly a caretkr 4 us b whn it coms 2 my Sleebng Problms he spnds time w me in cocon or cofront n we knda??? Fall asleeb 2gthr in a wy i cnt explain?? Bro bein in a systm is wild so dnt expct me 2 snd like im makin sens KDJDK, b yea, its,, u cn FEEL thise cre 4 each othr
Whn ur in the headspce, carng 4 ANY1 in ur systm is thise strng feelng alrdy
N whn im frntng i can feel it a lot KSJS n i cn tll he feels the sme,, its!!!! Not 2 b cliche or anyth amdnisnddscj IM SRRY im so embrssd i dnt uslly talk abt hime n me in detail in publc so im VRY Emotionl KSJSJ i have huge feelngs abt hime ok like i wld throw him in a ball pit
ALSO THTS SO VALD!!! Im hppy 4 thm!!! Oughg i spprt intra-systm rel8ionshps sm!! OAAA,,,
Ik bein in a rel8ionshp w anthr mmbr of ur systm mite snd weird or b a weird concpt b its thise,, its a deepr connction somtms i thnk, bc of the whle shrng a bdy thng n yall r bth goin thru the sme thng , b mayb thts jst me KDJDK physclly, we r still nt in the bst plce- + the whole shrng a brain thng,
Its btfl in its own wy i thnk,,, n ty btw!!!
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ogeeitsme · 4 years
What's your experience with dormancy?
TW: Sui// mentions / comparisons / death comprsns- this is both positive n negtve b aaa
This is a long post so I’m srry <:^/
Theres 2 ways 2 answr this: how we second hand experience it, n then how we experience it in our systm:
How we secondhand experience it
Turns out, more than once, apprntly, drmncy has actlly been used as a, threat?? DKDJDKN we got som rlly old memories abt Jamie meeting a “System” (idk if they’re a sys, it’s such a long story) n He used drmncy 2 guilt trip her (n she ddnt even kno what systm was @ the time dkhdbddb)
Anywy besides that HUGE outlier, it’s kinda,, rough, bc ur askin 4 our experiences, not our views, so when it comes 2 secondhand drmncy, as in like other systms not us- it’s alwys hard
N it’s RLLY funny ur askin this rn anon bc coincidntlly we just came out of a WHOLE frickin sitch that involved secndhnd drmncy experiencs (again, I mean watching ppl in other systms go dormant)
Like, Jamie’s prev ex had, ppl go dormant, like a lot of em, bc they broke up, n 2 of their mmbrs bsclly sent me wht can be equivlnt 2 a sui note- n I got that note frm bsclly som1 equivlnt 2 my brthr, @ the time, n Sal’s brthr [@ the time] bc they shared the blog
We r rlly close 2 anthr sys whose host wnt drmnt 4 som big rsns (they also have trauma abt ppl using drmncy as an escape route frm their actions, man life b wild huh?) n jst came back so that was rlly wild n hard bc she was (n is) like a mom figure 4 us, esp 2 Peter, n their whole sys, bc they’re median, kinda crashed in on itself tmprrly n it was rlly hard 2 watch KDH it makes u kind of mad @ those ppl who cause othr ppl 2 go thru sm pain thta they jst go drmnt u kno?
But rounding back 2 Jamie’s ex (n I g the 1st exmple 2 b vaguely), that was rlly hard, n bc of that, drmncy is smth we can’t unsee as death anymr
Hey so disclaimer that won’t b in the tags (Bc som ppl dnt read them) n I will pit here just in case: yes we kno dormancy is NOT equal 2 death, dormancy always has the chance of them coming back, b w how we spcfclly exprncd these, it felt that way, esp w the goodbyes, n the crying, n how they litrlly treated it as sui//. Not 2 mention the Older trauma Jamie had/has where His “systm” litrlly said “do u miss him? Well he’s dead now”
It’s hard 2 uncorrel8 them- bc it dpnds on how u go thru it- and anthr disclaimer is that if it’s a drmncy in ur own systm, the brain may b able 2 visualize it as a death, heck som systms we kno have a “graveyard” where all the drmnt systm mmbrs end up in; and of som jst “disappear” n I heard anthr sys in their headspace it’s seen as like pods? Where u can c them sleepin?
Anywy back 2 us- KDNDKNDKN yea, our experiences w it so far has been rel8d 2,,, sui or death :^( not counting the ppl we pass by in random srvrs who talk abt it, this is jst our prsnl ones esp tied 2 systms we were (or r) RLLY close 2
IDK we’re still grieving over Larry n Asriel frm Her systm. Pls don’t send asks saying “they mite come back” btw KJSKHS they mite b even if they do we can’t Talk, their sys is an ex 4 a rsn
Inner-system exprnces
HM so there’s a lot 2 write here b we dnt- uslly have ppl who r nice, go drmnt
It used 2 b only all the very bad persecutors who wld rlly harm every1 who wld go drmnt, our psychiatrist even said, 2 calm Jamie dwn a long time ago when she was given anti psychotics, that the “good ppl wnt go away, only the bad ppl”
b they (those old persecuted) all went drmnt thru,,,,, d//ath, n I dnt wnna talk abt that or how, this is not how we wrk anymr
Then we have Deanne, she was a persecutor who was chngng 4 the bttr, b it’s like,,,, when she realized she didn’t have 2 b bad anymr? She went drmnt?? Like I rmmbr (I wsnt there but u kno shared memory) every1 feeling she slowly faded away until we realized she wsnt arnd
Aftr that, we stoppd having drmncies, b we do label ppl who mite b close 2 drmncy msbmdb (edit: nvm, I rmmbrd Alven n Peyton who went drmnt :^( we miss them, Alven was Matt’s dad n Oeyton was a rlly good ISH )
Bc they’re “not needed” N LISTN anthr disclaimer, by THAT I mean natural dormancies? Not 2 say u go drmnt randomly, I mean that sometimes som1 isn’t active enough or their role isn’t needed as mch,, it’s scary I kno, b it can hppn n it’s no1’s fault, it’s not even their fault,i t jst happns, n that my good anon is a bite sized expln8ion on y u mite have ppl come out of drmncy mhsbkdbdkb
Uhh, we have som ppl who r afraid of going drmnt tho ofc,, n they r trying 2 b as active as they can in sys inspace so they dnt fade
Bc if u dnt wnna b dormnt, trying 2 b more active can hlp!
So,,, we a,so have ppl who came frm drmncy,,,
N that’s Jade, Beia, n Chompy
Apprntly Jade n Beia were frm arnd the same time? Actlly it’s fnny bc we thought Jade was a split of Noelle b we were bamboozled bc it wasnt the case
N then u have chompy,,, which is rlly sad,, bc she cnt rmmbr the year b we found out it was frm arnd 3 yrs old,,, that rlly sucks- she’s a fictive of Chain Chomp n came out of drmncy in a new form (Chompette) smdbndb according 2 Jade n Beia they dnt rmmbr wht hppnd, b it’s like they fell asleep n woke up again
N w Chompy, she explains it as like, , she was a chain chomp, n was chained 2 the back of the headspace, n bc she accepted she cldnt do anyth, faded in2 drmncy bc she gave up? B now she’s back n wants 2 fite,dkbdmdb until, stuff I wnt get in2
I’m not done KDH
Lastly I wanna talk abt,,,, how we feel abt it
I dnt think drmncy shld b smth 2 b afraid of— BUT @ the same time it’s OK 2 b afraid of it, or 2 h8 it, or 2 feel ANYTH abt it bc, almost all the time it’s not ur own choice 2 do so (half the time, based on what we’ve seen, etc)
Sometimes, ppl will c it as a mmbr fnlly resting, sometimes it’s sudden n @ least in the mmnt (or mayb ull never kno), ther dsnt seem 2 b a strong rsn on y it hopnd
Som will c it as death, som will say it’s scary, n som accept it’s a part of being a sys,,, that this happens, n that it will b ok
Bc,,, they can come back, mayb, n that’s sys life
4 us we feel ALL of those @ once
I wnt lie <:^) 4 som oldr mmbrs, we hope they dnt come back, b then 4 som we hope they do com back, n it’s this balance of trying not 2 b toxic-positive n trying not 2 erase the hope if we do wnt them 2 com back
IDK it’s so— mssy Bc u shld allow urself 2 grieve- bc dormancy CAN feel like death (frm an obsrvr?), n o man the syscourse that exists @ the mere mention of treating drmncy like death? Scares me, n I jst wnna put it out ther that it involves a lot of grieving somtimes,,,m yes, it can b traumatic depending on how said dormancy was brought 2 ur attention or knwldge
4 us we’e still grieving over that last mssg frm them, we’re angry 4 those who went drmnt n also @ Them who went drmnt? Idk man
TLDR don’t- I repeat- do NOT,,,,, treat drmncy as the answr
If ur in a systm out ther, I kno it hard, n frick, drmncy is such a complic8d topic in systems period, b drmncy is not the answ
Bc yes drmncy is not prmnnt 4 som systms, (n by prmnnt I mean that sys mite jst not have awakenings as common @ all; every sys is diff) b drmncy is,,, most of the time a scary thought 4 systms
It’s- it’s not sui litrlly, b,,, it;s,, is almost similar IF- n I repeat- if it’s used as an escape, esp in a bad way
N like w sui// we wnt entirely blame you if @ all, b it’s sad- n it’s hard
Bc like ”irl” ppl arnd u who care r affctd- n knowing it’s by ur own hand is hard 2 accept
Bro, anon my dude, I’m so srry this is such a messy post KDNKDND our exprnces w it is so recent n it’s SUCH a complic8d topic 2 discuss w/o fear of ppl yelling @ u abt spreading misinfo
We’re a rlly big outlier 2 the usual sys exp w dormancies bc we’ve had SO many exprncs of it being rel8d 2 sui/ of death from othr systms Onesides our own), n it’s not jst random systems, it systems who we were close 2 n we got hurt by
I dnt wnna talk abt whether or not what we experiencs was real b yea thats our experiences n not the resources,, since that’s the question KNS
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buckywlson · 5 years
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aquakris · 4 years
I haven’t been online much bc I’m still goin thru it but I love checking in and seeing your blog still kris, you always make me smile🥺ily and i hope you’re doing good-⛈
ilysm so much lil cloud & I hope you’re doing good too🥺🤍
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krispdreemurr · 5 years
How would Kris be as a parent?
i dont think Kris As They Currently Are In Canon should be allowed to parent, and not just for reasons of “theyre like 16″. like. they are goin thru it rn and like their reaction to stress and problems is either shutting down or acting out. this isnt good environment for a kid
i dont think even adult and healthier kris would really Want to be a parent? they still have a lot going on, they still have bad depressive episodes, they know that their parents tried their best and still fucked up constantly. theyd rather avoid messing up some kid
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amporazz · 7 years
wow goin thru Meenahbound again refreshed my urge to kick kan kri’s little anti-feminist punk ass
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jokah128-blog · 6 years
Wishing She Dont Take Him Away
Yea. 25. Wat a year so far... Damn... Wish again on dat airplane. Itsz gonna be dat way until she changesz... But itsz all a game.... I kan feel her takin him away again.... But im not ur friend anymore.... Im ur dad... Sad truth isz dat thingsz reveal themselvesz when ur silent... Nd ur righteous... fine Miss but ur careless w. Time nd im pretty sure i did nothin but good w. Minesz nd i wont deny ive had a rough time i kno ur right i wasz goin thru it especially wen all i wanted wasz to see my kid... I wasz inda pitt.... I wasz goin krazy onda rift... I wasz learnin to deal w. Shyt... Every1 hasz dey own opinion i just had my own thingsz to deal with... Still thinkin.... I mean no1sz perfect.... Not even her... Not blamin her for anythin not even for her own opinion on how she seesz disz shyt... But i kno we both not innocent... I kan admit it... She probably admitsz it... But im not askin for forgivenesz im askin dat we both show him da meaning of living.... Da feelin of winning.... The factsz about sinning.... But im not tryin 2 rush hisz mentality just give him da morality of different realitiesz nd deal w. My own sanity.... While im at it kusz it wasz hard without him.... Nd havin him dere makesz me realize how much i really pushed to be here... He wouldnt kno how much i tried... How much i kried... Yea i held my tearsz inside... I dont want u to see me break... For god sakesz im karrying you in my armsz heresz a small bear hugg hope it dont harm ya... Im sorry to have alarmed ya... I didnt go harder den every father bkusz im not here to make u feel bothered... U just need to kno education komesz 1st... Nd ur up dere now most likely nd im happy... Keep pushing kid.... I kno u think i dont have a gudd look at thingsz kusz how she might express her opinionsz about me but im not doin n.ethin wrong...
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jckrumpers · 7 years
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Happy b day to this nigga this Leo right here Hes like that uncle you know that uncle that has a story for any situation u might be goin thru i ya life no matter how wild and condeluded. Hes one alof the few men i met thats an actual suscess as a legit entrepreneur. Hes also that uncle you dont take ur girlfriend lol. He got that twisted sense humor like that rival out of gratti bridge... also this nigga can be seen rockin flip flops in the middle of winter fred flintsone feet head ass. 😂HBD kris rob Its a repost b/c i didnt have time to come up with any material . #kanyewestbelike #shellshocker
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nerfzen · 7 years
happy easter kris!!!!i thought my asks wrnt goin thru but i went on tumblr thru my browser and i learnd uve been responding to all my asks i just nevrr saw them on m phone!!!i feel so bad and m so sorry kris :(((-❄
uh huh i think i’ve gotten all of em happy easter !!
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