#kraken quotes
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ijustdontlikepeople · 2 months ago
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NHL x Internet 9/?
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"I'm not evil. I'm just pretty and misunderstood."
— Karai, at some point
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krakenshipwreck · 1 year ago
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nikiiyaki · 3 months ago
Zig & Sharko textpost propaganda!!1! [Part-2]
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ikealamps · 10 months ago
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bbpuckdrop · 1 year ago
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fluffy-haired smiley matty is good for the soul 🥹💕
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valenfield-inspo · 1 year ago
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Jill Valentine & Chris Redfield - Resident Evil: Revelations Moodboard
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francesthetraveller · 2 years ago
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I cannot wait for this movie any longer someone has to do the tumblr quote memes
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puzzled-pegasus · 1 year ago
Finches as John Mulaney quotes
Here I am again, finally gracing this fandom with my cursed sense of humor once more >:)
Here's some John Mulaney quotes which I thought fit each of the Finches! Let me know if you have any!
"And then my mom said, 'I made a salad with Craisins! And the conversation ended."
"I am very small. And I have no money. So you can imagine the kind of stress that I am under."
"I always expected to be dead in a trunk with my hand hanging out the tail light by now!"
"Oh and what a mighty king I will be, eating dinner at 4:45 in the afternoon!"
"My lands stretch across this entire one bedroom!"
"I'm probably gay based on the way I act and behave and…I've walked and talked for [21] years."
"One black coffee"
"Okay so, when you get kidnapped--not if, when– "
"The bread of bread is bread…"
"You know when you're twelve, when you're like 'no one look at me or I'll kill myself!"
"Thirteen year olds are the meanest people in the world."
"One feels like a duck splashing around in all this wet! And when one feels like a duck, one is happy!"
Kay (bonus)
"This is an on-fire garbage can….could be a nursery."
"None of us really know our fathers."
"Is he nice? NOOOO!"
"Brush your teeth! Now, BOOM, orange juice--that's life."
"I always thought that uh, quicksand, was going to be a much bigger problem than it turned out to be."
"Tonight Is The Night, and How We Only Have Tonight."
"My vibe is more like 'hey, you could pour soup in my lap and I'll probably apologize to you!"
"Think about that for ten seconds and tell me you don't want to walk into the ocean."
"I look like I was just sitting in a room on a chair eating saltines for like, 28 years."
"I didn't drink water the ENTIRE time."
"Do My Friends Hate Me, Or Do I Just Need To Go To Sleep?"
*wacks hookman killer in the head with the crutch* "Now I've thrown him off his rhythm!"
"McDonald's! McDonald's! McDonald's!"
"Was there ever even a ghost, mother, or was the little girl you saw just mE all along??"
"My parents loved us, they just didn't like us."
"You have the moral backbone of a chocolate eclair."
"Beat it, bozo!"
"My wife is a b**ch and I like her SO. Much."
"I just like old fashioned things."
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crisp-sweet-pink-lady · 8 months ago
Valentina regaling Jacinta and Delia with her take on the battle from the first movie, probably
Valentina: Now, I'm not much of a rider, but in that moment, I remembered what my mother always told me: "You are gorgeous!" Valentina: Also, "Big risk, big reward. Always go big!" And what is bigger than saving a life?
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ijustdontlikepeople · 6 months ago
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NHL x Internet 8/?
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magnetic-regent-magneto · 9 months ago
What flavor is your soul?
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ah little kraken, bold are you. restless sailor, dauntless fighter, lower your sword, let me see your shield. ah, of course, they are but the same object. oh wave-tossed ruffian, lend me some of your mettle would you?
you have been struck by the sharpest of spears yet you still stand here proudly. but off your guard, elsewhere of the battlefield, you will find your spirit can parch others. your words are but weapons crafted from your soul. little lion, sheathe your claws, or the ones you love the most will suffer. you do not have to be strong all the time love, there's nothing wrong with being soft.
vulnerability is not weakness, and if it were, what's wrong with that? strength is not always your greatest tool, your heart is good.
put down excalibur, and use your words. you'll find they will carry you much farther. not everything in life is a battle.
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tagged by: no one, I actually found this by myself. :D
tagging: @hexsreality , @bothsidesofaquestion , @emmatriarchy , @sleighted , @onlyarogue , @down-home-charm , @prplhawk
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sweetpeaches666 · 2 years ago
Megatron: Decepticons have tried to protect the universe from the most power-hungry and dangerous beings of all.
Starscream: The Autobots?
Megatron: Yes, the Autobots!
Starscream: But people love the Autobots.
(Somewhere with Bumblebee.)
Random human girl: I love you so much!!!
Bumblebee: Love you too, rando.
(Back at the Decepticon base.)
Megatron: Of course they do. People are stupid.
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madamechoukette · 1 year ago
Frenchie : Am I in trouble?
Ed: Take a guess.
Frenchie : No?
Ed: Take another guess.
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sepublic · 1 year ago
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Axonn: Where are you taking Brutaka?
Botar: Someplace he won’t be able to interfere with the will of the Great Spirit... The Pit.
Axonn: Isn't that where the Toa are supposed to bring the Ignika?
Botar: …Look man, I'm just doing my job.
Axonn: Eh, I don't think I need to warn them about him.
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thornescratch · 2 years ago
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Sharangovich Says Kuznetsov Has Some Of Best Chirps & Jokes In The League; Capitals Star On His Fun-Loving Style & Antics
..."He [said to me], 'Why can't you stand on your feet, figure skater?'" Sharangovich added. "I remember how he teased [Dmitry] Kulikov. Dima has big gloves... Kuznetsov said, 'Why don't you take off those kid gloves and change them to normal ones?' He not only likes to tease me, he likes to tease everyone."
Kuznetsov has prided himself on his sense of humor and fun-loving personality, declaring this past year that he's not going to change his antics. He even recalled how former teammates Andre Burakovsky and Jakub Vrana would be offended at times by his jokes, but he said that comedy and happiness are two important aspects of his life that he tries to intertwine with his career.
"I'm just not afraid to speak, you know? I always said what I'm thinking. And I believe that if people around me can handle my jokes, that means they always enjoy the life, too, you know?" he said. "Some people may take personal. They don't like me but that's not my business. I want to surround myself around people that kind of see the same way as me...
It's just me. I'm not trying to be somebody else, I'm just like that. You know, if somebody doesn't like that, they can talk, but I'm sorry. That's who I am, and I'm not going to change."
God, he has such corvid energies, I love him.
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"I do have a lot of haters... the reputation, whatever." SO powerful.
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