#kr.geats: michinaga azuma
iristial · 1 year
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Welcome to the Desire Grand Prix!
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iristial · 10 months
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iristial · 1 year
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iristial · 1 year
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This world has been reborn. Without limitations on the amount of happiness to go around.
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iristial · 1 year
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rider system album michinaga azuma (geats) | episode 1
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iristial · 1 year
I like how every now and then Geats implies Michinaga minus the hypocritical methods, PTSD, cycle of grief and rage issues is rather mellow and just as easy to impress as to disappoint (stubbornness aside). If I had to think in terms of non-bull animal motifs then he’d be a domesticated cow at best and a raging chihuahua at worst
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iristial · 1 year
You ever think about how Michinaga has an uncontrollable drive/instinct to keep moving forward despite the past's horrors and some of his better intentions are expressed in unconventional ways, thus telling Keiwa if killing me will satisfy you then suit yourself is his way of apologizing for Sara's demise because the reality can't be soothed by pretty words (even though they were all victims in that scenario), and by offering his life Michinaga's letting Keiwa deny him of the chance to curb the mess he contributed to even though he clearly wants to/does take responsibility
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iristial · 2 years
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iristial · 1 year
Jin 🤝 Michinaga
Fourth most important Takahashi Rider in their respective stories who briefly died in episode 16, came back a little wrong, got an outfit change and I love them but my gosh are their goals to take down one of the bigger threats well-meaning yet shortsighted in these mid-thirties episodes
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iristial · 2 years
I feel like if someone told Michinaga that he and Ace act exactly the same in terms of I don't care about other Riders because I'm going to win (proceeds to be as unsubtle about their favouritism as possible) then he might grit his teeth and try to be nice to Keiwa in a normal way. He ain't taking that comparison to his deathbed
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iristial · 2 years
Ace and Michinaga: Serious, one-sided rivalry, isolating themselves and full of pain from losing a loved one yet reacting in different ways, one lies to others and is becoming steadily vulnerable whilst the other is transparent but starts lying to himself
The actors: Hideyoshi trying to hug "Mo-chan" as compensation for gloating his victory in a cup game and a pouting Kazuto shoves him by the face
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iristial · 2 years
When Michinaga returns with (spins wheel) a new outfit (spins wheel again) slight personality change (spins wheel yet again) serves a DGP staff member or is one albeit he "secretly" plans on dismantling the games and (spins wheel so hard it falls off and rolls around the corner) switches his animal motif from buffalo to domesticated cow -
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iristial · 1 year
aaah you found those tweets? poor Keiwa. like I love Michinaga as the next person... but... some of his fans are kinda obnoxious.
Me in the rubble of Keiwa and Michinaga discourse I didn't know existed when I just wanted to find more cute Geats things:🧍‍♀️
They're probably a vocal minority and can think however they want tbh, provided they aren't harming real people or forcing their opinions onto others. Beyond that and entertaining some points, I'm tuning them out. I'm here to have a good time and discuss media in a civil manner - and love both boys! Keiwa is a good, sweet boy who deserves more screentime as the moral centre/for his subtle growth, whilst Michinaga gets a little too much screentime and pulled a dumb move this week but it wasn't out-of-character, he's self-aware, and I still believe he has a good heart underneath the aggressive antagonism. Why pit them against each other when I can appreciate both
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iristial · 1 year
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