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allhailkingsquest · 6 months ago
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Brandon Kouri wondered what King's Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow would look like if it had been released in the 80s instead of the 90s, and then spent the next 18 years (!) bringing his vision to life:
"The [King's Quest VI AGI Demake] re-creates the original game using Sierra's older AGI game engine from the 1980s. It features 16 color graphics and a typing interface. [...] It was made for anyone who loves King's Quest VI, the AGI game engine, text parser adventure games, or anyone looking for a nostalgic blast from the past!"
Download his magnum opus here!
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gwydionae · 9 months ago
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King's Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow cutscenes
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gwydionsart · 9 months ago
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Haven't drawn the screennamesake in a very long time. I was due.
King's Quest has the best funky little critters, from Rotten Tomato to Dangling Participle to cats that are actually evil wizards that ate porridge flavored with a cookie that turns them into a cat.
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goldenwingediris · 5 months ago
I am very busy with watching a let's play of King's Quest VI for the millionth time.
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mostlyjustgoose · 8 months ago
Also Available From Einhorn Games
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a one-page zine I made in photopea, inspired by the game advertisements of my childhood and specifically by Sierra Games. the adventure game was and is my very favorite genre, and I hope that this appeals to any fellow adventure game lovers!
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ayatai · 3 months ago
Saved By The Shrill
Comfy-vember Day 20 Prompt: Desperate Hug
Alexander’s first official tour of Daventry took a little over three weeks. Besides introducing Alexander to Daventry, Graham also wanted to check the progress of the rebuilding after the dragon’s destruction. Their last stop had been a small hamlet in a remote part of the country, little more than a dozen households, but Graham had been adamant they include everyone.
Alexander enjoyed certain aspects of the trip - the new scenery, seeing the different towns and ways in which people lived. But each new town was a morning or afternoon spent waving to crowds full of staring eyes and attempts at polite conversation. These usually included the phrase welcome home so many times, he thought the phrase forever etched in his memory.
The small village was now behind them and they were now only a few hours away from home. But as they marched on it became more apparent that night would fall long before they reached the castle. Rather than risk injury in the dark, they decided to camp by the road instead.
After dinner, as he sat by the warm, comforting glow of the fire, he pulled out his flute. When his tutor had suggested he learn an instrument, he’d picked one that was small and light - something he could easily carry to private spaces to practice. He practiced the finger movements and breaths but blew gently so that it didn’t truly play.
Alexander was halfway through the first piece his tutor had set him when he noticed a strange flickering in the shadows among the tree line. A trick of the firelight? He glanced back at the campfire; no one else seemed to have noticed.
He turned back to face the trees. One shadow was… moving? A vaguely humanoid shape broke off from the rest and advanced toward him at a rapid pace.
He drew in a breath to sound an alarm but as he stood his boot caught on the log he’d been sitting on. He fell backward, his breath knocked out of him as he hit the ground. The shadow figure appeared above him by as he lay immobilized, struggling to get air back into his lungs.
It had no definitive shape, the edges of its shadow stuff rolling and shifting as it moved. It didn’t step over the log so much as flowed over it. Whatever creature it was, it paid no attention to Alexander and instead kept moving toward the campfire.
“What the -” Whoever had spoken was cutoff as a sharp, pained cry sounded, followed by a cacophony of shouts and the ringing of a dozen swords being drawn.
An arrow flew overhead, striking the breast of a second shadow creature cresting the log. A human opponent would have been felled, pierced through the heart, but the dark figure paused only a moment before continuing on, undeterred.
Alexander finally drew a breath and rolled over on his hands and knees. A guard was running toward him, the others occupied with fending off several more of their strange attackers. His father knocked another arrow, but friendly fire had become too likely in the chaos; he dropped his bow and pulled a knife.
“Alexander!” he called, but the fighting was too intense between them for him to reach his son.
A shadow figure turned toward Alexander, moving toward him; the guard thrust himself between the enemy and his prince, sword raised.
Alexander had neither bow nor sword; he’d left the latter with the rest of his things. Not that it mattered; he’d only had a handful of lessons and was more likely to hurt someone than help.
The guard’s sword flashed and pierced shadow flesh; the creature hissed as in pain, but did not retreat, instead reaching out toward the guard.
Shadow shot out to wrap around the guard’s sword arm, causing him to shriek and release his weapon.
Vishna. The thought came suddenly. The creatures were called Vishna. But knowing their name did nothing to help them. He tried to remember anything else about them, or even where he had seen the term, but it was hard to concentrate with the chaos unfolding around him.
Useless. He was utterly useless.
The guard dropped to his knees, clutching his arm, and Alexander expected the shadow creature to attack him next.
Instead, it drifted off deeper into the fight.
Why? He was unarmed; why ignore him for more dangerous opponents?
He glanced down at the injured guard, who wasn’t moving.
And neither am I.
Movement! He could remember the page now. Drawn to motion, repelled by loud sounds.
“Dad! Stop moving!”
“What?” Graham yelled back. He and another guard were working together to fend off two Vishna.
“Stop moving! They’re attracted to it!”
“Are you sure!?”
“Yes!” Trust me!
Graham froze, as did a few others who had overheard. The Vishna fighting them paused as well, before switching targets to those still fighting.
His father was free now, but he’d made it worse for the others. As Graham shouted at them, trying to get their attention, Alexander reached into his pocket, only to find it empty.
His flute must have fallen when he’d fallen. He risked darting over the ground as quickly as he dared, eyes scanning the grass and fallen leaves. There!
He dove for it, jammed it to his mouth, and blew as hard as he could.
The effect was immediate. The Vishna hissed in unison, ceasing their attack. He kept blowing.
Unsettled, they moved closer together as the sound persisted until they had merged to form a massive black cloud. The cloud briefly roiled in place before gliding back into the woods.
Graham sheathed his knife as he rushed to Alexander’s side. “Are you hurt?”
“No, I-”
Graham squeezed him tight, forgetting in his desperation that his son didn’t care for such familiarities. Graham shifted his attention to the guard on the ground before Alexander could continue. To his relief, the guard was moving now, though moaning.
He glanced at the flute in has hand; looking around, he found the nearest able-bodied guard. “Here, take this; keep playing it, loud.”
The guard nodded, taking the flute and playing it as shrilly as he could as he patrolled the perimeter.
Alexander joined his father in assessing the injured. While many bore burn wounds, none were immediately life-threatening.
“How’d you know those… things… would react like that?” Graham asked as they worked.
Alexander shrugged. “I read a lot. They’re called Vishna.”
“I’ve never even heard of them. Do you know where they would have come from?”
Alexander thought. “They’re very rare; and only emerge when… sorry, I’m trying to remember, it’s been a long time since I… when something’s disturbed, a kind of grave?”
“There was talk of a mass grave in that last village we passed through; they uncovered one yesterday during the rebuilding.”
Alexander nodded. “They need to rebury it as it was before; hopefully, that will settle the Vishna.”
They needed a physician, and quickly; they would have to push on despite the darkness. Two guards volunteered to act as messengers. The first Graham instructed to ride ahead to the castle to ask Ren to meet them; the other he sent back to the village to warn them and pass on Alexander’s instructions. Between everyone, they managed to scrounge up a whistle and a set of panpipes for them to carry.
As they mounted their horses, Graham said, “You did well. Without your help we would have been in a much worse situation.”
Alexander nudged Slate into a walk, thinking that it had been mostly luck that he’d been able to help. And luck ran out. Still, the praise his father had given him warmed him throughout the dark and cold night ride back home.
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holydivers · 9 months ago
i love how much old adventure games fucking hated you. misclicked? you're dead. failed to pick up a tiny item hidden on the screen at a specific time? not only are we locking you out of completing the game we're not even going to tell you that you've fucked up you're gonna find out hours later and won't even realize why exactly you're softlocked. you didn't write down the password that was on screen? hope you have a good memory or a recent save bc we're not showing you again. you better hope you still have the fucking manual on-hand because we're combating piracy by making the puzzle literally unsolvable without it.
you can call a hotline to get hints for the game though
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arcanetrivia · 1 year ago
Dang, these are all gifs I can hear.
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Some of my favorite spooky(ish) screens from King’s Quest VI
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postsofbabel · 27 days ago
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wakebymoonsleepbysun · 6 days ago
HMMMMnow wondering if Matthew, Kevin, and Jack played Sierra games.......Gonna boot up some King's Quest with em!!
...no this isn't inspired by me listening to Girl in the Tower from KQ6. But IF it were...oh man that game came out just a leeeetle too late for the boys to have played it. Jack might have, but I get the impression that Kevin and Matthew were in Playcare for at least a few months before Jack fell into the vat. (Admittedly this is a guess based on gut feelings more than actual evidence so eh)
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cryptoriawebb · 8 months ago
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Zounds! Tis the King of Daventry, after all these years!
A portrait of King Graham for the 40th anniversary of the King’s Quest adventure game series❤️🩵 It is my favorite video game franchise and every so often, I return to it. I have such fond memories playing them as a child as well—I was fortunate enough to have an older cousin who introduced my brother and I to them. Some of you may remember the 2015 reimagining, but I grew up with the original 80s-90s games.
For those who don’t know, King’s Quest is a fantasy adventure series that follows the Royal Family in the Kingdom of Daventry. The first game sees the heroic Knight Graham inherit the throne, and in the last (which I actually haven’t finished playing) the mantle passed to another knight. Every member of the family takes the spotlight at least once - though Graham, being the one who started it all, puts on his adventurer’s cap most often.
Though my favorite game is actually the AGD fan remake of King’s Quest 2 (and I HIGHLY recommend it to anyone, fan or otherwise,) my favorite official installment is King’s Quest 5. This is largely because Graham is my favorite character, but also I have the most memories of playing this game, along with KQ6 (which is arguably the best in the franchise, with Prince Alexander as the protagonist.)
TL;DR - I wanted to draw something to honor both this anniversary and a fond piece of my childhood, so here’s the good King Graham👑
Any other KQ fans out there? Let me know! Maybe I’ll do more art in the future…only time will tell!
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allhailkingsquest · 1 year ago
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lindsplays: [The Kings Quest] series was my all time favorite when I was growing up, it was my escape, and in a weird way, helped shape how I see the world. I’ve been playing it again for nostalgia sake and it brings the same amount of joy. All this to say, if you like cozy adventure games, the Kings Quest series is a good place to start. [x]
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gwydionae · 9 months ago
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King's Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow
I freaking love this game so gosh dang much
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gwydionsart · 9 months ago
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Creature of Night, to me succumb! Fire and Brimstone leave thee numb. Purity bind thee like a chain. To do what e'er I now ordain!
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captmickey · 7 months ago
To go with your favorite Zelda answer, rank those monkeys and those quests!
Ooooh dastardly! Alrighty, let's do it:
Favorite Monkey Island game is Tales (I've said it's on rotation with Curse but Tales always wins by a smidgen)
In rank from most to least: Tales, Curse, Return, MI2, SMI, Escape
Favorite King's Quest game, with absolute bias, is 2015... since that one finally got me into KQ and I will always hold that Graham close to my heart, flaws and all.
Buuuuuut on an unbiased level? KQ3 hilariously enough. The timer was stressful but I remember that game being the one that made me fall for the classics.
And in order from most to least: KQ3, KQ5, KQ6, KQ1, KQ2, KQ7, KQ4 (I haven't played KQ8 personally haaaa)
(Silver Lining and Legend of Monkey Island are a league of their own)
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birdoodle · 2 years ago
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Alexander pulls out his magic map.
Replayed KQ6 again! There’s got to be more art of these guys in the world so I’m here to deliver.
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