echoetically · 2 years
Y’all fangirling over the “Don’t.” in ISWM while I’m still not over the “No. Seriously. STOP.” in the Magic of Rahat prank on Mark with the crazy fan.
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echoetically · 5 years
More Chat Blanc Thoughts
So, now that we know who Gabriel really is, I’m going to be PISSED AS HELL if we get to the end of the show when they find a way to wake Emilie and then Gabriel suddenly goes back to being fine and Adrien forgives him and they’re all Happy Family Yay™️.
I know that’s what’s going to happen, but believe me, I’m not going to forget what he did in this episode. I’m so mad rn.
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echoetically · 5 years
When I was a kid, I used to look at birds and squirrels and other animals and just think “it would really suck to just have an existence where all you do is sleep, look for food, eat, and sleep, then die”. But as an adult, that kind of a life sounds like paradise.
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echoetically · 5 years
Thoughts about Chat Blanc
So, everyone is kind of expecting a lot to happen in Chat Blanc, but I’m not. Every time the fandom sees previews they freak out and make up every little reason to believe that the reveal is going to happen or some major plot line development is about to happen. That’s all fine, except for the people who actually get upset every single time that the episode ends up being rather shallow and, well, like the kids’ show it is. I’m not complaining about it being that way, and I don’t really think that it’s fair for people to set up their own fantasies about what scenes will happen and then get mad at the show for speeding past the things we want in favor of scenes that will resonate with their target audience—children.
To me, the most powerful scene in the entire show so far is the Umbrella Scene at the end of season 1. It was powerful because I wasn’t expecting it—it was beautiful and deep in every way, and by far the most memorable moment for me even now. I hope that the real reveal will be something like that—emotional, and intentionally designed for us, the older fandom. And I’m willing to wait a few more seasons to get another moment like that.
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echoetically · 5 years
Am I the only one who was genuinely freaked out by the wide-mouthed kwami models?
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It just looks... wrong...?
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Like, I guess Pollen is kinda cute but Longg....?
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echoetically · 5 years
“Call Me Maybe” with every other beat removed
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echoetically · 5 years
Aye this go hard af
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echoetically · 5 years
My Thoughts on Gamer 2.0
A lot of people seem to be bashing this episode, and I don’t really get why...
1. “It was another filler!!!”
Yeah, of course it is. We aren’t going to get five more seasons of straight plot. It’s still a show for kids, you know. And I actually liked it more than other fillers. I thought the idea of a Smash Bros. type game was super clever, and the matchups were interesting to think about.
2. “Why does Chat Noir always have to be the one to sacrifice himself?!”
Yeah, I don’t like it either, but it’s an integrated part of the show because they have no other choice. Ladybug is the only one who can fix everything once she defeats the Akuma. Chat knows this, he has said so multiple times now. Ladybug knows it too, so that’s why she lets it happen, although she’s never happy about it. In a way, Chat still plays a vital role in that way. Being Ladybug’s partner means sacrificing yourself for her so she can fix everything later.
3. “Why does nothing happen when Ladybug puts on Chat Noirs ring? Isn’t she supposed to gain ultimate power?”
Remember, this is all Max’s fabricated world. All of the rules are from his imagination. If he doesn’t know about the power that comes from wearing both the miraculouses, then it doesn’t play in the game itself. Otherwise that means all the other villains would have to be actually akumatized, and Hawkmoth can’t do that without being Scarlet Moth or whatever. Just like how all the other items from the akumas are just items in the game that Max knows the abilities of, so is the ring. He doesn’t know about the transformation or what happens when you combine Miraculouses, only that Chat’s ring lets him do Cataclysm, which is the only thing Ladybug is able to do with it. If it was the real ring, it would have deactivated when it was separated from Adrien, wouldn’t it?
“Why didn’t we see every akuma in the list of playable characters?! This ruins the continuity!!!”
Of course not every akuma is there. Again, this is Max’s imagination, not reality. He probably only selected those Akumas he thought would be interesting enough to put against each other, or those he remembered.
People, chill. Obviously we’re gonna see her in an upcoming episode. It just means that when that episode comes out, we’ll know that it chronologically came before this one.
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echoetically · 5 years
Even LGBT people are afraid to create LGBT rep half the time because you fucking goblins critique things with LGBT rep so harshly that the second it does something that you personally don’t like it gets treated even worse than the shows that have absolutely no rep in them.
Demonizing every show that is earnestly trying to provide the rep we’ve been lacking is NOT THE WAY TO GET BETTER REP
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echoetically · 6 years
Unpopular Opinion #14
I like those cheap candy hearts you get for Valentines Day. Probably because it’s like eating Tums tablets by the dozen, which is something I wish I could do because I like chewing the Tums tablets.
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echoetically · 6 years
Unpopular Opinion #13
I don’t believe in “soul mates”. Well, at least not in the idea that a soul mate is something you “find”. I think that you choose your soul mate. Because no one is born perfectly made just for you. And you weren’t born perfectly made just for someone else. A soul mate is someone you find who you want to become “perfect” for, and wants to become “perfect” for you. It’s the person you want by your side for everything that happens to you and to them, good or bad. And somewhere along the way, maybe you’ll both realize that “perfection” is not just one of you, but rather both of you together. You get to decide when to accept this person as your other half, and that’s your soul mate.
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echoetically · 6 years
Deciding that Marinette was the love of his life after knowing her for three minutes was the most Adrien thing Adrien did this episode
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echoetically · 6 years
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Methodist Churches Across US Are Publicly Rebelling Against Their Leadership’s Anti-LGBTQ+ Stance
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echoetically · 6 years
Thank you to the Steven Universe community for saying such positive things about this scene, we thought you might like to see the pencil test. These are the shots from “Change Your Mind” that I animated and that Kendra @bcakesbaxter tied down. Thank you Rebecca for letting us be a part of your beautiful show. Thanks to our Drew @poseidonsbitch for scanning it all.
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echoetically · 6 years
this was funnier in my head.
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echoetically · 6 years
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One of my friends found this poster on campus.
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echoetically · 6 years
Unpopular Opinion #12
I’ve never liked Spongebob. Not as a show or as memes. I kind of hate that my friends are always quoting it. The opening is kinda catchy but that’s about it.
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