#kree warrior
queen-daya · 11 months
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Happy Agents of Shield Halloween
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comicchannel · 1 year
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Marvel Legends Series Build a Figure Marvel Boy Hasbro F3683
Link para compra BR: https://amzn.to/3Oj8tO3
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rrain-writes · 9 months
Kass started playing on his accordion. Everyone seemed to recognise the song almost straight away except for 8 of the goddesses heroes, most assuming it was written after their time. Turns out, they were right.
If you want to know what song they are singing, it’s called ‘fallen’ from a fan-made breath of the wild musical called ‘songs from the wild’. I highly recommend all Loz fans to check it out!
“Welcome to Rito Village!” Wild declared proudly, arms spread wide. He gave the others a minute to take it all in, most gazes drawn to the giant bird perched at the top of the village, before bounding up the steps.
The others followed him up the winding platforms around the village, and he quickly payed for beds at the inn for tonight, (they would have to double up to fit) then the group followed him to a platform which stretched out into the open sky.
A rito with blue feathers sat on the edge surrounding by a group of younger rito girls.
“Kass!” Wild cheered.
The rito turned at the noise, smiling as soon as they recognised Wild.
“Link! It’s good to see you!”
The younger rito all ran over, bouncing and demanding hugs.
“Link! Link!” They chirped.
Wild turned back to his brothers.
“This is Kass.” He introduced. “And these are his daughters, Kheel, Notts, Kotts, Cree, and Genli.”
“You and your friends should come here tonight, Link.” Kass said to Wild.
“Yeah!” His daughters cheered.
“We’ll be performing with Papa!” The rito with purple feathers, Kheel, said excitedly.
Wild laughed. “Ok then, we’ll have to see you then.”
That night, the rito and the chain gathered at Revali’s landing to watch Kass and his daughters perform.
“Link!” Cree, the oldest of the daughters hurried over to them, quickly followed my her sisters. “We want you to choose the song!”
Wild raised his eyebrows. “Me?” He replied, laughing.
When the rito girls all nodded determinedly, he paused to think. His gaze travelled over his brothers, before he smiled and whispered something to Cree.
They ran back over to their father, telling him Wild’s song choice.
Kass started playing on his accordion. Everyone seemed to recognise the song almost straight away except for 8 of the goddesses heroes, most assuming it was written after their time. Turns out, they were right.
Wild, the little shit, grinned at them with a knowing look.
“So a long time ago, when our people rode high, and we lived with the goddess way up in the sky-“ Cree sang.
“Well, even back then,” Kheel joined in. “When an evil arose, every instance was thwarted by Hylia’s heroes.”
“And there was a sword,” Notts chirped. “Which shone like the sun, and one slumbered for seven long years but, when done-“
Kotts began to sing the next part. “The hero would use it to vanquish each foe! Or, at least that’s how I heard those stories all gooo.”
Wind grabbed Wilds arm. “They wrote songs about us?!” He exclaimed, eyes shining.
“Just wait for your part.” Wild laughed.
Wind gasped. “I have a part?!”
Wild nodded, smiling, then put a finger to his lips.
The sisters all sang as one. “Hylia, answer our call.”
Then it was Kass’ turn. “As long as our kingdom has prospered and thrived.”
“There’s always been times when we’ve scarcely survived,”
“But the goddess, she sends us a gift from on high: A hero, a princess-“
The family all sang: “A power diviiiine.”
“The stories all tell of a hero, that comes to the call of the wild. We wish someone knew if those stories are true, but the fun is in waiting around.”
The chain were all smiling and elbowing each other.
“So we sing of their triumphs and all that’s beside them, as we hear our destinies calling, and we… we remember the fallen.”
“Does anyone else have a story to tell?” Kass asked.
“Oh, I’ve got one!” Genli chirped, before starting to sing. “There once was a hero who fought with the dark.”
“And returned light to Hy-rule.” Her sisters sang.
“Ooh!” Notts exclaimed. “And he sailed the oceans with dolphins and sharks!”
“And the seas drained and life moved on..” The rito chorused.
Kree sang next. “He washed up on an island, then he shrunk down in size.”
“So we sing of these heroes, courageous and wise, and we pray that one will come to ensure our own evil’s demise.”
5 little rito then ran to Wild, asking him to sing with them. He shook his head, but own can only resist the young girls’ begging and Wind and Legends calls of ‘cuckoo!’ for so long.
He looked nervous in front of the crowd, but he quickly grew in confidence.
“The stories all tell of a hero, that comes to the call of the wild.” He sang. “We wish someone knew if those stories are true, but the fun is in waiting around.”
Wild grinned as he began to dance with Kass’ daughters, all of him joining his voice with their own.
“So we sing of their fables, and through every tale, we can feel all our worries are stalling.”
Wild looked over at his brothers, who were all cheering him on.
“As we… we remember the fallen.”
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birdofdawning · 11 months
Oh right, The Marvels has Zenobia Shroff as Mrs Khan but you somehow expect me to believe it's a bad movie
Yeah, nice try Mr Crazy Person
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vulpinesaint · 1 month
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well. got 'em
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aos did kree so good. and also kassius is SUCH a good villan. he's such a whiny little baby and he's a politician and he's got daddy issues and he killed his brother and also he IS threatening as fuck and his relationship with sinaria is,,,, so co-dependent and fucked up ("terran biology is simple. she's kree, i do not know how to remedy death for our kind." *shoots him in the head* "then i suggest you study the condition more closely") its SO
listen i love the dystopia i love how fucked up all the situations are in season 5 i love that they reintroduce tahiti but being used by kree to resurrect people to torture them more i love the rebellion i love the roman vibes of kassius's whole upper-levels and the entertainment of it i love the fucked up politics between other kree and other aliens and kassius just clinging on to his shitty little rock with hunger for power and for admiration and not even being physically threatening really at ALL but being ruthless all the same, demanding perfection of everything...
aos my beloved
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newwarriorsforever · 2 years
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Nova (Richard Rider) appears on this week’s comics! 
Here, Richard Rider is one of the representatives who was present in the meeting with Gladiator, Deathbird, Xandra, Paibok and Frenzy. Also, the chart mentions that Richard is an ally of Arakko. 
- - X-Men Red #8 (2022)
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daisy-mooon · 11 months
Behind the jokes and badassness, Captain Marvel is a fascinating character to me, because of how death follows her.
She causes an explosion. That explosion, which gives her powers and her immortality, canonically kills her. The Kree Empire resurrects her and makes her as Kree as they can. She shares Yon-Rogg's blood and his life, she's his creation, she's his victim, she's the one who causes his downfall, she's the one that destroys the system, the society, the planet that allowed her to be abused.
It's the Kree that see her as a killer and Annihilator. She's a monster of their own making, but it influences every species and planet she touches. Her victories cause death and her mistakes cause more death. Carol's triumph, the death of the Supreme Intelligence, results in the death of probably millions of Kree, and by consequence, almost causes the death of Hala's star.
"I'm only human" Carol says, before killing the Empire that is the reason that she can't ever be human again.
"We'll be back for the weapon," Ronan says, but that weapon will kill everything he stands for.
"Your life began the day it nearly ended," The Supreme Intelligence says, coldly, calculatingly. It's an AI. It doesn't have a good concept of death. It doesn't fully grasp that Carol had genuinely been killed that day, because she's still in front of it. Carol kills it.
"Death seems to follow you," Dar-Benn says, before she causes an explosion with the bangles, trying to defeat Carol. The explosion kills Dar-Benn.
Death follows Carol. Death follows Carol! Mar-Vell is dead. Maria is dead. Talos is dead. Soren is dead. Ronan is dead. Minn-Erva is dead. Korath is dead. Dar-Benn is dead. Yon-Rogg is, probably, dead. The Supreme Intelligence is dead. Natasha is dead. Tony is dead.
The only people in Carol's life who aren't dead are Kamala, Monica, Yan, Valkyrie, and Fury.
She watches helplessly as Dar-Benn almost murders Kamala after Kamala tries to save Dar-Benn's life, tries to find a way to solve the violence without death.
She watches helplessly as Monica gets torn into another reality, which for all she knows, she could die in. The tear in reality that was caused by Dar-Benn's death.
She tries to hide Yan's existence from her friends and tries to warn him and his people. The Kree soldiers aren't fighting to maim, they're fighting to kill. He escapes death by his own fighting skills and the fact that the Kree would rather focus on killing Carol than him.
Valkyrie and Carol interact once, and she only calls when she needs help after a fight, not during. Think about it. Valkyrie and the Bifrost could have helped the trio enormously. But Carol doesn't call until the fights are over. It would be very easy for a regular Asgardian warrior to die compared to superhumans.
And Fury... have you seen how often Fury comes close to dying? He's alive from skill and luck. He is lucky that he isn't dead.
Captain Marvel is so, so fascinating. Her story begins with her own death, and the more it goes on, the more death happens around her. Nobody is safe. She causes almost all of them, even the ones of her friends - not directly, but through the consequences of her actions. The consequences of her victories and mistakes. The consequences of her anger and revenge, her power and powerlessness. It is caused by both the Human and Kree sides of her, by both Carol and Vers, Captain Marvel and the Annihilator.
Carol is immortal. She can't die. And death follows her anyway.
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elgaberino-mcoc · 3 years
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therese-lokidottir · 3 months
Rewatching Agents of Shield "Who You Really Are" Because I hadn't seen it in so long and there was a lot I forgot.
The basic plot is Lady Sif is on earth looking for someone, but she also has amnesia and doesn't remember who she is or what she was looking for just the work Kavas
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First off, hey remember when Asgardians were super strong?
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Sif doesn't remember anything except for "Only basic lessons a child would learn."
This is interesting because it shows a lot about Sif. She is very excited about the idea of being a warrior. Also, Thor's name instantly makes her smile, which is adorable. Loki fans may have a harsh opinion of Sif, but I think this episode shows that she has many inherent noble aspects. She is respectful and thankful to the SHIELD agents, and she trusts and credits them for their bravery.
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So few things about this first of remember, in this scene, Odin is actually Loki in disguise. At the very least, Loki was being pragmatic and watching out for Earth. He could have easily said that The Avengers or Thor could take care of it themselves, but he took the initiative to ensure that Asgard fulfilled its duty as protectors
Second, I really did forget so much about this episode. They know about the Kree, their reputation, and their history. So, there is no reason they shouldn't know about Thanos. Loki has a reason to want to stay away, but what's the reason for Odin's inaction? He's not a secret.
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Even If the Asgardians are more Aliens than Gods in the MCU it's so disappointing to see how they are so lessened over time. They were super advanced; they knew how the technology worked. They saw the universe in a different way.
I wish the Thor lore could have built more on what AOS set up.
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skyscratch-wc · 2 months
Skyfall: Warriors Names As Gaeilge!
So I posted about this before, but I am learning Irish/Gaeilge. I started for heritage/family reasons but now this language just has a death grip on me and won't let me go. I thought it would be fun to practice some vocab by translating some warrior names into Irish. So, for those who are interested in this very niche crossover, here are some of the main TPB skyfall rewrite characters as Gaeilge:
(KEY -> [Warrior Name]: [first name] = [Irish] (rough pronunciation in the Munster dialect), etc.)
(IMPORTANT PRONUNCIATION NOTE: the "ch" in Irish is a throaty sound... it's difficult to describe. Kinda like a softened "k" just farther back in your throat if that makes sense? "gh" is a guttural g sound in the same way as "ch" is. So, these combos of letters in my pronunciation guide are not pronounced the way English "ch" or "gh" would be. "dh" also makes a guttural sound)
Fireheart: fire = tine (tineh), heart = croí (kree) -> Croí na Tine (kree na tineh; literally "Heart of Fire")
Graystripe: gray = liath (leeah), stripe = stríoc (stree-ock) -> Stríoc Liath (stree-ock leeah; literally "Gray Stripe")
Ravenpaw: raven = fiach (fiach), lapa (lahpuh) -> Lapa Féich (Lahpuh Feech; literally "Raven's Paw" or "Paw of Raven")
Sandstorm: sand = gaineamh (gahniv), storm = stoirm (stirim) -> Stoirm Ghainimh (stirim ghahniv; literally "Storm of Sand" or "Sandstorm")
Tigerclaw: tiger = tíogar (teegur), crúb (croob) -> Crúb Tiogair (croob teegar; literally "Tiger's Claw")
Blueflame: blue = gorm (gorim), flame = lasair (lahsir) -> Lasair Ghorm (lahsir ghrim; literally "Blue Flame")
Yellowfang: yellow = buí (bwee), fang (same word as for "canine tooth") = starrfhiacail (stahr-ee-uh-cil) -> Starrfhiacail Bhuí (stahr-ee-uh-cil vwee; literally "Yellow Fang" or "Yellow Canine Tooth")
Spottedleaf: spotted = breac (brahk), leaf = duilleog (dilloog) -> Duilleog Bhreac (dilloog vrahk; literally "Spotted Leaf")
Stormstrike: storm = stoirm (stirim), strike = bualadh (booiladh) -> Bualadh Stoirme (booiladh stirime; literally "Strike of Storm", meant to be a reference to a lightning strike)
Silverstream: silver = airgid (airigid), stream = sruthán (shirhaahn) -> Sruthán Airgid (shirhaahn airigid; literally "Silver Stream")
Talltail: tall = ard (aard), tail = eireaball (air-uh-bull) -> Eireaball Ard (air-uh-bull aard; literally "Tall Tail")
Brokentail: broken = briste (brishtuh), tail = eireaball(air-uh-bull) -> Eireaball Briste (air-uh-bull brishtuh; literally "Broken Tail")
Cinderpelt: cinder = cnámhóg (knahvouge), pelt = finnoadh (fiona) -> Finnoadh na Cnámhóga (fiona na knah-vouguh; literally "pelt of cinders")
Whitestorm: white = bán (bohn), storm = stoirm (stirim) -> Stoirm Bhán (stirim vohn; literally "White Storm")
I'll probably do more of these in the future. I might take a crack at these in Spanish too eventually haha. It's fun to translate these.
Edit: thank you to @an-spideog who pointed out I missed a couple of séimhiú! They should be fixed now (both in the spelling and pronunciation).
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rynrising44 · 4 months
Danbeau vs. Valcarol: There is no competition. They both mean the world to me.
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At around 6am while on my Zoo med rotation, I was running treatments and ruminating about Carol Danvers, as I normally do. I started thinking about Carol and Valkyrie, and then Carol and Maria, and then Carol and her relationship with Monica. I was thinking about a few posts I've seen regarding Danbeau vs Valcarol with some discourse over which one is right, and which one is wrong, and I found myself asking the question, "Why do you write about Valcarol so much? Why does their possible relationship mean something to you, when Carol and Maria literally started raising a child together, before Carol left?" and then it kind of hit me.
Carol died.
I knew this. It's something that drives a lot of my works, but I really just let it soak in:
Carol Danvers- the hot-headed, stubborn woman who never thought twice about doing something she knew was right- died. The light speed engine killed her. The Kree stripped her of her memories, revived her for the sole purpose of weaponizing her powers for their racist genocide, and then shaped her into a murderer. In the end, she beat Yon-Rogg's ass, saved Earth, and re-united with her family, but her memories were still gone. She left, not truly realizing what Maria and Monica meant to her; and then- due to a variety of poor decisions and an overwhelming sense of guilt- she never came back. She never really remembered, either.
Monica grew up.
Maria moved on- became a hero in her own right with SWORD. Kicked ass as a mother and as director of a freaking intelligence agency.
Fast forward a few decades, and here you have an anxiety-ridden, effectively immortal, still half-amnesic Superhero with a shit-ton of guilt and a self-sacrificing complex. Maria is dead, and Carol refuses to reach out to Monica, for fear of roping her into all of Carol's mistakes. She's running from planet to planet in a chaotic pattern of, "I need to make up for Hala. I need to make things right," and self-isolating herself as a form of punishment.
Enter Brunnhilde, a woman who literally self-isolated for like a thousand years on a murder planet. A woman who knows loss, who is extremely long-lived, and who drank to shove away her past, because she couldn't handle the memories. She's got a shitty history as well, filled with regret and poor decisions.
While Carol has no memories, Brunnhilde has too many.
Carol latches onto the past, Brunnhilde tries to ignore it.
While Carol is a nervous wreck of, "I have to fix it. I have to do better," Brunnhilde was the, "Maybe if I ignore everything, it'll go away," variety, that has now turned into the, "I am responsible for literal warrior children and a country full of theme-park goers. Oh gods, what have I done?"
They're both utter messes in their own right. They're both foils of each other: soft and hard, dresses and suits, expression and repression, patterns and solids, past and present, and to me, they just... fit. Maybe it's a combination of my own trauma that draws me to them. Maybe it's because I love a good tragedy, I don't know, but the thing I'm trying to get at is this:
I love Maria and Carol for who Carol was. For that fireball of a woman who never second-guessed herself. The person before the Kree, and Hala, and space- whose biggest concerns were proving the Air Force wrong, changing diapers, and finding a babysitter for Monica on date nights. Bars and alcohol and baseball caps. First loves and long drives with the windows rolled down. Two women with an equal lifespan, who could live and die together like normal, beautiful humans.
And I love Carol and Valkyrie for who Carol has become. An immortal PTSD-ridden warrior. Someone who second-guesses everything. Whose concerns now involve about a hundred planets, Titans, gods, Accusers, etc. She's nostalgic for the 90s. She wears god-awful crocs and yells at her cat. She's in a fake-relationship with a random Prince because she "felt bad" and hooks herself up to fracking pods every night because she clings to the past like it's all she has. Valkyrie tethers her to real life... shows her that healing is possible and encourages her to open herself up to others again, even if it hurts.
To me, both pairings are beautiful. Both are valid. Both have their place in discussions, fanworks, and canon, and in everything I write, I aim to treat them with love, respect, and devotion.
Because these three women absolutely deserve it.
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maxwell-grant · 3 months
So, which of the alien empires do you like better, the Kree or the Skrulls?
I feel mostly the same way about either, in that I don't particularly care for them in their own right, there is plenty I outright dislike most of them, but they can be useful worldbuilding elements to have around and have led to decent things over the years. I guess if I had to draw a straw here I'd say the Skrulls, but the Skrulls have more asterisks attached. I think the Skrulls have aged poorly overall and seem to be more trouble than they're worth.
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It simply was inevitable that the Fantastic Four, at the moment of their inception, would have to deal with little green spacemen bent on world domination, these being shapeshifting Red Scare allegories just being part-and-parcel of what alien invasion stories are generally about at core (well that and antisemitism). Invading armies made of alien races are just kind of grandfathered into superhero settings at this point, like one of those things you have to address or do at some point. I'd say my biggest issue with the Skrulls isn't so much that they exist, and less that they are made to embody ideas I find politically or socially or morally reprehensible (although that is an issue, and Secret Invasion was an abysmally fucking ugly chapter in Marvel history, I'll link these articles by Ritesh Babu and Kelly Kanayama who can better elaborate why), as much as I think they really fall apart as a concept that's meant to exist in a shared universe where everybody's gonna be approaching them with different sensibilities and everybody who does so is gonna do some course-correcting on the previous takes to make their new one stand. They are living breathing allegorical embodiments of The Other who are also meant to pose an actual verifiable threat to the planet, and when you treat that idea seriously, when it’s no longer the 60s and this stuff is no longer given a pass for being charmingly antiquated, what do you do with it?
Are the Skrulls refugees? Are they imperialists? Are they warmongering genocide enthusiasts by nature or are they just regular people abused and groomed into war by their leaders? Are they space capitalists or commies? Are they honorable warriors or filthy backstabbers? Are they evil jihadist extremists hellbent on destroying America? Are we supposed to cheer when the heroes enthusiastically destroy them to save the planet or is this an oh-so-sad why-couldnt-we-get-along thing where the superheroes are very sad they have no choice but to kill them all? Are we meant to distrust the heroes when they attack Skrulls who are clearly not the aggressors or is it just an understandable funny misunderstanding? Are they really just gonna keep ping-ponging between perfect aggressors and perfect victims depending on what is convenient? That just feels irresponsible and too discomforting to me.
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And I think that discomfort with their past depictions, with Secret Invasion, with the general fantasy orc problem they carry, is very clear in how modern creators tackle the Skrulls, and so they lean more heavily on making the Skrulls palatable, making them warriors torn between their honor and their loyalty to their dying empire, going hard on the angle of them as refugees displaced by war (which only makes the people at conflict with, the Kree and the superheroes, even less sympathetic in a way that never allows that thread to pan out), making conventionally pretty Skrulls like Hulkling to be "the good ones" in charge, drowning them in white savior bullshit that does little to address that fundamental tension and doesn't even last because eventually the Skrulls will be villains again, eventually it's their turn on the list of old pulp tropes superheroes recycle periodically. Even putting Secret Invasion aside, and you can't, the Skrulls are fundamentally a hostile endless race of alien monsters seeking to infiltrate America's borders by replacing it's people with themselves so they can take over the world. Valuable attempts have been made to flesh them out, but you are just not going to bleed that fascistic validation out of them.
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The most I ever liked the Skrulls as a concept is probably in that storyline where Ben Grimm gets captured and sent to a Skrull planet where they are all obsessed with imitating Prohibition-era gangsters and forcing several other captive aliens to battle out, simultaneously allowing The Thing to deal with an upscaled gangster problem and a Star Trek problem and a Flash Gordon problem all in one. Skrulls-as-Space-Gangsters felt like it was onto something, a decent middleground power and threat-wise for them to occupy in the cosmic hierarchy with a niche not occupied by anyone else in the F4 rogues gallery and one that might de-emphasize the inherent xenophobia, open up different nuanced takes without needing to defang their value as an imperial power (and frankly Ben Grimm should be punching gangsters more often, he'd be the first to agree). That might be too limiting, so if there were a step beyond that, I'd suggest doing more on the weird exploration side, go big on the Skrulls as a species of copycats who can be anything and allow for weird alternate scenarios and themes and topics to be touched on, some of that weird anything-goes experimentation that made so much of F4 fun to read.
Skrull utopias, Skrull dystopias, Skrull societies that revolve around cooking competitions (maybe there are Skrulls morphing themselves into meals). Skrull planets doing shonen fighting tournaments, Skrull corporations dissatisfied with the Super-Skrull so they start splicing superpowers from a bunch of others hoping to strike big with the next great warrior, planets that are moving backwards because everytime their Skrulls get dissatisfied with modernity they take a step back on their timeline as literally as possible, Skrulls play-acting their versions of Marvel story arcs that center them as the heroes, a planet that is just the Skrulls doing their version of the DC universe, a city of rocky orange Skrulls who worship Ben as the greatest warrior in the universe, serious debates in Skrull circles over what is the worst form possible to take, roving bands of Skrull hippies trying to find the next cool thing to transform into and mold their identities around, Skrull beauty pageants, etc. I guess most of these are ideas better served outside of the Skrull framework and there's not much getting around the core make-up of these guys, but idk, if the Skrulls are gonna be a thing forever then they should be something that isn't just an Other existing in service of white savior/xenophobic fantasies. Give them their own Monkey Meat-esque anthology series about the things these weirdos endure and do when they aren't getting into spats with superheroes or space fascists or their warring governments.
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Oh yeah and there's these guys too, I guess. To be honest I don't think I actually even know what's their deal. I know they are distinct enough from the skrulls due to their superpowers and big hammers and imagery, they come in different colors, they take orders from a big weird mostly-evil supercomputer, they have the Accusers as essentially a police force they've used to murder a bunch of planets with, they created the Inhumans by fucking around with cavemen, and their deal a lot of the time seems to be that they are powerful space fascists, and also that they are responsible for Captain Marvel, which doesn't do a lot to dispel the whole space fascist thing. I do think Ronan is okay though. I liked him allright in his FF debut because, given his introduction, given how he spends every line of dialogue in it flabbergasted at the F4 for daring to oppose his authority and resist his judgement and that of his empire and shocked that they won't simply comply and bow and accept death, it made him maybe thee closest you could get to a evenly-matched Fantastic Four vs The Cops story, which I thought was enough reason to justify him and the Kree as an ongoing element. Hickman also does good stuff with him and the Kree in his Fantastic Four and Avengers runs enough that I am broadly okay with them as a thing, along with the whole reocurring cosmic invader bucket they share with the Skrulls and the Shi'ar and whatever. The best one in that alien invader bucket I'd say is Annihilus, but he is his own degree of freak not really comparable to them.
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If I was gonna point to anything between the two that I actually love, not just appreciate but actually really enjoy, it would be the guy in that image speaking the thing on my mind most of the time, Super-Skrull. That is ENTIRELY because he is a very entertaining character in MvC3, not just in terms of his playstyle but his general personality and demeanor, and that was my introduction to him, mostly divorced from the context the Skrulls usually occupy I was very on board with this funny green spaceman with such a cool and busted powerset and such an attitude problem. Charlie Adler does so much for his personality, this hilariously unpleasant egotistical jerk who's spitting and snarling everything he says, jeering and stomping the camera or stomping your opponent after they're down, nobody in the game is quite playing the Heel to the extent Super-Skrull is, and I like that some of his lines and ending emphasize how he's not even really that much of a villain. He is the hero his empire needs, even if he nurtures a rebellious streak, and asks you not to look too much into whenever he breaks character.
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picturejasper20 · 7 months
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur Kid Kree/Mel-Varr character analysis
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Kid Kree/Mel-Varr is a character that gets introduced in the Season 2 episode ¨Kid Kree¨ as a semi antagonist to Lunella and later becomes an ally and friend on the long run. He is a character that is original from the comics, having some differences in the way he is characterized in the series.
In this post i’m going to talk about his character, how he develops in this part of the season and his relationship with Lunella, which is important for his character growth.
Let’s start:
As i previously mentioned, Mel-Varr/Kid Kree gets introduced in the episode ¨Kid Kree¨. In this episode Lunella and Casey first meet Marvin scanning and acting strange with other people on the street. All this time Marvin is seen wearing his human disguise, which makes him pass off as a regular teenager. Later Lunella is asked by LOS to show Mel-Varr the school around. Since Mel-Varr is an alien there are many earthly traditions he doesn’t understand yet. He laughes too loudly when trying to imitate Lunella and mixes up words. He is pretty awkward when it comes to human interactions, still trying to get used to them.
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During gym class, he approaches Lunella, who is working on some formulas she has, and brings up a small correction she should change in her math. Lunella quickly realizes that Mel-Varr is into science and math like she is and asks him if he would like to hang out later. Mel-Varr agrees but says that he has to receive a call from his father first.
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It gets revealed that Mel-Varr is on a secret mission to capture Moon Girl, explaining why he is passing off as a student at school. He got sent to Earth by his own father,Pad-Var, to prove his worth as kree soldier and as punishment for having failed at the military academy. He explains to his father that he assumed Lunella was Moon Girl but the tests he ran didn’t match the results. He doesn’t know that Lunella is Moon Girl and visversa.
The reality is that Mel-Varr doesn’t enjoy being a warrior. It is something that was forced by his father, who sets very high expectations on him. Kree’s society puts emphasis on its people to be soldiers, or at least the social circles Mel-Varr finds himself in his species. He mainly follows what his father tells him because that’s what is expected of him and he really wants his approval.
Mel-Varr is into science and math, something that Pad-Var heavily disapproves of when they interact. Their relationship is very strained because of this, as Mel-Varr feels like he can’t be himself around his father and he is forced to be someone he doesn’t want to. Pad-Var acts pretty distant towards his own son, more often refering to him as a soldier rather than his own family.
There are implications that Mel-Varr didn’t have any friends before coming to Earth as he mentions that he was bullied in his previous school by his peers for being a ¨nerd¨. So not only he has a complicated relationship with his father, there is the chance that he is rejected by other people from around his age as well.
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This is why Mel-Varr doesn’t take time in befriending Lunella: She is someone he feels like can be his own self around. He doesn’t have to hide who he is. They both bond over having similar interests and ways of thinking, something that Lunella herself appreciates since she was interested in finding someone she could talk about science as well.
As Mel-Varr helps Lunella with her inventions, the two become closer and hang out very often. On the other hand, Moon Girl and Kid Kree develop a sort of rivalry between the two, trying to Outsmart the other on each encounter they have. During this time Mel-Varr and Lunella are unaware that Mel-Varr is fact helping Lunella to come up with weapons to defeat ¨Kid Kree¨.
During the same day Lunella invites Mel-Varr for dinner and to meet her family, Moon Girl and Kid Kree have another encounter in which Mel-Varr loses his communicator-phone that he uses to contact his father. Lunella grabs it and takes it to her lab to examine it.
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Along with Casey, they both learn that Kid Kree is Mel-Varr by checking a visual-audio recording saved on his communicator. This makes Lunella very upset, jumping to conclusions about Mel-Varr instead of talking to him and calls Pad-Var to provoke him.
During dinner Lunella reveals to Mel-Varr that he knows his secret identity as Kid Kree by giving him his  communicator back. This leads to Mel-Varr to realize that Lunella is Moon Girl too. Lunella also tells him that she called his father, making Mel-Varr get very nervous at the mention of it.
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When asked by Mimi about it, Mel-Var explains to the Lafayette family that his father is forcing him to do things he doesn’t want to and be someone he isn’t. He was happy to meet Lunella because he could be himself around her. For the language and expression Mel-Varr has when talking about Pad-Var, it gives the impression that their relationship is abusive to an extent. He gets scared by the idea of having to talk to him and the mere mention of him. He leaves the department, not before clarifying to Lunella that he didn’t know that she was Moon Girl.
Realizing her mistake, Lunella goes after Mel-Varr as Moon Girl and followed by Devil behind. They find him on top of a buiding, where Pad-Var’s ships arrives to pick up Mel-Varr. Pad-Var sees Moon Girl and Devil and fights them to capture them. While the fight is happening, Lunella apologizes to Mel-Varr for jumping to conclusions and causing trouble for him. She wants for the two of them to be friends and asks him to tell his father how he truly feels about him.
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Mel-Varr decides to help Lunella fighting against Pad-Var and gains the courage to tell him that he can’t be what his is expected to be and that in reality he prefers to study science, even if Pad-Var doesn’t approve of it. Instead of being dissapointed, the commander shows interest in Mel-Varr’s inventions, seeing that they could be useful in battle. He asks Mel-Varr to come back so they could put his science skills on use.
After the fight, Lunella and Mel-Varr still remain friends and Marvin gives Lunella a communicator, so they can keep in contact with each other. Mel-Varr goes inside the spaceship, saying goodbye to Lunella.
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Kid Kree retuns in the episode ¨In The Heist¨. He is first seen when Lunella calls him using the comunicator to ask him about the crystal that she and the kids are shown to in the museum. Mel-Varr is doing what resembles a military obstacle course while talking to Lunella, indicating he was able to rejoin his previous school, mentioned in ¨Kid Kree¨. This means he is still trying to be a soldier or that kids in his planet are trained to be soldiers from a young age.
He shows to be deeply concerned about the crystal being inside the museum. He tells to Lunella to take out of there since it has special powers that, when exposed under direct sunlight, it generates horrible weather conditions, which in Kree society are used for a tradition called ¨Bloodvember¨. This demostrates that while he wasn’t on Earth for a long time, he cares about it enough for people to not get hurt by the crystal’s powers.
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Mel-Varr shows up near the end of the episode to retrieve the crystal that Lunella and the STEAM kids took from the museum. He hangs out with Lunella and laughs at her retelling of the heist she and others carried out to get the crystal. They both act a bit awkward with each other, making Mel-Varr almost forget taking the crystal with him in the process. He gives a side hug to Lunella and says goodbye, going back to his home planet.
Mel-Varr shows up one last time in Season 2 A in the episode ¨Dancing With Myself¨. When Lunella is talking to Devil about how she doesn’t have anyone that could be her date for the school dance, Mel-Varr drops from the sky near them and explains to Lunella that the Zargarian (an moth like alien race) are after him because they are sworn enemies to the Pad-Var and they are trying to capture him (again). He asks to Lunella if she knows any place to hide, specially if it is dark to not attract the Zargarian.
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Instead of taking Mel-Varr to a more secure place to hide, Lunella asks him if he could try hiding inside the school dance. She persuades him into believing that it is safe and could help him with ¨fitting in¨ with other teenagers to go unnoticed. Lunella’s true motive is that she is the only one at the dance she doesn’t have a date and takes the opportunity that Mel-Varr is   here to have someone to ¨date¨ and that way fit in with the others.
Mel-Varr quickly goes along with it, probably because he believes that he is going to be safe from the Moth men while hiding in the school. He is still unaware of human culture as a whole, so he trusts that whatever Lunella is telling him is safe. Another point that could be made is that Mel-Varr was in part interested in being Lunella’s date considering he really likes her romantically speaking. Perhaps he wanted to know how dating worked for humans and wanted to try it out.
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In the school dance, they both try imitating what other couples do but it ends up with both of them feeling very awkward and uncomfortable while doing so. It isn’t a situation they enjoy, they feel pressured to do it just to fit in with their peers (mainly from Lunella’s side). In a moment they start talking about science and Lunella stops Mel-Varr, telling him that they should ¨act¨ more like the other couples.
Some time passes when Mel-Varr asks Lunella if they could go elsewhere to hide from the Moth men. Lunella promises they’ll go after a slow dance and Mel-Varr agrees to it if they leave the place after that. They both seem to be having fun dancing until the spotlight light turns on and Lunella asks them to stay a bit longer.
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Finally Mel-Varr snaps at Lunella, telling her to stop. He then explains that the whole dating thing makes him feel uncomfortable and that he ¨is still a kid¨. He doesn’t feel ready to get involved in romantic things even though he admits he really likes Lunella. The spotlight light falls on them, attracting the Moth men who take Mel-Varr.
In the middle of the chaos, Lunella learns that the rest of her friends were dating other people because they thought that that’s what they were supposed to do for a school dance and in reality they feel the same as her when it comes to dating. This make her realize her mistake and goes to look for Mel-varr. Lunella apologizes for pressuring him into being her date, admiting that she was also uncomfortable and if they could stay as friends instead. Mel-Varr happily agrees to the idea.
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Lunella frees Mel-Varr and they both take their identities as Moon Girl and Kid Kree to fight against the Zargarian. Eventually Devil and the rest of the school join the fight, helping with chasing the Moth men away. Mel-Varr and Lunella go back their non-superhero identities and return to inside the school. The episode ends with Lunella and Mel-Varr having fun dancing in the school dance, not as a couple but as friends.
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Another aspect that is worth of bringing up from this episode is that Mel-Varr still struggles with standing up for himself. While what Lunella taking him to the school dance was wrong, he admits that he could have said something sooner about it. He could have been more clear with Lunella that they had to leave the school earlier. It seems to be an issue that he is trying to work through ever since the episode ¨Kid Kree¨.
As for what direction his character arc could take next, it is possible he starts living on Earth since he that’s where Lunella is and he seems enjoy being more on Earth than his own planet overall. It could also be that he moves in out of safety reasons, having in mind that he seems to be the target of plenty of his father’s enemies.
In all, Mel-Varr/Kid Kree is someone who starts as a somewhat enemy of Moon Girl until he realizes that he has a lot of common with her and they become friends. He becomes someone close to Lunella as well as an ally. Thanks to her, Mel-Varr gets inspired to stand up for himself and stay true to who his is as a person.
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binkywinky · 9 months
i still don't understand how carol caused the Kree to collapse like they did. how does destroying their AI cause all of that?
Hmm, I guess it's not explained as clearly in the movies, but I'll try to explain based on what I know of its role in the comics.
The Supreme Intelligence is an AI, yes, but it's more pervasive than something like Jarvis. It was the ruler of the Kree civilization, it was their government, and it was their religion.
It dictated everything from what "role" an individual had in Kree society to literal population control. For example, the Kree have DNA samples from several dead high profile Kree members and use that DNA to create children from them. It's how Mar-Vell has so many damn kids in the comics despite never meeting them - they were born in a lab using Mar-Vell's DNA sample.
Giving people specific roles allows them to control every aspect of Kree life. Everyone from who is a scientist to who is a warrior to who is a sanitation worker is specified by the Supreme Intelligence. And everyone is taught to follow the laws as created by the Supreme Intelligence in order to ensure the best possible outcome for the Kree Empire's survival.
The Kree also worshipped the Supreme Intelligence like a god. It's essentially the religion of the Kree, and they are indoctrinated from birth to believe they are the most superior race in the universe and are destined to rule everywhere and control everyone, by any means necessary. That's what led them to war time and time again, such as with the Skrulls.
So imagine then when Carol comes in and fucking destroys this thing. It's not just a power vacuum that's created - it's chaos. When you live in a society where every single aspect of your life is controlled, what the hell is gonna happen when the very thing controlling you just disappears?
On the surface, it looks like you have freedom, which is what Carol thought. But the Supreme Intelligence cultivated a fascist, imperialistic civilization with such an intense dogma that there's no way it's just gonna disappear because the Supreme Intelligence blew up one day. And while the Supreme Intelligence was insane, it kept order. Without it, you're left with extremists that have advanced armies, like Ronan and Dar-Benn, who will use their skills to carry out that doctrine by any means necessary. And of course they have different approaches and each see themself as The One to bring their people glory, so what happens then? You get all these people trying to fill that vacuum, and there's no longer any order. None of them have the ability to reach and control everyone like the Supreme Intelligence did, and that allows for factions to form and dissent and conflict to fester.
So then who is enforcing the laws? Who is controlling the population? Who is making sure the society maintains an equilibrium that keeps the empire in a position to sustain for years to come? No one. All these conflicting interests lead to a civil war, and that's how you run out of food. That's how you get poor air quality. That's how the sun starts dying (based on the assumption that the sun is artificial because a sun isn't gonna die in 30 years unless it was already dying). They used up all their resources fighting amongst themselves, and by the time they stopped, it was too late to reverse the more extensive damage.
So, yeah... that's how Carol's actions led to the collapse of the Kree Empire. Personally, I'd say indirectly because they did it to themselves, but her taking out the Supreme Intelligence absolutely was the catalyst.
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