#krabat asp
keo6323 · 1 year
When I say I'm feeling the Krabat (ASP) vibe its either the entirety of Zaubererbruder or that one line in Der Schnitter Tod going "Heut wetzt er sein Messer, es schneid' schon viel besser"
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Having a moment don't talk to me
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koraktor · 9 months
Und jedes Jahr kommt der Gevatter einen holen / Ja, jedes Jahr muss von den Freunden einer gehen
Der Meister braucht ein neues Leben / Und einer von uns muss es geben
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beelzeballing · 1 year
translating flowery german language is so fucking hard.... i hate english, garbage language, you will NEVER get it... (<-cannot accept that maybe hes just mid at translating)
i man hawara. wos zm oasch is a "unterpfand". i hob ds woat im LEM nu nie ghert wos HAST DS???? HALLO???????? "pledge" JO DANKE FIA GOANIX DS HÜFT MA ND. UND ES HOD ND DEN SÖM VIBE!!! DU VERSTEHST??
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2mucheyeliner · 2 years
"Gehorche der Stimme des Meisters! Gehorche ihr!" - Krabat (ASP) 🎵
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Inspired by this ASP promo/anniversary image below (couldn't find the name of the graphic designer, sadly)
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Osternacht - Zaubererbruder, Der Krabat Liederzyklus by ASP
I love this song.
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muka-rapak · 1 year
Elf und Einer und auch du bist nun dabei. Lauschst in tiefer Nacht der schwarzen Litanei...
-ASP, Zauberbruder
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anokha-swad · 2 years
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hunting-songs · 9 months
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V: Böse Menschen haben keine Lieder [Pre-curse Verse] Translation of the saying: "Settle, where one loves to sing, singing is no bad-folks' thing." First and last line of Johann Gottfried Seumes Poem "Die Gesänge", based on the idea that when singing people can never have bad thoughts. Singing is in its origin a tool of communication, cooperation and social togetherness. This Verse spans the time from Senritsus childhood with her family and their trade with the bodypart-collector-community, to her time in the Consortium, to the Hunter-Exam and eventually beeing a full fledged Music-Hunter until Ask plays the Sonata of Darkness when they are drunk. In this verse Senritsu is not only very young, but also very much still the typical Emitter-personality with a short temper , stark restlessness and typical boldness.
V: Es saß ein klein wild Vöglein [HxH Verse] There sat a little wild birdie” is a ballade from the 19th century, best known as the “first emanzipation song”. The little wildbirdie sits on a branch in the cold night when a voice asks why wouldn´t the birdie come into his warm home and sing for him as he would put gold and silk on the birdies wings. The birdie (the woman) refuses (the marriage proposal from the man) the offer and instead stays outside in independence, waiting for the soon rising sun to warm her wings instead. This Verse spans Senritsus time from beeing cursed: Her time at the hospital, her time as a Music-Hunter starting her connections to the Bodypart-collectors and eventually the Mafia, the Yorkshin Arc and the Black Whale Arc. Unless plotted otherwise Senritsu will be a Music-Hunter traveling around and looking or the Musicsheets of the Sonata of Darkness, taking on jobs as a bodyguard/ Musical researcher/ Musical-instrument conservator on her journeys
V: Bium bium [Paranormal investigator Verse] Bium Bium is a monster waiting outside before childrens windows to lure them away at night. Outside of the Hunter X Hunter-World, Senritsu seeks out paranormal happenings and locations in hopes she would find the cursed Music-sheets that listening to had turned her the way she is. 
V: Chatot Sings [Pokemon Verse] Originally a hobby- musician and fulltime archaeologist from Paldea, focused on the discovery of Musicinstruments and the textualisation of songs from all over the world, Senritsus life changed after her best friend (and colleague) played a Musicpiece he had found on the dig side they were working at at that time. Her friend and colleagues gone and her changed into a unrecognizable state, Senritsu now seeks out old ruins and Dig-Sides all over the world to find other parts of the Musicpiece to make sure what happened to her would not happen to anyone else. Her team consists of: Seismitoad, Toxtricity , Toxicroak, Poliwhirl , Politoed and her best friends Chatot who keeps on copying Senritsus passed friends (his former trainers) voice to make sure noone forgets how he sounded.
V: Krabats Songcycle [Jujutsu Kaisen Verse] Krabat is a sorcerer from many sorbian stories describing his life during the the Great Northern War, first how he is bound to the Black Mill to learn, how he escapes the Miller-Master, his life serving people in the war and eventually returning to the Black Mill to free the other journeyman from the Miller-Master. Parts of the story were brought into modern literature through Ottfried Preußlers young-adult Novella “Krabat and the sorcerer’s mill”.
As a normal human, Senritsus life changed one night when her friend gets his hands on a cursed object and plays the music of the musicsheet. Her soul distorted and her body transfiguered in such a way that she is now even able to hear cursed energy through the bones of her skull beeing brutally crushed and reassembled wrongly, Senritsu is fetched up by  the european sorcerer community who originally thought that she would just die off after a few days.Just like her friend and the distorted flora and fauna of the area she and her friend were in did*. She did not, against all exceptions. In fact due to her much too keen hearing and the distortion of her soul, Senritsu is able to use reverse curse technique by using the by her played music to speed up a bodies self-healing. Although she is specifically not able to heal her disfiguered body. Usually always accompanied by a Sorcerer from europe, Senritsu travels to Japan after she heard about the transfigured humans Mahito left behind in hopes she might find a hint to other musicsheets of the cursed Musicpiece. Obviously this was a wrong lead *There are bets on how long Senritsu survives as a transfigured human and if she dies first or instead first transmits the curse by playing the Sonata for someone else (In which case she would be killed beforehand). For now there are a lot of european sorcerers who own Senritsu money, because she had passed all expections and is against all odds not only still alive but still very sane.
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noodot · 1 year
Can you tell us more about the Krabat rock opera 🥺
sure! :) it's a pretty small production by the Junge Bühne Sindelfingen and I would probably not have heard about it, if my friend wasn't starring in it (he was one of the miller men). it was loosely inspired by ASP's Zaubererbruder album but all the songs are completely new and written by the some of the actors. The mastermind behind the whole thing is the guy who plays the master!
they didn't really use any of the books as inspiration but the old sorbian tale itself. The rock opera was divided into two acts, the first one was how Krabat ended up at the mill, how he met the girl and how the master had her killed. full of rage he ended up stealing the masters book and running away. then there's a timeskip and in the second act we follow an adult Krabat going back to the mill. He was supposed to kill the master and take his place and then he has this internal struggle of wanting more power and wanting the people and the miller men to be safe and free
for such a small production it was so well done and the music and special effects were great! since it was so small though, there were very limited dates of when they are performing. but they plan on releasing all the songs on spotify around fall, so i'm looking forward to that. the guy behind it is also planning on selling the whole thing so it can be performed on bigger stages in the future!
they have a website with trailers and song snippets and all, but it's only in german. you can check out the trailer here!
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reinekes-fox · 9 months
The songs 'Magpie' by The Unthanks and 'Krabat' by ASP have made me think a lot about BOAR! I don't know if they have much to do with the plot, but the atmosphere makes me think a lot about your IF xD.
I have been listening to ASP since years and Krabat is def an inspiration for one route!
Havent heard about the other song, thanks for the rec!
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keo6323 · 2 months
Krabat ASP lines(?) an die ich öfters denke:
"MEIN IST DAS WORT UND DAS WORT IST DAS WISSEN UND WISSEN IST MACHT UND MACHT IST ENTRISSENES RECHT" - (Denn ich bin dein Meister) "Husch, auf die Stange!" (Elf und Einer) "der Korrraktoorrr muss die Seele wiederspiegeln" (Verwandlungen I-III) "Heut wetzt er das Messe, es schneid' schon viel besser" (Der Schnitter Tod) "Viel härter ist's, Hand anzulegen statt sie nur zu falten" (Zaubererbruder)
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the-witchy-kantorka · 8 months
Me: eating porridge straight out of the pot
Me: " 🎶 Ich bin ein Wenden Junge 🎶 "
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koraktor · 1 year
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Whoever is responsible for ASP's merch design deserves a raise because look at this cool metal poster ✨
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aro-simp · 11 months
I have like no energy to actually talk about my s/i but here are the three songs that inspired my second Witcher s/i
I have yet to figure out how to make him a mermaid who's also capable of turning into a bird but yeah. He's very cool and very edgy and he has cryokinesis and hypnosis powers yayayay and he kisses Cahir
Also big sorry to all non-spotify users who may wanna listen to the songs here are youtube links - Duett - Und wir tanzten - Krabat
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2mucheyeliner · 7 months
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Dreimal verfluchter schwarzer Rabe Entsetzlich, wie der Blick mich quält - Und wieder sehe die Augen Das eine starrt, das andere fehlt
- Fluchtversuch (ASP)
Decided it's time to redraw the many (many, many) Krabat (and Zaubererbruder) themed illustrations I made in the past. Started with this one because I'm low-key proud of the comic book vibe :)
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