wocfics · 5 years
A Little Caught Up- V (Finale)
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Word Count- 3k
Black reader x OT7
Angst with a hint of fluff
Part I - Part II - Part III - Part IV 
After spending a couple of days in the dorms with the boys and YoungMi (of course Namjoon begging you to stay so he can have quality time with his daughter) you were happy to see that he was forming a bond with her. Like any baby she cried during the night every few hours in which you had to get up and feed her and Namjoon would get up to change her diaper after you showed him how to do it multiple times and to your surprise, he was actually pretty good at it. You couldn’t lie to yourself, it was weird, all of it was, having a baby by Kim Namjoon of BTS and sleeping in the same room as him even though he said he’d sleep on the floor if you made you more comfortable but you opted for the couch after cleaning the living room area. The boys didn’t mind either, they all grew to love YoungMi and were content with staring at her even when she was asleep because she was adorable. You and Namjoon didn't talk much unless it had to do with the baby, which was also awkward at times. You weren’t gonna lie, it sucked not actually being in a relationship with the father of your child but you also knew the position he was in with even having a child. Of course it bothers you that you two were so careless that night but you would never regret your baby girl. She was everything and more you could’ve ever wanted. She was perfect. 
Folding up your blanket, or rather Namjoon’s blanket that he let you borrow and grabbing the pillow he gave to you, you carried everything into his room and set it on the end of the bed as you did every morning. You were sure to be quiet since everyone was still asleep. Scooping up MiMi from her slumber, carefully, you carried her out of the room and into the kitchen area to feed her a cereal bottle while preparing yourself something to eat. Sitting at the kitchen table, you looked down at her as she stared back up at you with her deep set eyes, sucking away on the bottle. You smirked and kissed her forehead and quickly glanced up when you heard shuffling footsteps coming towards the kitchen. Namjoon trudged towards the counter and began setting up the coffee pot which meant everyone else would be up soon. You two stared at each other for a few seconds before he leaned down in front of you to kiss MiMi on the forehead and then sat in the chair across from you and rubbed his eyes while yawning. You never knew what to say in these moments since you were staying there. What could you say? Sorry for getting pregnant with your child and not talking to you even though you ghosted me and now I’m here in South Korea wanting you to meet her now? 
He broke the silence first with a heavy sigh and cleared his throat. “Good morning...did you sleep okay?” He asked. It was the first question he’s asked that didn’t have to do with the baby. You nodded and looked down, removing the bottle and placing your daughter on your shoulder and began patting her back. “I slept fine. Thanks.” You mumbled. He then stood up and grabbed two coffee mugs and filled them with coffee from the pot once it was done and glanced over his shoulder at you. “Sugar? Cream?” He asked. “Two scoops of sugar and a little bit of cream. Thanks.” You replied and once MiMi burped, you carried her into the living room and laid her down on the couch since she slept for a little longer after her morning bottle. Walking back into the kitchen while fixing the pineapple of hair on top of your head, you grabbed the mug from him and sat back down at the table, taking a sip and began making yourself a bowl of cereal. “I wanted to talk to you actually, Y/N, about coming with me somewhere today with the baby. It’s important actually.” He blurted out. Where did he want to go with you today? They all had to go to the studio for rehearsals since their comeback was a few months away. “Where are we going?” You asked, taking a few scoops of cereal and shoveling it into your mouth. He placed his hands on the table, folding them together. “I’ve spoken to Bang PD about the situation going on and he wants to meet with us, both of us to figure out the best solution for all of us. I know I haven’t been too welcoming the past few days but I do hope you’ll come please.” He explained. You knew that was coming but today?! 
After cleaning up and changing Mi into an outfit and feeding her again, you managed to shower and get dressed in half an hour, fluffing out your curls and checking over your outfit which consisted of a white shirt, blue jeans and red Converse. Y/N placed Mi into her carseat while Namjoon was getting ready in his room now. So many things were going through your mind about what could happen at this meeting. What if he didn’t like you? What if Mr. Bang made you go back home with YoungMi and tries to pay you off without ever getting in contact with Namjoon or any of the boys again? Rubbing your lips together, you sighed and looked down at your daughter. Only 3 months old and having no idea of what’s going on in the world at all. She needed to know her father and the people around him. You couldn’t and you wouldn’t take that from her ever. 
The boys were quickly making their way out into the living room, late for practice and rushing to the front door to slip on their sneakers. Each one waved to you or said bye and you waved back. Jimin on the other hand, quickly ran over to you and wrapped an arm around your shoulder. “Don’t worry. Everything will be okay. Okay?” He smiled and you couldn’t help but return the smile and nodded. “Okay. Go, you’re gonna be late.” He nudged him and watched him leave the dorm. As the door closed, Namjoon made his way out of the room, wearing a black tracksuit that was oversized and a black baseball cap to match. You’d be lying if you said he wasn’t attractive right now. His hair was a beautiful blonde color that you wanted to run your fingers through while he spoke to you about his latest deep thoughts. Looking away before he could catch you practically drooling over him, you placed her phone in the diaper bag ang and situated your daughter before pulling the hood over the carseat and placing a blanket over top of it to keep the sunlight out of her eyes. 
“Ready? The driver’s waiting.” Namjoon asked, grabbing the carseat from you and making his way over to the door. You picked up the diaper bag and your purse and quickly followed behind. 
The ride there didn’t take long, since it was in the same building that they held dance practice in. The building was big, one of the biggest you’ve ever seen and you couldn’t help but stare up at it as you made you way inside, discreetly of course. The three of you, plus two guards had to go through the back in case someone saw you and when you walked inside it looked like a typical building except for the word ‘Big Hit’ being on the wall. You managed to tie your hair up into a puff at the top of your head in the car before you made it to the building since the heat was too much, especially for your having your hair in your face. Making your way onto the elevator, the guards long gone, you fiddled with your fingers while stealing glances of Namjoon every once in a while until you made it to the right floor of Bang PD. Now your heart was pumping and fast. Everything was happening so fast. 
His office was big, personalized for him of course with a few plants and pictures of the boys throughout the years on the wall along with the members of TXT as well. “I’ll just set her in the chair between us.” He carefully set the carseat down and removed the blanket and pushed back the hood to reveal a sleeping YoungMi. You smiled down at her and Namjoon watched you until you looked up at him and he looked away, his eyes quickly moving to the door when he heard it open. What the hell do I even say to him? 
He looked exactly like he did on Youtube videos and pictures, friendly and smiling. He smiled at you and all the weight you had on your shoulders lifted and you smiled back, standing up when he outstretched his hand. You quickly bowed your head and introduced yourself. “Please, have a seat. Is this the baby? YoungMi?” He asked, peeking into the carseat and already gushing over her adorable pouty sleeping face. He moved across from the both of you and placed a thick folder on the table, in which your eyes couldn’t move away from. What was in there?
Before he started, the door opened and in came the members one by one, taking a seat at the table as well. They looked just as confused as you did, her eyebrows stitched together before returning to Namjoon who seemed to be sharing the same expression. 
Mr. Bang folded his hands together and sighed heavily. “You all must be wondering why you’re here, but you’re all aware of the situation at hand with Namjoon and Y/N-ssi. We are weeks away from your upcoming performances and this is unfortunately an inconvenience to us all…” His eyes went to Namjoon and he shook his head. “You are the leader of this group and therefore you are to set an example for this men so you all can go down the right path, but you weren’t thinking about that when you made a careless mistake based on lust and a one night stand.” You blankly stared at the table, keeping her fists clenched in your lap as you felt not only insulted but offended in any way possible. Did you have to even listen to this?
Namjoon’s face hardened, his jaw clenched and a distant look in his eyes as he was being scolded. “Your actions have affected this group and if one messes up, the rest have to follow suit which is why I’ve called all of you here. This will be quick and to the point, no arguments, no working things out with what I am going to tell you all. You can talk about it after this meeting is over, everything is already set in stone and I’ve even contacted your families as well.” He began opening the folder and everyone seemed to have leaned in, curious about what was happening now. 
Everything was your fault, you were reckless, you let him blind you and now you were responsible for what was going to happen to the boys and even Namjoon. What if you cost them their careers? What if he sent you back home with YoungMi and made you lose contact with everyone, including her father? What about your career? You had finished an online school of course but when you came here, it was supposed to be for a few weeks before you would go back and start your job as an esthetician. 
He pulled out a form...a wedding certificate and looked between you and Namjoon and it felt like the world stopped shifting. A contract? Namjoon’s eyes looked like they were going to pop out of his head. “I’ve checked your background, Ms. Y/L/N and you’ve accomplished a lot, no criminal history or write ups in America, you live alone as well so this will be easier said than done. You two are to be married, by the end of the week. I will send someone to pack up your things Y/N in your apartment in California and ship them here. Namjoon, you will be moved out of the dorms and there is a residence in which you and Y/N will reside in with your daughter YoungMi as well. This arrangement has been set in stone. I’ve called your family and they are aware of what’s going on. If you want to remain in this company and in this group then you will take this contract and do right by it. This can’t get out to the public unless it is sealed. Do you understand? Namjoon? Y/N?” He asked. 
You didn’t know what to say, but married?! Yeah you and your friends joked about who you would marry in BTS but it was with the intention that it would never actually happen and now it is, under the worst circumstances. Without thinking you wiped your cheek quickly, a tear escaping your eye. You were still young, you didn’t know Namjoon outside of BTS and now you had no choice but to be with him. You couldn’t ruin his life anymore than what it was. What if he had a secret girlfriend? What if you two didn’t get along once you were moved in together? While you pondered this, Mr. Bang spoke to the boys, you couldn’t understand what he was saying but you figured he was explaining the situation and as you looked at each person’s face, you could see the pity in their eyes. There was no way you would even turn to look at Namjoon but you could feel him burning a hole into the side of your face with his glare. Great.
“As for you boys, because of this arranged marriage, each of you will have to follow suit. All for one and one for all, right? In a month’s time, you will have wives, you will all be moved out of the shared dorm and into your own apartments. You’ll all share the same building of course since we can’t risk the exposure. I’m sorry it has to be this way but we will work according to your schedule. You will continue to have your rehearsals and performances, the arrangements will be sent to me along with your wives. If someone has a disagreement then this company will fall with the reputation you have as a group and as people.” You didn’t know what was being said but from the look on the members faces, you knew it wasn’t good. 
He dismissed you all and you blinked rapidly, standing up without saying a word, tears spilling down your cheeks. Their eyes are on you and you could tell, everything was ruined. Grabbing your bag and the diaper bag, you picked up the carseat and quickly made your way out of the room and glanced around, trying to find the nearest exit. You didn’t want to see any of their faces right now. Making your way to the elevator, you walked in and saw them walking out, arguing with each other before Jimin was the one that noticed you and ran to catch the elevator before it closed. He pressed a button and let the door close before turning to face you. 
“This isn’t your fault, you know? Namjoon-ah has to take responsibility too and none of us wanted this for ourselves.” He shifted back and forth on his feet. You couldn’t speak in fear of letting out a sob and he sighed. Once the door opened and revealed a break room, you followed behind him and sat down at the nearest table, placing the carseat on the ground and unstrapping MiMi as she began to wake up, you picked her up and stood up after grabbing a bottle from the diaper bag to feed her. It wasn’t long until you could hear the elevator doors again and Namjoon storming in, everyone else filing in behind as stalked up to you and sighed. 
“We need to talk, now.” His voice was stern, you nodded and before you could say anything, Jimin took the bottle and the baby from you, resuming her feeding while Namjoon, ever so gently, grabbed your wrist and pulled you behind a door and closed it behind him. 
He paced back and forth, before placing his hands in his pockets and turning to look at you. “Is this what you wanted? It’s not what I wanted for myself and I’m sure it’s not something that they wanted and I know part of it is my fault as well. We’re going to go and get everything verified tomorrow morning and when we move in together there will be three bedrooms so..you can have your own room and I’ll have mine. YoungMi will have her own as well, I saw the apartment, it’s big enough so I can still have my space and you can have yours. We won’t sleep in the same room, I have to focus on the comebacks and-” You cut him off. “First of all, no, it’s not what I wanted and before you continue I’m going to explain something to you. You. Will. Not. Blame. Me. For any of this. I don’t like what’s happening either and I know they’ll hate me…” Your voice cracked and you looked away, trying to hold back tears. 
“You have fans and I know how they’ll feel, I’m a fan too and I don’t know how this is going to go or when it will all be out for everyone to know, the only thing I ask from you is to be a father to our daughter. You don’t have to love me or even like me but you will respect me, I’ve given you the same since I’ve been here. I’m not going to bother you or interrupt your studio sessions or rehearsals. I still have to find a job while I’m here, that’s pressure enough.” Clearing your throat, you sighed. “Don’t worry about me being in your way, now I can see the kind of person you are, Kim Namjoon.” With that, you opened the door, seeing the other members standing around the door, clearly they were listening and looked down after they saw your face. 
“I’m sorry I did this to you, to all of you. I didn’t think it would happen this way and there’s not enough apologies in the world that will fix this. Excuse me. “ You moved past them, taking your daughter from Jimin and placing her back in her carseat and grabbing your things. You had to go somewhere, anywhere but here. You only knew the dorms so once you got to the main floor you asked for the driver to take you back there. This was all too much. You’d have to figure it all out after tomorrow, which would seal the deal.
// Thank you guys so much for reading! Obviously this was my first story and it will be linked with another series I have in the makings so if you liked this then you’ll love the next one. Also, feel free to ask any questions you would like me to answer or any suggestions about what kind of content you guys would like to see. I’d love to interact with everyone on here. 
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wocfics · 5 years
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Jimin Moodboard
Arranged Marriage series
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wocfics · 5 years
A Little Caught Up (Part 4)
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Masterlist Reader x Namjoon x All Members eventually
Part I - Part II - Part III - Part IV -  Part V
Baby crib instructions were hard when you’re by yourself. Y/N had been sitting in the middle of the baby’s room for an hour, figuring out how to put the pieces together. Her IPad was propped up on the small table where her best friend was on Facetime with her, looking up the instructions for her on a website. “You’re doing it right, just make sure the pieces are laying flat….just like that!” She cheered her on. With a 7 month belly, she wore leggings and a baggy shirt, her curly up in a pineapple and out of her face. She had the fan blowing since it was hot and she hated being hot, especially in the summertime. Screwing in the pieces, she stood up and set everything up, checking around her to make sure there weren’t any other extra pieces sitting around and began putting everything else together. Her baby shower was last week so she still had to take things out and hang them up. The baby’s nursery was done beforehand thanks to her best friends who said they were dropping off just a few things but really they came in and painted the room and put the furniture in it as well, minus the crib since Y/N wanted to do that part herself.
The room was a light purple color and the furniture was all handmade from a woodshop that Y/N fell in love with when a magazine came in the mail. “Thanks for helping me out, I got it from here. You finish studying and I’ll text you later.” Y/N spoke to her friend as a knock came on the door. They hung up and Y/N made her way through her apartment and to the front door opening it to a delivery man with a few big boxes. She stared at them then at him. “Are you Y/N? These packages are for you.” He spoke while holding a clipboard. She could tell that the boxes had a few stickers on them and quickly noticed that there were purple and red hearts all over them and realized they were from the boys. Quickly signing her name, she smiled at the guy. “Thank you.” She nodded and began bringing the boxes inside, setting them down and dragged the last box in since it was a little heavy. Closing the door, she pushed them all into the baby’s room and began opening them, sitting down on a chair and opening them, seeing cards at the top first so she opened those up first and read them, keeping the group pictures of the boys to the side of her as she went through each card. 
They sent so many clothes, designer and regular alike. Of course she could tell who sent what since they all had a unique individual style. Jimin sent a few blankets for the baby and the others sent toys and small shoes. At least she wouldn’t run out of clothes right? The last box, the biggest and heaviest box, she opened it and pulled out a card and read it, it was from Namjoon. 
“Jimin said I should send something so I did. I hope it’s enough for the baby. I don’t know how to do these things so I just found a few things that I liked and put them in a box.” 
Attached to the card was a picture of him with a shirt, the shirt had a picture of the baby’s ultrasound on it but Namjoon wasn’t smiling, just making a heart with his arms. At least he tried. She put the card and picture aside and looked in the box, pulling out a small one and opened it, seeing a pair of brown little boots, they were definitely adorable. She stared at them and smiled before looking into the box further and pulling out A LOT of diapers, books and clothes. There was a small table inside as well, wooden. It was from Nakashima furniture which she knew was expensive. Taking it out, she set it by the chair she was sitting in and placed the small shoes on top. “See? He cares, look at all the nice stuff they got you. Let’s put it away and get some food huh?” Y/N rubbed her belly and began putting everything away. She knew it was a good idea to get extra clothing racks for the room since there were so many clothes of different sizes. After an hour of putting everything away and taking the boxes out, she came back inside and made herself a small meal and sat in the living room on the couch, watching a movie and smiling the entire time. The rest of this pregnancy would go by easily.
2 Months Later
“Just push for me, the baby’s almost out Ms. Y/N.” “She’s almost here Y/N! You’re doing so good!” The nurse kept a cold cloth on Y/N’s forehead while her best friend held one foot and another nurse held the other as she pressed your chin into her chest and pushed. Y/N was just at home, cooking dinner for her friends since you guys always got together once a week for movie night and the latest gossip and updates on each others lives. It was late and she was bringing them more iced tea when her water broke. The only ones that were panicking were her friends while she remained calm and went to shower, being the crazy person she was and grabbed the hospital bag. Y/N made it just in time to the hospital before the contractions started, which she took like a champ. 
The sound of crying made her lean back and cover her face, sobbing from hearing the sound she had been waiting for months for. She was here. After being cleaned off and Y/N was taken care of, she was swaddled and placed into her arms, she was beautiful with a head full of hair and medium toned skin, how Namjoon’s looks when he tans. This was definitely the best moment of hrt life for sure.
A few days after going home and getting the baby settled in with a schedule, Y/N finished the rest of her schooling online since she couldn’t be away from her daughter. Jimin and her friends helped pick out a name for her since Y/N couldn’t decide. Settling on the name YoungMi which meant prosperity, eternal and beautiful. A traditional Korean name and a name that Y/N loved as well. Over the next few weeks, she was the perfect baby, sleeping and eating without fussing except for the middle of the night which she would never complain about. The boys had a busy schedule but once Y/N sent Jimin a message telling him the news he was already booking her plane ticket a month in advance since he was serious about having him and the boys meet the baby. YoungMi had features like her of course but she saw so much of Namjoon in her as well. Her eyes, nose and even the small dimples were all features of him.Y/N packed your bags for that day when it was time to go to Korea and meet the boys and for her daughter to meet her father, even if he was still hesitating. 
That day was finally here a month later, the ticket came in the mail, you and Mi were already on the plane, of course she was asleep for the most part of the plane ride, only waking up to be changed and eat again.You had your own section in first class thanks to the boys and once you got to the airport, Taehyung sent you the information about who was picking up to bring to the dorms until you could find a hotel that you were okay with even though they insisted it was okay for you to stay with them and one of the boys would be more than okay to give up their room for you and the baby. 
The driver took you to a back road that must have been Big Hit and helped you out of the car along with the baby’s carseat. You grabbed the diaper bag and quickly made your way inside. Your hair was straightened so it sat under a baseball cap for now since it was warm out and you wore a pair of jeans and a blouse. Walking inside you waited as the two people spoke before you were escorted to the practice room. You could hear the music playing once the woman disappeared behind the door and shouted something before the music was cut off and you could hear running towards the door. Jimin’s head popped out of the door, smiling and opened it wide for you to walk in. “Y/N!!!!” Everyone yelled at once but quickly quieted when they saw the carseat in your hand. You smiled and quickly gave everyone a hug, seeing Namjoon linger in the back. A thin blanket covered the carseat so the sun wouldn’t get in Mi’s eyes so they couldn’t see her yet. “You made it. I’m happy you came, now we can meet YoungMi.” Jungkook spoke and they all stared at the carseat, hearing whining behind the green blanket. 
“C-Can I see her first?” You glanced up at Namjoon’s voice and you were honestly shocked as was everyone else. Your grip tightened on the seat before nodding and seeing a couch towards the back of the room, you walked over to it while Namjoon followed behind. He quickly jogged over into a small area and disappeared behind a door and came back, drying his hands and walking over to the couch You set the seat down and flipped the blanket over, unbuckling your daughter as she opened her eyes and stared at you. Namjoon mumbled something in Korean while staring at her and sat down next to you. You took off her little hat and fixed her hair and watched as he just stared at her. “Do you want to hold her?” You asked. He looked at you then back down at her and nodded, sitting back. You carefully handed her to him, placing his hands where they needed to be to support her and watched as the guys came and crowded around, taking pictures and mumbling. “So lovely.” Jimin smiled and snapped a picture of Namjoon and the baby with Jungkook’s camera. 
You could see the tears well up in Namjoon’s eyes and you looked away since you didn’t want to start crying either. “YoungMi. Kim YoungMi, hi. I’m your father.” He whispered to her and then repeated it in Korean. Wiping the tears that escaped your eyes, you sniffled a little and looked at him and Mi, seeing him make eye contact with you. “Thank you for this.” He nodded. You shrugged. “Thank Jimin, he put it all together.” Jimin beamed and the other guys were sniffling too. “I have jams now, right Namjoonie?” Jimin asked and everyone quietly laughed while YoungMi fell asleep on her father’s chest.
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