#kree/skrull alliance
randomidiocyncrazies · 10 months
on the topic of war crime tribunals/transitional justice in the Kree-Skrull Alliance, Scarlet Witch #6 brings up info on a genocide that's "for ruling eyes" only—the resolution of that story is pretty much something you'd expect from a superhero comic book (which is the type of story they set out to tell so it's like. within genre conventions even though I think it's questionable, though it's framed as adequate and effective access to justice and reparation*) but like. imagine if Teddy pushed for information transparency after seeing how much of his people's history is being hidden from them, or if it delved into a legal battle with the perpetrators of genocide instead of physical combat.
It's mentioned that the Skrulls hid this information because they wanted the Blood Skrulls "out of sight, out of mind"; they wanted to divorce their identities from the Blood Skrulls' (which is understandable if imo not the right way to handle it), and imo also because the genocide of other species isn't 'important' enough to be acknowledged. So if Teddy, the Great Uniter and King of Space, pushed for some kind of public acknowledgement of war crimes/crimes against humanity** committed by the two empires he'd inherited, what would the public reaction be? Whose feathers would be ruffled? Who would be supportive because it's the right thing to do, and who'd be supportive because of some other vested interest?
(also, irl there are international laws for crimes against humanity; would be interesting to see an intergalactic version of that, and the drafting of stricter protocols/policy research/establishing agencies and organizations that deal with investigating large-scale genocide and oppression etc... along with the political squabbles about jurisdictions and sovereignty that you see irl at UN and other international organizations)
Also, it seems like the only people in Teddy's court are him, Billy (Court Mage and Prince Consort), Lauri-ell (The Accuser/bodyguard) and Mur-G'nn (???), which seems a bit wack. You can't run a vast empire with so few people, and even if Teddy is mostly concerned with the affairs of Throneworld it's still really weird that there aren't more recurring characters at the Kree-Skrull court... I totally understand why K'lrt isn't serving the inner court—Teddy shouldn't have to see his mother's murderer day in and day out—but like. can we get a few more ministers on the roster????? I wish there's more opportunities to just see what a typical day on Throneworld is like, y'know? I'd kill for a miniseries that features normal citizens of the Kree/Skrull Alliance just living their life and doing their work, and the royal couple's adventures are only alluded to in the background.
(somewhat related, but i'm actually kind of ??? at Teddy being so okay with the fact that it's an empire that he's in charge of; I wish we got more of his thoughts on what he thinks about the natures of empires and monarchies in general, and his thoughts on institutional reforms etc. Struggles about what kind of king he wants to be has been brought up before, and his showdown with his grandma re:the nature of a successful ruler was pretty badass in Empyre... but being king means you have to approve or veto laws and policies, having to deal with paperwork and weighing advice from people who may or may not have the empire's best interest at heart etc etc. It means confronting the concept of absolute power in the hands of a ruling class determined by birth. It's a bit of a shame that they want the empire to be a thing in the worldbuilding, but don't really invest in developing the empire into a viable setting that feels real/lived in)
*tbf since we don't know the domestic laws of the Kree-Skrull Alliance or any intergalactic law regarding genocide/gross violations of the rights of sapient & sentient life, massacring the people responsible may be perfectly legal in the setting (and thus doesn't violate UN guidelines to the right of reparation, which I used as a baseline). It sucks that there wasn't a formal trial establishing the guilt of the responsible parties, though their guilt was informally established/treated as truth due to the nature of the classified info—the situation feels like executing someone without a formal trial, with all the evidence coming from a classified CIA record lmao (and this doesn't get into the issue of possible innocent blood skrulls—are all of them really guilty/responsible for genociding the monastic order in question? Whoooooo knoooooows!)
**they're aliens but you know what i mean
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heckcareoxytwit · 1 year
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Scarlet Witch meets the mysterious alien woman called Ganymede, who needs help from the Kree/Skrull Alliance to avenge the deaths of her comrades. Then, Scarlet Witch brings her to meet Wiccan and Emperor Hulkling at the throneworld. However, Ganymede rashly attacks Wiccan until Scarlet Witch had to step in to calm them down. As their misunderstanding was cleared up, Emperor Hulkling and Wiccan allow Scarlet Witch to borrow the sword from the former (Hulkling) after briefing her about the enemies who killed Ganymede's comrades.
Scarlet Witch v3 #6, 2023
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yubnubforhire · 11 months
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newwarriorsforever · 2 years
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Nova (Richard Rider) appears on this week’s comics! 
Here, Richard Rider is one of the representatives who was present in the meeting with Gladiator, Deathbird, Xandra, Paibok and Frenzy. Also, the chart mentions that Richard is an ally of Arakko. 
- - X-Men Red #8 (2022)
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scarlet--wiccan · 1 year
There were a couple interesting mentions of Teddy and the Alliance this week, but no direct appearances.
The Alliance has been adressed several times throughout the Sins of Sinister event, as a potential threat or obstacle to a Sinister-infected Krakoa, which has now set its sights on interstellar conquest. I was hoping, since Kieron Gillen is helming this event, that he might actually write Teddy or Billy into a few scenes, but it's seeming less and less likely at this point-- in Immoral X-Men #2, Hope reveals that the Emperor Dorrek has already been killed, and the Alliance destroyed, by year 100 of the SoS timeline.
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Meanwhile, the Secret Invasion miniseries wrapped up this week. Maria Hill and Nick Fury have been struggling against a rogue faction of Skrull dissidents who had launched yet another attempt to infiltrate America's government, military, and intelligence agencies. The day was saved thanks to G'illian Blax'zthor, a Skrull refugee who's been hiding out on Earth since well before the Alliance was formed. The culprits were submitted to Alliance custody, with a brief mention that Teddy has managed to partially reform the Skrull criminal justice system.
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The Kree/Skrull unity situation has proven to be... inconsistent, at best. The war is over and the main imperial nations have been united, but these are huge populations with numerous factions, and they are not all on the same page. It seems like Marvel wants to have it both ways by continuing to use Skrulls and, to a lesser degree, Kree, as antagonists-- and they're not interested in actually showing what Teddy's social reform and decolonization efforts look like in practice. That's not a surprise-- I know better than to expect incisive political narratives from Marvel these days. It's disappointing, but on the bright side, there's less overt hypocrisy in the Alliance than there is on Krakoa.
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www-visionresidence · 5 months
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queen-of-the-avengers · 6 months
Captain Marvel: Part Ten
Pairing: Carol Danvers x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.4k
Warnings: canon violence and angst
Author’s Note: For the sake of the rewrite, Howard and Maria Stark dies on December 16, 1997 instead of 1991. Tony is 23 when they die.
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Maria knows she has to do this with her best friend, so she calls her parents over to take care of her daughter. Maria tries to come up with an excuse as to why she's asking this, and you and Carol are off to the side with Monica.
"Your Mom's lucky. When they were handing out kids, they gave her the toughest one. Lieutenant Trouble," Carol smiles.
"You remembered!"
Carol had a whole life here without you, and seeing her with her other family gives you joy, but it also brings you pain when you think of how she was taken and the fact that she was taken in the first place.
"Is that mine?" Carol asks, noticing the jacket sitting on Monica's lap. The little girl starts to hand it over, but your girlfriend protests. "Oh, no. You hang onto it until I come back. There is something that I need your help with. I can't wear these Kree colors anymore, and since you're obviously the only person around here with any sense of style, why don't you give me a makeover?"
Carol stands and presses a few buttons on her wrist device that changes the colors of her outfit. Monica reaches over to try and goes through possible combinations such as bright red and grey stripes, orange, blue and yellow, black with neon stripes, and white with green stripes. None of them are the one until Carol sees the outfit Monica is wearing.
Red, blue, and gold.
"Well, since we're on the same team, why not those colors?" 
Monica messes with the device once more, and Carol's suit changes to red and blue with a gold star on the front. This is it. This is the suit and colors that best suit her. She kind of reminds you of Steve when he got his suit, but you push back those painful memories of your best friend.
"How do I look?"
"Fresh," Monica smiles.
"We need to get going. Yon-Rogg will be here soon," you say.
Carol and Monica say their final goodbyes before everyone boards the big aircraft. Talos' science guy stays behind to pretend to be Carol to stall Yon-Rogg for however long. He knows he's going to die when he figures it out, but he's willing to risk his life if it means Talos gets home safe.
Since you're such a terrible pilot, Maria and Carol are at the front while you, Fury, Talos, and Goose are in the back. Fury is petting and comforting the animal while Talos stares at him with horror in his eyes.
"You know, you really shouldn't have that thing on your lap."
"Our little alliance with you is tenuous at best. As long as she continues to freak you out," Fury picks up the cat and shoves her in Talos' face, and the Skrull jerks back in fear, "like that, I'm gonna keep giving her all the love and hugs she needs, right?"
"Can I ask you two something?" Maria asks the two shapeshifters on board. "Do you just turn into anything you want?"
"I have to see it first."
"Those are my rules as well."
"Can you all do it?"
"Physiologically, yeah, but it takes practice and dare I say it, talent to do it well."
"Maria, I wasn't born like this. I was given a serum that gave me these powers, so there is only one of me."
"Can you turn into a cat?" Fury asks Talos.
"What's a cat?"
"That's a cat," you point to Goose. 
"That's not a cat."
"What about a filing cabinet?" Maria asks. 
"Why would I turn into a filing cabinet?"
"I don't know about the Skrulls, but I can only turn into living creatures no matter how small or the kind of species. If it's alive, I can turn into them."
"What else can you do?"
"Well, apart from shapeshifting, I am able to control the four main elements. Whatever you want to call it, I can do a lot of pretty awesome stuff."
"A venus fly trap!" Fury exclaims, still on the topic of shifting into things. "I'll give you $50 right now if you turn into a Venus fly trap."
"Switching engines from Scramjet to fusion. Buckle up, folks," Carol advises.
Everyone buckles up in case something goes wrong, and Carol lurches forward at high speeds. Due to the severe altitude, everyone is pushed back into their seats. The plane jerks like how a commercial airplane would.
"Is this normal? Like space turbulence?" Fury asks.
"Pretty much," Carol answers.
Talos grabs Fury's attention and shakes his head to say that this isn't normal. The plane continues to fly upward, and as soon as the plane reaches just outside Earth's atmosphere, the plane stops producing the flames needed in order to fly. Everything inside the plane starts floating due to the lack of gravity. Yours, Carol's, and Maria's hair float along with a few pens that weren't locked down. If you hadn't buckled in when you did, you too, would be floating in mid-air. Similarly, Goose is floating upside down until Fury extends his arm, which Goose eagerly grabs onto. Then, Maria flicks a switch and gravity suddenly turns on inside the plane.
"Locking in the coordinate grid," Carol announces.
However, the only thing in front of you is an empty pad of space. Maybe the coordinates are wrong or maybe the lab moved because it's not here anymore. 
"Where is it?"
"It's here. It's gotta be here," Talos panics. 
"Is it in front of all that nothing or behind it?" Fury asks sarcastically.
There has to be some reason why the coordinates led you to this empty space. Carol presses some buttons on her wrist device, and the process of decloaking begins. If this is where the coordinates are, and there is nothing here, then it must be invisible.
"Decloaking activated," the computer chirps.
Suddenly, a bright light appears from the empty space, and a massive laboratory becomes visible. The title "Mar-Vell's Laboratory, Kree Imperial Cruiser" appears on the screen inside the spaceship. Carol flies closer to the laboratory only to realize there's a loading dock for incoming ships. Once secured inside, you five leave the ship in curiosity.
"Are we alone?" you ask when you walk into the main room. Across the room is the Tesseract connected to a big machine, and you walk closer to it with tears in your eyes. This is what you've been waiting for for almost one hundred centuries. "I can't believe after all this time, it's been here. I thought this was in the ocean."
"Is that it? The core?" Maria asks. 
"In her notes, she called it the Tesseract."
"This thing made me who I am today. This thing gave me my powers. This thing has been a pain in my ass this whole time!" you yell.
"It's okay," Carol whisper and puts her hand on your shoulder for comfort. 
"No, it's not okay, Carol. This thing needs to be destroyed. All this thing is going to cause is pain."
Carol understands where you were coming from, but in order to understand its power, it needed to be saved. She grabs the cube and throws it in the air only to catch it like it was a fucking baseball and not a killing machine. This thing killed your best friend and boyfriend. 
"Whoa. What was Lawson doing with all this kid stuff?" Maria asks and picks up a metal lunchbox.
Carol takes it from her, places the Tesseract inside, and locks it. You look around and take in your surroundings. There is something about this place, something off. On the glass table near the corner of the room is a mug with steaming hot tea in it.
You aren't alone.
"We're not alone."
Talos begins to sing loudly in his native tongue, and a swarm of scared Skrulls appears from their hiding places. An older one into the arms of Talos. If you had to assume, you'd guess that she is his wife, girlfriend, or sibling. 
"Soren," he sighs and hugs her tightly. 
"He didn't come for the Tesseract." Soren calls forth a child, probably her own, and the child makes herself known willingly. Talos leans down to get a better look at the child with a huge smile on his face. "This is his family."
"We didn't know what to do. Mar-Vell warned us not to send a signal for any reason or the Kree would find us," Soren explains painfully.
"You did the right thing," Talos whispers.
When the excitement of the family reunion wears off, Soren notices the group Talos came in with. She grabs her child and holds her protectively, even when Talos calms her down.
"It's okay, it's okay. She's alright. She's a friend. They all are."
"I'm not gonna hurt you. We're not going to hurt you," Carol says.
"They led me to you."
"I'm so sorry. I didn't know."
"If only I had known," you sniffle.
"Carol, Y/N, this is war. My hands are filthy from it, too, but we're here now. You two found my family. This is just the beginning. There are thousands of us separated from each other. Scattered throughout the galaxy."
Another Skrull child approaches Carol once she knows it's safe and took her hand. She directs her over to a pinball machine in the corner. The child points to the high score in glowing lights and points to herself to say she won that many points.
"If I played the same pinball machine for six years I'd have some high scores too," Fury comments.
Suddenly, the doors to the lab open and Yon-Rogg and his team march through with determination. Upon seeing the Kree, Fury draws his gun but Minn-Erva already had hers directed at him. She gestures to him to drop it and he has no choice but to listen. Talos put his family behind him but Yon-Rogg couldn't care less about them right now. No, he's only interested in you and Carol. Seeing his bitch-ass face makes you see red, and your eyes shine red like fire as your hands glow the same color.
"Fraternizing with the enemy? Don't be stupid, Y/N, you'll kill everyone here," he points out. It's true. If you used your powers, you'll blow this entire ship to pieces. "What did you do to your uniform?"
"They got in her head. Just like we thought," Minn-Erica says. 
"Oh, shut it, bitch," you growl.
"The Supreme Intelligence will set her straight," Korath says. 
"You can see they're not soldiers, let them go. You can have me," Talos tries negotiating.
"And the core?"
"You lied to me," Carol glares. 
"I made you a better version of yourself. What's given can be taken away," Yon-Rogg grins.
Carol tries as hard as she can to light up her fists, but they shortened out as if someone is controlling her powers from a distance. You notice something on her neck, something like a small device that is suppressing her powers. She doesn't know it's there or else she'd have taken it off a long time ago.
You turn to the other Kree and give them a malicious grin.
"I may not be able to use my fire power, but I have other ones."
The air around all of the Kree's heads begins to thin out while the air in the room stays the same. If they can't breathe, they can't fight. All of them gasp for air and fall to the ground, and you have to hold back your laughter. You're too busy focusing on them that you don't see Yon-Rogg sneak up behind you. He stabs something in the back of your neck, eliminating your powers for the moment.
"I've been waiting for this moment since I first saw you," he whispers.
He turns the device on and sends shockwaves down your body. With both you and Carol out of commission, the Kree can finally get what they came here to get.
When you wake up, you're not in Mar-Vell's ship anymore. No, you're in an all too familiar room with endless glossy floors and lights that descend from above. The man with jet-black hair stands in the middle of the room. Why does he look so familiar? When you think back to where you might know him, your head gets fuzzy and you get the worst headache ever.
Someone or something removed those memories from your head.
"There she is. I've got to say, I'm quite disappointed in you," the Supreme Intelligence says.
"There is no honor. The promise you made to me about honor and responsibilities is all a lie."
"Despite that, you performed well. You got us to the enemy. Thanks to you and jazz hands, those insidious shapeshifters will threaten our borders no more."
"I can't believe I ever thought the Kree would have the ability to change their ways. You're just as bad as Ronan. The Skrulls are just fighting for a home. You want to destroy them for what? Not submitting to your rules? Well, Carol and I won't do it."
You run at the man to attack him, but you go flying into the wall behind you with a flick of his wrist. You stick to the wall like glue so you're not going anywhere.
"It's cute how hard you try," he chuckles. "We needed you on this mission so you could lead us to the Tesseract. The power inside your veins wouldn't allow you to stay away. Plus, it is what you were looking for, yeah? You want to learn more about who you are and what Markus put into your body."
"How do you know about Markus?"
You slide through the sticky wall and come out on the other side where you can watch your memories play back in front of you.
"We know more than you think."
Each memory is of when Markus put you through each element trial. Through it all, the evil look on Markus' face never went away.
"You're no better than him," you turn to face the Supreme Intelligence.
"Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn."
Okay, you're done with this shit. You need to escape or else he will keep you here for as long as he wants. You need to escape if you want to help the Skrulls win this war.
"Do you know what the difference between me and Carol is?" The fire within you heats up slowly, and your skin glows with the embers of a thousand fires. "You've been able to control her through the device you slapped on her neck, am I right? Well, news flash, bitch, you can't control me."
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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616phyla · 7 months
thank you so much for your BillyTeddy reading guide! i'm honestly so desperate for worldbuilding and culture on the Kree Skrull Alliance stuff (lol) and really appreciate your comments on the spreadsheets :) Do you have any headcanons about what society is like for the average citizen, and what kind of storylines or themes you'd be interested with the alliance/empire as the setting?
Thank you so much!!! I’m glad it was helpful and you liked my comments. I hope you enjoyed.
Also good question! The Kree and Skrull are both very interesting to me. I think there’s a lot of potential in exploring what the Kree Skrull Alliance would be like like how do two groups who have been at war for thousands of years reconcile… how are the average citizens dealing with the tensions and the cultures are sharing and merging. And the new foods and fashion etc. For the average citizen I think there would be some people who would really embrace the change and the end of the war try to get along, live a more peaceful life. There’d be people who are more distrustful at first too so I guess it would be a process 🤔 I like the idea there’s new holidays and ceremonies too.
I think in general also the Skrull especially would probably embrace their more technological and scientific past… like an age of new discovery and the sharing of technology to make something new :) Stepping away from militarism and the like. I think that’s something Teddy would definitely want to move towards in his ruling and it would be a nice way to continue the legacy of his father rejecting the Kree’s military and the like - trying to make a more accepting civilisation.
From that I do think a book about Teddy dealing with the pressures of ruling and the political intrigue and factions would be interesting. It’s a position he didn’t necessarily want but he’s trying his best at so there’s a lot of personal and emotional conflict there + how Billy helps support him through it. And yeah with this I would also like to see the daily life of the civilians and their concerns. Honestly I think there’s a lot of potential and it’s kind of sad Marvel hasn’t done much with it still like this is such a large change to the status quo of the cosmos there’s so many directions you could take it.
Got a bit long but I’ll leave you with: if you do want some more lore I recommend reading the Kree-Skrull War storyline from the 70s (Avengers #89-97). There’s also early Skrull stuff throughout Fantastic Four and Kree stuff in Captain Marvel vol. 1 if you’re ever curious :)
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csolarstorm · 11 months
The Secret Invasion Finale, The Bloated MCU, and the Hollywood Strikes
Well, that was the minimum Marvel could have done to close out "Secret Invasion". Because it was a short episode. A short episode ending a short series. But at least the stage is set for Captain America: Brave New World. I mean, The Marvels. Oh, also Armor Wars. And MI-13, I guess?
Why is everything in the MCU setup now?! C'mon Marvel, finish the arc in front of you before you start a new one! You still haven't started Young Avengers after introducing like a dozen potential members!
Sonya Falsworth finally got her moment. She turned out to be...more setup for a future project! *looks it up* MI-13? British Avengers? Why, Marvel Studios?
Should've known. Valentina cameo'd in two projects and played a "role" in Wakanda Forever, and she's still a blank slate. At least Falsworth had a fun scene where she tortured a guy. Wait.
Is the MCU horrible? I mean, like, ethically.
Marvel Studios did a big disservice to this series. This show had a few of the best written scenes in the MCU, and I doubt that these same writers wanted to write scenes like General "I like dogs better" Gravik blaming Fury for making him kill humans, or Fury simply asking Vaara to "take him back" without any explanation after the heartbreaking finality of their shootout in Beloved.
The whole premise of the Skrulls blaming Fury for abandoning them for SABER never worked, because SABER is a space station. Where Fury works with more Skrulls. A breakdown in communication here does not make any sense. This plotline where Fury apparently avoided Talos and the Skrulls counsel makes no sense.
What makes more sense is that Fury and the Skrulls were working for each other's best interests on SABER, and that's how he found out that the Kree were open to peace talks. This show doesn't mesh with the arc it's supposed to continue.
The MCU opted to humanize Skrulls. They wanted to avoid the trope of the sinister bodysnatcher because of its roots in the Red Scare and antisemitism.
The problem is, they also wanted a Secret Invasion project, so they needed to have their cake and eat it too. This show is at it's best when it's completely ignoring the bodysnatcher plot and instead talking with confused, grieving refugees who just want to live as themselves. The writers didn't want to do a bodysnatcher plot. They avoided or discounted almost every convention of the genre. The only instance of a Skrull replacing a main character came at the cost of the characterization of the Skrull themselves.
Honestly, the show should have been about Fury and Rhodey (the real one) falling victim to paranoia, causing them to fear the Skrulls and each other. Just like that Twilight episode where a blackout turns a whole neighborhood against each other. Make it a show about the dangers of xenophobia and how it can destroy friendships and alliances.
There are tons of great alternative pitches for the show like this, but when it came down to it, Marvel Studios clearly wanted a specific story with clear villains and most importantly, an Avenger replaced with a Skrull like in the comics. And I think they cut up what was probably a perfectly good script to make it fit the formula.
Marvel Studios does not have it together. Disney does not have it together. The big studios do not have it together. This show is a perfect example of why we need to support the Writers and Actors strikes. The creative talent should not have to pay for the management blunders of the streaming wars. Support the writers, the actors, and especially the effects teams, even though they're not unionized and can't strike, which is a whole other ethical issue. Support the WGA and the SAG-AFTRA strikes!
The MCU wasn't ready for a Secret Invasion plotline. Marvel Studios wasn't invested in adapting the actual comic. But they still shoehorned it in there for more content, inevitably making headaches for their writers, their effects artists, and probably their actors too. And the intro used AI.
You used to be cool, Marvel Studios.
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theshaddowedsnow · 1 year
Know what I should do? Write more House of M fanfic
Not like, super serious fanfic no no
Family fluff and shenanigans. Viv, Billy and Tommy dragging Luna with them on wacky adventures. TJ randomly showing up sometimes. Charles and Erik being in love and married.
David having 0 clue who Tommy is but also Knowing He's a Big Deal and then meeting his family and Panicking because wow his boyfriend is hot AND part of the Mutant Royal Family™️
"Political" marriage between the Kree-Skrull Alliance and Genosha with Teddy and Billy meeting and falling in love and Anelle and Erik discussing and agreeing that they are adorable
Fun stuff!
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emmym1 · 8 months
My thoughts on... Captain Marvel: Assault On Eden 2023 (#1)
So this one shot comic is something I didn't innitialy plan on reading but after I saw the preview they released of it my curiosity was piqued (also it's great way to give myself some kind of epilogue to read after finishing the 2019 Captain Marvel run by Kelly Thompson) so here we are! I have to say this one shot was a pretty fun adventure full with amazing art. i really loved the artstyle for this and some of the pages were absolutely stunning to look at! It was also really interesting to learn a bit more about the skrull/kree alliance as I didn't know much about it beyond what was shown in the Captain Marvel "Accused" arc (Captain Marvel 2019 #17-21). So it was great to learn more about that. It was also really fun to see Wiccan and Hulkling, they're such a sweet couple! The first two pages of this one shot stood out especially, seeing Carol reflect on her youth and how she wanted to see a dawn break across a different sky only to cut to her in space about to enter a planet was just so good. I can't even fully explain why but something about the way it was presented and written felt so special. The story was a interesting one although it could've used a few more pages I feel as the pacing was incredibly fast (which I understand due to how limited you are in how much story you can tell in one issue but still it would've been nice if this comic got a few more pages). I didn't fully understand how the supreme intelligence returned because last time we saw them they were merged with Vox and then got destroyed by Carol. This issue also featured a short story starring Monica Rambeau, it was a short but sweet one. Here too I would've loved if they added a few more pages to it because it felt that they didn't had enough space to properly visualize and tell the story to it's fullest extent. But it still was a short and sweet one! So yeah this was a fun read that I defintely needed after finishing the 2019 Captain Marvel run. It had some really sweet moments and the Monica short story was wholesome as well. Glad I decided to pick this one up as I really enjoyed reading it and looking at all the amazing art!
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randomidiocyncrazies · 10 months
if anyone has canon material or fic/headcanons that explore how the Kree-Skrull Alliance and Teddy's court actually works, please please please hit me up!
I think there's so much story potential for the whole set-up, and there are multiple ways to approach it~
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heckcareoxytwit · 3 months
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A preview of Captain Marvel #6
BATTLE FOR THE BANDS! It’s a Captain Marvel showdown! With Carol Danvers and her unwitting sidekick Yuna Yang continuing to slip his grasp, Genis-Vell goes after his half brother, Hulkling—and the altered Nega-Bands in his and Wiccan’s wedding rings! Plus, the thread of the Omen’s mystery begins to unravel—only to get tangled in Yuna’s personal life!
Written by: Alyssa Wong Art by: Ruairí Coleman Cover by: Stephen Segovia Page Count: 28 Pages Release Date: March 20, 2024
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ijustlikemovies · 2 years
i love billy kaplan and teddy altman SO MUCH that's the (gay!!!) sorcerer supreme and his HUSBAND the (gay!!!!) emperor of the kree-skrull alliance!!!! they're married!!!!! they're space royalty!!!! they're in love!!!! they fight for their family (their SHARED FAMILY because they're MARRIED) they've been canon for well over a decade and they look great together!! what more could you want!!!
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doomsdayrising-rp · 1 year
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2025. The state of the world is bleak. The hero teams of yesterday have been forced into early retirement by the Magistrate, a paramilitary group that has slowly sunk their claws into the United Nations and taken over. Vigilantism is outlawed, period. No exceptions, no wiggle room or gray areas, no forgiveness. No masks, not at all, not allowed. Those that dare continue to act struggle to maintain some sense of balance, with the more public-facing Justice League and Avengers forced into hiding with the ‘shoot on sight, bring in dead or alive’ clause that has recently been enacted, and the villains of today are taking full advantage. The struggle is unlike anything the hero teams could have ever predicted, and they find their hands are quite literally tied in a way they never could have seen coming.
2045. The state of the world is worse. The world has been ravaged by the Anti-Life Equation, and there is no longer much hope of any future at all. More than half of the population was overtaken by the first blast of the Anti-Life Equation, and despite technological advances to block the tech portion of the techno-organic virus, the infected are spreading the virus like wildfire with the Earth fully overtaken by the flames. One solution is left: flee the Earth, leave their home planet behind with what is remaining of humanity seeking refuge on another planet…with the hope that the Anti-Life Equation will continue to ravage the Earth and not spread upwards, outwards, looking to claim life behind the Earth’s atmosphere. And with the fear that it will.
Two Young Avengers manage the….very unlikely, the improbable. Not quite the impossible, but they might claim such for the clout. Morgan Stark (armed with her father’s stolen suit and filled to the brim with Tony Stark’s genius, audaciousness and so much moxie) blasts herself into the past after years of trying, has escaped the dark and gloomy reality of 2045, having put her father’s theories and physics to the test and finally found success. Billy Kaplan launches himself into the year of 2025, serving as Prince Consort of the Kree-Skrull Alliance with concerns for not just Earth but the universe and space as a whole. Both come to the year 2025 separately, but with the same warning: with the Magistrate takeover and the world’s heroes having gone underground, the Anti-Life Equation returns to haunt them and will take over.
The dregs of the Justice League meet at the Watchtower - a risky move, though the only way to meet without drawing the eyes of the Magistrate. The Flash, with the use of his cosmic treadmill, is able to confirm the horrors that have been brought to their attention regarding the future: in 2045, the Earth is lost and humanity is fleeing the planet in a desperate attempt at survival. Left with few other options, the Justice League extends an invitation to the remnants of the other super teams to their Watchtower to assemble a game plan.
The meeting goes poorly.
The Avengers and the Justice League are still at odds, fingers pointed in both directions and slewing blame back and forth. The Titans, the primary forward-facing hero team, are exhausted and out of resources. The Birds of Prey take some of their load, though operate more quietly, more covertly, to stay off of the Magistrate’s radar. There is only one solution, though none are happy to come to the same consensus: the Justice League and the Avengers must come out of retirement, bear some of the load in the fight against the Magistrate, and they must work together. Multiple teams must become one to stand any chance against the Magistrate, and they are working against the clock to prevent a very real disaster that is looming overhead.
Divide and conquer. The X-Men have primarily taken to Genosha, which remains free of the Magistrate’s hands and influence, and agree to look into formulating a potential vaccine against the virus that will ransack their planet. Oracle with the Birds of Prey will tackle the technological portion of the virus and look for preventative measures.  The Avengers and the Justice League will come out of retirement, re-join the fight, and work against the Magistrate and work to destroy the paramilitary’s hold on the UN.
The Hall of Justice has been abandoned for nearly two years, and the Avengers Tower soon followed. Titans Tower was forcibly taken from the Titans within the last few months. This leaves…the Watchtower as the only safe space for the heroes to confer and work. And there is uproar. Sharing resources and people and conferring together as a team is one matter. Sharing space that has long since belonged to the Justice League is another. The Avengers blame the Justice League for their poor handling of Darkseid in the first place, and the Justice League blame the Avengers for Tony Stark’s snap bringing the Anti-Life Equation back into their reality. Despite too-hot tempers, bitter ends and beyond sour grapes it is agreed: the Watchtower will become the new base for all super teams, effective immediately. Agreement does not mean acceptance. The warring reinstated super teams may be sharing space, but they are far from sharing the opinion of enjoying it. The other individuals and super teams are left to serve as a buffer…if they don’t already have opinions leaning one way or the other regarding the civil war on the Watchtower that may only add fuel to the fire.
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scarlet--wiccan · 9 months
Do you think Billy, Tommy, and Teddy should get new codenames at this point? I feel like they've outgrown theirs but I can't think of anything better. Especially since they already brought it up with Billy and tried to change his but nothing's stuck except for Wiccan.
I don't think they need to, and I've answered this question many times now. Check out these posts: [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
I don't think there's anything wrong with "Speed." I think it suits Tommy, and I like that it's shorter and simpler than Quicksilver.
"Wiccan" is complicated, but I personally find those nuances really intriguing. There is a lot that can be gained from digging into the origins of Wicca, the word "wiccan" itself, and why, in the cultural landscape of the 2000s, it was being used interchangeably with "witch." A lot has been said by other folks about Billy's codename in relation to his Jewish identity, but I'm not the person to speak on that. I will say, however, that I like subverting expectations and stereotypes about witches and Romani people, in the hopes of bringing more authentic understanding to those characters. Usually, that means leaning into the problematic stuff, not dismissing it. So, I say we either keep "Wiccan," or bring in someone who really knows the history to write about that before you change it.
I do agree that Teddy could stand to drop the name "Hulkling," because it just isn't relevant to any part of his character or backstory. At the same time, though, you could argue that he's made it his own thing. Maybe to the people of the Kree-Skrull Alliance, "Emperor Hulkling" is a fancy title, kinda like Caesar. Still, I'd rather they just call him "Emperor Dorrek," "Dorrek VIII," or even "Dorrek-Vell." But, in his role as Emperor, I just don't think he needs a superhero name at all.
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