dek0pon · 5 months
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everyday i am writing a love letter to top surgery
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trans-poppy · 2 months
Space! 👍
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If I follow you to the river Send my blues out to the sea Will you stay with me forever? Will you chase me in my dreams?
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yousadclownofaman · 11 months
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Went to King Richard’s Faire in Carver, Mass last sunday for the first time with my friend @monguze & had a blast. Def will be going next year
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allayedcosplay · 1 year
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KRF was canceled yesterday because of the weather, but I still wanted to see if I could throw together a renfaire look from stuff I had in my closet. Apparently, we’ve only had three weekends without rain since June 1st. 🙃 A weekend without a hurricane would be nice. 🫠
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ikamaisda · 1 year
I try to be a good caring friend but I'm annoyed at Him™ because I care about him and ask him when he's feeling bad and when yesterday I was overwhelmed (and didn't specifically asked for some help) his reaction was like "ok tell me when u can rest" and a sad face
bro I know u are stressed too but is it really that hard to care 20 minutes after I've spent hours doing my best to help u? do I really need to go each time and explain to you what I need and how even when I don't know *in that moment*?
i know asymmetrical friendships exists but i don't think this one is, and even if that were the case a little "please rest for a while" would've better than that idk I'm still overwhelmed but that made me feel more lonely than before....
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bufftuna · 2 years
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Give me a reason to keep wearing this pls
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bodoposten · 1 year
Disse partiene stiller til valg i Gildeskål
Det er snart kommunevalg 2023, i Gildeskål har valgstyret i møte 23. mai 2023 godkjent følgende lister: ArbeiderpartietFremskrittspartietGildeskållistaHøyreKristelig FolkepartiSenterpartietSV Sosiallistisk venstreparti Foto: Frankemann
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susiehunsecker-remade · 9 months
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multiple versions of the same girl
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achingmarshking · 11 months
"There is no spoon."
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Oh, what a guy. I don't know what people have against Kutsao, he's perfectly fine. He's not the greatest, but he absolutely has his uses.
Let's get into his abilities, shall we?
The wiki says that Snake Style is Kutsao's signature move (reducing enemies' damage by 60%.) This is not true. It's a great attack, sure, but I have to go with the flashiest move.
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Dragon Style! A flaming(80-160 true damage) area attack usable every 16 seconds. Kutsao's high speed means it's very easy to use this as a hit-and-run skill, smashing high density areas and fleeing to duel a less scary enemy.
Tiger Style! Kutsao uses this every 9 seconds, dealing 70 true damage to a single enemy.
Leopard Style! Kutsao moves fast as lightning, striking enemies 7 times within a radius, dealing 14-42 true damage with each strike. (10 sec cooldown)
Crane Style! To make up for his lack of armor, he gains a 60% dodge chance, countering for 60 damage.
Are you noticing something here? All five of his abilities deal extra damage, and the three strongest deal TRUE damage. If you focus all the damage on a single target, the true damage dps alone is 30 dps. That's pretty decent, but Kutsao is also using Snake Style,Crane Style, and his normal attacks.
This means Kutsao is awesome for grouped enemies (Dragon Style) AND dueling unarmored (or even armored) enemies! He's quite squishy, but that's okay because he's truly built for a hit-and-run playstyle.
(I haven't been able to use Snake Style to it's fullest effect, since usually Saurian Brutes come out in numbers)
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He didn't help that much here because cmon. What is a hero gonna do compared to 6 battle mechas? Nothing, that's what. I just need to put this screenshot here so I can delete it off my phone.
Overall? 9/10. Amazing hero with a lot of potential for micro, group damage, as well as dueling. He's also a bit of a caricature but I love him anyway.
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dek0pon · 19 days
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first day of work
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scoups4lyfe · 2 years
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I guarantee, Momoi isn’t Seto Kaiba 
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(I never had any doubt. But its so fking fuNNnNy) 
(Fvck them other two,, I guess) 
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The Donfamily absolutely losing their sh*t at Momoi’s ghost-seeing capabilities 
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Svojim vitron moja jidra punila Svojon nadon moju dušu ljubila Sad me ostavljaš na pučini bez sna Da ti priznan da si moja jedina < 3
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beauzos · 6 months
speaking of cannibalism (post that will make no sense if i delete the previous one) did i ever tell you guys about the time i saw someone buying Tender is the Flesh and i was talking about how i liked it and i was like "idk maybe i'm weird but i just love reading about cannibalism" and then 5-10 minutes later had a different customer come up to buy a journal and unprompted he went "if you had the chance would you eat a person?" . i cannot tell you how unprepared i was to be asked that while simultaenously having actually entertained such a question before.
i said if it was ethical then i would btw.
i actually wouldn't, after i thought about it more. i don't think i could do it lol. it's offputting to me. i'll stick to reading about cannibalism instead.
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danebellemilk · 11 months
Dane would make such a beautiful horse. I think the ideal form for him asides being a woman would be a purebred white stallion. It would be beautiful charging through the fields with him, letting the wind take us wherever. When his death eventually comes I'll be there with him as the life drains and I'll turn him into glue to bookbind an album of pictures of him.
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ikamaisda · 1 year
funny how in 3 months he managed to get on my nerves this much, i'm so damm tired
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