#kreacher I only like by extension
endiecutieo6 · 5 months
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No shade onto anyone who likes the characters I just don’t particularly care for them
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madamewalburga · 1 month
you’re a genius with that walburga post can you please tell us more about what you think of her relationship with sirius (regulus too? please?)
Thank u for this anon im glad someone else is insane about them. Little disclaimer but ofc all my ramblings are just hcs, I do not want to deny Walburga’s abuse of Sirius (and Regulus for that matter). This is just inspecting Walburga in a more humanized perspective, which is extremely fun since we don’t have anything on her aside from what Sirius and Kreacher have said. IN ANY CASE,, I don’t have a lot of hyper specific hcs yet (since they’re still brewing in my brain ngl) BUTTTTT some of the stuff i have thought up
absolute favoritism of Sirius, in fact her clinging to Regulus after Sirius’ running away is her coping. it borderlined on obsession and reverence since she was desperate to save Reg. (if she could just save the spare, then she wouldn’t have failed everything would be alright)
she cared too much for sirius but showed it less, she cared too less for regulus but showed it more. yes sirius was her favorite but she mostly let him do what he wanted since pre-hogwarts sirius could do no wrong in her eyes. she trusted him enough to let him be on his own, only focused on making him skillful in magic, etiquette and society. she had ZERO doubts her expectations would ALWAYS be met when it comes to him. (it wasn’t but we all know that) meanwhile, regulus needed more instruction in her eyes. before sirius ran, regulus was more of his brother’s extension, not his own person. he was the spare, the second son. he needs to understand how to act like the second son. he needs to be good, but not as good as sirius. he needed to be perfect at almost being perfect.
(this is also why reg is in quidditch, since sirius rarely participates in the sport and therefore less of an interest to their mother. he absolutely hated the fact that sirius got a quidditch best mate.)
she didn’t mind that regulus was orion’s favorite son but orion definitely minded her favoritism of sirius. that setup works for her because it means regulus would be protected from his wrath, and he can’t hurt sirius much since he was the heir and almost holds just as much power as orion in the family hierarchy
she personally takes regulus to his quidditch lessons like a soccer mom
when he was 7, sirius found her shaking, trying to compose herself, after a very heated argument with orion. he was practicing his violin when he heard his mother’s boots stomp loudly up the stairs and followed her. “are you alright, mother?” “yes my darling boy. why don’t you play for mum, hm? let me hear what you got so far.”
sirius stopped playing after things got sour and it was only by accident that james even found out he knew how to play. a year into staying with the potters, james kept teasing him to play in front of fleamont and euphemia and merlin knows he could never refuse euphemia potter anything. he completely broke down after finishing the song and he never told them why.
she was the one to teach the boys how to tie their ties
she was ofc very strict with family image and therefore often made the boys custom made matching robes. not too matchy, lest they look corny, but same theme usually. she includes herself in this sometimes, and as much she wants to exclude orion, she gives him a matching tie or hat. sometimes.
I swear I have fun ones too but these are some stuff top of my head. Thank you for the fun ask, anon!
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marauderstan014 · 2 years
so, i wrote something, 500 words of nothing
Regulus turns 17 and decides to free himself from the house of black
As the clock strikes midnight on June 16th of 1978, Regulus is already packed and ready to leave. His parents are asleep and Kreacher is waiting for him in front of the fireplace, holding his trunk for him. He’s been preparing for this moment for months, he knows exactly what he’s doing.
He hesitates.
Kreacher stares at him with his big eyes as if hurrying him. He has to do it. For once in his life, he has to be brave. For once in his life, he has to be like– He sighs. That’s where he’s going, to the only person he knows won’t let him down. Sirius.
And James, and Remus, by extension. But it’s Sirius, not them. Sirius knows, Sirius understands, Sirius was the one who told him he could do it. Sirius was the one who told him that sometimes running away is the bravest thing to do.
“Don’t leave me here alone,” he had said to Sirius on Christmas of 1975. “I need you.”
“Come with me,” they had answered him. “I’ll take you with me.” But he couldn’t, not yet, so he shook his head. “I’ll see you at school, Reg,” they had promised. “Stay safe.”
Of course Sirius kept their promise, they’re honourable like that, and as much as Regulus tried to pretend everything was fine at home, as much as he tried to pretend his parents weren’t treating him like they treated them, Sirius knew. Sirius knew and spent the next three years preparing him for this moment.
And here he is, ready to leave. Why is he hesitating?
"Reggie, please listen to me," Sirius had told him right before they entered the Hogwarts Express in Regulus’ first year. "You mustn't be sorted into Gryffindor."
"But I want to be like you."
"Please, Reggie, it's important that you're a Slytherin, you know how they felt when I wasn't sorted there."
“But I want to be brave like you."
"You are braver than me, that is why you must be sorted into Slytherin, so they won't be even more upset. You'll be alright, Reg, I promise."
He needs to be brave like Sirius. Braver than Sirius, as they had told him. Sirius said that they ran away without thinking twice because their parents would have killed them otherwise, but that Regulus has the choice. They said that Regulus needs to be braver than them if he wants to escape, because he’ll be doing it of his free will.
Well, he thinks, for once in his life, he’ll be brave.
“Potter Manor,” he says at the fireplace with his trunk in his hands, closing his eyes and hoping for the best.
“Reggie!” He hears Sirius’ voice, not at all startled, as if they were expecting him. “You made it.”
“Guess that makes me braver than you,” he jokes, his knees wobbling and eyes filling with tears.
“I think we had established that six years ago,” they smile at him. “I’m so proud of you, Reg.”
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betraeyer · 3 years
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i’ve gone over this a few times simply because it’s one of my favourite pieces of my portrayal. in my mind, the house of black are in possession of some truly fascinating dark artefacts, charms and potions. in my portrayal of orion (zvedza), i have it written that though members of the house of black rarely reduce themselves to menial work, they do have hobbies; orion’s, like some of his ancestors, is to collect dark artefacts and surround himself with an outstanding knowledge and understanding of dark magic.
i headcanon that the house of black were, at some point also in possession of the resurrection stone, one of the three deathly hallows. they parted with it as it caused a chain of events similar to its origin story; they almost pawned it off one of the linked families in a bid to rid themselves of it.
growing up in 12 grimmauld place, regulus is surrounded by numerous dark magical artefacts in his father’s possession. some include,
a diary that causes you to forget that which you write
a portrait on the second landing that will swallow you if you get too close. it has a sister portrait that seems to have been constantly on the move since 1964, bellatrix once fell for its charm as a young girl and ended up quite far from home
a mirror in an upstairs bathroom that mimics the host of the reflection and learns patterns of behaviour. get too close and one will find themselves in possession of less than half of their conscious mind
a boggart in the attic. regulus has faced it a total of three times, within 12 grimmauld place. each time it has taken a different shape
enchanted music box, the eye of a mad wizard that still seems to blink and move, various books and writings containing spells made to incapacitate, wound and kill.
it’s likely that regulus would have an extended knowledge of many of these artefacts, especially during the years 1971-1978, when sirius’ presence in the house was absent and regulus spent the majority of his time in his father’s study, where he was to remain to ensure that regulus did not also stray from the family.
regardless of his upbringing and the magical objects that litter his home, regulus had a fascination for dark magic and dark magical objects that was entirely his own. at hogwarts he had an affinity for defence against the dark arts, and it was labelled one of his high interest classes; it was something he was particularly skilled in, given his prior knowledge and exceptional magical ability.
regulus would, then, have learned about horcruxes either directly from his father, or from one of his many books and parchments in his study. in my portrayal, this is how regulus came to understand that the task of stealing and destroying the horcrux was his task. having already been disillusioned by the dark lord’s ideals some time in 1978-1979, learning that he had split his soul and created the inevitability of his return, or the likelihood of immortality proved to him that the dark lord would not keep his promises; that his ideals to create a world built from pureblood dominance could never have truly been his aim.
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wisteria-blooms · 2 years
miss black (f.w. & reader) (1/2)
CHAPTER: [1] [2]
PAIRING: Fred Weasley & You
Hey, I was wondering if you could write some friends to lovers with Fred. The reader is Sirius’ daughter and is like a sister to Harry. Instead of them spending the summer at the burrow they all (Weasleys + Harry + Hermione) go to Grimmauld Place. :)
SUMMARY: Your summer is instantaneously made better when Fred Weasley and his family show up at Grimmauld Place. As you try to weather through your newfound lineage, Harry's trial, the Order, and growing pains in general, Fred shows you that love can be found even in the coldest of places - within the walls of Grimmauld Place. (3.0k words)
A/N: @nojamsonmytoast I think I owe you an apology for this super-delayed request. I swear I have all this stuff written out then I get in my head to try to make it better then I take a break and yeah... But I loved the summer they spent at Grimmauld Place, like sure the place was inhospitable but it just felt so cozy, especially with the twins apparating everywhere. Definitely a highlight in the OoTP! To be honest, I loved this request so much that it’ll be split in two parts to get everything you wanted in it.
Tags: Friends-to-lovers, fluff, comfort, Y/N is Sirius's daughter!!
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Drip. Drip. Drip.
You perfunctorily watched your morning coffee drip and pool into the glass vessel under the filter. It was early morning at 12 Grimmauld Place and there was barely a stir in the house except for the pitter-patter of Kreacher’s feet and his grumblings. There really wasn’t anything to do here. Any other summer you would’ve gone home and enjoyed yourself a nice vacation in muggle England, splaying your limbs out on a field somewhere under the sun or spending a day out in the city streets shopping. But this summer was different for many reasons.
“Morning,” you responded, jolting upwards from your slouched position. You held up an empty mug and asked, “Coffee?”
“Sounds lovely,” Sirius responded, seating himself down at the long table in the kitchen and picking up the morning paper. “Didn’t really sleep well last night.”
Your eyes followed Sirius. It was a peculiar feeling, watching the man you discovered was your blood father. You’d first seen him over a year ago when you were trapped in the Shrieking Shack with him, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Remus, and Snape. There was some instant familiarity when his eyes met yours, but everything happened too fast for you to say anything. Before he left the school grounds, Professor Lupin had admitted he had his suspicions, but didn’t want to prematurely act on it until he had evidence. But he figured at the end of the school year, he could make a direct link – the history matched up. You couldn’t believe it, but looking at Sirius’s face as he sifted through the morning papers, it was hard to deny: your face basically mirrored his.
What was even more shocking was that he wasn’t just any normal wizard. He, and you by extension, was a descent of the Black family. The infamous House of Black. You decided you needed more time with him because the fact that he was your father wasn’t sinking in, like an emulsion of oil in water. So, you volunteered to spend the whole summer with him at Grimmauld Place despite all the reasons you didn’t want to. Firstly, you longed to see Harry, who you would meet whenever you could when were both in muggle England. He lived, by some happenstance, only a few streets down. And when he could escape the latches of Mr. and Mrs. Dursley, you often got up to great fun. Harry was perhaps the most excited to learn you were Sirius’s daughter. He hollered, much to Hermione’s chagrin, in your train compartment back to King’s Cross Station. It felt like it was fate that you were best friends – and perhaps it was because your fathers were back in their day, too.
Secondly, you often paid a visit for a week or two to the Weasleys. This was a trip often extended. You’d known them as long as Harry had, and they were the picture-perfect example of a loving family you’d yearned to have for the longest time. You knew Ron well through Harry, but you found you got along with his brothers better. In particularly, Fred Weasley had always taken a liking to you. You were more than willing to break a few rules with him and join in on his pranks with him, often posing as look-out at school. After the revelation of Sirius being your father, you braced for a disappointed reaction, but Fred being Fred, reacted differently. He was elated that he now knew where your mischievous streak came from. You were glad, because over the years, your world had begun to rely on his approval.
Lastly and overarching, it was hard to see your father in this state. The more you learned about him, the worse your heart broke for him. You felt awful that even you thought of him as a mass-murderer before you knew any better; it was libel what the Ministry of Magic was spewing. The way he gazed at you with such adoration and love made that impossible to believe.
“So,” you said as you set a cup of hot coffee down on the table. “When can we see Harry?”
Sirius laughed and leaned back into his chair.
“Is there a day you haven’t asked me this?”
“Nope,” you responded bluntly. “I’m just hoping your answer changes.”
“Well, my love, it’s the same today, but,” Sirius set his coffee down, “I’ve got your second-best option.”
“Yeah?” you perked up from the other side of the table. “What is it?”
“You’ll find out later today,” he said with a smile.
“You’re no fun.”
“I’d rather watch you be surprised.” He said with a shrug and picked up the news again. “So, what are you up to today?”
“Going to try to clean the house,” you murmured, stretching out your arms. “It seems every time I try, it ends up dirty again.”
You heard a faint sound coming down from the hall. Both you and Sirius turned towards the door. You glared at the shadow of the House Elf murmuring to himself as he passed through the corridor. “You don’t reckon Kreacher’s setting me up for failure?”
“Highly likely,” Sirius scoffed. “Never liked him.”
Your eyes followed Kreacher as he trundled slowly down the dark hallway. You could’ve sworn he looked back at you, plotting another day of undoing your hard work. “Filthy blood traitors, scum of the earth,” he continued to ramble. “What would my master think of…”
“Okay, see you later, then. Maybe I’ll outsmart Kreacher.”
You gave Sirius a hug from behind, feeling the act get a little more comfortable each time you did it.
By the time afternoon had settled in, you were worn out. You were tired of fighting doxies alone. Some extra hands wouldn’t be bad to have. Luckily, you had your own room to relax in. It was spacious and furnished from corner to corner, but felt empty due to the lack of friends. Sirius had also given you his old bedroom to do whatever you desired with it, stating he didn’t care much for what happened to it. You rolled around your bed and picked up a letter you kept in the first drawer of your nightstand. This one in particular made your heart flutter every time you read it. The penmanship was nearly illegible, but you loved it because you knew who wrote it: Fred Weasley.
                                                                                                                        July 03, 1995
How’s summer without me? I’ll bet it’s boring. Even mum whines about the lack of girls in the house and you not being here. Not my fault she had six sons. 
Miss that pretty face of yours.
You weren’t sure of exactly when he’d started littering flirtatious phrases in his conversations, but it wasn’t unwelcome. Your cheeks felt warm at the thought of Fred finding you pretty. You just hoped he meant it and that it wasn’t a line he dropped on every girl.
Remus’s voice from downstairs snapped you out of your lovesick trance. The sharp sound of shattering glass consequently followed and you figured Tonks would be there too. Quickly stuffing Fred’s letter back in the drawer, you scurried downstairs, particularly parched for human interaction.
“Hi, Tonks!” you greeted as walked down the stairs.
“Wotcher, (Y/N),” Tonks responded, leaning on the rails and looking at the ajar door. The purple-haired wizard was like an older sister to you. Given her age, she was the easiest to get along with.
“What are they discussing in there?” you asked as you peered into the kitchen. You could make out figures shuffling and pacing, but they kept their voices low.
“Order affairs,” she responded.
“Order?” you asked.
“Er,” Tonks began to clarify, “work.”
“Alright.” You eyed her suspiciously. “Well, I’m going in.”
“Wait, (Y/N)—,” Tonks said as she stretched her arm out. You figured she was stationed here to stop you from going in, but you were helplessly curious about these meetings that occurred in your own home that you weren’t privy to.  
“Hi dad,” you interrupted, marching in like a delinquent. “What’s going on?”
Both Sirius and Remus stopped talking and abruptly turned around.
“You’re just in time, (Y/N),” Sirius said.
A puzzled look crossed your face. “What for?”
“A surprise.” Sirius explained. “He’s about this tall, if I recall correctly,” he said, approximating some height close to him with his hand. “Got a nice mop of bright hair.”
“And standing right there.”
You whipped back around to face the door.
“Oh!” you gasped. You saw an entourage of people; Fred; George; Ron; Ginny; Molly and Arthur; Hermione. You ran over to Hermione first and embraced her and Ginny together. Not only were they your closest friends, but you were grateful for another girl or two in the house.  
“Hermione! Ginny!” you exclaimed, a giddy expression overtaking your face at the sight of your best friends. You took them both in your arms.
“(Y/N)!” Hermione responded, hugging you as hard as you hugged her. “How you’ve been? I’ve terribly sorry we couldn’t get here earlier.”
“Really awful without you, ‘Mione, and you too, Gin,” you admitted. “Besides Tonks, there’s a lack of female presence in this place.”
“Couldn’t have been great without me either,” piped up Ron from beside her.
“You, I can manage a couple of weeks without,” you teased, watching Ron’s face drop. “I’m kidding. I missed you, too.” You gave him a quick hug, but your gaze naturally flittered over to where two older redheads stood.
“Hi, George,” you greeted, giving him a quick hug as well.
Then you turned to Fred. If anyone was watching closely, they’d notice the little jump you launched yourself with before you latched onto him with alacrity, pouring weeks of his absence into his hug. You missed him the most: his smile, his touch, his scent, his affection, his attention, his damn entire being. His skin was warm and freshly freckled, his clothes soft like they’d been left to dry on a line in the summer heat. To you, Fred signified the beginning of summer.
“Easy, darling,” he whispered in your ear, letting you down. He kept his embrace for a few seconds longer than the others had. “You make it seem I’m the only one in the room.”
You grinned at him and whispered back, “because you are.”
Fred simply winked at you.
“Are you visiting for the evening, Mr. Weasley?” you asked Arthur, secretly hoping they’d stay for at least day.
Molly strolled in the kitchen after greeting Tonks at the door. She opened a cupboard and turned to your father. “Goodness, the kitchen’s empty. We’ve barely got enough food to last through tomorrow’s lunch. Sirius, are you ensuring (Y/N) is eating well?”
As Molly continued to reassure herself of your welfare, Arthur turned back to you. “We’ll be here indefinitely.”
“Oh, brilliant,” you responded.
“One problem with being here indefinitely,” murmured George beside you. “We need a place to send out orders for the shop.”
“That’s still a thing?” you whispered back. “I thought your mum put a stop to it.”
“We’re operating under subterfuge,” clarified Fred. “Need to keep it shielded from mum’s eyes, or she’ll have a fit again.”
You bit your lip in thought. “Just use dad’s old room,” you suggested. “It’s basically mine now. I’m been trying to make it more liveable.”
“Shall we apparate there or do it in the more conventional way?” George asked Fred.
“I say apparate,” responded Fred. “Meet you at the stairs, (Y/N).”
Before you could implore further, Fred and George disappeared with a cackle. Molly’s shrill cry followed immediately as she whipped around from the cupboards to scold her sons.
“They’ve been doing this all summer,” Ron explained with a roll of his eyes beside you. “Apparating and doing magic just because they’re of age now. Mum hates it.”
“That’s convenient,” you murmured, wishing you were caught up in age and skill to do it. “I’ll be back in a second.”
You excused yourself, walked out the kitchen, and turned around to the staircase. The mottling undersides of it were laced with cobwebs that you swore you dusted off just this morning. You gazed up the dark and narrow flight of stairs, your eyes trailing upwards from two pairs of feet beside two sets of luggage up to two smug, almost identical faces. 
“After you, Miss Black,” said Fred with a bow as you approached him.
You paused. “What did you just call me?”
“Miss Black?” Fred repeated. “Or do you prefer Mademoiselle Black? Or Madame Black, if your heart is so rightfully taken.”  
“I-I don’t care for either of them, really,” you stated, continuing up the stairs with Fred behind you.
“He doesn’t call you that?” Fred asked in surprise, referring to a trudging Kreacher who was passing by below you.
“His favourite name for me is ‘scum of the earth’,” you corrected, earning a stifled laugh from George.
“Now, why would he call you that?” George chuckled as he trailed before Fred. “You hold a much higher title than him.”
“Ugly name for a pretty girl,” added Fred with a hum, the bass notes of his voice ricocheting the walls of the townhouse. Your skin prickled pleasantly, and you turned away to hide the awful blush threatening to surface on your face.
“You can just call me by my name,” you clarified. “It’ll take the entire summer for me to get used to it.”
After another few winding sets of stairs, the three of you arrived on the top floor, where Sirius’s bedroom was. You didn’t bother with the other door belong to your late uncle, Regulus.
“Did you do any work before we got here?” asked Fred, wiping grime off the wall with a finger.
“Of course I did,” you stated with a huff, looking at the walls you cleaned just yesterday afternoon. You imagined Kreacher cackling, painting slime over the walls as you slept peacefully downstairs. “It’s impossible with just me doing it.” You pointed to a basket overflowing with dirty rags and Doxy spray hanging off the handles that blocked Regulus’s room.
“You know what you need?” asked Fred.
“An actual house elf?” you suggested.
“No,” he corrected quickly. “You need someone who’ll listen to you. To be at your every beck and call whenever you need.”
“And where might I find that?” you asked.
“Right here,” he stated, pointing his thumb towards himself with a boastful smile.
You shook your head and rolled your eyes. “You would never in a million years help me clean this place.”
“People can change,” he interjected, following close behind you. “Why don’t you give me a chance?”
“We’ll see how you fare tomorrow.”
You pushed the door to Sirius’s old room open. Fred and George’s eyes widened at all the space you were providing them. Velvet curtains draped the windows so the room was dark, but other than the king-sized bed, the nightstand, and the drawer, it was clean and ready to be used as a workspace. You’d crammed everything else into the drawers: old photos, ticket stubs, guitar picks, empty ink bottles, and textbooks.
“I changed all the sheets in here so you can have a nap if you wear out your genius minds…” You trailed off when you realize where Fred’s eyes were traveling. They land on the semi-nude woman on the wall, the winner of some summer muggle bikini competition. “I can’t quite seem to take that poster off. It’s permanently enchanted to the wall.”
“I don’t think he minds it,” snickered George.
“Anyway, the space is yours,” you continued. “I doubt your mother will come up here. And I believe Orion sound-proofed this room when dad picked up the electric guitar.”
Fred rubbed his hands together. “This is excellent, really excellent, (Y/N).”
“We’ll start setting up,” George agreed as he unzipped his suitcase, letting a load of demonstrative products fall out onto the floor.  
“Forget work for a day,” you suggested. “Let’s do something fun on your first night here.”
“Such as?” prodded George.
“Swing by the guest room after dinner. The girls and Ron will be there, and we’ll have a bit of a party.”
“Trusty (Y/N),” Fred remarked. “Always the purveyor of fun.”
“I learn from the best,” you responded. When you saw Fred perk up, thinking you were lauding him, you quickly corrected him, “The best being George, of course.”
Fred offered you a pout, and you winked at him, holding onto your statement.
“Take it back, (Y/N),” he warned.
“I’m just going to leave you two lovebirds alone,” George said, making a disgusted face. “Save me from this lovers’ quarrel.” With that, he apparated away. The crack was quickly followed by Molly’s shrill cry from downstairs.
When it was just you and Fred in the room, you grew a little more courageous. A small smirk appeared on your face. “I still stand by it. I think George’s more fun than you.”
Fred stepped closer to you until he was inches near your face.  His tone was more intimidating this time, and your heart skipped a beat. “I said, take it back, (Y/N).”
That was the last straw. Fred’s fingers darted out and launched an attack on your waist—somewhere he knew you were ticklish. You shrieked and tried to pry his hands off, but he was too much strong for you.
“Fine, fine!” you surrendered through laughs. “It’s you! You’re the most fun.”
“That’s more like it,” Fred said as he stopped. Suddenly, he’d scooped you up in his arms. You let your legs wrap around his waist as he hoisted you up. He held you firm and steady. You looked down at him, his brown eyes lucid and his touch palpable. Half of you couldn’t believe he was here with you like you’d been dreaming about the past couple weeks.
Then your eyes trailed down to his lips and you wondered if there was any chance you’d kiss them this summer like you’d wanted to for the past four summers. You’d be damned if you didn’t at least try.  
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remedialpotions · 4 years
It’s my favorite non-holiday today - Ron’s birthday! Happy 41st to my favorite fictional person 🧡
also on AO3
The beam of light pierces the room, straight into Hermione’s eyes and through to what feels like the back of her brain. With a wince, she rolls and tries to bury her face in the pillow, seeking the respite of cool linens and darkness, but it’s no use. The headache that had eased in her sleep, though never fully subsided, is back with a vengeance.
England has no business being this sunny this time of year. It’s March; isn’t it meant to be cold and rainy and grey for days on end? Instead, to her great distaste, spring has arrived early.
She tries to sit up, but her limbs are like lead, and for a moment, as the pulsing behind her eyes intensifies, she takes a deep breath and wonders if she should even bother. She’s just in for yet another miserable day, one of struggling to raise her arms enough to wash her hair in the shower, of forcing down dry biscuits to quell the roiling in her stomach, of averting her eyes to avoid the pity in everyone’s gaze. It’s been six straight days of this, and all she wants is to feel better, to be better, and yet she knows that might not happen. She thinks of the Longbottoms in the Janus Thickey Ward, unable to speak or recognize their own child. She knows she’s not that poorly off, not even close. She’s still got her voice, hoarse though it may be, and her mind, and she’s grateful - but what good is her mind if she’s in too much pain to think?
What finally compels her from the bed is basic, simple thirst. She pulls on a dressing gown, some flimsy, silky thing that Fleur has loaned to her, and creeps silently out the door. Stairs are daunting lately: if she moves slowly, her ravaged muscles ache and burn, but if she hurries, the drop between each step sends a jolt right up her spine into her brain. Today, with her head pounding so intensely that it makes her dizzy, she has no choice but to guide herself slowly down the steps, gripping the guardrail the whole way down, and hope her legs don’t give way.
But she makes it eventually, and when she reaches the kitchen, she finds that she isn’t the only one awake. A tea kettle sits in the center of the worktop, beside a jar of sugar with a spoon plunged into the crystals. There’s only one person in the house who takes his tea with sugar, and the very thought imbues Hermione with enough energy to fix her own cup and walk down to the sitting room.
Ron’s nestled into one of the larger armchairs in the room, feet tangled in the rumpled mess of his sleeping bag on the floor in front of him, with a book open in one hand and his mug of tea in the other. With the exception of Harry and Dean’s muffled snores and the waves crashing outside, all is quiet and peaceful. Right there, in that room, is exactly what she needs.
“You’re up early,” she says, just loudly enough for her voice to carry across the room.
Ron turns at the sound and the corners of his lips curve into a smile. “A little less surprise would be nice.”
Hermione takes a few steps towards him. Everything hurts, still, but it’s lessened somehow with the warmth of his voice, the way his features soften at the sight of her and the knowledge that whatever she’s going through, he’s there with her.
“And you’re reading.”
Ron quirks an eyebrow. “Again, a little less surprise-” His words break off, and he tilts his head. “D’you feel all right?”
Hermione sidesteps Harry’s rucksack and shrugs. “About the same.”
With a sympathetic wince, Ron pats the narrow stretch of cushion beside him. “Come and sit.”
Getting herself anywhere is a challenge, even within the walls of the cottage; only by the power of her desire to pay respects to Dobby and the knowledge that Ron would be there to support her did she make it down the garden walk last week. But he draws her to him now, like a magnet, and soon she’s nestling herself into the space between the arm of the chair and his leg. They fit, but very tightly, and it takes everything Hermione has not to swing her legs into his lap.
Instead, she asks, “what are you reading?”
Ron shows her the cover: A Life of Loyalty: The Unique Bond Between Wizards and Their House Elves. “I didn’t know you’d brought this,” he remarks. “Do you secretly read about house elves when the rest of us are sleeping?”
“Maybe,” replies Hermione, coy, which makes Ron chuckle. “Well, I did think it might be useful, Kreacher was involved with the locket, and that poor elf that belonged to Hepzibah Smith, she was the only witness-”
“I know, I know,” interrupts Ron, still smiling fondly at her.
“So why have you started reading it, anyway? Is it just the least boring of all my books?”
“Well, yeah, but no, I…” He takes a long sip of his tea, like he’s stalling for time. “I just wanted to see if it had anything, on, erm…” He swallows another mouthful. “Y’know… funerals.”
Hermione freezes with her teacup halfway to her mouth. “Oh.”
“Just, my family’s never had house elves, and Harry and Dean grew up with Muggles so they wouldn’t really know either. But I just keep thinking about Dobby, and if we did something wrong when we buried him, like…” He looks down at the cover of the book, lower lip sneaking between his teeth. “What if they have, y’know, customs or traditions or things that you’re supposed to do, that we didn’t do - maybe it’s stupid-”
“No, it’s not-”
“But I had to know.”
“Well,” Hermione begins, careful to keep her voice low to avoid waking the others in the room, “I happen to have done extensive research on house elves-”
“Oh, have you?” Ron feigns surprise. “You’ve really kept that quiet-”
“Do you want to hear this or not?”
“Sorry, sorry.” He reaches over and pats her knee. “Go ahead.”
“House elves live quite a long time, they can outlive the families they’re serving which is why they’re often written into wills, but when they don’t…” She pauses, her train of thought off-track, though not due to the ache behind her eyes; Ron is drawing tiny circles on her knee with his fingertips, and this simple touch fills all the space in her brain. “Erm, when they don’t, it’s up to the family they’ve served to decide what’s best. Dobby was free, but he was deeply loyal to Harry, so I expect that he would have wanted…” She stops and sips her tea to fight the lump building in her throat. “Whatever Harry chose for him.”
“Right.” Ron lifts his hand from her knee and rubs the back of his neck, further mussing his sleep-tousled hair. “Good. ‘Cause I just… I don’t want to mess up again.”
Hermione knows he’s thinking back on the past several months, and that he hasn’t stopped beating himself up for all that’s gone wrong. Even with things that aren’t his fault, he manages to find a way to blame himself. He can’t seem to see how much she needs him… so she decides to show him.
In the cramped space of the armchair, it takes just the slightest shift for her to lean against him and let her weary head drop against his shoulder.
“You haven’t messed up,” she says, craning her neck up to look at him. Normally this would hurt - her neck has been stiff and tense, just like every other bit of her - but when their eyes meet, she decides it isn’t so bad.
His arm eases slowly around her shoulder, and his elbow bends so that his hand rests against her hair.
“This all right?” he asks, words coming out in a breath. “I know your head’s been bothering you.”
“Yeah, it’s - it’s nice, actually.”
His fingertips move through her curls, just barely grazing her scalp, and when they brush over her temple, she can’t help but gasp in shock. She’s so accustomed to pain that she’s forgotten what pleasure is like.
“Sorry! Did that hurt? I’m so-“
Ron pulls his arm away, but Hermione grabs his hand and tugs it back into place.
“No, it felt good,” she assures him, nestling further into his side. “It’s helping, it’s - it’s the only thing that’s helped in days.”
“Please don’t stop.”
As he resumes his slow, soft movements, she closes her eyes, but not before catching a glimpse of the contentment on his face.
She’s not better yet… but she knows now that she will be.
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inappropriate. sirius black x reader
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summary. remus finds you and sirius in a...compromising position and decided to share his thoughts on the matter. but as it turns out, remus doesn’t have much room to talk. (an extension of trainee).
word count. just under 3k.
warning(s). suggestive (i.e. making out), age gap, language.
a/n. i really liked trainee and the dynamic of that one-shot so i decided to expand upon that. i think i might make a couple installments to this but we’ll see, let me know what y'all think. oh, and requests are open.
   It had started out completely innocent. Or at least that’s what you told yourself as you made your way up the stairs to Sirius’ room. 
   The tea that you had in your hand precariously sloshed against the sides of the mugs, probably spilling more than a few drops on the floor. It was made just how Sirius liked it, more sugar and honey than there was tea. You’d have make sure to go back and clean up your mess later, but for now you could care less. 
   It had been a week since you’d last seen him. Well, you’d seen him. There was an emergency Order meeting and you both had been there, staring at each other from across the table without making it too obvious. Then there was that training session which Remus had sat in on. So yes, you’d seen him but you hadn’t gotten the chance to be near him or touch him.
   To run your hands through his hair or brush your lips along his jawline. So, by your standards you had not properly seen him and you had every intention of doing so.
   You knocked on his door, biting down on your lip slightly as you waited for his reply. 
   “Come in,” he shouted. 
   You opened the door smiling to yourself. He was sat on the couch at the far end of his room in front of the fireplace. He looked over his shoulder at you and returned your smile before bringing his attention back to the Daily Prophet he was reading. As you approached him, he held his hand out to take the tea. You snatched the paper from him, sitting down and draping your legs unceremoniously across his lap.    
   You pressed your back to the arm of the couch, flipping through the newspaper. Looking at him over the edge of the newspaper, you said, “All you do is read this crap.” 
   You tried not to notice the way his palms trailed up and down your calf. Tried not to notice how much you had missed his touch but that felt nearly impossible. And oh, he knew what he was doing, you could tell by the stupid smirk on his face. 
   “Well,” he replied casually, “when you can’t leave the house this is usually how you stay up to date on current events.” His shirt was only partially buttoned and you couldn’t shake the idea of tracing your fingers along his tattoos. You didn't want to stare but how could you not.
   Before you could look away, Sirius had already caught you looking. There was an endearing smile on his face that would’ve been cute if he wasn’t so damn cocky. You were about to make a sarcastic comment when Sirius grabbed your ankles and pulled you forward. 
   You landed next to him on the couch with a yelp. His hand was on your back, holding you steady. He leaned in to kiss you but you pushed him away.
   “Everyone’s downstairs.” Usually, Sirius would have cared. He was always very careful not to get caught, sometimes too careful. But it had been a week and he missed you and a few kisses wouldn’t hurt anyone.
   “We’ve got about ten minutes before anyone notices we’re gone.” He raised his eyebrow at you and—oh, what the hell.
   His mug and newspaper were quickly discarded on the coffee table. At least everything had started out innocent, but now you were sitting on Sirius’ lap with your lips pressed harshly against his. 
   So that’s why you didn’t hear the stairs creaking as someone walked up them or the floorboards outside the door doing the same. The house was impossibly old and managed to creak anytime anyone took a step, yet somehow neither you nor Sirius seemed to hear a sound. In that moment, the only thing you and Sirius were aware of was each other.
   It wasn’t until Remus opened the door that you were brought back to reality. “Sirius I wanted to—” His sentence died in his throat as he stood in the door slackjawed.  
   Sirius pushed you off his lap, you repositioned yourself at the end of the couch looking at everything but Remus. Sirius did his best to look composed. 
    And as if it would make Remus forget everything he had seen, Sirius crossed his arms and cleared his throat. “Yes, Remus.” 
   “Sirius, I...um...” His eyes wandered between the two of you with a mix of shock and horror. “I...I came up here to talk to you about a few things before the meeting but it seems I’ve interrupted something.” He blinked slowly as if he couldn’t fully process what he had seen. 
   “Sirius, what exactly have I interrupted?” 
   “Well, you see...” Sirius scrambled for some type of excuse. His eyes darted over to you hoping you’d be able to save him. But really there was no saving this situation. “Remus, just listen—”
   “No,” Remus interrupted, “Sirius, you listen. I don’t know what’s going on here but quite frankly it’s inappropriate.”
   Sirius’ eyebrow went up. “Inappropriate?” 
   “Yes, Sirius, inappropriate! She is significantly younger than you and...and...you’re her mentor Sirius! I mean Merlin’s beard that’s beyond inappropriate.” 
   “Remus, although I really don’t believe it’s any of your business, if you just calmed down and talked to us for a second—”
   “None of my business? Honestly, Sirius, at our age I would think you’d be responsible but I see some things never change.” 
   You looked over at Sirius who looked too angry to even speak. His jaw was set and he was sitting straight up in his seat like he was ready to get up and take a swing at Remus. You thought about reaching out to touch his arm but realized it was probably better if you didn’t. 
   “Remus, you seriously have no idea what you’re talking about,” you chimed in. 
   Remus chuckled as if you’d said the most ridiculous thing he had ever heard. “No, (Y/N), I don’t think you know what you’re talking about.” He gazed between you once more before shaking his head and turning to leave.
   He opened the door but before leaving he turned back to look at the two of you. “I won’t tell anyone, but I think it’s in everyone’s best interest if whatever is going on between you two ends.” 
   The only sound in the room was the door slamming behind him. You cautiously looked over at Sirius. He was slumped against the couch, his head turned up to the ceiling. He dragged his hands down his face then turned to look at you. 
   You exchanged a look wordlessly. There was really nothing either of you could think to say. He leaned over to you, putting his hand on your thigh and giving it a gentle squeeze. You put your hand over his and that was enough to make up for what you couldn’t say. 
   “You should probably, uh, get downstairs.” You leaned into him, pressing your foreheads together. 
   “Meeting doesn’t start for another half hour.” His hand left your thigh, reaching upward to caress your jaw. 
   “I know but it’s probably better if you just head down now.” He gave you a quick kiss on the cheek before standing up. You reached for his mug, he’d barely have any time to drink any of it and the rest would have to go down the drain. You sighed, looking over at him. He was busy finishing the buttons on his shirt.
   You walked to the door slowly, dreading having to face Remus, or anyone for that matter, after all of that. “Hey,” he called after you. You looked over your shoulder at him and he gave you a halfhearted smile. “We’ll talk later, yeah?” 
   “Yeah,” you replied. You gave him a smile that had just about as much conviction as his. 
   You left the room, closing the door behind you. Instantly, your smile dropped. 
   You walked down the stairs, waving off all the “hello”s from what seemed like an endless stream of redheaded children. You strolled into the kitchen hesitantly, already expecting an inevitable glare from Remus. 
   But Remus was nowhere to be found. The only people in the dining room besides yourself were Arthur, Molly, and Bill who seemed to be catching up. They didn’t even pay you any mind. 
   You ducked toward the kitchen, praying that Kreacher wasn’t in there because the last thing you needed was to deal with him today. You opened the door and nearly dropped the mug from shock. 
   Remus was leaning against the counter with Tonks pressed squarely against him. His arms were wrapped around her waist and it looked like they were making some attempt at swallowing each other. The kisses were sloppy and you had to say you were honestly surprised at Remus. 
   You retreated from the doorway as quietly as possible, closing the door slowly. You had to put your hand over your mouth to stop yourself from audibly laughing, because what a hilarious turn of events that was. 
   “(Y/N)?” You looked up at Molly who had a worried look plastered on her face. “Are you alright, dear?” 
   “Yeah...yeah, totally. I just—I remembered something I forgot to tell Sirius.” You sat the mug on the table before excusing yourself. You had to try your hardest not to literally sprint up the stairs because this was just too good.
   You threw the door open and made your way into the room. “Sirius,” you exclaimed. 
   You heard him hum from his bed. He was laying on the bed staring blankly up at the ceiling. “Sirius, I have something to tell you.” You crawled across the bed toward him, sitting back on your calves. 
   He tilted his head toward you. “I don't really think we should be in bed together after what happened earlier.” 
   “No, no, listen, you will not believe what I just saw.” 
   “(Y/N),” he said warily. You slapped his chest. 
   “Seriously, listen, you won’t believe this.” He sighed, rubbing his eyes before finally smiling up at you. 
   “Tell me, dear, what did you see?” 
   You decided on ignoring his sarcasm because after he heard what you had to tell him all of that would wash away. “I’m so glad you asked, Sirius. I went into the kitchen to put your mug in the sink only to realize the kitchen was currently being occupied by Remus and Tonks who had their tongues down each others throats.” 
   You tilted your head, anticipating his reaction. It took it a moment to fully set but when it did his mouth fell open and he sat up on his forearms. “No...” 
   You nodded at him, maybe a bit too overzealous. He sat up completely. “No way!” 
   “Yes way!” He hopped up from the bed, pacing back and forth. 
   “But...he was just saying...” He paused with his back to you. Quickly, he turned on heels. “Wait, wait, wait, weren’t you and Nymphadora in the same year at Hogwarts?” You nodded at him practically beaming at the irony. 
   “Oh, that little shit! What a hypocrite, he has some nerve telling me about responsible. At least I was in the comfort of my own bedroom, he was in the bloody kitchen just waiting for someone to walk in!” 
   He started laughing and you joined him because the situation really was just downright laughable. Sirius walked back over to you, gently weaving his fingers into your hair. He kissed your forehead, smiling gently against you. You reached up, wrapping your hand around his wrist.
   “So, what are you going to do about it,” you asked.
   “I think we ought to have a little conversation with Remus.” He smiled, leaning down to kiss you.
   It was almost painful sitting through the meeting. By the time, you and Sirius left the room the meeting was nearly started and, although, Sirius would have loved nothing more than to confront him in front of everyone you tugged him in the other direction before he got the chance. So instead you had to wait through the entire meeting. 
   The only thing keeping you making it bearable was the look on Sirius’ face. That overconfident smirk that assured you that Remus had definitely not heard the end of this. His hand drifted to your knee, squeezing it slightly. You looked over at him but he had his eyes trained on Remus, smirk wider than ever. 
   Remus wrapped up the meeting and everyone dispersed out of the room, leaving only a few stranglers including you, Sirius, and Remus. 
   Sirius looked over at you, trying to see if you were ready. You nodded quickly and both of you hopped up, walking down the length of the table together approaching Remus. 
   “Remus, a word?” He looked up at Sirius, raising an eyebrow. 
   “A word?” 
   You nodded at him. “Yes, a word. In private, please,” you replied. His gaze danced between the two of you not quite knowing who to look at. 
   “A word...sure.” 
   Sirius led the three of you into the kitchen, making sure to shut the door once you’d all entered and stand in front of it in case anyone happened to want to come in. “So, Remus,” Sirius began. He was smiling at him. “We’ve done some thinking about what you said to us earlier and the nature of our relationship.” 
   “Good. Look, I know this is hard but it’s for the best. I hate that I had to be the one to say it but it had to be said.” 
   “Well, thank God there are still good people like you in the world, right Remus,” you remarked. 
   “Yeah, we want to thank for that Remus.” Remus nodded. “But, since you know, we’re all going around saying things that need to be said: why were you kissing Nymphadora in my kitchen?” 
   Remus’ eyes widened. He sputtered, trying to find his words. “Sirius, (Y/N), you don’t understand—”
   “Oh, save it. I can’t believe the way you talked to us, you treated (Y/N) like she was a child. ‘Sirius, you’re irresponsible. Sirius, it’s inappropriate.’ Talk about bloody inappropriate, you’re kissing my cousin in my kitchen where anyone could see. I’d appreciate you not doing that, thanks!” 
   “Sirius, keep your voice down!” Remus ran a hand through his hair nervously. “I don’t know what to say.” 
   “Then I’ll keep going, yeah? Get off of your damn high horse. We’ve both found people that we care about very much who also care about us, that’s what matters. So, if you want to keep this self-righteous bullshit up, be my guest but I don’t need you telling me what’s in my best interest.” 
   Remus was too stunned for words. “I’m sorry,” he finally managed. 
   “Yeah, well, next time remember not to throw stones from a glass house, hm?” Sirius looked over at you, motioning you to come with him as he slipped out of the room. You looked at Remus over your shoulder, flashing him a quick smile before leaving. 
   You ran trying to catch up to Sirius. “That was awesome,” you giggled. 
   He smiled at you despite himself. “He deserved it after what he said.” You followed him up the stairs, waiting for the second you were finally alone. 
   The moment his bedroom door closed, your lips were attached to his. He inhaled sharply at the sudden nature of the movement but welcomed it nevertheless.  He pulled away slightly. “What’s that for?”
   You shrugged, moving out of his reach and heading for the couch. You picked up the Daily Prophet which had been discarded on the coffee table, stretching out across the couch. Sirius followed you, picking up your legs so he could sit before returning your legs to his lap. 
   He watched you flip through the paper, studying the ways your eyes roamed across the pages. Your eyelashes brushed gently against your cheek every time you blinked and Sirius took notice of it, because he noticed every little beautiful thing you did. And he tried in vain not to replay them in his mind constantly. 
    He ran his palm up your calf. “Do you...do you think there’s any, uh, merit to what Remus was saying earlier?” Your eyes darted up to his. “I just...there are always going to be people who think that, that this—what we’re doing, whatever that is, is wrong...” He trailed off, barely able to meet his eye. 
   You sighed, folding the paper in your lap. “Sirius, I think that Remus was projecting his insecurities onto you.” You crawled toward him, wrapping your hand around the back of his neck. “And as far as I’m concerned everyone else can go to hell.”
   He turned to you. “It’s not going to be easy,” he mumbled. 
   “Nothing’s ever easy, but I’m willing to try.” 
   Sirius almost laughed because, of course you were. You were just about as stubborn as a damn mule and it would take a lot more than Remus to scare you away. “Then to hell with everybody else.” He leaned forward to kiss you, throwing the Daily Prophet back on the coffee table where it belonged.
a/n. i really wanna make more additions to the trainee universe. like not just one-shots but i wanna do headcanons and drabbles like idk. just let me know, requests are open.
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anemonenemerosa · 4 years
The Spare - Chapter 4
Hello fellow people, here comes the fourth chapter of my fic. As always, this is a spinn-off of @lumosinlove Sweater-Weather, so the universe belongs to her, while the Harry Potter characters beling to JKR.
Please be careful if you feel triggered by past abuse topics.
Chapter 4
With an exasperated huff, Regulus chucked The Hobbit into a corner of his room.
After realising that no one even seemed to know of the existence of the light fiction in the library, he began to keep all relevant books he found in his room. By now, the stack on the floor was reaching his hip. But whatever he did, he could not distract himself from the impending game against the Lions this evening. He had neither seen nor heard from Sirius since the draft, he did not expect a call, and was rather indecisive on how to react to his brother.
It was the first time the brothers played against each other in an actual game, in the NHL no less. Of course, everyone supplied their unrequested suggestions, or rather demands. The Death Eaters wanted him to rile Sirius up, taking his focus off the game. His parents insisted that he had to outshine his brother, presenting himself as the genuine heir of Orion Black.
God forbid anyone considering to ask me about that, Regulus mused.
It was not his very first game in the NHL but surely the most sensational so far. The media was all but hyped about the game but the 'Brother Rivalry' overshadowed by the 'Captain Rivalry' and Sirius' broken ankle. He was relieved that Severus took up so much media presence but he did not fool himself. A lot of eyes were going to be on him. Hence his indetermination.
Following the Death Eaters lead to distract Sirius with chirping and slurs was not a viable option. He would probably rise in their graces but also draw public attention for gamesmanship, without doubt overshadowing his actual hockey performance, which he wanted to be noticed for. Of course, his parents would not appreciate Regulus taunting Sirius either. They wanted him put Sirius to shame by performance, not immature behaviour.
They expected Regulus to outrank the Captain of the rivalling team with six years of NHL experience is his sixth-ever game. Personal relations be damned, this is a hideous demand, Regulus scoffed, finally giving up on distracting himself from his brother and stepping into the shower.
Regardless of how hard he tried, he would always be seen in relation to Sirius. Thank you, brother. You just have to fart to overshadow my life. Merde... connard stupide!
It hadn’t always been like that, Regulus had to acknowledge. As small boy he looked up to his bigger brother. He cared for him in a different way than their parents. While they clothed, fed and trained him, Sirius was the one who hugged and comforted Regulus when their father scolded him for being shy and introverted.
“A hockey player does not hide in corners!”, Orion used to spit, his patience always on the meagre side.
Sirius loved him in a different way than Walburga and Orion, cheering him up instead of punishing him when he messed up.
“You need to toughen up, boy” his father explained one day, “You have been pampered too much. Crying and asking for cuddles is for girls.”  
But his older brother would hear nothing of it. Sirius instructed Regulus to sneak into Sirius' bed after nightmares and during stormy nights. Thinking of it now, Regulus realised that he must have been as much of a comfort for Sirius as the other way around.
From the beginning of Regulus life, Sirius was famous for his talent but it did not affect their relationship until he was getting prepared for a professional career as soon as he turned twelve; spending the summers in training camps and receiving additional private lessons at the rink in their basement. They saw each other infrequently and Sirius was mostly too tired for playing with Regulus if he got a bit of spare time. That did not stop them from secretly snuggling up in bed.
However, their dynamics began to shift as the rising success of his brother took up all attention from their parents. Whatever concerned Sirius was more important and Regulus began to feel a constant sting of jealousy souring his mood. Then puberty hit Sirius hard, causing him to rebel against his tight schedule. Regulus was eight when he began asking Sirius to obey just to make their parents stop beating him and nine when Sirius gave in.
Daft fool, Regulus thought while scrubbing his hair with a bar of soap. If he had just kept his head down... but that wasn't Sirius.
Well, Regulus was able to learn from other people’s mistakes, kept quiet and secured himself a comparingly unbothered time. At least for a while.
Sirius draft to no other team than the Gryffindor Lions had had a severe impact, not only on Sirius' life. He remembers his brothers’ conflict after the call: The excitement from being picked first over all from a strong team mingled with the dread from their parent’s wrath concerning the particular team. Back then, Regulus did not understand the uproar. He was twelve, hadn't learned about the end of his father’s career and wanted his brother to be happy for living his dream. God, he even sneaked in a Lions hat for Sirius. Mrs. Kreacher, albeit reluctantly, bought the item during her weekly errands. Their ancient house-maid always had a soft spot for calm little Regulus that did not extend to his boisterous older brother, but making Regulus happy seemed to outweigh her reservations.
Once Sirius had left to live with the Dumais family, Regulus suddenly became the sole focus of their parent’s energy. As he was twelve, he was subjected to the same extensive training as Sirius and while he was absolutely able to hold a candle to his older brother, it was nothing to knock their parents' socks off. Sirius had already been there and Regulus keeping up was just expected, business as usual, not a big deal.
Eventually, learned what ended Orion’s hockey career. A centre of the Lions had sent him crashing into the boards, causing irreparable damage to his father’s spine. And while his father had to leave the rink forever, the other player wasn't even penalised. This put the drama about Sirius draft into perspective. Still, Regulus missed his brother immensely but after two years of dwindling visits, he got annoyed. Sirius rare calls more and more turned into chorus of praise for his team and especially the Dumais'. He was more and more badmouthing their upbringing and telling Regulus off for defending their parents. "Tu ne comprends pas, Reg." You don't understand. Of course, he never understood, did he? Little naive Reg did not just see how his brother went and found himself a better family, preferring to spend his time with them instead of his actual family, with him. No, Reg was not left-behind, he did just not understand!
“Je serai toujours ton frère, Reg!” Oh, fuck you!
It has been several weeks since he allowed all the memories and feelings concerning his brother to surface and it always hurt him but for now, he would channel the feelings of abandonment, anger and disappointment into determination. He would at least try and make his parents proud, would treat Sirius as much as any other player as he could, brother or not.
“Hockey is about winning, not fun, not comradery!”, his father used to stress constantly.
Regulus took that to heart. He stepped out of the shower, very wrinkly but ready to let his performance speak for him.
Soo that was chapter 4 for you, I hope you enjoyed it. Stay save and channel your inner Hufflepuff
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halothenthehorns · 3 years
Warning, this chapter is pure head canon. There's never been any official statement from JK Rowling explaining the House-elf thing, so this is my answer to it. I am not for slavery, I do not approve of owning anything with even a glimmer of human intelligence, and all views I express through the characters do not necessarily reflect my views or opinions on these matters, these are just how I picture these characters talking about this.
Lily took several deep breaths before starting in a peaceable tone, "alright Sirius, explain to me why this is apparently okay?"
No one needed to ask what she meant, she'd clearly taken James at word and wanted to have a real argument about house-elves with Sirius.
Remus decided to scarper before his name could be tossed around again and muttered something about the baby, plucking him away from Lily and quickly exiting the room. James really wanted to join him, but thought it was best if he sat down and refereed these two. Harry just wanted to know more about this.
Sirius rolled his eyes at her tone, he found it more condescending than neutral, as he snapped, "I don't know how to nicely put this for you Evans-"
"Potter," James quickly corrected, clearly never growing tired of doing so, but both ignored him.
"-but house-elves are stupid. Plain and simple. That's why they aren't on our map, they're not intelligent enough to be registered.* They can't bleeding do a thing unless they're told, hell they can't even take care of their life long term. Why do you think Dobby came up with all those cockamamie plans? House-elves don't understand the concept of a plan! If they didn't have wizard families telling them what to do, they'd die off at the first sign of danger."
"I don't understand how you can say that," she seethed, already cracks were appearing in her calm façade. "Goblin's aren't treated like that, nor Centaurs or Were-"
At Sirius' peeved look and a warning shake of his head from James, Lily decided to quit with the list and press her point, "have you ever even given them a chance? How the bloody hell do you just know they're that way? Dobby-"
"Is the best example for both points," Sirius cut her off. "They're not all treated like Dobby," Sirius sighed, running his hand through his hair in agitation. Truth be told, he actually didn't get into that many arguments, so he wasn't even sure how to win one. Sure he snipped at his friends on a daily basis, yes he spent the majority of his life telling people what he thought without remorse, but an actual structured disagreement like this was not his forte', plus he wasn't even sure what Lily wanted out of this. He just knew he wanted her to stop glaring at him every time they were mentioned. "In fact most of them are treated fairly well, like mine. Kreacher f'ing adores my Mum and Regulus, he's all too happy to parrot what they say, and do anything they ask. He just hates me because my Mum does, and I don't conform to what she, and by extension he, thinks."
"You mentioned he's been beaten though," Lily wheedled, thinking she'd finally found a way to make Sirius understand. Even if he didn't like his house-elf, surely he must admit that wasn't right.
Sirius though just snorted and waved his hand around without a care, "beaten is an exaggeration, he never even had to do some of the things to himself Dobby did, and they were for stupid little things. Like he was seen during a house party, or he creased my dad's trousers the wrong way. It never went so bad he tried to run away or anything. Plus, my parents are loons who'd beat the wall if it looked like it did something wrong, they shouldn't be the mark of how most are treated." Sirius didn't appreciate that the next expression he registered on Lily was pity, and not for the house-elf that time, but for him, so he kept going just a tad louder, "plus, the Malfoy's aren't any f'ing better. No, most are treated like Winky, and they enjoy their life. You've been down to the kitchens, you know the Hogwarts elves are treated just fine."
Lily sighed as she rubbed at her temple, this wasn't going anywhere, but she wasn't going to stop now that Sirius had spoken the root of her problem. "That's not the point Sirius, just because they're happy doesn't make it right. They've lived their whole lives being that way, so they don't know any better."
"What would you do then?" Sirius snorted. "Outlaw the owning of house-elves? Force everyone to sack them? You'd cause mayhem woman! House-elves would be losing their minds, and even if by some miracle they didn't all die of shock, any future house-elves wouldn't be any better because all generations would have the same mind set, except now they'd be bitter they couldn't be doing what they were meant to. Think of what Hogwarts alone would be like, the castle would crumble without those elves keeping it up."
Lily fidgeted with the hem of her shirt, she really didn't know where she wanted to go with this, she just couldn't stand the ideas of more Dobby's out there. She'd like to think that wizards were above owning other living things as property, but knowing how some Muggleborns were treated by purebloods, and purebloods were the main cause of her ire against house-elves, she really couldn't see it going in any great way. So instead she gently offered, "well, I still don't see why some laws shouldn't be in place, to at least acknowledge you shouldn't be so cruel to them. There should be standards for their living, punishments shouldn't be so horrid and frequent an elf fears its masters, they should have a voice in the Ministry if they feel they've been wronged just like anything."
Sirius just shrugged, but slouched back to indicate he at least wasn't going to argue that point. He still didn't have any great hate towards the actual species, they'd been friendly enough to him at Hogwarts, but Dobby and Kreacher in particular irked him. Dobby because, well because he'd tried to blow his godson's head off with a Bludger, and he still couldn't forgive that particular transgression no matter the end results. Harry had enough crap going on in his life for a 'friend' to be adding. Sure he'd redeemed himself by attacking Lucius at the end of that year, so he supposed Dobby at least balanced himself out.
Kreacher on the other hand he knew he'd never give two knuts about. All he ever saw in that thing was his parent's ideals. They had always treated Kreacher even better than Sirius, like that stupid thing was a better son then he was. Sirius had never endeared himself to his parents even at a young age, he'd always asked one too many questions and been punished for it, often far worse than some simple transgression the elf would do. As a child, he'd hated Kreacher for the small smiles he'd see his Mum give to the elf because he never got that. The older he got, the more he realized his Mother actually cared more for that thing then her oldest child. Still though, he supposed he wouldn't want his agitation at that vile little thing to be put on other elves who didn't deserve it nearly as much.
The other three kept watching him like they expected some revelation to take form in front of them, and Sirius' only response was to smirk. "What? If Lily wants to go on some crusade to save house-elves, I'm not going to stop her. Just wish she'd stop giving me death glares like I'm the one beating them with a stick in the meantime."
Lily wanted to explain that she so often got mad at Sirius because he acted one way, but she knew damn well he was thinking something else. She'd suspected once in awhile his upbringing hadn't been that dissimilar from Harry's honestly, and she hated to think on it. Sirius didn't speak about it much though, he actually kept himself as restrained as Harry around her at least, so she was left to wonder if he wasn't projecting most of his hatred he had at his name onto house-elves. She wanted to ask him about it, but she didn't feel she had the same right. Harry was her son. Whatever Petunia, or by extension Vernon, had done to him she had a right to know. Sirius was just her friend, he should tell whoever he wanted about that type of thing, and she wasn't sure if she asked what kind of answer she'd get.
Nothing had really been resolved between the two, but since they'd said their peace neither looked ready to blow a gasket anymore. James had certainly relaxed back, watching them bicker at each other was certainly more normal to him. Harry though was watching Sirius with interest. He, like Lily, had picked up on some of his comments and was wondering just what Sirius had gone through to hate his own elf so much, and he wanted to ask, but thought he'd be a hypocrite if he did. After all, he hadn't even told what the Dursleys had really done to him.**
They were all saved the trouble from anyone having to say anything else by Remus poking his head back in and saying, "I haven't heard any shouting or limbs being pulled apart yet, is it safe to come back?"
"I don't know," Sirius mockingly rubbed at his jaw as he eyed Lily critically, "Lily's still in the same room with me, and we all know that's a disaster waiting to happen."
Remus gave a snort as he walked back to Lily's side, happily flopping down beside her and cuddling the baby to his chest as he said, "I'll risk it. As it's her turn next, I don't think she can do anything to grievous to you."
Hope you guys don't think too harshly of me for this chapter. nahte123456 is the one who originally came to this conclusion, but the more I thought about it, the more I really liked it. After all, Hermione eventually quit SPEW. After all those years of passion, she gave up on the idea, and instead just made a standard of living for them. Why did she quit on the idea? She must have learned something new in her own later years that no one would have explained to her. My idea is that she never got into this with Sirius, and Remus wouldn't really know any more about it than Lily because he never looked into it either, so she came to realize what Sirius said on her own in the end. They're not intelligent, at least not human levels.
I can still see an argument being made for both sides though and I'm not trying to dismiss the wrongs done to them regardless, it's a heavy topic that I'm not prepared to deal with.
Maybe Hermione did get a few free and realized the end results. Also, sorry it kind of went into a character study on Sirius there at the end...actually no I'm not, I love him too much to apologize for basing a chapter around just him.
*This was pointed out to me recently and it has boggled my mind ever sense. Holly crap they aren't, are they? Same with all the other animals except Mrs. Norris. So, is it because they have their own magic that made them uniquely not visible, or because they're really not of human intelligence enough to be registered in the maps protocol of tracking all 'living humans' in the vicinity? I'm at a loss...
**Sorry guys, I know you're all wanting Harry to share what really happened at the Dursleys, but I have a specific spot in mind (which many of you have guessed already) where that will be shown. Back to actual chapters next time!
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dramionediscussion · 4 years
I honestly believe that antis don’t know what dramione is actually about, and believe we just ship a bully with his victim–and refuse to deviate from their reasoning.
But dramione is NOT about that, because literally NO ONE in the dramione fandom (except a few bad apples) would ship a childhood bully draco with hermione. We understand that yes, doing that would make it toxic/abusive. 
draco’s racism was taught to him, just like the weasley children were taught that muggles and wizards and muggleborns were equal. the first eleven years of his life, he grew up with lucius malfoy as a role model–one of the chief blood supremacists. we know that canonically draco worshipped his dad. he learnt that muggleborns were scum of the earth. why would he question that? when we’re kids, we don’t question what our parents teach us–we just assume they’re right and that’s how the world works.
the same concept applies to his classism. the first thing he said to ron was “red hair. hand-me-down robes. you must be a weasley.” now, keep in mind that this is the first time draco is meeting ron. how is an eleven-year-old who’s never met the other child before, know exactly who the child is, and how the child would look?
again, the parents. lucius malfoy worked with arthur weasley in the ministry. he would obviously go home and complain about the “blood traitor and his poverty” to narcissa, and draco would probably overhear, and assume that that’s how you treat the weasleys, because they’re “bad people” in his father’s book, and by extension, his. 
the second book: at the start, lucius puts draco down because his marks were lower than hermione’s. draco is obviously put off, but he understands why–he’s a pureblood. he’s a malfoy. he’s supposed to be doing better than the muggleborns, because according to his father, they don’t deserve to attend hogwarts. later, he calls hermione a mudblood–again, where would he learn that type of language? definitely not the internet, because that didn’t exist. that takes us to his parents. 
now, the question probably is why wouldn’t draco see other non-racist people in school and change? because he didn’t hang out with other houses. slytherins are very isolated, and usually pitted against the rest of the school. draco’s friends, children of death eaters, were probably raised in the same way he was. if his parents taught him pureblood supremacy, and his friends’ parents taught them the same thing, why would he think to question it? 
draco malfoy was taught right from wrong, but those values just happened to be the opposite of what everyone else, like the weasleys, was taught. but just as the weasleys went in knowing that draco was wrong for believing in them, draco went in knowing that the weasleys were wrong for believing in theirs. 
in the third book, I think the whole buckbeak incident was realistic. if a child provokes a dog, and the dog bites it, the dog is the one that’s put down no matter what the child did. I’m not saying it’s “right”–I definitely thin draco 100% deserved to be punched by hermione–but it’s how the world currently works–maybe it will change later but for now, it’s reality. 
and as for the slytherins’ hatred towards hagrid–I’d say it was justified, because hagrid himself was no sweetheart to them. don’t get me wrong–I love hagrid, but he didn’t like the slytherins–you can see this when he talks about them in the first book. again, the books are from harry’s pov, so even if hagrid didn’t like the slytherins and said something about them, it would be biased. but yes, the slytherins often took it too far. 
the fourth book–draco’s bullying wasn’t even that bad. he actually warned hermione to get away at the world cup, in his own twisted way. he accidentally hit her with a curse meant for harry. he made “potter stinks” badges–juvenile things. 
now for the fifth. let me get this absolutely straight: I hate umbridge. I hate the inquistorial squad. I hate that the slytherins joined them. 
but we have to go back to slytherin inequality for this. the slytherins are booed at quidditch matches. the whole school, including most of the teachers and their headmaster, are against them. in fact, I could say that the only teacher that favoured the house was snape, and have canonical evidence. it’s basically the slytherins vs the rest of the school. 
now, comes along a lady that actually seems to favour slytherins. for the first time, they’re made to feel important. she wants to form a little group to catch their worst enemy in an illegal act. who would say no? 
but again–the golden trio was no less. they purposely excluded the slytherins from the DA. forget malfoy and his cronies. not EVERY slytherin would be devoted to umbridge/malfoy. but the trio didn’t invite ANY of them–and not all their parents were death eaters. 
now, put yourself in their place. imagine your school formed a club excluding your house. why would you protect them, instead of catching them? they had no reason to protect the DA, so they didn’t. 
in the sixth book–I think at this point, draco’s grown out of his blood prejudice and realised that it isn’t a game. his father, probably the person he expects the most to protect him is in azkaban. voldemort has his mum, and will kill her if he doesn’t murder the wizarding world’s most powerful wizard. but why did he continue his discrimination? 
do you really think that draco malfoy, bully and blood supremacist for five years, suddenly stopped bullying muggleborns, that word wouldn’t reach his house? his friends/housemates would tell their death eater parents, and somehow, it would reach his father, or worse–voldemort, who would just find it an excuse to kill his mum. 
but admittedly, he didn’t bully the trio that much that year, and I think he called hermione a mudbblood only once–at the top of the astronomy tower, when he was trying to kill dumbledore. 
also dumbledore KNEW that draco malfoy had been ordered to murder him. he knew who had been making those attempts the entire year. and then five minutes before the death eaters got them, he offered protection. draco was expected to make a life-changing, life-threatening decision in five minutes? when he didn’t even know whether he could trust the order? for all he knew, they could hold his family hostage to draw voldemort out. 
but even then, he began to lower his wand, but it was too late. 
IMHO, I think draco only referred to her as “mudblood granger” at that time as a last-ditch attempt to constrain to his father’s beliefs–which would be VERY advantageous to him at that point, because then he would be able to find a reason to murder dumbledore. but we all know he wasn’t able to do it. 
in the seventh book, he refuses to identify harry, even though it’s obvious he recognises him and his family could gain EVERYTHING–but that’s a flimsy redemption arc at best. he stands by while hermione’s being tortured, yes, but that’s because it’s bellatrix lestrange–probably the most feared death eater of all time. would you do anything? I think not. 
draco malfoy was brought up in a different way, having different beliefs ingrained into him. do you actually blame a child for doing what his father said, when the child should have been old enough to make his own choices? do you still blame that child for having been exposed to only one sort of right their whole lives, and having a biased opinion because they were never taught to see from a different perspective? and do you still blame that boy, despite everything he’s faced, that he never went through with it? 
people who say “draco had a choice and he made the wrong one” are just wrong. what kinda choice would they make if a genocidal maniac was sitting at their dinner table, holding their mum hostage, until they killed the president of their country? 
 to me, I think draco and ron were both very insecure people, though for different reasons, and just had different ways of showing it. ron cut people off when he thought they were going to succeed without him, and draco made comments about the other person’s insecurities, probably to make himself feel better. ron was insecure about harry’s fame, but since he was harry’s best friend, he just had to put up with it (until the 4th book). draco had no such obligations. 
and to say that draco malfoy isn’t redeemable, is saying that people who mess up when they’re kids, will remain that way for the rest of their lives. it’s sending a message to all young people out there telling them the consequences of making a mistake–no one will like them. 
I’m not “excusing” draco’s racism. he was a piece of shit, plain and simple. but I’d say 98% of that is because of the way he was brought up. 
also isn’t it the whole point that we want people to wake up and realise their mistakes? half of america would have LOVED for donald trump to get up one day and realise that he’s a racist misogynist. ofc it wouldn’t change the past, but it would change the future.
now, onto the dramione argument. 
first off, saying that hermione wouldn’t forgive draco for the past is going against every aspect of her character. she had a soft spot for kreacher, the house-elf that grew up in a racist household and was therefore racist and called her and ron “mudblood” and “blood traitor” (quite similar to draco, actually). she understood where he was coming from, and why he was the way he is, and ultimately didn’t care. after that, how can you say that she wouldn’t forgive draco for having beliefs and values ingrained into him from when he was a child? 
second, who is the real enemy in HP? yes, you could say voldemort, but it’s more about what he represents, which is prejudice. having draco, a former blood supremacist and the son and nephew of death eaters, getting together with hermione, a muggleborn girl, would show that he’s thrown his beliefs out of the window. it’s his character growth and how he matures through the war and its aftermath. 
putting draco and hermione together as kids without any change to their characters is toxic and abusive, no doubt about it. but that’s not what dramione is about.
even in hogwarts fics like isolation, what the room requires, and clean, the authors make sure that he repents. they make sure to explicitly write his character arc, and to show that he is no longer a bully or blood supremacist. 
hermione is NOT draco’s redemption, since canonically he shows signs of awakening, if not actual repentence. she’s the conclusion of his redemption. it’s officially showing the world and society that he is no longer a blood purist. 
dramione isn’t about crazy fans thinking it’s adorable for a bully and a victim to fall for each other.
dramione is about change. and if you believe that people can’t change, that’s on you.
I agree with most of the points you’ve made except for the second paragraph. The majority of Dramione fans do indeed ship Hermione with redeemed Draco, but there’s nothing wrong with reading fics in which their relationship is toxic (I do that every once in a while) because neither Hermione nor Draco is a real person and you can put them in all types of circumstances. They’re both fictional characters and thus can’t be hurt.
- AgnMag
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mzminola · 4 years
I used to get frustrated trying to make “worldbuilding AU’s where the canon plot still happens” of Harry Potter because the house elves are so tied into everything but the more I think about it, the more it seems Kreacher’s the only plot point character that needs extensive reworking?
Hogwarts operating on slave labor is completely unnecessary. Winky & Hokey could be human employees. Dobby doesn’t do anything to the plot that can’t be cut, replaced by coincidence like so many other plot points, or given to one of the other characters.
Kreacher is tougher, because of the combination of magical geas the house elves operate under and their own magical abilities being so tied to the mess with Sirius and Kreacher escaping the Inferi lake.
But...well, for the Sirius mess, you could, like Winky, make Kreacher a fanatically loyal human employee, with maybe some added Unbreakable Vows thrown in. Or you could cut him entirely and have some other reason for Sirius to miss the fireplace call. JKR already had Harry straight up forget the pocket mirror, so like, fuck it? Hell, you could give Sirius more agency here by having him be out of the house entirely at the time of the call! Maybe he went on a solo mission or talked another Order member into taking him with them for something, determined to prove he could be more help that way. Amp the tragic irony, make his own attempts to actively help the resistance endanger his godson and lead to his own demise. Ouch.
And the locket...you know what, make Regulus a bad-ass who somehow escaped the cave, getting the locket back home with a note about destroying it (or no note, but he kept a diary that the Trio finds), then tragically succumbing to his wounds and/or pedestal poison.
There, done, canon plot points intact, no more slavery.
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gryffindorhealer · 4 years
Tumblr WIP Title Game
Oh, thank you, @narukoibito.
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and interests you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!
Not sure if it should be a reblog (and thus promotion), or a response. So I am starting fresh. Guess I will figure out the answer an ask part as we go. I need to mention, does WIP include things that are like extensive notes and a timeline in a spreadsheet? It’s one of my things, if what I am working on is within the realm of canon (so, not that I’ve got any but missing moments during the 7 books, or post DH pre Epilogue, or Post Epilogue), or is it only works where I’ve started writing words?
Even if what I’m thinking about could qualify as an AU, it gets a timeline developing from where the “What If” is asked that changes canon. Or, well, is not canon because it’s a non-magical AU.
It comes to this: right now there are two pieces that constitute fics, works in progress with Words. One is the last chapter of a three chapter piece, being reviewed by beta(s) and planned to be published (pending edits) between 20-25 December. In short, nearly done. Two is, well, there’s a holiday fan fic/fan art gift exchange on the Harry Ginny Discord. Sort of a Secret Santa, only called Incognito Elf. So, can’t talk about that one much, because it’s supposed to be a surprise.
But the rest of them are mostly Notes In Spreadsheets. But I will discuss what I can. Might even help gel my plans for them.
Mystics Dream
Harry’s Kreacher
Goodwill Tour
Cut My Hair
Christmas Eve 1998
Helplessly Hoping / Clocks
@matrixaffiliate @focusly @breaniebree @bluestwitch @jenoramaca if you want! And anyone who is interested! :)
#wip title game wip ask games send me an ask Hinny
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bookishable · 5 years
half-blood prince book moments
“you can do magic! surely you can sort out anything!” “the trouble is, the other side can do magic too, prime minister.”
“it is a long time since my last visit, i must say, your agapanthuses are flourishing.”
‘it was clear that as far as he was concerned, any man who could look at harry and say ‘excellent’ was a man with whom he could never see eye to eye.’
‘the dursleys tried to ignore their glasses completely, a difficult feat, as they were nudging them gently on the sides of their heads. harry could not suppress a suspicion that dumbledore was rather enjoying himself.’
“and now, let us step out into the night and pursue that flighty temptress, adventure.”
“ah, yes, of course, i haven’t told you” the harry potter series, a summary
“you have not asked me, for instance, what is my favourite flavour of jam, to check that i am indeed professor dumbledore, and not an impostor. for future reference, it is raspberry … although of course, if i were a death eater, i would have been sure to research my own jam-preferences before impersonating myself.”
‘he seemed remarkably unabashed for a man who had just been discovered pretending to be an armchair.’
slughorn being more than a comedy character and being more prejudiced against muggle-borns than the movie showed
“i realised i can’t shut myself away or crack up. sirius wouldn’t have wanted that, would he? and anyway, life’s too short … it could be me next, couldn’t it? but if it is, i’ll make sure i take as many death eaters with me as i can, and voldemort too if i can manage it.”
“i won’t have to do occlumency lessons with snape, will i? because they were a—” “i think the word ‘fiasco’ would be a good one here”
“what is your dearest ambition?” “to find out how aeroplanes stay up.”
“dumbledore says people find it far easier to forgive others for being wrong than being right” “sounds like the sort of mental thing dumbledore would say” “he’s going to be giving me private lessons this year” said harry conversationally
‘a warmth was spreading through him that had nothing to do with the sunlight; a tight obstruction in his chest seemed to be dissolving. the mere fact that they were still there on either side of him, speaking bracing words of comfort, not shrinking from him as though he were contaminated or dangerous, was worth more than he could ever tell them.’
harry getting an outstanding in the defence against the dark arts OWL
“who blacked your eye, granger? i want to send them flowers.” i’m sorry but this is such a great insult
“dumbledore won’t always be there to protect you.” “wow … look at that … he’s not here now! so why not have a go? they might be able to find you a double cell in azkaban with your loser of a husband!”
the weasley twins’ shop window telling people to worry about ‘u-no-poo’ instead of you-know-who
the constipation sensation that’s gripping the nation
hermione saying fred and george’s products are “extraordinary magic”
“certainly they work, for up to twenty-four hours at a time depending on the weight of the boy in question—” “—and the attractiveness of the girl”
fred and george accusing ginny of going out with five boys and ginny being like “last time i looked, dean thomas was definitely one boy, not five.”
“people expect you to have cooler friends than us” “you are cool, none of them was at the ministry. they didn’t fight with me.” “that’s a very nice thing to say” i honestly love luna and harry’s friendship
slughorn inviting ginny to lunch on the train because of her “marvellous” bat bogey hex on zacharias smith
nick: harry potter knows that he can confide in me with complete confidence, i would rather die than betray his trust. ron: that’s not saying much, seeing as you’re already dead nick: once again, you show all the sensitivity of a blunt axe
“snape’ll be gone by the end of the year, that job’s jinxed. quirrell actually died doing it. personally, i’m going to keep my fingers crossed for another death …” christ harry is a savage but tbh same
‘it was a mark of the strength of their friendship that ron did not laugh.’
“it’s high time your grandmother learned to be proud of the grandson she’s got, rather than the one she thinks she ought to have” stan minerva mcgonagall
“there’s no need to call me ‘sir’, professor.”
“i thought he sounded a bit like you. when you were telling us what it’s like to face voldemort. you said it wasn’t just memorising a bunch of spells, you said it was just you and your brains and your guts—well, wasn’t that what snape was saying? that it really comes down to being brave and quick-thinking?”
the polyjuice potion being something students should be able to make after completing their NEWTS, but which hermione made at age thirteen
slughorn giving hermione points for knowing all the potions and being an intelligent muggle-born, and ‘malfoy looked rather as he had done the time hermione had punched him in the face.’
“it’s not quidditch that’s popular, it’s you! you’ve never been more interesting and, frankly, you’ve never been more fanciable.”
hermione: harry’s got scars from umbridge ron: look at where those brains attacked me hermione: he’s grown over the summer ron: i’m tall
‘he did not usually lie in bed reading his textbooks; that sort of behaviour, as ron rightly said, was indecent in anybody except hermione, who was simply weird that way.’
‘the prince had proved a much more effective teacher than snape so far.’ hm right
“it’s only muggle-borns they hate, they’d be quite happy to let you and ron join up.” “my whole family are blood traitors!” “and they’d love to have me, we’d be best pals if they didn’t keep trying to do me in.”
ron and hermione’s ‘new policy of feigning deafness whenever harry mentioned his malfoy-is-a-death-eater theory’
“nice suit, sir”
“very astute, harry, but the mouth-organ was only ever a mouth-organ.”
tHe SLuG cLUb
‘it was natural that he should want to rip dean limb from limb for kissing her … no … he would have to control that particular brotherly feeling …’
“it looks like he’s eating her face, doesn’t it? but i suppose he’s got to refine his technique somehow.”
‘harry could not help admiring her spellwork at a time like this.’
‘ginny kept cropping up in his dreams in ways that made him devoutly thankful that ron could not perform legilimency.’
madam pince ‘looked as though she might have a seizure’ after seeing the half-blood prince’s book
‘arguing about whether or not filch and madam pince were secretly in love’
“he says very funny things sometimes, doesn’t he? but he can be a bit unkind. i noticed that last year.”
‘luna was demonstrating her usual knack of speaking uncomfortable truths; he had never met anyone quite like her.’
“what did you have to imitate her for?” “she laughed at my moustache!” “so did i, it was the stupidest thing i’ve ever seen.”
harry’s observation that ‘girls were very strange sometimes’
‘harry was left to ponder in silence the depths to which girls would sink to get revenge.’
the guy named worple at slughorn’s party bringing along his friend sanguini who happened to be a vampire
sanguini: *edges towards group of girls* worple: here, have a pasty
luna telling everyone that the aurors are part of the rotfang conspiracy “they’re working from within to bring down the ministry of magic using a combination of dark magic and gum disease”
ron: you can’t break an unbreakable vow harry: well it’s a good thing i have at least one brain cell
“fred reckons his left buttock has never been the same since.” “yeah, well, passing over fred’s left buttock—”
“aaah, george, look at this. they’re using knives and everything. bless them.”
*the twins discussing ron and lavender* “did she have an accident or something?” “what?” “well, how did she sustain such extensive brain damage?”
“he called it my ‘furry little problem’ in company. many people were under the impression that i owned a badly behaved rabbit.”
lavender giving ron a necklace saying ‘my sweetheart’ for christmas
kreacher sending harry a package of maggots and him being like “i’d rather have them than that necklace”
“you might have noticed he’s not minister anymore, but dumbledore’s still headmaster. i’d leave dumbledore alone, if i were you.”
‘percy had stormed from the house on christmas day with his glasses splattered with mashed parsnip (for which fred, george and ginny all claimed credit).’
“stay out of trouble” “i always do, mrs weasley, i like a quiet life, you know me.”
“he accused me of being ‘dumbledore’s man through and through’.” “how very rude of him.” “i told him i was.”
“blessed as i am with extraordinary brainpower, i understood everything you told me”
‘there was a certain amount of ill-feeling towards wilkie twycross and his three Ds, which had inspired a number of nicknames for him, the politest of which were dog-breath and dung-head.’
‘friends they might be, but if ron started calling lavender ‘lav-lav’, he would have to put his foot down.’
harry resisting the urge to let ron run around under the effect of the love potion and instead taking him to be cured by slughorn because ‘they were supposed to be friends’
‘madam pomfrey seemed to have been counting hagrid as several people due to his vastness.’
“half our family does seem to owe you their lives, well, all i can say is that it was a lucky day for the weasleys when ron decided to sit in your compartment on the hogwarts express, harry.”
ron pretending to be asleep whenever lavender came to visit him in the hospital wing
luna’s commentary at the quidditch match
“smith was being quite rude about gryffindor, i expect he regrets that now he’s playing them—oh, look, he’s lost the quaffle, ginny took it from him, i do like her, she’s very nice …”
harry: i want to find mclaggen and kill him madame pomfrey: that would come under the heading of over-exertion
‘harry’s imagination zoomed into overdrive, rapidly constructing a scene in which ginny, weeping over his lifeless form, confessed her feelings of deep attraction to him while ron gave them his blessing …’
“how d‘you spell ‘belligerent’? it can’t be B-U-M”
“we were asked how we’d deal with dementors, not ‘dugbogs’, and i don’t remember you changing your name to ‘roonil wazlib’, either.”
“i love you, hermione” “don’t let lavender hear you saying that.”
“the more i hint i want to finish it, the tighter she holds on. it’s like going out with the giant squid.”
“yeah, we don’t need to hear about you being in love with malfoy”
‘harry swore. someone screamed. he looked around to see a gaggle of first-years running back round the corner, apparently under the impression that they had just encountered a particularly foul-mouthed ghost.’
“ghosts are transparent.”
“when we come face to face with one down a dark alley we’re going to be having a shufti to see if it’s solid, aren’t we, we’re not going to be asking, ‘excuse me, are you the imprint of a departed soul?’”
harry deciding to go to aragog’s funeral because he saw the tears left on the letter hagrid had sent them
ron thinking of using felix felicis to get slughorn’s memory
“this is felix felicis, i suppose? you haven’t got another little bottle full of—” “essence of insanity?”
“in spite of all the temptation you have endured, all the suffering, you remain pure of heart, just as pure as you were at the age of eleven, when you stared into a mirror that reflected your heart’s desire, and it showed you only the way to thwart lord voldemort, and not immortality or riches.”
‘it was, he thought, the difference between being dragged into the arena to face a battle to the death and walking into the arena with your head held high. some people would say that there was little to choose between the two ways, but dumbledore knew—and so do i, thought harry, with a rush of fierce pride, and so did my parents—that there was all the difference in the world.’
“that’s my nickname”
‘there was ginny running towards him; she had a hard, blazing look in her face as she threw her arms around him. and without thinking, without planning it, without worrying about the fact that fifty people were watching, harry kissed her.’
“the truth is that you don’t think a girl would have been clever enough” “how can i have hung round with you for five years and not think girls are clever?”
harry admiring dumbledore swimming as they head to a cave on the most dangerous mission he’s ever been on, like ‘bloody hell this man is 300 years old look at his fantastic breaststroke’
“it is the unknown we fear when we look upon death and darkness, nothing more.”
“i am not worried, harry, i am with you.”
‘harry felt, as he had felt about phoenix song before, that the music was inside him, not without: it was his own grief turned magically to song that echoed across the grounds and through the castle windows.’
“what do i care how ’e looks? i am good-looking enough for both of us, i theenk! all these scars show is zat my husband is brave!”
“young and whole men do not necessarily remain so.”
“dumbledore would have been happier than anybody to think that there was a little more love in the world”
“i feel that if a single pupil wants to come, then the school ought to remain open for that pupil.”
“professor dumbledore always valued your views, and so do i.”
“no other headmaster or headmistress ever gave more to this school”
‘he felt no curiosity at all: he doubted that he would ever feel curious again.’
‘and he knew, without knowing how he knew it, that the phoenix had gone, had left hogwarts for good, just as dumbledore had left the school, had left the world … had left harry.’
‘all that appeared to have changed was that he now had a great liking for very rare steaks.’
“so eet ees lucky ’e is marrying me, because ze british overcook their meat, i ’ave always said this.”
“she was snape’s mother!” “i thought she wasn’t much of a looker”
‘the strange music and the knowledge that dumbledore’s body was so close seemed to take all warmth from the day.’
‘it was important, dumbledore said, to fight, and fight again, and keep fighting, for only then could evil be kept at bay, though never quite eradicated’
‘she met harry’s gaze with the same hard, blazing look, and he knew that at that moment they understood each other perfectly, and that when he told her what he was going to do now, she would accept his decision, because she would not have expected anything less of him.’
“i never really gave up on you”
scrimgeour: the ministry can add two and two harry, inwardly: but there’s no maths in the wizarding world harry, outwardly: glad to hear it
“he will only be gone from the school when none here are loyal to him”
“you said to us once before, that there was time to turn back if we wanted to. we’ve had time, haven’t we?”
“we’re with you whatever happens”
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Thoughts/ Background The Deathly Hallows Part One
We get this first look at the new regime. If something were ever done  like a fanfiction where Muggles did find out, you could copy this speech word for word, and it would have the same effect.
We see the Muggle family murdered, and then you see
Harry looked out that window countless times to see his “family” leaving on trips or outings without him, but this is one that he can’t take with him, no matter what.
To be fair, Voldemort would torture the Dursleys for fun merely because of what they are.
This just seemed out of character for Petunia. She hasn’t talked about Lily in anything but derogatory terms for years, and then suddenly she’s “my sister”. Please. Then again, the shock of being forced out of her home, with her family, but without Harry, the special one, like Lily was might have triggered some old memories. We never really learned what the whole relationship between these women were especially when they were older. I just don’t care for Petunia overly much. Dudley, on the other hand, exhibits some potential.
This is also a nod to the books, Mr. Weasley here isn’t merely tinkering with his workshop, but fashioning a way for his family to communicate with one another, and for others to communicate with the Order when things get bad. He is planning ahead.  
Hermione had to do something here that most people, one, wouldn’t have had the skill to do properly, and two, would have been incredibly hard on them. She vanished all thoughts of her from her parents minds. She took a very logical step and executed it for the safety of her parents. She did what was necessary, and her logical brain made that possible.
Snape just blows through the wards around the Dark Lords home because he is a bad ass. Then the look on his face when he sees Charity Burbage is just heart wrenching. You can think of any number of backstory for these two that you want. But she specifically refers to Severus as her friend. Not her co-worker.
The Malfoy’s are not amused. This is the stiff upper lip of the aristocracy, and also, the fact that they are both extremely uncomfortable and frightened.
The only thing Pius is thinking is, “Don’t let the snake eat me. Don’t let the snake eat me.”
A wizard or witches wand is one of the most important things to them. It is an extension of their body. They have it since they turn eleven. It is always beside them, and to use another person’s wand is both extremely intimate and vile when you consider taking this extension of someone away.
How Snape looks at her….. He shows his emotions on his face as much as Draco in this scene for me. He might have perfected that frightening teacher gambit because his emotions are so full and available on his face. He perfected that scary act because he couldn’t have people looking at him for too long or else they would see everything.
Harry packs up nothing from this room. He has Hedwig and his trunk, presumably.
He looks in his cupboard one more time. The place where he spent so many years. The toy soldiers are still there. The sword here in the toy’s hand looks like a wand.
Love Mad-Eye
I’m sorry, but you can’t even see the scarring on Bill’s face. That always pissed me off. He is shown for four minutes maybe in this movie, they could have made him look like he did in the books, truly ravaged.
Tonk’s pregnancy. Another nod to book readers.
Hermione is sneaking up on him while Mad-Eye talks to Harry. She is eyeing him as Harry is preparing to monologue.
Mr. Weasley is guarding the doorway just in case behind Fred and George.
Harry knows this is serious, but still can’t hide his fascination here.
Tonks is calming Remus in the background because he knows that they all are about to undertake something that could be very dangerous.
“I know Ginny was lying about that tattoo.” Another nod to the books. I love these. I live for them in this movie and in the next one.
Harry lets Hedwig out to fly one more time. He probably thought that she would go off without him, and meet him at the Burrow, but animals are so receptive that she stuck by her friend because she knew that something was off.
Sirius, in a very real way, brought Harry to Pivet Drive, rescuing him from people still loyal to the Dark Lord, and then Sirius’ bike takes him away, and rescues him from the Dark Lord.
Hagrid takes the bike to a Muggle road where they could in theory hide in plain sight, just like Harry did at the Dursleys.
That must have been one powerful stunner to knock Hagrid, the half giant out.
Do we ever really get this phenomenon explained fully? Why Harry’s wand acted of its own accord, and defended himself against Voldemort? Is that because of the twin cores? Because Voldemort was using someone else’s wand.
Mrs. Weasley is such a strong character. To have to stay home, and take up the position of watcher and waiter and potential triage if help is needed. It took almost more courage to stay behind then it took to go.
Why did Mundungus flip? What offer was made for him to be swayed to the other side. He is old enough to have lived during the first war he would have known what it was like back then.
Mr. Weasley must be having some serious flashbacks right now about losing someone. He was married to Molly who lost both of her brothers in the first war. They were twins, and now his twin son has just been injured. I wonder how close the four of them were? Odd purebloods who wanted to fight against the oncoming horde. Did they house them or the Marauders at one point in time? Did Arthur provide cover for them? This is why we need the thing, and so, I did THE THING if you would like me to send you some of the thing, message me.
Harry is presenting some very valid points here. They need to get going, but Ron is showing some rationality here that is uncommon for Gryffindors. He is saying, “Let’s take a second, and try to think this through.” A vast contrast from what happens later on.
The Burrow looks more modern and less cluttered in this movie compared to the second. Then again, this is after the fire in the sixth film, and thus, in theory, they have lost a lot of their possessions. Things would look differently.
Ginny is a minx, and I love it. “You ain’t gonna pay attention to me? You really think so?”
Harry is changing his tune about weddings after he sees Ginny in that dress.
George winks at them!!!! That always kills me. Before he gives Harry the “Older brother” look.
George two seconds later, “I’m going to get a commendation.”
The deluminator finally making another appearance.
As a bookworm, I can think of no better gift then someone who loves books giving me an annotated copy of their favorite book.
I like that the fact that the sword of Godric Gryffindor can come out of the sorting hat seems to be common knowledge.
They have guards outside of the tent.
Hagrid and Madam Maxime.
Is that Fleur and Bill’s cake behind Hermione? Or something else?
Nice close up of the symbol.
If that is the cake, I feel like it probably does something spectacular to make it more grand.
You can see Mrs. Weasley behind Aunt Muriel being the fantastic mother of the groom making her rounds.
Death Eaters AK first, as questions never.
The waitress is me at work…. Lol if only we could wear air pods and block everything else out.
Harry, you know your girl Hermione has got your back.
Harry is very practical here. I don’t think he cares one way or another about whether these death eaters live or die.
Hermione is the best at spells is the same as saying she is the best at everything.
You can see Hermione having a flashback to her parents here.
Who created these wizarding laws? It would have Voldemort if they could have kept the trace on Harry. How do they enact these laws? Enforce them? What magic is used in their creation?
This is the first time that Harry has been back in Grimmauld Place since Sirius died. He goes to Sirius’ room first. I wonder why Mrs. Black did rid everything of Sirius’ presence from her house after he defected. Did she have some sort of hope that he would come back?
The nameplates on their doors are so different. Sirius’ is plain and boldfaced. Regulus’ is curvy and fluid, full name present.
Look at Grimmauld Place in Ootp and then look at it now. Mundungus robed the house blind. I wonder how he managed to make out with so much when Kreacher was there. Unless Kreacher was under some sort of enchantment to not harm any wizard in the household unless directed otherwise. It seems like something that house elves would be forced to comply with.
He calls him little master Regulus,,,,,,, I will never forgive the filmmakers for not letting the creatures have their final stand at Hogwarts in the movies like they did in the books.
Neville is just fed up with this bullshit. He’s a pureblood. He knows that he is too valuable to the new regime to incapacitate. But this still takes some guts.
The statue in the atrium has been replaced with wizards crushing the muggles and creatures.
The way that a corrupt regime tries to take over is by not only changing the narrative in the media, but by also changing the culture. They change the art and the books, the burn whatever they don’t like. They make you think that something has always been there even when it has just been replaced. Think 1984 by Orwell.
Umbridge is just so pleased with herself. She needs another vacay with the centaurs.
The way that Ron looks Hermione makes me want to sob. It is so beautiful.
Okay, how long in advance did Jk Rowling plan this series? It is not a surprise to me at all that she went ahead and is now writing the Cormoran Strike detective novels. Her mind works in deep layers of plot and intricasies of detail that I can barely fathom. She must have been planning this for years. To have the resurrection stone open not at touch, but when Harry puts it to his mouth because that is how he caught his first snitch in the first novel. This woman is a bloody genius, which is why I reading The Cormoan Strike novels and taking notes son, I’m not sleeping on this woman anymore.
Mundungus is sneaky, but Hermione is smart as shit. None of them are fooled by his idiot act.
I love Dobby. And Kreacher. Without these characters, the story of Harry Potter wouldn’t have been as good as it is.
When I watched this movie, I was like, dang!!! Of course, it is Umbridge.
These high ranking ministry officials are the definition of getting too comfortable. You really about to let yourself get abducted in broad daylight.
Harry, Ron, and Hermione taking out the trash.
What happens if a Muggle wanders into this bathroom? Or a Muggleborn who hasn’t got their Hogwarts letter yet? Do they think they are just taking a wee, and then get spat out at the Ministry of Magic? That would be quite the story.
I love that Harry and Ron don’t even question if this method of getting to the ministry is going to work or not. They just automatically stand in the toilet.
Also, the statue makes it seem like the Muggles are fighting one another. That would be something that Voldemort’s regime would want. They would want it to seem like the Muggles are low, petty creatures who would rather save their own skin then another of their kind. It would inspire a sense of community even subconsciously among those that saw it.
Poor Ron. Didn’t they research these people? They got two high ranking people, and then poor Reg Cattermole.
Where Ron gets out of the elevator. These office doors? Look almost like entrances to banks or crypt vaults. Very secure looking.
I know this is another actor acting like Harry, but that was a pure Harry Potter face when they saw Umbridge.
That pamphlet reads: Mudbloods and the dangers they pose. Perfect Pureblood Society./ They are mass producing propaganda.
I wish some mention of this being a WWW product could have been put out there.
Umbridge would be OCD. She is the type that needs to be in control of everything, and that would translate into her surroundings.
These books in Umbridge’s drawer look old. They don’t look freshly printed. And why would such a neat freak have old books in her desk? These might have been from the first war with Grindlewald. When Muggles attack. Mudbloods: How to spot them. These could easily be reworked into new propaganda. Umbridge is a racist who relies on “research” to assert her ideals.
Umbridged marked out Mad-Eye’s, Sirius’, and  Dumbeldore’s faces in red ink like she was crossing something off of her grocery list.
Ron is this close to his dad, and yet, he can’t say anything to him. It might have led somewhat to him feeling like he does later on, and eventually heading out.
Ron and Arthur have the same sense of humor and I love it.
Arthur was ready to throw down with Runcore as Harry. Mr. Weasley gets a lot of flack for being soft, sweet Arthur, but he definitely has a side of steel when he thinks that he or someone in his family is being hurt.
The death eater trials seen back in Goblet of Fire were full of paperwork, trying truly to determine guilt or innocence. This trial, there are no witnesses, hardly any paper work, and no proper jury. Clearly a farce. Umbridge is judge and jury. She is absolutely horrid and I hate her.
Umbridge must get a serious tick anytime anyone says the word, “Lie”.
Ron is trying his best to get this lady understand that they are facing tough, unfair times. I hope that they took the advice and got the heck out of dodge.
Copies of Harry’s face hiding Harry’s face from view is amazing.
They land in such a calm looking place, but the reality is that everything has just got a heck of a lot harder. They have been forcibly evicted from Grimmauld Place, and now, one of their number seriously injured. Everything just went from bad to worse soon to be deplorable.
I like that Harry refers to Voldemort as Tom here. Saying, “You Know Who” makes it seem like he is far removed from the rest of humanity, but saying, “This belonged to Tom’s grandfather. This belonged to Tom himself.” That humanizes this monster like figure, both in that it makes it seem like he can be defeated, but also that, it makes it seem possible that he can be redeemed which seems to be what Harry at least attempts in the eighth film.
Harry just looks at Ron, like, “Yes, fucker, it does bother me.” It takes very little time for people to start turning.
Like, why didn’t they just tell Ron that they had a run in with snatchers. Shouldn’t he have been alerted to any new threats?
Are there really just miles of abandoned trailers somewhere like that?
Hermione is keeping the peace the best that she can, but she has a lot against her, the two fragile, male egos not the biggest concern.
I never liked this scene of them fighting each other in the woods. But it sort of turns that feeling of fighting for pretend or something to do to really trying to harm each other, and letting the resentment that the two men feel towards each other and towards other people come to the surface.
They cut the scene of Ron and Hermione skipping rocks out of the final version of the DVD, and I have always hated that because it is so cute.
When Ron leaves, Harry is truly terrified that he is going to hear two snaps of apparition, and that Hermione will leave him too.
She ties her scarf around the tree because she hopes that Ron will come back and see it. It reminds me of that, “Tie a yellow ribbon round an old oak tree…”
The contrast in the tent here between this tent in all its beige glory and the tent that was used in Goblet of Fire at the Quidditch World Cup is stark. One is clearly bright and fun, and this one, like their circumstances is just bleak.
I know that JK Rowling loves this scene, but I don’t. I always thought that it was out of place in this film. Hermione is just torn up because Ron, someone who she has deep, deep feelings for of friendship and something more has just left them, her, and Harry decides that now is a great time for a dance. And the way that Harry looks at her is just a little too personal for me. It feels like the end of the world. The only justificiation for that look that I can think of, is Harry is feeling so hurt by Ron that he intends to wreck what is left of their friendship before Ron can, and what faster way than ruining what Harry knows Ron feels for Hermione. That is a really dirty interpretation though, so, Idk. It’s better to think it is just an odd scene and odd acting on DR’s part.
I feel like Harry and Hermione had a renewed sense of determination to start getting stuff done since Ron left. They wanted to try and make progress, subconsciously thinking that somehow that might get them all back together. Work so you don’t think, maybe.
You can see the snow start to fall at the end of this scene, and then they apparate into a snow covered Godric’s Hollow.
I love Harry’s insistence that he is not going to polyjuice himself or anything like that because he wants this visit to Godric’s Hollow to be authentic.
The Peverell tombstone, a nod to the books that I don’t think gets fully explained in the films.
So, Nagini is a horcrux. Nagini was once a person. Nagini is a snake and Voldemort’s familiar. Now, we know that animals can be transformed into goblets and plates or whatever, but animals can be transfigured into a person? That’s what happened here with Bagshot, right?
Bathilda Bagshot straight up had a blue steel picture of young Grindlewald in her house. And I don’t blame her. This version of Grindlewald is far superior.
Skeeter’s book, another nod to the book.
She is speaking parseltongue , but Harry only hears English. This is where, us, the viewers, promptly start freaking out.
Harry gets thrown into a baby boy’s nursery then proceeds to fight against a piece of Voldemort’s soul. Irony.
Some people deal with tension using humor. Ron is one of those people. I am another.
Some people deal with tension with conflict. Harry is one of those people.
It looks like the piece of Voldemort’s soul in the locket literally tries to beat down on Harry, but it is rebuffed by the piece of soul that he already has inside of him.
Locket Hermione’s voice here is so different then her actual speaking voice.
This scene where locket Hermione and locket Harry are making out makes me want to vomit. It is so cringey that this was even included in the movie tbh.
Ron’s like, “Mate, when we walk up I need to hold the destroyed horcrux and the sword, you know, for maximum effect.”
I like that they said that Ron was at a pub instead of home with the Weasleys like he was in the books.
“Just my name.” The way Ron says this makes my heart melt. It says so much in so few words.
I like that there is magic in this universe, and then there is magic. There is that little ball of light that floated from Sirius’ lips when they were being attacked by dementors in Prisoner of Azkaban, there is the veil in the department of mysteries, and the ball of light that Ron talks about here. Explanations are provided for so much in this series, but there are still magical things that even the characters don’t know the whole of.
Hermione is like, “Heifer, please, you ain’t getting any of my time yet.”
I have a feeling that Hermione is right for the next ten years after the behavior you have exhibited Ronald Weasley.
Luna. My baby. My girl.
The fruit on the plants are floating. If I grew up in house like this, in a place like this, I would believe in a lot of things that other people may not. It seems like a place where imagination is really allowed to flourish.
The animation used for the “Tale of the Three Brothers” is absolutely stunning. It is why people have it tattooed on their skin. It’s breathtaking.
He says, “The most powerful wand ever made.” He doesn’t say created. There is the theory that it did come from death, but then that the brothers were merely fantastic inventors. I don’t know which the truth is, maybe some of both. It would make a wonderful fanfiction.
At the wedding at the beginning, both the Lovegood’s are wearing yellow and they’re bright and happy, and then you have this scene where everything is dark and gloomy. Some beautiful non-verbal storytelling.
You can see just how wrecked Xenophilius is. He is desperate to get Luna back he is wandering into an attack zone.
People who are desperate don’t have the reason available to think, “Oh, what if these people don’t actually care about my concerns.” They have a single track mind in getting what they want.
Grindlewald is still a cocky bastard even after decades in prison. This old man looks more the badass than Depp.
Fenrir Greyback is just standing there, second fiddle to this random, purple scarf wearing snatcher. What the heck?
This scene always baffles me. Lucius has seen Ronald Weasley and his family for years. Lucius taunts Arthus on a regular basis. Lucius has heard repeatedly that Hermione and Ron are Harrys friends from Draco for at least six years. They KNOW FOR A FACT that this is Ron and Hermione, who do they think the third person is going to be?????????? It should have been a high enough possibility based on their presence alone to call the Dark Lord, but none of them do it because they have to make sure????
Draco has stared at this face for SIX years. I mean, Draco is just prepping himself to lie this whole time if he can get away with it.
Bellatrix ain’t no fool though. She figures out about the stinging jinx. The only thing that saves them is her seeing the sword.
Snape is the best potions master around. All of them probably have heard of veriterserum, and none of them thought to have it on tap?
It pisses me off to no end that we didn’t get to see Pettigrew strangle himself.
Dobby is a king!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When I saw this, I died.
Dobby is like, “Harry Potter, sir, duh.”
WE MISSED OUT ON A LUNA AND DOBBY BROMANCE AND I AM FUCKING FURIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Like having Pettigrew just pass out or whatever was such a cop out, but I understand what it would have done to the tone that had already been established in this sequence.
Even then, Draco isn’t ready to fall into line with Bellatrix’s plans.
Dobby is a king, and I love him.
I love Dobby. I want to cry no matter how many times I watch this scene because he is so small and vulnerable and honest, and he just loves Harry so much. And he did so good. And he saved them, and Harry wants so badly to save him back, but he can’t.
Harry has just lost so many people. In the next film, when he is speaking to everyone in the house Harry seems almost militaristic in his approach and demeanor, but when you think about what has just happened, Dobby’s death, that harshness and straight to the point approach seems more realistic and warranted definitely.
This scene where Voldemort breaks into Dumbledore’s grave: I read something that commented on Voldemort like hovering over Dumbledore’s body to get to the wand. Then it was like, well, he could be straddling him. I have honestly never been the same since. I laughed so hard.
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potteresque-ire · 5 years
8 and 15 for the fanfic ask, pls!
💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 Magpie! 
8) Where do you take your inspiration from?
Oh dear, inspiration… from my low output I’m probably really bad at it 😊 .  I can tell you what gets me excited about writing though. I like weird, cracky prompts because my brain is this really contrary thing that loves saying But but but but but… and nothing makes it happier than trying to make what seems to be far-fetched work. These prompts are not easy to come by though; fest prompts have been increasingly specific about the genre, the events to be incorporated and the ending, and I don’t feel right twisting them unless I know the prompter very well. In their place, then, I ask myself strange questions — such as, really specific questions about any prompt I see and its tropes, while taking the reverse approach: make something that works into something far-fetched. Kitchen Thieves started with a simple question: in the sentient home trope, why is a home sentient in the first place? These questions carve out spaces in restrictive premises and allow my twisted brain to uncoil and tumble and play in them for a while, free of pressure.  
Hmm, an example is like this. Let’s say, the prompt is “Harry goes on one knee to propose to Draco” — which is fairly generic and limited. But what if… which knee matters, according to wizarding customs? And Harry goes on the wrong one? Because his knee is super knobbly (hurrah to canon-compliance)? WHAT DOES THAT UNDERGROUND MAP ON DUMBLEDORE’S KNEE MEAN AND WHAT IF IT HAS TO BE EXHUMED TO BE EXAMINED  IN THE LOVE ROOM IN THE DEPARTMENT OF MYSTERIES??
So, um, you see… no one’s ever gonna want to read this thing, and I can’t possibly submit something like this for a fest prompt. I won’t write this up, but it takes me only a few minutes to imagine it and now I’m amused and more relaxed. My brain feels like it’s got some fresh air and a little stretch. It’ll take me more imagination time to return this far-fetched, non-sensical thingie back into something that works again but I’m happy to do it, perhaps in my shower time. It’s set my writing brain into motion. This may not be inspiration, per se, but it opens my brain up to be inspired, especially after it’s been caged into a writing schedule, a set task (writing and otherwise) or a storyline for too long.
(I really treasure silence for this reason: it gives me time to question everything. Media consumption and other recommended methods of inspiration work for me too, but only if I have quiet hours afterwards to digest what I’ve consumed…putting little pieces of them into a cracky prompt is one of my ways of doing so 😊).
(And now you know the dumpster fire burning in my brain every day 😛 )
15) If you write OC’s, how do you decide on their names?
Hmm. I had to think a bit about how I’ve decided 😊 ! I think it comes to this: I like a name to reflect not so much who the person is, but the expectations that’ve been placed on them. And… the less effective the name is at matching the actual person, the better, because it can serve as a subtle show-not-tell of the psychological burdens of the character. I wrote an OC in Evolution called Aiden who, like Draco, came from the upper class and had fallen for darkness (his was an addiction to crystal meth), so I looked for a name that was more traditional and represented something associated with light.
When the namer is the picture, I’d like the name to reflect something about them too. Kate and Brad were named by Harry in The Kitchen Thieves. I find these names to be Harry-ish aside—no frills, direct in their reference (K for Kitchen, B for bedroom), I also chose contracted names to provide the sense that Harry wanted to call them often and casually, like family. Draco has also named a few characters in my stories (The Chickens in The Kitchen Thieves, Miss M in Hugs and Kisses, for the mannequin in St Mungo’s etc), and while I tend to give Draco a more flowery language I also like to write him naming things in a direct, no frills way, but with a dismissive word choice. Like the characters weren’t worth his—and more importantly, the world’s—consideration. Psychologically, the names he offered made the OCs feel smaller, which is what, I imagine, Draco was brought up to do—to diminish everything around him in every way he could just so he could stand out from the get-go. I’d like to think of this quirk of his as an extension of canon, in which Draco called the Room of Requirement “The Room of Hidden Things”. “Requirement” put the namer / user of the name in a needy position, while “Hidden Things” carried no such connotation, and “Things” felt like a verbal wave-of-hand. While I wasn’t sure who named the house elves, I imagined it was families like the Malfoys who insisted on given them childish names or names that lacked imagination (near nonsensical, ending with —ys; or like Kreacher).
Of course, this name-choosing thing is really subtle and I don’t expect any readers to pick it up, but since we already have Wolf McWolf in our universe I feel that we don’t need more of that. 😁 And I don’t think I’ve offered anything new for you, have I? In Young and Beautiful when Harry suggested the name Bob… it’s basically this idea in action. Bob is a name with a simple, good life, and I felt that in my bones, this equally simple, good expectation Harry was offering to his Stranger * wibbles * …
(Fanfiction Writer Asks)
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fatdrarry · 7 years
Two Can Play
Okay I wrote this based off of a post parkkate had made about Draco finding a ring.
“He’s wearing it. He’s wearing the ring. He’s got the blasted thing on his finger, Hermione.” Harry glanced at the door behind him nervously. Draco had already found the damned thing and he was in no mood to be caught discussing the situation with Hermione. That nosy little wanker already knows too much. “And he hasn’t said a damn word.”
“Harry, you need to relax. He might’ve found the ring but you can still propose. Do you really think he would have just put it on and pretended it wasn’t on his finger if he didn’t want this? I know you’re a bit dense but honestly Harry, I think he just wants you to ask him already.” Harry could hear a fussy Hugo in the background of Hermione’s exasperated tone and decided that she was the last person he should be calling. Ron was off in Canada working on a North American branch of Wizard Wheezes, and got held up because of the weather and Hermione thinks the Ministry will collapse without her. “Give me one seco- Rose please stop touching that, if you hurt it Mummy’s buying.” Harry put the call on speaker and scrolled down his contacts until he got to the Z’s. Draco could really drag this out if he wanted to. The obvious solution would be to just propose, ring or no ring. And admit defeat? He bit his lip. “Harry? I’ll floo you when we get home. Rose is getting handsy with some very expensive mandrakes, and I’d really rather not get Neville damaged plants. Don’t forget lunch tomorrow at the Burrow, Ron’s finally got a portkey.”
Harry mumbled a quick goodbye before quickly typing out a message.
 Meet me at the Brew in 10, and bring your kit.
Harry had chosen a corner booth where he could see everyone who walked or flooed in and out of the bar. It‘s the same spot he’d seen Draco at for the first time since he’d returned from France. He’d downed two whiskeys, and ordered two more, by the time he’d set his eyes on Blaise Zabini. Blaise, instead of returning to Hogwarts for his 8th year, decided to travel in pursuit of precious metals and stones and now markets and designs jewelry to both the muggle and magical public. But his best he saves for higher profile clients and Ginny. He walked to the corner booth Harry had claimed and placed his briefcase on the scratched table in front of him before having a seat.
He nodded his chin out as a greeting before placing a wordless muffliato around their table. “Harry, you’ve pulled me out of bed with someone I hadn’t seen in weeks. You’d better be dying to have me here at this hour.” He didn’t try to hide his smile when he reached over and grabbed one of the glasses sitting in front of him.
“Please, I know Ginny returned from the States three nights ago, you’re lucky I didn’t call you earlier. And as a matter of fact yes I might die, of heart failure, if I don’t get another ring.” Blaise paused before swallowing the contents of his cup entirely, raising it to ensure his refill and then placed the glass down. Harry swallowed, “I didn’t lose it, I didn’t even hide it well to keep it away from Draco.” He dropped his head on to the table and groaned. “I. Am. Such. An. Idiot.”
“Knock it off, Potty, you’re not a bloody house elf. What do you mean? He found it? I thought you were going to propose?” Harry made a muffled sound and Blaise pursed his lips. “How did he find it?”
“I don’t know, you know how Draco is. I was going to propose. I was I swear it, but every time I’d planned it out, something ridiculous would happen. It’s like I’m cursed. I took him to that muggle observatory in London and was going to do it there but it started snowing so they closed the telescope exhibit. Then we went to Madrialo’s and we’d found that Draco black’s-don’t-have-allergies Malfoy is allergic to hibiscus extract and because neither of us new any anti-allergy spells, we were forced to go to St Mungo’s and a hospital is hardly an appropriate place for a proposal. When we were at the Manor last weekend for dinner with Narcissa, Andromeda and Teddy the bloody table caught fire when I reached in my pocket, because Teddy’s magic gets unstable when he’s sick. On Monday, Draco and I stayed up watching mean girls because for whatever reason it’s Draco’s favorite christmas film and I look over at him ready to propose before Regina has a chance to be fake hit by that bus and he’s asleep. I wasn’t going to wake him to propose, he’d hex me- I’d hex me. The next morning, I’m walking out of the shower and I smell bacon. Bacon! Kreacher was off doing whatever it is he does when I tell him to take the day off, because he’s old and God forbid I’m nice to a bitter old elf, and Draco is holding his stupid coffee mug- you know the one that has a hole on the bottom that only he has the locking piece to so no one drinks from it but him- with his left hand, ring shining and with the other he’s making bacon. The muggle way! And get this- then he kisses me good morning and offers me a slice of bacon, but says absolutely nothing about the ring hugging his finger. And he has continued to act like its not there for the past 5 days. So fuck it. If he wants to play this game I can too. I’m buying another ring and so help me God I will take the other ring and destroy it. I am going to go home. I am going to put the fucking ring behind the toaster and I don’t care if Voldemort is back to start a third war, I am going to propose tomorrow at the Burrow after lunch and Draco’s midday wine,” Harry huffs, his face is flushed and his eyes are puffy and he is angry. God he’s just so angry.
Blaise lets out a low whistle. Harry really has gone mad, the poor lad. It was inspiring.  “Alright, I’ll help you. The fastest way to get this done is to take a ring with a similar band as the one you wanted, because believe it or not, the band is really the hardest part to make with magical rings. Especially on such short notice.” He tapped the briefcase with his wand and it popped open. “You can have a look at these here, they’re silver, the ones next to it are white gold and they are for next year’s winter collection. I’ve been working with them exclusively. I know that with the last ring you had Narcissa help you choose it. I think you can do better.” Blaise let his fingers skim the rings before landing on a white gold band. It was nice, not too thin and had an almost invisible pattern engraved into it. “I made this when you called me and told me what you wanted out of a ring. Don’t get me wrong the other piece was beautiful but it’s something Narcissa chose. Not you.” Blaise held it up and Harry ran his finger over it and smiled. “Now, I can install stones, depending on how big or small and what kind they are it could take me twenty to forty minutes per stone.”
Harry flooed home at approximately dawn. The sky had begun to change colors shortly before he’d left the Brew. He came home to a sleeping Draco hogging the blankets and his side of the bed and his heart ached. He took his clothes off sloppily, stripping down to his pants before getting into bed with the blonde boy, who as if sensing Harry’s presence rolled over to lay on him, tangling their legs together before rubbing his nose into the crook of Harry’s neck. When he woke up at 10 to an empty bed and a missing boyfriend he grabbed his phone to send Draco a text. His lips pulling into a smile when he saw that he’d had left a sticky note on his screen saying that he was at Hermione’s watching the kids while she tidied up.
He took a shower and dressed carefully. Black skinny jeans and a light, gray sweater. He slid his phone in his pocket before running to the kitchen to grab the ring he’d shoved behind the toaster and walking to the floo.     
After a heavy lunch, three rounds of free for fall quidditch and extensive cleaning charms they sat in the living room at the burrow. They were so tight on the loveseat that Draco was practically sitting on Harry. Not that he minded. He loved seeing Draco like this, flushed from the wine and the heat of the fire warming the room, smile stretched on his face, eyes wrinkled closed as he laughed at Ron’s expense.
Ron had seen the sweets on the coffee table next to Molly’s lemon bars and went right for them, forgetting his 26 years of being related to Fred and George. Like the vampire vine liquorice. And they’re stupidly big fangs. The situation being much funnier considering he was away on business and should’ve known better. Draco snorted once before laughing even harder, head on Harry’s neck, pointing at the fangs hanging out of Ron’s mouth.
Harry pulled Draco closer, pressing his lips to the back of his shoulder. “Draco?”
Draco hummed at his boyfriend, moving his hand to intertwine his fingers with Harry’s.
Harry pressed into Draco’s back as he fumbled with getting a box out of his pocket. At this point Hermione had looked over and elbowed Ron, who started gaping at Harry. Harry flashed a smile before squeezing his boyfriends side and moving him onto the couch. Eyes still closed, fingers still intertwined with Harry’s, and the ghost of a smile tugging on his lips. Finding the silence that fell over the room odd, he opened his eyes, to find his stupid boyfriend smirking at him.
Harry’s smirk deepened when he saw Draco’s eyes flicker to his left hand where a ring was currently resting and to the ring in the box. “You didn’t see that one coming, huh?”  
Draco blinked slowly, once at his ring and then at Harry, before throwing himself at Harry wrapping his arms around his broad shoulders and kissing his face wherever there was visible skin. He pulled away to plant his lips over Harry’s, letting his tongue glide over lips and then teeth when Harry laughed and pulled away.
“Draco Lucius Malf-”
“Yes,” Draco blurted.
“Draco,” Harry whispered, “I’ve wanted to do this for weeks, let me.” Giving him a pointed look, he continued. “I’m going to make this quick. You’ve made the last couple of days for me unbearable wearing that ring around everywhere as if I’d given it to you. You’re so stubborn, and difficult. You make it so hard for me to think straight, even after four years, and I don’t think that will ever change. Will you, Draco Lucius Malfoy, marry me?”
“Yes.” He snatched the ring from the box, fumbling with getting rid of the one on his finger, eager to get the obviously charmed snake on his finger. He pressed his lips on Harry’s softly before pulling him into another hug, his lips ghosting the other boys ear. “You’re such a bastard. A sneaky, fucking bastard. I can’t believe I’m going to be with you for the rest of my natural life, you plebeian.”
“I love you too.”
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